TITR DAILT BEE MONDAY JANUARY 10 TH'3 DAILY 13 .E H iv Torls OHU-o , Ilonin 65 Xrlhuno iry n.aiog , tzeepl Zaiitj' U ed&y tnotelnc 1MI ) . OH' BT UiH. S M | One ! b tta , It ( ? . TO 3 xnn ? ni , POIMMIV T3t ; naxo nstruo. | 5.M I ThtJO tf4Btht . I " . . . . 1.00 I One Month . . . . AV > ttn ? to Vi-r- % end r < Jllorl l nultart ( houVJbo ( .JdrewoJ la Cio EtlTOB M Tie : . . i lima . All Hs ln i Irtt'tri and HomlSjin&'s shea.il la ajdreml loTnsHiR ruitiinrxo OcurAST , omtiA. ttralM , Ohtoka and rv/toftliv ) ordcri to bo tnaaa raj1 bie tj ti3 ! order of tba oompanf. BEE FDBLI8HINQ CO , , PROPS' ' E. KOSFAVATEK , Editor. ! A. H. Fitch , Munaffer Dftlly.Oirculatlon , P 0. Box , 488 Omahn. Neb , I' ' ! fi \ > THE house resolution , shutting out Konnard , Hawos , and Pcarrrmn , beats three of a kind. EVA UTS Beomi to have modeatly taken the ) o\d In the Now York tanatorlal race , and the indicationo now are that ho will como in ahead on the homo utrotch. Tun resurrectionists at Lincoln could find Bomojfino old "atlflfj" for anatomical Investigation aronnd the atato capitol without disturbing the graves at Wyula. Tar. death of Governor Ilalo , of Wyo ming , gives President Arthur au oppor tunity to reward lomo ono of hia friends with u gubernatorial title before the -1th of March. RILEY ia after the school land sharks with a sharp stick , and baforo ho gob through , if ho receives the proper oupport , ha is liable to muko it very warm for them. Tun Chicago Times io eminently cor- root In saying : "For a country editor of a ono-horao paper , Mr. Clarkscn is get ting a Rood deal of free a vortlaiug. It'o abou time to drop Olarkson , or charge him the usual advertising rates. " IT looks now as If Bismarck in order to retain the capital of Dakota will have co open a "bar'l" equal to any thai bas ever been tapped in a presidential campaign. A golden opportunity is now offered for the money-making legislator of Dakota to eoiza hold of a pretty good-a'zod ' grub- B'.ako. ID Science , diacusoing the onbjest of rainfall ia Kanaas , finds tbat v Kite thlVhaa incrcaaod twenty per cent In Iho eastern half'of the otato slnco itn occupation by the \rhito settlers , woatorn Kansas has little increase of rainfall to butsi of and little to hope for. Ho greatly doubt ) indeed whether tbii half of the ntato lying outside the immoiiato track of vspor-Iadeu winds , can over have n rainfall tidcqtnto to maintain euc- C3ecful Qgriotilturo. TIIK money expended by Nobratka for hoi- exhibit at How Orleans has been well irivfiatod , thanks to ox-Governor Furnas , who has superintended the display from otcrt to finish , A splendid picture of our exhibit appears in tha latest issue of Harper's Weekly , and will attract uni versal attention. The design is an excel lent representation of Bartholdt'a statue of Liberty , and is composed of the vari ous kinds of grains , bay , and vegetables produced in Nebraska. The Nebraska statno is evidently the work of an artist , aad the person who conceived the Idea is entitled to considerable credit. No moro striking design could have boon pro- Bjntod. NEARLY every county in Dakota has liad a county scat war , and now a now torritotial capital removal shcmo has been organized * Thu South Dako'a members of the legislatuto have agreed to move the capital , if possible , from Bismarck to Pierre , and if they can induce Governor Picrco to act with them they will succeed. It is claimed that hoyhtvotho necessary majority , and all they need is the concur rence of the governor , whoso approval of the proposed bill ia required. Shouli this movement bo earned out , Yankton , from which tlio capital was removed , will rojoido over Bismarck's black eye. Inas much as the location of the territorial cApi'al ' is so uncertain , wo would suggest tliat it bo located on wheels so that it can bo moved the 1110:0 easily all over the ter ritory , from time to time , aa each succeed ing legislature may see fit. BALLOTINO for United SUtea sciutors will bcg'u ' lo 0101x0 in tli9 separate lious'B of tha legislatures of ten states Now York , PciiOBylvin'a , Illinois , Col orado , Florida , Indiaca , Missouri , North Carolina ind Arkanscs , and en Wednes day joint sessions will b3 held. New Yoik will prcbjtlly elect lion. William M. Evarte. Pcnnsylvan'a ' will return Don Cameron. In Illinois the si'.ua'ion ' ' h decidedly mixed , aad it is difficult to prof ici who will secure the senatorial prize. Colorado has a lively fight on hand. At first the chances seemed Tory favorabla for Sooator Hill becoming hia own Micesasor , but tlio litest dhnVchca show that hia principal opponent , Secrc- ' tiry Teller , upon whom oil the anil- Bill republicans noeiu io Invo united , IMI made grca % headway , ho haying been nominated by the republican ciu- cat , from which aovonteon of HiU'd tup portm boltod. It would oeom from tin that Teller hai the inside trn-k , acd trat Hill will not bo i bio to rplly force a enough tj prevent Tellor'o election. It h pretty generally conceded that Senator Call , of Florlds , Vance , ef North Ca'o Itaa , Vest , of Missouri , Yooihees , of In- dlana , Platt , of Connnottciit , and Walker > , of Arkau-aj , will to re-.Uc1o3. t NATIONAL 1UILWAY REGULA TION. The voica of Senator Van Wyck is again heard throughout the hud in uo unoirtein tones. As usual it is raised ngiinat the extortionate exactions nnd arbitrary and tyranuhnl conduat of the railways , and in favor rf the farmers , producers , and the paople t ; < neralIlia ] speech the intcr-ata'o upon - commerce bill oonnot help comm&ndiag universal attention , nnd recsiving unnnimona ap proval nt the hauda of A monopoly ride on peoplo. It ia full of cold und startling facts , which c.innoi bo denied , and if the United States acuato ia not controlled by the inilroada it will no donlt have a bonoGchl effect upon that body. Yet wo doubt whether it will pnis'any inter- atato commerce bill. The railroad lobby- i will probably euccood in having It tinkered with amendments to tint it will not bo rccognlziblo by its author. A strong effort is being made by the senate to establish a commission. Thin is carry * ing out the idoi of the railroad boescB , who well know that if n commission is provided for , it means delay in the nia- ter of railway regulation. Senator Cul- loni , author of the comiui > sion bill , wants the subject under debate oxhiustivcly ex amined , BO that congress will bo better able to judge what legislation is necessary If congios docs not know by this time what is necessary for the interests of the people , it norcr will know , and n dozen commissions will not bo able to give it any inoro information than i. cow pos sesses. The comm'ssion plan is nothing inoro nor less than a lailwnj scheme , and if it is adopted it will bo n clear victory for the railroads. The faci is , however , that thoio ia but l.ttlo hope of any mil- way legislation at the hands of this con gress. The house is in favor of the Rea gan bill. The senate is opp'scd to it , and will amend it to death. It will bo sent bac' < to the house for Concurenco ! in the amendments , and the house will reject the senate patchwork. And thus the game of battlcdoro and shuttlecock be tween the senate and house , with the sub ject of inihtay. regulation , will go on until the end of the session. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK. The failure of ono of the largcat iron firms in Pittburg for § 5,000,000 , and the ouapcnaion of ono of the oldcat banking houooa In New Yorlr , coupled with the fact that there were 445 futures in ihe United States last wool- , only three leas than the preceding week , ia to soy the least not very encouragingymd the ques tion naturally arisDs lave we yet reached the bed-rock of tha present hard-times era ? JSradslrcct's saja while there ia a feeling abroad of greater co > andence respecting tbo outlook for butinuas , there ia little apparent basis therefor beyond the advance in the price of wheat , which in turn is , of courjt ; , the proximate cause In the gain in Indian corn , oat. ' , flour , and partiolly BO for the movement in hog products. Jiradslrcet's ihus ouma up the situation : As previously indicated , an improve ment duo to the spring demand was not likely to take place in lha etaplf , and mainly in feed products and dry goods The grain in pricj at Boston is.tho game as that noted over a month ago. Manu facturers still claim they are producing at a. loss. Wheat baa long baon. selling from farmers' handa somavrnat belovr thu cost of production. The quarterly settlement - mont of atookd abr.a-J , ehotving heavy shortages , together with the arrival of that time in the acaiou when thai United States la the only wheat-exporting coun try able to unload wheat directly into the United Kingdom , was the firat opportap nity the bula ! had had aiccj harvest to dcmonstrsto the forca of their views , andA the market naturally reacted. & ii had been uunaturally depressed , the recoil was the heavier. Thoao favoring- higher prices for wheat argao that it will go to § 1 within thirty dajs , and poaaibly higher. The renewed purchases of dry goods at thla eoason were to ba expected , jot the volume ia smaller than ono year ago. The renewed inquiry for crude iron at too woat has not ; resulted in new buaicesi exat capt where concoeoionu in pi ices have been granted. The industrial situation , as a whole , ia rather wort CH than it ha& bum. Continued rcduciiouD of wages at the east and west , strikes and violoueo iu Indiana nad Ohio , do cot mark an imh provoraoiit. At leading cities the situi tli n is as follwrs : Boston Bajstho gain iu dry gooda pricoa ban born roalnraitud , but at loss of salon. a . Philadelphia reo t'orta ' a continued fe Ling of confidence , bat a smaller volume of transaotious. Pittsburgh aunouncas an increase in manh uficturcd iron production , but , no encouraging oatlook , copocially sinpa the failure of Oliver Brothers & Phillips. Cincinnati reports n stronger tone to trade bat asUs , are not inert nta Ing. Chicago , "no maiked signs of ret viva ) , " but "tvorkkg that way. " At St. Louis the dry goods movement Is smaller than last year. In grocery ttaplos 4hu New Yoik mirket opened dull , but det vcloped aorap activity and Grmnoce , to ward the midclj of thu week , cwing ! weak. The jobbing demand has boon wthor rea'rlcted. There nas been a fair consumptive demand for wool , and values generally , have continued Cm ) . Cotton rccdipts and exports ronlinno in excesj of last scaton , with the demand drooping and markets oiay , Dy good * at Now York ore roceltin more atten tion from jobbing buycis , and the trade in specialties has developed a moderate degree of activity. Kentucky whiskict are moro active and firmer , the revised treasnty regulations having Imparted strength to the market , which was ol- ready Improv/'in ; by reason of Iho pro longed suspension of distillery operations acd the steadily maintained consumptive demand. THE Phllado'phla Jlcconl ia ocund on the railway commission proposition , 511Ik says : That railroad commission of five mem * bora for which the Cullom bill In ho United States seiuto provides weald bo an interesting branch of the : ' n - tion office If once ostaVllshed. A railroad commission like thla may do well enough tor Massschuioita or Penniy vjnla , or a strall country like Eeglacd , but in a ODuntry like this it would not ba able to hear the oomplainti about railroad dis * crlroinittona or to adjust the diil-.rencta : between carrying companies raid , trans I porlero till some tim * in the next cenlnrr , It in a cumin foe * tha1 nil th * grrat nl i-iirl compai-Ls are. in flmrof tbis con f. . . . . . mission , whlla they rcgaivl the Reagan bill sa a dreadful monster of logislat on. The lloBRsn bill p'rohibito railroad c m- ptiiloa from charginp moro for o shorter tlun for n lorgar hnul , and heals pool ing for tbo purpose of maintaining freights aj a conspiracy against the publh. Tiir Lincoln Journal , conceived In In * iqtiily , born in sin , nnd roared by plunderuo era r.ud jobbers , continuoa to earn ita piy from the railroads by abusing Senator Van Wyck , whojo volco ii constantly rciud in behalf of the people. Wo me coi rtt all surprised nt this , nor nro wo ourpriscd nt the Journal's pathcllo op- peal to tha legislature Iu behalf of the plunderm cgaln&t whom that resolution was dircclod. The Journal ably main tains ita reputation as the mouthpiece of lha corporation ! , the jobbora nnd the ringstois , Tun Cogswell fountains in cities that declined to advorliso the giver , by having hia bust on top of the monstrosity in masonry , show tome variety in the head piccoYhilo Boston contents itself with a sepulchral urn , Washington piradca a tall Jnpomso bird iu cheap brocza with a reed at its aide * , and a worm in its mouth. The great patent medicine advertiser thus teaches the youth of our country a most valuable Ic3non that it la the early bird that catches the worm. IF over a lojitlitor was completely sat down upon it ia Hon. Pat McArdlo. The first bill he introduced was for the relief of his nnmcs&ko , Pat O'fiawcs. It struck the favor of his colleagues BO ulco- ly that a resolution was parsed by nearly a nranimons vote to have notbirg to do with HSTTCS , Ivoumrd , Pearman or any ether profcBsisnel "cluira jumpers" Verily the hearts ot Hon. MoArdlo'a conwi stituonta go "pity Pat. " WOMAN suffrage , like Baoquo's ghost , \\ill not down. Clara Colby has presented to the Nebraska legislature a lengthy pe tition prajing that the priceless boon of stiffiago bo conferred upon the fair BOX of this state , and a similar document , headed with the signature of the gallant Con gressman-elect Dorapy , has * also been placed before our law-makers- their consideration * THE annual report of the bureau of agriculture shown that the corn , wheat and cats crop of 1884 , no * the largest over known in this country. There were produced 1,795,000,000 bushels of corn , 513,000,000 bushela of wheat , and 583- 000,000 buohels of oats. Corn averaged 25.7 buehels per acre , wheat 1C- and outs THE unanimous resolution of the liouj. ) that no money bo appropriated to. the alleged claims of Konnard , , and . Pearmau , puts a quietus on those jobbora. The- notion of the house will moat with universal atproral from- the po pie of this state. SBNATOE. IifOAU.3 will repreaont aas for another term , at least so saya the republican legislature of that state. The Honorable Ingalls evidently finds it easier to please the "Salons oft Saw than ho does to answer a pointed questionoff2o- braska'a7anWyck. . . A Costly Uablneti Poaltton ; . Bayard tolls his nenatoml chums thai he ( prefers , the treasury , with its imaenoo power , and constant relations with all'tho ' basinets forci s of the country , writes a Washington correspondent of the Spring- fiell , Republican. Pothopa bo seco- creator opportunities' , to work reforms there than in the department of state , whom a few high-toned olorka write dig nified letters to the decay ad politicians who- roprcoent ns abroadaad the secretary given dully audience to the mongrel as- nemblago of men who form the diplomat ic corps at our capital. Those are reasons - sons enough in themt-olvea , but I' mayas at wcOl'tay ( that the great one in Mr. Bayazd'a mind liesiu the difference in oxponso. : It is more ox ease to. io Bucrotary of state than to bo president , while ono [ iftts $50,000 a yearaud the ether but $8,000. The > , re3idont has his house , completely furnished , his ser vants , coi)33rvatory ) and many ether things whiah coat him mo ary , gven him fi e. Ho has to entertain ( rjy on ifcitt il occasions. But the secretary of state i the leadoi ? ofhoetjltality. . Uis wife and daaghtor are exposted to giro the o-wel- leut receptions off tbo year once or twice a week. The boueo rent and torvanti' wages vill take imnrly all the ii'jjacur 88 000 allowed. Then this diplomatic corps regard our minister o&forolgnaflbirj as thew lugitim&to prey. A majority of them o po c-outiido of ihoir iioifurms auU tiibs. Their under eccrotaraiis in fest cheap boarding fcooaes. Bat , how ever much they may bo pinched ether trass , tbo secretary's house ia tuppcssd to open to them , his women folks ready to amuse ilieis , , aud his wines at their- free diapoiul. The rea- "oi no one knowj , but the rchomo must bo an heuloom from the old days when Washington WAR adeoait , ana Hie secre i- tary's , house about the only place open io these much-guyed representatives nf foreign power. When Mr. Pish was here he h d the great house oppojilo Ohamborlln'0 ' , recently bjught by John R. McLean. Hero the moit livith hospitality waa dispensed by Mrs. Fish , < which they could very well afford. Mr. Krarts had the oatabliihmont oppa4te John B. Alley's , cow occupied by tjona- tor Htll , \ here hia diughtora maOaan enjoyable homo with the doors always open. The privilege nf being rooretary coat hi n about 25,000 a year aboo h.'s B > lary. Rhino built hia big mat ion for t t Us pnrpoao , while Secretary Frollng- h 1 lyaou'd wife and two daughters have Kept open homo for tin past tbreo joira. Ufa ulary ia not a tifth part of what ho sponCa on account ot hi * cdiolal pnai * tton. tton.Now Now Senator Bayard can uo afford tl la , lie lain . ' outlay comforUb.'uclrcnmatau. eten. worth perhaps from S1BO.OOO ted $200,000 Occasionally ID got a a hand- Bouiofoj In a law ctao , but to keep dup thu etylo of accrotatk of Uta wonla be a icrii'UB iaik urea him , Mr . Btyud is not in tjod : health and while the mi her t o daugh- I t ) entertaiu uiary viaitira hi their l > rot ) t < [ I 17 ROUBO next door to Sens- . tur K j..Mjits , tin would urn % it i , t'po ptonie.i TI duties tj(1 on i > i thiust upon her especially "b.c.tLr t-residrnt io ths whlto houao. Senator Bayitd la lu hia prime , a little - . t-.ioutur nnd gtny r OB the yjora go by , butitula yonnR-loAirjjand hsnd- aomo man. It ha goea into thacibmet it rill tint Un v 5th tKe < intention of havlnp that Iho hit part of h's public catosr , bat rather as tlio beginning of n bolter hold upon politico. Time Is nothing "rang- noMo" ) about hlir , but four jvars n secrc- taty of t'o treasury will glvo hlnin stron ger grip upon ) haeu moratio ori\ulziton ( ( ! aud ho ffili know how to profit by It nnd In caao the campaign of 1888 flnuld not develop according to his whims D < ? ! - nlwuyi b3 calculated upoti to retain him to the tonato on thort no'icc. A Vim lor the Jfcople- . Kansas City Times Tin speech e f Mr. Van Wycl : in the sctuto will bo toid wiCh intermt by every man who would have justice for the pso- plo against the railroads And the powerful monopolies of the land. The voice of thla industrious atatcaman is raised on behalf of those who ro sup posed to have no redress njalnst the power of millions of money ns exercised in state legislatures nnd in the very halls of congress iteclf. lie shcrra the aonato of the United States , if any camest do- &iro it have to rescue the people from the power of those corporations , that it has now the opportunity in the bill of Mr. lloagan pending before the g7avo rolg- uiora of the upper houas. It remalca to bo aeon what that "body will do , It ia highly probable that no action trill ho taken with respect to the Reagan bill in the aonato this acsilon of congioia. Mr. Reagan docs not himself expect thitv But thf-t something must bo done , r.nd will dona , if not by the present senate tbcn by the rcuato auscceding ir , can 'not ' bo put aside. Ilia too iinxlotia Ron- tlomen who are no much exercised lent th" protection of t'lo ' law ohould bo denied tlir railroads , and thab the Jay Gouldn and Huuticgtono may bo injured , wi I talk * ' differently when I hia very matter nhnll have beceimo the sJibs rbiug io- euo cf tbp hour , which it noS lar off The lailroadd are doubly gulUy. Tha wretched cubtorfiigro upon which the y ha tlnlr cla'ms ' to tuilllnna of acres of Ul ! lands of tha public donaln nro as infamnua M the special plua cf tha thief citipht in the act ; , end their refusal to so modify carrying rates that thn wott cm farmer may find n market for 1m grain onght to bo summarily and crim inally punished. JSoticithatr.iiiling the boast of the railway kings a to what Ihtir money hoe done in llui congtoia of Iho nation , the day of reckoning which is Mir a to como will find them shorn cf th power of doiug 1117 moro mjnnhiof. For twenty yiars the Gk > ulel , Vauder- bllta and HuutiagtocQ have grown rich , insolent nnd defiant through the open and contomptu ni v'olation ' of tlio IIVTT cf he land , und Mr. Van Wyok carmniahcs tbo senate that it is high ttcco to ecu to it that the protection * of the law shell bo given to the victim * of tbeso extortions. It is indeed hijh time ; r.ud'tho aenate could immortr.llzo itself by taking even Mr. Reagan by eurpriso by pue as hm just and wholecocio menuir ? . Gen. Uranr.'rf I'roniollon. To the Editor of the Globa-Detnocrat- ST. Louis , January 14 , 1885. DiidJU. gfd Giant wear the title of "general" be fore ho was lieutenant general ? Theie is no reference to"hit title of brigsdier or major general whickJio earned early in the war. Vill ypu. state the various giades in the armyj above tlia rank of brigadier general ? F. D. J. Uen. Giant ento'edtho sot ce.in the late war as colonel of. the Twenty-first Illinois volunteer infantry. He was promoted meted to brigadier general of vclimteers on the 27th of August , 1801. Ho wda promoted to major general of v Itinteers in February , 18G2 , . after the tattle efFort Fort Donelson , and to. major general in the regular army after the fall of Vicksburg , July , , 1663. On the 1st of Way , 1804 , the grade of lieutenant general waa revived by con gress , and Grant wan appointed to the position. On July 25 , 18GG , the grade uf general of the * army w d created for him. Ho resigned the pomioninMarcb , 1809 , to become president. Iho gradoi in the army are ia , the or der indicated brigadier gniercl , , c"iier l , HoutenitGJsganeral aid yt Wm. T. Sheroian succeeded Grant to office of lieutenant general wbeiiithi ) lat tcr was made gensrui , and to thu wtit < n the latter bttauie president. I1o > ! ip H. Sheridan was ajade liontaiant general tvhon Sherman bocama general. By lw the offica of general uxpi s with Cher- man , and thu Clcu of houtcuant general expires with Slxtidan. The highest of fice in the nrmynfter Sheridau'a death or retirement will bd that e ( tMnjgv n eral. Portia Ovoi-ru'icd. The Supren * * Court , of Illinois hu just hcuaod duvm uu opinion reviriinc ; Per tia's celebrated deoiii.nin the Sbjlock case. A railroad company recently cold some land to a f armor , r < jsiving tbo ylghi to remove BUuh ainountc.of gravel as it night uoedj When the rompauvAttomp- ted to ronouo the gr.svel thu farmer served notice on it that it rnuoi ruin ova the grayeliand no'liiug Jno dual or dt&ijed vtgetatiou ; for on If v > ai writti n in tha bonu. Til ) > conj- puny brought the case boforotioSuprftna Court of tlie State , \hidi decided ( hit in the rJ flt to remove gr < tvol WAO implied lha right 10romovo nUttnoocesarlJy went with ir. , Shylock wan unforinnate m not vioK un appeal to aama court oi hlpher jarlsdio'.ion , but a vindication even at thislutoc'ay ia noraeihlng. No Nuud ut Alxrjn , I Chicngo.Timea. ( Nobody need be rtlarraexl' over the recent cent episode ia the United States senate. Ic is not baliuveilthat Mr. Cleveland ho any intention of takiug Jefi Uavlo lutu hln oiiinot. Cold tt-rithc llaa plaqhed u. ; . the cattlaan < aiderabl ; accri Valealioc. Iheru aio rjjpy wclvoa n ] They are very bold aad , aw ) ltt damage. Cattle in tlui vlc'wity o.C McCook hua don remarkibl.v well , , RjatviUistundlng tllr. cuU weather. Daring , the pwl ywr over f23Ci001 hn\o been forwarded from Norlh Platt -to Omuba In paymett forrtimnl Und ? . Ear'iO. Brink , a Fremont miiF4) tescher , ii eaia tolia\o tuuiWtd on th i.n liihuiioncufif S2000 by tlw iltalh of a liih oum in Illincm. Jntltlon for a daily m il ruu'.o doin North I'la'.ta tn Oberhn , Kaun/u , by wuy 'if IcCojk , to coon ct the tlijtu land ollices , IB bfln ? circulated at UcCooV. Tha Fremont cro nicr.v his teen o or an- iiuJ. 'ilia trrutil * Writik tno Institution I ait year wai the inability of th innnager to ob a'n a iviOicIout tupplof milk , The Bioux City MX > 1'acifio ha * nccumu'atud ' r > v. VuleullQB ta > ) material for 111) ) milt * tudf f track , and the l/tai and I if s for the reinamluv forty mile ) undur c ntrtot stu being received , Amonerth ) sUpmenta from MaJuoo U t I rte t'l ' tilt r < wiio 0 0,000 pftunds of lu'Ra 21 ! 01 p.11 it i citilf 0',000 ' pouncjj ef -he p af tl ll.J.O . 0 piunels ot oaU. I * . S. 1'etcfton , a Frviiinijl > ho irmn.unal.f * iijineh an "uiidrrs an it g"vi'h IIMCICU t > r. , lisa trftlp the MierilT hirf "sole" sdnilniv tr.Ucr. As e a und halrlitica even nt > nt 58.0CO. tildes AV. . McrgnoV rwMsnco ct Xcith Auburn , WM burned to the ctnnnd Tned < y moil icg. I * . Is ninprncJ to lm\e tnnaht front u defective Ihia. Ic was worth & 2flOO nut ] rns i turned for SCtT. ) : ! Tliomfeof thn Chicntro Lumber Company fit .Stirling wn < uitcrsil i > y bmglara Tuesday tii lit unit ulrjut ? . ' 5 o' ? ; 't , with } eri > l pr. > m- i'sory i.ottf , taken tlietrtroin. No { icmtivo due to tie { er | itratorj , 'ilio j deinocintio jit ) or * of the ( Into are en- gniful in the land.iblo clvH * oJvico tefoiin ( ( Tort . ot parwlltifr out tha Ictnl ufllc mining llioir respective eJltorj. It intinm tha tritt.ire toed tcribc * got a whnck nt ths fat. The C ok murder trial at Hed Cloud on tha lOtli , thsr jury bringing irtncrtllci i f murder in the ucoiul deLrco , after dchbcrat * intwentrto ( { hoiin. JuJgo Oaslln imine- aiutcl ? sentenced Ciok to the penitentiary for life. The verdict H fienornlly pntldactcrj- . Tlio Madison Chronicle s ys : An old lady , Ihing ten miles wpft of Miulleou , f 1 > \ on cer tain jou'ip ninn of this town n feather pillow nnd ft goo.c . , for n New Yenr'a piojent , nnd nt tlio BMiiatlmo told him llmtlfho wnMld not marry hcrrdaughter the wou'd ' tjivo the Rlrl on her wcddinc day , ono tliou ind dollnrn-nnd n feather bud for n dot7ij-r The yotii'g mnn lo- fused tli3 Hbcrn ofTer. The nbovo was ivface , and tha proposition nuitlu In cninoit. Johnny Knott , whllo1 pulling n cargo < > l rinltiraoulh * whlskv on the J ! . & M. rr.tck mnrthstcity last Monday , collided with the 1C. C. exproat and was ililchod. Ills hond- lUlit w s bidlj brnitod nrxi his cubppMnteroJ. The cargo wto-anlnjnr ct Johnny \vas side tracked In thn jail for icpniif 1'Jnttsmonth nhisky is like tin fabled "doff in the mangor" whit it cannot kill DO plcnjuco brasa mounttd lo comotlvo filiall put nsundcr. A cold-bloodcd'mutdcT ' wo oojnmltod on n farm coir P-irtiekl on tliu cltttnooa tf the 6th. Mrs. Jjliznboth Tajlor cecuiilcd n claim ol : 80 acres on the linn of the U , & M.on which tliTo it cons'llerabl-s timber. A neigh bor iinmcd Holiortvlio tluiuprht rhe hlid no tit'oto the Und , cut omo of ili < > 'ttiiibr aid wan hauling it nwny iVirfuol whcn-Mn Tayl-jr two BOIIS nnd n hired hand stopped him nnd oliotliiin dead , Tlio tbreo murdutcrj Lava b'eii niTrst d , but no one knows which of thorn Cited tlio fat.tl sliot. Roberts leaves n sickly wlfu'aud four chfUlroa In poor circnin- itniuej. lr , John Linthiciim n Swede , partcor ol C.-AJiickson nt Kcnrucr , died very sud- Utiily ten di)3 kgo , Uv request of h s ml i ti\cs a cjioner'fl jury vn < uinpauc'.led to in nuiro into thociiue. 'ilw toioner'a jury'n \pidlct biwiglit out enough to caunji tl e unevt of Jpoison on H charge of beliifj accessory in sou.o wuy tn Ltntlncuni'R dentil. 1'hun Jitck- HSU demanded n full hearing , which resulted in bis discharga by Justice Sitting , \\lillo thadoatliof Ijinthijuin soejns dari : nnA BUS piciousct tlieio WIB nothius to bold Jack son oir. A twof.'B7 dwelling house I cl niinp tn the .Samuelf ] 2voui cstnto , four milts northeast from 1'riuLd ) . burned on Saturday ntternoan. Ti.n building -vft3 occupied by Jonah IKoools nnd fsinily , who bad nil como to town. It being - ing n pleasant diy the neighbcia nlco wi-ro nearly all m town. The liio wua well Jiuder wjy whop di'covoicd ind tlio-buildinp , to- ftether with ta-j content' , WUB totally do- Btroyed. The origin of too fire ia unknown. There was inMuancj on the building but none on the household goods. , _ _ _ _ _ _ vUitlrg hiH relative ! " , the Uencdict-filmily. Ho was In h'sipoora i > ackincr his trunk pie- paratory to tturtlnjf home. Soon n pitol shot was hoard , nnil when tha foiled cuing into thn room the body of young linker waa fmmd lying on tlie flojr , life nunoBt extinct. Niar him Inyn revolver. Tin shot enterad hia hoid Immediately in front , over tSia-eyea. The folks thinU tilis xvaa purely accidental , , aa the jountf mau was Iwight and full of proni > iso and had no cause for sulcido. VorhecK , who-wrecked ths train near Huhtell Ust Juno , and ttw l > unoe j ibavd' tti > d to hanv him oil while there , w s tncd and convicted 'la- the district courtof Uapublic county , Kunbk8t.nd sent need to iinprla-iLmout for fafty yeaiB BOA As Vorh ( s ia nuw 25 ears eld the sentence is virtually for.llfa , which ia nil tbo txtromo lien tit v for u.urd r in tholirstdnijree amounts toW. in thla state TJIe-objcct of Vorhees' drime was . eitOo pluudsr or revenge , probably the former It waa. deliberately nnd carefully plauu ! > xl , ncd tba evidence proved Him tn be ono of the moat-'colcl-blooded nnd hearllbis wretches in thsnnala of crime. Ho t.irew the train off a loDK bridia10 feet high ovtr croak u inilo DDil ah.ilC aouth of the liner b twcen tin tnroetatea. lie evidently had com jianiunj in thsjob , but they were not apj > re- bendod. They urst broke open a tool-clioft , und procured wn nche and a crowbar , with whicn thay removed the Mah-pUto from the two railf. and Jcodeningr the Bplkea from OLD tide of oim < f thorn , thuvod it over jsnt fnr unouih to l t ths flanges of the car wheel * clear the otherrailiana changa the ccura ol the train PO as to.tbrow it from the bridjB. ( They then it'curod tne rail in that position by t\iogit xvith a barbeiB wire , taken from a fonoi nenr Sy > . The train went cv r the bridge as they untilipated , , but taa unlujured nsscngers wure tot many tu pormir > jundfr | , nnd thu thorefuro majuno each attompt. KoniiHli iC'urcmonlon. OUIEAMS , January 17. Tla-conroo- nioa of the recoptioiuaf the pallium oj" Bishop La Hey tjolr placa this morning lit tba cathedral. Arch Bishop Gibbons of Balti more , pres 3o4. Hi'&no Fit/geruli ) , j > f JUitle look , de ivfiiod t'ii lOnglieli serawwii and 1 1 ] ) ominican fdihcr the 1'ieiicli , Ale 3.ii pi j . formed ut 1(1 ( a. in. SA etiEinind circle Charleston , AV. Va l e nlBli' > , unroo Dj ( toveral houfoo-aaxi duirJ other Comgldie T-teaimenl , mif * Inhale- * for-evereform of Catarrh / . Saaford's ' Eadical Cure. Ktad Colds , V.'atary DUchargm-from tha Npac.TDni RyM , Ringing lioloca In the lloiJ , Norvoua l&ad. acltg and rercr.lnstaiitly relievejj Choking misus dltlodxed , n. aiUnne cleinx.vljvnd I , breilli aA-ectenod , 8ma.j haste MI J adatJ ravagegchockeU. Coughs , Bronchitis , Dropj'jJBft Into the . . . . „ . . , Pains In UKSCliest , Djspejwii , Wnotlnj ; ol StrengU : And Klcsb , Loss ol Bleep , eki cured. Ono IttUI * JUJlctl Cure , . < aa box Catsrrhtl Sst vent anyone Dr. 8 nford' vh tor , In on * ol nil dniggliti , for ft. Abk lor Si > roja' . „ „ „ CURB , .paro dlitlllatlon if Witch Hutf , Am. ? aio , C . Fir , Marigold , Clo Uloiuomj , etc. Pone * Iau AMD Cnxuiub Co. . , . . . - Oollln'i - Electilo Hotter lu- tf.antly ulccts tha mrvniu * yitcm ud Innl f.n piln , rifriou § nilu > bliity A per feet Klectro-a iV4nlo I at ls'/f ' ! , 'ruj6 ' iiu COLLARS * .r * CUFFS CARIND THII tURK MI THI FINEST GOODS n MADE , JTV > S . icma HI Linen , BOTH Lio'ngi ' ANOExteriors. JUk for th ra U iU ; BUGS. , Ageuta for Umubo IO LOAN. Mnnoy. itOthYtOKt.O\N-On r * I tstotf , iy H HMI rl ! < . , sirsi8h t , o M7 t" tn n on cbMUll by J , T , D" tty. 213 iuth 14th ( t. 0 ! < ! cbl0 > Vtt LO\NKD on Chattel * . Co'Mml" , Se- cure * Noli , tt lo ! ) * atats. Flninrlal 1W8 tVin a-n tt. filllebSp M ON'Y tn loan on cbitrxll In Minn nf $10 Mul iinm St. 103-Jan . . it ) I/VMA In eii/Mif xSWiii. ) upwnM. 0. i' P vU and Co. , H al EiUto M ! I.OM Alftalf , IWfiKarr'jiast. SJStf on csMtsK ltll ! J TiokoJ Mft be aud WW. . ruroruo , St VArtt'HO. WAVSBI > * n CTprricroed stennj April r tid n..o refljrtheoMirisftUry ox rtea S. P. , lit trainer. no-p \T7ASTKfl-Jf arse : nn rV.lV IU'lj'of c V t3 t kroir ! > ; o of an laf iit ; jiiy { ot " WAOT KDJ glt'is t Sta > hotel , S 10th > t. 7K-1Cp WANTRI-Iily or Rontlcran ; lu'l ol cnirny , to- cnnvai ( or-Vraplilly tclllnntttle. . r ii"on , Wumsn , Om.MV > nntlncia , Neb. 718 Mf > WANTKI-nj- ni8hgltl tiftil lo do hntKonnrli , jTpliew as hoindkropor torn ion tlcmon : c l ot Sc nh Omaba lloiur , Ctli , m\ 714-ltTi V\TAr TKl ) onrjiittent Kill' "wNmllr ot two , YVjcss.i 2 iloora imth ol Farnlitm 7(1(1 ( ( 1/ ( A Ar > t i ! i lady coi f. nothing Mil Hr class necil trply ; w ires $ JJ * pnr mocthr Center JTote1VjinoirAMtb. . e8-17p -AKcnts lo-f ell Oatolj'fl tihcnal IMii- cater ; en monthly jioynient . Ad ItiMir call on . I ) . P Lowrp , MoraS , 110 N I0tia5. : , Onmln. . _ . r.nTl.cn , f,07/cbSn TT ANTBD A coed bu ' .De < ij nnn wltl.Vood refer- Vi cncc i , nnd ten rrli.'itin luioilrd ilo'hu cath , lotikon halMntcnotln are * procory stoi located la tlio bent part of Oomln. Ad\lresB S. Y , Hos oIlUo. 071 21 ] ) , ' WADTKU frafttnulicr mint bo toed skirt trim mer. AjA'l.v ' AiiilfMom Buc' < room ! 6PO-l [ > i "vy ANTED A gill for kitchen work 17 4 i > Miq > M \1TANTnU-V girl for gccsx l bouscwrrr. > > . 1 WANTED A joungRlrl ic light liouii.wor't , at KUcor.of llitriuy nnd I > at ( WMI ) ? W NlKO-Auo"dcook b'ci Nvftgoi Rlxon. Ap ply i r write io Mrs Ho co Lrsrttr , Cc-Mci ! Blufts D .tt \X7ANTLD-ulrl to tl ) gem r/tl / Somonurl. Apply V tfr tl IB Masoa Kt , tot. lOthi ouJllHi. 08v , . WAUTUD-Il.arikTOat 1212 Cipllol vo. vo.570febVl r ANTED eiood usscsMlll b * palilto an < rc- V pcrVnccd Irj to do ( .cnciaJI . lioi.t < ! workoil ; at 240(3Podgottrcot. ( ISltt WANThB ARlrl tfcWHn , Iron itid tooki ; . . totoinpct'lit f help , 51 per ek ; . ' gull-Oil , B12 3 ll'lll ft. C57 17n WANTED 100 s-llciiors , eood po > to. Iho right man..AiMrcssXt r&BkaMutaalllarrugo l-cn oil' M if'ftt en'Pr < mnti . N-b fltltahg > , AlKU CIIlwKr.NS i v.unt a man in cv town In too sutu to l > uv them 'or cash. K ilm't n f > ijiuuilty DB. . Beomcr , bJT" ' ' 'hlpo ptr' I n m ) ) juitry and Huge , 01 , ( U , Sti , n > l Rv7 ilowai d St. .jOmahx 3-t ( WANTI3 > SKuatlon * r ( rood stfiojaof ; t the Womw'j Clirmtlau Ataoclatlcay.ijicaSi two gs 19. WANTED 'S.tuatlon ' j a prBCil.Tol BUBrwnith end rtaoulnut , who li.o joiraol ovpcvnnuu , 820 IWi St. Wm Marnoite. 680 ' 7p WANTED By njoun ( 5aan , experienced ft.d r > - lUblo took-Kfepcr , with best ol re'ortivcca ' , fanUasittuilon vlth moot Iho lirg Mlim' . Ad- dicus U. O , 820 ofllc. eW-ITiJ , 'I'XT'ANIUO Sltuat'on b7 iald(1lo c od man aa i > Janitor er waichinai-.i-J. I. Dee olBco. f'cod references glvca. W NllulHy oxpotierjwd linul iioj inauagcr. Address 3VK K. . OiEco. BJJ-3Jp TT7ANTF. > A position a > .v rp ci t'rei-'ji ' i > r VY ware ktorj , Addrco-C. 3. liki.itui , Nob. JEI-1- A xoui.ft . .t.ou u-ai % VIMJU tarfUAiuJM t uvo * . beeper , In wholcctlo ceta bllnhmeo * In w "O. " f ri > Fte . WANT.h < W-A f rtncr , v tlr $ & 0 , to tcrosiviii seed , lavlcsuJbUslncsa. M l > OIBcc. WANTED TurDlnhfd rnra > and loard by n lnhousillh mcnts , ccnt'olly located. Klthtr Omohrv > Cuncil Bluff. Stforjuccsplvcn L disiiciU Ai ftteaV S lock Box ja,0ml > a P. 0. 6S7-1K WAJTIKD To lent , b > jantleman and.wllD , tvo tooron. luraltbed or uolurnltliixt , f > piya' family , eetinaVy Icwitfd or-Jinrdy ta * lf etcar ; rel. eteiirea MIL if he d. Addiew JViO. bo OC620 WANTKB laOOO fatiEea to try out. Par * Buckwheat Hour od BelM'sIuff Com me il ki-pt fcy all Hist o'a'8.7rp ' ere. Wo Tmrrtnt all bu okwbwt odd under our braud puro. W. J W I > - nr.Ah.Me.rn . . MntntfArti-rArn. /M tf T/TlOn iCtJT Noitoit ac icneapeaS fumlsiicAroomi . ! _ ' In OniAba. Apply to O..O. H. A&t n on , ri > om ' 14 , Audcreon IJlocK , north vntraiico , ISth. M'd lu luport atiMt FOU ' JIEM' Furnlihcd Itooms fliSH. Hoth H' . _ em-rip 1-lOiirjSNT Nliolv fpw.isbol . frott luiini , 1707 J ? Uifilisat One block from a. D. I'klcniicr 70S Zip FOnWBNT Snail new cottage , l.tj 10th > t. bet I'.ml and Bternan. 7iM'Jlp T7UR fiKNT-Oiioh-'Usooi lOUi bet. ' louj.viil ! Cal- -D K'irulaSiF. , wjtli R rormb , ccli&r.wo 1 nixl o" tern. Apply t.t iiGu.o oldSowing Jlac<j&o lcu , 203 ISdlbi Bit. 7 JJIOU KENT-Nicely I'mii'shod rooiu 72J b Ibth > . IpOIl FIENT Ouo ocmlorlnbly fucnhtci'j room with ! cloaer , sn-1 tunnumii unluruUhsu In ! vriv 713fiiCtlitt. _ lutrjls.'itd rooiu , Icotlon' . cfHent. at HIV , Jlomril nt. UMS | > OH HKNT U u'9.6rooT8 arJbaia9Dt Cot B i.CliarluJht. m lrutf D , L.llwiui. . C'lo'ghton ' 0)-l Op TT'Clt ' IlRNT-l double andl eUglufuiullhed ro-m. 7 617 CtU-ayo ijr. 0:0 IDp Tj > Ol ! HBtiT larnlrh d or utlurnlfhed rCom . I with houd uli6 per HecK-penir l kotio i , IBM Oj6 2iip 1JW1K It' NT 'lou'o bitwcen HCi aud Ifth en JL' Chloxont. fDqulroof.UIln Swl t. 0 0-18p liENT Nice ( rout loom , ! C3i ! i'arnain Hlrret CJ7-2Sp " UU UKf < 7.10 room hcuwil dIOCH from ICth oa Jluriiy , ! Kul(0.1. | iJWlibur , , Kailn D ULIU. 03511 RM1 IwoiijJur-UheiJjwms , 1616 Phloa- OIB-17 " 17'OR HF.vr S rocnu , olojt cdlar nud. l-y water I1 St CCiKISlliBt. 0 7-17 | > i. ? 3I aril 1. U 3 rcvm cottas * . Zllh and Divcnpirt , (10 , lottagtt Ciroonrr , ( Ith anAlUv i port , i"18 " ; cotttge > r > i'iu 20th ami Douglas Wca.o ; | , j 4 rooms , R lSIUs',9 I ono rnom , Hh aid Dmhi , tt > ; Imu ollla * mom nirkeb'oik ' , IBtli aid , faftiam , 30. I r n , a Majni. IStaaul Ftllinu U97tf Ff < ' ItiNrWitli ! > V Vil , to a ladj , a uo { > f it . .i bcd room , aw cur , itlih tt auUSt Ma' fbiifp' 11U.H1 Prr l rlio p houom. b ) lltllou Il Ite.NT rurnUbed rooms and. bcaid at 181 Cu > t , 677-17P FOIl Itr.NT Itoam and b.-ard fc < tuo gcrtlpmcu lGUttn > llalu\o. C.'B-'JIp OR IlE'T larjenlcey fiiinlihtdrvma Ad dr with itfereme"M. O' Bee ollteo , OC3 tl IrtO.l IUNTrt of double houie ; 4. r.nnm , < > mji a 1 2J atUm n$10por ; rnoiiUi ; room10nnaUNa tioaal biuli. Oozlf FoKHCNT-KuiiiUheaF.ooaiKUn btari ) , 693 N 17th. 62i-t ew xlno roou hn\u . with city ' wat-r , crt rouU > 17th 61. noir ullri . < ! lr ck tultable f.if brarityif houJ ! rtat (2Vlniutio ; tmaba fnunriry or rf T.V. . T. llliraroi , 'r Uituyiil ; ocunjuimkle l herm 12W Shuri an a\o C8UI. FOIl rUNT ' D itk , hnu , lOroomi , raodernjin- ' v > rv " ' ' ' - - - - - - - , ( ' , [ F OR niy < T-rurnI l.od room , ISIS J cl cn St. IjpOll UK.VX-FurrK h < xl rooms 1818 Vtdgt St. , 710U , WNT With ix-ird , Pro U R furrUltd 1 ri f-rnt ream ! f Hand In Ib ; H W Cor. f I Mtht \ , Hv ( > ; a'fo it few tabfe boirScm nitnticl. fU. ( , 'OU 1115ST Nevfott go , H'.Mper rnoith. OooJ f furnl-hul r "ni , fseoiernoiitri. U.O rAllcr- rn , cor. 14th nr > r ! f arua < r. tKM Troll lll'NT wl fnrnlf rint front roam' , J' rr cu in t < , S. W. 17tli ntnl tf , . fJltl I/O SI llKNT tlno SoR5J. ImiuluT l&ho'mVfllrio * ton. JH'tl , OU KKN1-'no ' fur 1 ic Infer three ihy IrtftrJer1814 U'tbitcr. (1 > OH UrNT Toccntlenrn only , a nV > Mtii fur- P uWcrlrocm , 8. K. ccffler Mill wjd Douala * fi ill 1 RidltVs block , C * VtnVon K Co. , IMS Ftrnsro. 0-tf rnrninhMl fr n rccm for lent K2 Klh SI i7\on \ RPJJT-tftTO joom ItU rtriata SI , , th or i1 n Itboul ramard Ublo , by rafalitn A fft. , Fatnam 6f 43 < - 1 , Oil HHNT Bulls t.f T8oa Mu-JHtinl for IlihS 1 houiio Xvenfrjtiiroc ! < j orft1lv mount In met' * block.-onincr Srh t > il Ho ardStB. 43 < , t "iror SAI.E. TIWU SAI U-Cbb pi ( Hood linflnena rrpptrty t T Omilift oo jinlsf 'Jullilliix SUxWU utorlel Jlltn lUoil. 18 1 Cms' . OIM 3D K BALK Cl Mp. lldtlanr-ttiurant , l 4Dnuj. I wit. 70M7P TlDH HA1.K Cleui , ( .no-lrtif urro In noiUA ( > mah\ AUtfo X. V. IK-Bco Ufllc ( WS-t fTjIOIl fcALK Uoar > Un6 lionv.nhoj s full ; i Jl' town nrnr i in lmU : llii for a laiiv : fold only tort-will rtntuf IIOIKJ low. TLrthn putlculiim ' ! uir 9lj X. , tiooclllco : 3tilM OP. T1UDK Goo 1 sleek firm nj' tBO ncr'HiIO mlci htm Oia&hn , bno mile fiom S.7 inRl ( d , Neb ; will trailn for Om > ln propsrtT. ' A'ddressV lcy A Mutton , 0. < nti , .i < ' M. K nl > - nS MS OflEAl' C i. ' ro7utVir ) clok , ono io > rly nanKnnbo I'mno , H\8 Ruli frum'il Jilotur 3 , n hoew , hMiios * nd I'li ' i5tni ono IMIa taliir-am ll > lwoue DcaulUm chln oOlTtosot. Inqiitio Jfo. 2014 llarnoy St. , br > . 20th md 21st SI-l n TJ Oil BALK OOxlO1) feet OH Onrnlnx Bttiot B bi tok nrrtof UUKr.ry biiilRC , SMOOJ. JoUu l.llcCj . pr * ojiposihi fo < t olHi-c. < 2UU SAL ! : 131x121 fict uri coriur , roulh-e w F1UK frorl.'houv ) 3 roroB , bhm , 3 blockii west * f . I'arkftNO. . ftnil \eiiworth , cai > v pnynEvnti , ohm > p J1.700. John L. Mo nstiii' , opvwitarcn.tOlllio. 427- y b'jldiufc' ' " 'l stuk-of clolhlne- ! booM ftndthoe ? . will iraWfor ( Inning land. Qco II I'lhsrson , Ml ) South lUKSt. , Omnba. 4S7-lol > l' > harno-r.l wnKon anil ooal box ; ii8Wla.it euiim ir , S K ior 17tn jud Dorca S53-10p F Chain , hone acd 1'UBBy ' , SW ) ? . Cuui' Imr S * . oil SALE Oil T1\AUB Oood tciim llour'ng ' mill with two tuo ol biirrn ninl onn feed buir ; aJI In < oed repair wxl o Ubfon used IH nionthr. . Situated n ono of the b6-t > buslncat lolfitt Kk-nmcy , Neb , Will illno-o if rot and mill together ur mill nUno ; fc Ono laaitrncvHl ( ; tell ongod tersw , oe tsrado ( or other dtsitablo prouoity. AddiuM Luck Bx 093 - i rncN.D ClfflibS FO'l ' KALK- MUSICAl , lN8VKUMra > Td A. llospo onorj1- > ro Ilomlonn i- ' Cray Piano ftfc . ? 1S 00 otVlam.at . ISO 00 JnoJ , ! ' . ilallPianoat . - , , . . . 1 6 00 Jao fcn on & ji ralln Oipiu ot . . . . .IS 00 Ouo ShnnlnL'cr Orirxn at . 35 00 On n'oortbrldm Organ at . . . - 6000 tar KsteyOiiinnnt . , . . . , . MOO Ont JohuHon Or an r.t. . . . . . . . , . 4500 For ca h or on njey rn n Til7inatalteicnts. . lPO aicnts ( or OBlei-rnteo Kimball Hano and A'im- iciX Or an , Ji-aanw end Uallct CstDafiitVbnQt. arpcal ttock , lowest prloca. 6. iicipe lolO Dodge F > UI ( S A Li ; OU > XHHANQE At 910 per nora , All or twitol trothoiwani aores o ( timber land , art ? mlle CM ! . Kansas City , wll oxrb&uge tor b-rasi Und ot morebandlnt ) . Boiiiordf Snaor ft LOST On ttn.nljA i f the char'ty ' Slila ntw car riage curtain , bstveen the Oiiom IJD < e & CliA. . 18 h 0' . The finder will biraullally TO- waruf.i It tluiy 1M leave It at h'fontdy i > Ollb > t'sv- awr om e nu lli-rf 3h. 7o2 17p FOUND A TralUb s c ne/'tJttWm. ' O attemin'a" ! O ncrran hi.\o e\rno by'calllnjtand > raying1' ' the cost c 1 this advertisement. 715 17 LO31 On'T4 ' Kl y last , ono durk rod inllchouw , 4 jo r tld bic btar on forohtAd , fDd whlto < pot on each ( link A reward vl'l ' bo lT n to any iciRon \ < ho v i.l return or Kl > o any InlMoinyon it V. St. Ilack'dcor. 7tt > ac.dPierce. TIClOp I'O E OIU.7nC Kirnw for Imrruva t property In Omaha. hai I ! . Wnolloy , ltoor 20r vmaba N.tlonal Jlan'CvOmnha hcb 6CO-I5 TJAnTIEj Wlellnr help or seryaota Jelling fltu L atlunn cau o ! > Uln the name Ciillnyon Mrs , Ueorgoat IH3-fvpltoiave. (50-20p rrtOTUAOI > St'xik of trrocorlofor-acre-fropcrty L adj Inlnj Omaha. Clm tt Wcolltj , noom a Ol tha Nitll-axl llnnk , "refthn , Kub. . fi27-f TJ EXQIJANOi : Farjm for rl < cU ilnacn Clina. II. Woolc ) , Hoc in. SO , Ccnolu Katloim , Uank , Oua'/a. Neb. " TrtOlt TrUDC SloukiofI ; > OT ute tadrr land. 1 Chi * K. Woollov , lo ( < .in TO ( . O.iiha hatloiai Dink , Omaha , Neb. 020 Ii rpOI.O\H-SlC03nt in porcepjr tor three vrars. JL Jluil ) ia uooci riwUetno locucivj. 7T II. Mo'It ' r , KOI Fair-omit. - OJ7-10 NOTiCK Mr < , A. SI. ' Ttavllprolriulonal nur > , hai ritiin ol ftani Ft Mibr r , .whwo fho hai b'on nulling orn-t ] iwo n < uiith3tjii the famlh n of I.Uututautu PncliU'iK MiilJiiowru. awl tan now be f.und , jst nj time at her Lon.o.Wi CallUr > tn ( t , OiS17p FOIl THAlF--For nierchaai'lse groceries pro- fwreii , ilirfo (5)tthuli'u ( Icta In Dojinn , Olilo Ondr.t | | iu Rt.LuulrJiIt , > ; f .t ) ocrtu if Unnun ; OnolAriii In Ulilo. Tba ! property Is ftco. of Ibiui branct ) All coruuU"rrJloi. ! vlll lw t > oa ( ( t fllrlcty conlWoallal. a. H. VArwpesr , 2 4 Cumlnr , , St. 387Jan80 T > OOMo With Ix-wrd , do.ioLI * or wluter. App JLtiat M. ChaileH Ut.tcl. 42l- ( 3BZ& JAne the City. Not But Cbsafie UianIny Slave in the City. SB- & St T ) ) ct-partner > hlp litrtt tuo riM\i \ bi twcen fcaiina H. Lcl 'htoii * ril Jleniy T Clark undnr the itu nf l.ilchxm & Clark , < ft , thU ( l.v dl > mvcd by 1'H'iu.loi'toot.Mr-I.elffi.tju r trli-j. AllbiOuhiel ncjMiliH t- ) Mid firm will lunollictid oy Mr latK- an ) lloUlm niralii't H.I.Vfl'in . ' will b iirrvenUd to , MM liir p.yraeut. Mr.ti vk lll contluu * V > uIuei < . 4thnoliliit4ria No. UUlfarioy tk int. l > uttdatOuiah , COfTj twyooux o. UNDERTAKERS I At the M itaml 1(17 ( lr ru m Gt. CrdfrJ by tdo- gui < h * > liuitod ami promp'.l ittcudcj to. Ti > l i > hoD Is upliruilialuc , IIIUUK- Pviiactivity , iwulthely VMU11IU1 U ourodImjioloiioj' , lost 11UU1 * * t * * * w " " " * \w "JJ" enorKyjiorvaUHduUl- It/ , all weakness ofaoiioratlvu system tuitlicr tex , tl.uyiuuU. JII.\VHriitT,1. , mWfttofathl7iSO. ( ( ;