< * * * ' Ti"gteUfu. THri DAILY BTCE---WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1885. NEBRASKA/ / OMAHA. NEBRASKA. XA.W UP OAPITAIi . JJ.W.OOO auKPi.ua NO v i.issi . , uoo U W TATWV A. E. TODZAMH , PtMldeol. Vloa President : V. HOOHB , JNO. 8. OOHJNB , UCW18 8. RKKD. nj K. Harden , AMttttnl And Aotloi Caahlir. emcil The Bron Bank 00B , 12TH MDFABNAM 8TS , A OENKKAI. UANKINQ BUSINKaB TRAtaAOTED , INTEREST ftlloired on time dapotlti upon Toritble tortni end cpon ooonnt of btuaki aad bankers. ffORKIQN EXOHANQE GoTemtnent Bonds and County knJ Olty lootultlea bought KBtl told. In Its treatment ot enftomori the moat Hbr tt l policy ii purruod oanditont with lafotd in ) round banking , and we Invite oortcapono * ease or per on l innnlry ID conneatinn there wl'h FINANCE AND COWMIRCE. N w YORK , January 27. Money Market easy at 1 per cent. Prime mercatiiila paper 4@Co. Btorllng Exchange Banker * ' Wlln firm at 4.831 : sterling exchange demand 4 87j. Governments Finn. Railway Bonds Strong. Stocks Kx.-cp1 : LacVawanna , St P ul nnd Korthf rn w < ird dull. Murkntd Hed n fraction below top prices , but n numb'r of n hates show BD advance J to 18 , coalers leai in ? . Northwestern - western oloio I \ I > wer altar iollin < i Advance. St. Paul uhchanxod. oorjPONa. B's 101P 4 Vs Oouponu HVil U.S. 4' 1154 PocIfloG'Bof M5 125 BTOCKS AND BONUS , Central pacing STIA Chicago & . Alton 131 do do pd { 118 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 1J8J- Doliiwarn , L tckitwana & Wowteru. . . . . . toj Douvor & Uio Grande Erie t do pfd. . . . . . . * 23 Illinois Central 122 Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western J2J Kansas & Toiat 159 Lake Shore k iMichi iiu'.Southorn eoj Loulsvlllo & Noshvillo , , 28J Michigan Cuntral 64 Missouri PuciHo * Northern Pacific do do pftl Northwestern k pld New York Central < Orogou TranO'Contlnuntal. Pacific Mail P.D.&E IL' Pullman Palaoo Car Company Hock Island St. Louia&Snn Francisco 18 do do pdl 36 'Chicago , Milwaukee < t St. Paul 72 | do do do pfd. . . . . 104 $ 8t Paul & Omaha 25 ! , f do do pfd..i Texas Pacific "Union Pacific 49 * Wobash , St Louia & Pacific 4 do do do pfd 12ft Western Union Telegraph Oil O. K. &N C5 tEx-int. + Kx-div. Asked. QENEllAL. i'KOIHJOH. OHIOAOO PRODUCE. OniOAdO , January 27. Flour Doll and unchanged , \Vho t Ac ivp. unsettled and luwrr ; opened at 30 terdny'tt ilodec'iiifd Icwhh \ fluctuation nnd clo-od Jo uiiilryoterri v ; 78jj@78.Jo for uft b ; 78\o \ for .Tai > u ry ; 78 c for February ; 794c for March ; 80J , . 81s Li ll ( > rn Weak n d a sha'Io lower for futuro' ; I'dbriHry mid M y do lined jo nijd cloetd Jc UDilru < tiTtli.y ( 37jo | for c < t h and lauu- ry ; J < 7ji@3 lc fur Koliruary ; 37i'fiS7o ' for Iftrtn ! J"Z@llo for May. Onto-Dull and wink ; 27jo for cssh nntl Janunry : 17c fur February ; 28o for Jlnrch n d April ; 31c for May. Rye Dn 1 nt O''Jc. Burluy Numinal t C5e. Timothy dHod-Uull ; prlmn 130@l 82. Flax Hood Dull aud lu.2.3 higher ; No. 1 , i no. lo k AoMvn nml 5910o hiRhor ; early r'a- clinnrl to iiiBldu piic 8 and cluatd Pt.ivly ; 12 20ffll2 25 for oa h mid J nu rv ; 12 V2J(4 ( faiy 25 for February ; 12 35'512 . " 7 * for Murch : 124 > S12474 for April ; 12 574 12 CO for 3Slny Lird Aotiv ; ndranoed 2J@5c nnd closed eteaJy utu'85@U87i for coali , Janunrv nnd lfnbri arv ; B US 0 1-71 f r March ; 7 02J@7 1.5 for Apri' ' ; 7 12j@7 ! " > for Mnj Bulk MuHtn bnnulilerb , 4 JO@D 00 ; ehort Clenr G 70 a G 75 : liort ribs 6 2)@U 30. Whixky-Atllii. Uiitt-r Un lunitetl ; peed to fancy cream- Ol y 32@83 ; luir to tinu u irif a ' TJ' O. UhmuH 3'oady uuJ uuctiaig d ; good to fin chid'laiB ' 10j. Kg a-l 'iriii ! trenh "To. Union S'-ady and uno iangml. Tnllow Ste oy auduaji u ed. Bhlp'ts. Flour , bbln 25000 1C 000 Wheat , buchels 108,000 2JOO Corn , buxhels 1 9000 270.000 Oats , bunhols D'0 000 JC1000 Kyo , bushels 2" > ,000 0.000 Barley , bushels GS.UM ) 40000 HT. 10CI3 PRODUCE. ST. LouiH. Jaiiuiry 27. Wlioit Lower nnd fairly o ivo Fnr Mat : oth'r option * glow ; No 2 rf 8 Ha87 for o.gh ; 8I5 | @ < 6 for K b. niary ; 8JJ89 for March ; 'JJ U34 lof May , Coru ShBi'lonff and flow ; 35fc@PGo for Jauinry : 3SJ3Glo for February : SG aSGJ for Mar h , 3 ja37 | fur May , dosing luticlo at tlio ] o u t prUua Oita Liwer nd slowj 30S301 for cash ; 31J bid for May. Kyo Sc.trco nn'l hteher ; 75. Hirl y l uVjfiV70. Uin t-r Un liniiged. KpgB Firmer ; Hay Uichuigid. Bran Uuclmugid CoinrroFirm ! - 221. OALI , BoAnn-Wh > a'i-8G3 ' for January ; 83fi fur Manh ; 931'cOJJ' for May. C.irii Firm r HI d Jc li her bid Oiti-N.it'ilngd .i o. . llog - Activ ; York r , 4 n@4 TO ; pack tn 4 4 @ 4 TO ; h vy , 4 70 & 4 80 ; receipt * , n. too. NEW TORK PRODDOI NKW YORK , Junua 2 ? Wheat ' 'pot lot K ulude lower , option decllnid { © jc with moro ai'ivily und rxcUcm nt. clntiug luavy u ; m-ide r t'i Kovipts 00,0 0 ; export * , 1 8,1 0 1 ; No. 2 soring 9 < o ; ungraded spr'nir , 80curKrlBdred ; , h2K5 ,9 ' ; No 2nd U@ J3io , No. 1 white , 921o ; ungridod 9Jc , No U rel , Fnbruiry s Un , 708,000 ; at 90i@9 c , clo ii g at 90Jc Gum Sia lots opened l@2o ] and options I'sjo Iii rr , cloilfg with H rcuctioi of loon Jaouuv , others wiak. Ileoeipti , 189,000 ; t-X' ' inrU , 48000 : ungraded 6U rfi c : No 3. finl ® Giio : st-amer No I. 63J : No. 8 , 49349ic' No. 'J January , 6li < i 53jfc , I'wlnif at 6 0 Oil * ! l.lmcr ; | o mp's , M.OOO ; expoiU Pork Quiet rd new ram 1335 Wmtern frethnulel nnd wt k nt 2 ! * pot , queted at 7 20 ; miarv 721 ; February 72l6il71i7f April , 733 ® 7 4l@7 44 ; thtr < unchanged. Butter Doinauii fair ; itnrkot tirrn. CINflNNATI. CINCINNATI , Jaiunry 27 , - Who t-Strong ; No. 2 rd B7cj rtctiyts , H,5rO. Cotn-Onrd demand at lowtr rates ; No. 2 ( ) Mi t Mr d > tntnil nt lower rtt ; 33c. Hje Qultt and ( toady and fair demand nl 7oc Hurley Good djtiand ; extra No. 2 spring , GO " G2c. I'oik Qiiiotand firm t12fX ) I.irildim ] d-mntid at G ! IO@G 05. Hu'k ' M ats Finn ; shoulder * , D 03 ; short rib , G 50. \VhUky Steady at 111. TOLEDO. ToWPO , January 27. Wheat Qniel ami we k ; No 2 led , fa ti and January 78j Corn IJulttaud fcteady ; No. 'i cash nul January 42Jc. .OaU-Dull ! No. 2 cash , 31e ; May , S3\a \ Ryo-No. 2 , G3o bid. KA.N1AB CITT. KANSAS CUT , January 7 Whal er ; caih 63n bid , G38 aaktd ; Febmjiy M y > G a COjc. Oiirii Weaker ; cn b. 30J1U ! < < ; Fabruwy SOge nuked ; Manh , 5.0o ( bid , & ' 3 asl-od Oats Dull and uoinira' ' ; 2fo b.d 28e asked , LIVERPOOL. IJIVRBPOOL , Jauuniy 27 , Breadstuff * DallWhrat WhratNo 1 , California 7n 3d@7 Gds No. 2 Calilornt GilOd@7H31. Corn New western , 4s Hid , BALTIMOHfe. BALTIMORE , January i7. Whe t Went- err , ( iiiiers No. 2 winter retl spot , 90J@OOjc. Corn - Wr tern , inslor and quint ; luiiod * P"'i ' Outn Strung and dull ; western whlto , 87 © 3Sc ; mix'd3l ( 3fi. Hya Il'ghsr at 72 758. Kpf ( Firmer nt iO@80o , Whlskey-l 18ffil ( W. WILWADKED. MILWATJRKX. January 27 Wheat Steadv ; No. 2 Milwaukee 77Jci Innnary , 77ic ; Feb. ru.ry , 772o ; March , 78M ; y , 83Jo. Coin Dull ; none here ; No. 3 , nominally 41o. OatH-Dull ; No. 2 , 30@3lc ; No. 2 white , fair demand Ht X'c Hya-Scnrcnnrd firm ; No. 1 , C5i3. Itarloy Dull nnd Itwrr ; No , 2 spring , Cle ; No. 3 spring , extra , l"o. NKW OHLICANS. NEW OntEANS , January 27. Corn- Steady In Kackt ; inixuJ , COlgClJc ; yellow , 51c : wbltH f > 2c Oiiti Finn ; choice , 4o. Pork Fair demand nt 13 I'M- Lard Fnm ; pri--o nlnam 7 2" > . Hulk Meats-Quiotaid sttndy ; 170 : long clear lib' , G DO ; blioit clear rib ? , G G'J Whisky Steady ; Western rectified 1 05@ 12 j. IilVK. HIOCU. CHICAQO. CHIOAOO , January 27. Drovers' Journal report" ; Cattle Rpcolpts , COrO head ; good gradrs i-troiig ; common low.r ; exports 5 G0trjt > ? C ; common 11 choice eliippiiu 4 03@fi 73 ; oiwa 2 50@ t f 0 , inninly 3 101.3 35 ; etockura and fcedora 3 00 ® I Gl > . Hogs ItcctiiDts 24000 head ; brisk and fli'o ' higlicr ; buoyant ; early cl seJ tamu ; Mii h imuklng 1 3xa t GO. imcVItig and slilp- plup. 4 G5 - 0 10 ; . light 4 cD@4 75 ; skips 3 40 4 'iO. Sheep Receipts , fi 0 heed ; wp-jk nrd 4o umlor Inst ueeU ; infdiior to go1 d 2 10@1 25 ; extra theop uiU Iambi 4 G0@5 OJ. . HT. LOUIS. ST. LODIS , Januarv 27 Cattla Rocoipts. 1'JIK ) lio-il cliinitjj pii cipallv local ; exports G00 < ri2o ( ; good to cholpnOiipplnif fi 2 @ 0 8 ; C'Jiiitm n 11 medium 4 00@510 ; stockera 3 CU © 410 ; ffrd m 1 UOOliOi ; corn Ic I Texnus l(0@iGO ; cows nnd licl re 3 OU@ 1 0 I. SliHi-p Utcuipt" , 1,0 0 ; i-tea ly fur bait and flow f r low r dfH. ( oimnnn tn medium , 2 .C0@3 00 choi o lo extra 3 23@4 00. KANBAB Clir L.VK 6TOCK. KANSAS Cur Jnnunrv 27. CatHo Ho- cel'jts , 1,40 ° ; Roi'dgriidea tujiir > other-quiet e\'OitR f)40aC60 , RooJ to choice i-hip i g , CIO 535 ; c intniiu to medium , 160 100 ; gt < ckerd and ( uedeis , 3 C0@l 25 ; com , " C0@ 40 , i H ceipt' , 7 000 ; firmer mH F © Oj iglier ; lo H of 11-8 to 34 > pounds , 4 05a ( 1 G ) , mn nly 4 35 445. 8bup - HccelptH , 1GOO , ; steady ; fair to good muttouH , 2 i-O5y 25 MA11KETS. Omoic or Tun OMAHA Ban , I Tuesday , January 27. f Tli9 following prices aiu charged retailers y jobLer ? , % vhLlefalers and corn mi sion mer. lunt < with the exception of pra'n ' , which is uattd at the prices furnished by the elevators nd other local buer : Or fn , Wheat Caah No. 2. Gl Barley -Cash No. 2 5 @ 53. Kye-Casb No. 3 , 18 : . Uorn No. 2 , lP2c. Oats-No. 2 , 22o. Hllon. Steady ; green butchers' PJ green salted , 80 ; dry flint 12@1 Ic ; dry Bait 10@11 damaged lidee , two thirds prino , Urtuuti 1'rliiio white , 4 c , Bhnep Pelts ? 5l 00. Tnllow-41 f 51. F'lonr and SIlllBtuffa. Winter Wheat Best quulity. patent ot'2.8H (2300. ( Second quality 2 20@ 2 50. Spring Wheat Bestquallty , patent , 2 81 © 90. 90.Second Second Quality-2 15@2 50. Bran -Goo per cwt Choppnd Feed -Por 100 Iba. , 80@90o , Corn Meal9flc@l 03 per cwt. Screening 65@7Cc per I'rortnoo Apples Tter are but few choice apples eft iu the initiket MH > thsn nro bringing good prinF ; Uen Davis , 93 60 ; GtntoiB , $260 Poultry Althtnub tha wea'liur is cold now nnd 'nvxrablo ' fnr HIM branch , tlurn in not any mut'.rial improvement to note Turkojs mo nly In morlenfo lequesf. and as supply in ibi-ral prices rnlo low. Cliickem are in moro active uuniand and owing tu llmllu ) ri iricea mo firm Chi koui > , dro-aed cho ndjOc ; chickenB dica ud , fair to good , per u. 7@8c ! poor , Gc ; tuikey ? , dressed per Ib , : hnice , lOSjllc ; turkeys , drenaed , fair to good , ! (59c ( ; poor , c ; geese , "d fsaed , per Ib , cuuice , lOc ; fair to good , 8@0o ; poor , 7 8c ; duoVs , dressed , uer Ib , choicelllc ; fair to ; oed , lOc. Kftfa Remain weak at 21@22o , lluttor llcoflipts for lant'week'lmve loan veoa very heavy , nnd nnlna aroioinowh t dragging on nil pr des. I'/icra die weaker I ml would advise oare In buying. ' Old packed Imlter will not bring above G cants. Wrap ha rolN in thin clean minlio and avnld tnix- II g flifTercnt qualities in one packnga If pcwclblt ) . Creamery 22Si'J5 ; fair to good , 12 SiJlP ; choice dairy , 10@17 ; inferior grades , 8@10 , Uanie Ila'her ' quiet now. The glut of rab- lits Is pretty well cleared up now , till It will lie hard _ to raise prlcet again. Otlier kinds only in lair r ( < que t. Pralrln chickens , per dozen $4 00 ; quail , CO@7Cc ; geese , per dozen , SJUXKa 3 60 ; Jack rabbits , per dozen , S2MVo$3,60 ; email rabbits , per dozen , 25cgtO ! ; snipe , per dozen , &OC d 75 ; dockj , mallard , SW.OOfe2.60 ; teal And mixed , $ LCO@2.00. Beans Demand very light and stock heavy Duly clean stuck saleable. Navies ( clean per bushel. 1 201 40 ; medium , lOOtol 21 Honey Comb Choice domestic , 16@lCo California , 14fiir > c. lieeawai In good demand. Choice bright Ib. , 2G@28c ; common to good dark per Ib. , Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 87.00 ; "York Stat * " per bbl. $8 00 ; per i bbl. 8J.76 ; con- di nsed per gal. 85c ; crab apple , per gal. Wo. Cneese-Full cream , wottorn , I''c ; Wiicon- ( in new , lJc ; young American , 12@13s. Maple Sugar Pure , In brlclu , porlb. , IGc ; Grocera'j List. CANNED GOODS. Uyste.i ; ( Standard ) per rase. 8 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. 2 80 ; laspborrloa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 CO ; California I can per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 6 00 ; peftchoa p r case , 590 ; white cherriea per 1 aae , G 7 > ; plums per case , 4 60 ; whortleber ries , per caue , S 10 ; egg plums , Z Ib , per caw , 2 90 ; ereea gage * , 2 Ib. rwr case , 2 UO i pine spies , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 60 lloi-B-SiBal , i inch and larger , 8Sc , B Inch , 9Jc.OANDISB OANDISB Boxes , 40 Ibe , ICs , 12o , 81 , 12Sc , boxes , 4 Iba , 16 oz , 6 * . 14c. MATCHES Per caddie , SBcj roundrlca o 255 ; square , eMen , 1 701 Orthkosh , canesgr ,0 SDOARS PowdoroJ , 7Jo ; cut loaf , 74c ; n4 UIOTOM , ujw , confei tlotiers' A , GJo ; Standard Mtm 0. l-c : tr C , Bgc ; me < lium yellow , CJc dark yellow , f > Jo Cvivrcica Ordinary grades , 12124c : fair. 1 & 13)c ) : good , 134e ; prime , 14&154o ; choice lG(217c ( : fancy green and > allow , lR@lGJc ; oh government Java , " 02iici Arlmtkle's rovit- od , 16Jo | McLanghlin's XXXX ronttod , 15c tmltattod Java , lCJ18ic ; Clark's Aurora arncp Standard Com. , ISc , bbls ; Stnjdari do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 6. SODA In Ib paper * , 8 20 per CMC ; krg , pe lb,2je. ricKLia Modlnra In barrels , 0 00 ; do In htlf barrels , 3 60 ; small , in barrel * 7 00 ; do In half bmels , 600 ; gherkins in burrolr , 300 do in half barrels , 4 m. TKAH GutiRiwilor | , good , 45@fiKc | choice 63S7Gc ; good Imperial , 4Vai3c ( : choice. WcS G5' | Young Hyson , Rood , SG'dSOc ; choice , Go ftl 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice GO 7PC ; Oolonp good , SS'tf Oc ; Oolong choice 4' ' W55ci Souchong , good , 30i 40c ; choice , 86 RfCB-Louisiani , prime to choice , 6J(2l74o. ( Ftail No. 1 mackerel , hall bbls. , 7 ; X Family 4 bbls. , 4 2f > ; No. 1 kiU 1 06 ; family kite , COc ; No. 1 whitcn-h. haH bb . , G SO ; No , 1 kits. 96oi family hull bins. . 300 ; family bitn nnd palls , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , fi 2f > . WooniN WARE Two boon pai's ' , 1 8ft ; throe hoop pails , 2 10. Tub * , No. 1 , 9 00 : pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 'J 00 , well- buckets , 8 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 'S ; Kirk's ratinet , 3 HO ; Kirk's standard , 3 55 ; Kirk's White HtiBsInn , 4 Si. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , i cans in cao , 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz In case , 1 00 ; An * tnor ball , 2 dor. in cast ) , 1 50. CANDT Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , IQallo ; twist stick. lOio. VINKOAB Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio np- o , 13o. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 60 ; Ashton , In sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy. GO , 6s , 3 GO. BTAIICII Piuirl , 4c ; Silver Glow , 8c : Corn Starch , 8c ; Kxcnlsior Qloss , 7o ; Corn , 740. SPICKS Pepper , 17c ; spice , 14c ; cloves , 20c ; cos ia , 15c. DRT Fnorra No. 1 , quarter apples , bbln , Me ; N 0 sliced , boxn ) , tijjc : evaporated , boxes , 940 ; blackberries , boxen , 104c ; t > oachos , i- boxen , 8 0 ; poaches , evaporated , 14c ; ratp- berries , Sic. Dry Goods BROWN SIIEETINOH Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan tie P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , R4 ° ! Brunswick .74,0 ; Beaver Dnin LL Cc Lawrence LL , .uauvc * unm j U , uu : A nvriuiiwu jjt-jj u iJj i fl * clfio U , 7c ; Koyal Standard , Go ; Indian Head A. 7jc ; Wnuchusett A. 7Jo. FINK IJuowN SituKTiNos Argylo. Glc ; Pop- peiell H , 7c ; Salisoury H , ( i < c. BLEACHED COTTONS - Ballon , 4-4 , fijc : Bal. Ion , 7 8 , 5Jc ; Curabarlnnd , 4-4 , So ; Davoll DD , 84c ; Fairmount , 4.\o \ ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 9c ; Glory of the West , 8ic ; Golden Gnto , 8Vc ; Hill 7-R , 80 ; Hill 4-4. 7Jc ; Lonndale , 7Jc ; New York Mills , lljc ; Wamautta , 104o. DDCKH ( Colored ) -Boston. 8 oz. , lljci Bos ton , 10 oz , 144c ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River 3 ( DUCKS ( Gray ) -West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point 10 oz. , 14c ; Point Bear , 8 oz , llo. TicKiNoa Amoskeag. 134c ; Continental Fancy. Ojjc ; Cordls lOJc ; Pearl River , 12c ; York , 12ic ; Hamloton Awulngs , 124f * . DENIMS Amrsko ? ? , 14o ; Beaver Crook AA 12c ; Beaver Creek Bl ) , lie ; Beaver Oroek CC , lOc ; Havmakers , 80 , Jaflrny D& T , 12fo , Jaffroy XXX , 12Jo ; Pearl lUvor 13o ; Warren - ren AX A ( brown ) , i2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Jc : Warren CO ( brown ) . lOo OAMBBIOS Fifth aveuuo glove finish , 4o ; ' ECeyatono glove fnilch , Bo COBSKI-JKANB Amory , 74c ; Hancock , 8c ; Hcarnnyer 8Jo ; Rockport , 7o PniNTB Aliens , 54c : American , 5Jc ; Am- nld'a Gc ; Cochcco , Gc ; Harmony. 4c ; Inalgo , Gc | ; Indigo 7-8 114c ; Indigo 4-4 , 124c ; Stool River , 54c ; Charter Oak. 4o. PRINIB SiuariNos American , Bo ; Cocheco , 6c ; Glimcestor. r c ; Southbrdge , 44o ; Waver- leys 4Jc ; Rosedale , 4fc. GINGHAMS AinDskeag staples , 8c : Bates staples. 8Jc ; Lancaater staples , 8c ; Plnnket plaids Oc ; Hudson checks , 84o ; Amoskeag Persians , 94c. DnEbB GOODS Atlantic nlpacca , 94 ° 5 Per sian cashmere , 234c ; Hamloton cashmere , 16c ; Hamloton Fancus , 1' Jc ; Hamloton brocades , 15o ; Arlington brocade , ISc. Heavy Hnrtlwaro List. Iron , rates , 2 SO ; plow steal , special cast , Gc ; crucible , 7c. special or German , Co : cast too ; do , ! Ga20c ; waion spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubA per Bet , 1 25 ; telli es , sawed dry , 1 10 ; tomruex , each , 70a85c. axles , eaoh , "Bo ; square nuts per < Ib , 7allc ; wanhora , per Ib , 8al8i- ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , ] > er Ib , 6al2c ; malleable , 8c ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , G ; harruw teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden's horse shoes , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoes , 5 70. BARBED WIBE In car lots. 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rntea. 10 to 60 , 2 30. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do half kegs , 3 48 : do , quarter kegs , 1 88 blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , 6flc. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump , = > 00 ; Whitobreast nut , 5 01) ) ; Iowa lump , fi 00 ; Iowa nut , ' > OOi Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthru- ciet , 112Sall 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton , Leather. Oak solo , 38@42c ; hemlock eolo , 28@33c ; hemlock kip , Oc ; runner ( > 5c to 75o ; hemlock cilf , 85 to 100 : hemlock upper , 22 to "lie * oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50. calf kid , 3'235c ; Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French Uip I 10 to I 55 ; Frnnch calf. 1 2 to 2 00 ; ruBsetta 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 t ppiiigs , 9 00 to in 50 ; B L. Morocco 30 to 35c ; obble O. D Morocco 30c ; ei.uon , 2 CO @ 3 00 , UAnNESS-No. 1 star onk , 35o ; No. 2 , 34c ; S5cj No. 1 Ohio oak , 33c ; No. 1 do , Sic ; No. 1 Milwaukee Sic ; No. 2 do , S3c. No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 35o ; No. B Pitta oak bar , 33o. Liquors , Awonor188 pooof alcohol , 2 26 per wine gallon extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 1 18 per proof gallon ; trlpplo relined spiriu , 187 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; redlatilloil whiskies , 1 00 1 50 ; fine blended , 1 60 2 60 GINS Imported , 4 60@COO ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. Runs Imported , 4 f 0 < 20 00 ; New England , 1 99 a4 00 ; domestic , 1 Wa 3 60. PJIACII AND APPLB BBANDT 1 704 00. CIIAUPAQNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ® 31 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@li3 00. Tobacco. Ping Tobacco- Climax , 47cj Bullion , 47c ; Horseshoe , 44c , Star , 4 Go ; Rudy , 4fic ; Her- soy'a , 40c ; Black. 38@40 ; Spearhead , 4Go OLT Hrpo , 48c : Piper Ueidsieck. file. Flue Cut Common , SOct Modinm , 4ro good , 4o@COc ; Hard to Beat , 70o ; Favorite , GOc ; Diamond Crown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , 6Gc. Smoking O. 8. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOo ; Durham , ICoor. file ; Durham , 8 oz. , 65o Dor- ham , 4 oz. , 57 ; Durham , 2 oz. , C 'c : So , < l of North Carolina , 1C oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car olina , 8 oz. . 43c : Seal of North Carolina , 4 nz. , 48o ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , 60o ; 0. S. , Durham , i oz. , 28o ; O K. Durham , 2 oz , SUc ; Uncle Ned , t'a 25c ; Tom and Jerty 28o. . Lnmbor. WaOLESALE. We qnoto lumber , lath and shingles on car at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND aoANTLiNQ 10 foot and under , 1800. TIMBEBS 10 feet and under. 18 TO. TiMuia AND JOIST 20 ft , 1000 ; 24 ( t. , 2000. ' FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 20 00 ; No. 3 , 1800. SiiBATHiNO No , 1 (2d ( common boards ) 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00. BTOOK BOAHDS A , 45 00 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00 FLOOUINO No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2. 30 CO ; No. 3.2JOO. SIUINO , clear 25 00 ; No. 2 , 22 60j No 3 OKI'LINO-I. 30 00 ; 8. 20 00. BHINOLES , best 3 60 ; standard , 3 00 , LATH 3 CO per M. Li UK Per barrel , 1 00 : bulk per bnihpl 35c ; cement : bhl. 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 Imlrixr bus , 60o ( tarred ( clt , 100Ibi , - straw toard 300 , Dnuos AND OmunoAia Acid , carbolic , 40o acid , tartaric , 60o ; balsam copaiba , per Ib t > 6c ; bark , easaafraa per Ib , 12o ; calomel , pe Ib , SOo ; cinchonidla , i > er or. , 80 t Oj chloro form , per Ib , (1 05 ; Dovera powdern , per Ib 81 25 ; epsoin salU , per Ib , SJc ; elycnrine pure , per Ib , 25c ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20oj ol coBtor , No , 1 per geL , 91 60 ; oil c&itor , No. per gal. , SI 40 ; olj. olive , ppr pal. $1 40i oil origanum , W c ; opium , $ J 60 ; quinine , P. i \V , , and It. < fc % par oz , "fa ; poUstlum lo Ido , per Ib. . 53 50 ; sallcm , ] > or oz. , 40c tulphnte i rnorphl. e per oz. , $ .1 40 ; lulphur per 1 Ib. , 4cj strychnine , per oz. , § ) SJ I'.ilntn Oil * mill Vnrnlslics. Oon HO carbon , per gallon , 11 ( ct INI hmdllght , per gnllon , 12c ; 17/4 / ° hoMlilent per gallon , Itej 150 ° water white , lOc ; llto noeil raw , per gallon , 49o ; linnet d boiled , par eallon , 52c , Lnnl , winter ntr'd , ppr e.illon , 70c No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 10 | castor XXX. per gal Ion , 1 GOc ; N > . 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gi'lon ' , 1 no fpprm W. B. , per gallon , 1 ( Ml ; fUh W. B. prr gallon , 65 : ncatKfoot.extra , per gallon , 'M ? No. I , 7fa : lubrhittlnsr , zuro , prr gallou , 80c rammer 15c ; goldrn machine , No. 1 , per gal Ion , 3 * > o ! Ni > 2 , MSc ; sponn , niRnal. per pnllon 9oc ; turpontinu , jxsr gallon , 40oj iirttba , 74 per g.illon , IGo. Pry I'nlnu Whlto load S'Jc ; Ficr.cs tc , Ccj I'sil whitiug , VJJc ; whiting gildrrs , lc ; nhitlnj com'l. lie ; lampblack , Oetrcnnlown , 14i lampblack , rrUnary , lOc ; Pmsslau blue. 55o untranmrlno , 18c ; v ndyko , brown , 8c ; timber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sionim , burn let : ; Ien a , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 2T > o Paris grooncommon , j20c ; chrome green , N Y. , 20c ; chrome green , K , , 12c ; vprmllllon , Eng 7Cc ; vormilllon , American , 18 ; Iudi..n , rfd , l''c ' ; rene pink , 14c ; Votietian , rod , CooksonV , 2io ; Vcnntinn , red. American , IJc ; red load , 7jc ; chiome yollnw , genuine , < ? 0c ; chrcnn ynl- low , K. , 12c : o hre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh 2Vc ; ochre , Americm 2c : W nter'n miner it , vjc ; lohigh brown , 24c ; Spaninh brown , 24c Prince's mineral , 3c , VAnNlsHKaBarrels , per gallon : Furniture , extra ? 1 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , SI ; couch , ex tra , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dainar , extra , $1 7fi ; Japan , 70c ; asplmltutn , ultra , 8r > o , shnllac. $3 50 ; hanl oil fiiiioh $1 T < 0. PAI.VTB IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. Fi4o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , f > Jj ; Mar ml lea preen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20j ; French zinc ; gteen sen ) , 12c ; French tine , red seal , llo , Iienih zinc. In varnish tust. , 20c ; French zinc , In oil afist , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 b a. , lOc ; raw and burnt Sieuna lOc ; vandyke crcwn , 13c ; rotined lampblack , 12c ; coacli black and ivory black , li'-c ; drop bKck , IGc ; P.usnian blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome preen , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter preen , L M. & D. , IGc ; Paris grpeu , 18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian rod , 9o ; TW can rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I , & P.- : yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , 0. & D. O , ISc : yellow ochro. 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; intent dryer , 8c ; Draining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh. loa 1)KNVEK M.UllCKT. FLOCK Colorado , 100 Iba , 1 CO1 75) ) pat ent , 100 It * . , 2 75(33 ( 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibf , 2 76 @SOO ; graham , 10) ) lhn , 1 60 ; ryn , 100 Ibe. 1 21 : lmrwbont - par bbl 7 60 , GRAIN , FKKD , ETC. Wheat 100 Iba , 5100 (5)1 ) 15 corn In sackdon track , 100 lb , 85o,90 , , oats , in sacks on track , inn lha. eastern white , 25 ( 1 31 ; Colorado white , 1 26@1 ? 5 , mixed , 2 > @ 1 20 ; borloy 1011 Iba , 1 30@1 85 ; bran , ton , on track , 600COO ; chop , corn , 10U be nn t u g.'i ' 0 rrlxod. 100 , on iifcyi VUf chop U.IAUU. JLWU ILK ) . on track , 1 21 185 ; corn meal , 100 Ibr. 1 SO © 140. HAT Ualoti , upland , ton. U 00@1G"00 ; upland , loose , ton S 00@12 00 ; second Dot- om , baled , 11 CO&12 00 : alfalfa , loose , ton , 0 00@15 UO ; strcvr , baled , on track , ton , 7 00 'tjg 00. BrjTTKB Craamery , fancy , Ib , 40a reamory , Gni , Ib , SO * 38i ; diirv , chnica. Ib Oa22c ; dairy , Kood. Ib , 18 ( 20c ; dairy , fair b , ItJoalGc : cooking , Ib , Gg,8c. ( , Eaas SUte , randled and warranted , doz , 2iz3.4c ; ranch , doz , 31@3 c. CHKKSB Full croiin , l5@17c ; half cream , t ) , 10 0llc ! ; skim , Ib , 9c ; Swisn , domoatle , b , 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , 80@32oLIni- bu-ger , 18e. PonLTBT Live old chickens , doz , C 00 5 f 0 ; nssei ducks , Ib , 15@lGc ; dresaod turkeys , b 15 ® ] Be. POTATOES Colorado , 100 Iba , lOOjeweet er Ib , , 4r. VEGETABLES Onlone , yellow , 100 Ibs , 7A ; cibDAiP , 10(1 Iba. 1501 boata , 0 i Iba , 1 lOSl 25 ; turnips , 100 Iba , 1 25. fnoiTS Lamuni , per box. filuoalus. 4 SI i 00 ; ornnRBB , Plori 'a , uer b > x , G 50 a 7 00 ; pplaa , fancy bhl , 5 ( jO@5 50 ; apples , medium , bi. sro. Oonsu MEATS Hums , sugar cured , Ib , 111 11 Jc ; bacon break last , Ib , 12@l2ic ; dry alt tides , Ib , 7@74c ; lard in pallf , 9J@9So ; ard In Merres , 8Jo. PBESH MKATB Dreaied beef , Colorado , per h. GigGlc ; hogs , Ib , Gl@GJo ; mutton , Ib , 7 Jc. LlVK STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Iba , Oilm 4 5U. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , llj@12ci Vo. 2 , Ib , 9@10c ; groan ateera and branded elf , Ib , 4dhc ( ; green calf.lb , SttAldc ; green kip , 3 , G'o-7c ; sheep skins , dry , 8@10c ; deer skins , j , W&t'Mo } antalopo skins , Ib , 12g)15 ( ) ; tallow , b. 5raGo WOOL Colorado No. 1. per Ib , 14@15c ; uck , Ib , 8c ; Mexican , 7@10c , Flan-Mackerel , No. 1 , i 40 , kit , mess , G0@2 00 : California salmon , hnf bbl , 10 50) ) dollnnd herrinff , ko ? , 1 60(3160) ( trout , per h. Hi : &iOr& CHICACG , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC y mo ctu'rnl paailinn of \ \ > line , connocti tl , , Hjt and the M' < i t byilio nhorlout route , and oar ten n < iv"nKfi9t vitMouc ch niia of oars , bctwoo iilojcs and XlUBnti Cttr. Council Uluria.Lerven vortii. Atnluiian , Mlr.iicaiinlli and tn. Paul. 1 onuL'ctn m Uafou Voputntith nil tlio prlnrlpiv reo of road bctwceu tha Atluntn and tl.o I'ncm Jconu. Jtj rquipmcnt 19 unrivaled and mjsnlll. tent , brilntx ocuipoert Most Uamfortnblo nne Jfnv'.Iful Dny Coictiei , Uaanlneent Karton Uo lluluK Clmlr Corn. 1'ullmai'i Trottl" t 1'alac * llceplnsr Cars , anil tlio licit 'Jno or JJmlCf Cur > ntl.eWorU" , a'lirce TraluL ; - . - X > S T\ * Ilivir Fcliitx. ! w- * ' * " > Chi. "ALBERT LEA A New oud Direct Line. vUOencca and Kants ct , lm recently h en opened between Ulcbniono .Voi-lolk , Menport Nan i. Cbattanooga. Atlanta. Au rn tjJJashvlllo. J.ouHvlllo , LexInEian.CI lolnnctl IndUnapollB an 1 Lafayette , and O/valia , Jalnneap * sin and tit. l > aul oud lutermcdUlo point * . All THroujti I'aaiccgcra Vrtvel ou 1'ui EiprMi Frulno. TlckMi for late at all principal Ticket OOorali ho United Utatci and Canada. Daggice checked throuEh and ratei of fare > ' . Kay * a > low a > competltori tbat offer leit aavan. ror'deuiled laloi luauon.coi tbo Mapiand Jfoll- ira of tlio GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE tt jour ntarett Ticket O trice , or kddreia R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , ' Uia TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES ! Kttlrtl rlJIo . _ ntnln ittdta aa eaiy out p r onaiwUUtwo J t\l"lnt Izli'.llie arry. Equally well < l i > utf J < > n'uih count ' jli ndliii drlveiorclllft. MannfarlnrcHai era. lirnry TlcuU . . . I'KU-ntefl. bU ( sl ABBOTTBUB5Y CO OMAHA Dummy Trains LoavoOru u to4o,8oo I CO , 10 00 , It 16 m , 1 00 , ! 00 , 8 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , B 00. OB6pm On Sund yathe BOO and 1000 rn and ' CO unJ 100 p m trains do not run. Arrive t irons- or dupot IS mlautci Utvr : Broadway depot 20 inln * n.calater , L are Council Dluda ( Ilronlwuy depot ) at 7 M. 8 80 920,10110,1 40am ; 1 30 , 2 SO , 8SO. 480 , 650 , 686 nd 11 06 p m. On Sundays the 8 80 and 10 30 a m ind S SO and 6 SO p m trains will not run. Arrive 1 Trtntfor 7 mluutos lat r , Omaha SO minute * later. TransforTralns cMo Omaha atsu.su 0 05 m , 4 26 , fl lo nnJ B 65 p m , dally. Arrive at B 46 and 1115 a m , 12 S5 , 7 86 and 8 16 p a. PEIFCIPAL LINE ntoM OIlICA 0PEORLi &ST.IOU1S , ur WAI OP OilAEA AND LIlTCOLil TO Olt VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to D3K7EB y In Union l)0K)1s | nt Knnias City , Omaha mid Denver \vltli tliituibti-.iliia lor And nil points in tlio'OientVest. . 'CMincctlni ; In Oniml Union Depot nt Chicjo [ with tliroiiKli ti-ulua fur NEW YORK , ItOSFQN , And nil Enrn OHIi"j. Atl'eorl'i with tlnoi > truhiH lor Tndlantip r.ls , ClnulniiMtl , Colurfp.w , nnd nil points In ho south. Knst. At s , DUla with rains lor ull points So * \ . U ly CoarhL ( , l'nrlirCnrs , ttlthlto. lining Olmlrsm ( nta ficuSiiiokiiiKCnra ) will Involving Ch.ih-H , 1'ulini.in I'aUice SlooplniJ 3ura niul tlio lamouq ; . II. &Q. Dining Car" mi dully tonml from Gnlcniro nnd Kansas Olty 'lilca o nntl Council JJluSs Clilcngn nnd Uc" Molnes , Uhlcngu , St Joseph , Atclilsou nnd Fopoltii without cliungo. Only through lint rtinnl ig their own trulns bi-twcon Clilcngo .Iticoln mill Dciivrr , nnd ClliciiBO , KIIIVII ) Hy and Humor. Tluouirh cni-s lictxiucn ( ndmminalUuud Council Hliillsla 1'eorl.i GOING rVOI'.TH AND SOUTH. Solid Tnilns ol Klojiii > ' „ } Couches iini ) Puinimn ruliicoSIeuiilnirCnraurniiin d.tlly tc ami fiom St. I.ouls , vln Ilutmlbnl ; Onlnc\ Ccokuk , IliiilliiKlon , CcilnrHnpldaniiil Albeit l.catoSt. I'tiul nnd Mlnucnpolla ; I'nrlor C\ir > vlth KocihiliiK Clinlrs tft mid Itoin Bt. l.nul- and I'corln. Only ouoclianRO of care bi-twocn 1. Louis and DcsMulnos , lown , Lincoln , o bmskn , and Ilonvur , Colorado. It la nlso the only Tin oiif-h I < lno between ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known as tlio u'leat TIIIIOUUII OAII LINK of America , and la univcraUly udmit d lo tie the Finest Equippei Hallroad In the World fa all ckcnsa of Travel. URli Tickets vm this line for Bnlo nt.Ri t. couiiou ticket oUlccs itUe United Stntot V. J. I'OTTEH. ' PEHOEVAL LOWELL. - THE AND RAILWAY. THE BEST IIOUTE AND SDHZOZRT Omaha Council Bliiffs and Chicago. The only Una to lake lor D llolne , 1 tonn.Ctuir Hiiilds , ( llnton , Dlx < , Ohfoi Ko , ill ) . wauVo. at d all points ea t , To the ' e of Ne. lj a la , ( 'ol'iodb Wjoml K , 111 all Icaho , Nevada , Ortgon , VYMhluRto nud C llnr/iU It oUtrs Hup.rlor adfn t'iris not pos.iblr by any tthrr line , At Orig a 'ew ut ihft nu itsruus f < li ts ol Ity e ] > eJ by the palrona ol this IQirt botvrcen i inah and Chicago , ar III tw tralisadayof DAY OOAOHHBwhch are tlie"no t that human a t inj lucenuity an rrtate ; ltd 1'AI.ACIK BLKEl'JNO iIAltS whlchxru tnide'sil ' to ulort anil tlegnnce ; IU I'Alt- LOU UllAWrlNO HOOJl IIH , unsnr Mred hy an ) ; .idllswUleljrelcbMO.il' LVfl LlIf.UO ) ( tboiqual nlchl h cttMiot tolou d el-u In re. AtCooucll niuO Itu r ln ol tne Union Piolflo Ri.O'iintcjIn UnionHcio' lththo il the Ol.lra- . L-oJt.Vi ith < c.t in IU In Cblrairii tbo trains ol this Tut make cluto iuuoctlou Kith ttioaoo ! all eaitcru for Detroit , niombin , Indl n po'li , Cl-clnnitl M.K r " .II * . Buffil , lltlur < , loronto , Mcntrra U t < n , New Ycr > . 1'hHadrfj hU , IU1 Im re , WMII nitton ai U ll | > ilnt * In ihu KuBt , atk the gint lor tick11 I * h -WOKTHWE3TKBH , ' If jf uUhtbe n't aoionmodatloil I All.ttlcke tc , . -kiJi.vU thin Hue. U.11UOHTT. lU.IIAin , OeiierUMuafier. Coi. Vui. Agoat CJI1CAOO. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Idve Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUIl ATTENTION TO ke It Is Iho boat and cheapest food for stock of nny kind. Ono ponnd la equal to three port ; da of com. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Frtll and winter Instead of running down , will Increase In weight nnd bo In good marketable condl lion in the spring. Dairymen , as well a others , who neo it , can testify to Ita met lla. Try It nnd judge for yourcelvoa. Price § 25 00 per ton. No charge for sacks Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. DEALERS IN Hairs Safe and Lock HUE AND BUBGLAB PROOF .JJ * . A3OL STEELE , & , CO , .Slfl I. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lookwnod & Draper , Chicago , Manager of tha Tea , C'gar ' oud Totmcoo DopnrtmeuU. A fall line of nil grades of the nboxo ; also Pipes and Smokers' carried la stock. Prlcoa and Boniplca furnlshod on application. Open ordura intrusted to us shall receive our careful fnttenUon. SatlafncUon'Guarantood. AGEWSFGR BENWOODaNAILS fltIO UFLIN & RAND POWDER COW AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEW. f'\ \ 1301 AND 1S03 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , W F.LBROWN. GEO. W. F. BROW & 'CO. ; COMMISSION DEALERS IN Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards , KRKEKENCES : 'I NATIONAL DANK , Umaha ; OMAHA , V A , I'AXTO.S , Treat. andTieie. Union Stock Yds. , Dinah * AN URUH , < licjei ne Ahn oonnoctoJ with Orcgetj , Cooley OIIN A. McHiMMi. Mftna er Bay Ptatn Cattle Co. Co , Union Stoolt Yftrds , Chloigo. f . A. CutioiiTON , Vico-l'tcet. Hint Nnt'l Bank , Omnbi. t TAddrcas oil commimlcatlons Union Stock Yard ! ) , Cmnba , NobranVn "tfa 4 IENHY T. CLAKKF , 1'rcs. acdTrtas.JOHN A. M. CLAIIKE , Vice Prc ldenl JOHN T. CLAHKIf , Secictary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE , f AnaESTJoMlni ? r'rnhoufotct ( ( ccn Ch'cico nnd Pnn Francisco , CAPITAL STOCK 8200,000. Lfhal 1'oatthob ttnm of I honor kit at all times Will din , > Ilcato Chlciyo ULtl ht. Loulj jrlce * with. nluht added. Our ijucla ty wll bo * we Jfruys , JPaiuts , Mils * tnul Witulow EBtlmntca elron on pUte ghts. To tliosoali nit to embark InttiodruR bu incii will do well to coniul. ho r Interest by calling oa us or Bond for our iirlco lint which wilt appear about January Mh. Udlotdet HI * HAIINKY 8TUEET. EASTERN PRICESDUPLICATED 8 FATtkAM STREET. . . . . OMAHA. THE A. L. STRANG- . , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Epdno Trlmmlnpre , Mining Machinery. Belting , lioze , Urtes r.nd Iron IHttlngi at wholof le or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDIIOD AND SCHOOL BKLI& . Corner 10th and Parnarn St. , Omaha Neb , NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT COMFY ; OMAHA , NJGJItllASKA. Solo ogpnls o United States Electric Lighting Co , for Stnto of K biMslcu. Owners ot western patents for Electric Motors , Arc LumpMe piil ; rgaincttHiltHcaiifc and Rinall incoiuluflcert electiin l inTis. Cheaper thun as. HKST LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by the United States gov ernment and all tlio leading bteamship lines and leading hotels. Fo prices ennuiro at - OFFICE , NWCOEMEttl5lh A. P.VR * A