THE DAI1A BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning , Jan 13 , SUBSCRIPTION KATES , DyCantci . . . . . . . 0 cento p r irctk Dy 1IAU - . . . . . . . . . . tio.oo pet you o. 7 Faarl Dtroct. Ht&r Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Vine job printing ! a' Ivor's BEE job offico. Revival services are in progress in the Broadway Methodist church. Job printing in the latest style of the art , at Pryor's Bnn job oflico. The carpontoro' nnd joiner's ' union glvo n dcnco in Bavins' hall thia ovonlng. The Kanoavillo social club give a dance in the K. of P. hall Thursday night. "Only a Farmer's Daughter" is to ap pear at tho'opera house to-morrow oven- tog . Charles Denny , engineer of the Broad way iitoam laundry , now has n dislocated arm. Luavo your orders for job printing a day or two ahead nt Pryor's Boo job of fico. fico.J. J. W. Smith , of Lime Kiln Hollow claims that aomo thief hna ntolom his cow. cow.Chief Chief Walton , of the fire department , lias boon presented with a handsome badge. The Danoho society gives a grand masquerade on the 31st last. , at Bloom & Nixon's hall. Oonrad Golso has housed GOO tons of , lo for hia brewery , and Louie & Motzor | HOO tons for their restaurant. * The people of Council Bluffs appreci ate good job printing , and , liberally pat- raniza Pryor'o BEE job oflico. Friaonoro arrested by the police are still searched at police headquarters and then taken to the jail building. Permit to wed waa yesterday granted Fritz Steinberg , of Norwalk township , and Bottle Benson , of Hazel Dell. Mrs. WlllamJLovobuig , whoao husband Is ono of the employees of Mat. Scanlan , died yesterday morning attor a brief Ill ness. ness.Rav. Rav. T. J. Mackay yesterday united in marrlago William E. Oonloy , of "Wyau- dott county , Kansas , and Miss Sarah A. Fife , of this county. Sheriff Guitar has returned from Fort Madison , where ho took four prisoners. To-day ho starts back with four others , Johnson , Doyle , Coburn and Hanson. The windows of the city jail are to lo cated that any outaidora can stop up to them and recolvo or pass In anything they choose. A good chance for improvement. Complaint is again made that the boat Ing apparatus In the Bloomer school buildIng - Ing la not working well enough to permit of school being in cession all the time. Aid. Goiso is figuring for tbo purchase of a team at Webster for the now patrol wagou. The patrol wagon will provo an expensive luxury if a team has to bo pur chased , a driver hired , etc. Mr. T. Harlo , the dairyman , who dislo cated his knoa by a fall on the Ice in his yard Saturday , is reported also as being Injured internally , and some fears are entertained aa to the result. It is to bo hoped that the police inves tigation Is not to result in a more farce. Lot it go on. The half hna not been In quired into yet. Lot it bo a thorough job. Then the public will be oatlsfiod. Johnson , the confidence man , has boon nponding his spare momenta In jail in writing a very spicy , sarcastic bit of rhyme on Prof. John Phillips , who was sent to the penitentiary for oix years for raping ono of his school children. The "lodger" is getting to bs a great ono at the city jail. There wore twen ty-three thus allowed to oloop there night bofoio last. The number is on the in- croiso greatly. The assets , of the whole crowd amounted to five knives and ono razor. The Woipon'a-Ghrlatian association has arranged to occupy the chapel of the Baptist church. A. largo mission Sun day schoDl has also boon organized , mooting every .Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church. Mr. A. B. Walker , who Is ono of the best workers in that line , IB helping along the ontorprlsa by taking the Biiporintondenov of the school for a tlmo. Those who have lately secured an ordci of court savoring their property frotr the city now want the county board tc lot , thom withdraw from the township The county board considered the mattoi ' yesterday , but did not roach a deCnlti conclusion. It ii understood that the ] will not bo allowed to retire , unless the ] tvsaumo their share of the township delt at veil as their aharo of the city debt , Work on the now government post of fica and court homo , corner of Sixtl etroot and Broadway , has been suspend od. Contractor J. M. Rico has nearl ; completed hla part of the building and I only awaiting the arrival of the iroi beams aud their being placed In poeltlo ; when ho will fill in between them wit' ' 'it ' Lrlch'and that will complete his contrac and the basoraont of the building. Th building now stands five feet olgb Inches above- the ground. The board of directors of the Counc Blnfla savings and building assoclatlo held a meeting hat night to make arrangi monts for starting a now eoilca , this gl Ing now members a chance to enter tt association , under the next favorable cl cnmslaicor. This association WAS orgai Izod In February 1877 , and by Its pea 1 iar plan not only have members boon helped in saving money , but many have boon helped to build and own homos who would have ncarcoly boon able to secure thorn in any other way. The association ; by its systematic iray of doing business has proved a benefit to the town , for lin provoraonts have boon made which could scarcely have boon eocurod otherwise. William Arnd is the secretary , and can ba found In the auditor's oflico In the court house , always ready to give inform atlon concerning the workings of the as sociation. sociation.WANDERING WANDERING 3TAES , Tuoy Are Hunting About to ScoWbo is "Bos8..n One of the bonoa of contention bo- twcon the city marshal's force and the police force is as to which has the right to search prisoners nnd keep the otTecta , Juat what profit there is in going through the pockets of drunken men deus not ap pear , but there Eooms a strange eager ness on the part of both to perform the duty. The police claim that they have the right under the printed rules , made by the mayor , who is the chief of police. Ono of these rules , in describing the du ties of the capta'n ' of police , says : "Ho ( the captain ) Bhnll keep a book , to bo known ns a receipt book , In which shall bo taken a receipt for every article , whether money or other property , taken from prisoners , that it may bo returned to them or deposited Trilh the clerk. " With this order of the mayor ns back ing the prisoners are being brought to police headquarters and searched there , their effects retained , and the prisoners then taken to the jail. The city marshal , for some reason which does not appear , claims control ever the ollecta. The fact is that the city council in 1884 , three months before the mayor wont into oflico , and long before the po lice rule was written , passed an ordi nance providing , not that the city mar- elial , nor the police should take charge of auch effects , but that the city jailor shall bo the custodian. The ordinance provides that the jailor shall bo appointed by the marshal rrlth the advice and approval of the council , and says : "It shall bo the duty of the city jailor to keep [ a book provided by the city council , in which ho shall regis ter the name of thn officer making an arrest , the charge preferred , the name , ago , occupation , nativity , and residence of every person committed to his care , together with a correct Inventory of all monies , dangerous weapons , or valua bles of any kind whatever , which may bo the property of any such parson , or firm In his possession. The city jailer shall place all such monies'dangorouo weapons or valuables in the safe In the jail until disposed of by the proper authorities and shall deliver up the same only on the written order of the city clerk , oaid order to ba endorsed by the person authorized therein to receive any auch property men tioned in this section. " The ordinance thus making the jailor who Ia now Ed Bates , the cus- tordlan of all such valuables , does not provide that ho should glvo any bonds at all , a rather etrango sort of pro cedure. It remains to bo seen whether the mayor's order or the city ordinance will pravail. Either the mayor or the city council must back the track. Both or- dora cannot bo carried out very well. FJGUU3ONA.L , A. S. A.very , of Walnut , waa in the city yesterday. Alderman James is recovering rapidly from his illness. Col , A , Cochran has returned from his lit- tie Sioux rancho. Dr. J. Farrell , ono of Neola'g merchants , was in tlia city yesterday. Lieutenant-Governor Manning and family have gone south to spend winter. l red Ticknor went to Missouri Valley yes- rday to look after stock business , Will Owens , who has been so very ill , ia oiling along nicely now and will soon ba out .gain. . Chris MuBselmau of Fairmont , Neb , , is era visiting his brother who is the telephone manager hare , Pat Lioy was in Dos Moines yesterday at- .ending a meeting of thn Iowa Firemen's association , ono of the features o ! business oiug the arranging for the atato tournament t Davenport next Juno , Miss Fnnnlo Wnlker , while visiting friends n Carroll , has been taken quito dangerously * , and , in response to a telrgrnin her fraud- nether , Mrs , Swan , has gene there to attend icr. A telegram was oho received Tuesday iglit asking that Dr. Hart , of this city , come it once , but a later telegram stated tlmt she ras better , and was considered out of danger. For Bale My book and statlonory bus- nosa 3-11 Broadway. H. E. Seaman. On tlio Bear. There has boon qnlta a change in the oats of ( ho policemen , the following eing the present arrangement : Of the day men , Officer Brooke will patrol aucroft , Main , Pearl and Sixth otrcota rom Broadway to Sixteenth avenue. O'Brien , Broadway , Pierce and Vine streets -Washington avenue , from Main to Duck street. Smullon , Broad way , Flrat and Washing ton a vonuosMy n- stor nnd Avenues A and B , from Main to Twolfthotreet. Of the night men Aus tin patrola Bancroft , Main and Pearl from Broadway to Fifth avenue , Ousick , Broadway , That and Washington aven ues , Mynsttr street and Avenues A and B from Twelfth street. Hurley , Main , Bancroft and Sixth streets , from Fifth to Sixteenth avenues. Towns , Broadway , P orco and Vine streets , from Market to Buck street. Wheeler , Broad way , Pierce and Vine from Market tc Pearl , m Heal ISntato Tranafors. The following ia a liat of real estate tranefera filed yesterday in the recorder' ! oflico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , at furnished by A. J. Stephenton , abatrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Counci Bluff , ) , Iowa , January 13 , 1885. 0. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. to G. B. Cati oUl , bta22 and 23 , block G , Carson $225. Josaph Berwoln to Anna Borwin , par a o I B o ] 30 , 7514 , § 1,200. Total sales , 81,425 Goo ) , dry , hin , body wood delivered piled aud mo is artd for 80.25 per co-d Call a id tee it. E. L S lth & Co. 12 Ma n street. Telephone 117.j THE "HOME'S" ' INSURANCE , . . . . t How In Curing Vae Orphnn OliUilrcn An Insurance Company Carried On. The statement in yesterday's BEE that hero was nn insurance company bo ng worked under the garb of the Ilomo of the Friendless was nowa to many. All sorts of Induccmcnto have boon hold out o got people to "donate" to the Homo , ) Ut thia apodal feature has bron kept rather quiet horn. The BBH is in posses sion of ono of the c6rtiGci\toB , however , and the clause which olTorn the insurance nducomont is DO worded that it ia well- worth reading , as indicating also the In- doGnlto oort of business ideas hold by ho manager. It reads : The Homo of the Friendless aeaocia- iou Dgrccs , in the case of the slckcwj of any morubor , where the disease is not chronic , or In accordance with the coutsa of nature , whereby said member ta hrown out of his silaty for the tlmo of aid sickness , or If a business man ia in auch a condition that ho needs assistance , to give to said member ilia Bum of $5 n wculc , if ho ia a member by Ilio payment of 25 cents a month ; $10 a wcok , If ho ia a member by the payment of 50 cents a nonlli , nnd $20 a wcoV , if ho is a mem ber by the payment of SI n month , for not inoro tli.ia.aix wotlu in any one year , irovidcd tntd amount con bo raited by assessment upon the members of the M- oclatlon. The homo of the friondlces association agrees further , in the caao of the death > f any member to pay bin or' her holro or .u whomsoever ho or oho shall direct the um of $250. On monthly payments of 5 cents , $500 ; on monthly payments of iO cents , and $1,000 on monthly pay- nonts of $1.00 , provided it can bo raised > y naaoBsmeuta upon the members of the sjociation. It is understood nnd agreed that any iicmbor failing or refusing for fifteen nys after being notified of a loaa. to pay is aasosament , forfeits nil claim upon tie honor of the association for aid in asa of sickness or death. A PAEOE , The Judicial Contest Hfciil to Have Dropped to Pieces , Tha judicial contest in which. Jndgo Aylcsworth claims to bo entitled to the district bench in place of Judge Loof- bourow Booms to have dropped to pieces in a comical way. It is said that the notice tico of the contest was tionb from Des MoinoB to Atlantic , Judge Lonfbonrow's home , but ho was neb there. A messen ger was accordingly dispatched to this city , where ho was holding court. The messenger arriving at night , sought rest in sloop , and did not serve the notice until the next day. It was then discov ered that It was too late , the day of sor- vlco having just passed. Had the notice been served the night the messenger ar rived it would have buon in time , but as it was It came just too l&to. It is claim ed that this tardiness has Knocked the bottom out of the whole case. UlmrneilJ ISuongti. A telegram has been received stating that the Homo Mission society of Now York has accepted the Baptist church property here on the conditions already mode public. This settles the troubles temporarily at least , and the Baptist church hao disbanded , so that now there Is simply a mission chapel hero. After the old sores are healed up a new church organization will bo perfected without loubt. Rev. Mr. Proper in explaining ho situation to the church , remarked that here would bo no attempt to organize at ircsont , though services would ba kept ip. Ho illustrated his views of the case > y saying that when ho was a boy lie had .0 churn nomotlmos , and just before the ratter came , his mother would tell him > o lot the cream stand still n few mo. monts , and the particles gather. He bought rightly too , that the Baptist church hero had been churned enough , nd should ba allowed to stand while the elements wore allowed to got together of 'holr own accord. The Y. M. C. A. The following was the programme ar ranged for the Y. M. O. A. ontortalnment ast ovonlng : Stnclng. Reading by 1 } ] . Stacy. "Experienced in Colorado , " by Judge Bond Solo by S. O Noblo. Roudiug by Wm. A. Goehrlng. 1NTE11MIS3IO.V. Instrumental Mu < ic by B. K. Bench. Readinpby P/ank Rodofor. Railroad Racket by Messrs. Burke and Socicury Setten of dor Oldt Pluo Hen , " by Ti. M. O. Mayer. Rubbers. Z. T. Lindsoy & Co. are making a push n the rubber business. With a fall stock of men's , women's , boy's mlsecj' and ihlldron's Now Jarsoy arctics , they are oiTerinc ; dealers stocks in quantities to suit , at Ohicago termo and discounts. They are also carrying a full stook of joots and sandals of the Now Jersey make , and are closing out rome felt boots at very cheap prices. Dealers will do well to write for piijns. Dr. 0. 0. Hazon , Dentist , 100 Malnst. The commercial traveler. ' of England are not satisfied with the faro and treat ment they get from the Inns and tavoruc , md are agitating the establishment of cluba nnd hotels for their own use. COMBIKUOIAIj , OOUHOIL DLnrra MABKET , Wheat No. 1 milling , 67 ; No. 2 , 65 } o. S , 45. Corn Now , 21c. Data For local purpose * , 23c. Hay SI 50@6 00 per ton ; baled , 60@GO , Rye 35o. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00(9 ( 6 GO , Goal Delivered , hard , t ) 60 per tent soft 4 60 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at 9e. Hour City Hour , 150@2 OOT Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. UVB BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 8 25@3 76 , Butcher Steers , 8 754 00. Bheop-2 60@3 00 , llogs 1 00@4 26. PBODCOI AND TBUTTB , Poultry Lire old bens , 2 60 per dozj droasod chickens , 8cdressed ; turkeys , 124cj dressed clucks , 9@lOc ; droajed geese , 10@12c : iprlnc chickens , per doz. 2 25. Butter Creamery , 25@28c } choice connta ICQIBo. Eggs 22 pot dozen. vogdtablea Potatoes , 30@40o. per bnshal onions , COc per bus apples , choie * cooking t ) eating , 2 60@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@l 60 pe buahoi ; Bwftot notatooa , 2o t > r Ib. Cider-33 gallon bhl. , r " " < OrangOJ tl 60 iw bbl , -AT- rOR the purpose of reducing stock and ! making way for spring purchases , we shall , January Bill , offer our entire stock of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Gmtains , Etc. , fo he sold without regard to cost. This stoo comprises ine line of choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels , Ginghams , Prints , Etc , A choice stock of Newmarkets Brocade- Velvet and Seal Plush Cloaks. Ladies' and Cliiklrens' White and Scar let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , Lace Ties , Fi I'm broideries ; also a lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets , and Table Linen , Our Cnrpet stock is complete and offers s ecia I Inducements for select ion from choice variety of patterns. It includes Exminster , SVjonuettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three Ply ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier Watting , Etc. , Etc , Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades in Variet a eauty of design , Sae Begins January Customers will secure " ° BEST BARGAINS , -AT- ) _ , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , IOAVA 1TE91S. There are 025,81 ! ) school children in [ owa , an incroaao of 21,070 over the year 1883. 1883.Within Within a week the JIalvorn Packing company have ohippod aomo 800,000 pounds of balk meat. The people of Sionx Citv propoaa to : ridge the Mlaaonrl if it tukoa the laat dollar of Boston cupltaliata. George Bedford , , the partner of Jock Roynolda In the shooting of Sheriff McCord , VIM convicted in Judge Hen- doraon's ' court at Marabulltown , Thura- day evening , of the Llsoomb burglary on two indictments , ono for larceny of the Roods , .and another for the shooting. Jack Reynolds refused to testify either for or againat Bedford in the caao tried. Itacont developments in regard to the diseaao which haa boon so fatal among the hogs of the southeastern part of Cherokee county , demonstrates that It ia not cholera that ia troubling the lipgA , but worms. Post-mortem examinations revealed the worms knotted up in the : iog'a stoinnph. Concentrated lye ia ; said to effect a euro and speedy cure. Turpentine la also good. Not a milo of railroad , not a bank , not a telegraph oflico ia erected in Calhoun county , Illinois , though it has a popnla ; ion of about eight thousand. The typi cal resident ia part hunter and part 'armor ' , with a decided loaning to leis ure. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Flour , Hominy , Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Ilnnd. Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL BLUFFS , THE PLACE To purch s K Al Bottom Prices , is HOMER & GO'S 23 Main Blnet , CoindlElu Irs-lUEiMlO - , , PEYSIGIM & SURGEON , TDOH. ornctBi vr. n. v. rcssi Cocadl Bluffs , . Ia , Established - - 1856 Dealer In Foreign and D mcstlo Ezchanga and Home Btcuiltlea , COONCir. BUJFiS , IOWA. Offlco , Main Street , lloom 3 , Shugart and Eeno hlock. Will practice In S.atoand Federal courts. J. E. TATS , Praetlco In State and Fedora. ! Court * . Collections promptly uttendod to. Room in , Shugart'a ' Building , OOUNOIL BLUFFS TOW A DrW. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oonncll Blafta Iowa. $20 REWARD ! > r > A RKWAUU | ) ilJ lor Information ol present iyiU loratlon pair r > or en , Matron anil harness , mortU'Rod hr William D Hall tol'homaa n'Donton Ii ay horse seven years old , 1.COO pounde , scar Iclt hind lc ; , black horse nlno } cara oldi tarln fore * i.ted ipiiln In debt hind teg. wgon , Cooper mak h thro Inch tet double htrncea , tikun from I'ottawatt- aulo county In < UKU9t Ten dollara reward for diajovcry ol Slid ITall. Hall described OB about 5 leot lOmohcs , ' andy complexion , h U head on top wikipra brownish red , Btmiil-h liullt , about 40jear prlj tnLu'uard. EVrett , attorney at law Ululld , Iowa , STEAM EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Glass. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.60. Collars and Cuffs a Specially , Es/iablished 1882. H. E. EEMEB , Manager Ul Broadway , COUNCIL BLTJTra , IA. A XOLTjKK LEADING MKROIIANT TAILORS f and 0 Main ntrcot , I Ooxmoiii Bturra , lowx. Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. , * J Keep Horscn and Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell In retail or wholesale lotf. All Stock Warranted as ReoresBiiteti. Wholcmlo anil retail dealers In Grain ml Baled H r. l'ilco oonablo S tUivctlon ( Ou r ntted. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UoitncilUluffa. NOKENE 5 LANDSTROm , Winter Goods Ilcndy. Suits Jndo [ to Order iu Latest Style on Short Notice nud fit Rensoiif'hln ' Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , i Main Struct , - - - . . Council Blnffij. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's ITe-w Improved Electric Belt. 310 nilOAIMVAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 KLM ST. , DAT.LAS , TEXAS ; ami IT. WAYNE , IN IT POSITIVELY CUKES KMnev Mid Mrcr Complaint. llrlRht'j Il m-c , Ulicimatlsm , NounltU nyepcrela , Notions ! csi W ; tltiR WcakiirRF , IMr.ilysln , h | > in l AI ( ctlciu , IiHlRoitlou , Ilcttt IllwiMi , Fit ! Ilcadach , Lime Hack , Co'd ' tout , and all diseases requiting luorensoJ motl > o luwors. Nuw tmnrcnixl bo (3 nnd (5old ; Btjlol tach. GENUINE SLAUGHTER III THE PRICES OF Stoves ! The ee son It\ng \ to Iar advanced I IT concluded to dlfposo ot toy ntocs RitOARDtrss or ccmv ui uiw truiootogtottarthtrn untiluextteiscn. Cilleuly u I ttlll not bo umleiioM li.vnajouo. _ _ A. J. Maadel , 25 broudway. Council HlulK SPECIAL NOTICES HOTICK. Spodal Tertlscmentu , svio us I.oa found , To 1/ot.n , Foi Sale , To Boot , Wauts , lear < Ing , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low ruto o ! TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the first loseitlo ted FIVE CENTS PER LINK lor each eubeoqncnk n ertlon. Lcaro advortleoraontl it onr offlco , No. Peatl Hired , neat Broadway . _ FtflfSVUE Lands ImpVoicd aad' ' unfmii fiDfct If yen want ft Jaim In western Iowa , Kanai Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus hou ( rom you. SUAN & VVALKKR ; FUll SALE Special bargain. A large bvo etor frao dwelling , ton rooms with nil modern inn provcincuts. well located nnd almost new. Piico < 5CO ; ) , SI , (03 cash balance long tixo , SWAN & WAtKXR. WANTED To correspond with anv non-rcsldcn owner of property la Council Bluffs or Potta- wattimlo county , or any on * wishing to bu or eell piopeity In wtstern Io n , Knnsis or Nebraska SWAN & WALKER. SAIE A laree cumber ot business nnd ros FOR dcnco Iota In all parts of Council Bluffs. Sc ua before } ou buy , SWAN & : WALKKR. OU RENT We ho several houBPS on our lie F ( or rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKKIL FOK SLE Partloi wishing to buy cheap lots t build en can buy on n. onihly pa > incnta of ( rom 52 to 510. SWAX & WALKIK FOR RENf Wo will rent you a lot to bu.ld 01 with thoprUUago to buy 1 ( > ou with on very liberal tcrm . SWAN & WALKKR. WANIEU lo oorrefpond with any oao gocd locitlon ( , r jlanning mill , sa h , dee and bund inanua tory , \\o have bulldlm ; am machinery , well located , ( orBale , Iraso or ttaHo ; Ul SIVAS& FOR KENT-Large two story triune bulldlcg- suit able ( or warchouio ur Btozi c purposes , nen railroad depot. SVAN & WALKKR. RUNT OR SALE Building and grouids FOR enitib'c for small ( oundiy and machine six ) ] ) Good boiler , engine , cupila , blower with flicd eluXt- Ing eta , icady to put in motion. SVAN WALKKB , FOR SALE Shelving , counters , Siblci desks , gas fixtures el-3. Kniulro ol II. K. Seaman , papei , books and stationery , 311 Broadway. i'OR SALE Asocono-haudsalo. No. 217 Broad- Council Blu < Ia > FOR 8ALE-One JO horse portable holler ant engine Beat ol rrdor. Also sru < eight horse engine and boiler , on uliecls. l/o i & Ollto t , 623 Main Btrest , Couoiil B nlfs. FOH BALE Two hoi sea ImgR } , anil Unlit single * harness. U. 3. Kobcrtson EOi'Broailv ny. WANTED A good girl or woinia. ( or gone a housework , ono suitable ) will pall good wages Enquire at 1206 Blzto strict opposite ncluul house. VX7 ANTED Agonii in eVery couatyln western VV Iowa to sell Wo "Champion IXiiom Stretcher and Ixonlcg Board" , Kvmylady pionounica It en- eight to bo Just whaislu want' , either ( or lioisclf jr hlrec' help. Big luduccmenlu to agents. Iletill * 'or ' 31 , Address C. B , S. and I UcrjJ , Boo omct- Louucil Bluflp , jiiOK WALK llousua. Lots and Land. A. J. 1 ? ' teproi'oii , GC3 First tucmic' . ioirHALK torMmBKyT llrat-T.BJ make anil in ex client coudltloM. Or " 111 trailo tor cho p int. Atlclrcnn f. M Boo olllcc , Council liluTs. eND vi CUD Ucuige llcaton , 6\2i \ Bru.d- GOAL nay. fells coal and wood at rcaooimblo prlcca , ; lve 2,000 Ibs. ( or a ton , andl ? 3 eublo ( or a cord , L'ry him. \irANTKD hvory Dwl/ln Uouncil bnifls to cake VV TiinBMu. Dellvored by carrier t only twenty nta t week. O ILLI 1'Al'KllS For BJlu * t U oatov , at 26 ccnta a hundred J. L. in Met Apnt , No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffo. Corrected to Januur ) 7 , 1SS5. OODNOIL BLOKE'S. The following are tbo times of the arrirbl and do. jurturo of trains by central ctandard tlioe , at the ocal depota. Trains Icavo transfer depot tan mlr- atea earlier and arrive ten minute ? later. CUIOIOO , BUf L'JMrOH AHO qUWOT. ' LBIV . itnivr. i:86pto : OhluvroKxprom ! B00 ; a m BtO : A m Fast JO. M. 7:00 : p tc i:20 : p ru Aooominodatlon. JlOOi \ m "At Icol depot only. KiMUS OITT , 8T. it * AMD OOUNCKl ILU7rV > 0 05 a ru Mail and ICxprear , 6'jfi p m 9:16 : pm I'Aolflo KxprcBS , OilTpm OUI0100 , ULVADKll AND MX rAUTu S:2B : p to Kxpreer , 9M a m ; 25arn Kxproaa , fSOpra omoiacsiocH IBLIHD inn noifio. 5:25 : p rn atlar.tla Kxproju , 0:06 : a m 9:26 : a rn D y Expritaa 0:01 p m IM ; ia "Dat-Uol'ica Accomtsodatlon , B:16 : p m "At local depol only , * Wi.-AU' . , ST. IOUI8 MO TACiriO. 6:10 : pm Acoomrnodaton O'OOam :80pm : Louli Kiprcsi 8:46 : p m : p m Chicago Kxprcai 10t6 : B m > A Transfer "nly VOlOAOOlUld HQaTIiVUTIir , 1:60 : p m Kxprew , t:60 : p m 9:26 : a ra Padflo EipreM B:06 : a m IIODI cm AMD rAcinr. fitO p nt Ht. I'aol Expresi , 9:00 : a m fllO a u Pa ; ExpreuH 7:00 : p tn osiou r iar ia , 8:00 : > n Western Expiear , 6:30 : a m ll'.ceam I'aclSo Expresr , :10pm : ISllO a m Llnnoln Kxprixx , 1:18 : p m AITraniferooly. Le Te-T0-El20-8:80-IO0-lliOa. : : ! in. 5:80eo5aoe : : : o-noo : p. ra Sunday 7:20- /.so-ii:40 t. m. iao-3:30-.6:30-eso-iios : : : : p. u. rilvn 10 mlnu'il befuje leaving tlru . ar only onlyaOHUEZ. aOHUEZ. ornos OVKK AUKHIOAM COUNCIL BLUFFS , 10 SV A. , EicQ M. B. CANCERS , CHRONIC DISBASES0"- ' Over thirty years practical cxparlwM QCe fo. t , Pearl Jrcct , Conncll liluHi. jrConiuUi"on fro. ADiriSSlON- 100. BIUTE3 Gcnta Ua. Ladles 100. Admission Free tc Ladles each Morning and Tata- day and Thureday iftcrnooni. Uoe of Slcatei U cenU. A. P. BCHANCIt , tt H , MARTENS , Proprietoi ORDER YOUR Cobs , Coal 1 Wood OP EH. JEJ. P. O , 4drcs3 , Look Box KM. Covacll Bluffj. YOUB E ASH ADDRRSS CN A TOITAL CARI > TO IUK Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y , . PHILADELPHIA , PA , And you will rtcelvo by return aiall a SPECIMEN COPY I 0 ( Tiia HBASTIISTONH , wnlch Is nltboui exception the IIK.IT Siury Paper publisbtd. TUB IlKAaTHSTOSK is a siitetn-jiaqcyapfr , ( ull ho choicest original aerials , rfctchw , pnetrtnnd iiikcellitnci > yi > articles , and Is printed on tine tinted taper. Thoeo who eutscrlb * during the nest sixty days ilill receive any ono of the ( ollunlng articles : WOOU'8 PKNOQRA7H , the best ( ountaln pen \cr ti ed. OKNl'LEMAN'S GOSSAMER CO AT or LADIES NI , POPULAR IIISTOHY , DAY'S COLLACON ol 4U.OOJ quotations ( rom 2300 uthors , cnvloimly illu/rtratej. THKNEW AUKRIOAN UIoTIONARY. A POCKET MAUN1FJKII. HOW TO UlilAU OlIAltAOIER ; a very Interesting oak. A TniPL&PLVTKD CHILD'S SCT OrSIXTillPLK PLA Yl)1KSl'OUNS. . Or blX TKIPLi ; I'LATKD UK'bERT SPOONS : Or SIX T1UPLX I'LATEI ) TABLE HPOONs ; Or8IXTHPLK | 1'J.ATKl ) FOKKS ; . A TRil'lK PLATBI ) BUTTEtl KNIFE ; OrHIXTHII'LK I'LAll''l W NDSC-ll KNIVES. All these bllvor plated gnmU are guaiantoed to bo I the host quality. Don't fa 1 tu mini ( or a eptci. ten copy ol TIIK HKARTIIIITOSK , and ue are cure you , III be Induced to subscribe alter reading the paper' AudrcsaTiiii KAHTIIHTO.SK I'umiHiiiNa o. ' 'S3 Is , 270 S. Ninth St. , 1'hlla. , Pa. St , Charles HoteL JSTUEET/BET.TthandSth , LINCOLN , NED. Mrs. Kato Coakly , PraprUtoross. WNewly and elegantly ( timlahtd. Good eampl toras on ilrst ilior. /tarTorms-'JUO / to $2 per dy. Special rates glren Tcmberj of the leglulaturo. _ novlO-lin-mo m BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COLi i LENDER COMPANY , . IBUOOKSSOKS TO VHK J. U. I ] , & 3. CO. ] I The molt t&tenslve ruauuUctareri IN THE WORLD. ohu Hockstrxuai Ooner l Ag < aA or Weetorn Iowa. 0 8. Tenth Street . . . . OUAIIA , NEB , tSTtAMou Billiard and Pool Tables and miterU oei W. S , SHOEMAKER , andCounseory AT LAW. ? /5 S , 13th St , Omaha , Nob. Fourteen Yean1 Practice In Iowa and Colorvi ) . RKKEHENCKS IOWA Hon. J , Itecd , Ansnclato Justice Sip reme x3urirmUlcnc , fV-uocil Illult * ; lion O , H./Ltwli. / 3lstrl-4 ( Judge , icttdince , Cherokee : Vl/it JatlonU ank and Olllrcr & I'u ty. Hanker * , Counci' lllufla lanvy & Ford , Hankers , Logan , lltiilufen fo. , In. COLOKAKO Ron. J , C , IKIni , A tociitl Jattloc , upremoCturt , re ld'nce , lcm r ; Hou. Vm. liar Uin. Diilrlct Juniru , leiideuc * . llyyia Y taHatb ;