y& OAILYC BEE aturday MorniinTi Jan. 3. LOCAL BREVITIES , Train No. 2 on the Union Paclfis road did not reach this city until noun ycAlerda on account of the snow. On Wednondny City Treasurer lluck lee ia $ G2OCO on taxes. The amount ot taxns fo 1881 hni notyot baon footed up. Now Years has como and R9no and \ Ih Ritls who failed to propose during the yon will have to contmt themselves with maiden hood for four years more , A number of cases of fro/en baud * nn feet nro doily rep'ortsd at the local hospital In some of the cases amputation of the frosts parts have been found necessary. Harry At wood , tbo doseitcr from For Vayaul , N. M. , who gave himself up to tin authorities recently , hai been taken to For Omalu. Ho is there hold , awnitincc examin * The trial ot F. Wi'nou ' & Co. , of Lincoln the firm accused cf complicity in the Dult robbery , came oil yesterday nt Lincoln. Mr 15. T. Dnkc.i HUN present at the trial , and wil return to-day. Tha case of Mary Smith vs. Mixmlo Still wo * continued In Judge Bartlett'a court ye day until tha 12th Inst. Both are members o tbo demi-monde , ami tha ' 'Smith 'woman ac cones the defendant ot robbing , her wliilo in toticnttd. The oditorhl sanctum of THK BKU ofllc w\j yestordoy honored with a beautiful Now Years cake , the gift of Misi E. J. Curl ant Mrs. T , C. Donaldson , of 1513 Howard street. The present is highly appreciated and will bo honored with all duo attention. Officer John Curry , who has boon on duty at the depot for the past month , has put somewhat of n quietus on the confidence men , and has in other ways proven himself to bo an efficient o Hi cor. In view of this fact the rail road authorities have requested Marshal Curnmings to allow him to remain on that boat. The reception ; at the Baptist parsonage Thursday was a very pleasant ono , and tbo ho'stess , Mrs. J. W. Harris was assisted by the following ladies : Mrs. Dr. 1'nrsoll , Mrs , Pot ter and Misioa Florence Bacon , Mao Bacon , Lillian LittleQold , Emma Littlefiold , Ada Youngs , Etta Banner , Helen Mathowson , Btorer , Myttle Dort Lulu Bedlont , Jennie Talbot , Florence Cox , Simmons , \ \ htto , Don ahue , Haakoll and Harrle. U.irds arc out announcing the wedding of Mr. Eugene B , Chapman to Miss Pauline Hax , daughter o ! Mr. and Mrs. [ Louis Haxt of St. Joseph , Mo , The happy event ia to i come off January 7tb. Mr. Chapman is a well known young man of this city , and will make tha leap Into the matrimonial fields with the bolt wishes of his friends for the success of ' his venture. On Now Years day Mr. Julius Festner vnui made the recipient , at the bunds of his friends , of an elegant gold watch. Mr. Fast- nor lus been mainly instrumental through his pusli and enterprise in building up the either club of this city , us well i promoting , in various other ways , the popularity of tLo in- etrunipnt in Orrmbn. The gift was a token of [ appreciation of his sorvicea in thai direction. An old German , who has been boarding at the reeidenco of j H. Mannwoilcr , who lives on Thirteenth street , near Howard , was robbed last week of clothes and money , ap proximating in value $7C. The stolen proper ty lias not been recovered. It appears , however - ever , that Mannweiler published a card in one cf the German paper ? , saying tb.it it had been found. Why ho did this , is only a mat ter of suspicion and uncertainty. The old German openly accuses Mannweiler of having committed the robbery , and the matter is to be investigated. PERSONALS. Messrs. Wallace nnd Inmnn , agents of Hnywood'n minstrels , are at the Metropolitan. Mr C. J. Emory , the woU-tnown detec tive , has returned I rom n successful business trip in wosteni Nebraska. " " Jeni T. Davis , Blair , T. H. Btirkloy , Alma , Jj. P. Ilawkin ? , Noith Platte , James Snyder nnd wife , Crete , Jnncos Davis , Valentine , G. R. Powell , Lincoln , Jnmea Walkce , Grand Island , Joseph York , Florence , nnd Chris Hydt of Hastings , Neb , are nt tha Metro politan , The Matrimonial Market. Yesterday afternoon Judge McCnllooh married Augustus B. McGrow and An nlo Romlngor , both of Elkhorn. Thursday , the day of Now Year'0 , Judge HoOullooh performed nn Interest. Ing marrlago ceremony , which made man and wife , A. T. Darwall end Mlsa Iverta Dillon. Young Darwall is a farmer of Marion county , Kentucky , whllo Mlaa Dillon la a 1C year old rales of Marys vlllo , Mo. It appears that both have ' loved long and well and determined to break away from the conventional ities of eastern lifo and aottlo down to married lifo on the boundless prairioa of the west. After uomo coax ing , the consent of the girl's grandfather with vthorn aho has been living for uomo ir- time past , was obtained , the two bearded od the train for Omaha , which they had heard of as the "Liverj Paradise. " Ar riving hero , they hunted up Judge Me Onllocb , whoso reputation aj a knot tyor is mtioualt and In a few moment the blushing miss of sweet olxteon wai made "Mrn. Dirnall. " Hallway Notes. The enow blockade on the Oregon lines baa boon broken , and the paaaen gora will bo lot out of Huutlngton to day.Tho The freight auditing department wil shortly remove to the fourth iloor There will bo 110 people employed on the floor , and there Is considerable talk of having a firo-oscapo system provide for the department. The resignation of Robert McOonnell long i "mooted with tbo Union PaciG ivatf master mechanic , was formally P ; 1 yesterday. ' Tn. JUllard , ticket cflico has been closed. If ccr "Without a MO < MIHO , Joijiiio Shawtho woman who 1ms figure iu no enviable light in the mpera because of her connection with thu Delta ntlhir , lias now met Avitl n now difticulty , M. M. Moom hits filed n complaint ugains her in jiolico court , charging her with sell ing beer"without u license. of North Carolina Tobae CO. THE MYSTERY SOLVED. Klnsa Makes a Siateitnt liDlicaiiD His Wife anil Grobnb. Ho Di&covcralliB wllb'n Infidelity nm In Murdered for Ills Falun. On Monday night Inst , Junn Klnwi wa. found lying upon the ground with a bro ken thigh find n badly gashed head , nc.i the corner of Thirteenth and Lcnvonwortl streets. It was supposed at the tiino'tha n man named Grobno nnd Kltm's had assaulted the wounded linn , but noth ing positive could bo learned. Klusj was removed to St. Joseph's hos pital and liis wife and Qrobno wore placet in jail to await the result of Khisa's injn ties. Klusa appeared to ho getting alonj , quite niculy although the compound fracture turo of his right thigh was an ugly woum and his physicians have been doubtful o his recovery from the start. Yesterday morning it was seen bloot poisoning had laid hold upon the wound ed man and the doctors said that there was no possible hope of his recovering ant that probably ho would die bcforo morn ing. Dr. Ayrcs who has been attending the case , procured an inreprotcr and took ananto-mortem statement from the dyiuj , man. man.This statement completely clears up the mysteiy and fastens the murder upor Mrs. Klusa and her paramour. Grobnc , His statement was about as follows : | 0r Monday night ho had been away from homo and { upon returning ho found Grobno in bed with Mrs. Klusa. This angered him nnd ho nttomptod to put Grobno out. Grobno sprang from the bed and seizing a hatchet which was handy , struck Klnaa across the forehead with the keen edge of the murderous implement , causing the Injured which was found upon the wounded man. Mra. Klusa then sprang rom bed nnd wont to the aesistancoofhor paramour and together they thrust Klusa from the house and threw him down the stairs. This was not enough , and while the poor man lay upon the ground with a broken thigh and a fearfully gashed head , the fiend Grobno rushed down stairs and caught him by the throat and choked him severely , On the morning after the assault0fficer ] Turnbull visaed the place and found the liatchct with which Grobno struck Klusa The blood had been crashed from It and it had boon hidden under the bed. As aoou as the hatchet was shown to Klusa ho said that it was the ono with which-ho had boon struck nnd when asked to point out the party who had struck him , point ed his finger at Grobno. Ho also said that his wife had assisted Grobno. When bo made this statement his wife Haw Into B > passion and It was difficult for the offi cer-to keep her from pounding her hus band as ho lay helpless in bed. There Booms to bo no doubt as to the rullt of Grobno and Mrs. Klusa , both as to criminal Intimacy and the murder of John Klusa. Map of NobrnsKa. Just Issued , in colors , showing cities , towns , railroads and counties. Mailed or 16c. J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. 14th st. , Dmaha , Neb. d5-2w TRE SAME MAN , LcCrosso and Omaha a Brace of . Swindled Cities. Mr. 0. J. Emory , of the Western De tective agency , has received a circular letter from the chief of police at La Oroaao. It la relative to'tho operations of a man whose identity is undoubtedly the same as that of the man "Fuller , " who Bucceedodcd in DwindllngaoveralOma- ha businosa men BO neatly laat month. The circular may bo of sombre interest tb aomo. CHIEJCOP POLICE'S OFFICL , \ LA CKOSSE , Wis. , May 25 , 1884. j On the 20th of May , 1884. a check swindler , calling himself Wilber fl. James , ' 'worked" St. Paul jewelers and merchants extensively. Hia method was new In some particulars , but may have boon worked in other placoa , a lotg dis tance from the scene of hia last operation. If you have any knowledge of like crook edness at othoe places within a year , and the description tallies with this fellow , plcaso inform mo. In this case ho got letter [ hoada , busi ness cards and checks on banks , nicely lithographed. The letter hcada would glvo the uamoa of the co-partperahlp of a sound business firm , located in another city from that in which ho intended to work , and ho would assume the name of ono of the firm. Ho would then visit the oily ho intended to work , and present his card , atato who ho was , look at diamonds mends and ether goods ; pxproaa himself well pleased with the articles , and leave with the remark that ho was compelled return to hia home , but would conanlt his father ( another member of the firm ) and quite soon call upon them again. Ho always remembered thoarticloa and prices that were given , and the pornon who ex hibited the jewels , pto. Ho would then take the train for hia alleged homo where , indeed , the firm designated by the letter heads , did really exist , and from this point would open a correspondence with the several parties ho intended to bilk , which would road about &a follows : DEAU Siu : The diamonda your partner - nor Mr. Blank showed mo last week pleased mo very much. If you have dis posed of them , please have some of the same weight , etc. , mounted , I will bo in your city in a few days , and will bo pleased to purchase , as I find upon in quiry that your ollor waa very reasonable , etc. , oto. Youra truly , JOHN SMITH. ( Of courao a member of the hrm of John Smith & Oo , ) The wording of theae letters would rary according to circumstances , and dcalera. and contain just enough "taffy1' to deceive , and do away with the neces sity of Identification. To conclude his scheme , ho notifies the persons ho la to bilk , that on a certain day he will bo in their city , and close the deal , Ho arrives on time , is reoognlzod as the gentlemanly correspondent , aa well as the person who examined geode a few week * since , is shown the identic * ! diamonds , likes them better than ho did , givea a check of hia firm , payable to hia order , on a bank in his own city forubou ! twice the amount the articles come to , receives the difference in money , departs quietly , and works the same game on a dozen others. When tbo fraud is dis covered , he ia like Sheridan at Win cheater , "twenty miles away , " and atil going. It may seem strange that BO apparent a swindle could bo worked among Intelligent merchants , but the reasons are ' 'pat" enough ; during the time ho was corresponding , the dealer looked up the responsibility of the firm of which ho represented himself rvs a partner. It being good and the collator at evidence of genuine letter heads , otc. dliarmod all suspicion and the matter o identity never occurod to them. To ndt to this the young man Is very slick worker , smooth talker nnd rates as n good ono. His description and the nrtl clos ho Rotaway with will accompany thl statement , which la aubmlttod nt longtl in order to trace the past nnd fnturo the swindler. FIUNK HATCH , Ohlof of Police , A DENVER SENSATION. In Which n Colorado Woman nnd an Man Figure. A transaction of some litllo Intorcs has recently found consummation , the history of which has kindly boon TUP nlshQd by a gentleman from Denver. Last Monday night n woman signing herself "Mra. Jennlo E. Ilogere , Dan vor , " rcglatorcd at the Paxton hotel. Sno appeared rather agitated , and there was nn ominous look in her eye that told of coming battlo. She wont ta the office of n woll-known attorney here , whom she retained ns counsel in n case , the particulars of which she unfolded to him. She Is , by the way , a noted member - bor of the Denver domi mondc , nnd has bearing her name , n largo maiaondojoio situated In that city. She said , in brief , that she had sent to Omaha a young man , whoso name Is for the present withhold , whom oho had started in the saloon business hero. She had given lira plenty of money and ho had opened up a fine establishment on Fourteenth street between Farnam and Douglap. Subsequently rumors had como to her cars , of the fact that the young man was making rather familiar with a certain girl in Omaha. These atorlos voru afterward confirmed , and maddened with jealousy , Mrs. Honors came to Om aha to hunt the young man down. Her uapiclons were verified and she deter mined to take extreme measures against ho faithless Don Juan. A settlement was at once demanded from him and secured - cured in the way of "cash satisfaction , " Vlrs.Ilogorajtraa confronted by the young man In a parlor In the Paxton , where a orrifio acono occurred all the condensed plto of long harrasaed fominlmlty being toured ruthlessly upon the unlucky ono's load. After a series of tantrums , Mrs. legers loft the city , with Instructions to or attorney to take extreme stops to ae- uro full satlafactlonfor the money oho iad advanced , even If to that end instant oreolosuro was nccecsary. This is thn pray the matter stands , and It is expected hat in a few daya there will bo intorost- ng dovolopomcnta. PUGILISTIC EVENTS , Cho [ MUlor-MoNally Contest MeN l- ly's Eantcra Trip. The hard glove fight between Ed Miler - or , of this place , and MoNally , of O'Neill , a still in stata quo. The following account of rlcNally'a record and prowess Frill bo recognized as noraowhat cxaggora- od. It Is taken from an oaotorn paper : Several sporting men of O'Neill , Neb. , ave written Richard K. Fox to send on or McNally , the well known sporting nan of the east , to pit him againt the nany pugilists who claim championship onora. McHally is a giant in stature nd muscular development , stands G feet A Inches In height and weighs untrained 16 pounde ; in condition , 197 pounds. o Is a wonderfully hard hitter , and In 30 numerous rough-nnd-tumble ' and iriza ring encounters ho has engaged in > rovcd ho possesses all the essential joints , courage , science and endurance lecessary In a pugilist , and is only twon- y-throo years of ago. He has boon dctorlona In every battle ho ma engaged in , On November 0 , 1883 , he fought Jim Perry , alias Lngliah Jim , at Kingaloy , laws according o London prize ring rules. Perry had bo reputation of being a noted knocker- > ut , and few supposed McNally would > o able to conquer him. Only one round ird been fought in 2 minutes and 30 sec- nds , when McNally landed a terrific- > low on Perry's jaw , which knosked him onaolcBS. Perry waa carried to his cor ner , and his seconds , being unable to re vive him , throw up the sponge , declaring IcNally the victor. .After the b&ttlo 'ack Allen , the heavy-weight champion > ugilist of Iowa , challenged McNally to ight for $500. The dofi was accepted , ho match made , and the pugilists fought n Decemoor , 1883. Again McNally dia- ilayod his wonderful hitting ppwera and cnockod Allen senseless by a blaw ( on the ugnlar , winning the battle In jast thirty light seconds. Jack Harploy , of Elgin , Illinois , was the noxtto ] engage MoNally's attention for a a'ako of $500. This con- oat was decided in 1884unnd after a hur ricane battle , which lasted through four rounds , ended in MoNally knocking out he Illinois Hercules , thereby giving him he fight. " McNally la now eager to meet some of the noted champions , and ms notified Fox that ho Is willing to como east and meet any pugilist. It was learned late last night that r mooting has boon arranged between Mil- of and Mike Haley of Sioux City. Mil. or , In company with his trainer. George Barnes , will leave for Sioux City next Wedneaday night , and the fight will take ilaco Saturday night. The terms of tbo ight are hard glovea , fight to finish , for § 250 a side nnd gate receipts. The ring will bo pitched somewhere within iwenty-fivo miles of Sioux Olty. Mike Haley la a well-known pugilist. EIo will be remembered as tbo trainer and backer ol Hanley , in the 'Fell-Han oy fight , which cauaed BO much local excitement iast spring. Notes. Jndgo Dundy hold a brief session yea- : orday , and rendered a _ few decrees and orders. In the case of Warren va. Oor * ) ln Banking Co. , the demurrer was sus tained and suit dismissed. ( Defendants demurrer ia the csao of Henry 0. Jones va. Walter Craig was sustained and null dismissed. It was announced that all caaes not fiulsnod would ba continued until the Lincoln term of court. In the district court , nothing of Inter eit transpired yesterday , The court will ro-convono to-day , and Judge Wakoley will probably render hla dooision la the Whltehoru-Orauis case. Dodaon and Brutto will ba taken to Lincoln to-day. Meaara. Wool worth it Popplo ton have been regained with Mr. Bemia as counao In the libel suit of Annlo M. Hubbarc against the Republican. THE MISSING MAN , AVIIIInm Lewis Now Turns Up at lioa An ? clos , Calirornln. For eorno time it has boon quietly known among the friends \Yllllnm L. Lowia that that gentleman had loft Omaha under rather peculiar ciroura stances , taking with him his wife and family. The circumstances surrounding his do partnro have boon kept very qoiot , and no citcnalvo publicity has boon given thorn for various roasons. A quid search for him has oeon kept up , wnlch his , until recently , failed utterly In K- cnting him. ' Lowls came to this cltya few years ago nnd made a Urge clrclo of friends , who Imposed in him unlimited confidence. llo first wont Into the express business nnd afterwards owned n fine livery stable on St. Mary's avonuo. Ail wont smooth ly for the first few years , until Lowls took to gambling. This load naturally to the lengths of disslpatliu in which wino , cards and women are promlnout elements. Ho became very dlsaoluto nnd Is said to have gambled heavily , until during the last few months of his stay in this city ho bscamo known as n profes sional gamb'.of. Ho had n wife nnd daughter , n young lady about 20 years of of ago , an accomplished girl , and popular among Omaha young poo- ; > lo. His wife and daughter wcra very nuch grieved over the course of the fath er and husband , and duiing his excesses were nearly heart-broken over the course 10 was taking. About tour months ago , Lewis sudden ly loft the city , taking with him his wife nnd daughter. Ho has loft in thin city dobto to the amount of about $5,000. Sorao of his creditors are among tha best mown business man nnd bankers of this city. Ho went west and for a long tlmo ils whereabouts were not known. Ho las slnco boon located in Los Angeles , California , where ho is said to bo living a oformed life. It is probable that no of- ort will bo made to bring him back. Buy B. H. Douglass & Son's Caps ! cum Cough Drops for your children ; hey are harmless , pleasing to the taste and will euro their colds. DS. . and [ "rado Mark on evorp drop , 1 Follco Court , The aomowhat celebrated case of the Ity of Omaha against Gcorgo Howard were given a jury trial In Judge Bono- IO'B court yesterday afternoon , Howard a a one-oycd individual who is well mown to the police of this city na a dan- icrous sneak thief nnd general crook , iomo time ago ho was arrested on snspl- lon. Ho protested his innocence most olemnly , anddnmandoda jury trial. The .rial came oQ yesterday and resuUod over whelmingly in favor of Mr. Howard's aklng several months lodging nt the : onnt7 jail. Ho will remain 73 days la hat delightful abode. The prosecution was represented by Mr. Godwin , the do- onso by General O'Brien. - * There nro many cheap cosmetics offered or nalo , which claim to contain nothing njutious to the skin. Thin is nil bosh * 11 , or very nearly all are compounded com the most deleterious and polsiououa .ruga-in the matoria medica. They do- roy the vitality of the akin , miking the onsumer prematurely withered and old. . A. Pbzzoni guarantees his medicated iomploxion ponder entirely free from all njurious matter. Use none ether and ou will never regret. Price 50 cents ind $1' per box. Sold by all druggists ! nd perfumers. f ' Swooping Oft * the Snow. Street Commissioner Meany was. in- bructed yesterday by the cliainnrui of ! io board of public works and Mayor lurphy to clear the sidewalks of snow nder the city ordinance. This ordinance cquires all snow to bo swept from the idowalka within one hour after the storm coses , and if this bo not done the- occu pants of the property commit a misdo- ucanor whoso penalty is a fine notoxceed- nig § 20. Sidewalks in front of vacant iropcrty can bo cleaned undorthodircction if the city officials and the cost thereof lurge.iblo against the property so cleared. "WANTEp To exchange wild or improv. d lands in Nebraska or Iowa for Hard- rare , or stock of general merchandise. Address J. Linderholm , Genoa , Nanco county , ebr. ra-ltn Seal of North Carolina Smoking To accoja the best. A Coat Thief. Yesterday afternoon Bill Rose entered r.Hirrls * clothing at3ra , on Farnam troet , cad teized-an. overcoat and made offdowa the street with It upon a run lo woa brought to a halt by officers iletza and O'Bryle ' and was taken to the city jail. Whils searching him Jailor Sigwart found a now pair of ladles' shoes mder his coat. Ho would not toll where 10 got them bnk it it a safe guess to say hat ho stole them. Ho la held to nwatt an examination. _ ARSNQU RYllJGTOHOlDDOUm E gJ-BAKINQ PDV/OEK / ITAMBOUNOTOmSE I \ PURE CREAM TARTAR. found .s jio * . .ImonUli , IJos- rVUVt * l-Vi HUlJt Ott tt UltWtll ta MB if * * > i * * - ton ; M. Dchifoiitalne , of ChlcriKo ; and llode. Mllwntikw ) . Never sold la bulb. WEAK.UHDEVELOPEDPAHTS Absolutely Purea Tills porrJcr iicor wlcs. A roanol ot purely , sttcnRth nt.il lio'c9iicnc53. Moro economical thun thoordlnuy klnd .ntil ( Minot loeolJ In conniftl tlon with the loiiltltuilo ol low tc t , nhcrt Heigh lotnol rhrnrhrto inwdcu. Sold only In can * . ROVAIi UAKINU TOWIJEn CO. , 108 WMlfit ; N. Y , OWMlzei , Sc < , Meftui'VtUhtr , 1) r r d K e r , Rice Wa\htr , Torn * to , PtinipUin , Starch , \Vin and Fruit Strainer. Twel titiclei la on . Vil Ortttett Coalt. tl'.lia EioTi. Ifor * toM tSftn at ] ctlier Slerct ind Sifters combined I Everybodf Ilkci them I We raik < lust Blfttri nd KUor for kiad aid POKC * . WiKi for TholtunttiSlltirMb Co. . Cl.cliimt ! , O. . * 4 C il8t.H.wV.rk. Ar t1 l tnl httm KIldiH f pttliltlM u4 HaaM tlftw Ce k B LKUAL NOTICE. J , it. Wyngart defendant will tnko cotlco Hint on ho WhdiTOf Dee , HSI-IMtuund - nartlolt Kai ] . , by juttlrooltho Peace c ( Douslas county , Issue I an rdcr of nltaohine-it for the Bum of two hundred dot- nrs In an action pending by him wherein Jacob Cohn la plaintiff , and J. M , Wjpart h defendant That properly of ttc enUl defendant. cSDslstlnR of ( lock of goods , Cxturcs and other personal prffcrty con- talnotl In his shop , corner of 10th and Jonca street , has boon attaclird under said order. Said cause waa continued tD January 31st at 0 o'cl tk. In the forenoon. DW1QHT IlULti acc20-lo 3 mo Attorney for PUlntlfl IN THE PASTRY BF FJACTS . . Vnnllln.liemnti , Orange. etc. , flavor Cnlieo , renn , liiil < lltiiritKc.u delicately und nnt- trail ? a * the fruit front which they are mitdo. 'Oil STKENGTH AND TRUE TKUIT FLAYOR THEY STAND ALONE. PREPARED Br THE Price Baking Powder Co. , JhlcoBO , III. St. Loula , Mo. IIAKERS OF Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder * NO ) r. Price's Liipulin Yeast Gems , lle t Dry Hop Yeait. WE 11AKJS BUTortE QUALITY OMAHA ical INSTITUTE. IKoivard Street * ( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Streets , ) ( For the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Dlsonses nt Female ! , rf the Nervous System , Pri vate Ulieasesot the Urinary and Sauial Orgaaa , and IlUeasea ol the Head , Throat and Imnge , Specialties. OUIl OrFICBTIlEATtJXMT OFCATAHIIH. Home lleatJ&Luog Trdment D'SKASKS. FOU \\WI Catarrh , Bronchitis , And all ether dluatM ol the Ihroatind Lunfslroit- ed by Ucdlcal Va ] > on. ( Send ( or Inhaler or circular on InhaUilon. ) DIsciwtB treated by an experienced ipcchlUt. dleems ol tlw Iliart. Liter , Stomach , Kldnojf , ) adder , Nturtlglt , Hhennmt'sm , I'llcn , Canoir , etc. Ourolllco and consultation roonu are furnubod with the finest and mctn xIuiVIo collection u ! MecUM \M .Surgical and Anatomical apFmtuB to ho louml in any hcsplUl , Infirmary , or Medical Inbtltuii. In the country. CONSULTATION And Examination Free. ELECTEICITY ! Applied In Iho mos'i iclentlflo minrer , We hav ith ino > t Mini lete v'r clilLal apparatui In reot'd Colt or nrlto lur circulars on chronlo dl < ca es and lUIorinl. tle . Dne ! < 8ol KemalM , I'rltato Ulicasciol tha Urlnart > n > i Seoul onratu , ScmlnJ WaaktOiM , N r. vouaUeirUy or Kxbauttlcu , tt , . it3. , ii'J our now roituratito treatment. All letters and toniultatloni Strictly Confldontial MeJldi < ntto n'l ' parts ol the rouotry Vy ex- Iron observation , U fu'l ' o - prtm.eecii'Oly packed * v- Bcrlitlcnui c jo LifHca. Ouo joibonal late.uow yitdtraii It oonunlent. 0j cn a ? all Hours , IUV ANUHiaUT. Minn &U kU r > to Qmi Via iledicbl & Surgical Institute ] 1118 Howard Bt. , Omaha , Himebaugh & Taylor , LARGEST STOCK OF 1' Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Oirr 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Ncbraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES , Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES CrQVERNMENT Orders for Hie Iiidiuu DoDfidnioufc given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale 1405 Douglas Street. OMAHA. NEBRASKA ONAM .SB ! ! : .XiESS Suits formerly $ JLO.OO now $7.SO. Suitsformeriy $12.OOnow $ O.OO. Suits formerly $1G.OO now $ Jt2.OO. . Suits formerly $24.00 now $ JtS.OO- Over Coats formerly $ S.OO now $ Over Coats formerly $1O.OO now $ Over Coats formerly $ tO.OO now $ A2JOO. Over Coats formerJLS.OO } now Ove.i Coats formerly $24.00 now And every other article in proportion. Call and see our prices. Farnam St , NOBTHWESTEBNi Solo agents of United States Electric lighting Co. . for State qf Ne brnska. OWL era -western patents for Electric Motors , Arc Lamp , Mo jul largeincaudescpjit and small incandescent electric lemps. Cheaper- than gas. BEST LIGHT Kaww. Adopted by the Fnited States gov ernment and all the leading steamship lines and leading hotels. For- prices enquire at dec23edlm OFFICE , N. W. CORNER 15th AND FA11NAM UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSENGEK ELEVATOR TO ALL FLOORS. | 1209,1308 and 1210 Farnam St. , Omaha , No 1I 1 I * WYATT. Cfl . O in a P * df GUM3TOS AND 20TH STS OMASA , WEB BOLTSi Jlnlal * , Window 0 p , lion OrotUnrAVdMUo Illtv-llgl Uft : , Ho , Iicntuad Sl I tl , 1 > 1U Bonlb IJlh QtrMl Omibfc Kahrmk. ' 103 BKADY ST. , DAYKNEOIWr , IOWA , U. 8. A , lUtobllshod Dcam.fl , Lung and Korvoso Diseases SpocdUy and I'enn&uantly Cured , PatJwrri u * ed at Borne. Write for "Tna MEDioAL-'MinsiOKiai : , " for the People. and Or rreapondtnca Gratis. P. 0. Box 293. Telephone Nr Id. HON. EDWAB'i ) RUSSELL , PoatniajKiar , DaTuapdvt , eara : " PhyoMar. of A.bl\hy nna yfarkoi anocoBj. " OOl aRKSBtUN MURPHY , Davany ort , "An tie ; iorabla Man. Fine SUCCWM. Wondorfnl Ouea. " IIourt.3 t o 6. (409 ( and 1411 Dod eSt , } Omaha Nell