Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1885, Image 5

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Olirm. Ilolicrts , A SncMoTlilc-f , lie
comes a Trlflo Too Commuul-
last evening Chris. Roberts , n snoati
thlof , was arrested by Officer Gurry am
landed In jail.
The circumstances attendant upon th
nrrost , somowlmt peculiar , have developed
od aa follows : It Booms that Robert
hadmndo an entrance into the homo o
Mrs. Coop , who keeps a restaurant o :
Twelfth Btroot , between Douglas nm
Fftnutn. While the family wore dowi
stairs , Uoborto enoakod cnutlousy to thi
second story and stole $15 belonging t
MM. Ooop and $54 from the trunk of
young girl In the honso , Sudlna Sham
burg. Attor successfully performing th
nnoak'thlcf operation , .Roberts won
to the depot , where ho mo
n friend or an acquaintanc
whom hoghought to bo a friend , by th
name of Zimmerman. The latter fo
aomo reason or other , possibly because hi
thought to procnro a reward , itifonnei
Ofllcor Ourry of the facts as admitted b ;
Iloborts. Ourry , after a hot chaseBUG'
coodod In capturing the thlof Uaborle
Ho was taken to the Twelfth street roa
laurant , where Mrs , Ooop was coufrontoi
by him , and for the first time apprised o
her loss. She made an examination o
the trunk , and found that she and thi
girl had boon robbed exactly in accordance
anco with the otatomonto made by .Robert
to Zimmerman. Roberta woo thoi
searched , and almost all tha money
with the oxcoptton of about $20
was found on his person. Ho then madi
n brief confession of the crime. Ho ha :
boon locked up , awaiting trial.
Roberts is a clever rascal , and but fo :
his overweening confidence In a "friend1
would yet bo at largo.
Iiatest I'roRrcss Ilcportcd by tin
Charity Ball CoimnlttccB ,
The oxooutivo commlttoo of the chat
ity ball , assisted by its onorgotio sub
committco , comprised of the loadlnj
yonng society men of the town , hav
boon holding meetings and made excel
lent progress with the great work ii
their hands. There is no doubt now bu
that the ball will bo hold at Boyd's Opor
honso , Wednesday evening , the 14th o
this month. A floor will bo laid eve
the parquotto chairs and the house decorated
atod with flags. When every jot of qa
is turned on , and the garrison bam
atrikos up the opening march it will bo :
beautiful night.
To-morrow's papnrs will contain thi
general invitation from the oxecutivi
committee to the people of O.-nnha to at
, tend and explaining how tickets may bt
obtained. No effort will bo spared tc
make the evening an enjoyable one. Thi
canvassing for oubacriotlons will commence
monco to-morrow. Everybody shoulc
promptly respond on an occasion liki
this , and combine to make the charitj
ball the crowning event of the wintoi
and such a popular success that it iril
hereafter bo roaognized as an established
feature of Omaha society.
Sconoa in the Ooanty Treasurer
All day long yesterday the count ]
treasurer's office wai thronged with the de
linqnent , eager to pay up their count ]
taxes for the year of 1884. The time o
grace had expired and a five per con
fine wag. Imposed upon all tax-payers whi
paid up. This caused no little dlssatis
faction among the property owner ? , aorai
of whom openly avowed their intentioi
of entering legal protest against the pro
ceodlng. It may bo well , however , fo :
thpso who are inclined to takt
this vlow of the matter ti
remember that they havi
had months in which to moot their ta :
payments , and that there was no excuse
for the delay whatever.
The Union Pacific paid its tnxas yesterday
torday , amounting to § 20.338 58
List Wednesday was one of thi
busiest days over soon iu tha treasurer's
ofllco. Far into the night the oflho wai
kept open taking in monoy. The ro
celpts amounted to ever $25,000.
Park County Heard From.
The BIE ; takes pleasure in roproducin
the following from the Park County Bui
lotin , published at Alma , Colorado , role
Uvo to W. S. Shoemaker , Etq , wh
' lately opened a law officein this city :
Wo are in receipt of a copy of th
Omaha DAILY BEES containing the pru
fessional card of W.'S. Shoemaker , latol
of this county , together with a very flat
terlng account of his professional carec
clipped from I own papers. The Bulk
tin also takes pleasure in testifying t
the character and ability of Mr. Shoemaker
maker as a man and as lawyer. A
euporlntondont of a mining compnn ;
which ho organized in Iowa in 188
to operate In this county , ho I
ono of but few who left hero withou
leaving their companies largely indobtoi
to merchants and miners for supplies am
labor. As an atttornoy ho at once took
front rank among the bar members o
the county-on his arrival. The mos
notable oi the Important mining suits o
which ho was engaged was his successf c
defense of tbo tltlo to the valuable mln
Ing property belonging to the Kama
City'Mining company of Boston. Th
Bulletin wishes him that full measure c
success In lib new field in the motropoli
qf Nebraska which his ability and intej
rlty aa a lawyer justly entitle him to.
Misguided Gcnluv.
Willie Lewis , the young 7-year-oI
boy who was picked up in Lincoln Tuet
day night , wu brought back yostorda
.afternoon. Willie is the boy , it will h
remembered , that followed off the Uncl
Tom's Cabin company from this city Isi
week. Do said ho was iu "love with th
doge , " and concluded to become an aotoi
Ho w found meandering about th
streets in an aimless sort of way , aa
taken ciro of by the police.
Ho is a bright sort of boy , and wit
training , something might ba made c
The Newsboy Krlend.
Col. Alexander IloagUnd , who has fo
the put twelve yean baen engaged i
volunteer benevolent work among th
newsboys of Liuiavillr , Kr. , and for th
past two y'eara orqiulz'ng in various citu
associations for the moral and social improvement
provomont of youth generally , arrived ii
Omaha last night , and will take stops fo
the purpojo of organizing a society here
The plans of Col. Iloagland are somowha
novel , but heartily endorsed by the pros
and educators. Ono moans of attractln ]
the bos is engaging thorn in a street pro
cession , and In familiar lectures on bo ;
and girl life. The expenses * .ro born b ;
the sale of , a book entitled "Ton Year
Among the Novrsboyr , " price 50c po
copy. The little volume gives the an
thor'a plans for controlling the most way
ward of children , and two hundred of th
best incidents uicd by the author. W
bid Col. Iloagland a cordial reception t
InniiRnrAtlou of County Ufllccrs Tin
County Census ,
January 8th the local county officer
will bo sworn in at the county clerk' ,
ofllco. This provision includes the coroner
onor , county judge , representatives
county commissioner , etc.
The district attorney , Lee Estcllo , tril
also bo sworn In on or bnforo the oamt
day , after submitting to the state trcas1
nror his approved bond of $5,000.
Mr. Loavitt , the county clerk , in con
vorsatlon with a reporter last night , collet
attention to the fact that , the atato con <
BUS , taken every decade , would noon have
to bo commenced. The constitution pro
vides that It shall bo commenced during
the month of February. It Is dcslrcc
that the census shall bo as complete ai
possible , and to that end proper arrange
tnonts will bo mado. The census of thii
county will bo made by the assessor !
under the direction of the county com
The Weather.
Omaha is being bloat by n spell 01
weather which is not marked by tha :
painful frigidity of the past few days
Yesterday morning the day opened uj.
with the thermometer well down tow
ards zaro , and by midnight the morcurj
had risen considerably , standing at II
degrees above zero.
At Salt Lake tno mercury registered
acsordlng to midnight observation , 2 :
degrees above ; at Denver , 19 ; at Choy
onnr , 10 , while at Ybnktot
and all points in vicinity it was barelj
above zero.
At St. Paul and 'Minnoosta and the
northwest a very cold wave Is reported at
sweeping over the country , the quicksil
ver having tumbled , according to mid
night roporte , to 40 degrees below ssaro.
I'hp signal men predict that this com.
parativoly delightful weather tvhioh we
are having , will only last f or n short tlmo.
Colder weather , with a complete shift
ing of the winds , is predicted.
The marriage of Emma , daughter ol
Prof. A. R. Tocaar , to Mr. William Ed-
mondcon , took place Now Year's ovc , al
the residence of the parents , 1717 Nich
olas street , Rev. Dean Millspaugb
officiating. Dancing and refreshments
were the main features of the ovening't
entertainment , after the ceremony wat
performed. The following is a partial
list of the presents : Mr. and Mrs.Toozar ,
culinary outfit ; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ,
ono pair blanket" , ono table castor , one
dozen napkins ; Harry and Bessie Jack
son , two pairs linen towels ; Mr. and
Mrs Litton , bed room sot ; Mrs. Ed-
mondson , tea set ; Mr. and Mrs. Hanson ,
hanging lamp ; Mr. and Mrs. Mnrtha ,
stiver sugar and cream pitcher ; Mrs. P.
Oarlin , limp mat ; Mrs. Harmon , plush
mirror ; Mr. and Mrs. Shannon , ono pair
silver napkin rings. Many other va ) .
xiablo presents wore received by the hap
py conplo.
A Morning Blaze.
About O&OyGstardayinorniugannlannoi
fire was turned in from box 24 , Thirteenth
and Dodge streets. The department re
sponded promptly and found in the real
of Mr. G. II. Hitchcock's residence , i
small frame structure more than half coiv
Binned by the flames. Hose company No ,
I ! turned on a stream and speedily put 0111
the fire.
The shed was occupied as a sleeping
ajwrtmcnt by a man named James Gildeu ,
who is in Mr. Hitchcock's employ. /
Mnall stove was in the place and it is sup
posed that the fire originated f.toin a do
fcetive stove pipe. Gihlua lost all hi
Shipping Their Grain.
The farmers in the interior part of thi
state ore rapidly shipping out their con
and other cereals which they hnvo si
long hold. The average number of can
received at this point over thi
Union Pacific system is about 150 , pe :
day , while 180 cars were received oni
day last wook. The company has beoi
taxed to the utmost to accommodate thi
demand for the necessary cars. On thi
B. & M also the Influx haa boon tremendous
deus , and the movement is about aa
rapid as on the Union PaolGo linos.
Mr. Patkn Godwin , up in retiring from th
oflicu of district attorney , will enter into lav
practice ! { n tliia city.
The taxpayers of sewer district No. 1 !
held a meeting last night to dlacuia "illega
&nd exorbitant tuxes. " Mr. Thomas Glbsoi
was appointed to secure couniul to inalcu i
legal fij'ht against the tax.
At lute acounti < , Iho man John Klusn
win ) won the victim of n murdcrou * nmaul
made by hl wlfa and her paramour , Is stil
alive though slnkingr. Judga Beneko aaii
last night thtt Immediately upon Klusa' '
death , Let1 Kstrlle would bo telegraphed foi
to open at once this preliminary oxaminatloi
of the accused ,
Kndorso the BpAnlah Treaty ,
BOSTOX , January L' . The Now Englam
Shlpownei-H1 association this afternoon dU
ousted the new Spanish treaty and Adopted i
rebolutbn decluiinp : Wo mcwt h'urt Ir rn
dorte the fame , \vitlt the ri-commfniUtioi
that tha .Spanish Kast Indi % p aeinions bs al
lowed to participate In uU the tx > nuliU of thi
treaty , and that the privileges of the c 'ryio |
trade be con6nud to the vooneU built am
owned in the United Statoi aud Spain.
Ohio Steel Works Iteduco Wages.
Pmsuuuo , January 2. A reductloa o
wages , rnghig'from ten to twcuty-fivo IK >
cent , has beta m Jo in the steel works a
Coshocton , Ohio. Half the openitiviM go out
11.V. . Olirrr , niiu of Ilia hfavy Iron manufuc
tucrrs of IhU city. l > ellovos the industrial de
preiiilnn ha r aVhcJ its lowest point H
layi ; "Within a lUnrt tiino all our work a wil
be ruiiDiag full , an well in nearly all tha othe
irunufacturiig e > t h'itbinent her < * . "
Til's I\Iftrch \ of the Yctirs.
Onn by ono , one by ono ,
The yean inMch piit , till the inarch
done ;
The old year dies to the solemn knoll ,
And tli9 merry no l from the chanpinp boll
Ushers the others , ono by one.
Till the march of the yearn shall at l t L
done ,
Hrltlit ; and glad , dark and ead ,
Ara the yenra tint coma la mystery clad ;
Their faces are hidden and none can tea
If merry nml porrowful each will be.
lliieht and e.vl , dnrlt find glivd ,
Have been the years that wo all have had ,
1'nir and inbtlo under the tun
Something from un each ynar 1ms won.
n s it given us treasured ? Day by day
It hai ttolon ROinethlng wo prized nwny ;
Wo meet with fears and count with tears
Tha buried hopes of the long-past yean ,
Ii It so ? And yet let us not forgot
How fairly the tun hns risen and set ;
Kicli ynar has brought us some sunny hour
With a wealth of Bong and a crown of flov
1'ower to lore and tlmo tn pray
Its gifts have boon era it lussod away ,
Wo hall the New that has como In view ;
Work comes with it , and plooaura too ;
And oven though It m.iv bring some pain ,
Kftch pausing year is a thing of gain ;
We greet with rang the yearn that thronf
Do they bring us trouble ? Twill make v
With Btnlloa of hope , and not with tears ,
Wo moot our frlauds in the glad now ycarf
God Is with them , and as they coma
They boar us nearer our restful homo.
And ono by ono. with eomo treasure won ,
They como to our hearts till they all are gone
[ Nfnrianno 1'arnlngham.
A Story By IMalniar II , Bopescn ,
[ coi'VitidiiTED , 1884 , HY TIIE AUIUOII
Miss Catharine Van Tassell needed
music teacher , and Heir Max Grcifon
stctt needed pupils. Presumably Mia
Van Tassell could liave dispensed wit !
Mas Groifenstett more easily than Ma
Grcifcnstett could have dispensed wit !
Miss Van Tassell. But there was no bin
of Max'a dependence in the lordly man
ner in which lie accepted Miss Van Tas
sell's proposition. "You know I fini
teaching borons , " ho added lordly : "
mean borcsome , or viiat you call it ? Zoi >
wcliff. ' I like it not I"
"Why then do you do it ? " asked Mis
Catharine languidly. -
"Vhy I do it ? Ach vhy ; "
Max flung back his great dark heai
and stared defiantly ab the caller. "Vli ;
do I eit1' ? ' Vhy do I sleep ? " he continue !
dramatically. " .Not because I like it
surely. Hut because I am subject to th. .
tyrannical laws of matter. "
"Then I am the embodiment of thi
unpleasant fact to you , " she said , simlini
wearily. "Woll , Mr. Greifenstettt , ]
will bo equally frank with yon. You an
the embodiment of a no less dissgreoabli
fact ro mo the fact that I have to loon
music. My father insista upon it. Yoi
are his choice , not mine. "Ho eolcctoc
you , I believe , because you are so per
fectly harmlos ? , " aho WAS about to say
but aho changed her mind and finished ,
"because of your pronounced alienism , '
"My alienism ! " ho repeated with i
puzzled frown.
"Yes , you know all our muslo ii
Foreign , " Cathrtno responded evasively
"and the more foreign a man is the mori
musical ho may bo supposed to bo. "
"Ah , but that is not true , that is pos'
[ lively false , " ho exclaimed with snport
German innocence. "Muslo is a divim
are , and It has nothing to * do with for
oignnosa or not foreignncsa. "
"What then has it to do with1 sh (
inquired with a shade of amusement al
his enthusiastic manner.
"Ab , madam , " ho cried fervidly , "her ;
you ask mo ono great question. But ' .
vill answer it. It depends upon tw <
tings ono eonsittvo oar and ono gram
Boul. "
"Then you have a grand soul ? " shi
queried flippantly , raising her fan to hin
her amusement.
"You compel mo to seem Immodent,1
ho said , blushing , half with pride , hai
with embarrassment ; "but if I did not
believe that I had , I should never toucl
the piano again. "
"Music teachers are not usually credi
ted with grandeur of soul , " she ejaculat
ed , breaking into a heartless laugh. "I
they were suspected of any such danger
ous possessions , I am afraid the domam
for them would coa o. They would b
inconvenient in families where there an
girls wlthromantic _ proclivities. "
"Madam , " he said , with grave dignity
but with a ehado of irritation : "I DO
you desire to offend mo. 1 was foolis ]
to lay bare my heart baforo you ; pardoi
mo. I ahall not trouble you again
Good-bye , "
With his hand thrust into the bosom o
his waistcoat and with the most elaboral
of toreign bows ho backed toward th
door. Oathearluo started to her fjet ani
stood for a moment gazing at him in tu
tonishmeiit. With his threadbare , ill
fitting garments and overgrown hair am
beard , ho did not look like a man wh
could afford to take oifdnso , and still lot
like ono to whom a blue-blooded Kuick
orbocker could afford to apollglza. Nevertheless
ortheless Catharine waa ill at ease. Hi
gentle , mournful dignity had clearly pu
her in the wrong. Bho felt that aho ha
taken a cowardly advantage of her posl
tlon to inflict an Injury upon a creatur
whoso respect for nor SC.T prevented hit
from resenting it. Groltonstott had al
ready reached the hall , aud would hav
put on his overcoat if ho had had one
As aho hoard him tarn tbo knob of th
outer door , hsr conscience emote hoi
She hastened Into the vestibule , pat he
hand on hit arm and said :
"Mr. Grotfonatott , I was rude to yon
I beg your pardon. "
He blushed to hia ears and eoomc
overwhelmed with embarrassment.
"I peg oiFyou , " he murmured , ran
nlng his hand nervously through his hai
and bowing with excessive deference.
"I ( Insist upon your coming back an
finishing the interview , " she urged , lead
ing the way through the opea door. H
followed meekly , buh with visible rolut
"Sit down , " Bho said , with gehtlo in
eiotanco , "it is then settled that we be
gin our lessons to-morrow. "
"I peg your pardon , " ha replied , bend
ing for ward with a deprecatory gesture
"but if you vill not po offended , I vouli
rather not. "
"But I shall bo offended. You < lo m
regard mu as a promising pupil , uvidcnl
ly. "
"You must not compel mo to say m
pleasant things to you , I have nhvaj
been told that it ia not politu to be wucei
witlt ladies. "
"Mr. Giuifenstctt , " ejaculated the gir !
in a tone half way between vexation an
ainusemunt , "do you know that you ai
dreadful I 11m vu never had an
one speak lo ma in that style as long ns
have hocn alive. "
"I am extremely sorry , " retorted tli
Gennan , spreading his palnw in u wn
iiulicatiiiR that ho disclaimed nil respons
bility. "
" f hen you actually think I am stupid ]
"No , 1 think not tint you are stupid. "
"What do you think , then ? I have bee
told from tha time I was so high , ( sli
indicated the height with a gesture of hi
hand ) that 1 am very clover , and as fraul
ness seems to bo in order , I will confes
that when I compare myself with those
meet iu daily society , 1 cannot escape th
conclusion that 1 am considerably abov
the average. "
"I haf no doubt. "
"Ah ! but you ave horribly provoking !
She arose with irrepressible notvomiics
and walked toward the window.
"Perhaps you would have the kimlnc ;
to explain what you are hinting at , " sh
said , struggling to conceal her irritation
"Veil , madam" he , top , arose , and , n
if stripping off all conventional restraint !
ho lifted his head and proudly faced hcj
"Veil , madam , " ho repealed , you shal
haf yout vish. T3ut , remember , I sjnl
now not as Max Greifcnstett , but as th
artist to whom no laws exist except thos
of his ait. You , madam , a e , as you say
clover. But you have not the artistic
temperament. You rill always bo clovei
but nqver anything more. 1 might tic !
you for a hundred years , but you vouli
still only bo do clever amateur. You ma ;
ask , do I den only visit to tich geniuses
Wo , not dat geniuses are few am
rare. But I vish to tich only dos
who haf do power to adinir
and to comprehend that degree of attisti
greatness which may bo beyond deir owi
rich. Dose who are contented vid dci
own mediocrity , and are proud of it do ;
are hopeless , madam , and it is n , dail ;
scourge to do artistic soul to bo forced inti
contact rid deni. Iero are realms o
beauty and light to rich I hold do Ivcy
and if I tich at all , it is to open dose un
suspected realms to dose who call dem-
selves my pupils. But dcro are som
whoso souls are too earthclogged to follov
me whom I haf not do strength to lift
1 am extremely sorry , madam , but I vouh
not haf spoken if you had not coiupellci
inc. I know dat you vill not ask mo ti
stay. I bid you good morning. "
Catharine stood like ono dreaming
The overwhelming , uncompromlsiu |
frankness of his declaration stunned her
It was so entirely beyond the pale of ho
experience that she forgot to bo offended
The superb ring of his volco , and hi
warm , persuasive eloquencefascinatct
hor. It po longer occurred to her that ei
a mere diversion , as a novel phenomenon
Max Greifonstott might bo worth cultl
voting. She felt , on the contrary , a sudden
don hearty respect for the man , and shi
resolved at all risks to secure his ser
vices. Ho was just bentigg his soconc
retreat when again her voice recalloc
"Mr. Griefenstott , " she said , with t
now humility. "I do wish you to stay. Ii
may bo that I am an earth-clogged soul
as you intimate , but I have suddenly boot
seizad with a cariosity to poop into thost
realms which you speak of , and I know
you are too land-hearted a man to refuse
me your guidance. I promise you I wil
follow you implicitly. "
It was now monsieur's turn to stare ,
and ho did it with a vengeance.
"Ihftf not comprehended yon , " ho bo-
jin tentatively.
"Not at all. I only wish you to promise
to como to-momv at ten and giyp mo inj
first lesson. " , . %
„ „ '
Ho paused before answering" s'tarcr
hard a the floor. The carpet was ar :
anc'cnt tapestry pattern of singular lich
ness."You admire that carpetJlbiiiquircd the
{ irl at last , when he Boomed fir-Siave forgotten -
gotten her presence.
"Vhat vhat vos dat ? " ho exclaimed ,
ifting his head abruptly.
"Do you find the carpet interesting ? "
"Ah yes. You rish me to como to
morrow Veil , I vill come. "
"Thank you I am truly obliged "
She gave him her hand for the firsl
: imo , with impulsive cordiality. Ho tool-
it cautiously , as ho would some frail ,
precious piece of brie-a brae.
"And rill you not regret your bargain } '
lie asked gravely.
"Never , " she answered heartily , "miles :
you regret yours. "
"I vill como to morrow , " ho remarked
evasively , "tint den I vill tell you. "
"Who was that seedy-looking Individn
al I mot on the stairs1' asked Mr. Archi
bald Homily as ho entered the parlor jusi
as Oitharlno had finished her first lessor
with Max Grolfonstott.
"It was my inuulo teacher , " answerec
Catharine , curtly.
Mr. Romlly was ono of Catharino'i
adorerr , and as such a privileged person ,
do made a point of importing the lateal
English novelties in speech and dross. .
and. possessed no standard of crlticisn
except that of fashion. Ho was quite
handsome in an unobtrusive way , thougl
his forehead was a little too narrow anc
his chin a little too long for absolute sym
motry. He considered himself as a groa
catch , and revelled in the fact that socle
ty seemed to coincide with him In thii
opinion. Ho had a prospective incomi
of some forty to fifty thousand a year
chiefly invested in real estate. For twi
years ho had been assiduous in his atten
tlons to Miss Vati Tar roll , and she had
without reflecting seriously on the sub
ject , dltcrootly encouraged him. Shi
had thought of it as a remote possibility
that some day she might consent to become
como Mrs. Romiiy , but she hac
had no desire to precipitate mat
ten. She had _ made up ho
mind , however , that if Bho bacamo Mra ,
Ilomlllv , she would break htm of norm
of his English aifec'ations , and make hin
desist jrom all reference to hia "tub
bings. " lomo of hia college anecdotes
too , she thought In bad taste , and enl ;
to bo excused on the ground that a mai
with fifty thousand a year Is apt to losi
the faculty of solf-crltlciim. It was per
hapa with a view to stimulating this use
fal but disagreeable exorcls
that she accepted with such decided
cided coolness his reference to hoc music
teacher. Bat Romilly. whom long socla
petting had nuda a trlfla obtuse , was far
from divining such an Intention ; h <
thought , on the contrary , that 0 tharlm
had baon vexed by the tall , shagg ]
German , and that a a llttlo amusomen
at his own expense would be the bes
"I .should think , Miss Oitharlno , " 'h <
continued complacently , "that if yoi
were in in search of a ziological curroBlt ;
you might first have put It in the hand
of a a trainer. This ono seemed yet tc
be id his natural stile of Teutonic savag
ery. "
"I was not ill nearch of a zoological bu
of a musical curiosity , " hho replied gravely
"I have found exactly what 1 wanted. "
( t son fjout , " retorted th
young man , H trillo nettled ; "but if yo
will permit mo to opeak , I tJioiild suppos
a lady of your fastidiousness would find i
hard to tolerate the presence of such a
unkempt boor , who looks a if ho woul
make a bull whenever ho opened h
mouth , "
"Appearances nro quite deceptive ,
Catherine remarked quietly , but with
( laiuiorous light iu her eyes. "Mr. Grei
ciistult is in no sense a boor. Among n
my acquaintances 1 scarcely know or
who is at hearl'a truer gentlcmau thauho.
' , Ah , yes ; at heart perhaps ! Rut 1
chooses a singular sort of drapery for h
gentlemanly heart. Ills trousers , for ex
ample , seem to have been cut without re
ercnce to the human figure. "
_ " ! engaged him for his genius , not ft
his ttouseis. " she retorted with an intlil
eivnco which rudely shocked Mr. llomilly
"Then you think genius iiicoiniwtibl
with welUcut trousers. "
"No , But there is a compensation i
all things. Some men shine by dint i
genius , others rely upon their trousers.
"By jove , Miss Catharine , that is to
bad , 1 never had anyone speak that wa ,
to mo ns long as I have been alive. "
Mr. Romilly had jumped tip , in spite c
his resolut'on ' to remain cool ami sarcastic
and ho took two indignant strides Unvan
the very window where Catharine had liii
her agitation when she was called ni
earth clogged soul. It was very odd , too
that her miitor should have hit upon th
very name phase in protesting against he
frankness that she had employed in shield
ing herself against Greifonstett's uncoil
qticrablo candor. She could scarcely ex
plain it to herself , but Romilly'a displens
uro ( which formerly would have ruftlei
her considerably ) Deemed at preseu
rather amusing than formidable
Uo seemed to have undergone sonn
queer transformation , and his social itn
[ wrtanco , which had formerly imparted ti
him a certain dignity , had become a mat
ter of 110 moment. Ho seemed to become
como dimly aware that the wind wa
blowing from an unpropitious iniartcram
lie made haste to bow .himself out before
lie had actually lost his temper. Ho hai
never been so maltreated in all his life
and ho trembled under a sense of outragi
which slowly imbedded itself in his sou
like some restless , burrowing insect. Hi
waa one of those men who giow angry bj
degrees , and reach white heat after houn
of indignant reflection. All sorts of deliciously -
liciously cutting things that ho might havi
said kept occurring to him , and if it luw
not been HO ridiculous he would have gem
hack and said them. He was keenly con
scions , however , of the fact that Catharini
liad never looked so radiantly lovely a1
tlio did to-day , and ho * ; now that
in case ho should feel tempted t <
unload the quiver of his sarcasms , he :
beauty would probably disarm him. Then
Avas an animation in her face and gestuii
which ho had never witnessed thcro bcfon
is if the musicsomehowhadlentits'i-hythn
to her pulses and mixed some stiriinj
notes into the cadence of her voice. H i :
vaguely patronizing feeling towa'd ho
vanished' and odd as it may seem , her in
difference made her supremely desirable
Instead of boasting of his anonymous con
meats ( which had been ono of llomilly' !
'avorito diversions at his club ) ho took iq
a copy of the North American Review fo :
; he purpose of improving himself intellect
tally bo as to be a match for her at theii
lext meeting. Since she had taken r
ancy to that sort of thing , why , ho wouh
show her that he was the man to beat ho :
on her own ground.
Bu Will Lese HlH Bet ,
I'll drink nothing stronger than elder ,
Only ODD cigarette smoke n day ;
1'Jl throw all mv ' .plug" In the fire ,
.Draw-poker I never will play.
I'll rotlro at ten ia the evening ,
To save up my boodle I'll "trivo ;
OhI pou bet your Bwaot life I'll be stead ;
Through the whole of the year ' 85.
t [ Jock Trecsac.
JB Plot.
Frank Heldt , the Schuyler train murderer
doror , ia still hold at that place awaiting
A gentleman connected with the West
era Detective Agency , told a reporter lasl
night the details of a little plot whlci
waa half formed to lynch Holdt. Th (
gentleman referred to was passing
through Columbus , when he overheard
the details as related by two men on , the
train. It appears that while al
Schuyler a number of men gel
talking about the train wrecking afltkir ,
and before long a schema was laid tc
awing the wretch to the nearest tree , ir
accordance with the litest code of lyncl
law. For some reason or other , the plol
was delayed , and the authorities put or
their guard. Heldt ia safe and probablj
has never been aware of the clnso shave
ho had from being dished up a la "rope
and * * < " > ' '
Hio Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Ago !
Loenofuppctltc , Ilovrelicostive , 1'ttln In
lie bead , with a dull sensation In tbo
inch parr , 1'nln noder the suonMer-
Jlnile , Fullness after cation , wltn adls-
Inclination to exertion of body cr mind ,
Irritability oftompcr , / < o\r spirits , \rlth
ifocllnirof bavlnencolcctcd some duty ,
Weariness' , Ulzzlnesi , Fluttering ai tbo
Heart , Dots before the ores , Iloadacbo
over tbo rlabt eye. Restlessness , vrllb
fitful dreams , IliRblr colored Urine , and
TBTT'S I'lLI , * are especially adapted
to such cases , ono dose effects such a
They Increase ttin A jipetlte.snd cause the
body to Take ou l"le li , limn too r tcm U
nourliheil , and l > jr their Tome Action on
tbel > lKCsUveOrgBnslteKUlurH < ooISBro
produced. I'rlcnaBc. Murray Mt..IV.Y.
lUm or Wmsiusna changed to a
Gtossr BLACK by a single application of
this DTK. It imparts a nuturuf color , acti
Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists , or
ent by express on receipt of 91.
dfflce.44 Murray St. . Haw York. -
= sSSl
For the Cure of all diseases of
Horses. Cattle , Sheep
Used Bucccssf ully for 20 years by Far
mers , Stockbreeders , Horse It.Il. , &c.
Endorsed t used by the U.S.GoTcrnm'i.
rl'umnhlets it Churls sent frep.tKs
100 Fulton St , Now York.
Humphreys ! Homeopathic
Qifiofiff ? Mft 9
uUuuiilll AlUiJLK
In I use 30 fein. The only fuoceMjul Nmcd/
Nenrous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
IV. L"1 ? 0 ° . , 'wrn . ortr-work or other uwi
" 1 Ufivo BulTcrcilJ"
With every diioMo Imaglnablo for th
last thrco years. Our
Drngglst , T , J. Anderson , rccommor
"Hop Blttora" .o mo ,
I mod two bottles !
Am entirely ourod , and hotrtlly recon
moml Hop Uutots to every ono. J. I
Walker , Buckner , Mo.
I rrrlto this as n
Tokou of the great appreciation 1 hav
of your Hop
* * * lUttert. I was afflicted
Wllh li > nmmatory ihcnmatlgm
For nearly *
Savon joata , and no raodiciuo EOCIUCI
to do mo any
Good ! II
Until 1 tried two bottles of your Ho ;
liittors , and In my surprise I am 03 wol
to-day aa ever I waa. I hope
"You may hive abundantBUCCOSB"
"In this rcat and"
Valuable modlciuo :
Anyonol * * wishing to know mor
about my. euro ?
Can loam by addressing mo , E , M.
Willlama,1102 ICUi street , Washington
D. 0.
I consider your
Kennedy the best remedy in oxistcnco
For Indigestion , kiduoy
"And nervous debility. I have just1
"From the south in a fruitless scare ]
For health , and iind that your Bitters an
doing mo mora
Than anything else ;
A month ago 1 waa oxtromly
And scarcely able to walk. Now 1 an
Gaining strength I and
And hardly a day passes but what I an
* * * * * * # 1
complimented on my improved appearance
anco , and it la all duo to Hop
Bittoral J. Wlckllffo Jaoknon ,
Wilmington , Del.
DNono genuine without n bunch of green IIopi
on the Vrhlto label. Shun all the vile , polgonoui
Btuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their namo.
Itostctler'a Stem
itch Hitters Is thour
tlc'o ' faryou.ltstlmi
latca the ( ailing en
erglcs , InvlgoraU
the body and choir
tbo mini ) . H enable
the pyjtom to throi
OR the debllltattni
effects ot undue fa
tlguc , gives roncwci
_ _ vigor to the organ
( = ' ot illircet'on , aromo
r tbo llrcrvhcii Inac
live , icno\\a the ] a < ]
ej oppctlte , and encourages
courages hcalthfu
ruposc. UH Ingrcill
cnts arc safe , and It
credentials , whicl
consUt In the heart
cndorsamcnt ot poi
_ . _ Born ot c\cry cloa
of society , are most convincing. For ealo by al
) rugglts and Dealers generally.
. .
/\cU wulM , curi rj p.r i w IHirrbah. I T I ui < tru. . . fttid tJ3
JarJ.r. of III. ti'cf'tiTO Orni < > A 'f w Aroft loit.rt ft dhrloo , CkTOt
le fU.1 r eL.niiMT [ * , .Di M kit luum.r drinhi Trf It. ktfi
.ra * f count Mt / . .our trofft or drutr 't for Uil
our.cturJtr. 1 > IU J. U. 0. 8ltOtR7660H3.
Tickets only $5 , Shares in Proportion
[ louisiana State Lottery Company
'We do Mr ( by certify tat ue supervise Ue ai
ar erxentiforallthf Monthly and Scm-Annutt
liauinsicj the Louisiana State lottery Company
tndinfcrton manage and control tnt Drawing
kemtilvti , and that tM tamt are conducted uitl
: ont sty , fairness , and in good faith toward all par
i/j , and ua authorise the company to utt thii ecr
if.ttte , utthfae-rimUei of our tijnitvret sttitM
n Kf adzertfteadnti. "
Iicorrori'.ed In 1893 lor yoaie by Ibo IcelclaUd
er cdncAtloual and oh&rltftbla pntposes with a at )
tal 0111,000,000 to which a iceerv * fond oi ova
1(10,000 hag olnoa been added.
BT an ororwhelmlne popular Tola III Jiauoiiw
was made a part ol the preient llita eongtltntloi
tdonted Denomber fd. A. a. 1878 ,
The only lottery ever voted oa and endorsed bj
hopcopU of any ttito.
It ne\cr ecalcsor postpones.
Its grand alnglo nnmboi drawings tnki
place monthly.
TUESDAY , JANUARY is , isss. , neth MOVHILI
OA.P1TAL PRIZE , 875,000.
100 OCO Tickets at $5 each. Fractions , Ii
Fifths in proix > rton. ;
1 CAPITALP1UZIJ _ _ . . . , ! 76.M
1 do do 25,00
1 do do 10,00
2 PHIZES OF (0.000 11,00
fi ( to 2)00 10,00
10 do 1000 11,00
to do (00. . 10,00
100 do 200 21.CC
3W do IX ) 3)OC )
DM da 60 , . . . _ _ 25 00
1000 do 2i 25,00
ArrMiiMinoi rsuu.
0 ApproximationprUeiol | 7M B76
0 do do 00 iC
0 do do 260 225
1907 Prltei amounting lo 126660
Application lot ratoe to olobi ehonld b mad * enl
o ue offlo * ol the Company In New Orleana.
tot further Information writ * clearly giving In' '
addreu. POSTAL NOTES , Expresa Uoney Orders , o
Niw Yoilc Exchange In ordinary letter , Ounenc
by Kxpreea ( all auma ol 14 and upwards at our ei
pense ) addreaied
U A. DATjpnm
or If. A. DAUPHIN , Mew OrUani ta ,
907 Seventh Hi. Walhlngton D. OL
Uake P. O. Uoney Oideri payabl * and addrei
RegUtered Letter ! to
New Orleans La.
. . I . bare . . a positive remedr for tbo above dlieaoa ; tj It
Ole thODtanilcorcaicfol * wotil kind undo ! fen
( lindlnihaielteocutfd. ludejd.ummncli rotr u
laltl BlcacrlliatI will onJTWO BOTTMa PREI
loeitb < rwUUay > l.UAUI.BT lXTIIiliontblidl al
ta anUffertr. . Qli prtii > nd r. O. addrt 11 ,
DU. T. A. StOCUil , 111 rear ) Bt. , flew Yorl
H , B , ATWOOD ,
Plattsmouth , - - Nedrask
iiMAoiaor TBOiooaaiuo in man 11101
aVTooa Betook for tUe. Coicupoadenoe
10th nd Capitol Arcnno , IroUs all e * M Clip
plod or Deformed also diseases oflh
florvous System ,
Throat , Lung ? arid
Urinary Organi
All MSMOlOurialureof thoBplno , Croiked FBI
Lees ncl Atm , Diseases ot the Hip , Knee , an4'
Ankle Joint * . AIM Chronlo affections otthe Llvotl
Rheumatism , faralytls , riles , Ulcers , Catarrh , Aatrtji
m ml Bronohltll are all treated by now and tui >
oeejful mcthads. All diseases ol tha Dlood and Urln
try Organ ) , Including thoto resulting from Ind
lionor exposure , ate tafal ) aad euocc * fully trofttol
Yotmjt men , mtiidlo aged , a.nd old men inQcrln ) ;
Irom Weakness and Nervous exhaustion , producing ,
indigestion , Palpitation of the Ueart , Wspondcnoy
l > lr.tlncMLo a of MemoryLack ol Kncrgy n < l Am.
jltlon , pan bo restored lo htilth and vlifor , If e 9
s not too loriR neziucted. The EurRcofln chu o
was prmldcnt ot the Northwestern Minnlcftl luell-
.nlo and Surgeon ottho National bur lcM I nstltuto *
It afflicted , oallor wrltof ull description ol yout caMt'
and modhlne may bo sent you. Consultation
roe. Adilrot'Omaha Dispensary , Crounso lllcck ,
Omaha , Neb. Offloohenrg 10.11 * . m.l-B it 73 p.
m Srjnlavi10 a in. ( L
3TAoconimo < latlon furnished patlcnta torn ll >
lountrv , Send tor Circular , t
tI I *
Theme ot Iheloim " Dhct
Uno" la connection wllhlbk
corporate name ola greatroad
convojB an Idea ol jiul what
required by the traveling pub.
llo a Short Llnr Oaltk Tlmi
and the boat > aj Beiodi
lions all ol which ui ton *
teatest railway la America.
And St. Paul.
II owns and orover 4,600 mllci ol
Northern Illinois , ) laconsln , Minnesota , IOWB
Dakota ; anil as ta n tin lln 9 , branches and eon
lions reach all tb great justness control ol
Northwest and Fr West , it naturally answers
description oi She ILIno , and Best Route botwo *
Chicago , MlIw jnooSt Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Hllw ukoo , La Croeao tad Wlnona.
Chloago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendalr
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and Stlllwi'tei-
Chicago , Mllwuukoo .Wauaau and Merrill. " <
Chicago , MilwaukeeBeaver Dam and Oehkosb.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukcsha and Ooonomonco. ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madlaon and Prairiedu ObliB.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonn * and FalrlbaoH.
Chicago , Bololt JancBvlUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , Roektord and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Council BluOa and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Pallsand T iMoa
Chlcftgo , Mllwaukco , Mitchell and Chi m > : rlaln
Hock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis. -
Davonpoit "almar , St. Paul and Mlnnoapolu.
Pullman Sleopcra and the Finest Dining Care ID
ho w c rid are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO.
attention la paid to passengers by oonrtooue employes
of the Company.
1IEIUULL , Gent Manager.
A. V II. CARPKNTKF. Oon'r * S . Agl , '
T. CLARK , aen'lSupt
OEO.UKH.FORD. Ail. Oen'l I >
The mott extensive manuiactnrora
John nockstraasor General Agent or Nebraska an
Western Iowa , ,
iO 8. Tenth Street . . . . OMAHA , NEB.
jCVaoTatloii Billiard and Pool Ttbles and rcatciLa
Tlio co-partncrinlp hcretiforo cxlstltu between
Charles II. Luluhton and Hoary T. Clark under tha
icuno ol LelRhcon ti Clark , Is this day dls'olvcil by
muuul ooDEent , MrLdRbt n r.tirlnj , ' . All Indebtcct
ncsj due to Bald firm will ba collected by Mr. Clark *
and all claims ncaln't siiil Him will ba presented to ,
hlmtorpiymcat. Mr. Catk will continue buslnesj
at the old blind No , 1114 Harcoy tt'tct.
Dated atOiimlu , December 19,1184.
llKMlY T. CtABK.
Call ] Ullo
m. R. RISDON ,
I'hctnlx Insurance Co. , London , Cash
Aeseta tJ,89l,000
WcBtchester.N , Y , Capital 1,000,000
The Merchants oi Newark N , J. , Capital. . . . 1,276,000
OlrardKire , I'blladeli.hU.Caultal . 1,200,000
Woman's Fund , CaiiiUU 1 , ' 50,003
St , Charles Hotel ,
Jrs. Kate Coakly , Proprletoreii.
TNowy ] &nd elegantly lurulebed , Oood ftamplg
rom on flret lloor.
MrTermi-l.60 to J2 pir day. Special rates riven
members of the ItKlelature. uovlo-lm-ino
Two tiler
I'henomt nil lo Its ulmr llclty and eOectUencw. The
Neatest , CbuocU , LlKhteit and Host Durable
Type Writing Jlachlno la the wcrlJ.
Type Changed Almost Instantly
I'rtce Sto , send for circular.
, 0. II. UILLKn , Aftot ,