Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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UMAHA OAli/Y BEirli SDAY. JANUARY 8 , 1885.
Thursday MorniutT , Jan.
WANTED at nonce , good double-cylinder
feeders nt this office. m &
There will bo mawjuirade party under
privftta miopijes , nt Free Masons hall , Janua
ry 28,1885. ,
Officer Cormlek caught n ntnawnyhoMOftt
the corner of Sixteenth nnd UouRlns streets
The W. C. T. U. will hold n business
moctlnf ? on Thursday , January 8lh , In Ilia
Jim ! M. 1J. Church , nt 2:30 : p , m. Mrs. J.
Uell , socroUry ,
The German edition of the Hluatratod
supplement wni publiihod last evening nnd
oiflco and nt
ore now on sale at thli
rruelmuf's news stand ,
In police court ycitordgy two disturbers
ors of the pcaca wcro cncii fined 85 nnd cost ? ,
nnd sent up to the county j nil. Two vnRrants
wcro Rivon until 0 o'clock this evening to find
worker leave the city.
Yesterday n Hiorgo nttacho d to yeaisr
cnlco delivery wagon ran nwny on bixtoontl
street. The wagon was overturned nt UK
comer of Cumlnf ? street nnd badly demornl
Judo McCulloch , of the county court
yesterday released the assignment of Shrove
Jnrvls & Co. , nil the creditors having ngreei
to nccopt Hovonty couta on the dollar in ful
settlement of their claims.
The Apollo club gave another of it
pleasant dancing pnrtlo ! last night , whicl
was largely attended by the members of th
club nnJ tholr friends. A programme o
eighteen numbers held the .merry dancer
until n late hour.
Mr. C. S. lUymond has received n lotto
from Mr. C. W. Van Colt , who Itfnow n
llockford , Illinois , in which ho states thnt hi
youngeat son is seriously ill with dipthorin
but tint ho is having the care of the bes
medical skill nnd there la now hopes of his re
covory.An elegant holiday cnko wns presented to
the editorial sanctum of THE BKE office th
other dny by Mrs. T. C. Donnldson nnd Mia
33. J. Curl. Those ladles have no superiors 5i
the culinury art nnd by the way have ono o
the finest boarding houses in the city nt 151
Howard street.
The quartette club oi the Turner Bocict
went lait Monday night to the roaidenco c
Mrs , Uautnnn , on Eighteenth street , and tei
dered her n serenndo. The members were invited
vitod into the house where they were hospi !
nbly entertained by Mrs. Brxutnan.
Mayor Murphy has received from B , No ;
too , manager o ! the Ameuean Exposition 1
bo held nt London in 1880-7 , n letter nakin
bis endorsement , as mnyor of.Oinalio , aud pe :
mission to enroll his niimo a ? an honorar
member of the general committee.
Thcro has been nn exhibition nt Seaman
book store n beautiful oil painting. Tl :
picture was executed by Miss Lizzio Dilke
of Camdun , N. J. , nleca of Mr. Richnr
Wilde. It ia n finely executed work of ar
displaying , with a rare delicacy of detail nn
finish , n landscape scone , wth ; a water ( all i
tbo back ground ,
Articles of Incorporation have boon file
by Nelson Morris , EJward Monis , Andre
llaas and John C. Itlchberg for the foimitic
of tbo Union llendoring company , with
capital stock of 523,000. Tee object is to rv
a rendering establishment , in connection wil
the Union stock yards.
"Smythe'a" Drum Corps , of this cit
will contest for n prize at the band tourn
ment to bo hold at Beatrice , Nob. , Janua
28. All memberi of said corps will meet
i Col. SmytUo's offieo this ( Thursday ) ovenii
nt 7 o'clock eharp , ns business of importan
ia to be transacted. By order of chief n
slcian ; Will A , Simmons , .socrotary.
Yesterday a man living on the bottoi
complained that Ed und Charley AVhittir
the two notorious " bottoms' desperadoes , h
ctuinod , and wers again difturbing the pos
of the neighborhood by threat nnd warlike i
tiona. An officer was sjnt to tbo localil
but did not Bucceod in arresting the offonde
Both of the Whlttings wcro orderrd Intt su
inor nmer to return to the city , nnd if nrrcst
. ro likuly to receive heavy finuj and impriso
Coughs , Colds and Sore-Thro" yic
readily to B. n. Douglass & Sons' Ca
sium Cough Drops. S
Council Bluflfa Items.
The Irlalr play for the benefit of t
Catholic fair is to bo reproduced at t
opera houoo Sunday ovoniugr
The Catholb ladles request all the
who are to furnish provisions for t
"Old Hickory" ball , to leave the sai
before fonr o'clock this afternoon
Veno's hall.
The attending physician says that t
small-pox patient in Stroetvilio , hai h
no food , with the exception of a lit
rico fur the last SO hours.
Knllwny Gl
General Manager Galloway nni Gc
oral Snpotintcndcnt Smith left yosterd
for an extended trip of iuupcc ion o\
the Union Pdblfb liooi. Their tii
stopping point will bo nt Denver , whor
tho'wi'l ' prcoccd to Butte City over i
Ulnh & Norilioin.
The heads of the \arious traflic i
part meats of the B. & M. t > nd U.
leave fcr San Fnac so to d y.
No nnrao is better and more plcaenn
nnd widely known than that of Mr. J ,
Pozzoni. For yours ho has made hunt
famous by the elegant porfumoi nnd co
plcxion powder that bears his name , <
utter huviug found its way to the bel
of Paris , Germany nnd London. Eve :
body admires beauty in Indies. Nothi
will do more to produce or enhance
than a USD of Mr , Pozzoni'g prcparatio
fit raj oil or Stolen ,
Last night somu one either stole a ho
from the btnlilo of Jens llniiscn , or c
the nuimnl st uycd a\\.iy. It is a gi
mate , vliite niiine nnd talc , eight yei
old and weighs about 1,000 pounds. ' 1
animal v > as takin fiom the stable
JMiio'ccnth ' bticut , between Clatk a
Grace fatrcots.
To the members of the OaiBlm Trat
-Ajuembly : The delegates of the suseal
will moot at the police court room
Thursday evening , Jsnusry 8 A I
ttondanco la requested to hotr the repi
of the cotnnuUeo hht appointed.
A lapificsnt Hotel Jnst Oped at
A Combination of Comfort , Ele
gance and Luxury.
LINCOLN , January 7,1885.
Corroipomlonco of TUB 13KB.
The event of the Now Year In the cap-
tal city wn * the opening of the Gorham
ham house , ttlilch was thronged last
night by the citizens of Lincoln nnd nu
merous guests. This commodious and
elegantly furnished hotel would bo a cred
it to any city of twice the population ol
Lincoln , and its projector and owner ,
Hon , T. F. Barnes , has conferred n last
ing benefit not only upon Lincoln but
upon the public generally. Mr. Borne ;
conceived the idea of erecting n first class
hotel more than throe years ago , and nt
onci wont to work to put hit
design into execution. Although Mr ,
Barnes is a lawyer by profession and enjoys <
joys n high reputation for legal ability ,
ho has given proofs of bis capacity foi
architecture in the construction of the
Gorham house , which was entirely
planned by him and built under his per1
soual direction. The location ho chose
for his hotel , on the corner of Q anc
Eleventh streets , is contrnl nnd conveni
ent. Without attempting a detailed do
scriptlon of this structure , suflico it tc
say the Gorham homo is a throo-atorj
brick building , constructed in the shapi
of a "double L , " Its massive stem
foundations show skilful masonry , hoav ]
enough to sustain five or six stories
This part of the hotel was built by Mr
J. B. Doauo , who ranks amoiij
the best masons of this city. The exterio :
walls nro of pressed brick , manufacture
by the contractor , Mr. John Lanhan , a
the Lincoln brick-yards.
The hotel office , dining and road in ;
rooms , and billiard hall , on the groum
floor , are arranged with reference to thi idea of convenience and comfort
The floorj era inlaid vtith maibl
The grand staircase from the office t
parlor floors in the second story , i
lighted by & stained glass skylight. Thi
promenade on the sucond and third floor
is 20x120 foot , nnd is intersected by nar
rower corridors , loading to the variou
rooms. Each of 100 rooms in the hole
is heated by steam and supplied wit !
warm water. Many of then
are also provided with bath room con
vonlences. The turnitnro is of th
most tasty and elegant description , aui
the carpets throughout are of the fines
texture and pattern.
The Gorham House Is lighted with ga
from on apparatus expressly manufactured
turod by the Excelsior Gas Mannfactur
Ing Company , of Chicago , of which Mt
George F. Dowitt is the general auperln
tendont , nnd who personally bad super
vision of placing the machinery. Ono c
the features of the hotel Is the large din
ing room , 50x05 , which la provided b ;
six magnificent ohnndolioro and absorb
daylight directly through numerous larg
plate-glass windows.
The description of the Gorham HOUH
wonld bo incomplete without a roferenc
to Mr. Chowlus , who superintended it
construction from the laying of the corne
stone to its final completion.
The hotel will bo run by Messrs. " \
M. Gorham and Nat Brown. The fir ;
named gentleman is well known to con
morclal men having been for ten yea :
proprietor of the Gorham house in Bu
llngton , Iowa , and is recognized as or
of the most eucceasf nl landlords in tl
west. Mr. Brown is known by alrao
every man in Nebraska and lowe , ha
ing served the 0. B. & Q. railway
in the capacity of general passenger ago :
for many yoow and has as many friem
as any wan that ever carried a grip.
0. H. Andrews , for ton years co :
nectod with the Gorhum in Bnrllngto
Iowa , and a general favorite , with M
0. L. Shaw , from the Peorln House
Pcoria , 111 , will look after tUo guests ni
see that they are properly cared for ai
their wants supplied.
This house certainly has a grand futu
before it and the public will soon lea :
that in the Capital City there is a hoi
equaled by few and surpassed by none
tlie wect.
a Sleetcli of H la lilfo by air. Alf :
Jones ,
lo In regard to the late Moses F. Shin
Mr. Alf D. Jones , historian of the 0
| 0 Settlers' society , contributes the folloflii
sketch :
[ 0
lo Moses P. Shitm , the ox-pioneer pr
it siding elder of the Methodist Episcoi
clnuch depattcd from this life at ? his re ;
denco in Shinn's addition to OmahaTuc
day afternoon the Cth instant , at half p :
twelve o'clock. Mr. Shinii was original
n tailor by _ trade _ , and labored on t !
bench in Ohio until ho was about tu cut
nine years of rgo , when ho as convert
to Methodism , nnd soon became nn acti
and intluential mombcrof the church , J
energy and perseverance in t
participation in church niatt <
and more narticitlaily in r
rivals of religion , placed him. in t
front ranks of activity as an cxhorli
lie was early recommended to the co
furouce for ordination to the miniot
c _ and after confinuation was added to tl
; > eastern conference of Iowa , and appoln
cd to the Fairfield district. From I
practical nml _ common-sonao manner
tlluatrating his dlucouraes ho draw aroui
him many friends. Efo vaa much i
apeotcd us a minister , and usually assei
bled largo and attentive audieucea.
consequence of his rapidly incronal :
popularity , ho was soon placed in inn
rucponaible positions in the church o
gsulzitlon , andn as found on the ea :
ernborder of the atato of Iowa , in BOH
of the most highly oatoomod diairiota ai
atationa withlu the gift of the conf (
oncp.His practical ability for orgnniznt
after many years of energetic and studit :
exertions induced his colleagues to all
him to a btill moro responsible poaition
the western slope of the sUto as
honored pics'uling elder. Ilia vo'co ' li
often been heard in the pulpit of t
embryo village and city of t 'innhn ' !
aiuioua and attentive listencra to 1
pr.ictical diacoui-st'S , bema social in 1
daily walks and conversation , and un i
teresting convo > eationalist , and ui 1
later years bccamo considcixiblo of
trader in stock , of uhieh he tvaaago
flia surviving companion is his four
vifo , and he has an only son , htoplu'ii >
Shinii , residing \vest of this city , to slia
in mourning lua loss.
Elder Slunn laid out what ia known
"Shinn's addition , " and was the owner of
nmch valuable teal estate. Uo built a
house of worship for the Northern Omaha
Methodists , which afterward became the
Eighteenth Street church.
Two Divorce Snlta were FJlcfl In the
District Court Yesterday.
One of thorn was filed by the ntlorncj
of Catherine Oazimund for a divorci
from her husband , Andrew Cazimund ,
The paper alleges that since the mar
, isgo in 18G8 , her husband has trontec
her with extreme cruelty , boating am
maltaoatlng her in every possible way , au <
that furthermore , on lait Saturday nigh
she was driven out of the house by him
without clothng. | The petition also in
eludes a clause asking for alimony fron
the husband.
In the sooond case the wife , Francosci
Ishadonitz , alleges that she has boo !
continually abused by her husband
Mathyas Ishadonltz. She also claim
that ho was in the habit of calling ho
ugly names , nnd has falsely accused he
of criminal intimacy with a young man
George Baric.
Army Orders.
Rectuits Jolin H. White and Oliarli
Brown , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Nub ,
arc assigned to the Fomth infantry.
The leave of absence granted First Liov
tenant Charles W. Mason , Fourth infan
tiy , in orders No. 3 , Fort Omaha , Nub
current scries , is extended seven days.
Recruit Otto E. Sommctficld , cnlistc
at Fort Omaha , Neb. , is assigned to con
pan G , Twenty-first infantry , and will I
sent to the station of his company on tl
first favorable oppottunity.
Second Lieutenant John B. Bolllngoi
Fifth cavalry , is detained as judge adv <
cato of the Konornl court martial convene
at Fort McKinney , Wy. , by paragraph '
special orders No. Qp , series 1884 , froi
thoao hoadqnartora.
FlrstLioutonant Willis Wittch.Twent :
ono infantry , is relieved from duty i
judge advocate of the general court mai
tial convened at Fort McKinney , Wyo
by paragraph 7 , special orders No. 01
series 1881 , from those headquarters.
On the recommendation of his compan
and post commanders , the unoxplred po :
tion ot the sentence in the case of Prlval
Alexander McPoak , company B , Sixt
infantry , published in general court ma :
tial orders No. 35 , series of 1884 , froi
these headquarters , Is remitted.
Captain William 0. Shannon , assistan
surgeon , U. S. A. , is relieved from dut
as a member of the general Rourt-martl :
appointed to convene at Fort Bridge !
Wyo. , by paragraph 8 , special orders N (
117 , serins 1884 , from those hoadquartoi
and First Lieutenant William 0. border
assistant surgeon , U. S. A. , detailed i
his stead.
By virtue of authority from the wn
department under date of December 31
1884 , Assistant Surgeon William (
Shannon , U. S. relieved from dul
at FortBridger , Wyo. , nnd assigned i
attending surgeon at these headquarter !
Ho will report in person accordingly.
The travel directed is necessary for tl
public service ,
By order of Brigadier General HOT
An Unsavory Gang ,
Ono of the sights which might ha
been seen in this city last night was th
of n half dressed young woman , witho
hat or shoes , being dragged between ti
police officers through the ( streets. T
damael was none other than the "Wick
Irish Beanty , " the notorious Jem
Green. She was ncreaming most vocifi
onsly and using the foulest language ii
aglnablo. Her crlea nnd screams mig
, have been heard for blocks distant.
The girl had bean righting in the n
torious dive of Tom King on South Ten
street. Officer Donovan wont out
arrest , and was attacked by every inmi
of the houso. Ho managed to secure t
Green woman , nnd she was dragged t
willingly into the street , where with t
assistance of Officer Nations , nho t7
taken to the police elation. The oil
inmates of the house , three notoric
women , were also landed , in jail , arrest
on the charge of resisting an officer.
Trotting Horeo Breeders of Nclirasl
Trotting horse breeders and fanci
throughout the state are requested to
veno at Lincoln , Nob. , 011 Tuesday , Ja
nary 20th. 1885 , for the purpose of orgi
izing a State Trotting Uorso Breed
association , the object of which will bo
encourazo the breeding of the Ainoric
trotting horse in a systematic and into !
gent manner. That such an organizati
woidd bo a great acquisition to the brei
ing interests of the sta o there can bo
doubt. It is earnestly hoped that breed
throughout the state will give this subj
the attention which its m&'i'sdciinnda
bo present at this meeting for organizii
( Signed ) J. D. MCPAKLAND ,
, D. T. HILL.
County papers plojso copy.
A Card.
OMAHA , Neb. , January 7th 1885.
"Wo the undersigned hereby certify
are acquainted with H. W. Pettit that
wan a policemnn In Una city on the 2f
of December , 1883 ; that ho was on dt
said day on Ina beat on Gaming ? air
In naid city that the charge brou <
ggainut him to-wit , not being on duty
that dny in falso. Signed :
Jamua Hjbuid , Frank Fust , Oh
Flellwijr. Ohrlatlan Janaen , Uonry R
ter , G W. Thornna , 1) . E , Ehler , G
, . A. Hill , J. H. L. Williams , Kola. L :
n ston.
* the AVnr 1'fttli.
Yesterday afternoon offiscrs McBr
and Matzi were called to the Itali
rookery on the corner of Thirteenth a
Leaven-worth ntrcota , whore n crowd
the Dagos were indulging in a free fig !
Kulvea and revolvers were drawn , a
for a time bloodnhed eoamed immine :
Upon the appearance ( if the
over , the Italians ilcd pruclpitntely. . '
arreaU wore mada
71io Hoard of .
Tno board of equalization , of I
council , T7us aliting jeetorday and T <
"hold n aession to day , nn the cqnallziH
if thu taxca on public impruvemcn
pavirg , curbing and guttering. Very t
complainti are reported.
WANTED To exchange wild or impn
ed Uuds lu Nebraska or lawn for Ho
ware , or utook of general morcbnndi
Address J , Lmdorholin , Genoa , Nan
< ii county , ebr. m-lm
It has at Last Been Prepared For
OccnDancy ,
Tlio Small Pox 1'nt lent Removed irom
St. < JORllll'S IIOHDltftl ,
Thcro Booms to have boon aomo tnls
understanding In regard to the removal
of the smallpox patient from St. Joseph's
hospital to the post homo ,
The matter was brought up in the
council yesterday morning nnd several
of the aldermen made abort speeches in
regard to the mattor.
Mayor Murphy said that Mr. Ilouck
had boon engaged to attend to the pa
tient and a homo had.boon purchased for
him , but ho could not remove the man
and attend to him alone. As yet ho
said , no ono was found who was willing
to act na Mr. Ilouck'a assistant. II3 said
that it was his opinion tnat the post
house should always bo kept in order so
that it would bo ready for use at any
During the last Beige of smallpox fn
this city a telephone was put in at the
post house and it was burned np as soon
as the house was vacated. The city had
to pay $100 for the telephone. The
mayor said that ho had ordered another
telephone put in at the pest house and
thought that it would bo a , good idea to
leave it there all the while and pay rent
upon it.
Mr. Ford said that it would bo inurdoi
in the first dcgroo for ono man to under
take to move the smallpox patient from
St. Joseph's hospital to the pest house.
Several other councilmcn made remark.
upon the subject and all agreed witli Mr.
After considerable talk the council
unanimously agiccd to leave it all to the
mayor , and instructed that gentleman tc
use his own judgment in the matter and
incur whatever expense ho thought ucccs <
Yesterday a man was found to ns >
sist Mr. Ilouck in removing and caring
for the small pox patient , and the patient
was removed to the pest housa at
o'clock. Thera was a vigorous protest
offered by the city physician against mov
ing the patient in day-time , but it was
done just the same.
Blnp of Nebraska.
Just Issued , in colors , showing citloa ,
towns , railroads and counties. Mailed
for 16c. J. M. "Wolfe , 120 S. 14th at ,
Omaha , Nob. d6-2w
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao
a Few Notes in Regard to tbo Chnrltj
As the time draws neat it ia apparent
that tbo Charity ball to be given ai
Boyd's opera honae Wednesday evening ,
January 14th , will bo the greatest social
event which haa over taken place in the
city of Omaha. .Tho magnitude of thli
affair will bo beyond the power of pen tc
deacribo and the moat sanguine oxpcota
tlons will bo laid away back in the shade
It is intimated that five hunred conploi
will bo in attendance , but It ia sato t <
predict that theao figures will not begli
to toll the story.
The committee in charge have laauoc
the following circular :
In order to correct a misapprehonfiloi
which seems to exist in regard to admis
sions to the opera houao on the night o
charity ball , the committed desire to glvi
notice that no gentleman can possibly b
admitted without a ticket , prlco § 5 , am
no lady unaccompanied by a gentlomai
can bo admitted at all. Theao ticket
admit ono gentleman and such ladles a
may accompany him. Supper tickets §
extra for ouch person. Tbo canvassib :
committee are exerting themselves to th
utmost to call upon all to solicit subscrip
tiona and sell tickets , but it la manifest ) ;
impossible for them to see every on
therefore thoao of onr citizens not calloi
upon will ploaao consider thomnolvo
cordially Invited to contribute to th
fund , and to bo present at the ball
Contributions however small will b
thankfully received and the donor dnl ;
credited therewith , and may bo nout t
any motnbsr of the canvassing committee
too or direct to Mr. Frank Murphj
treasurer. The committee also requoe
thoao trho have flags , to loan them fc
decorative purposes. They may be sec
to the opera house any time after Mor
day morning next. The owners nam
should bo attached aud the commltte
will bo roaponaiblo for their safe rotnri
Ifalumuranyinjurloua rahstar.ccs cap bo foun
In Andraws1 Pearl Baking Powdr . Is pa
lively PURE. Being endorsed , andtittlmonla
rccch cd from tucli cbcmlsU tifi K , Dana tlnj a , lie
ton ; M. Delafontahie , of Chicago ; nnd Gustavi
Bode , JIllw aukco. Ncrr sold lu bulU.
CWMIitr , Sc j
Menure , Wtiehci
Dredger , Hie
Wuhtr , To mat i
I'umpkin , QtarcJ
Win * and Ftu :
StrcJner. Twclv
rticle U oa ,
lit Ornict C all
Tk H tl t 51ft r Ml
, Clndon.t ; . O .
.ilbl. , A . Ywi ,
Arff K v t 4 in w
To the Citizens of Omaha City * WITUTIrt13 > IT TRIUMPH FOR MISFIT
and Vicinity , Greeting :
The past has been a very -TOR THE
exciting week at the Mis
fit 016th ing Parlors. This 131
new enterprise has
JExcellcnt ones at , \
Gaped at once into pub DOUGLAS STEEET tvortli $ O.
lic favor because it de Bitter onesaf $ / made
served successin giving Misfit Clothing Parlors for $2S
thepublican opportuni Still better ones at
ty to purchase Custom- Best in Quality , ctiNtom-matlefoi'
Silk I inert for $ gO
made Clothing at one Lowest in Price. matte to briny $45
half its real value , we Safin lined fet
Buyers get double value for every niatle to briin/
have conferred benefit /
a dollar invested. Remember n dollar
on the entire community lar saved is two earned.
; The We have some very fine Silk and
ty bargains wean-
Satin Lined
nounce are actual bar Clothing Parlors !
gains for they represent OVERCOAT
about one-half the real SUITS :
value of the goods. On which the original measuied Good Business Suits at § 12 , worth
price was irora § 00 lo SSO
Misfits are really the which , Still Bettor Suits nt 815 worth § 30
we will soil for
' Dress Suits at § 18 worth § ! J5.
rich man's dress and the from
Finest Suits ninde at $25 aud
poor man's price , Come $30.
$25 to $35 , PANTS.
see.examine investigate.
. 83 for Pants worth 8(5. (
Seeing is beleiving and Call & See These Gooas 4 for Pants worth 8.
5 for Pouts worth 10
a trial will convince you. If you are not m need of an over- 0 for Pants worth 12.
coat it will pay you to invest. 8 for Pants worth 1 ( > .
All alterations to insure a aoodfit { lone free ofcJiart/e at fJte
Ojpen evertj nit/Jit until nine o'clock : Saturday nif/Jit until 11 o'cl
Tills powder nMcr varies. A msrtol ol purely ,
strength nncl w lio'csomcncsj. Moro economical than
the ordinary kirnls.ntd cannot lie sola In competi
tion with the multitude of low test , shirt weight
ilomof phjurhrtc tinudcra. bold only In cana.
UOYAIj BAKING 1'OWDEH CO. , 108 Wall Kt ; N. Y.
Xho moet extensive manufacture ? ! )
Johu nockatrasser Qoaoral Ascut or Kebraska in
Western lowiu
50 S. T ntb Street . OMAHA , NEB
2T J tlou Ililllard .nd Pool Tables und rc terl
rojBisr 3naasrsa :
Finest Millinery
And Hat Ooodslo the City ,
Jltaraest JJine in
the City. ] ffot
W ra
But Cheape than Any Store in
the City.
2407 - - - - Cuming
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask
ir , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 DotiRlas Street. MAFIA NEBRASKA
Suite for mcrJtJOJM > now $7.50.
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Over Coats formerly $ * V.OO now & 12.OO.
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And ovnry ether article hit proportion.
Call nud fcce our prices.
8216 Farnam Si
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