r BEE y Morniiurt Jan. 6. LOOAL BREVITIES , Tl > o Upbiphauy Kervlcci will tal o i > lao.a At Trinity cftthodral this morning. Ths police tirrosted last night [ on a charge { fighting the uotorious Mollie Kernnn , The snow was just about damp enough to day to pack nicely end the nn ll boys Imd lots of HKjrt snowballing. This must bo what is generally known as the January thaw , nt nil events it is taking away the sleighing very rapidly. Yesterday everybody who had ahorse nnd cutler was out enjoying tbo sleighing and the air was delightful for the pport. A manhgo license was issued In the county court yesterday to Mr. _ Lco N. Yatoa and Miss Anna-Croft , both of Omaha , An election of officers of the Smelting Works company , which was to have taken place yesterday , was postponed until Jan uary IGth. The cnso of Gcorgo Cole , charged with embezzlement from the Keystone ringer com' l > .tny , will bo tried in the police court Thurs day afternoon , There will bo a meeting of the C , K. of A. In their hall this ( Tuesday ) evening at 7:30. : AH members are requested to at tend. Bronnnn. All members of the Bricklayers' union are hereby notified to attend the meeting to be held at their hnll Tuesday evening , Janu ary G , 1885. Business oE great importance. The ladies connected with the management - mont of the charity fair at Falconer's hall , which commences the iirst week in February , hold a meeting in the synagogue this after noon. Mr. L. M. lUioem , secretary and treas urer of the A , D. T. Co. , entertained the messengers of the A. D , T. Co , to tbo num ber of twenty-seven , by giving them an oyster supper at the restaurant of J. II , Getty , Now Year's. Year's.Mr. Mr. Frank Goodrich is ono of the haopy men of Omaha. Thera is fifteen pounds of solid joy to his beatific expression. The illu mination commenced Sunday and will last for nn indefinite period. Mother and son both doing well , The Platt-Doutscher-Verein society lias organized a dramatic section for tbe purpose of giving some amusement for the members , J. D. F. Schncll was elected president ; Wll- llnm Rodeck , secretary ; L. Hueppler , treas urer ; W , F. Stoocker , stage manager. Twelve persons united with the First M H. church last Sabbath. The pastor , Rov. Mr. Savldge , rceoives members almost every Sabbath. This church is growing , and a largo chorus choir is now being organized by Mr. Will Stevens. The many friends of Assistant Chief Gal- ligan will rejoice to learn that ho has so far recovered from the serious injuries sustained by his late fall , as to bo out upon the streets again. He is , however , compelled to navigate by the aid of a cane. Among other people registered at h t 1'axton last night were John B. Legnard and Charles A. Florence , the two principals in the r olenti no land frauds. They arrived last night and left this morning via the B. &M. for Lincoln. They will probably be arraigned in the Unite * ! States court to-day. J. W. Newton , the man who had his hands so badly frozen last week , was taken to St. JosopVs hospital , and it was reported that ho had suffered amputation of ono of them , but it now turns out that tha report was a mistake. His hands are getting along nicely and will be all right In a few days. Alonzo Dcrsoy , the young man living it North Omaha , whose sudden disappearance mine weeks ago caused some comment , is IE Now Orleans. Ho made a trip on the Mis souri river with a number of Om&ha anc 1'loronco boys , who determined to roach New Orleans in the manner of the bold and daeh iny pirate. James Davis received a telegram yeater' day morning from Lincoln saying that F. L Wilson , the notorious fence Implicated in tin Dukoa robbery , had suddenly disappeared no ono knows whither. Wilson was to havi been tried yesterday on a charge of compile ! ty In the robbery of Burke , the hardware mai of Lincoln , Ho was under 85,000 bonds Mr. Valentino Dumpert , of the Mot Brewing Co. , was made the recipient of a beautlfnl cup , which was prjeonted to him by Mr. Fred Motz. The cup is one of thau , tiquo Munich manufacture , being made 11 Bavarian stone. At the bottom ot the cup is a beautiful cndotto transparent picture , tlu whole boinea rare specimen of a costly man ufftiture , On Wednesday , December 31st , Mr. J X. Taylor and Miss Olara Louise Martin both of this city , were united in marriage b ; Judge McCulloch. The happy couple Jiav kept their marriage a eecrot , not oven the ! most intimate friends bsing cognizant of tin 'fact until now. It will bo a matter of m great surprise , however , as it has been expected pected for HOmo time , and their large cirolo o friends nnd acquaintances unite in eftendinj to tha newly wedded pair their heartiest con graduations Mr. Taylor is employed ii ft.- County Clerk Loavltt'a ofDco , where he is regarded gardod as a competent and able man , Bad Business. From all parts of the country como the report that theatre companies ar disbanding. The cauoo Is bad business and hence the Inability of managers ti payvsalarles. The fact of the disbandment of man ; theatre companies is noticed in Omaha Many companies which hare boon bookoi by Manager Boyd have cancelled their dates' and will not appear here After the c.ppearanco of the "Llghta c London" thu opera IIOUHO will be clocoi for eoveral weuka because of the cancel ] ing of dates by the Oarrio Swain pari ; and the Seven Ravens company. Th manager of the latter comptny write that owing to the very dull times all nvc the country it h impotfible to pay bills and ho hns been compelled to diebandlii company , JHUU. I'LANNICJAN In this citv. January fitli at 0 o'clock a. m , , TI'omasKlunnigii ' fatltu .of Mr . B. J. JJrmleritk , aed 1)0 ) yaw. 1'imuril will take plao from the imidenc of K. .T , limerick , South Tenth street , Iw twoen A > lu > r tmd Vinton ulri'iits , WuJni'bday January 7th , at 0 o'clock a. m. Interment a St Majry'd cemetery , YO11K Jn thi i city , January 4'Ij ' , at 7 p m Luroy , sou of Mr. and J , K , York , aged : year * . Funeral will take plica to-morrow nt 2 p tn. , from thu family rwidencv , 410 Soutl > EiS'itl ' ) m vti Fn'epds Invited. COMING'S CABINET , The Police Cabinet as Prepared liy a Bee Reporter , Tlio Porttolton nil Provided for nnd n Few Applicant * licit. In those ilnys cabinet making is in order nnd n BEE reporter has taken upon him self the task of arranging a cabinet for : lie worthy city marshal , Hon. Thomas Gummings. The task has been a difficult one because of the number of anlicants 'or cabinet positions and of course many of them have been left out in the coldbut a nil such wo sincerely say , keep up icart , bo faithful and honors and laurels rill yet come to your manly bows and a night and shining star will adorn your ) rcast , while withstatcly and martial tread you sliall meander over the asphalt pave- nontwith your club within your hand nnd ako your turn at frco drinks and free unclics with the best of them. The cabinet which has been prepared is as follows : Hon. P. Desmond , secretary of state. Hon. Maurice Sullivnn , secretary of vnr. vnr.Hon. . Ed. Gorman , secretary of the in terior. Hou. Al. Sigwart , first assistant socro- aty of the interior. Hon. Gnatavo Bonoko , attorney gen eral. eral.Hon. Hon. Tom. Cormick , secretary of the .ronsnry. Hon. John Tarnbnll , poatmaator gen * era ) . Hon. J. C. Pontzel , legal ndviaer. Hon. Joe. Grannachor , sergeant-al arms. The secretary of the navy has not boon appointed yet. The river la closed , nnd .hero is really no need for such an ofli- clnl until spring. As soon as the ice ; ocs out the secretary of the navy will 10 duly appointed. It is meet nnd right that Patsy Des mend should bo lifted to the exalted po * Ition of secretary of state , for docs not 10 Bit in the marshal's office and attendee oo ail private business ? Certainly ha o ss : and hence his appointment. Maurice Sullivan marshals the hosts Then n mid is to bo made and hcnco is entitled to the secrctatysliip of war. Ed Gorman remains within the gloomy vails of the city prison and receives the culprits as they are handed in and is thcre- "oro secretary of the interior ( of the iail ) . Wliilo Judge Bcnoko is not under the city marshal's rule , yet ho is called npon ; o pass judgment ; in all cases of petty crinio and should therefore bo christened attorney general. Tom Connick , being court officer , is the only man who gets an opportunity to han dle any funds and hence should liavo the inportant position of secreta-iy of the : reasury , a position which many a man would crawl upon his hands and knees " "rom hero to Washington to get. John Tnrnbull is the man to whom all otters are turned over for Investlga- ; lon and must therefore h'avo a cabinet loaition and the postmaster-generalship .a right In hla hand. Jerome Pentzel is always on hand and a over ready to give good advice and is consequently christened legal advisor. Joe Grannachor la the veteran janitor and by right the office of aergoant-at- arms falls to his lot. There are many other good men upon the force nnd It would be a plea euro to elevate them to cabinet positions , but aa the portfolios are all taken at present , they will have to wait for a time , and if civil service reform la the rule they may yet bo nblo to scale the dizzy heights of fame and from the exalted position of n cabinet office look down upon poor grovel ing humanity. WANTED , Every man to know that the Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglaa street , up-atatrs , is selling n custom made suit or overcoat at the same price that rondv made stores charge for inferior garments. m&e. OOUNTY OLEEK'S ' OHA.NGE. air. Lieavitt's Ofllco Transferred to the Vew Court House. Sunday County Clerk Leavitt , wltt the aid of eight able bodied men and four tor.ma transferred his buoks and papers from his office iu the old courl house to the b&acmont ot the new conrl house , where temporary qnariora have teen fitted up for him. Everything had been gotten ready BC that the change did not take but a ohort time , and yceserday morning atj 8 everything orything was In readiness and the office thrown open for business. The book ? , papers and records ore BO conveniently arranged , under the personal supervision of Mr. Leavitt , that ho Is now able tc lay his hand upon any document - mont _ wanted oven more readily than in the old office. Although his ap.irt- monts in the now building ate only tem porary , yet they are BO line as compared with his old quarter ! ! that it is like moving out of n hovel into a palaco. His vault is nearly" as . largo as all of his old ollico , and is conveniently an ringed. Ho is ii ! the northeast corner of the building and has ono largo room fpr general work , n loomy apartment for abstract work and n good sixcd room for a recorder's oflice. The rooms are light and comfortably hcatudl by btcam. Hereafter thono having business tc transact with the county clerk will find him at the now court house. In order tc reach his oflico , ascend the temporary stairway which has been erected from the street and pass under the grand stairway on the north side of the building into the basement and enter the first door at youi left after entering the liallway. Air. Leavitt invites his friends to call and sec him , B EAD"BAKBBB , Tlio Balccrs of tie City Ilohl a The Joa. Girnoau cracker company having announced that hereafter it will farnloh the oanio eiza loaf of bread foi five cents which hio bsen furnlalied by the bakers of this city for ten cents , the bakero are up iu arms and on Saturday evening last a .aort of indignation meet ing waa hold at Ripp'a Capitol avenue bakery. Nearly all tbo bakery proprietors in the city were present and many of them expressed themselves in strong terms. They arc very Indignant because of thu cutting of prices by the Garnoaa cnrnpa- ny and say that they cannot bane bread for the prices at which the Onrnoau company propose to soil It , They any that BB Garncau's ovena nro always hot It does not coat him anything tobuko his brpad , and as ho buys his flour In ten car load lots hoj BCCUMB a reduction In prlco which smaller dealers cannot not. The bakers say they have their Httlo allinvestod In their ovens In this city and cannot afford to bo driven to thu wall. No definite action was taken , but an other mooting will bo hold in the near future when they will take some stops to protect themselves. POLIOE COURT , The Breakers of the Ijaw Before the Court of ilnstlcc. Monday morning , ns usual , found a number of cases for trial in police court. The crowd of spectators was very largo and they amused themselves nt laughing at the pleadings of the unfortunates who were up for trial. S. A. .Robinson , Henry Hottcl and Oscar Hottel were each lined $5 and costs for being found [ in a state of intoxica tion. tion.U. . 0. Wallace and GrTorgo Lear wore arrested for running a gambling house on South Thirteenth street. They each gave bail for their appearance for trial at a fu- tuto date. Pat Dolan was up again for drunken ness. This man has como to bo a nui sance by his frequent appearance in police court. As ho walked up in front of the judge's desk ho said that ho would like to make a speech. Ho was told to lead out and ho said that he had been at work and a friend came to visit him and they took two drinks. The liquor got into his head and ho now asked to bo excused. The judge said ho would fine him $5 and costs ind if ho came again ho would give him a jood long time on bread and water. John Oompton was charged with bolng a auspicious character. Ho was a roughly dressed , green-looking follow ac 1 looked rnoro like a fool than' knave. As ho walked up ho aald , "now I'm going to toll the truth and nothing but the truth before the court. " Ho said ho was IOOK- Ing for a cousin named Burt , and went to a houao on Loavonworth street and rapped at the door. The knock was not answered and ho wont around to the win dow and hollered , and was there arrested. "I am a hard working corn husker and hero Is my husking pin , " Bald John , at the same time presenting his implement of warfare. The judge told him that ho would have to hold him until ho saw the officer who made the arrest , whereupon John broke down completely and sobbed until the court houao almost shook. WANTED To exchange wild or improv ed lands In Nebraska or Iowa for Hard ware , or stock of general merchandise. Address J. Lindorholm , Genoa , Nance county , ebr. m-lm Many men know how tp make money but don't know how to save it. You can save about one-half on your Clothing by buying It at the Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas street , up-stairs. Tailor made business suits as low as $12. xn&o DIPHTHERIA OASES. A Protest Afiainst PuliHo Funerals in Diphtheria Gases. Several of the physicians iu this city have called the attention of a BEE re porter to the fact that diphtheria is quite prevalent in this city at present and suffi cient caution is not taken to prevent the spread of this dread disease. Ono physician said this morning that in several instances where children had died of diphtheria public funerals were hold. This , ho says , is very wrong and has a strong tendency to spread the disease. He advises that in cases where death occurs from diphtheria or scarlet fever that the funerals bo prftjato and as few persons as possible attend. This may seem hard to the bcrcavei : friends , but at the same time , when they come to look at it calmly and do not allow their judgement to bo biased by their feelings of sorrow and sympathy , they cannot but sco that it is eminently proper and nhould bo strictly adhered to. As diphtheria is now in the city it is f matter of the greatest importance that al possible care and precaution bo taken tc prevent its spread or it is impossible to tel where its fearful ravages may stop. Map of NebrnsKa. Jnat Issued , In colors , nhowlng cities , towns , railroads and counties. Mailed for5c. J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. 14th at. , Omaha , Nob/- d5-2w Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobac co. Public speakora and ( lingers find B. H. Douglass & Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops a sure remedy for lioraoneos. 2 A Crushed Foot ; Yesterday forenoon Henry Klngaloy em ployed as engineer in the Post end Tele graph , got his right foot caught in some way. In the machinery , and had it badly crashed. The machinery was ctopped and tbo foot was extricated. A heavy shoo , which covered the loot , wao torn into uhrods , and it waa with difficulty that the man wan taken out. Ho wsa taken to his Lome nnd placed under a doctor's care , and will bo confined to the house for BOmu time. 3 RYlNCTOHO'.DEOVm EARLBAKIKGPOV/DEFi' / ITAMtiOUNDTORISr PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1OOO. CSiveFB If alum oruny Injurious gubstur.res car bo found In Androws' Tearl Baking Powdc , Is pos- tlvelypURE. Ik'Jngcniloricrt.aiult .ImonlaU rtf lvcd from Riich chemists as H. Dana days , Uoj. I HI ; M. Delafiuitalne , of Chicago ; unil GutUvua lioue , ililnuuUt ' , . KevcrHH Iu bull : . K iako BU 2$7 , : i a. TIP-STAIRS UP-STAIRS. Are They are custom-made clothing of merchant tailors left on their original cpst. Of Pantaloons we have a good variety , ranging in hands for one reason or another. These we buy in large or small price from $3 to $7 , originally made for from $7 to $15 , many quantities for ready cash , For example , a suit of clothes costing Xthem of the latest designs , from the best tailoring establish originally $40 , we can , according to style and quality , sell for5 ! ments throughout the country. We request an early inspection. or $20. Just think of it , a saving of 50 per cent , one half of the Merchant Tailors' Misfits and Uncalled for Garments. OUM JPRXCJD cmx&is. Overcoats. Pants. SCO 00 Custom-mado Overcoats for. . , . .S3000 310 OOCiutom-modo Pnnls for 6 00 CO 00 n it . . 25 00 1300 " GOO 45 00 i.it itn . . 23 00 1000 " ' 500 1000 it ii . . 20 00 ! ) 00 " ' 4 CO 35 00 itn . . 18 00 8 00 " ' 4 00 SO 00 . . 15 03 7 00 " ' 3iT JLatest stt/lcs and elegant garments in silk and satin lined suits and Newmarket overcoats. Also full dress suits for sale or rent at the OteZG-XNAZ , MfSFXT CZOTJIJCNG I9A MZOItS. . U A fJL3JL2 \ Douglas St. , ( Itet. 13th and 1.4th Sts. , up-stairs ) Omaha , Nebraska. I / Ojten eveninf/s until O o'locli. Saturdays until H o'clock UXZJ ( Up-stairs ) JJiylited Ity electric lit/lit. ( Up-stairs. ) F-vi. xrxrl til : r © UPHOLSTERY AND D K APERIES , I'ASSKNQEIl ELEVATOR TO AM , FLOORS. | 1208,1208 anil 1210 Farnam St. , Omiha , No . WYJLTT. I ef 1 S 1 1 o % w W 09 AND 20TH STS OMAHA , NEB IS CONDUCTED Eoyal Havana Lotterv ! ( AQOVERNMENT IHSTTIUTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. TICKETS S2.03 , HALVES , 81.00. Subject to no manipulation , not Otntrollcd by the parties In Interest. It Is tbo ( attest thing In the nature of chance in existence. For m'ormatlon and particulars apply to SniSEY & CO. , Oei eral Agents , 212 Broadway , N. Y city. MOLL & CO. ,417 Walnut street , St. Louis. , llo. , Frank Labrano , L. V. , 20 Wyandotte , Kan. Jy 21-rr & & w _ _ AND ADDRESS ON' A TOSTAL CARD TO TUB Hearthstone Publishing Comp'y , . PHILADELPHIA , 1'A , And you will receive by return mail a SPECIMEN COPY I Of Tin ; HEARTHSTONE , wnlch is without exception the EKST Slcry Taper published. THE HEARTHSTONE Is a sixtccn-paqc paper , full the choicest original serials , sketches , poetry and tmsccllaneousarticlct : , andia printed on line tinted paper. These who eubscrlbo during the next sixty days will receive Any ono of the follfmlnc articles : WOOD'S I'KNOGIIAPH , the best fountain pen ever used. OKNrLEirAN'SaOSSAMEIlCOATor a LADIES NEWPORT. J1AUNE3 , POPULAR HISTORY , DAY'S COLLACON of 411,003 quotations from 2COO authors , copiously illustrated. THE NEW AMERICAN DICTIONARY. A POCKET MAGNIFIER. IIOW TO RCAD CHARACTER ; a very Interesting book. A TRIPLE-PLATED CHILD'S SET ; Or SIX TRIPLE 1'LA'KD ' TEA SPOONS. ' Or SIX TRIPLE PLATED DK-'SERT SPOONS ; Or SIX TUII'LK PLATED TABLE SPOONo ; OrSlXTflJPUC PLAl'KD FORKS ; A TUII'LK PLATED BOTTEtt KNIFE ; Or SIX TRIPLE PLATED WiNDSOU KNIVES. All thosesllrcr plated goods are guaranteed to beef of the best quality. Don't fa'l to send for a sped- wen copy of THE UEARTIIBTOXK , and wo are sure you will bo induced to subscribe after reading the paper' Address TUB HEARTHSTONE Punusinsa bo. 203 & 2708. Ninth St. , Phila. , Pa. St. Charles Hotel. OjaTKEET/BET. 7th and 8th , LINCOLN , NKB. Mrs. Kato Coakly , Proprlctoreee. /Jtf Noly and elegantly furnished. Good sample rooms on first floor. ZrTerms-81.r 0 to $2 pel day. Specialratca ( riven mcmbera uf the legislature. novlO-lm-mo LEUAL NOTICE. , J JL Wyngart ilefciuhnt ill take notice that on lie 15th < Ur of Dec , 1831 Kiln > und Bartlolt Enq. , by Jiutlooof the 1'eaco of Doulna county , isanoi an rclcr of attacnmant for the Bum of two hundred del ors In an action reading by him wherein Jacob Cohn H iililntitr , end J , it , Wjgart h dcffnifaut That properly of tbe said defendant , consisting of Block of Konda , flxturca tiiil other personal prrpeity eon > t lned In hla shop , corner of loth and Jones street , has been attached under Bald order. Said cause was continued to January 31t > t at 0 o'd rk. In the foronoon. nWJCIIIT HULI , aec20.1ow3wmo Attorney tor 1'lilntlfl W. B , SHOEMAKER , fn AT LAW. 215 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb. Fourteen Years' I'rao'.lco la Iowa and Colorado , UEVKUEKCKS IOWAHoa. . J , Heed , Associate Justice Surrctnc Court , resldenoo , ficuocil llluif * ; Hou 0 , n. Lewi ) , District Juilgc , rcaldcnco , Cherokee ; Klret National Tank air OlHcer & I'u ty , Oankcrs , Council liluUu ; Uar\oy & 1'iud , Uankeri ) , Lb ari , llarrliiun Co. , la. COLORAIIO linn. J. 0 , Ilslui , As'iodato Jiibt'ce , Supreme Ctuit , residince. Denier ; Hou. Win. liar rUui , District Junee , lOiidencv , Ilucoa VistaUath- ; sjia/u Bank , Faltplay , Turk Co dctlMm H , S. ATWOOD , ' Plattsmouth , - f Nebraska iBtiumor iBosooanERiD urn oian OILU * HEREFORD I1D JERSEY CUTTLE ADD CDB00.01 4IKUT U9 BW1X J Irtook lor eU , OorttepondeDce icllcl MEDICAL AND SURQICA1 CROUNSB'B BLOCK , 10th and Capitol Avenue , treats ill oiacs Crip pled or Dcformod rJso dlscasea cf tb Hervous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All atees of Camtxre of the Hpmo , Crocked Foot Lecra and Arms , Diseases of the Hip , Knee , and Ankle Joints. Also Ohronio adoctlona of the Liver Rheumatism , Paralyele , Plica , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aetb ma and Bronchitis are all treated by new and BUO. eesaful methods. All dUcaaea of the Blood and Drin- kry Organs , Including those resulting from Inc Itera tion , or exposure , are safol ; and successfully treated Young man , mludlo aged , and old men suffering from Weakness and Nervous exhaustion , producing indigestionPftlpltatlonot the Heart , Despondency Dizziness , Loss of UemoryLack of Energy and Am bition , can bo restored to health and vigor , If c ee Is not too long noprfectcd. The Surgeon In charge was president of the Northwestern Surgical Insti tute and Surgeon of the National Surgical Institute. If tfllltod , call or wrltof ull description of your case , and modlolne may be cent you. Consultation trca. Addreg Omxba Dispensary , Crcmnoo Block , Omaha , Neb. Offloo bonrs 10-12 e. m. , 1-8 t , 7-8 p. m Eunitye101 > m JTAccominodatlons furnished patients rom tb country. Send for Circular. thrives on Horlicli'a rood , " vrrito hundreds cf pratcful mothers. Mothers' milk contains no i-tuch. IIOIILICKS' TOOD FOK INFANTS ( free from etarcli ) icaulrcBiiocooUlutr. Iho licst food In health ortlckncfs forlNFANTS. The Ix-st diet for DYSPEPTICS nnd INVALIDS. niRhlybcneficlr touurHliiuiuothernnHnclriiil ; . rrlcc40and7Bc. fa dru gifct . Dookontho treutnicHtuf children , frea "I tellete It to ho Kuncrlor 19 nytMiiK of t > i kind Tor children.J. . iitiwom , AL/ ' . . CIO YorL 'Unlicsi tlucly pronounce it t3 t t Kooil lo Ibe market " W. it , Ilarrtll , JU. D. , Itpiton. "One of Itebot luhilltntti for uotber'ft milk. " II. H , 1 tokm , Jf. / ' . , JtrooUin , , v. r. Will IM pentrl riznall ourecclrtof price In F amp nOUl-M\ \ > i I'eiOII CO. , Ilacinu1 . " - . - ' TU'D TIP" Kj * "itIIh.IlQl THJUiT OV MALTfl > > TIRflKEN - The Kprlnn nctlieo ndiliortcrjaerorilnKiullicTY lclitlieY mrry. Enually well oiUiitiiil lo rough countrj rodinncl line drives of cltloa. MniitifnclnrediinJ olabjr llllolfadlricCarrliitolliilldrruaud Us * c. at , U < 1 oxcluaiyoiy b/ n Otitn"f PllPfV f ft iMsoAtio. LWJ' fldUUl 1 CUuuY HI. SWMI r , Sec p , Mciiure , U'cigher , Dredger , Rico W ih r , Toinate , I'umpkiu , Search , Win * and Fruit Strainer. Twelr * iticltiluc. Me i.M lf.i til Uier Slew m mtriryt ) Jj ' Ike. then I W.'nuk ! NOTJOE. The co-partncr > hlp heretofore cxlitlr ' between Charles M. Lcithtou and lluory T. I/lark under the nanjoolLclKhtou&CUrn , 1 * this day dli'ohcii by muiuil oiiisent , MrLeIClitjn r tirli'K. All Indebted ntm ilue to saul firm will hscollocted ijy Ur. Clatk. anil ull claims acilust slid fl'm A 111 be presented to himfor mjmeut. llr , Onrk will continue buslnc &t the old tit mil No. 1111 Ilarrvy strct't. Dated at Omiht. December 19 , USI. CIIARI.IB jr. UE.NKT 7. CUKK. corrj IDOL tl3L © Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask OKE 'HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale ' a > "gMTra' ' i > / & a a JKJED JP , X.R % H ' 1405 Douglas Street. - - - OMAHA. NEBRASKA -ON .4LL- CF- Suits formerly $ lOAOtioiv $ .5 ® . Suits formerly $1AM * now .ji&.OO. S ut8formerly $16.O& now $ JL2.OO. Suits formerly $24. < G > te new $ JL8.OO. Over Coats for mcs-7 y , $ & , f'W now $ Over Coats former ? & tjv/ . -J/1 now $ Y.5J. Over Co itsformerfij tflff.Mt now $ JL .1M > . Over Coats formerly $ i& . < ! D ® noiv $13.SO. Ovc.i Coats formerly ijifS-JkOO now $18OO. And every oHior article in proportiob. Call aud eee our priceg. | 2I6 Farnam St , NOHTHWESTEBN OXtAIIA , NJGliMASKA. Solo agpnts of United States Electric Lighting Co. , 01- State o'f Ne brnska. Owners of western patents for Electric Motors , Are LumpMo gul largo incaudescpiit and small incandescent electric lonips. Cheaper than gas. BEST LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by the United States gov ernment and all the leading steamship lines and leading hotels. For - OFFICE , N. W. CORNER 15th AND FARNAM CaUlougts Furnished } Omalia Neil 1409 end 1411 on upf Hcitlim o . , . . , . Hfl , IlOS > u4 SU U/ bit Boata nth Ulreel Orn&hk HoljuH.