J * T H w i I THE DAILY -WEDNESDAY , JANUARY ! ! , 1885. , i . * * Ihis IrWRiF i& WTlis E -THE ; , BEST TONIC. < , j. \ combining Iroa with p < i il tonlri , imiokly nnil roinnlctil. It Is nn iinlallltiRTCDietlf for Diseases nf'hi ililiio ) * nti'l f.l > rr. it is Invnlimlilo for ] ) tscnvi rcciillrr to \V iiiioii , and nil who Icf.d fctlcnlnrj' ll\cj. ttrioci not Injure tlio teethenmo liciilni h < - > ' ( irfKlnoo ronstlpnllonolhrr /ion mcr'lcmei J Mciirlclicsnnd ptirlllts thr Ijlood.ntlmulnli i onpi > ctltcnlili ( thr < u lmllnton ! of fof > J o"r Hcnrttnirn nnd llclchluif , BPd r.lrc'r . ii tlu jntncbs nnd nm\u -ot Intcrrnlttcnl Fevers , . . 5 't-W. .to. , 11 lias no * ThiMctiiilnoli { r wv > i rerf Unos ot rijijift Tntotir oMDDiilsiiateiiii tie BROAD GLAIN . VSBY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Kyer offered to tlio nubile. HAMBUEG-AMEEIOAN DIBKOT LINK JTOK ENGLAND , IILVNCE The itounthfpg ot thlg well-known line are bnlit o lion , In water-tight comportments , aad are famish ed with every requisite to make the paswge both tafo and agreeable. They carry the United Stateg And European mala , and leave Now York Thurs days and Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON ) Choi boar ? , ( PAUI3) ) and JIAUHURQ. Untca : Etocrnfro from Europe only CIS. Flro Cabin , WB , W5 and 876. Ctaerage , (20 , Henry Pundt , Mark Hanien , F JZ , Mocrcs.U. Toll , Scats In Omaha , Qronowcz k Sahoent cn , acontali Council Blufle. 0. B : RI01IAUD b 00. , Oou. FMS Agt3. , Cl Broadway , H. T. Cbaa. Koimlnskl & Co- Oenoial Woeteru Agsntj , 170 9hIncton St. , Ohtoa E0.1U. REMLDYFltr.E. Avlctlm of youthful Impnidonco CftusinR Pfmnaturo Decay , Nervous Debility , Lost Blanlmpa , io. , having tried In vain ever/ known rcmody.htf JlKOTOrodnBimploraoansofBolf-ouTe , which lie will tend KRHIi tobla follow-Bufforora. ,13 OhathamBt..New Y ? „ VARICOCELE rmint ii * ur cure BOOT ire * ClTl U Ateocr. lOOFultoa * Health is Wealth J Da. E. 0. WEST'S NBUTI ADD BOAIN TRIASMINT narontoed epoclflo lei Hysteria , Dizziness , Conval dons , Fits , Nervous HourMgta , Uoadioho , Nervous Prostration caused by the use otaloohol or tobbacoo Wakefalnesa , Uontal doprcBslon. Battening ol thi brain , resulting in Insanity and leaping to mleory decay nd death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , losi ofpowcrln either ssi , Involuntary LOBSOD and Uper atorboracaused by over ezortlontof the brain , eell abuse or over Indulgence. Each box , oontalna ono month's treatment Sl.OO a boz.or six bottles oi (3.00 , tent by mall prepaid on f eoolpt ot prloo. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cnro any case With each order tecelved by us lei six bottles , acoompllih d with $5.00 , wo will send he purchaser onr written guarantee to relnnd the money If the treatmcnidoos not effect a cure. Gntr Knteea Issued only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. , Qlr S3.mSo-ry.-JH . 8821I Jbon St. , Chicago , 111.2 iicallnete . . /'I'lj ) ; Cfiartercd by tlicStoteof IU' . "T.yrt $ 'r ? otp.iyinglmmcdlatc reliclir/ 'tacticr. licmlna ) irlit jLnisi. . Liy Driams , Pimples on n.r Fa.c.t.o-.t Mnnliood\.vsltlvetiicHretl t'lt uxtonLe used In each cute. Consultations , per unal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcrt- Hr. 3 tent bv M tl and Express. No marks on puc atrc to indlcAtc contcnta or sender. A'ddrett } .K BOTTLES. . Jftrlnngor , . . * . - > - . - < Bavaria , Culrnbucher , Bavaria Pilsner . - . . Bohemian. Kaiser 4. .BTomon. .DOMESTIC. HadwoiBor .St , Louis , . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Louis. Bests. . . . _ _ _ Milwaukee , Bchlitz-Pilsnor Milwaukee K.ruc's ; . . . . Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine Wine. 5'FD. MAURER , Farnam St With 3h number ol DOUOUESTT8 MOKTOr.1 % I jQAZU.'Kwm be given a full ilco laEhlonable Pat er not any tltoolstyles telcctetl. makingt oho pat et idurir4heytarior talueolorcr thiee dolllirj boaldtt the most ropular , eutertalnir and me u /cagatlng Eimple copleiSCo , yearly , M. Addret W. Jennings. Ucmorocet , ITKast 14th Bt , New York A FINE LINE 0 P THE ONLYIEXCJiUfalVB PESTS OF THE PLAINS , The Wolves of Wyoming an Their DppilatioDS. The Vulutor Tliclr Pelts anil llow Oltallied. Something About IJImo Novel Stories of \VcBtorn Wolves. ? hoycnnu Trader. A number of moro or loss amusing and ocidodly original nrticlos about iho wolves of Iho western ntatca nnd terri * orics have recently boon published in astern papers. The arnount of raisin ormatlon and dime-no vol romance about tbo west , published as fact , and toad with n childlike end touching confidence > y extern people , is fca oxtonalvo as nb. aufd. In Wyoming nro found two epoclos ol wolves , the common coyotes and the big gray wolves. These nro not grcut in number , but they are quite a factor in the loss totals incident to the grazing o : cnttlo on the plains. Many e musing stories are related o , the experiences of "toudorfoot" nnc 'pilgalma" who have boon lest on the plaine , or situated BO the howling ol coyotes filled at once the night with die cord and that tenderfoot's heart witli alaini. Western people know that the coyotes do not attack mon , and It is also a well known fact that when three or four coyotes join in the choituofa ro fraln which Bom < ) cliiof musician In the tribe his a tar ted , the listener would swear that about 2UO of the animals rrcro holding a roliaarsnl. The howl of the pray wolf is difl'eront from that of the coyoto. Thcso latter mrcly run in packs , although the populai belief is that adventures of the style p r- ttayed by Fnuik Wrijo in Davy Urockott nro of common occurrence. Iho gray wolf s howl iaashoit , aim p snarl , mid rarely bleaks foith into n prolonged cry , unless the brute is ravenously hungry. In midwinter these big gray fellows bo comu almost white , and when made dcs- pcrnto by hunger are no doubt ugly ens tomers. .Recently an article lias been going the rounds in which thu teniblo fatp of a tramp , who was put off of a train in the wilds of Wyoming , is related in thrillinj , style. The irght was dar ] ; ; splashes of rail : wcro curled against the windows of the cars by the midnight wind : the passengers on a Union Pacific train wcro nodd.ng. The twin stopped at a lonely station oul on the barren plains. A tramp claimbored but the cruel conductor would not let the poor fellow ride. Several mihs from the station the train was stopped and ihotiamp was put olF. As the train started ahead in the murky darkness , the howlinga of wolves wcro berne to the ears of the star tled passengers , and the poor trampfian tic with fear , ran screaming after the train. In spite of the protests of the passengers the brutal conductor left the man to his Fate to most horrible death. Such is the story. It Is hardly necessary to add that It was written by a Tory tender tenderfoot. In the summer of 1882 a certain Ohey- onuo lady had an amusing adventure with a monster gwy-wolf. A party of ladles and gentlemen had been fishing on the Poudro , above the Rustic. Upon the re turn journey the majority of the party walked up the long hill which is ascended when coming Irom the Rustic to Chey enne. The lady referred to bad wandered ahead of the others. When a gentleman in the parly approached the summit of the hill ho discovered the lady holding an interview irlth a big mouthed wolf. The ultnation was a realization of the le gend of Rod Riding hood. The lady had a small stick , which she was waving at the wolf , and meanwhile she was crying , "shoo , " "shoo , " ' like a woman driving a hen from a flower bed. The \yolf as contempla'ing the woman with giim curi osity , but ttottcd away when the gentle man appe.vcd. A load of bird shot stung Ins glossy s'de and accelerated his speed to a lively gallop , and soon ho disappeared over the summit of a neighboring mount ain. The lady supposed the wolf was a la'go shepherd dog and was not a little igi ated \ \ hen she learned that she had been entertaining a mountain wolf. During the summer wolves and coyotes lite ally live on the fat of the l\ml. \ In the winter and early sp ing they are un- iblo to capture the small game on which they subsist at other seasons of the year , and then they tuin their attent on to live itock , and then it is that the cattleman looses many a ealf , or ycailing , and often a full giowii cow or steer Ouyotea prefer young calves , born early in the spring. Half a dozen coyotes will eurround a calf and aimultauiously at tacking It from all directions they easily and readily destroy it. Gray wolves have been known to kill full grown cattle , al though they also prefer to attack young stock. When a largo animal is attacked the wolves separate into two parties , one assaulting the cow from the front , while the othera endeavor to hamstring It. Thu method of assault rarely fails to bo sue cessful. Soon the poor brute falla and a moment later the entire pack of wolves la snarling over its bcdy and feasting on the still living animal. Owl UK to the persistent war made on the wolves and cayotoa by the cattlemen and hunters , they are steadily diminish ing in numbers. In the early days.wolves wera always found with buffalo , and BO long as cattle are 'grazed on the plains these posts will continue to inhabit the Rocky Mountain regions. Many coyotes and wolves are killed by poisoning meat and leaving It where they will find and devour it. Indeed , that i about the only means of killing them now employed , and during the winter cowboys and hunters find ' ' " 'wolfing" a profitable business. Bounties of $1.50 are paid in Wyoming upon each wolf or coyote killed. The pelts are brought to the ofiicoa of the county clerks , the paws are cut. off the ears are punctured and the pelt is returned to tbo hunter , who , in addition to the bounty , realizes all the way from fifty cents to five dollas for his hide , its size , variety-ana general condi tion controlling its value in the market. Nearly every day some cowboy , ranchman - man or hunter , brings a bundle of pelts to the office of the connty clerk in this city , and obtains the bounty , while the kins find a ready sale in the market * . The sSclns are tanned with the hair on and are manufactured into robes , rugs and overcoats , and not a few are stuffed. During tlio past six months nearly one thousand dollars have been paid as bounty on n'olvea iu Lsrarale county alone , andthli does not Include the large number of woVyes killed during the winter , and wblcri'i will not ha brought in until spring. In .other portions of the territory A Hill gr < aU.r number of wolves are annually killed. At a rough estimate 13,000 wolves and coyotes are killed every year in Wyoming , The number of calves these wolves would destroy would urnish , if it could bo learned , interesting data for uottlomcn. UbiYGKMAlLlNO DETEOHVB9 , A Class That Thrives Upon the Secret Bins of Their Client * . Now York Mall nnd Jlxprcsf. In speaking of a certain class of private detectives the other day Col. Chailea S. Spencer , the criminal lawyer , eaid io a ropotlar for the Mail nud Express : "Many of the ao-callcd detectives got their living by blnskmnlllng people wno at Bomo earlier period of their existence committed a violation of the low , but are now trying to live honest , respectable lives. 1 remember ono aso which came under my own observation n number of years ago , I was called upon to defend a maq , whono name I will not mention , but who bore a bsd reputation , charged with a crime cf eomo importance. lie was acquitted , although I afterword be come convinced that ho was guilty. lie was a man of considerable natural abil ity , and would , I believe , he could bo per suaded to rotorm , bo able to earn on honest living. When I spoke with him about the matter ho listened respectfully , and then replied that ho had boon think ing of the matter himself. Ho said that there was on agent who wanted him to sell maps for him , but OB ho had no money and no ono to go security for him ho had not accepted the position. I told him that I would help him to secure the place. I loaned him ' § 100. Ho pur chased the maps end wont to work. Ho was very fortunate in his sales , and at the end of two or three years ho had ivcd the sum of 81,500 , and. paid back to mo the loan I had made him with In terest. "Ho then concluded that ho would open a fish market In the lower part of the city , which ho did , and was getting along nicely when a private detectivewho know all about his life as a criminal , dis covered him in his market. Ho told the now prosperous market man that ho would tell his customers all about his past his tory , of which they were ignorant , and thus ruin his business , unless ho would pay him § 100 as hush money. My protege , seeing that the detective had It in his power to injure him , paid the money. Not satisfied with the sum ho had received , the blackmailer came back again a few weeks later. As he did not know that the fellow could bo arrested for blackmail , ho continued to p\y Duma of money to the scoundrel un til ho had crippled his business and com' polled the man to sell out at a loss , Ho came to mo end stated his case. I ad' vised him to go woat and try again. ] loaned him enough money to got out ol town with. A year or two ago ho aunl mo a letter stating that ho .had made money nnd had become quite prosperous in his now homo. Ho sent back the loan , too , with interest. MADE IT WAHM Jt'OK HIM. A Cold "Weather CranlcitVho Got No Consolation , Detroit Free Press. "Well , I'll bo shot if thia isn't snifter ! " ho said as ho entered a street car which wan occupied solely by two women. "Haven't seen it OB cold for twenty five years , " he continued , as he stampec up and down the aisle and rubbed his oars. i The wcmon paid him no attention anc suddenly ho paused and blurted out : "How on earth some folkses' ears ant : foot can stand the weather , exposed 8 ! they are , is moro'n I can see. I ehoalc thiuk a day like this would carry off hall the female cos. " No reply was made , but ono of the la dies arose and opened the roar door ol the car and the two took seats claso to II and began to fan themselves with news papers. The old fellow wutchod them for about a minute and then bolted througl : the front door and dropped to the ground and called to the driver : ' Keep my old 5 cents and bo hanged to you , but I wont ride in a car with no sich cranks if I lose my whole twenty-five toes ! " „ Post Office Changes. Postoflic } rhango3 In Nebraska during the week ending January 10 , 1885 , and furnished by William VanVlock of the poatoffico department : Cl NEimASKA. Postmasters appointed Driftwood , Hitchcock county , Cliatles O. Bivt ; Early , Frontier county , Mr. T. J. Shot- well ; Gould , Dawson county , Edward C. P. Childs ; tJoiman , Washington county , Leslie Watson ; Plum Valley , Knox coun ty , Joseph Bcnsmar. Rosebud , Boone county , IH avion Davis ; St. Helena , Cedar county , Helen M. Nissen ; Willow Island , Dawson county , 0. P. Paist ; Wood Lake , Ohoiry county , 0. A. Johnson. IOWA. Established DoEtta , Powoshiek conn ty , Ellis J. Jackson , postmaster ; Lyman , Cass county , Lewis H. Oouant , postmas ter. Postmasters Appointed Boaman , Grundy county , F. M. Wheeler ; Clark , Clay connty , Mraas Jormor , Grant City , Sao county , J. W. Dasmor ; Maaonvllle , Delaware county , John Latimer ; Oto , Wooabury county , Miss Delia Water man ; Poiro , Woodbury county , Miss Addio Epps ; Yarmouth , Das Molnes county , David Pickering. No Hnnl Times , Chicago Herald. A richly dressed man looked up from his paper at the Grand Pacific yesterday and exclaimed to a person sitting near him : 'This talk about hard times Is all bosh. I never saw.timos bettor in my life , and ( never made moro money in a year than I did In 1884. " "Is that so ? What Is your business ? " "I'm saloon In the running o prohibi tion state of Iowa. " Employment for All , Newman Independent. "Everybody seems to bo busy here , " remarked a Newman man to n friend ho was visiting in Tnscola. "Of course they are , " said the Tnscola t man. "You see , our people have started a creamery and are making largo quan titles of butter and cheese. " But that surely don't give everybody in Tuscola employment1 ? "Oh. yes it does ! " "How ? " "Why , Jn trying to get the laato out of their mouths 1" Last year Massachusetts enjoyed al most a total immunity fiom smallpox , but nine cases , with ono death , hav ng been known to occur , which is less than for ar y year since 1844. The prettiest woman In Washington ! s said to bo Mrs. Horace Ullyer , wife of tbo secretary of the English legation. She Is a sparkling blonde , willowy in figure and perfect In complexion. \VE9TEHN NEWS DAKOTA. [ JDaltotn hiw about SOOJnowiipapcrs. Harm ! City goti the land bflica away from Doadwood. If p" in Jcraold county solt coal retails ns high ns § 14 per ton. There is plenty jof good povcrnmpntlaml ; [ in Kdmunds county yotoptn for eclllomont. The territorial officers are now nil safely rmconcod In the new capitol butldlug nt HismDtck. \ chunk nt Un ore from the Kttn tnino in the BUck Hills , IIM been sent to the Now Orleans exposition. It U said Mint the TCocl : Island railroad Ins cjineeM In tlie.field looking up aline from Wntertown to liiimnrck. Coal IIM been discovered four milts from IklttoD , Day county , near the graded line of tlio Dakota & Southern railroad. Kingsbmy county hns expondfd four nnd one-half per csnt of the assessed valuation of the county in building school houses , In 18S5 25,000 iron will bo employed In rtillrovl building in Dakota. KHtmntlng tboir wages nt $2 n dny , this will disburse n revenue of $00,000 n day , or 81,25 , > ,000 per month. Twenty thonmnd mnskrats have been marketed it Winfrod , LnVo county , thin pnstyoar , Atthil rata a million timl n linlf ol muskrnta will bo the Dnkotn output for 1884 an nddilion of n qunrtor million to the bonvor overcoats of the country. The Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Pnul Unit rend company hns secured right of wny through tbo Sissutnn Indian roacrvntlon In Dakota , nnd the Mllbank branch will bo extended tended next summer. This la the line the comptmy will extend to Uismnrck , nnd It gives the Chicago , . Milwaukee & St , Pnul the nhoxtoat route yet surveyed to the now cnp- itnl , Lignite conl is now delivered to consumers nt Bismarck nt SI per ton , The conl is uni versally need this winter , nnd ii found to ho moro economical than cither wood or eoal. It will Interest strangers to know that the country in full of coal. It in found In almost every township nnd in unlimited quantities. The coal beds oxtuad from Mtmoltout , east of Bismarck , to the Kooky mountains , and will furnish fuel for hundreds of yeats. Up in the Black 1 tills the good people nro boncfittod by typographical orrora. The lied Blutr sentinel made this startling announce ment inio day last week : "Tho prnycnnect- ing nt thu M. 12. church will bo hell to night. " This typographical error rpndo a good many people believe that [ something ro- mnrknblo was to tnko place nt the meeting , so tbo church was crowded , kTha officiating brethctn , prcntly encouraged by the Inrge audience , was inspired to eloquonco. nnd the icsult wns thirteen converted pouons united to the church , Georga Sticknoy , for the past six years treasurer of Union county Is short in his ac counts some § 0,000 , Ho hns offered to ono of his bondsmen to turn over all his own , his wife's nnd his ! son's property to the bondsmen , they to make up the shortage to the couuty. nnd pay themselves out of the property thus turned over. His son , now in the land busl- uo'B In Duuglns county has joined his father at llk I'oint , nnd joins in the offer to make rr0od the last dollar of deficiency as far as ho is able. _ WIOMINO. The Journal says that Knwlins lua nlmost doubled itself within the past year. Jim Davis , n cowboy from Sand Creel : , was killed in a brawl in Dendwnad un the Oth. Errlck ChriitianEon foil down the ehaft ol ono of the mines nt Carbon and was instantly killed. Thuro are C2 tcriitorinl prisoners now housed at .Toilet , 111. , and 1 ! ) at tha Nebraskn penitentiary. Laramie is the possessor of an orator who , according to tha Boomerang , is gifted witt ' n diarrhoea of words and a constipation oi iJonf. " Jealous Isaac Jacobs , of Cheyenne , went on n slabhiug tour with a razor laxt week. 11 o cashed his wife , but did not cut off her wind. Ho then commenced to carve himself , and made a miserable failure of it. Prof. Aughey is trying to convinca [ the na tive.s that nttesian water can bo found nt n depth of L'9 feet. As it takoi about $10,000 to demonstrate the proposition , thu professor hns not pat his theories Into prnctlco. Snow is reported ns having fallen at South PASS City to n depth of 10 to 17 feet , covering up many of the buildjnge , requiring the citi zens to tunnel their way out. There is moro snow there than the oldest inhabitant over saw beforo. The Union Pacific railway company has no tided the authorities of Cheyenne that here after it will resist the payment of the cchool tax assessed against its property , on the ground that thu Cheyenne school district waa not Ic gn'ly ' organized. Crook county has now started on a career of prosperity. It possesses every natural ad vantage that a country need possets. It is well ws tired , diversified as to surface , with a soil remarkable for its productiveness , nnd it is settled by an intelligent ; and hospitable clnia of pooplo. News from Ferris is to the effect that the Denver Oil company lias struck a body of oil and gas in their well at a depth of something over fcCO feet. No estimate is made as to the tjuantity of oil flowing from the well , but it id said to In coteidurahla. The cus is so plentiful that n largo jet is kept binning con stantly. Advices from the ranges up to the 10th nro to the effect that enow has almost entirely disappeared. The cattle have pulled througn the cold snap and are now in excellent condi tion. 1'oiv , if any loneui have occurred , and stockmen cfnim that their information covers the entire territory , and that now the ru- moteat sections have been heard from. The Laiamie Boomerang joyfully exclaims : " 1'iftcen thousand dollars subbcriptton mLar- nmio will insure the erection hero of n reduc tion plant , costing over three times that amount , equipped tor treating all kinds of ores , is thu guarantee which the veteran miner and prospectcn Jthn A , Smiley , was nblo to give last night to the business men nnd capi talists of this city. " At the office of thfl Wyoming Stockgrowcia' association , in Cheyenne , it is conh'dtn'ly stated that thora are : , 300,000 cattle within Ilia boundaries of thu tciritory. The value of Iheeo cnttln cannot bo estimated under ? ! 5- , CO.1 , CCO. In this auiouLt is not embraced the vnluoof ranch buildings , outfits or ranch im provements of any character whatever. It represents the actual purchase value of the cows , ateeru and bullrt which roam tbu ranges. The Union Pacific , for some reison un. known , Is r. numbering Un engines nnd giving them much higher numbers than they luvo berne herctofoio. Passenger engines run up as hlRh as 1,200 , nnd freight engines Htill higher. It HCCIIIS to bo au nn old engineer told the Laramie Boorcurang reporter , that n man "has to liu awake nights' und think burd to keep the rules nnd change * of tha new man agement straight In his head. " The recent discovery of the famous "Lost Cabin" gold Geld near the Shoshone agency , bas given rise to considerable excitement. A committee has been selected by the minors and settlers there , composed of Messrs. Wil Fred , Jeroas and Sulo Mason , to bo known as the mining district committed , nnd they have laid out a tract of laud to be known as the Lonu Cabin Mining Diltrict of Wyoming. A Inwn bai been laid out to bo known as Lone Cabin City , of Fremont county. The annual report of Mayor Carey is a glowing picture of Cheyenmi'd rapid strides tea a commanding position among the cities of the west. Asyttetn of water wciks lisa been completed at a co t of $150,000 , and 1-100 feet of sewer pipe laid. The uisetsed valuation of the pity is 32,331,400. There are three school liousea in the city attended by 800 pupil ? , with sixteen teachers. The commercial importance of the city Is shown by thu fact that the rail road buu'mesa has incraassd 110 per cent In three years , Green river hai n sensttion. In October last a man named Watkins died there very Middenly of apoplexy , He was known to have some 32,000 in money , or more , a day or two previous to his death , but it could not bn found afterward , A relative who vibited Own IJivur not long since , now writes frJm Memphis , 'JVnnetFi-e , anil toys h has reason to believe Wfttklnu loaned $2t03 to a met- chant there a day or two bi-foro his death , takiag no receipt therefor , and that fc.iid mer chant had something to do ulth his omlJen death. Tha inoichant , who ; stands high in the builnt'jsand ioci.il circles of the town , denies the charge , and w HI have the body of xhumed and the stomach analyzed , COLOKAIMJ. Hit beyond tin memory of the oldest Jn- inbitant when the it oral in the mountains asted so long n * the late one , and the snow 'i-ll so deeply. Snow drilled fifty feet deep mound Tomichi dining the Into stotm , The total number of cattle which will bo fed this winter in Colorado for the cptitig nmknt , n fnrns reported , number 20,000. Probably "OtO will btt fed In the stnto. The Ifttcly discovered mien , mlno near Fort Cnllins U reported to bo developing fini-ly. Thoio Is said to bs a Intgo body , from which thetti tour to six inches tnunro can be tnknn. The total output of precious inoUU In Cole rndo for 1884 ns estimated by the Don\ur TrI tnino Ki'tmbliMn aggregate * S'O.TMU'OO of which Lamivillu'H .shnro was $9OSS,4I3 in bullion nnd $3,7fil,0iil in oro. It has boon predicted thnt the cotnjng fca- son will u lines * some cxtenivo mining nnd Ihi operation of moro wiring machinery than has over bf en known before In the vallty of the Itlup , Ten Mio ! nd Snnko. Some mining is bring done on the Badger , llattlo mountain , which is tbowicg the claim up handsomely. .It is estimated thnt the out put from this mine will ecllpMi thnt of the elder mines in the vicinity. The mineral Is of nn extraordinary high grade. Anything moro sail than n winter funeral in the little mining amps In the mountains it would bo hard to imagine , Generally the coffin , usually n poor , cheap nffnlr , made of stained | ino or pliin boards covered with n bit of cheap bhck cloth , is strapped to n hand pl'd nnd hauled tr > the burying ground by mm on SUOUSUOCP , _ The tceuu at such n funeral is as novel ns it ii Bad , nud once Boon will not soon bo forgotten , There were 3.144 arrests irado in Denver during 1S81. The ages rnrjged from 8 to 78 year ? . 'Jflio charccs on which the nrrests were mndo worn : Dnmk-7f ; > 8diMuilmnco ; , 4IJ3' petty larceny , liolj vngrancy , 2C7 ; Hloopors picked up on the streets ? -151 : assault , f > 7 ; nssnult with Intent to kill , 23 , burglary I ! ) ; carrying concealed wi'apona , 7 1 _ ! grand larceny , Clj hlphw.iy robbery , 30 ; riot , 30 ; violation of ordinances , 121. A concern styling Itself "tho Colorado Cat tle company" end claiming to own -100,00.1 acres of land end i',513 ' cattle in Southern Colorado , on the Iluorfnno rvcr , hns been flooding the country with circuln.a of Intu , for the purpose of gelling worthless shares of stock to Rulltblo poople.So far \vohavoboen nblo to learn the concern is not tvhatit claims to bo in any mateiial respect ; . Ifit owns the land , cattle , hopes , etc. , which it enumerates in ils- circular , it him been singulary nnd un * happily successful in ktening nil knowledge of Its possessions from the well-known nnd reputable cattlemen doing businoeslnsouthern Colorndo. [ Uonvcr News ] IDAHO. The Seven Dovil's country , about IfiO miles or so north of B oleo , is the seductive name ol n teglon which promise ; to bo Iho mining attraction - traction of next season. The Idaho Avnlnnche says thai nenrly nil the sheep of It T. Noble nro snow bound in i the mountains between Kav nolda nnd Sucker creeks. The snow Is very deep there nnd It is next to impos'iblo to get them out nnd Mr. Noble is liable to IOOEO hnnvily. liu hns o 20,000 sboep in that locality. Last week n freight train on the Oretron Shoit Line ran into a herd of se\eral hundred deer. On stopping the train men shot thir teen that had been wounded. Ono largo deer , on baing struck with the pilot , was thrown on tha front end of the engine , whore the engin eer made it secure nnd brought it into -Mont- polio r , the end of thu division. MONTANA. The Helena board of trade has declare ! against the stoppage of silver coinage. On December 24th , the thormomote : matkod GGJ degrees below zero , at For Beuton , The Bozeman fire department has decidei upon purchasing § 3,000 worth of flro-fighting machinery. Butte ii talking of reforming its city gov ernment by giuug up its charter and disband ing na a corporation. _ A Mrs. Cameron , n thirteen-year-old wife living near Glendivo , became the mother of i ten-pound boy during the holidays. Between $5,000 and 87,000 in gold nuggets has bo = n taken but of Alder gulch ( LiltIt liockies ) the past season , with several olher gulchc.H to hoar from. During the cold snap a good mnny Montana cittla have been killed by railroad tiains , as during snch times they huddle on the track which is generally clear of snow. Ona cold night last week herd of cattli broke through tha ics on tbo Ytllowttono river , nnd although none were drowned forty were frozen to death before morning. The Montana Copper Works , of Butte , have closed down , owing to the depression in the copper market Uther copper industries o SiKer Bow county are liable to follow snitun less copper quotations soon take a turn for tha better. A town site has boon loid out for the city of Kooteuni on the Northern 1'acific railroad , 30Q miles went of Helena. The location is n most beautiful ono , eligibly situated upon the thoio of Lake 1'en d' Oreillo. CALIFOKXM. Surprise Valley yielded 228,000 bushels of grtiu during the past ficiBon. Los Angeles now claims ) a population of 10- , OOJ , with indications that it will bo 50,000 by the end of 1S85. Calico is now cno of the liveliest mining : amps in California. The town has a popu. [ alien of 700. , of whom one-half are minsiy. The Nap.a papcis speak of a man residing lear that cty who sold twelve hundred boxes if apples tor $1,400 , The fruit was gath ered iroin an orchard ona nod .ih.ilf acioa in ilze. California Is afflicted with the tramp nnia- ancj this winter. They have congiegated hero in unusual numbers , somewhat leaving the coole-r regions of the Itockies of their The much-dreaded while scale ban made it ) appearance in thu orange uicbariis around LOB Angeles. It threatens to rnln the ftult grow. : IH , nnd quitu a trepidation lias beou cauaed > y its discovery. Tha " ] 5cll" conservatory at Sacramento , nut completed by Mrs. K. J' . Crocker , co\ers 1,030 square feet of ground , enclnssd with " 5,000 square fett of eitib. It i * the Econd nrgput private Htructuro of the kind in tba Jmted Htatei. i A row mine bos recently baon opened at 3alJ Mountain. Tim ledge wan ten Inches in width on the Btirfuc ) nai increased to ton eet iu width nt a depth of eighteen foot. It s said to ha a , well-defined gold-boaring quartz vein , laying between walla of limb.itonu and granite. HTUAY NDOGET8. The value of Utah's total mineral output for 1881 was S7-189,8iG.OO. The output of the lead intna at llingrmm , Jtab , i J 5UO tons ot ere per month , assaying * 7 percent lead , i37 silvot and § 3 gold , Lnt week the llocky Mountain lUoctric Light Company of Salt Lake , declared Its 'ourth semiannual dividend a total of ? 20,000 In dividends in two yoara on a capital of $100,000 , Liquor ( ml ans iu Salt Lake are at present charged only 540 llceneo per quarter , The county court has been petitioned to put tlm c iguren up to the hlRhwt limit pcnnlttod by "aw S100 per month , The TUCHOD Star estimates the population of Arizona at 00,000 and its bullion output for 1881 nt7G.'tl,810 , or "considerably lem than n 188H. " It puts the copper product for IBM at 27C05,4tl pjundu , ana cdtitnatua 50,000,000 pounds for 1880 , A Nevada ranchman ia said to have a herd of hybrid cuttle , crouted hetwiirn the male ' .lulfuln and tlm diimoitio cow , They are not loimd during the winter , but find their food and thrive wnore other cnHla would starve , Their beef iu nuM to be excellent , and yarn 1 a been epua from their heir. For 20 yeara Jlonry F. Balcou , o Shirley , Maaa. , suil'drod with ibouma tiara. Uo found no relief until be took Hood's Sareaparilln. If any person who is liable to juiarn with poiaon Ivy will take pure oliva oil > utter belrg exposed to it ho will fotl no bad effects , and the oil will neutralize the evila of the poisjn if s , fov doain betaken taken even after the poison has broken Dr out. tt t Seal of North Carolina Bwoliing To 0 ) tcoo 1 the beat. . . Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache. Toothache. Ni > fcTlir < > n < .Snrllliiir.Hir | > ilti .ltiul e , Ittiriio , ISruliU , rniM Jlllr * . jsn in , oTiiiK IIOIIII.T rms AMI Aciirs. SOU II Ul UffMt n 1 l * ! rr * e < cry" licrf. $ my Ctuu lulllc. Hire tlonilulli.iunict < . Tin : ciiAtn.r.t A. A IMJIMU : : co. CinwiurtwA.TOOtLl.n4CO ) Illllluorr , Jtd. , I'.B. . A ctrl lii inv employ has been rural ot conitttu tlonnl Bcrolula by the me ot SuHt's specific. J , O , MuDAMiM , , Allctoonn , Ok. Jhla trcntlctnan Is tlio father ol the ( ! o\cruor o Cla. ) Vandctlilll's millions could not buy from rae wlis S Swill's Spcclno has iloce for mo , It cured mo cl scrofula of IDmr ' sUndlrg. Jilts. EuzAimrn BAkKR , Aonorlh , Oa. TETTIIU After suffcrlni ; with Tetter for ole > ci ycnrj , ntil nivliiR nil noils ol treatment , 1 was ic ! lo > od entirely by Snllt's Sntclllc. L. lI.Lr.r , Bavrgon , Oa. BNATOIinD moil Till : ailAVI I waste to death's door by a ceinblnntlon of cczcnn mic oryiliieL-n , from \\h th I h il suffcrod for thteo JCKM War treated 1 > y ee cr l | hydclaus with loillno ( iotas elum , which Bfcmcilto fccil the illsoaac. Ilintcbccn cured sounJ and vscll liy the U'.o ot Snlf's Spcclflc , MRS. SARAH IX TUILVKI : , llumboldt , Icnn. Swift's Spcclflo IsciitlictvNcpclable , Treatise on Blood and Skill Diseases mailed free Tnr.Swin-SrccinoCo. , Drawers. Atlanta , Oa. or 160 W. S3d St. , Now York. qulcu. ttam Carre. O. 0Mftrntifea given < ln < leifneni eujT3cndtwo8tarap3forCclebralodMcdlcal\York8 , Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL. licrlick roo-i for intents tiai nrrJ Qi&or 11 * * * . ' write * r Jt.&Tooitr , Jt.ut CMcagoHt. y0i ; all drutgliti. I'tic's - _ il i CfDti. fi _ . . . br mall for mount la - ff7Iook if nt f rr > . HorllrkS V ami fo. lUclor.Y G17 St. Charles K.t HI. Louis , Mo - ittirtcMin U.preti < reat.cnt r r CvroNic,7.'xBtrt . (3ic rH lti > oc Iisnt8ltc.D n > otber rhjulrUbta ti i u ' u city ptl trt jihotr ittu nil t ftl rfxldent tro Ncrvou % Drotratlort , Dchliity , Mental r. Physical Wi.afcness , Mcic.fial and other AUc Uons of Throat , Skin or GONGS , Blood Polsont.'tj , 3lJ SorCS and UlCCrS. cn tre&t l vUli v 7.ee i ou IntMt el'nti'U pripcir' u. a > ly , I * * . Diseases Arislmj I ruin Indiscretion , Exotcr , Cxposupo or Indulgence , via-it riodueo umo of tvt feUoHln r(1r ( > rt > i.t -i > u ue i , deiiilltj dl ci ot it tf fti dflYcthfl Uiccinrj , rtmpJn fm ibc ftco , it > yslc l Xtc ) , feTirtlou tn th * * locictj v f temiles , conftit | of iJej , rl/ , reudorine Marrln o improper or wnnnpy , * n pcrii'aucnUj-curfl , I'aaiphlet ( SB fftpeijn'i tbo abeT , irrD ( Ititklctt rnop ) fro lo nnr aMnn. ConiulUtloattaf 0 < fl or t > j rotllfroo , aaJlnTiuJ. X > rle ( for unitlona. A PositivolVriifen ; Guarantee fflvet In > 11curebtoc&ci. Mrdlclnei ncnteterjubcro. J'amphloti , English or German , 04 pa et. fcribineabovo diseaCB Inraaloor female , Pi 1V9ARRSACE CUBBED IS9pnen , anoi'lHti. ' lllr.ilrttc < l In elolh and illt bln.Usj lj , n.cney r | ostage : B&m * ; . snpr covers , 2&c. YMi t > 3 * t&tLli > B 11 tb curious , doMitfuI or laqpUUIre Lcotr. X ! ox of erret | ouut to til. tulli , urcLjswd tir tu unm m imrlfy the BLOOD.'rc/ra. / lilt ) tno LI VCR unit KIDNEYS , Unit JiESTOIlK TIIK TTTI-Ar.TH onU VIGOn of VOUTIC DJ-H. licpsl.i , Wantof Aiiotltc | ) , jit- ( lifjosllon , Lack n ( - uirctl. Boner , tuiisvlusauil nerve ? rccslvo in wlorce , ili.llvi.'iin tlio inliid unct rupnllca Jlrjln I'imcr > SwlcHiigtrom t-onipl.ilnts - . - _ _ _ Uu'wJ : ticculh'.rlo tlioll'scx I dccl InDB. II' iHIEH'SrElOW TO17TO n tut * and rp"eily euro. ( llt.o.-i cleat , licallliy completion. Krt-iiucnt fcticujpts al e' > 'rrtt > l'ltliiK enl > uJJ ! o the popularity of ! ho ui Iplnnt. Uo not expert * mrnt , 'etlhoOitiaiNAi.M > Jir.sr. A SenclyournddrentoTlioJJr. Unrlernlan "o-tv H St. Louis , Mo for our "JJKKAII BOOK. " B i V al-nllof etrua e " unnful luformBl on. tnMff l NEBRASKA AGEHGY 0 DO Burjcmsoa to DAVIS a BHrDZiu Ccoenl Ecalo n IHSrABHAUST. . OUAIU. HBVI lo > eala I09OCO acres earttally wltolod Ued Rastern Mebruka , at low price and on e ey toruu Improvea rtrma toi calo In Donnlai , Dodce , OolUt fMte , Burl , Cumlng , Barpy , WuMnxtw , ii il3 > annders , and Butler Bounties. Taxes paid In all parto of the Slate. * Honey leaned on mproved futni. Hoitrv Pnbllo alwavi la office Oorretpond I bavea poiltlre roraeJjr ( or theaboredl o ebj ; ! „ -ie thouiandfof CAieiol the wont kind mill of fait taodlnr hare been cured. ] udt d , i > oitronKU IDT r lt InlUemocr.tliat I will lend TWO BOTT1.K3 PIIKR toanjiafferer. QlraexpremndP o ftddrrif. J > tt.T.A.8Lodl7Mlii Into8meodtw26 JAB. H , PEABODY , M. D. Physician & Surgeon Retlldence No. 1407 Jones St. Office , No. IC09 Far 3am street Offloo hours,12 m to t p. m. and fiom o B p. m. Telephone , for olllco 07retldenoo IU. WEAK , UNDEVELOPED : PARTS OK TIIK HUMAN HUDY I M.ARHK1) , l > iVtM : Ol'l'.l ) hlUKNfU'HICNKII , " l-"ir , inan inl rPMIng ilvnrlmetnant Umy run mnurpMwr , IirHjily l iiu- w wilt nav I hat t hern in no ovulfiioo of limn- l. Inlnrt-ntmi MrMuiii iiiay i circiijftrM. . ifivinuT nil .Jt U'J 1 1'- 11- - J * > j + < ! lMt f DOORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT care Nervnuines * . I.iuiibftco , Itheniaitlm Piralyili , feurllglH , ticUIIca , KlOhtJ , h | lliu ulid Ill r I | | > VH WI , loul , A.lhnm , llrirl dlm .o , [ ) l > | - | , , in tll'ul' : > n , kr > ll > elui , Tatarrll , I'lloi , Fl'IKHT lmKilentv | numb Aiiil iTulnpiui t'ttrl tf Oiilt 11 loiillllc 1 Irclilc l 'll hi in.fr ea that uU thtf I'lectrlilt ) unJ IllBKitrtUm Inri'itch Vhc KMJ , uud tau Ui rucharuvU 16 u lostuut by tb ji Ucut. Winter 1)001010 ; , the seasoa c ( the year for aoie < tnd palm. la view ot tbli ( : t we say boy ona of , llome'i FJcctrlo Itelti , By so doingjou will old Rheumallam , Kldaey Troubles aod other Ills atflethUbe'rto. lo o t deity , tut call > t out ttic > anil oiamlne belts. Ho. 1111 Doulai etrcet , o ; , K Goodman' * , HID ParnamBI. , Omaha , Nib. Ot- JeruolledO. 0. D * > A The ramarknbla growth of Ouiahr , during the Inob few j-oara In n mattoi of great astonishment to those who pny sn occ&alonal visit to this growing city. The development o ! the StocVYnrds the nocooalty of the Bolt Line llond the Cnoly paved otroota the hnndroclo of now ronluonoca nnd coetly bualncsu blooka , with the popnlation of onr city uioro thac , doublad In the laat fire yonro. All thlr > la a gront enrprlao to vlaltora end IB the admiration of onr cUItons. Thla rnpld growth , the bnelnoAa activity , and the rnAuy nnb tantlal Improvomoutn madn t > lively demand for Omahn real cak.ta , and orory Invcatoi han made a hDndcomo profit. Slnco the Wall Street panic Hay , with the anbaonaont cry of hard times , there has boon loaa demand from specula tors , bnt a fair demand from Invostoro Booking homoa. Thla latter olaaa nro taking advantage of low priced In build ing material and are aocnrlng tholr homoc at much losa coat than will bo pooolblo t , year honco. Spocalatoro , too , can bay real osta * B cheaper now and onght to take advantv o of proaant priosa foi fatorc pro ts. The next few yoara promlaoa groatoE divolopmonta In Omaha than the paat fivi yoara , which have boon no good ni wo could rewonnbly doalro. Now man- ttfoctnrlng oatablbhmonta and largo job bing honaon are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha- . There are many In Omaha and through- bat the Stats , who have their money In the banks drawing a nominal rate of toroat , which , If judiciously Invested in Omaha real eUato , wonld bring them much greater ratnrua. Wo have many bargains irhlch wo are confident irlU bring the purohflDor largo profita In th. near futaro. We have for sale the finest rcsi- donco property in the north and western parts of the city. North \ve have fine lots nt reason able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnaru , Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , California - nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the cib will increase in valiiR We also have the agency for th Syndicate and Stock Yards propei ty in the south part of the city. Thi developments made in this sectic by the Stock Yards Company an the railroads will certainly douW the price m a short time. We also have some iine businec lots and some elegant inside resi dencep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will fine * sorao good bargains by calling u BROKERS. South Mth Bt Bet foen Farnham and Douglas. P. S. Wo ask those who havr property for sale at a bargain to fpvt- us a callWe want only bargains We will positively not handle prop erty at more than its real value.