Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1885, Image 2

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-THE ; -
medtelno , cotnhtnlnif tron with pnr
'I'oUiitfc tonic * , nnlctciy nnrt romi > lelfl
urciv Uf"pi-iMln | , JnillurNtloii , Wrnltiiik .
Mill Nonrnliiln.
it Is au unfailing romuly for Dlfcwos of tht
Hlinrj f nnil l.hrr.
li 1 $ Invaluable for Hisesv" ! tei'ill * ' "
ionion , ami nil who It-nil K' < .tcmnryll\-
noes not Injutolliu teethiMiHschcKrtath
nlm-o m tlf > atlon f/tT 7roi ) m < ! teitf : i
j-ilrlrlicsnnil pmines thplilpori.tuliu
npnotlto , nlila ( ho sf-lmllatloti of fc
i a Htnilh'trn nnO IJclrMn ? , on < 1 tit *
'he muscle nnd nmrt
i Intermittent > c\cr
i > tt ) % Ac , It li : < 9 tH/cijtin
' % Tlt ( 1'i'initiu ) bi > s nlwivijt
" if rctl lints uv. rtf > rr , '
: l
KTCC offered to thouubllc.
Tha iteamahlni ! ol laU well-known Una are bullj ol
Iron , In watai-tlght oompartmentn , And ate ( arnlth-
ad wllh every requisite to malto the passage both
lalo and n rcaable. They carry the United Statoo
and Kuropean malls , and leave Now York Thuri'
d ys ana aaturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher.
bonrif , ( PAIUS ) and HAMBURQ.
Rates : Btoor&go from Enropa only 118. Flrri
Olbln , 55 , (05 and 876. BteeraKO , (20 ,
Henry Pundt , Mark Hangen , F , S. UoorogU. Toft ,
agon 1 3 ID Omaha. Oronowopr & Sohoentgea , azontsln
Ouundl BlufTa. O. B : RIOHARD & CO. , Oen. Fasg
At3. , 01 BrotJw y , N. Y. Obas. Kozmlnakl ft Co-
Otuetal Woetoni A on 3 , 170 Washington St. , Ohlca
. Avlctlmof youthfulitnprudenco
auBiui ; Prcmaturo Uecar , Nervous Debility , Lost
lanuood , i&o.haTln tried in vain every known
remedy.hcrftiscovoreil n simple raeansof eclf-caro.
which ho will onnrf FHKIJ tohU follow-nufferors !
, N.T.
. ( narnnteedBpoclflolor Hyotorla , Dizziness , Coaval-
long , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Qeadacho , Nervona
Prostration oauaodby the use ol alcohol or tobbacoo ,
ffabclalnosa , Uontal Jorrcsalon , Softening of the
brain , resulting In Inoiulty and lenplu ? to mlepry ,
deoay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , loaa
ofpower In either oar , Involuntary Losaoa and Spor-
' atorhoraoaueod by over oxertlontof the brain , eolC-
abosa or over Indulgence. Etch box , contains oao
month's trcatmont. 91.00 a boxer elr bottles or
15.08 , lent by millprapikl on receipt ot price.
To euro any case With eaoh order recolvod by as
lot all bottles , aaoompllihad with $5.00 , W8 will Bond
he pnrohrwcr our written guarantee } to refund the
money If the traatmontdoog not oUoct a euro , a air
autoes Ueuoi only by JOHN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
y. 1 ? 23-m&e-rr 892 Uadluon St. , Chicago , ill.
. NipM Ixcssi. by Drrarns , Pimples on
< ncFjos.l.o-iXManhood. ! ialtlvtl\ieineil \ , i/.erc
if tt < ifi > rri rniiwt > TliS npproprlatc re.r.rdy
tfctcmcc u rd In each Ltre. Consultations , per-
j Al or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
l-lu.-'j kcr.t by Mall and ICxpreus. No marka on
to Indicate contsnU or sender. Addrcsu ,
Brlanger , . * . - - Bavaria.
Calmbaoker , . - .
Filaner . + , . . . . . . . Bohemian.
Kaiser * . . . . . . - < - . B romeu.
Badweiaer . -.St , Loms.
Anhauser. . . .St. Louis ,
Best's . . . . . . . . . Milwaukee ,
SoUlitz-Pilsnor - . Milwanke"e.
Kruefn . Omaha
Ale , Potter , Domestic and Rhine
Wiuo. PD. MAURER ,
1813 Farnam St.
With fain number of DOMOHESTS JIONTHt.'i
dt DAZING ulll bo g von a full size fashionable Pat
er n ol any ilie ol styles selected , making tweU a pat-
or i during theytars oralui > ofoicr thiee dolllin ,
besides the mast lojiular. entertalnir oui uie'u !
magazlng fiimple oplei 2oa , j early , S2. Addrei1
W. JennTnt > , Deinoieitt , lUCist 4th St , New York
M to SwIftSpeclflc Co. , Drawei 3 ,
l Atlanta. Go. , for au Intcrestlni ; trvatlea ou
lllood and Sldu Diseases , \\lilch they will wall frcu
Infiammatorv Rheumatism ,
I was attacked Ustwlnkr with Inflammatory rheu
malIsm OMere type my first eerlous Uluoia slnc <
1870 ; I hail various kinds ol treatment with onl.v
emporary relief. Alter eeen uceks I was reduced
In weight 35 pounds , had no strength nor appetite
and KUgronlngfUeakereicryday In this condition
I began Swllt's BpcclHo , and In thrco days began to
lmpro > e , and In three weeks I uas free from disease
and up attending to my regular biulneu. My appe-
tlto returned ami I rapidly gained my flesh , I ha\e
waited thU long to be certain that my cure uag per
manent , U. P. OooutBiB1 , Attorney at Law ,
Brunswick , Ga. , June St ) , ISSi.
I hav had rheumatlun lor torty yean , and have
Ixwn rellet ed u Ith a low bottles ol S. S S. I consider
It a Qod-send to the aflllcted.
J. U.WALLKS , TOompi 0 , , Aug ! Ifl , "Bi.
Tour Days After.
Thosa ChriittnM bills h , ftt the sight
I st rt anil sudtler with alltlglitl
Jkforo they cama I WM o gay
yhat I coultl dnneo the livelong dayj
But now my joy is dark tw night.
And while my darling Ukcs drltght
In gilts galore nnd bainbles bright
I wonder haw I'm going to pay
Tfairao Christmas bills ?
They como , they comi , when money's light- ,
And vfitt their venom , spleen nnd spite ,
Wlillirl , ghftstntttair array ,
Iu vain implore , in anguish piny
Thjkt some kind tiow'rvond ! put to flight
Those Gmifltuus bills !
, [ New York Journal.
Knitted petticoatg nro lined vrlth satin ncr : *
vcilleux ,
AlnHd nro hung around the neck by n thick
eilte cord.
Silver brooches in the fotm of IMolwcles nro
chnrming novelties.
The woll-dreBSod woman knows not only
what to wear but when to wear it.
Cold boiled parsnlpiUf dipped into n beatoa
ep nnd then browned in butter nru very rtppo
Stylish ncd pretty muff a nud bonnets an
told en tuito , made of cloth nnd plush , or o
velvet , lur-trlmmod.
Metal buttons in great piofuslon nro agait
used upon the jacket , panels nnd drapery o
the promenade costume.
The Uudalo ladica who attended Governor
Cleveland' * recent reception brought thirty
live trunks to Albany with them.
It would teem that the golden ago in millm
ery has nrrivod , everything in this line bcinf
cither of gold or trimmed with gold.
Black nnd white lace fans nro not very largo
and are mounted on tortoise shell , linos' '
carved ivory or in brilliant mother of pearl.
Smock polonaieo of camel's hair goods nro
bolted at the waist nnd trimmed with the soft
falling , but very perishable , feathery garnlturo
known ns zibllnettc.
"All a woman nsks Is to bo loved , " says a
pcot , who i evidently unmarried and' dooa nol
know thnt love will not take the place of now
bonnets nnd thing ; .
Skirts with a very deep flounce , arranged
nt the cdiro in fnn-uluated scallops , unit fall
Ing over n shell-pleating of white lace , ivto
among the novelties of recent Importa
tion.Velyst and cloth dreeses nro in much favor
nt present , and many half-worn cloth druses
nro mndo fresh-looking hv addlngn velvet front ,
vest , cuffs and collar. * Vel\otoenis generally
used instead of silk velvet , and for street wear
It is just as desirable ,
No room is complete without n "dangle
bcnrd" tbnt is a small plush-covered panel
from which project two or thieo. brass hooks ,
ono of which la sacred to the buttonhook ,
which is seldom in its plnco unless it has a
regular place nsslgmd to it.
Palmistry is socially populnr. It is very
easy to loam. A small , eolt , baby little hand
without the prick of n needle orjthe faintest
suggestion of a burn Is n sign that the
fair owner Jwill not be worth three cents
as a wife.
Good sauce for poultry is inado of the liver
of the fowl ; let it boll until tender , chop it
ino , then ndd to it n tenspoonful of parsley' ,
rubbed fine , with n little boiling water poured
over it. Let thla simmer for not much more
, han ono minute , then servo.
! Short clash mnnlalot ? , with snug trad com-
ortable hoods , satin-lined , nro used for opera
and ball-room wraps. White coral , orcream-
rlnted pluth are the prettiest colors , and the
mnntalets nro lined with a gray contrasting
color , and trimmed with white marabout.
Sponge cake that hnsbocoiuB dry may be
cut into thin slices nnd toasted. It is deli
cate and really nice with tea. Slices if ttnlo
pongo sake have been browned in the oven
nnd oeen served to unsuspecting people ai
Italian rusks nnd have been eatsn with
relish ,
Ileceptacloj for bits of white paper are con
structed of Japanese parasols , hnlf opened ,
and held in place by means of a wire run
along the inside and a bright ribbon inside
ho handle covered with bright satin or velvet
icished with a cluster of lace-trimmed loops ,
n which nestles a small Bluffed bird of bril-
lant plumage.
Parsnips make n good entree if after pnr-
loil ng them for half nn hour they are taken
out of the water , nnd are put into n drippins ?
pan , with two or three slice * of salt pork , with
icpper , salt , nnd sugar sprinkled over them ;
rat them into the oven for twenty minutes ,
ettlng them brown , and beooino dry.
The dainty jewelry most in vogue at present
H copied from the Oriental and semi-barbarlo
nodels , Moorish and Egyptian designs being
laid in special favor. Crescents , pcndantpex.
luisltely jeweled , antique moduli depending
rom gem-studded bangles of Iloman gold ,
Cgyptian heads nnd swinging columns nre all
qually fasionablo. Very broad dog-collars of
thine stones fastened fine gold chains
nro worn with lowcut evening corsages ,
nnd string pearl nro selected for bridal use.
Small potatoes nre very nice cooked in this
way : Peel them nnd boil In salted water : do
not let thorn boil until they are soft. Bent
one egp , and hnvo ready some fine cracker
rumbs ; roll the potato in tha egg. and then
n the cracker , nnU fry in butter until n light
irown , turning frequently , that the color may
> o uniform ; or the potatoes maybe dropped
nto hot larJ ; In this case , n cloth.should be
aid over n plate and the potatoes should be
Irained for a moment in this before sending
hem to tha table ,
Beaver , lynx nnd chinchilla nro the three
ashionctblo furs for young ladies and children.
Silver fox is of course doxlrable , but it is too
costly for most people. A\l \ fur garments and
rimmiogs nro greatly reduced in price since
3hristma , and will bo lower yet next week.
L'hty la t for years nnd may bo mndo ovcrinto
collars or tlppeta. Chinchilla fur is much
worn by young girls nnd is very dainty and
pretty. Charming Iittla muffs are made out
of plush nud satin , 9r velvet and satin mingled
with lace. They match the costume , either
cloak or dress ,
They were lunching , ouo day ,
Iu a handsome care ,
And she happened to say ,
A ) alio noticed the way
That ho and Icecream were in unity ,
"Can you eat ice cream with impunity ? "
And ho made the reply ,
With n wink of the eye ,
"No , but I can with n spoon. "
But her triumph came soon ;
As they left the saloon ,
He gave her an opportunity ;
"And now , Benale , dear ,
As the weather is clear ,
Cm you take n walk with impunity ! "
Her smile was as bright as the moon ,
And dellciously shy
Came the mocktn ? reply.
"No , but I can with a spoon , "
"A soft uniwer turneth away wroth. " This
doesn't apply to the use of the telephone ,
where a eoft answer generally begetteth wrath
at the other end of the line.
An Indiana husband who Is seeking n di-
Torca claims that bis wife ncalded him with
hot tea on eighty-one different occasions.
There are sorau patient men In this country.
"Ho thnt runs mny read , " especially if he
runs to Canada , If lie doesn't run ho may
not bo able to read how the bank is getting on
in his absence. They have a way in the ttono
house of discouraging one's thirst for current
newp. [ Boston Transcript.
An old poker player cf Idaho City re
marked the oth r day as he wna rising ; from
the table after a session lasting three days and
nights : ' I'll bo eternally hornswapgled If 1
cm tell whether this is yesterday , to-day , to
morrow , day before to-morrow or the day
after yesterday. " [ Salt Lake Tribune.
If a horse proves unruly , curb It ; I ! a torn
cat mounts the roof of your woodshed , launch
a loaded tomato can into its immediate vicin
ity. Hut if an elderly billy goat butts you
but why should we advise in the premise * ?
o ! course you will go at It as though yon
meant business.- [ Chicago Sun ,
' "Pear * to me you've got a pretty ellm fitf ,
Mliuida"said the fpindliiiB : youth from Kl
jln the other night , as ho tat In front of the
grnto In the parlor nf a buxom stock yards
miss who hiul no eatthly me for him. "Yes,1
shesftid , as the cast n wickol glnnco at the
floor behind her vlsitw ' 'It's about all vc-u ,
and the fito cnn do , between you , to pot up a
respectable ehnJow. " [ Chicago Sun.
"Ilorr'i business ? " asked n fugitive turkey
of a hungry foi whom ho mot and whom ha
wished to conciliate. . , ,
"It' just beginning to pick up , " replied ths
fox , as ho selted the turkey by the neck nnd
walked off with blip.
Mcrnl : Don't bother your brains about
business *
"The house is desirable in every respect
except one , " said the rmd citato agent ta n
intending purchaser- is not furnished
with hot wator.0hnovorrnind that"replied
thohoiHA keeper , "I havebaon married fifteen
years and there is no danger of my over beinf
out of hot water. "
"When were the pyramids of Egypt discov
crcd ! " asked the teacher. "In the mldrtl *
ages , " replied the scholar nt the loot of th
cfnsn. "Whnt do you mean by the middle
ngwl" further questioned the pedogoguo.
"Why , the pyramidal ngec , of course. " Ths
boy is nt the head now. That js to My , ho li
earning board and washing in a barber shop ,
"Wlmt nro you doiug , Maryt" naked n Som
uicrvlllo husband , addressing his wife. "J
m snwing on a cr iy quilt " ehe replied
"Aro there any buttons on it ? " "No. " "I
thought not , " ho snld ; "it wouldn't bo like
you to bo sowing on anything that noodct
buttons ; " and drawing a deep sigh , he pro
cecdcd to fasten his suspenders with a half
burned match. [ Somerville Journal.
' 'Please give mo somotnini ? to oat 1'vo no
had a warm mouthful in n week. " "Horo
my good man Is n plate of nice hot oup fo
you ; " replied the cook. "Hot soup"ho ! now }
ed. "Haven't you got something else ? Thi
makes the fifth pinto of hot soup I'vo had in
the iMt hour. It Is not henlthy to put to
much warm aoup on n empty stomach. "
A dog in South Boston the other night
pulled n table cloth oil n table with his teeth
thereby throwing down n Inmp which explodet
covering the dog with oil nnd totting him 01
fire. The dog ran under n bed , setting the
bedding on fire , nnd an alarm wm rung on
Mornl No. 1 : lon't keen n doff. Moral No
2 ; Dent use kerosene. Moral No. 3 : Don'
use table clcths , MoratNo. ! . Don1 t use
IIODR Journey.
When our feet become heavy and weary
On the vnlloys and mountains of life ,
And the road has grown dusty and dreary ,
And we groan In the itrugglo and strife ,
Wo halt on the difficult pathway , _
Glance back 6vcr valley and plain ,
And eigli with n sorrowful longing
To travel the journey ngam.
1'or we know in the past there ore pleasures.
And seasons of joy and delight ,
While bcforo all is doubting and darkness
And dread of the gloom and the night ;
All bright sunny soots wo remember
And how little wo thought of them thenl
But now wo are looking and longing
To rett in the to places again ,
But vain of the vainest is sighing ,
Our course must be forward and on ,
Wo cannot turn back on the journey ,
Wo cannot enjoy what is gone ,
Let us hope then , as onward we travel ,
Tbnt oasts may brighten the plain ,
That our road bo boeido the sweet waters ,
Though we may not begin it again-
bVr existence forever goes upwnrt
Prom the hill * to the mountains we rise ,
3n. on , o'er invisible summits ,
To a land in the limitless skies.
Strive on , then , with courage unshaken
True Inbor is never in vainer
or glance with regret at the pathway
No mortal cau travel again ,
Blind Tom has broken out in concert spotB
n the south.
Mils Nevnda will return to [ Kutopo at the
close of the Beacon.
Ristori U proud of n neckloce that was worn
at the court of geol Queen Bes * .
Pnuline Mnrkhnm will coon go weat. She
ins arranged to play several weeks In San
. "rmicisco.
Mile. Ilhon will appear at ths Walnut ,
? hlladelpbia , on January 19 in'hor now play ,
'Arcadia. "
On the 19th Mr. Wallack will send "Vic-
: or Durand" on the road with a specially en-
; uged company.
Daniel Bandmann is playing the Shake-
learoan repertoire in dime museums through
out the country.
Briaiun , Kiralfy's premiere danseuse , has
igned for three years longer. She intends
making America her home.
Gus Williams still moves on with "Captain
Misbler , " and his company. Ho will make
descent on Brooklyn this week.
Mme. Pntti , during her fftrewoll appearance
n Philadelphia with her" Majesty's Opera
company , will appear in four of her greatest
Fred Wnrdo says that in his experience
which has been varied he never saw theatri
cals so dull throughout the country as they are
at present.
Mauda Granger refused to appear at Brook-
yn itx "Lynwood" last week because her nala-
y was not paid. A substitute was found nnd
Miss Granger went to see "Adonis" instead
of playing Lucille.
Thunamo "Haverly" haa been taken from
, ho fnceuloof _ tbo theatre In Chicago , which
ins berne it so long , and the house will in the
uturo ba known nj " fcGonnell's Theatre. "
Henry Irving begins there January 6tb.
The famous Covent Garden theatre , whore
he rank and fashion of London have nssom-
iled for entertainment by the finest artists ,
s being converted Into a circus , in which an
equestrienne pantomime is to bo performed.
Whan the Telegraphers' Brotherhood went
on their strike last season Miss Lizzie Aunan-
dale generously offered her serviced to assist
n a benefit for that order. Last week , during
he engagement of Krnmn Abbott at St. Paul.
Minn. , and while the opera of ' Semlramlde"
was in progress , the telegraphers of thnt city
presented Miss Annunciate with a beautiful
> yramid of hot-house flowers In > rateful reo-
ignition of her kindness to them while in dis
tress , making a grateful tribute to n very
charcdng woman ,
Thu Milan opera company Las disbanded ,
ts career in Aineric has been a succession of
nlsfortunep. Giannlni , the principal tenor ,
ms bmi ongnged by filaplebon , nad the rest
nro bcntterwl. The deficit since October 12 ,
vhen the company's New York engagement
legnn , is said to be over SGO.OOO. Plunger
Walton. Hornco MoVicker and Barton Key
nro the loac rs. Thu moral is that when Amer-
cans want Italian opera they want the best
and don't care wat they pay for it.
The opera season lasts , from September 24 ,
188-1 , to rebruary24,1885 , at St. Petersburg
and in addition to the standard repertoire the
management produce for the first time this
season the following now works ; "Nero , " by
Kubeostein : "It Ho dl Lahore , " by Mas
senet ; "Kichard III. , " by Saloyro ; "Phile-
Dirgo. How does this compare with New
York and Ha two opera houses ?
The salaries paid in comic oper vary
widely according to the amount of unemployed
talent in the market. Catherine Lewis com
mands $200 a week. So does Selina Dolaro.
At the time that Lillian Itusnell was the fashIon -
Ion In Dudedom , William Henderson made A
contract with her whereby he agreed to pay
her $300 a week. What she is worth now is a
conundrum. Lily Post asks 8.00 a week.
Louise Searln. Adelaide Jiandall , Fanny
Wentworth , Mndeleim Lucette , Marie Hun
ter and Vrancencu Guthrla are nil rated at
about $100 a week Among the men , Fred
erick Leslie received $300 n week during hia
engagement nt the Casino last year. This Is
regarded as the top notch. Mansfield had
$250 at the Bijou lost season. Dlgby Bell nd
his wife get $350 n week ,
The butcher bird is raid to impale its
victims on thorns and devour them at leis
ure ,
The microscope shows the hair to be like a
cime , roun j rasp , but with the teeth ex
tremely Irregular and ragged ,
There w i discovered in White's Valley ,
Va , n few days ago , a piplar tree tliut
measured twenty-nine feet in girth ,
A canary recently died in Connecticut nted
25 ycaisnn unuiuil length of time. Just *
favr days before it do\th it eang tweetly ,
A r inbow about twenty-five minutes utter
sunset WAI recently witnessed In Ireland. U
was evidently canned by the light reflactet
upon the clouds from the glowing western
A person in Gumming , G , , found n pit In
the centra of a routed uoUto the other day
which had evidently been th ro since the for
nation of the tuber , as it WM quite rusty.
There is n weekly sale in Paris ot tiadr
which nro brought In c.vskt , filled with damp
mops , 100 good tends ate worth from sixty to
seventy shillings. These are bought for gard
ens to rid them of vlrtnin.
A tree weighing twenty tons , dragged by
thirty horses , was hauled from the valley o
tha Aube at Cannes , to the vllU of the Baron
ess Kothschlld , it being the whim ot that per
sou to own that parllcular tree.
At Cardiff n wire rope has just boon1 manufactured
facturod , which Is 2,4i < 0 fathoms In length , o
two miles nnd 108 yard ? . It weighs twenty
ono and n half ton ? . Ncnrly 100,100 fathom
of wite have bean used In mnking It. Thi
huga rope Is to bo usoj in working the train
In the tunnel nt Glasgow.
In the family of Mr. Pettljohn , living no *
Proseott , Walla Walla county , Wnshitiatou
Territory , nro ton children , whoso nverna
height is six nnd one-half feetnnd the nverag
weight is 211 pound ? . This includes two chll
dron not grown. There nro seven sons nm
thrco dnughtorp. Ono boy 17 years old i
oven feet high and weighs 2C5 pound ; .
An nncient and remarkable clock h i been
rocsntly setup in the reading-room of thn inn
nlcipnl library of Uouen. A single winoin
keeps it running for fourteen months ani
some odd davs. It was constructed iu 1762
underwent alterations in 1810 , nndwnsbough
by Houen for oua thousand frnncs in 1833
anil haa recently been repaired and just ee
At Plant City , Florida , there is a bunch c
grnpea which 1 * n marvel In its way , Th
bunch Is only fifteen inches long , but contain
fifteen large clusters nnd weighs twenty-twi
pounds. They grow eo close together tha
some of the grapes nro pressed out of ehnpo
and the bunch ban the npponranco of ft larg
round ball. .
Dr. J. K. Wnlkor , of Greeiuborough , Go.
writes to a New York friend the story of
rather remnrknblo pencil tree which orna
ments his garden , tiinco 1834 n lound hnl
century ho hai seen full crops of lusciou
fruit on its brtnchea yearly. Aud there is
tradition thnt it hail been bearing n score ese
so of years before Dr. Walker madoituac
. Ills 1'riilo Got n Fall.
A young man drcssad in elaborate style ,
Put on the skates with a confident smile ;
Bntinspitoof hia "gall , "
His pride got a hard fall ,
And now his head is too big for hia tile.
' [ Norrsstown Herald.
An Untimely Display.
A haughty young lady skater so fair ,
With artistically banged auburn hair ,
Sat right down on her nose
And displayed her pink hose ,
And exports said they cost ten cents a pair.
[ Norristown Herald.
A New York Newsboy of 18 is apprehended
'or breach of promise.
An unmarrlrd woirftn la a girl until Bee is
forty. After that sho'is an olb maid.
Every English servant girl whb ia 20 years
old and not humped-backed has her , young
man. -
A wise man sayn'noj/younfj lady should
30 married until she can make nor own dresses
also smaller ones.
Fifty years is n long wait for the golden
wedding , but it is an eighteon-carat argument
n favor of early marriages.
A couple were married in Kuthland , Vt , ,
; he other day who had been sparking for
seventeen year. It takes some women a long
, ! mo to run a man down ,
Jldor Pottr , a Mormon , Is on a honeymoon
: our with his bride number nine , she is 20 ,
English , pretty nnd stupid though toletably
educated. She made tha Mormon's acquaint
nnce In Liverpool.
Mr. Gtutavus Kerker , loader of tbo New
iTork Bijou Opera Housa company , and I < ese
[ Jeighton , of the McCaull Opera company ,
were married last Sunday at the Little Caurcli
Around the Comer.
Mrs. Emma Britton , the wealthy Albany
widow , "fat , fair and forty , " who married a
rosy-cheek Irish lad who happened to bo her
coachman , declares it is nobody's business and
declines to bo interviewed ,
Tbo ypung ladles of a Pennsylvania town
lava formed a "Popping the Question Socle-
; y. " Itisenldthe marriageable young men
if the town nre organizing nn expedition to go
u Boarch of the north pole.
3" ! wouldn't warry a street car driver , " taid
abeautiful heiress on-Fourth avenue. "And
why not. pray"aakod another beautiful beir-
iss. "Becaueo , " answered the first beautiful
leiress , ' 'Because what ? " queried the second
Beautiful heireji. "Because ho has cold feet , "
enid the first beautiful heiroEH
In n lecture at Brighton an English professor
ncluded in a liet for young ladies of "Whom
not to marry" nil smokers and men who in
dulged in alcoholic liquors. The audience
manifested disapproval loudly and frequently ,
nnd the London Truth's comments on the
) resent scarcity of husbands imply that the
.idles led in the expression of disagreement
with the professor's ideas.
Walter Jones , a young man of Charleston ,
ild. , wont to Northeast , threa miles distant ,
on Wednesday afternoon , December 21th , and
lurchased a suit of clothes and an overcoat all
of which ho put on , and started to walk home
after dark , When within about n mile of
vharlestown ho vas ataoulted by two rough-
ooklng men and knocked BPnselose. His now
; oats and his'vest and $10 in money wore
> aken. Jones finally made his way home ,
which he reached In an almost frozen coudi-
ion. Ho was not sorioualy injured. Ho was
o have been married on Christmas , but his
narriaro license- was stolen with the coatsand ,
he ceremony was temporarily postponed.
Slio Didn't Got iu
'Now , dear , whcre's my sacque of sealskin ? "
Carolled she on Christmas morn ,
As she rose with look expectant ,
Which soon clanged to ono forlorn ,
Tor the cruel man thus answered :
" \Vhatl Your sealskin sacque ? Oh , yea !
Vait a little while , my angel ,
Walt till Now Year's Day , dear Bess. "
jttino the New Year's Day right soonly ;
"Where's my sealskin sacqun , sweet mate ? "
'Sealskin sacque ? Oh , yea I Bess , till tbo
Fourth of July you must wo t. "
CJame a eceno that kills description ,
And the poet's heart doth rack ,
Exclamation points in legions ! )
'Cause uho didn't get that sacque.
Brooklyn , New York , has forty-six Catholic
churches ,
Street preaching has heen prohibited In
Seattle , W. T.
Harp playing is ono of the attraction ) ) of the
choir in a fashionable New York church ,
Rev. James Freeman Clark denies the re
port that he ia to retire from the ministry.
The Church of Christ , of Campbelhto Bap
tists , In Great Britain nnd Ireland bavo a
membership of 8,500.
A pew in Grace Church , N. Y , , which rents
for ? 34 per annum , sold for $2,050 at a public
sale a few days ego.
Every county in Washington territory
where women vote , gave a majority in fnvur
of taxing church property ,
By the first census of Japaneie Christians ,
made by the government , they are numbered
at 80,000 , Including 1 toman Catholics and
Greek converts ,
Tbere are five colored Lutheran theological
students In Howard University , Wasbiiwtou ,
D , C. , four from the Carolina * and ono from
St. Thomas , Weit Indies.
In some part of Minnesota one can travel a
hundred miles and find none but Hwodes , and
some of their congregations number over *
thousand. They alto have several missions
among the Fit/nil. /
The Friends' societies nre agitating the sub"
Iet of hymn noting during their re
ligious rcrviced , that innovation having been
Introduced * t Bomo of thtir meetings.
Mr. Moody , the famoutj ersngiilisr , will
upend four days m Wasbiukcon in tha middle
uf January , 'in the Rtiest of Hov , lr , lUrtlett.
sf the New York atenne church , and will
hold meetings at that churco.
In thft synod of Texai thcro lmvoi been fif
teen revival * among the churches in the past
year , and in sii other churches large addition *
are repotted without any poei l cifort. Eight
ministers have been aided to tha synod , nnd
fire church buildings are In process of erec
tion , Several now and promising churches
have boon organized.
Presbyterians are not much given to relics ,
but two articles hnvo jtwt been received ia
Philadelphia , by llev , Dr. Brood , from Scut
land , which must bo viewed wl h Jnteroat.
These articles nro n sword which , it ia M
leged , was used In I'raguo , llohomln , to xo-
cute Protestant heretics , and a silver com
mutiion cut ) , lately exhtimod , and having
been bnried for moro than two hundred years.
After being exhibited in this country for n
few wooka these relics will be returned to
The statistical summary of the Reformed
church In the United Rtatoa for 1884 h M fol
lows : Seven hundred and eighty ministers ,
1,401 congregations , 102 010 continued mem
bers , 10i\03 unconfirmed member * , 13,527 in
fant baptisms , 1,133 adult baptism * , 0,7-16
confirmed , 0,555 received by certificate , 111 ,
C54 communed , 2,310 dismissed , 69 excom
municated , 1,540 names erased , 4,015 died ,
1SCO Sunday school' , ICt atuacnta for the
ministry , ? 127,2SI 02 contributed for bouovo-
lent purposes , and 8717,720.15 contributed for
congregational purposes.
Two Schoolfellow * ,
Over Iho hill and valley ,
Drawn by the steain.fiorso'a power.
Iho Hailroad King ia speeding
Fifty miles an hour !
Ho counts hia wealth by million ? ,
By thousnnda counts hia men ;
OVr ton thousand mlloa of gleaming rails
Ho wuvea hia sccptor-pcn ,
The diamonds of the coal mines ,
Whore toll the miners grim ,
And the gold of the waving cornfields
Pay tribute unto him.
But palo nnd worn is the monarch ,
Unheeding is tha eye
Betoro which the pruning country
Goes flitting and whirling by.
And ho sees but ( Joes not notice
The farmer rein old Gray
At the crossing , to lot the special past ,
Speeding upon Ita way.
Stalwart and strong is Fanner John , "
And bronzed with sun and weather ,
"lla wife " he " ' think
, , laughs , "you'd never
Ha and I were boys together !
"Ho , that shadow , silent and sly ,
No bigger than my arm ,
Ho owns a hundred millions ; I
Have only you and the farm ,
Her "Wurat" Wnitr.
My love and I walked from the play
Serene and starry was the night ;
I felt she could not say me "nay"
Mid scenes so calm * BO fair , so bright ,
I plied my writ with eloquence
Assured her of my fervent love ;
She spoke not in her innocence ,
My darling one , my duck , my dove !
She leaned and sobbed upon my arm ,
As if by boino great fear oppressed.
I told her she need fear no harm ,
As I her suffused cheek caiessed ,
At last she summoned strength to ppe.ik
I thought her little heart would burct ;
She said imploringly and meek ,
"I want two links of Wcinerwurst !
[ Louisville Courier-Journal.
A Chicago clergyman holds that all great
men are cranks. His congregation has bten
scoring him for riding a bicycle.
The man who prayed for those who eit un
der tbe "drippings of the sanctuary" was a
near relative of another who besought the
Lord to "prop up de brudder and sister with
the propositions of do gospel. "
Kev. J. O. Peck haa created a bu/z amen
the "drones in the Now Haven society hiVe by
his sermon denouncing clubs , from the text ,
"The young man who pitches his tent toward
Sodom. "
A Parisian pianist , M. Peru , has offered to
play in a cage full of lions. An irreverent
critic therefore aaks whether Taria does not
possess a society for the prevention of cruelty
Co animald. But a confrere replies : "Don't
worry about the lions , they will take care of
themselves. The Daniel business does not al
ways work. "
Church Fair Doorkeeper Beg pardon , sir.
I don'c t'tink I quite understand you.
Stranger ( who has been in ) You advertised
that each person who came to this fair must
bring an apple or a potato as entrance fee , and
that the fruit and vegetables so collected were
to go to the poor
"Csrtainly , pir. And the potato you left
will he distributed with the rest. "
"Well , what I want is about a peck of the
apples and half a bushel of those potatoes sent
to my hotiEe at once. "
"But they are not for sale. "
"Of course not. You must give them to
me. "
"But they are for the poor. "
"Well , I've spent an hour inside there , and
I'm popr now. " [ Philadelphia Call.
"I hear you are without a preacher over in
your congregation. "
"Yea , he left two weeks ngo. "
"Had a call at a higher salary , I presume ? "
'Not that I know of. "
. "Health failed him , perhaps ? "
"No ; his health seemed to be good. "
' Congregation didn't like his preaching ,
then ? "
"Yes , they seemcd to. "
"Well , then , ho resigned ? "
"No , not exactly. Fact was , ho unloaded
i lot of railroad stock on us at 74 , and the
shrinkage , together with some talk about tnr
nnd feathern , took him out just as the stock
touched 52.-Wall [ Street News.
Deacon Do Blank 'Yes dear , I know the
; hurch ought to have a new organ now that
the oppoMtion church in the next square has
ime , but I shall not bubacribe anything to
wards It. "
Mrs. De Blank "Butoll the other members -
bers are Hubscrlbing liberally towards it , and
ivo must do something. "
"I know : but I can't afford it , my dear.
My income haa totally stopped. "
"Ciord gracious. Why , what has hap
pened ? " |
' The police have raided cleaned out and
lemollshed No , 00 Slum street. "
"But what has that to do with us ? "
"That was my property. "
Rhoutnatlem IB primarily caused byte
to dlty of the blood. Hood'a Sarsaparilla
luriflca the blood and thus cures the
It ia always the valuable Jersey cow
that ia killed by iho railroad train , and
It in the pocket that contains a largo sum
} f money that ia picked.
Angostura Blttcrw , Uio world renowned
ippotlzer and Invigorator. Used now over the
whole civilized world. Try it , but beware of
imitations. Ask your grocer or druggist for
the eenuine artlcle.tnanufactured by Dr. J. G ,
U , Slegert & Sons ,
A Dakota judge at Jamestown tbo
other dgy loft the bench and knocked
down a lawyer who intimated that one of
hia statements In a ruliug was a Ho.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co , of Marshall , Mich. ,
offer to send their celebrated KLECTKO.VOL- ,
T.uo BKLT and other ICr.Kcrmo ArrtiANCKS on
trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
* fllirted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
and manhood , and all kindred troublee. Also
for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
many other diseases. Complete restoration to
health , vigor au * manhood guaranteed. No
risk is Incurred as thirty days trial ia allowed.
Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet
free , _ _
m [
An ezproea train of eight cara ia valu
ed at 600,700. Tbe engine and tender
at § 10,500 , the biegage car at 81,000 , tbe
pistHl c r at $2,000 , , the emoker at
$2,200the three common passenger e rs
t § 3,000 * each and three palace cara at
$15,000 each.
A CARD. To Uwbo.i rlo * be
mdtndlMwtloM of youth n.notn ; wto
etc. , I U1 ad a
d o T. less ol muJiood ,
that Uiw. jo * * t 0 CJUKOS.
remedy wu dlsoowrod by pisrfpnwry
Amtrtk. Betul s B * < M"i d " <
tua X. laua. tttUta B. BM To * .
tW f\ * I IS H 'I '
017 St. riinrlc-s Sf. St. Lnnh , Mo.
lt > BKt < ] to ft.4 nj-r'iAltrcR n fol * > f Ctm * i irc . Qwra
AM latino 1it .t thiii in ottir ? rr-y.klun tti St.lAfcti ,
Ne'votn Pioslralioii. Debliltr/MenUI and
Physical Weakness McrcurlAl and other Afles.
linns ol Throat , Skin or Donrs , Rloud Poljnnhg ,
aid Sores anil Ulcers , H , . . t < t tti ah it.iuitj
. ,
iTtrilnnloIlK ) wl y erlcimlti t nfu In > ( ljr , tl& ,
rendering MnrrU < r Impicmer or utin nnT r
pftmnntilij-con-l. r mbUM" | > r > ir > itlip tKii ( , tM
It Ituji" ! ( uve-9K ] > frn to ifr a' " Ur. . . c D-ulUllot utt-
rTOj , n.llntlu-l. Writ ? for < | tttloni.
PositivolVritten Gu irantea
pilrci In > ll f ct l.l < i nun. U > tlrlnti tool CTcrnb < .
I1 fnplil < 't , EnelUh or Uerrnnn , 04 pett , ! < >
Mrlblns aboro cllicuos Inma'.eor fornalii , I'hJiA
"Will purify the BLOOD.'roinv.
lito tlio UVERnml KIDNEYS ,
uiul iticRToiti : THE IIKAI/TII
nud VIGOJl of YODTJt. lf
pepsin , Want of Appetite , jn
iURGStlaiil.'i ( > k of Htrt-nfftli.
k (
cnroiK Konc ? , luiisolcs nna
nprvps receive ntwlorct1.
A KtllM'113 tlio iiiluil mid
" miiwllts Jlrnlu I'owcr.
' BulTuiliiKrroiilconiiilaliiti
Hm " * h # ' Utr 1 < ' iipcullirto their Sox vlll
Had In DR. El'/H TEH'S IJION TONlO-n tnta nnd
f"cily euro , ifllrcsaclcar , licaltliy complexion.
Frequent Nttcmpts nt co" " Tfi'anK only mill
to the popularity ot'tlio 01 iKlml4 Do uol eiiic-rl'
mcnt-gct Ihu OimUNAi. AND HKST.
rSond lour nddrrM toThs Dr. llnrtcrMod Oo. >
St. Louis , Sto.for our "DllEAM BOOK. " I
Fnllof Rtrnnne nnd usofuLlnformaUon.fre .j
quieU. Mnr Cure * . ttJTjt.
e r8enil tw o stamps for Celebrated McdlcnlWorks
Address , F. 1 > . CLAKItlM. : . O > . , iBC Soutla
Claris Street , CHICAGO , ILL. _ _
a Ba IA * B i/ * < w- % % , wwaq
Qcnoik t < ao o
1501 FAUHAir ST. Oil AHA.
HkTo lot on'.o JOO.OCO kiroe Mittally cthated Undi
i K&tlern Nolirj i , it low price and on euy laim.i
Improroa rm3 lot oilo In Donnbo , Dodge , OollAi
l ; toEait , Damini ; , Barpy , WiUUuctoa , Uailck
tccderB , and Butler jountico.
Tixte ; r.ia in nil perta ol the Stutt , ;
Honey Idtned on reproved futng.
Vo nv Pnhlln ftlw v < n fpn *
Physician < § s Burgeon
EtjSlklonoo So. 1107 Jonoa Si. Offioo , No. 1503 Far
urn etroot. Office botire , ! ! m to I p. m. and fiom
o 8 p. m. Telephone , for office 97resldonpo 1 ! .
fill cure Kfrvousncss , Lumbago , Rheumatism Inrn1ysl ,
tauralgln , ficintlcH , Kldno > , hp\nc \ niul Liter illcuiucg ,
out , Asthma , llo rt dlieaNe , ni pop l . rnncllpalliin , hrj
Ipolan , Catarrh , I'llee. Vpllepny , IinpiciicDumb [ A m ,
TolapRllfl Utorl , etc. Onl > cclentltlc KU ctrlc Hclt 111 Alner
: a that fends the yicctrkllr and mnjriivtltim lhroiililie }
odj , auU cau to roiharuuU iu un ln tunt by toe jiaUout.
Winter la coming , the eonson oltho year lor aches
nd pains. In view ol thla foot wo say buy one ol
r. Homo's Eloctrlo Delta. By eo doing you will
i oil Rheumatism , Kidney Troubles and other Ills
latfloBhls ho'r to. Do n t delay , but call > t our
IHos and examine belta , No. 1422 Douglas etroet , or
. F Goodman's , 1110 Farnam 8l.Omaha , Neb. Or-
cru lUnrt n n h
W. S.
, aod Coooselor
75 S , 13th St. Omaha , Neb.
Fourteen Years' Practice Inloua and Colorado.
IOWA lion. J , Heed , Associate Justice Supreme
ourt , residence , nouocil llluffs ; lion C , n. Loulj.
latrlct Judge , rcBiilence , Cherol < cc : First Na'lonal
ank aim Olllcer & Pu cy , Bankers , Council Bluffs ;
[ arvey k Ford , Bankers , Logan , llairlssn Co. , la.
COLORADO lion , J. 0 , Helm , Asioclato Justice ,
uprcme Ce tut , residence , Denver ; lion. Wm. liar
[ son. District Junire , lesldcncc , lltcna Vier.tIIath. ;
wa/a Bank , Tatrplay , Park Co tlcclS-lm
The annual meetlnrol the etock holders of the
'estern Horse and Cattle Insurance Co. , will lit held
; the olllco of the company In Omaha , on Monday ,
inuarymii , 1W5. HKNRT PIMUT , Pios't
HAS. K. liuBHRUTBR'est.Sec'y. dio-15-lew-4w
Science of Life Only $100
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous anil Physical Doblllt ;
remiture Deollne In Uan. Errors ol Youth , and the
ntold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ex-
soaes. A book ( or every mao , younif , middle aged
ndold. It contains 186 prescriptions ( or all aont
nd chronlo diseases each one ol which Is Invaluable ,
0 found by the Author , whose experience ( or 11 *
ears Is such as probably never oelore ( ell to the lot
1 any physician , 800 pages , bound In beautiful
Tenon muelln empossod covers , full , gilt guaranteed
i be a finer work In every sense , machanlcal , lit-
rary and professional , than any other work sold IB
Ills country ( or 12.60 , or tbe money will be refunded
i every Instance. Price only 11.00 by mall , post
aid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bend now. Gold
ledat awarded tha author by tha National Medical
.saoclatlon , to the officers of which he refers.
Tbe Science ol Life should bo read by tbo young
ir Instruction , and by tbe afflicted for relief. It wlfl
eneflt all. London Lancet.
Tbere Is no member ol society lo whom The Set-
noeof Lfowilliiotl " > euseul ( , whether youth , pir-
' ' - '
-Argonaut ,
e , or Dr , W.
. , MIH. , who
lay be consulted on all diseases requiring skill and
xpcrleuca. Cbronlo and obttluatedlseases that hivt
aMed tbe skill ol all other phyi'tiri ! . daw ,
ppeclaltyl Such treated noceBS-nCnL tell ;
Hhout an Instance ol ( allare , TUVOCI C
1224 Farnam Street ,
ornerlSthBti Office hours 0 to 12 a. m , ! to I p
i 1 en ycar experience. 0n ipeak German , I
< y51dly I
The remarkable groirtb ol Ornnhrv
daring the last few years la n matter ol
great astonishment to thoao who pay nn
occasional visit to thla growing city. The
development o ( the StocV Yards the.-
necessity of the Bolt Lliio itoad the
finely paved atroots the hundreds of now
residences anil costly business blocks ,
with the popnlatton of onr city moru than
donblod la the last five yearn. AH the ! <
Is a great surprise to vlsltora niid 1 iho
admiration of onr citizens. This rapid )
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvement * madn n.
lively demand for Omaha real cable , and
every Investor hog made a handaouio
Slnao the Wall Street panic May ,
with the subsonnont cry of hard times , ,
there has boon loss demand from specula *
tore , but a fair demand from Investors-
seeking homes. Thla latter class nro
taking advantage of low prices In build
ing material and nro securing their homes
at much lens cost than will bo possible B
year hence. Speculators , too , oiu bny
real ostaf B cheaper now and ought ta toke
advantt o of. present prices for future'
pro t .
The next few yearn promises groato
d ivol oprnontn In Omaha thau the past ,
i v ) years , which have boon as good ao
wo could reasonably doalro. Now man
ufacturing catabllahmouta and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and'
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through
out the State , who have their money Itt
the banks drawing n nominal rate of
torest , which , If judlclonaly Invested in.
Omaha real ohtato , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In the
near future.
We have for sale tlse finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lota at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam. Davenport ,
burning , and all the leading streets
n that direction.
The grading of Parnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building o the
treet car line out Farnam , the pro
> erty in the western part of the oity
will increase in valiio
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper-
; y in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
) y the Stock Yards Compa-ay nnd
; he railroads will certainly double
; ho price in a short time.
We also have some fine business
ots and some elegant inside resi-
encep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
omo good bargains by calling i
213 South Hth St ,
Bet ce n Farnhara and Douglas.
P. S. We ask those who have
property for Bale at a bargain to give
IB a callWe want only bargains
Vo will positively not handle prop-
rty at more than its real value.