Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1885, Image 5

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The Senate Aftr the Dynamiters TO
a Sharp ftiict
The Handful of Boomers Will
Fight the United States ,
The House Passes the Agricul
tural Appropriation Bill.
The Congressional Forecast for
the Week's ' Business ,
The Committee on River and
Ha.bor Appropriations !
Jlov. Dr. PA t ton Halsrs A Krcczo
the Womnn SutTrrtKlate ,
AVho llctort.
WASIUNOTOX , January 21. Edmunds intro
duced a bil providing that any perron within
the Unitrd StitfH found manufacturing , buy-
in or eellinR dynamite , or other uxpUsiTos ,
with intent to ctmmi' Injury to any public or
private property , or for UID pjrpno of lujur-
intc any person In this or any foreign country ,
thill ba deemed guilty of felony and shall bo
punished by imprisonment in ttio penitentiary
lor a term of yearn , in the discretion of the
In Introducing the bill Edmunds ( aid he
submitted this now that the judiclnry commit-
ten m'ght at once consider and perfect it. Uo
hoped they would puttho _ bill in such shape
that , ai fur as the United States government
bad oowpr , it would bo able to oxcrciso it in
the direction iii'llcUed.
The bill was referred to the judiciary com
After executive sos ion thosenata adjourned.
WASHINGTON , January 24. The House
went into committee of the whole on the ngrl-
. cultural appropriation bill.
After a general debate thn committee rcse
nod the bill was passed ,
Townshend made an effort to o ll ut the
Mexican pension bill , but Mills moved to ad
Mills was successful nave 100 , yeas 101 ,
the speakerVitiating the deciding vote.
WABHINOTON , January 2J. The house com
mittee on rivers nnd harbors to-day decided to
xecnmmond an appropriation of 81 000 000 for
the beginning of the improvement of the Gnl-
vcston harbor. The committee also decided
to recommend that Cant Bids be paid a sal
ary of $5,000 a yoir tor superintending the
work of improvement , and that bo ba given
§ 3,100 for ouch foot of additional depth of wa
ter obtained.
WASHINGTON , January 25. Rev. Dr. Pat
ten , president of the Howard university ,
preached n sermon In tbo Congregational
church to-day on woman and skepticism , in
the courao of which ha epoko of the woman
suffrage convention nnd expressed the opinion
that wbcn women are given too much liberty
they branch off into skepticism and immorali
ty. Ho said among other things that
thu lives of such women as
George Eliot , Madame Roland and
Harriet Martinoau exemplified the truth of
this assertion. He referred to Victoria Wood-
hull as n representative of the woman suffrage
movement. Among his audlo-ca wore Miss
Susan B. Anthony nnd Mm. Elizabeth Cidy
Stanton , and on tha conclusion of the serv
ices walked to the platform and upbraided
DrvTatton for his utterance" , and Slits An
thony said to htm if his mother were livin ?
she should
but MIH. Stanton interrupting , said : "On
the contrary 1ft mi congratulate Mr. Patten.
I lave been trying for years tomtkn womuu
understand that the worst eiiemtf a they h-vvo
are In the pulpit and now bo has il uxtrated it
bsyond question " Without giving Dr. Pat-
tun time to reply the wonun hastily left the
church. TJ night the Rev. OlympU P. Browi
replied to Dr. Patton from the pulpit of the
Universalist church.
The GongrcBBlonal Forecast.
WASHINGTON , January 33. The inter-state
ooinmercolilll and the vNicarngua treaty of
last week and the week before the loading
measures before the sonata and appears to be
not perceptibly nearer the point of final action
than a week ago. It l probable that their
diicustion will outlast the present nook if not
sot ailde. Bayard's resolution expressing the
sontimonls of the senate regarding the Lon
don explosion may lead to Home debate to
morrow , nud the regular or Jer is likely to beset
aside later In the week for the discussion and
pteuagoof the ptirsioncoii4ulftr and diplomatic
appropriation bills. It is possible that tbo
Indian aopropr'ation bill which will reach the
apprapriitlon committee to-morrow will bo
reported before tin end of the week. Tha
temporary naval bill is still in the Ii mils of
tha conferee * , but an agreement will probably
bo reached to-morrow or Tuo'dajr. It U i ot
likely to lead to any to.rtb.or di-cus'ion in tha
senate. The annual appiopriation bill
for the District of Columbia will bo cilled
up in the bouto to-morrow. At 2:30 eulogis
tic nildresioi will ho delivered In honor of the
late Representative Duncan , of Paan ylvaula.
'iho committee on opproorintion expect t > rf
port the army and poatol&cts' appropriation
mil in time tn call them up TiiMd yand
Wodneiday. . It Is thu Intention of tbe com-
m'ltin ' on rivers and hut-born to aik for the
consideration of the liver und liurhnr appro
priation bill tbo latter pirt of this wtek
Them is a disposition the part of the
friends of the vnrict.s prominent
moaiuroi now pending _ to nutafr'-nize
the appropriation bdls , Hewitt of New York
will endeavor to call np tbo bill to carry liita
t lfotthu praviiioms of tin Mexican rici-
precity troity during tbo week. Town hend
will press the Mexican pention bill , Stock-
slajzer > i bill providing for tha publio buildlnei
throughout tbo country , Slccleton'ii national
library bill , and WilhV educational bill , at
every opportunity.
Washington Territory.
Special telegram to the BKK.
WABHINQTON , January 25. Governor Wat
aon Squire , of Washington territory , is in lie
city , In his icport to tbo secretiry of tha in
tcrior , which is the fint made/In / fiya yean , h
urges strongly the right and necessity o
Washington territory's admiuion to th
union. Uo says this territory is tha OH !
political division on the continuous eeaboan
of tha United States which remains in a tar
ritorial condition ; its forelgif commerca rre
quirui ampler condition ! rf government. Tb
prounce of tbu Dnglinh colony growln
rapidly prosperousal o atfordi another reuoi
for tbe admlsilon. Thamttlement of rlparla
on 1'tueU sound would be grcatl
facilitated under tha to adminlBtrallon t
the territory 't affalrf. Tba preit-nt popali
tion uocordmg to the latest estimates is 141
-fpO. und the volume of ( migration promises t
continue undlmialshed.
VIio River nnd Harbor Appropriation
Soooial telegram to Tin VIE.
WABHICOTON , Januuy 25. The rivtran
, harbor committee voted favorably at , la !
luur Saturday night on the geneial propot
tion recommending Kidi1 plan of Itnprovi
un-nt in GaUetton harbor , Tha dolailiof tl
bill , however , left for tbu further consider
tion of the committee , will settle oil tha pi
vliioni to-morrow. The bill , it is undented
f * a strong combination in tha interest ;
Eadf , and IIM been made with the support *
of the Hcnntplii canal. Lut session an
proprlatlon for the lottf r wai thrown ont ;
tha river and harbor bill by majority
twenty or thirty tot's , moit id Id rjipciitli
eemW tram Wie roslhw'st.
by tde filwd * t-t th < eantt that all tha
fouth r < t rn rot * will como n er to them In
return for the rotes for ttio Gilveston appro *
priation. Fads' plan proposes O abandon the
work fttrwtdy ( loan a * Ualvcston and vitlutlly
place $9,100 0 K ) by the terms of the contract
it the disposal of private individuals , peed
authorities In 'hiolficeiof the army engineers
eay the work 1J N proyoses to do need hot
cost over $1600 000 , This margin of profit Is
believed to account for the strength that Ea-is
showed with congrtBi. A number of num
bers who have vottd f < r the Hennepln canal
declare they will not bo draargetl Into the sup-
pott of the Galvot n Job , and would rather
s-e the whole river nnd harbor bill fall first
The nppromiitioa for Galvotton will bo less
than a million , and that for thn Hcnncpin
CAiial Is already fixed nt S3t 00,000. The cr '
nal will require fOCOO,0,0 or $ SOCOCOO be-
f > ro It Is completed , If the ccmbinati n
with the south west I * strong enough to war
rant it , the HennDia ) canal appropriation
will ho increased toS5OUOCOO. '
Unfair Discrimination Ignlnnt Silver
Certificates ,
Special telegram to tbo BEE.
WASIIINQTON , January 26. The national
banks of Boston and other cltloo outside of
New York at which the United SUtoa assis
tant treasures arc located have complained to
Treasurer Wyman because they ara required
by the assistant treasurer to accept a certain
portion of the balances duo them in the clear
ing houto settlements In silver certiGcatcs.
These banks claim that while such certificates
are paid to thorn , the , Nov York banks are
not paid any portion of their balances In sil
vcr certificates by the atsistant treasurer at
Now York City , and that they are not tender
ed Now York banks , bicauae of tint opreo-
mcnt on th ir part , not to accept th ? < o certifi
cates. Thii is he'd by outside banks to ba cot
oalyanunfa'r discrimination against silver
certllicates but an equally unfair discilminn-
tion tgaintt them , which resulti in loss _ nnd
inconvvnlonjc1 , as they are at timis
compelled _ to sell the silver certificates at a
discount in order to obtain .funds that
will bo accepted by the Now York banks in
settling debt or balance with thn latter. The
treasurer therefore requested the direct as
sistant treasurer ? at Now York Cb pay tbo
banks in that city tha snmo terms of money
and in lik * proportions that are paid thd
hanks by assistant treasurers In other cities.
Treasurer Wyman referred the 'matter to
Secretary McUullough with a long letter in
which ha recommends that after a certain
d te , of which notlco ah all bo jlvcn , at least
twenty-five per contof the payments made
by the assistant treasurer at Now York to the
clearing house association of that city in sot-
tlemontof balances shall bo silver certificates
or silver dollars if tha certificates
are refused. Silver certificates ate not legal
tenders , as manypeople , suppose , and pay
ments tendered in such certificates may bo re
fuiod , but silver dollars are a legal tsnder to
any amount , nnd the refusal to accept them
by b nks or other parties may bo met in tha
payment with silver coin nnleo tin coinage of
silver is limited or su'pcnded. ' The day is
not distant when the treasury will bo com
pelled to use silver in making
order to protect the gold fund.
Special to the Chicago Trlbano.
WASHlJaroN , D. C. , January 23. There
was a livo.y scene In tha gentlemen's dressing-
room of Stewart Castle last night upon the
occasion of Mrs. Stewart throwing open her
house for a general reception to the official
and fashionable society of Washington. A
sonof Congressman Holman struck Senor Don
Carlos do Castro , secretary of the Venezuelan
legation , In the mouth and knocked him down.
Friends of both parties interfered to pravent
a general fight , and in the strufrplo several
blows were exchanged between other excited
young m n. Young Holman was Rotten out
oC the bousoand theriw huihed up without
becoming generally known.
It appears that a number of the young men
patronized the punch-bowl too freely and
were in a very excitable condition at the time
of young Holman'n assault , and so rather
added to the excitement instead of quelling it
when the attack began. The cause of the
assault byydUDR _ Holman was his attempt to
resent on impertinence addressed to a young
Udy frlnnd of his whowajat the Stewart bill
The guilty man was an attache of one of the
South American legations. Holman was so
fuiious in bis desire to avenge tha affront that
he rushed oil with an impcifect description of
the guilty dip'omatio fledgeling. Ho thought
Uo Cwtro was the man , though , as it sutso-
quontly turned out , it was shown that Do
Cistso was not In any way to blame , and did
not even so much as know the young lady.
Ho waa simply mistaken for another , ind be
fore any explanations could bo made bo was
knocked on' by the infuriated Hoosier.
Young Helm n was caught by Charley
Poore , of Syracuse , N. Y. , son of Admiral
Poore. and remonetated with , and Holman
turned instantly upon him with throat * . Then
a burly California friend Interfered and tn'd
that Mrs. Stewart'a house should not be made
tha scanq of a disgraceful row. liythis time
the dressing-room wai crowded Before young
llulman could ba padded several t'lowd
were passed between members of the hot
h'nded crowd. A young society man by tbo
nama of Gulhon wa ? knocked out , but the
burly California ! ! , a stranger , co'n pi yed po
liceman so effectually nj to put an end to the
row.It is said that yonng Holman only regrets
thttho struck tha wrong man. and has apolo
gized to De Castro. Tim latter has dec ined
any apology and will demand porsoM fatii-
faction. Meanwhile youug Holman U looking
for tha real olltnder , and at the same time It
not unwilling to tight a duel If necessary
The incident ts one of the greatest social sen
sations of thu season.
Tlio Antl-Uynnmlto BUI.
Special telegram to tha BEE.
CHICAGO , January 23. Times Wathiogtoi
special : The coincidence of tie introductioi
of an anti-dynamite bill by Senator Edmund
with the explosions in London excited semi
comment. Mr , Edmunds thought the cxplo-
slons weru the immediats occasion of his In
, Iroduction of the bill , which he said was draft
ed by a friend. The bill wai drawn on atat
- department paper , and was undoubtedly pre
pared by the department and held till an op
portune time for I'a introduo ion nroic. I
would ba just ts well for tbe English nowspn
pera which are demindlng that the Amerioai
government shall prevent plotting * , the eic
cutlon of which the English governmen
U unable _ to prevent , and > fo
oma Americans nlio to remeinbo
that when the consequences nf Orslnl's at
tempts on the life of Louis th
U.ll < , l. cabinet introduced _ I.II Napoleou , A. - , *
Kngllfb a bill to puma
n- conspiracies In England against foreign paten
t.itee. The propoiltion tbat thi Britfh par
llament thould "legislate for the bei/ctitof
Of foreign government aroused such an outbrea
ha of jxmular anger that the administration wa ,
lv dnveu from power. Tint which the Englii
rd would not allow to ba don [
- Jor Fr.nce they are extremely anxioc
to have us do for them. Several members c
rebn corif reis said td-day that while the passage i
Borne such bill as that nf Senator Edmund
ng wsuld prove our fnendihlp for England ,
an would do nothing elw. If tie KnglUh custoi
lly o Ih : era could not prevent the importation <
of dynamite , the United Statej cou'd certain !
la- not prsvcnt its exportation , Considering tl
uew foreign policy which U now beliig etrongl
/ ' prewed m tbe enate , it in not unlikely tlii
the senators will be quite willing t& off
England comethiog like the Edmunds bill i
a bid f r her support.
Exposition Nvlcs.
Ntw OniFAKH , January 25. There was
moderate attendance at the expojItUn to-da
ThU afternoon the Mexican band played
Mublo hall befera an audience of
, rw - - - - - " MU VVM v > eeve )
tbouiand. To-morrow will U red-letter d ,
ra in tha hUtorv of thi eipotitioo. KUbaraUi i
raneementi hnvo been made lor the recoptii
o- of liberty btlL
ef < The French lit ohlni.
UOKO KONQ , January 21. Fiencli tree
nude au aciault upon tbo Chinese to captu
of tbo uiin at Keelung Lut wera repa'aad wi
rcf a lei of teventy-live men The French t
nK in crgonlzlojr for another stUck.
1 * '
Till $ CilODi Lflnll
GraihiallY *
, < -.t
. ; ' r
Capper Olrrutcatl DIsAjppcnra Bud-
Lessees or Ijtind wcro
.Special telegram to THE BK.E.
LtJJCOLN , January 23. Olmstcid , who has
lately gained such unenviable notoriety , has
left tie city , nnd was /not nt this afternoon's
BfBiicn of the Und fraud Investigating com <
mittc ) .
On resolution of Smith , of the houie , a sub' '
comrrittco of throd consisting of Smith ind
Senators Spencer and Motz , were appointed
to Investigate the Olrmtoad affair.
IliKavitncsBca were examined en
the School land frauds. They were
Stephen 0. Bock , Simon Chandler
and L , Euwall , all of Ed ar , Clay county ) testified to buying a five your Icaso on a
quarter section that had run two yearr ,
Wrote to Kendall to renew lease. Kendall
wrote that It was Impossible unU expiratlon.
At that Uma Bock went to Kendall and was
Informed that the love had bocn told to
Frank Mulr , of Omaha. Beck paid Muir thrco
hundred dollars tn get it back. Chand
ler sold his loato and sent the cancelled Icasa
to the land commissioner for renewal. Hear
ing nothing ho went to that official and fimnc
that the haso had been told to Prank Mulr ,
He had to pay Mulr two hundred dollars t'
get the lease back. Neitlur of tin so men had
paid any interest , nor had they ever eeeii any
advertisement of the sale of their lands
Chandler had a lease on a quar r
section. Ho I ept up the interns !
us promptly ; as ho was able. The
lease expired in 1883. . Becoming suspicious ho
went to the land office and found that his
land had been leased to Prank Miner , to
whom he pild $500 to get possession again ,
although ho still hold * Uo papers of the orlg
Innl lease. Senator Mills introduced a reso
lution to order the laud commissioner to
bring before the committee the records unc
books showing the facts reg rdner ! the leasing
of these lends. The cornmittco will meel
Again Monday , when the testimony tl
Hone , H. 0 Brown and J. S. Morton -wll
bo heard. Action on resolutions of Senator
Methane , introduced in the senate this morn
ing and referred to this committee , was pest
ponod indefinitely , the Smith resolution com
prchending its intention.
A resolution was introduced to adjonri
next Wednesday until Monday , February 2c
at 5 o'clock p. in. By suspension of the tulo
this was passed and the senate adjourned til
to-morrow morutnp.
lies I slat I vo Doings To-day.
Special telegram to the BEE.
LINCOLN , Nebraska , January 24. After a
short executive session this morning in which
several bills were Introduced , the sonnto went
into committee of the whole SnelPa bill rrg
ulating passenger fares was referred back to
the committee. Much time was stoat in con
sideration of n bill making it compulsery for
road commissioners to call out help in fighting
prairie fire * .
' The builnnea of the houaa this morning was
devoted to the second reading of bills. At 11
o'clock the house adjourned until Monday at
3:30. :
CHICAGO , January V'O. The usual weekly
meeting of the socia'ists was held this aftet-
noon. The meeting few presided over by a
colored woman , wifai of A. R. Parsons ,
white man. Yesterday's explosions in Lon
don were the principalUhemo for discussion ,
and speakers \sjara unusually fierce and blood , '
thirsty In thsir advoc cy of tha we of dyna
mite , Tha London explosions were charac
terized ai n great advertisement of the
power of dynamiters. It wai uaid that
It showfd tbo ability of the socialist'
to go in largo crowds in broad daylinht and
explode their bombs with perfect safety. Ono
speaker , in reply to an objection that the ueo
dynamite caused the death of innocent per
sons , said that the innocent mutt suffer for >
the good of the great body. In the caio of the
London explosion , the machine was set off in
the house of lords first , In order that the
largo number of persons in tbo houie of
commons might have time to
escape. Another _ said that , a little
. bogs' greane and a little nitilo acid formed
very powerful compound. Ten cents worth
would blow a building to atoms. Anothnr
remarked th t the body of a dead capitalist
would servo ths purtK SB a's well as that of
hog. There weru 5fCO ) men in Chicago who
knew bow to manufacture dynamite in their
own kitchens for the price of a good
dinner. It wai well known that the whole
of Chicago could ba set nblaza in
in a moment with olecto'city. It v as sug
Rested that the board of trade and nowspipai
offices ba attacked first. Still another rpoaket
agreed with Gen. Sherman that an rimy ol
10 000 men stood no chauco againat a few mer
with dynamite.
TheOaltli ) Trail.
Special Telegram to THE BEK.
CHICAGO , January 23. Mills , of Texap , i
the author of tha bill providing for the cattli
- trail along the IGQtli meridian , from Trxas ti
the British posses-ions , to ba six miles vvid
, with tracts twelve miles square at varicui
pointa for pasturage nnd quarantine , a bil
similar to which has boon introduced in "hi
senate. Tbe senate bill appropriate ) S10.0j
for the provliions of the act , but it Is the belief
lief of good judges that a hundnd times tha
would not moro than make n beginning. Tin !
in house bill makes no appropriation , nud siy
notlicg of a double fence , which It in propose *
to have on each tide of this trail for 1,2M (
miles , making 1,60j miles ( f fence. Congress
man Uis | > n and other Texans are here press
- ing the in Uter , nnd they are very mu h it
earnest about it To-day Mr. Milla1 bill wa
ft- considered by the tub-committee of the com
ftte mittro of commwcs , and was apnroved hi
te Chairman Rfgan. Mr. Clardy of Mltfouii
and another mamber , and oppis-d by Davis
uf Illinois , nnd Hepburn , of Iowa , The sub
It committee Decided to refer tbe subject to thi
committee on Tuudty. Tne mo.Bure is on
of great interest to too northwestern ctttle
at a Is in tbe interest almott entirely of Toxo
and St. Louts and Is
nt , it generally antjgonlza.
by the northwestern cattlemen.
iur - An Irlab.Ainerlo B Parliament ,
he CINCINNATI , .Tammy' 24. The mcetin
ah I called by Major John Byrne to form a
American-Irish pvlhuncntary club to ba in
i dependent of the Irljh league of America , an
ale to have for Its purpoij'the obtaining cf 20OC ,
members In the United States to contribul
nj 55 each per unnnm for ths support cf tl
ins Irish members of parEamunt , h > d onlv a lo-i
of attendance'with tha inception of It , R. Pit
of of Boitos. Letters were teid f/om Guvtunc
At' Uoidley , favoring the movement und a-kiu
to bo enrolled. A telegram from )
am Kelly , of New York , w s road , fully Mid or
ing tbe movement and lubicribing STXX ) to tl
jjy fund , but declined to t ka an uciivo part I
the trio organization. The. meeting favoied u'ni
tional organization , vlth a pifHldfut , vie
preildeat , * eflrttiry , ti tuurer atd five dirt
Her ton and appointed a canmiUeo to takeiiei
Ins t > > complete an onunzatlou not laUr th <
March , lat In. tbe ieautima linn , J. ]
l.'urbsiy , of this city , It authorized to tai
of the btjbaaiptto&i maJa.
Unfa or le | ttoa Gen. Btownrt ,
tin Special -Tflegr&a to T BEE.
ral SS.iJnformatlau from ' i
iay Arab twqet it to the tfiwt that the force th
ion at- attacked SlrlrtWiMt tf bu Klea WAS cor
posed princtF lfyvby H < utBeyeh Aribi.who
neutralitr had lieea , purfliWd hy Maj. Kite
i-nerthr ufehtbg&utneypf Sheik 8leb. chief
of that poitiun ! of thu , KabbabUb I
ops habiting I hj wtat/nn / p r ? of tbo Boyudadc
ure o t , Ti o llaaaenryeh hcve nt f w of tin
ritb thief i to Kortl v > hoat'gw. TbU breakjntr
are t ( fir engtgeaieit by ti8\rab ) ( U cocsRJ
very BJUOIH aawiOlrg to diipatki r clv
her * . In too B tMt nd Byal < mw altacoed
tfjtJionnl er itT'ht Azhiii > h carn d"lhfl
bit tin of Abu Klo * was n Britith deto.t. The
muhdl's t-n tttois wtro not engaged > t Abu
Kleiv. The Arab * ro confident that General
ftowrvV * lorca will bo ottoru inatcd as soon
ru he comes in .contact with the main body of
tha rnnhdl's troop * .
MurifcrotiB OuirnKcH In Indian Tcrrl *
* tory ,
Special Telegrvm to THE BEE.
CHICAGO , January 25. The Chicago Tim's'
Attokr > , Indian Territory special : Thursday
night a dance was held at the houio of Jim
Bound , in the Cnlckmw nation , by n
"renter" named Buck Smith. Dining the
progrors of the dance several white men ar
rival on hot seback , coollv Hod their hone * ,
and entered the house vtlthnut an Invitation ,
nnd they wcro treated Indifferently. Present *
ly ono of thostrangura fired a pi tel to the
celling. This was a signal for a general fusil-
ade. Ono of the gucsU , n med Gordon ,
opened on the lender of the intruding
gang and killed him. Gordon then received
n bullet in his In art TQO lights wcro put out
and the battle raged , Over n hundred ih ts
wcro filed. The women ran screaming from
tbo room ont into tha woodi. After fivoinin-
utct continued firing , two of the five strangers
rushed out , mounted their horsea nnd escaped.
When the lUhtf were brought two of the
five strangers wera found dead on the floor ,
colored with blood. Nearby lay thrco dead
guests , including Gordon , while Buck Smith
and one other guest were found dying.
GAINESVILLE , Texas , January 23. The remains -
mains of Uoury Cr Ig were brought into the
city to-day , Ho lost his life ( Xt n snpper nnd
( Unco in Plckens county , Indian Territory.
The dance was given nt tha house of Buck
mith at which the fiiR arose between Henry
Craig and George Gordon , Gordon fhot
Craig the bull passing through his body kill
ing him Instantly. Crnlci friends t h n fired
on ' Gordon riddling his body with bullets , and
a'pitch battle ensued in which Walter Gram-
by had his left aim shuttered with bullet" .
Mr. McKay was ( hot in tha abdomen. John
Stewart was shot in the hand and five others
ti < i-o or less seriously wounded.
robbing n store at Thackervllle , Indian ter
ritory. He was taken out by tha citizens toriously whipped that he died from
tha effects. A gang of thieves have Infested
tha Incun station tiftom a lies north of hero
for some time ; at lost the citizens discovered
th > ir hondquaitors and surrounded them : the
gang resisted but after ono was killed six
othtis surrendered ,
"Woroo Tlian Murder.
WINNIPEG , January 23. Two young men
onPiidy last wet two young girls named
Mary aiid Jessie Thomas , the latter only
fifteen , The men took the girls nbsut town
part of the day and got them in a state ol
intoxication , then drove to a hay loft about
three miles out of the city. After the
assault they abused the unfortunate girls in
the most Inhuman manner , then threw them
out nfitha loft and left them to their fate.
The little girl wa 8 thrown into an empty
sleigh. Tbo night was terribly cold and the
girls had very little clothing about their per
sons. The little girl managed to reach the
hoife of her mother and told the story. A.
lirge party nt once started to the scene of the
atrocity n mile or so distant nnd reached tbi
other poor girl to find her in a dying condi
tion. Evrrypartof her body wai frozen.
She was takin to her mother's house and ev
ery effort made to cave her lito. She lingered
on since , but died to-day. The little girl w s
tnacute and would bjouine a mother in about
a month. The police have arrested the
guilty parties ,
tanrrtc-r null HuioUIo.
CINCINNATI , January 25. About noon to
day a teriiblo tragedy took plica at Newport
Ky. Mrs. Carrie L. Winslow ( hoked her
son , 7 yearn old , to death , and beat her 10-year
- old daughter BO severfljuwitbAa base ball
club thatit is believed her injuries ore fatal
a and than cut tier own throat with n razor
producing speedy death. "Mrs. Winslow ai
, 32 yours old She wa Hving'mth ' her brother
and Mtter at tlio corner ofyjfqrk and Taylor
street * , Newport. Sha fond ° 'h'e * huaband
Gforgo C. WInflo * , bavo been separated sev
eral vears , ho living at present a" Lawistou
N. Y. A few months ago Mrs. Window to-
tamed from a sojourn in n sanitarium for the
' treatment of insanity. To-day the family
loft her and the two chi'drtnUwith ' two ser
vants at the hauin while they wont to chuich
She retired with the children to her room.
rThe servants noted thn absence of the chil-
r drcn made a search and found her room locked
o and ratfod an alarm. Mr , Davis , brother of
Mrs. Winslow , b-okn the door open and found
the scene aa described.
WlHOnriBln Immbrruieri's Oonventiop
a CHIOAQO , January 24 The Inter-Ocean "e
Oihkoeh ( Wis. ) special says : At a meeting oi
lumbermen last night an/ / association WOE
formed cgmprinng all the sash and door manufacturers
ufacturers of Oeh'cosb.Pun du Lac , Appleton
Deporo , Wauaau and Hipon.i It was resolved
to restrict production by running on ball
time or with h lf a force , and withdraw all
traveling agents fir thirty days.
The "Wuntlior.
WASHINGTON , January 25. P or the uppei
Mississippi valley : fair , generally warmei
weather ; westerly , shifting toutherly , winds
For the upper Missouri valley : warmer ant
fair weather , except in extreme mrthern portion
tion ; partly c'oudy weather , local snows nnc
Bouthwestcrly winds.
isle ;
lo Tbo Jury Disagree.
to , In , January 23 , A special to thi
iti Transcript from Lincoln says { ho jury in tbi
us Kulp mnrrJur ci o diaiRreoil and wera dis
ill char od otO o'clock la-1 evening. Kulp w.i
lie 'rled'onlho chnrpo of polsoniog his wife a
lieM < Henry in March la t.
10at A $25,000 Fire mOhlcign ,
io CIIIOAGO , January 25. JIlw building o
i osdng & Ald n's at Biidgowood in thi
DO suburbs r.f Late View , wa ( Jnraaged S25,0X (
byfirothis mo-nlofr. Loai chiefly en stool
and patterns work. Insured for § 70,000.
! fitrcct Car Stables Barnecl.
KANSAS CITY , January 25. The 'Joiirnn
Carthage , Mo , : Tbo city street car stable
' were burned last ni < lit , Thirteen mules am
four horiPH verbhod. Total loss 310,000
Insurance half.
. BncssEUi , January 25. A collision occui
red to-day in the suburbs of tha city. Bet
trains wrra filled with excursionist * . Twont
were injured and several of them are no-
-A Cre broke out In Lempke k Greei
rind ' batcher chop on Jackson street botwec
X)0 ) Ninth and Tenth about 2 o'clock this inert
Uo log. The flames were speedily extinguish
.bo by ( ho fire department , tbo losi to the bulk
.boal ing aud contents being inconsequential , Tl
tz ; , structure , a frame one , belongs to Mrs. A. '
ior Dlneen.
Ut ) The funeral o' W.H. Hayes , late astiitai
rs- night chief of the Westent Union telrgr * (
In company here , took place at the cathadral [
the Holy Name , in Chicago , at 10:30 : Bund
; morning. There was a largo concourte
te- friends present. The floral offerings of t
eps n Omaha telegrapher ; , consisting of a wreat
I' . pillow an "SO , " were very noticeable.
ue remains were deposited in the family vault
Calvary cemetery ,
SaturdayLorenzo Orounse ued out )
attachment upon tbe stock and goods of Li
& .Gllmore , retail notion dealers , in t
'ha ° plaintiff' * block , on Sixteenth etreer , for S2I
m _ arrrartj for rent. Constable Edgarton \ ,
B'ven 'n8 PaPes t ° serveand closed the eati
tcli. " ' mBD Ai8oon as tha uqws of trje cleat
liief R0 * * ' ) ro * > a number of other credlti
, , , i lustenod to the court and constable' * office
lot-1 secure thamqelves upin the unking firm ,
lieir j in not known whether the eatabllihmcnS
Tlio Concott nt Turner Hull The
Zither Hcliearsul.
Yesterday afternoon was ono allotted
to mnelo. At the Turner hall the Musi
cal Ubion orchestra presented the fol
lowing programme In artistic ttylo :
WcddingMarch. , . ' 'Lohengrin' . . . ' WMIU r
2. Ovrrtitffl "T < increm" . llwrint
3. Polka Mnzurk . "Lob dcr Priun".Stiniua
r. Overture."Crown Diamonds" Aubcr
C. Wlizes."A Summer KTinlng"VValdluuful
C. Cornet Solo."Cu vcr Polka".Stcinhaxuer
U. T. Irvine.
7. n. Trnumtrl Schumann
b. Valeo . . .Volkmanu
String Orchestra.
[ Mtchaclis
8. Idyllo "The Forgo tn the Poicst , "
( } At Night , ( b ) Daybn-alr , ( c ) By the
Brook , ( d ) Prnyrr , ( e ) the V > tea.
9. Violin Suio."dcenod. ) Ballet".Beiiot
G. F. S.U r.
10. Polka Francft'se.'V Eiprit".Waldtenfel
At the rcoms cf the Zither Club that
organization gave a rohoannl concert , the
programme as folio wo :
1. Rococco Waltz ZitherDouhla Quartet
3 I'll Await My Love SODR . . . .The. Nelson
3. Harmonic" , Banjo and Guitar-Trio
22J Rcalmcnt Alnrch.
S. Flehcr , J. P.irkor , Theo. Nelson
4. Silver Stiff Bell So'o. V ok-a-Bco
Julius T. Kcstner.
5. Matcotto f plpctionB.Hither Double Quartet
C. MocklrgBirdSelictimi' ,
Xylophone , Banjo nd Guitar Accompani-
Silas Fisher.
7. ZjtherSoIo , Julius Fostncr
8. Artistto Tiio ( Colonod ) Oiiginal ,
8 Fishfr , J. Putktr , if. Nelson
U , When tin Loavoi B'gin to Tnrn ,
Xlthtr Solo. Jean Baureis ,
10. Locomotive Imitstion" , on the Drum ,
J T. Fist nor.
The Attempt of Uonry Hartmnn to
Commit Suloldo.
Yesterday morning Homy EUrtinan ,
confined In tbo city jail , rxada en nbor
two attempt to kill himself by catting
his throat with nn old knif a which ho had
iu his pcajoBslon. Ha barely escaped
severing the jugular vein , making two
or throe ngly gaahoa on olthor aldo of hia
throat. Ho waa taken in charge by
Dr. Robsrt , who skilfully dressed hia
noundc , end the -wonld-bo victim of the
anicidal mrv ia will aoon bo on hia feet
Henry Hartmann citarmakcrlm3 ; us
airired from Stillwator. To ono of th' '
ntnchts cf ilid jail ho stid that ho had
grown weary and tired of lifts because his
wife had deserted him and was living
with another man. Ho lot Stillwator ,
ho oaid , because ho couldn't bear the
thought of living there any longer.
Ho was arrested Saturday night , or
rather gave himself up OB a vagrant.
Since that time ho has boon talking and
, aciing rather incoherently , BO much BO at
times ns to induce tha belief that ho was
District Court.
, Stella N. Burr filed n petition for
divorce from her husband , George 0.
Barr , ' with allowance of alimony and the
, right to resume her maiden name , Stella
, N. Shaw. Tha bill of particulars alleges
- that Batr has been at titnoi cruel and
abusive , accuoing her of infidelity and
threatening her life.
James Fouwick BUOB for divorce from
. Nellie Fenwlck , allrging that aha has
- willfully deaorted him and persistently
refueed to cone to Omaha for the past
two years.
Albert E. Touzilin snoj the city ol
Omaha and its treasurer , Truman Buck
, to restrain , by order of the court , the
collection of special taxes of allowed ille.
gal grading on California street , bttwoen
Twonty-tixth and Twenty-seventh
LONDON , January 24. The report that the
Freeh troops at Keelun ; had been defeated
' wlthalos3of seventy-fire men has been con
firmed ,
ST. PBTKKSBUIIO , January 25. Excitemenl
is rife to-day over the attempted cssassinatioi
of Pollco Supti iutundent Kolloit. Ho was at
tacked by two strangi rs in one of the mail
thoiourjlifares , in broad da > light , this morn
in ? . HH a sailants fired th ti at him and thet
fled. They wrro pursued and captured. Bott
were identified as well known nihilists.
LONIXXV , January 24 The war office ha
just madn public a dispatch received this af
ternoon from Gen Wrlsey , at ICurti , whicl
says he has heard cotbiiig further frum Gen
Stewar' . The reported c > p'ure uf Omdurmai
by El Mahdi's forces Wolany rays , lacks ecu
ruination. Ha expecti thtio will be an rn
g gement betw cnGoa. EnrloV force' nnd tin
Arabs soon. Ho is confdtnt cf Esrlo'a suc
of cess.
CHICAGO , January 21 , At a meeting of tbi
esst bound freight committee to-day it wasde
elded to reduce the rate from Chicago cast
ward on lumber five ccn'H per hundiet
tal and on gram seeds tan centr
es his was done because it appeared tha
id 01110 lin B baa been quoting thouo reduction
10. to ehlppern.
General MoCook'u Aubwor to Goner *
SALT LAKK , January 24. General A. D
ith McCook , now in command at Kort Douglas
ity was interviewed to-day in reference to Gen
cral Grant's strictures upon him In a magi
zlno article on the battle of Shlloh. McCoo
en- says that in a tow days lie will , through th
ten proper channels , call attention tn a few ma
ter * concerning tha battle of Shllch and hi 1
rn- part therein , which will show that what Get
led oral Grant saya about him ( McCook ) In tl
Id- matter is absolutely without foundation
IdNie fact , He says General Grant hag persistent
NieT. pursued him for twenty-two years , and thi
T. the attack of the rebels at Pittsburg Landin
was a comp'ete ' surprise to General Gran
t McCook differs from General Grant on
0 number of other Important points , and ( a
iphof this is thafirtt time be has ever broken tl
of silence on the tubject.
lav ;
J Ol c Ro Klectlon Fraurjv.
the !
' CHICAGO , January 21. The tpecia ! conn
in' grand jury to-day returned Indictment
against 240 judges sen Ing at tha rece
national election. The report declares th
Jan the present registry and election laws
.inn iaadcquvto for the purprsoi of a larga city ai
tha astheycxlit , unubla uollinllcd fiaud. Ti :
285 rpixirt declirts that out nf 171 precincts in
, wbich tbe city is divided , there are but lev
wai at which thua were not violations uf ela t' '
tab- Iaw , in many caio > , perhare , through igm
ure once , fcomu from ciulersnets , and otln
doub'tleM through criminal Inte'nt ,
oto _ The "Ballad Maiineo" ut Boyd'aop > <
It hoaui Saturday afternoon waa arfuualcilo )
. _ „ _ * - - j , u 2r , , i - LPJQ B
Are now
Tlie greatest "bargains ever seen in Omaha
200 ORGANS ! ! 100. PIANOS ! !
Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew-
elrv. Clocks and Silverwarei
aiBEl M > VB * > * B B"SMlT"7f B" TT n X"MI rftK
The only importers of Havana Cigars ,
and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha.
Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition ,
Sporting Goods , [ Notions and Smokers9 Ar
' i 1
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select From ;
Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y ,
And you will rcccuo by return m&ll a
f Tim HunrnsTOME , vmlch Is without oxceptlen the
BKST S.try Paper publlBbed.
Tim cARI 8TO B la & tixtcen-paqe paptr , ta.11
the choicest original serials , ekttcnes , poetry and
mitctllantout articles , and 1s printed on Hue tinted
Thceo who subscribe during the next sixty days
will receive any ono of the following articles :
. WOOD'S PKNOQRAPII , tbo but fountain pen
DAY'S COLLACON of 40,000 quotations from SCO
authors , Of piously Illustrated.
HOW TO READ CHARACTER ; a very Interesting
All thesosUvcr plated goods are guaranteed to beef
, of tbo beat quality. Don't fa 1 to tend for a ipeci-
men copy of Tim HXARTIISTOKI , and we are sure you
will bo Induced to subscribe after leading the paper'
BS fc 270 S. Ninth St. . Pbllo. , PA.
rt Ktrrnmneu , Lnmbaro , IUieom tlimraraly l ,
Neuralgia , feelatlca , kidney , Snlne anil l.lvi-r illncnsci ,
Oout , ABthma , Ilu rtcll > on o , Dlspipsln , roDillpalliin , Lr ]
ilpelua , ( atirrh , I'lloi , rpllenur , Inipnicnry , linmb AKUI. ,
ProlapiuiUtorl.etc Only oclonniic I lectrlc Ilfltln Aincr-
en tbat lendi tha Klrctrlclly und lliroucli Ihc
xxlj , and can t rocti&riroU In on Insuat Ljr tba patient.
Winter la oomlng , the season of tbo year for ooboi
and pMag. In view of this fictwe Buy tcjl'je ) ;
Dr. Home's Eleotrlo Belts. By so doing yea rill
avoid llbeumatlam , Kidney Troubles and othei Ille
thatfleshU he'rto. Do net delay , but call at out
oUloa and examine belts. No. 1452 Douglas street , Ol
0. F. Goodman's , 1110 Fainam St.Omaha , Neb. Or.
derarUIoilO. O , fa
0. L DAVIS & co. ,
aentr * ' . Deal * n
BIT * foiult S80.000 acrti eaitrollr ntic d landi
Eatltra Nebraika , at low prloe and on eujjpmi
uuaiatea laims tor talc In Douglas , Dodja , Oolfax
D tte , Bart , Cmmlnj , Barry , WattUlDfiton , Wirlck
Maoden , and Batler oonnues.
T.VM t kld In all parti of the BUM. !
* Koo rl > anedoo mproved faimi.
B Votarr Public alwavi la oSlc * ' Oorr * peed
I I T .PRIG I N A L . 1
1n '
U1 * ' " \
in i
at Royal Havana Lottorvl
a t )
; Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every IS
ue to 14 Days.
1CKETS (2.00 , - HALVES , 11.00
1) ) Subject to no manipulation , not Otntrolled by tin
pirtic * In Interest. It Is tbe ( alioat thing Iu thi
ED nature of chance In oxletence.
For mlormatlon and partloglan apply to BniSCI
&CO.Oereral Amenta , S1Z Broadwar.N.Y cliy ,
ity MOLL 4CO. , * 17 Walnut Rtrce % St. Louis. , Uo (
iti Frank Labrano , I * D. , M Wyarulotte , Kaa.
md are H , B. ATWOOD ,
hu Plattsmonth . Nebraslci
to , - r
re n luiouof TBOioaairtBu AXD uian !
O 111 I I In I m tile ,
o ! _ Is apnnxliilao , aroui
f us activity , iio ltl\el
I cures iuijioUjucr , lei
_ onorByn rvou ucul
Itv , nil wcakneas ofconeratlve Byiteinl r'tlirr M > J
' J. UWitrniTU7htitc ) (
Also 13 valuable and reliable re
cipes ( never before published , ) any
one of winch isworth 1.00 arid
from that to 825.00 , nnd a copy of
the "Cultivator" sent FitBE to
any ono that sends 3 stomps to pay
postage etc. , 3 comic picture cards
will also be enclosed in the pack
age. These recipes nre valuable to
he household and any energetic per
son knowing the secrets they disclose
need never want for money. Please
write name and address plainly. Bat
3 stamps in a letter and address it
to the WESTERN PUB. CO. , box
509 , Omaha , Neb.
1'IVK nitKiE AOKNCY , f ' v
Dakota , January 12 , 1S35. )
Scaled proposals Iu triplicate. Icdorccd , proposals 1
or the erection ot one Wotelwljht aud Carpenter
hep , ono harness , shoo and altcdlanoous shop ? ,
ono slarghtcr bousetwo wagon and storage bhods ,
one bike hoiuo ana cellar , at this ngeany and direct
ed ti the undcH'gned , care ol Chief Quartermaster
department , rf the I htto , Omaha Neb . will ba re-
couod until 12 in. Saturday , February 14,1-85
Dans and speculations can be rximlncd In the
of co of the chief quarter-tatter , Joi nrCnent of tbo
Platte. Omaha , Net ) , the "Irter ; Ocean" Chicago , 111.
and the "Journal" at Kansai City , Ho ,
Continct will bo awarded to the lowest rctponslblo
ildder , subject th tin approval ol the department of
the Interior ,
7 he right , however , Is reserved to reject any anil
all , or any part of any bid , If deemed fur the best In
terest cf the sorvce
lrop's.U must Stale length of time lequlrccl for
comIctitlon of building alter appruval of contract ,
an I must bo fcccomnilncd by a certlllol chock upon
s 1119 United States Depository , payable to the Older
of the FiintcrBlgneu , for at Ica-t flte ( J )
jicrooit of the amount nf I he proposal , nlil h check
shall bo iorffl'o I to the United btatfa In cite of any
jlulcr receiving tlio aw rdj sh ll fill to execute )
promptly a contract with KUD ! mill * ulllcicni securl-
tie' , according to tkotirmn of his Lid , pthdrniao to
lie itturnod to the bidder ,
for further I1 f > imtt oil aJdrcsj the UQdcre'gnoJ '
at Fine Ullpo Agency. D.kota
Trounderfiltind will will bo at Taxtn House ,
Omah , Neu. , by the morning ol Frldiy , February
13,1885 ,
Jan SO 3w m o U. 8 , In diaa Ageot
A. maohlno foe eliort-
hand writingweight
Bend for clrcnUi * . Strlpo & Miller ,
Agentq , 1D17 Ilarnoy-ntrect.Ornttba , Neb.
Direct Line for Bngiapd , F/auco
and Gtarnipny ,
Tlieiutmiblpsof thli wo'l known line are built
ol Iron , la wnter tight compartuiouts , and are lur-
nliheii with every rrqu'slte ' to umlo tbe put'KO
icth salt rd agreaalilo. They carry tbe United
iUtos and Kuropcan mails , aud leave New York
Fhusdavf nd Salurdan ( or 1'Jvmouth ( LONDON )
CCcibouj , ( fAKlf > ) and lIMIIIUIia.
lutes : Htrertge from Hamburg 8M , tollimlron ;
8H ; round trip3i8 , Kmt Cabin , 855 , tfl5 nu $76 ,
Henry rundt llork Hansen , F , K. JIoorei.M.
Toll , k/iitu la Cnmlia , UrcrieHCK & 8.hocnlen | ,
KnUlnCouiic.lHlulI . U. II. bICIIA.HI ) b 10 ,
| OkD , Kus. AgU , 01 Urfudwiy , N. Y. flias. Hot-
rulDbkl It UenfralWceltrn Attentr , 170 Watn-
, n | { St. , Chicago. 111.
RUgo's food miVci a
i vllclouidlct , whilh r
iu tlio ( o'mcf CunUrJ *
10 I'uddinBf , Ulanc ,
Marge , ur u a cruel.
> t can Iu tiled with or
w tout milk. Kull d | .
rectloni aroom ] > aiiy
etch can , No fauilly
oulil b * wHlit-ut aoio
( trie ktomaoh U out
< l order , inako meal
Put up in lour ilztu
Me 6iu , ! U. ai d tl 76 UiU | [ UU Bell it. Uora
i lilldren lav < b i u suocerituUy ttared upon } U < 1 | { > '
Food than unnii all tlio other looui crinhlii u.
WOOL1UCI1 i CO , on laUL