5 The inter-Slate CMMICS Bill still IMor Discnssion , The Senate Mauifust Oonnidorablo , Anxiety About It ( Qon , EoscoranB1 Bitter Animos ity Towards Gen ! Grant , Will Hinder the Passage of the Eotircmont fiilli The OongressionalForeoastof the Weeks' ' Business ! Vcuimia Otlior IntcrrntlnK Items of : vewo From tiio riAtiunal Uapltol. BENATE3 WASIIINOTON , Janunry 17.-Allison mo- aided over tbo Senate to-day. A communica tion finm Gonerjl Hhermin to the tocroUry of war c.ncoruing tlio policy nf tha confeder ate oxtcntlvo deiiartmcnt wai received and laid ou the table , 1'ry introJucod a bill tor the encouragement of tlio American merchant mnrino nnd to promototho poital anil'cmnmsr' cinl iclatltfLs with foreign countries. The Senitu proceeded to the cnruidurntion of bills on tbnujlondnr TC.U clinlr laid before the icnnta the inter- fltatu commcrco bill , nml nltor n long debate 81 iterV nmoridment , iirohiblthiR higher rates for shorter than tor longer hauls , was do- fuitfd yns 11 , nays 32a8 follows : YUM Oamdon , Cockroll , Coke , 10 > ir , Kon- nan , Maxey , Slater , Voces , Van WycSc , Vest nud Voorhecs , Nilyn Allison , Iliown , BuUur , Cameron ( IV. ) , Cameron ( Wis. ) , Conger , Uullnm , Ji > liho | , 1'ryo , Uorinan , Jlalc , Harris , Ilnr- rlson , llawloy , Hoar , Ing.ill' , Jacksjn..Tones , Lipbam , Hcndorsan , Mitchell , Morgan , Mucrlll , 1'ike , Plait , 1'ugb , Kansim , Saycr , Sheffield , ahornma , Walker nnd Wilson , Tno amendment proposed by Alii ion was arn > od to 2,5 yo.is to 20 nnys. The amendment increiisea the number of coaimlisiimcra from Hvo to ton , amending eo nn to r quire that no moro tlum five of tlipm shall belong to oni political party. The amendment also provides th.it the commls- Hton < > r < Bhall bi polfclo.l from nach of the nluo judicial disirlcts cf the United Statoi. The amondmcnt olfoicd by 1'ugh wjs agreed to , lunittnp the powers of the commission tote to tua powers npojifieally given by tbo bill. 1 To in > vod the bill b unanimous consent ba tnlt'ii from the cilmdar , and Oullom moved to ajiond it by striking out ell after the enactIng - Ing cluufo , inserting the prnvltions tf the neiiai * bill. On this motion Vest called for the yeas nnd najR , and pending ac ion the ecnuta n.douriiod. ] HOUSE. ' The honso went into commltoep of the whole en the consular and aiplornatis appro- pi Utlon bill. Tow nihend offered an amendment , rcquoet- ii g the president to invite tbo co-operation of the povormnonts of American nations in aecutin ? the catnblislimont of n ommercial leuguo by and between said niUomto _ ba knoAtias tha "Customs Union of America. " Kulodout en a p iut of order. A dubato ensued , during which thera wore reuny spirited pasH ci } regarding the position occupied by tha different wing * of each party o > i tba present phao of the tariff problem , Wiliis'roported ' the river and harbor appro- piiitieu bill. Ordered printed and rocom- inUtjd. AdjournoJ. WASHINGTON NEWS. WASHINGTON , January 18 , To-morrow in Li the house of representatives is the day for monthly calls. Tno call rests with the com mittee on foreign affalrp , and representative Uelt Intends to move the pjasa/o of his bill reported this scaion to provide for the exor dia of jurisdiction by the consular court ) . The motion will bo olfured ia bshalf of other committees as 'follows ' : Naval nf fairs and postolllces and postronds , to assign days for the conBJdfiratrnpf'thajYtuci < > us measured herc- tof01 e reported by them. Indian Affitra To pass a bill for the allot ment of Indian linds in teveralty. Labor ( if reached ) To pass a bill prohibit ing contracts fur tUu labor of United States pnconorr. Whn the houto adjourned on Saturday il wai rumored that the committee on judiciary would oadeavor ID keep the housa In ceisioi to-morrow until that c. mmittoa was reached , In or.ier . tint the bankruptcy bill might again bo ca'led ' up Tbix commutjo is amonct the last on tha liet. C < ill ins , however , win baa had charge of the bid sa < d ho was not tuvaro of auy such purpose. The time for legliUtiva butintKi ia tin house Tuerday will be thort On December 1 * th last the house resolved time January 20th shou d j bo devoted to tha de livery of tributes to the memory of late K-pffsentntivu Evlns , of South Carolina. During the airly pare of the day the committee on elections InUiids lo call up the cont's'ed t'lcctiiii case if Mamy VB Wiaa of Wis- con-in. On tbo tairo d > y the committee will probably report the contoatoil cases elMo Mo Ienn ( republican ) vs llrodho d ( democrat of Wisinniiu. nud Krediicks ( democrat ) vs WIUou ( repablicin ) of Iowa , lleoorii wilt ba in from Brudhea 1 and I'roJorickn. The com- rnitteo intends to call them up for coasidera tlnn ni BOJII thereafter at potslblt * . Of the fourtiou annual appropriation bills not ono hut besumo a law , Tna military academy ap p opriatlon bill bna pas ) il both hnisoi of con- Krtu , but llio hoiuo haa refused to concur in thn tcnato cmcnOmtn's ' end the Li 1 has beni ui t t > the ( ( inference commiltxe. Itnth tlio gumioni tiiploiiiatio acd cuuoiilar upproprlution bil a liivujiusod the honsa , uud nra uow In the fonaic. The committee on approptiatloos river and harbor bill ia ia'tin home. The DUtrict < f Colurnbit bill la rondy to ba re ported by tha hou'Q apropri ] ) tioincommit- to , and the nsvul hill ii nariur loutidoration. Thti : irmy. piistotlice , fortincations. Bjndry civil , K'jltUli\e ( executive nnd judi cial , aad deficiency bills are stilt in tha couma of preparation by the committ'jef. The agricultural appro- piution bill Is ttlll to bo matured by the com- : inUea on agriculture It iis pcwjible thai the armv , navy und postollica apnropriation moan- urci' i vill ' bo reported to tbo liouao during the w ok. If so , nrarly thu eatiroeolcvlllb ) ' " taken up in 'their "discmelon. If , howoyer , tha coiumlttpo U not a * lo to report thofu bills , and u't iippi riunity Is olfere 1 for the consld- i.'ratioiui , othtr bini'ioas , an elfort will bt made to lecurotha diicuteion of sundry men- ur H which have been pend ng some tinU. HtockMoger sari ha will contiuuo to call uj the bills making nporcprlatlons for public buildings thraughouc the country ; Townnhem the Mexican ponelon bill , and Willln the edu cation bill , Houby , ut the oomrnlttee o public lands , will ondea\or to obtain tin con- lidera'ton ot tin bi 1 providing for the forfeit ure of the Northern 1'pcitio land grant , and A , S , Hewitt If opportunity nffera , the bill to carry out the pruvitloni ot the Mexican treaty. Iu tlio senita to morrow will bi devoted to eulogies of the late Henator Anthony. Twelvi senators have announced thtir intention to ifoak. It ii prooable that the remainder ol tha week will bo couiumed ia the cocaideni. tioti of tvo intor-btat ? commerce bil atid tlia UnrAKtun trosty. Should thn Intor-staU commerce bill ba dixpoied of iir displaced , fc'oantor Cok * will endnavor to Hfcuro thi consideration uf the bill to pro. vide for the improvement of the chinuel be- twet-j (5ihetou ; hurbor nnd tbo Gulf of Mexico ice , ] < 'olloningr th'u in iu upecial order no tha Texas Pud lie lorfeitare bill , in chr e uf StDatir riuiab , and Houator Van WvcV * lull to doijlaro certain railroad grant lands ut jo ttotaxttlon , The firit meaiure to tin co'i.idtr. din the monilog hour lithe bill ti < \ui t the tit'e ' of sett en ou the Den Molneb rnor lauds in Iowa. Tlio Ifitor-SlBtn Uomiuorco Bill. Special Telegram to Tun BKK. ' WASHINGTON , Januiry 18. There w s a vote Uktn In tha eentta this aft'srccon which ( how * precisely bow anxious tbs tt-utta n to rfRii'atn the rilroidn In eveotho moat gen cral vay , Senator BUur hvl olfered an amendment providing that short hauls shorn ! net exceed the charge for a Ion ; haul ol the ama quantity and kind ot goods moing in he fame direction , It will bo noticed that his did not Involve tin Hea of a uniform rate IT ton per mile. It did not nquiro the charge for n shot thnul to bi lcs thuu the ctmga f r n Ion ? haul ; it was only to ba no greater. Thii last clause of tha mncndrncnt w&a intncded : o meet CMOS whrto the most of the tralllc on v road is in ono tllreainn , nnd the cars must etutn empty unless they can cirry f n lght at very low intfft. It wnsMuiplyn iiroposiilnn that the chare Irom Now Vork to Buffalo slnu'd not f xoeod the charge from Now York , o Chlcfo ! , and thu chareo from Chicago to puffjlo liould bo no grottor than the charge 'rotn Chtctgo to New Vork. This measure ot In'.crftrcuca with tbo prarorothcs ot the railroad minogors recalvul the tiupport of inly vletci senators , and wa > opposed by , hirty-two senators. Mr. Catndcn , of Weit Vi'Rinla , whn Is largely inttroitcd in rail- eau > , voted for the Ul.tcr amendment. Of .bo cloven gentlemen on that side , en were democrats , Mr. Van Wyck jcintf tha only republican tcnator. jarUtd announced , that It he had not been rirred with rcpublicais ha would have voted 'or tie ! nmcn < ! munt. Of thirty-two sonatora who vote ! down the amcndinont ton w ra democrats and twenty-two republicans. Wll- ion , of Iowa , who wa * supposed to enter the Senate anti-railroad voted with hta cnlloKjtio. Allison , who is nomowlut Interested In rail- rokd , voted againtt it. The last vote out was by Ingjlls and waafgiinst the amend ment. lugills it the man who recently warned tha Senate In general and Mr. Bay ard in particular , that the popular lomand for come eminent regula tion ot tho'rsilroada must not bo ignored any ongcr and that the Sonata was nnpeted by : ho public of too great a subset- , -iency to the corporate interests. Cameron "was" voted In the negative and to did Mr Harrison , of Indians , ( Jongor voted in the negative. Palmer did not \oto and neither of the Minnesota senators was iresent. Both the Missouri senators voted or the amendment and BJ did bith nf th West Virginia senator ? . Both of the Texas leuators , Fair , of Nova-la , Vanes of North j.uolin * thrcugh hii colleague voted the other way nnd Vorhees. On motion of Sen ator Allison the number of comnvsslonora was aised to nlno so there might ba ono for each udiclnl circuit. The xeimtn concluded the lobatobn the bill to-ni ht , and took up the llnagan bill by unanimous consent , and ndjoimiod aftorSsnutor Collom had offered "iis hill , na amended in the senate as a tub- titntu for the Ilinjaa bill It ia probab'o .hit the causa of till opposition uf General llosccf.tns to the bill for the nmnuiKNT or OKNEIIAH GRANT. s largely due to the rf tircment of Gen. llnse- crans from active service during the war after thu bit tlo of Chlckamaoga. which he ia a con siderable degree attribitea to thu influence of Jen. Grant. Gpn. Roeccrans is chalrmtn of ; hp house ctnimittua ou mllltaiy affiirs and it is in his power byirtuo uf bin pieitim tn jreat y cmbiras the p.vssgo of tha Gnnt bill n thuprujoat condition ot affairs In the homo , he says the recent actloncf the majority of the comm tteo will not help the Grant cause , as Gen. Slocum will have no opportunity to call iip the bill the time shall arrive when there is no revenue or appropriation bill In the way , and the tevcral prior special orders have been ilispotcd of , lie thinks this will provent'tho bill from getting before the housa at the cession Glen. Kosecrans can only vent his spite upon Gtrant by preventing the consideration of the bill , as it will certainly pass if it can be wrought before the house. POHBIGN NEWS. AN IJII'OBTANT AuHEdT. BnuasKLS , January 17. Tha police Lore claim to have made an important arrest in connection with the a'saesinatttn of Pclice Commissioner KomplF , at Frankfort on the Main. They are reticent concerning the prisoner , but state that ho arrived at Antwerp yesterday from Germany. Ho Immediately took the train for this city and was arrested on his arrival last night. It is stated that at the proper t'me tha evidence will bj forthcom ing to tliov ? thep Isoner H the man who drove the datrger into ; ho mutdered man's body. A dcteo ivo at Frankfort on the Main , after find ing the dagger , traced Us owner. The arrest here Itia said was made on a telegram from the German police , who are close on tha heels of the aeeaasin. THKMISSINO PACKET MOOH9EN. , January 17. It Ins ben defi nitely ascertained Ithut the missing packet , Admiral Mooreen , is lost. Twelve of the crew aad five passengers ara di owned. LONDON , Juno 1" . Particulars of the disaster to the picket steamer Admiral Moorson , sunk elf Uolyliead on Thursday me lit by the American chip Santa Clara are coming in slowly. Tbo steamer Falcon ar rived at'Cork mil found the Admiral Moor- son Fridby morning 011 its beam ends and took from the wreck throe men , oneMoman and child. The bo-Jy of a man was found on deck. There was nobody else on board. Too weather was rough and the Falcon was un able to take the wreck iu tow. On Satur day the Ntaarmhlp , Lady Woodhouse , suc ceeded in getting a .line to the wreck , but during the heavy sea the ropes parted and the Admiral Moorson eventually sunk. Nothing ii known of the remainder of the crew not already accounted for. LONDON , January 1C. The boat of the lost sttamer Abortion , which contained thirteen pnreons , is still nmsing. Two men were killed trying to board the Santa Clara. The total number dead and mltHlng , Iccludincr the ctptiin of the ill-fUtd 9te.imer , Is sixteen. Tha Santa Clara Ins sai'ed from Hullyhcad for Liverpool. Her captain is reticent con cerning the circumstances of the collision , but Htates that the Admiral Moor.-on w .s iu fault. IlBLIKb1 KOU KK LDNO. SHANGHAI , January 18 Twelve Chinese veisela have gone to Fee Chow it is believed to take Chinese trjops on board , which th y will endeavor to laud In Formosa to tempt to relieve Ko Lung , KAOKET. ClllOAfio , January 17. K istbonnd freight rates from hero to New York are rep jrtid to bo completely demoralized. The withdrwa ! of the I'ennsyliania railroad from the pool his precipitated a cut of ten cents pur hundred on pram from hero to New York. A fifteen cent ra'o is now being quoto-1 bv the trunk linoi. BUFFALO. January 17. Krio has dofMil'.f d on thu intifest duu holders of the bonds of the load ulnce it loafed the narrow gaage system It is i ncortain when It will bo paid. 'Ihe question of what will ba doneia being debated , bucn'uo Bali-factory couilumon has benn ri-ached. If the narrow cuago autn ontzes the Hr.'o hy taking the tratter iota tha courts , they fear that tha Erie frflt'ghte , upon which thtyare dependent , will bo ci verted from their lines. Thsy are therefore waiting ia hijE that when President Kinx completes tha work of organization nome satisfactory meina will bo provided fur paying the bond holders. SAN FKANOISCO , January 17. Tha TratH- contiuental lUilway aiuoci tion finally igreed to have tbi > southern lloea pay thenorthein llnea eight per c nt of their gross turnings on through biKincsr. PHILADELPHIA , January 17 It Is officiaMy announced th * Pennsylvania railroad com pany has not ordered auy cut in either pas eenger or freight rates to or from Chicago or elsewhere. An A Jennifer. Problem. Special telegram to TIIK BEK. LONDON , January 18. At the Aipland library r.ila next week an oiiglnal copy of the treaty with the Iroquow , printed by Franklin in 1744 , will be told. l.loj d'a Shipping Gaztlte has a long alarm- lit article en tbo probable clinutio effect of cutting tilththmui of Panama by n cantl , and that duelling tha pulf itrram. It draws a picture uf reindeer again bulng buntud rn the Riviera , and walmsaa playing on n ice wal | around unluhabltfd Knplaud , tlio AVlioo'H ' ol l rojrP8p , CHICAGO , January 17 , A meeting of the produce exchange to-day unanimously adopt ed the following ; Hwolvo j , Tint we , repre senting the dairy interesti of Illinois , express our lieirty tpproval of thn bill introduced in the Icgitdaturu having for Its objioS the tutal ( uppreivioo of the mauufacturo or n.ile of tny ole g nou mbstltuta la I ha plac. ) of butt r , and that wo earnestly urga its ftmnediato n . tige und strict deforcement. VAN WOK'S LONG HAUL He Strips Out from Bolli and FlatlcBsTwo Slates , A Vigorous Speech on llsxllrcmtllloRU- lit Ion-AUIiinu and InRalla 81- Icncoil Sketch of tlio Battle. SpecM ToleRram to the USE. WAIIHINOTOX , January 17. Sinn ) rVan Wyck's anti-monopoly epoech in the Donate rosterday nttiacto J a great clc.il of attention. During tiio debata Ingnlls and Allison tried to coiner the latter , who had denounced as .trjntt the charging of mire for a short than tor a lontr. haul. They wanted to know if ho was prepared to admit that it was just to charpo as much for a short na for a long haul. Van Wyck seized the opportunity to ask togills personally whether ho thought the charges from Missouri river points Topeka ought ti bo grantor .lian from ths eamo polnti to Denver. This is a subject upon which .ho people of Kansai have opinions of their own , and as the opponent of anything ike the Uogin bill it WAI n dollcato question forlngalla to answer. In fict , ho made no nniwcr for aomo linio , and white Van Wyck wai watting for rjply cuine ono said in a stage whiaper : "Ho is th.li.klng. " The gsntJoman from Nebraska turned on Allison next , and asku 1 him If ho justified the chir e ot higher rates from Chicago to Des Molnui than Item Chicago to Council IV.uffs. After notno lively apariing , in wblch question was met by ques tion , Allison and lugnlls admitted that as a matter of jnstlca charges ought to ba proportioned to length of haul , but rich in the wealth of their soil , the energy and intslliRenco of their people ; yet Jny Gould , who nei.her toiU nor epics , hart greater wo iltb than tha assessed property , real and personal , uf both states , and YanJerbllt could buy both states , their f.irma and lands , villages and citip ? , hotel ? , bank ? , manufactories nnd rail roads , nnil have a snug fortuuo of $10,000,100 lefc for tha necessaries of life and to keep tha wolf from the door. " A Temporary Ii.jnmjli.ii . Granted by llie Court. Full Text ol * nn Imcrcatlng null Im portant Decision. A hearing of the arguments In the in junction nait brought by Loma Men delssohn ot al. , against the cily , was hold in the district court Saturday morning. The court hcuod a temporary restraining order preventing the collection of the sewer taxes , nnd allowing the defend ants until February 19 to file nnsiror. The opinion of the court in granting this temporary injunction , WAS presented in an nblo and exhaustive doonmcnt. The doclnion , which will undoubtedly furnish the basis of further action in the matter , is important and interesting. The full text is herewith appended : "This is an application for im injunction to prevent the collection cf special taxes levied on the property of the plaintiffs for the construction of sewers in sjwer dis trict No. 10 , upon the ground that there is no authority under Ilia existing laws for the levy of ipociil taxes in this city for such purpofo. The conclusions anivod at , upon as carofnl and thorough an investigation as the limited time therefor has permit ! ui , are hero stated. Bat it is not piasticabla to aet forth the reasoning nor refer to the authorities upon which the conclusions are founded. They are deemed satisfac tory for the purpose of determining whether or n ) t an injunction should be granted until the came shall bo finally tried , but will bo subject to modification if further argument or research shall show that they are in certain particulars un warranted. By Sec. G. Article 0 , of Ihe const n- tioti of 1875 , it is provided that tbo "legislature may vest the corporate au thorities of towns , cities and villrges wlili power to make local improvements by a pedal at sat amenta or by special taxation of the property boneflttod. In thia state , therefore , the power is unquestionable , whatever doubts there may bo as to iti exisinicu ia states hav ing no canatitutloml provieions cu the subject. 2. The pawvr is not canferred by the constitution directly upon municipa'itiea ' , and they cannot ext rjiso , it , unloia it id given to them by the Icgislatuto , in ex press terms , or by necessary implication from powers expressly oijfdrraa upon them by statute. ' 3. It is conceded that no provision of the charter of this city ( being the oci of March 1 , 1881 , to incorporate cities of the first-elms , and the amendatory neb ) . purports to authorize special assessments , except Sec 53 of that act. Tlra section provides that "special taxes may ba levied by the mayor and council for the purpose of constructing sewcis or draws within the c.ty , " and that such taxes should bo bvloa on all the real cstn'o within the sewerage dis trict , according to the valuation. 4 This provision was nit annulled , nor fifFjotod , by section 22 uf the act in r.-gard to the bonded indebtedness of the city , either us It was in tha aot of 1881 , or us afterward amended. 'Iho two sec tions were not inoonelstent. Ono con. tomphted the wo of bonds to a certain extent , and when author/d ! by n tWi-thirds vtj of the o'oelortr , fir EOT- era deemed to bo of geneial utility to the cily as a whole. Thu otht r was Intended toupplf lo tuch local tono.s as would bo of pocial hanetit to particular lee ill- ties in which they rni/lit be constructed. Wh.ther tin distinction hcs or not been Blwaya observed in practice , does no * . nf > foti the rue ! of the constitution , which requires courts to glvo effect to all pro- vlu in o ! n ttitu'.Oj nhni th y can ba reconciled. D , The rule cf assessment pit scribed In section 53 upon all real estate within the seweragedijtrict , according to ita valuation , is iu disregard of the principle fairly deducablo from the constitution , and upan which the right of special as- scssmunt rests , namely : that it must bo in proportion to the bonetits derived from the improvements , and not In oxcesi thereof. Bccauso no rula can Infallibly secure this result , a basis of apportionment which may , and ordinarily will , assess the burden with such an approach preach to equality as is reason ably practicable should bo uphold , But the rule of the statute distributes It arbitrarily without regard to tha relative benefits received or to whether the real estate is or not so situ ated that it can have access to the eowor , or derive any benefit from it. The tax in question was not levied in I accordance vtiUis ootion CO , but tipnu thn bash of llcoil ftont gn on the io or , ntd donb'.le'U ' became the city council was E.\Upilicl , or ndvleod , that the e'ntutoiy rain was unconstitutional. For present purposes , the court adopts this vlow , and holds that nn nssoasmont ftccnrdlrg to vr.luation would ba urcoa- stilutlonnl. 0 , The clause of eect'on ' fi3 providing that "special taxes may bo levied for the purpiso of conatractinR Bowers , " oto , uan nut bo oupportcd frcm thorcitnmdrr , which provsdes for the method of MECSI incut , and upheld M conttituli nisi , leaving the mayor and council to adopt their on method. Upon all the authori ties , when the legislature proscribes thia mode of exerciap of the povror of local assessment , thia ii exclusive of all other modao. The raothud of ascertaining the facia end the proportion cf tin bonefita is thus shown to bo vital and mandatory ; nnd a court would not bo justified in nay- iag that the legislature , If advised that the method was unconstitutional , would have g'aatod the cltlca the power to make asseoaraonts for aowora or local Improve- racnta in auoh method , o ; upon euch basil as they might eco fit. 7. The provision of section 53 being the only ono in the charter , which pur ports to vest the cities of the iirst class with the powir toconstruot eowcra by means of special assessment , and that being unconstitutional , it folio ITS that the mayor and council bavo no authority to levy special tnxos for that pnrroso , either according to the frontage of property on the sewer or any other ays. tern of ascertaining the benefits to properly from tower construction. Whether this may bo defrayed by general taxation of property within the city , it is not noceaeary now to inquire. 8. It follows , from those views , that the ptovleion in Sao.12 of the charter , amoudntory of the former not , found on page 10G of the liwa of 1883 , inhibiting courts and judges from granting injunc tions to restrain the low , onforcqment or collection of "any spolal tix provided for" by that act , or the aoto of which it was amendatory , dota not apply to this cue for the reaeun that the tax sought to bo enjoined is not so provided for. And tlo court thouUl bo governed , In Slewing or refuting tbo injunction prayed for , bj- the general rules and principles of equity jatitdtction. 9. According to sach rules , the in junction ehould bo allowed upon the grounds that the tac was levied without auth orlty of law , nnd the sale of the lots would cioud the tilla. This application Is Inard ana decided upon the facts cs tlmy appear upon the petition , it being submitted upsn tbot alono. Whit reliefs plaintiff ! may ba entitled to upon the final boiring on the plead ings and proof , or upon what terms , if any , as to doing equity in the promises , are questions not yet for determination. 10. Whether o : nit there may or ought to bo a renndy by Icgislntlcn for the eoriou ] difficulties which exitt , if these views bo conot , it is not tbo pro vines of Iho court now to doterm'ne. But the matter is suggested ior the con- tideratton to whom I ho inquiry belongs. Tha injunction is allowed upon an un- dcrtaklrg iu the turn of $3,000. The undertaking , or bond , was Imme diately provided by H. Menddssotn , J. E Boyd , A. Koch , Thomas Gibacn , fll. flollnsau , J. Obsrfe'der ' , William Pitt Kollojg , and Mary E. Kellojp , aad will remain in force until the final disposition of the ciao at the February tenn of couit A SFBUBBAET 'BL'AZE- Tiio Residence ot O. E. Maj no Burned to tbo Ground Yeatordny , between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock , the residence of Mr. 0. E. Mayno , the well known real estate man , was destroyed by firo. Mr. Mayno and family had lefi the house , which Is located on Sounders atreet , beyond the city limltr , about 10 o'clock in the morning , and went down town to church. During their absence , from Borne mysterious cause , the house took fire and burned rapidly. No alarm of fire was given , for the rea son that there is no alarm box in the v cinlty. When first discovered bj the neighbors the fire was bo/ond con trol. A side entrance to the honso was broken in , and a few articles of furniture were saved. All efforts to extinguish the coulUgtation were futllo , and in an hour or BO , the house was In ashes. The first intimation Mr. May GO had of the catas trophe wis when ho returned with his family early in the bftornoon , nnd found vtboro shortly before his rcaidtnce had boon localed , n ( mouldering mass oi ruins , The Ions will bo about $7,000 , 'which is part a'ly ' covered by inauranco to tli9 amount of $3,000. Annng tho'dl'ecla destroyed by tin firowtto _ a valuable * library , tbo result of ten'yoara' oaroful and expensive collec tion. It was estimated as worth $3,500. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao CO. All Explanation , Miss Nell King claims that nn error was jnado in3S turday'a BBE reg rdiog her Jiouso and its inmates. The following is ths fact , as stated by her. ' 1 ho police callud at her house to collect the monthly fine from MJS. Pa kcr , who hnd Jcft town , and bchlg so told , they denmiided to scaich the house. Kather than h.ivo thp house searched , Miss King paid the fine. Ko ancsts wt-ro ma-Jo , nor was anyone taken to jail. And , further , the house was not pulled. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To acoo is the best : The AVontlior. WASHINQIOX , January 18. For the upper lake region ; fair weather , clearing at Grand Ifavt n ; wind chitting touthwesttrly ; generally wanner weather. For the upper Mlitiminpl volley : fair , slightly warmer weather , followed by a slight fall in temperature ; variable windn. V tr thu upper Misiouri valley : fair , slightly warmer uuithor ; variable wfnda , generally Bhi/tlng south-easterly ; falling barometer. Striking ISrakomen , FonrWATNB , January 17. Tha situation as regards the railroad ttrike i unchanged , both tides are qulit and no demonstiation haw been made 10 fur to-day. The heavy anew utorin of last night ionpados travel. ! ' * sen ger trains are ftum three to fi\o hours Ute. Subsidy for Hlilp . WABUINOTON , J nn ry 17. Fiye'i bill to encourage the met chant marines , provides ior a government subsidy to American hlpi for carrying jnalli to Lnlgn ports nut to exceed $1 per wilt ) each \ ay. Tbo report la prevalent in Oaro and at Ihe English war ollicu lhat Turkey Id preraplDg to take put In the Egyptian war , The Crop Uepnrts , Mli-wAfKiE , January 18S. . W. TVlmadgo of this city , In his crop reports says.complaiui eeerns genornl that owing to tha uafoisouabV fall and winter the ondlli n of the win- ! who t i most nnfaror.iMo nnd tin promUe f oven afnir outcomn Isnolxory fl.itt rin , Mlchtgau , Illinois , Kansas. Missouri nn 1 K < lucky. < Kop itts n laro , deerosss in ao.wn.- andowingto thosaxotityof the wlnterthodAin ngo has luan vrry grout. The weather h . Lean unusually cold nnd imoy of Iho j > r nc jnl wheat roiintics luvo bson bare of mow 111. . , to within th * past week , nnd wheu it whol v jrczen out , which will n'cessltata p'owing uii In the spring and Ihe sowing or planting of other cereal' . The damogo in the o states l > \rirlously o litnftted nt from 10 to Ujper cent , K.infns Mlisnnil and Kentucky being th principal stiIfr ( s. Olticlal advices froti all nulcaUuial dcp rtrnints oj utitistical agents of the priuc ) itl winter whoit of th' ' taiticg statn * , pixiug the area town ti whonl as compared tj l sl year'snguri-i , then a larg decra p , ranging from ten to thidy-thrce per csnt. Mtny of the largo producicg stntpn in cludlns K-jn n' , Jlltsourl , Illinois itnd Indi nnn show n larger decrf a o in the average > compiraJ with last yoir. It ( hews said short- rgu to bo fully twent * ' t > nr cant. Texas ORtilo Mint BUM p Jjlnrf. ST. Louis , January 18. Advices fiom thr Kiowa Indian toicrratlon nro ti tno effect that thoto Indians are in n distrestcd and Buf feting condition , notwithstanding the aid fur nished by the government. 1'ivo members of this trihc , evidently n hunting party , wcr. found frozen to death forty miles north ofVi chiti Kails , htJ on Friday eveaiug. Dis- iutch58 from Texni c nitlnuo to report n great losa of cattla and sheep by tha Ute coM wenthor In various imrtx. On m ny range' In 5tho northern and western part oi the state proit numbers of cattle Imo drifted south ward till stopped by the n ho fencing , run- nlug many miles cast nnd west , nnd nro now dying by huudredi , nnd even thousands from hunger , thiwl nnd cold. They are lost chleily on ranges which Imd eullcred Irom the drought , nid water being srnrce , nnd the cattle - tlo being in poor condition ; but even in the most favored pitts of tha xtnt9 , n great amount of ntcck has bean lost on account of the uiiUBunl ( oventy of the wonther. Thp ettimato Is tint 10 per csnt of ca'.t'o nna 20 per cent of cheep have perished Bay State Sugar JUnilnory Bnrnrcl. BOSTON , January 18. To-night a firj broke out In tbo Biy State sugar rtfmery , No. 3 ? ICastarn avenue. Tin building WUH of brick , four stoiiea liiffli , with n froatogo of about foity feet nn Eastern avenua and extending back nbout ninety fast to Sargc-nt's wharf. The tlamea spread to the Standard dye wood work" , which abut upon the refinery on Sar gent's wharf nnd cxtrnd down tha avenue to ward the wharf. ' 1 heso mills are three ntorlca and fib'nt eighty or nicety feet In hngtli. They ara nearly all destroyed. Other adjoining - ing property was In crent danger for a time. The refinery is operated by E Atkias & Cu. , who , It la understood , own tha brick block as well nn the refinery building. Thtir loss will probably ba heavy , fully insured. The dto mills a-u otvncd by the heirs of George Blnck. _ _ _ _ _ "DOUBIjB JIKADBltS. " TUB KXTBAOliniNAUY llHAKKHEN's STRIKE AT IT. WATKK ENDED. FT. WAVKK , Ind. , January 18 The rail road braktmtn's strike , which was inaugurated hero Tuesday last , terminated this evening. The strikers held a meeting th'a tfteracon and delegated a committee of four of their num ber to wait nn Mayor Xollinger at his resi- dcxca. wlurli was acn ? . Later the committee waited on Supt. Law of tha railroad and at this meeting it was agreed that tbo railroad company thpuld 1)3 permitted to run "double headers , freight train ? if desired , while those of the striking bralcemen who chooao to work wilt be reinstated by tbo company nnd will not he discharged for t'aolr part'.cipali n in the strike. NOTES. Dodeo City , Kas. , suffered a 575 000 fire yetterday. _ Another rupture of the whisky pool nt Cln < cinnati 1.1 threatened. The mercury touched zwo In St. Louis laat night and 80 ° below at Jamestown , Dak. An 88,000 roller skating rink at Elgin , 111. , rolled out in smoke and denes this morning , Iho marriage of Frincu Collona nnd Miss Mackny will be Boieuinl/.ed at Paris , February Three thousand men are engaged at Klagonfurt , in the Austrian Alps , digging In the BLOW to recover the bodies of the hun dreds overwhelmed ia the nvalntcho Friday laat. laat.Tho The special granjl jury appointed by tit- Cook county ( III. ) cr'rminul court his returned indictment ! ngaimt MackinGalIagherShielcl , Hanabrougb , Sullivan , Blebl nnd Gleason for participation in the Eighteenth ward eltctioo fraudr. Mackln was also Indicted for perjury in sweating he did not order the printing of the bogjs ticket ; . Inthe Corgo conference at Berlin three ro.sona hnvn been given for the parlicipation of America in the deliberations : first , Americi was tbr first power to officially rouogulze tbo African Inter national association j second , the population ot America cunprlstu six million negroes whosa parent country Is Africa ; third , Americana mainly h&ve explored the country A dispatch fr rn Gakdul Fays : "Thlrtv cameU of the Gordon expedltiou dropped dead on the march to Howeiyntt. The trcops suffered severely. The majority of wnter skins leaked and the men , yielded to third , oxhauated their ration * of water prematurely. Very few fell out of line nnd the condition of thn men under the circumstances was opleu- At Winnipeg , Manitoba , ycstprdiy , where Rice's Theatrical company is pla > insr , Kate Gatlleton , tin well known star , V/OH osjan ted by her Imeband dining the perfoinmc ? and beaten until fiho became unconscious. Cau In to i was arrested and tourd In have liia wife's diamonds upon bin person Ho was bailed out and the whole company left for the HOUtll , A Prize Iu tlio Lottery of life which is usually unappreciated until It ia lost , peilupa never to roturti , i < health. What a priculisi boon it laand how wo ought to cheihh it , that life mey not bo a worthlosa blnok to in. Mm y of the diseased that lltuh is heir to , tin which rcfckft life burdensome ouch an con sumption , ( sorofulo of the luugp , ) and other scrofulous and blood dinnAEca , liud a complete ) curj in Dr. R. V. P/erco'a / "Golden Medical Discovery , " wlin all other romudies have failed. Dr. Piurcb'a pamphlet on o > nsumption rauilo I for-two Rtamps. AddrcBH world's Diipenearv Medical Association. BulMo' N , Y. ThoNcw York KxulHO Law NEW YOIIK , January 18 Tin oxcinc Jaw wai enforced to-day as strictly as it ever was. The police have been notified by [ Superinten dent Walling that the liquor thops mu > t be closed on Suuduy , A lir o number oi urretts were made during the day. Klve hundred dealers met in Inlnt ? lull this evening and adopted retolutlons plpdglnir tbunmelvea In as list the pollen in tin Impartial oiifurcfmont of the law , believing tbac nuci will compel the citizens to demand a modification of the statute. Tlio Oklahoma. IlonmcrH , WELLINGTON , K . , January 17. A courier from Oklahoma county mjs that Captain Couch haa 803 armed men Intrenched in a fortified cimp at Stilhvater with a large sup ply of provltions. Tin troop ) are reported waterbouml and not expected to retch the boouierj camp for teveril dayp. Mill and Klevutor IIumod , CIIIOACO , January 18 , A News Blooming , ton , Illlnoh , special > ays : IVIeit ind Gor don's u'uvator and mill it Mt. Pulaskl Lurned , Loss , $2.0,000 ; inburancu , $1-1,000 , Kxpouitlon rvoti-H , Ktc , Nnv OBLKANS , January 18f The ray * wa clear and cold and twenty thoufaod peopl were at the Worlds Exposition. " \Vlio \ Imvo trillctl awny their yotitliful vigor and powerWiu > iuvsnfforliijtriii ( terrible ilrnliw ni l losses , w h o n vovonk , IMPOTEN T , < 1 unlit for niari rlnp'.nfl ( nn i of nil njjosliollntl tl 'ir Sijl E m power J vltnl ity. DIB LBjiit rvo and SKX- U AL STKKXGTIl wcukom-il , wliotliiT bv lXCKSS ; orcarly linblta CAN H-coivo H positive fit last ing CURE. NO nintlrr of lio\v lonji stundinj ; ytnir cuso may bo , or who lists fallpd to omo you , Ity n few wcck" " or iitoiillis u o etf tlio cclolira- teil Myrtloain Treatment. Athonifltliout cxitosim1 , la h > ss time , anil for LKSS inonpy than any other method In the world. Weak back , Hondficltp. EMISSIONS , laimlttulo , losoof plrlts and ambition , glnnniy tliotight.o , dreadful dreams , defect l\o inomory , mpotonco. Impediments to inarrlago , epilepsy and niiiny other pymptomk oaditiK to Consumption i > ud Insanity , are promptly ixMnoved by ho MYUTLHAIX TKEAT .MKXT. MARRIED MEfJ , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , 'EUFECT SEXUAT/STUKNGTII MEANS ; healthy and vl orotia offspring , eng life and the lovif uitd reboot of a faithful wife. Xo miui bhoultl over marry vlto bavo been fiulltyot early Indeseretlonsuntil ho lias been restored to I'Klt- ' 'ECT MANHOOD. Wo guarantee a permanent euro In cvoiy t-uso undertaken. Sciul 2 stamps for troatlso with proofs nd testimonials. Address The Climax Moclical Co , St. Louis , ! VJo. URIEL'S HAY PRESSES. A.ra tha Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size mid Lightest in Weight. WlthTnoltay Theses et any Unclean the crnonnt of wor'e ' produced , Buch little cxpcntf , ( ten trn * of hay nn'Kcwr toloiil ral'tml ' l > ocaraj can bo dcuowlth tliot'ital Jmjiroicl Mnclilr. \Verrantiil or LO snip. ror Illulst n1 eel now circular address , EUTKL i : CO Qalrcy , IHItioK , Llcntloa uu.ah& lieo a Horn KsMbllsliol In 1:03. ( t Arenow rtf . Tlae greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! ! ' ! FOE CASH OB ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in. Diamonds , Je - elrv. Clocks and Silverware. L * . The only importers of Havana Cigars , and Meersckaum Goods in Qxnafoa. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and Largest Stccks in tl e United States to Select F/om. ' STAIKS TO CLIMB. ELEGABT PASSENGEB ELEVATOR WIN& GO. ffJST Milwaukee. WSs. GITWTHER & GO , , Sole Bottlers , WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWART fa 0- 1013 Jones Street \ AB row. KD oium \ OMAHA 1 DR. BYSAKT , OfUco and rouidenco , N. W , Cor. 12tb and Howard streets. KSzTOalls onawnred promptly night and day. E3rSpoclftl attention plvon to the dl- BOiaos of women and children. Private Lessons IN GERMAN ! aiYliN Day ot evening , Tenni Tery moderate , Call on or addreu , r , K. WKISaQBHIlKB , Omvha C mmclil Collect , llli& 1119 r'arnam Et Finest Millinery And lltt fli'o/Hn lb ( Illy. Motdelsaolm & Fisher , llcoma 23 and SOOmnuaNatl L'auk lllcck. Hl'lCUSOkB TO Dufrene fit Mendelssohn flco. U FUbcr , ( arntrly vlthV , U I ) , Jtrmo/ , Architect , Chitu.'o , Jinllcliu i