Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday Morning , Jan , 19
rjy Otrrtn - . - - - W ctata ft * * *
. . . . . . . .
Vty Vlili - - - 810.00 pet > eat
o. T POM ! flircot. Hear Broadway.
Fine job printing at Pryor's BEE job
The Catholic ladiea cleared $900 by
their fair.
County Trcmuror Boimett says tnxca
como in slowly.
Ono price only at T. W. Bray'aj shoo
house , 102 Main street.
Job printing in the latest style of the
nrt , at Pryor's Bnn job oflico.
Mra. J. J. Brown sufTarcd oomo severe
injuries by falling in n Seventh street
Leave your orders for job printing a
day or two ahead at Pryor'a Boo job of
PotUwat'urnio ' Grove U. A. 0. D.
ivo their first annual bill in Be no's hill
Foliruaty 18.
The Nonconformist at Tabor las not
suspended , notwithstanding all the reports -
ports to that oflbct.
Atho llovero homo Saturday after
noon Ju tic3 Ucrultlcks married John
Low to Edith 0. Pclaraon.
The -mothor of George Madison , the
mail carrier , slipped and fell on Mndlson
atroot Friday , breaking her arm.
George Wollp , flagman on the Q. and
K. 0. roads , has a now arrival of eleven
ounds in hia family. It'a a boy.
At Braya great shoo sale all goods are
umkod in plain Qgnras and sold to oil at
the same low prices. 302 Main street.
L. Klnnchan , who had a foot crushed
at the transfer , ia getting along qulto
comfortably now. His foot hai been
T. Hart , who wai lately Injured by n
fall on the Ice in his yard , ia reported as
alnking rapidly , with little or no prospect
of recovery.
Some of the Macedonians think that
Coburn ought to have received moro
than two years sentence for setting lira
to Dye's oloro.
Smith & Loorko , proprietors of the
Union Bakery , give as many ounces tea
a loaf of bread and sell it os cheap nanny
ether establishment in the city.i
, . - , „ - * -i .
Th > polloe dla'rtot make the usual Sat
, j''d"rday night haul , there being only ono
drnnk and ono vagrant. There troro os
usual , however , about two dozen free
A hack drove Into the alloy In the rear
of one of the Broadway saloons ycstor
day. and loaded up with three kega of
boor and as many boxoa of pop. A good
Sunday allowing for a prohibition state.
Four of the clerks at J. Mueller's store
have agreed to quit shaving until Febru
ary 1st or forfeit $1 to each of the others.
The four moustaches will shortly bo ac
companied by grizzly bearda.
Therewore services in the
- wore no Congre
gational church ; yesterday. It is ex
pected that there will ere long bo a reg
ular pastor in the pulpll , Eov. Mr. Croft ,
of Sandwich , 111. , having boon called to
the position , and having accepted the
It ia claimed that tramps are making
n free lodging place ot the house ownoc
by Mr. Doty in Streetsvillo , and vacatec
by [ him when the man Loveless came
down with tha small-pox. The house
had not boon thoroughly disinfected
when the tramps began to sleep there
and if some of them do not catch the dia
case they are all extremely fortunate.
There was n big gas leak discovered on
Broadway oaat of Main street. Men
wore sot at work taking up the pavemen
nnd digging through the frozen earth to
tha main. The gas leaked in such qiuntl
tics that the pick ( striking a atone anc
causing a spark sot the gas on fire I
blazing up to qulto a height. This oc
curred savoral times. The job of atop
ping thn leak proved a hard one , and
rather expensive.
The Shenandoah 1'oot Bays the mac
dog is abroad in the land again. A. M ,
Nnblo'a dog wont mad near Rlvorton on
Wednesday and struck out for town
All the doga In Rlvorton have been Kill
od. Four cows are tied up. Clus Jack
son , ton of the hotel keeper , WBB bitten
but auoecded in killing the dog. Jack
eon went to try the virtue of a "mac
at ono" on Friday but the atone failed to
"stick. " It ia thought that hia clothing
prevented the virua taking hold.
Thomas Bowman haa returned from
Cedar Rapids , where ho haa attended the
meeting of the Iowa circuit , It waa de
cided to have the usual Juno meetings ,
commencing at Cedar Rapids Jnno Oth ,
and ending at Council Bluffc , the meet
ings here commencing Juno 20. Bur
lington will probably follow Cedar Rap
Ida , and then Ottumwa or Oroston wfl !
take the noit week , The purses will be
$500 each , with the following cUues let
trottora : 3:00,2-18 : : , 243 ; 2:38,233 : ; , 2:29 : ,
2:25 , olio fro-for all. For pacers a 2:27 :
and 2:19 : class. Lowrle & Sweringor , ol
Mendota , III. , will sorvs aa pool tollers.
Entrees for the entire circuit will cloto
Juno 1 ,
Julgo Loofboroaw end Judge Ayloa
worth scorn to keep pretty cuol over their
icnnteir , and eoorn per ojully friendly.
They were noticad tha other day walking
down the itroet together chi'.tlog pleas
antly , and they have agreed to leave the
of the eervloe of the notica to
ho court , to ba decided before the taking
o ! evidence bcems. It ia generally un
derstood tint Judge Aylesworth in
n lnng n contest yields rather to tbo demands -
mands of the democratic committee and
ilhcr domccralic supporters , rather thnn
o hia own feelings , llo has already a
)3tter position for him , In nome respects
A least , than that of judge of the district
: ourt. _ _ _ _ _ -
Sin tind Unbelief.
At tha Opera hoosj yesterday llor. A.
\ . Bates rroichcd .11 fellows :
You will find tny text In the 3rd chnp-
cr of John , ami IGth verso. ' 'For God
.0 . Wed the world that Ho gave Ilia
inly brgotton Son , tint whosoever bo-
ievtth on Him , should not perish , but
mvo everlasting lifo. "
Thsro ia no object dearer tD a rnront's
o t Ihma son. Thla Is pirtlcularly
ho case if it linppocs to bo nn only non ,
or n only child , and whatever occurs to
hat son especially if it bo trouble ,
linger , or death alFccta the heart of the
parent. So whin wo road that God so
ovod the wotlil , that Lc gave hi ) only
icgotten Son fcr i i salvation , it means
'bat hla love was immense nnd profound.
I want to call your attention ilrat of all
> o the fullness of the verso chosen for iny
oit. In it will bo found , porhapi , moro
Christian theology than will be found in
any other verso or passage of ncripture.
! t otnbraces the doctrine of the trinity ,
the doctrine of God'a benevolence , the
doctriuo of God'o ' grace , the doctrine of
lod'a mercy , the doctrine of God'a pro-
> oaod way of salvation , the docicino of
'uluro punishment , nnd the doctrine of
immortality. Thio is a verso upon which
inoro sermons have been preached than
any ether verso in the ocripturo , and is
as diflicult to comprehend , os far as in *
olllgetit exposition In concerned.
Lot mo call your nttontfon to the nut-
, or of our condemnation as hero taught.
In the first placotho statement ia present
and not future. According to scripture ,
10 that believeth not h condemned al
ready. Thai which elnll occur after a
wlnlo is simply llio final termination of
the seutoneo based upon a judgment
already past. So it became clear iu the
eye OB every Intelligent thinking mat' ,
; hat ho that boliovota not a condemned ,
'ondomnation ' is based upct anbolioving
nnd not e imply on sin. If U were only
upon sin , wo might all of no have been
eqiully involved. A man who is a sinner ,
and at the sarao time a boliovcr in the Lord
Jesus Christ aa the son of God , in endeavorIng -
Ing to put away the Iniquities of hla life ,
and the result ia that God makes Q vast
differouca between him and the man who
sins because of hla unbelief. All over
this city , perhaps in thla very congrega
tion , there are men and women , who are
condemned , not only because they are
tinners , but being sinners , they will not
bellovo in Christ.
Yon may find a man who is to all ap
pearances respectable , moral , upright ,
full of integrity , and worthy of admira
tion. However , if ho Is an unbeliever in
the Son of God , the man in condemned
equally with the man that lies in the gut
ter , equally with the man who opposes
God In every act of his mtnd , body and
soul. A mnxmuy say , "I do bellovo
ia"tks Jiird Jesus Christ , " and-yot rofusa
to accept Him , when the light nt clear
before him , thla la an ovldonco that ho la
under condemnation. God holda every
man accountable for bis sins , Accord
ing to God's own word , "Tho soul that
slnnetb , it shall die , " no matter what It
has been before. .
People may cry that they have boon
surrounded with sin , and adversity , born
in iniquity ; and that It waa impossible
under the circumstances and surround-
log ] to refrain from committing a few
trivial wrongs , and that it is unfair that
they should ho vlaitod with such an im
mense punishment for such a slight
oiFenco. Tha fact Is that God dooa not
gnage punishment by sins alone , but by
aina accompanied with unbelief , which
is ono of the greatest I might say the
greatest sin. and cause of sin. God'a
mercy is no broader than hia justice. Aa
ho ia infinitely merciful , so ho is infinitely
Unbelief means simply this : Tint
Christ , the Son of God , is offered to mo ,
but I shall not accept Him. The man
who Bay a this makes Christ an impostor
and God a liar , because ho denies that
Christ is His son , when Ho declares that
Ho is.
As Gcd so loved the world that Ho
sent Hla only begotten Son for our sal
vation , He expects us to take into consld
oration that fact and decide whether to
accept or reject Htm , and become child
ren of God.
Sheriff Dan Farrell WAS in the city yoater
Mtas Carrie Spooner has baen visiting
friends and relatives in Avoca.
C , L. Browning , of Hrovuaville , Nob. ,
were among those at the Ogden yesterday.
Mrs , n , T. Manz , Mies 1'lorenco Manz , and
Miss Myrtle Estes , of Omaha , are visiting
friends hero.
T. E. Gavin lias been wrestling with tbo
rheumatism for a week past , but Is getting the
better of it.
II. L. McWilltam * , who Is now In the bank
ing bminuaa at Ogalla'a , Neb , waa ot the Pa <
cilic yoaterday.
8. S. Steven ? , tha general agent of the
Kock Island , writoj from Los Angeles , Cal.
that ho la regaining his health rtpidly.
Charles Bauhn hai loft for the world's fair
at Now Orleans , and will visit other pointa In
the aunny south before returning homo ,
Lieut.-Gov , Manning haa returned from
Kansae , whom he attended the inauguration
and visited fnends. Ho expects teen to take
a trip to the south.
Verge Bergen left Saturday for Ft. Wayne ,
IniL , to take charge of the electric belt factory
recently started there by Metere. Judd &
Smith of thU city.
G , H. Feignson has returns hi m
near Darling. Ho says the big fire waa a tcr
riblo blow to Karling , but that probably the
the stores will be rebuilt , as it a good point
for trade.
Mr. John Schmidt , of Faoo & Schmidt , returned
turned evening with Mrs. Schmidt , nee Mies
Miry Stabler , an estimable lady of Ann Ar
bor , Michigan. The marriage occurred last
Wednesday ,
tDr. . T , S. McKenna , of K.irling , ws at the
1'acltic house yesterday , Tha doctor waa a
euiferer by the Karling fire , having lost hia
office , Instruments , books , etc. Hu did not
lose his nervf , however.
A Blight Burn.
The alarm of fire about 11 o'clock yea *
terday morning wai named by ft small
blaze at Henry Schmidt's photograph
{ tilery on M in alruot. The fire started
iu the roof , through wbioh run a stove
pipe , A to > r buckets of water put it
out , the dinugo being 1'ght. '
\ Council Blnift Mcdinm Has a Com
ical Seance ,
The Departed Spirits Prove to l > p Ltv.
ItiK OnCH ,
Tlio llttlo towu of Tabor has > lely4been
gocd deal atirrcd tip of late by n series
f Bplrltuallstic investigations nticl scntcef ,
The editor cf the Nonconlotmlat , IT.
Vincent , ban boon interested in thesoand
10 haa made public Bomo relations which
invo proved Interesting , ixt lonattto the
readers of the BKE. Now comes on
ntereating ititcmout from M. Giovos
with .T. M. Ewoll and Edward Ilarria OB
witncesos , which in equally tcneatlonal ,
an t noi so favornblo to splrituallam as I ho
others. They claim that they attended a
Boatco at the residence of Mr. Vincent
and there mot Mrs. Egglcston , of Council
LHtilfi. An Ind'an chief took possession
of her and caused several depnrted.spjiitn
.o appear to her vision. She dtscribod
; hem but none present could
recognize auy of thorn as being departed
'ricuds. Mr. Grove finally ( suggested
; luit ho would like to converse )
with hb raothnr. The ino-
dinni claimed tint the spirl1
} f his mother won present and was stand
ing bshlnd him with her hand on hia
: ioad , and there could bo no mistake
about it. Mr. Gioiro asked several ques-
.ioun , among others wholhor she waa
lappy in the other world , imd if eho
would like to como back to thla 'lifo to
live ogalu. She said clio was happy , and
did not doalro to rctuin to this life , but
that ahe would like to BOO and talk -with
hot friends. Mr. Ewoll'n brother David
ilso appeared. Mr. Ewell aukod his
brother to make sonio statement ; u to
something that had happened between
them while ho was yet in this lifo , and ho
bold him of driving oxen hitched to a
sled , and various ether things common
among boys. The father of Mr. Harris
was also called back from the spirit land ,
ind Mr. Harris asked him if ho waa satis
fied as to how he had settled up the busi
ness. Ho replied that oveiythlnjj was
all right so far as ho had gone , but that
the business waa not all settled up yet ,
and that ho had a tract of land yet that
bis father did not want him to eoll if
they could got along without soiling it.
His father advised him about moving ,
and other things of a business character.
Mr Grove s ys that at the time this
seance was held his mother wns in good
health and alive instead of being a spirit ,
and that Mr. David Ewoll , and Mr. Har-
rio wora tit ill in the flesh , so that they
could not have been called back from the
eplrit land , and that Mr. Harris had no
estate at all to settle , neither ho or his
father owing any man.
The description of this soanca makes a
suitable to hang alongside and in contrast
with the ono given not long ago by Mr.
Vinclont. la which the aamo medium gave
euch a wonderful account of the world
lioyond. „ _ _ _ _
For sale My book and'stationoiy bus-
no33 341 Broadway. H. E. Seaman.
What Bessie Hns Hoard.
OMAHA , January 18 , 1885.
MY DEAREST EDITH : Oh ! Howl wish
I could see you for ten minutes to-day ,
for I am going away to-morrow and won't
bo back till Saturday. I have BO much
to toll you that a ton minutes' interview
would relieve my pent up feelings moro
than I can express.
You can't imagine how much'jl enjoy
your letters , but you often nranso my
curiosity by alluding to some matters ia
a ' 'I-wish-I-could-tell-you-all" sort ol
I hoar BO much about yon people on
the other side that it is almost useless for
me to attempt to put it all on paper , but
prominent among the , rumors is ono con
nected with your "mash" ( ? ) I hear it
whispered that ho is taking boxing les
sons , and has "declared" himself (1 ( must
bo catching Bob's clang ) , that in the near
future ho will bo able to hold his OTTO
with any of the ladies.
And ia it true that Mr. "Emerald" has
become BO infatuated with progressive
onchro that ho sent to Now York ferrules
rules ? "Blondy" eays that ho staid at
home ono night till 11 o'clock to road up ,
and surprised the party by his sudden
appearance , and with the announcement ,
"Su.c and you're notphying it right. "
Of ceiuroo wo hoar so much about
Council Blufa that wo don't know just
what to believe.
I wonder if Omaha had ouch a time
with its exclusive society when it was a
small burg ?
It was too bad to call Mr. R.
"dude , " but I really think Mr. F. is
sllght'y ' inclined that way. But in Omaha ,
as bad an yon think wo are , Ultra is nc
record of a dude leaving hia lady , at the
craad hour of 12 , thrco blocks from
home. Of coiireo you gnup. Probably
the relief experienced by hia sudden departure
parturo overcame her surprise and fear.
Please Rive me the particulars of this
dear Edith , for , of course , what I hoar Is
mere rumor. Your literary young lady
ia probably writiog a companion story for
"Tho Banker's Daughter , " and is taking ,
PS her hero , the banker's eon.
1 am surprised to hear Miss Trimmer al
luded to na "tho charming but hateful"
Mies T. , for I thought she waa conoid
ored quite .a favorite.
Ono of our elite haa become BO taken
with 0. B. that eho will probably bo Mrs.
H. "in ono year. "
"Blondy" eays that your society cir
clea have been quite agitated by the BOO-
end appearance of ono of its old favorites.
I can't exactly understand what Is at tha
Root of all thie , but suppose It is as It
shoo-d bo.
Does the affectionate businou still con
tinuo near the park ?
The sleighing ia juat splendid over hero ,
and the boya estimate Its cost at three
dollars a mile , juat as if wo cared.
I cannot bo at homo for the early hour
party Tuesday night. I hear that sever
al Council Blull'j young people are Invited ,
and will attend.
"Blondy" eays that of your
young men have taken quito an inturoit
In religous matters ( tinea Jan'y feast J
Don't you mita him Sunday night ?
Oh I There ij the boll and I'm euro its
Mr. S. I haven't time to toll you any
moro to-night. Write to me mo soon.
Youra 10-derly , "BEBSIR , "
Having purchased at a great discount
the stock of cigars , pipes and tnnkcra1
articles recently owned by Lntz &LiDgp ,
I am prepared to give purchasers the
benefit of this great reduction no matter
a what quantity they buy , either largo
or small orders. The stock mutt be
c'oiod out nnd th&t as quickly as possl
ble , aj it cannot have my personal &t-
tentirn , Jno. Sohoentt'eu , 30 Main and
SO Pearl streets , Council Bluffr.
OR the piiriosG | of reducing stock and'
making way for spring purchases , we
shall , January Gill , offer our entire stock
of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Curtains ,
Etc , , fo he sold without regard to cost
This stock comprises a Fine line of
choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels ,
Ginghams , Prints , ttc , A choice stock
of Newmarkets Brocade Velvet and
Seal Plush Cloaks ,
Ladies' ' and Cliildrens' White and Scar
let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace
Ties , Ficlme and Embroideries ; also a
lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets ,
and Talile Linen ,
Our Carpet stock is complete and
offers sepcial inducements for select
ion from choice variety of patterns. It
includes Exminster , Monuettes , Body
Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three Ply
Ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier
Matting , Etc , , Etc.
Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco
man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades
n \ i eauty of design.
.Sale Begins January
Customers will secure
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 67 } No. 2. 55 ;
No. 3 , 45.
Corn New , 21c.
Oats For local purposes , 23o ,
Hey $4 < JO@6 00 per ton ; baled , 50@60.
Rye S5o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; pricoH at yordo , 6 00 ©
6 50.
Coal Delivered , hard , 9 EO per ton ; soft
4 50 per ton
Jjnrd Falrbnnk'o , wholesaling at 'JJc.
Jflonr Olty flour , 1 50@2 90.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz ,
Cattle Butcher cowo 3 25@3 75 , Butcher
atoers , 3 75(24 ( 00.
Sheep 2 B0@3 00.
Hogs-4 00@4 25.
Poultry Live old hens. 2 50 per doz ; dressed
chickens , So ; dressed turkeys , 12Jc ; dressed
ducks , 0@lOc ; dressed geese , 10@12c ; spring
chickens , per doz. 2 25.
Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country
Eggs 22 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 80@4po per bushel ;
onions , G'Oc per bu ; Apples , choice cooking or
eating , 2 50@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 50 per
bu hol j Sweet notatoea , 2c oer Ib.
Cider 32 gallon bill. § 0.50.
Oranges 0 GO per bbl.
Dr. 0. 0. Hazen , uontiat , 100 Alain ot.
Corn IVIeal ,
Graham Flour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets ,
To purchoeeE
A.fc Bottom Prices , ia
CJiina Store ,
23 Wnjn Slrcft , Coincil Blu
fjn REWARD paid ( or Information o ! present
ii\J loratlon pair hoieos , waron and harnees ,
mortTigeJbv ( WlllUia I ) Hall to Thomas MUenton
U y horse ue > en yt r old , l.COO poonds , eoir lelt
hind leg , blio'rf horse nine years oldi tar In tote
l.icd bpatln In rlg'it hind ) cg wigon , Cooper make ,
th'o loch ct double Jnrno < , taken from 1'ottan att-
amle oouuty in UKUst T n dollars reward ( or
discovery of suld IU1I. Hall dencrll-edus Itout D
Jeet 10mche , i ndy complexion , btldhe * ' ) en top
wikjorn brownith red , built , about 43jrcari
jprlj toLuinard v rett , attorney tl w
Blufla , Iowa ,
TOOL orneni v , n , it. rcsir
Coundl Blufli , . . . Ia.
Established - - 1856
Deoleri ID foieljn and Domeitio Ezebangt and
Bom * BccuiltliJ. r
Office , Main Street , Room 8 , Shupart and Eeao
block. Will practice in S.ato nnd Federal courts.
Practice In Otute and Federal Court" .
Collection ! promptly attended to.
Boom IB , Shug irt'a Building ,
, W. H. Sherraden
' 9
Oonnoll Blnfb Iowa.
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Glass.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.50.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E. EEMEK , Manager
Jll Broadway , COUNCIL BLUTJfS , IA.
ADMI3310N-O nta Uc ladkl loo.
BKATE3 CcnU ICa. Laillei lOo ,
Admission Frto to Ladle ) eanh awmlag and Tne
day and Tbaredsy afternooni. UN ol Bluttu II
A. V. GCnANOK. U. n ,
Uanazei. I'roprletoi
St , Charles Hotel ,
O.STltEET , BET. 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NEB
Mrs. Kate Coakly , Froprletoregs.
< 3TNo ly anil elegantly lurDUhed. Oood tainplo
room * on drat floor.
/ VTeima(1.60 to fi per d y. Special ratoi idrea
membcrJ ol the ItKlslature. uovlO-Im-me
T nnd 0 Mrttn ntroct ,
Oov50 Biurn , IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods 'o Soloc't From.
Keep Horsca &nd Mnlco constantly on band which
wo will cell In retail or wholcanlo Jots.
All Stock Warranted as Represented ,
Whnletftto mid retail ilcalcra In Grain ami Il.ilfil liar.
sonablo Satisfaction Ousisntrod.
. &a
Corner Fifth Arc. & Fourth SK UouncllBlulTs.
Wittier Goods ftpudy. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style
CM Short Notice and nt Ronson b ! Prices.
205 Main Street , - - . . . Council BlnCi.
JDrs , Judd & Smith's How Improved Electric Belt.
IT POSITIVMiY CUIIES Klilncy unJ Liter Complaint , Ilrlght'j Dlioive , < > iicus thii , Nounljlt
Dyspcrsln , Ncnonsticsi Witting Wcakn's * , I'arnlj-sK f < | iliinl Air.-rtloiH , Indigos ! Ion , Hoiut limi' , I'lii
Headflcli , Lama Hack , Co'tl Foot , and all illeoisis requiring IncrcnsoJ matlvo tuwcr * . Kow fuiitroroil bo
W and B ; old BtjloSJ tncli. '
O * * r-a'aVl ' > B K. a.1 > W.a& ; j > SW WW V Cj ?
The geaton hehiR to lar adianceil I tiKncludcd to illsposo ot IAJ- stoves uioinci.rss or coir
uencc to itoihie them until licit ecxsou. Call early M I nlll not ba undcmold by nn > unu.
A. J. 3flCaad H-
s25 brohdwuy. Uoiuitol
HOT1CK. Special 6 vottteomcnte , E'JO aa Lett ,
Found , To Loan , For SMo , To Rant , Wants , Board
Ing , eta. , will ba Inserted In this column at tbo low o ! TEN CT.NT8 PER I > INK ( or the flrct lujortloa
ind FIVK OENT3 PER LINE tov ouch eubaeqncat n
ertlon. Lcavo advortUcmoata i our c3c8 , No.
Pi'arl Gtrcet. near Bro dwnv
A partner tci.tnko half interest In a
pceil bualnocs , 5CO cash rcqnlicil. Can ox-
( cid buolnc'3 with It BO as to ilouulotbu profltB. Ao :
dress L. Bee olllcc , Council 131 uftp. |
FOll S4tK I-anils Improved and unimproved.
H rctiwanta fi m Inotcni Iowa , Knn aa
Nobraaka or Dakota , Ictus Loir frcm you.
"IT'Oll ' SALE Special bargain. AlatKo two story
I1 fran odwillirtr , ton rooms with Ml modern Ini-
I > rovcincnt9. veil located anil almost new. 1'ilco
500 ; , ? il03 cash balance long time ,
WANTED To correspond with ftuy non-resident
owner of property In Council BluflN or I'otta-
vattim'c county , or any on v\Ubln ( ; to buyer
or sell piopeity In western lena , Kansas or Nebraska.
SWAN li WAtKKit.
FOR SALE Alareo number ol business end reel-
dencolotnln all pans ol Council Bluffs. Keo
us bcforo you buy , bw.\x & WALKKB.
rOH KENT Wo h.vo several houtips on our list
for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WAI.KRK.
17011 3 LK I'ftrtioi wlahitigto buy cheap lota to
I * build ou can buy on uonlhly puyniontu ollrom
$2 to 810. b\vAX& WALKHK.
FOH UENf. Wo will rent you a lot to bu'ld on
with the priillago to buy If jou wleh onery
liberal tormr. WAN & WALKKB.
WANTED 1 o corresj > end w Ith any ono wishing a
good lootlati til ( lannlnff mill. FMb , door
and blind manufactory , we ha\o building and
machinery , neil located , for sale , Iraio or trade ;
FOR RENT-Lartje two 6tory frame bulldlrg suit
able for warehouse or storage purposes , near
railroad depot. SWAN & WALKKU.
FOR RENT OK SALE Building and grounda
suitib'o far BniJv'l foundiy and machine Bhop.
Good boiler , cosine , cupila , Blower with Hied shaft
ing eta , icady to put Iu motion ,
FOR SALE Shci\lnec3uuterg , tables dcsliH , gas
llxturoa etc , K&qulro of H. c. Seaman , paper ,
books and stationery , 311 Broadway.
pOIl SALIS A second-hand sate. No. 217 Brcad-
1 Council liluOs-
EOR SALi : TwoIioiHca. single bugpy , and light
Blu 'o ' harnESS. U. II. llobcitsoo 6U1 Broadv ay.
WANTKD A Rood K'rl ' or womin ( or gene a
houeowort , ono saitablo will paid good wages
Enquire ut 1200 Sixto strict opposite school house.
WANTED /Rent ! In every county In western
lena to Bill tbo "Champion liosom Stretcher
and Ironing lioard" , Eroy lady pronounces It on
tight to be Just what sha wanH , either ( or hetsclt
or hlrei' help. Dig Inducements to agents. Retails
( or 31 , Address O. U. 8. and I Beard , Bco oCLCc
Council BluQn , Iowa.
iiOR HALK HOUSOB. Lota and Laud. A. J.
? Ptopheneon , 603 First n\cnue.
TJlOit ti.\LK A top-buggy , llrut-ilim make nnd
J ? In excellent condition. Or will trade lor cheap
> ot. Addrona f. 21. Bee olllco , Council Ilu"8. !
COAL /iNl ) Vt OOll-UcoiKO lleaton , OSj Jlr ( l-
way. sells coal and wood at reasonable prices ,
; lvc3 2,000 Ibs. ( or a ton , and 123 cublo ( or a cord ,
fry him.
Kvery Doaym Council uiuiis to t to
WAWTKD . Dollvoraa by carrier t only twenty
cants a week.
O LD I'Al'EUS For e lo Hi Bill offlco , at S5 conu
a hundred
No. 007 Broadway Oonnjil Bluffs.
Railway Time Table , rl
Corrected to January 7 , 1885.
The following * ro the tlmeo ot the arrival ind de
parture ol trains by central standard time , tt the
local depots. Tralna leave transfer depot ten nilr-
utca earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
cinoiao , EUBLii.aron AHD qucioT.
tliVB. XBIT .
6:85 : pra Chicago Eiprceo ; 6:00 : a m
9:10 : it m r&ot ir ll. 7co : p m
12SO : p in Accommodation. 8,0) p Q
"At local depot only.
10:05 : B m Mall ted Kxprea ? , n US p m
8il6ptn Piolflo Express , 065pm
6:56 : p m Kipreco , 0:06 : a nt V
t:25 : a m Kxpreas , 0:50 : p m Va
5:26 : p m Atlintlo Biprctg , 0:05 : a m J.
9:25 : ft in Day ExpreM B64 ; p m J.Ml
Ti20ia Do MoinC'a Aoccmmodotlon , 0:16 p ro Ml
At local depot only ,
AB.I. wjuut iH rAcirio.
6:10 : pta Acoommodit.on 0:01 : am V
1:20 : p m Louis KxprciM 2:45 : p in 5J
1:50 : pm Chicago Expreea 10:65 : a ui
At Tran lor nly to
8:63 p ra Kxprsos , ( : tO p m
9xt ; a ia Paotflo Kxpresi tvt : > a in
SIODI cnr AND FAoinf ,
I'M p n St. Paul Kiprosi , 0M : a m
fllOam Day Kxpresa 7:00 : pu
nsion riciFlo. J
8:03 : p m Wcetcrn Expreea , 8ZO : a m
UW : ) b m 1'aulBo Exproan , i : < o p ta
ItilO a in Lincoln Kxproua , 1:111 : p m M
'At ' Tiinitor only. j , ,
Leave 7IO-8ttM : : > : SO-1030-IllO ; : a. ta. 1:80-5:3 : :
J:80-4:80-5SO-flSO-llCi : : : : : P. m Sunday-7:20 : - ha
:80-n:40 : a. m. lSo-S80 ; 6SO-fl.0-nu5 : : p. m.
nlve 10 mlnulis before leuvlog time ,
Fromtraiifar only
E. Sica M , D.
fflWnUDC or other tnraoni
UilllUIlUOj kntfo or arawluc
Over tilrty ycara i.rtctlcM oxptiliuo * VKU Ko.
C , 1'oatl lroot , Council Bluflt ,
CVConiulU/'cn frco.
Cobs , Coal i Wood
P. Oi address , Lotk Box 1 < 99. Council BluHf ,
ars , H , J , fiflton , M 0 ,
822 t * I v. Ooiincil Illufln.
Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee ,
3t. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport
Clinton , Dubuquc , Koolcford ,
Kock Island , Kreeport , .Tanesvillo ,
J'llgin , Madison , La Crosst- ,
Uoloit , Winona ,
And all other Important points Kurt , North-
cast and Southeast.
Ticket olHco at 1401 Tarnain stcct ( In 1'axton Ho
tel ) , and at Union I'acillo Depot.
THK WOULD ate run on the main llnrs ol the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul B'y and every attention
iepald to pasEcnifora by courieots emplojciol the
S. 1. MKHRILL , A. V. U. CAUI'KN"T > : R ,
GcneralUanazcr. Gen'l Pasao"L'er KOnt.
, WILi Klt , QEO. r. IIEM'VOIU ) ,
Ass't Ocn'l Manager. As , t Gcn'l I'.u
J. T. ChAUK , Gcn'J Superlntondont.
, , GOL-
[ CUOCESSOR8 TO THE J. M. B. & 15. 00.1
Tbo most oxtontro manufacturer ! )
John nockstrasaor General Agent or Nebratka an
Western Iowa.
C B. Tenth Street . . . . 01IAHA , HKB ,
ClTtdatlou tllllard and Pool Tiblos and materU
Also 1J ! valuable nnd reliable re
cipes ( wver before publislied , ) any
one ot winch is wortli $1,00 and
from that to 825.00 , and a copy of
the ' -Cultivator" sent PltElil to
any ono tlmtFends 3 stamps to pay
postage etc. , { { comic picture cards
will IJ'BO ' 1)0 ) enclosed in the pack
age. Thf so recipes are valuable to
Miehoueeliold and any energct'c ' per
son knowing the secrets they disclose
need never want for money. Please
write name and address pi July. Put
stamps in u letter nnd iiddross it
50 ! ) , Omalm , Neb.
J Jf. Wyngait defondutt will take ootica that on
the 16th dar al Itc ) , IKS I IMn-utid Dartlclt Ks > | . , by
Jiutkecf tlio 1'uicp o ( Djuijlna county , Irwnoi uu
order ol nttarhmeit ( or the Hum ol two hundred dollars
lars In an action pending by him wherein Jacob Cnhn
plilntlff , tnd J. U , Wgart I ) defendant That
property ol tie said defendant coDalnliiiK ol etock
goods , fixtures an J oilier pcrscnil jirTCity coo-
ttlurd In bla ( hop , O'iriier o ( 10th end Jou09 itroet ,
bo u attarhtd under fl.ld order , tiald caueo
was continued t3 January Slut at 0 o'clirk. In tbo
lorenocn , DWIUHT HULL
jlcc230B3wro Attarnoy ( or I'Uliitlfl
Physician fa Burgeon
P.edldenoo No. 1407 Jones HI. Omc4 , No. U09 Far
aam itrvol. Oflico bour ,12 m to I p. m. anil ( torn
B p. m. Tclepnone , ( or offlco V7iNldonco IU ,