Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1885, Image 4

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p-lnnlm Offloo , No. 01O F rii m ftt.f
Yor > c Offlco Itoom OB Trlbnn
tVih T 7 rrornlntr , K p |
ltond y morning dilly.
nis BT Min.
2iVrT"I . Jiaoo I Thre Month . t
BUHonihj . 5.00 On * Month. . . . .
Per Wc k , 25 Osnts.
rz.OO I Three Uonthl . I I
LOOlOnoMonlh. . . . . 1
OaramunlaUlons rel/tln ? to New and Kdllort :
naUen ihsnld b addrcwfed to the Eorro Of Tl
En. /
All Bnilaeiu Lettorj and Romlteaneef Ihon.d I
ddrHitd to Tn B rtmusniKO OoMrAirr , onn-
BTKita , Chocks and Postofflce orderi to b made pa1
bli to tha order of the oompanr.
A , II , Fitch , MftURcrer Dally.Oirculntion , :
x. 488 Omaha. Nob.
THK railroad lobby can already b
fonnd in full force at Lincoln.
1 there will bo ono speaker i
Lincoln , there will bo a host of tnlkori
Tun railroads evidently think that it I
the early lobbyist that catches the logl :
TJIEHE will bo four eclipses this yuai
The most notiiblo.ono will occur on th
ith of March.
FIUNK WALTERS is now n B. & R
man. Ho is lobbying for that corpori
tion at Lincoln.
EVEIIY prominent democrat who visit
Cleveland is only too anxious to bo intoi
viewed as to what ho said to the president
elect and what the president-elect said t
him. Under the circumstances it is no
surprising tliut Cleveland has become ver
cautious in everything that ho says.
Tim determination of Qaoon Yiotori
to keep Princess Beatrice with her , ore :
after the marrlogo with Prlnco Henry , e
Battonborg , causes a London paper to re
mark that it is the first time a bride
groom consented to take his mothor-ir
law as a part of the bride's trousseau.
THE Philadelphia Press wants to knoi
"who wrote tliat letter ? " It refers to th
letter on civilsorvico reform which , issignei
by Grover Cleveland. The Press thinks i
ifl very plain that it was not written b
the same pen which wrote the epistle t
Mrs. Bcccher or the missive about tha
JNcw Foundland dog.
TENNESSEE is still struggling under th
burden or a debt amounting to § 30,000 ,
000 , which she is endeavoring to fund fc
fifty cents on the dollar , but BO far th
creditors do not come forward very raj
idly to accept this compromise , only $8 ,
00,000 having been presented on thos
torms. There is some talk of inducln
the legislature to adopt the dlshonorabl
method of repudiating all old bonds nc
brought in wltnln a certain period.
ONE of the brass-collared gentry wh
objects to our exchange proposition saj
that "the BEE two years ago proposed a
exchange -with us provided we would glv
them about $15 worth of advertising <
boot ; ono year ago it asked for a list <
800of onr subscribers ; and this yet
wanted us to send them 20 now sut
ocribors to that paper. " The fact is thi
any patent medicine concern or Rowoll
advertising agency can buy a whole pas
In any of the Nebraska weekly papoi
for 815 , but when a newspaper applli
for a half column notice It Is a tofrib
burden. Omaha merchants patrouaj
Borne of these papers , and some of the :
arc fleeced into paying $15 for a columi
< whllo a foreign patent modlcine estal
lablishment secures a whole page for tl
, name amount. _ _ _ _ _ _
'T-tiE i'omborton cotton mills at La
ronce , Mass. , have resumed oporatlo :
-on full time , with 2,000 hands. This
n straw which tolls which way the wli
ils blowing. It is evident that the outlo
in manufacturing and Industrial clrcl
Ja becoming more encouraging every du
"Wo have observed that for at least t\ \
weeks not a day has passed , without i
announcement that some extensive ca
orn factory had resumed operations. It
also a noticeable fact that the buslnt
failures are fewer and of smaller dims
olon . Wo believe that wo have reaol
the bed rock of depression and that eve
thing will now take on upward t
doncy. It may bo that with the open
of spring wo shall welcome a boom t
will make the 'year 1885 as momora
for Its prosperity as 1881 has been for
TUB local liquor license In Troy is
very profitable to that city. There
850 liquor dealers who have paid
United Stales license , while only 10 !
them have taken out the local Hcei
causing a leas to the city of nearly §
00. The llcenso money goes by law
the poor relief fund and the hard ti
make the need for tha money part
lyly ptys slng. The mayor and ex
oomrnlBBipneru are sharply arrrlgned ;
the former ofllolal says that ho kn
nothing abou the matter , and ono. of
commissioners frankly admits that
doesn't want to touch it because he wi
Incut tno hpstilityqf illegal liquor sell
The Troy officials are about as eons !
M the Omaha officials have at times 1
towards tha liquor dealnrs. It is q
probable that If an Investigation i
made In Omaha U would show that
ntato license law is not by any means
log aa strictly enforced as it should
This U certainly unfair to those si
men who promptly pay their license ,
otherwise observe tha most inipoi
provisions of the law.
While the charges that originate fron
parties who have been employed in thi
insane asylum must bo taken with i
grain of allowance , nevorthelccn the ]
deserve the attention of the legislature
as there appears to bo some features o
the management and defects in the ar
rangements of thla state Institution thn
call for remedial legislation. The treatment
mont of patlonU , and the attendance o
lackfof attention , are certainly propc
subjects for legislative inquiry. Thi
fact that the ( governor'and the slat
board have taken so little interest indi
vldnally in the well-being and conditloi
of the inmates Is certainly not ver ;
creditable , and wo would suggest tha
the legislature pass a law compelling
these officials to visit not only this nsyl
lum , but other state institutions nt statci
intervals during their term , and to mak
thorough Inquiries not from the suporln
tondont alone but from the various at
tondants. They should bo careful ti
take in the entire situation at the nsyluri
and judge for themselves whether th
patients afo comfortably provided for ani
properly treated.
It is obvious from the general description
tion of the promises , as published elsewhere
whore in this issue of the BEE , that th
present legislature must provide for ai
another extension of the building or eroc
an entirely now building in some otho
locality. It scorns to us that throe hundred
drod patients are about enough for on
man to properly superintend , and Nc
braska , like other states , should have a
many asylums as are needed to aocomo
date the insane , whoso numbers inoroas
in proportion to the growth of the popu
Incidentally the interview in THE BEI
shows that the fire escapes are very deficient
ficiont , and that consequently the Inmat ;
and employe ! atu constantly exposed t
the gnat danger of fire. It i ] an bistori
fact that the first insane asylum , locitei
at the same epat , was destroyed by fire
and a numbar of the inmates perished ii
the flames. The question arises whothe
wo ore to allow another such calamity o ;
account oc tha negligence of tlu nUt <
officers and parsimony of the legitla
Not lone ; ago all the gas companies c
New York city were consolidated inti
one organization with a watered capita
of § 45,000,000 , and the announcomon
was made that gas would bo hereafte
sold at $1 75 , the former price beln
$2 25. This reduction was made t
freeze out a new company whose charte
did not permit it to charge more thai
$1.75. It appears , however , that th
reduction Is no reduction at all
but on the contrary an ad
vanca. The consumers have jus
received their first bills , which prove ti
them than gas at $1.75 Is ranch mor
costly than at $2 25. By some procos
known to tho'gas monopoly the consumer
have used more gas than ever before
and their bills are larger than they wer
at the old prlco. Not only have the ;
been thus imposed upon , but the ga
is of a cheaper qnslity than herotofor
furnished. It seems to ns that if th
electric light could be made to take th
place of gas , and we cannot hardly uo
dtrstnnd why it cannot be substituted a
an early day , the citizens c
New York would be abl
to defy the gas monopoly. Hero is
splendid inducement for the electric ligh
Inventors to hasten the perfection of th
light Bo that it will bo as cheap as gt
and as certain in its service. Most pet
pie are now willing to pay considorabl
more for the electric light , but th
trouble is that it cannot always bo di
pondnd upon , and the ga connoctloi
have to be hold in reserve in case <
emergency. The electric light certain !
has an extensive field and a magnified
opportunity , and it is to bo hoped thi
the day is near at hand when it wl
reach that degree of perfection whic
will make it the universal illuminan
Even with its imperfections it has boo
welcomed in Omaha , aud wo believe th
this city to-day has a larger number
are and incandescent lights in proportic
to its size than any city in the Unlti
TUE Blair educational bill ii warm
cmlorsid by the New Orleans Plcayun
wliica admits thak ( Lou's'mia's gicatc
need is education , and. It devoutly hop
that the present congress will pasj i
bill. The statement of registered vo' <
of the state of Loii'siana sboffs that 1
total registration up to Oc'ubor 25 , 18i
was 218,906. This h an incceajo of 4 !
431 einco 1880 , or n little more thin
per centum. The proportion betwe
bltcVs and whites is well ktpt i
neither soeni'iig to 1 > 3 behind in 1
growth. The registration cf coloi
voters was 88,021 in 1880,81x1110,1
In 1884. The increase is 22,238. 1
registration of whltoi wes 85 ,
in 1880 , and 108,044 In 1884. The
crease Is 23 , 103. The number of vet
to of foreign birth in 1884 was 18,324. 1
oa urgent need of education is shown
oau. the large proportion of colored vo )
teat who maVo their marks Instead of writ
at their names ; the number is 1)3,090 ) , wl
only 10,500 write their names. '
10 number of white voters who make U
30 marks h shamefully large ; It la no
30d than 21,512. The number of white i
their is 87,1
n , era who write names
ve What la true pf Louisiana la probt
en true of other southern states , aud i\
Ite is no doubt that properly expended
ire money provided for In the Blair 1
he would accomplish moro good than can
hee. present be estimated. But whether
) e.e. . nation ahould expend money for ed
e.on tlonal purposes In the various states ,
nd whether each atato should educate Ut
ndnt people la a question that remain * to
settled , and no doubt will ba teiio
conaldoKd when the tlmo comes to voti
upon the bill.
TUB reduction In the prloo of broad b ;
the O.nnenu Cracker company will bo op
predated by the poor people of Omnhn
Although It Interferes with the businoa
of the other bakers who htwo boon cbnrg
Ing big prices , it will bo n great publi
benefit. The bakora may complain tha
the Garnoau company haabocomo a mon
opoly , bat wo are in favor of any monopoly
ely that provides good broad at chcai
prices in these hard times. Th
Garnoaus are entitled to the thanks c
the poor people of this city. Now le
aomo enterprising butcher knock dowi
the outrageously high prices on meal
and ho will secure n monopoly in tht
line of trade. The people of this clt
hare for years boon paying nt least 33
per cent more for meat than really ougt
to have been paid. Toke pork , for inal
ance. The butchers nro charging th
same as they did'ono and two years age
when hogs were very high. It is hig
tlmo that the people of Omaha bo give
the benefit of- cheap moats , and if the r <
tall prices were regulated according t
quotations of the who lesalo market the
would have no reason to complain.
IT will surprise no ono to learn tha
Jay Gould is charged with transferring
largo portion of the earnings of the SSI
LDU.IS , Iron Mountain & Southern roa
into the treasury of the Missouri Faclfi
and using the money in other enterprise !
Mr. Gould is president of both roads
bub the Missouri Pacific is his pot. I
order to make him whack np equally be
t'wcon the two roads a suit has boo
brought in St. Louis against him and hi
intimate associates , among whom of conra
are Russell Sago and Sidney Dillon. I
there is any process in law by which th
Gould syndicate can bo made to give th
stockholders of any railroad in whlo
they are interested a fair deal it will coi
tainly bo regarded as something aatonisb
ingly now in the history of railroad mac
TUB Now York Hour maintains the
Grant and Beochor have lived too Ion ; .
'Suppose the hero of Appomatax ha
died in that suptcmo moment of his vii
tory , what a fame through all the contt
rios would have booh his 1" says th
Hour. "Ton thousand statues wonl
have arisen in his honor all over th
republic. " And of Henry Ward Beoohe
the Hour eays : "How fortunate for hh
had ho died twenty years ago. when h
was at tha meridian of hla renown , who
the country , and , in fact , the world
looked up to him as ono of the greatee
pulpit orators. "
TUB cable announces that a circu
craze has broken oat among the Englial
nobility , several of whom have orecte
private circus buildings In which to ea
hibit their own feats for the amnsemen
of their friends. A marchioness has de
delighted her friends by a dumbbell oxhl
bitlon and by jumping through hoopi
while a duke has astonished his acquaint
ancea with his skill as a trapeze performer
or , and so on. The cable dispatch emil
ted to state' , however , that these nobl
circus performers can nil play the clew :
to perfection.
TUB American system of railway mal
service , which has proved so anccessful
will probably be introducad in England
Information has been requested from tb
poatrmator-general by the British pos
ofiibo department in regard to the plan <
American railway postal-cars and th
new system of city distribution.
HON. P. O. HAWES bobs up soreuol
at Lincoln in search of aoma leglslath
contingency. 'W o have had some sevei
winter weather lately , , bat it will have i
bo much mote frigid when < Mr. Hawi
gefa left.
"Chats , " published by Lee & Shepar
ot Boston , , is an interesting little vc
ume ,
"Onr Tender" is the quaint title 1
Tfhich the author designates hersi
throughout this book. But o very she
acquaintance with ' 'Our Tander" w
Bullico to win the affection and awakt
interest in the minds of the most ore
nary youth M.ithcnt knowing the wh ;
and wherefores of the name she boat
She relates stories that she baa- hear
and Incidents that has come under h
observation , with always the ono Jobje
in view , of impressing some practii
lesson upon the young rooder. Amo
the subjects of the chats are "Music
"Sho would be & Pooteaa , " "Oonvon
tion. " "Schoolgirl Troubles , " "S
would bo a Singer , " and "Botwo
Meals. " Although our Tender alwa
talica seme , she never descends
preaching'as the children term It. T
chats are had with both.boya and gii
and contain helpful suggestions for all ,
"Vocal and Action Long'inge , " by
N. Eirby , and publirhcctJuy Le & Shi
nrd , ol Boston , will proefii very utel
work. It is a concise and practical ha
book on elocution , adapted especially
the needs of thoeu who have had no at
qnato instruction or practice in an
which they must use M readers , speaker
or teachers. It is hardly necessary toi
that in no art , tud especially not in
art of exprosBioncan a hand book fill
place of a living teacher ; but with gi
nook Instruction the faithful student v
m ka decided progress , Thtswouk.ia
sale in Omaha by W. T. Seaman. .
"Flaxlo Growing Up , " of the "Pla
Frizzle Stones , " takes Flaxlonp wh
last year'a.volumo , issued about holli
time , left her , and gives UA some of
sayings and doings as she ia 'growing t
Flaxle's disposition combines a stn
desire to do right , with a natural ID
nation to go aatray conJtauaUy. Yet
is a perfect specimen , oi the ideal 11
girl of our day , as lUilo spoiled as ]
stble , to hive coma on amid our
ways of living and lashing the child
along. Nor ara W fa alts all refined
of existence to make up the Ideal st
rn book girl , but , ire have Fhxie u ahe
be grod and bad. together , but the good ]
ly [ dominating The book wUl tend to
tor noble principles in the little people
and this added to the pleasing intoreo
that the story awnkons , makes it jus
what it waa intended to bo , a charmin )
book for the little girl * . It is publish
by Leo & Shopard. Boston , and is fo
sale in Omuha by W. T. Seaman.
"History of the Netherlands , "b ;
Alexander Young , is a valuable ndditioi
to historical literature. The volnrai
nearly 700 pages , and prsfusoly illustra
ted , which feature adds'greatly to thi
attractions of the work. Although thi
heroic period of Nothorland history ha
boon brilliantly illustrated by Mr. Mot
ley , yet the researches of Dutch am
Belgian scholars have brought to ligh
important facts which present some o
the prominent personages and events o
that period In a now aspect. This book
which is designed for mature as well a
young readers , gives on indopondon
view of thcso and of later annals , wltl
the aids which European and America )
scholarship has furnished for their olucl
dation. While availing himself of th
researches of Motley and Proacott , o
Davies and Grattan , the author's judgments
monts of mon and measures are nialul
derived from a study of original author !
The correspondence of William th
Silent , of Phlliy II. , ol Alexander Fai
nose , the Relations of the Vonotlai
Ambassadors , and other publications o
the ascomplishod Gachard , have boon o
great service to him , as vtoll as th
Archives of the house of Orange-Nassau
edited by the learned Green van Prina
A now light is thrown on the charade
and career of William the Silent. Hi
dealings with Don John of Austria an
the Dnkn of Anjou , the moans by whic
ho obtained { ho great office of lluward o
Brabant , his relations with Ilyhovo am
Imbize , the various attempts upon hi
lite , the execution of the assassin , an
the rewards given to the assastin's fnmil
are here exhibited in unfamiliar ospcctt
The pnblio burning of monks in Ghon
and Bruges by Protestant fanatics , whic
helped to destroy the union of the Netli
crlands two years after it had boon se
cured by the famous Pacification c
Ghent , tno true nature of the noted Sai
soda conspiracy , the opposition of Date'
cities to the sovereignty of Grange , ar
now for the first time , so far na we ar
aware , given in English.
To the Spanish governors of the Noth
orlando , Rcqucsene , Don John of Am
trla , Parma , and the Archduke Alberl
and also to Cardinal Granvollo and Phil !
II. , The author trie d to render impartic
justice. Besides ( presenting now fact
concerning the eiegp of Antwerp whic
vindicate the character of the llluetriou
St. Aldegondo , others nro given regard
ing the trial and execution of BirnovoL
and of his son , and the responsibility c
Maurlco of Nassau therefor , which n
English or American historian has men
tloned , bat which are essential to i
knowledge of the troth.
The relations of the Batch ropubll
with England and Franco ace Illustrate *
by diplomatic and other authorities whic'
reveal the actual condition of affiura dut
ing the prolonged siege oi Oatend. Th
limits of this volume have permitted onli
a passing reference to the early and re
cent history of the Netherlands ; bu
while they have compelled condensation
they have not prejudiced the Interests o
This history of the Netherlands is pub
lished by Eats & Laurlat , Boston , and i
for sale in Omaha b > J. S. Caulfield.
Blany Fair Playoi s , but Fa\v Expert
A Woman AVlio Beat Her
Husband ,
New York Tribune. -
Madauiu Patti's recent purchase of
handsomely carved and inlaid billiari
table at the reported price of § 1,50 (
caused a Tribune repotterto make in
quiries regarding the popularity of billiar
playing among ladies. In scino luxation
warerooms on Union Square .1 number ( .
old billiard experts were flaying wlie
the subjpct was broached. "Wait till
beat this man. " said the managpr , wh
was making , a big run , "and 1 will talk t
you. There , now I have finished. Ladle
play billiards ? Yea , of course , but it ism
often they get to bo experts , though the
frequently play a pretty fair game.
Wo have frequent demands for gontlc
men to teaah ladies the game , and tl
latter prove apt scholars. But they hai
not the time or enthusiasm as a rule to b
come very skillful players. Not but wh ,
they can , for all that is requited isa quie
and tiuo oyegood nerve and a find toucl
with practice , to become an export. I' r amusing incident where a lat
took lessons qu'otly ' for u long time wit !
out her husband's knowledge. Ho In
boon telling her that a woman could nov
play the gpmu well. They had a table
the' housu and ono nigit ] she said :
think 1 can beat you at a game of 11 ]
Hards. ' Ho laughed and accoptedi t
challenge. She said she would wagpr
small amount that she would win. T
husband , nothing loath , made the wag
heavy/ diamonds in fact. Well , the wi
know how good a gaiuu Jior husband 0011
play , and they began aud she beat hu
Of course ho never said women could u
play billiards after that , and ho play/cilt'l /
but lilcu n man. "
"Who are soniO' of the expert laj
billiard players ? "
"Aladauip Gaiiiiur was a fine play ,
Misa Biissinger in , another. Both hi.
played exhibition ypxnea , and can uia
imuilsomo runs. As for Mtulumo Pat
slm only plays faudy well , ovonifo&a.k ]
It was for fucoliiii that she iMiugjit t
table , and ho is qiiito a playot. P/pcl it
greater favotitctwiih ladies than b'iEiaix
and wo sell many tables to private honi
arranged to plajr either pcul or luilian
The game furaisLfca good oxcrcisu * .for
dies , though they find it awkward ami
tices reanin aiKur the tabLt to iiioku a tl
ficiilt shot. "
Dudley Kavanangb , ono of the oldi
billiard play era and munufaotnrtw in t
city , who waa. present , said' bxj remoi
bered a lady whoso pitting he. eonld r
discount in his bgat dt > jfl. , Sha was an
an export player that all th.a "sharj
were afraid to play vilth bes. Unfor
natoly , he bid forgotten hr name ,
the Mfcison Dorce , Tf-hero private par }
are kept for ladies to play billiards , 1
proprietor eatd that several exct > H <
players came thero. One , n Mrs. Sx
could m vo a rnn of ISO at the thrto t
gtai * The cuaU/u ol having VnUL
nblbs in private houses is outho
Croatia. The large houses in FUth
nno and adjacent streets arc net com
orod thoroughly fuinished without
Hard table. The Yanderbilt houses i
"a Plprre LiorUlard's housj have handle
billiard rooms.
i. "
it Oiufthn Olub Election.
B The annual meeting of the Omaha , c
l' was held Saturday evening , and oflv
7 elected for the year 1885 , aa follows :
B ! W. Y. Morao , president ; _ Tohn
s. Clarto , vice jircsWunt ; W.
sccrctnty ; .Tolin E. Wilbur , treasurer.
A largo amount of business was tr
acted and the organization placed ii
thorough working order for the year. 1
was dccidovl to rent the lower left ham
box at the opcm house on the evening o :
the charity ball , and nso it a < n club head
Hallway Gleaning ? ,
Mojara. Kiuibil ) , Shalby , Morto nn <
Stebbins , Union Pacific oiHcl ls , le \i
to-morrovf for San Francisco , when
they will nU'eml tha adjourned mootiuj
of the TrantconttnenUl poo' ' . Transcon
tincnUl rates srj to bo fixed for th
Western pool , &nd a oommisjionrr wll
bo elected in place of George W. Rlstinj
A large number of the Union Pacifi
freight cars have been fitttd with th
Wcstiughouso air brake.
Can Got AlniiK Without the Postolllcc
ChicBRO Herald.
The rural publisher who has the dolir
quont tax list manages to got along prott
well , without the postofllce.
This povuler never atlca A mnnct cl p iret
strength andnlio'oa'mcncaa. Mnto economical thi
the ordinary kinds atd cnnoot be sold In comjic
tion with the niiltili/ito o ( low tc t , short wtlg
lumof ph srhrto powdors. bold only Incar.
ROYAL BAKING L'OWDEK CO. , 1U8 Wall otj N. '
7nnll1a. Lemon , Orange , etc. . flavor 7ak
ifbcuma , I'liiUllngii , < fcc.i ' delicately mill nn
turallyuatbefrult from which thcyuronod
Price Baking Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St-Loula , Me
3r. Price's Groam Baking , Powder
ST. Price's Luptilin Ycnst
De t Dry Hop Yenct.
Auk for them
0AM i BROS. . AecntH fi ( > - Omul
TiO LOAN. r > noy.
' to loan on cbitttla in BunnoffilOa
MON'Y Allo on real ograto. W. it. Mnttor , 1 <
F rnam St 503-Jan U
ONEY t * > loin on ctm.Ula by Jl \ Ileatty , ' .
M e.mth.m5 't. 183-lou II
\jnfi ijuOMn lu ouiiuol Jou aud upwar
M O. F. Davli and Co. , Ural E < tata aud Lc
Agenta , 1605 KarrainBt. 8381
UNE7 ( loauod ou chatcelx. Utdlroad Tick
M bought and Bold. . Foreman , 218 U. 1 !
TX7AN TJEIA good ; re ) i bi < i mat ? to doortlrowi
W call nn c Ity trdde , Call between 4 SO
8 p. m. , Civnaun Bros. St Uo. , Hooui'-O'l/t-dnorhloi
or p. P. O. 621
A mlddl aged personto take care
WANTEI1 . 1JO Boukh25th , nMnOoJse. 631
K girl to do giotralhoiowwork. M
bo a good p'aln ' awk. Aply | | > notthtst con
2J.aud Uftvenpart SU 4M
A3TFJOlrl , at 616 N , 13th St
W K2-7 ;
VIOTKI- UrsUUsi doubla itjrlinder fef < !
BJHily at the Dee otlls , EOltf
iTXrAMEO A ! i t tliaa servant lrl. Call at
1 W Nordiweit.uornur U , 23rd wd Curt , 321.
A well d caU4jounz man to In
WANTED I . Address " 0 , A "
481 Bp
A boy who. tan tpeak Oeri-ian
WANTED Utchenwark st 216 f. 12th ht. 4
- t Jiierlcuwd bar ttnder ( ptrli
WANlFIS-An lrea a position In first ciian pi
Cost ( it rclcTcnoei glvun and tatlalactlon RUai
Kwl ; addrenP. O.BoxISScltj. 47 tf
PANTED Otrl lot cenoral huuicwoik at S
W Daiglu StM near Jederson. 439 Cp
IXTAKTED it , oed girl lor geceral houneworl
> Tfl 8. 19th8tr .it. 473 ,
AUTEIX A quiet steady omar to dn the wet
W ot a limit lamlly10U ; Howard strttt. 47
TANTE1 > A good ulrl for gootral house wi
\ Mis. T. W. blacklmrn , 831 South llh St. It
\ good gill fui Ktmrtl noii3o i
WANTKU Immediately at S tt Callloinla at.
l 3 5p
A. good atl\e woman to take cbi
WANTED room , Kniialro at 012 Douglai
- eollctors , lood ray tothar
WANTED-KO Nebia < ka UutoU Malri
Bocefll awoclaUoD , fremonl , Nta. 911 jm
A gv > l"c < jQJ co k M Uo'
tlouw ,
AlfANIKD t dy at [ ntl far'"Qiieon ProlflMf
t dalty itoclilni ; anl tVlrt supportcri , thotildc
bracei , busUe * , bmoin forrnn , ilio Slilelc' . tattt
belt ; , ileevo protectors , tee. Kntlr'lr now device-
unprccedcnteu tirofit ) Wo hare G 0 iiironts
J 100 monthly. AddrtM with stamp h. II. Campbcl
A ; Co. , 0 South v tit . Chicago. 120 J lu
CUlcKKNS-t want a man in om
town In the statci to bur them tot ca < h. N
llru't M to qmntlty D. I ! . Hcemor , buyer And Mil ]
per Cf ( Hint lOUItrv and Etrgf , 01 , 03 , SO& , and ftc
lion atd Ht.,0mahi , t:3tl
WANTF.D-Agonta to handle ! our
appliance * , cxo'u lvo tenltory ghon. A gran
opportunity ( or the right imrtlc * . Intratlgate by M
dressing tha rcerlcfa M'l'g Co. , Kanm Uitv.Mo ,
13S-Ji > nllp
\\TANTl.lll A fltmtlon bv joUDg Ocrrnan gl
ii to < lo general homework or to take cue i
children , toqulio 1110 Jones St. , bet. llth and 121 !
'IIT'ANTKD SlttiVlon by a young girl to do gel
! t cral houecnork In small family Inqulro i
loth St. , opp. Depot , 43S-f
WANTED Sltintlon by a Gorman girl In Antoi
can funiily for gcnerMh u > enotk or nurf ; ai
tin 81 or call at 1317 Chicago ( treat. 475 6,1
VfT'ANTED Place In a drcfumnklng shop , b )
Tl ycunglartvuicdtndrcajmaklng. C ll or o
lre 9 , C , J , J. , 203 N. 10th St. 141-Gp
WANTED A position as ni apprentlco In n ban
ware store. Address C. 8. lUrgolt , Norfol.
Nob. I71-an :
- tsltuvtton M beekeeper
keeper , In wholesale ocUbllshmonl la Omivh
Addrcm > 'O. " onro lloo. EOJ..1
\X AM'K1 > Atinill fiiinlihod riom In a blocl
VV Addrcts "Telegraph" Boo olfi e.
\\7"AN1'ED Aiaitncr | , with the hundred dolli
11 tottkohali Interest In good , l > ayln < t bun'no. ' .
D.IcoOllico. ! BiO
17ANTED-K few day lioirdcri , 038 N. 17th Mi
V L. T. Williams. fi2lf
X\ervttmn to know that the Ills
fill-lord , 1312 IHUK'ni street , up still
a custom made suitor otercont nt the sumo prl
that ready toailo stores chtrgo for Interior girinoi I
ANTKD-Sday table boarders , 1721 Douglas ,
To rent 2 or 3 unlurnUhod rooms
WANTED Putnam at. ni noislblo. Addic
"A , L S."c roBco. 405-Op
Lady or fcntlcnmn , to buy flxtur
WANTED of stoto No. ( JiC X. 16thSt. ( oi'posl
Gent'emnn's Krocer.N ) Will sell lu ono or tw\o <
lots. Stock , fixtures and butuncea can lie had (
leal than valuocf fixture ? . Jliut bo sold by 7
Insr. Call at once ; great bargain ; anall cipltal i
quired , 471-Sp
"V\7"ANTBD Dry u'oods anil groceries In cxclmn
V > for SI 600 worth of Improtod lailicixd tov
property. Atldrcn with articulate of stock folo
boxKJO , Alblati , Dootu Co. , Neb. ISO-Dp
WANTED 10.000 ( amlloa to try our Belt rlfli
1'uro Buckwheat Hour and belf-lilMcR Uo
meal kept by nil flret-c als grocera. Wo wairaiit i
buckwheat eo'd ' under our brand pure. W. JVE
SIIANrt & CO. , Manufacturers. K44I
WANTED To rent , room , or sulto ct rooms , ti
nlahcd or unfurnished. Address O. U. A , 1
N. 10th St. BShti
011 KENT Fun tihcd roomaono blook north
17 I'oetotllco1 , ii , W. Cor ISth and Capitol Aa. .
HUNT Boarding house. 10 roome. 23
Meyer , 023 X. ICth street , over etoro. 522-1
IQlt HUNT1'urnlshed Koom itnjboard 61
F 17th. 624
lUNT With boatd , ono la go tarnish
front room ; gasand bith ; S W. Cor. of 14th a
Joacs , 1403 ; alee a few table beardira wanted. 40
RKNT 3 new tmturnUhed roorra 20 h B
J ? 5th house north of t. Maiy'a a\c. Watrnrc
\tnlcnce. O. F. Nelson. . 4S5 < f > (
T/OK UiHT : New cottage , 81oJ)0per ) month. Co
I1 lurnlthed room , Cooper month. U. C Pitt
em , cor. 14th and tarnnr. 621 :
KENT Furnished loom at 1721 DouzUa.
RENT Newlj furnlshcil front 492tfsic
IpOH 1 on tultB. . W. 17th and Cass. 492tf
RENT Vlegant 11 room houao hot and o
water ; furnaccallmodern ; iuiiirovcinouts ; $7i < j
month. Barker & May no , * 491tfi
IlKNT Lai-o south front room , with dra
FOH room attachednicely ; furnished , 1111 Ca
tel Ave. 482 Op
KENT For parties , fairs , oonccr's ' , ct
Freemasons Hall , Capitol ave and Sixteenth I
It has been thoroughly cqulnpcd with nil come
lencea. Apply to Vvilhim J. Mount , at the hall ,
of JainciFoisyth.jndruc store in same bulldinir.
484 I
RENT A nlf o front bed roam to two gentl
FORT at 6018.20th 4801
RENT A suite ol rooma for gentleman a
FOR , near Union depot' with board. Sou
Omaha preferred. "W. t. O. " Bee office. 4SO-
RENT Board and room warmo land lightl
FOR reasonable rate to r'gtt partita In private fa
ily. Addreas box 02 , city. 481
RhNT Duelling8 roomi 322 8. 10th I
another 7 rooma 613 S. Hth'St. AH D Jom
310 South 10th ft.
l-\ORItbNr Furnlsi.ud rooma aud board at It
P Upward St. 3M-10p
RENT Furnlihoa rooma at 005 N. 17th St
FOR 357-B |
| 7\01l \ RENT Ffvo room cottage on Virginia Av
JL1 two blocks caw of Park A . , and one bio
aouth of Nt. Uary'a A\o ttrcct cars ; 312.Sran
Adams , 10 Ficnzer block , opp. P O , 412 5
7\OR \ RENT Three 5 room houses , Cor. Door- , ;
] ' A\onml Leavonwoith. II. F. Hamann. 452'
TT\ORRI1NT Store room , with good largo ban
JL1 rcent ; suitable tor butclier snop or iiackl
houso. Inquire of Paulson & uo , Varnam bt. b
15th and 16th Staer F. O. Uilui , l'or-o A\e. 461
TTiORRENT-Ifurnlshod roo-jaa 101(1 ( California !
JP lira A Caldciwood. 413-7p
'OR UEN1Furnliihed room for Rrrtl
1 scntlcman jndwlfo , 2208Oillfornla St.
' . UhNT Cottage a rooma , Bnmi/d 2d r ddltl'
b'.Oll per month. Inquire room 4 , Oiuah- . „ '
tlonal IlinK Ilulldbg. 3Wt
RENT Eluhtv acres nJUnd on mllit-ry re
FOR mllca frouiclt } , fontliieoor flvoytarb
I. Djtvia & Co.
' ItENU One housa. laimlro I lho'inA E >
K'OR . cailt
TOll RENX FurnUhod room , 1318 Jackson. 6t.
JL"1F OR HKlir Furulshod rooms 1816 Dodgfl fat.
F 2 tl
rrMJu UltXT Ilnuso o rooms , I3tn auilillm i
JL } 1 bleak B , of IIIcKtry ? 8 per month ; apply
premise ; . It. * cUonalJj ttOt
HUNT A good furnished room Apply
FOR ' Millinery Store , 16th St. , B U h
Pout olllce. SJi-t
MOll RelNT lJvclllDj home , fsirWslwtcTl
C nliw rooms , welllind cistern , InqunoJara
Bonnar. 4201
I OR RENT Choice , lultn of olBcorvoma very i
F alrablo fora doctor , Imiulre at Wm liuahinn
Q 4191
[ roil RENT A cottage of 3 rouine , on With re
1 ? nutrUt Mary'&ivenue ; 412.60 p r month.
ou Swlttler , ! 13 S MOi street , 43Jt
1UNT Ijaije pluuant furnlslieil rooms ,
FOR M , W. eornur ISthanJ 1'a'Bkiii St. 13 :
T7HJK tK r-rtioi lurnlanel roiiu , cheap at 3
' t1 8. ittrMt 4371
" 17 OH RENT House ol elgtt rooms , ultuatel
JL" two'ii CoaTciit and Pleauut streets , on Han
street. Inqulx ol W. M. Thompson , i'lrst Natlo
llajik. 45
17OK HKNV-A nle furnlilied room i k fr
U lljid'd Oytra Jlouse , | > j LOT month. U. f. U
tin. 8H H. iMh. U8I
' HUNT Store roctii 1611 Farnam St , with
FOR' & Billiard UblM , by PauUoa b.Cn.,1
Parnamek. 431-t
KKNT One ftiuJahnl room witkboard ,
FOrt or threedajr Itoaiilert , 1911 WoUlec.
vH KENT-Few loom htutw Sid a lu ,
pur month. Basktr b Maynr , B
TTlOlt BEHT Ni t t and cnoanotl hirnUked ro.
r * InOmtho. Apply to a , II. A deraon , room
tf Andenou block , north entranoo , 1Mb and I'ai
- port nt.
ITIUH I'.KNT Twrt futnUhedhrunJumUhid-l
Jt ? N. W. nomor20tbaud W b ter8t 41
OR KKNT Togentlocxn only , a pleasant
F . 8. E. ctxoit SOth and Douglai
OR IlKiNT Two slegaat rooma In RetVUk' * bl <
, HIS Faruam. < * V
rvoii HKM J juHttJ lioDt row til < &t s'-
1 What , 418
RNT-Snlt ol roorrg furnished tor llebt
1 ho ! keeping , ro orcMionallv Meant In 11c.
net's block , corner Eth ard HonardSI * . 43-tt (
I7\OR \ UKNi NcatcotUgo 8 ioom , hall , pantry
1 cloict nnd , $12.tiO , als other chran ton
mcnU , D. U Ihorra . 417.11
HKNT- nlno room .oii ; ilcsuau a \ov\- \
tlou ; $10 per month , IHrkpr A Marno. 45-lf
IJM'H KKN'T Sf > r building with ruldciirxi M for
- . $22 , jxr month m good locAllon. 1) . tj Thomaa
410 tf
nOUSAMOHTUMK- : ) steam llour'ng mil
1 Ith two tun ot huriKundono f il butr ; all In
; oed rcptlr and onlv broti used IS month'1. Situated
n onoof the be > t hu < lncs < loti In Kearney , Ncli ,
Till dbi'ofo cf lot wd mill together ur mill nljna ;
flno location ; will fell onRiKil terms , or trailo for
thor dtstrablo ptopeity. Adilioss I.vck II v Otl
barney , Nb. f > 17ftb.'i
ORC11AN(1K For > JC ntor Inv
pro > cd property , the titrtil tire of 20 roonn ,
o rlytiowthe ; vromhci for lease ; centrally located ,
rick block , nudern Improvements , also < tno and
lascmcnt for rout In came block ; goo > cbanra for
iotclbu < lncs , Morse and X Drunntr , Cor ; IMh and
' 491-3
; > OK SAl.KVerj cheap , ni acjount of health ,
/ * llotton Itostatiraht , 1414 IKtuxK S. f.3i-0 | >
irroilSALV-Ti ! il with brick liotl'o , conlftlnliig 10
JL' rnoms , stable , and b'xrn , rocoistrj outhoti c ,
| y wattr , on 19th s root Inqulro No , 318 , KUth
ith Street. 405-10
> on for an English Worsted otcrcoat , custom
V7 made , vcrv elegant. Ordcicd ( r ljln. UliUt
Nothing Parlors , 1312 Douglaa street , bet. 13th ind
ith , up stairs. CIO fi
1J10RSM.K Black Roman Stallloi' , wclgln 1EOO
X1 pounds , Will sell chotp. Jos. l\olo > atek , No.
351 S. 13th St , Omaha , Neb. 313-1)
T7\OR \ HALF. UO arrca of the best farm land In
JL1 Washington Cc. Neb , 21 miles from llrrman , 8
miles ct lllalr , 8 nillct o' Tcknmth Mutt ( ell became
need money , Wl I sell for $ loot , c.isn and the talanoo
in easy tern1 * ; plenty of timber and water. Call or
ddroisJor. Xolouatok , No. 1324 B. ISIli Street ,
> eb. 510 0
[ 7 > OR SAIiK flonl trosh milch cow , Inqulro at
L1 1513 Howard St. )007ii )
0R S4LE OR BXCHAKOB Fur lmpio\od city
J' property , cno or tno eccllons ol land well
dapted tor general farming or ttock purpuiea ; rich
< ell ; cl'te to railroad station and near ono cf the
real towns In CVntril Nebraska. Address (1 N. II.
. ' , 0 , Uox GOO , OmnhA. 40.1 5p
, SAM : OR TIUDE-Oood stock firm of EM
I,1011 1 , 29 mUcn trom On.ahi , ono mile from
Jprlngtlc'd ' , Neb ; wljl tradn for Om'lm froporty.
\ildres < Woolorfc Harrison , O.ii.ihnir n. M. Hani ,
ou , SpringfieldNth. .ir'feb''p
My bul'illcnan'1 ctoclJ of clothlr ? ,
ITAORSATiK shoci , will t mile for filming laud.
Oco. If Peterson , 801 South ItthSt. , Omaha.
4S7-ob ! 1
7\0ll \ SAtE Srcond hand Hall'tf sale , medium
. BJzo 10 , Frcnier blocK , opp. l' O. 470 5p
( SALK Choip good double sleigh. Fred
If(01l ' ; corner lltb nml Fttuam Bt. 47811
SMjF.-CheJii , horso.-xml buggy , 118Si Cum-
IrvOil 1 St. 29itt
. OUi-Uv-Onocloant chimboruat , ono
FOR8S.liK closk , ono cuuly new Kuabo Piano ,
lUe gold framsd picture , oiu horaj , barnoas nd
iluttan , une II lli EHO , somll size , ono beautiful
hina collie so t. Inqturo No , 20U llarney St. , liot.
SALE OOxlCS foot OH fuming street 3 block *
FOR of Mlltttry bildgo , $1,00J. John L. MoCaguo
ipposlto Pott ollke. 433-tt
I Oil 8ALK 137x121 toot on corner , Booth-east
frott , house 3 icoma , barn , S blocltn weal of
'ark are. and Leivonworth , easy paymenta , thoap
S1.700. JohnU MctaKue. oppositeFotf t OIllcu. is7 tf
TT\OR SALE Horaes , mulca , harness and wagon *
JD on ono or tw o } cars time. Real estate security
T ) . L. Thomas. 4Ktr ,
SALE OK XCIIANOE At SIO per acre , all
FOU of twotlousanl aorcn of timber land ,
forty mile * east o ! KinaaiClty , wit cxchan o for
Ncbraaka laud or merohandlsa. Bedford , Soaer t >
men who know how to make money don't
MANY how to tate It jou can a o abnut ono-
iialf on jour clothlnc by uujlng It at the JllifltCloth-
ing Parlora , 1712 Douglas etrcor.bct 13th andillth ,
up btalie. Fine tailor undo eultj vt low as glfi.61C6
T OS1'-A bro n morocco morncrandUm and bill *
I J book , containing a ladles phcto and papcraof no
\aiuo to anyone but the : owner. Hcturn. to Max.
Meyer & Co and get toward. 630 Ep <
E TCH I'aE Firrai for Imjrovol property In
riO Omaha , 'has n. Wnolloy , Uooim 20 , . tmaba
National Bank , Omaha , Nob. 6fO 15-
mo TIIADE St"ck of grocorlea for ncropropertv
J. adJ-'InlnB Omaha. Chas. H Woolley , hoom 20
Omtba National bankflmaha , Neb. 627-I&
rpo EXOHANOK Farms fur etcok cf m rohamllae
JL Chas. It. Wool cy , Room 20 , Olnaba Natlonn , ,
Rank , Onahn , Neb.
" , \ TRADE Stocks of goo s to tradc-j fi r land.
T\OFl . It. WoolIc.Koan 20 , Oiinha National
Bank , Omaha , Neb. & 20 IS.
In rccd ol an overcoat dnn't fall to otll and
ME1 a JlBciiatomma'ioovoroiat that jou can
buy lor $20. Jll'tlt Clothing Parlors , Doujlas street
bet. ISth and 14th , up etatre. 614 5
TJEIISO AL A young K-ntteman who haj recent.
JL ly come hero it reside dcslrca to inaka the ao
qualntance of an agreeable lady. Address M , Arm !
tcad.P. O. , Ciiy. 60J-Op
> -n Keward will b paid for tll arrest acil con-
$ ; ) Uv ctlon cftlic-person that took a Hdj'd satchel
while abe viai Inapeclliif , ' the Mltfiti Tanora , 1312
Douglas Btrcdt , up ntalra. 916 cuitotni mailu eulta
lioyaro bellliitr nt a. uiSia
AYKD Frtm f , W Cot. ot 21th and Chlcaeo ,
ST Saturday altcrnoon , a Dinall red ca'fi Infoiina"
tion will bu lOccUcdntthiaplaai' . 4t3' il
OST On Fri'Uv ' , between Kaunders , Cumlni ;
JL/ and 10th bt'iniall brown Banlacslar ; suitable
uwBid will ho paid i ! returned ti lUrk'jr & Jlaync , .
Sthnnil t-aruanb. 4CU8
men vha liuow how to iraKo money don't
MANY how to eavu it. Vou-can uivn alxut nno.
liall on jourclothius ; by buylnglt at the lllsflt Clott
ng Parlora , 1312 Douit.oa B root up etalrs. Tallop-
nada aults a i low ns $1 ? . m&e
UOOMJn Omaha Cl'j , esuoclolly when jou.
BIG buy a JCIJ cuatum irado o-.trcoat for 812.
Jlistit' ' lothtng Parlora , 1312 llouxU etrcrtbut. 13thi
and 14th , up stairs. 650 6
OOh Yea can buy n 30 custom , tuado junta fnr ,
L I 23. MUfltCloti Ins ; farlora , 1U12 Duu Ua street ,
bet lJthand > l4.h upatalrs. 610 > '
'OO ' KA Huja cuitorn mido < . * rciatlull tatlik.
) Z ty/llnod ) / , Imported Horsey , and certainly
would bo cheap at * K1 at Misfit Clothing I'urlois , I'.U
Douglaa atrf ot , net. 13th n.ll4tb.i . p nMra 611-6
OCKbTiEcok lost by nnt CAJlinj and buvlnif flO
J oustciu uadnault f Jr UW at Ufallt Clothing I'.r-
lors 1312 Douglas etrecr , btt , ! ih and Kth.un atalra
D'llara tavcd Is 923 made by bluing a custom
um'iij SU overcoat tot Sd ) lllsll ; Clottilnif
I'arlou , Ittll ! DoujJIB striet.JSat. 13th ana 14Vh , up
" \ATHV do jou buy rtaO made clothing whfii you
IV nn bii ) an Ji custom innilo pant < lor il.o.1 iln >
MliCt CluthiuK Parlors , lill Douglaa tit , bet. 13th
-ndlUhup ntalir. 6.4-f >
' save a il-ctor bill ooire and procure ono of our
T'O $20 custom rutdu < n\accoal < i thai the .MUk Cloth-
Inir I'a/Vors , 13U Uoujlaa at , bet ISth and 14th , ar
iiO lutt. 'ou can uuv m Vo It b\ck ly | buvlnff
it Sio i uituiu intdu unit for t-5 11 Wit ClouJi "
l' rlor , 1312 DuiMlu ) bt. , bet. 13th and lltli , ui >
atalru. UMi-S
| , " : Korcuttom made tahnluiero ultInn style )
I'lt ) light aii'ldajJ. culorworth bJO , , t t ! a IIU.
Ct ' 'lotblLg Parian ) , UU3 l > oiigla > , IMS. ISttiaud 14th
up stalrl.
T7MJ83V meiv W.HIIJU.T their t ll r .Mill priw ) unnt
JP t ke a mil uulcsH it ( Its Ju t to. .TJiiiU hy the
ill- lit ( lot ! lor Parlor * , 1312 Doiulu Hl. brt. ISlh
ai il 14th , can 114 for jil a flno taUunnuuU milt that
costs &iO. f'J-S
ri AKKN IT Ono cow ; ur .v , rod Kk'a. r d feet
X and ruiiawuth , Ctvllfjinivsnd'iithSl Too * .
Waaok. 4'3tp
TjlOH TltU > K for nurohiru'luj ' | irooiile4 ! > .
J1 fLrridllr u(3)voluii ( ) ; | cU U lUyluu , Ohio.
One ( ) l"t In St. Luulr , Mrv eiOacrM at llrralanil t
Kinauniio ( llircn lu OWi ) . Thld propeityli ( no
of Incumliraiioi ) Allcomniunlcn.tV > i > a will butio iid
sirlcUjroouHilenttal. U. ill Winf * , 2184 Cuiriun ,
; 3OMa With boaid , dM lakle or winter. App
I St. Chulei 1IO L Ul-l
> LVMDlNl ( gat JttlnK blng promptly attiiukj 1
r to.liUN. Ibto t. Johu J. CavaaaugU
At 1U > old luid 1117 Faruma. St. Ordtn by U lo-