THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 7 , 1885. THE SMALL-POX CASE , f bB Patient Slill at St , Josepli's ' Eos- Bital , Considerable Indignation Because of the Apparent CftrolCBsnCBB In the Matter. It waa supposed that the case of small pox would bo removed from St , Joseph's hospital to the post house Monday , but it was not done. Mr. Dorsoy B. Honck , who had ohargo of the post housa during the last smallpox aoigo , Thursday made a proposition to the mayor and marshal in regard to the case now at St. Joseph's hospital. His proposition was about as follows : Ha agreed to go out to the post house and care for the patient for the sum of $150 per month. Ho has an express wagon and slnglo harness , but no horse which ho can use in the removal of the patient , fie proposed that the city should buy him a horse for $100 or $125 , and that after his work is completed ho will taku the horse in part payment for his services as nurse. This proposition.tho mayor could not accept until ho had a talk with the city onncil and so the case remains and the mallpox patient is still at St. Joseph's hospital. This Is valuable time , and the patient should bo removed nlthout delay lay ! The man who is now suffering from this diaoaso is a brakeman of the Union Pacific company. Ho was taken sick at the Planter's hotel last Friday. On Saturday night ho was removed to St. Jo uoph's hospital and on Sunday morning when Dr. Galbralth visited the ward the patient had broken out and the doctor at once pronounced It small pox. The city physician was at once notified and wont to the hospital and also pronounced it small pox. Other physicians were called in and coincided rrlth the above named phyalcians , The sick man waa at once removed to a ward by himself and the bod-clothing burned , the furniture and wood-work thoroughly washed with car bolic acid and water and largo quantities of sulphur burned about the piano. The bedding at the Planter's house was aldo burned and the place thoroughly dlsin footed. The other patients and the at tondauts at the hospital have been vaccln atod aud every precaution taken to sto the spread of the disease. At first It was thought that it waa only a case of vsrioloid but It is now known that it is a malignant case of small pox , It demands immediate attention and should have it. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobao CO , GONE TO WOEK , The Strike Among tbo lee MenThe Short litvetl. The strike among the ice mon ia at an ond. Yesterday afternoon the atrlkln workmen marched in a body to Guy < S Fitch's office on Fifteenth street , and demanded their pay , which was giro : them. This morning some of the mon vrori sick of their bargain and were ready t return to their work , bnt the ring leaders and Bomo of tbo moro stubborn ones n slated that they should not , and for time there , was a threatened war upo the ice. . Guy & Fitch reported t Marshal' ' Otimmlngs and told him thai they expected trouble nnd asked that hi send a detachment of pollco to the scon and see that the riotous strikers did no Interfere with such of his mon as wor ready and willing to return to thol work. Roundsman "Whalon got together a gang of policemen and was just abont to start for the river when word waa re ceived that ovorythlng was all right and that all hands had concluded to go to work. Thus ended the strike among Jtho ice men. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To acco is the best. . . CEREMONIES. The Olllccrs of State Ijod o No. IO , I. O , O. P. Installed Monday Night. Mrnday the officers of State Lodge No. 10 , I. O. 0. F. were installed with tlio usual Vlaborato corumonius of the lodge. The installation chambe'r waa profusely bedecked with the insigim of the order , and Hoial ducomtions. After nn oxcullont extempore speech by M , E. Taylor , of Blair , the follow iny olliccrs were installed : N. G. , J. Nelson Stownit. V. G. , \iimlerstiuiid. . J. G. , T. J. Oliir. Conductor , A. S. Bohrons. Waiden , F. L. Carpenter. R. S. S.jJohnDisbro. L. S. S. , G. S. GiillithH. K. S. N. G. , P. Olson. K. S. V , G , Couls Puterspn , L , S. V. G. , Clms. Andrews , A grand bamitiut was served which vas i ( 'iidurcddiiu attention by all the loyal Odd Follows. The MAM , Last night as Mr. Ilonry Hart , cm ; ployed in the store of L. B. Williams & SOP , waa on his way homo , ho was stopped near the nailworks by two mon who pro. posed to go through him. Bo objected and finally managed to got away from the follows. As ho was leaving the place ono of the follows told him to stop or he would shoot him , whereupon his partner told him to shut up , at the same time tolling him , "that is not the man wo are after. " A Serious Full , About half-past twolro thia morning a young man by the uamo of Campbell slipped and fell down the stain in front of Hlgglns * gambling rooms , on Doncjlas street. Ho was picked up and carried In a hack to his residence , Sixteenth and Izird ttreots. The full extent of his Injuries - juries , for the moat part Internal , can not yet b < 9 ascertained. Hallway Gleanings , Mams. | EusUsG. T , A. and Miller , G , F. A. , of the B. , t M. , leave to-day for San Francisco , to attend too meeting of the Transcontinental Pool association. Advices from Portland date that the snow blockade of recent data has been raised. The Union Pacific trains , making tt _ _ connection with the Oregon llnba , atartod for the cnst last evening , W. T. Kelley , formerly aupnrln'cndant ' of the Kansas Central , it in the city. C. II. Talmago and R. G. Butler , of the civil engineers service of the Mis souri Pacific , are in the city. t LOCAL BREVITIES , The poatoffico people are very busy at present making the final quarterly report , The doctet of tha county court was called yesterday morning. There were thirty-eight cases on the docket. The insurance on the McSbano building , injured in the Into Unmcbaum lire , 1ms not been lalisfnctorlly ad jutted yet. Ted Grcbo has recovered from his late so- rloui fall nt the recent lire , and Is once more greeting his friends on the itreot. Officer Curry returned a pmall lost boy by the name of Willlo Wendellwho was meander ing around the depot to hia homo on Daen - port Btreet , A mooting of the Union Pacific band waa hold last night , and thu following officers elected : Harry Jackson , loader ; Harry Irower ! , president ; Gua Hckhardt , secretary ; and William Pllaeging. manager. A petition for the pardon of ox-Marshal Gutheriu hai been arduously circulated by Mr ! 0. A. Baldwin , The paper has received a largo number of signatures and will be lire tented to the governor next wsok , An Intauo report wni circulate3 about town last night that n man , name unknown , had broken hia neck , near the corner of Four teenth ana Center streets. Traced down , the rumor du\ eloped no foundatlenof fact , An attachment was issued yesterday by Constable Edgorton on the property of ono Nathan Wncke , a Hebrew merchant , on Dodge street , between Twelfth and Thir teenth. Wacks has left the country , leaving behind him a larga number of debts , Mr. Fritz Rlcpen , who is well known to pioneer Omahans as the "councilman from tha Third ward , " is now near Corrinne , Utah , on a stock farm at that place , Ho has been for pome titna county commissioner of Nintah county , Wyoming , which position ho has Tilled acceptably since IIH dopartuie from Omaha. Yesterday afternoon before Juitico Sol den the c.iae of Peter O'Jlourko Jamui O'Kourke , of Florence , waa on trial. Tin latter ia charged with painfully and mnlictou * ly beating his crippled brother. Charlci Brown \\-v the attorney for the defendant and Daniel Van Ktter for stato. James O'itourko was fined § 20 and costs. The case will bo appealed to the district court. II. W. Brandon , metchant and mayor ol Tocumeoh , Nob. , and formerly a largo proper ty owner of that place , is now in Omaha. Hi has disposed of his business interest and cu himself looao from the former place , .and hn : determined to locate in this city in the mercantile cantilo or manufacturing line , and will goon remove his family here. Mr. Brandon is ; sterling , enterprising citizen , and has nddci very materially to thu growth and prosperit of Tocunnob , and will prove a valuable acqut sition to this city. PERSONALS. I. M. Metcalf and wife left the city ycstar day on a visit to Hamburg , Iowa. E. M. Bartlett , assistant United States dii trlct attorney , left yesterday for Lincoln. Judge Weisa has recovered from hid lal illness , and Is once moro on hand smiling an able to attend to his duties. Mr. , T. C. Stubbs , general traffic manage of the Central Pacific railroad , left for tli west over thu Union Pacific lait night. llev. D. Marquette , fonnerly pastor of. th South Omaha M. li church , and now preen ing elder at the Norfolk M. E. conference , in tha city. Mr. J. L. Smith , basso of the First Presby terinu choir H recovering from hia serious il ness of the past four weeks , During hia sicl ness hia place in tbe choir has been ably die by Mr. Charles K. Crallc. Mrs. C. M. Schuyler , who has been visitin her sister , Mrs. S , M. Poff , of south Omaha leaves the city to-day. Mis , Poll accon panics her as far as eaitern Iowa , whore they will vitit friends for a few weoka , when Mrisjj Schuyler will resume her jouinoy to her homo in Michigan. C , W. Mills , Grand Island ; C. 1' . Bowman , Haymond ; George W. Willmot , Lincoln ; C. B. Smith , Oakland , Nob. ; L. A. liuckner and wife , Arkansas ; W. H. Walker , Clinton , Ia. ; J. C. Baldwin , Chicago ; James Mullln , llochestor , nnd J. 1) . Williams , of New York are at the Metropolitan. Mr. C. 15 , Havens , division superintendent of the Union Pacific , and his family , loft for California last night. For HOIIIQ time Mr. Havens has been ia poor health and of late ho has been confined to the homo. His physi cians Insist that ho must have a change of climate for a time , and hence his departure for the golden stato. W. L. Onrtis , the Union Pacific clerk who has created considerable notoriety for himself by Ills perpetration of the crimes of forgery and larceny , has not yotbeon found. It now appaars that Curtis was to have boon tried yesterday morning in Judge Anderson's court on a anlt of garnlaheo brought by Goldsmith , the clothing man. In default of Curtis' appearance for trial Judge Anderson sent down to the U. P. headquarters for the pajinunt of CuttV wages , \\hlcii have been gnrnisheed , in the Goldemi'h ' CMO. _ The order was not honored , and no lat'sfactory ' explanntioncould b9 gained from the lailroad people It is suppoasd that Curis ! his auccecded in forging n judicial order , for the payment of his giumshet'd money. In this event , gait will be entered ngnimt thu company. Curtis cams hero from Detroit , Mich. , about four months sg" > , highly rccom mended. He win a young man of good nddrcsi , end succeeded ia making many friumls. Bis acqpa'iitanccs are shocked by the BUrtliog developments of the last few days. A Broken Arm. John Chriatlanson , vhile walking iloviii Douglas s'reet ' ) ait night hnd nn arm broken by slipping upon the icy pavement - mont inftoni cf Biggins' aa'oon , It wta a oornpotmd fracture of the forearm and quite a torioaa affair. Be was taken to his homo at the Derail lions-\\hero \ h's ' arm wai * killfully dreistd by Dr. Ruth erford , Christianron his teen somewhat un- fortunota in the ffa-turj of hisjjinbs , I Ho hui pending In the United States I court a daiuigo auit for $15,000 against inltho Union P cifio railway , for tbe break- I lug c f a leg while In their employ. THE CITr FATHERS. Summary Changes in the Local Police Force , Tlio Discussion of tftc Sewer Ques tion Minor Matters. A regular weekly session of the city council was hold last night. Piosont , Oonncllmcn Bochcl , Behin , Ford , Fnray , FJascall , Kaufmann , Rodfield , Thrano , Woodworth and Mayor Murphy. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS , From mayor , reporting that ho lind read the journnls of the IGth and 23d nit. , nnd found thorn correct. Adopted. Heading of journal of previous meet ing dispensed with , and president re quested to examine and report at the next mooting. From Mayor Murphy , stating that ho had approved certain ordinances. From JohiijWIlion , stating that ho had resigned his petition as member of the board of public works , to take cll'oct n > soon m convenient , A petition , signed by n number of cit izens , asking for the appointment of Joseph Barker as a member of the board of public works , trna read. Thia paper sprang upon the assembly n long and heated debate over the propriety of giv ing the pntltlon a favorable consideration. Referred to the mayor. A communication _ from Marshal Cum * mlngs was road , stating that ho had ana- ponded Oflicora Buckley and Rnano for conduct unbecoming members of the po llco forco. A debate of lengthy proportions tions followed. Mr. Ford wanted the policemen to bo treated leniently. Bohm , on the other hand , thought the strictest discipline In the way of "firing" should bo enforced. Thrano then took the floor and opened with a glowing eulogy of the two men whoso dereliction waa under consideration. A motion waa made by Bochel that the mon bo discharged ; amended by Ford that , they bo fined ono weeks wages. Bochol then followed up the matter with a short speech , saying that ho was In favor of discharging Buckley and giv ing Rmno another trial. Ilodfiold jumped into the ring and made a speech favoring a trial of the two policemen by the police committee , de tailing In brief the fight on Now Year's morning which brought the two mon within the range of censure. In this connection the ordinances bearIng - Ing upon the subject were brought up and thoroughly discussed. The trouble waa finally settled by referring tbo matter - tor to the committee on pollco. The bonds of William Whlto , Thomas Poironot , Peter Motza and Chcrles Dona- line were presented and approved. A statement of overhauling on certain streets , from James Fox , was referred. Report from city marshal giving thi number and addresses of saloons am other places where liquor is sold through out the city. Adopted. From city attorney , approving certain claims allowed in district court agalns city. Approved. From certain property owners and tax payers in District No. 15 , requesting a modification of the sewer levy In sail district. Referred to committee- ga and electric light. From Elizabeth Dally , asking for an allowance of- certain errors of over state ment In grading account. Allowed. From county clerk , recommending th reduction of certain -wrongly assosset personal taxes. Referred. From chairman of board of public works , detailing time of Borneo of pav Ing inspectors for month of December. From same , presenting street cleaning report , with Itlmized cost. From same , stating that'amount owing Hugh Murphy & Co. is duo. Filed. From same , presenting estimates from the city engineer. Approved. Protest of Ferdinand ttreot properly owners against special assessment fo grading in Hartman's addition. Referred RESOLUTIONS. By Lcoier , that the § 2.00 fine resolu tion pertaining to delinquent councilman bo rescinded. Tabled. FromHascall } , that city engineer b authorized to employ one rod man. By Fnray , that the gas company bo an thorlzoi to discontinue gas lamps on Gas street between Nineteenth and Twentieth tioth streets , and on Seventeenth stroo between Jackson and Jones. Passed. By Kaufman , that the committee 01 gas and electric light bo authorized to erect certain gas lamps. Passed. By Furay , that a gas lamp bo placed a the corner of Nineteenth and Izird. Ro forrcd. By Thrano , that the U. P. railroa company bo leqnested to keep a .nigh watchman on Ninth street , between Jones and Leavenworth. Adopted. By Eascall , that llio city engineer mak the necessary surveys to establish grad on Eighteenth stront between Ylnton am railroad tracks. Adopted. From Thrane , ordering the ejection o certain sidewalks. Referred. From committee on finance and claims confessing judgment against city in fovo of Victor Wollf and B. F. Madson. From same , recommending a reduce assessment of taxes on property of I Blrkhanser , H. B. Barnham and H. W Manville. At this point a return was taken t previous order , and a petition was roai from George I. Gilbert , represent property owners , asking for a ro--usess mont of taxes on property In sewer dis trlct No. 15. City Engineer Roaowator at this poiri engaged In a verylinterestlng discussion c the various pluses of tbo , question , giv Ing several scientific explanations whicf were listened to with great-attention. Mr. Rosewater was followed by Messrs Hascall and Bohm , who entered into somewhat lengthy discussion of tbo sewerage erago system of tbe city , Us defects and characteristics , A great deal was said flao , about the exorbitant taxes whicl had boeu imposed to keep up tbo system It seemed to bo pretty generally agree ( among the debaters that the taxes ha' been uneqiiilly levied. Mr. Roeowater again took the lloor an made n brief nd p thy explanation o tbo perplexing riddles nhich h v tMigluu the Bkillfo.1 logical powaisof th official disputants on tha sowcmgo cjues tloD , He alto referred to the violation of the apporta'n'ng ' ' criliaancjs , and sug gested tlia fact , that to bring the sys'ei up to a nccouary high slnndaul , tliea same o'dioances nmtt bo rigidly enforced Ho farther cl.imui that if the city woul have its saner system ai neur'y pcrfui as posiible , it limit sea that the cextal injaiious practices among pnpert onnerj , woto ins'aiitly atoppoJ. A vet ; lucid explanation of tbo War ng fysten now principally used in thia city , wn given. Thu matter of foal smalls , ana ipg from detritoug deposits In the sewer ; win BSS ! touched upon , > From committee on finance an claims , recommending the filing of a ape * cial report from the city engineer nnd coromnnicationn from Mra * Llzzlo Robotts nud Peter Svaclno. Adopted. From committee on streets nnd grades , filing certain approved estimates , Adopted. From committoco on pollco , allowing n bill from city physician.Adopted. . From same , recommending the dismis sal of Officers James Knight nnd W. 11. Pottlt from the pollco force. After a At-Arm and animated dtacuaaion , the re port was adopted. Report of appraisers on damages to certain property in opening of Douglas atrcot from Twentieth to Jefferson street , the amount of damages being $1200. Referred. , G. M. Hitchcock addressed the council in a short speech , claiming that his prop erty would bo damaged In the opening of Douglas street to a greater extent than had boon allowed In the report of the ap praisers , declaring , in closing , that ho would bring suit against the city unless the matter was differently adjusted. From committee on iinanco , rocomond- ing the allowance of certain bills. Ad- cptod. From the committee on gas and elec tric light , recommending that the poll tion of Dr. George E. Harfield , for a lamp on the corner of Twenty-third and Barney streets bo granted. Adopted. Special committoo. that A. R. Dafrono bo allowed $400 In the case of. Dnfrono vs. the oily. OUDINANCES. Authorizing the granting of pormlta to make connection with water pipe mains nnd providing a penalty for violating lating the provlalons thereof. Read and laldlovor. Granting the Union ( Pacific company right of way through the alloy between Nicholas and lard streets , from Four- oonth street to the river. Laid over. Granting the 0. St. P. , M. & 0 railroad oinpany right of way crosscortaln streets , nd Baileys w i thin its depot grounds. iaid over. A special mooting of the council will bo old this morning at 0 o'clock. THE GLEE OLUB , ArranROtnonts Made lor tlio Coming Season of Music. The Omaha glto club has made final reparations for the oponin ? season of muelo. On February 3 , the club will give a oncort in conjunction with the Mad ri al quartette of Chicago. The Fourth infantry band of Fort Omaha will also ist in rendering the music of the oc casion. It will Intoroat all Omaha lovota if muaic to know that Miaa Emma Ma- bellr Baker , who appeared bore some , imo ago at the San orfcst , and nho created considerable faroro by her rich contralto voice , is a member of the Madrigal quartette. Her return here ivill be hailed with delight. Fittther a'onr in the season will bo the jo'nt concert of the Glto club ami Mendelssohn Quintette club , of Boiton. The Quintette club Is an organization whoso performances aro' ' always of a superior order , and1 the event will hardly "DO less popular than the concert of the Madrigals. Other events are being planned , but not yet officially announced. The Glee club gave , a woll-attendod and enthusiastic rehearsal last night at ' * ' ' Meyer's hall , District Court. Before Jndgo Neville , an'argument waa heard yesterday on a motion for a now trial In the celebrated Nelson-Rasmus sen case. Mrs. , Nelson , it will be ra nlomberod , obtained ramo time ago i a vordlct for $2,000 against Rasmussen the saloon keeper , for Injuries sustained by her husband in the uco of Intoxicating liquors sold by R.-umussen. George. W , Shloldu and Hon > G. W. Doano made th arguments on either side. Jndgo Neville h'aa not rendered Ms decision yet , Jndgi Wakoloy yesterday adjourned the Sarpy county court until next term. in the case of Jesse McCarthy , ar < ralgned In the Sarpy county court fo : murder , a nolle pros was entered. The following are the district court TEUMS FOB 1885 : Douglas county February 2 , Jnno 1 October 5. "Washington March SO , September 14 , Burt county April 13 , September 28 Sarpy county April 20 , NovomberSO , Qlho Court Martini. At the army headquarters yesterday aftepnoon , a court martial trial waa ii progrccs before the members of the board of court martial. Dr , Stephenson , o Fort Omaha , was on trial for neglect o duty. The prosecution nnlahod their side of the case yesterday , and the defense fenso will probably bo closed to-day. Annual Koala ] of Plymouth Cliiirel Pews. NKW YORK , January C. The thirty-eight' annual Halo of the sittloga of Plymouth chinch , Brooklyn , took place thia evening n 1 o'clock. At the time of the opening o : nalo the church was well filled. Beochcr sn upon tha pla'form ' and near him II. B.CInllli uml 11. V. White. Ihu first cholca was 8.0 the ei cond $600 , the third § 100. Nine hui in the gallery wcru reserved by the trustees , paw for Mr. lieecher and one for thu nssitit&ii. pastor. Tlio ptoinliims realized from thu sale nf all oilier eealu aggregate ! ' $15.300 , The rentals added make the amoun realized to-night , (27,256. Laxt the sun realized w rf ? 3I,38'J. The highent ever ieal- ncd was In 181 ! ) when the amount was § 08. 01)7. ) Tlio hlghcHt bid last yoir wn by Olutlin S5"5 for thu iiratchotce. Tha iiret choice to- uitht brought $800. Thu foremost bidden lost year wera h nrd bidding tn-nlphtnnc Jleccher was exceedingly cheerful at the con elusion of the eale , Desecrating a Grave. SAN lJAXcisoo ! , January 0 - Tha Motion ! . Coiuetery ussociatiuii baa brought suit in tin atictrlof couit sgntnst ex-Senator Sharon mi others /or desecratirjg a grave during tin Shu on divorce trial. Witnesses U'utihud tha' ' . Mipa Hill and the plaintiff in the C.IHU placed 8omu of Sliaron'n undergarments ia a newly- umdu grave for the purpose of acting a u love charm on the millionaire ) ex-ienitor. Ile.iltl OHicor Wear , t thu Instigation of Shuron'i counsel , had tlio graveojMi. i to trail ucl articlui were deposited. The claim it nov niadu that the grave was desecrated , em fivethoueand doIldtH ilarmgui o l > < tl. Tin suit la chiefly to test thu authority of th health officer in Huch matters. The uklnuonia lavadcri' , OAIDWELL , 1C * . , January . Advice * re celved from Cair.p Kussell indicate tlut tb party now Iuvdibg Oklahoma ia there for n utber purpose than to bring on a collUirn witl tbe troops. Theru aiu 409 armed men , n faint'let ' with them , they di-claro they an inert ) for tbe pnrpusa of roalnting the govern ment entering the territory tinder tha guise o hunters. They hat u rendezvoused at OI placo. There ia DO evidence of thu peaceful KXMipation of toltlora. General Hatch it moviog.vith troopi to remuvo them. Should load of life occur ic will bu becauiecf n rmed KitUtance to the lawful orders of ths pteiident in enforcing the Itiuiof th ) nation. HOSTETTER-SCHLESINGER , CoDsniuination of the Hosteller -Scliles iiger Noplials Last A Itrllllnnt Invent in Society Circles ot Oiunlin. Ono ot the moat brilliant ovonU of the aofiaon , in the Hebrew society of Orrmlm , occurred last night la the wedding of Mr. Louis Hostottor , of Albuquerque , N. M. , and Mlas Fonnlo Schloslngor , of Omaha. The wedding cororaony oc curred in the parlors of the Mlllard ho tel , and was attended by over ono hun dred frionda of the contracting parties. The marriage ceremony was performed by Dr. Harfluld according to the solemn nd beautiful nuptial rltos of the Jewish hnrcb. The bride , Miss Fannie Schloslngor , Is beautiful young lady of nineteen yews f ago and is the ( daughter of our well- noTru citizen , Mr. Samuel Sohloaln or. ho was accompanied on the brldnl snj TOO Into the parlors by hot father and other. Her costume was beautifully niqno , as follows : White gross grained 1th whlto velvet front cut a la Prlnccaac in traino and trimmed with Dachoss lace la Po'mpndoar , draped over all in a ullo roll ; a corsage bonuot of whlto ilnrchnl Neil roses , whlto kid glo-vci and ' .Ippors. The groom , Mr. Louis Hosteller , waa ttitcd in the conventional dress black rondcloth auit , low cut vest , with full- oaonml shirt front. After the pronouncing of the Html and olemn words , which inado the tire hop * iy young people man and wife , an In- orinal soiree of an hour was hold , Mr. nd Mrs. Hostottor receiving a largo umber of congratulations , The tmuriiigo party then adjourned to 10 dining hall , where an elegant bau- [ uot supper was served , in accordance ith thu following tasty menu : IlixwOjiters Boulllion Touguo Decorlu Turkey , Sur Table Cranberry Sauce Geese , Munto on Bellevue Vienna Horse Shoes i ( > liter Mnyonnaieo Chicken Mnyouralso Potato Salad ORNAMENTAL. 'ierco ' Honta nio Pigeon _ . Pyramids ot Macaioona Bridu'a Wedding Onkes Assorted Fancy Cakes MotlierAYlno Jelly Vanilla Ice Cream Charlotte Uusso Oranges Fips Malngn Grapes ColFce. During the progress of the banquet , a argo number of tonota were delivered. The first ono was delivered by Mr. Samuel uol Schlcslugor , father of the bride. He was followed by Mr. Max Meyer , Mr. M. Goldsmith , Mr. S. Goetz , Mr.Adolph Meyer , Mr. Simoon Bloom , Miss Olara Bchlosinger nnd Mr. Richard Kitchen. The closing toasts , developing the topic of "Bachelor's , " was delivered in a man ner most felicitons by Mr. Julius Meyer. During the ouppor a largo number of congratulatory telegrams from frlonds abroad , who were unable to bo present , were read. After the [ supper had boon-given the usual attention , the tables were cleared and the dining hall waa converted into a ball room , where the dnnco wni made the supreme pleasure or the hour , until an Oarly period in the' morning. The muaic for the occasion was furnished by the Musical Union orchestra. Among those present on the joyous oc casion were noticed : Wm. A. Hosteller , groom's father , from New York ; Mrs , Metzler , the bride's sister , from Denver Mr. and Mrs. Sohlesingor , parents of the bride ; Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer , Messrs , Samuel and IsadorSchleslnger , brothers o the brldo ; Miss Olara Schloslngor , sister of the bride ; Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. A. Holler , Mr. and Mrs ! Adolph Meyer , Mr. and Mrer. S. Slmonsu Mr. and Mrs. J. Sollgsohn , Mr. and Mra. C. Dewey , Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Mayor , Mr. and Mrs. llohfold , Mr. and Mrs. S. Goolz , Mr. and Mrs. Strasscr , Miss Kollnor , Mr. Simon Bloom , Mr. and Mrs. Adler , the Misses Adler , Mis ; Hirscb , of Cincinnati , Mr. Iko Now and Miss Newman , Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith Mr. Richard Kitchen , 'Mr. and Mrs , Elchman , Mrs. E Froyhan , Mr. J. A , Froyhan , Miss N. Seligaohu , Mra , Fisher and Mr. Larris Fielicr of Nev York , Mrs. Meyer , Mr. Iko Kauifman Mr. Holzhoimer , Mr. Sickles. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Hostottor wll leave to-day for their homo in Albuquerque querquo , Now Mexico. Illinois Democratic Assembly Caucus Sl'lil.vai'iKLl ) . January ( i Thu democratl house nnd senate caucus of the Illinois genera assembly met to-night. In thu liouso caucui the Hon. Kdw.i d , L. Ctonkyte , cf Freeport Stephenacn county , and the Hon. Elijah M , Halncs , of Waukegao , Lake county , wen plucul in nomination for speaker. On th fir t ballot Cronkytu icccivcd thiity-nini votes and Halnoa thirty-two , nnd Cronkyt was declared thu nominee. The democrat ; have only one majority in the homo including ilninej who has been heretofore independent , Hollies , it I'M understood , agreed to abide b. the decision of the caucui , but there i * emu talk in the hotels b-ut the icpublirana noinl Dating him for epoakor and thus obtaining control of the lioiMB. Thisia n meio tumor , liowiivcrand very liltla crodeocu should b plven It , In thu democratic senate caucus th1 Hon. Henry Seiter wns nominated for prcal ( lcnt pro tern. The ropuHearts ha\o onu ma jorily in the senate. II. A. D , Wilbanlcs of Sit. Vernon , receive * thu nomination for chief clerk , T. L. Stoke1 ( if Lincoln , for enrolling and uiigropslng olerk Tin ) republican lioimi caucus nominated th Hon. Charlen K. Fuller of Belviduu , Boom county , for BpeaVur by acclimation and np pointed : v coinmitte to ( elect candld.iton foi minor ollicoa. Thu rupulillcan rvuato cnucutu nominated W , J. OAinpbsll of Chicago foi president. Chargci ! With I'arriclclo. CHICAOO , January I ! . The Inter-Ocean Champaign , III. , special nays : Hugh Humph reyhan brun airexted on th chargiof purr : cide. When- recently Humphrey1 ! * fathe died theiu was suspicion of poisoning. Th stomach of the deceased wai sent to tne staV urmersity wheru oxpeits proooiniced thai death was tha result vf starvation. A thor time previous to tha dutniso of thu clde Humphrey , tha eon was placed under bond for a murdeiou * assault npon his father. Tlio Weather , , WASHINGTON , January ( i , Upper Mleals slppi , genuiilly fair weather , spring temper ature ; north , falling { temperatuie , sou tin. I portion , westerly winds. Missouri Valley , fair weather , southern per tlon partly cloudy weather , local unowii north ern portion , Wkinier weather , nieceded rx trtma Bouthern portion * flight fail of tempera tare , winds shifting toutherly. A largo gang uf telegraph repair men an now making headquarter * ut I'apillicm. The ; a o engaged In setting now polta on the lin beteen lieie and O.naha , The now poles an being Bet louth of the old line , a Bulliclent di * Unco from the railroad to make room for the laying of HID U , I1.1 * . , proposed double track rom Oinahn to l > apilliou.-l'aplllioa [ Time * A SUKE OUHK FOUND AT NO ONE KKSI BUFFER. A sura euro for Ulind , Blpodlnp , Itching and Ulcflrnted riles has boon dlfcolored by Ur. WHlioms ( an Indian llcmwly , ) cnllod lr. William's ludlan Pile Ointment A stogie- box has cured the wont chronic cases of 25 or 50 yours ( standing , No ono need suffer five mlnutoa nftor applyine this wonderful Booth- itig medicine. Ijotlonn , Instruments mid elcc- Diaries do more harm than Rood. William's Indian I'llo Ointmtnt rtbtorbs the turners , al loys the Intense itcliing , ( particularly nt night nftor Rotting warm in bed , ) ncU ta n poultice , gives instant relief , and Is prepared only for rllos , itching of the private parts , and for notblno olso. Road what the lion , J. M. Collinbs. ry. of Cleveland , tays about Dr , William's Indian I'llo Oolntmt-nt ! "I have used acoroa of Tile Curoa , nnd It affords mo pleasure to aay tliat I have never found anything which gnvo mich Immedlat9 nnd ponnaneut relief ns Dr. Wll. linftj's IndL-ui Ointmeut. For sale by nil drug gists and : uoilod on receipt of price , 50o and 91. Sold Qt roUll by Kulm & Co. O. K. GOOPMAS , Wholesale Agout , For Vnluo llocolvcO. "How much did Mr. Smith give you at his wedding ? " asked a minister's wife of her husband. "Two dollars. " "Well , that's a very insignificant sum for a rich man llko Mr. Smith to pay for ouch a sorvlco. " "It does Boem a small amount , " ho re plied , "but you must remember that ho has boon married before. " YOUMGMKN-UEA1 ! > THIS. Tita VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , olTor to send their celebrated KtKcrno-Vot.- TAiallELT nnd other ELKCIIUO ArniANCKS on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) nlllirtod with nervous debility , loa of vitality nnd manhood , and nil kindred troubles. Aha for thoumntlsra , neuralgia , puralysls , nnd raaay other diao.vscs. Complete restoration to health , vigor nnd manhood guaranteed. No nut is Incurred na thirty days trial is allowed. Vrito them nt onca for Illustrated pamphlet CO. Trichinosis. YOUKOSTOUN , 0. , January ( ! . John Fnrtn .ud family , also Henry Badunter. six pel-sous n nil are sulIorlnR from trichiiuuifi. The dyiiauiitora caloudor for 1885 is c. aatoful affAlr. It Is made | thn form of cartridge. For each day In the year , here is a tccipo for preparing or firing n explosive , and on the tame leaf is n moral sentiment verso. 0'Donovan Rcasa is supposed to bo tho'nuthor. The _ rocoods of the aalo go towards the skir mishing fund. Had the dynamiters succeeded in biow- ng up Londot bridge the other day , it rould seriously have inconvenienced a lumber of people. Ono hundred thou- land persons cross it every day. The irldgo is 900 foot long and > l foot wide , nd the lamp posts were made from can nons captured in the Peninsular war. It was built in 1824 , and cost over 35,000 , ) oo. oo.It m It Is now said that Mr. Dairca isn't keeping his senatorial seat warm for HhorMr. Longot Governor Robinson in .887. Wo have all along suspected that ho was trying to keep It worm for Henry i. Dawos , A market reporter says that his sweet heart encouraged him , and ho thought ol marrying her at once , but that a further advance was followed by a decline. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CRQUNSE'fi JB10CK , 10th and Capitol Avcnno , treats all oanot Crip pled or Deformed also dlsoatos of th Nervous System , ' Throat , Lungs' and Urinary Organs All easea of Catr.lure ol the Bplno , Crooked Feel tegs [ tad Arms , Diseases of the Hip , Knee , and Ankle Joints. Also Chronlo affections of the Liver KhonmatlBin , ParMygle , 1'lles , Ulcord , Catarrh , A > th ma and Bronchitis are all treated by new and BUO- ooesful mithcds. All diseases of the Blood and Urin ary Organs , Including thosa resulting from Indlscro- lion , or exposure , are eafol ) and euoccogltiily treated Young men , mladlo aged , and old men auOerln ? trom VK'ikneuB and Nonous oihauttlon , proJuclt , n4Ieutlon ( ( , Palpitation of tbo Heart , Despondency DliilnoBS , Loss of Memory , I < ack of Energy and Am bition , can be restored to health and vigor , If case Ii not too long neglected. The Burgeon In charge Mas president ol tne ftotthwcsteru tiuiglcal Insti tute and Surgeon of the National Surgical Institute. If afflicted , oallor wrltofull description of your case , aud medicine may be Beet you. Consultation troo. AdilrcsOLoili ; Dl penEaiy , Cronuso Block. Omaha , Neb Off.oo hears 10-11 . m.l-S a 7-8 p. 10 a m. /jTAccoirmndatlnna fiirnlehcd patients rom th country. Send for Circular. The JLttrycst JLine in the City. Not Sclliny Bt > { 'C/iea/je lhan Any Store in the City. JOHNHUSSIE , _ _ _ _ Cuming m rhenomcnal In IU simplicity and edocthcnosji. Thv Neatest , Clieavest , Lighted ind Jloat Durable Type Writing Machine In tlio world , Tvpe Changed Almost Instantly I'rloo 0 , tend for circular. O. M , MILLER , Atent , 1017 Hartley Ut. , Omaha , Acb JocSlwittmclm WEAK , UHDEVELOPEDPARTS y ' 1I1H HUMAN lll ( > y r.NI.AKIKI ) DhVFIrl Ol'hl > hi UI-.M. I HKNKD. " , Ion | nl.irf tlnif ailvyrl ij Miiiint ln'ntf run , nHtr | in | r , ItirBitly tnin- fuing ) < vfB will .ay that thMni M in viileucM ol [ lmg l niHlii . Onlh cuutmry. thHailvurti.yrK f C'u . llullao. AxY-7r ; OAWTAIi 'lokctfl ' only $ .1 , Sharon In Proportion State Lottery Ooinpany tnti ftr all the MtnlMy anil Stmi-Anntul I/cniiiitnm Statt Let' try Om vtny , Kn nnnoji and contrtl tkt Drairinci , and that tnttatnt ar ttmi'MtteH ulU kantiti/fain > ist. find in gotd/aM foiMrd at ! i r , leoorpoiilod In IBM tof 15jiri bj th lecJrCMmt i * dno llon , l und cb rU Wo paipoMt with 1 ol 11.000,000 to which * trwrrt fund ol or * SWJ.OCa QAS clnoo be Q alJtd. By an overwboimlntr popular tcU III fiunc&li * WM mwla ft pill ot tat promt lt U eonitllatloo ( < oteil Doocmho * Id. A b. 1970. The only lottery < nerotnl on luitt ( tufcctftl by to pcoplt otany state. It no > cr Bctuctoi po Ita grand alnglo nnmboi drawings taki iluoo monthly. A sn.KNnn > orroHTUKrrY TO wm A FOU UNK.KIU9T 01UNU JJUAWINO , C1.ASS A. IK HK AUADHttY OK MUS'C. NKW OULEAN ! < , UKSUAY , JANUAHY 13 , 1S35178th MOflTlILY KAW1NO OA.P1TAL PllIZE , 875,000. 00 CCO Tickets at C5 each. Fractions , In Fifths in jaopoHion , ' IJST OV P1UZE3. 1 OMTMfc miZK . _ _ . . . . 75.M1 1 da da . ,2SCO 1 Jo do . 10.0N 2 PIVLTRSOF ( I.OUO . 11,004 B do 2XW . f. , . . 10,004 10 da 1000 . 10CJ 0 JO BOO . 10,004 100 do 2X1 . , . . , 2)TO1 ) 3 : < \0 \ 1M . DJ.OCO 6M < u -to. . . . _ . as oca Ca do 2J . 33,004 AITSCZIVATIOK flllM. B Arproxim Hon pilws of 4753 . 8750 0 do do COO . 460 0 du ilo 850 . . . . . . S2 0 MiioruittBft to . . 1205600 Arpl'.oatlon lei ta to tinbs nhould to tuidi onlf o ICB offiw ol the Oompiny In Now Oitoo s. T/or tmlhcii InformeUon vrlto donrli * Klylnf foil ilJrc93. POSTAL NOTES , Exprosa Money Onlord , OT. iiw Yprk ExchAnjo In ordinary kttor. Curtonoy' ' by Express ( all sums ol ? 6 ud upw.traa t our ox * u i. D.\ui'ni , 01 M. A. DATJBtn , Now OrIeDl ! , . C07 SovccthBI. VTwihlnftoa U. O. Ifnko F. 0. Uonor Ordorn pAJubli nJ dJre oi to NEW OHLEANa NATIONAT , CAK1 ! , NowOrloana I * . 13 CONDUCThl ) Soyal Havana Lottorvli ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) [ Drawn at Havana , Cuba , EveryH2 to 14 Days. ICKliTS { 2.00 , - - HALVES , Subject to no m&ilputatlou , not 0 introllod by 'tlio parties In Interest U Is the lalrost thing In { the nature of chance In cxiatflifco. i For inlorinatlon and particulars apply to SniSGY &CO.GoiicrM Agents , 212 UroailwayN. Y clty.U UOLI , & CO. , 417 Wnlnut gtrcot , St. Louis. , Mo. , Frank Labrano , L D. , XO Wyandotte , Kan. I Iv 2I-ir&e ji w t * St , Charles Hotelt * * 013TUEET'BET.7thaml8th , - - LINCOLN , EB. i Hn. Kato Coakly , Proprlotoroca. j u } , 'Iy and elegantly lurnlahcil. QooJ gain ; rogma on first floor. j arTcrms S1.BO to S2 pi r divy , Pppjclal rates RI members ol the legislature , ' llo LEGAL NOTICE. J M. Wyngntt defendant lll laka notice that * 'on ho 15th day of Doc , 1831 Edmund Bartlett Ka.ij . , by Juttlcoof the 1'eaco of Douglas" county , laane-ittto rdor ot attachment for the sum of two hundrcdldol- ars in an action pendlni ! by htm wlicreln'Jncot ) Oobo s plaintiff , > nd J. 1. Wycort 11 defendant That property of the said defendant. ceualatliiK of stock of goods , fl.vturca and other peraontl prcperty pon- tallied In hia shop , corner of loth and Jones street , has been attached under said order. Bald 'cania waa continued to January Slat at 0 o'cl'ck , In I tha forenoon. DWlUHTaULLt 1 aec20.1ewSttroo Attorney for Flalntlff * ° ti H. S. ATWOOD , Plottsraouth , tanitnuor niOMoanflaiD ABD maa KADI n'EHEPORO ' UD JERSEY CME AND nmioo'on ; nBsnr BED DWINI 3TTonn letook for sale. Oorrespondcnco lollol or tbclurm " Bhr TTbonse connection niih Uk a corporate name ofagro&troaa convejs an Idta of jiut what required by the traveling not ) . lie t ! 3hort Unt Oulik thaw and the Lest t bcosnadi. MODS all of which me Inif bed by Ibo roitcct rtllvrav In America. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. Ik ownj and en over t.ioo mIoe ot Northern llllcc ! , / Itccncln , Mlnnceotn , Iowa JDikcti ; atid as to n Ala lln e , brauchet and con Uona roach all tb ereai juelnecs coiitioa ot Korthwcstand Fr West , U ntturally antwort dcBoiiplioD ot She IT'Ino , and Beet Itouto tettreo Chloigo , MllwaKCO , St. Paul and Minneapolis. OhlcagoMllw ukee , La Crosee and Wlnona. ChicagoMilwaukeeAberdeen and Ellrndali * Chicago , Milwaukee , Kiu Clalro and Btlllwuur Chicago , Milwaukee .Wausau . and Mcnlll. Chicago , MllwaukcoBeaver Dam and Onhkoill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukeeba and OeonoaowiA. , Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrledn Obits , Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna aud FalrlbauU. Chicago , Beloll Janeivllle aud Mineral PclLl. Chicago , Klein , Uockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Bock Island aud Cedar Hapldl. Chicago , Council IlIuOs and Omaha. ChicagoBlouz City , Bioux Falleand Ta iHoa Cblcajjo , Mlliraukeo , Mitchell and Ch , ODirUln Rock Jslind , Uubuque , Bt Paul aud Ja > aucauolla. Uarcnpoit "Almar , El. Paul and Minneapolis PuIImaa tlecpors and tbo Flneet Dining Carl In he wrld aru run on tbo malnllnesot theClIIOAOO , UltWAUKKB AND BT. PAUL It AIRWAY , and everr attontlouls paid to paescngera by courteoui employe ! ot the Cornj kny , UEIlIULt , , 0 nTI Manager. A. V II. CAUl'KWTKP. neaTTat * Ag . T CLARK , Oen'iaupi. 1 - a > : o. iikn.Foitn. > t , orn'i p Aei THE BRUNSWICK , BAlKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ 3U00C3SOHU TO THE J. U. Ii , & B. CO. ] The moet extenilre manufactareri IN TJIE WORLD. , John Hockitrauer Ooueral Agent or Nebraska an Western Iowa. CO 8. Tenth Street . . . . OUAHA , MED. iTadatlou Billiard and Pool Table * and i t ri * rloei la niihrodlslao , nrou - tig uttlvity , jioalUvoly cures iiii | > otoncy , lost . . onorKy.uorvougilebll- Ity , all wonktiuse ofstncratlvo syatoin ; eltliur BOX. * JUyinill. J ,