THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , JANUARY 16 , 1885. COUNGILJLUFF8 ADDITIONAL LOOAD NEWS , A "CQN."M'H'S TALE. flow O'Donnell ' , the Slayer of Carey , Was Drng&cfl anH RoW , Where Ha Got the Money By Which to Go to Europe A Scnuntlonnl Chapter. TLo renders o ! THE BEE vtl\\ \ \ remem ber that two cnnfidonco men wore cip- turod bore , ns they were trying to work a German farmer on the Kusk Island train , just aa it TT&S starting out. They had got $100 of the German's money , when Djlostivea Fore nnd Valentino nabbed the fellows. Ono of thorn slipped the $100 back into the Gorman's ' hands and got back the bogus chock , but still there was enough evidence against thorn , and the follows had to give § 5CO bail for their appearance at the district court. ' hey forfeited their bail at this term of court , and are doubtlcis now working aorao other field. Ono of them was a oaudy haired young nnn , and it is concerning him that n etrango oiporlonco his boun brought to light , which is corroborated by Datcctlvo l'oro , as well as the chief detective of the OhicagD , Milwaukee & St. Paul road and othorj. The chapter of the "con" man's hfo Is interesting , as It rovoala how O'Donuoll , whoso execution in England for killing Cartyhna caused HO great otir all over the world , secnrod the nccccoary money to pay hii traveling expanses , wh n he was on hia million of nvongo. This red headed "con" mm , with t ro otnors , were working a train botiroon Elnstinga fcitd Hod Wing , Minnesota , and O'Don nell wao on the train. Ho was then a man unknown lo the public , an ordicruy sort of nn Irishman , to all appearance , but ho had qnito a roll of money with him. In their oigorncsa to got it tnia red- loaded "con" man , after getting in friendly conversation , offered him n cigar which was drugged. O'Donuell , by fttnokmg It , fell into n stupor and was then o tly robbed of hla money. The crooka got off the train at Rod Wing and between there and LOrosso 0'Djn nol revived enough by the haekiagof the , conductor to give a mumbled account o how ho had boon used , and what had befallen - fallen him. The telegraph wires were sot at work and the crooks were arrested. The dotoctlvo deportment of the St. Paul road took special pains to prcsocuto the case , but It aooms that ono of the wealth- list gamblers in Chicago befriended the follows nnd waa very unx'oua to got them cloar. Various money propositions were made to settle the aflair bat all declined , and O'Donuoll was kept in surveillance by the officers so that ho might bo on hand at the time of trial. Largo bail was fixed and given , but the crooku thought it cheaper to bny off O'Donnoll , rather than to forfeit this largo amount of bail. By aid of their friend in Chicago they anccoedod in doing ao , and about $1,000 waa paid O'Donnell , if ho would not appear against them. To insure his .ibcouca tickota were Bocnred for New York , and an ocean past ago pali for , the coat of which waa dcdnctcd from the amount paid him , still leaving him a snug roll for expenses. It was this money , it is claimed , which ho used for traveling expenses on the much talked of ocean voyngo , wl'on ho killed Caioy. The rod-headed "con" man can now tell the story In comparative safety , for the caao cannot now bo successfully prose cuted , poor O'Donnoll being beyond the roach of any earthly eubpama , and other witnossoa being scattered. T. J. Kvans is reported as rapidly recover- icjf , nnd it is expected hoill be able to bo out In a few days. f W. II. Lynclmrd , of the Council Bluffs Herald , lias Buttered .a relapue and Is again dangerously ill. Ojcar Kcclino and Joseph KIntz Irat o to day for Hie NorOilum * exposition. Koellne will probably Utitl'lorida before lie roturne. IOWA 1XKMS. Hock llopida ia troubledjwith incondl- Victor has licensed saloons to keep up tha town revenue. Several now snlooim have been atartcd in Dee Moinea lately. Das Moiuoa' debt la $012,50721 and the treasury ia empty. The Davenport firn department hai forty-four calls in 1881. A lodge of colored Masons has boon organized In Sioux City. The city of Cedar Rapido haa taken In its suburb across the river. The Dubtiquo Telegraph aml'Dernocra have been consolidated. Ottumwa packers are receiving moro butter than ever before. Four hcndred mirrlago licensee were granted in Linn county in 1881. Joe Connor , of Albla , killed three door south of that town a few days ago. The eight Iowa cavalry will hold Us nf .xt annual ronnnlon at Oacoola Augns ID and 20. The "experienced fruit men" all over Iowa are now engaged in Killlni ; nil the poach buds. The business of the Dubuque oloctrio light company ia closed. It waa losing 510,000 a year. The fifth annual reunion of the Son of Vermont of Iowa will bo hold in De MolntB , January 20. Within a week the Malvorn Packing company have shipped some 800,000 pound ) of balk moat. Roinbold llolmor , of Fort Dodgr , has been arrested on a charge of poisoning hi wife to gut her life insurance , David D. Smith , oi-troasuror of Lee county , sentenced two years ago to thru yeara in the penitentiary , has been par uonod. The supreme court of Iowa has decided cided that lightning-rods put upon a building not paid for carry u mechanic' lion tbo aaino as any other fixture. In Cedar llaplds during the p.nt yea there were built twelve buildings tha cost five thouiand dollarn or upwards one costing forty thousand dollars. Nathan Fentz , a yonng man of Keo kuk county , waa sentenced to the penl tentlary for ten yetrj , a few days ago for the killing of a schoolmate In a hasty quarrel hut February. Duiing the fust half of December nine lundrcd ami mno thousand pounds cf togs were weighed on the city scales at Jenisoii. The po kors averaged three uindred and thirteen and tlu.e-fourths wtmd and commanded Iho sum of § 111- S1C.40. A gas well in TTaniilton county has been ililired by the owner so as to gi o all tlio iglit and fuel needed on hia farm. 1th bought that in a short time Webster City will bo ilhimina cd from this well by con- liicling the gas to the town through pipes. THE UKAIj I'OWIHl. niinctuio of Ktlwln K. Apaar Upon Go\crnur Clc\cltiiul. A Now Yorker who did considerable lowapspor work for the democratic party n that atato during the late campaign ; ave n Grille reporter recently some In- ido facts in rcgtrd to the influence aur- ounding Governor Cleveland. "Tho deputy state treasurer of Now York , Edwin K Apgir , you will find , " aid lie , "trill bo tno power behind the hrono in the next administration. Ho lands much closer to the governor than Dan' Manning docs. The governor owoa nero to him than ho does to Manning , lave you noticed that In all the recent eporta of the visits of politicians to the 'ovornor mention is made of Mr. Apgar iiK present ? Well , if any'man will run Mr. Olovo- and , Hut man will bo 'Eddie1 Apgar. ? hoto Is no doubt that Mr. Apgar wrote hat recant letter of Cleveland's. I know iia atylo and I recognized it , and Mr. Vpgar will bo the next president's most : onfidontial adviser. Ho is booked , I understand , for the coiuptrollorship of ho currency. But Mr. Apgar's influence will bo n good no. Ho bahovcBthat the better element f the democracy should bo on top , and 10 will BOO tint many reforms are Inangu fttod , for hn i ] shrewd enough to BOO hat only In ( hut way can the democracy aia a long Icnio of power. Ho will ad- ieo that tlio civil eurvico law bo strictly baervcd in spirit aa vrcll ni in letter. lo will advocno rolnming eilhiontofllco- 'loldera , oven thoughihsy be republicans. t is for I hia ruaaon ttiat 1 bcliovo Mr. Clevol.inda administration will bo a most oneorvAtivo ono. " "But why , " the reporter asked , "do ou say that ho OTTOS so much to Mr. ipgar ? " ' 'Apgar found Cleveland and rnado him ovornor of Now York , " ho replied. "In ho spring of 1882 the democrats were sating around for a candidate for gover > or. The two factious , Tammany and ho county democracy , had been ombit- orod by Cornell's olostion through Kel- y's candidacy. saw that a now nd non-committal man must bo taken , lo ran across Cleveland , who waa gaining roat praise as the reform mayor of Buffi- o. It struck him that thia waa juat the man ono who was booked by a good rec- rd and against whom neither faction onld aay anything. Ho wont to work , anvasscd the state , and found a good tospcct. 'Dan' Lockwood brought out llovol&nd , but ho waa merely an Instru ment in the hands of Apgir. Apgar did moro work toward canvaaaing the ptato n Cleveland's interest for the preeiden- al nomination then any ofhdr man. Ho ppeared less prominently as Manning , ut ho is the stronger man noverthe- ess. Girls and Coastings. A Washington Star reporter gives the raphio pen sketch of how a girl coasts : "When called upon to deecribo a 'oung lady coasting the reporter's pon- il falters , conecioua of the immensity of ho taik. Otring to thosize of and shape the sled and the objects that the > oung men who manage tuo affair have o her dragging her foot upon the ground ho young lady has to coat herself in the manner which might vulgarly be called traddliug. But she does this with such grace and catchua up her drosa with auch > rotty and as to make it appear ono of ho most natural and oaoy attitudes. Chen , when the nlod is shoved of Fund bo- cins to gather momentum in its descent , aho clings trustingly to the coat of thu ucg gentleman in front of her. VVhou itbeaina to daah olong and strike ire out of the ground , aho utters a little Ecream and throws her arm about his nock. Then , when tha tied In Us ( light reaches its wildcat speed , eho acru rns louder and frantically embraces the young man , tightening the pressure into regular hug , wbilo ho gallantly resolves to bo equoezod to death sooner than per mit a buir of her fair yonug head to bo Injured. Then the opoed begtna to ilucKon , and the hug s'nkcna also a littla bit. Then , gradually , the sled comes tea a ntaudstil ) , and the young woman , aa aho takes her aims away from the yoang man , givoa a algh and exclaims : 'Oh , ain't it jolly ? ' Then they trudge up the hill again to repeat the tame perform ance It ia not noticeable that , though the yonng lady's fright la not diminished at all by familiarity vuth the terrors of the 'jhde , ' ( lie young gentleman con- tinuea to aubmic to the treatment to which ho ia subjected without murmur. " tlio Champion 1,1 ar P/oni IVSIIHOH Tlnow Up the Louia\illo Courier.lournal. . Cold in Kansas ? " inteirogatcd the red shirtcd gentleman \\lio was industri ously occupied in holding n cracker box down , just to the light of the stow. "Well , I shtrtild sncive. Tell yorVot ; why , when they \ > antermiko ice-cream o'lit thar , all they hav' to do ia put n little lemon peel and sugar inter the bucket an' go tcr milkiii' , and by the time their dun nnlkin' they hay1 a bucket fu 1 of the tlio the weiiy best icecream. " The stillness was , ns a bystander re marked , "so thick yer could cut it with nil old cheese kmfo. " "Du toll" murmured a long , slapsidod specimen of humanltyos ho drew himself out of a nail keg and glared around upon the motley assembly with an interroga tion point In his left eye and a glass of stale beer In his Jeft hand , "that's purty good for ez It goes , but up inter Mlehygan it air summit kold , too , lemmo tell yer. Why , when I was up to Mishygan on t wlsit to my brother Bill , an' one mornln in Jannaweriy wo wont out to milk old brlndle , an * It was so kold that wo ba : tor bild a fire under the old Vow tor thaw her out , ao ex aho could give down her milk. " Then a silence like a wet blanket fol over the little knot of listeners that was just broken by the champion liar from Kansas , who in a tone of disgust remarked marked : "lie takes the sintago. " Then the crowd arose as ono man , tin filed out ; u. silent ea a funeial procta aion. There is a charming ubience of clr cuHilocution about the following verdlc recently rendered by an Arkaniai core nor's jury over the remains of a we ] known drunkard "Tho feller come to blf death by swltchin1 off from ono kint o1 whisky tor another. The moral o tats hoar veidlck la , don't nwltch. " A $25,000 JOKE. Stan's ' Chief Cmmsel Bled by Dltrfc X3 > ) enBftlion tlint Oulmlnattd In A Urond Grin A. Hugo 1'rlco lor Documents , peclal to Globe-Democrat , SA FJIANCISCO , January 12. Tlio ilmron cast , so prolific in sensations , mulshed n most oxcitint ? scene to-day in ho course of the proceedings brought by Snrah Althca to scoitra alimony and conn- el fees. On Saturday Sarah's counsel uul nppl'cd ' for § 10,000 monthly nllimony nd $150,000 counsel feus , alleging tlut Sharon was now worth $15,000,000 , and lail § 100,000 monthly income. When ho proceedings came up this morning lefoto Judge riu livan there as a great rowd in attendance , as it as expected here Would ho revelations in regard to Sharon's wealth. Instead , those present tore trca'ed to a gcnuino sensation which uhninated in a lingo joke on Shiran's hiof counsel , Gen. JJanies. BARNES * nOUDSUEU. Whoa the caao was called , Barnes roao and stated that inasmuch as the udgo hftd laid chief strona on the docu ments in the case and Export Qnmpol'a oatimony in regard to their gonuinoiiOBs , o had nllldavits to road which throw an ntorestlng light on the way theoe docu ments andlet oraworomimntasturcdforlho laintitT. Ho then road with line olccu * ionary effect , a long aftldavit by Nellie Irackott , once Sarah's chosen friend and onfident , in which that young woman old fit gront length the process by which tie traced , over glais , the signature of : io marrisgo contract- , making as many s twenty perfect copier , niftl 'after bale- 13 them in the oven to glvo them s look f age , she erased with acid thn word Hill from oovcral lottora and substituted lie more endearing epithet of "Allie. " The story wan very long and abounded n dotath which made it plausible. Ihla rras followed by a long aflidavl- iy Sharon , in which ho repeated his ast ortlons that ho never signed the marin - in o contract or recognized Sarah as his wife. To ihia wao appended a document , ; bo reading of which affected the court 3 though an earthquake had struck the milding. This document \vni nothing oes than a contract between Tyler and 5umpol , the expert in chirography who wan originally hired by Sharon and who ftorwarda testified that in his judgment ho marriage contract and the "dear wifo" letter wore genuine , by which Tyler agreed to pay § 25,000 it Gumpol would testily that the documents were lot spurious. The contract was dated nvoral weeks before Gampol was called o the witness stand and bore the olgna- uros of Tyler and Gumpel. Harries la a good actor and ho read their ontrast for nil it was worth. The judgn eomcd paralyzed. His jaivs dropped aud 10 looked completely disgusted. WHERE THE LAUOU COMER IN. But Judge Tyler quickly swithed npon iarncs and Boomed to look on the utlalr s a joke. The judge moisted on Barnes akiug the v itneaa stand and tolling all ho mow about this astonishing contract , iarnea answered certain questions , but efuBcd to reply to others. Then Tyler ofl'ered to go en the stand , nd toll what he knew about it. His tory in brief was this : About two weeks go his clerk , McLanghlia , was approach- id by Barnes , who offered to pay him landaomcly if ho wonld get from Tyler's leek an agreement between Gumpel and fyler by which the export was to recaiva 25,000 for his testimony. Barnes said ) dtectivo Lees told him of the existence f ouch a contract. The clerk made a half promlio and then told Tyler nil ibout it. Tyler then eaid : "If hey want a contract so badly we'll make one for them. Yon close rith Barnes , and got nil you can out of u'm , and whatever you get yon can keeper or yon salf. " So Tyler sat to work , drafted the contract which Barnes had rend in court , obtained Gumpol's signi , uro by practicing hours an it under Gumpt-1's tuition , and then , when the upor had boon all fixed in legal style , Jlerk Mclaughlin notified Barnes that 10 had got hold of it and made an ap loiutmout. Then came the question of compensation. Barnes had originally offered $ . " > 00 , but the clerk gradually raised him in auctioneer Btjla , until Barnes offered § 2,000 , then § 3,000 , then § 10,000 , aud at Jnit , whan ho actually oaw the coveted document with which he expected to overwhelm his adversary , ho nat his head completely and produced 23,000 in crisp thousand-dollar bills , and they wore transferred to the shrewd clork'fl pocket while Barnes departed with the prize. The clerk cDrrobor&tod his etory in every detail. Barnts' fnco traa a study while his thunderbjlt was being chown to bo nolh ing but spurious pyrotechnics. flu dragged himself slowly to his foot , like n man who haa b'oon suddenly "knocked out" when ho thought the fight was hii , and , in a low voice , declared that ho had no doubt cf the truth of Tyler's story. Ho admitted that hn had paid § 25,000 , and said ho would have paid twice or ; hroo times that sum , as hn believed the document was genuine. Ho had loat nls money , in this win n personal matter in which his client was not engaged. He admitted that ho had boon dnpld by a thabby trick , and he had no doubt the opposing counsel had coolly pocketed a portion of the proceeds , Therefore hu Withdrew the contract , Judge Tyler denied that ho had received ceivod any of the money , and said it was ila clerk's transaction , la which ho had nothing ti do save prepare thodocument. Judge Sullhaa looked much relieved , and iidjournod fat trier hearing to Friday next. ALT , OVjill TOWN. Before the actors in this court comedy ! iad actually departed the story nni on all the newspaper bulloton brardt , and the whole town was in a broad rin over the huge joko. A Kemnrknblo "VVomnn , Mrs. Alioa Lo P/ogoou / , new in New Orleans , is a retnarknblewoniau , scientist mul linguist , auya the NeN Orleans Picay une. She has accompanied her huabanr in all his travel * , and Ian devoted unr If arned archsieologiat. She isan English woman , qullo young , \\u\\ \ a epiritua rather than a handsome faco. Daring their journeys in Yucatan forests Mrs. Lo Plongeon were always a bloomer costume and carried her nflo and revolver. She 11 a dead shot and expert hunter ant horeo woman , and can cook quite as wel as she can talk , write , or maVo photo graphs , She is in nuunerthy , modojt but with that admirable and adorable self-possession without which the charm ofthomostcltorming woman aroirapariled At the time Dr. Lu Plongcon andnia wife discovered the buried Htatuo of Obaacmal now in the muieurn of the City of Mexico heir IndlsnguRrds revoltedbeing super ilit.ous , nnd did not \\ant ilis ataluto lo IB removed from ita hiding plnco. Mrs La PJongaon , with rlflo and revolver , topt the Indiana at buy nntil help could > o summoned. This lady Is the correspondent pendent of thoFI Ii andOountry Gentle- nan , and a constant nnd valusd contri butor lo the Scientific American , to eov oral illustrated papers of Madrid , nnd to scientific publications generally. She is graceful flpoaker. UOW TO The Motives and Methods of These AVlio Bncrilluo Honor fur Money. "Yon ask mo to toll you how n man oconcilos his judgment with & life of sys- omatio ( stealing. Well , this is answered asily cnoagh. They don't do it. " 'ho speaker was Ool. A. G. Sharp , hu chief of the poatofllci inspoctora , who as , says The Washington Star , in one ca acity or another , spent many years of n Ifo not yet passed the middle line , in racking down and bringing to justice bat class of criminals who violate trusts opospd in them. In his present official apacity ho has the duty in connection with hla corps of assistants of securing ho honest administration of the rovonuu crivod from the fifty thousand post- flicos scattered throughout tha country. lo is , in consequence , brought in con- ict with what might bo termed the ighor class of criminals , nisn of good octal position and character , who have brough some influence gene wrong. The 'iscovury of such cases of breach of trust i always a shock to the public mind nd generally n source of amazement o oven their moat intimate circle ffilends and acquaintances. It is com- nonly asked what could bavo boon their noiivo and the mental proccsi by which hey wore enabled to carry on a syste matic course of stealing , and yet hold heir heads high in the community and SEociato with hcnost people ? The con- emtion which .vStar reporter had be- ; un with Col. Sharp had reached the iplnt which ia indicated by the answer ivcn above , llefuronco had boon made o the case of Bruggoman , formerly a lork in the postoflico department , who ms juat boon sentenced to the pouiton- iary for stealing stamps , which , owing o seine defect in the printing of the heeis , had been sent to the department o ba counted and destroyed. "Take the case of BruggemaYi , " con- inued the colonel. "Ho was an honest nan nnd and an upright citizen ; his great mbitlon in life apparently was to got another enough money to complete the jayinont on his house , and thus secure a lorao for his family , in whoso society he ound his chief happiness. When ho aw this opportunity of making money iis judgment undoubtedly condemned it. t told him that it was wrong , and that n the event of tbo discovery ho ronld bo ruined for life. Jut the desire for sudden acquisition , or the rapid cccumulation ot money jvorcamo his judgment. Ho had not tbo moral courage to resist the temptation , md HO he fell. It was not because his udgmont had proved defective , that his oaeon had failed him , but bocausa this leslre for money overpowered them and lecama the doniinont influence in his ife. I can well understand his slnto of mind when in copr' , as the sentence was about to be imposed , ho had nothing to ay except blame for himself. "I think that I had the some fooling once myself , " added the colone' ' , and hen , seeing the look of surprise in tbo Ace of his listener , ho smiled and said , 'but it tns only in a dream , and it hap- loncd some yeara ago. I was at that ime in comfortable circumstances and in no need of money. But 1 dreamed 1 had stolen § 200 ; that I bad dollbeiately > akeu that amount from a friend end ; ono aw y with it. In the progress of ho dream I was arrested and put In jail. friends came to mo and expressed their ymputhy and said that I must not stay n jail , and that they wonld got mo out on.bail. But I said no , that I did not want to got out. I knew that I had stolen the money , and that I was a thief , and that I did not want to see any ono , hat I csad to know , but my only widi was to stay and suffer tbo penalty of my crime. "I used to be au assistant warden in a pouitontiary , " wont on the speaker , after t brief pauss , "and in that capacity came 'n contact with a great many criminals. [ have boon told by thieves that when ; hey first began to steal they were trtu- } led in their minds to such an extent ; hey could not oloop , and would bo afraid to meet people in the streets. The second end theft did not disturb ilum so much , and finally reached such a stuto of mind ihat they would steal with the same un- soncoru as they wonld eat tkoir meals. Their conscience , their moral caturo was deadened , and they no longer wore dis turbed by thoughts wire3 at first made them start at shadows. But this is tha ordinary experience. "It was a long while , said the colonel , as ho struck a match and lit a cigar , "be fore I found out Iho difference between in embezzler and a thief. I used to think ihat an embezzler was a thief , and that was all there was about it. Now I know that an embezzler is not necessarily t thief .it first , although ho may bo ouo so , and an a rule ho generally doer. In the beginning an embezzler eimply takes the money of some ono else as a loan to himself for a short time. For astsnce , suppaso that I have § 4,000 or ; 5,000 .belonging to the gov ernment in my eatu. A friend comes tome mo and says : 'Look hero , Sharp , I bayc ot a good thing , and if you put in § 1OIC ou can make a lund.somo profit. ' 1 go ; o the aifo and take out § 1,000 and leave a slip of piper ia its place , indicating that [ am responsible for it. After a while , hn money is returned , pernaps at a profit ind I return it to the safe. Suppose , lowovor. Instead of making money I lost ; 500. I feel blue over the loss and re solve to replace the money as soon as loesiblo. It is as ranch a loan of mine as f I bai given a regular note. Then another or opportunity is presented to mo I ol making a llttlo investment with favorable chances of a handsomeprofit. . 1 rie § 1,000 borrowed in the same way. Hup poeo I lose another § 500. Then I tbink to mveolf'GractouH. : 1 must nuk ) tint ironoyup some way.1 Another invest ment follows , and perhaps another , and if tlura are IOBBEB , with each loss the anxiety to make it up grows , and my in- \ estments bee mo luoro frequent and nij loans to myself of money 111010 numerous , it may have taken years to reach this stage , or perhaps a few months , the time varying aucoiding to the character of the man for cautiousness. At any rate whether a longer or shorter time , 1 fini myself in debt perhaps to the extent o thousands of dollars , n much larger BUU than 1 can ever hope to make up. At this point I change f orn .in e-mbe/ylcr tea a thief. Huietofuro , vitli strict honestj of purpose , I have regarded the money taken as loans , and fully intended to make it all good. Now I know that it is not .1 loan , and yet I continue ) to take the inocoy of other people and app optiate i o my own two. I nm a tin f In cut- nies me cl ) , this is ho mental histo y of icarly eur > embivvli-r , and jon can at ach to this skeleton the well known entuie-sand el'css of some OIIP you hau1 cnown , who has been and is now fallen , md you hao the man complete. ' ( Jol. Burnetdo , " continued the colonel nel , "who used to bo the disbursing of icor of this department , ia n good itlus- ration of this procesi of development during the years that ho was ilnof he must have been in hell and suffered tor- nonts , although to all outward appoaranc lo was a hippy , contented man. 1 lwayn liked him , but I was never able to tecorno intlmata with him. I believe list this Insanity which has now devel oped itself was the result of the constant apprehension in which ho dally lived , lo had that look in his eye , and in con versation ho wandered , and was apt to bo disjointed and abrupt , llyiug off from ono abject to another. " The colonel at this juncture began to > o somewhat abrupt himself , which the qortor , however , attributed to the in- orest wbich ho manifested in a pile of apors on Ills desk , and so the visitor ieldcd to the papers. Another Business Boom , 'hlladelpkln Call. First Manufacturer "I hear that you re going to start your woolen mills again , t can't bo true can it ? " Second Manufacturer "Indeed it is expect to run them night and day right long. " "WhewI You must have got eoaio big " rdorsl" "Well , no ; not Ihat exactly. But there going to bo an enormous denund or woolen fabrics , and I want to bo rcparod. " "You don't say sol Why , on what do ou bane ynur belief ? " "Ear muffs have become popular in St. icmls. " 'ciualo JurorH hooked Up All Night wllhStrmiuo Men. 'ortland ' ( Oregon ) Mercury. Indies can act as jurors in most cases qually as well as men , but It seems to us hut it is too great a hardship upon theme o have their llttla children around their neos in the court room all day , and omotlmos throe or fur ladies are con fined in a jury room all night with trango men , their husbands at home aring for the household affairs , nnd were ro prepared to say that considerable ilseatisfaction has grown out of this jury ) UsinoBS among enaio families , and it is ound that unwholesome results may fol- ow. ft BIG LIT FREE Also 18 valuable and reliable re cipes ( never before published , ) any one ofwhich is worth 1.00 and 'roni that lo § 25.JO ( , and a copy o he "Cultivator" sent FltEB to my one that sends J stamps to pay postag * etc. , 3 comic picture cards will also be enclosed in the pack age. These recipes are valuable to he household andanyenerget-cper- on knowing the secrets they disclose leed never want for money. Please write name and address plainly. Put stamps in a letter and address it otoe WESTERN PUB. CO.bos 509 , Omaha , Neb. U. S. JEPOSITOkY' J. H. NULUARD , WMRWALLAQE President. Cushlei 8500,000. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , For rent at from 8 to { 50 per annum Finest Millinery An 1 Itit Oondnln the City. NUBSERY STOCK These desiring Fruit or Trees , Vines , Shrubs nnd Plants , will consult their own interest by calling at the real estate oflicn > f E. L. Knury , 1301 ! Hnrney St. , or 2200 Ifornam St Oidcra for sprinj ; planting must jo given hoon. BR. BYSAUT , Oflioo nnd roaldonco , N. W. Cor. 12th and Howard streets. ES Calla answnrod promptly night and day. | 3"SpocIal nttontlon given to the dl ecaaca of women and children. Private Lessons IN GERMAN ! GIVKNDay or evening. Terms vcrj inoJcratc. Call on or address , F. It. WKISSOEnUKK , OmsJm Commcrclil College , 1114 & 1110 Farnaiu Kt Bee Hive Photograph STnOTZDICX 313 North 16th Street. Remember that my Pbotozrapbi ire Inspected before bclnedellvered rom the BKE IIIVK PHOTO- OHAl'U STUDIO Muurlne every body perfect ( alls/action , PUOTOQUAPED. D. C.BRYAHT.M. D. & Farnam Street , Corner 18th Ht , Offloo h < era 8 to 1 ! a.m. , S to i m Tea yean eiperlenc Can ipeak Germin. cx Sldly THE SWEDISH DRUG STORE , Cor. Ftltecnth Et. ted Capitol are. , llaitecc re opened , lull ) tuppllod with Drug * am McdlclDta. Care'ul a Untiou crpeclall } ghen t < < 1 c'ori' iirctcrlptlona by aa eiptfriencutl UwedUl pliarmacUt. riTA lull Ime ol Huuonery , Teifumel ( I.undburgb'iiCbrUtiiiucurdiand other holiday ai MIIS. EHIO WIKTLIND , THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of Iho Best and Largest Stocks in tbo United States to Select From. 1TO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR Are now offering AT The greatest bargains ever seen in Oniaka 200 OBGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! ! ! FOR CASH OR OjJ IH8TALLMEMT8 Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew- elrv. Clocks and Silverware. The only importers of lEIavana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Motions and Smokers' Ar- bicles. _ _ _ _ _ 98tli Ducal Brunswick , Lueneburgh , Lottery , Germany. 100,000 TICKETS and 50,000 PHIZES Capital Prize , mark , 500.000 , 300,000 , 200,000. 100,000 80,000 00,000 , 50.000,10 000 down to 150 Drawing Commences the i 5th onrt 1 Gth of January. 1885. Whsl Tickets ' ets 89 ; nl , 84-60 ; Quarter , 2.25. OH AS. F. SCHMIDT'S co. , 62 W. Congress St. . Detroit , Mich. To preventions It Is urgently requests . J to make all remittances by postal note , money order chsok IB In registered letters or bo cxniess. RICHARDS & CLAKKB , Proprietors. Omaha U. P. RAILWAY , MANUFACTURERS OK AflD DBALT5RS J e K& & ra WATER WHEELS. EOLLER MILLS , and Drain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS Off ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THUS Oelabrated Anchor Brand Bufour Bolting Olotb BTEAJ.I PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPK ARCHITECTURAL AND 111 DO O . © ii Wo are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , nnd will ccntract fee erection of Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System. 8Kir"JB8pecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pn. po e , and estumitos uibdo for some General machinery' repairs attende promptly. Address BIOHABD & OLAEKE , OmahaNeb