THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY JANUARY 3 , 1885. SjflLJB DAILY BEE , BLUFFS , Saturday Morning , Jan. 3 , 1886 BUBSCnitTION RATKS. By C rtlei . . . . . . .so tent wed By 1UU . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 * per p , . , ye , OFFICE ! Ho. 7 Pawl Btmt. Hoar Broaaway.l MINOR MENTION , Soo' J. Roltor'a noir stock of olotha. ' . Try McOlurg's aolf-ralstng buokwhoa t Tno Catholic fnlr continues at Bono'e hall , and ahonld bo vlsltod by all. A Swcdo wan found m a neatly frozen condition near the okctrlo light building Thursday nit ht. The grand jury found thirtyGvo in- dlctmonta ont of the fifty-fivo cases brought before thorn. II. E , Seaman IB removing his stock to 311 Broadway , to the atoro lately occu pied by H. Friedman. Park Policeman Lamb la keeping an eagle oyn out for any ono attempting to steal wood from Falrmount park. The democrats of this district are to" have a grand "Old Hickory" ball In Ma- aonlc temple next Thursday evening. A ruusoum ia being worked up for the public schools. A starter \ras got by the "Great Republic" entertainment. The funeral of little Karl , aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ulanchard , on Oakland avenue , will bo hold thla afternoon ut 2 o'clock. The newly elected county and town ship officers Trill qualify Monday , the board of supervisors mooting then to approve - provo the bonds. Wrn. D. Bant , an engineer on the Milwaukee & St. Paul , was Thursday evening married to Miss Magglo John son , Rev. Dr. McOrary officiating. E. T. Waterman , of 120 Broadway , has jnat turned out an extension top surrah , for ono harao. It la an extra fine vehicle and iras made to order for Misa Racer. Judge Lyman Is no longer circuit judge. Ho will continue the practlco of law , and have his office In Shugart'a block nntll ho enters on his active duties as congressman. Misa Oarrio Smith now suffers from rather a painful accident. While clean ing a pair of gloves with benzine and dryIng - Ing them by the stove , they took fire , burning her hands and arma'qnlto badly. Thoa. Morgan , better known as Tom Pendergrass , was yesterday found guilty by a jury In the district court , the charge being that ho confidenood a young man named GHgman out of 815 at the Tro- mont houao. "They are waiting and watching for us. " Spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sun day ) afternoon and evening in Spiritual hall , at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. Entrance atalra on Main and Pearl streets , two doors south of poatoffico. E. B. Gardiner , who has boon connect ed with the Nonparlol for fifteen years , has purchased the grocery buslnos of Mr. Robert Huntlngton. With a wldo ac quaintance , many friends and much on- iorpriao , success for him Is sure. The telegram In yesterday morning's papers that a Mrs. McOhesney of Coun cil Bluffs , had dlod rather mysteriously In Now Orleans , led to many inquiries yesterday as to who she waa. No ono Doomed to bo able to give any informa tion as to any such lady belonging hero. Tha lecture of Prof. Starr In the Y. M. 0. A. hall next Monday evening premises to bo Ins tractive aa well as en tertaining. His theme is "Sunbeams , " and ho has the reputation of having olcqnenco as well aa scientific knovrl edge. * "ThoLlghtso1 London , " which is to bo presented at the opera house Wednes day and Thursday ovoninga , is a favorite , and -won so much favor when preaonted hero before , that It will draw big crowds , especially as the public ia assured that the companylhas boon incroasea since presented hero last. Ono of the most enjoyable Now Year' < receptions was that given by the boys ol Hose Oo. No. 4 at their room on Mali otrcot. They kept open house all day and served hot refreshments , and gavi their callers a most happy and cordla welcome. May the Now Year bo a hap py ono indcod to No. 4. The limit of time during which a no tloo of contest In the district judlclar election must bo fi'od ' Is about closed , am no nuch notice has appeared. Judg Aylosworth , it Is said , now hastens ti Dea Moines to look after it himself. Th democratic committee appointed to ge Judge Loot bonrow to agree on some stats ment of facts on which to base a contest do not seem to have accomplished much The mayor's bill for services rondorei in selling the city bonds will come n ; Monday evening In council mooting fo final action. The mayor has fortlQoi his claim by additional documents show Ing that it ia not only the will of man ; taxpayers that ho should bo allowed reasonable compensation , but that It I also a legal claim. It Is understood tha all the aldermen stand ready to allow th bill except Alderman Blodontopf , and h la ready to vote for It provided ho can b indemnified against any suit which ma ba brought against tbo aldermen fo voting for Us allowance. Ju3go Conner , aa ho la now titled found himself In rather an odd box yea terdsy. When court adjourned Nei Yeara eve ho was simply district attorney "but bcicg required to qualify as as cii cult judge before Januaiy 1st , ho did ac aul when court opened yeeterday th crlm'oal cote , which was still on trial required his attendance as district attoi ney. Ho accepted the situation , and the strange sight was presented of Jndgr Connor , of the circuit bench , acting at prosecuting attorney in a criminal case before Judge Loofbourow , of the dls' trict court. The case was finished abonl noon , and Mr. Jacob Sims was appointed aa special prosecuting attorney for thereat roat of the term , the now district attor ney , Mr. Thornoll , not being able to ap pear at this term. In Mr. Sims' hands the interests of the state will bo well cared for. Bo sure yon got McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , hae Dponod an art studio In the rooms ol Barko's gallery , 100 Main street , and , ia prepared to supply portraits in olla and crayon in the latest atylo. Sati faction guaranteed and inapcction invited * Kcsntutlons of llcspcct. The following expression In regard to , ho d6ath of Goorpo Bowers has boon adopted by the Abe Lincoln post G. A. R. and th-j fire department , of both of which ho was a member : WHEREAS , Our comrade , George B. Jowors , has boon removed by death from our midst , and WHEUEAB , Wo desire to glvosomo ap- > roprlato expression of the esteem In thlch ho was hold by us , and the roapoct with which wo chorlah hla memory ; horoforo Resolved , By the members of Abe jlncoln post G. A. R. , Veteran asaoola- intiona , and the members of the various ire departments , that wo boar witness to ho many noble qualities of our departed omrado. In the time of war ho ron- iorod patriotic service In the national do- OUBO ; ps a fireman ho waa prompt , dar- ng , and rcapcctod by his corn- ados , and possessed in a high degree those qualities which com mend men to tholr follows and endear hem to tholr friends. That wo deplore ho torrlblo event which was the occasion f his death. That a copy df these roso- utions be furnished for publication In the > apora of our city and that these roaoln- , ions bo spread on the records of the var- ons organizations of which our comrade ras a member ; and that the halls of the IfTeront organizatlona of which ho waa a member bo draped in mourning for thirty days. Committees G. A. R. Joaoph Cra mer , D. B. Dalloy and Sherwood. Veteran Association Col. Koatloy Capt. Clark and Goo. Harrington. Volunteer Flro Department Amy , jacy and Tomploton. City Department Walters , Bradley nd P. Kuykondall. McClnrg'a aelf-rlalng buckwheat flour always ready for nao. Try It. PKKSONAL. James Francy ia reported on the sick list , Dr. Edmonds now loaves for a rislt to New 'rleans. ' Mrs. [ Calderwood , of Omaha , Is Usltlng lisa Lew Jones. Mr , and Mrs. Jacob Hoffman have gone on visit to Mr. Hoffman's mother , in Illinois , Will Owens , ono of the salesmen for J. K. Tamilian , ia very ill , having suffered a relapse rom malarial fever. Dr. C. 0. Hazen , Dentist , 100 Main at. Picked Up By Police. Chief Sklnnei has made up the follow- ng report of the number of arrests made n December : 48 uspicious Characters . 4 ragrants . . " . . 2J ( jodginga . 140 jarcony . . . 10 Assault . 4 ) isturbicg the Peace . 1G ? ickpocket . 1 ? eddjing without a License . 2 i bt lining Money Under False Pretences. 2 ) ertei t er . 1 Total arrests . 2CO McClnrg'a pelf-rising buckwheat flour s the best. Try it. Real Estate Transfers. The following is a list of rjaj estate ransfors filed yesterday in the recorder's ffioo of Pottawattomlo county , Iowa , as nrniahed by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac * or , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , January 2 , 1884 : Mary E. Little to W. W. Dearborn , part original plat lot 88 , 160,00 Stacy Bevan to I. C. Norton , part n o qr , n w qr , 12 , 75 , 40 , $50.00. T. J , Evans to L. D. Bnlla , lot 13 , block 10 , Macedonia , § 25,00. Helm Kuhl to Charloa Trude , o i , a o qr , 1 , 70 , 08 , § 3,000.00. J. L. Whlttakor to Wm. Wagner , lota 7 and 8 , block 15 ; and lot 1 , block 1C , Crawford's addition , § 900,00- J. L. Whlttaker to Oharlea Wagner , part lota 15 and 1C , block D , Baylies' 1st addition , § 1,700.00. Total sales , § 5,810.00. ' 'Iho Iwo Johns. " They are to bo at the opera house next Tuesday evnnlng , and promise to make more fun than anything or anybody on the road. The Rochester Union says : } j "Tho Two Johns , " at the Grand pport house laat night , had a largo audience , The play ia ono of the boat of ita claas , and the andlenco was highly pleased , "Tho Two Johns" are Immense , literally as well as figuratively , and the aolon ano quartottea are excellent. COMMEUCIAIJ , COUNCIL iiLurrs UABKET , Wheat-No. 1 milling , 57 ; No. 2 , 65 No. 3 , 45. Corn New , 21c. Oata For local purposes , 23c. Hay $ 1 60@G 00 per touj baled , 50@60. Rye 35o. Corn Meal 180 per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , ft 00@ C CO , Cool Delivered , hard , ! ) 60 per ton ) soil 4 50 per ton Lard Falrhank's , wholesaling at 9 o. inour Olty Bour , 1 60@2 90. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz , LIVB BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows S 25@3 75 , Bntchei steera , 3 76(24 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Ilogs 1 & 04 25. FBODUOE AND fBOITft. Poultry Live old hens , 2 50perdozdressec ; chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , 12ic ; dreaaec ducks , 9@lOc ; dressed geese , 10@12c ; tprlnf chickens , per doz. 2 25. Butter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice countrj 10@18o. Kegs 22 pot doren. Vegetables Potatoes , S0@40o per bushel onlonji , UOo per bus apples , choice cooking o eating , 2 503 00 ; beana , 1 00@1 60 pe buohel ; Sweet ootatoee. 2o ner Ib , Clder-32 gallon bbl , , $0.50. Oranges ( i 00 per btu. The French la Chinn , PAUIS , January 2. Four men ofwarhaye been ordered to pro-eed to Chinese waters t reinforce Admiral Courbet'a squadron. Ask your grocer for McClurg's aolf- raising buckwheat. Try it. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Bpfd&l k TertlMmont ) , tuo M ! * , round , To Loan , For S U , To Bent , W nt , Boiid. In ; , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column t the Ion lite of TEN CENTS PKII UKK tot lh first Inwrtlon ncl HVE OKNT8 PKH LINK for each subscqnenl n. ertlon. tour * advcrtltomonls k cat nffloo , Ho. Pentl Street , neat Broiulwav WANTS. cooketo\ealmcBt new. 0 IJeo office. ) n 11ENT Two t Iccly futnlshcd rooms. Mrs , A. A. Smith , 123 8. Flrtt St. IjlOK 11ENT A li\ml omcly furnished rolhn. 1 ? Inferences oxchtrgcil , llOZNIUhstrctt , - third nvonuc ; work WANTED-OeodKltUtsn light , two In f.mlly. C. CTroio ) . T\7"ANTED A jrood fjlrl for RcnoiMliotwork In ft family ot thico , AOdicss II. Couccll Dliifls Bco olflco. WANTED-Cy ft Rcntlomin o ( Rood address a position as book-keeper or sulosimn. Can urnlih A No. 1 icfercnccsas to charact.r ftnd ov Address letter A , Bco office. A pcnti in every county In western WANTED to eell tie "Champion Hosoto Stretcher and Ironlcp Board" , K\otylady piononnccs It on Ight to bo Just whit shi wnnti , either for hoi self it hlrci. help. Big Inducements to agents KcUlla or $1 , A ild reps 0. 1) . 8. and I Beard , B o office Council liiutTp , Ion a , SAljF Or flxccango for land In Kansas or 1 Nebraska , a job ofh > o or newspaper outfit. Ad- drcsa , W. B. JIajcs , 102 Main itroet , Council lilufTS. IjiOK SAIiE llouscs. Lota nnd Land. A. J. t ? Etcpbonson , 603 First axcnuo. SALE A top-buggy , flrst-il 8i inalp nnd FOR excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap ot. Address t * . M. Dcoollko , Council Hill's. _ 10AL AND WOOD-Ocorgo Hcaton , 623 Brand- J way. eolla coal and wood at reasonable- prices , l > ca 2.000 Ibs. for a tout and 133 cubic for a cord , 'ry him. _ FOR SALTS- Piano , II. K. Seaman , Taper , Beoks and Stationery , Council Blui , . Every body In Council Bluffs to take WANTED . DolUorod by carrier at only twenty enta a week. "IU > PAPERS For Bale at Bn offl&o , at S5 conta J a hundred j. L. DEBEVOISE. Union Met No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmea of tha arrival and de > arturo of trains by central standard time , at tbo ocal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln atos earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , BUKUHOroH AND QDI50T. UAVI. ABUTI. 6:55 pm Chicago Express . 0:00 am 0:10 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p m 7:10i m I'llall and Express , 71' 5 p m 20 ; p m Accommodation. S40 ! p m At local depot only. KlNB-lfl CUT , 8T. J01 ADD OOCHOIL BLUFFS. 0:05 : ft m Mall and Express , 6:65 : p m 8:15 : pm Pacific Express , 6:45 : am CinOlQO , MltWAUKBI ADD ST. MUL. 5:25 : p m Exprese , 0:05 : ft m 8:25 : a m Express , 0:55 : p m OniOAQO , BOCK ISLAMD AKB FACI7IO. 5:26 : p m Atlantic Express , B:06 : a m 9:26 : m Day Express 6:51 : p m 7:20 am 'DcsHolnoa Accommodation , 0:16 p m "At local depot only. "WABiSn , BT. tOUIS AND PACIFIC. 5:10 : p m Aooommodat.on 0:00 : a m :80 : p m Louis Express 8:45 p m :50 : p m Chicago Express 10:65 : a m At Transfer only cmoAooand Nonnrwianui. ( :69 : p m Express , 8:60 : p m 0:25 : ft m PaoiBo Express 9:05 : am UODX C1TT AND PACIFIC. M p m St. Paul Expresa , 0 00 ft m 110 ft m Day Expresa 7:00 p m UNIOK PACIFIC. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:80 ft m 1:00 m raolQo Express , i:10pm SllO ft m Lincoln Express , 1:13 : p m At Transfer only. * DUMMY RUma TO OUJULt. Le ve-T:20-8:30-9SO-10CO-ll:10a. : : m. 1:50-2:3 : 8:804SO6SOaOll:05 : : : : p. m Sunday 7:20"- : g:80-ll:40 : a , m. iSO-8 : 0-5SO-eSO-ll:05 : : p. m. rilve 10 mlnntcg before leaving time. From transfer only = AMUSEMENTS. = DOHANY'S OPERft HOUSE. Ona Night Only , Tuesday January Oth. TWO JOHNS Company. The funnioit pcrfcrmanco jct. By the well known Two Johns Coaedj Company. First time west of Chicigo. ROUTE. Hastings , Neb Friday Jan'y. 2. Lincoln " Saturday " 3. PlntttmouUi Neb. , Monday " 5. Council BlufTs , Iowa , Tuesday " 0. Atlantic , " Wed'day " 7 , DesMoiues , " i Friday " 8. f Saturday " U. 100. BEATES-aenta 150. Dulles 100. AdmlMlon Free io Lidles e oh morning and Tata- d y and TburB'lay ' iftctnooni. CM ol SkaUl 15 cents. , A. r. EOHAKOK , D. n , IIAUTENS , Propilotoi ORDER YOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood OF El. SBt , JOIMEOS , P. Oi address , Lo k B i 1(09 , Council Bluff * . JTA.COS sxjtrs , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BLUF18 , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Iloom 8 , Sbug&rt and Bane block , will practice In S ate and Federal courts. TBOS. ornoiBi vr. n. 11. resit OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Ooandl Dluds , . . . Is , Established - - 1856 Delicti In Foreign and Pomcatlo Exchange ted nom * SeruritUi. E , Rice M , D. nn or othii tomon lemoved without thi mU j knUi or drawlrj c t blood. CHRONIC SANTA CLA HAS AUBIVEDjIN FULL FORCE AT J" . Music Hall 103 MAIN * STREET , THE FINEST DISPLAY , THE LOWEST PRICES , THE GREATEST VARIETY , EVERYTHING MARKED.OOWN . T > BED-ROCK. "You Will Find that 'You can Buv for Less tlian Anvwhere Else. s ft- - ft1 \y .TTt ff X fV * > O fJFb d WWWft A tV * QHOltm 1000 YEARS PEOPLS HAVE A CHANCE FOR Like the One Now Offered by FRENCH J In theMasonic Temple. Council Bluffs , la , Owing to a change in the firm'woare desirous of re ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Stoc of Lace Madras and Turcoman Cur tains , Shades , Rugs , Mats , and Mattings , Oil'-Oloths , Lin .oleums , Table Linen , Napkins , ed Spreads * Towels Piano\and Table Covers , Blankets ona Comfor ters Etc , , Etc ; The entire Stock Sucb an opportunity was never before ofleied to th public to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings a such a sacrifice for Nice , New Desirable Goods. HOUSEKEEPERS , HOTEL MEN , GOTO FEY MER CHANTS. Now is your chance for Unheard * of Bargains , The- sale will continue until the stock , is very mueh reduced , . Those who call early will let the best bargains , WE * 'MEANI ' BUSINESS and shall make tha lowest prices ever heard of , ' 33 Masonic Tenap'o ' , CotiEcil Blufis. BROADWAY , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA PL F JKuntlliercIiiefs. 20 doi. Hemstitched Linen [ Handkerchiefs , 10c , worth 15c , 1C doz , Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs , colored border , 12Jc , worth 20c. 27 doz. Fancy Hordered Handkerchiefs , 15o worth 20c. 20 doz. ITemstitchod Embroidered , white and colored , 25c , worth lOc. 10 doz. extra fine Fancy Bordered , 40c , worth COc. 12 doz , super linon.whito and colored , om- broidered. 50c , worth 75c. 10 dnz. Lena scolloped and embroidered , 7Gc- worth 81.00. 5 doz. extra fma Lone $1.00 worth 81.40,3 SiJh JIatttfkercJriefs. 6 doz. all Silk Handkerchiefs , 35c , worth 50. 5 doz , Japanese Hemstitched Silk Hand kerchiefs , 50c , worth 7Co. 5 doz. all Bilk Brocaded Silk r.nJ Satin , 75o worth 81.00. 0 doz. Flno Silk Wipes , 81.00 , worth 81.25. IloiiseJiold Goods. 10 doz Linen Doilies EOo , worth 7Bc. 10 dozen Bleached Linen Napkins , sico g , at Si CO , worth 81.35. lOdoa German Linen Napkins , lario size , ab $ L.50 , worth 82.25. 20 doz Linen Napkins , fcizo - > , at $1.50 , worth S2 DO. 20 doz extra fine Bleached Napkins , 82.00 , worth 82.50. We have a few dozen Napkins at 83.00 , 83.50 and 81,00 per dozen , which are equally aa good value as the cheaper ones quoted. Linen Cloths with Napkins to match make a very handsome present , Wo are showing a large ossoitraent. , Jictl Sjtreatls. 11 packages Honey Comb Quilts , 75c , worth 81.00. 8 packages Honey Comb Quilts , 91,25 , worth 81.03. 10 packages Marseilles Quilts 81.50 , worth 52-00. 5 packages Marseilles quilts , baiulsomo crnr ter , $2.CO , worth ? S50. 1 paokagea fmo Marseilles ( Juilty , 82.73 , worth 38.50J Colored MnraolllTO Quilts air $4.50 , 8 50 and 85.CO. tidies NccJssvcar * . \Vo hao secured tbo Moot novoltlij in LadJes' Naclt Wear which wce bought by us especially fco the Holiday tude. Piano Coven , Stand Covers auj Table cavers ia I > reescd FlannriJ and Billir : d cloth i embroidered Gent * ' We have 6n elcgjti-t line of' Conta1 iMuillera , Scarfs , Sus- enders anJILinonJInnd kerchiefs in boxes , In , connection with our dry goods ostabliali- meat wo have added a full ' line of TOYSi DOLLS , PICTURE BOOKS , PElirU- MBE1KS and other uovoltloo appropriate to tlia Holiday eeaaon. Hand In Flush , Alligator , Pebble , Morocco etc. Wo , 50c , Me , 75c. $ l.Wt 31.25 , § 1.50 , $1.75 , 82.00 , $3.35 , 82.50 , 82t75 , 83.00 , 8ii50 ani S-100 , Statnjted XJnen Gfjoorts * . diofl , Splashers , , Dollies , Trijn Clotlies. Side-board Covers , Bureau Covura , Platter Doilies , etc , , otc , A hearty invitation is extended to all to call and inspect our large and ever vary ing stock regardless of any desire to buy. Orders from out of town customers will as ever be promptly filled , notwithstanding our Holiday rash of business , Orders by mail solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. COCKE RGAN , OOTT35TOI3L RETAIL OF