r ; THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JANUARY G , 1SS5. ' COUHCJLJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. THE NEW BOARD. Rotor ! MwoOu Elected Chairman and Col , KeallBy County Attorney. The No * County Ofllccrs. Yostordny the now county board of aaporvlnora mot for the first time. The now board ia not materially changed from the old ono , the only member retiring being Mr. Underwood , who ia aucccodod by Mr. Jones. The board proceeded to organize bv the election of a chairman , and Robert Kirkwood waa unanimously chosen for that position. For county attorney Mr. William Mynstor was unccocdod by Ool. Kontloy , whom the board elected unanlmonaly. The bands of the now clerk of the courts , Mr. J. J. Shea , were approved and the ofliclal stopped at once into hla oQldal duties , hia deputy baing hia brother. The bonda of the now county recorder were also approved and ho at once en tered upon the actual duties of hia oflico. The afternoon vras spent in examining and approving the bonds of justices of peace , conataolcs , etc. , throughout the county , there being a largo number of them. Nothing will bo done in regard to the etroot matter until thla afternoon or to morrow. THE CITY COUNCIL. Serious Charges Mate by the City Marshal Against the Police Other Business Transacted. The city aldermen mat last evening first aa a board of health and Instructed the city clerk to advertise blda for some physician to take complete charge o ! small-pox pationto. The complaint concerning the amol' from Stowart'a packing house , published in yesterday's BEE , was referred to th whole board and marshal for lnvoatiga < tion. tion.Tho The aldermen then aa council tranoaot- od a great deal of routine business. The city marshal complained that the chief of police had given Instructions to hia foroo to bring prisoners that to .police head quarters , search them there and retain their valuables , instead of having th > searched at the jail the valua lea placed in the safe there as provided by ordinance ; also that policemen search ed some priaonpra on the streets before bringiog thorn in ; also that the policemen had been going to the jail and there kick Ing and abusing prisoners. The police committee waa instructed to investigate the charges. The report of the public library traa received and llov. Father McMonomy , "W. U. Vnughnn and A. W. Street re- alocted trustees. As many of the members of the board of trade were interested In the private mooting of business men at Masonic hall last ovoniug , the annual mooting and election of oflicoro was adjourned until this evening. Professor Starr , of Coo college , Cedar Rapid ? , gave a very Interesting loctnro last evening , at the Y. M. 0. A. hall , on "Sunbeams. " The lecture waa a scion * tllh ono , divided into the four heads , otatiatics , structure , eclipses , and spec tra. Ho presented the subject in a very interesting manner , and illustrated I the sama by UBS of the storoopticon. . This afternoon at 5 o'clock Prof. Starr , of Cbo college , will talk to the school children on the revolutionary w.ir and trill illustrate the lecturojwith storeopti- can vie\v.s. The lecture will bo at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Admlsjlon 10 cents. Real Kwtnto Transfers. The following is a list of real estate transfers filed yesterday in the recorder's office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as fnrniahod by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council "Blutfd , Iowa , January 5,188G : Lawrnnco Newman to John McGuIre B 2 u o J. 9-74 41. 81,000. R. N. Her- riam to E. \Voodbnry ; part of lots C and 10 , block 7 , Baylies first addition $2.500. Total sales $1,100. IOWA ITEMS. The Atlantic packing house is pickling ' 250 hogs a day. The Holly wntcrwoiks nt Sioux City Vi ill bo tested this week. The postollico officials of Sioux City : moved into nuw qnai tors ycstonlay. Tlio LoMars poatoftico sold over 20OOC postage stumps during the month of De cember. incrcasctl her production of canned tomatoes from 47,0:22 : cases in 1883 tc 80,173 in 1881. A disease similar to corobro spinal meningitis has broken out among the horeea at Ottbmwa. Throe creameries in Madison countj p y to the farmers from $125,000 tc $150,000 aunuftlly. A no- her accidental discharge of a gui killed ; i young man named Qrubb , al Nuvuda , last Friday. Tlio oflicurs of the railroads centering ii Keokuk linvo decided to erect ft unioi dt'iKit at that place. AH Amlubon oounty man has just bo w oiiio a fatlier for tlio seventeenth time t . . ' II u ought to bo chained. Davunpoit is getting up a stock com jKiny for the purpose of establishing canning factory in tliat city. 7Vr'w An Indianola merchant was rccontl , fined § 10 and costs , fpr keeping his stor open ' and Boiling goods on Sunday. 7Vr'- ' Thirty-eight years ago , December 31sl Iowa \ > a admitted into the Union as i atate. To-day iliu is one of the best i the Union. The name of B. II. Olark , of the Kct kuk Gate City , ia the latest addition t tliu list of gubernatoiial posiibilities in til next Iowa flection. Them are 500 men out of omploymet ia Burlington. Most of them are slcillo * mechanics , and yet they would bo willing to do almost any kind of work. The eighteenth annual meeting of the Iowa SUite Horticulture society will beheld held < xt Atlantic , commencing on Tuesday January 20 , 1885 nnd continuing four days. An Atlantic ) pauper who has boon liv ing off the county for years , recently re fused to work for fair wagon , because it would lower him in the estimation of his professional neighbors. Des Moincs has reduced the salaries of her policemen to ? 50 pur month , and her firnincji to § 55 per month. The salaries of the mayor and each alderman remains at $1200 mid $450 per year respectively. DCS Moinca pork packers arc only pay ing their laboiera ! )0 ) cents a day , and men cutting ice there work for 10 cents an hour. E\en at these piices there are hundreds of applicants. The auditor of Dubuqiio county reports the total value of Dubuqiio county as $10- 44I80 ! ) ( , on which the county tax to bo collected is $204,174.01 ! . The valuation included lands , lots , and personal pro perty. Dr. R. Y. Watson , from Miltord , Del. , is in Sioux City purchasing llvo prnirlo chickens for propagation in the ttdovater marshes of that state. The The traunplantod chicks will bo protected by law from sportsmen for five years. The artesian well on J. V. Farw oil's farm , near Montczuma , has reached a depth of 2,000 feet , nnd work has been discontinued. Water comes to within twenty-five feet of ( he surface. Tlio ox pcnso of the experiment cost Mr. Farwcll over $10,000. An insane man named Carver got away from his folks in Indiana and started for Wayne , Nebraska , where ho claims ho has n aistor. Ho brought up at Logau the ether day , and being in a bad condi tion ho was arrested , put in jail and his friends in the east notified of his wherea bouts. About 4 o'clock Wednesday morning there was a terrific explosion in the round house .it Creston , caused by the gas generated from the forges becoming ig nited. Considerable damage was done to the building and machinery , but fortu nately no ono was hurt. Statistics show that Iowa is the banner butter state in the west. There arc 050 creameries in Iowa , 470 In Illinois , 430 in Wisconsin and IS ! ) in Minnesota. Hero is a total of 1,089 creameries in four northwestern states , nnd Iowa has more than one third of them. Take the pro duct of the same number of 1 creameries in the other states named and it will not ex ceed the quantity of the Iowa creameries. A bon ton attorney named Jones , of Cherokee , it is topoitcd , went to Illinois last week to get married , and the sheriff levied upon his books and ether effects to secure the clothier who had made his wedding outfit. Everybody in the town that w ould trust him is victimized , and the attorney , getting wind of the proceed ings being commenced against him , has conc'nded not to return , but will take his fair young bride toarnoro congenial cli mate , where ho will not bo harrasscd by hard-hearted creditors. John Glenn under indictment for the fraudulent representation of the condition of thu Bloomtiold bank , which suspended February , 1877 , .was aviested in ICansas City , Mo. , and brought to Bloomfield by Sheriff Gay , of Appanooso county. Glenn left soon after the suspension of the bank , going to Kansas , wheio ho has been re peatedly arrested by Iowa officials , but each tiino being released on : i writ of habeas corpus. Ho gave bonds for his appearance at tlio February term of tlio district court and returned to Kansas. Jacob Werb , a Taylor township , Du buqiio county farmer and his neighbor , Mr. Anderson , quarreled on Tuesday on the farm of the latter. Mis. Anderson appearing during tlio controversy. to 'iclp ' her husband out. The p-itties became so enraged that they rushed from each other , armed themselves with clubs aifd returned to contest the argument w ith those weap ons. Werb sparred with Mrs. Anderson for a time , and finally got in n blow with his club on the head , which settled the fight , and as tlio case may prove to be , sottlel Mrs. Anderson , as tlio result of her injuries may bo fatal. A pamphlet , just issued from the loira department of public instruction , for the educational department of the Now Or leans exposition , contains a dotted coun- ty map of Iowa , each dot representing a "achoolhouse on the hilltop , " and every Bchoolhouso being represented by a dot. It ia needless to say that there Is no room on the map to show anything but school- houjos. In this pamphlet the school population of the stata is put down at 321,222 , and the enrollment in the public schools at 409,537. There are 1,170 dis trict townshipo , * 8,234 sub-districts and 3,200 independent districts. The Now Year's address of the board of trade of Des Moincs contains the follow ing aasoitions : "Tho advance in popula ; tion during the past few years is remarka - ble as the following figures demonstrate in 1850 the to n contained 502 inhabi , tants : in 1800 , 3,905 ; in 1870 , 12W5 , ! ; in 1880 , 22G)0 ! ) and to-day wo claim a popu lation of upwards of 40,000. Des Monies is the largest city in the state , by many thousands , and wo doubt not tlio next fed eral cencus will show the population to be at least 7 ,000. Des Monies is becoming moro and moio the center of Iowa life yet wo must bo active , doing all wo can tc advance the best interests of the city in order to ictaiii our pio-eiuinenco nmoiijj the cities of Iowa. " GIIILS. Two of the Box Who ni-o Earning on Independent Living. Detroit Ft ferret * . Whlla the restriction to which women are subjected In the choice of occupation la gradually being removed , the sex hut yet to encounter many obataclea in the pursuit of a livelihood. There are manj cases In which women strike out courage' oualy and score a success by their OWE Industrial effort * . Ono of these in point is that of two blight and attractive younj ladles yet barely out of their teens , wh 10 < have opened an oflico In the Soitz build lag nnd have for two months been suc cessfully established aa typo-writlnj > - . copyist * . A Free Trees reporter dU covered their location Saturday Bid called for imformatloo. The oflico is i - ooff little room , partitioned off from i \ larger oflico and lighted by only on window. It is comfortably furnishei iy with the simple articles necessary for th prosecution of their business. A Ust carpet , the neat arrangement of the furc itnre and the ( lower-pots on the window a sill would have told the sex of the occc in P nts , even had there boon nobody c home. The young ladles were at first coyl indisposed toward speaking unnocess&rll to ho of what they thought concerned then moro than anybody else. I "Yes , lr , " o id one , after the convei nt Nation opened , "it probably did requii d Homo courage to embark in bniineta ft ouraohes , but then there la not very much atoa'dy employment for type writer ? , and wo thought irn could got moro work , make money and bo moro In dependent by opening an office. " "Did you have to wait long for busi ness ? " "Oh , no , sir ; wo didn t have to wait at nil , because ono lawyer promised us enough nearly to keep us going for a mouth , so wo commenced business at ICO. " "What class of work do you have mostly ? ' "Lawyers' work mainly ; copying legal papers and testimony. We had ono job of testimony that kept us busy for n week. Then we liavo work from spmo of the churches such as copying their minutes , etc. Wo have letters to copy for some insurance companies , and wo copy n good deal of work intended for the pi ess. On that kind of work our copies arc regarded the same as press proofs , and it wives trouble to the person ordering. Much of our work for the press is done in mani fold , and wo can take from four to six impressions. " "Your work requires considerable skill too , I should judgol" the repoiter sug gestcd. "Yes " the other "it , responded , re quires practice and common sense. There is much moro in it than merely operating the typo-writer. " "And some of your customers have their own ideas about how work should bo done ? " "Indeed they do. Lawyers are such a finicky lot , and wo need to do everything just so. " "Yon have succeeded tolerably well , too ? " "Very well. When w o started wo had been under some expense , and had only ono machine for both. JNow wo have two ntul as much woik as wo can attend to. " "A great many lawyers have typewriters writers in their own offices , " she contin ued , "but there are many who haven't business enough for that ; and yet wo get n good deal of work besides ftom those who have them. For some largo jobs , where directions weio required , nnd the manuscript needed to bo kept at homo , wo have moved the machine to the lawyer's oflico and done the work there. Wo have so much on hand now that wo expect to work until quite late to-night. " "How do you keep yourself in the line of trade ? " "Principally by sending our profession' al cards to whoever wo think will ncci : our services Then our friends speak for us when .they have a chance. " "So you are well pleased with your venture/ / " "Very well indeed. It's nice , pleasant woikj with nothing disagreeable about it. We've done so well , too , that we think we'll stick to it. " POINTS. U. S. Mail. Books , namplots , and music can be sent at third-class rates. Every counting-room should bo sup plied with ODiloa for weighing letters. The postage on a pair of boots would bo ab the rate of ono cent an ounce. No valuable package should over bo mailed unless It la registered. Don't for got this. Tea , coiFdo , sugar , and kindred articles can be mailed at the rate of ono cent an ounce. Clothing ia classed aa merchandise and can bo mailed only at the rate of ono cent an ounce. Wedding cake can only be mailed when packed in a tin or wooden box. Con fectioneries the same. A book presented for mailing with a letter attached to it would subject the entire package to letter rates. Never write an address on a letter or any kind of a package Intended for mailIng - Ing in a earless manner. Matter inclosed in a sealed onvolcpa , though the corners may be cut or the ends notched , io subject to letter rates. Liquids , poisons , explosive and inflam mable articles are not received for mail ing , no matter how carefully wrapped. Chromes , engravings , or lithographs belong the third class , and can bo sent at the rate of two ounces for ono cent. If you wanted to send a suit of clothes by re nil which weighed aix pounds you would have to make two pierages of It. Send no cash money by mall. It is much safer and cheaper in the long run to buy a money order or postal noto. Photographic and autographic albums are classed aa merchandise , and postage is charged at the rate of ono cent an ounce. Animals , reptiles , live or dead ( not atuifed ) , insects , except queen beoa wiion safely secured , are excluded from the malls. An unclaimed postal card is not re turned to the writer , even though his ad dress ia given upon It , but la sent to the dead letter oflico. Letter heads , bill heads and envelopes , ; blank or printed , are charged as mer chandise , and postage must bo paid at the rate of cue cent an ounce. A postal card is not mallablo with any writing or printing on the address side , except the address , nor with anything pasted or pinned to the ether sido. When mall matter ia once deposited in , a postoflico or in a street letter box It ie beyond the oontrol of the pureon patting it there and cannot bo reclaiihod. The dead-letter oflico is a monument to the carelessness and atupldlty of the American people. The average number of letters received there daily ia about l&.OOO. Every business man should nio return request envelopes in all his correspond ence. If everybody uyni them the dead- letter oflico would BOOU wind up Its busi ness. ness.Postal cards are handled with aa much ( care and promptness In the matter nf dispatch and delivery aa though they were letters , oven though 'the matter thereon la printed. ' Third and fourth-class matter can be mailed In the same package , provided it deoa not exceed four pounds In weight , but it aubjecta the entire package to fourth-class ratea. oo . A newspaper is not forwarded in the - malls unless postage is fully prepaid , sc g don't think yon can beat Uncle Sam bj B- attaching a one-cent stamp when two an ida needed. a Don t forget that all parcels depositor for mailing must bo so wrapped that the ] 30 can bo examined without destroying th wrapper , otherwise letter rates of post be a o are charged. tyn There are thousands of little article n- now sent by express which can bo mor IT- wfely , quickly and carefully carried b ; < mail if registered. The fee is only 1 LO ( at cents in addition to the postage , In making a present of a book it is per missible to w tito an inscription or dedica llym tion 141011 the cover or ono of the ligli m- leaves , but it must nut contain aoythin that pattakes of personal corrcspondenci ar- Written vislliug cards are regarded i Ire firat-claaa matter and 'subject to letti lor rates. ] f printed they can be lent at tl rote of ono cent for each two ounces ; that is , if the card Is of an ombelllahcc } design. Any person who sends money or jewelry - olry in an unregistered letter not only runs the risk of losing his property bnt places needless temptation before persons who might not otherwise be tempted to commit a felony. In all your correspondence , whenever it can bo done , give the street and num ber aa well as county and state. This saves much time and is a sure preventive agnlnst oirors of delivery. It is much bettor to spell the name of the state in full. full.A box with Ha lid nailed on Is hold as being closed atalnat ; Inspection and is therefore subject to letter rates. Post' ' masters have no'right to pry open such a box and'thon nail It up again , Even if they had the right to do BO , they have not the time. A tax bill , a receipt , an abstract of ti tle , n power of attorney , a promissory note , raortgagoa draft or chockcancollod chocks , coupons , an invoice bill , a. state ment , a pension voucher , a telegraphic dispatch , a bank note , or any document with writing upon it , is subject to letter rates. Omaha National U. S. DEPOSITORY' J. H. MILLARD , WCmWALLAGE , Proelilont. Cashier $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Snfoo , For rent at from 8 to (50 pot annum MISSES Hi & Ei DRESS MAKING FAJINAM STREET , Opposite Boyd'a Opera House. NURSERY STOCK Those desiring Fruit or Ornamental Trees , Vines , Shniba and Plants , will consult thei own interest by calling at the real estate office of E. L. Emery , 130li Unrney St. , or 22 < X Knnmm St Orders for spring planting inus1 bo given soon. r * > * nf P" " u "B" N fl E. Si El ITS. Fiaest , Millinefy And Hit GoodalnthoCity , NEW S POKE I NEW GOODS Merchant -Tailor 822 a. 10th Btreot.lbotwoon Finmm and Buney' ' Low prices and good Goods a specialty. All clothes nuulo apt n eood style and on snort notice. Call and bo convinced. Remember the Dlnco. 8228.10th St. DE. SWETNAM , Office 15th street , farst door north o Farnam in Boyd'a opera house. Leave orders at office or Saxe'a ' drug store. Residence No. 1G12 Farnam St. Residence Telephone" 579. Office Telephone , 150. BR. 33YSART , Office and residence , N. W. Cor. 12th and Howard streeta. answered promptly night and day. attention given to the dl- aeaaea of women and children. OB-PICE AND RESIDENCE 1617 Dodge St. , Omaha , TELEPHONE NO. 1 . THE SWEDISH DRUG STORE , Cor. Fifteenth Et. and Capitol ave , Has been re-opened , fully supplied with Drugs and Medicines. Laro'ul at tuition especially given ted d dor * ' yrotertptlons by nu experienced tJnodlsb pharmacist. 9A lull line of Stationery , Perfumes ( Lundburgh'ii Christmas curds and other holld y al- "dC8' MRS. 131110 WRETLIND. rQJ/MTt0 WITH THI OCOOf APHY OrTHII TRY WltX SCC OY IXAVmiNQ THItt MAP THAT THI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLflKDA PACIFIC IH njr the eoa'ral position of III line , connect' th' Sail and inc Wait by the ihorteat route , na oar rn * pnniic&ftors. without ohauKO of air * , betvree I'ntcKgo and Kacani Cltr. Council Dluiti. Leaven o v/orlti , Aleutian. ItluaeapolK aud Bt. foul. 1 concvcl * m Union lopot with all tbe principal Imoi of road bvcen ! tCo AtUutto and the raoinc OorJCi. It ) equipment U unrivaled and cnagnin. : cnt. belntr couponed * { Aloit Comfortable Beautiful Day Cosuhei , Mazmflaaat Itorton lie- ltninit Chair C ro. iJnllnian's Trettleat Jl oe leopirc t'ar , and ( he IJeut Uue of DlulnU Carl n thu WorlA Three Trnlnc . J = Cf-Uaso . . end - Ulwourl lltver Polnta. Tw-a ' -.nChl : * iu Jd lUnneapoJluandSt.JTixil.v.ii U > yanour "ALBERT LEA ttOUYE. " A Now and Direct Line , via Seneca and Rank * Koe. liaa recently been opened between itlcnuona roy Norfolk. Newport Newi. Chattanooga. Allan t .Aa y f ana. NanhvlYle.Loulivma.LeilnKton. Cincinnati Inilunapolla and l itayotte , aud Omaha , lllnueap- Clia and tit. 1'aul and Intermediate polnti. All Through ? * i engcri Travel on t'ut KxprMi ' " T'IOK" ' ! ! for ! t all principal Ticket Office ! la the United btJU and Canada. A- DaCfifa checked through and ratei of far * ' - Aht way u law a competitor ! that otter Uu advau > For'deUllad Information , g t tbe Map ! and Vold- rioftba GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE as i\ your niarnt Ticktl Offlo * . or kddreai ter q. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , fi.a .aia-r , o.a ITU. * f * - * & ho UNITED STATES atiooal Bank ! IT. S. DIU'OSirORY. S. W. Cor. Farnam and 12th Sfs. Capital , - ' $100,000.00 . W. HAMILTON , Trca't , M. T , BARLOW , Cwhiw DtnKCTORS ! . . M. OAtnwELL , B. 1\ SMITH , . W. HAMILTON , M , T. lUntow , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Aooounts solicitor nnrt kupt out oct to ulght ohook. Gortlflontos of Deposit loouort ( iat blolnS O and 12 months bearing ntoront , or on demand without In crest. AdvanooB mntioto cuntomors approved nocurltloont market roit flntoront. The Intoroots of Ouotomora art 'oooly gimrdod and every fnollltx ompntlblo with principles o < ound banking freely oxtondod. Draw night drafts on Englandlr and , Scotland , and all parts of Qu opo. Ruropnnn Pnnnn < n Tit Cor. 13th niid Douglas Sta. Capital Stock , - - - ei 50.00(1 Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 Five Per Centlnten M on Deposit ! .OANSMADE ON SEAL JESTA2 OjEdooran cfc > 'MIES E. UOYD Fro nl r , . M. ilENNirrr vice r idoni W. A. FAJCTON n glnt | Dltcctoi OHN K. WILBUR , . . .CMhlei CIIAS. F.MANDBE30N , TU.OS.Ii. KIMDALL 1. W. OANNKTT , WAX 11KXKR IENUY PUNDT. E L. STOKE. United States Depository OF OMAHA Oor. ISfcb ana Farnam Sts The Oldosi Banking Estabhshmon in Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZB BBOtfflJM Oreunl&ea In 1BOB. Organised as National Bank In OAPISAIi . . . 9200,001 BUKPIJUS AND PHOFITS 5J1CO.OOJ OITIOZE3 EIBIOTOXC. ocnmi , President. Jens A. CiiioirroH , Vie President. A ausrca Kooima , Sd A. 3. FcrrtiXTca. F. n. If n IfsaqDim , Assistant C BhIoi. Transacts a general bulking bnslncsa. Issue ] tlin ocrtl&otteg bearing Interest. Draws drifla on S Francisco und principal cltlc3 In the United Statel Alao London , Unblln , Sdlnbnrgh and tht pilnclp * cltlca ol tbe continent and Europe , COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MAPI ; Bee Hive Photograph STTTIDIO , 218 North 16th Street. Remember that my Photograph ! ro Inspected before bolnzdollvered rom the DEE HIVE PHOTO GRAPH STUDIO assuring ; every body perfect uUafactloo. PHOTOORAPEB. GREAT5 SACRIFICE'SALE ' On account of mild weather wo am compelled , foi the next thirty daysto sell Boots , Shoes and Rubbers FROM 16 te 25 PER CENT CHEAPER Th n any other bouse In tbe city. UDAHD MAGHIHE SEWED , Manufactured for Flno Retail Trade , by the BOOKFOED BOOT & SHOE MF'G ' , 00. ROCKFORD. ILL : Only ( or sa by j , "BRANDEIS , 5U N. wth st. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , Kewfooilwort ! New Attachments Warranted 5 Years. .SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. 8. K. LOVKJOY III Uth f 4 Vnnha. KICHA.KDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE Proprietors. a. r. RAILWAY , 7TH ft 18TH HTRKE1B MANUFACTURERS OF AND DBAEBRS IN WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING TUB Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Glofcb STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS P1PK. ARCHITECTURAL AND R1DG O , o ? 1k:7,1 : , , 1f" ( b < flif -J W. 4iMLi3 L t : fe < Wo are prepared to furnish piano and estimates , and will contract for erection o Flooring Milla nnd Grain Elevators , or for changinp Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System. 5ir"Especial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for anypu ; po e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attends promptly. Address BI'JHARD & CLARKE , Oraaha.Neb MAX MEYER&BRO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURING Fine Diamonds Rich. , . Jewelry , French Clocks , Bronze Statuary , English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday Kovelties. 28 f CARRY IN STOCK ALL THE CELEBRATED MAKES ; OF Prices anil Terms this Month than ever offered toe/ore. A. visit to our tvareroonts solicited. | l. .03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. B. A. Hdtabllohod 1878 Catarrh DoafiiMfl , Lung and Nervous DlscrtoosSpoadlly and Permanently Oared. Patlonti ar cd at Homo. Write for "TUB HEDIOAL-MIHBJONAKY , " for tha People. OonenltBtlon nnd Correspondence Oratli. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 26. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , nays : " Physician ol , lies. Ability * ncl Marked Success. " CONQRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , writes : "An nonornblo Man. Flno BUJCCBS. Wonderful Ourea. " Hears 8 to 5. WHOLESALE BY L , A STEWAET CO , 1013 Jonea Street \ * a * * OH RED cmoaa. \ OMAHA 2T3