Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1885, Page 10, Image 11

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Tnii Medicine , combining Iron with r >
rmtnlilo tonic * , quickly nml oompletc'l
1'iireu l > T | trp < tln , InillftPMIniiVcnkncM ,
mi'iirolIlool.llnlnrl , Clilll iinaFeTrr ,
n < NrtmilKln.
It Is on unfailing remedy for Diseases of th <
! < liliirji nml I.lvrr.
It li invalunblB for Dltcnoci peculiar tc
iromeii , nn < l nil who lend Kcdontnry live ?
lirtoos not Injure llio teeth , cnu i liomlaclio v
ffoilncc constlpntton-olArr Iron ncdtctnnU
. * 4 enriches and purlllcs tliolloocl , stimulate
' . .leniinctlte.ftlcls the niwlmllatloii of foo.1.
< f vrs Heartburn nnd J > clchlne > ntl MM > ; P
r , tlio rmiscln and ncrvct
I nr Intermittent FcTcrs. .jamltude , Jjicko ;
. icriry. Ac. , It nai no cqtiai ,
* J- The rcnulno IIM nWo trudo rar.rk < ii >
srn cd red lines 01. wrapper. Tnko noothc--
' i.l/br I1I1OMJ ( llltniril , CO. , IUI.TI1rt
, \nlnnlismtei U lie BROAD CLM
Ever offered to Uio'cubUc.
' '
piol thla wtll-knovn line ua bnlll c
Iron , In water-tight oompartmentB , and are fornlal
ed with every requisite to m&ko the passive hot
Itfa and agrooablo. They carry the United State
and European malls , and leave Now York Thun
daya and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Choi
bonrz , ( PARIS ) and nAMimno.
Hatoi : atocrago from Europe only 18. Flra
Cabin , ( IS , S and 78. St ora7e$20.
Henry Pundt , Hark Hanaon , F . Moorca.H. Toll
jtenlsln Omaha , Oronewce & Schoentzen , agents Ii
Oonnoll niaHg. a B : UIOlJAnD b CO. , Gen. Pae
Ajts. , ; i Broadway , N. Y. Cbis. Koimlnskl ft Co
QenerU Weitern Aionti , 170 Waehlngton St. , Ohloi
. ATictlmofjouthfnllmprudenco
BlnK Prrraatnro 'Doc 7 , Nerrom Debllltr. last
2Unbooa , itc.tiivvlnB tried in Tain every known
* med >
For M a. Quick , are , iaf . iiook flw
VIGOR OUlilo AXCDCT , 100 Fulton 8L , Ntw Tork
Health is Wealth !
cnaranteed Bpeclflo for HyslerU ; D.iilncee , Convul
lions , Fits , Nervous NenralgU , Ileadaohe , Nenroni
Prostration oansodby the nig of alcohol or tobbacoo
Wakelulnees , Mental depresalon. Boltenlog of thi
brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping lo misery
deoay and death , Prematnro Old age , Baionons , loai
olpowor In either Bar , Involuntary Lomea and Bper
i' atorhoraoauaed by over exertlontof the brain , self
abnie or over Indulgence. Enoh1 box , oontalna oni
month' ! treatment , f 1.00 a bor.or ail bottlei 01
15.00 , tent by mall prepaid on tooelpt ol price.
To onie any oaaa With each order'received by ci
let elx bottlog , acoompllihid with $6.00 , we will tend
ho purchaser oar written gaaranteo to refund th <
money If the treatment does not effect & oaro. Gaar
entees laenod only by JOUN 0 : WEST 4 CO. ,
tlrS3.mSe.rr . < 802 Madlaon St. , CWcaKo , III.
It *
.y.WCharteredbytheStateoflll' .
ia fop tlieexpressriurposa
'JCGIeetnndSyphillsin ' all their
complicated forms , also all
diccnsca of the Skin and
BlooJpromptly relieved and
pcrmanentlycured by rcmc-
'ractlcc. Seminal
Weiknc I.osi . by Dreams , Pimples on
tncK.tge.l.cst Manhood , } lu cure < lTltert
; i.t > i < ifsvcrlrt > rnlln < > . The appropriate
. < 4 at once used In each cure Consultations , per-
ejnal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
Rent by Mall and Express. No marks on
to indicate contents or sender. Addresi
! . , ChicarjoIIJj
. Er langar , . . , . + & . ' I . Bavaria
Calmbacher , . - Bavaria
Pilsner . . . . . . . . . Bohe aii.
Kaiaor , .4 A.Brniuen1
Badiroiori - . St. Louie
Anbaaser / . , .L _ _ _ St ? Louis.
Bests 4J. : 1 ; . Milwaukee.
HflnlitT-ffilnnnV J * . . . , .Milwaukee.
Krucc'a h --s. . . ? . " ; . . .Omaha
Ale , Pott ' r , Domestic nnd Rhinf
" " * "
- -
IBIS FaruaQi St
W th ih BUmUer f DOUORGSrS
i cm of a y till ) ofKjlM telctted. mlDj tweh e pat
er iduntr theytarior valuaof over thiee dolluri
bealdettbe moot jopuUr , entertalaz and Uie'u
2 rtlro' iic51o , yearly W.Addrts
m g nlr * < { ,
W. Joa&jfa uTnmnjti , lIKil < th fet.
Inflammatorv fteuinatism ,
I wu ttock xl list winter.flth lnfl mm torjr rhcu
maUum ol o ere type mvflrirt Miloua Illoeu ne
1870 : IIIK ! ? 7 Kj Bb treatment with enl ;
. eiunorary r f fj ffn * ceki I was roduou
la weights ! P > 4Tn' * utrength nor pp tlt
and wu urowlng tkei e > trjrdty In thlt oondluoi
I lwg n Swllt'i SiwdBc , and In three dart boy nt <
Improve , and In Ihrpe veeVi I M tree from ulea
and up attending to toy rrguUr biulaena , My ppo
tlto returned and I ripIJly ealned my floah. I bar
waited thli loan to be ccrUTn that my cure wu pel
mmcutG , P , GoosTUt , t ttornoy at LaW ,
Biutiiwlck , Ca'Juao 10,18St
.Ihara had rheumatlnn for forty yearn , and hav
be n relieved with a lew bottle P < 8.S S. I coailde
It a Qod-Mad to the afflicted ,
t. UWiLL , Thompi Oa , , AojJ 16 , " 81.
Girl Operators Detected In Fllrlln
by Moans of Tlicin A F st
byetcin ,
Now York Herald.
No more will the light-lrouscrcd an
dapper clerk breathe soft oonfidcnco I
tha bltio-ejed and blooming telophot
operator , rjovo-making and idle whl ]
orlngs over the wires are things of tt
crude and unscientific past. In o fo
days every central telephonetflico I
this city Trill have a monitor desk In i
and then the dapper clerk and tl
blu'o-cyed maiden with the mocking bir
voice mutt look out for cqualls.
The monitor desk waa invented t
Mr. E , A. Eokorr , chief operator of tl
Metropolitan Telephone company. A
the girls aay ho la real horrid and tl
clerks are pining for his personal goro.
A Herald reporter has aeon the mentor
tor dcak which in operated In the No
etrcot exchange. In a long , narro
room , Hanked by great shining bra
switchboards Bat fourteen or fiftoe
pretty girls. Little strips of bra
crested themselves on each dainty her
and held a "receiver" to each left ca
In this manner the left oar was devote
to the public and the right oar to tl
company. A confused chattering ar
murmuring , accompanied by staccato or
bolllshmonts on the part of a number
email boys who pulled and pushed !
scores of brass plugs , supplied sour
enough to canfuoo even the average hot
clerk. And yet there waa an atmospho ;
of regularity and order that was surprl
Ing. At the head of the room tat Mai
agcr Thompson in front of the tnonltt
desk with a "receiver" fastened to h
left cor , too. Rising from the desk wi
n little brass switch board and a series i
annunciator flaps.
"Now , " said the manager , "you BCD
can witch every girl' in the room. Tl
instant I suspect any girl is flirting with
subscriber or carrying on a personal coi
Tersation with an operator in another c :
change all 1 have to do is to place a ph
in the switchboard in the hole corre
pending with her wire , and I am instantl
connected with the circuit on which she
talking. She has no means of knowin
that 1 am listening , and yet lean hear a
that is said on both sides. I can listen i
as much as I care to , then I can sa ]
'Conio off 'Taku ' and both
or a drop , pai
ties hear me. Jn this manner no girl wi
dnro to fritter away her time , for sli
does not know whether she is talking d
rectly into my ear or not. There i
another advantage in the monitor desl
If a subscriber complains about bad sci
vice , or a buzzing in the wire , or a broke
transmitter , or about anything else h
chooses , the girl simply switches him out
my instrument , and without leaving in
seat I can find out what is the matte
from him , explain the trouble , arid thei
order the remedy. You cannot imagin
what a saving of time and trouble and wha
a wonderful sentinel this monitor desk is
But the girls don't like it. Sit down am
listen yourself.
The reporter struck the transmitter ti
liis ear and sat down.
"Ah there , Central ! " came a voice.
"Whdt doyou want ? " responded an
Jther voico.
"Konu of your business. What do 3-01
ivant ? "
" 0 , you giddy little thing , you are jus
is cruel as over. "
"You men are so rude , " murmured tin
second voico.
"I really boliove.your eyes are bl.vk. .
I've made a bet with a friend of mini
that your first name is Jennie. Is it ! '
" ' , my I"
Then there was a loud laughter ir
which the reporter joined. The trained
jar of tha operator detected the vibrations
xiusod by the reporter's laughter , and a
pretty , demure little damsel , not more
: han ten feet away , looked around at him
ivith blushing cheeks.
Chief Operator Eckert stood by and
aiighed loudly. Ho was unconscious ol
vliat had happened but evidently hail
itrong suspicions.
"Wo can catch them every time , " ho
laid. "I first worked the monitor sys-
.om on the regular telegraph wito , so that
[ could break in and listen to what was
; oing on between the operators at any
hue. The day after it was introduced I
iciivil this conversation :
" 'Hello '
, Charlcyl'
" 'Hello ? '
" ' didn't ialk to ? '
'Why you me to-day
" 'I can't there's telltale
; a on my
" ' 7s that so ? "Who got it up ? '
" 'Awl An old fool who belongs to the
' "
Mr. Kckort said that the mcro knowl-
iilgo that the monitor was in the room
could cheek any future fooling upon the
circs. The telephone system of New
fork , ho said , would soon bo near to per-
L'ction. The reason that a man some-
imcs hears about st'tiw Imts suddenly
rhilo ho is talking to his Sunday school
uholar was that the wire crossed another
olophono wiro. This would bo fully
bviatcd by having thu wires under
round , an provided for by the now law.
L. beginning had already been niitdo in
his direction. As for the singing end
iii/.xiug which annoyed subscribers so
inch , thoto wis no remedy , as it was
auscd by induction. This might bo 10-
ioved by the underground system , hut
Ir. Eckert feared that , til the companion
fould use the water and gas pipes for
rounding purposes , and thus a medium
or leakage from ono wire to the other
could bo supplied.
' So' fast do the operators work that the
Spring street cilice made 7,500 conueo-
Ions Jn ono day bcforo Thanksgiving
lay. The ordinary system ia a complies-
od ono. There ono row of switchboards
or local calls that is , calls from sub-
crlbprs for other subecrlbers in the same
liatiict. But if a subscriber downtown
tails for'a subscriber uptown the opera-
or writes a memorandum which is car
ried by afboy to a "trunk" operator , who
mils out a number and auotbprboy sticks
i plug In1 the hole Indicated by the num
ber. 'Then thoV'trunk" operator Is in
jommunlcatlon with an uptown exchange
md cfelb for , the subscriber wanted. A
trunk call requites tbo work of throe
; lrls and two boys. A local requires the
if ork of only two girls Under a now
multiple system used in the John street
fixchango ono operator has full control of
ill the subtcribors connected with her
keyboard. She makes and breaks all the
connections without the aeslstanco or In
tervention of any other operator , except
the one who receives her order In anoth
er exchange. Tbo average total of mes-
tMca sent over the telephone wires in
tblTWty each day ia 38,700 , if which 32-
ir > 0/a,1ro'irunk connections and 0,250 are
local , "showing that the long distance bus-
ineis is five times as great HI that of
ihcrt distance. . „ ,
OCD , OIUbon nno Gen. Buell.
Gen. Fry'a book reviewing the famous
nvofitigation of the military conduct of
3un. Buell , of whoso staff ha mm chief ,
jilln out an interesting letter from Gen.
ciliu Gibbon , of which we gjvo the sub-
tanco. Gen. Buel ) , wh cjjfgVoii his
purs in Mexico , w ! B BL nu of
the ablest nml nu > st accomplished cfllcii
of the regular Army when the ciul wr
broke out in 1861. One of the first si
Icctcd for the position of brigadier get
oral , ho was put in command of the tit
parhucnt of the I hio in the fall of tl
year. H is march from Nashville and 0 |
portuno arrival at Pittsburg Landing i
the sp ing of 1802 , for which ho was p t
muted to the lank of major gene al ; h
advance on Chattanooga after the cvacui
tion of Corinth ; his race for Nashville an
Louisville with Gonoial Biag ; tl
saving of both these places fie ;
captmo by the rebel ami ;
hich ho finally thrust out of Kcntnck ;
constitute the iutiodtiction of one of tl
most scandalous pages of our iniltni
administration at Washington at tin
time. On the 29th of September , tl
day of the arrival of Buell's last divisic
at Louisville , and two bcfoto his auny r
sumcd itsndvanco against Bragg , an ordi
was received from Washington rcliovit
Bitcll of his command. At the request
Thomas , who was designated to succcc
him , this order was suspended , 'II
battle of Pcrryvillo followed ; and wlii
Buell , with Ualleck's cong'atulatory di
patclus of the 18th in h's ' possession , wr
pursuing Bragg out of Kentucky an o
tlor , dated six d.tys after , was received ji
lieviiig him agtin from command , towhic
Itosccranssucceeded. Bucll wosordercd t
proceed to Indianapolis to avail fuithcro
ders , and soon afturanuthcr order directc
hat a military commission should convent
at Cincinnati to iuvottlgito and rope :
upon the operations of the army undi
the command of Gen. Buoll. This tr
bunal was wholly unknown to and unai
thorlzed by any lair. It originally coi
stated of Gonorala Low Wallace , On
Schoopf , N. J. T. Dana and D. Tyh
and Maj. Don Piatt ai judg'o advocatt
Uolcg an Illegal body , it could not exit
or administer oaths. Yet it seems <
have done so. Buell refused to bo swor
to secrecy , as his aids woro. The con
mission resolved to proceed without h
presence , but yielded to * his protest , au
and the investigation began with close
doore. Two of the five judger , School
and Ord , disappeared from the commli
sion , which now contested of Wallaci
Dana and Tyler. Gibbon ia astor
ishcd that Buell should have appoaro
before euch an illegal tribunal ; bu
ho did BO under protest , only b <
cause ho wished to avoid anythln
which could inteifuro with a prompt ir
vestigiitiou of his official acts. The com
waa ) u > t uny ] illegal in itself , bu
organized in violation of the lai
ovcrns the only auny judicir
jr uials provided for , y law. 'Iho lai
Jfcquires that no ofiicer shall bo tried b ;
( officers of an inferior rank if it can b
avoided. This commission was composct
entirely of Buell s inferiors. 'I hu repor
of this irregular body , consisting of 721
octavo pages , has never seen the light
But Bucll was not again called into activi
service , and ho resigned in June , 180-1
Gen. Gibbon justly characterizes tin
treatment of this able and gallant office
as ono of the most flagrant outrages eve
perpetrated in a free country.
Ilorsford's Aciil Phosphate.
Dr. T. G. COMSTOCK , Physician at Gooc
Samaritan Hospital , St. Louis , Mo. ,
suys : "For yoara wo have used it In thli
hospital in dyspepsia and nervous discus-
30 , and as a drink during the doclins ,
md in the convolesenco of lingering fo
, 'ora. It has tho'unanlmoua approval oi
jur medical stair. "
[ low Much Ho Makes by His Invest'
raonts Kvcry Year.
Nor York World.
Waahingtou E. Connor tolls mo that ,
aklng ono thing -with another , Mr.
Mould's income is $0,000,000 per annum.
[ have no reason to doubt the accuracy of
his cutimato , though a great deal has
> eon said lately about the great specula-
or'a-losses. That hohas sufTdred in com-
non with other holders of securities by
he tremendous nhrinkage in values'is
laeily established by a comparison of
iricea now and those of elx monthr , a
oar or three yearn ago. Tha result
hews an Immense loss ; but as
rlr. Gould owns the Bocnritlc * ,
aost of which were secured at
iriccseven lower than those now ruling in
ho market , _ and as the incomes from
hcso securities continues with little or no
opreciation , his losses are more npparant
han real. Ho is probably § 40,000,000
r § 50,000,000 poorer to-day than two
ears ago at the current market prices ,
ut his income is doubtless as largo news
s then. For instance his 1500,000 or
50,000 shares of V > estcrn Union are nl-
iiostunsalablo. The prices of the stock
ave failed to 20 or 150 per cent in the last
wenty months. ] f ho should attempt to
isposo of all the stock to-day , ho could
ot got probably over 'JO or 40 pur cent of
.s par value. But his stock is novcrtho-
; ss yielding him a revenue of about
2,500,000 per year , tl is Missouri Pa-
ifio stock , his barrels upon barrels of
iiu securities of his southwestern system ,
Imost a dead weight on the market , nov-
rtheleas yield him a haudsomo Income
very year. Almost all of his securities
re dividend-paying and interest-bearing ,
n his stock operations Mr. Gould aomo-
imo3 loses and more often makes. It is
popular in la take to regard him as a
airing bull at all times and on all stocks ,
.a a matter of courao , bia Interests in
lie main make him desire higher prices
nd an active demand for his properties ,
ut it ia also a fact that ho often operates
n tbo bear side of the market whenever
0 sees a profit there. Ho separates each
raneaction and is often a bull end a
ear at the aamo. time a bull on ono line
f stocks and a boar on the other. Ho
mica on his manifold operations OB
'oul Morphy played ten games of chess ,
arryins : each panic separately In bis
lind in one , leading an attack ; in an
ther on the defensive. But Mr. Gould ,
nliko Moiphy , never plays a blindfold
iiino. Ho keeps his eyes open all the
me. Ihog'cat operator uses his iiu-
lenso income in carrying on his stock
ansactions , in making further invest-
leuts , anil in providing his family and
imsulf liberally with the gord things of
lis world. It is said that he has for
HUD time been making largo investments
1 the name of his wife. He docs nut
online himself to stocks , but is investing
i real estate , coal mines anil other kinds
f substantial property. Of courao Mr.
'minor ' didn't tell mo all this ; but it is
rue , nevertheless.
A Costly 1'louo , cii Hcatl-Gear ,
The crown of Kogland baa twciity dia-
innda around ila chief circle , about
160.000 , and ever BO many other dia-
nunds and precious atonoi , the whole
oetlng about § 500,000 of our money ,
lorne people think Queen Victoria wears
k every day , but the does not. 'Un-
vy sleeps the head that wears a crown "
Jrown's Iron Bitters casts but A dollar
nd brinpa sleep to the nervous , atrength
o the debilitated , and comfogt to the
heumMio. Mn. Wm , S. Lind , Fred.
rlo , Dal. , BIJB , "Brown's Iron BltUra
the best remedy for lame back
Ivor complaint I over used , "
AVhy the Scnnto linn M > Slnoh Sympi
thy \VIUi Cofi > ornto Inicrcst * .
"I do not think , " writes the 'NVaslriiij
tun conosjmndont of the \Vo ld , "llu
theio nro h dozen mon in the senate wli
are obliged to depend upon their sala-ii
for a living. Let Us tun through the II
alphabetically. Aldtichof lUiodu Islam
is wo'th about thico-quattots of a niillio
of dolkus. Ho has always kept liolu
here , but has not yet built n residence i
his own. Allison , of Iowa , who is
widower , lives in a house on Vo'moi
avcniio Aunth vith its g ounds about it i
least $50,000. Ho lives thoto the greati
l > att of the yea" , and only goes homo i
Jowa in the summer time. Jlis foituno
estimated nuaitor to half a million t
dollais. Bayard , of Delaware , has live
in his own house hero for years. It la
three otory mansard brick on Highlan
terrace. It Is worth § 25,000. B&yiud
fortune Is said to bo from $150,000 i
§ 200,000. Berk , of Kentucky , is enl
moderately well off. Ho livoain a rente
houBo on K street. Blair , of Nc
Hampshire , Is n poor man , but ho mar
age-s to keep IIOUBO In a very clcgat
houao on Capitol hill. Bowen , of Cole
rado , IB an alleged silver millionain
Ho lives at a hotel. Gov. Joe Brown , c
Georgia , is many times a millionaire
M. 0. Butler is poor and boards. Cal
of Florida , has bought a honso hero fc
which ho paid § 25,000 , and has the rep
utatlon of being well-to-do. Cameron , c
Pennsylvania , is worth three o
four millions. Ho haa built
houao here which with its lots is wort
at least § 100,000. Oockroll of Miatour
ia a poor man. Ho has generally board
ed , but this year ho ia keeping houa
with his wlfo and BIX children in a plac
just back of the British legation. Ook
of Texas ia rich , , although ho lives ver ;
simply. Colqultt of Georgia ia vor ;
rich. _ Ho lives at a hotel. Conger o
Michigan has a email fortune , and hi
wife has more. They have recently
purchased a handsome houao near thi
Fourteenth circle. Michigan to thorn i
nothing but a summer resort. Gallon
of Illinois is poor and lives at a hotel
Neither of the Maaaachucottg ecniton
could bo called rich men. Both Hoa
and Dawcs live in boarding houses
Dolph of Oregon haa the reputation o ;
being worth a § 100,000 ormoro. Edrnundi
of Vermont , is a millionaire. Ho has. ai
income of from § 50,000 to § 75,000 a year
Ho has lived in his own house fo ;
years , and i. < | now planning to build .
new ono more in.kceping with his greai
fortune. Fair , of Nevada , has the crcdil
of being ten times a millionaire. 11 o live ;
at a hotel. Fryo , of Maine , and Garland ,
of Arkansas , are men of moderate means ,
1 hey board. George , of Missisaippi/is .1
wealthy planter. Ho lives in a large
house in a palatial row on East Capita ]
street. Gibson , of Louisiana , has a very
largo income from his sugar interests.
Be has a handsome house here , in which
ho has lived for years. Gorman , oi
Maryland , has largo railroad interests.
Ho occupies one of the handsomest resl-
denceS in Washington. Groome , of Mary
land , is poor. Ho lives at a hotel , Bale ,
of Maine , must have control of property
worth at least § 1,000,000. Ho rents ono
uf the largest houses in the city. Hamp
ton , of South Carolina , is a wealthy
planter , and belongs to a family which
lias been rich for many generations.
Harris , of Tennessee , is a inan of small
means. He boards. Harrison , of In-
liaiui , hafc a good income from his law
wacticov Ho lives in a comfortable
rented house. Joe Hawley , of Connecti-
: ut , lives in the most quiet way. flo was
n debt when ho came to congress , and is
tardly yet square with the world. J3illr
if Colorado , is a silver millionaire.
Bo has always lived in ono of the
landsomest houses in Washington , and
its wife has entertained upon tno moat
iberal scale , She ia not hero this win-
cr , and the senator lives at a hotel. In-
; alls of Kansas and Jackson of Tonnoa-
00 are poor. Jonas of Louisiana has a
argo income'and lives with hia family in
mo of the most expensive flats in town.
Tones of Florida ia poor , and has a fami-
y of six motherless children on his
lands. Jones of Nevada has bis up ? and
ils downp. He Is & millionaire ono week
nd the next week ho may have difficulty
a paying hlarash bill. Ho is not cou-
Idored a desirable tenant , as ho has a
irejudico against paying tent. Konnaof
Vest Virginia has larco coal mining In-
erestf. Lunar of Mississippi la poor.
! o is Lipham ofi New York and Logan of
llinols. McMillan of Minnesota IB rich.
IcPhorson , of Now Jersey ,
1 a wealthy man and lives
i a very fine new house
rhichho has just built. Mahono of
rirginla has the reputation , of being
rorth at least half a million. Mandor-
on of Nobraaks , and Max&y of Texas
oth hsvo ftaall fortunes. Miller of
lulifornta ia a very rich nun , and lives in
no of the finest houses rn Connecticut
venue. Miller of New York has a big
icomo from his paper manufactory. Ho
ccuplos the largo and elegant homo ia
hich Justice Swnjm lived. Mitchell
f Pennsylvania ia pocr , So is Morgan
f Alabama. Morill of Vermont has
eon a resident of Washington so long
lat ho would bo ut homo nowhere else.
[ c is a very wealthy man , Ho baa
ved in his own hence hero for at least
; n years. Ho always entertains very
andsomoly. Palmer of Michigan han
a Incoma of at loaat § 20,000 a year. He
i hard at work upon tbo plain of n uow
ouae. Pike of Now Hamp-
irio ii poor. Ppndletoa of
ihio lives in a very largo aad elegant
ouao h TQ which ho built himself. Ho
vea at the rate ol a man with at loaat
75,000 income. Platt , of Connecticut ,
i a roan of moderate moana. Plumb , of
Kansas , muat bo very rich. Ho takes
reat paina to keep up an appearance of
overty , but no ono believes him to be
oc-r. i'ugb , of Alabama , is well-to-do ,
tansom. 'if North Carolina , and Riddle-
or of Virginia , , are pcor. Sabin , of
Imneeota , and Saulsbury , of Delaware ,
ro rich men. S wyar , of Wisconsin , ia
orth at least ? i,000,000. Ho lives in
tie old Croawoll house. Sowull , of New
enoy , and Sheffield , of Rhode Island ,
re money od mon John Sherman h a
lillionairo. He lives in hla own homo
ore , and has been bore BO bng that ho
as lost all interest in the people of hi )
iate , if he over had any.
low n Ne t LiitlnVo .an Ool the
nf'tlio niK Conductor ,
[ ilwaukeeSua.
"As wo pulltil out ' if La CroHso Uio
tlu > r night , wliero I took the train , " said
10 big conductor , "I went through look-
ignt tekuts , nnd when I got to the
eeper.tliu coon guvo mo a ticket for a
oman in an njiper berth , fnuu HOUIU
lacu in Dakota to Chicago , and tuijd Hlie
anted to-neo mo to jiay for her berth. I
miiKht it was singular , but I went along
ud I pulled open the cmtiu'n and said
'tickets. ' 3 lie young woman lulled o
to a ds mo nnd Mid Mmllo , bub'a ! '
handi-d me a lull about n big as a wad
chewing tobacco , done up in UMUC jnpt
1 told her it was two della s , and lu w ,
that was all right. 1 was a littlii 1
taken back , thinking may bo she h
given mo all of her money to keep for h
till mottling. 1 unrolled the paper , ai
what do you think it was ? "
"llair switch , " said llio sad conduetr
"Cotton batting , " said the ornithic !
with the bed eye.
"Naw , " said the big conductor. "Y <
are all wrong. It was a package of g
jdicr tails , forty in all. Tails of the
little gophers the boys used to drown o
by pouring water in the hides. 1 looki
at them and rolled them up and opem
the curtain , and I told her slio had givi
mo the wrong roll. I told her this cot
pany was hard up , and all thatand fem
it dillicnlt to pay n dividend , but it w ;
going to try to pull through till the lir
of January without taking any gnphe
tails , and said something about -U. SI
was lying on the pillow with her fat
within four inches of mine , nnd she wlii
pcrcd , "Look-a-here , I have been out i
Dakota visiting , nnd out there coiintii
pay a premium on gophers , the same i
they do hero ou wolves , and they take tl
tails as evidence , nnd in the scarcity i
small change the gopher tails are used fi
currency. In trading at the stores thoi
I got a large quantity of these tails , and
got rid of them all except forty , which , r
a nicklo apiece , is just 2 , anil
made up my mind to pass them oil'o
n conductor. Now put them rig ]
in your pocket and turn them over to th
general ollieo as a sample of the curienc
out in Dakota , and close the curtains ,
tried to reason with her. I told ln r t ( (
pher tails were not money , and that if
took them to the office they would giv
mo the laugh , and I must have money
She sa'd ' if I did not go right away fron
her berth and not bother her any mop
she would scream and wake tip overybod ;
nn the train , and tlto passengers woiil !
lynch me , and she got ready to Hcreani
Well , I was pa-aly/.ed. 1 had been talk
ing with her too long , anyway , and yoi
dl know how it would bo if a wonmi
should scream nt IJ o'clock in the morning
iu a sleeper , and forty passengers .shoiili
[ Hit their heads out of the curtains ant
lind n conductor with his head in tin
woman's berth. 1 hey would nil think hi
n-as a bold , bad man. So I took mi
gopher tails in ono hand nndmylnntcrnii
Iho other and went out in the baggagi
sir. 1 thought it over and concluded ti
ivait till morning and speak to her aftei
iho got up. We gos breakfast at Portage
md she was just the neatest ever was ,
\ftcr we started from Portage I went ir.
md sat down opposite her nnd began tc
alk about the weather , nskcd if shi
estcd well , and she said , 'Beg pardon
> ut I believe there is nothing further to
10 said. I paid yon my faro , ' and she
urned and looked out of the window.
iVell , 1 didn't want to pull the handful of
[ opher tails out of my pocket nnd show
hem up , and call the attention of nil the
las-sengers , because I felt a though she
rould get on her dignity and suy 1 was n
jinatic , and the passengers would all be-
iove it. i-o 1 got up and walked out ,
, nd when I left the train , as it pulled outer
or Chicago she waved her handkerchief at
no and smiled. I think she is the slickest
onfidcnce operator I ever saw. "
5y Dr. Frazlor's Magic Ointment. Cures OB
[ by magic : Pimplea , Blnck Heads or Grubs ,
ilotchoa and Eruptions on the face , leaving
bo skin clear and beautiful. Alno euros Itch ,
alt Khoum , Sore Nipples , Sore X.ips and old ,
Ibstlnato Ulcers Hold by druggists , or
tailed on receipt prico. .50 coutn. Sold by
Luhn & Co. and 0. Goodman ,
'lie Combination of Ingredient * used
> making BROWN'S BrtoscniCAi. TKOCHEB ia
ich an to give tha bout posatblo effect with
tfoty. Tlity ore the best remedy iu use for
ouglisr Colds and throat diseases. .
The injunction granted by Judge Post
; ainst tlio Moirick county coiiimVasionora was
ft Jo perpetual , In so far iw It restrains the do-
v-Ty _ of warrants uutil ninety duya after
ieir issue.
y using Dr. Frazicr'B Throat nnd Lung Bai
rn the only sura euro , for Cougha , Colda ,
oarsenoes and Sore Throat , and all diseases
the throat and lunga. Do not neglect n
> ugh. It inay prove fatal. Scorea and
mdroda of grateful people ewe their lives to
r. Prazier't Throat and Lunf Balaam , and
family will ever be without ) It after once
ipg it , and ilitcovorine its mnrveloua power ,
ia put ) up in largo family boitloa and sold
r Iho small price uf 75 cents per bottle. Sold
Kubn & Ce. and 0. V , Goodman ,
ttsbiuv Chronicle.
Several of the western counties believing
at tho- county commissionere are unublo tu
rform the dutita irapaaed upon them are in
\o of the passage of atownehip organl a-
> n law.
I CARD. Toullwtiu . " jJulns ban utoai
34 ludlnorutlons of jouth ucnoua Mtix < u , CM ! ]
aif , Inn ot maaboad , oto. , 1 nlll Mad k reolM
ut will cura 700 , FBGS OF CHARGE. TiU irre l
-tr.cdywta d'toorcrod ' by ft ulislonery In ( JanM
mirl- . Bond cltdJr' t l cnrtlup * to &ca. } a
nfuT.l i * .K U aP , Jto Y ah. ' '
Charles Wherry , clerk of an implement firm
Huwiud , Ginbc/ led SUO' fron. hia employer
u alter being confronted by the evidence of
\r1t/nV . unnucccRsfnl attempt to
u his llfo by tlio arseuio routs.
IMttrrx were prepared bv Dr.
C > . 13. Siegert for Ills prtToto use. Thei-
putation Ia Btioh to-day that they hive boi
ine Bem-rally known aa tlio best appetizing
no. Beware of counterfuits. Ask your.
3or or druggist for th genuine article man-
vcturod by Dr. J. G. B Siegort & Sons.
rho rcaidenta of Btelh and Verdon are
tly indignant ever the rpfnaul of the Mis-
aii Pnrillc railway to allow paaeengeni to
Je on No. US the tram passing through
ese villages late in the evening.
IIKSHIOII ready msdo , nutritious , ocono-
leal , deliclnua. Nothing equal to it
m ever dlorod and it ia invariably
pular both at homo and abroad.
The now method of computing tlrsn will go
; o effect over th Union Fucilio and its.
unchcs on January 1 , 1883. Thia now com-
tatlon ia ehitly ntimborlug the iours from
B to twenty four , the last mentioned being
dnlght ,
To break up coldn , fevers and luflasa-
itory attackc , n o Dr. Picrce'a Com-
und Eitraot of Smart Wood.
1'hobwaof Mr. D. I'ulmcjust ast of
bbon , waa totally dontroyudby lire Monday
jht. Dot ) thousand bushels of wheat , one
ousaud of u rn aud fifteen ! tundred of oata
in ) iuAlo ftifl for the flamoK , The ioua wan
rtiklly covered by Inturarxe.
Captain Mitchsll , rf the bark Antoioo
LI , Now York and liavana trade , came
> mo in May , entirely hopoleaa with
eumatism , He wojit to the mountains ,
it receiving no benefit , at hia irifVa re-
itat began to taka Do ( id's Sirsaparilla.
o immediately began to. improve ; in
ro months his rheumatism was all gone ,
id ho tailed in command i f hu veuol a
> 11 man. Hood's SaratparilU will help
iu. gold by all drugt-iuta.
The commissioners of lodge county propose
plank and pile the principal road a in the
unty ,
A Here Throat or COUKI , If Buffered
progrM' , often rfsulta In an incurable throat
IUDK trouble , " /iivitn'j Hroiithwl
v inHant relief ,
St. Chnrtrs Sf.t SI. Louis ,
t'iriccil | Q lh n > . irr tmui' t ' run ,
I 1 tlTitnn iltt , v. n tn . N t'hj.Mnc la * * l
M Hr f [ n rl H M T < . K IMJ .HrnUfcQ w
Nervous PioslMtloti. Dehlillv. MorIM i
Hhyslcnl Wtavntss . nnd olhtt Ade
lions o ! , SKIn or Ooncs. Blond PoMnnlfi
jli ) Sores and Ulcers , > t K.H. i * ,
Diseases Arising hum'inalserclion ! E 'cot
oposu'o or Indulgence , tic , > i rto.i , < * or i
fellojll * rO-flc lirttitoa , , , iM Hilt , flu 11 or Id
t 4atrfcme n < mnt > | > l ti. , „ , , lhi > f.M . , , | , ,
t.iili.nlolKj K.HHJ ncirw , , . , cooN Ui Mlri , > i
fr'tni n'Vit * .j i-B' iT'Ciicr or uniuppr. '
' ' *
In ft 17 mill tr > . tiillmttod. Write ror uciUoiii.
A Positive Written Guarantu
aio lani ieor'ft ! iel
< > m , w
2 , sti AI1.eJi.lJ.l'lr ' : , , IM.ii 1 i , ' ' i' ' * i * ii rntlooi , douhiful tr loan
ln . A NX ( tirrat | n i . u
VTIllnnrlrirllio BLOOO.Tctnt.
Into trio I.IVCR nml KIDNCYlt.
anil Itr.XTOHK TIIR IlKAi.Hl
nnrt VIGOH cf VOOTJL I--
onslii , WantnrAiitipllto , in
illKPitlnn , l.nck ot MlrcnRtli ,
onil 'J Ir"1 " " " 'Inn all wlulolv
ctirutl. Honor , muscles anil
iicrvcs rooalvoiifwiorco.
JCr.lhciia the luliiil anil
enpillu3 Urnlii 1'tmrr.
_ ' bnlfcrliiKfroin coniil ] lnt ]
jlnV iiccullnrlo tliolrsux will
< Jnil la DK. I' ' .J1IT.IVHIRON TONTO n tnlf and
ipoeUy cure. i.'llc.ncenlioaJthy ! : complexion.
KrciiiDiit | tttirmplRnt i" > "Tfi > ' ( | iiK oiilymlil
totliupopiilarltyorihu urlKlnnl. Do uut c\pcrl <
ttirnt KcttliuOinniNAr. ANiiin.sT.
Heml lourmMrin tollm Dr. llnrtorMwl Po. v
MULouK Mo. , for our "DHUAM BOOK. " M
1'ntlof rtranvniinil ti < .ful luiortnal.on.fw > . . * ' I
' n " ft' '
tJEatthlliihpJ 1B31jyffi' [ i"tanrta
" cnBa '
tc-Scna two stain in f or Coi"lfi"fc l ilc'dlcatWorki
Ailitrftm P. Ik . tf l.Altvr . * nw n _ n n..i
s , , JU. ! > . , j86 So ill
Clatlc Street. CHICAGO. ILL. _ _
EkTO [ 01 onla S30.COO orei CAtololly coltcled mnd
i Kiatoru Kobiiaki , et low price nJ on tuj ttruii
Impiovoa larmi tor Bila In DongUi , Dodz * , Oolfti
'lalts , Boil , Dnmlny , B rp ; , Wntnoiion , ttttiaa
tocidcri , and Butloi Oonntloo.
Taxes F'ld la > ll paiti of ( be BM .
UcBey loaned on mproved lanai.
Nonty Pnbllo alwavf I'D offloa Oonotpond
Physician < Ss Surgeon
o. 1407 Jones St. Office , No. 1509 Fai
am Btreob. Office bours,12 ra to I \ > . m. and dom
a 8 p. m. Telephone , tor ofllco 07ieaIdoDM 1S6.
'Ill cure NervonimeM , I.timbnKO , KheumfttlBin. PnrMfBls ,
eurftlgla , Sciatlrtt , Kldnoy. bpbio nittl I.Uor illhciuuR ,
out , Aothmm Heart dlHPHMH. nicpepuln. ronsllpulltili. Kr )
polan. ralmrrh , riled , Kpllejisj , lnimlcTicr. ] Innnb A u. ,
rolnpsui ITtoifl , etc. Oiil ) oclpntldc hlictrlc Hrlt lit Aliinr-
: t\ that HAmlt-the Klectrlclty uutl nmRiietltini lhriniih the
dj , aud'can ' rocbaruod In uu luatuut by tba pntlent.
Winter la ooalng , the Beaaon of the year for nohcs
id paint. I'avlcwofthla Uot wo eay buy one of
r. Homo's Electric Belts. By BO doing you will
ol j Rheumatism , Kidney Tronblu and other Ilia
atfleehls ho'rto. Do net delay , butoull at our
llo land examine belta , No. H22 Douglas Btrcot , or
K Qoodmao's , 1110 Farnam BI.Om b , Neb. Or-
ra flUed 0. O. D
IS. S. 1i3th St. Omaha , Neh.
I'outtoeu Years' Practice In Iowa and Cclomlo.
IOWA Hon. J , Rccd , Assoclata. Justice Surroma
uri , residence , 'noiiocil UlulTs ; . Hon C , II. Lonl < ,
strict Judge , residence , Chcrol ie : Klrst Na lonal
nk an j Olllccr & Pu cy , UauL-er , Council BlufTi ;
irvey itli'ord , Daukcru , Logan , jj 'newn Co. , la.
J. ( J , llvlni , Amoclatu Justice , ,
nruno Cunt , residence , Denver ; Hon. Win. Hrjv
Uiatrlot le.ljena' liccna Vi UlIatli-
ten , JUIIKO , , ; -
V U&ak , Kalrplay , Park Co dcclS-lm.
Science of Life Only $1 00
Lihunited Vitality , Notvone nd Physical Dobllli )
iroitnro Decline In Uui , Krrors ot Youth ) ui J tin
lold mleerloa ro8ultlDt/om ( InJIoototlovij oi ex
3tt. A book for every man , young , middle flni
IcIJ. It contain ! 120 preicrlptlona far > all rural
1 chronlo dlaeuea euh foe ol which Is lUYiImble.
found by the AuUio , whose eiperlenos lor 17
tra Ii Buoh u probbbfr never oefore loil'to ' the lot
any physician. COO pagoi , bound In boantUol
men muslin empowed covers , lull , gi'A guiuraukoed
be a finer work In every genie , maruaalca ) , IU
ryand profewloraj , than any other work nJJlo
i country ( or ? 2tW , or tbo money uill be retamlod
BVtry tnetance. ? iioe only tl.CO by mall , poet
d , lUuBtratlvosuupIe 6 cent ) . H-tud now. OolJ
dal awarded th < Author by the Kbtional UtdloM
locution , to the ol oer of which ho rcfvrg ,
'ho Science of LU ghould be reatl' by th * ronot
Instruction , tail by the afflicted lt > r teller. II ill
lefltall. LcnJon ancet ,
'here 1 * no noniber of ewlety lo whom The Hoi
> e of life wiUuot beuselul , d th r youth , pat
, nuarulan , Inskractor or dorK/man. Argonaut ,
iddresa t/j ) Pealady Medical InkJtuto , or Dr. W
rarlcor , No. 1 DolOnoh Street , l < OktonUaM. , whey
y be coaMll * ! on all dl eaMt roqulriK tklllaud
lorlenoe , Chronlo and obatkmUdlwaMi that havt
lied thi eklli ol all otU phyg.llr a I clani ,
> peclal yi Bach treated Biucou-nElll. lolly
hont an IniUuce of f attar * . TUVVFI f
IlZI'llKSKNTil :
nli Ineurance Co. , London , Cub
ihsoU , ? 5B8I,000
. tcheeterN.Y. , Capital l.tx-fl.oto
BMerchanU of Newark N J.Capital. , s. 1.V75.000
ardVlrefVhUftdelphln.Capltal , . 1 UUO.Oto
imau'i funtl , Capful , l.VSO.OOO
I lie annual mcctlnrot th ttuk bolJera of the
* temllorte and Cuttl * Uturonoe Co , wlllbe htU
ttit otllce ol the oumpany In Omaht , on Monday ,
uutrvlHh , 18 . HMKI l'CM > T , ' '
IU. '
The rtmarkiblo growth oJ Omaha
during the last fair yoiuo la a matter of
great aatonlnhuiout to those who pny nn
occiwlonnl visit to this growing oltr. The
development of thu StoriVardfr the
nocesefty of the Bolt Lbo Road the
fmolv pnvod Btroota the hundreds of now
rcaldoncoa nnd costly bnnlnocs blocks ,
with the population of our city tnoro than
doubled in the laat five yoara. All thU
Is o great unrprlso to vlsltora nd is the
admiration of onr oltlzons. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many aubotnntUl Improvements mndn n
lively demand for Omaha real estate , imd
every Investor has tnado a handsome
Since the Wall Street panlo May , |
with the atibsonuont cry if hard tlmos , '
there haa boon IOBU domaud from opocnla *
torn , but a fair demand from Investors
soaking homos. This latter olaaa nro
taking advanUgo of low prices In buildIng -
Ing material and nro securing their homos j
at much loss cost than will bo possible
year honco. Spocnl&tora , too can buy j
roalosta' a cheaper now and ought to taka <
advnnt o of present prlcoo for fnturoj
pro t .
The next few yowa promise * groatoij
divolopmonta in Omaha than the pnst
ti v i yearn , which have been oa good
wo could reasonably dealre. Now man4
nfactnrlng oatabllahmanU and largo job !
bing houaoa nro added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There nro many In Omaha nd througl
but the StatOi who hnvo their money "
the banks drawing a nominal rate of
torost , which , If judiciously Invested _
Omaha real obtnto , would bring thoi
much greater returns.Vo have ma
bnrgalnn which wo are confident
bring the purchaser largo profits In
near future.
We have for sale the finest reg
ience property in the north
tvcstorn parts of the city.
North we have fine lots ntreag
ible prices on Sherman avenue , ! ' ,
18th , 1'Jth and 20th streets ?
West on Fornaui.
burning , and all the leading afrof
n that direction.
The grading of Farnam ,
) ia and Davenport streets has ms
iccessiblo some of the finest
; heapest residence property in
ity , and with the building of
treet car line out Farnam , the
terty in the xvestern part of the
nil increase in value.
We also have the agency for tlj
Syndicate and Stock Yards propel
y in the south part of the city. Tlj
evelopmonts made in this Hectic
y the Stock Yards Company" !
lie railroads will certain U double" *
lie price in a short titnu.
Wo also have aomo fine businea
) ts and some elegant inside rod
once ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will
line good bargains by calling
IB Sout& Mfch
yepu Furaliam tmJ
P. 8. We ask these who h
roporty for solo at a bnrsniu to c !
i a callWe want orjly bargai
e v/ill positively ni ihamJlo prj
tv at mctMthan its. ul vnlue.l