YOUR AVn ALDRBHK ON A K TAt , URUTO till Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y , , rilltADFU-lttA , PA , Ana } oulil r < rc.i ol ) return m IU SPECIMEN COPY I 01 TnH , wntch l ltaout exception lh MMT8 ity I'arxr published. TIIR ItRmiMToiii Is iv Hzletn fait papt r , lull h ehoietft onyinal tmali , tMchti , pottnt a inictlla ! > icoutartitleiM\il\s \ piloted on Una tinted tt > oto who rutdctlbe during the next ilxty d y will rooolvo any < no of the foli < i lnu articles : WOOD'S I'KNOOllAl'li , Hie bsst fountain ren ° orNTLKMAN'SaOSSASinnCOATor LAD1C3 NKWPOh'l. HAUNT. ' , roPUt.\niiisTOttY , DAY'3 COLI.ACON ol 40,00) quoUtlons from 2 0 aulhOTH. cMiIously Illmtnteil. TJlKNnV AMKUIOAN UIoTlONAUY. . HOW TO ItKAD OHAUACrEIt ; a very Intorctttt , ) ; book. A TWr.E-HATKD ! CII1UVS HCTj OrSIV TRIPLK I'LAIKDTKA SPOONS. Or MX TUIPI.B 1'I.ATRI ) DE'SEUT SPOONS ; Or SIX THIPLK PLATED TABUS SPOONaj OrSIXTWIPLrt PI.ATKD FOUKS ; A TKIPI.R 1'T.AThO BUTTHH KNIFE : OrHIXTHlPLE I'LATBI W JJDSOll KNIVES. /ll tlicscslhcr ) , htcil pocxls nro nuviintccd to bo nl the lies' qiulltv. Don't In I to lend for a ipeci- inrncopyot TlntllKARTittTOtii , nd woareeurajrou will be Induced to subscribe after reading the paper' AtlclrcMTuit p\mnsTO\n CBMSIIIVO o. ° B3 & V10 8. Ninth St. , Plillx , Pa. MEDlCAJj AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY flROU&'SG'ft BLOCK , JClhinJ Cupltol Avcnuo , treats MI oajtj Clip plod nt Dcluimcd ! oo Jl c 35 Of tt Korvous System , Throat , Lung ? and Urinary Organs All cvita ct Cnmtaro of the Hpinp , Croaked Foot tiezs nJ Armi , Uleaueo ol the tilp , ICuoo , and Anxlo Joint * . Also Oliionlo affections oftba Lire ? l'.hour.itlsm , VartJye'B , Pllwt , Ulcois , Catarrh , Aotb ma MiJ UrcnoWtls are all treated by now and eno- ooM'ul motbodn. All illsoioes of tbe Blood and Urln iry OfgMii , IncludingthoM resulting from Inclicro- llon.nrcipoouro , otlolj tnd suoocsstully treated YOUUK men , laludlo sjed , Mid old men auBcrlnj Iroin Weakness and Nervous eihmotlon.priHlucIu , , > ndlie3tlonPaliUatlonot tbe Iteait , Despondency Dlulmoa , Ix > cs ot UcinoryT > acc of Energy anil Am bition , can bo restored iv bealtb and vigor , If c co li nul to ( IOUR nczicctot ) . Tbn Surpoon tn charge wai prontdont of the Northwestern Insti tute and Surgeon of the National Purglcal Institute. If afflicted , cull or write full description of your oaao , and modi ilno may be Bout you. Conjugation frro. Addros Omiiba DUponeary , Crounao Block , Otnohi , Neb OiBco honrs 10-13 a. m.,1-8 a , 7-8 p ui trnlava10 a m jtSTAccommoJutlnns furnished patients rom th country. Send for Circular. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS , 10VEJOT * Omaha , W.S. SHOEMAKER , ttorneii'.apilCounsBor , . , AT LAW. 215 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb. Fourteen Ycara' Practice In Iowa and Colorado. IlCmiENCES IOWA Hon. J , Heed , Ansoclato Jiutlco Supreme Court , roa'clcnco ' , luncil UluIT < ; lion C , D. Lowlo , Illutilct Juileo , lo'ldenco , Cherokee : Hrat National I'unknm Oillcur & I'u ly , Danken , Council IJltifls HH\O } k Void , Bankers , Lo.ran , ] InT'noi ' Co. , Ia. COLOKAUO 11 on. J , O , Helm , Aawdito Jaetlco , prunio CVurt , ieaUl > nc , len > or ; Hon. Win liar i n , Dto'tlvt JunRt.iu l.lonco , Uucu VmtajHath- nk , Falipla > , I'Lik Cn SHORT HAND. A. macblno for abort- hniul wrltlniweight Bond for clrculats. Skrlpn & Mlllor , , 1517 Harnoy streot.Omaha , Neb , DR.HGnNE'SElE6TRIGBEL1 V\n \ tin N r oiiineM. LuraUco. niioumnlim r r lr li bnur > lil . hclatlc . Kldnry. HI Ino nnJ I Kir > llt > wi tiu < , .ihra Mo Ull i-.n. pl Mil | > , ( oimlixilim. * .r ) Ui I . I ul rrli , rilm. lilllp | ! r. linl" l i > lf , I'omb Ami lTi > l | ui I'lfM tic Only ultntlttcKlrolrlcllflt 111 Aiun Iri tti c > "iiil iliii HKintlu mul iu iu tl m throiigli tli txxl ; , uad tail bo rovliarjt * ! la u > lar.uiil lij tb < JIAUIIIU Wmter Is comlnK , the toason cl tbe year for tcho and na'.ni. Invlevrot thin ( irtno uy bay one o Dr. Iloroo'o Klectrlo Belt ) . Uy to doing you nil a\oli nheumatlgm , KldueyTrouble * and other 111 that doth liht'r to. Do net drl > y. butotll at ou ntltoi and oxamlna Delta , Ko. HJ2 DoiljU street , o O , r Qo-xlmaa'i. 1110 Kirn ra 8 . .Oraihi , Kob. Ole ' o T ) Gen'ltaranceApii ' PhiiDlx Iniuraaoa Co. , London , Cwh A wU . . . . . . . Wettchuter.K. Y , Capital . 1 , < * C,0 < TbeMcrchanUct Ksu-ark N. J. , Capital , . . . l.HS.W Glrard Fir * . Vhlladolprda.CtpIUl . l.SOO.W WooikD't fund , Ui i , . . . . l.wac w COUNCJLJ1UIFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. O'BRIEN'S ' ' OFFERING , Xho I'roof Uo TrcBcnts to Jteluto the ? tndo LSeforo the I'o- llco Cuminlltcc , Tli3 clinrgo undo buforo the police comniHtco tint Oflkcr O'Brien vrns seen to Uike money belonging to n prisoner at the county jail , is cmpha'ically ' denied by that olOcor. It is chimed by him tlmt ho picked op his chnin , trliicli ha had had to tiso In bringing tbo prlsuiior to ilia jail , oiidhich Iny coir the money referred to , and that it Mn. Sellout ? nnd her datightara taw hhn pick up anything it was the clnin instead of a bill. The CQIO referred to was the arrcit of Robert Alls cod , whoso homo is ia Brownsville , Neb , There have been many stnnigo ramors about the way this young man was used while here , aside from the charge made sgrinst Oflicer O'Brien. In brief , it Is reported that the youcg man had quite a little umoont of money with him when ho came here , and that his only ollenso seemed to bo thnt of getting a little too much Coun cil BlulTa whisky into his stomach , but tint before ho got out of totrn hii monsy had molted away , his watch was shoved up and ho had to giro a personal note betide , all this to aottlo numerous cases brought against him , ail growing out of ono transaction , various charge ? , differing technically , being brought rgiinst him. While the police committee are examin ing partway into thn case , they thouhl not atop with Officer O'Brion'oconnection therewith , bub ascertain what others had to do in the matter. It would prove probably an interesting chapter in their forthcomlop report. An for e dicer O'Brien ho present * to the police ccinmittoo und the public the following : COUNCIL Buirrs , Iowa , January 17 , 1885 To thopuHo committed of the common council of the clly cf Council Bluffi , Iowa , und the public Gentlemen : The charge of larceny has been undo againtt mo in the picas , and loab the public and your committee should be led to believe mo guilty I desire to acquaint you mththo fasto , as well as to say tint said charge of Jarceny ia utterly and absolutely false , as will appear from the following : On the 4th day of May , 1884,1 ar rested and took to the county jail ono Robtrt Allegood , who had , when s3atch- od , SCO oa his person , which sum was turned over to the proper authorities. The said Allegood whllo on route to the county iail , otlorod mo half of his money to lot htm go. which I refused , and sub * eequcntly had him arrested on a charge of attempting to bribe an officer , as will appear of record in Justice Vaughan's court on page 100 , docket A. , on May 5,1884. It will nlso appear by the testimony of Jno. Jay Frainey who was AHsgood's attorney , and J. H , Rogers , that said charge is f tlse. They will tes tify to what amount of money Allsgnod bad when ho came to town , viz : S70 ; what aununt ho had when arrested , viz : § 00 , and what amount was turned over t j him , $ GG , vhon released nest mom irg , and prior to liis arrest aad subsequent com lotion before Justice Vaughan , all of which tends to provo the said chatga ut terly groundless. NlO O'BRIEN. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS , Robert Alltgood , for whom I appeared ns attorney before Jnstlca Vaaghan , on May 5 , 1884 , told mo ho had § 70 when ho came to this city ; that ho had $00 when arrested , and the eamo amount wua turned over to him when ho was released next morning and prior to hij arrest and convictionboforo Justice Vanghan. JOHN JAY FIIAINEY. I have known Robert Allsgood for many 3 ears. He cat to sbool with my chil dren in Brownsville , Nebraska. L saw him when ho was in this city in May last. Ho told mo ho had $70 00 when he came to this city ; that he had ? CG.OO wheu arrested , and that ho had the sumo amount when ho was released next morn ing , after his arrest and detention over night in the county jail. JAKE ROGERS. Ilcal Katnto Transfers. The folio wing is a list of real estate * transfers tiled yesterday in the recorder's oilico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , ns furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffj , Iowa , January 17 , 1885. Peter Kali to Andrew Ilellman ot al , part lor 14 , block 15 , Walnut 81,100. Charlps Cleveland to A. J. Rico , GO 1 nw | 8-75 43 81,800 ECUH Bartlett to George II , A'ldipoii , lot 0 and rart of 8 , block 18 , Walnut § 250. Total sales , § 3,150 , IOWA ITEMS. The Journal say.s a conscnativo esti mate of bioux City's population is 111,001) ) . Vail's treasury ia empty and lct of warrants are standing out with no iuada to pay them. One of the nations ! banks at Red Oak recently gave np ita charter and adopted the private banking system , and last week a national bank In Albia did like wise. Acer rJlng to the toalioiory recently brought out in a liquor cane at Cedar Rapid ? , 1he ladles ot that town buy eky by the barrel for private mediciu- al purposes. The sheriff of Polk county has levied upoa the property aud franchises of the Dee Moluef , Indiauola & Missouri rail- rrai company , aud proposes to sell the prof orty January 27th. III ? state treasurer has handled t , very largo amount of money during the last four years. The sum handled annually U about $2,500,000. , It has all been ac counted tor witncut the loss of a cent by neglect or incomputency of the otliclala , The 0 , B. & Q Is making on exact mcanuomont nf us track from Ohicigo 11 Oounoll Blufl'i. The survayors have reached Builmgton and found the dia tinco frcm the depot in Chicago to tbe depot In Burlington t J bo 2U5 rnllus , 1,000 feet. ' The Des Molnes aldermen who cave the old gis company a new contract al nearly double the prlco competitori asked , were banquettod by the company , and scaled with charaptgao. The Leadti thinks the contract which earned the banquet will cost thoch ) from ? 15OOC to $25,000 annually , Sunday noon James Stark , of Keoknk god 1C , was killed while jumping off t train in the yards. The yardmnster hue W drlvon him from the train several tiou-i > ( before the accident occurred , but ycuoj Stock kept on. Dsoth wns IcstRntunontii. Hii bcftd Tsm cut ncar.y tfT , simply hinglnp by a narrow atrip of flanh on ono sldo. The body wna terribly mutilated end cnnhed , and ono lung torn out. The DCS Moinea Plain Talk Biya : The band of tblovoi nnd pilferers operating In thla oily nro otiH prozporouo in their pro fession. A few days ago they mode n general raid and picked up show-goods on the kidewalk iu front of grocery , clothing and dry goods hotiaes , and did it without molestation or cfllcial Intoifcr- enco. The band is so veil organized und accomplished that it scorns Impossible to mnko a break in their ranka. A patent has been allowed to Charles A Anderson , uf Marrlnlltown , Iowa , for an automatic car couj.ling that can bo adjusted so that the coupling pin will bo suspended and coupling prevented , a re * suit often desired ia switching CBIM. In its notnnl cot < dtton ! the pin will drop through the link as inquired to connect two cars when they oomo together on the track. A crank shtf ; that can bo readily operated from cither side or top < f the cars uncouples thu ca > * a. A dixaatrous freight wreck occurred on Rod Oik hill , Monday , the result of which will likely coat BrnkomanA. 11. Trott bin lifo. The first and oecond sec tions of No. 14 had "doubled up" over Rod Oak hill , and had almost reached the top when Brakeinan Trott , the rear brakeman of the first ooctlon , uncoupled the engine from the way car. In tbo mean time the first section bad brokpn in two , and a roar end collision resulted , the uncoupled cars dashing Into the way car , on the platform of which the brake man wes stand leg , crushing Trott'a limbs'ina horrible manner and wrecking the way car. Ihoillngo of Pcrci\al comes to Iho front with a social sensation. A young grocer named Smith went to his old homo in Illinois sonio months ago and iuturned with a blushing bride. \ \ hen the joys of the honeymoon hndwoin down to usual tontine business , the bride longqd for the companionship of some of her homo f fiends , and her younger and moro comely sister was imported from the Sucker state to make her homo with the newly nm'iied pair The arrangement suited the fcstho Smith only too well , and no soon f rgot the sacred duties ho owed his wife in the intimacy that sprung up and nourished betw eon him and the bow itching sister. The climax was reached last week , when Smith discovered that ho had lo\ed not w iscly but too many , and left for par s unknown to avoid unpleasant develop mcnts. "All ilou Aio Liars" , caid David of eld. Ho probably wai prompted to make the above remark after trying EOQIO unioliablo cituiM remedy. Had ho been permitted to llvo until the prcssnt day ana tried Dr. Safe's Remedy , ho miiht hwo hid a baitar opinion of mankind. Wo claim thnt 'ho cn'.o of catarrh can witbs'and the magic eilecls cf this -wonderful medictcc One trial of It will oDnylnco you of its tflicicy. By dtnjgis ; fifty cents. CONKLING'9 BAI > ItVCK. Ho Loses Another BlgSuit nnd. bho\\s Ills Disgust. It hao bjen a matter of nome little comment that , busy aa Mr. Conkling has been since ho entered upon the the active practice of his profetsioii , and frequent as have been his appearances before judges ' andrefercoF , ho has not won a ninglo 'cato of , sajs n Now Yptk telegram of the 7th Inat. to The Pit sbnrgh ( Pa ) Commercial Gazette- The criticism is hardly fair , howeverfor many of them have been appealed. His tide haa usually been the appel'ant. ' Ha and Mr. Banga scored an other defeat t > day ao couneol for Huntington in the suits of Aspinwal ) , Potter and Stewart against that famous capitalist. Mr. Stewart snod to recover the value , with interest of his shares in tha old Oentml Pacific , the predecessor of tbe present corporation , which ho sold to Mr. Huntington many years ego. The wily financier having Uid his p'ans for the watering of the stock by a process of reorganisation , sent to those gentlemen and told them that ho thought ho could get them a purchaser for their shaics on the Pacific coast , andfina'ly ' no- g tatcd the sale to a supposed third party. It was not until Gen. Aspinwall had paid a \ isit to San .Francisco that ho discovered the Huntington patty to bo the leal purchasers , and that the pr co paid was about a fourth of value at that time. Ihey demanded the retur nf their tmaics , which waiiufus d , though they tcndoicd the money back. Mr. btpwart , after years of lit gation , won hia suit the other day , and got a verdict of o\er § 100,000 for the full amount of his claim. The defendants appealed , and wh n the cases of Aspinwall and Patton , which rested upon similar evidence , weio called , they hied to have them postponed to wait the decision of the cou-t of las' icsoit. To this the plaintiffs objected unless Mr C'onkling aud Mr. JJangs would consent to ha\o a judgment en tered. 'Ihis they lefined , and to their disgust Judge Lawrence to-day deeded that the t ials must ptoccol nt once if the plain til ] a desittd , which they do. A HABTUDONIO LIAR. The Homo of I ho Bllz/.artl KnnsiiH. Uihinarck Tribune , Perhaps as strange anuirial phenomena as hai over been experienced or observed iu the northwest WJLS that In the Missouri slope Tuesday night. At about midnight the entire heavens ware brilliantly illu mitiatod with a bright , warm light. It naia partial repetition of thoaurunt bor- calls display tf about a year ago , but much more wonderful and ucaicouata- bte. The experience ) of the p deitrJau wai similar to that of a Bidden Hunting cf a lamp in adirknod raom It reminded ono ol standing beneath on electric light tower la the evening just at the lights first thiow out thtir biiiliant raytaud ; gazing about the first impulse was to look at hid watch to sjo if day bat really dawned. But no ! 'Twas mid nieht and the heavens were ubla/ ) with light and beauty aud warmth. Ono soli tary sword-liko ray reached out fi-jm au jora'a northern iightluaaa aur } , es if tuuphlng some magnet set firmly m th zenith or connecting with another nlec- trio current in ths Very centre tf tht starry dome , a perfect ocean of flickering light wan produced with a oumll circle ol dazzling brllliaucy in the centra. Talk about the land of the roilnlgh' sun , but here was a midnight illnmlua tlon which almost outrivaled the light ol day. The phenomenon lasted twentj ramntoa , during which time a newspaper could ba read with perfect ease out ol doors or at a window in an ualightec room. * * * Delicate diseases of eilh i aex , however induced , speedily and p r raaneutly cured. Consultation free Boole Ihree ( Uoi ) stamp. World's Dii pemaiy Medical Association , Buffalo , ig'N. Y. GRAND ISLAND GOSSIP. to Secure toe Stale Fair , A. Variety ol Events Tersely Tolil- I'olitlunl , Social nnd Vcreotml PolntH , Correspondence of the J5KK GRVND ISLAND , Nebraska , January 15. An unwelcome Tuitor a regular "norlhor , " ns they aty in Toxaa , la with us , and til nro "chilllly cold. " Tbo Pacific.hotel company have ar ranged the railroad eating house. Dakar and his stall * of tsilstants retrain in chargo. Stjclmun are jubilant nt the recent rise in prices and the prospect of con tinued cdvancc. Merchants generally loport n change for the bettor in the various lines of trade. Farmers are also cheerful and think they see the silver lining to the cloud that has hung nbout them. Wait & Schlotfoldt , the active , relia ble nud gentlemanly insurance and real oila'o firm , nro up so their eyes In bual ness and npldly securing a place at the top. Honor io whom honor is ilna. The electric light pnoplo are at work putting up the wirer , etc. The lights will ehino in n fotv d.-vyo. > Cattle and hogs being fed hero are do ing veil ; no malignant diseases so far among them Many n > o ready for mar- " ct , and largo shipments \ > ill bo made ning the n xteok. . 1 ho "building association" organi/od oto by the heavy money men , proceeds tiefttlly to secure the s'news cf var for IB erection of buildings and other neces- iry thinga in tbo o\ent of Grand Is and citing the state fair. A disposition to icparo for its requirements is plainly lanifcstcd by our property holder * . Of > urso the success of the organi/.ation as a ir is scconda y , but itis thu money that's i it for the few , you know. 1 hat's the lilk in the cocoanut. Our supervisors ( wo luno township or- aniwi ion ) have been in session this eck. 'J ho first thing that so far maiks icir action is the election of ilr Poweisas chainnaii. Mr. 1'owers is good citizen and well qualified , but ouaidernij the fact thuc almost the eu ro board is republican , the selection of , n out and ont opposition man ( fusion at ) an president v/htn there wrro equally ompo'.ont men who were true to their mrty , cuuea a ripple of laughter and ommour. But Hall county is sul gen iris any way , you know. District court , Norvnl judge , begins arly in February. Tncre are nearly 00 cases on the dockot. The wisdom of our people's selection of lounty officers a year or moro ago is man- ejted by their official conduct. Weave ave nn excellent corps ; particulaily ia , his true of ' 'Jim" Cannon , the sheriff , lim is a democrat , and this la his only aultia n ropubllcin view , bat he is BO oed otherwise that wo forgot it. A. small stir ia likely t } occur among icwspapcr people in our town. It is ctbibly eafo to say that ono of the weeklies hero will at an early day become \ "dally. " If its proprietorship exur- .Itoaaa much skill and prictictil sense as las characterized the management of the vookly , it will secure a patronage far bo- end that awarded to any p&tects and ilatca sandwiched between cumbersome eiders and unattended ly a single iaragraph of wit , sanso or sentiment. DJ you recall Mark Twain's descrip- lon of tbe seasick poiplo aboard ship in 'Innocents Abroad } ' Well , place your hand upon tbo proper part of your ana omy and say "oh my 1" and you have an doa of the foelinga of our poop'o as they old the proceedings of the Nebraska ogiela'.uro. ( The i malm and Lino.In ispers fnrnisti the proceedings for which , huy havj the gratifal acknowledgments if tno reading people in tlrs cocnmuaity ) . To a boker.n , tha "people roit in their msjesiy" agairst the 'railroads and ingntera" were knocked out of t'mo ' in .ho first round. Hall has abraco of pcoi representatives , but modesty on ihair part or pnrtiallty on that of somebody elo , has kept them in the back < > rounu apparently. Ni matter' our boyj will got In their work yat. A grand masquatn lo ball will come off in thu Opera hnueo c n the evening of the 20th pror. Blacksnirita and whitogrnen spiritb , and red. "inlnglr , mingle , inln- plo. " A liltln la or anuthur select mas- jaarrdo will bo enjoyed in ad tlerent part tit the cify Cold , hard times , and lack of work enable 11n police to toke a rett and very "ew oiss ( of arrest era roporlo ) , duo to ho absence of occasion not ni < y lack ( f zeal and energy of our guardians cf the peace. Wo have coed policemen , "fora nnd Jerry "and hot rumaarequak- g In tliQlr cupf , for they doeay thn good tempotanco men and women , who "touch no1 , tas'o ' not , handle no' , " ( except ir drug stoics whcio no license for retail ia : > aid ) a o about to bcsiego the legislature n the non-prohibitinj. ' p'ohibition inter est. Well , "lot cm up , " it is only i harmless iimn ty , and an appearance o ox remo propiiety in ono pa ticular may so vo to veil an extreme improprio'y ' in uno her particular. Some of the young ; men of the city have organised a society known as the 'Turn- o\ois. " Jt is aneciut and select. The ncmhers wear badges , but bless your sou' ' heir reports around the lodge room ta bles are spicy , 'lliuir social oppoitunities 'tiablo them to1 know iho inner liapnen- ngs of the day and many a-o the funny lories told in the mystic circle ] at night .t is immense , A gentleman who is most favorably oionn hoio , although icsiding ol-enho o , uceived a message from u well known official - , ficial to call at his office. 'Iho non rcsi dent called and found tha1. the w , k. o , nished him to subscribe § 500 towa d BU tiling the state fair. The gentlcinar fiom olsowhcio adiniren the cheek , buthai a duecd poor opinion of politeness , and the gentleman sent for subso ibed "nary a mil" REMUS. WKSl'KUV JUSTiOB. An Ohio Titun who Could Not Kn- duro ilioVfibtorn Merchant Tra\eler. An Ohio man wont to a western city to live , but in a few monthi returned to his native state and resumed hti former busl- nest. A frlond met him shortly after ward and inqulrfd why ho had returned. "Don't liKe tlu bUmod country , " h said Indipnintly , "What's wronft ? No money out thorel" "Plenty cf lt. , But I don't ' like th. style of administering justice prevalent m that section " "Whj ? Too much lynch ? " "No , not that. They are t-o iniiou * to caver all the points ia a case. " "How iloym meat ? " "Well , I'd toll you. Ono night 1 wsa on my way to the hotel when a footnid mot mo in a lonely pet and prorojcd to hold mo Dp. I was too quick lor hlr however , end the first thing ho knew ! had whacked out my gun nnd lot h have n drso that ] winged him tu brought ft pdllcomnn to the tceno < action The cop took us both in and tl - next morning wo were befora tlc court. " That wno nil right wasn't It ? " "Of course , and it was nil right to hold the chap over for highwoy robbery , but 1 thought It should h&vo ended there. " "And diJn't it ? " "Not muchlt didn't. The court said the cost of the fint oaao hud to ba paid by the city , ns t.'io footpid ha1 nothing , and ho thought 1 ought to help , so war rants woru sworn out charging mo with carrying concealed weapons within the city limits , and I'm a tttoknr if that dang fool judge didn't fine me § 50 for the two offenses , nnd I souldn't got out of It , for I convicted on my own testimony against the footpad. That'll what I cell spreading joslico oa too thiik , and Ic.imo bide to Obi * , where noitner nido is punichcd. " of Old Was a pow crful man , and must hao had a good deal of iron iu his blood. NVo do not want to bo quito as strong ns Samson , nor so mischie\ous. But wo nil wans vigor and strength ; and w o cannot have these unless the blood has its full quota of iron. There is no prcpam'ion of iron like that in Huron's lion Biters. Mr. W J. Jones , AInnclicstcr { Vn. , lays , " 1 took it for poor appetite and general weakness , and found it a good tonic. " Dcntli ( if ttio Cowboy Karl. Chicago Herald. The devth of tin Kail of Aylceford , which Is announced , cloiea a career that liai been anything but n successful or honnrnblo ono. As tin hair of the Aylcs- ford ojtnio ) this youni ; man early in lifo took u conspicuous position among the royalty nnd noblll'y ' of Englend. Ho waa n companion of tno Prince of Wales In most of his youthful cacipadcs nnd ac companied fruit worthy to India. On his return Aykcford was married to ono of the moat beautiful and aminblo young ladies in the kirgioni , the daughter of a member of pr.rluirnout not of the nobil ity. For n time , the young earl aban- "onod his evil associates , but ho returned o them again. Ilia Tflto then fell under he influence of the disreputable Mar- of Blandford , now the Duke of Ilarlborougb , and fmilly eloped Tith him o Paris , living with him tliero for yoirs his wifd. This and financial misfoituno seem to iavo sobered Aylesfo-d. Uo brought suit or divpico and would have been given an inqualificd decree if his own record could iao been made to appear less repulsive. \n order of separation was granted , and \ylesfoul was enjoined to pay his wife a um of money each year so long as she efrained from -'molesting" him. After his unhappy scandal , Ins great cs'ato ' > assed into the hands of a conservator , .nd taking an annuity of § 50,000 the carl amo to Ametica broken in health and pirit Presently ho pmcliased a ranch if 40,000 acres in Toxaa , but returning to England he found thnt a still moro painful umiliation was in sto-o for him. biswifo lad a son by the Duke of Marlboiougli horn she had dubbed Lord Guernsey , a Itlo rightfully belonging to the Ajlos ord family aud worn usually by pros lective heirs to the earldom. Ho began ,11 action against her for ' 'molestation , " nd , after a trial which did moro than .nytbiog . else of recent years to show the tier mfun/y of the English nobility , the ourt held that her action in calling her .on . by that title came under that head , > nd that she was no longer entitled to re- nvo an annuity fiom her late husband. Thrown then unon her own resources she isappoarod in Paris. The earl of Ayleeford visited England few months ego tu make some arrange ments for the csrj of his two moro than motherless children , and © turning to this country ho announced .hat henceforth this would bo his home. Uo built n comfortable bouse on ils great Texn ranch and lived there like , ny other cittla rais rsurrouudod by Iho ebtless cowbcyd and rangers who were is friends and with whom heaver aver at ease. He banished htm- delibordtcly from the homo of his ancestors and apparently soatoi with dis- p&tlon and broken with sorrow tought 'orgetfulnees In the wild , free life of the border. His death * t the ago of thir'j- ivii wes no doubt hastened by tlofooliih of whish ho had been guilty. His old cornptniui in vlco , tbo moro tolid acd phulegraatic Albert Edward , if Wales , has ftobur d down in tiinu per haps to lisuro liimself louglifo , and while Aylesford doers iu a dinhouorcd gruvu hu will bo king of England RAILWAY. THK DHST Jioure AND UETWKKN hii aii a , Council Bluffs and Chicag The only line to take ( or ! > ( JtolneMughal ! co n , Cedar Jlaplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil waukne and all polnll ea t. Tn the ) > nj lo al No- irmka , Colorado , Wjomlip , Utah , Jcaho , Netadt , ) regon , Wathingtoq and California It odera uup.rloi tdvatURte not poatlble by any ether line. Arnorga fo ol the numerous i nUti ol ruprrlor- ity erjt > ed by the patrone ot thla toid liotwccn Jmaha and Chicago , ru It ) twotrtloa a day ol DAY COACUkH which are the nust th t human at tnd lopenuity uu f reato ; IU l'AI\CE SI.KEI'INO iMIlb which ro mcdelaul coiulortand elesmicc ; Itn I'All. l-Oll DKAW a KOOJII Kim , unaurfaucd by an ) , ndiU widely rolobntel IVJ\TlALDIN O OAht .he tcU | l nl whUh cannot bo fou'il el < "heru. At Council BlulTdtlio I rains ol tee Union I'Jclfir Uj.'Connfct In Union Uefot with thoaa tl the Olilra ; oiNoithKe.t iii 111 InChkoyn tbo trtina ol th'i ' line make close connection with these ololl easttr lines. lines.KorDetroit , Columbus , IndlantpoU , ri-clnnatl. Klicnra fMt , Buffiln , i tltubunr , lornntn , lln"trai Bostru , New Voru , 1'hlladclphU , Uil.lnnrcV'i'h ngtonaDd > ll polnti In Iho Knit , alk tbu tliku1 agent lor tlckeK i U the "NOHTH.W ESTKKN , " jouwlbhtho bo it accommodation ! . All ( Ickel aent8 Bell tlsketu > 1 thla Hue. IT. HUOniTT. It H IIAIK , General Manager. Oen I'oin. Agent CIIIOAOO. H , S. ATWOOD , Plattsmonth , - - Neoratki IA UOf TBOlODattlEID A B U30 01-ttH iEflEFORD 1ID JE1ISEI WHLI AKDED4000I OTTccu I took let iilo. Corietpondcooo toltci | TO fmvw UBjaW1 UPln I. TEKY AND DttAFEttlKB , MMV10R TO At.ti FIDO'S. | 1 W , 1401 nd 1510 FurnMn St. , cjnMh * , We Ar C * UAKI'FADXOHBUa OF- M Ffe ft 1 fc A p * h t "V * 9 1 4 * & ORUMEVTM. i , VlnAa-n C pIrnn C-tlln < t , lIMilllfl Uky.DrhU , Ac. tit. , Item xid * U if Ml ) Rnnit ICtiSh O.nohi T. rfS B dT w $ S E W SO no ODTMDfSS ANT ) IOTH ? 8TS OMAfTA , WE r T"f ! s3 lM UJ5dL 3&i ) & : U 1409 and 1411 Qodse St. { Catr , KhcJ } Omaha Neb Ji03 BRADY ST. , JDAVKNPOE'i' , IOWA. U. 8. A. Established 1878 OatRKh , IDcafutMs , Lung il NorvonnDlsornes Opuedlly und I'erajRnently Onrod. Patlci tj fur od r.t Homo.Vnto for "TnH MnDic-AL-MjhsiOKAiiT , " for the Pcoplo. Consultation and Oorroa ; > oiuouco * Gratis. P. 0. Box SttS. Telephone Ko. 20 HON. EDWARD RUSSKLL , Pcotaw tor , Davenpori , caya : ' rbyoclan f Jllet , Ability and Maikeisl Hncooes. " OOKQKBSSStAJS' MU11PHY , Davonpot "Anonorahtft Mn , flaa Occcees , Wonderful Cures. " ' 0 nn Q * f' _ jQ a AlVJKNk 98th Ducal Brunswick , Lueneburgh , Lottery , Gfrmany. TICKETS and PRIZES 100,000 50,000 , Capital Prize , mark , 500.000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000 0,000 , 50,000 , 40,000 down to 150 Drawing Commences tlin ilth and UJiv ) ; o February. 1885. WhslTick ets S18 ; Lalf , 89.00 ; Quarter , 4.50 , OHAS. F. SCHMIDT & CO. , 62 W. Congress St. . Detroit , Mich | To present IO-B It la urgently rcqocsUd to make all romlttancea by poatil note , nntioy order ohjokf Ia rcglstctcd letters or be express. a V . 1'roprielorB. Suponiiflnorm" U. P. RAILWAV , 7TH & 18TH L 'cs.tsfftSt Su&iina k W t * ' "SSSSfci , . . wSKM 'iwv ' T'f-5 * JffiANUFAOTUEJSHS OF AND DJSAJLEHS IN Bi WATER WHEELS. ROLLEK MILLS. aciiinerv MILL FURNISHINGS 0- ALL KINDS , TJNOLUDINQ TBE Oelebratod Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting OJoVh BTEATd PUMH STEAM WATER AND GAS I'lPtl ! ARCHITECTURAL AND R1DG o tf o We are prepared to furnish plans end estimates , and will contract.fct erection o Flouring Mills oud Grain Elevators , or for changing' louring Mills , from Stona to tbe Roller System. 65S ( * ° fi ipecml attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pu. jo e , and estimntpR made for some General machinery1 repairs jromptly. Address EIOHABD & CLARKE , Omaha.Heb