Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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-THE ii
Vjii medicine , comblrilns Iron with
ui'kly nil rotn
tiH ill orliii Chilli mid Veverti
Ills au unfnlHtitr rrmtdjftr Diseases of tbf
Klilnpjn nnil I.ltrr.
It Is tnvnlunblci for Dlscuws pccnllar t
R'-iinan , nnd nil who lend FCilcnlnry live. , .
U < lee < not Injiiro tbo tctlli , cnusc Iicntlncbc f
trixluco constipation o/ifr ( lion mciltclnr'i A :
V.cnrlcliMnml iitirlfloi the blood , stlmulitc
sJiotipliCtlte.nld ! tbo n lmllntlon of food , rp
Hfvrs llcnrtburn nnd llolchlng , nnd Etr ; nrS- (
* c tin- muscles nud norvri
* 'or Intermittent Kovcrs , . .jiultudc , tac * v
fjicrgj1 , Ac. , It has no equnl.
* B- The Rcnulno hns nbovo lr < i om < ri1 > -
; roved red lines ou wrapper. Taketr > ' >
uiDiUsmttfliii tie BROAD CLAlh
Krer offered to the nubile.
3 jaolx.ot Oozaa.i3A.2a.3r. LINK ron ENGLAND , rRANOE AND
Tbo ittamBhlni of Ihlg well-lmown Una are bnlll of
lion , In wttor-tlght oomputmonts , and are furnish
ed with every roqulalto to make tbo passage both
lafe and agreeable. They carry the United States
and European malls , and leave New York Than-4
d T8 and Batnrdaya for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bourg , ( PARIS ) and HAURURG.
Rates : Steerage from Europe only 113. First
Cabin , HK , 845 and ? 75. 8tecn.jfo.t20.
Henry Pundt , Marl ; Hanson , F . HooreaH. Toft ,
agentslo Omaha , Gronewe ? It Sohocntgon , icentslo
Council Clufla. O. D : RICHARD b 00. , Gen. Pass
Agio. , 61 Broadway , N. Y. Obas. Koimlnakl b Co-
Oenoial Woslira Agantl , 170 Waoblncton St. , Obloa
t. ATlctimof Touthfullraprndenco
Causing Premature Decay , Nerrous Debility. Lout
Manhood , Ac. , barlne tried In vain every known
reinedyccdiscoTerBu ft simple means of self-cure ,
which be will send FREE to bis follow-sufforera.
Address. J-LLllKEVliS-U OhathmnBU.New Vc. .
\t n DIOflOLTI C" r iai' i BUF Lurs. BOOK rr
wnniuUuC > L.L > CITUU iiencjleoruit
Health is Wealth ]
guaranteed epeolfio for Hysteria , Dizziness , ConvnI-
lions , Fits , Norvoni Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
Ptoatratlon oansedby the use of alcohol or tobbacoo ,
Waketnlnees , Vental depression. Softening of the
brain , resulting la Insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , loss
otpower In either atx. Involuntary Loesea and Sper-
f atorhoracaused by over exertlontof the brain , self-
abase or ovei Indulgence. Each box , contains one
month's treatment. 11.00 a boi.or six bottlei 01
15.00 , tent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
Xo ouie any oaie With each order received by n >
( or six bottles , acoompllihed with 85.00 , wo will send
he purchaser our written guarantee 'to refund the
money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar
antees leaned only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
tcly XS-m&e-iy./JH .884 Madison St. , Ouloafro , 111 ,
\taMical Institute
( iChartcredbytheStateofllll.
vnois for the express purpose
J of giving immediate relictls
iYall chronic , urinary ana prl-
yvate disecaf "onoirbctn ,
ftl G lect nnd&y philis in all their
' complicated forms , also at *
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by reme-
. ilicstcst'diiia/'ort/I'ear
tHl > eclail'racticr. Semlntl
Weakness. Nirlit Lossi. by Dr ams , Pimples on
Ihe FaceIoit Manhood , , vulttvetti cured , Thert
VnaffpfflnifnUtKh The appropriate n..r.cdj
< a at once used In each vvte. Consultations , per-
tcnal or hy letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines srnt by Mall and Express. No marks on
puctare to indicate contentu or sender. Addrest
iiKJAMES.f/o. / 2U4Wa3htnglon Si. ,
Erlonger , . . . . - . . . - Bavaria
Culmbachor , . . .4 Bavaria
Pilsner . . . . . . * Bohemian ,
Bndwoiser T. St , Louis.
Anhausor. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . St. Lonis.
Best's. . . . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilflner Milwaukee.
Kracfs . . . .Omtibn
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine. fc'FD. ' MAUHER ,
With faoh number ol DOMOREST8
MAGAZINE will be given a full Blzo faehlouable I > at-
.crnotany Mioofetjlcsstilrcted. making twelve pat
er idurlng tJieycarsoralueof over tbice dolllir ,
benldes the meet popular , cntcrlaleir and uie u
diagtzlng Simple ojplei 23o , ) early , $2. Addm
W. Jeimlnss , Demoremt , UE I 4th Bt , New York
B Pcssibility ,
That of Making Canada the
Field of Oarnaqe and
Slaughter !
Kill'William Congratulates His
Subjects On Their Oonditioni
The Celebrated Hugues Trial
Closed In Paris.
The Woman Acquitted Be
markablo Scenes in Oourt ,
V Variety or lloino nml orclgn
Kvcnts ,
Canada na n Tlioatro of "War.
QUEBEC , January 0. Lo Courier tie Can
ada , nowfpaper , discussiing tlio recent ntticlo
of the Louden Times on the Nlcarauga canal
difficulty end possibility of n rupture between
England and the United States , adds :
' 'Thero is no doubt Canada would then be-
coimt the Ihonlro nf operationp , and in our
3.180 we would have n , right to protest and 10-
fu o to allow onreolvos to bo slaughtered llko
sheep , and wn nre asked to endure all calnm-
itiea and nil the horrors of war to ( latent ! Kog-
land's interest in Central America. This is
really coniinR it too ttronfr , and wo hntdly
think our loyally will permit us to outer upon
so perilous u path , "
King William's Congratulation ? .
13KIIUN , January 0. The National Gazette
aays the American delegates to the Conga can
terence especially disfavor any intention on
iho part of the United Statca to bo responsl
jlo for the execution of the resolutions ef tno
conference on account of having taken part in
thndelibera * ions.
Emperor William has written n loiter in ru
ily to tbo New Yeats address prPHented him
> y the municipal authorities of Berlin , llo
hvells in the political and economic progress
, ho country made in recent years Settlements
n Africa which bavo been placed under the
irotcction of the empire will give , hoay ? , to
jerman enterprise a now field , and will prove
stimulus to trade and manufacturer * . Under
he autpicos of peace which ho trusts will con-
inuo , there is every prcspact that Germany
will cantiuuo to maVc gratifying progress In
naterial acd moral weltarn
A Celebrated Case.
PAIUH , January 9. The court room during
ho IIiiRuca trial yesterday was so crowded
lint people sat at the feet of the judge , some-
liingutiprcccdedtcd in criminal or other trials
n .French courts. Anxious attendants upon
lie case even seated themselves beneath the
awyera , BO eager were they to listen to every
vord of evidence and the argument presented
; o the court. The toilets ot the ladies were
if a brilliant description and contributions
rom gardens and hot houses gave the cjurt
oem spmowhat the appearance of a conssrva-
; ory. Miidnmo Itugues admitted in
ler testimony that she would
iavo killed Madame Lenormend or
ior private agent Clerget , but for the fact
Imt both these persons had said Morin \VJH
eHpo'nslblo for the calumnies which had beou
leaped upon ner. The presiding judge
n his chaige said the cards which had been
ent to Madame HURUBB were of HO indecent a
ilmractor as to justify him in preventing them
> eing read in the court room , put they would
> a laid before the jury for their consideration.
n summing up the evidence an exciting dia-
oguo occurred between Mailamo Hugues and
lie judge. His honor said Morin did cot
write the ojectionabc ! ] cards which , incited
[ adame Hugues to fatal assault noon him.
Jo this the prisoner insisted they were dicta
, ed by Mori a and challenged ony one to find
_ person who did write them. Morin's
distress , a prominent witness , swore
florin had only repeated w at had bean re
nted to him about the Hugues. Anatole
fonge , member of tbe chamber of deputies ,
ddressicg the court was cmpbaticinhis praise
f the action of Madame Hugues , and so vehe-
lent in his declaration of undorseniEiit that
lie judge considered it his duty to impose a
evero rebuke upon the ndvocatf The nd-
reBses to the jury were of considerable length
nd the verdict of acquittal was returned at
, ho hour of 2 o'clock this morning , The an-
louncement of "not guilty" was tbo signal of
remondoim applause. Popular sympathy fn-
rladame I fugues was demonstrated by voci-
erous shouts und cheering. The inadame ,
liough acquitted of murder , wai condemned
o pay $400 damages and the cost ) of the trial.
Fatal Train Wreck.
, VAKMINQDALE , L. I. , January 9 , The Deer
'oint accommodation train was derailed at
ietbpage Junction this morning. The loco-
lotivo was upset and Engineer Henry llurt-
ell and Fireman Joseph Uotzcll were ter-
ibly rrushi'l and fcalded. The engineer
'ied ; the iiifiuan ! H hti I alive , but hi ? injuries
re fatal , Tbo train consisted of a comblna-
inn baggage and ttmoker and passenger car.
! olh wore derailed , but uono of the occupants
vere injured.
Death of u Noted Soldier.
ST. Louis , January 9. Major Charles P.
Jrudy , until a week ago subscription clerk in
he Republican ollico , and well known in Ma-
onioand other orders , suicided late last night
> y shcotiug himself tli rough the head at his
lome. He was io the army duiing the wor
nd served on General McClelUna's body
; uard.
Iron AVorkH Hurnod ,
CI.EVKLAND , January 9. Htoveing & F'em-
ng's Excelsior iron works , foundry and ma-
bine chops burned last night. I < O H , § GOC09 ;
DBurance , $22,000. A tineo story machine
hop adjoining was also destroyed. The
vurks will bo rebuilt immediately.
x , January 0. General Sanford ridi
cules tha resolution of the United States con
gress rreatding the American representation
it the Congo conference.
A Two Year Pool ,
CHICAGO , January 9. The committee ap-
.minted by the South Western railway nvsoci -
ition bavo recommended a continuance of the
xiol for two yea s ,
Cleveland lu Buffalo.
HUWAI.O , January 9. Profcldont-olect
Cleveland arrived this evening and dined at
Ihe ( tenejea , He will open the charity lull
to night ,
Fancy Goods Fired.
NswYonK , January 9.--A fire early thi *
morning damaged tbe stock of Henry ICogeis
whole-alo fancy goods , to tbe amount o !
§ 75,000 ; fully insured.
Froze to Death lu a BURR ? ,
Sioux CUT , January 8 , A inau who nr
rived hern to-day from llunnUg Water brings
UO B eoDtirmicg the report of the freezing t <
death of seven men on tbe Niobrarariver roue
in Nebraska. Two of the men were found sit
ting in the buggy frozen stiff , the hone hav
ing reached a station with its silent drivers ,
No names h yoyi't been learned of tha vie
tlni . Thi Nbbrara cai > a nf freezing ahoulc
not bo confounded with tint previouily re
ported , where it vrou nUted that fourteen per
Uhed alonft tbe live of thenew Sioux City am
Pacific grade. Nothing further has beei
Iturmid rr rdirjff the latter. 1'enpla hero bat
friends who started to locate Unit along ( he
raw rf-ail , and great unxiety i * Mt , as they
have hud ample time t get to communication
nd net a word IIM boon received. The ceno
f the two tMRedin ro about ono mm licit
nile apart , the railroad prndo being almost
UB went of Iho NIobrarA ii > or.
Col. Lamonf. prlvfttn rrcretary cf VrtMdenl-
lect ClfcveUnd , is in Washington , gettiug no-
ualnted with his fututa homo.
The Chicago Prow club , t its annual clec-
ion , cli083 Joieph K. Uunlop. city editor of
ho Inter-Ocean , president for the current
Herbert Gladstone. In ft speech dejiverod at
Inwnrden , Iliursday , Inlimnted "that h s
ntlicr would r tire from politic * nt the end of
ho present seesion of parliuinoiit.
The prohibition cftnvintion In Now York
ormally decl.reJ that "tha na'ional prohtbi-
ion ) ) rty Is an independent political ur aiii-
.atlon of cltizei' ' * of several statiK , fito of all
octional prejudices nud preferences ,
The striding mlnera nt Anqug , Towai ( have
niado no further domonBtrtlon and it is not
criown how many nf them wo-o wounded nor
low badly in tha rit Wednesday night. An
nqutst was hold over the body nf Munson ,
killed in tha riot ntd the verdict is killed by
n gun ( hot wound in the hands of n mob.
TliBtiinlef Mmo. Clevis llu uoi in Paris
cxcitts great interest. Tha lady was
on thowitneis stand Thu'sdny , and related
the story already published. She appeared to
make n lavorablo iniproaiion on tha jury and
Beaded the atrocious character of the perse
cution to which she had baen subjected as the
moth u uf her deed.
About 200 democrats from all parts of lown
met atles MoinoThuruUy and held n
secret sesilon. Nothing was done except to
discuss the time of holding the next Bt te con
vention , and if the time Is decided upon it Is
not yet made public , There Bneins to bo much
iliver. < lty of opinion as to tha time the conven
lion should bo held.
Representatives from nil the leadiiifjcolloffea
and universities in the country excepting Ynla
nre in soot ion at Philadelphia. ' 1 he gathering
comprises the thirty-eighth annual convention
cf Iho Xeta Pel college f raternlty , under the
nuipices of the sign chapter , the odst ] Grotk
letter society in the univoisity of Peimsvlva-
ntn. Tno se ion Will end this evening with a
banquet ,
H'ndricka addressed the democratic editors
of Indiana at their annual convention t
Induunnolis Thursday. Heferrlpg to tariff
rofo in he said : "I think that it is settled now
that taxation shall only be , for the purpoto of
maintaining the government ; that it shall bo
limited to tha wants of the government , be
cause it is n part of thn platform adopted by
the great convention whichhns been endorsed
by tha majority of the people. "
The annual state meeting of the MPXI'CIII
War votorann was hold iu Des Mpiues Thurs
day. Over fifty who served during the war
was present , and several soldiers ot the war
of 1812 also participated. Thfl election of
officers resulted ai follows : President , 1\
Olmstead ; vice-president. Col. W. T , Shaw ,
Anamosaj recording secretarv.W. B. Priestly ;
corresponding secretary , Peter Ankeney ;
.raasuror , Gapt. I. W. Grilh'tb ; marfeal ,
James Kliyno. All of the officers reside in
> his city except Col. Shaw. A banquet to
; helr honor was given in tlio oveninc.
The democrats of Washington celebrated
, ho nnnivtrjaty of the battle of Now Oileam
riiurtday night. Many old mementoes of
GOD. Jackson ormmiented tlio platform , in
clining the old closk which hung in the sen
ate chamber when President Jacksnntook tha
oath of office. A number cf congressnr en
occupied seats upon the stand. Senator Sauls-
itiiy , of Delaware , in the courto of a speech
aid hohopcd _ no faithful publicservant would
> a eacrihced to party interest , but every man
who had used his place for partisan purposes
' ihould walk tha plank as non as po..siblo.
'AppIausa.J Kepresentatlvo Ellie , Louisiana ,
ongratulated the country that it would soon
again bo governed by principles ad
vocated by Gen. Jackson. He re-
chocd the statement that he who had
irostiluted his high office for partisan purpos-
M should walk tlio plank , and yet it behoved
ho democratic party to remove the spoil sys-
em from politics. Senator Bayard then
raced the administration of President Jack-
on through the eight years of its existence ,
ulogizmgthe principles onvhich it was
> 8td. If men of to-day-were not firm enough
o resist the doctrine of class legislation which
ind built up the protective tiriti if they were
not penetrated by the truth which one Grover
/leveland ( applaud1) ) teemed to bo pcnotrated
by , that "public nflico was public trust" they
ould not comprehend that lor which Andrew
ackson struggled.
It tikes tbo exit of a very largo man to
make a whole in this world.
When ignorance 1 * bllep , it is folly to ask
he landlady what she puts in the hash.
There is a big difference between pot luck
and Jack : pet luck. There is any amount of
iffereuce in the latter.
A Parta'-widow is said to have made a for-
une in sellirg pumpkin pieiather rest an
nul , The fata of her victims is unknown.
Tjiweli Citizen.
You cannot always judge a man's character
> y the clothe * he wears. Sometimes the linen
i wnrrh n gieat deal more than the furniture
which it covers ,
"He died on the field , " shosobbeJ , a she
teed at bii tombstone. "A gallant soldier ,
o doubt , " br > ke in n sympathizer , "Oh , no ,
ir ; he was hit by a base ball bat. "
When milk has that peculiar blue tinge
irevalout in New York cow syrup tbe dealers
xplain it by eaylng that it I'H from the "blue
rraM district. " ( Youkers Statesman.
A man who had mines pie for nipper and
iis ears frozen before breakfast will remem-
> er the pie when the frott bites have btcu
hawn into oblivion , [ Full .River Advance.
' 'Fifty dollars bid , gentlemen , " ciied the
luctioncer at an art eale ; "only fifty dollars
or this fine landscape , with it i flowers , trees ,
rottr , ntmosphuiv- inch an atmotpherel
Vhy , the atmosphere alone is worth the
"A person can do anything on these roller
kiites that Is possible to do nn the Ice , " ex-
laiined the attendant nt tlin hkatiug the other
duy. "Yeg. I believe that is BO , " replied u
iyatandr. "I know u man to b.-tuk hi * nojo
ho other day. "
" 1 didn't use you out at the party , " Baid
ne JJeuoJict to another Fiiday. "Wo , I was
ending a wake , " waa the answer of thu
> ticr ! , as ho thought how ho promenaded tbo
jedroom for four mortal hours with a Hid that
etused to be comforted ,
"Do you think yen will Bee Smith rlown
own to-day ! " asked Jones f f a friend. "Yea.1
Will you KIVO him tliij note for me ? " "Yo' . "
'You arc quite sure that you will HPO htmV"
'Oh , T haven't thu slightest doubt in the
world that I will tea him somewhere. I owe
ilm 5L'0. "
"I BCD , " he remarked , as they cnmo down
he btepj of thn ejinated station together ,
' ( bat thu Union 1'acitio and Oregon Naviga
tion coiopiuy h vn been connected bv the
completion of the Short Line. " "Yoi , ' ha
replied. "What do you think v.111 bs the ef.
eel ? " ' Oil , a couple of additional mortgages
f suppoeo. " [ Wall street News ,
Old Judge Maunders is a great br g , and
iia ? told about a di zen different ftoriei in ru-
jrd to tbo weight of a certain big u.ttfUh ho
iftj caught , A friend , trying to ettrap him ,
.Hiked him : "Judgo , what waa the exact
weight ol that hilidi you caught ? " Ju ge
S under ( to colortd waiter ) "J a ay , Bub ,
what di I I y yustfaday that cntfith
welgbed } " "What jiino yejtorday , boss in
de mawnlog , at dinner tlmo or after nipper ! "
-Sifting [ * .
"I eay , ( Jeorgo , what dn you pay for these
ilgaisFifty dollara a thousand. " ' .Sp'cn- '
did cigar , George. Smokes banutifully. Very
fragraat. 13ut t'CO Is a good deal of money to
piy for clpard " "Why , that's only five centa
apiece. " "Ah , tbat'n eo. Was thinlclug it
wtH h'f'yc9nts apiece , I thought it wssa
dnadful price for tucli u miserable roll of
dried cubbagn. I don't BCD how you can
smoke the tliingn , " [ Chicago News.
"There oxchimed Mr . Talkmuch , "that'B
the kiiH of brutes you men are , " and she re c
an account of a wifu- murder byadorgla bai-
ber yeetit day. "You say ha was a barber ,
my dear1 "Yen , he wa , and - " "Ohwell ,
it Irf all for the btat , A burlier and ttwman
can't live h > ppily toget her any way , " I'd like
to know why not. I cant rt-a - " "Too
iiiu.-h coinpetliion , my danr. Neither of 'em
could get a wor l-iu eiigewiee. "
MEAT SAUOE Too finest mnyon&Uu fjr
meat , full and vcgolable aalads , and a an
perb tiblo emoe. It fr aurpaims any
hume-tnadu dressing. Evtrybody likes it
Alas ! Thru. Blio SlinuUl tin So.
: love 1 iny lardlonl's daughter fair
( Ata.'t-vtIh..uM ! do So ) ,
urn lKsfther \ frr n Uck nf hsir
( ALs ? tint I ih'iu'tl ' ' do so ) .
or si i c I A * t o pnor to wed ,
I thought I'd hi o my lnir instcaJ.
Al * ! a | . ! nlnolnlaO
Ala 1 that 1 should do So.
3lp ga o mo then n sunr.y emilo
( A nil tliat she fh uld iio o ) ,
Annald ) I'd b tt r wait awbilo
( Alas ! tlmt she ihould do fo ) ,
'S itiia da ) . " she said in prettywis ? ,
1 It get jtw up n mull turprise.1
Ata-ldla-l clal ain't
Alts ! that tlo ihutild do to ,
Oneid Ay fhn said she was prepared
( Abu ! that she should do HI ) ,
To RIVP mo ttiat for which 1 cnrcd
( Alas ! that shi ohouhl ilo FO ) ,
fh ciuel e rl made n.e htr dupp ,
Vnd snrved II o hair up in the soup ,
A'n ' < l nl.t ! nlasl alnM
Alas I that she should di no ,
[ Harvard Lampoon ,
All shades of brown are trimmed with gold ,
Turkish sashca are popular for slender
Bl irk jerseys nro worn with black skills of
any fabric.
Pur-lined ( irculnra have the high cfleet on
, ho ehiuker. .
t tosl and silver tinsel are ueod for trimming
jrey niator'als.
Bl.ick ti k et ckiugs have the upper part of
white Halo tliirnd.
Pur Is considered mnro desirable for clonk
( rimming than plueh.
Flowered cashmeres have designs In beauti
ful sjft nnd pale colors.
Stockincs did not become fashionable until
ifon Elizabeth's time.
Kubio ! are fashlonnblo in Paris airl London
For rings and ornaments.
Black eurali is wed for hocco wear nnd is
triunud with jot velvet or lace.
The fashionable colois are chestnut , grape ,
red , mushroom , eteel b.ue and pink ,
It ia slid tnat Japanefo women have never
seen and do not know thu use of pins.
Plain and brocaded foulards nro trimmed
with Sptnish lace dyed to match the silk.
Skirls trimmed with deep flounces of lace
liavo only n narrow plait'nj ' ? at Ilia bottom.
It is said that ruby colored lace ? , ribbons
and glovis will soon imko their appearance.
Flowers for younggirln' ball toilets aio lilies
nf the valley , ucistttu roses , blucttea and jot
mine ,
Ba'ques of triped goods ha'.o culfs. collar ,
one wldo lovers and hrond basques of bohd
colored velvet.
_ A pongee table-scarf bai n design rf nastnr
tiums upon a latiieo work batkground of the
finest duii'd work.
MPrioged table and ntand covers of Tu kish
towelingln\o rainbow-lined sttlpes overlaid
jy ths soft \vliito nap.
Those ara foolish viroins who do not keep
; he gas' burning on Sunday night Louis
ville Couritr-Journal.
'Ths press is mighty and will prevail" said
; bo suicptiblo matuen whenf-jlm was hugged
jy her stalwart lover. Erratic Enrique.
Sixteen women belonging to the Sultan's
larem have by his permission font their pho-
. 'graphs as a contribution tolha beauty exhi-
ji.ion . at Paris.
In Prance etctsnvoly decollette bodices on
jail dretses are still high io favor. Hare
> euuty of neck and shouloerd is the only thing
,0 , excuse the faphion.
Southern belles nro now flocking ti Now
York by the dozem to purchase and have
made grand outfits for the inaugural ball and
ubsequent white house festivities.
" 1 like your impudence , " said a pretty girl
vhen her sweetheart tried to kiss her. "JMono
; f ycur cheek , " quoth ho as he bravely and
iULcessfully fought his way to the mouth of
eruptive volcano -Chicago [ Sun.
In England , bays a London journal , during
ho past few yeard there haa been a growing
f eling in favor of a ICES pronounced lownpse
f cut in bill dresses , even where the "square"
las absolutely replaced tha onca universal
' 'shoulder revellers. "
A combination arrangement for holding a
vhisk brwom and pair of tllpperj is made of
crimson phwh , witli monogram on the middle
compartment intended lor the brush-holder ,
ind seine floral drsign for the slipper- holders
n plumetis stitch.
A great deal of artistic thought is expended
upon lamps , and a truly beautiful lamp is a
'ny for a long time. Pretty shades to fall over
.he plain porcelain shades are made by gatherer -
or | a etrlp of red savin , and when full enough
: o hing gracefully , new it together in a "fine
leain" and trim the edga with lace.
"Pn.did you BFO the ninbow this morning ? "
asked a sweet sixteen of her father , "No , uy
daughter , you will ee-j a wat-beiu to-night if
th t tofa dude of yours undeitakes to sere
nade m again like ho nid It t right. " And
.ho o d man placed a bucketful ( f water inside
.he window. [ Newman Independent.
1 Kxuisite 1'ght-colorad veiling ! nnd other fine
ll-wool fabndf in eveniiig ludes are brought
mt for dresses f r young fiirJs , the tucked or
ulted skill ) being of materials , and the
uisiico and tunic being Ottoman or batin
f a pimilar elinde. with the surface dotted
with tufted chenille of a much deeper shade.
Take a large , course spi ngo , saturate thor.
iglly , piestt until moist , mid then dron ( Ux
iil into the holes ; suspend , without further
oijlHLU'g for sumo limp , in the window.
The ire quickly covers the entire spongL1 , and
mugs duwn from it in graceful tendrils , and ,
lysllghtly iiioistuninff occasionally , jou have
k pr tiy bill of verdure at email expensj to
irigbtau your room the entire winter.
Silver and gold flowers bloBSomoutiipon tha
airy-tiated lulls nnd tilk rnulU worn for ball
o.lets . this mejion. Gold or slher luca to
match is the pnrnituip to ma'ch thpso , Cli n-
lle , mbthfr- < > ; pearl , and epnngloi are alco
used for embroidering FOIIIO ot tlitsmoroiixpen-
ivo d.-.ncintr drf.saes of India g.u/.o , the price
atbeae toilet ] being quite atiuvo tha roacuof
.he . ordinary purse.
A brown cloth Huit has a plain flc'rl ' with a
> and of heater fur aiiinnd ic about five inches
rt in the bottom. Underneath hs h'niof tlio
ilirt is a plallinR of clotli thowing aboun an
nch. The drapo/y is of rr udiurn length , and
as no triiiuning snvo several rows of stitch-
tig. The lioJico It plain and is trimmed uiili
nr aiound the baequcs and up the fronts. A
cloth tocque trimmed with fur and mufT to
match coin pie to thin fctyhsh costume.
A noval place is now given for the diamond
or other gsmmed la-e-pin or brooch which , as
ho veiy lilt st cajirlcu of la mode , in fastened
t tha imok of the ccown ; this only when the
ndlco fastens at th back. The lace-pin is
ilaccd where tha lacing begins. Just hern it
vould be well to say thai < ravinus to lacing
gowns thy fliould firet bo fecuioly closed
with fivu or fix strong hnokp ; this takru the
stress off Iho Incea and a' o spares many an
urgraceful and careless-looking elgbl.
Tlio hair is now arranged in every fn hion
; o euit the features and general style Menv
who dragged their hair up und found how ill
it became them , have tukon it down from iis
linecle and look once more like ordinary mor
tals. Th > y have dituovorod that suitability ,
nut Inmrdf , is the grand deplduratum , Where
tbc hnir i coiled low , the "Lanstry" jtyla yrt
leidb , and where th coronet cuiffuriusbt'oom-
intr , the Japaneite coil' , rua through withjuw-
oMieaded pins , is most generally adopted for
full-dress occasions.
There ii a growing preference for garnets.
Until recently them ttones wens regarded ni
quite old fashi < ned. To wrar \ \ ith low.
necked dresses , a net-work rf garnet colored
bead * is mounted on velvet ribbon of the
same Hhade ; them nr lonxiintrlmmed ond.s to
tie at the back of the neck ; when those uro
dithked thu neck band forms a wide oillar ,
fastened by n ginict cla p. Occafionnlly u
frimu ol purret beatU U added , or interlaced
Pitooii' " ( the bead * droop from the throat
baud. The hair Is stnddod with email plug ,
mountrd with gamete , and all thn added
jewelry thoUd coriejpnnd , ovtn to the Duo
garnet bf adwork upon the slipper tips.
Panmpa with chicken are not commonly
nerved , but hi'p ' to make nn appetizing va
riety. Wa h , scrape and parlnil ths parsnips.
Tlien while they are cooking split a > young
chicken down the buk and put it into a drip-
plug P > , with tbn bonr tidii down ; place the
paruaip * around the chicken ; after cutting
thtm in two p rU , sprinkle rait and pepper
in of them , and put little lumps of butter
around , until > on have u a1a _ piece the nizoof
an tvvI'ut \ ft , httUi water into tha pan , and
then bikx until cbicVen and pjr nipn are ten-
dtr , and aw browu aleo. If jou chooiu you
cnn ntjd r no or nurd Micf-n of nlt pork , nnd it
will help to make the tr'nvy rich. Tin ! >
nips rrny bo oerv.d on the Mtnp plnMcr with
the chicKin i r In n trpjrnlo dish ; if the 1st ter
way is ihoscn. mnko iliuiigh flrnvy no tint
part of it can bo poured the parsnip"
Vrpetibloojstersor in'fify may bo u < oJ in
pftTMi'p * , Mill unit * * unconitntnly
large , ncui t nl bo cut Into Ji ( cca.
1 Und n DrcAilctit CoiiRli ,
and raiacd a midorablo amount of blood
mul m&ltor ; beadle * , 1 was very thin ,
aud to weak T cnuid ncftrctly go about
the liouso. Thia was the CASO of n man
with coiiaumpUon arishiR from liver com-
plniot. llo recovered his health com-
jihtcly by the * use of Dr. Picrco'a "Gold-
on Mcdlcil Dsjovory. " Thousanda cf
othota bear similar testimony.
Mrs. Mary Ashley Townacnd , the poet
of the exposition opoiingat Naw Orliana
is nn lownn by birth , nnd her huabtnd la
a Now Orlonna commission merchant ,
It IBVlint It llocfl.
Hood's Saraapp.rilla it maao of Saraapa
tills , dandelion , mandrake , cherry bark
urn urai , dock and other valuable modi-
clrn\ \ agents long and favorably known
for their power in eradicating disease
and purifying the blood , It will euro ,
when in the power of medicine , Scrofula ,
Salt Rheum , Dyapcpsla , Headache , Con
stipation , litliousniBi , Gdtioral Debility ,
Pnina in the BacK. Kidney Complaint ,
Catarrh , Fomalp Woikncsp , Cancoroua
Humors , Humdra of Iho Fnco , Ring. .
worm , Pimples , Uloorp , Sons , Tumors ,
Scald Hind and all ditcasea ariaiug from
an impure atato or low condition of the
blood. Hood's Saranparllla is made by
0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mnaa. Sold
by all druggiate ; § 1 , six for ? 5.
Juat sixteen yeara ago the interest on
the rational debt amouttod to $143-
000,000 a year. It ia now § 58,000OCO.
"Brown's Kronoliliil TruoliPH" are
widely known as nn adinitablo remedy for
Bronclietis , llonrticnusi , Coughs and 'Ihroat
troubles , Soil only in boxes.
Wild dogsalmoat as ravenous as wolves
are causing gruit Mublo and anuoyanco
in csrtain aectiona of Georgia.
Almost ura TllttoiH is known at the great
rfgtilator of the digfttivo organs nil o\cr the
wirld. Have it in your homo. Ask your
grocer or ditigKint for thi < geiuiiueartiolo , man
ufuctured by Or. J , G b. Siegert & Sons.
Over twenty thouaand Gormnm nro cm'
plojcd in London , monopolizing iilmoat
entirely the barber , tailor nnd Wditor
California haa no iuylum for the blind ,
but the state legislature , nl its coming
session , will consider the project of build
ing .
_ _
"Catarrh is u constitutional discaao.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a constitutional
remedy. It cures catarrh. Give it tt
Counci Bluffs
and Chicago.
The only line Io talc for J > 's Molnc" , Slaislinll-
ton , Cidir . , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
waukee and all points cft't. To the people of Ke-
'jin-ka , Colorado , WjomiiR , Ulah , Idaho , Ne > ad ,
Oregon , Waeblngtoi and California It often superior
ndvui Uees not i > osMble by any other lino.
Amo'-g a few of rho numerous i.olntsof puprrior-
Ity er jo ed by the palrons of this road bit ween
Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY
COACHES which are thoflnest that human alt and
Ingenuity i nn create ; Its 1'ALACE SLEEPING CARS
wblcb are mcdels of comfort and elegance ; Its PAR-
LOKDRA.W1NO KOOJI < > ARS , unsurpMfcd bynnj ;
and Its widely rclcbritod PAlATl L UIMNGCAhU
the tqual of whl' h cannot Lo fourd elfliwhere.
At Council Bluffs tbo trains of tbe Union P ciflo
Rj. connect In Union Dcrolwlth those of tbe Chlra-
KO .VXoitho > tMii llv In Chlragn the trains of th's '
lln > make close connection with those ot all eaitcru
Cur Detroit , Columbus , Indianapo'ls , Cl-cinnatl ,
Nltgara Fiji * , Duffiln , I ilt'burg , Toronto , Mnrtrinl
Rost' n , New York , Philadelphia , Bai Im'ro , W h-
mqtonaud all point * lu the East , ask the tliket
O'-cnt for tickets \ la the
- ,
IfynuwUhthe Ii9-t accommodations. All ticket
ajcnte soli tltketu via thl ) lino.
Ouneral llacaicr. Gen Pots. Agent.
Cliipiso ! , Minnriipol'fiIilwaim ' \ < 'o ,
St. I'aul , KnpiilH , Davenport
Clinton , Dubuqiu1 , liockfurd ,
Hick Island , > 'reei | < irr , .laneHvillo ,
Klpin , jrailU'in , Lu Crueei' ,
H l It , Winidin ,
And all other Irnportnut points Kast , North
east and Southeast ,
Ticket ofll e at 1101 Farram tteet ( In 1'axton Ho
tel ) , and at I'olon I'aciflo Dupit ,
Tim Won tn aie ru ' onthemaliillnca ol the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul B'y and * cry aitcntlun
kld to pantfiijerJ by courteous cmploj-oiof the
a. a Mbimu , . A. v. n. CAIH-ENTKII ,
GenornlManaircr , * Gen'l I'o8so"BOr Aitcnt
II. Jlll KH , OEO , K. UKO'IOUI ) ,
Ass't Oon'l Manager. As < , t Gcn'l 1'ain Audit.
J , T. CIiAUK , Gen'l Superintendent ,
100 CENTS TOR $1. 9I
Unscrupulous dealers at
tempt to substitute other
brands for tlio salio of os-
tra profit.
on sale "witli every "wide
awake " wine merchant in
the trade.
, . [ V W
) ctllltj Suy U.nLooi ] Wca
tfnorlt. pn.crlrlloa of a aoird tnaclalltl ( nowia-
Ured. ) DruiEUticantllUI. Addrtu
1'rff from I inillct unit I'ol.ioiis.
Tor < 'oue1i , SoruTlii-nnt. llonr cnc s Influcnto ,
Cnlil" . llronrliltl * . OnuimlionplncOntnli ,
A tlimn , < ) utn < y , lAltt In C'ht t , ftnJ ttlifr
( To , ii , nii > nii < ) Thrniit < > 'i l.un .
1'rlcp 50 rrnts A hiMtlc Sold liv Drnielntd nnd Pcil-
cri . 2rtlr < imaMf Initurt thrlnlfiitfr latirnmnllu
flfl Itfor Ihftn trill rerrlrr t'fn lotttttKti > reiictiargtt
frtiillnil p-itttiill ir la
- ,
Sole Uonrri an I M niri.-nrrr | ,
llAlllmonJUrjUnd , f.
A girl In mj- employ his licon cured ot constitu
tional scrolula liy the n o ot Snl't's Suticlflo
m , J , 0. McIXMFi , , All.toon , 0 .
( Tills ccntlcnmn Is the faUcr of the Oovcraor cf
Oo. )
Vnndcrbllt's millions cnnlj not luv trommonlmt
S Ill's Specl'o lias OiMe for mo , It citrcil mo of
ecrulula of 15 SIMS' ttml--tf. )
linn KurUiKTii DVKKR , Acn orlh , Q ,
TIITTER After BiiUcrlnc with Tetter for clc\cn
\circ , M < 1 rmlni ; all unrtnol trolmont , 1 was rc-
llevcu entirely lSnllt's ijprrlflc.
L. II , I KK , P.msoii , Oa ,
to death's Hoot by a mnlilinilim cf irzdnt anil
rrytlmla > , Irnn wh rh I h l ciitTcrril for ( luce jcars
W i trontrdliy eocril ) hj-flihiH wltliloillno jiotat-
( lum , which s'ciiud to fecit the illfetne. I li < ucbrcn
cured sound anil veil 1 y the u o of Snlf 's Spcclflc.
Mils , y.ui.Ml i : . TunNfii , lluinbuklt , lenn ,
Bvtlft's SpcclOo l9cntitciv\CRtabc. ! Trcatboon
IllooJ ami Skin DUcasos mat'od ' five
TIIK SniKTSi-Kcnic Co. , DranorS. Atlanta , a . ,
or IKV. ! . St. , Now York.
ssad J ir i , u > * . .
' . " , , iniii irrittrn ouarnnfeo att-cn
l = Lr 'l"od 1B0il . rTjc < ir , ti.ictei-fo/.cll.
d-Sciiltwoetnmp3forCelchratuillIcaicaUVorkB ,
Address , Et > . CI.AKKJi , JU. U. , ISO S.- ! .
Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL.
. ,
f P I" " Bli ( rr JUKI Ail oil rfod n ! kcow
HcrvoulOStraticK. . Debility Momtn ! An
iMiyslcal V 'Laknc5S and oilier AUo
'Jons of Throat , Skin or nones ,
ild Sores and Ulcers , k.-o ueatM with
! ucceion lfti iit crnltU ( ; firtotl * ' 11 Hfcyijtrrlr
Diseases Visimj frum Indiscretion ,
xpOSU'D Or IntJulscnCG , v-M-h producaurne Of Oj
ictlowlllK clfccU Iifvoiuusiri , dfhiltly , ill 14 it nf HUM
ii , . 1 defective memory , jlr.tpi0,1 HIP f&cv.rL/iical deeftf ,
Aversion to the n > tl tj o t fomaiea , roufntU * of ! lets , eW
rendcrlnc MarrJocro improper or nnnapjii' , * t
p rmintntlj-eurrd , I'nmpblf * (3s ( paeojou tbe bborf.rert
t aled ruiclopLf freeli iHTnl'lrcm. ' Cot u1ttIoiitiN
1 er.rb7mallf/oc. bnditivftuJ. Urlt for qteitioti.
A Positive W rmen Guarantea
ClTcmtn 11 euriblocit ft. Urtllrlnesiicnt trcrywhertt.
Pamphlets , Enplieli or Uerman , Qi paces , d
wriblne obovo digoaioa In male or fomala , PUSH
i , Bnei'Intfi. ' a J In etotband fflt tlactlns
tKjyor FO I K * ! 8BaiciHper | co m , 25c. ThJt tid
H tbe curious , Jonbiful or Ittunlhltlve w t V
JL iooH of great fou Mt to 1L I' Utli. R-ttn'x
Will piirlfir the BLOODrrepi-
l.uo tbe LIVER and KIDNEYS ,
a > ld 1JKST01U2 THK HEAI.TU
piMisIa , Want nf Appetite , in-
illKCstloii , or Strength ,
-uidTlrlil' " ! ! nK absolutely
cured. Hones , musclesatiq
norvra rccalvo nnviorce.
Hr.llvcus tbo mind und
J SniTurlnKlroiii compliiluts
ifms-u iw a * XBiipcsll.trto tbelr oux wl.t
dnd InDK. ! l' > BrER'SIIlOW TONIO o eafa nnci
sp-cdy cure , ( fllvea a clear , healthy compluxlon.
Frequent &ficnits ] at -torf'1''lnic only add
tothaponularltyortlioorlEliml. IJouotexpert'
nicnt pcttbu oiuoiNAr. AND IIKST.
-Seml7ournddreB > toTnBl > r. IlnrtflrMm Oo.V ,
Ht.lxulB. Mo.for our"DKEAM BOOK. " ®
.Fnllof . etraQK * * finn * ipeful lijforroai oa. I
Oenerk Dells t >
Uam foi stlf 100,090 aciei earetnlly Mltotud ! > ( .
a Extern Nebnuka , at low pilce tud on e.viy lertu
Improved iume ror Bale to Donglaa , Dodi ; * , Oolf >
Plitr ) , Dnrt , bnmlng , Harpy , Waehlngloa , J rlni
mr.dcis , end llutlor Jountlee.
T net paid Id all parts of the Btalt. :
Ur.cey . lotccd on raproved fuuii ,
Co my I'nbllo alwavi In o0ce Comxponit
. . , . .
Physician & Surgeon
Keelldenoo No. 1407 Jones St. Office , No. 1605 Fai
nam itreet. Ollloo hour ,12 m to i p. m. and fiom
Io 8 p. m. Telephone , for ollico g7iealderioo lie.
tvill cnre Nervon ne/i / , ruribiico ,
NeuralvU , hclnllcu , hHnny * iiln | nn l M " ' "n-u
Juilt , AithmH , ll i > rlrtl i > K . ni > p | , * , ' > tliat | n l.r
llpulni , ( ularrh , I'llen , | .pllfiwy. | lui"H | ' " I'liinl ) AJ
frolHiniii Ulnrl etc ( Hil > li-nlllk' I i.cnlp Hi U In Aiwr
,011 Hint tnmlitlie Kleclrltlty unit umiir < iii tiin iili tin
> -.lj , aud tuu Io rccimruuj In uu lu.tuuL by ttiu pallgnt.
Winter U coming , the teuoncf the year for acho-
and palm. In view of this fact we oay buy ono ol
Dr , llorae'a ' Kloctrlo Helta. By to doing you will
avoil Rheumatlara , Kidney Troubles and other Hit
atflei.bl9 ho'rto. Do net delay , but oil it nut
ollki ) anileiarnlne belts , No. H2 ! Dou la utroct , 01
C. F floodman's , 1110 Farnam 81.Omaha , Nob. Or
der * filled 0 O D
2/5 S , 13th St. Omaha , Hob.
Fourteen Yearn' Practice la Iowa and Colorado.
IOWA- lion , J , Heed , AanocUto Justice Supreme
Couri , residence , fUupcil UluH ; lion 0 , H. 1-owla.
fJlutrlct Juiljre , re'ldenre , Cherokee : Hrrt National
Hank am Oillccr k I'u ty. UaQkeri , Council Ululli
Hartey & Kord , Bankern , Leuan , IlaTlson Co. , la.
COLORADO Hon. I. C , Helm , A < oclat jDktoe ,
supreme Ct-iirt , rculilrnec. Denver ; Hon. Wm. liar
rUcn. DloUivt Junif , le Hence , Uueoa Vista'.flath-
a/a Ilank , r'aliplay , t'ark Co decli-lrn
The romnrkablo growth of Omaha
daring the last fotr years ia a mnttor of
great Mtoulshtaont to thooo who pay an
occnalounl vlnlt to this growing city. The
dovoloumout of the 'Stor' ' Vnrda the
necessity ot the Bolt Line Rood the
finely paved utrootn the hundreds of now
residences and costly bnnlnona blocks ,
with the population of our city nioro than
donblod in the last five years. AU thli
la o great snrprlso to visitors and IB tlie
admiration of onr citizens. This rapid
growth , the bnalncsu activity , nnd the
many sabatantlal improvomoiita madn a
lively demand for Omaha real eatato , nnd
every iuvoatoahaa made a haudaomo
Slnoo the Wall Street panlo May ,
with the nubaoquout cry of hard tlmos ,
there haa boon losa demand from apoonln-
torn , but a fair demand from Investors
aeoklug homes. Thin latter olasa nro
taking advantage of low prices in build
ing material and nro socnrlug tholr homos
at much leas ooat than will bo possible a
year htmce. Spocnlatora , too , can buy
real oats' a cheaper now and ought t.i take
ndvnut o of present prices ( or futuio
pro ts.
The next fo-rr yoara promises groatoi
d ivol optneutn in Omaha than the paat
dv > yearn , which have been as good as
wo could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and Ir.rgo job
bing houaoa are added nlmost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and throagh-
bat thu State , who have their , money in
the banks drawing a nominal rate of
forest , which , if' judiciously Invented in
Omaha real ouate , would bring thorn
runch greater rotnriiM. Wo huvo many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In tha
near future.
Wo have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western pa'rts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Paruaru. Davenport ,
Cumiug , and all tbe leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Fnniam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valu
We HHO havu the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in thin section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have some iino buhiness
lots and some elegant inside resi-
dencef for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
* omo good bargains by calling.
213 South 14th Bt ,
Bet .coon Fornham and Douglas.
P. S. We uHk those who have
property for nalo at a bargain to tjive
us a callWe want only bargains
We will positively not handle prop
erty at morn than its real valm * .