Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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fin combining : Iron nltn TO *
tonics , quirkly wvl _ rpmf > .etttf
Cnr < - . l
" " "t li M"unmllHiB remedy for Disease * Of tbt
Milnrvw nnd l.lvrr.
it is' Inxnltmblp fur Dlscmes pccuM * 4
rvninaiii nmJ nil ho lend f dcnlnry llv < *
oocuiot Injure the ttclh.cftMfc Jienrtncli * < "
i-ixlmo ronnlpntlon oi'Arr Inn wpi/rt iM ' < j
> enriches nnd r'lrlfin ' the Mood , Mlmirt i *
.nlil1 ! tlieoMilmllatlMiof A vk i
tbnrn ami Hclfhlnn , s. l ttvw i
scli * itnd nenu , . , . . ,
Jiitrrmltttnl Frtcrn. jmllnde , I. * ' * ' > '
! . -rrcy , > Vc. , It hftsnocqlliu , ,
< i-TlioiiiulnehfuiRl ) ( > , notrf 'lotJ > A < *
, mf > ; rer < Umaou wrapper. TnU
BROAD CLAIfk3inetiit \
Ever offered to the uubllc.
The slenmshlpu o ! this well-known line aia bnlll o
lion , In w tor-tlgbt oompurtmonts , and ro larnlab
< d with every requisite to make tha passage both
ttto nd agrooiblD. They carry the United SUte
* nd European malls , and leave New York Thura
d y and twtnrd y for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Ohor
bonnr , ( PARIS ) and nAMHURQ.
Ratoti Steerage from Kurope only 018. fits
Cabin , ! B , tBS and 175 Steerage , $20 ,
llonry Punclt , Mark Hanaen , F .E. MooroB.lI. Toll
contain Omaha , Gronowez & Bchoentgen , agents Ii
Oonnoll Bluffa. a B : RICUAUD It CO. , Qon. I' aa
Agts. ! 01 Broadway , N. Y. Cbas. Kotmlnskl It Oo
Qaneral Wmfein Aflat ) , 170 Waghlngtoa St. . Ohloa
Manhood Restored
remedrbCJ' ' coYerou ARitnplemeanaof Belr-onre.
hich ho will tend KREK toblafellow-fiaCreren !
VARICOCELE cTu'.V."u7r. ' , U&M ,
Health is Wealth !
. 0. Win's Nian itro Buim TBUBUIBT , a
naionteed ipedfla tor Hysteria , Dlulnou , Convnl
Oong , Flte , Nervoui Neuralgia , Ileadaohe , Nervooa
Prostration oaoned by ths nae ol alcohol or tobbacoo
Waketolnesi , Mental depression. Softening ol th
brain , resulting In Inoanlly and leaping to mliery
decay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroneo , 103
of power la either sex , Involuntary Losses and Sper
atorhora caused by over ezertlootof the brain , Bell
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box. contains on
month's treatment. Jl.OOaboi.or six bottles o
11.09 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
Xo cars any cose With eaoh eider received by n
lot six bottles , accomplished with 15.00 , we wilt som
he purchaser our written guarantee to refund th
money 11 the treatment does not otfect a euro , duar
mnteos Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
4Jy . .mkery'U 892 Uadlson St. , Ohloago. III.
f Chartered by theStateof 111U
jnois for thcexpress purpose
5ofivln | ; iinmcdlatc relletlc
? all chronicurinary nnaprl-
Jvate dlscsa ; "onrrrho'i ,
complicated forma , also al >
diseases of the Skin nnd
Ulood promptly relicvedand
permnnentlycured by reme.
. -vwi"'y > ; jji2si i > pfdal I'racttee , Semlnul
< Ven' ' < nc < s. Niht Losbi. by Drjarns , Pimples on
tuc Face.Lost Manhoodi.oj/t'f//riirel.T/cr / ( ;
a > n ej-.t > r ( ) rtir ( > ii/ . The appropriate r > . .T. d <
v'.ucuncc uscilin eachcvte. Consultations , per.
Knal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
itlnc * sent hv Mail and Express. No marks on
( iteunKe to Indicate contents or sender. Addrcif
< > R. S.I 04Wa3hlnfllonSl.ChIcagoiJil | |
Erlnngor , . . . . . , . , _ . . . Bavario
Culmbaclior , . - . . * . . . . .Bavaria
Pilsner . . . . . .Bohemian
TTniaor. . . . * .BrnmeD
Budvrmsor .St , Louis
Auhuusor. . . . .St. Louis
Best's. . . . - Milwaukee
Sohlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee
Erucr's Omaha
Ale. Porter , Domestic and Rhine
1213 Farnam St
Oeli f uTeeT ee
B AcrvouA Vk I Hi * l \ft&\ttt
C .ba.Ullr .V'.K.aa.oa ndll ear
AfoiotlU pr > crlptloa cf o * d IP *
feWWfiB46 *
Old AVtnttr.
Old winter i hastening
Kftst , boys , nwftjj
It will not avail us
To k her to stayl
The white tnow is Rli
llright in tlio tun ; I
CoMtlnc Is splendid
Iltmab , boys , for fonl
Down tha hills swiftly ,
Off llko fl * li ,
With in&ny n tumble
And many a dashl
Now plunged i In n snow drift ,
Sparkling and white ,
Then up with n laugh
And out of sight.
Old winter is ha'-tcnlng
l' < wt , boys , AVtity ;
But we will have tun
As long as she'll stny ! .
The snow-fiahts , the skating ,
The sledding nnd mil
To the incniest i > ort
They now loudly call !
[ Youth's Companion.
Lace , surnh and ribbon nro in request for
the vntiOus styles of fischus patronized just
now ,
Black , white , yellow in all shades , pink and
iluo nro the Invorito colors for evening
A now veil for cairiago wear is of thick
jrown cnloon and luu hand embroidered
figures thorcon.
A silver cream-colored necklace , for viuitinf
toilet , bns different animals' heads la raised
filigree on its eoin drops.
Short zouavo iackuts , trimmed with golt
cord and edgtd with heavy gold buttons
set very close together , nro > ory fashion
able ,
A walking shoo of purple velvet , with glovi
kid embellishment and buttons ot oxydized
silver , with a fur lining , is nnothcr novelty in
that lino.
The fronts of many b ll dresses are of bro
cade , embroidered eatin , or not , or tnllo , o
not wrought with jet. The backs are draped
very full with tulle or velvet.
IHncklaco hoods are very becoming am
useful for evening wear. They are made o
figured net , trimmed with lace and jet. Span
ish Jaco fischus may also bo utilized for till
Good flavoring for Bnnces is m do by put
ting half an ounce of watercress seed Into oni
quart of vlnegnr. The seed should be crushed
before putting it in , and it will then be soon
ready for use. Celery vinegar is made in the
tame way.
A ruby canhmcro tollotto has a plaltet
skirt. The oveiskirt is pointed in front am
draped full in the b.ack and is trimmed with
cream laco. The blouse waUt has n rubyval
vet collar trimmed with the cream lace am
fastened by a bronze buckle.
Anew , u efnl and unique style of jowelrj
has come into fashionable wear called English
crape stone on account of its having the hgh
and wavy appearance of crape. It is now the
most popular , being largely worn by people h
mourning , in place of jet. as it Is both clegan
and inexpensive.
When roastiug a chicken cr small fowl there
is dancer of the legs browning or becoming
too hard to bo eatou , To avoid this take strip
of cloth , dip them into a. little melted larder
or evsn just rub them over with lard , nnc
wind them around the lega. Remove them
in time to allow the chicken to brown dell
A pretty banner for the wall is of black
aatin with a cluster of wheat and a few daisio
embroidered upon it : it has tassels in three
colors across the bottem , and one tassel 01
each end of the polo at the top ; in the righ
hand corner is n bow of narrow ribbon ; it is
almost like a rosette , so many loops and ends
compose it.
Among the "rivals" of fashion for evening
toilets , is the low "ilk or atln corsage under n
second one of laco. The low corsage has
short eleovea nnd _ is round on the shoulders
as an undcr-bodice , cut in a ( quire in the
neck , would have an ungraceful effect unde
the transparent lace. The lowbodico match
es In color with the underskirt.
The English housemaid drees , that is , th
dress devoid of tunic or overskirt of any do
scrlption , will form a very popular model fo
toilets for home wear the coming spring am
summer. Thefu are made often of very ricl
material , are exceedingly full in the skirt
have a yoke waist ; and n ribbon belt , wit )
generous loops and cads In front , Is the enl ;
attempt made at trimming , if wo except th
flounce , pleating , or rows of tucks at the bet
torn of the skirt.
One of the very prettiest shoulder cushion
for the back of a cunir Is made In the form o
n crescent , it should bo about five or seven
inches broad nt the center , and gradual ! '
slope to a point , the point should be up , the
curve being downward , as it is most gracefu
so. The crazy patchwork makea a handsome
covering for tbls cushion and the piece
shouH bo small and ornamental bits of deli
cate embroidery on silk or satin or velvet beIng
Ing very effective.
AfruiUayer cake is a delicious novelty in
cake making. Take one cup of sugar , half a
cup of butter one. cup and n half of flour , hal
a cup of wine , one cup of raisins , two eggs
and a half tensDoonful of soda ; put these in
gredients together withuare , just as if it were
a very rich cake , bake It in throe layers am
put frosting between the frosting to bi made
of the whites of two eggs with enough piwd
erod sugar to make it thick , The top of the
cake may be frosted if you choose.
White Is immensely popular for ball tni'et
Batin , lace , clouds of tulle , flowers , feathers
beads and chenille garniture being need ii
their composition. Many or most of th
white dresses are trimmed with color , hello
trjpo , mauve , citron , pink and pale blue beinf ,
especially llkod. Hunches of pink marabou
or oatncb tins make a moat falry-Iiko garni
ture for a white diess ; tbeso feathers are tiec
up in lartre clusters with satin ribbons of a
contrasting color , such as Chartreuse or pale
eau do Nil ,
The rage for vests has extended oven to
Jerseys. In thesa they are frequently imcrt-
ed by rows of pmall buttons and buttonhole
upon either side. The vest IteeH Is quite nar
row at the throat , widens over the chest , am
then tapers almost to n point at the bottom o
the Jersey. Many of these graceful little
gilets are handsomely embroidered , braided 01
bordered with tiny row. of soutache braid ee
on in close perpendicular lines , Upon the
elegant pale-tinted Jerseys for evening wear
ovcrsltirU of Ottoman , trimmed with lace , tin
lace vest simulated or set in , and strapped or
laced across , is now an invariable accumpani
ment ,
Day dresses of woolen materials , plain o
figured , combined with velveteen , are tin
leading styles among fathionnblo women jut
at present. Many dresses are sent home will
extra skirts and waistcoats of silk also , which
can be worn Instead of the velveteen portions
for the s.ko of change. Striped velvets
ore much admired ns trimming ! to
CBchcmlre and other fine woolen dresses
One toilet recently shown , com
ing from whence nothing emanates that is no
in the best of peed taste and fnihion , was
made of dark Venetian green cachumire
trimmed with shaded ( green velvet in stripe"
about an inch wide , teporated by hair lines o
cardinal. Shis trimming In a wide horlzontn
band edged the tunic , panels of the stripec
velvet were minrUd with the skirt klltlnga
and there were collar , culfa and waistcoat t <
"Mother , how many wheels ban a vehlcl
got * " Well , two cr four. Johnny. " "I
otuht to have five " "Why ! " "Becausa it"
a V.hickle.-011 ' City Derrick.
Little Nell-I hear. ) Mrr. De litch say ma
wan "quietly dressed. " Did she mean tha
ina'a attic didn't ruatiot Littlp Dick-Naw
bin meant ina'n dress wasn't loud. [ Phllu
delphU Call.
"P pa , whtt does' 'barlwnue' mean ? " "I
means 'take off. ' iny child. " "Well , then , I
wish you would builotque those old wet liooU
of youri and put on your slippers. " [ Uur
lirgton Free Press.
A Chicago youngster ii sold to hive pro
pounded the following tnterrogatorie * : "Mi
14 the devil the father of lie * ? " "Yen , dear. '
' And i a he an Invention ? " "yes. " "Thu
nrceiiltv it the devil' * wife , ain't she , mat'
"How do you make that out ? " "Why , she's
the mother of invention. " [ Boston Post.
Herbert' * mi took him to Sucday ichoo
tlia other'day nnd tha Union being on the de
pravity of the human Ueart , the teacher drew
alirgeheart on the Uaokbowtl by way el
llttstration. "Mamma , " id Herbert , with
nudge , "will she draw spade next ?
Harper's Bazar.
"Mamma , tell me n story to-night , won ( t
" of ix Chnst-
you ? coaxed n Chicago maiden
rnMou. Mamma finally consented , and puts-
ng up her lips and looking solemn in the
istiftl style , began : Once upon n time there
w s a" "Stop right there , mamma , " caid
ix-ye r-oldj "I don't want to hear that
tory. I know it's a chestnut by the way you
begin. " [ Chicago Herald.
A teacher rukcd a bright little gill the other
lay what country was opposite to us on the
Rlobe. "I don't know sir , " was the reply.
Well , now. " pcrsucd the teacher , "if I were
o bore a hole in the earth and you ware to gen
n at tills end where would you come out ?
'Out of thohnlp. Mr. " said the pupil In
rIumph.-N. [ Y. World ,
A fond father presented his fouryoar-fcld
> oy with n trumpet , with which ho was greatly -
ly infatuated. All day the boy tooted away
delightedly , nnd at bedtime , when his grand-
nether told him to put the trumpet down and
sny his prayers , the little fellow said : "Ob ,
no ; I'll toll you what's let's do , grandma : you
iray and I'll keep on blowing.-Chicago [
"Mamms , will my shoes go to heaven ? "
"Why no , Johnny : what put such n ridiculous
thought into your head ? " "Oh , nothing : only
you said last night that everything that tin ? a
soul goes to heaven If they are good , and my
ihoos have solos nnd nro good. " When John
nie's ma got through with him ho thought her
slipper also had a good sole. [ Wnshlngton
Kdwtn Booth , during his engagement at tin
Filth Avenue theatre , will have the support
of the Boston Museum company.
Mme. 1'urfch-Madi sang in "Lucrezin Bor
gia" nt the Academy of Music in Philadelphia
last week. Her performance was completely
Mmo. Christine Nllsnon has been dccoratet
by King Alfonzo , of Spain , with the cross o
the Civil Order of BenoQccncc , In recognition
of her many deeds of charity.
From present indications the spring soasor
promises to bo very lively In the direction o
light opra. The 350th performance o
"Jhrco Wives to One Husband" will shortly
bo celebrated in Paris.
Mmo. Janish will come to the New York
Star Theater for n three weeks' season , begin
nmg toward the latter part of February , oho
will play ' 'Camllle , " "Adrionne , " and other
pieces of that stamp.
Mr. Howard Carroll'a play , "An American
Countess , " the first presentation of which was
given , amid brilliant surroundings , nt the Nn
tlonal Theater , in Washington , last Wednes
day evening , will bo produced m Philadelphia
this week by Mile. JRhea and her company.
In the first performance of "Othello" Mr
Charles liarron , who is a great favorite in
Boston , will essay the character of the Moor
and will smother Miss Blanche Thompson
This lady is not an nutochtonic Bostonian
having formerly been n member cf the com
pany of the Strand theatre London.
When Miss Iloso Coghlan returns at the one
of the present season f rom her position as
leading lady at Wallack'a theatre she will bo
succeeded by Misj Sophie Eyre , an Kngllel
actress of decided ability and still inoro de
cidcd personal beauty , having a striking pres
ence , having dark hair nnd eye * of the Irish
brunette typo. Mits Eyre is a native of coun
ty Tinpcrary , Ireland , nnd is the daughter o
an olhcer of the British army. She has paasei
moat of her life in England , and waa marrioc
there soon after "coming out" in society to
Major Lonsdnlc , of the Seventh Hussars , a
cousin uf Lord Lonsdale.
Aitnee when last heard from was at Hous
ton , Toxic , Aldrich at Philadelphia , Band
mnnn at Troy. Oliver Dowd Byr n atKon a
City , ? Neil Burgess at Washington. Kate
Cloxton at St. Louis , M. B. Curtis at Chicago
Hose Kyttneo Los Angelas , Cal. , Margare
Mather nt Springfield , Maes. , Frank Mayo a
Cincinnati , Maggie Mitchell at Pittsburg
Joseph Murphy at Joliet , George C. Miles a
Galvoaton , Pauline Markham at Chicago
Roland Leed at New Orleans , .T. T , Ilaymom
at Home , Gn. , Hobinson and Crane at Norfolk
folkVa. . , Edwin Thorno at Ottawa and Gu
Williams at Newark , N. J. .
"Brown's TOrunobinl Troches" are ex
ccllent for the icllef of Honrsnosa orSor
Throat. They are exceedingly effective.
[ Christian World , London , Eng.
Fred Harmon , the noted sprint runner 1
coming east.
Indoor meeting ] of the Harvard Atbleti
association will take place on. March 14 , 2.
and 28.
A glove fight for the feather weight cbmnp
onslnp of the United States navy has been ar
Joe Walsh , of Newburg , writes that ho wi
skate any man CO or 100 miles on .the Hudso
river forSlOO or § 500 a side.
John Kiley and William Nugent , both o
Portland , Main * ) , have signed articles for
bare-fist fight for 8250 a side , to take place I
three weeks.
Jimm Hyon , of Philadelphia , writes tha
be is aDxinua for a chance to meet Jack Dempsey
sey in a four , six or eight-round glove , en
counter for the ( rate receipts and mono
The Nashville Blood Horse Association !
beein a MX days' meeting on May 1. Ther
will be four races each dpy for 2-year-olds , 5
year-old , and horses of all .ages. All on trie
close with the secretary , at Nashville , on February
ruary 15.
New York and Philadelphia parties ar
again in opposition. The agreement is t
show twenty-one cacks a side between th
weights of 3 Ibs. , 14 oz. nnd G Ib.s. , 2 oz. nnc
fight all that weight in for $100 a battle am
81,009 the main or odd fight.
The football clubs of St. Louis lately me
to adopt a uniform system of playing rules
All gnmoj are now arranged to be playet
under the laws of the association , An oicel-
lent schedule has been adopted to extend
through January and February.
The Intercollegiate rowing ai'oo'ation ha
elected the fallowing officers : Prealdent , W
Bird , Princeton ; vice-president , 11.1. Thomp
son , Bowdom ; eucrotary , C. Jones. University
of Pennsylvania ; treasurer , F. G. Schofield
Cornell. The next regatta will probably brewed <
rowed on Saratoga Lake on the 4th of July.
The checker match for the championship
and § 400 a sldo qetween C. F. Barker , o
Boston , and M. C. Priest , of Philadelphia
was won by the Boston representative , Mr
Barker winning three games to Mr. Priest's
one and forty-five games were drawn. The
fiftieth game not being able to affect the result -
sult was not played.
It is probable that an effort will bo made to
bring the noted Bullions , Maxey Cobb
(2:131) ( ) , and Phallns ( J:13J : ) , together in a race
next season. Should no accident befall him
Phallas is liable to beat 2:12 before the close
of another campaign , and if Maxey Cobb
continues to improve next season oa be hai
ilnco the fall of 1881 , it is hardly cafe to sup
peat the limit ot his potsibilities. '
Jim Fell is the latest pugilistic sensatipn
He comes from Canada ana is the man who
defeated Hanluy In the prfoerlnfr in Nebraska
a few months go , far which Ilanley is now
serving a sentence of threa years in the state
prison. Fell is a , large , muscular man , five
feet eight Inches tall , and weighing about 18 (
pounds. Ho will be in charge of Billy Moddei
and Jack Dempsey nnd is prepared to meo
any man.
Ho Was a itendy Writer ,
Yokors S tatet in an.
"Lot mo BOB ; you told mo your bus
band's business m the States waV
"Literary pursuits , " replied the ex
cashier's wife to her Canadian neighbor
up near Montreal.
"Ho was a famous writar , was he1
went on the Canadian encouragingly.
"Oh , yes , " said the wife ; "he made all
his money by writict' . "
Dut a caller or something else prevent
ed her telling her friend that her hus
band's writings had ooniistod of forging
his employer's oheoki- .
I was nfilio'ed with kidney disease , nut
suffered intensely. I was induced to try
BUNT'S ( Kidney and Liver ) REMEDY , am
before * 1 had used two bottles I was
entirely ciir.d. Richard Henshaw ,
Providence , R. I.
llev. lr. Terrence of the Pennsylvania
iiblo society , ( ays that the Scripture ! are
irculated In ths "Keystone" state in twenty
wo languages , while not less than sixty Ian-
uages and dialects nru spoken in the old com
In 18CO Homanlits constituted one third of
tie population of Great Britain and Ireland ;
n 188 i I - s than one seventh. In the Kog-
h Kpsakintr countries of the world there nro
1,000,000 Komon Catholic ! and 8,000,030
The Golden Hulo , of Boston , writing of
latnacliusetU says : "An army of 12,000
cachera in thla state can report but an aver-
go of 1,171 additions to the church per year ,
r one conversion to each ten teachers , or one
ut of eighty-one soldiers.
The American Bible Focloty has published
or distribution at the Now Orleans exposition
pamphlet containing specimen verses in nil
anguages nnd dialect ! in which the Holy
5cripturos have been printed by the Ameri-
an Bible society and the Britlih nnd foreign
Mblo society numbering 242. It Is a very In-
cresting souvenir.
Of the grotesque exhibition cf himself
which Dr. Newman lato'y inado In the fu
loral oration over young Stanford , the Free-
nan's Journal says : "Dr. Newman seems to
icllovo that the New Jerusalem Is us deeply
n debt ns Elizabeth , N. J. , nnd that mil-
lonalrea nro more welcome there , on account
of their wealth , than formerly , "
For some time past the English ProabytcJlan
church has been considerably exercised on the
tubjcct of their creed nn expressed in the his
toric "Confession of Faith. " Two separate
reports of n synodical committee , which were
sent to the presbyteries Berwick , Carlylc
and London have approved of the propose * '
change , which would substitute in this sub
scrlplioii the words , "Tho system ot doctrine
contained in the Confession of Faith , " for the
present wordlmr , "The doctrlno of the Confession
fossion of Faith. " Six presbyteries Bristol
Darlington , Liverpool , Manchester , Newcastle
tlo and Northumberland hnvo reiolyed tha
it is inexpedient to pronounce an opinion on
the change or formula until the whole rccom
mendations of the committee are before the
Ono of the oldest towns in the world , Hebron
bron , hos nt lest become n misrion station
The "Jerusalem Society" nt Berlin , ostab
lishcd forty years ago and slnco then ongngei
in the gospel work in the holy land , Fgypt
Syria , and Asia Minor , has instructed its mis
sionary nt Bethlehem , Itav. L. Schnoljcr , to
extend his operations in southern Palestine to
Hebron , A school is opened , and also n dls
pensary , directed by a native physician from
Beirout college , This enterprise was no
forced upon nn unwilling people , but put on
foot in consequence of entreaties on the par
of n number of Hebronltes. The Hov. Mr
Scbneller is a Lutheran minister and a son o
the venerable founder of the Syrian orphanag
near Jerusalem , and knows Arabic na well a.
any native scholar.
It overcomes headache and toothache
St Jacobs Oil , the Pain-C'onquerer.
How It DiflVra from Winter in Now
San Francisco Bulletin.
Altar Thanksgiving , winter. In th
Atlantic statoj , east of the Hudson , gooc
sleighing is expected at this date. Her
nothing mote than a f aw white froato indicate -
dicato that winter has come. There hav
boon froats in the lowlands during th
past week. List night the frost crop
up on the hillside a little. The ciyatal
lay on the plank sidowalka in the subur
ban towns , and sparkled as the raya o
the rising snn touched them. For a mo
ment or two there wcro millions ot dia
moods , then email drops of water , am
then nothing But the frost makes cii ; ;
mornings , and a coal or wood fire moa
oojoyablo rnornlni ? and evening th
wood fico especially. Moreover , th
frost helps to color the foliage , althong !
in this country the deciduous tree
drop the greater part of their follag
betore ( he frosts como. The sol
maples , elms , white birches and loons
trees , which liavo been naturalized hero
for the most part , liavo cast their leaves
Yet the maples take on a wealth of cole
before leaves fall ; so the frost does not d
all the coloring. Even the eucalyptus
which casts its leaves at midsummer am
continues dropping them until late i
autumn , lias a wealth of color which :
hardly noticed. Thoconiferons trees prevail
vail so largely in California that the hig
colors of deciduous trees which grow o
the hillsides and mountain slopes of east
ern states are rarely seen hero. Yet i
every dell after the first frosts have com
in this latitude , ono may find patches o
color shading off from gold to scarlet , wit
a great many subdued tones , whic
artists , who are good colorists , do not fai
to notice. The firs and the pine cloth
many of the mountains in denial green
When they are bre , they are as desolat
as in Spain until the venial season sets ii
The first rains have already come
But the winter rains have not yet ap
pearod. There is a sott of hush betrroe
the autumn and wlnior. If ono goes t
the wood hn will hoar hardly any othe
sound than that of tbo harjh and obitrep
erous bluejay. Hero and there will bo
tapping on the trunks , and on occaslona
squirrel descends to BOO wliit proviaio
in tno way of acorns there may yet b
left on the ground. In the open , where
the ground is soft , there are the tracks o
the sneaking coyote. Ever owls coaao in
a measure to hoot in the winter season
and the mournful sound of doves hu
altogether ceased. A great sllenco ha
fallen upon the woods. There Is hardl ;
a singing bird. The Hnuols lntho | snbur
bin gardens , which two months ago
wore HJ aotivo in feasting
on the rlpo fruit , bcg'nninj '
oven earlier with chorrloa , ant
continuing nntil the last ripe pear hac
ditappoared , have become silent also. No
moro songs and no more depredations ,
for the good reajon that there is nothinj
to steal , and the pairing season has nol
begun. The white frosts are the fitting
introduction of winter. They precede
the hoivior rains ,
The trade winds have died out. They
will not prevail In this latitude before
the middle of next May. Some are un
kind enough to say that it is a pity thai
they should ever prevail. But these
winds are the Lord's scavenger ! , sent up
as BO many messengers from the salt
ocean to deliver the city from plagues
and pestilence. San Fianolsco has no
been a clean city from the day of its
foundation. There Is oriental dirt , and oo
o'denUl dirt. It has come to bo a foreign
city. Merchandise fills tbo sidewalk ) , am
in many places crowds tbo pedestrian in
to the street. Offal is thrown thero. The
months' trade winds of summer ant
the eir months' rain are the two sanitary
agents wh'ch ' keep watch and ward over
the city. The most dangerous weeks o
the year , on the sooioof health , are those
when neither the trade winds nor the
rains prevail. The winter saason being
leas pronounced in this latitude , there ii
leas disposition to store up anything. All
the snasou is open , and even now the
bees are making honey , or are going to
rob other hives. For in this state even
the bees have caught the spirit of the
monopolist. They get a part of theii
honey honestly , and , as to the rest , they
do not scruple to get it dishonestly.
Onions Instead ol Apples ,
Philadelphia NewsYou : didn't '
know onions were getting popular
among fruit-eatew , did you ? " naid an
Eighth stioit fruit dealer Saturday.
"No ? Well , it'a u fact. You'd think
people would bo disgusted with the smell
of a raw onion , but the fact is that many
people llko the ode indent th with
the same relish they would an applo.
Why , " eald the dealer , "when 1 first
wont Into the bmlncss nobody over
thought of tuch n thing aa eating a taw
onion , rind a dealer would no moro have
sold an onion from a aland than to have
etillod potatoes' Nowadays wa think
othing of having a man ask for a nlco
trong onion , and every dealer and every
rult stand In town keeps them in stock.
"unny , ain't HI'1
"Aud docs the onion craze prowl
"Growl Well , rathorl Why , sir , If
vo sold ono onion thla morning I'vo
old a dozen. They bring from two to
hroo cents apioco. "
By using Dr. Frazier's Throat nnd Tuntr Bal-
urn the only sure cnro for Coughs , Colds ,
Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all diseases
t the throat nnd lunga. Do not neglect a
ough. It may provo fatal. Scores and
mndrodsol grateful people ewe their lives to
Jr. Frftzier't Throat and Lunp Balsam , and
no family will ever bo without It after once
ising it , and discovering its marvelous power.
t is put up in largo family bottles and solder
or the email price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold
Kub ) > & Oo. and 0. V. Goodman.
Cat lor Ftir.
itverpool Courier.
Last year over 1,500,000 oata were
Illod for tholr skins , which have become
valuable aa far lining , The industry of
cat-skin collecting ns nn Industry is of
very recent growth. If within BO short
a spnco of tlmo the casual destruction for
heir hides of a few atray cats has as
sumed the tospcotablo dimensions of a
solid traffic estimated in round numbers
as hundreds of thousands of skins , what
will bo a deeado hence ? About the su
periority of cata1 aklns , in ono way or an-
jthor , over those of rat , rabbit cr equlr-
rcl , there In no question. Tlio coat of
production , too , cannot bo called exces
sive , Booing that each .ok'n Is stolen , and
tbo whole original outlay is ono stout
stick for despatching puss and a sack to
carry her homo in , while the total work
ing expenses are the wear and tear of
shoo leather in tramping tbo streets for
prey , and a very casual § 2 penalty for
such aa are detected in the act. Under
such a combination of favour i * clrjum-
stances can an industry do anything but
thrive ! "
James Emmltt isarichandocccntrioold
democrat of Wavorly , Ohio. Ho is also
the owner of a largo brass cannon , and
every morning slnco Cleveland's election
ho has aronEod the ophoos of the Scioto
valley , and also the ire of his republican
neighbors by firing a salute of three guns.
Mr. Emmltt proposes to continue his ex
uberant and disturbing demonstrations
until the 4th of March.
"How Cross Was the Man ? "
This question was asked in a recent
law-suit concerning a man who had acted
unpleasantly. The answer was , ' 'he was
so cross that when ho called up the cows
at milking-timo it made the milk sour. "
Probably this poor fellow has dyspepsia
But the worst dyspeptic can be cured by
using Brown's Iron Bitters. Mr. J. M.
Courtwright of Codora , Minn , had dys
pepsia , but now writes , "Brown's Iron
Bitters arc truly the best remedy I ever
used for dyspepsia and billions com-
p'aint. "
Whan a St. Louis policeman is aakod
any question about city places , ho takes
from hlo pocket a small guide book and
offers to sell it for twenty-live cents.
A C * RD. To nil who are suffering from oior :
ami indigestions of youth , nenous ucakncsa early
decay , loss of manhood , etc. Iill send a receipt
that will euro you FUEE OF CIIAKOE. This great
remedy was discovered by a missionary to Soutl
America. Send eclf-ftddrcsscd envelope to IlKV. Jo
SEMI T. I.SMAN , Station "D. " Now York.
Dr. Forbes , in the procaodinga of the
Philadelphia Medlcil Society , describes
an operation by which the ring fingers oi
musicians Is liberated from some of the
aceessory tendons of its extensor mnicles ,
and thus acquires freedom of movement.
Gottschalk is eald to have undergone an
operation of the kind.
Tbo newly-discovered tin mines ol
Rockbrldgo county , Virginia , extend
over nn aroi of eight miles in length by
ono in width , and some of the ore taken
out has yielded from CO to GO per cent oi
MEAT-SAUCE for all kinds of salads , fish ,
eatables , and cold meats. Cheaper and
bettor than homo-mado. No sauce equal
to it was ever ofl'ered.
The nephews of the Paris cook , Duri-
jot , who left testamentary directions that ,
in case recipes were not duly affixed tc
his tomb , his property was to pan from
his relatives to charities , have decided to
appeal to the courts , inasmuch as the
camotory people will not permit the will
to be oitriod into effect.
Anna Dickinson has abandoned the
stage and returned to the lecture plat
form. She is just now in Now England ,
where she is mooting with considerable
success. Her withdrawal will not inflict
a great less upon the stage , yet it may bo
301U9 tlmo before wo shall BOO a moro
tauglmblo Hamlet or n funnier Claude
"All Men ATO I.lnrs" ,
said David of old. Ho probably wai
prompted to make ( h above remark
if tor try In ft eomo u ooliable atirrh
remedy. Had ho boo nrortnittod to live
intil the present dayn tried Dr. Sago'a
Remedy , ho might and had a better
opinion of mankind have claim that no
caio of catarrh can. Wo nd the magic
effects of this won wlths'aedlcino. ' Ono
rial of It will con dorful m of Us efficacy.
By cttnggiat ; fifty vlnco ynn cents.
It being shown by test that 282,240
pounds of coal will propel a ( hip and
cargo weighing 5,000,000 pounds a d'st- '
snco of 3,380 mile * , it is computed that
in ordinary letter if burned in tha ship's
boilers will generate sufficient energy to
transport ono ton of freight ono railo.
The beit regulator of digestive organs and
the beat appetizer known In Angostura Hit-
tcrB. Try it but beware of imitations. Get
from your grocer or dmggiet the genuine arti
cle , manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Slegert &
Floating sawmills are common on the
Lower Miseitslppl , They pick up the
drifting logs , turn them into lumber ,
and sell the product to plantain along the
Horsforrt'B Aolcl I'liosphnto
Dit. flENiiv , Now York , says : "In ner-
voua disease i , I know of no p eparaiion to
equal it. "
15y Dr. Frazler'a Mwrto Ointment. Ourea
if by magic : Pimples , Black Ifeada or Grub
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the akin clear and beautiful. Also curea Itch ,
3altKheum. Sore Nipples , Sore Lips and old ,
Dbetlnate Ulcers Sold by druggUta , or
mailed on receipt price. 60 cent * . Bold by
Kuhn & Co. and 0. V , Goodman.
1'rco from Ofttntrn , J.'iiufir * nnd l'oJton .
for Couffb * , Bora ThronU Ilnnrcnc * , Inflncnta ,
Colil * . IlronthllU , C'rotip , Whooping Cough ,
Afllitnn , Qnln.y , 1'Alnnln t'lir.f , nl clhtr
nlfrrtluni of IM Throat > n I I.tinir * .
1'rlcn .10 rents ix hottlc. Bold tiv Pracclitt nd PtM'
cr . IMrlle tinaMe to Induct thrlritnitrr In f > rom ; > l'l/ '
gel Hfor Ihtm if III rnvfrc tint l > oUlt , Krprtss cAargu
jxilit , ty witting ont dollar to
TUB rnutus jk.xn.riFit rmimr ,
8ol < Uwntrl > n I M > nur ctnrrr
HnlllmoiT , nir ) Unit , t. B. Jl.
SnIll'sSpoclflohas cured my cancer , which was
\cryliinl. I nm now In flno health ; nc\or better
H \o ( jMncJSi imuinl * slnco I began tkklng Swill's
Specific. IV. S. URADFORD , Ti ! > tomllle , Tonn.
ifcn ( lllctcil for many jcnrs with n cancer n he
11090 , hlch rc'lstt'cl nil lotta otientincnt. ( Shown
cuiud entirely by Swift's Specific.
JOHN HILT. , Thomson , Oa.
NOSE EATEN OFF. A young mnn near th !
own litul an citing cancer on his Uco which h il Jo
jtroyod lilannto and w s oatlng to waul Ills eyes. A
n last resort I rut him on Swill's Specific , and it has
cured him sound ami well ,
It. V. CRUMLKT , M. D. , Oglcthoipo , 0.x
( hauo seen remarkable results from the tieo o
Sn Ill's jpcclflJln ciucor. It has cuicd so\cral case
under my own oycg.
UK ? . J , It. CAMrniat , , Columbia , Go.
Sniffs Specific Is entirely vegetable , anil BCCUIS t
euro cancers by forcing out the Impurities from th
jlocil. Trcatleoou Illood and Skin Diseases malice
free. Tim SHIFT EPKCIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , AtlantaGa
or 160 W. 23d St. , New York.
Chronic Atfo
QuIcU. urt Cart * .
htid 1801 * guarantee ( Hira
n < " 1
t tintlerfafcen
SUPScnd twostnmpa for Celebrated II cdlcal Works
Address , F. 11. CrAIUCK . -U.tlS6 SoutU
Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
drives on Horllck'a Food , " write hundreds of
jrateful moUicrB. Mother's inllk contains no
itarch. An artificial food for Infants pbould
xratnin no rtarcn. The best and uiv t nutritious
WnM , 0B 9 9
thobost diet for
march nnd rwiulrcs no cooking1.
HecomjipndeA by l'byflclnnn.
lllirhly bcncliclnl to NiirBinc
Slotliem us n drink. lTlce.40
Pifisjf V > jr * W lUIU 4 t iXJuit * - J .7 V r * .
Scndlor Hook on the Treatment of Children , f reo.
"FaillT dljcited ami nuWtloui. " SMtt ,
It. n. . XUlaltll , N.J. . .
" Find It ll that could be desired. " IT. IT. Jltta ,
No heillsncy In rronnunelnt It nuptrlor to anj.
thlDj iliiit. ' * H Cobum.Jf.D. Troa.K.r.
KOI bo Bent liy mail on receipt of price In ctampa ,
IIOUI.ICK'S FOOII CO. . llnclnc , WI .
> * -tlHit iront.ioii' UHVEXTIWOT i "
617 SI. Charles S * . , St. Louis , Mo >
i regular gra < luaU ) o f two medical Colleqea , h R been IC.JA * .
ppfe.ailreatucnt of CnucmcMfitlovi , Hn
BL > D DiFiAiiathan in ; other PlijitrUn In UtX tt1
u city pkl'CTi ' iho wand f.'ilcfd rrklJenti kfiow.
FJcrvout fjostraiion , Dcbhlt ) , Mcr.t.i ! xn
Physical Weakness , Mercurial and other Aflo'
: lions oi Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Polsqp'Jij ,
Aid SorCS and Ulcers , uro truleJ ltb cnrafai.rit
ureMtion latcadtlrutltls | irlnclr'.ln. tfa'fty ' , Prlratf I * .
Diseases Arising irum Indiscretion , Excesr.
J.'xpostre or Inilulgcnce , Tibich i > reduce > vme o ; tv
Col.owlnr ittecti : lieryouitifii , dtbllilr , clic ti nt ilai
aaddcrcctUe lupotorr. plMpIci Oil ( be fare , il./8leal dcfla )
aTemlciitottf loe'ciy or f nialcs , eonfurU * of Idcajct3.
roncloriuff larriage Improper or uouippy , * t
p2rnjutieB'ljr cured. l'anipilet(3l. ) ( pa fljoiltlig abov * , ttQ
ii > catr4 envcloX ! , free to any addrcii. Consultatljaftte
Cajcr LjinLllfroo. ondlurltc' ! . Wtllo for ijutitlout.
A Positive Wrinen Guarantee
p1re la all raral > le canes. UrdtclQeB ncnt eTcrywkcre.
1'amphleti , nglleh or Oerraun , iH pnco . ilr.
above clueabca , in male or female ,
Spaycf , floarlatoi. lllti triite < l la clctb and flit blatlln
j ; , n.oncjor ro.URe ; atue , jiiper covcrr , 2is. Ttli ttci
rntLlrtII tbe curious , doLl > tful or icqu'tlilre iraxt i )
aow. A bacx of treat ( Dt ut to alu Utiltt. ftoitia
oolvu * iff * U3l&4bcd br t'r attrtaa
Vlllpnrlfyiho nLOOD'rccu <
late the LIVER nnU KIDNEYS.
anil liHToiii TIM : UKAiTil
nnd VIQOH of YOUTII. Usm-
la. Want nt'Aiipetlto , In-
fslloii , J.iick or Hlrciatli ,
ftiia'llrcllv"iiinal > solutely
curud. llonca , luusclcsanu
ui'rves receive nowlorcu ,
Enlivens the nilml and
llr.iln rower.
. lalnlu
_ ' puucllnrlu tholr sex wj
find faDK. El'-lU'EU'SIllON TONIC a cafe and
spfcdycuro. itllvcs a clear , liwUSIiy complexion.
Frequent attempts at co'"rrp > tlnK onlyudij
iolho popularity ot the original. JJouutexperi *
mont not lliu OumiNAL. AHn _ JIKST.
/iHondTournddrftBstoTbe Dr. Hartor Mffd Go.
t.Jx > uli , Mo. , for ou-"DHEAM BCK3K. "
nllot itronuo nod uaotuUutaimtSuoa.tivn.
inooEsnoR TO DA via n
Ocn ral Deals B
. , OUAHA.
DT foi ula 109,090 aerca oaitfaDy oltettd Itndi
n Ktltern Nebiuka , kt low piloe and on tuj l imi ,
Impiorea urnn lor Bl In DongUi , Dodgt , Oolfai
. .itl , Dart , Cnmln { , S&rpy , WMhlnfioa , tf rlok
ainnden , nd Butlei Oonntlet.
TaiM paid In all pailt of Iba BUIa , ;
Uoney loaned on mpiofed fanru.
Kourr Pabllo alwara IB offlo * Oonwpond
I n v a poiltlro remedr for tha abort alien , i bi \
HI0 thoaiantliof Cki.iol the wont klnil ando ( foD'
tAQdlnff hftro teen cured. I iide [ | . oitrtnfflinijrfiilt
Ialti mc > crtliillwlll iDDilTWO BOTTJ.LS PICK I !
tocclb rwlthaV I.UAOI.BTIUATIIlontlilidUeM ! )
to any sufferer. Qiraexprctitnd I * o.addmi.
VU. T. A. 8I.OCUU , 111 1-carlSt. , M * Tcrk.
Royal Havana Lottorvl
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12
to 14 Days ,
Subject to no manipulation , not 8 in trolled by tlie
partlci In Intercut. It Is tbo falnut tiling In ( be
nature ot chance In existence.
For inlormatlon and i > artlcolars apply to SHISEV
4CO.Gcieral AfrenU , 12 Jlroadway. N. V city.
1IOLL & CO , 417 Walnut s treel , St. Louis. , Mo. ,
Frank Labrano , L D. , to YYyaudotte , Kan.
_ . * , . . . . .tiTrsT -
The romtvrkablo growth of Omnhn
daring the lost ( ow yours b ft mnttoi of
great Astonlahmont to these who pay an
occasional vlalt to thla growing city. The
development of the Sto Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Llns Rend the
finely pared otroota the hnndroda of now
residences and costly business blocks ,
with the population of onr city moro than
doubled In the lost five years. All thlo
Is n croai surprise to vleltora and Is the
admiration of oar cltlcons. Thla rapid
grotrth , the bnslnosa activity , and the
many substantial ImprovomonU mndn n
lively demand for Omaha real oatnto , and
every Investor has made ft hondiomo
Slnoo the Wall Street panlo May ,
with the Bubnaquont cry of hard times ,
there hoa boon losa demand from specula-
torn , bat a fair demand from Invoatoro
Booking homoa. Thla latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and are eooarlng tholr homes
at much loss cost than will bo possible D
year honco. Speculators , too , con buy
real onto' B cheaper now and oaght to take
advanti o of present prices foi future
pro ta.
The next few yearn promises groaten
d ivol opmonta In Omaha than the paab
dvi years , which have been aa good aa
wo conld reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments nnd largo job
bing hoaseo are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many in Omaha and through-
bat the State , who have tholr money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of
torest , which , if jadlcioasly Invested la
Omaha real obtato , would bring them ,
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident Trill
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north und
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Gaming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valun
We nlso have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have sorao tine business
lots and some elegant inside resi
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bargains by calling
213 South Mth St ,
Bet 70on Fnrnhum and Douglas.
P. B. "We oak those who have
property for ealo at a bargain to give
UB a callWe want only bargains
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value.