JAJN UAKY T f E DAIL * BEE. JNGIL BLTJFF8 , hnrsday Morning , Jan ( 1,1885 , SUBSCRIPTION BATKS. ByCarrltl . . . . . . . SO cents " week . . . . . . . . . . r" IBy llall - $10.00 pei year OFPIOBl Ho. 7 Pearl street , Hear Broaaway.l To Council BlnflYi Subscribers. Kvory subscrlbor to THE BEE In Conn * ell BlufTa will bo given to-day n copy of the Illustrated Ilovlow of Onmhn , with the compliments and boat wishes of THE BEE. On account of the early hour at which the pnpora are delivered , and the danger of having the llovlowe soiled or lost , If dollvored with the papers , the carriers will niako a apodal delivery of the Rovlowa a llttlo later in the forenoon. MINOR MENTION , H. II , Stewart , artlat , at Chapman's , See J. Iloltor'a now stock of clotha. Try RlcOlurg'u aolf-ralalug bnokwhoa t The county board moots next Monday. Consignment of cloaks at Cocko & Morgan's moat RO at Homo prlco. The jury , in the caao of Ilonry Han- acn , has found him guilty of horao-atoal- ng. ng.Prof. Prof. Starr's lecture ohould bo well at. ended , as it will bo an Index to more , which are to follow. Wosbrobk brothers appear again at the nk this afternoon and ovonlng. They are wonderful bicyclists. Walker has boon acquitted , In the dis trict court , of the charge of picking the pocket of a farmer at the Carlisle moot- Ing. Tnos. Morgan was pat nn trial yester day in the diatrlct court for confidoncing n .young man named Sollgman out of * $15. The Knights and Ladles of Honor en tertained their friends tn the Royal Ar canum hall laot evening in a pleasant , so cial manner. Charles Ohriatonaon , one of the most popular salesmen in the Pooplo's store , la to bo married this ovonlng to Mlsa Gertlo Oleaon. Pcrinlt to wed was yesterday granted to George H. Tilton and Carrie V. Hfll- man , both of Walnut ; also to 0. M. Potter - tor and Tamer Years , both of Wavoland. If there ia a demand in this city for a conrso of good lectures and entertain ments ( prices within the roach of all ) the Y. M. 0. A. will furnish the best of talent. Although Dr. Cross' caao Is sot for to morrow In tho1 district court it seems very dondtful about the trial being act ually commenced. A change of venue era a continuance would not bo surprising. The Pittsburg Leader aays : "Tho Two Johns , ' now at the opera houao , la tho. finest performance on any Pittaburg stage this season. " It will bo at the opera houao hero next Tuesday evening , . The girl Eva Pit on , who claims to have boon BO severely cut by a beer glass in tlo hands of T. Daws on , la reported as growing worse , and yesterday Dawaon was ro-arrested and his "bonds Increased from $300 to $500. The funeral of George Bowers was hold yesterday afternoon and was large ly attended. Abe Lincoln Post G. A. B. turned out in a body , and there was a largo number of the old mombora of Res- cno No. 3 , to which for years deceased belonged.3 Mr. Benedict Hogg , one of the boat known business men of this city , was married last evening to Misa Ellen E. Bain , slater of Robert Bain , and a young lady who has many friends here. Many and hearty are the well wishes and congratulations. This being the first day of the year resolve to do right the balance of the year and always. Call on Cooke & Mor gan , 317 Broadwaygand got their prices before you purchase elsewhere , and one year from to-day you will bo glad you took this advice. 0. E. Dawnon , the old resident anc contractor , has boon somewhat nnnoyec by tbo similarity of his name to that ol T. Dawaon , who has gained so much notoriety of late. It should bo clearly understood by all that 0. E. Dawson IE not concerned in the affair at all , anc isn't that sort of a man. The grand jury yesterday returnee several Indictments and then discharged. Among the Indictments was ono agains A. McDonaH , who was arrested for steal ing clothing from E. Keller's house. It is also reported that an indictment was found against ono of the Allen boys foi causing the death of young Mono. All persona desiring to hoar Prof. F. Starr'a great loaturo on "Sunbeams' should secure tickets at once. They are o& sale at25 cents each at E , Hunting- ton's store , Dr. Judd's oflico and H. E Seaman's atoro on Broad way f and at W. S , Homer's store , J , F. Barker's photo graph gallery , J. W , Bodofer's oflico unt Y. M. 0. A. rooms , on Main street. , , The making up of the tax books shown that the total tax of the county ia $1M- 970 , while of this amount Oouncil'Blulft alone is to pay $108,754. This looks aa if in the building of a now court house this city will have to bear almost as great a burden of taxation at all the rest of the county put together. The talk about this city wanted to vote a big tax on to the rest of the county doea not show up very well , when it comes to figures. Mr. Sackott , ono of Ooujcll Bluffj noli known business men , has been Indicted by the grand jury on a peculiar charge , Jt appeara that ho his been selling flour or aomo eastern mill , and his orders dropping off the manufacturers claim to lave found the caneo to bo that Mr , Sackott was nsint ; their brand on sacks Hied with another make of flour , which .hoy claim waa Inferior In quantity. Mr. jackott claims that tha brand waa ono used a long before th complaining roann * acturars used it , and that ho had a right .0 use It if ho choose , nnd that the flour 'arnlshod by him was not inferior. Ho laa gave bonds In the aura of $300. HALF-AND-HALF. The New Mode of Paying ; Taxes , Synopsis of the Lrxw. The now law in regard to the payment of taxes seems so little understood by property-owner ? , and the taxes becoming duo hero next Monday , THE BEE gives the following synopsis of the now law ; No demand of taxes shall bo necessary mt It shall bo the duty of every person ubjcct to taxation to attend at the oflico of the treasurer , unless otherwise provid ed , at some time between the first Mon day In January nnd the first day of tlnrch following , and pay his taxes in full ; or ho may pay the ono-half thereof before ho first day of March succeeding the levy md the remaining half thereof before ho 1st day of September following ; pro vided that In all cases where the half of > ny taxes have not boon paid before the .at day of April sacciysdlng the levy hereof , the whole amount of taxes charged against such entry shall become delinquent from the 1st day of March ollowlng each levy ; and in cane the see. md Installment of any taxes bo not paid > oforo the 1st day of October snccood- ng Its maturity , penalty shall bo com puted on such Installment from the 1st lay of September designating the matur- ty of such installment ; provided , also , , hat in all cases where taxes are paid by nstallmont as herein provided , each of uch payments , except road taxes , shall 30 apportioned among the iovoral funds for which taxes lave boon assessed in their proper pro- lortlons. And if any ono neglect to pay ils taxes at or before maturity , as heron - n provided , the treasurer may make the same by distress nnd sale of his personal iroporty not exempt from taxation , and -ho tax-list alone shall bo sufficient war rant therefor. All taxes duo and unpaid on tbo first lay of March or the first day of Sop- -onibor , shall become delinquent and drawintorost at the rate of ono per cent , per month until paid. Taxes duo from any person on personal > roporty shall bo a lion upon any real > roperty owned by such person , or to which ho may acquire a title. The sale of delinquent property will low bo on the first Monday in December natoad of the first Monday in October. Another Bargain. _ I will sell a Wobatoc'a unabridged Dic tionary , Ton volumes ol Chambers' En- lyclopodla and twelve volumes of Charles Dickons'Works , all for$35,00. lalso have a pair of club skates as good as now that I vould sell at a bargain. Apply to Frank Corn , 552 Broadway , or at Bochtolo's lotol. Charlca Keechan , advance agent of the "Lights o' London , " wa < i in the city yester day. day.A. A. D. Scammon , of Two Johns Comedy company , spent yesterday in this city making arrangements for "Two Johns" to appear icro next Tuesday. * Peter and Michael McMonomy , stock deal ers in St. Charles county , Mo. , and Miss Fanny McAtec , of Denver , Col. , are hero vis- ting their aged mother , who ia quito ill at the : iomo of her other BOH , Eov. Father Me- Menomy. E. S. Barnett returned yesterday from Connecticut , where ho has been on a visit to bis old home , where ho has not boon before Eor noaily thirty years. Ho had an enjoyable visit , except for the aadnesB caused by the death of an mint , who had been ill for some time. Bo sure you got McOlnrg'a self-rising buckwheat flour. * . UPSEI SALE AT METOALF BROS. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , has opened an art studio in the rooms of Barko's gallery , 100 Main street , and ie prepared to supply portraits in oils and crayon in the latest stylo. Satifaction guaranteed and Inspection invited * A Coal Deal , Jack Porogay day before yostordaj sent down to nis houao five- tons of coal , and was not a llttlo surprised on reaching homo in the evening to find that someone ono had como with a wagon and tokcr away two tons of it , representing thai Mr. Porogay had wanted two tons of a dlfl'eront size. Having given no ouch or ders , it became evident to Mr. Porogay that some ono had been making the bold eat sort of a steal of two tons of prociotu tuol * Ho started out on the warpath yesterday , but about the time that he was ready for blood , ho learned that thai it was all a mistake. The coal man had sent a wagon down to got two tons from a neighbor of Mr. Porpgay'e , who wanted to have a different size , and the man waking a mistake wont to Mr. Poregay'e house , and got the coal there. Paaco was restored , and those concerned let the affair end in smoku. A Itiirgaln. A stock of cigars for sale cheap , among which is a lot of good Co cheroots at SIC a thousand. Reasons of selling , ill health and contemplation to go south. Apply to Frank Kern , 652 Broadway , or atBechtele's hotel. McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour nlwaya ready for use. Try it. A Plea lor Warm Totioinentg , To the Editor of the UUK. To'day is the glad New Year and more than half the coal and wood is gene and the Master's rod is severely felt by those least able to stand it , These are trying times to thoeo without the comforts oi coal and wood. Wo do not hear of anyone ono starving , but wo road in TUE Bui : of these gene to their eternal homo died of pneumonia for instance but no cauao. Ono of the causes can bo ex plained. It is the cold houtos. Wo should have warmer houses and placee for coal and wood such as wood sheds for the poor who live in small tenements , A SYMPATHIZE ! ! Ask your grocer for McClnrg's iolf- raising buckwheat. Try it. UPSET SALE AT MKTOALF BRO'S. Wall paper and interior decorations at P. 0. Millor'a , 13 Pearl street. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. SpcdM Ttrlla ment8 , IHO M I/o t , found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board- ng , eto. , will b > Inserted In thli column at the tow lata ot TEN CF.NT3 PER LINK f oi tha Bret InMrllon and FIVE CENTS PER LINE tot etch rabeeqnent n- crilon. Leave advertisements at out offloe , No , i'eatl Street , near Broadway WANTS. _ _ _ - Xonrxr - - . . . ' . ' - - - - - - r ruraxruTrur - nj l-Lnj r FOR SAI.K A ( rood cook stove , | almcit now. 0 Bee office. RENT Two tlccly furnished room * . Mrl. FOH . A. Smith , 128 8. Tint St. InoK RENT A handsomely famished room. 1 References exclucRCil , 1102Nltth street. WANTED A Rood girl for Rcnernl house ork In a family ol three , Addicts II. Coutdl Bluffs Bco office. WANTED-By a gentleman of good nddrees a position M book-keeper or si'osnmn. ' Can urnlsh A No. 1 iclorcnccs &s to chunct.r und ex- icrlcnoo. Address letter A , Bee oluco. WANTED Apcnti In every county In western low * to sell tko "Chnmpton llosom Stretcher nd Ironlup Board" , Every lady pronounces It on iRht to be Just what shawanti , either for hctncll or hlroO help. Big Inducement ! ) to agents. Hetilfe orl , Address O. II. S. and 1 Bcaid , I ! o oa.cc Council Bluffr , Ion a. ( i > uu SALE nouses. Lots nnd Land. A. J. L' Ktoptenson , 603 Flr t n > enuo. FOR SALE A top-buggy , first-tlim make nnd In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap ot. Address 1 * . It. Ucoofflce , Council Bill's. AND WOOD Oeorco Ilenton , 023 Broad * J way. sells coal and wood at reasonable prices , Ivcfl 2,000 Ibs. for a ton , and 129 cublo for & cord , "ry him. FOR SALK-Piano , II. E. Seaman , Paper , D < ? oks and Stationery , Council Bluu' . . WANTED Every body m Council Bluffa to take TniBBi. Delivered by carrier at only twenty enta a week. f\LD PAPERS For Dale at BII office , at 85 oonta VJ a hundred j. L. DEBEVOISE. No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ; are the tlmoa ot the arrival and de- tarture of trains by central standard time , at the ooal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln utea earlier and arrive ten mlnutea later. onioAoo , BURLisaros IHD win or. L1AVI. AUUVK. 1:85 pm Chicago Exproea 0:00 : am 8:10 : a m Fast Mall. 1:00 : p m 7:10am I'Mall and Express , 7.73pm .2SO ; p m Accommodation. 1X0 p m At local depot only. K1KS1B OUT , ST. JOB AHD OOtTNCIIi BLD7H. 0:05 : a m Mail and Express , 6:55 : p m 8:15 : pm PacificExprraa , 5:45 : am OmOAOO , UILWACRM ADD ST. MUL. 8:25 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m 0:25 a m Express , 0:55 : p m CinOidO , HOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC ) . 5:25 : p m Atlantis Express , 0:05 : a m B:25 : a m Day Express 8:64 : p m 7:20 : am "DoBMolnos Accommodation , 0:15 : p m At local depot only. WABiBU , 8T. LOOTS AND rACIFJO. ElOpm : AooommoJat-on 0:00 : am 1:80 : p m Loula Express 3:45 : p m 1:50pm : Chicago Express 10:65am At Transfer only CHICAGO and KOBTITWmSTEa * . C50 p m Express , fl:50 : p m 9:26 : nm PacIQaExprcsa 9:06 : am SIOUX CITY AND rACITIO. ' .4.0 p m St. I'aul Express , 9:00 : a m THO a m Day Express 7:00 : p m traios PACIFIC. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8SO : a m 11:00 : a m Pacific Express , t:40 p m 1S:10 : a m Lincoln Express , 1:18 : p m At Transfer only. ; DDMMT TEAKS TO OHA1IA. Ltave-7:20-8SO-9:80-10:80-U:40a. : : : : : m. I:80-:8 : S:30-l:30-5 : : : 0-flSO-ll:05 : : p. m Sunday 7:20- : 9SO-ll:40 a. m. l:30-8SO 5:30-0SO-lli5 p. a. rrlvo 10 minutes before leaving time. From traosfo r only : AMUSEMENTS. : DDHANY'S ' OPERft-HOUSE. Ono Night Only , Tuesday January Oth. Company. The funniest performance yet. Up the veil known Two Johns Corned } Company. FIrtt time west ol Chlcigo. ROUTE. Hastings , Neb Friday Jnn'y. 2. Lincoln " Saturday " 3. 1'Jatt month Neb. , Monday " D. Council Bluffs , Town , Tuehday " 0. Atlantic , " Wcd'day " 7. DcsMoines , " [ Friday " . fSatuiday " 1) ) . ADUIS310N-0 ntB15iUdlei lOo. BEATE3 Qenta ICo. Ladles lOo , Admission VTM to Lodlea each morning and Tai day and Thursday altcrnooni. Uaa of Skatea It cents. A. r. ECHANCK , n. n , MARTENS , U&nager. Pioprletoi ORDEB TOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood OF 33. 13 , P. Oi address , Lotk Box 1199 , Council BlaffJ. , TACOJt SXSfS , fttforney - at-Law , OOUNCIt , BLUFIS , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Room 8 , Shugart and Bono block. Will practice In S ate and Kodurol courta. roos. omcEEi vr. n , u. Conncll Eluffj , > * laj Established - - 1856 Duteri In Foreign and Domeetlo Exchangt and Horn * Becurltki. E. Eice M , D. fllUnnnn orothtilomo ImflUimUj knlfoi rawl CHRONIC DISEAJES u" " " Acuity. Jut , A HAS AKRIVEDilN FULL FORCE AT Music Hall 103 ' STEEET , THE FINEST 'DISPLAY , THE LOWEST PRICES , THE GREATEST VARIETY , EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN TO You Will Find that You can Buv for Less than Anvwhere Else. Keep Horses and Mnlos constantly on hand which wo will sell in retail or wholesale lots. All Stock Warranted as Renresenteil. Wholesale and retail dealers In Drain and Baled Hay. Prices eonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. ODBrLTTTIEIR. &s BOnUE Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlufla. HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANI LISZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Finlahi KIMBALL PIANOS Beat Modern PrlootoBuy. The Kimball Organ , BO long and favorably kmwn In the west , rncommcnda' STEWART. Sola Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooma , 829 uncil Correspondence Solicited , Agents Wantad , JT i = 209 Upper Broadway , again to the Front. Study , reflect and come and Examine , nnd gee for yourselves what joucan buy forCaih at my place , quote you as follows : 13 Iba granulated sugar for ? 1 00 18 Ibs 0 sugar for J 00 1511)3VhIlo exOsugarfor 1 00 20 bars Kirk's whlto Russian eoap for 1 09 22 bars Palraa , equal to Kirk's Russian soap for. 1 00 20 bars Klrk'a blue India soap for 1 00 Uupont'g beat powder per Ib 20 18 boxes of matches for 25 French mixed candy per Ib 12jo. S ) rup California uoncy drips , per gal 60 Syrup , warautcd strictly pure Vermont maple per gal 1 00 SorKhampor gal 60 A No. 1 English currants 14 Ibj for 1 00 Lewis' Lye , genuine 10 boxea for 100 Canned blackberries , preserved , 6 cana fur. . . . 1 CO Canned 3 Ib yellow peicbea \\hlto8yrup6 for. 1 CO Canned 3 Ib 1st quality Tomatoes 10 for 1 00 A No. 1 whlto fish , per kit 70 Pure Mixed Candy , per pound 12Jo T. T. T. I can Boll you according to qual.tyfom ICotoTOaperlb. Flour Wo sell the celebrated Patent Fancy per cwt82 76. Wo keep everything usually kept la & First Oh as Grocery , and warrant everything HO sell. Goods de livered free In any part of the city. I also handle Gloves and Mittens , Dry goods and Notions , Boots nd Shoe ) , and a good assortment of Tinware. Ho- member ; I will not only bo not undersold on any gsods , but w 111 eell 20 per cent below any Competition m the city. We are now rccelvlr g an Involca of Dolls In w lilch wo can give the greatest bargains ever offered In the city. My expenses are very light , with no Hents to pay. I am enabled and will Sell cheap far CASH. Cell when you want the bo of Bargains In myUD ° ' myUD'j. . P. FILBERT , aODTTpporliroadwoy , ' ouncll Bluffs J. E. TATE , Practice In State and federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 10 , Shugart'i Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS SOWA Sherraden Ite.W.H. DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Oounoll Bluff * ; low * . $20 EEWABD ! r A REWARD paid lor Information of present $ , \J location pair hoiees , wa--on and harnees , mortK'Cod bv WlllUui D. Hall toThomaa a'7)cnton Bayhor80BO cnJ ar8oil , l.COO pounds , aair left hind , leg , Hack horse nine yearg old , g tar In fore- ned rpavln In rltf'il hind leg. wigon , Cooper make , thro Inch let double hunesa , taken from 1'ottawatt. attle county In August Ten dollars reward for dUoomy of > ldUall. Hall described as atout 8 feet ICincbes , andr complexion , b Id head on top brownUh red , Btoutlih built , about Ureari prlj to Leonard Ev ° rett , attorney at law lllufU , Iowa , EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Glass. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over S2.50. Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. E. REMEB , Manager HI Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. To purchase purchasePresenis At 1'Jottom Prices , is HOMER & CO'S e 23 Main Street , Council BluiTs IrsHJHillOlH.D ) , . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , J22 ltlddl Broadway , Council Blufli. N. SOHTJEZ. GOtfl ornoE OVER AHKRIOAH EXFBCSS COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ONCEiin 1000 YE ARS PEOL'LE HAVE A CHANCE FOR Like the One Now Offered by GASAOY , ORCUTT & FRENCH In theMasonic Temple. Council Bluffs , la. Owing to a change in the firm we are desirous of re ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Sto c- of. Lace Madras and Turcoman Our- tains , ShadesRugsMats , and Mattings , OilXJIoths , Lin ( heums , Table Linen , Napkins , ed Spreads , Towels Piano\ , and Table Covers , Blanketa ona Oomior- Etc , , Etc ; The entire Stock Such an opportunity was never before offeied to th public to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings a such a sacrifice for Nice , New Desirable Goods. HOUSEKEEPEKS , HOTEL MEN , COUNFRY MER CHANTS. Now is your chance for Unheard of Bargains. The sale will continue until the stock is very much reduced. : Those who call early will get the best bargains. WE MEAN BUSINESS and shall make the lowest prices ever heard of , Masonic Temple , Couucil Bluffs. Nos. 317 and 219 S. Main St. , COUNCH BLUFFS BftUXH & TOLLEK Agti. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 1 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLOTFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Hew Goods to Select From. I All THE WESTERN AOENT FOR THE SO.8. This's ' nhatsomo of tlio ukato mimifacturon call * "Club , "but wo call it "Our Half Clara * jV" Ithaspiirs 8 , > rtng utiel bottnmu corrugated enank , It Is full nickel pat d Tne bottom It ahwoa to tit the kola < if the shoe or b o > perfectly , thereby irivi'ig tin fuut fruit and natural action II tot clamp acd Huht luitfccr luston or litel ftrags Too licel atrps are preferrblo to lieol tlauip moitckses , aithuhtripsstiy unit utrcigthen the unkle ofteitpruvcntlni ; B rions and painful acclilenti. li the flniBtlor.khif skate lu the inirkot , and one that Is sure to | ii ! io. It his pure Turkey Iijr < ra wheels with brass bushings , they are UJ luo'jci ' in ilu-n tiranl every wmel psrfiity tru * ; oh pilr 1 cased In a separate box. blzso. 1 ti 0. Inlsooirrya full line of ntme Hkato la fill u-r p wood bottoim DIM a fu llllne of all extra * , and mill arid Urijo brisi lined wheos. Write for prlam Terms-Oat-third OMB accompanying order ; b laucossulU. 0. ! > . ' ILL. UILLBIC , Weittru A.'Jut , I0a , Fourth Are nut Council Bluffs. Ioai _ _ GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN niB TBIOIC 0 The eeaean bclnc eo lar advanced I have concluded to dispose ot ciy btovfB RKainm.E68 or COBT lu pri- ttenc * to storing them until next tcisou. Call early at I will not bo undereold l > y anyone. A. J. Mandel , 1125 liroadway , Uouiicil Jiluffq. NOEENE & LANBSTROM , Winter Goods Heady. Suits Mude to Order in Latest Style on Short Notice and nt Reasonable Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Mam Street , . . . . . . Council AGENTS WANTED. ! \ Drs , Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 110 IJHOADWAY , COUNCIL DLUKFH , IOWAJ 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; nnd IT , WAYNL' , WD IT POSITIVELY CUKK8- Kidney and Llrer Comrlalat , Bright' * Dlsca'o , Ilheumatbm , Nourahla tj upersia , Ner\onanc s Wfitlnj ; Weakiusn , 1'uralyels , Hjilnal AfTuctloin , Indigestion , Heart lilawm , MU Icidacli , Lime Hack , Cs'd Ftctani all dUoases ruqulrlnit Increase ! inotlvopuwers. New frnproted Id Kj and f 5 ; old stjle $2 inch WHOLUBALK DEALERS IN , \j n JLJT 332 aad 344 Broadway , OODNOIIi BLUFFS IQYfA