Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1885, Image 10

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    f - TTT
) ? FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB."THURSDAY MORNING , JANUARY i , tsso. NO , 168. -ftfr ' . T . * ,
rtanls ,
Will Boooive His Now Tear's '
Calls To-day ,
The World's ' Exposition Needs
Some financial Aid ,
Mezioo'fj ' Mastcrlonio Silver Block
At The Exposition *
Itc Actual Woieht is Just Three
Tone ;
Muntunix's Governor En Koutc-
Moiintnlti Bnow BlorniH Tlio
Now York Aldci-rnon.
Tim rnesiDKNT BUiutonNDEu nr A IIKVT or
WASHINGTON' , Dusembcr 31. The president
will bo assisted at tlio reception to-morrow by
ilia wived of tbo cabinet mid a great number
of" tliuvivei of tlio senators nnd r present-
ntvlcs , togeth f with these of thu proi incut
officers of tin ) army anil navy. Tuu list com
prises at least fifty ladies.
WAaniNoro.v , December 111. The hearing
of the representatives of the whisky Interests
in regard to tlio proposed extension of tint >
for tbo payment of tax on the whisky in
bond , to have taken plico in the treasury de
partment , has been postponed until Satur
WASHINGTON. December 31. A. BUUM of
Astronomical observations will Boon begin at
tlio naval observatory to determine with thu
utmost nicety thu latitude of the institution ,
or to speak moro exactly , the latitude of a
certain telescope wh'ch will bo used in the
process. A naval officer has been detailed to
| perform thu duty which may require
two yoara for its completion , one
year for observation , and another
to work it mathematically. A timllir series
of observations will be mntlo by the Portu
gese astronomers at Lisbon and ultimately at
the national observatories' In several other
] > olta in the world. The purpose of these un
dertakings Is to secure n standard by vth ch
a comparison may bo made too , twenty or
fifty years hence to determine if in the mt-nn-
time geological cbiuipw , which arc supposed
to bo taking place in the interior of the glubc ,
have altered the position of its centre cl
gravity. _ _ _ _ _ _
NEW OOLUASS , December 31. To-day driz-
tling rams nud northerly winds , and in consequence -
quonco Uicre was a diminished attendance at
the world's exposition. The excursionists ,
"however , .vtho came thousands of miles to tee
the exposition , werp out in full force. School
teachers und lourists ] ircdoininnto. Abg
hilvur exhibit from the Chihuahua mine ? ,
in Mexico , will swing into place
in the main „ building directly
In front of the music hall this evening , ho
exhibit , whiuhhas already beenfuUydeseribed ,
weiglu nearly three tons and is valued at over
$10i > ,000. It lathe largest block of silver ever
cast in one crucible. At dark the grounds and
huildii'gj were brilliantly illuminated , and at
midnight Profaesor Widdois greeted the New
I Year with a , varied and apsropriato pulection
on the bells. _ Amonir the exhibitor * _ an
oarnoit appreciation is noticeable. Kefrariliiig
the 8200,00 which the management adiniti it
is believed , the members ot the committee
ffltate an appeal to congroia is the only hops
/f Hhoy have Congress they sny , should be ia-
. 'I ' vok d forauadditionil loan of 5600 000 which
would simplify matters and leave no room foi
J dnibt of the tucema of the exposition.
The revenues of tha exposition ,
itliey fay are but a question
tints nnd if the management could only betiJcc
tovor a nlnrt time , the exposition would have
no il.lficulty in meeting their obligations. Tin
exhibitors meotin ? to-morrow will ba watched
with interest , as it is understood that they
will take action on a number of importaul
subjeotH. Colonel J. E. 1'eyton ,
prominently ( identified with thi
eorttuuntal exposition of Phila'lelpnia , said
to-Jtlyi 'ThoNowOrlouisexpoUtiju in the
diiplmy of tin natural resources of our coun
try , exceeds any oxpoiitioa over hold. I beHave -
Have the edna'iorul indinncj , po'itically ,
Racially , comni'rri illy and financially i will bf
v beyond conception , and tlui < thin ia a Hiiflicienl
p * reason why every citizen of tha Uni'od Statei
\ should support and countcn.inco it. "
nioiitann'H Governor Kn Route.
PoucilKKKraiK , N. Y. , December 31 , B
Platt Carpoater , governor of Montana , lef
fop Holcna to-night. A number of ropreson
tjyilves of all p-mies bade him adieu.
Tlio Mountain Snow Storm.
DKNVKB , December 30. The weather report
. /port / from thu mountains shows that the sno\
f atonu liix eniiraly subsided but that it is ic
I toniely cold. In many places the thermomi
( itor Is 21 below , and crowing coMer. Mnrehv
1PnsH is still upon. S.iU Lake trains are mil
3 ing Bchodulo thnn. The blockade ( > n the htg
* line to Loulvlllo has been raUed and no vei
serious inconvenience hia nnywlnrq usultsi
from tha recent Htornu. An unimportan
blockade la still reported on the Conejotoam
Blair river but it is expect jd that two ilays c
Jajr wenthqr will put uvery road In the tat
in full operation. .
Now YorU Hoard of AUlcniioo.
NKwYomc , Docombjr 31. Atiho eesalo
of the lio.vd of aldurmou to-night iluyor Hi
sou sent in .th lunui u ( Roland 91. Bquin'S t
liomiiico for jsuporlntutxent } of the dopartuici
of publiuM.rkj. . iHJa ] > oar.l promptly cot
firmed the imminanfm liv n unanimous voti
Alderman KUkM nbj/'nt and Alderma
O'Consor oxcuted.
Ml J 'KW VOUK , Uccembar31 Squire , lhe nM
) , caiunilnianorof puli'id ' work * , tuol ; the out
f of ollico to-ni'Iit. ( Tha mtiyor'x olltjo w :
I filUd with paliiiaUna up to 10 o'clogk , The
nollation was unvtid and the crowd woi
. \fc \ away Squira nuilo a speech In which 1
% promiied to psiforw bit uotv dutits
iOongresMiun-elort Vitld rixiijivcd at par
I commltvioaer and Jklay < ir JHioa nominate
Jcsj W. Power ? , contractor. In liijutca-J.
' ' ' Steers
Nloynrl'doon nolihed 1'ollco Oap'ain
; o take tharee of the book * , p pew , etc. , at
midnight ns his ( the m } or' ) term of otlicti
would at that hour pxpire. This notitc pave
corporation to a rumor that President Kirk ,
of the b ord of nldcrmen. would a'Riimo thu
otfico af acting mivor nnd aopoint t' o corpo
ration counsel before noon when Grace will
liecomo innyor. It is said that Squire and
Mayor KJson had not met in many jea.u un
til n few days ago , when Sqniro Appeared
liefora the board of ottimate and appointment
tJ a'guo the question if the removal of gar-
U RC. At this mco-iiiR Squires saluted t'o
mavor ai an old school friend and old ac
quaintance was renewed.
Xlio Huilronii Ooiimilsslon.
CIIIOAQO , December 31. The riilnud nd
warehouse commissioners meet next Wednes
day ut Springfield , in regular session , but It is
[ iropose J nt the same tinn to come to some
dcciaion on the subject of a teduction in
freight rates , which bavo l > cen under discus
sion. Two meetings have been held , one in
Chicago and ono in Springfield , nnd the phip-
pcrs who demand genersl roducticn , nnd the
railroad managers , who pay they cannot stand
it , have both been heard. The commission
have now to decide what action
they will take whether to bcliovu
the shippers and order n general reduction of
ratec , or credit the moragew nndi leave them
where they nro now. CommissisiioncM Lunis
nnd UrAinerd were In the city to-day , luvlng
returned from the Springfield meeting , but
neither could siy what thodecistonof thocom-
mla'ion would be , but Brainerd thought Boine
gooi'hnd com o out of the agitation , since
the Illinois Central , the Wabasli & Chietg.- ,
and Alton roods had agreed to endeavor to
carry freight to and from SpriiiRtieW as chetp
as they arc carrying it to other p ints farther
distant. Todofco they must luvutho con-
nent and co oi > eratton of the trunk lines , so
tint a promise to attempt is aU that they cnn
bo expected to inaku until the Conference is
had with the eastern road . 'I his conference
will tnko place in Cotcago next week.y
The Lower Canada OnrniVAl.
Mo.vrKEALDocBmborU. OwinRto a heavy
thaw the work on thu ica palace is entirely
suspended. It Is feared that unless It turns
colder the work done will be ti no purpose.
It is feared tint the structure will not be fin
ished in time , but tha architects declare that
the castle can bo put up in half the time that
it took labt year. The work will bo carried
on at nuht by nn electric light. If necessary.
As for ten cordorn it can bo built in ten drive.
It is understood that the carnivjl drive will
bo restricted to fourp , nixes , or eights in hand ,
unicoin ; , tandems and pairs with sleighs ,
manned by snow-shooi nud tobngans. Tne
river has tallcn two Inches and is still falling.
Ili9. general opinion , however , is that tin
water will line again as soon as the cold
weather sets ID. The merconntn along the
river front and localities continue to remove
their goodsto pUcen of eafoty. -
Iho Storm In Minnesota ,
ST. PAUL , December 31. The storm which
raged in Minnesota and Dakota last night
ga < o place this morning to clearer , and ccldei
woathcr with a high wind. Six to eight iuchee
of snow fell nnd several night trains were
abandoned. Reports received from the rail
road ofliecrs this evening show clear and cold
weather on all lines of road. Tatains ou the
Northern Pacific Minneapolis & St. Louis and
Milwaukee & St. Paul ore delayed but an
hnur or two and an outgoing train on the
( Jmahn road is blockaded at St. James and n
morning train on the same road is about
welvehouiBlate. The Btorm seems to hnvi
ion the worst in the houthern part of the
NEW YOUR. December 31. A special trail
ooklTX ) Wall street brokers and New York
Newark and Baltimore eporting men nnc
> rom1nent oQlcors together with twenty-si ;
! iuno birds , repriHantlng Loaa Island sm
'few ' Jersey to a secluded resort few mile
rom Hunter's Point , on the Long Island r.iil
road , and a cocking main \vas fought. Thi
stakes wera 31,000 on the main , $100 on tacl
jattle. Kach side showed thirteen birds , bu
only nine wcrs weighed in and eight battle
fought. Eight battles Bittled ths result
which was a vlctoiy for Now Jersey on on
"uttl . Throe thousand dollars changed hands
Anthracite < Jonl Contoroncc.
NEW YORK , December 31. The nntbrocit
coal conference to-day atrlved at a sstisfixc
tory allotment of tonnage for 188.1) upon th
basis of 30,000,000. Percentages range fret
1,000,000103,1 0,000 per mouth Wlstar , c
Pennsylvania , favored the propositions , hi ]
rnid that ho could not formally ngrco to i
until ho consulted the directors of his con
pany. All others present agreed to tha n ;
I'lio 1'ubltc
WASHINGTON , Doicmber 31. It ia intimate
there hai been a decrease of nearly 9100,000 i
the public iWit during December. The n
ceipts have been light nnd the diabursetncn'
heavier than u ual. Payments , on account i
the psnsion , amounts to 88000,000. Tl
treatury to-day mailed cheeks in payment i
the Interest dno January 1st on go\erumei
securities at $7,003,013.
The ProhibltlonlstH' national Cor
CHICAGO , Dccumber 31. A meeting of tl
national proliibition party and a conference <
the leading wo rice re , wilj bo held in Nc
York January 7 , at 10 a. m. The headqua
ti > iu will bo tlio Murray Hill hotel. Tl
meeting will bo at the ICov. Stephen Merrill
church ,
The Gallagher Muddle.
CniOAdODecemb | < ; r31. Thoclmrges again
Win. J. Gallagher , tha alleged participant :
the fifteenth ward frauds at the election , we
dUmfcsed befoio the United States commi
sioner on motion of the district attorney. I
was immediately ra-arrestd on a benu1 ! w
rant ami taken Wore comt , giving ball for li
appoarnnco next Wednesday ,
GlftUnot Htort ) Keeper Ilun In ,
NEW.VKK , N. J. , DecembT 31. Ollice
matlo n raid to-night on a gift boot store i
Broad slteft and iiriMted the piopriotnr , /
Ucrt Whlto and bis feminine clerks for t !
violation of tbo law In rognrd to lotteries
Three Children Drowned ,
TOKONTO , Out. , December 31. While i
children were playing on tin b.iy this nfl <
noou the ice broha uml thri'ti dronnul.
The Fary of tbo Earlfciinales [ Still UA-
abatcd ,
Prinoa Harry Will Live With His
Amorioana Imprisoned in Mexico
Without Ohargosi
The Town of Meaford , Canada ,
Inundated by
A $250,000 , Internal Eorenuo
Defalcation in Cyprus
"Iho Temporal 1'owor Ijcasuo" The
, Iiowor Cnnnda Cnrnlvnl News
From General Gordon ,
MM > ni , Locomber ) 31. Furthsr earthquake
shccks were experienced yesterday at Voliz ,
Malaga , a city of 13,000 , a few miles from
Malaga , there were shocks of mighty violence.
Many houses wcro utterly destroyed , the people
ple flel terror-stricken , nnd abanJonol the
city. They are now cnc&mpeJ out ido of the
city , and the telegraph station has been re
moved to a safe place. A thousand homm at
Alpimft aru in ruins. Thu work of searching
the debris for the dead bdies of thu victims
of the dUaster is rigorously prosecuted Yei-
terday during the day 192 bodies were icoov-
ercd. The shocks weru felt yesterday oUe
where throughout the province of Malaga and
through Granada. They occurred between
7 and 10 in thojnorning. There was further
lo B of lifo and property at Ptriana , Kio Gor-
do , Yinnlta and Defonotcja. Thu estimated
number of persons killed since Christmas is
2,000. The town of Alubuqueros was _ com
pletely destroyed , Many people _ perished ,
amooghom were several local oflicials. Bub-
a riptmns for relief have been started at Mad
rid , Malaga and Granada. Thu king sub
scribed Sli.OOO.
MADUIU , December 31. Shocks yesterday
in Granada and Malaga were \ory disastrous
and attended with grcit mortality.
ADniD , Decamber 31. Tha panic caused
by tha earthquakes isfincreasingat Archibona ,
Granada , Tarrox and Velcr , Malaya. The
inhabitants are still encamped in the fields.
The Mnseum university , hobpltal , prison and
governmoat olficcs at Granada are moro or lem
buverely damaged.
PARIS , December 31. The Temps eulogi/es
the colonial policy of Bismarck's and says : "It
will provide outlet for the over population of
Germany and for German trade and enter
prise. "
LONDON , December 31. The queen basient
a dispatch to thu residents of Balmoral stating
that the Princess Beatrice will still reside witli
her after her marriage to Prince Hen y ol
LONDON , December 31. Advices from Lar
nica , Cyprus , says defalc itions amounting tc
§ 250,000 have been dis-ove-el in the revenue
department. Many officials have fled to Asia
Minor. Some of the ascount books wore da
LONDON , December 31. The German expedition
pedition to exjj'oro tin Afiican interior re
turned to Ambaig Guinea , oa tha west COSF ,
of Africa. The native ] lefuso to allow tin
expedition to proceed. Traders In the Frenil
co ony of Gobjon , Africa , complain that un
less tbo he vy inipor ; duties ara reduced tlio ;
will bo obliged to close their establishments
It is stated that the French houses are miller
ing equally with the English housoi , althougl
tha tariff ou Engli'h goods is GO per ecu
higher than oa French goods. Cameroon ha
been in an unsettled Hate since the annexe
tion by Go-many. The triders are nnxioml ;
awaiting a better govcmment. The native
and Bell townsldu are revolting in consoqueuc
of tha oBietant iu thu English IIOUPO ariuitin ;
a , native for debt. Durint ' ' 19 conflict lha nu
tivei made the assistant a p
MELUOIUINE , December 31. James Servic :
prime minister of the colony , has aant th
governor of Victoiia a note recounting the a ;
tmrance ] of the Imperial government that th
settlement by any foreign power of Nei
Guinea was improbable , and would ba n
garded an an unfriendly net. In consequenc
of these assurance ) , th ? premier > nys the col
onists confided in the government to protec
their Interests without the knowledge of tli
The colonists nro indignant while forbiddc
to act for themselves that the govcrninoc
fchould allow Germany to step in. " The pr
mier and the governor have tint a telegram I
Earl Derby , thu imperial colonial eeeretar
urging him to telegraph authority to Austral !
to take the necessary stop ] to secure , the i
lands remaining available and c nvo.vinga yij
orous protest on behalf of Victoria ogaiu
) f the inaction of the Imperial government
PAIUB , December 31. Lord Lynns , Brltii
ambassador to Puiiii , hue aakud Piiina Mini
tor Ferry vihethar the report that New C li
donln ia urging the nenuxation of tlio Ne
Hebrides for usa ns a ponnl settlement for tl
wont cliFH of convicts bos tli9 approval
Franca. England insists upon thu malnter
nnca of thu agreement establishing the Ind
pcndenco of the Now Hebrides Islands. Tl
i'arii papcis approve of the annexatii
ThoGanloisfaj-sif Perry nets with prom n
Ie ness and firmnesj , England will eubmit. 11
rX'igaro eaya that four of tlio largest freigl
ia bte.imert ) ut Havre leave witii the Fifth brigai
for Tonuuln January 15. This biigadec.i
not leach Haupong earlier than March. It
intcmled to occupy Paokiliilu Admii
Gourbvt nttnekH Canton.
LONDON , December 31. Tha Journal ,
Home , announces thu foi ma tion of thu "fei
porul i'ouur lenguu1' ' to estahliiili committe
throughout thu world , with thu object of a
vocatuig in the press and from the pulpit
platform for the restoration of thi temper
power und domain ! ) of ilia pops The Italii
cardinals of tin racrod collegii liavo been c
cupiud in a privntu < iircii38iou uj to the rest
of the coming conclave of ho sacretl college
on tlie trcat'on ' of now cardinalt. The rccuut
death of Cardinal Consolini Jtft thirty-ono
foreign and thirty-two Italian cardinals in
the col'ego. ' It ii rcjwrteil that the pope ii in
favor of creating more foreign cardinals and
taking the chance of tha Pontifical thrortd go-
leg to ponui ono outildo of the Italian cardi-
rnoit TUB co.vao couNinr.
LoNix.v , December 31. Ilomol , the ngent
of the Dutch traders in the Congo territory ,
who was MI 03tod by the authorities on the
charge of violating tha French territorial
lights , has been loletxtel and returned to
Congo in n French man-of-war.
NEWS rnoit OEN. aonno.v.
KoRTf , Docpmber 31. Ad\tcoi from
Khartoum to the end of November state
teat Gou. Gordon had rcpuhed several minor
attacks , and had food and ammunition
sever l montlis. A whaln boat , belonging to
the Nile expedition , capsized at Danbeli , and
a major and two men of the Black watch
regiment woto drownod. Camel drivciH aru
du ertiug thu expedition In Urgu numbirr ,
beinir afraid to undertake the march through
tbo defcrt.
DUDLIN. Df camber 31. The national school
teachers' congress to-day decided by n largo
majority that loynl tea ti should bo abolished
on the occasion of tha anneal dinner. A let
ter waj received from Parnoll , in which ho
said ie hopsd that during the ne\t 'session ' of
parliament to obtain for tha teachers higher
ea'atics ' , bitter residences and larger petitions
SAN FRANCISCO , December 31. The Tomb
stone Epitaph telegraphs that the Americans
arrested by thu Mexicans at Cutaa ! , Sonera ,
about a month ngo , ara still held pritonern at
Magd.xleno , where they would be fcuflering for
tha necessities of lifo wcro it not for the help
furnished them by friends on this bldo of the
lino. No charges have been inado against
them. The gocrnor of Sonera promised their
release by Christmas day , but failed
to redeem his promise. The people
of Tombstone are indignant nnd forwarded the
following dispatches to-day : 'To the piesi-
dent , Washington , D. O. W. D. Fleming ,
Geo. A.Walls , Stephen Hinckle , Thos.Whitu ,
Frank Miller and two ? unknown ,
American citizens of this place , are incarcer
ated jn prison at Magdaloua , Sonora , by the
Mexican authorities , who have madu no
charges against them. Their case appeals for
an immediate action on thu part of the gen
eral government , our efforts and these of the
United states consuls at Guaymas and No-
gales. "
Special dispatch to the Globe-Democrat.
HEADING. Pa. , December 5 ! ) . The Head
ing papers this afternoon contained announce
ments of the marriage of Miss Catherine
Chibbs , of this city , and Franklin Hnrdyman ,
alias Francis Newman , of New York , als < j
formerly of Heading. The mera fait of theii
having been married would bavo been noth
ing unusual had it not been for the part
played by each of the contracting parties in
iv matter which kept all Beading agog foi
daya several yoora ao. The bride is the
only daughter of a rntired merchant of this
city , who has baon successful in business and
is reputed to bo wotth o\er SlDO.OO > . The
family live in unpretontiom style , the
daughter being the head of vhe hu
since the death of the mother.NVv. . > <
built woman of the brunette tvpcJt.
years old , and in her time has Irva-
mirere , but rafusod them all. llejdyinaa. ho ;
bcsn absent from Heading- for the
past secral years. Ho tls aboul
tbo sams ngo as his bride' : , Severn
yo w ago ho committed a 'youthfn
folly. Hu was accused of assaulting the-lati
Daniel S. Francis afterward thejdiior of tin
Spirit of Berks for whlo offense-he servui
five joars in the jail of this county * Aftci
his release hndlsappeated. Ho'cast ' his for
tunes in Gotham , wh ro his friend * nay he ha
been leading a ttra'ghtforward ' nnd up igh
life. Several wcelcs og o ho suddenly ro > ) i
peared in Ueailng. Mus Clubbwas nn eli
acquaintance of his , and it instated th
two have been in eorrespoudenc
while they were separated. " A-
any rate , last Fridaynvc-ning they wtradnvei
in a closed cib through thu snow-'torm to thi
p&rsonago of the Hev. Dr. MeCauley , wh
made them man and wife. Their"maniig
just leaked out to-day nnd caused quite
nutter among these who knew 'them year
ngo. TIerdyman w. congratulated on hi
g jed luck in having obtained a w\jnllhy wife
lie fays that he will take her withhlni to Noi
York in a few dayp.
His brida ii beat remembered in connectio :
with an adventure by which her father win ;
loser of the amount of 80,000 Kovflra'yeaw agi
Ha disc ivcred that non-registed bonds , whic
wcro negotiable at any place , wore tnissln
from 1.S < < tuff. He was under t o iinpres io
that ho had been robbed , and olfired n roWar
for them. It afterward came iint tint Mil
Clubb had placed them in the hands e
a mtUo i ucqmintance in whom she ho
the utmost cmfidence , In ordi
to negotiate a small loan to Ivalp him ou
This Iriend proved recreant to his trust , an
decamped with the entire amount. Allfurthi
proceeding ! were soon ilroppoj. ' Her frien
dlrd soon after in tlio Jpliotflll.Jpemtt'nttar ' ;
His name was John Miller.
All the 10 things considered curve to sui
round this marringa with a great deal of n
mancu , Her friends In this city refuse to fc
comu ruconciled to her choice. x
Tlio Iowa
Siocx Guv , December 31. The blizzai
which prevailed in this section yesterday at
last night passed over to-day nndfwas eu
ceeded by severe cold , the thennfjineter Ini
eating 13 bslow at 7 p m. _ Railroad * rwe
badly blockedexcept _ the Sioux GitjrJ&
there will be no more drifting of , ln
Bay iu a. FOB ! >
] ULTlMonKD9ceuibor 31. '
bay is again enveloped in * fog"to-daj'nd
completely that there werabut1 ro arrival
nnd of the smaller clasi of ves w. Fh'e fi
lifted about 1 o'clock , when ( \U \ te a numb
of eteamers started down the river , Imt in i
hour tha atmosphere became BO duneo th&t
vessel ceuld not bo discerned nt jyfllHtanco
SOD feet. Nothing -whatever ig'MjAtd.ot tl
maritlina uxchangr from Capp Henry or t !
eutern side of the lower bay. 'JJf ,
ulo of Weitcott & Co. . lunkerffiwho fail
( .how . aibctn , $37,000. Labihtw/18120OCO ! / ,
The "Jolly Trailers" Indulge in a
Year's ' Frolic.
Blaok.Ooats and Ping Hats Doused
With Flour ,
The Air Filled With All Kinds of
Agricultural Products ,
The Gentler Sex Lavishly Ap
plaud the Boys ,
Policemen , Do Tour Duty , Oost
What It May I
The Market MainlyUovotcd to "Get
ting Even" Vo Mnrlcct
Alter 111 O'clock.
Special Telegram to THE BKIJ.
CHICAGO , Desemlnir 31. A yeir agj to-day
the anti-hilarious u'cmont of the board man.
4god to have all messenger boys and moat of
the iettling clerks excluded from thu floor dur
ing the latter part of the session , and , consequently
quently the old time practice of smashing bats
and bursting bags of the whitest flour over the
blackest coats was only observed to a very
mild oxtont. Everything was so quiet and or
derly this morning that no ono dremnyl what
would bo the direful result of the ltRrtu > jt up
determination of the boys to be r J Bj" ' . on
these who had forcibly despoiled themcWuiir
rights a year ago. The three big policcrtit'i'
seemed to smell the coming Btorm from Mf ,
though , for when shortly after the noifa
hour they were badly , \ery bad.y
wanted bv certain of the respectable element
they wtro found to bo very ; much absent.
The ball was opened by an innocent looking
tack of flour which a minute or two previous
ly had rented quietly on n table near the tele
graph otlice , iu the northwest corner of the
hall , Its explosion on the rear elevation of
the corpulent but eminently respectable mem
ber of the board , was the signal for the con
certed onslaught of tbo gang , whoso appetites
for that sort of thing bad been whettoa to a
razor edge by two long year's abstinence.
Five minutes later tha air was full of agricul
tural produce , battle cries and no end of pro
fanity. . The respectable element at iirst
were transfixed with horror at the eight of its
awful mandates so disregarded , and finally
shook iteclf together and framed order , di
recting the three big policemen to do their
duty.cost what it might. Thegallcrywascrowd-
ed with spectators who applauded vigorously
when a particularly dignl6ed gentleman with
a particularly black coat and shining hat wan
reduced to a total nnd floury wreck. Many of
the spectators were lodiui , nnd their approval
to lavifchly demonstrated , spurred tl > 8 boys on
to their most daring efforts.Tho abninos ol
thn tbron W f gjiqemeri.mailo it awewary lei
S"p3tV8 andcIireetorBof the board to er-
clae- Individually the authority vested in
them. Theit fidelity to-day wa8 affecting to
behold , but ns ono by ono they were converted
into their unrecognizable belloured clothing ,
were forced to"succumb to the inevitable. It
was impoisiblo for tlio spectators to repress
simultaneous sighs of "How are the mightj
falleD. " The early portion of to-doj's mar
kets weM active and fairly Btronjj with bus ! '
ness , .largely confined to changing into 'thf '
now yejr Mid n general evening up of ali
kinds of , dealff. , Theio > vafc no trading after 11
o'clock , attention on all tides beiog giver
up to the snnual frolic , the closing
figures given Wlow'nre'largelynominal. being
as near as possible the figures at which the
last trades , were made ,
opened eteady nj ; go advance for I6ng deliver
ies. A grxi-sizei business .was done"but i' '
was in the Latura of closiiig dea's and gcttinf
"oven" on the market. Nothing in the waj
of trading was done , and in the afternoon
toward tlio last , there was n general settlinf
back to prices. The range wai lo and the
closing about steady. No. 2 upring Bold ft
ruled steady , range for the day being an av
erngo of c' No unusual features were devcl
oped nnd no attention paid to thu marka
niter about noon. No trades could have bcei
effected'even bad thoio been a disposition t
make thtm because of the .great disorder prf
vailing. No. 2 cash sold early at S5i@35u.
ruled steady , quiet nnd inactive , the gcnoni
course being downwaid , within a range of J (
stuff ranged fiiim 45@62io for No. " 3 to No. ' .
.f rnosisioNa
opened stronger 'and higher and , [ fop nn hoi
ot two. were mOarlsk demand at pricei 10 (
WJoover opening , but n reaction attin an
cased , Oc. Market closed.nomlnall
steady nt quotations. C.isn pork was quote
511 00 ; lard , , 8U 00 ; rib * , § 5 C7J. ,
tha market was nclivo nnd'10@lfic ner 1 (
t 21 cnttl
id red f <
above tradej. Shippers vfevo the most acth
buyers , as they had to fill their ordera and g <
etock away to-day on account of the cloBic
bf thp ihipplng division and bank to-morrov
then again both ehippcra nnd dresied bo
dealers were rather nervous and ugcertai
ai to * future receipts , ns to how far the r
ported floods weit of us wou'd interfere wit
prompt deliyery of _ stock. The roads centei
ing at St. .Louis .teem to have teen n
ected In this wy , as receipts the :
yesterday were „ tyery light , butchui
stock vrta quoted aj firmer ; Htcckc
and faedcn rcmii'ii dull and nro eo likely i
to remain untll&ofter Now Year. Good I
choice , 1300 to 1000 lb , , -lOtgC.CO ; commc
to fair , $ l.'JO@5.tO ; Inferior to fair cow , , S2. :
@ 2.90 : medium to good. § 3.20@4 00 ; bull
S250@3,21 ; ' ' -
? 3 OO.g'1.25.
Werv active , Btrorif and higher all aronn
Common mid tough packers nold around abe
S-1.10S-1.15 , and peed niixod4.20@4.30 , wi
best heavy at 81.40 ® l.CJ , Pwicy uad c'o o
assorted light Bold around about ? (23(2 ( ( 4.P : ,
nnd fmr to good , SI.lftOM.20 , and light ? I.OU
( M.10sith pigs at S3.7f'3 If ; racking and
ililpping , 2f,0 to 37rlb . , 31.SSCpJ.r.O . ; light ,
lCOto210ll > . , SUOa-1.35.
Now York Stock Murker.
Special telegram to THE BSE.
NKW YOIIK , December 31 , The lending
nctivo stocks to-day have been Lackawnnno ,
Northwestern , Lko Shore , St. Paul , Union
Padfio , nntl Western Union. Lackawnnun
has varied 1 | between the highest nnd lowest ,
Northwestern J , Lake Shore g , St. 1'nul 1 per
cent , Union Pacific 1 per cent , New York
Central 1 , and Western Union 1 | . AH later
prices are below bettir figures , but removed
from thu bottom point ind belter than yester
day. It is big settlement day for the wind
tip of the month nnd year. Thu leading
rumor against the Woitern Union l.ait night
was that the Baltimore and Ohio was prepar
ing for another reduction in rates. Thu sell
ing was thought to havu came from the old
"beat" p.irty , Slaybaek Bold 2,000ishores ho
wni quoted as ( nyingthathuwnsnfrnidthottack
was coming from Gould nnd bethought it beet
to gtt out of the wy. The Gould brokcM
said thnt they had been buj ing Western Union
on n scale that the stock was much o vet cold
and that it was * only nt the best purchases for
a turn on the list. _ The Western Union people
ple Buy that no important rlmigCR iu tbo
rates or reduction iu tolls are proposed. Ba-
ginning with the now year this stock has Ixen
extensively sold on tin minors of thn pro
posed sharp cat in the tirilf , but nothing of
the tort is intended. The story that the Hai
ti moro & Ohio telegraph csmnnny will tnaku a
reduction in rat's is not credited as it ii re
ported that this company is loosing $40,090 n
moth at the present price ? .
Sale of the Now York "Star. "
NKW YCRK , December 29. The Star news
paper was sold to-day nnd will bo transferred
to its new ownen on Thursday , the first day
of the new ye.xr. A syndicate of Now Yorlt
capitalists , represented by W. H. England ,
secured thu property , and the price paid is be
tween S27S.OOO and ? SOOtOOO. The circum-
ttnncci which led to the tale mnv bo briefly
stated. The latu Commis'ioucr Nkholls bad
several shores of stock In the paper , and WJB
vice-president of thu corporation. His dentil
a few weeks ago necea itatud the sale uf the
stock and before it could ba bought in by the
wore after it. John R. Mcl eau , proprietor
of thu Cincinnati Enquirer , came on to New
York and conceived the of purchasing
thu paper entire nnd contorting tha claim of
Editor PuliUer that the World is Cleveland's
great fend only organ. McLean cast about
and made Hon. John Koliy.ono of the heaviest
stockholders of the Star , an offer for his inter
est. Mr. Kelly's stock and the Niclnll'a
stock comprised one-half the propsrty. Mc
Lean's bid was too low by § 50,000 , and after
paying a visit to Cleveland ho returned to the
rural seclusion of Cincinnati. His inquiries
in newspaper circles put
in the field , and thu sale was thu result. W.
H. Englaxid is a son of Isaac W. England ,
publisher of the Sun. It is his intention to
print a democratic newspaper , independent of
all halls and factions.
The Star is bcventeen vents old. It was
EtartuI in opposition to the Sun mid in
Tweed's time became the organ cf the ring.
Joe Howard , jr. , the man who some years ago
figured ns corrospJinUnt , nnd who 19 at Urn
prctcul lima n TT > , . t ff gj ,
The paper changed hands seven times between
1874 and 1877 , when John Kelly bought into
It and it bscamo Tummany's organ. Apart
from tlio Sun nud Tribune thp Staristbe only
paper in Now York that has not sunk from
SO .1,000 to 5200,000 the present yoar. It about
met expense ! .
Rumor has it to-night that there will be a
' '
hero before the end of the week * The Vi'hrld
ia the only paper of any consoquenca in the
city which Is regarded as being shaky. It ie
said that Pulitzer not only bought the World
on time , but thutinorder to run it ho has been
obliged to usu every nickel of his Post-DIb-
paten profits. '
} of Jamea j. Gordon Bennett's Evening Telegram
from two cents to ono cant a copy is expected
to kill thn Mail and Express and Borioxibly
cripple the Evening News , ex-Congressman
Ben Wood's paper , in which three fortune ]
have been made. a w
Tbo Sun to-day paid its customary dividend
of 6 per cent. All the earnings above this
figure go mto the "surplus fund. The coming
vear promises to bo thn most eventful in the
history of New York journalism and eevccal
consolidations or suspensions nre'expected.
Tlie Dill , nn evening paper inn by n.few
Wall street curbstone brokers , willba sold out
by the sheriff en Wennesday.
In Alixbainn.
BIRMINGHAM , Ala , December JU , W. T
Martin , from Chicago , who haiv been hen
nearly a month prospecting , had his pocketi
cut Vihile nslecp and nearly $1,100 taken. Ai
itinerant patent medifino man , J. H. Cooper
who drank with Murtin'nll day yesteidny.wa
atrested while prcpaiing to take thotrain ) thi
morning and searched. Mgnfiy almost to tin
amount wanted , and answuring Martin'n de
Bcription , was found on his person.
Going to tlio Bluff * . ' '
. COUNCIL JBLDtrs , .December ' 31. TIO of
ficefa of the Union Pa'cific havo'dolerrained t
remove all their interests "from Omabnt
Council Bluffs nt'once-jiv To1 this i nd .thc. ;
Kivo ordered constructipn yards , rbund-bbuf't
'and shopi for BccqinraodiUion pt thiir' bus !
ness , both freigit'iifid'pa ) bnger.Tliia'chunfj
will biing manyfhundred ppernthcs to.ltlii
city. , „
i , Dttlcotn , la Aificsi ,
Iraw ;
started in thu McNnmafa butldingfii'nd be'fot
it htoppc'd bumed thnt Ktruo\Ure txhu ft _
others , 1'iueons k Bates'lo Is'$5,000 , Co
Brother ; , J4nOO ; J.iJ. Sluckcr. .SOO , nn
fourteen oth'er.nrms nnd individuals and iirrn
lose § ,7CO.Totalmnurance , 811,300. ,
. Fiiinlamt ,
POOTLAND , Mo , Jlposmber 81 , Rev. F.C *
it H In * * 17 ! t..1 < . . t , . A. nf i.1. , . It . . /
Diphtliofia ' has niado iU appearance In I'll
lertou u'nd'haa eaddened the holidays for man
happy home in that.beautiful Nebraska towi
The village coimoll was petitioned to. nt one ,
appoint "u board of health and jnvoatlgat
the cause and adopt mcabiirea fpr relief ,
Collission on The Savannah , FlorWa' s
Western RR ,
A Terrible Fire Plays Havoo At "
Evansville , Indiana- kf-a
Sain Bandall Junketing With TK | $
Keoeiver Appointed On The L , E ?
& St- Louis Air Liuoi
Throe Ohildron Die For Want of ? '
In Williams's ' Fanatical FaitlpW
and Prayer Ouro Asylum , r
Tlio Coroner's Inqticat ItccommciulB
the Liuv to Oloso It jg.
AtOnco. ' *
JACKSONVILLE. Pla. , December 31. The
7:10 : westbound trnin on the Savannah , " '
Florida and Western railroad collided withy
the incoming train twelve mi'ej ' from lliiacity , !
causing n serious wreck. Baggogcmaeter ]
Terry , of the out-bound train , nnd two ! r *
colored mon ware seriously injured. The
Clara Morris troupe wore on their way to
Pensocola , but none of thorn were hurt. _ A
> ecial trnin brought the mon bnck to the city.
Terrible Fire nt Kvniisvlllo.
EVANBNILLE , Ind , , December 31. The fire
itally destroyed Miller Bro.'a dry good house ,
hetotalloeuof stock , $180,000 to 940,000 ;
ho building ; , $12,000 ; total insurance , ? 125 , ' '
00 ; $30,00 on stock and $2,000 on the build
ig. Clias. F. Schmidt , music dealer next
oor , total Io3' , $1,000 ; insurance. S8MO.
oo. Sonntngg & Co , , hardware dealer ? , loss
y fire and water , about $20,000 oa stock of
Bout § 45,003 ; insurance , $33,750. C. O.
'onny , hat and fur dealer , loss , 310,000 ; in-
urnuco , § 0,000.
Sam Randall'd Nashville Junket ,
NASHVILLE" Tenn. , December 31. Mr. Han-
nil nnd party left the Maxwull IIOUEO at 10
'clock this morning and proceeded In car- .
riagoa to the Vanderbilt university , were they' ,
verc cordially received by tbo facultyof that' ;
nstitution. Chancellor jUarland received the <
atty and introduced Mr. Rindnll to the pro-
esBjra and students , Mr. Ilondnll then do-
iverod n speech on education to the htudouts ,
allowed bHon. . Win. McAboo on the cano
ubjcct. A largo number of students \yero
ireient. After inspection of the bulldiupa
nd department7 the party proceeded to
Bolle-Meade , Where they arrived.
-jioji , M J.LU \vi > luA , * , lt WKJ r ' > 'T <
ntrduucetltli-General Jacksorj , nfter which
efreshmonth were served. The guests were
bun invited to drivu through Deer parlr , (
vherj half an hour was spent In watchinjjj
iimdreda of deer tcainperiDf ; through tha ?
vooda. This was a novel si ht to the nor h- .
rn vititiors. On the return the patty'etopiK'1
o inspect'famous horfc3. _ Moro , refreslnnoB
ollowed , and tlifl visitor rerpjjjerfed' 'the'ca
iagoj at one o'clock nnd/roturned to the cit .
Jr. and Mrs. Hundal ) , Hon. .Win. McAdaof
nd other iuVited'fjuesltf dinfil At the red A ;
denco of Mri Nat Baxter , at 3 o'clock this Wt ,
ernoon. * > ft f *
At night Mr.Unndall was enteitam l at
ho Hermitage club rooms nby 'the ' Icadfng'
lembiis of every jl do jbf political opinion ,
A most clcga'r4t''ioceptlon was given by ebti
jov.'James D Pprter , president of thq club , "
ending citizens nnd''members , Mr. Haiuhill
cfton\tlij7oneo'clpck.trninforBlrmUighan ] , " '
iccomlanied'by the committee of cucoit from
hat city.- , '
ANBVILLK & ST. LOUI8 AIR UXeSi $ . _ ? * *
L < 5tilSYILLE , December 31. GcorgaJIJFt'l '
Svans , QEsistant to Preidont Jonas H , French ,
if the Louisville , Evanavllle& St. Louis Air
jioc , received official notification this morn-
ng that the affairs of .that road had
ilaced in the hands of a rcseiver. Mr. E
us bocn , appointed to iittinnu the trusC1 * The
change wna nut "unexpected , indcod , cs i\\i\--
jnora to tuchnn'effect have'boon afloat for * * . '
itome time nnrt ; ill though ( stoutly denied by ( ha
Air line officials , other railroad men in pom *
iion to know , h vo frequently intimated that \ '
, ho statimeatJ wera in a great nidanura truth' :
[ ill. Tho.imnjediata cause lof.tho'nppoinlmeut
of a reccjver was n heavy outstaiidii-g con.1
ttUctioil debt. Krenufcnt nnd , 'dispariigjn f
rumbra invplving tnd Air line "
. _ . . . . , . "prtip-
lr.j > tA ! * ; : .i iLA L .tn. /TJiO lftt "
idfljfil ; vrcc6iver ,
December 8lt Last .night
othdr foundling died at the Williams
fen called to attend iho clilldreu-or the
'pleatremedies ippliei ) ,
and jbU household firmly
in' tlie efficacy " , tof prriyer curing"11
liuinan Jlly , nnd whuro a pauimt dies iny } \ \ ,
Btitution , no lynnah power Cdiild have ray
thorn , Promlnuat phyalclan held an auoV (
to-day , wLich rerealed the , ict that onSc ?
moro children would liavo l co'Vcrcd vflth
pioper medical ftVteiitioii or oveii tlio. care ot
a competent nurse. The coron'pr'g jury do-r
dares In lt verdict tint the imUWuttcifia
th hands of < ft lot of n-Ugious fanfitic/ ' ' ' "
the nbovo ca s nro criminally n'ttlleL -
commands tlio place to bo cloodiVy
; ( theau
thorities , , f *
Mqnford , ynt , , Iiiundix'ciJ ,
fEAro'ui ) , Put. , December 31 , ( rain's mill
daiuf ( fi\vo way this morning. Tl' <
(7 *