Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Man Tlobbed by a "Decoy DnoV
A BaiTIcd riot ,
Monday night , & stranger , name un-
kneirn ai stopping at the house ot Jane
"Welch , on the bottomi north o ! the Un *
ion Pacifi : bridge. He bai been escort *
ed thither br a Ooansil Bluffs cronk.
Bath retired at an early hour. When
Mr. Stranger a rote In the morning he
found that the Bluftte hid gently dis
appeared , and 'vras no longer by his side.
Whither he had gone nc one kner ,
though it was certain thtt he had taken
frith him the stranger's gold watch and
chain , together vitb his overcoat The
plundered man spout a number of hours
yesterday. In company frith a detectire ,
scouting the town for his recreant bed
roor TJLDS.
OfHccr McBri3e ii authority for a story
of defeated thuggisiu. John Byrnes ,
reeldcnt near Ballyua , fva passing the
tracks near Jonei street Mondty night ,
when he W B attakod by two ruffianB ,
who jumped at him , eand-bagged him
and knocked hlm down. Ths victim's
cries for assistance reached the earc of a
crowd of railroad men who were in the
vicinity. They rushed aross tha tracts
juit in time to prevent the robbery ,
Byrnes had some $200 in money on his
person , nncl a gold watch and chain.
A Norcl Scheme A Broker With
Stolen Capital Tbc Defaniline
Brewery Collector.
Yesterday a member of the dry goods
firm of Ekely , Carlson & Co. , of Wnhoo ,
was in tbc city on business connected
with the resent loss that firm has just
For three yean pact there has been in
ihe employ of Etely , Carlson & Oo. a
young man , by name Gnnderson , who
has been handling their books. He was
losked npon by his employers as a most
exemplary youth , honest and reliable tea
a degree. All went well until the firm
began to suspect that the receipts fiom
the business were too small. A careful
search was instituted , but the roaioa for
suspected deficit was not discovered.
Finally suspicion rested upon Gnnder
son as the one who could , if
forced , explain the falling off
in the cash receipts frcm the business A
close watch was placed upon him , and
at length , cne dsy last WCBE , he was ds-
tactei in ipse ficto , the evidenca of his
guilt being overwhelming. He wns im
mediately arraigned by his employer * .
The embezzling clerk broke down , aad
confessed his crime to the fullest extent.
He said ttut he had been stealin ? from
the coffers of the firm for three years ,
a'-moit from the fitst moment he had been
in their service. How mcch he bad
stolen he did not know , though ha
thought it would not fall far thort of
§ 5.000 or $0,000. Immediate restitu
tion was demanded by tthe firm. Gnn-
derson at once drew a desk for $1,200
which ho had deposited in a Fremont
bank , which amount representedhe sxld ,
all the cash he had in his posses
sion. But the queerest pert of
the story is to follow. It seems
that Gnndersor , being of a thrifty
turn , did no : wtsts the r.'snl's if his
long continued pecul&tna i i wine , fajt
women , or fait hors.s. Insieid , be
prudently hcarded it np , until he hid
tav < d enough tjgire hm ; a comfortable
start as a money loaning b oxer. He
had lent va ioos inxs 1o dif
ferent parties in the county and town ,
taking notes and mortgager. In this man
ner he had succeeded in dnwlng the In
terest on the resnlti of his crime. Thtse
papers and notes he produced fo ; the
astonished firm , endorsedthcm and turned
them ever to Carlson & Eklsy. Th
whole sum fhus reg ined will jjrcbabl
einount to about $2,000 with interest ,
and will not more than htlf cover the.lon
cf the firm in all probibi ity. Gunder-
son , whila the members of the firm were
absorbed in the question o ! ' profit and
loss , " skipped out &ni his not since bsen
Another embezzlement has bcea re
ported in this city , though the attendan
circumstancss aio more common place
For some time there has bcea in the em
ploy of Krcg. the brewer , a young man
the uime of John Surbuchen. who fhai
bsen acting in the capacity of a driver
doing as well , considerable collecting
for the brewery. He has
always bsen regarded as truttwortby and
reliable. Yesterday morning he went to
work ai ntnil , bnt did not report at
4- night. He must have abiconded during
the day ; just when is not known. So far
as can be roughly estimated the firm has
been swindled to the aon unt of teveral
hundred dollars , though the accounts
have not be > en "eheskad up" jek. Sur-
bushen is suppcssd tj bs in the western
part of the state. Ths casa has been
placed in the hinds of Di. . cave Neligh.
Tbe Oklahoma Boomers.
CALTJUELL , Kan. , January 27. It Is re
ported that Cajit. Cronch'E colony has eur-
r ndared tnd U now en route to ArtunBat ;
City , under escort of Cant. Moorejwitli a de-
talchment of troops. Seven hundred and
fifty naldierswiil arrive to-morrow and Thurs
day , bnt will probably not enter the field if it
p-oves tree that tbe boomer * ure A ac&tin ? the
territory , fifty teaini have been loaded ith
poernment ktoree f or StilhvftUr and Can.p
Ilnnol in 4 boori and another train
will load out to-morrow. Major GUli of the
quirterznaiiter department of tbe Sliesouri ,
arrivad to-day. General Augnr will b here
on Thunday to Idok the situation-OUT , A
throe-inch field piece wlthbhaU it expecttd
to-morrow from Fort Lreaieuuorth , with four
troone from that point. All Ktrcami ix-low
liere in the Indian territory are frozin
ttohd , &od heiry freight teami are
cro birur datJy , a general thaw would cut off
all luppliei and uommnnicaUan with Hatch
and tiie boom en. Ko rtiiraitt have left for
Cronth'i camp is ten days , Tbe bDOinuru here
decided tome d > y > a > thht Batch would re
move the colony bed Uuy reftued ta join
Crouch or teed him aid.
Ticbt Over a Widow.
Qt'ElKC , , T ntzarj 27. A desjierate ejicoun' ;
terjbetwuen two eallon for the hand of a
widow , occurred in the country near Levis.
Tbe jiartit * are all roddenti of this aty. The
men had oeooudc and begun to ficbt ith pie
tclt , but iicdiue that method blow drew
taiiveo , and hacied each otlier until fifparated.
One man 11. in the hospital with fc bullet hole
tii uugh hit hip anil ttn id kufe thrust
tnrtraghhu body. The other' * wound * ar *
not * o neniiun. The afi&ir hicli htt ju t
ocuie tolvctt will b nubject to polio * Inquiiv
Their camei cacnot bi iearct-i to-ntght.
Brilliant HeofpiiontoPresiaeut-Eletl
AIHAXT , Jannaiy 27 The rterpiioa pi r
to-night at Fort Orance U > PrfBiaeot-IUed
Cleveland , tiorenior Hill , it&te offiaali and
waf , l-ymd all qwnjon. the iciiel
distinguiihed Bocial gathering tv er held rn Al
bany , the famous eapHol reception , -hen th
state ttmctnre was nooiallr dedicated , being
only a comptnMO to it in th nomlier of rop-
rtoentatire p r on prts at. At 1 W the
president-elect arrived in company with rar-
ta § Corsint ; and Cal Lament Goremor HJll
aniline a lew mlnntci later with Gen. Kath-
tran The dub mam WM tatMally decorated
Over Mvcn hundred invitatinnt were issued ,
* nd abtrat ve bun lied gne U were
The president-elect v-tn in hte rate'
mood , and received the vmm raens
marked cordiality ae thrr } moed thronch to
pert him on hie laot pabiic a ] > ] ) ekrance in Al
Chnntinc the L/ora1 * Prejcr in the
Pnbllc School.
Jf tw YotK , Jannary 27. The dtizeni of
Collve Point , Long I and , held a mass meet
ing to-night t ) protest against abolishing the
chanting * si the Lord's prayer in the jmblic
teb" > ols. School Trartee Straus explained that
a Mr.Opp nhetmer inmplaincd to htm and he
( StranM- ) instructed the teacher , Mi s S'iphle
Kausch , not to devnte too much time to chant
ing hymts. A re * > olntian branding the int r-
fercnce with ths linrd'g praver as intolerant
atd nn-Amoncan wai-passed.
The PrcsldcnfB a bird Rccnlr Re
ception ,
"VVASHlKaTOK , Jannarr 27. The president
held his third regular reception this senon at
the white house to night inhonor of the army
and the navy ths diplomatic corps and inrm-
berB of congress , belnc invited to meet them.
The reception wa held in the blue parlor and
the 1'reKidentwat assisted by the wives of the
cabinet officers.
New York Dry oooan Market.
YOKE , January 17.- Dry goods : As
turakl TnusdayV market has been quieter ,
with large attention extended to drees goods ,
manufacturer ? of FanGc Mills receiving much
attention anJ fair selections sncceeainr.
Men's wear : AVcolens doing better in a mod
erate way. Exports of ooineBtis cotton for
the week h ve been 6,804 packages ! binee
January 1 , 1C ! t73 packager , or fifty per cent
more than for the Earns time in any previous
Jae-ticc in New Jersey.
Albany Express.
"It is said that one of the first cues
Iri Shifter obttined when he left Albjny
for 2sew York twenty years ago , wai
that of a man charged with assault with
attempt to kill He was to be tried be
fore a Jersey police justice , and npon the
date set , Hon. Ira was on hand and re
marked that he appeared for the pris
oner. The justice , who was a German ,
remarked : ' You appears for the bris'ner ,
do ye ? And who de debil be you ? I
ton't knows ye ; valr be you come from ,
and vat's yer name ? " Ira politely in
formed him that he WEE a member of the
Ifeir York bar. 'Is dort so" ? replied the
justice. 'Vel den you can't braetlce in
dis gcri. ' 'But I am & counsellor of the
supreme court pf the sttts of New York,1
protested Shatter. 'Bat don't make
no'ting tefferent. " 'But my dear sir , ' ob
jected the btffled lawyer , 'I am a coun
seller of the supreme court of tBe United
States. ' 'Dat dcn't make nothing pet'
ter. You ain't a counsellor cf the su
preme gourt of Now Jersey , and joa
can't brastics in this gort. ' To this day
Sbafter avers that Xaw Jersey is a for
eign country. "
So Near and. Yet So Far.
A story of a clerk in a Main Bt. stare , -a ho
had B dollar to invest in the late drawing of
The Louisiana State Lottery. Two tickets
were presented to him , NOB. 58,232 , and 55-
2SO. Undecided , he concluded to sjiend his
caah for ticket Xo 53,250. This decision cost
him 514,989. The moral in when in doubt on
a question that can be decided for SL , always
ghe yourself the benefit of the doubt. Pur
chase both tickets. Memphis ( Term. ) Aval
anche , Dec. 20.
Try thsS e-.Kb Cigar , it is a dandy.
Special s&le of mutlin underwtar and
embroideries to-morrow at Smith's , 1307
Famsm street.
For "VTeston electee lights , either ere
or incandescent , apply at office , 1114
Harney street. Best light known. Rates
given for either 3 , 10 , or 12 , o'clock and
all night circuit. Special tates for large
number of lights are now supplying all
night lights.
For & 5 Cent smoke the JTe Ko beats
Buy J. E. McCrsy fc'0o.'s Omaha flour.
You must try our Java & Mbche Coffee
if you want the best.
GHAJ.-D Cxi ox TEA Co.
Special sUa of muslin underwear and
embroideries to-morrow at Smith's , 13C7
Ftrnam strert.
The "Cosmopolitan. " corner ICth and
Douglas , finest Lunch Booms in the west
The "Cosmopolitan , " corner ICth and
Douglasonly Lunch Rooms fit for Ltd )
The "Cosmopolitan , " firct-class In
every respect.
The "Cosmopolitan , " over Bushm&n'c ,
nothing like it tn the west.
The "Cosmopolitan , " Ladies' and Gen
tlemans' Private Dining Roomc.
The Cosmopolitan , " equal to Del' '
The "Cosmopolitan , " prices as low &i
those of cheap restaurants.
The "Cosmopoliton , " superior kitchen
and superior in accommodation
cor , ICth and Donclcs .over Bushman's.
Buy J. E. McCray & Co.'s "Union
Pacific. "
Something new and nne.
Buy J. E. McCray & Oo.'s "Union
Padfie. "
Buy J. E. McOrsy & Oo.'s " "Jnlon
Pacific. "
Nice Salt Lake potatoes at BuSttt'B.
lha Kc-Ko Is tbe best 5 Cent Cigar on
the market.
S. P. MOESE & 00 ,
IB Our Cloak Department Yon Can
Buy a Cloak
for $5 50. Etily season price $10 00.
" 1000 " " " 10 00.
1500 " ' - " 500.
" 20 00 " " " 35.00.
and a magnificent 1 ne of plash cloaks
that manufacturer * hive been obliged to
sacrifice owing to ths unprecedented
backward season.
25 00 plush cloaks for $15.00.
§ 35 00 " " " 2100.
500 " " " J53000.
§ 0 00 " " " ? 5 00.
$7500 ' ' $45.00.
$10000 " " " $05.00.
No lady ought to weir an old or shabby
cloak when yon can buy one so cheap
from ns. S P. MORSE & CO.
Jeff anil VarM Dsns WTO 0r
toe Lftfirt ? Bfll ,
An Apostropbe to the Cracked tint
Sacred Belle of the Revelation.
NEW OIS.EAVS , January 27. When train
bearing the liberty bs& drew up at Beanvmr
yesterday afternoon Varnna Davif wasMftadto
the bell , which the warmly claFd and kissed
exclaiming , "God bless the dear eli bell , "
The prefrWent WM greeted with cheers. Mr.
Davis himtJF noon drove up and Frank Ba
con , U. S. Oomtni faonr for Kansas , greeting
hiDi , said , "Mr. Dsur , in l > ehalf of
ths United States comimsiionerp
rej resenting different statei and
territories ol our common country , joined ly
the great common industries , extend you a
cordial Invitation to join in escorting to New
Orleans and to the erjxmtion grounds the old'
liberty bill so genermi'lr loaned u by the
City of Brotherly Love. "
Mr Davis responded as follows :
" 1 feel most deeply complimented by thU
ectption andcxpressionsthataccompanylt. I
ne tick in bed when the notice reached
e and 1 immediately arose when 1 beard
iat glorious eld be 1 was at the station. 1
lauk you and your cesnciatee , and I trust
itt your anticipation of the harmonizing ten-
enaes of the journey of the old bell across
ie ttates of the union , same rf which have
irung into existence when 1's tones first fillei
ie air , m y in every respect be fully reaUzed.
think the time has coaie when reaion
lould be nubitltutcd for paBsion and when
en who have fought in support of their hon.
t convictions fhould do justice to each other.
* on , sacred orgin that cave voice to
he proudest of declarations that a handful of
icn ever made , when they facsd the greatest
Hilary power on the globe : when a hand-
ul of men declared to the world their inalien-
) le rights and staked lifeliberty and proeper-
y in defer us of this declaration , then it was
ith your clear tones you sent notice to all
ho were willing to live or die for liberty and
elt tbe day wa > at hand when every patriot
lust do a patriot's duty. Glorious old bell ,
ie son ef a revolutionary solchar bows in
evcrtnce to you , worn by time , bnt increas-
ng in eacred memories.
"Mr. President , accept my thanks which are
eartfelt and tincerely given. "
Tin banking capital of Dakota amounts to
i ? 500.0CO.
There are forty women acting as bank
ishiera in Dakota.
The total of Dakota's banded indebtedness
amounts to S333,00 ! > .
Appropriation billfc aggregating S3CO.OOO
ave been introduced in the legislature BO
During the last fiscal vear ll.OW.COD acres
> f public lands were disposed of in the tern
The people of Mandan are agitating a pro
ject ; of building a railrotd to tthe Black
Dakota laws require1 the attendance for
; welve weeks in each year of all children of
school age.
The coal men are Etill prospecting near
ankton and claim to be meeting with tatie
'actory results.
The Bismarck Tribune says thera arc four
mile ? of steam pipe and five tons cf carjiet in
the new capital building.
The county commissioners of Union county
included thair investigation of the county
treafeurer's books and foond him to bs & 13.000
Tie legislature , now in session at Bismarck ,
[ ignite a formidable body. The council con
tains a membership of twenty four , and the
' , cuse forty-eight a total of seventy-two.
Durfflc the year 1SS4 3,900,000 acres of the
.inblic finds were entered in the hind dis
trict ] south rf the forty eixth parallel. Soath
if the same line ICO postoffices , so van dcily
.nd ssventy-nlne weekly newi paparB were es-
Mayer Carey of Cheyenne , was handsomely
caned on his retiring from office.
Sloan's L&ke , Cheyenne's summer resort ,
was lecently stocked with 5,000 young whits
High heeled variety shows will be fanhi&na-
ile in Cheyenne the present year. There _ ate
our baldheaded men in the city council.
Land business at the Cheyenne lend office
is uncommonly lively owinc to the belief that
the timber-culture and pie-emption laws will
be repealed.
The miners at Carbon arf itill holding out
on the general strike , the Union Pacifis coal
company not acceding to their demands for
an advance of 22J cents on a ton.
The Hellman & Hntledge ditch company
have 100.COO acres of land fenced in at their
place on Horse creek , and t-rir irrigating
ditch is twenty-seven miles in length.
The shipments of coal from the Rock
? pnuge mines during 16S4 varied frcm 1.1M8
cars in July to 2 $12 cars in December , the
total hhipmtnte during the year amounting tc
310.BG7 tons ,
At a sale of condemned government prop
erty ut Camp Carjin , two dozen monster tyr
mgcs brought 50 cents each , 200 bed Backs
were knocked down fur & > , 40 horse blankgta'
netted SI , an ambuUnce 83G and ote hTiri !
Albrrt Keemer , a miner , was instant ! }
: illed in o ne of the Carbon mints lus.t weat.
He had put in a shot , fired the fuse and
waited some time for the eiplosion.which was
delayed. He went to examine the blast
when the explosion occurred with fstiJ effect.
Cheveane ii already corpratulating itsel :
on the belief that the Union 1'jicific will in vet :
S70.0LO on a new depot there this year AU
the bewildering hhadts of Byzantine architec
ture so harmoniously blended in the Omaha
depot , including the draft , will doubtlrsi li
incorporated in the Cheyenne structure , an
the magic city will rise up and call the compa
ny blessed.
A Wyoming CDwboydcicnbtb hie first dub
of oytters as tullowe : "Gentlemen , I rounded
np a half dozen head ( if oybtere last night and
had liardly corralled them in my paunch whnn
they began to mill. Tten tliey bucked and
bawled and climbad o\ei each other tut'
batted &ctin > t the corral , and I came nea ;
being thro cd. For about on huur I wat
sicker'n * la-sosd horbe "
Hecry Kinne , a new brakeman on thi
Union Pacific , met with a had accident tbc
other day. He was on top of the train with
his bick to the engine , and wtt struck on tbi
bead by tbe roof of the MVUcox enow shed arc
knocked tens-lent on the roof of the car ,
where he lay until found fcverul miles further
OIL He web Uken into the caboote and re
vived , tftsr which hewas Uken to Larumie ,
It Kemt ungular that he did nit roll cff thi
Cheyenne Sun , IS : The reports received at
the t-ffic * cf the Wyoming Stockgrowerfc' uiuo
elation cf the cattle on the range * are uue'i
pectedlr fa > or bl . Around Gonhen Holt
there is now but little snow. Some still lies
along the I'latte _ and about Scott'g Blufli In
Kebra ka ; bnt * aide from thee puhits no con-
BideruLlt-btretch of country ih coiered. The
Texas "tesdsrfett" which were rnahed upbore
nn cars last > ummer and did not have a chanon
to become acdlmaU-d , have luffert-d home , but
not fco iiinch at in pre > ions sciutons.
"De p snows , nothing doing and no mon
ey , " is a vrail from SilTerton ,
Mesa county claims to hue raised forty
baihtli of earn ptr acie the post j ear.
Eome tery lalnaUe mineral has been
t uek lately in the propertiBc nr uud b -
1'lentv of cbitap food at Grmd Jarc'Jon
cow. The b k tB * re hulcg a ii-ju--md tifty
Uui ei are sold for f 1.
A Leodville man who accotr ponied bis
w ie' rema'ni to C bio ga returned two veeki
afterwardi > th a new bride.
It U estimated by the stat engineer that
the ciltivatt-d area of the * Ut laci * l l-'l 1
acrei pi beicg tuffiuent to tupj ly tha borne de
Colomdo Springs wjuUli.t * tre prearing
ti * n et hoavilv in Chfrcnnemsurtuin nuntu
n xt rjnmE Xhey s y they hi. e rt mre
TV riorcnce r\l irplli utill cnnt nw to ftew
with unabated vigM. and the d y i n t far
dwUnt wbf n Canon Qty will be lighted by
fcertwne of Its cwn producing.
JJtiMneis of aH kind * seemi to li imprevlng
thttwichnnt the ftate smcr the new rear Tc
on * who M able to draw a mJso-y with relieStrai
ifgnlarity it looki as tbcragh the worn of the
bard times it over.
Dr. Grainlsaf E. Smith , while exieriment-
inc on ch ap illaminadnr ga in l eover , the
nj'ter crjilodod nd tbr doctor clini\i l tli
pnlden stairs. Had the doctor bet a London
poiiecouHn he would have laughed at the mnt >
lions cf that meter ,
J > * n , Oolor d , b&8 an artesian wti ; which
not only prolnces jmre cold water , but g * of
a good illuminating ipftllty. The -rtOl it 1,180
fe t deep and sbows a pressure f twentr
pounds to the square inch. The town ill
utilize thn gas for * lamp to light the vicinity
of the well
Tie strike among the Union Pacific miners
t Louisville , Erie and other points in Weld
and Boulder counties i ci er , and the men
have gone to work. There wrre about T > 00
men put of , omplityment jundor this strike. , Thn
strike bs the twenty-seventh of Octo-
b'-rlait , and it was part of the , general strike
among the coal miners throughout the state.
Licnitc coal ic delivered tooontumeri at S3
per ton.
Billirgs erectsd SGD.OOO wrath of buildings
in 1 > S8 ,
Montana's inc 'a e in population last year
it estimated at > ,000.
Dnnnc 1SS4 the Helena 17. S. asssy office
handled SSG5.1C7.C7 in gold and 19,517.02 in
The railroad business at Boz ° msn the pait
year ( tickets i-old aud freight charges ) aggre-
ated 8209,582.44.
It is stated th t the Northern Pacific his
uvited the Icgifltture in a body toiait St.
aul and take in the Eights.
A few day ago the TlathEad Indians were
id tbeinaomnity due them from the Korth-
irn Pacific , amounting to $21,458 , vhich wrs
14.21 for e\cry man , woman and child.
A dollar subscription hat been ftarfd at
irginia City for the purpose of securing a
und to erect a monument to the memory of
'lill FFairweather , the discoverer of Alder
'ulch. His grave is at present unmarked.
Late reports clearly and decisively indicate
that the lca e fo : the Crow reservation has
aecn executed for some time and territorial
ars daunt , that the secretary of the inter-
or has buen guilty of the moat flagrant deceit
n the matter.
James Ho well , of Bozcinan. bai entered
rait against the Korthprn tocifie for 520,000
for being put o2f of a Jiissen er train between
stations on the Helena and Bcreman run ,
making it necessary for him to walk six miles
in the night tune.
Cattle at Chote&u county , the Judith , MUB-
lelshell , Sun Kivor and upjior Misswuri
iounties are all reported doing well The
wime is true pf the herds up and down the Yd-
'owstone ' , and in western end southern Mon'
'No ' , nore in mine , " ptotested the Silver
Bow member of the legulature. "More people
'iave perished from water than whuky. His-
rOry , profane and divine , canurms t"ui ° . Of
rw * . evil" , my invariable hmbit is to choose the
east. Corn juice straight for me. if you
please. "
In the United States land office at Helena ,
in thul'th , 12,000 acres of desert land were
filed upon. The rush was caused by the re-
leal of ot the desert land law and a desire to
in the part of the applicants to secure the
land before the act of congrecs received the
resident's signature.
A Miles City correspondent of the Mineapo-
is Tribune says that the cattle monopolists of
.hat section have caused the hanginr of
; u enty four small cattle owners the past eea-
lon , in order to set them out of the way , pay
ing the hangmen SG.OJO for the job.
A bill has been introduced into the Idaho
Sislature providing for taxing drummers S50
per month.
The receait advance in freight chargas on ore
has resulted in stopping its shipment from the
alt Lake region.
About 3,000 head of cattle are being fed in
Honey Lake valley'and1 C.OOO head in
Truckee meadows. Jsevada.
It is reported that the Union Pacific wil.
thii year build a narrow gnage road fiom
Camaj to Kicholia , Idaho , a distance of eixty
Mr. Hobfrt Blickanderfer is appointed sup-
irintant of the Idaho division of the Utah & ,
Northern railroad , withheadquarter * at Poca-
.ella , Idaho.
Ealt Lake county , Utah , in 1FS4 paid school
, ucen aggregating S3G,413 62. Nearly half of
.his amount was distributed among ths out-
lide counties by Mormon authority.
On a cattle ranch in northern Xew Mexico
, B an employe who is an old poveaty struck
man named Kay. He is none other than the
author of " ' Arith-netic. "
"Hay's . Whisky.
Hx-Sheriff George Brown , of Storev countyi
Kevodn , is in luck His father presented
him with a fatm of 700 acres a few years ago ,
and the death of an uncle same time ago add
ed nearly 40,003 to his possessions.
The receipts of bullion and ore in Salt Lake
City for the week ending January 21st inclus
ive , were ? 'Sr49.dS of bullion , and 520,892 of
orea total of 97,331. < a Tor the week before
the receipts were 8103,999.45 of bullion and
$24,140 of oie.
During the vast season the stamships ply
ing between Sidney and San Fran uCD hive
tratbported monthly , on an average , lt',101
iboien cf tpplet. Jiach apple is wrapped up in
white paper. The price in Australia is from
2 to S/.25 a box.
ALIBT , H2S Tenth BUuct , botveen Farnam tnd Hn
nry will , trith thcild of rnirdiin eriiits , obtalnlcp
lor anyone cl&noe In the put tna prcscst , uid ot
cortiln candltloiii In the * ntnrc. Boot * tud thcw
dfto nrder Perlent M&tlfliaatlon rU
The Cnn cl Stec'e , Johnson & Co. , o Om&h& , R
Isthli dfy diuahecl by nratn&l cciment , Mr. B. K.
Jchneon iiitiriiirl'nm theflniL D. M Steele in fcloni
liarizsd to tettle tlie Lfi&ire o ! tht Htm and to re
culnt for mimlf f dnr mud fiim.
OKAUA , 3ua 1C , 1ESE. _
B. li. JOB s.SOK ,
Itelc-ririfr tothefcbove the uuden'gnbl ' will COD
tinne the biuU.e < B under thr firm nime ol O. U.
btetle I o. , &bd bnj to neilt b cautlntunoe ot tin
uio.r IHVOTB hitherto eztendud to the lute linn.
OUAIIA , Kcb.,3 1. IS , ISSi.D. .
B. w. 6rr.4n.iN ,
In retlrlnc from the firm ot Bteele , Jobncon k Co
I deilre to than I the trade for the latori extend' '
lu the jia't , uid to uL n coctinuanoe ot the lirnt
the tit fl m
OtiAUt. Jfcn. , li , 1EH . B.R , JOBKBOK
116-11 _
la ittt Circuit Court cif tl.e United Staiet , for tlx
Itutrict t J Sebrtuka
L. W , TUIiETS , Trurtet , )
MAKlOJf MEJUULL et tl. )
Public Nolle * U Hereby p ec , tht in pnrmuncg
and by vlnue of fc. dectue tntertl in the ubam cu
on ttttietb dij ot Ko.emtet , I 4,1 , Kills U Ui
bowet.fitwdiJ Uuterin Cta&noer } In said ainrt.
on the tlL-tli < ! oy o ! FebruaryUfc5 t the hour of ten
o'oltx-L in the inreuuon of the ikld dty , it the ( front'
north door of the United btfttre court hootte
Poaufuce buildmc. JD tre efy ot Onwba.
countv , 8i tefcndiimtnctot Ncbnuikfc , cl
tlon thelulloii'cd ' crlted prop'ny. ao-vit : 3b <
uurth i t quutct ot botsiot thirty-five , InTownhij
twenty four , north ut ruige tune , cut ojtfjif.
In Bon coiu.ty , I < ebi kk
f > jwuj Uwncr in Chknoery ,
W.8.MATKE. Comp.ij'iSoUcitor.
Application ot A. c ti. Bierbjch lar u-
Notloe U hereby tf\cn th&t A. t E. Bierboeh
did apor the 17lh diy ot Jinusry A. ! > 3SSI , Cle
their application to tht Board ot Count } Corcnaeloc
tn of liuncUi couotv , Ntbruk . lot uceute to eU
MUt , Epintnoci and Viuoui Liquon , fct Klihorc
btvtion , in Gliic * o Piecinct , iKrairlu coumy , Xt
braska , Irrm the l t dir ut yeuiuirr. Ib .WUit
J t day of M y lilt.
It there be tie objection , retnon tranne or protwt
filed wlOilD twowe.u 1 am Jss.fU.Ti 17b , A. 1 > , UB
the uid luiuuc will | rianud.
A i P. B'TP.B ' rH Arplit "t
M17S rp u U. IX it JIT , C-uott
\Vordnf TAYiLrnlnR and Comfort
yon are tnBering tron poor health or
lanrntehiiif on k bed I tiekncm , take cbper
I ! yiu are limp y aihnc or it yon fret
writ and rUrjilrlt * * ,
wtthont ot4r y kw"t-
Mr c hy , HCIJ > Itlttrrc
"n-ftl "
inrely care ycra
It yen are a minister , and
dotlcR , or a mother , vara oat
vitta cue and tnk , or a man ot boMnew er
labor , Teakenwl by therttalno ! yom pr rydy dn-
tln oa man of letters tailing orer yunr miacipht
m kUo ] > 01Mer > U1 cxmt curdy nrcnptbeu ytiu.
If yon re suffering from oror-patlng
or drinking , any i&ultcretion or diesip -
tion. or are youru ? and growinc too iatt ,
as IB often the caee ,
"or if yon M In the workaViop , on the
farm , at tie desk anywhere , and If el
that yonr fyrtem ne l oleaniiliiF , ton-
irp , ntlmnlatinp. without uitoxttat-
Inc , if you ire old ,
blood thin and Impure , pulir
feoWe , net rc unoteady , f acultiei
waning. Bop Blttrn I. vhat 3-00 need to
'plve you nev lllr , health and viper. "
If yon are costive , or fly pcptte or ( tuner-
Inp iron aty rt the other cmuoroui di * .
caeci ot the Btoniach ct bowils , It 11 your
crtm tautt if you remain in. It
you are wantlnc away with any form
ot Kldnr ; dlteaxe , rtop temptlnf ; death thll
moment , and turn lor a cure to Hop iiittenu
If yon are sick Trith that terribls sick
ncsa , Nerroosnces , joa vrill find a "Balm
in Gilead" In Hop Bitters.
If you are a frequenter or a resident of
B miasmatic district , barricade j-onr ryp-
tern npainst tbe Hcourpe uf all cutmtriee
Malaria , Epidemic , llibonn and Inter-
mlttent leverB by the nss cf Hoj > Bitters.
If yon lm\ rowli ; , pimply , or ullow elan ,
bad breath , Hop Bitters will phe you lair
tiUtn , rich blood , the ewrEtcst breath and
health , S5CO will be paid for a case they will
not cure or help.
A LiRdyV
"Oh , how I do wish my skin was an closr
'and noft as yourp , " said a U 5y to a fnend.
"Yon can easily make it so , " anuwnred the
friend "How ? " inquired the first lady.
" 13y using hop Bitters that makes tmre.rieh
oed and blooming health. It did for me us
on ohnerve.
I3.None genuine witliout a bunch of green
ope on the white label. Shun all tbe t ile ,
inisonons , stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" in
leir name.
HoBtottcrV Sioro-
achBlttorelE thcu-
tlole tor Bttan
Intel the laUlnc en-
crcles , lovlfronUG
thebodj-und chefn
the mind. It enables
the tr tcm to throw
oC tbc dcbUltatlnc
cSectB ct undue It-
tlpne , civet renewed
vlporto the orpane
= L ol dlfortlon , arou ee
i the liver hcnKU \ >
tlvc.ienews the Jad
ed appetite , and CD
courages btalthiul
repose. Its Ingmdi-
con are sale , and its
credentials , -nhicb
consist in the heart } '
cndoraiment ol persons -
_ _ sons ot every class
xactv , arc most coovlnclnc l r B 3e by all Drug ,
cists and Dealers 'tucmlh
Bee Hive Photograph
818 North 16th Street.
Eemembcr that xny Fhotorraphs
are Imrpected belore belnE delivered
rota the BEE B3VZ PHOTO-
GKAPH STUDIO aaeurlnc every-r
iDdy perfect efctisJactloc.
D. 0. BRYANT ,
1224 Farnam Street ,
ConiorlBth Sti Office been B to IS a. m. , to t
m Ten years experience Can speak German.
Private Lessons
ITEN Day or e enlng Terms very moderate.
" Cell on or address ,
Omaha CommcmO CoDcce , 1114 & 111B Farnam Bt
Tbobe desiring Truit or Ornamental Trees
Tines , Shruba and Phintsvill consult thei
own interert by calling at the ruJ estate offici
of E. L. linery , 1306 Harney St. , or 220C
Farnam St Orders for spring planting mns
re given soon.
T7ie Largest JLitie in
the City. Not
But Cheape than Any Stars in
the City.
2467- Cmnine St.
- - - - .
Physician & Surgeon
BMttdinn Ko. lie ? JODM Bt. Offioe , Kb IMS Tt.t
oam itiMt OtSoe bonn.U m to I p. m. and tiom
to I p. tt. Telopncme. tor office 7 jealdsnoe ISi.
Merchant -'Tailor '
KS ti. ICtb it tHlKitv ea rainim aod Barnt } >
Low priced and food Oeodi a iwctaltjr. JLU clothe ,
made npt n good it > le and cm Bbcrt ootla * . CSaQ ( .DC
oooTlnoBd. EAm mbe > tlMtilanaEKCLlirUi8t.
Office and reeidenoe , N. W. Oor. 12th
and Howard etreot * .
| CalU aniwftred promptly night
and daf.
"Bp&dal attention Riven to the dl
uoasae of women and children.
Finest Millinery
at mt Goodtlc tht City ,
Factoiy Prices ,
Send for our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere.
And Sole Importers of
fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
Wholesale and Eeinil.
Cor. lllh and Farnmn Sfc ? .
- AND-
Meerschaum G-oods ,
Wlinletale and Krtwl Dealer ? tn
Crif us. A tit in ttnifiou.
Sporting Goods
Notions and Smokers' Articles.
Stationery , Cutlery , 1
Druggists' Sundries
And Fancy Gocds.
Full and complete line and
Max Mever & Co. *
J020toJ024 FarnamSts. , Omaha
1 Gf2
T 1m I TT
i ij. i u
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select From.
403 BRADY ST. , DANENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established ie ,
DeafnessLang and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured , Patients
Onred at Home. Write for "THE MEDICAI-MISSIOKAET , ' forltbe People , FREE
Consultation and Correspondence GKAHS. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 26.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , ssy : "Physician of
Keal Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY ; Davenport ,
writes"An Honorable Man , Fine Success , Wonderful Cures. " Hours 8 to 6.
G-J&RMAN . .
E * " OS
la 5 ' 82
S3 §
§ D
98th Ducal Brunswick , Lueneburgh , Lottery , Germany.
100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PRIZES
Capital-Prize , mark , 500.000 , 300,000,200,000.100,000 80,000
60,000 , 50,000 , 40,000 down to 150
Drawing Commences the 9th and lOtb. of February. 1885. Whsl Tick
ets § 18. ; Half , $9.00 ; Quarter , i 50.
62 TV. Congress St. . Detroit , Mich.
To prevent ) o < e it linrpcntly requested to male all remittances by posta note , money order chssk
in restored letters or IK. duress.
1409 and 1411 DodseSt , \ * * % % ss ? * } Omaha KB
ndala. Window Oap , I onOTMtlBE , l tallle Itty-IlcbU , * c. Ho , Iroaland BU I
i < kit Bool * Ut > > ftir * t Omaba Kubtaiica.
Milwaukee , Wis.
& 1JKTHEE & 00 , , Sole Bottlers ,
. Amelia Burroughs
617 Dolg-i St , - Omabei
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
Koome 28 and 29 Omaha NuU.Bank Block.
Dufrene & Mendelssohn
Ceo. L. Pluber , loncrly vlth W , L. B. Jenurjr
Archit-ft , CLs uso.
. M