Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1885, Image 6

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Tuesday Morning , Jan , 6 ,
By C nlc : . . . . . . .20 ecnt < p ' wock
p r ye r
No. i Pearl Street , Rear Broadway. !
"Two Johns"
Try McOlurg's self-raising buckwheat
Thia evening the Bavarian band gooa
over to Omaha.
W. T. Bnum IB fittingnp a Innch
counter In hla restaurant. '
Juatico Hcndrlcks is to occupy the
office fotinerly uaod by Juaiico-Abbott.
Strong otorm doors are nqw being put
In place to protect the entrance to the
Masonic tomplo.
L. Kinnelmn , who had his foot cniahod
at the transfer kit week , la reported IB
bting In a very low condition.
Mr , Scaulan , the butcher on upper
Broadway , fell on'a slippery sidewalk
yesterday and receive quito serious In
juries , i
The now patrol wagon , a doecription of
which was given in yoatorday'a BEE , appeared -
poarod on the atroots for the first time
yesterday and attracted much attention.
The Lights o' London , on Wednesday
and Thursday ovonlnga promises to draw
big crowds. The entertainment la first-
class in all respects , as many hero who
have soon it gladly testify.
The pavers roaumod work on Broad
way yoatorday , after a stop of about three
weeks on account of severe cold weather.
If the weather continues moderate the
work can bo completed within a week.
Jerome , the traveling man , arrested
for picking up $380 lost by a farmer on
Broadway , was yoatorday diachargcd by
Juatico Schurz , the evidence iiot'ahowing
up strong enough to hold him.
S. Mapletan , irho haa been lying in
jail for about a month on the charge of
atc.illng a valise fronv a girl on Fierce
street , was before Juatico Abbott yester
day for trill , and the case dismissed ,
Pormlto to wed were yesterday granted
A. P. AVataon and Mary D. Reaanor , of
Garner township ; Harry S. Green and
Sarah E. Malcom , of Knox townahip ; J.
T. Farrell and Irene Miginnlas , of Wea-
To-night the "Two Johna" are to bo at
the opera house. Those who enjoy real
fnn'ohonld be on hand. Although com
paratively now hero it is all the rage
farther east , and no entertainment has
Tcceived words of higher commendation.
0. H. Towsleo has soldjiia confection
ary store , .No. 12 Main street , to H. A.
Balrd and J. Palmer , the now firm to bo
Balrd & Palmer. They will make a
greater succooa of the business than over ,
and make this popular stand still moro
popular ,
McOlurg'a Rolf-rising buckwheat flour
la the beat. Try lt
Will J. Trotter , of Avoea , was In the city
Sheriff Farrell , of Mills county , was iu the
cly | yesterday.
.Tohn B. Ahleru is goinff to take in the New
Orleans exposition.
Alderman Mynster is BO far recovered from
lus illness as to bo out again.
W.JII. Lynchard , ot the Council Bluffs
Herald , ii rapidly recovering frorc his illness.
Attorney A. B. William * , ef Glenwood
was among yesterday's \isitors to the Bluffs.
Rilay Olark , of Noala , was In the city yesterday -
torday , looking as amiling and happy as if ho
did not go out of the ofDco of justice of the
peace ,
H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , has
opened an art studio in the rooms of
Barko'o gallery , 100 Main street , and Is
prepared to supply portraits In oils and
crayon in the latest stylo. Satifaction
guaranteed and Inspection invited *
The AVet'k < > r Prayer.
, This being the week of prayer , there
will bo nnion services every evening , ex
cept Saturday evening , in the prayer
room of the Congregational < church , the
Presbyterians uniting iu the services.
There will also bo noon day prayer
meetings hold In the rooms of the Y.
' O , A. every day this week , beginning at
12 o'clock and closing at 12:80. :
Bo sure you gut McOlurg's self-rising
buckwheat flour.
Wheat No. 1 milling , 67 ; No. 2 , Eft
No. 8 , 45.
Corn Now , ilc. !
Oafcj For local pnrposoa , 23o ,
Hay $4 50@G 00 per ton ; baled , 60@CO.
Kye 35o.
Corn fclsal 1 30 per 100 pounds ,
Wood Good impply ; prlooa at yards , 6 00 ®
C 60.
Cool Delivered , hard , ! ) 60 per ton ; soft
4 GO per ton
Lard Fairbanks , wholesaling at 9fo.
Flour City flour , 1 50@2 90.
Brooma 2 05@3 00 per doz ,
Oftttlo Mutchor caws S 253 75 , Butchei
itoers , 3 VfifaH 00.
Shoep-2 60@S 00.
Hogs 4 00(34 ( 25.
FBonucE AND mum.
I'oultry Wvoold hoiu. 2 50 per dozjdressed
cliickens , 8odrw ; d turkeys , 12Jc ; drci txl
tluckF , 0@IOcj drwiod ROUO , lOfeISc ; spring
chickens , per doz. li 25.
Untlor Creamery , ! 2526c ; choice countrj
Kftgs 22 pot dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , S0-10c per el
onloue , COo per bus apples , choice cooking oi
eatiiiK , 2 50g.3 ( fO ; bewig , 1 00@1 60 pei
buKhpls Hwwt ixitato B , ifl ! nor Ibi
Cider S3 gallon bill. SC.W.
Orangu * 0 CO per blil.
McOlurg'a aelf-rloing buckwheat flour
Dltraya readp for UBO. Try it.
Dr. 0. 0. Bazen , Dpntlet , 100 Main at.
Auk your grocer for McOlurg'a self-
brjckwbeaf , Trp it.
The Ainnal Showing of liic PnWlc
Library of this Oily.
Inter cat Ing Facts mill
Tito trustees of the public library of
Council BlufTa respectfully present to the
city council their third ixnnnal report ,
embracing the operations of the library
for the year ending December 31 , 1884.
The receipts and expenditures of the
library have boon af follows :
Received from city treasurer
proceeds of library tax. . . $2,430 C'J
Received from librarian for
fines , sales of catalogues
and books 702. >
Cash on hand Jan. 1,1834. 8 ! )0 )
Total receipts ' 82,00984 ,
For removing library and
including desks and fur.
nituro $ 311B4
For purchase of books 038 OB
For magazines and news-
panes 588G
For fuel and eas 11000 .
For rent of library room. . 231 ! 26
For salary of librarian. . . . 58000
For salary of janitor. . . . . . WOOFer
For insurance 3005
For printing supplement
No. 1 to cbtalogua 40 00
Forsundrles 0017
Total expenses 2,170 81
Cash on hand Doc. 31,1881 333 00
Total 2,50984
The following magazines are loft on file
in j the rending room , all monthly : Har-
per'o Magazine , The Oontury , The At
lantic , St. Nicholas , North American Re
view , Popular Sclonco Monthly , English
Illustrated Magazine , Iowa Churchman ,
Good Health , Michigan , Literary World ,
Boston , Library Journal , Now York , The
Correspondence University Journal , Chi
cago.The following newspapers are kept on
file in the reading room :
* Nonparoll , . Council Bluffs ; * BEE
Omaha and Council Bluffs ; * Globe , Coun
cil Bluffs ; * Herald , Council Bluffs ; Bog
iator , Dos Molnos.WEEKLIES.
Tribune , Now York , semi-weekly
* FroIo Proaao , Council Bluffs ; Nation
Now York ; Sun , Now York ; Irish World
Now York ; Springfield Republican , Mas
sachusotta ; Times , Philadelphia ; Courier
Journal , Louisville , Ky. ; Inter-Ocean
Chicago ; Missouri Republican , St. Louis
Tribune-Republican , Denver , Col. ; Bui
lotln , San Francisco ; Youth's Compan
ion , Boston ; Christian Union , Now York
* Christian Register , Byston ; * Now Jerusalem
rusalem Messenger , Now York ; * Slgni
of the Times , California ; Harper's
Weekly ; Harperjp Bazar ; Christian
Weekly ; Scientific American ; * 0ur Hor-
aid , Layfayotto , Indiana.
Wo are under continnod'obllgatlons to
the publishers of the Nonpareil , Globe ,
Herald and Free Prosso of our own city ,
and to the BEE of Omaha and Council
Bluffs for furnishing their papers to us
The number of visitora to the library
and reading room during the year was
26,667. The number of registered book
takers Is 1,228 , an increase during the
year of 22-1. The whole number of books
taken from the library during the year
was 19,847 , divided according to subject
as follows : Theology 236 , philosophy
416 , natural science and art 845 , poetry
and essays 3,331 , history and biography
3,328 , travels 1,123 , fiction 10,573.
In view of the intense political excite
ment which prevailed in the community
during a largo part of the year we think
the above results of the year's work both
in the number of books read and vUitora
to the library to bo a very favorable one.
The whole number of purchased books
registered during the year Is 504 , at an
average cost of $1.26 per volume. The
number of registered books donated was
108 , making the whole number added
C72. In addition 59 volumes z > nd 12
pamphlets of United States documents
were received ; also a number of volumes
printed by the state. The official regis
ter of the patent office is received regu
larly , and kept on file for public inspec
tion. No books have boon lost during
the year. Sixty-two volume have boon
. sent to the bindery , of which forty-eight
, have been rebound. Forty volumes
. have boon repaired in the library.
The whole number of public documents
in the library exceeds 2,000 , and nearly
all are methodically arranged and easy oE
reference. Donations have been made
to the library during the year by Hon.
W. H. M. Pusey , Hon. J. W. McDill
Qoorgo Carson , Horace Evorell , Mrs.
Sarah 0. Key , Rev. 0. Haralin , Mrs. W.
H. Bradbury , Rev. P. B. MoMenomy
Prof. J. J. Stattery , Thomai Bowman
P. McPryor , and J. D. Edmundaon.
In pucjhaslnj books an object has ota
baeu simply to add to the aggregate num
ber on our f.helves , which wo could eas
ily have done at a greatly reduced cost
but rather , after procuring the loading
standard books , to aecuro the freshest
productions of * ho best writers as theii
works issue from the press. At the same
time wo have aimed to exclude the morel iy
sensational along with all those of doubt
. ful moral tendency , so that no.boah it.ny
be found upon our shelves which may
not bo read with profit alike by the ayd
the middle aged and the young.
Eirly In the seasons the library was re
moved Into moro spacious quarters 0at
No. 14 Pearl street. This now room It
CO feet long , 22 feet wide , with high lied
ings and has been handsomely finished
up and furnished. About one-third ol
this ample npaco is devoted to' the read
ing room and is well supplied with desks
tables and' chairs and nicely lighted.
Hero the magazines and newspapers we
have mentioned above , together with
any book that may bo called , may be
read during the eoveu hours each after
noon and evening while the library iem
kept open , The remainder of the room
is devoted to Horary purposes alone , and
is well supplied with book cases and
other conveniences for the arrangement
and delivery of books. nty
| ) ? l aoh reputable resident of the city
abavo the ago of 12 years can obtain n
book from the library and hold It for two
weeks upon entering into on agreement
with eatitfastory guarantee that it will bono
properly returned. The system of con.
tract and guarntco works wnll. No one
complains of it as it can hardly preclude
anyone from obtaining books and
under its operation we lose no books.
; It is very dorirablu that the advantages
and privileges which our library furnishes
to the people of this city should bo made
known as widely as possible. To that
end wo invoke the assistance of the press
of out * city. By frenuent mention it o m
call attention to ( ho existence of the
bnnnficiont institution in our city. We
tliInk &i o that the moro than half him-
died teachers in Council Bluffs
should also direct the minds oi
their pupils toward the library as a
rich fountain of Intellectual culture
and that they should nleo assist their
numerous pupilfl by their advice and sug
gestion in their reading. We have on
our shelves n largo number of books
fitted for the young , and wo are sure
they would bo largely road by hundreds ,
who now remain away from the library ,
If their perusal were kindly and earn
estly rocommoirded and the facility for
procuring them properly pointed out.
Wo earnestly call the attention , both of
parents and teacher , to this important
branch of our free system of popular
education , to the end that the library
may bo made a still moro Important
auxllllary in the free development of
knowledge In all Ha broad moaning and
among all classes of the community.
From the foregoing statement it will
bo soon that the free public llbrory of
Council Bluffs has been in successful
operation during the year. Wo com
mend it to the fostering care of the city
council and the people of this city.
Respectfully submitted ,
HORACE EVKKETT , President ,
D. 0. BLOOMER , Secretary.
NOTE The terms of office of A. W.
Stroat , W. R. Vaughan and Rov. P. B.
McMonomy expire at the first mooting
of the city council in 1885.
Judge Loofbonrow Omles the Mo
tion for a Coutinnaico.
A OlmiiKO oiVcnuoXhon Tnlton.
The case of Dr. Cross charged with the
murder of Dr. McKuno came up again
yesterday morning In the district court ,
The dcfonao doalrod a continuance. The
claims sot up in support of this request
wore numerous. Ono was the absence of
John N. Baldwin , upon whom has fallen
the burden of preparing the defense ,
Mr. Baldwin woo taken ill , while away at
tending to a very important civil case ,
and Is now lying 111 at Richmond , Ky ,
Judge Hnbbard of Cedar Rapids , who i
also engaged in the case was hero Friday ,
but returned to Cedar Raplaa , hlspartno
being sick , and ho did not return ycstor
torday morning , the reason for his nb
sonco not being known. This throw the
defense upon George F. Wright and Mr ,
Haldono , the partners of Mr. Baldwin ,
They claimed that knowing nothing o
the defense , its preparation bolnf
in other hands , It wan no
justice to themselves or to the accused to
bo forced Into trial. Another cause f oi
a continuance was the Illness of Mrs
Cross , the wife of the defendant. Sh
was unable to attendai a witness am
her testimony was very important. Mr ,
Wright , In an affidavit , stated some
the facts that It was understood nh
would testify to on the stand , but he
condition was such that she could not in
form counsel of nil that she know abou
the case , and If the state admitted tha
she would swear to the statement madi
in the affidavit , yet this was not enough
as she doubtless would , if able to apperfr.
testify to other matters , not known , bn
which might bo of equal Importance i
thoao stated. It is claimed that Mn
Cross is in such a nervous and feeble con
dition that It would bo almost fatal to
her to have Dr. Cross put on trial. She
needed his dally attendance at her bed
side , and the anxiety as well as the lack
of hfs care would bo liable to cause her
Illness to result fatally. With the feeling -
ing that the physicians of the
city were prejudiced very strongly
again&t her husband , it was a great shosk
In her low nervous condition to have any
examination made by any of them , but
she had submitted to examination by Dr.
Lacy , and by Dr. Barstow , as well as by
. an Omaha physician. Their certificates
were presented , that of Dr. Barstow
showing that she was too ill to permit of
the abecnco of her husband , or the
nervous strain of his being on trial.
Tito prosecution claimed that the case
had dragged along a year now. The In
dictment was returned i josr ago last
December , but it was thought there was
not enough time left in that term to try
It , and it wont over until last May's
term. Then a continuance was granted
on the motion of the defendant , who
claimed that there wore some important
depositions from the east which had not
anived. It was thoroughly understood
. that the caeo would surely bo tried at
this term , and the agreement made that
it should not bo called np until after the
first of the year.
That time having came , a special revise
. for seventy-five jurymen had been in at
, tendance since Friday last. A great ex
. pense had been involved , and the attor
. neys Instead of getting ready for trial had
, boon spending their time preparing mo
, tions to secure delays , and offering ilimsy
excuses , The state had agreed to admit
that if Mrs. Croaa was able to appear she
would testify to such facts as were stated
- In the affidavit of Mr. Wright , This did
, away , therefore , with the necessity of
continuance on her account.
Judge Loofbourow In deciding the matter -
tor reviewed the points at length. Ho
thought the absence of Mr. Baldwin and
Judge Hubbard was not a sufficient rea
. son for continuance , aa the defendant's
interests could bo well cared for and ably
protected by remaining counsel. The
, srato by admitting thut Mrs. Cross'would
testify as claimed , did away with the no-
- ceealty of her being present. As to her
condition being such that she required
her husband's prononco , ho said ho was
not fully satisfied by the affidavits of the
physicians , and that ho would not put
much stress upon that unices a report to
- that effect wes made by a commission of
, physicians appointed by the court to ex
: amine her. In view of all the facts the
judge said the defendant must
be put on trial , and over
rated the motion for a continuance ,
The crowd in the court room at once
broke out with a clapping of hands ,
showing that they ttvidtmtly had little
sympathy with Dr. Crois. The judge
told the sheriff that there must bo quieter
or the court room must bo cleared.
On the outburst of applauao Mr. Hal-
dene arose and neid that , with
expression of feeling , it was evident
what ought uow to bo done , and ho
( Hereford gave notice that a motion for a
change of VPIIIID would bo filud and naked
> for tirao topri'ptre tht same ,
The judge granted the time , adjourning -
ing court until 1:30 : in the afternoon ,
thus affording an opportunity tj prepare
tha motion.
On the opening of court in the afternoon -
noon a motion was filed for a change of
vonno on the ground of the prejudice
of the people hero against the accused.
There WRB n little moro legal sparring ,
and then the judge let the whole matter
go over until this mornlug to give an
opportunity for the presentation of affi.
davits and other showings to determine
whether there was auoh a prejudice
among the people as to warrant sending
the case elsewhere.
Jiuli. JL A
Ton Will Find that you can Bnv for Les :
tlian Anvrvhere Else.
NOTIOK. Special a vertlsemonte , eua KB Losl ,
foand , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Wants , Board
lag , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column at the low
tate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion
u > d FIVE CENTS FEU LINE lor each gubseqnent n <
erllon. Leave advertisement ] &t oar office , Ho.
Peail Street , near Broadwav
; > OR RENT Two hlcely furnished rooms. Mra ,
A. A. Smith , 123 8. First bt.
WANTED Good girl at 831 third fuonuo * work
light , two In Umily. C.C.Trovel.
WANTED Agents in every countyln western
Iowa to Bell the "Champion Bosom Stretcher
and Ironlcg Board" , E\oiy lady pronounces it on
eight to bo Just what eh \\antj , either for liorscll
or hlrei ! help. Klg Inducements to agents. ItetaiU
for 81 , Addrcea 0.1) . S. and I Beard , B o otncu
Council Bluff ? , Ion a.
ANTED A good horteshocr. Apply to C
Orcgcry , south Main street , Council Bluffs.
SAliK Or exchange for land In Kansas or
1 Nebraska , a Job ollire and newspaper outllr. Ad-
dross , W. 1 ! . Mayee , 102 110.1(1 ( itrctt , Council liluffa.
< jiuii SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J.
A ? EtcpteiHOn , 603 First avenue.
FOR SALE A top-buggy , first-ill81 make and
In ex.client condition. Or will trade for cheap
lot. Addreas f. H , Pee cilice , Council Blu7e.
COAL AND WOOP George Hcaton , 023 Eroid-
way. sells coal on J wood at reasonable prices ,
gives 2,000 Ibe. for a ton , and 123 cublo for a cord ,
Try him.
Every body m Council Blnffa to take
WANTED . Delivered by carrier at only twenty
oonta a week.
OLD PAPERS For s lo at Um offioo , at S5 oonta
a hundred
No. 507 Broadway Oonnoll Bluffs ,
Railway Time Table.
Tha following are the tlmea of the arrival and do-
nartureof trains by oontral-standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave tranblor depot ten rain
utos earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
LliVl. AEI1T1
6:96 : p m Chicago ExpreM 9:00 : a u
8:10 : a m Fast lloll. TW : p rr
7ica : m | 'Mall and Kxprefg , TJ J p m
is0p : m Accommodation. ItiO p m
"At local depot only ,
10:05 : a in Mail and Kxpreas , 0.6B p m
Dili p m I'iMJjflc Expresa , tU ; a m
55 : p m Express , 0:05 : a m
92S ; a m Exprosa , f.16 p m
6:25 : p m Atlantic xpruj , 0:05 : a m
9U ; i m Bay Express 0:61 : p m
7:20 : a m 'Des Jlolnos AooorumoJitloD , p m
At local depot only ,
UBi JHT , MniH iRDfACinO.
{ 10pm Acoorumodat.CD 8:00 : am
1:30 : p m Louis Kiprcja 8:45 : p m
It0 : p ru ChltAjO KjprciM 10i : a m
At Transfer only *
1,61 p m Kxprota , S(9 : p m
J24ara ; I'lOlfioKiprcei 8:06 : a m
1:40 : f a Bt- Paul Kxprrei , B CO a in
ftlO a ra Day Ezpreaa 7:00 : p m
ciiioH rioino.
8-00 p tn Western Eiprcsf , 8:50 : a m
11-00 a in 1'aclflo Exprnea , 4:40 : p m
ISllO a D Lincoln Ezprww , 1:13 : p m
At Tranier oulj.
t > ar 7 0-8:80-9SO-10dO-UtO : : k. in. lW-t:5 : :
, : go:9 : < WSO-8SO-llOfi : p. m Honda 7:10- :
n-.SO-ll:10 : a. m. l 03JoBJo0ll:0 : : p. m.
filr * 10 mlnnkci beluro Iwrtag Umr.
fromtr4ier ( only
' " * '
209 Upper Broadway , again to the Front.
Stud ] , rclictt and como and Examine , and eco fo
yourtelves what jou can buy forCaih at my place
quote jou as follows :
13 Iba granulated sugar for $1 (
Ifllbsi ) eugar for * 101
15 Ibn Whiles ex 0 sugar for 1 0 <
SO bars Klrk'n unite Kusslan soacfor 1 0
22 hara Palrra , equal to Kirk's Russian soap far. 1 01
20 bars Kirk's blue Indlieoap lor 1 ( X
Irupont's best pou tier per Ib 2 !
18 boxes ot matches for 2
French mixed candv I or Hi 12jc-
8) rup California honey drips , per fral C
Syrup , warautcd strictly i > uro Vermont maple
pcrftal 1C
Sorghampor gal 60
A Mo. 1 Engliah currants 14 Ibi for 1 W
Lewis' Lye , genuine 10 boxes for 1C
Canned blackberries , preserved , Scans tor . . . 1 C (
Canned 3 Ib yellow poaches in white syrup 6 for. 1 01
Canned 8 lu Istquality Timatoea lOfor 1 0
ANo. 1 whlteflsh , perhlt , 7
Pure Mixed Candy , per pound 12j
T , T. T. Icansull jou according to qual.ty.fiom
150 to 70o per Ib. *
Flour Wo cell the celebrated Patent Fancy pe
cwt. $2 75.
We keep everything usuallr Kept In a First Clas
Grocery , and warrant overthing wo fccll , Gootln delivered
livered f rco In any part of the city. I also handl
Oloton and llltions , Dry goods and Notions , Boot
anilShoci , andagondaaaortmtnt of Tinware. Re
member ; I will not only bo not undersold on an
goods , but wM sell 20 per cent belowanv Compotltlo
In the city. We are now rccelvl' g an.liivolco of Doll
In which we can give the greatest bargains ever ofleroi
In the city. 11 y expenses are very U ht , with n
Rents to pay I run ouablod and will Sell cheap fa
CASH. Call when you wanttbobo ot Bargains in
my lino.
209 Upper Broadway , ouncil Bluff
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Class.
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2.60.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specially ,
Established 1882.
H/E. EEMER , Manager
Ul Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFtU IA.
To purchaeo
A.t Bottom Prices , ia
China Store ,
23 Mam Street , Council Bluffs
H0.8. Thl ' what omo of the sluts mvmhcturori call * "Club. " but wo e\ll it "Our HtH Clamp
iluV. " It his pure spring tttel boltim comwitivl riaak. H li tilll nickel pat Id Tne bottom Uihapei
oHl tliosole ol Ihonhnoorb o jerfottiy , thttotiy irlYiuir ; tin foot free and natural notion. II ku
ot clunp ntil light Icitbor Instep or li l itra , 8 Toe heel Btr | I are prefarr ble to heel clamp
noitcascc , at tin stnpfsttyainl stroittthen the ankle often pto > online s rloiu Mil palnfal kccldtnti. U
i the flnettlooMn < ukato In the imrkit , Mid one tlutli sure to pl i o. It ha | mro Turkey liJxirooA
Hhtels wllh brass ! nBlilnjr , they aro2J InohM In illnmetM miderory wheel perf ! ty tru ; xteh 1'ilr iQi
ciiailln a separate box. size * Ito9. I ulso ottryn lull line of ne skate in fill. itrip woJj bottom ! ai *
a ftt Illlne of all extMS , and suull and litgu br lined whcc's. Write for piloai Terms One-third Mlb
aocompno ) Ing order jlaUnee lent C. 0.1) . ' II. L. MILL til , Wo t rn Ag ut , 10.13 , Fourth AMD * *
Council Bluffs , low it
O A T TS *
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will sell In retail or wholesale lots.
All Stock Warranted as Represented.
Wholefalo nd retail dealers In OrMn ami Baled IUv. Prices
eonablo Battsfaction Guaranteed.
OHiiE.trarjEie. sc iBOZQiimY
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBluffs.
Endorsed by FRANZ TJSIT.
Unrivalled ot Tone or Flnlshi
BestUodorn Price to Buy.
The Kimboll Organ , BO long and favorably knjwn In the west , recommends '
STEWART. Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Wnrorooran , 829
Bluffs uncil Oorroapondonco Solicited. Agents Wanted.
Winter Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style
en Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices.
905 Main Street , . . . . . . Council Bind.
Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt.
IT POSITIVELY CURES Klilncy and Liver Complaint , Btlght'a Disease , nhctisiaUsm , Neur lzt
DjeporEk , Nmonsncss , WtBtlng Weakness , 1'aralyala'Spinal Affections , Indigestion , Heart Ulsooai , Flta
ncauach , Limo Back , Cold Foot , and all diseases requiring Increased motlto powers , New fmoroveU bel
? 3 and 5 ; old stj lo 32 each.
332 and 344 Broadway , flOUNOIL BLUFFS ICWA
? and 9 Mala strootr
A Complete Line of ETew Goods to Select From.
The season beliiR fo ( ar advanced I h4va DeludeJ to dispose nt vny stov rs REQARDLESS or cow tai pro *
trencoto storing tbem until next eeison. Call early as I will not bo undersold by anjono.
A. J. Manclel ,
325 Broadway , Council Hluff < J.
NOB. 217 and 219 S. Main St. . COUNCIL BLUFFS
Cobs , Coal 1 Wood
33. 93 ,
P. O , address , Leak Box 1O9 , Council Bluffs.
too > . orriozai vu. . . rcssr
Coandl Bluffs , . . . lai
Established - 1856
Dealers in Foreign and Domcetlo Exchange and
Horn * Hecurltli.5.
Office , Main Btrort , Koom 8 , Bhupart and D ao
block. Will I'ractlco ' in S ate and 1'oderal courta.
J. E. TATE ,
rractlce In State and Foder&I Court ! .
Collections promptly attended to.
Room 1C , ShuKtut'i Building ,
. H.Shorradon
Masonic Temple ,
Oonnoll Blnfla ; lows.
$20 EEWAftD !
'A REWARD paid tor Information of present
$ 4U location pair rorwi. wa on and harniss ,
morig Bed bv William D Hall toThomaii ' '
Bay horB08C\eny < ar old , 1,100 ixjondu , near left
hind Ic .bUcl hrr enlne jeara old.i Urlo foro-
rted trMvln Inrlg'it hind leg w gen , Coot cr make ,
th < Inch i et double hi rnuM , tal en from I'otuwatb.
aale oouuty In August Tun dollars rearj for
d s-x-very cf ld Hull. Hill dt crit d a about 8
feet lOincbea , tandy complexion , bold head rn top
ra bruunlth red , stoutl'h built , about 40juirs
< prlj to Leonard Zr w t , attorney at law
Vluffl , Iowa ,
E. Rice II , B.
(1Atin'PDQ ( or otner laraon removed wltliout tbl
blifl UuQDj knlfo or drawing cf blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES0" " " " ° * > * " " * *
Over thirty years practlcnl oipiilooM ( UlM Ko ,
I , Pe rJ slroat , Council Bluff * .
jtSTContulta/lan tree.
Ono Night Only , Tuesday Januuy Olli. "
The fiinnlott performinco jet. Br the uotlknown
Two John * Cotccdj Uuinpany , PIrtt tlmu wwt ot
) . Neb , , Friday Jan'y , 2.
Lincoln " Saturday " .
] 'Jaltiinnuth > N < 1 > . , Monday " C.
Council liluirn , Jowu , Tin ndnv " 0.
Atlantic , " Wcd'dny " 7.
WcuMoino " fKilday "
, 8.
Hutuiduy " . ! > .
jLOUISSlOK-Oenta Uc lAdlei lOo.
BKATES-Qenta Ho. Laillci 10 *
Admlsilon Free to Lad lei each morning and TOM-
day and Thursday atternoooi. Uw of 8kaU 16
A. f. BCnANCK , tL n , IUUTEN8 ,
Uanazer. Proprtctot ,
IrsHJEfltOJlJ D , ,
223 Uliidlt Broadway , Council Blufl * .