THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS S-ATQRDA * JANUARY 10 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. tiOUNCIL BLOTTO , Saturday Morning , Jan. 10. 8UUSUKUTKW RATES. y CtontM - - - - - - -SO cents per week tr ! Mall - - . . - J1C.OO per yen omen : o. T Paarl Btroet. Near Broadway. MINOE MENTION , A child of G. A , Moore lies dangerous ly ill at hla residence on Frank street. Moolinqa at the Broadway M. E. church will probably bo continued oil next week. The handsome pair of blonkota donat ed to the Oithollo fair by Cooke & Mor gan , was won by if. W. Spotman. The Installation of the ofllcora of the Odd Follows1 ledge has been postponed until the 13th , when It will tnko place in Bono's hall. Rov. J. W. Cowan , of Tabor , will oc cupy the pulpit at the Congregational church to-morrow , morning nnd evening. All are welcome. The jury In the Caff Johnnon murder case wont out at 3 o'clock yootorday af- ( ornoon and at 10 o'clock list night had reached no vordict. The brick block in coitrno of erection by A. Hitter , noxi to the Croaton houao. will bo pushed to completion if the weather permits. Work wan resumed yoatorday , after a long dolay. The Irish drama , "Eiloon Ogo , " was given yesterday afternoon aud evening nt the opera houao for the benefit of the Catholic fair fund. The local talent which has presented it hau done well. The funeral of the late George Dough ty waa hold yesterday afternoon , and was under the auspices of the I , 0. 0. F , , of which order ho was an old and greatly catoomod mombor. The attendance waa very largo. Ex-Mayor Boyd , of Omaha , did not attend the Hickory ball held in this city Wednesday evening , but ho trroto a letter - tor to Mayor Vaughan giving a condens ed sketch of the lifo of Gon. Jackson. Ho also ' 'regretted" that ho could not attend the ball. "Out of the joys and grlofa of earth , Death proclaims a glorious birth. " Spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sunday ) after noon and evening at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock in Spiritual hall , entrance on Main and Pearl strooto , two doors south of the post ofiico. Spirltnalsoclablo will bo post poned to next Saturday night. W , H. England , who haa boon adjus ter for the Council Bluffs Insurance Co. , loft last evening for Dakota , where ho will eorvo as adjuster for another com pany. Before ho left ho gave a supper at Louie's restaurant to the employes of the company who in return extended their good will tofKird him by presenting him with an elegant gold-headed cane. A Herald reporter claims to have found the nmalleat person for the ago in the city in little Besslo , ona of the twin daughters of J. P. Cochran , who lives at 12 * Harrison street. She ia 18 mouths old , as amart as a crlckot , and only weighs ' ,18 .pounds. But | [ the man who ateals the BEE from the door of a barber shop , la older and otlll smaller , and not neatly so smart. Some subscribers , especially on busi ness streets , complain that onoaka atoal their BEE. If any ono will give inform ation loading to the conviction of any Buch thiovcs , a liberal reward will bo giv en. Tbo papera sold to newsboys for this office are all otampcd "Nowaboy , " and any ono offering for aalo on the atreota any papera not thus marked should bo reported to thia ofiico at once. The funeral of Mra. Margaret Shooly was hold yesterday at the Catholic church , of which aho had boon for years a faith ful member. The romaina are to be taken to Clinton , Iowa , and buried be side thosD of her husband , who died sev eral years ago. She wai 79 years of ago , and leaves several children : Mrs. John O'Donnoll , at whoso homo in thia cltj aho waa cared for during her last illness , two aons , ono living ia Clay county , Ne. braskn , the other in Denver. a'JESKtiON/VL , 1' , W. GnggHand family Ica\o to-day foi Clinton. Vf , W. Loomi * left hut ovoiiinjr on a short Miss Lulu Loomli hai returned to her col- Icgtt itudlt's at Hcckport , 111. Dick Hoist , of Kicl'd hotel , ia keeping quiet , caufj , .1 upraiutd ankle. AIiii ; I'liima Moycrd , of Winthrop , Iowa , ii > Uiting her sietor , Mrs. A , T. nickingcr , 1'orry Iliol , ex-sheriff of PottawflUomio couuty , lift hi * farm at Rod's P. 0. long enough to come ta thia city ye.slerJay. II. IT. Hnrnu , who hai been in the whole- Milo'clgar buMnoia hcio , left yesterday with bis wife for PUtta Center , Neb. , whuro they will fur a time her rulatm * . Kutato 'IV.instorti. The following is n list of al estate transfers Clod yesterday In the recorder's ofiico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , na furnished by A. J , Stephenaon , abitrno- tor , real oatato nnd loan agent , Council Bluifd , Ions , January i > , 1880 : George B. Triohuck to AV , Wo'idio- ' field , lot 3 , block 31. Oantwl sub , S150. 0. 0. Baldwin toV. . F , Vlekoy , lot 3 , block 8 , lllddlu'fl nub. $1,600 , Ilatnet Jones toV. . Sicdentopf , lot 2 , block 15 , Grimes' add , $100. J. W , Itvfs otal , to J. A. Hake , part 0 ' 77 til ) 50 J A. llttko toSeiffert & WeUo , part 0 , 77 , 39 , S30. W A. AtrKeovn to Hans Olteo , no I nw10 , 77-13 , ? 050. John 0. Davis to George A. House- iar , aw | av f ? , 77,42 , $1,000. Totil aalee , $3,750. PUNCHING THE POLICE , Gnanella's ' Charges of Cruelly to Prisoners , Ratlior Weak Sapport of Olmreo of Robbing Drunken Men , Xlio Evidence Tnlccn. The police oommtttoo consisting of Aldermen Mynater , Geiao and MoMnhon , -yesterday afternoon to Invcatlgato the charges preferred by Marshal Quan ella ngalnat the pollco force , There has been for aomo time nn ill fooling between the marshal's department and the police department , illustrating again nhat TUB BEE hati oo often contended thatthcso do * pnrtmonts should work together under ono chief , us it la a failure for them to nttnnpt to play the Slamcao twin act. Marshal Gutnulla before the committee - too claimed that Officer O'Brlunlmd gone into the jail , wlurj a United States army deserter was In cuatody , and ottered the prisoner half of the $30 reward if ho O'Biion ' that ho do- would admit to waa a - eortor , and would go with him acroos the river to Omaha , "Tho marshal nlao claimed that whoa it waa supposed that there was n $50 rowurd offered for the prisoner Jerome , that af tor Jororuo had boon nrroatod and booked , aovoral other ollicors claimed that they visited htm , and made auch entries on the register , vrhoroaa only ono officer arroitod and ono entry on the hook was enough. Ho charged officers Ccmick and O'Brien with abusing priaounrs after they wcro in the jail building , Aa to abusing prison ers In the jail proper , nil ho claimed to know was what prisoners told him. Ho aild that two of them aaid that Officer Ouslck came hi at night and kicked and abused thorn. The marshal could not produce these prisoners aa witnesses. II o supposed that they were still in the county jail , but when ho nont for them yoatorday ho found that they had been released some time ago. Ho also said that prisoners had claim ed the policemen robbed them of money. Ho did not know anything of this , cither of his own personal knowledge , and did not know where any of these cnmplain- anta were now. Ono was named Oiling- or , who claimed that O'Brien had got § omo from him. Ho claimed that ho had $9 when arrested of which O'Brien only turned over $2 30. The only complaint that ho waa per sonally conversant with waa that policemen - men after getting prisoners into the building , before putting thorn in tbo cnllu used them more roughly than there was any need of. Oflicor Cuslck once arrested the vAgaraut "Cute , " and after ho was inside whore there were others to assist him if the prisoner resisted , choked "Onto" and struck him without sufficient cause. O'fficcr O'Brien once struck at Still Bates with hia billy because he waa having some trouble getting him into hla call room , and because Bates was abu sive. sive.Officer Officer Cnalck denied the charges DO far as they referred to him. As to the "Cu to" caao , ho aircstod him , and on the way to the station "Cute" resisted sotno and was very abusive. On reaching - ing the door of the building he made a lunge at Cnsfck and the latter crabbed him by the collar , run him in and in the acufils struck "Cuto" with hia list. Mr. Dougherty , who waa with Cnaick at the time , Bald that Onto was mad be cause Cuslck would not lot go of his arm , and then tried to jerk away. After getting ineldo Cusick grabbed Onto and choked him np .against the wall , Oflicor Ousick denied that ho kicked the otter prisoners in jail , aa stated by the marshal. Ho did visit the jail the night referred to , and in company with Capt. Hathaway. The captain testified in full corroboratlon of this statement of Mr. Ciuisk'e. Ofliccr O'Brisn oxplilncd that in re gard to Oalinger that ho and Cflisoc Brooks had to drag the prisoner from the opera homo to the station , ho was ao drunk. On the way some of tbo money dropped out of hispcckot on the street , near Put Incy's , aud after that was pikod up , the rest dropped out near U'Ncil'H stoic , and waa picked up bv O'Brien. Tnere waa only $2 50 which was properly turned over , and there wcro several witnesses to those facts. If the man had moro money it must have been lost or spent by the prisoner in his drunken condition. Officer Brooks corroborated the etato- main , and other witnesses wcro named who could bf > interviewed by the com- mlttso. In regard to striking Still Bates , Oflicor O'Brien explained that ho got Bates to the station all tight but when inside Bates became abusive and struck at him. Ouauolla did not oiler to help , but laughed , saying , "He's too much for yon , O'Brlpn , " An Bates struck at him again. Officer O'Brien pulled his billy and struck once but did not hit him. Gnanolla then grabbed O'Brion and Dougherty grabbed Bates , and kept them apart. The committee adjourned to Investi gate tilll further next Monday. Dr. 0. 0. Hazen. Ppntlttt , 100 Malnst. la i'uacr , Yoatorday morning , at about half-put nine o'clock , death visited ilio family resIdence - Idenco of S. T. Walker , senior raumbor of the Herald printing company , and bora from thence the wife and mother. MM. Annie K , Walker has been a real- dent of this place for nearly twenty years past. She was born In Springfield , Ohio , in 1844 , For some yosrs past she has been patient sufferer , and for a year piat has been gradually fading , a victim of the dread disease , consumption. As Is usual , just at the last she seemed to bo recovering , and her death comes as a chock to her friends. She- was Identified with the Presbyte rian church of this place , having been a member of that church einco her youth. During her residence hero oho had gained many friends by her consistent Christian Ufa and warm frldiidlineta. Her parent * , who rnslde at SpringGeld , Ohio , have beun telegraphed to , end It la not yet known when the funeral services will take placa , The time will be duly announced Tlio Hickory JUII , Anicng the many strangers , or more properly , non residents of the city la at tendance at the hickory ball may bo mentioned , 0. S. Diggins , Pat Fallen , A , E. Coggshall , IUch rd Shannon , G , 11. Wood and wlfo and Jnrob Willlamr , of Omaha , J. H , Ratikan , Fremont county } W. B. Ouppy , Avocaj I , M , Slftler. Boomer township ; Robert Dado , Carton ; ford U. Plumer rmd slater , Lowla township ; Samuel Underwood , Jr. , Lewis township ; William Orr , Jr , . and sister , Keg Creek ; II. Shawvan , Dfiiison ; lion. Charles Bullock , Don- ! onJ. ; W. Blanford , Hod Oak ; Mayor Wilcox nml wife , Grlswold ; Mr. Mack- land , Boomer township ; John McGlll , wife and sister , Boomer township ; Mr. Samuels , St. Louis , Mo ; U Rlstiton , Noola ; B. Ilishtun , J. L. Boird , Mies Nellie Alchon , Noola ; Miaa Mollie Forgnson and Miss P. P. Van Hoeson , Missouri Valley : J , P. Fall , Silver City ; M. McKouzIe , Silver Creek ; J. H. Murphy , Carncr town- hip ; A. W , Wyraan and wife , Keg Cre6k ; John and Joachim Star and Hans Vonbonnth , Bllmlou ; Fred Klmplo and Ed Noliner , L gun ; A. B. Perkins and wife , Keg Creek ; M. DoLUlo , Lowia township ; John Archer , Fremont county ; Was Horn Roberts , Omaha ; NVm. * R. White , Chicago , and others * Mr. and Mrs. Beiry will give n birth day reception thia evening , in honor of their daughter , Miss Tracy. A BOX FACTORY , It Is Added to ( lie Enterprise * * of Council BltilTj , Mr. A. B. Howe , who has n most com plete feed mill at the corner of North Sixth and Mills street , is embarking the additional enterprise of manufacturing wooden boxes , such aa pop-bottlo boxes , ciackor boxes , etc. Ho hn excellent power and some machinery , and will in crease the facilities as the business war rants. Ho has already orders for several hundred box'es , and is figuring on nome largo contracts. Every now manufactur ing ontorprisa is a welcome addition to the city , and this particularly so. It is possible that the manufacture of cigar boxes may bo added to the enterprise , and it Is hoped that sufficient encourage ment and support may be gained to war rant the growth of the enterprise so that in time it may give employment to a largo number of hands. Mr. Howe is ono of Council BlufiV most enterprising and reliable yonng men , and the buslnosc will prosper and grow in his hands If any one's. Ho will continue the other branch of his business as usual , providing feed , graham , hominy , etc. , for the goodly trade ho has already secured in that line. For sale My book and staalonory bus- 841 Broadway. H. E. Seaman. BOUND POE THE PEN , Sentences I'asecil Upon Prisoners In Conrt Yesterday. Judge Loofbourow yesterday sentenced the following prisoners to the peniten tiary at Ft. Madison : L. 0. Taylor , for attempting to Bteal a trunk from Kiel's hotel , ono year. II. 0. Johnson , a confidence man , who tried a trick on Bliss' train , two years. P. M. Oohorn , for setting fire to Dyo'a atoro in Macedonia , two years. James Doyle , attempting to pick Zeb Goodwin's pocket , eighteen months. A. E. Watson , robbinc hla room mate , Lou Young , at the St. Jo honao , nine months. Harry Hanson , stealing a horse from Smith's utable , one year. John Phillips , rape , oix years. A. Oallahan , pickpocket , ono year. A. Johnson , same , ono year. Thos. Morgin , confidence man , one year and a half. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , has opened an art studio In the rooms o : Barko's ' gallery , 100 Main street , and ia prepared to supply portraits in oils am crayon in the latest stylo. Satisfaction guaranteed and inspection invited. COMMKHOIAL , OODNOIL BLUFFS MABKET. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 67 ; No. 2 , CO No. 8 , 45. Corn Now , 21c. Oats For local purposes , 23o. Hay Si 50@GOO per ton ; baled , COCO. Rye 350. Oorn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , G 00@ G CO. Coal Delivered , bard , 0 CO per ton ; salt 4 50 per ton Ijard FrJrbank'e , wholeanllng at CJo , Flonr City flour , 150@2 90. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LIVE UTOOS. Cattle Bntchor cows 3 25@3 75 , Butcher Btoors. 3 7D@4 00. Shoep-2 50@3 CO. Hoga 4 00@4 25. PBODOOE AND menu Poultry Iiivo old hens. 250pordozdro3s chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , 12c ; dressed duckH , 9@lOc ; dressed fjoeee , 10@12c ; spring chickens , per doz. 2 25. Bnttar Creamery , 25@28c ; choice country 16@18o. Effgs 22 per dozen. Vcgotnbloa Potatoes , 3040o per bushel onions , GOc per bu ; nppleB , choice cooking or eating , 2 60@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 DO per bnnrml ; Sweet rjotatoos , 2o oor Ib. CIder-32 gallon bbl , . 60.CO. Orftiigea < i 50 per bbl. IOWA IT1SMS , There ATO 01,000 horsua in the state. Diiliuquo wholesalers have sovcnty-fivo ( Inuniners on the road. . The men in the mschlnu shops a' ' Boone are working for 90 cents n day. The Iowa Vunuontors propose to lujvo a banquet at the Aborn house , DCS Moincs , on the 20th. Uii'lingtoii business inun all report thai they liavo closed up u most satisfactory years business , Tbo project of having the Iowa legist tnro called in extra session this winter seems to bo about played out. The linn of 0. L. Smith & Co. , dry goods , 0/estofT , has gene to the wall , with liabil tics placed at 20,000. The managers of Cornell college are making strenuous dlbrto to raieo $50,000 to make needed improvements. They have tocurod $38,000 of the required amount. Boone made improvements during the paso year to the amount of 5211,700. I hero are two hotels and ajargo number of business blocks included in thia. The city council of DcaMotors Monday morning instructed the solicitor to investi gate it uoimnunicution from the ( { rand jmy tillering n shortage in the accounts of Mayor Carey and ox-Mayor ilorritt , and , if uonect , to require the payment witliln sixty daya. A disastrous fire visited Inwa Fall on the evening of January 3. The coal warehonto of Iloag & Bteere aud the Orang r elevator waa entirely destroyed. The Granger olavator was empty. The Deal abed contained thirty tons of coal. Two cars nn the sidetrack worn badly scorched. The lota ia about $10,000 covered by insurance , aud Is the supposed work of an Incendiary. Early on the morning of January 2 the FOR tlie purpose of reducing stock and making way for spring purchases , we shall , January 6th , offer our entire stock of Dry Goods , Carpets , Cloaks , Giutains , Etc , , i without regard to cost , lliis stock comprises a ine line of choice Dress Goods , Silks , Flannels , Ginghams , Prints , Lie. A choice stock of Newmarkets , Brocade Velvet and Seal Plush Cloaks. Ladies' and Childrens' White and Scar let Underwear and Hosiery , Lace , lacs Ties , Hcluies and Embroideries ; also a lot of homemade Comforts , Blankets , and Table Linen. Our Cnrpet stock is complete and offers special inducements for select ion from choice variety of patterns , It includes Exminster , Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three Ply Ingrains , Hemp , Rattan Matting , Napier Matting , Etc , , Etc. Fine Lace Curtains , Tambour , Turco man , Curtain Goods and Curtain Shades in Variet u eauty of design. Customers will socui'e BEST [ BARGAINS , BY IARLYAT -AT- 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , otartlin ? nowa was circulated on the atruots of Marcus that jSIisa Annie Dem- psy had committed suicide. Investiga tion proved the report only too true. The inquest showed that the deceased came to her death by n do o of otrychnino administered by her own hands. A letter written to her brother tolls the cad story of desertion by a faithless lover , aud moves that the rash act had been delib erately premeditated. Five members of the mob which hung Float ) Anderson near Ottumwa last week have boon arrested for murder and placed under bonds of $5,000 each. The law tried Anderson in a fifteen days trial for murder , and found him "not guilty" and no mob should have hung him. .Only justice ohould bo done to those who take the law in their own hands and rocogniza no higher authority than their own knowledge. Sti'UKglo' Between nit Ku lo nnd a Staff. A few days ago says a StrathglofM cor- rtfpomloot of the Scotsman , u struggle was witnessed on the lower portion of Corue-Mor , a short distance above Glass- butn house , between a largo and power ful cagel and n ftiiely-antled stag. The king of birds was watched for some time as ho hovcned about on high above n herd of deer , - hich appeared to possess partic ular attractions for him. Iho noble binl was slowly descending as hei mejestically sailed around in his netial circles and by degrees getting nearer to his coveted quar ry. At last , reaching striking distance , ho suddenly came to a , halt ia midai- , and , poising himself on outsprud wings , ho Boomed for a few seconds perfectly mo tionless. Then , like n bullet from a-riflo , ho snooped down , aud in nn instant his powerful talons wcro firmly fixed iu the cack of a fine largo stag. The monarch of the glen plunged about in the w ildcst poss bio manner , evidently ia great terror and pain , the eagle holding on grimly belaboring the stag H sides all the while with heavy blows front its wings and when opportunity oifoicd , making desperate darts with his beak at thu uyus of the frightened deer. By this time the poor stag s brown aides wcro red ami gory , and , notwithstanding h H frantic utforts , ho could not discngago hinibulf from his strong aud c nol foe. At last , Hucming to discover that his autlo'S could reach his savage enemy , ho commenced raking fore and aft with them in the most vigorous manner until ho managed to Bond the cuglo sprawling iu the heather. The stag had gallantly freed himself ; but ho hud not bounded far when his fierce assailant , recovering from his discomforture , was again on the wing , and In full chasj , and in a few seconds ends down ho came again , and firmly fixed his powerful ckwu ia the deer's liaunchep , so far back aa to be out nf roach of the antlors. Again the struggle was renewed , the eagle mcanwhilo tear ing at his victim's lloah with his ntroug till ) , and burying his tilons still deeper into bis hauuchev , The poor stag was now very much cs- : mueted , and was evidently getting the worst of it , at ) he could cot touch the eagle Uhhia antlers. At this juncture , as if in despair , the btag communccd lo tumble about , throw- ng himself on thu ground and lolling over down hill ; but still the caglo seemed ncapab'o ' of Jetting go ita tenacious grip , The stag then put his head down between his fore-lops , throwing himself clean over , heels over head , rovera ! times , It was indeed a wild , a wonderful , and a most unusual sight. The stag s cllbrts were t lost successful , and gutting clear of his nnmletous enemy ho galloped oil' lite eagle WKS , ho A ever , speedily up again and in full chase ; but his intended vic tim made his cscapa sure by nulling full speed down the h 11 into the Glassbum woods. The eagle , rather milled in his plumage , and no doubt mueh milled in hi , temper , Beared aloft to look for his dinner elsewhere. It was a hard and well fought battle , worthy of being dclin 'ated by the pencil of Landseer. The caglo was a splendid specimen of its kind , and of unusual si/.e. "do appeared to bo much larger than the Glenstrathfarrar eagles , and is supposed to bo a poacher from the i.orth or west. His plumage was j dark brown , with some white or gray on the surface of the tail fcathcra ; the crown of the head was tawny , the legs and beak yellow , and the chws black. JVEWHPAl'KU AND ORGAN , Century , If , bssldea the newspapers , there must bo partisan erg mo those ought to be dia tinct and Bcpeiato in their field of opera < tioos aa distinct aa the nowspapora arid the monthly magazines now aro. Abso lute independence of the partisan tram mels ID its news pages , whatever may bo the bias of ita editorial columns , should bo the rula of every newspaper worthy of the name. The organ need not be more untruthful rhuutho partitan nonflpaporj are now. It Is to bo hoped that it would not. But at least the onerous task of lying , misrepresenting , and traducing characters and motives could bo put upon the polltiolans who manage the other departments of political work not dissimilar to this. The frequent appear ance during the heated contests of opho < morel cimpaign dallies , run directly by the campaign committees , shows that the politicians will bo ready to take up thia work as soon as the newspapers will bo ready to lay it down. The division of labor hero pleaded for would render it no longer necessary for great journals , when the quadrennial madness is upon them , to publish barcfjcod falsehoods in their news pagoe , und to permit a distinct low ering of the tone of their editorial viowa for partisan ends. There ia much in the history and preaant attitude of both of the leading political parlies which honest adherents cannot jus tify , and they will not always submit to Booiug newspapers , no-called , complacently praising good and bad alike. The woik of the organs and the newcpapera thus noparattd , the former would naturally bo published at Wash ington , Albany , llarrlsburg , Trenton and other centers of political interest , while thu newspapers would remain In Now Vjrk , Booton , Philadelphia and the other great centers of population , The intelligent reader and voter might like both an organ and a newspaper to consul1- , jest aa ho might at table like both soup und fish , but , us ho docs not want hia soup and lull in the same dish , ho will prefer his or ) , an and his newspa per to be entirely distinct and different enterprise. Kick is well enough in Us wiy , but their ways are not the sima and cannot be made ao. REHX1J A LEADING MKUOI1ANT TAILORD T and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which wo will sell in retail or wholesale lot * . All Stock Warranted as Reoresented. nholctalo&ndrcUII ilrilcn In drain ml luted llftv. Trlooi ( onuMo fatlnfuction Guauuttcil. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth SI. UouncllBluuY I J EOM7 Winter Goods Kaudy. Suits Mtido to Order in Latest Style en Sliorb Notice rmd itt Ronson- ° Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Mam Street , . . . . . . Council Blufla. AGENTS WANTED. Urs. Judd & Smith's N v ? Improved Electric Belt. 310 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 723 KMI ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; anil IT. WAYNE , 1ND IT FOSniVKLY Ct'HES Klilney onJ I.kcr Complaint , IlrlRht'ti Ultea o , Khcuimtlsn , Neuntil * Dyipcpttn , NcMoi Wtstlnj ; Wcaktiw , I'mly'l" , Spinal AIT oll.-ni , InllgiMtloij , Heait Ilium , Flt Hcidach.I.im1) llirt , Cad Feet , and all dUeaaeB requiring lncuaje.1 raothopjvma. Nuw fuiprotod Id $3 and (6 ; old stjlo $1 inch. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IK THIS rmcES or The being folar h ncetl I hav included todl season < jio3e of tnv utovrn RiHiAiuiLKsior comu vn duetto itDilng them until unit eeuon. Call early ai 1 will not bo undersold h.v MI j ono. bvoJ. . Mandel , 325 bvo .ilxvay. Council KlufK SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a yortleomente , tuo ai Lett , round , To Loan , For 8alo , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eto. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate ol TKN CENTS PER LINE for the nret Insertion and FIVE CENTS FER LINE ( or each oubeoquont n > ertlon. Lenro advertisement ! at our office , No. Pearl Btroot. near Broadway WANTS. OR SALE A locono-haudsnfe. No. 217 Broad- F Council Bluffs- FOH SALU-Ono 10 horse portiblo bullor and cnglno Beet ol ordor.Mao otio ulght horeu ciiK'Ino and bol'cr ' , onhfols. . Ixiwla & Glltioit , 621 Main street , Council B ude. FOH SALE Twihoi sea luippy , nnd light elnjlo harness. U. II. llobciteon E04 BroskJ > ay. WANTED Agcntj In o\cry county In western IOWA to sell the "Champion Bosom Stretcher and Ironltg Board" , Every lady pronounces It on sight to bo Just what ehj want * , either for hornclf oi hlrec1 lielp. Bis Inducements to agents KetalM for ? 1 , AddrccB C. B. S. and I Beard , Boo OU.CD Council Bluffs , Iowa. AN1KU A Rood horaeahocr. Apply to U W Qrcgerv , south Main strcul , Council lilulTj. SAliV Or exchange for land In Kansas or ' Nebraska , a jol > oil ! < ! nidncttsrnpcr outllr. Ad- dies * , W. I ) , llajic , 102 Main , trett , Council BlulTj. jiOH HALE Houses , Lota nnd Land. A. J. 1 Hopoven , 603 Mret avenue. Ii OK a.\LK A tup-bu y , llrut1'fli nvuu anil J ? in ox.client conditlcu. Or Rill trulo for ohoap lof. Addre-a . M. Booolllco , Council BluTs. COAL .NU . WOOD Oooigo Hcnton , O'/S llroail- nay. soils coal and wood at reasonable prices , clica 2,000 Ili3. Jot a ton , nudl ? cubic for a cord , Try him. Kvery bouy 111 Council Uluflfl to cake WAKTKD . DellTdrod by carrier at only Itrenty aenta week. f\LD PAPEHa For 6 lg at B oflloo , > t 15 oontg \J i hundred hundredJ. J. L. DuBEVOISE. No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7 , 1S3J. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The lollowlni ; are the times of the arrival and 4 - narturo o ( tralno by central standard time , at the focal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mlo utca culler and arrive ten minutes later. omoioo , BDRUNaroN XHD quutor. tliVI. 1UKIV1 6:85 : p ra Chicago EijircM DtOO a m 0:10 : a ra Knal Hall. 7:00 : p r 7:10a : m ( 'Mail and Impress , 1i > 3pta ISiSO p m Accominodatlon. SitfO p m At local depot only. KJLM&U CITT , ST. JO * JLN1 > COU CIL BLCTKI ie:05 : B m Mall and KxpreaJ , 025pm BilSpra P elflo Kiproga , 6:45 : a m CniClGO , IIILWAUEH AND ST. PAUL. 5:25 : p m Exproos , 9:05 : a m 5:26 : a m Express , fM p m , BOCB ISLAND AND FACJ71C. 6:26 : p m Atlantic Bxpruig , 0:06 : a ru 9:25 : a m Day Kxprooa 0H : p m 723 ; ia * lea llolnca Aooommodatlon , 0:15 : p us At local depot only. WABian , ST. LOUIS AND rAcino. 5:10 : pm Accommodat.on 9:00 : am 1SO ; p m Loula Kxpresa KM p ra : W p m Chicago Express 10:66 : a m At Transfer only CfflOAQOand NOUTUWKSTZBV. 1:69 : pm Exprosn. 0:50 : p m BS5 : m Fadflo Exproaa 9:06 : am IIOUX CITT AND PACinf. TilOpm Et. Paul Express , 9:00 : a m 7llQ it in Day Express 7:00 : p m ONION TACIPIO. 6:50 : pm Woitcru Expresi , S:80 : a ra lliDO tm radflo KiproM , MO p ra UllOnta Lincoln Expreeo , 1:15 : pin 'At Trt-ntfer only. CirVlir TRAINS TOOMilU. 7:20-8:20-0:30-10:80-11:10 : : : : a. m. lJo-:3 : ! : lDO- : : SO-6:30-flEO-ll:05 : : p. ui Hunday 7:20 : * - , g : 0-ll:10 a. m. j:80-8SO--6:30-6SO-ll05 : : : : ; p. m. rilve 10 minutes uofura leaving time. From trti'far nn l _ _ K. SOEURZ. omoB OVER AV1KIUOAK EZPREES rOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ; THE PLACE To purchasa At Bottom Prices , is HOMER & GO'S China Store , SU Main Shrent , Council BluiF VFilllfiV VEa-ICLE8V ) .K fr B Ilrnrr Tlmkrn. IKl ntM > . HU JUlul srffliS1 : ABBOTT BUGGY ca E. Rice M. B. or othtr tamon removed without tb ij kcUo or drawltg t ( blood. CHRONIC DISEASES- * " * * Over t-ilriy ye r prutlcwl eiptrleoc * ( MM Ka 6 , Pearl sir" * , Council Illcdf. tarCQiuuHi > ion trie. BKATE3 QcnU ICo. Ladle * Ida. Admission Free to Lad lea each fflornlcR and Tnt * day and Thursday altcrnoont. Via of Skatej 16 oonta. A. r. EOHANOK , IL n , MAUTENB , Froprlotor ORDER YOUR Cobs , Goal 1 Wood OF 03. ess , P. Oi kddresa , Loot Box K09 , Council DluSs , rnos. orncsR. T7. n , H. rait Council 131uTj ! , lai Established 1856 Dealrra In foreign anil Domcitio Kxchiuge and Homo Securltks. .JACOB SIMS , COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. Office , Main Strnrt , Ilonm 8 , Shitffart and B OO block. Will practice In S ate and Kedcial court. . u , Praotloa In State and Fodoril Courts. OollecUoug promptly attended to , Hootn 1C , Hlmgart'fl Building , OOTTNOir. BLUFK3 IOWA Dv , W. H. Shorraden DENTIST , Masonic Oonnoll Blnfla IOTTS , $20 EEWAED ! KKWAUD paid lor Information of present lo'atlfii pair horFcn , waznn and hiunoui ) , Rod b William 1) Hall tn Thomas a I'onton ' lay iintuene\cnytaraoli | 1/00 pounds , soar lolt ilnil Ic , lilack hinanlno jtmrs oldi tar In ( ore- cd Mutlu In rlR'it hind ivg w gen , Cooper mike , hio Inch f ct double h'ruciui , tilun from l'ottaw tt- irlo county InUKU9t T n dullara reward for i 5cvery of s M Hall. IUII dfscrl ed.s about C eet 10ncheB | , andy complox'on ' , InM houl rn tepid id brownUh red , etoml-h built , ibout iOrcart < prlj toLo'nard ' Evarott , atturney at law llluffn , Iowa , EVERYTHING NEW , the Latest Improved Machinery. Work First Class. Drders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.50. Dollars and Cuffs a Specially , Established 1882. H. E , REMER , Manager 11 Broadway , COUNCIL UJIfif3 , IA. lrsDJ , Hilton , ! 0 , , HYSIOIAN & SURGEON , ta UUdl * BioUir 7 , Gottootl Ila9a.