3 ( , 1884 ' O/YILxTS / BEE losday MornineBoo. , . 30 , , OOAL BREVITIES , A gentleman nainci Lylu sllppod down near the corner ot Twelfth and F/irnam latt night and lovcrcly ipratntd hli ankln. In Judge Bartlett'i court yotterdtvy the ea o ot Kemp vr. Sch&rrf was dlimUaed , Kemp , it will Voiumomborcd , accused Scharrf ot having committed niton bii person A mur derous assault. Allen Ticclmret succeeded ytnlenlay , in Judge Anderson's court , in pecuring tlio re- lilevined goudft from his former inistrcpc , Josephine Ilccve . The two agreed to cp nr t < ? and quarrel no more. | ' In the caia against the man Jonald , "charged with stealing n coat from "Windy Bob , " the police judge Informed the complain ant yc-itc-rday that ho would have to got out a writ ot replevin in order to secure his property. MnrriftgM tlcvtifu % vcro issued yesterday lo Kdwnrd F. 1'ctxwu mid Anna Green , Hnkoit lonter ) and Mngglu Johnson. Despite the crude tale of the weather , buttncni In tlio matrimonial inarki-t is fairly good ; Judge McCulloch lias no givat rwinon to complain. Yesterday was the time set for the ox- amlnatlon of Win. Thompson and LitzioHow- rd , alias "English Liz , " for the burning of Nettle Howard. Owing to the absence from the city ot District Attorney Godwin , the case w&s continued until Monday morning next , Officer Donovan discovered last night a drunken man lying with his head on the rail road track , near Sixteenth street. A few mo ments more would have placed him in a po sition where whisky would have no charms for him. Ho was removed from his perilous po sition and placed i a safer quarters. Mrs. J. W. Harris and the voting ladies connected with the Baptist church and con gregation will receive on Now Year's day after 1 o'clock , p. m. , at the pastor's resi dence , No. 1707 Cftss street. The pastor and hla wife cordially invite the members of the church and congregation to spend New Year's evening with them socially. As line an exhibition of gymnastics aa was o\or witnessed in Omaha was produced at the rink .Monday by the Adams Bros. Their tricks on the slack and tight wire and the rope ladder are marvelous .and are worth'soeing. These gentlemen will appear at the rink again to-night , and at 7:30 will give a free exhibi tion In front of the rink. For a fine athletic performance the Adams Bros , are ahead of anything seen In Omaha for many a day , A Birthday Gilt. f The aabbath Hohool attached to the Temple Israel presented Dr. 'Harfiold with a birthday gift last Sunday , In the shape of an artistically wrought bronze Inkstand' and a beautiful morocco port folio. Miss Gladstone , ono of the efficient - ' cient teachers , made the presentation and Dr. Harfiold tendered his thanks in a few woll-choson words. It was his 20th birthday. The Sabbath school of the Temple Israel has organized Into a society known ns the C. I. S. S. Congregational Israel Sabbath School Society. Its object is to glvo quarterly dramatic and literary entertainments. It is to make its debut on March 1st in "Queen Esther , " a drama in five acts. The officers are Louis Rolchenberg , president , Addle Newman , vloo-presidont , Pauline Goldsmith , secre tary-recorder , Max Raiohonborg , finan cial secretary , Mr. Goldsmith , treasurer , and Rov. Dr. Harflold , superintendent. # Newport Party. The "reception" given by the Newport at Masonic Hall , last evening , was a de lightful afFiir. It was attended by twen ty-five couples. Many of the ladies' cos tumes were elegant , while all displayed oxqnlsito taato. The Musical Union sup plied the music. At 11 o'clock dancing was suspenaod for lunch , after whioh iV was resumed and continuoA until 1 o'clock , when" all dispersed for their homes full of pleasant thoughts of the last reception of the series of ' 84. These receptions have become a feature in the social lifo of the friends and mem bers of the club and It is , then fore , to bo hoped that the officers will make an extra cflart to glvo another series , though short , befor.o the advent of Lent's peni tential season. Private Blasiiucradc. A very enjoyable maiquorado was held at the homo of Oharles Walker In North Omaha Monday ovnlng. Dancing was , as nsnal , the amusement of the evening , which was kept np till long past mid night. Among the maskers wo noted the following : Messrs. Thos. Golden , Walker , Glllon , Shannon , Reed , Rhodes , Henry Kelley and Welling , and the Misses Walker , Hargrave , Roao Brewer , Tlllio , May and Kellie Ludlow and Hel en Pierce. To the As has boon the custom for years , the BEE will on Wednesday , December lilat , publish a list of the hdlca who will keep c'opon" house on Now Years' day. It la desired to make thin Hat as complete as possible and It is therefore requested that all ladies who intend receiving , aend their names and addresses to this office prior to Wednesday noon , Run Over ana Killed , Ycstc i day morning at Springfield , Sarpy county , a Miisourl Pacific train run over a man , cutting oil' both his losgs near the body , The man , who was an unknown tramp , lived but a few hours after the accident. Ho was trying to steal a ride npou the train , and owing to the icy con dition cf the ground slipped and fell be- the wheels with the above result , A reunion of the several Ghatauqua cir cles of Oaj&ha , with others who may ba reading tha Ohatauqiu course , will be held Now Years Ere , in the rooms of the Younz Men's Christian association. It is intended that thla ilull bo ono of theme mo t enjoyable events of the year , and all Chatauquana are urged to bo present. Korentcr'a Bloctlng. Tliuro will bo n special meeting of tin Ancient OnU'rof Foresters in t-t , George's on Friday e\um g , Jan , Sid , 1883. All urt ! uiu mjue&ted to bo pivncnt , as biminuHii in tti bo tninsiictcd. JOHN Rimr , Chief Hi ) . l' NANDJH ! , , THE CITY COUNCIL It Mbes Lest Ninlit in Kegnlai SeSSlOIl , A. Few Minor Matters Disposed o An Uneventful Session. The city council had a regular sossloi last night , after having boon adjonrnec for two weeks. Present , Messrs. Ford Bohm , Rodfiold , Woodworlh , Thrano Bochol , Hascall and acting mayor Mur phy. M1TII10N8 AND COMMUNICATIONS. Communication from acting mayor , vetoing toing the ordinance providing for a ta of all property in alloy paving distrlc No. 3 , to cover certain alley paving con tracts Veto sustained. From acting mayor , approving ordinance nanco relative to ccrt Si paving contracts , also an ordinance granting right'of woj to the "Omaha Now Thompson & Hons. ton Elootrio Light Company. " Adopted. From E , L. Emory , asking that a tos of $103.66 , levied on certain property , bo cancelled. Grounds alleged those ol illegal ossoxsmont , as well as the great damage sustained by the property in the process of grading. Referred. From Peter Kitkn , asking for the rectification of an error in the overpayment ment of taxes on certain property in the city of Omaha. Referred. From certain Jackson street property owners , stating that they are opposed to having any paving done on that street during the coming year. From Marshal Oummlngs , stating that ho had suspended Officers Knight and Pottlt. Referred to the committee on police. From Dr. E. G. Harfiold asking that a gas lamp bo placed at the corner of Twenty-third and Harnoy. Referred. From the English Lutheran church , asking for extension of time on payment of taxes. Referred. From Goo. W. Tillson , assistant engi neer , asking for leave of absence for thirty days. Granted. From Christian A. Jensen , asking for the payment of a judgment of 8951.31 , obtained In the district court against the city of Omaha. Referred. From F. W. Manville , assessor of Sixth ward , reciting an error existing in the assessment of taxes on certain prop erty in Shinn's addition. Referred. From John B. Folsom and Lewis S. Reed , granting right of sewerage through certain property under stipulated condi tions. Accepted and placed on record. From H. B. Burnham , asking for the reduction of taxoa'DXcosalvely aasonod on certain property. Referred. From John S. Wood , George 0. Bemla and 0. E. Redfield , reporting damages incurred on certain property by opo'ning Donglas street from Twentieth to Jeffer son street. Referred. From E. Burkhanser , petitioning the council to reduce the assessed valuation of his property and asking that ho be. al lowed to pay his taxes in accordance with said corrected valuation. From Truman Buck , city treasurer , giving notice of filing of tax protest by Mary O. Gorman. Referred. From W. J. Council , city attorney , asking for leave of absence for a few weeks prior to the February term of court. Granted. Report of city engineer on sidewalks. Referred. From Robt. H. Walker , asking for the payment of damages amounting to § 1,070.18 on a verdict recently obtained In district court. Referred. From Fitch & Co. , asking for pay ment of damages amounting to $567.53 , on a verdict recently obtained against the city in the district court. Referred. From mayor , appointing Charles Don- ahoo , Peter Matza and Thos. Pioronnotto members of the police force. Con firmed. From mayor , appointing A. E. Sauor , W. J. Broatch and A. L. Strang , as jpegial appraisers on certain property. Confirmed. By Bechol , that W. J. Council bo dl- roctod to confess judgment against the city of Omaha for $887.50 , in favor of John Peterson. Adopted , By Hascall , that the city treasurer re port the amount collected In OKCCBS of 00 per cent of the levy for the general fund for the years 1881 , 1882 and 1883. Adopted. From Bochol , Ford and Thrano , that 'ho acting mayor bo authorized to make ho necessary appointments to maintain ho police force at ito full complement of men. Adopted. From Redfield , that the city council sot as a board of equalization on Wednes day and Thursday , January 7 and 8 Adoptbd. From Bohra , that all the streets in the city that are 100 foot or moro in Tridth , jo narrowed to 40foot between curb lines , and that the sidewalk ground bo not vidor than ten foot , or less than six foot n width , said residence streets not to be shangod unless two-thirds of the abut- .log property-owners snail petition for the same. Referred to the committee on judiciary. * < y Woodworth , that the clerk bo in structed to deduct § 2 from each council man's pay for each time of absence from council or commlttoo meeting , Adopted. COMMITTEE HEI'DUTS. From committee on police , ' recom mending the adoption of the November report of the city physician. Adopted. From' committee on paving and gutter ing , recommending the adoption of flav ors ! important ordinances. Adopted. From committee on streets and grades , recommending that the ordinance grant ing right of way to the 0. , K. P. & 0. R. R. be referred to tbo city attorney for examination. Adopted , From commlttoo on streets and grades , recommending the approval of plat o Reed's Fourth addition. Adopted. From special committee , to whom * raa referred the matter of damages from change of grade of Farnam struct , report. ing that thny h&d settled the claim of Samuel R. Brown. Adopted. OUDIXANUEH. Levying special tax upon certain lots to pay for the construction of sidewalks. Passed. Appropriating moneys out of special funds to pay for constructing sidewalks. Patsod. Appropriating money for public works nut of special funds as follows : James Fox , district No. 30 , 87413 90 ; Jaraei For , didtrict No. 31 , 2010 58 ; D. Ken- nlston , dUtricU No. 30 and 31 , $110.66 Passed. An ordinance levying a special tax on all property In paving district No. 30 , to oiver coit ot paving Webster street from Fourteenth to SixUeath btreot , naid tax to amount in the aggregate to $8321.00 Pawed. Levying a special tax on property It paving district No. 31 , to cover cost o paving Sixteenth street from the s on line of leard to alloy next north , said sura amounting In the aggregate * to $2273.08 Passed. FIRE TOPICS , The Meeting ol tbo Fire Association At Lincoln Dl9bndincnt of the No , 3's. The annual convention of the Nebraska ka State Fireman's association will be hold in the city of Lincoln , commencing January 20th , 1885. A largo delegation of the Omaha boys will bo present and i is expected that an Interesting session will bo hold. A selection of the follow ing topics will bo discussed : 1. Best fire apparatus for cities of the third class. 2. Chemical engines as auxiliaries to water machinery , 3. Oaro of hoso. 4. Cisterns their cost , capacity anc valuo. 5. Relief valves and spray nozzles. G. Importance of chief engineers saving property from damage by water as well as fire. 7. Best fire alarm system for cities with volunteer departments. 8. What Is the best nozzle for fire service. 9. How shall wo maintain interest among firemen. 10. Fire police and their duties. 11. Tournaments , their purposes and ) onofits. 12. The fire department and municipal politics. 13. Does military dsillfor firemen pay ? 14. How to select department officers. 15. the state firemen's association , Us aims , objects and benefits. 1C. Taxing Insurance premiums for ) onofit of fire departments , 17. Fines in volunteer departments , heir usds and abuses. 18. Driven wells for water supply. 10. Extension ladders and ladder trucks. 20. Spontaneous combustion as an or- gin of mysterious fires. The No. 3 mooting at the police court ast night was so scantily attended that t was doomed best not to hold the moot- ng until a fuller representation could be ocurod. The mooting Is ono to bo holder or considering the matter of disband- mont. Seal of North Carolina Smoking To acoo lathe best. A OBUSHED FOOT , Two Workmen Injured by Falling Flics at tlio Transfer. Yesterday , about 11 o'clock , nnum- > er of men were engaged in unloading a carload of piles in the Union Pacific yards it the transfer. In some way the stakes of the car , which held thu timbers in > lace , gave away and about half of the arloacl rolled off the side of tlio car. All > f the men except two , L. Knmiclian and Donald escaped. These two nun were caught by the falling timbers ind the.first mentioned man had ono of lis feet badly crushed , The other es caped with slight injuries. A cabopso was secured and the two in ured men were brought to this city , > laccd hi a hack and taken to St. Joseph's lospital. Dr. Galbraith was summoned nd found it necessary to amputate the rushed foot. The patient is getting along s well as can bo expected under tlio cir- uinstanccs. Tlicro seems to bo a something in the ir in this city and Council BlulTs , which irceds accidents and death to railway men. ks many as seven or eight accidtnts and .eaths liavo occurred in this city within ho past ton days. WANTED To exchange wild or improv- d lands In Nebraska or Iowa for Hard ware , or stock of general merchandise. Address J. Lindorholm , Genoa , Nanco county , obr. m-lm Post Office Changes. Postoffico changes In Nebraska during heweek ending December 27 , 1884 , and urnished by William VanVleok of the lofltoftico department : ESTABLISHED. Poako , Buffalo county , Jennie Poako , poatmlstresa. POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. Ainsivorth , Brown county , 0. B. Rip- ley ; Leigh , Colfax county , Frank J. imith ; Lillian , Ouster county , James O. Jatcs ; Logon , Sioux county , Wilson T. Smeo. DISCONTINUED. Whitney , Red Willow county. IN IOWA. ESTABLISHED. Living Spring , Pottawatamio county , ? otor H. Peterson ; Veo , Jefferson county , Mrs. Rachel C. Jones , I'OSTMASTEIIS APPOINTED. Bluffton , Winneshoad county , E. C. Shaw ; Ellis , Hard In county , Jay R. Chat- iold ; Ferry , Haharka county , W. S. jockwood ; Georgetown , Monroe county , Thomas O'Oonner ; Gladstone , Tarn a county , H. li. Caas ; Grant. Montgomery , QCeury Howard ; Hickory , Monroe county , Archie Douglass ; Metz , Jasper eonnty , VTolvin Englo ; MoorhoadMonroo county , jieorga Steos ; Nordland , Worth county , Ole W. BiUtad ; Rock Valley , Sioux county , Milton J. Finch ; Thrall , Wright county , Alexander Otven. Map ol' NourAsku. Just Issued , in colors , showing cities , ; owns. railroads and countloa. Mailed for IBo. J. M. Wolfe , 12Q S. 14th st. , Omaha , Neb. dlO Qw "Dress Hollers * ] . ' This evening at Philomuim'H hall , corner of Ninth and Howard btieets , the opuiotta , "ADicsa Rohersnl" will bo given with the following cast. MUs J ono , principal of G rover house acad emy Nellie Thompson Mdla. Kpinard , Trench governess , . . , . , , . lloso O'Connor Amy 1'ibbs. ( afterward Cinderelln ) Kato Oroft Clara Wilkins , ( afterward'the prince ) , , . . . . . . . . , , , . .Bella Casey Sarah Ann. the greedy girl..Celia Hunting Soplirouia Spivim , tin romuntie girl Nellie Heelan HartluTlipgmff , Cany Johnson , ( afterward spiteful Bisters. . . . Hose Ford , Julia Mahoney Mrs. Jarvey , a retired actresi. . . . Alice Croft Miat Prudence Piuclibacli , a visitor Mary Dewitt Hose Jennlngi , ( afterward fury goJmothor ) . , . , . , . , Bo.seautia Bradley Ilumrla Mary Ilogan Jane , a servant. .Maggie Heelan Smoke Sual of North Carolina Tobac co. SMOKE ! SMOKE ! SMOKE Great Sale o [ Slightly Damaged On Goods , Bftrgntus for Kverjboily At Smtth'f Dry Goods Store , Daring the Cro la Grunobaum's store Saturday night the amoko got through the walls Into Smith's dry [ goods store and slightly d&mgod some ot his stock , The smoke vros also accompanied by t slight dose of water. For two days Mr. timlth's store luu boon closed in order that the insurance adjusters might settle upon the amoun of.damogo sustained. This has boon done and the loss boon amicably adjnstoc and now Mr. Smith proposes to sell oul his stock at a great sacrifica before open ing hla largo storo. Those goods are not mined , but only slightly damaged by the smoke and wa ter , and'aside from a slight smell ol smoke the most careful export could not detect that they had boon damaged. Not withstanding this the goods will bo sold at prices which will astonish the natives. The stock of carpets will bo closed out regardless of price , and woolen goods , underwear , hosiery , etc. , will bo reduced in prloo to correspond with the carpets. The store will open at ! ) o'clock this morning , and as thooo' are n great bar gain they trill go cfT ivory rapidly , and those who como first will derive the ben- fit. Remember the place , Smith's dry joods otoro , 1307 Farnam s'root. * Pollco Court. A largo crowd was present at the morn ing session of police court. Joe Zack and Julius Snyder were each inod § 5 and costs for drunkenness. Chaa. Dalvy was picked np last night n a drunken condition and taken to the city jail. Ho < was looking for a man whom many persons In Omaha would bo glad to sooo , viz. : R. H. Franklin , who iklppod out a few weeks since , leaving ) ohind him numerous unpaid bills. Dalvoy was assessed $5 and costs. Ohas. Folkner and Loula Eicknor were arrested for fighting. Neither of them could talk English and both told their stories to the jndgo in German- They loth talked at the samotlmo and to make t moro interesting the old woman Folknor "chipped m" at frequent Inter vals. Folknor had a handful of hair Thlch Eicknor had pulled out of his flow- ng beard. After a confiab of ten or fifteen minutes duration , the jndgo dis charged both prisoners and told them to ; o homo and fight no moro. J. H. Hornoy w.s charged with steal- ng a suit of clothes belonging to Edwin loot , from the lattor's room In the Call- brnla IIOUBO. Ho pleaded guilty and ; ave as his reasons for the crlmo that ho iraa a stranger in iho city and was broke. Che judge sentenced him to twonty-fivo days In the county jail on broad ana tra- ; or. This wlill take him over Into nest roar and ho ca'n have it to say that dur- ng the years 1884-85 ho was in jail. Band Oouccrf , A very small audlonco assembled at Boyd's opera house ? ifonday to listen to ho concert given by the members of the Fourth U. S. Inf . .Ury band and the Omaha Glee clab. The entertainment was first class in every respect and wan deserving of a full houso. The pro- jrammo was composed of excellent selec- lens and each number was rendered in almost faultless stylo. The band , under ho leadership of Mr. J. Neyptti , is one of the best musical organizations in the west. The Glee club has lost none of its old time fire and musical ability and did excellent work last night. It is to bo hoped that the concert of aat night will bo repeated when moro avorablo weather would insure a full louse. Absolutely Pure. This ponder ne\er varies. A marrcl ot paicty , trenfth and who'esoinencao , iloru economical than ho ordinary kindami cannot lie Bold In compctl- Ion with the multitude of low tett , short weight km of iihjsnlirto powders , Bold only In can * , IOYAL BAKINQ 1'OWDEll CO. , 108 Wall BtN. ; Y. EARLEAKINQ POWDER ITAMDOUNDTOniCC PURE CHEAWJ TARTAR. S1OOO. Civen IfalumorBnyinJiirlous Biibstur.ccs can do found tu Andrews' Pearl Baking J'owclr , Is ( > os- tUilyPURE. llciiiKcndoridl.aiiilt iJinonlala rvcclvcdTrom such chimUts as H. P ua ilaj t , Uos- ton : M. Dclafimtalue , ofChUago ; nnd Dixie , JlllnunLco. Ko\crtoll la bulk. . 537. - \\t r * { & mm ISOLD WITHflTHES 10R BEING THE BESTS 1 THAT CAN BE EV1ADE5 ' LEGAL NOTICE. J. \Vjtifiart defomltnt will take not lee tli.it on the 16th il y ol Dec , 1831 Edmund Dartlctt Esq. , by Jmtlroot the 1'caco of DoiutUs county , Issttot aa order ot ktUohment ( or the sum of two hundred del lars In nn action pending by hint wherein Jacob Colin l plilntiff , ind J M , Wycatt li defendant 7hal properly of tie eald defendant. censlstlnR of stock of goods , fKtuics an ! ether persenil prnpcity con * tliifil In bl * shop , corner of loth and Jones street , his been attarhrd under e IJ order. Said causa was continued to January 31st at 0 o'cl-ck. In the forenoon. DW10HT HULL - accHMenSnmo Attorney for rialntlff Largest JLine in tlie City. Not Selling AT COST , But Cheape than Any Store in . the City. 2407 - - - - Cuming St. . the changes that , in a few yearn , have taken olaco In the manufacture of Improvement after Improvement has baon made , until to-day the clothing offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210 Farnam street , is equal in every respect to the best rt. . While at the same tlrao the lovmess of price of the fine grr.do of clothing they handle In no leos astonish- imr than the Perfection of Fit ! AND THE QUALITY Or MATERIAL AHD MAKE 1210 Farnam Street. 1210 OMAHA m INSTITUTE. JSoivard Street. ( N. E. Corner 12th and Howard Streets , ) ( For tlio Treatment ol all Chronic and Surgical Diseases Dlecaeca of Females , of tlio Xcnoui System , Ptl \ ate Dlssasesot the Urinary and Sexual Organs , and Diseases ot the Head , Throat arid Lunge , Specialties. OUIl OFFICE TRKATMUNT OrCATAHUU. lome Head&Lung Trsatment DISEASES. roil Catarrh , Bronchitis , ASTHMA , And all other dltcasos of the ihroatmd Lungs treat ed by Medical Vapori. ( Send for Inhaler Of circular on Inhalation. ) EYE and IAE Dlseasts treated by an experienced npuhlUt. alwi lltoiheu of tli Hmrt. U er , Htomiich , Kldneyi , 1 adder , NeurolffU , Uhcumat bi ) , I'llcn , Cancer , etc. Our cllleo and tonaultatlon looms ro turnfched | ) the Hiiest and intht valutbic collection of lied- .ftl .Sirglculand natumlcal apciritnito be fouc.l i any liBpltal , Infirmary , ot JUdlcal Instltuto In 1 e 00 mtry , CONSULTATION And Examination Free. ELECTilCITY ! Applied In the most rcUntlOa innircr. Wo haio tlw nostu infl teutccUlcaUvp r tinlii\ettfd .Cillor write f.ir circulars on cliruiila dl ca t aud deforuil- le , Dl tassof ( IVmoles , I'rUata , lilwuciol the Jrluarr anil Sexual orirann. BcinlnalW Knesii , Nfr- vpua lioMilty or E\hauttlnclc.cts. , ua cur now ottorbtlio treatment. All Ictltri and contultatlong Striofcly Confidential JledlclrciicnttoallpMtoof tbo rountry ry ev. ir > . .n.wuriily lacked linn obnrvalien , If full d . cilj.tltncf cano liftheii. Oao icisouul InUnlew ire/jirrd If toincnlent. Open at all Xfonrx , DAT AND MIGHT. AdJroti all letter > to Oraaha Medical & Surgical Iiistitute 1118 Howard St. , Oinahii , Neb. 1 T' Himebaujgh &Taylor $ . -LARGEST STOCK OF- Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nejiraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Tfaok , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT * Orders for fJio Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale IIR SI3IOJP , 1405 Douglas Street. - - OMAHA. NEBRASKA - ON ALL CLA.S ALLAT.TT1E3 WINTER CLOTHING Suits formerly $1O.OO now $7. SO. Suits formerly $12.OO now $9.O < > . Suits formerly $ JL6.OO now $ JL2.OO. Suits formerly $2 .OO now $1S.OO. Over Coats formerly $ S.OO now $ G.OO. Over Coats formerly $ JLO.QO now $ 7.50. Over Coats formerly $ JL6.OO now $ JL2.OO. Over Coats formerly $1S.OO now $13.SO. ® ve ± > o < it8 formerly $24 .OOnow $1SOO. And every other article in * proportion. Call and see our prices. 12l6FarnaSt. C OMAJKA , NEBRASKA. . Sole agents of United Slates Electric Lighting Co. , for State of Ne- 4 braska. Owners o western patents for Electric Motors , Arc Lamp , Mo * 4 gut large incandescent and small incandescent electric lamps. Cheaper i -i * than pas. ; BEST LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by the United States gov- eminent and all the leading" steamship lines and leading hotels. For * 3 ' prices enquire at s dec23edlm OFFICE , N. W. CORNER 15th AND FARNAM OHAS. SHIVERIGK , tin UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , I'ASSENOim EtEVATOR TO ALL FLOORS. | 1200 , 120S and 1210 Farnam St. , Omaha , Ni &JEOMG-JE J * . . O 03 o S S e § g 04 OUMINGS AND 20TH STS OMAHA , KEB BOLTE , Window Oapilion Oreilloji , Uclalllo Bky.llKhti , . &a. Ttc , livt'tat da 111 klOBoulb ISIh Slieet Om h Nobmk * H" aj - jj prj t * * * r " " " " " * " ' - f - m I 103 BRADT ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. EatAblLshed 1870 Ootanh , | DonfneBB , Lung and Nervous Dleeauos Speedily and Permanently Cared. Patrent * Bur ed at Home. Wrlto for "TiiH MEmoAL-MisaioiUKY , " for the People. Inonsultatlon and Correspondence Gratia. P. 0. Box 21)2 ) , Tolephona No. 26. ' j HOH ED WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : * Physician elI I lie * . Ability end Marked Snooean. " OONGBESSJilAN MUllPHT , Dayonporfc , | ' H Bi 'An tinnorfthlo Man. Flnp Hncoasa. Wo nderfnlJJur - ouriiO to 6. i. M ; THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1411 Ooilge St ! tsSaSf" } Omaha Neb