Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tit-a mcillclns , comhlnlng Iron with pur
! tlt jt ifilo tonics , nulokly nnd comp
I'IU-PB l > TKiri'Hln , 'nillRCHtliin , \ \ > nl
J in imrnlllnoilliiln rlfiOiillii nil ilF
rtirl NrttrnlKliu
It IA an unfailing remedy for Diseases of Un
ivlilrtryu nnd I.lvrr.
It li invnluablp for Dlsewci peculiar ti
Witiuon , and nU who lead fccdentnry lives
tfdoc.'inotlnjiirolliotcfcth.cnutelichdncli'1 ' , '
fi'mlneo ronsilpatlon olhn- Iron medicine
V enriches and purities the bloodftlnnilni'
iiic Apnetlto , aids the noflmllatlon of fonJ ,
! . ' < > os Hcnrtburn nnd Ilclehliig , and Btsv jf . >
> 'i < ilir muscle nnd norvci
I ir Intermittent Fevers , .jissltudc , I cV <
tchy , Ac. , It has no equal.
# 5 The Rcmilne lifts nbovotriilrt inn i
rr oil red HUPS oi. wrapjxir. Tnfco mr
MUDilsDitei In the BROAD CLAIft
Erer offered to the nubile.
The sjenmshlpo ol thia well-known line ere built o
Itoo , In water-tight oompmtmonts , and are ( arnlah
ed with every rcqulolto to uako the piwsigo botl
11(0 and agreeable. They carry the United Qtntei
nd European mails , and Icnvo New York Thnro
d ya nd Maturilays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher
bonrg , ( PAKIS ) and BAUKUKO.
Kates : Etoomgo from Europe only $18. Flu
Oahln , 856. 866 and 575. Steerage , (20 ,
Henry Pundt , Ilark IHnaon , F JC. Toft
Sontaln Omaha , Qroneweg 2k Sohoontgon. azentsli
Oonncll BluQa. 0. B : BIGtf ARD to CO. , dim. Pasi
Agto. ,01 Broadway , W. Y. Obaa. Kormlnokl b Co
OoncrM Woatorn Aiont3 , 170 WwhlDgton St. , Chlci
A victim of youthful Imprudenc
causing Pwnmture Decay. Nervous Debmty , Lost
Alanuooa , aq.bivvlne tried In vain every Known
remodyl ; ? discovered a simple means of self-euro ,
which ho will send VRRK to his fellow-sufferers :
Address. J.lLUEEVia.430hnthainSt..Newro.-sI
If AplpnPITI C * r inien euro cur * . BOOK KM
HnlUUUIL.C ClTl l Aiencj. no Fulton BV" * . *
Da. E. 0. Wisr's NBHTI ,
( naranteed spoolfio tor HyBterU , D.rzlnoes , Conval
lions , Fits , Nervous NenialgU , Heidaohe , Norroai
Prootratlon caused by the uae otaloohol or tobbacco ,
\VakofulnoB9 , Mental depression. Softening ol th <
bruin , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , losi
of power In either BJI , Involuntary Losses and Sper
r atorhoraoausod by ever ezertlontol the brain , eoll1
abtiso or orer Indulgence. Each box , contains oni
month's treatment. 01.00 bozor six bottlei 01
16.00 , tent by mall prepaid on reoolpt of price.
To cnre any case With each order received by ni
lot Biz bottles , Bcoompllthed with 96.00 , we will send
ho purchaser our written guarwtoo to lelund th <
money If the treatment dooa not edect a oaro. Qtur
ftQtoes Issued only by JOHN C : WEST k CO. ,
RJv 28.mio-rv.-JH 802 Hadlaon St. , Chlmgo , 111.
. ,
- - * * * < U ( i l * " 7i-i * i n/'l/wm - I i * ! * atn h > viiL Hi
Wtnkas N-ul.t Drfnms , Plmplea on
iiii : -u.-e.I.o5t M.inhoudvaltlvdiiciireil.Tliert
I'liwjevfriint iiiitnTJe appropriate rt..7edj
tiutoixe usfd \ \ \ cachcj t. Consultations , per-
ncn-l or by letter , aacrcdly confidential. Med.
i-Jr i cnt "JV Mall and Express. No markw on
Ci : to indicate contnta cr sender. Addreit
r , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilavnria
Culmbacuor , , - . . . . . . . .Bavaria
Pilunor . . t , . . .tBohomion
Caiser . - - , . * .Brnmen
St. Louie
Aiihauser. . - - .St. Louia
Boat's . . . . . Mibv aukep
BchHtz-Pilauer . Milwaukee
. Omaha
Ale , Pcrctor , Domosfcic aud Ehin <
Wine. ' L'PD. ' MATJHER.
IS 151 Vnrnam St
With eaih number ot DOVIOnESTS JIONTBL'
> r QA7.INE will be given a full elzo fashionable Pa
, oruol any > Ir.e oJstj les selected , making tncho pa
er idurlng theyiars oraluoof our thiee dolllir
Ixisldet the mout popular , entertalntr and u o'i
mafrttliiK Simple oeplei 210 , yearly , 9i , Addrc
W. Jounln8 , Dtmoroitt , ITKist ilth St , Now Yor
Hens from Yaricns Pcial
of the Ccmpas.
General Grant Declines the Prof
feredEolief of Friends ,
An Appeal to Congress For Ade
quat Assistancoi
A Eevolution in Oorea' Tinte
With Boyal Bloodi
Sorrowful Wails From the Euine
Eegion of Spain ,
AflVarlcty of General News The Tiol
borne Claimant Concrcs-
slonnl OuntCHt.
OcncrnJ Grnnl'fl Itcllcf.
NKW YoiiK , January 7. It would fsee
tllat o clfoit to rnieon fund to pay of ! tl
mortgage on Gctipral Grant's personal ellec
I ma been summarily stopped by the Renor
liimeolf. The _ Mail ana Express will th
afternoon publish the following charactorlst
letter to Cyrus W. 1'lold.
NEW YOKK , January 0. MY DKAH Sin :
Tlirru b the we and otlierwiso 1 loain tin
you , with n few friends of innip , mo ongagi
in raising a subscription for my bunpfit.
apprecialo the motive and thofricndahipwhii
bavo dictated this oourto on your part , but f
mature rctlectjon 1 regard itaa duo myself ni
family to decline this proffered pcncroaity.
tegrct that I did not make thia known carlic
Very truly yours ,
The Mail nnd Express says : "The mi
wlioso unfatherinK ptTsistencB , matchle
military skill and untiring enorprv Biipplied
a million American cltlzona In I'odurnl un
forma tlie one Bupremo need of victotioi
leadership , and who many times in a Ring
day's work saved to the north uncount <
millions of treasure from _ imminent ris
cot to mention the iuiinitcly mo
costly pcBBCssiong , will not allo
private liberality to bo urged in his behalf. ]
was impossible for Grant to say what ho fe
obliged to Bixy without bringing to a crisis tl
l > ainul situation in which ho silently Buffert
these long months , during which time the syc
patbles of the people , unfaltering grateful i
beort , have the guidance of no denrnto idea i
to what is needed to be done. "
Thn article continues as follow : "Whc
jut the ono straight-fonvard , legitimate , udt
nuate method of becoming government rollel
ino proudest monument to Grant's achievi
mentstho tltlo and rank created for him a
a recognition of hia services should bo restore
; o him by _ common consent. To this poir
events wbich wo cannot remember withoi
jaln and BomoEolf-rcproach have brought us
Jet Grant's last days be hia best days nnd I
> rolouped by the action of the nation he die
o much to eavu. "
BrlsUln'a Appeal For Grant
ST. Louis , January 7. The Globe Derm
rat to-day publlehna a letter from Genera
Jrisbin of Idaho , In regard to the present cor
itiou and position of General Grant. Aftc
eviewing the general's history ho makes ai
arnest aopeal to the people and congress t
elieve the old heron's dittrasg. and wan
hem if General Grant should dia in his prei
> nt condition the nation would bo disgrace
n the eyes of the whole world.
Tliu Earthquake in Mpaln.
MANDBID , January 7. The official repoi
on tli9 earthquake states 000 lives were lost i
iranada. The kin ? has increased his pei
onal donation to the relief fund to S20,00 (
The emperor of Germany telegraphed for syra
iathy _ and a larga contribution. 'Ihu relic
and is increasing wonderfully.
MALAGA , January 7. Though the mortallt
ruu the earthquake here is small , the pan !
s extreme. Many people ara ill from pur
.error and qt nightfall forsake their house
nd congregate iu garduns in the suburb !
'r.vjo is at a standstill , shops closed and VE
licleu ordered to traverse tiio streets slow !
or fuir tlie house will collapso.- Towns in th
irqvioces suffered much more. The work c
olief is very slow. Many villapea ara wit ! :
> ut food. 'Ilia clergy and religious bodie
ave shown great ccolnesa and bra\ory nn
one inuch ti ) allay the panic. Tha news c
lie visit of King Alfonso produced good elfecl
The Tiohijorue Claimants.
SAN FRANCISCO , January 7. The Examine
, o-day publishes nn Interview with Edmuni
Orton , returned here on the List steamer froi :
Vustralia , whore ha went at the instigation o
iliss Georgia Baring , daughter of ouo of th
iaring brothers , the celebrated London bauli
re , for the purpose of i'lontilyiug Arthu
) iton , confined in the Paramatta lunati
sylum , Sydney , New Sou'li Wnlea , as hi
irotlier. He states lie did identify him to b
uch. He Is thoroughly convinced the claim
nfc recently dlschargen from prison In Lon-
on ia really Roger Tichborno , heir to th
'itchborne estate. The rtnl Arthur Ortol
low in Australia will be taken to London ti
urther establish his identity ,
A. Congressional Gontrst.
CINCINNATI , January 7.Tho Commercial
i.-uette publiuhoa a formal notice of contest < i
ha seat by Hon. John If , Toilet to iron
.Jenj. Buttorwcrth , representatise-eloc
rom the First Ohio cougrefbiunal district
Jr. Follet makes three charges : First , tha
a largo number of deputy marshals were ap
lointed by tlu mnralial of the southern dn
.riot . of Oliio to servo on election day , las
October , in the interest of Mr. . Uutterworth
"lio second charge rf cites that theeu nunhal
vero annul with litltifih bulldog revolver
ud oilier firearms and deadly _ weapi 113 fo
.ho . purpcfO of terrorizing nnd intlmidutlnj
ho yotais , The tnird charge etntoa that th
ppointment of tha ikjputy inanhaU was i ;
marly over/ Instance Illegal nnd that fo
IUBO causes the election it wholly null am
The UOIIRO controversy.
liKUSSEii ) , January 7. It li stated th
French government declared its readiness t
agree to the American neutrality schorno a
goon as the bouudarlea of territory nf the Afri
can International Association until have bee
lefinbd In harmony with the claims of Francs
DuitUN , January 7. Gen , Sunford , of th
American delujatoi , lion arrivoil here. IH'
marck has had several interviews "ith th
consul recently , it Is bollovtd In regard to th
relation * of Franca and the African Intern :
, iouul Association ,
A Itevoluttun In Core * .
SAN FBANCISCO , January 7. Referring I
the outbreak which occurod at Teoul , the ca ;
ital of Oorf a , Eeeember , whereby sever
dlcnltariea were oacaaelnated , the pala
burned and the king obliged to ilea , a co
respondent of tha Associated Press at Tok
writes Dncoinbc'r 25th , that American , Ku |
llehund German ministers fled to the capit
and had taken refuge wittithaJnpauece mini
terattliOBi-apottol Ch'mulpe. The king U at
inthuhondi of the Chlnefo. It ia believi
the leeult of the outbreak will ba the rucogc
t ou of thj Indcpeodencn nf Corea.
KOKTI , January 7 , The naval brigade b
arrive J. It made the journey up the K !
from Surrasi in twenty-ioven days , Ti
Arab papers state that tha Mthdl lias strict
enjoined Osman . Dimm , to rnnuiti near t
coast to prevent tha Engliih advance frc
A r-risoccr hereaays he saw four of Ge
Gordon1 ! steameri recentlv at Hheiulr. Thi
were aupanntly wMt ng the Kuiflluh n
vane. _
Uailiux ' ii ' AV r ,
OlIlCAGO , J .nuary 7 , It 's ' "aid Bomfl of t
eastern iuad < ure helling tickets New C
leans from the Interior of Miehlg t lnJl n !
acd Oliio points at rates and limits which al
ows peMilng at Chicago of the Now Orleans
coupom , by which intos from Chicago to I\en
) rleniiinro cut $5. The matter WAS djseuisoi
at n joint mooting of a committee of fifteen o :
ho Southern Passenger Traffic association
icld a Fjouisvillo to day.
Pnlfico Car OIHelnl
CHICAQO , January 7.- The raport thtt Jas
Tillinghasthas rwigned the presidency ot tin
Wngncr Palace Car company , i confirmed
but ho Is to r"otnn ! the position of asjletan
presldf lit of the New York Central railway
Jr. Webb , trm-lnO.w of Vfindorbllt , is regard
udna the probable snccosaor to the presiiieuc ;
of the Wn ner company. Tillinghast leave
'or Now Orleans February 1st , and later take
a trill to Europe.
Capture of Domestic Thieves ,
PiTTsnuna , January 7-Katio and Mar ;
Stoody , two Bervaiit girls , were ( arreBted fo
, hof t In Allegheny City yesterday afternoon
Nearly § 3,000 worth of goods of which ha
joen stolen wcro recovered at the residence o
their parents.
The Illinois , I
CHICAQO , January 7. The Journal's Spring
field (111. ( ) special sayp , William J. Campbell
republican , was elected president of the set
ate. 20 to 23 , a strict party \otc.Senator Huge
voting with the republic na. The house me
promptly at 12 o'clock. All members answorc
to roll call except four.
The absentees CnnUy appeared , and a vol
haiug boon taken , llainea received 70 vote
for temporary chairman , ouo less than the rt
quired number , lie voted against hlmsoll
After Bomo illibuttai ing the housn adjournc
till 11:30 : to-morrow vnthout nction. ' ,
Arrest o ( n Ministerial Moonshine
SPRINGFIELD , Mo. , January 7. Uovoren
Conley , an Itinerant , who preached at the vi
Ingo near here , Sunday , waa arrested vestei
day by a deputy U. S. marshal , charged wit
operating nu illicit distillery In the vicinity o
Kansas City.
Ghlcn < ro'ri Uallot-Box StiifTcrs.
CHICAQO , January 7. Win. J. Galltghoi
who is charged with forging the tally sheet c
the second precinct cf the Eighteenth ward
wns before Judge blodget In the TJ. S. distrlc
coiirt this morning , and entered a plea of no
The Hocking Valley Strikers.
LYNCHBona , Vn , , January 7. Agents o
the Hocking Volley mines nro hero socurin
negroes to take the places of the strikin
miners. Seventy-five left last night am
others were teeurod.
KussiA in the Knsr.
LONDON , January 7. The Calcutta Pionee
states that during thojatter part of Novombe
i llussian colonel named AlikhanolTattomptei
to seue Penwdeh , but the Afghan governo
Bent for reinforcements and the colonel with
drew ,
Reduction ot "Wage ? .
FALL KIVER , Maes. , January 7. Notices eon
: on per cent reduction were posted In all mill
n this city to-day , to take effect the 19th inst
Cho Spinners' union will hold n meeting ti
consider the situation.
Hulllvnn to Raid
UOSTON , January 7. It is understood Pal
Jheedy , backer of Jno. L. Sullivan , will tnki
lie champion to England after his appear
ancoinftuw Orleans in April.
3y using Dr. Frazicr's Throat and Lung Bal
am the only sure euro for Coughs , Colds
hoarseness and Sore Throat , and all diseasoi
of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect i
: ough. It may prove fatal. Scores ant
mndrods of grateful people ewe their lives tc
Dr. Frazier't Throat and Luntr Balsam , am
no family will ever be without It after oncx
ising it , and discovering its marvelous power
: t ia put up in largo family bottles and sole
or the small price of 76 cents per bottle. Sole
Kuhn & Ce , and O. F. Goodman.
Pitteburv Chronicle.
How the City of Victoria , Australia
was Founded.
? hiladelphla News.
The death of Peter "Whyte recalls th (
trango etjry of the founding of the citj
cf Victoria , Australia. In an Australian
mining camp at one of the touts sat four
men the 10h of Juno , 1858 , talking
t&rnostly of their fnttro and bemoaning
; ho past , For several months these four
men had worked together In the same
claim sometimes getting barely sufficient
or daily wants , eomo tiroes not oven foi
.hat. For several weeks , indeed , the ;
md labored without any result. After song
eng discussion they dto'dod to abandon
ho claim.
Down in the mine the three looked
gloamily tvoiiad. iviih a kind of sulk ;
egret at having to leave the ictne of so
uuch usalcss toil. "Good-by , " ssid one.
'I'll give you a farewell blow. " And
aleing his pick bo struck the quartz ,
making splinters flrin all directions.
lia prait ced cyo csught a glittering
peck in eco ot the bits nt hia feet.
Stooping , ho examined it , and the plaso
10 had si rack , when , with a loud ox-
'nmation , he Knelt nnd EutlaCed himself
hat it wn ) gold ! He then commenced
licking vigorously. His mates caught
ho meaning and followed his example.
In dead sllonce they worked on they
lad discovered a monster nugget. Then
a wild , glad shout sounded In the cars of
.ho ono at the windlass , who had sunk
nto a half doze , feolinp. probably , the
want of his breakfast. To hia inquiry ,
'What la going oil ? " the cry came ,
'Wind ap , " and as ho did BO there rose
o the surface a huge rnana of virgin gold.
When fully exposed to view the mon
were almost insane with joy. After
watching through the day and live-long
night they had it conveyed in Bifoty to
.ho bank. It was named the Welcome
Stranger , and yielded the fortunate dls-
nvorers .of it ? 5U,000. On the site cf
hat epot the forest and scrub have dia
ppcnrqd and their place is occupied by
.be finest city on the celebrated gold
ields of Victoria.
"Brown'H llronolilal Trnclips" an
vidcly known as on admirable remedy foi
Ironchetis , Hoarseness , Coughs nnd lluout
roubles , Solil only in boxes ,
Post Oflloo Changes.
Poatoflice changes In Nebraska during
the week ending January 3 , 1885 , and
urnishcd by William VanVlook of the
poatollicu department :
Postmcsters appointed Cincinnati
Pawnee county , Mirtlii L. Hamilton
Elolinesvllle , GHCO county , Frank J1c
Mitt ; Inland , Clay county , George 1
Po'iko ' ,
Dlicontlnued Hawley , Sioux count ;
Postmasters appointed Angus , Boon
county , Walter S. Button ; Allertou
Wayne county , George M. Flnley ; B ld
win , Jaskeon county , Joseph H. Soko !
BlnRham , Page county , Allco M. MilUt
Davis Olty , Decatur county , Carter Scot
Qumestou , Wayne coonty , 0. B. Sin
ton ; Leslie , Olarko countyIsrael H. Pol
lock ; New Boston , Leo county. Mnry A
Bull ; New Providence , Hardin county
Ambrose Miller ; Pomeroy Calhoun couu
ty , Wm. T. Ivoy ; Watermau , Wrigh
county , LeonArd Y. Hockman.
* * * * Delicate diseases , affect
ing male and female , however induced
speedily and permanently cured. JHiu
t atod bc.ok three letter stamps. Consul
tation free. World's Dispensary Me
Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
A Colliclor Gives Haw
fads anil Fignrcs Regarding -
ing Their Valne.
Ccnta That Sell lor Dollars nnd Othcri
tliat Neither Ijoyo Nor Money
GnuT.ako From Their
Clouvi land Leader.
Mr. J. L. Goboillo , of No. 20 YorJ
atroot , isprobably the most extensive colt
collootor in the oily. Ho delights ai
much in exhibiting Ida fine collodion t <
an interested spectator as th.o latter doc ;
In viewing It. Although n very bu j
man , ho finds considerable liino for look
Ing np now and valuable addiliono to hi
storehouse. Whllo thus engaged ho hoi
gleaned a considerable amonut of knowl
edge rolntlvo to the value and history o
American coins. To n reporter who via
itod him the ether evening Mr. Gobollli
very kindly exhibited hia collection an *
gave many valuable blto of informatloi
in the history of American coin. Th
first coin over issued in this country wn
the old fashioned cnrtvrhool cent. Tin
first issue was in1703 , and there wer
throe dies mado. With the single ox
coptiou of the year 1815 there has bcci
no break in the ienuo of cents from tha
time to the present. The labor require )
to secure n sample of the three variotic
of cents made in 1703 is very great , am
they bring
The cent of 1704 : is a trillo moro commoi
and can bo bought for about GO cents
while a sample of the isauo of 1705 li
worth $1.25. It was In this year tba
the liberty cap was changed to the fillo
head , and those were issued regularly foi
thirteen years , when the goddess of liberty
orty appeared on the face of the colt
with thirteen stars surrounding It. J
cent of the 1700 issue , in good condition
is worth § 40 to § 50. Ib ia said in ox
planatlon of this that the scarcity of 1705
pennies resulted from the fact that i
number of thorn yet on hand and nnis
sued from the mint won
struck over In 1800 to supply i
deficiency in the latter year. IiilSlo.tlii
Philadelphia mint , the only one the n ir
operation , was burned down and no coji-
pera wcro issued that year. Ono of tin
rarest cents cx'nnt ' is ono issue of the ye.ii
1817. when the number of stars surround
ing the Goddess of Liberty's head was in
cieased to fifteen. Several thonsani
of these were stamped iv3ln the two ad
ditional stars were removed and the re
mainder of the issue of that year appcara
with the original thiiteen. From 1811
until 183C there was no change in the
dies. In the latter year the small nicklc
cents with flying eagle were stamped ,
These arc very lare. Although a dozer
yearj ago they circulated freely they can
not now bo puichased for less than Si
each , and if in vo'y good
condition olten bring much more. UK
waa not discontinued until 1857 , but nol
many of them were coined in that year ,
and this fact makes them worth from 50
to 75 cents each. From 1856 to 185C
there was no change , but in the Jattoi
year the Indian bend , surmounted wlti
Its night-cap of eagle feathers , waa intro
duced. There were five yiara of unin
terrupted ieauo of this latter cent , whor
broczo was substituted for nicklo and hai
been continued ever since. The smallest
number of cnntu Issued in nny one yeai
waa in 1811 , when but 218,025 wore
coined. The maximum wan reached it
1805 , when the number stamped reached
the enormous aggregate of 54,180,000 ,
The cents of the various yean
lave a value distinctively their
own. & 1706 cent ia
valued at 81,1707 at CO cents , 1708 at 8C
cents , 1800 , 40 cents , 1801 , 00 cents ,
1802 , 50 cents , 1803 , 20 cents , and 1804 ,
? 15. The year 1803 is one of the eom-
non old dates , there being 2,400OOC
icnnics stamped in that year , while only
700,000 were coined in 180 i. The cent
of 1805 is hard to got , and costs § 1.75 ,
uul that of 1800 is harder still , costing
ibout S2.25. A cent coined in 1807 is
worth 25 cents , in 1808 , § 1 , and in 1800 ,
? 4. Plenty of the iasuo of 1810 may bo
indfor25 cents each. &n 1811 cent is
worth S2.50 , one of 1812 § 1 and of 18K1
ibout $2. Seventy-five cents will buy an
.814 cent , and 30 cunts one of 1815.
There is but little premium on the 1810
ssuc , but the fifteen-star penny of 1817 is
vorth § 1.00 in the can market. Fiom
his- date until 1821 cents bring
Of the lat'er year s issue there are very
ow coins oxt'iitand the cent bearing that
Into brings 35 cents Hero occurs a long
kip , no premiums being cviToicd until the
lying caglo cent of 1850 is icachcd , which
n-ings , as has already been stated , § 1 to
JO. The big copper cent of 1857 , the lust
ear in which they were issued , is worth
50 cents.
Half cents have had a much less regular
oinage. The fi'st was Lsstied in 1703and
ho last in 1857but many breaks occur/cd
) otween. The greatcst.numbor was issued
n 1800 , when 1,154,000 wcro stamped ,
mil the smallest number in 1831 , when
> ut 2,200 were coined. A half cent of
ho latter date is worth $8 , and ono of
.700 cannot be bought for loss than $25.
rho issue of 1703 is worth § 2 ; 1704 , $1 :
L705 , S1.50 ; 1707 , 75 cents The issim
if 170 ! ) is impossible to get for love
noney , A half cent of the year 1800 is
worth 25 cents , of 1802 § 2. The issue of
1836 and these from 1840 to 1818 are
rare , bringing from § 4 to § 7 each. An
18-19 half cent , small date , is worth § 5 ,
argo date , .1 dime. The half cent of 1851
sells for $0 , There is no prf mlum of nny
iccount on subsequent issucciii
The two cent pieces wore tint Issued in
L8G4 and their coinage was discontinued Ir
1873. Inl805.20,780,000 were coined end
in 1873but 300,000 Those from 180i tc
1870 arn worth a nickel ouch , and 1873 ,
thono of 1871 , 35 cents , 1872 , 40 conte
$1 DO. These arn the prices aikod in the
coin markets. The silver tliroo cent
pieces were first leaned In 1851 , almost
simultaneously with the three cent stamp
There la but little demand for any n :
thorn except those issued between 180 !
and 1873 , their Jasuo being discontinued
nn the latter dato. The intervening
dates are worth from 50 cents to § 1
those of 1804 sometimes bring as hih < HI
$4. Eighteen million , six hundred one
sixty-three thousand pieces wcro colnoc
in 1852 , and but 370 In 1804. Thejthrei
gent nickel piece was first made In 1873
and they are lamed still. An 1873 dati
la worth 50 cents. Silver half-dime
between 170-
were coined continually -
* ud 1873 , excepting in 1708 , 1700 , 1804
aid from ISOGto 1828 Inclusive. In 1851
over 15 000,000 mro coined acd In 180'
only 8,700. A
is worth fuwJfc\5. A half-dimo with i
1707 data Moon ttars is worth 875
almost $ f \A 1704 half-dimo i
worth Sr * < mo ol 1T90. Tin
nickel u-cent piece was first issued in 18" . '
and i % still manufactured. In 180" ovci
; il,000ero issued , nnd in 1878 but 1 ,
tiOO The scarcest dates nro J878 ant
1883 , U ho former nro woith S3 each aiu
the latter 40 cents About 7,000,000 ol
the now nickels , wi limit the word colit :
on them were issued and will soon coin
inand a small premium.
Dimes have been issued since 1700 , ex
cepting the years 17 H , 1800 , 1808 , 1812
1813,1815 to 18111 inclusive and J 820
In 1870 , 30,000,000 were stamped , and ii
1810 but 0,300. A dime of the lattci
date is worth $75 to S100. CnooflSOl
is worth § 8. From 17'.H5 to 1801 they an
worth § 2 or $3. An 1822 dime is wortl
$4 , and ono of 1810 , § 3. 'i wenty-conl
pieces wcro fust coined in 1870 and dis
continued in 1880. In 1877 1,300,0K (
woio issued nnd in 1880 but 710. Thej
are destined to become valuable , and out
of this latter date is now worth § 1.50 to fi
coin collector. Quai tew have been coiner
since 1700 , excepting 1708 to 1803 , 180f
to 1814 , 1817 , 1820 , 1820 and 1830. Ovoi
30,000,000 WERE COINED IN 1877
and but 252 in 1007. Not ouo of the
latter are known to bo in existence ,
Those dated 1823 and 1827btins § 75 and
§ 100 respectively. About 17,000 wnrc
stomped In 1823 and but 4,000 in 1827.
These dated 1700 nnd 1804 nro worth $ f
each. Thoeo oi 1853 without arrows arc
worth § t. Onlv 450 woio made In 1870 ,
and ouo of that date is worth § 1 25 ,
Half dollars wcro issued in for the firs !
tlmo In 1794 , None were coined in 1708 ,
1700 , 1800. 1804 and 1810. Thooo dated
1780 end 1807 anil for § 25j 1704 is wortt
$5 ; 1705 only 75 cent * ; 1815 about § 7
1830 ( milled edge ) § 2 or § 3 ; 1832 SO
1853 without arrows $20. A half dollai
1880 is worth 70 conta.
There were § 28,000,000 silver dollar ;
made in 1883 and but 300 in 1830. The
most ancient date is 1701. From then
until 180 1 they wore coined continuously.
Then a skip of thiity years occurred. The
trade dollar is the only thing that has
marred the issue since 1830 , with the ex
ception of 1837 , when none were coined.
'Iho silver dollar of 1801 is the rarcsl
American coin. But two genuine one ;
are believed to exist and their owners
have refused § 1,000 each for them. Tin
1704 dollar brings § 40. These between
1705 and 1803 , S3 each , 1830 , § 4 : 183 ! ) ,
with a flying eagle , § 25 each ; 1851 anil
1852 , § 35 and § 40 respectively ; 18. > 8 ,
§ 35. Iho trade dollars issued from 187i
to 1878 arc destined to become ) raro.
Mr. Gobcille's collection is an exceed
ingly interesting ono aild contains niaiij
of the above mentioned coins. Do is
adding to it continually and contemplates
making it the most complete collection in
the state.
f. CARD. Tfonllwho it ( . .iucloj tna titasa
ml ladlwsfetlani ) of youth acfivui xjcaltwn , K ! )
, un y , l.jBsol taaitioat , oio. , I will nad * reclw
i IL 1 will cum Ton , FllttE 0 ? CH AIIOB. Ihl BJ * |
n-jrjsnv wts Uncovered Vy mlfOlonery In Boufl
i.4i7i ti . Bend jull-idilr t Nl rnvclop * k K-9. " Ap
' . lauin. G&AI.-0 B. U v '
A. AVorrt to People "Who Have Been
Solicited to Take Stuck in
Oattlo Companies.
Denver News , January 6.
Since the days of wild mining schemes
and speculations , when eastern suckers
were rich in stocks of mines of untold
and inexhaustible wealth and the ptintei
and lithographer could not print fast
enough the paper shares of mines which
had been listed on the .New York board
of properties in Leadvillo and contiguous
mining camps , Colorado has in a great
measure been freed from the great odium
which at one time enshrouded her. The
schemers and speculators who had sold
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of
stock on a 10 foot hole had been knocked
out , the suckci shcld the paper and the
schemers the money. It required several
years to wipe out the blot and icstoro the
jonfidcnco of the public and of capitalists ,
but it was accomplished , and the mining
intoies s of Colorado ate now on a firm
and business like basis.
F llowiugclosey ) ) in the wake of the
mining craza cimo the cattle craze.
Many mon who had been successful in
mining invested in cattle and ranges.
Eastern capital was induced to "bo
brought wnst and invested in "lowing
berda. " Unlike mining , money Invested
In cattle la almost euro of a handsome re
turn , A few years ago the ranges and
crater privileges of the plains were almost
llmltlesa. Men of means who desired to
inoreasa their wealth located on the do-
liniblo sections , and with the rapid in-
jroaso in his herd a ho soon became known
throughout the unit as a cattle liinp , and
: ho adventuresome youth hied himeolf
ireiitward that ho might become a cattle
{ ing. If 1)0 engaged in the business in
i legitimate way ho became a king , but
f htt only oirnu'l ranges on pnpur ho did
lot becomt ) a king unless it bo a king of
About the only way to deal with these
Colorado paper cattle companies ia to lot
.horn alono. No man over rcado anything
Dy tackling another's game. It 'don't
, vin. A great many of the corporatod
: attlo companies of the st&tn are nothing
norn or luaa than bunko ofLiira , and the
public it cautioned mnJnst ; them. In-
luiro of the mercantllo agencies before
? ou invest "your money with companies
mving numerous "capitalists" for trus-
: ota and oflicor ; .
Ilorslord'rt Acid i'lineptmtc ,
s a superior eubstitulo , and its nao is
bunaflclal to health.
Vo u/iouv l may tonctm :
Notlool' hereby elvon thtt tha flrm of J. K. Hlloy
t Co. , heretofore Joint ; a real citat" end loan Imsi-
lens In ullicos S ft > d 10 , Kronror block , Omai a , Imve
.Liu uaj dUsc vcd by mutual coniont.
j. K. nn.KY ,
J. K. Illley de Ires to announce that he hai rur
choaed the entire renUstato and loan liuslotim above
mrntlorcil and n III icinovu the aamo to the McHtiaue
IjilKlliiH' 213 8. 13th > trrct , wlu'io ho cap bo ecn
idur Junuiry 5th , Until his return from Icginlattve
( ntlCB at Lincoln , Mr. J , T. Jlorlaty , n.toriify , will
Imvo charge or hit aflalrn. Uei SHI
fn the Circuit Court nf the United Statei , for the
Jlittrict of Jftbratlra
L. W. lULT.KYb , Tru.tee , )
xs ) In Chancery.
KS or uoiaaAOK.
1'nbl'o Kotlce U llcro'-jrflven , th t In pursuann
mil by Uriue f I a ilvcrce cnkrol In the ahir * a me
n the ICth diy of No emler. 11-81 , 1 , Kill ) I. Iller-
l wcrKl > clal Master In Chanhfr } In eald court , wl I
on the { th day olJatiutry , Jt85 nt the hour of ten
o'olrvkln tnetorrnnnn ol the taM day , at the ( froDt ]
north door ol the United States 'court house and
I'oit IDco bultdine , In the cl > y ot Onuhi , DougUa
ruuntr , Htateand Illatrict ol Ncbrouku , ssll at uuc-
tlcn thejollowirtde'o Itcd ptcpertv , to.wlt : The
ncrthwett iniarUrol ucMlon thlrty-tl > u , InTowtuhUi
twtntv lour , north ol range nlnv , cast ol Ota I' . II.
bneclal Master In Clunccry.
W B.HAYNK , Corap uj'a Solicitor.
do 31-J",7-H-l-23
1224 Fnrimm Street ,
OoroerUthSti Office hours 3 to 13 a.m. , 2 to 4
ji Ten lean oxpotUnoe. Can piik
fl7 M. f hnrlcs SN , St. LonU , IN
. it ifnr lu " . < < -J i , 't. ' nf , i * . 0 > , ,
, % tI F' I IP lt < ij-rc m tr i * r ifC'nHnu > t ' i.fwtB
Itfl Hm * t > liKliiM'h in 111 ui > cr F'lifflrup | 9 (4t. ( lA
. tl ! rf - llVBl.tftnW
1. CllT PUJ'TJ W All 1 Hi
Nervous Diostr.itloii Pchlilly. tnt
JhSlcal ) WiaKiiess Mticurbl nnd olhitr Ma
Ions o' ' Throat , Skin ot Hones , ninod Polson'nf ,
) id Sores and Ulcers > - i < iri * \ \ \ uarm > . > w
Diseases Utslmj trum IndlscrcHon. C\ccfS ,
tposfi'O or Iniiuljcnci1 MFI rr in < > M > H > or iM
i tM ntoth Rotltt/ of IrmKi. * oafut | ' OM.ICA. HA !
fi Improper or nnuftpp > , M
* * 6 f by niftlir V4. .
A , Positive Writren Guaranlo.i5
rtrn In * 11 eomNp c\tri. Id dlelnti cnl ertryK
ramphlft * . Knellth or Oi-rm n , ni pag
loriblue nbovo dlieaits iniiitloor
. lr..uiA In tloih in f ill MB
10. moneyer poi l ( te ; tamrj > ii | t earrrr , 3' > e , Thlr I > to3
icataln ttbf \ \ urtotii , doubtful ot lna&li.iilfft vrt i )
Itav , A tiook ( < rc t Int. , -t to lit. lliK'.li , > ( { ,
viuilim wf irjniowj ti m virtoo
-iti ! tin. I.JVEIt nnd ICIDfJr.VS.
and JtU'TltllB Till' HKAJ.T1I
tind VIC30H of YOUTlt Ur *
lii'jHIa WJIH of AppclHO. Ill'
. * ) l tiiciipin %
ciiruil. 1'oiivT , i .
Ivi'na tlia inlnil niul
. . .jnllca drain .
! Silii'i Inn from coin
inrl InDK , It flrEa'HrRON TO'SIO n tain nnd
p cily euro. ( { Ilirsa vicar , liotutliy conipluxlon.
Prcnucnl aticnipts at c1" " < - ! > ' 'lut ? only mid
to thopoptilnrllyoffliuorlplnnl. Do notcapcrl
IDl'llt puttlio OlIIOIKM. AM ) HS. T
A Hcndyour nldretstollioDr. 1 -
flSUl/itits , Mo.for our "BMEA.M.aoOK. '
QnlrU. & ) iiro fui-ea. BU" A
ptinrantca fjiven
t > rte,1/ca9e timerar ,
i o ntntnpj for Celebrated McUIculWorlu ,
Address. F. . OILARKU , id. U. , b6Co tl
Clark Street. CincAco , ILL. _ _
& CO. ,
TO DAVIO a BMrfi n. (
Conoia Po in n
n-iyo lot ctla Sjs.ooa itrts c ritnUy c-ciaciti ! * nd
a KsstaiLi Kobiuki , ti5 iw iirc anil an niwy tvtroc
Imjna oa i rr.-j tor cjtl In Docglas , UoUgv , 0 < iUM
PUlts , Bart , turning , HiroyVni > 2tti ) . . xtita *
Binders , nil Butler Oonntico
Tut B f.Lld ID ill psrto ol the Biota
M : ncy Icine J on rcprovMl ( * > & ? .
Houtv Pnbllo Blvrsva in crDce Corieuioml
Beelldenoo No. 1137 Jones St. Office , No. 1603 Fai
aam etroet. Olfloe hours,12 in to t p. m. and fiom
to t p. m. Telephone , tor offlco 07tosdeDpa ! 120.
W1H cute N rvousnoa , I.iimbupo , nliciin
Neuralgia , BeUtUa , Kidney. Spltin initl I.\LT ! .tlHpii.e
Bout , Antbmn , llunrtillxcn i' . Dlrpi-jjili , ' nuslll MI.Mi I i
ilpela . CMturrh , Piles , > pllfi v. Imiiuunrv. iMimb ' u
ITolnpsni Uteri , otc. ( Inly nckiillllt I l.clrlc mltlii AM.T
lea th t nnU the r.lrrlrkll unU inncnnUsni InroiiKli ihi
2oOr , onu can bo roclmruod in ttu lualuul bjr t.u jtmlont.
Winter (9 ( coming , the eoaooncf the year for acho'
md pains. In view of this fact wo say huycno ol
) r. llorno's Electric Pel to. By so doing you nil ]
ivot'J Kheumatlsm , KldnoyTronblcB nd other Ills
. atfleehla ho'rto. Do net delay , but o ) l ft oui
idles and examine bulls , No. 1122 Douglaa etroet , 01
; . F Qoodman'e , 1110 VaroamBt.Uux ha , Neb. Or.
Icrs filled 0. O. D
W. S. 8HO MAK E ,
ltonefaoi [ [ Counsellor
? /5 S , 13th St. Omaha. Neb.
Fourteen Years' 1'raotlco In Iowa aud Colorado.
IOWAlion. . J , lioeil , Aesoclato Justice Surrumo
! oun , residence , 'Vuacil Dluflt ; lion 0 , n. Lewis ,
lletrlct Judge , rc ldeiico , Cherokee : Firfit Nailunal
lank and Olllccr k 1'u y , Uankcrs , Council Dlnfls ;
laney i- Ford , Vankcra , Logan , Ilarrlven Co , , Ia.
COLORADO Hon. J. C , Helm , Ae'oclato Justice ,
ujircme C urt , rcaldence , Jlfiner ; Hon. Wm liar
Uui. District Juugo , lotiilcnco , liuoca VistaIIati- ; )
y s Bank , Faiijay ) > Park Co ilccl3-lui
aciencB of Life Only $ l GO
, ,
Kxhaaated Vitality , Nervous aud Phyolotl DobJi ! : )
'rematuro Decline In Man. KrrordOl Youth , and thi
mtold mlsorlos resulting from IndlDerelloiis or ex
1'jtECD. A book tor every man , young , inlJdlo ftgcd
iDd old. It contains 126 prcecrlptloni lur all wul
md chronlo dlecaeoa each one of wlilch Is 1m alnAlile
la found by the Author , whose experience lor 1 !
ioitB la euQn is probably nevur oelore loll to the lei
) ( any phyaloian. 00 pages , bound In baiUtltD'
French rnuelln omnwiod oovera , full , gilt gTir.i ntee ( ?
10 lie a finer work In every sense , machanlcal , lit
irary and pro ! es lei > al , than any ether wort ooldib
ihla country for $2.60 , or the meaty will b refunded
n every Instance , Price only $1.00 by mall , post
? ald , lllustrfttlve ( ample 6 oente. Bond now. OoU
nodal awarded the autlior by tba Natlonil Medical
teodatlon , to the ottlcers oi which bo rotors.
The Holenoo ol Llle should be if ad by the yonne
! rr Instruction , and by the afflicted lor rullel. It will
stncflt all. London Laaont.
Taero U no member of aaclety to whom Tha Set'
in oo ol Ufo will not to useful , whether youth , par.
nit , { tuarulan , Inetructor or dcrgym . Ar'Cii ( ut.
Addreeo the Pcabody MedliJtl Inb.ltute , or Dr. W
H , Parker , No. i UulQnch Struct , Honton , Mau , . , who
nay bo consulted ou a'l dlbeaoua riuiilrlnt ; tVlll and
iipeilonoc. Cbrouto and obatlnbteultoaiet thit havi
earned the Ull ol all other WiUCfll
epeclaltyl Such treated uo * > " n r W I. lull ;
, Uh'nv 'n Inrttnco ol f Allure.
RBSDOL * * ,
t'aionlx Iimuraucv Co. , I < n.'u : > ,
Aaauta , . . .
t : no. vtH Y , Ua.ltai 1,1' 0,0 0
Mur'-haiitnol N urk N J , ( au > ai , 75.UO
uni FIre , l"'U dil.lri | Uanliul 1 SW',010
iV uiau'n ruLO , ( .arita . . . . i.t39XO ! (
The ' roinsrkablo growth of Oraah *
durltif ; the last fovr yearn tg n matter of
great ( wtonJuhmont to who pny nn
occoalounl visit to thia growing city. The
development of the Stoo1' Yardn the
nocoacltv of the Bolt Llu0 Iloixd the
finely pnvod otroots the hundreds of now
residences and coolly bnatncBis blooke ,
with the popnlatlon of onr city uioro than
doubled In the Itvat five yonra. All thli
ia a great surprise to visitors and IB the
admiration of ont oitleons , This rapid
fjroTrth , the bualnosa activity , and the
many substantial Improvements raadn a
lively demand for Omaha oatato , and
every Investor has made n handsome
Since the Wall Street panla Mny ,
with the subaoquoiit cry of hard tlmos ,
there has been IODI domaud from speculators -
tors , but a fair demand from Investors
seeking homoa. Thia latter claaa are
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and tire securing their homoa
at much loss cost than will bo possible
year hence. Speculators , too , can buy
ronloBta * a cheaper now and ought to take
udv&nt. o of present prices for future
pro ti.
The next fetr yearn promleoa grcatci
divolopmenta In Omaha than the past
li v i years , Which have been as Rood as
vru could reasonably desire. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing honocB are added almost weekly , and
ell add to thu prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the State , who have their money in
the bnnkti drawing a nominal rate of
tarest , which , if jndiclounly Invested in
Omaha rani ot > tate , would bring them
much greater returns. We haviiruany
bargains which TTO ere confident Trill
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
now future.
We have for the fiiiesfc resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have Hue lots at reason
able prices OH Sherman avenue , ! 7th ,
18th , 1'Jth and 8 ( > th streets.
West on Faruarn. Davenport ,
Cumins , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some o the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnuni , the uro
perty in the v ; ewtern tJirt of the city
will increase m valiiH
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate aud Stout ; Yards proper
ty in the south part , of the city. The
iovelopments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will uurtaiiily double
; he price in a short time
Wo also have some fine business
ots and some elegant inside rusi-
leucep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invtmt will find
lome good bargains ! > y calling
M ,
8 South h St
Bet epn J ornham and
P. S. We oak the o who hr
property for sale at a bargain to f
is n callWe want only bnrg'
Wo will positively not handle j
jrty at in ore than its real valu