Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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2 # JLm ° * No10 " BM
o , Room 05' '
tni WMW.T MI ,
Iff JOBH ? : " " . w > 0 ° I Tht6 * Mon > . i
lUHontba. . L ° 0 1 One Month. . . . . . . . . . . 10
ll ° Sni5litloR ? rol"W o Newi and Editorial
addressed to tbe Ksmm Of Tn
ncl ihon.d be
TUB aqitkttor govornor'a message
bo much mete Iiitoroiting than that of
the real governor.
IT remains to bo noon whether the No-
broaka legiulaturo will put a premium
upon ballot box atufllng at republican
prlmarloa by giving John Sahlor a com-
mltto olorkahip.
CHIEF JUSTIOK WAITE , who la quito ill
is attended by a homeopathic phyalolan ,
MM. Wlualoir. If there la any oflioaoy
ia Mra. Wlnalotr'a
aoothlng ayrup now la
the tlmo to teat It.
THERE la yet tlmo for the cltizona of
Omaha to complete the discussion of the
propoaod charter amondmonta and agree
upon what wo need In the way of loglala-
tlon. Two or throe more meetings ahould
bo hold for thla purpose.
ONK of the first things that the legis
lature nhonld do after Ua organization la
to'pasa a bill for the relief of delinquent
taxpayers upon whom a penalty has boon
imposed under the present tax law for
falling to pay their taxes on the 1st of
THE Moscow theological seminary must
too a very strict Institution , and the arch
bishop of the dlooono must bo a holy ter
ror to the stndonta. Ho recently flogged
twontythroo of the younger prloata and
'Students for exhibiting symptoms of re
NEBRASKA'S exhibit at the New Oilcans
"World's exposition is pronounced by those
of our people who have seen it as some
thing of which the state may well fcol
proud , thanks to the efforts of Ex-Gover
nor Ftirnas , who has had the matter in
charge from the start.
IT wan in strict accordance with the
sterna ! fitness of things jthat Captain Leo
was made temporary speaker of the house
when the legislature mot. The captain
made himself more useful two years ago
to the railroad bosses and Boss Stout than
Prank Walters , alias Naglo , over did.
HAVING acquired a very useful educa
tion in the employ of the Union Pacific
ti lobby , Frank "Walters now turna It to
account In the service of the B. & M. A
.railroad that will employ such a notori
ous character must have some very dirty
work to perform , and Walters is the man
that can do it.
IT la understood that the suit of the
Union Pacific for money withhold by the
government for the transportation of
Buppliea will bo decided agalnat the rail
road. The amount Involved la $3,000-
000. The railroad will of course appeal
from the court of claims to the United
States Bupreme court.
THE rlao In the price of wheat has
enado the stock In sight worth over $ C-
(000,000 more than it was on the last day
of 1884 , while the aggregate rlao in the
value of ten loading railroads stocks dur
ing the aamo la nearly $9,000,000. Thia
ila encouraging to those who place their
hopes up on speculative values.
THE recent eovoro weather has hnr } but
little damaging effect upon the range cat
tle of Nebraska and Wyoming , and cat-
tlomeu arc feeling pretty comfortable.
In northern Montana , however , the situ
ation is by no means so favorable , the
enow being ao deep that the herds arc
threatened with starvation.
A FEW disaffected republicans in Kan
sas have joined the democrats In an effort
to prevent Mr. Ingalls" return from thai
atato to the United States aenato. Nc
fear of the result ia entertained , how.
over , by hia frlonda. The report that thi
railroads arc at the bottom of the opposl
tion movement haa given Mr. Ingalla ad '
.dltlon'al strength. Chicago Tribune.
Wo take no Block in the above state
inont. Mr. Ingalla' record la that of :
steady and persistent railroad mftn. I
too haa beoomo a convert to the dootrln
of anti-monopoly he haa turned a ver
landden somersault , and ho ought to I
taken on probation before being receive
into full membership.
TIIOHE ambitious statesmen who hav
Loon trying to Blip into the judlcal ahoi
of JudgeBradleftofoio the 4th of Man
are doomed to disappointment , as Justli
Bradley does tot propoas to go upon tl
retired list , but will endeavor to rota
his Boat for four year\ longer before r
tiring. A great deal of preaaure haa bei
boon brought to bear up in hi
to Induce him to vaoato 1
place BO that President Arthur could a
point a republican as his anccoisor , a
thai prevent the possibility of tha don
ctats patting In a member of their par
Justice Bradley , however , la a at BUD
republican , and having concluded not
ict'ro he will ftjbably not ba diiturb
during the next administration. 1
llkos his work , and la cno of tne m
Industrious of the supreme judges.
The Colorado legislature has just con
vened. The Denver Tribune ltcpubll >
can , the loading republican paper of Col
orado , under the head of "Tho people aiu
watching , " publishes a very strong edi
torial , which applies ai much to the Ne
braska legislature as it does to that of
Colorado , and wo commend it to our Ne
braska legislature. It is as follows :
The course of each motnbnr of the leg
islature will bo watched this year by the
people as never boforo. The men who
advocate retrenchment and economy on
every hand , and who keep constant
ly in mind the fact that the state
treasury la drifting toward bank
ruptcy , will make reputations worth hav
ing. The people are alive to the condi
tion of affairs and will applaud and ap
preciate these who are true. Members
who truckle to monopolies under what
ever disguise will not bo able to cover up
their tracka. Representatives who have
secured election for purposes of personal
gain will bo disappointed and will go
forth at the end of the session , branded
with disgrace. But these who keep their
oaths , and are trno to tholr constituents
and the boat Interests of the state , have a
future before thorn.
There are two ways for legislators to
servo jobbora and monopolists. Ono ia
to openly place the tools of the latter In
power. The other Is to kill oil the load-
era of the fight'for the people by putting
forward negative and harmless men who
cannot bo effective ; Monopoly will at
tempt the former game if It can win. If
not , the indirect method will bo resorted
But outside of the senator'nl con test t
monopolies ara likely to mcasura swords
with the people. Hero the isstio Mill
again ba clouded by faho questions naked
by the tools of corporations. But the
people are watching their representatives ,
and will not bs put off with dcdgieg ox-
ciises They ara ready to do the gtcatcat
honor tj members who concede some
thing cf their penoiwil views for the
take of effective measures. But who
ever antagonize ] bills , that could be
pasted , under the pretext of waiting
something better , will find it incumbent
upon himself to show that ho is sinceua.
At the outset members will have a
struggle forced upon them it they do their
duty and relentlessly cut down the nunv
bor oi legislative employes so as to reduce
duce the expenses of the prolonged BOS
sion to the last notch. The pressure to
increase the number of those places will
be almost irresistible. But it must bo
resisted for the gcod of the state. Whore
the'money is to come frora-to moot all
the urgent demands upon the'treasury is
already a serious question , and It will be
calamitous to us at this time if the legis
lature does not distinguish itself for econ
omy. Reckless spendthrifts must not be
allowed to take possession and begin a
carnival of extravagance.
The recent earthquake in Spain and
the alight ehccka that have boon felt In
various sections of the United Statoo
along the Atlantic coast have around a
more than ordinary interest in these dia
turbancep , which are becoming alarming
ly frequont. It Is a positive fact that
there is no part of the globe absolutely
free from earthquakes ; the phenomenon
Is general. There are circumscribed re
gions in which the surface ia Habli to l > o
ahakon simultaneously , and suoh a region
! an earthquake area. The most exten
sive of those areas of concussion , , and
these in which the earthquakes are the
moat numerous and violent are sit
uated within the great zonoa of
broken lands the border zone
around the Pacific ocean , and the
central zone separating. , the northern
from the southern continaats.
In the first ara found the celebrated
earthquake areas' of th > Andes , that of
the western coast of Nonth America , and
thoao of Kamtchatka , Japan and Now
Zealand. In the second wo moot with
the great Mediterranean area frora Spain
to Syria , with Italy , Cfreoco , Asitv Minor
and North Africa. The Arabian * nd Indian -
dian aroaa are in the same zoneand , the
two regions of the earth most convulsed
by these terrific ahoeka , the earthquake
areaa of Central America , with the An
tilles , and that of the , Eaat Indian Arch
ipelago , are situated at the lakorsectloa
of the two zones.
As yet cionco.Ji.xs given UU.BO satlsfsc-
tory explanation of the phenomenon ol
earthquakes. Psofesior Dana is of thi
opinion that th * extensive , carthquaiea
disturbing IVTOM of hundred * of thousmdi
of miles , and these whichitako plaoo out
el aide of volcanic districts , , are dua \ < i , thi
I-1 increiiMiifj. tension prcdud in Ilia enrtl
" THtrata by the uJo dy contrive ion [ of ou
I cooling planet.
8' | The uutnbar of earthquakes IB mud
rt \ gwato * than "u generaUy supposed ! Cnre
I fully prepared calnloyius of alL uaoordei
10 j cases swell the number to aavtral thro
I71 sands. The record of the Luil ccutnv
d8hovs | that "we'M y place aTthqu , kt
I among the regular and contiuuoua ten-a
I trial phenomena. Although th
vo I great catastrophes way bo ran
011 hardly a week passes by wlthoi
ch I without a commotion of the groun
Ice I worthy of notice taking place somowhoi
he on the surface of the globe. It will sn
\\n \ I prlso most people to learn that In tl
ro. twelve years from 1872 to 1883 Inclusn
ion three hundred and slxly-four earthqnak
im I have boon recorded as ocouring in Can
his da and the United States , not includli
ap. Alasko. A recent Issue of the Sclen
uid magazine distribute ) these eart
no quakes in this > \ny : Supposi the com
rty' try divided into throa districts ono. e
neb tending from the Pacific ocean e.astuat
ty to include Idaho , Utah and Awon
13 d which may bo called the Pacific alope ; t
He second extending fiom Montana , Wyoi
lost i"t'i Col'rado and Now Mexico rns
\\anl \ , to include Ohio , Kcntuck
Tenncwco and Al.ibaum , which
called the Miss's ' ippi valley ; nnd ilio
third , or Atlantic s'opc , cxlcnding east
ward fig.iih to the Atlantic ocean , and In
cluding the Appalachian tystein from the
St. Lawrence to Florida nnd Ocorg'n
Then the distribution of thole 3G4 earth
quakes has been : Pacific slope , 151 ;
Mtalulppi valley , CO ; Atlantic slope ,
147 ; tolal , 304. These numbers indicate
that nbout once in twelve days nn earth
quake occurs soinoffhero in the United
States and CanatU , nnd about once a
month ono cccura somewhere on the
Atlantic slope. .
NOTWITHSTANDING the troublea that
have arisen over the electoral count , it
now aooma that congress will not bo
likely to agree upon an electoral count
bill. It will bo remembered that at the
last session the senate passed the Hoar
bill while the honso passed the Eaton
bill. Ech house sticks to its own bill , and
the conference committee , to which the
matter was referred , is unublo to como to
any agreement. The Iwo bills are prac
tically alike na to iho formal mooting of
the houses in joint convention and the
method of opening the returns , except
that the Hoar bill calls for a joint moot'
ing on the second Monday in January and
the Eaton bill on th&nocond Monday in
December following the appointment
mont of the electors. The
points in dispute are ao to the method
proscribed for determining any controversy
over the vote of a state , The Hoar bill
provldoa , In the event of a dlapnto , that
the return which shall bo doomed lawful
by the current vote of the two bonioa
acting soporatoly shall bo counted , The
Eaton bill requires that all such qnes
tions shall bo determined ini pint convention
tion by a vote per capita , and that these
votes dial ) bo counted which' ' a majority
of the convention declares legal. Thia ,
of course , gives the preponderance of
power to the- house , which outnumbers
the senate-by nearly four to ono. The
democrats evidently prefer to teka thai ?
chances in a dispute with tire houso.
The republicans salcct the senate nude ?
like circumstances.
Tnir railroad lobby is thoroughly or
ganized at Lincoln , as was to bo > expoctcd ,
while the opposition lacks organization ,
It does not scorn possible , however , that
this legislature can ignore the < - pressing
'demands of the > farmers and producers of
Nebraska for reasonable railway legis
lation that will' give them some relief
'from ' the burdens which have for years-
boon impoired'upan them by the railroads. .
Not only in Nebraska is there a general ?
demand for-railway regulationbut In
nearly every atate of the Union ; and the
"probability b-that there will be a move -
ment all alcng the line among the vari-
.ona leglalatcBos to afford aos&e rollol
from railroad4 astortion. Nebraska iwll !
( not very likely prove an exception , nn
less the legislature sells itself bodily to
itho corporations.
THE generaJbi nation in tha shatoi of
"Koasaa-isnobf vccy encouraging 'at tha
picnmtitime. It i tlius briefly summcti
up ;
Thues arc liaid in Kansas. Com i :
lliTig SXB low 3310 cents a bi elwli , ant'
/anuennre lifting ; it for fuel. Trade ; J
dull and the banks. Iiavo slujt t'Kacnuoiicy
up ii.their yavto Millers lef' ran
rtuco the pricevofiiLsmr and thai railroads
Jiclptoksep , tl b country poor toy > char
ing blui aamo pfico for taking , , grjin to.
mart as wlieifcwheat v > na worlii § 1 25 :
bushel and cotii. was bringiiii.jjlQ < tai
fccnis.- .
SMITH , who died a
Ogdsnaburgb , JTv Y. , on1 Decmber 2 tb
was -well known , ia Omaha and through
out the department of the Zftaito. Ho
Was for .several joars paymaster of thia
deportment with hoadquartcre in , Omaha
Co'jonol Smith entered the military > nor
vice J ly 2St'i3Sl , as major xf thoSeosnd
Minnesota Infantry , and aorvod as lacb
until September G , 1801 , when ho ac
copied < appointment of paymaster
U ? S. < Ax , which position o hold.i . ontl
Jane ! ( ) , 137.91 . , when ho was retired for
iroiiL'Ht Indue try.
1 Despite the somewhat prevalent idam
speculation ia iho royal i > .ad ts
wealth , tha truth la eilll as ovidenU co ,
over , , ibnt honest Industry is iho onlj
sure way , to success , haziness no er. aa-
compllshed great roaclta in any ( " cocticDj.
What htvTO boon called the happ ininira
tiono-ofi g.ojnlus are osly the fruUarof'hco-
est , but ouknown tel ) . The 2lcawboro ,
wha.wait for something to turn.up.roroly
gpt bojond the -nailing po--lgo. . 3t ia
trua , , all along the Tuy cf Ufa , Umt i in-
oab industry alone - 511 win. liutac. with
education in childhood. Thc.aoro- abili
ty to allp through , axaminatlaas wiih lit-
41 o study , does neb make the , successful
scholar. It ia only the plo&ling , hard
ir. : working student fwho really suoofttdi. A
chance aucoetHin.apeculatloa.only provea
the rule In bualnass life. 'Jo o3iot ! thia
are the thousand failures. What , then ,
does Industry involve ?
Its first catdiiftuil is the tnui incHS. It
does not iuo iii tlio nuiubuf ofi hours de
voted to n jNum task , buh the thorough
ttccomiilialmou-t , of the vwrk attuinptuu.
Thia may u iiiro u loiig , < q ojf diottor tiuu
but meant * success no imttitr how loiig ov
short the naricxl needed The euduiix
of Moikifctlio'oughties * , Itninybe sooi
in potty dk. eails.
ut uu applKontfor positLvu . "NVo hav
id place fiif on industricus ynung inn i lu )
ire wo feav you tlo uit > ueet the C.OIH&
ir- tion ! " The y oun qcm u as surjit Veil ULDI
irho innukwl what thu % j&Kvoniblu )
uaabo&odon II < , was
Ivo lottur of upplicatjftu. It uus
cos and * iiiconectly written. In , iiuVioitc
clianw er nnd hihU. " Itas rv'it
iwuctuated nor correctly Bj ilLud. M Ji
Ing biindui-who revised -Ms , jnion (
ICQ an applicant < ) . seeing -him jjkk up a pii
th. ohsuivcd Bht\vkUy Thv u luiess ill
th.m acenda to jttty details a.ifil cUy all
mer wotk thocx'UyhTy. Ihia.'H.tlw first c .v
ernl - denco of JndustJ ! ) ' .
nl , Constant alermoaa U another feciuri
na , In the sharp competULoon of our day on
the the mojt absolute alertness awcotd
Anil nothing so aVtwpeni the fatuities
mi- constant cierclr . The fitfi''t , irregnl , no maikor what the Held , cann
hia ff uUles are n
arousod. Our great inrontora ar
HOBO who have plodded in special field * ,
low and earnestly Stewart , the mer
hant , was at his desk with methodical
> rompln ss year aft r year. By kcophiR
ho run of the tnarkols ho availed hlraiolf
f ovoiy adrantjgo.
Thera nro f-wtnty-threu sc ? ol districts in
Ttayer county.
A biick yard Is the l\tc- ( nddilion to O.ik-
hud Indus tilw. i
Another company tl troops Is to be ont to
; ort Sidney post.
Central City's 820.0GDllourlnK tnll } w run-
img night nnd day.
The J'reo Maions of Ilelron colcbrntetl St.
Tuhn'n dny with a baiuinstnnd ball.
John Swnn. a homc te ! UTf was frowsj to
loath near Alnaworth lust-week.
Four pornons froro to donth In the vlcithy
of O'Neill durlnc the recent cold snap.
It is crtlmatoil the cororotr census of t'i
tote will ubovr n populixtlon cf 800,000.
An unknown mUcrcnnt rowctly shot o
mule at Table Kock out of pnrrcnBsodness.
.T. II. I'oo. near 1'ullerton , lind his hands
and feet horribly froze while liun'.itig cnttlo.
Garlwld is tTw name of a now csimty orgnu-
zed ouft of the west half of WhwJor county.
The Union Pacific railniad cn v ny re
cently pa.H'thD t s Mirtr of Dawwn county
Soap buUtlo socinla are nmoiiK the Awhion-
nhlo satkiiig ] yonihs of AuburnKvery )
bubble buu.
Monday night , near Lodge Pole , n train of
cars ran into a drove of cattle , killing tnran-
tionhoftd of thorn.
Mrs Mcpoutrall , mfithsr of Ali'xand < t'and
John McDiugnlll uf'ScKuylerIwas foundUcnd
nhur bed on Mbilday.
1'cndor Is the ainoof a ne\v town in Btrt
county on the HID of 'thu ' Omaha k St. FViI
road. It has graml'
Tlio arguveycd authorities < > ( York hnvj
> rohlbited " 11. ] i { ' . ' ' ( barnacle binznio ) , tl *
ast temperance Btimulanfruucorki-d.
The 1'iorco county commitnlonera Imvo re'
quested the district jndgo to- bold but ono *
, onn of court in that county next jonr.
Fremont has n socU < ty tn Yjtienuxago luarria-
gen by insuring proipcctlvo lUialrandw and
wivos. It does not inrarongaintit divorcu ,
Tlio village trustees of Scribrt * B have con
.ratted to put down two wplla 23 feet dcop
tud 7 foot in diameter. Tlwy nro to bo used
"or fire purposes.
Itjs pr ] M ed to lm\o a-ipi-oial Nnbnwka ex
cursion t the exposition i at NJW Orloana
sonus time in March or April , iff veuy cheap
r.iilroad rates can be had.
The Ailvtivtists did nit ? aec Td nw tbo
eartb collapw in any part of tho1 utito Sun
day , t far s hjmd from. Tlmro waa quite a
descent of politicians on Lliooln , ' however.
Dr , J. 0. KliDginan and Mrs. M'or/ Header
; \TO 1'apilllon people , were married m Oui.ihn
TI mouth cffa. Now they are HviDg. | rit an l
thocourt - * have been appealed to for sudtvoric.
i Henry Cbrdia , n we'l-ktiwn ' rpall estate
Juan of Columbus , fell down the stair ? .boding
; o his cool cellar , on the night of tlit < 3Ttb ,
receiving- injuries from which be died in a
jhortttime ,
AUittlo daughter of W. CP Cunningham ,
iMIlford , who had been sick.Mr Bomo time ,
vomited n corroded pin irom her throat-that
and been lodfjed there for more- than a * year ,
nd recoTOrod.
TJw Tocumwh Republican desiree-tto be
: ounted among the bnllinnt ind puanaiik
ininoril < y cti tfiir pressof the ita tfopiipaBd
monopoly rule- The addition is n uorthinid
welconie onotakvn on probation ,
for the propo'Dd
insane asylum which the lec-ielnturo will be
ailed upon ti prt > vide for , to lelisvo'tho pre -
iurc on the present one. The town weralcB
: nakorttuuccer iul ia occupants.
I lloring December 2,240 nsiEK of Hndi.'in
Plielps- county were sold in 160 tucre parcels
[ Or a total of § 27,910. The coi-utry is - snjqyr
Ing nJioalthy .substantial growth ; and > idrm
land h 3.--u.lvrin30i considernblo in value > -
\ 0. C3 < Stone , a hardware merchant air Go-
( isvay ttomptod .auicido last Treek. FHends
brsvented him f rom ser ioualy iajntinglil itelfl
Sir. Stone's health has been poor for years-
nd led him to attempt aolf-dcatrnction'
Gibbon , Jnst JiB -b3UPs :
. . . f wheat , . .
ifcomand 1,500 bushels of oats ;
Jniin Sw.iHU-\lto Hve abc tfc ifcev n iinilcs.
jouttiNiBt of Aiiibworth , csiuo into thJi illate
ona cliy luatuT k to make KMIIO ncy-aiary.
Ilocaanu on foot juid im Itiinvay
" .being pi ked upiinrithuvi
' liis oun i kite ,
I There is n good prospect that the long
needed bridge over the Souti 'Iioup , on the
Pluat Crook rcadv wll be completed daring
ho winter. A-ltwgopart of the materlsl 113-
> n tbe ground -and the work , sl fromictt. the-
pans begun. CTSw piling wiKlbo drlvea while
ha- river is frozen orer.
.All attachtiunt was nerved : y th ? sli ! rlili.on
hd tock of goods in tte ntow of W. SJ.Ott ,
htt(7oliimbu3. ( ditciilay even ntr , 0. H-sCrood
Hch , of Omaha , taking the alHdavit Thoas
eits will amount tosumethi 3fO\r.t § 2OCO land
the Habilltiffe > tniabont SI,100 , It Is probable-
th at Ottill be aUe to t 'feet a eoUlernenti
jivithout mi oblofi.
j ThocaRuoGi.unaultandrobbi-ry occnrted at
W'CiHJiiing Water > a the evening of Docorabe-r
89. Kil jkjiLtrick ) , of Ave < : . came to town
, to p.iy eome tu , tM , haing om liis pei oa SI , '
,060. , Stop pjiiR at tha f itLpernnct , Ulll.adi
jlnll lie went toinn nutlinii , nnd was i ivmi > t'i"
[ nd bagg1 nod robbed. The eiiipt7\1poclie'
pKxik was t"und but the rubbers di jitpi iued.
Mr. K. was liaclly bruise 11 about tha horwl
Uis couditl i ia said to be critical.
A hlio Uni ; scrape t < ) k place : tin pu.l.c )
side iifai Ilt'tdy on Saturday , tlio 27th'.i T.
U. .roliijton nnd Cria PeUrnon g'Aiintonn
. „ , Johnston utriliiiuf
Put'-iso'Xiwitb \\hip ft.w Pttenu'Jtnocli ng
Jolmntaoiudown. Wb U ou the Rrsiind Jo'joj-
Hton draw a. ravoler ai.d hrod two < ih6ts fvo- Heraon , buUwhlch we nfnivldno P
their mirk ono tnkii tffect in t ! ( i leer of
Win. UMl'iii and the cUier in the arm , o f'0 > o.
A. M30lulload , tw < innocent ] y\rtio 4.o > lih
ntfalr. lilo wounds u not hcrlo jiP
A fatal accident cceurred at IIsnlutKn on
thu nu.rnung of thu SUt , at Oli'r'a' eluv < ktor ,
which Joseph Guye.itsthla liffj. Mf. Guynr
loiika fte r the macUaery , and u bile , eto jping
over a tduubling rrd to fix a gra'n chut \ , bii
clo'ti waa cnugl t , by the nil and ho wan
jet lied Ciruiiril nuajumder the rsd b-eatving
illsmck and killli ghivaiiutanrtjr. lit * hisad
wao > badly cruihei * itd arms brutAidj Irat no
bcEjea broken.
wtek anoUter o } thons
accideiU uith firearms wJuch wo
roivl of almost oi iy day happened ! at Shell
C'Meb. Two stjrjfions of Mi JS'J Ifftum wcie
Bundling & lo.idoJ gun when tha pit ja became
, d' rVargod ; , imd.tho lend ui Uirwli tl pit of
llii. stomach U thsyouncwtbraStxr. . Dr.
Hchafer was oiUcxl , hut the * o-jn.d was found
tu ba fatal , and the unfortuncJo lad diet ]
f\bout \ fivolKiirt nUurwim ! . , lie wja ngc-d IS
A pasaeiieritcsingoiDr ) > witJOtho Sinn ;
iCity & Pstis w wrecl. 4 np Btauton on
Vr thuuftPiuooi\i cf tlm 31 44. Tliii train
rlitahlu hevjui vith a lurge i-ntw p'iw nn
hetd en in > , and etrlkio dnifi ran upon II
and turudJ tliehead ODim-'jircrpiccIiititiiu ; ; (
it down an tiab-inkim t& . ll ) ! > lucond ox jiK
at anlii'Q tha rails spreai'i.-iptlltlf * Um toiiclrj U fi
tha t-jviV. . The enjipecr aud liremicv , wem
fro-ja the cab unj urof ) , wLUq , th-
oscapln r l aVout thim , NJI , oii <
v. Nonnw , , n. Dwcu counts T
wb > 10 j-ucu U uif t , mij m north of
es BoiiiB thirty 3)il&vwest of Co\rgt'o ) | , wu
ly found ! ou Tuesday itftotnoon In a Ijltln ilrai
liu thu UulTs , , fcur mllfa jorthvicstr <
, fro7jiiito iloatli. Norinu , vho \ via
of a WO.Q past iddije | - , u-jg in Wulttfield o
bxxiineen when tile Kizz&rd of Tuvud y can
tip. It waa ijfttiead that bu uoi not warml
* Ji > thediind a u rchaut In nirose ktore hu w
aiiggcstcd bhilj LA buy a pairui oserahofh. 1
un wi-riji\ihat Uane\erwor vorihooj. Ab < i
I o'clock In the afternoon be utitrted fut li
re. home. '
re.d , Mr. Hoiaah was ( o\\nd Monday roiralt
ill. lyintfintbe deep of death In the Bi ui bi
wiVihluwlfo , with aainfant in her arms tv
jii.ysold , ISeingnUerly lulplofM iersolf ul
lsr Uxlledher llttlu WD,13yearj aU too BI
luti ( ir < ne in the n'ighhors to her * iai > tanu ) . I
Ml ) U\e d of c.iUU in. V. lp n m \ hHVli he n <
d his uncK Mr. HMkco , thrco miles In the
i'intry. Mr * . Jislkee wn ? sMcr of .Mrs.
llonlh , with n infant thtitt weeks old , ami
Thotlicr from the Hidden Miock of the sod in.
tolliftanco or other c mc * combined , Mm ick
ncd and died the follow \vg morning. [ Kast-
A end Accident occurred up on SI ICR cri-ck ,
n litown county , ou ChtiVtmns dny. A youog
unn nnmod Uordoor wns edinc some rlintnnco
( i liootftrft pri/o , and IntaiitiRUp a tonm ,
ianr.d tno other men nnd a lady sttrtod for
ho place Afti-r riding part of the wny , Sfr.
[ 3 > > rdner nud one of tlia other men gut out tn
wnlk , laying ft gun _ , whlcli Imd bun loiHecl
wit Ii oiwt' > ln > t , in the lilnd cnil of the wg fl ,
watkiug Kliind. Ai Ihnwiiai'ii ' Ktai led down
ftllttlo rnviuu , ono of the Imrrels UM tin-
: bi\Tj , ' i1 , thu contents cntcriug llonlncr'f
jroastv } tc was t kin to n noiRhboriiig hou iv
whuru he almost immediately expired ,
. V. Marshall , a roliffico nnd St. John fa
imtic , of York , nitlotixl lii < ftimily to ilixrobo
at iimlniaTvt of tlio l6th ! amf jtrppart ? to a ci-ml
tlio Ro ( leu stair * . i\Inr hlilij ; \lta family
wound tlw strive , ho grabbud an iron club anil
ix-gan a Unoclidimn argument. Tire first nt-
tuck was on Mr. 1'imell , Mr. Mntsbatl'ij fath.
cr-in-law , who TI-CCIVIH ! Kovei'J bruise" , ami
thun Mre. Marshall and the fho cliilnrcn. Af
U.T going thu tiniirul * with hi < IroVclub fco ran
nut on tlio eti ct , with no clntlu'ng'on [ bnt liis
sliirt. Boatchw inndu for him , .tllora bHug
now on tlio gi ttiuit li was trucked1 abe t a
mill ) into tlio country , ami found lllig oivtliu
railroad track , cntiiely caked. Ho ns takm
Home and placed" under -natcli , ami , With tf >
rt\CTtou ! of a llij-iltj' i | cll soinetimo' dllHftg
tiir ? following day , ih rep ( < rted ns guttii'tf-nlong
nil. itglit.
Nnbrnsteii 1'lnco Hunters.
o Her Aid.
It ia n little quoorthat the only etntoili
whhh A battle roynV la In progress for tlio
poaeeaaion of the dorJocrntlc spoils is ZTo <
braoio , which never garo an doctoral
vote 9o ft democrat ic candidate , nnd which' *
IB ID the habit of gome ; republican by
from 0000 ; to 50,000 mojorhj.
Two factions of the part/ , which it
would room is hardly bs enough in that
commonwealth to bo olao than orderly ,
united aud circumspect , , have already ap-
poarodr and the loaders o ! betS * are con *
lidontly claiming that tlloy ano to have
the p&tronago without Intsrforonco
From &tyy > cpartor. CAo of iheso fao-
lionlod - by J. Sterling Morton , haa
twd a moating at Lincoln fer the parpoao
cf parcolias out the ofiiccc-ond the ether ,
ciptainod ' 'jy Doctor Miller ; , of i&hiahn ,
depends u ion hia oft-ropcatod nsaurtion
tbitho is to dispense the poatofllcoa when
tha propor'tlmo arrives. Tiia-lrarabwords
that are being used would do cradlt to
the * nll-powsrful factions ia' ' < Now Tork
Cit7. but In a otnto where tie part is a
hopeless minority and wharo proterta-
tloiu of diointeroatodness Imrabeon'anu -
sual' loud iJ'JS'iiothiug Ice than scan-
dale a.
PiSBidont'OIoTOlandia in the habit ; of
dispensing hb' own patconocjannd the
Nebraska spoll'huntora will OiHaovor thfa
fact before man/ months have olapaod.
Itcllin Diseases
ECZE-IA.orSultrAVann , with Its agonizing-Itch
Inir , and hnrnlni/ Instantly rellfvd by a wi
bath wlttiCutlcnra2o p , oml a sinclo tpv 'atlco of
Cutlcuro , the KreatS'tln-Ktorc. Thi8.wpeatod dslly ,
with two JT three Aosan ol CutlcuiMohcnttW
New Bloc BPUrinot- keaptbe blood1 cool , the per
splratlon yam nd mlrntallng , the bjw : la-oncn , th
liver and 1idncysactlvewiU Bptodiv care Eczcm i
Tottnr , KI-asworm.38brlas.-B , LIohoDSfiiitus , bcailBd
HeaJ , DanJrttn , nnd oterv spoclcs of itfthtap , Sca'y
nd Pimpllilmor ol the Scalp an * Skm , when the
be st physicians and an'kncwn ' remedies fall.
lly crat'tnV3 to-fOtl 1 unbounded tor the relnl
ha\oohtalnvl ttom th > ise-ol the Cut curs llcmcfjbii
Ihatobeci tjBuUolnta Ec/eina KIM toy ICM 'o
twenty jcaw-1 h-ji'lnot ' comtoiilliW .night lo
jrcarstho IN taiiip and tishlTu ; cro H < Irrtimno Nw
I am happy Ic-'say , 1 ha ; o tin trouble. Only the li' rt
colored pauSruon rcy llmbd remain _ a > a token ol
XDX loriner ru&jrr.-
183 West Avtnucv JLOoHuitcr , N. Y.
. EC EMAvC > A
Younnos * voluivble.Ojtfcura Hcmetlieiha\e dsao-
any child so aion gcoUl that I feel lla , eaj ins.-tMa
'fb ' < tlio beno1trtol tlio % rho are troubled uith.ekln
doaease. II little eWt was troubled with Ec2anu
MM ! 1 trlid t eral dojtcr and medicine but didnoi
i > her ai ly pooduntil Ituwxl the Cutlaira BomcChs ,
hich up udEpuroil > hir , for w hlch I orf * you m o.y >
iawks a od tni < nlK'it' of rest
AKTON BOSSM1EH , LV.on Babsry , ,
Blinbnrghi Irld.
1 was iaIniC3tiHrf iirbaId ; , caused by.tettet
jopuftho scu4 | I UHH ] jour Cut cura llcuied'rs '
n&ont \\efk8.anJlWj j cured my pcolpptrtuotly ,
and now my.idir ijouiuin * back aaihlcl-,33
wan. J. P.i CHOICE.
Whltti bora > iTejis.
I want to tell ou ttot your Cutliura Re.iolvcaUU
mapninc ent. Abuubihrco months agoni vlfao wo
aovortd nitb bljtchns , and utter ucljig , Jhre.0 bottles-
at llcaolent j. M ptrfectly curcil.
23 St Charlts Stroat , NewOiIeanj , La.
For ai by < or
irarrant Cu eura to < ore oi tl a , 1 have sold It
3orfho ( .ills.
Holtli itop
SoM o\c--ywhcro. I'rljo Cut'cura , 5Cc. CulS-
cura tc a\r'2i6. Cutlcura Ito-o.vcnt , ! > l.
r Drutriind Olieinlon.lCo..BoHior .
. . . . , Caltea
- - - u. Orange , lc.flr T r
-um > , l'iiiU.liik ( , .tc.ii > lUJIoutistynntl nut
nully i tbofrull ft-om M Jiloll UU7 re muile
ji PriCftJRaking PowrferlCo. ,
| ! ChlCQBC > , IIU St. Loulo , Mcv
a 0 Creaitt ) Baking Powder
S jwo *
ftJDr. Price's Liiputiu Yeast Goxns ,
licit Dry Hoj. Yenit.
OAT-iT3 yfy O-Z20
? ICINQ 111 Linen , > OTH
od Lln ( > tgs AXD Exteriors.
iho Aalc for them
InM - \ BUGS. , Agenta foe Otuuhi
MONF.T tOANKD on Cl fcttcls , ollTurliii ,
curoa Notts , or Ito l KeUte , f ttmnctnl F.t
cVango 15t.1 J' n nm st , OIlfelBp
MONnY to lor\n on cbttfls ! sunn of } 10 ml
up. Alto on real omte. V ; , II. Molln , H04
St. ! B3-J n 19
MOKKV tn loott on cbMtda by J.T.K * { lfTl3
natth 14th ft. IM-lAii 1 > 3
MOWKt TO L.OAM in ( ami ol nuonnn upwirii.
0 , F. D vll nd Co. , K l K Ute kml I-ons
Agenls , UCS F rcMn Ct. 803 tl
ONF.V kkned on chkttelt. lUllro 1 Ticket
M bough ! Anil Bold. . roromtn , SIS U. 1Mb
748 t (
JVl7ANTKD-Competent nsBBTi girl ; good ftlor-
t enccs rcii' cd. Mra , Mont , 8W cnr. JMh
fc-nf Capitol ftvo. M7- . '
"WANTKD-I Rlr'i t Dor.Ti'hoaM ' , 013 KornM.'l
> 1 e 8t
"XV'A.VncD OoodLlrl ( orccnertt houwwork , llt >
\ \ 3 17th Btrcot. 540 7p
\-I7ANTED t the Child's horyltM , n competent
VY rtiUMowoman forVciicrftrHou ework. C330p
" \ \ 7ANTKUOlrlintTllkle' J per box Uctorj ,
\ \ . - . . '
\\TANTED-Ooml girl tor gencrr housework ,
IT rpl7tt ) 1900 f unhamBt. Ottmtn prolcrreil.
TT ANTKDi-A good girl t'Bli N 1/Jr St. )
" \1I7ANTKD A srooj ( food r rl lor ijtncrd1 house-
W work tfltta IDcxlgo at. tt Sp
TTI7ANTED- good ; rcllablo rnan to do off cework
TT anil ckll on ritjr tmilo. C H bctwpen ISRlaod
? p. m. , Cannot Dfcs. & Co , Kidltl 'JO 1 rtnsorblock ,
orp. lO. . SSI-Op
7ANTED A tuldillo need person lo taki care of
T b by. HS otrth 25th , n r ItodRo. Ml-7p
WANTED A K.v'l to do KencrtKiousonrrk. Must
be a good plain owe * . AppIy iOrtliw trt'oorucr
: M'nnd ' 1 > \ cnport "K\ \ 409 7p
, It 316 N , ISth 81. '
-A first ifi douVo jjllrtdcr loodor ;
VV npvfy t the Bcc-t > tlta > , 60.10
ASTin ) A flret il 8 wnixat Rhl. Call oi'tlV9
V * Northwest oorno-Vrf 2Srd ana alitt , ' 321-10i >
' -Aii cxpcrlciiercl bur tinder ( utrlcf y
ttni7i < r telc8lrc8 "jio itloti In fHfclats plico
Best 'f roffcroncca ghcn and tatlslaatlbn cnaran-
tcc < r'aildt * P. O. Bo\4 t , . 172U
- . jcood actlxo woman t J take clnrjo
WANTEIV-A. room. Kniubo at BiJ-Douelaa ht
WAVTJli-A K d BoiSind cook at tha hnimtf
llou o. 45t-Tp
WAKIKD-LaJy agotH lor "Quton P6tooor
d&lfyistookmg anl nVIit supportcu , BhouMer
braces , 'otBtlo * , . btsom tonns , dicus Snloba : altt"/
bolta , iloavo proicctoie , ic. Uotirely nc uo > lcu *
nnprcccJralcd ppoats. Wo t o J/OnKcnto maklw
8100 motttlly. A-ldrcss wltb etMnp h. II Cnirpbcll
&Co. , 0 Douth U y bt.
Wait a man .nicvrry
town In Hr Jtato 10 bur them lor canh. No
ilm't as tn luantUy I > . B. n&mbii > or and nblp
per cfOarc > . 'piuIt5aaj Zggi , 3C1 , S03 , SOB.iml 8u7
Uowaul Sc , Oi inhs K3-lt
TT7"ANTL'liAsent to haudlejur Kloctrle Ikdt.and
VV applltnoe" , cao'uslvo tcriltcry Riicn. A grand
opportunity' * the r K&t partlca. In * cst'Rat ' > by ad
dressing tno rceilina 41'i'g Co. , Kireaj Citr.M -
-sutlta - - Gcrnj-J '
- bj-aj-oins girl
todOR3ner llhnuse ork or-to taka ooro ol
children. IblixiD-niD'Joncs ' St. , JHJ llthani-12tli
lT7ANTii ; > Sltaatloi byayoun a5rl to dorjmi.
T > oral small tan 1-J--J Inqulro' at
oyp. Depot , JOS ] >
WANTED Situation bja Germau jlrl In
can faii-ily tor ironcral hou oor 1 or nurad -
< ir 83 or cill at 1S11 OlriciffO street. 475-Cjit'
T\7ANTED A position as tm apprentice In a bard.
TV woroBtJJK AildrejsC. S. BarjeK , No.-folyt , '
Neb. 171-f 14
Koung married man wants situation M Book' '
keeper , In wholesale establishment In Omaha.
Address "O. " care Bee. 83S-H
- A fmall Aatnlshed rnoiuin a L'.lrclc
Addrees T lcgt-vh" Bee oincf
\-JTANTED-A pftiner , with ttvo hi iilrcddollars -
T > to tikebalt ictereit In good , payluic buskins
, D. , Bee Ollto 529-Jp' '
IT7-ANTED A fair forf board ers , 0:8 : 2i,17tn
VV L. T. wautm : ? .
iXTANTED 3day table boarders , l/n-DiuRla
W 401'Op !
Ta rent 2 or 3
near 11OJ 17rnaa > Si. as posel Ib >
A. L. 8. " car * BLIK 181 Op
WANTED 10 000 lirolloa to try our Belt rmnQ. !
Pure Buckwheat flour and 8il-h ! > ! ng Coin
ueal kept by all Orst-cla < a grocers. Vi'o warrant al
uekwbeat sold -indor our brand pure. W. J
UANS & CO. . jjfcnulacturers. -
WANTED "a rentHroom , or suite olirunnj/
nlshcd 01 uclurn&hed. Address O it. A.119
V. 10th St. 9SJiai > .
FOR RENTTJco'y ' lurnlsbcd room cutabU > Ion
one or two cuntt. 1000 Knrnham St. US'O
F UBltT Ifo Si't S 18 h St ; new 'i us ofi , >
; rooms , billet , bud and solt water < ; he p to'Jit
Ight man. Itniia-e at 807 S Wth ( t. 10-10 ] ) .
FOK RENT 8 luriilthcd roonu wlh : Are , 2) 3
Capitol aTfe KX 8p
FOK hENT-i-Nloe iront room , 1002 Farnam tr * r.
FOH KENT Furnished parlor and bad room a'
; i03Harneyst. (38 &
KENT 'Iliree 5 room houses.Con Owirjfla
- . U. F. llftinann 45t 8p
FOR KENT Furnished room and board 00 p >
week. Very best location , 1811 Davoni rr.
3S. , 12p
I OKUENT-funUhedroomsonoblook north ot
1 1'oitolllce , li. iv. Cor 15th utd Ca > tlti > A\c.
FOH HEM Io rdhir ( lioilso 13'-T > oap. Mrj
Meyer , e&3 X. ICth street , over store * . 5'J210p
FOHIlKNT-i1ilrnl3hodltoomwitntjoird OUN.
17th. fi''l tl
[ 71011 UI-OT Wllh boanl , ODO la go Iiirnli
V Iront room ; gaaand b > tb ; R. W > ( Jar. ol Uth and
odes , 1130 ; a'BO a lew table boaro\ wanteil. 404tl
TAOU UBNT-Nowcottage , $10 CO5 nonth. Good
JP lurnlilrd room , * 8 00 rtrmcata. 11.C 1'jttur-
mm , tor HtBkatid rnruair. t2S tl
{ 7011 UKNl'-Futulshed iooinr.t J7S1 Dtuvlan
162 Op
FOU.IIKNT NewlylurnUbed > nt rooinn ,
oren I iilU , B. W. 17th an VCa w 402tf
FOK KENT Elegant 11 rcom i ufe hot and cold
water ; lurnaccall ; modern liiiiroviineuts , i7n poi
moDtb. Darker & Hay no , 431tf
FOH HKtuT Laige south /roit room , with dii. .
Ing room attachednlcJlurulshed ; , IMfl Cii > ! r
toIiAvo. -la' ' Op
FOK HKN'J for panlaa , fain , conu.rl , . til ,
Freemasons Hall , Cnjiltc ) ave aril Blxli.ei'li.St. '
HhulMej thorc.ughly e | | ilpped wllh a'l ' co-iitn-
ilenrwp. Apply \Vll'nmJ ' > llouct , at the hall , or
ol J ULM Foisyth , la drug utcie In tame bulllliv
\ URti't A 1 iJront ted room to
ir\Ull 1 enat & 01H. SOtli.
OK HEN 1' A suite ol rooms for gt it'.tmaa and
i 1 wlfu , near Union depot with board. Rmith
Oniatui prefer red. "W. IO , " liee otBc * I > s08p
| /0u nr.M lio.ict-uu imjm w7il eaiiTiTxhlfli )
J' at iraaonablo rate to I' lt partlt ln private tint ,
tly. Adlrfssbox 0. , lity. 481-9
17\0ll \ IUNT I7 cll' > j8 rooms SSH S , 10th Ht.
J1 another ? rooms f IS H. Ilth H . A/l ) > Jones ,
3IO South IQlh St. 483 0
> OU KENT Furnished room * ajd board at 1117
I Howard t-t. S8l-10p
T7I011 hiENT Furnlthed 603 N. 17th M.
FOK BKNr Store room , with good largo bise-
neut ; suitable tor liotctor anopor imlilng
hoiue. Innulruol Paulson J ) to , Farnam Ht. bet.
Uthftnd lOlbUts ft F. U. Dt'au , l'ar.eA f
KENT Furnish ad , louut 1016 C'aWrnla > St ,
Ur < A. Caldciuoo.l -
FOK KENT FurnVaed room fur xtr.Utizttn oi
geutlemin an \ lf , WW CilKorc * bt. 334 Of
" 7\0"K \ KENT CVtfl a u S Toouu , Bhl'i 's Vd .d\ltl < 'l7i '
| ; tie per mc ih , Inoulro roe l i , Omalm N > <
tlon.l Iltu * IWIJli . SHOtl
trOK KEtrV CU5 Vousa. IvntuU-i t'jJtltt'm & Krft
i ? ton , 3J tl
IP03 RE.NT- Furnished room , 1813 J ckwn St
' _ JOJJantSp
neil I HKSfr-Fiirnlthcd' 1S10 Dodge St
J OU 11KNT flmiso o rooccn , Ctn and Kim St. ,
1 I block 8. ol Hlckcry Wftr month ; apply on
K. i CDoniM. 2tOtt
pbll UKNT-AVfvdliirnl 6fl room Api < lr at
I 1 Atkinson's Mlilftvtry Store , Itlh { t , soulh ol
1-ost omco. 334 tf
T\01l KKNT-D elllrt home , JB17 Wrbstir 8U
L1 nltia rooms , v. ell i/xl cistern. fniuuoJamct
Oonticr. 410 tt
"ITtOIl HKJVT-Choloo ulls el office tntmii my d .
store , fJStt
"iron UKNT A cottage ct 3 roonu , on E611 n tt ,
JC near St. Jlwy's avenue ; tlJ.JO per raonlb. War-
oa ihviUlor , S13 S Htlntrcct. IBOt. '
FOK HUNT t. ! rr plowant f ivnitahod roonir. ln
quirt N. W. wrner ISthaiul 7ivin iii St. Kil-tM
TOERKST < ro > tcho p at 310' '
I' S. '
FOIl HKNT-Hoiua nl eight roosit , gltuata 1 LN
tnitn Cbn\entaniiricatknt sti ) tson Harno
street. rntiirJn ol Vf , M' Thompson , 9nt ! Nutloni
iBank. 43211
FOUUI ? T-\t > lfo furnhhecl room y k from
Pojcl'n Open nouie , tl'Iper month , XT. V. lf r-
tln.SH S. Ulh. A ll
FOIl UKKT-Stiro room WJ1 Katnam C > , with or
wlthou7Hllllwl UblM , 1'aallwi JCn. , IMS
Farnam St. 431-
HKNT Ono ( urn IshdJ room with board , als
two or tlirj * iltyboardira- WcbiUt7Jfi5l
TT > oB KENT ynurrecra housr J2d nil litJIlO \
J.1 l jr month. Hir , c1& M ) iif 6tr
FOR IlKNT Kbalcst'.inil cheapest ttimlshed irtoirl
InOmalia. A ) < pU"oO 11. Anderson , roam 1
AnJtrnxr Block , ncntu' jntrauco , Iffth anil Divct >
port Bt. STS-ja-ilff1
10H MKNT Totrontlotien onljs. a pteatanl (6r (
nlshcd room , J. it corner 20111 ma Douela.V
418 if
new Two oiiJcRHt looms lirRcdlok's WcatV
FOR ul8cn AOo , l.nsTarrmm. 40U'
IOIl nK.rr FuriiWiBd froal room Ar rent 223 W
F 19th Bt 418-tl'
TTOIl KENT Sulti ) of room InrnUnod lor llisn
JL ? house l-rcpinj : , arooceoiocallv n > ant In Dec
mcr'fl block , rrorncr Stli uml IfowardSta : 433,11
OKJIENT Noatoott se S loom * , hull , pantry
F closet an < J cellar , $1160 , &b ether ohoan ton
mcnts. D. U Ihoicas.
.RKtrr Anlno roctn ho o ; iieoiwoo loca
tion ; $40 per month. Barker , > ljne. 478 tf
TT > OR HKNT-Store bull l\ns \ with rcsWDnoe al
_ $22. pormocSH tn good looatlou , D. L Thomas ,
FOR KAU-3niSIJM. : ( INSTUmfllNTS - A.
Hoaroonoroto llo 4. ' QMy FJuno nt
125 ; cno Iltliicn iJroi Fiano at Qlf > 0 ; ono Jyl * . n&U
Janoat S1Sone ; ilawi & namtln Orean nk S3B ;
mo Shonlngcr Orfsm-at t3rne ! Wood'oUdgo Organ
S.'iO ; 0110 K toy Organ otSSO'Ono Johnaoit Orjjnn
? lr ) , for cmh or on oasv monthly InitUlbnonts.
.fOBKcnts loroolo rnttd Kt otmllViom and Kim *
all Organ , Kinc"t ana ilrllet If fJ rt rianos.
, lo co 1 riots. / ucsp , IftlB' ' Dodge
O6bd sfcam flrtur'ng ' mill
with t o run ol Burrs nnd ono fccclbutr ; ill In
, -ood repair anil onlv b'tin used IS month' Situated
> nonoo [ tlio bo t nt-iac < M lii Kcirn yr Noli ,
Vill iliio-o ( rf lotanj-mlll toffothor ur mill abne ;
flneloc tl"n : lll rollongood ttriiu , or troJo for
thor desirable projtttty. AdJlcss-Leek Qn032
SALK OU E aJHANC51'-FOr-v sanior improved -
' proved property , ait1 turnl ire of 20 rooms ,
irlvr.c * ; the premlijsfor lo sc ; ccntrpllj7located ,
rick block , modern I tprooniontsalso ; store anil
lagoment for rent In state blnck.oo' chanio for
'otelbuslncta , Morse aad & . Bruiixr , Cor ; IClh ami
irn mSt. -Co-8
> SALE-Very chtap , on caoount o ! ' health ,
IT Sciton lleataurant 1414 Dounlr.vS. . 53f-6p
OH 8AI/K Lit with itlek hou ci conlf-tanir 10
? rooms , etablo , anil barn , uco-jirirj tu ouscs ,
j\v ttr , on 10th s rcet. ' No. StB-d-uth
5iii > Utrcct. 195-10
'T7IOUSALE ' Black Uctnnn StaWon , clg1Ui 1SO
.I1 prwiiia. Will soil c:4 p. Jos liolovcxuk. No. '
-3.131h St , Onnha , Neb. 318-9
crna of the belt fatm land In
Wa < hlDKtoa Co. Neb , 'J tnllcs from Hf.inan , 8
miles of Blair , 8 mlloit o' , nUain liMWrt toll VcaiiM
icjd money. Wl'l ' 8cll/or JlOOCicana and tho-talanco
in aaey i rnm ; plenty of t ibcr and toatir . Call or
uilreaoJop. KolovrntoUi No. JSiJ-A1 llllti Street ,
'Mi. C-JD 0
fMi SALE Oood Irejh rallcli1 CCT/I at
1513 Howard St.
Tp&ItSALKOlt TUO.DU.-OC0.1 ifeoLf rm of 560
JET acrrs , 20 mlIc-4 trcta Omaha , ow mile from'
prtngflo'd , Neb ; wll trulo for Osi-vla prororty.
uldrtss Wuoley it llarrljjn , 0/nahr. riO. M. Ilarrl-
oiv Sprlucflcl.l.N'eli. C77Tlib2p
bul'dfic ! < ) 'l Btoo-i of'dothlrR ,
bootsoud ehoc , 1P iraO ( or lirm'ug land ,
leo. II 1'ctcrBon , BOiSouiblCthSt' , Onuhu.
OR HALE- Cheap gqiod. doubl * 1'ro r
Mooblo ; corntr ilth a.iJ.u-aiuam St 478 U
; Cheip , horjfc-aad < Cum-
F - bugsy , . -
Ing St. 202 tf
FOHS\1K UlIKM' Onacleinntur.
rozulitir clock , om LC Kimbo Piano ,
flvo sold framed nlotur a , nna horaa , hirnoss nd
"phaeton , ona lulls af . nniallelr , .ono Doautllul
ohlna colfoonot. Iuquuu No < 014 ilarnvy St. , hot.
23th and 21st 231-J-ui 18
FOR HALF. 64x103 fert on Cuuilrp etaoot 3 blocks
west of Military bitdyn. $ lrf0 ! > . Jb.iu l.MoCirue (
ppoaito Pct oltloo. 428 tf
T710R BALK 132\U1 ! Jict < on.onuiop , south-east
JU front , house 3 loornE , L-un , > Mocks went of
Park nve. and I.ocnworth , oaiy pa\mcnta , ( heap
$1,700. John L , Ho-afi.Jv ( op'WJlloPODi Otllco. 4s7-tf
FOR BALK HorscB , ruilus , haroow and wagons
on oca or two years timo. Html ei > tate security
t ) . L. ThnmM 4 8 tf
FOKHALFOK XOJiANUK AtaiO per aoru , all
or part of two thoiuan I noroa ol timber land ,
forty mlle > east nf Kunnn City. v > ll exchan a for
Nebraska land or rnoreuindtao. ISaOford , Kouor ai
avis 422 tf
A 8m. l/ ! plir ; owner can have
tamoby cilllnir atNo lliKJ hxt , and tayex.
P nitfl. Ml Op
flit ) EUCIUNQK JiVrrasloffaarroiol property In
I. Omaha. lias II. WooJley , llooni 20 , tmahft
N.'Joiial Hank , Oni ha.Nob. EfQIS.
mo TKADK Stnclc. of lotteries for acrcproperty
JL adJMnlnirOrmAa. Chan. It " go
Oui hi : National Uank , Omihi , Nth. C27.fC
rriO K\011 AUttiHTntaa for sltck of incnhamllso
JL Chan. It. Wool'i'j , Eoom SO , Oiiiahn Natlona , .
J nk , Ojtaba , e'n. 6881U
171011 TKAlK-.Stock Dlyoo all ) tradu lor land
° y * Z ° ' " 'U Nallo < lt
Hank , Omaba , Neb.
pEIlSONAI young K ntleman who hat rooentt
1 ly comu Inro to riwulu ileslrcii to maku the ao
qualntancc o'r-g 4-rctable lad ) , AiUreta M , Arml
atead. I' . P. , Ully. M3 p
T lMtHCI ! "
. ,
J-J a7'1 ? .CtJ' ltf ' " " * " Mrtu colar ;
reward will be paid If itituruul to Itarkir &
13th and tarnam. D4
iriOll TUAIH-Kor merchant- ! !
merchantgroccrl.s )
' " ' "J.'l'welSj'aluab'o ' Ida In Dayton , o
One ( ) 1 .t In Ht. LouU. . Mo ; 640 icre8 of Il oIwid 1 ; One ( Olirui In Ohio. Thw propert7.s to/a
of liicunVanou Allcomn.unlc Jilons will IwltuaUU
s'rlcty ' oonlhliintlal. B , II. W.ispear ,
"R -Wlth board , de.jabl or wtuter.
JLVa l Bt. Cbailes Jletcl.
l L'JMMINd Kai flttlnK > VJ ' "K proir4)tly attended
1. to.Ii N 16tn t. John J , CavanauoJi. U2J12p
IP < k V.ThouHOiOMUjRe'BPood
1,1 V 'ptoilucu ' Kooil hualthy
kxf'V ' \ Ho " , nuV * pBffy. llab.
Wj Vl iy Hi , buJ pity ol
\bminand u.u cl Ihu
UlillJ lJni ! ) t , .11,1 , , u ,
to rotate tupiily , to ,
lti 11'iSle ' ouu mrua.
n itlily } rom all play
tVlf ) , , and flcdu co Ui
In ) i'u wtlflacllon lu
lliir tbomothir'u v > Uk.
_ Uo POt lit jour rhll.
r n gr-w Ui im > uU
oinhaobttiukl ui sosraJaikt Soldtiy
our ) here. ! &toaU iul < JMardSOOL11IUH | di
CO , I'alnvcj , MIDI. ,
. iiooiia.
At thsoldttand U17 ysrn&r M. OrAea by l