Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1884, Image 7

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    ; WEDNESDAY , JDdC. 3L 1884 , Jk
Keep Hones nnd Mules constantly on hand which
wo will neil In retail or wholesale lota.
All Stock Warranted as Represented ,
Wholcc&lt tndroUll dtklcrain Grain and Baled Hay. Tricot
enable 8atlalactionOuaraotced.
aiKriTJ'rjmiB. 6s BO3LEI"S :
Oornor Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. OouncllBlnffs.
eIM Heotrla B * ! i rod ! for Ibi Uonlh ol Koremb r by W.
lUlercncos viy ut tto boilntsa houses In Council BlaCi. JTJDD & BUmi ProptUlirs.
Salesroom * 310 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS *
Endorsed by FRANI tun.
Unrlvfcllod or Tone or FlnUhi
Best Modern Price to Bay.
The Kimbnll Organ , 10 long and favorably knjwn In the west , recommends
BTKWAUT. Solo Agent for nbovo lines of Goods. Wardrooms , 829
Bluffs uncil Correspondence Solicited , Agonta Wanted.
Proprietors. Suponnnndcnl
Omaha Iron Works
' < U. P. RAILWAY , - 7TH & 18TH tlTREEla
111 ! , end Orain Elevator tlachinerv
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotl
VN e ate prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will ccntract 01
erection of Floviring Mill a and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stona to the Roller System.
JSPEspocial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for any pu
po e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attende
'promptly. , Aadresa
Importer , Jobber and lr nuJ&cturor' Agent ol
13th Street , Bet. Fariiam and Harnoy.
The Eleotrlo Lamp ,
IU Candle Power
Chicago. . Si. . Paul , Minneapolis ID.
Yht new sitenslon ol Ihli line trom Waksleld or
through Ooneord and Oolerldg *
Rwche * tbe teit portion ol tht State , Special
Ttlon rites lor land setkeri ovei this line
* Wayn > , Noitalk and Ilartlogton , and via Blati to
principal paints on the i
Trains over tht 0. , St. P. U. si O. Railway to COT
nfton , Sioux Cttr. Pooca , Uaitlogtoo , VYavoe tat
W Off oik ,
Cfon.xa.eot * *
oirtimont , Oakda. , Ntllrh , aadthiODgb to Tal
eotlne ,
Also 1 ! { valuable and reliable re
cipes ( never before published , ) any
one of which is worth 51.00 am
from that to 825.00 , ncd a copy o
the ' 'Cultivator" sent FiiEE ti
any one tlmt sends 3 stamps to pa ;
postag * etc. , Ji comic picture card
will n'so ' bo enclpsed in the pack
oge. These recipes are valuable tt
I he household and any energetic per
sou knowing the secrets they disclost
need never want for money. PJeasi
write name and address plainly. Pu
8 stamps in a letter and address i
to tue WESTERN PUB , CO..boj
500 , Omahn , Neb.
Fnrtlier iQflicalions of Nfinlect on tbc
Part of the Brscs ,
What tlie County Physician Says
in His Own Defonso.
Moro Complaints From Ncnnmycr.
The starting of the investigation naked
for by 1m : Br.r. aooma to bo rnpldly de
veloping facts and statements concerning
ho CATO received by the tick who nro
under the county charge. The boaid
of health by passing a resolution consur-
ng the county physician haa started up
, hat gentleman nnd ho ia quito indignant.
Bo donlca the statements thnt ho haa not
personally visited the patients , or that
10 has In anyway neglected hia duty.
ELo clnlma that if there waa n lack of
'ood or clothing or fuel , it waa not hia
iault , and that the services which ho waa
: o render have boon well rendered , and
.hat af tor presenting the proof of thla to
the board , If the rcaolution censuring
ilm is not roacindod , ho will take palna
: o show up some other facta which may
throw light upon the notions of others
The board of health had a mooting
yesterday nftornoou. A letter wai rjad
t > y the mayor from Rlr. Noumayor , the
proprietor of the Coy honao , complaining
of treatment there , and urging that thu
founp ; man there alck ahnll bo removed to
the pcat-houao at onco. The letter was
suppoaed to bo full of small-pox germs ,
and It was handled very gingerly and with
nauy grim jokoa by the mayor nnd
ho board. Mr. Hardln reported that ho
lad since the writing of the letter en
raged Mr. Noumayor at $3 a day to ntirao
ho young mnn , nnd that provisions wore
> eing aont there as called for. Mr. Nou
mayor demanded that the qucr mtmo bo
removed from the Coy house aa there was
10 danger from that building and no cases
hero , and threatened to ano the city for
lamogoa unless this waa dono. The board
locidod that it was not yet aafo to remove
.ho quarantine , and that it mnst bo main-
ained for the present.
The board passed a resolution to the
fleet that County Supervisor Graham
md Overseer Hardin were now doing all
n their power to oaio for the patients ,
and to prevent-any spread of the disease.
It appears that the man and woman
iinployod to nurse the girl at the peat
louao must have neglected their duties.
They were being paid § 8 a day and board
vnd It Booms that they shoal have cared
tor her well. It Is claimed that the clrl
was reported bv the county physician ns
tting along all right , and the next day
she died. The county physician told
THE BEK man yesterday that the girl
bad the worst sort of confluent smallpox ,
and there was no show for her to have lived
anyway , but tha overaoer of the poor ,
Mr. Dardinwho hia been invoatlgating
the mattrr , has gathered the information
that the girl got away from the nurses
and got outdoors , thus causing her death.
If thia la true , it aoema that the nurses
muat have been almost criminally careless
in their watching. .
Ono thing seems agreed upon by nil
concerned , and that is that it ia almost
murderous to take sick persona in a
wagon , on cold wintry dayp , throe miles
or more into the country , and the end
will now como to that sort of procedure.
It is to bo hoped that there will not be
an end to the investigation until every
fact ia shown up , and if there ia any
blame to bo attached to any one , it should
bo oflicially stated , with the extent ol
the blame.
The Greatest Shop in P rlf > .
Paris letter to the Springfield Republican , .
On the other side of the Seine is the
world Renowned BonMarcho , uhiclt does
nlmiit : is much business with foreign w
with imtivo purchasers , nnd which to
gether with the Douvre and ono or twr
other laigo shops lias Hwallotfod up s
much of the small commerce of France.
Every afternoon at I ! o'clock an elderlj
irapoctor with a vhito cravat and hail
and inoii.staeho to match , enters thu read <
ing room of the Bon Marche , usually fill
ed with people availing themselves of the
stationary , reading the nowwpapers and
turning over the handsome collection ol
photographs , and invites whoever will It
accompany him on a nsit to the estalisl
incut. It is very well worth wliilo to fol
low this amiable personage and to listen
to the formula which he has arranged foi
himself and which ho repeats every tlaj
to. a delighted audience with thu polite
ness and suavity of which only Ficncl
education and language am capable. Bi
reminds one of those retainers or hiimliK
of the old nobility of which Balzac li.'ii-
fricndsdrawnHUchadmirablcpnrtiaitsinhi !
"Scenes of Provincial Life , " a race mag
nificent in their devotion and fidelity , now
alisl ; long passed away. 'JhiS honor of tin
Bon Marulio is his own , Bo rojoiccs ii
its extent and opulence as if ho uero t <
one to profit by its immense Kales and iti
triumphs over its rivals. Probably ho ha :
no happier moments than those in whiel
he reads bontimcnts of astonishment am
admiration upon the facts of his listener * ;
and hears their sympathetic axplimations ,
Ho first exhibits the boudoir in whicl
cold's designed for evening wear an
show n in the daytime. 1 lie room is made
perfectly daik and a touch upon HOIIIU me
chanical contrivance orelectric button acti
upon all thu gas burners at once am
floods the apartment \\ith light , Ihii
performance , so simple in Ameiica is bj
no means so common on this sidu of tin
water and excites no small uoiucv am
delight. Next bu shows a wnt of 'council
chamber in winch the destines of tin
business arc decided. This room contain !
a life si/e photograph of M. Bouccicault. .
in which you arc iccmested to remark "L-
hnnto tit lit gi'iierositu" which wcru Iiii
principal clianicteristicrf , and a maihh
bust of liisiduw , Mine. Boudcault , tin
present and solu proprietoress of thu VUH
establishment , do then conducts hi' '
Dock thiough galleries filled with rid
01 and Jananese umbroideiies , ] > as <
mountains of tapestried and eastern rugi
and fiirHaiul , tlaough ( oniiKUtineiita fittec
up like rooms with luxurious funiitun
and hiingingH. From hern it obtained ;
view of tlio Hiirgiug mawi of liuyurn am
Kellers below in thu main body of tin
building , and tlio infinite variety of tin
merchandibu shining with all thu colors o
the rainbow. The jien of a Xola or a Di
Amici.s might revel in a description of all
this , but it is entirely beyond thu power :
of a nioilefct Anglo-Saxon.
Hidden Trcamiro.
Cbicaco Herald ,
"Speaking about hidden trea-suro , '
M'd a D.ikota man at the Pii'mur housi
list evening , "I've seen lots of digging fo :
nnd Ml vi rand greenbacks , but nnth-
o what Imt bt-tu KO ng on % fur years
on tlio Nurtlurn 1'ne licncnr Uimnaixk ,
id no 0110 claims that there isnnymomy
irud thirc cither.
"E\cry few weeks iunncbody will como
long with n gang of men and begin exca
vating. They'l dig and dig , sometimes
going over the MUIO ground two or tlitvo
times. Then they 11 give it up and co
away , and a month inter thcro wi 1 bo
three or four more gangs atwork. _ 1
have known the excitement to die out for
several weeks and then new men full of
coiifidenco will appear and go to work.
Sometimes they come with sun-eying in
struments and emlenvor to locate the spot.
Veiy often a man w 1'como along with a
pick and shovel and dig all by himself for
"There is n tradition thnt the treasure
was buried there thiity or foity years ngo
by n party of fur traders , and you can't
drive it out of the minds of the people.
They have just about wrecked ono farm
by their operations and they are encroach
ing on others. The men \\lio own thu
land iu that \ icinity charge a fixed nuiu
per day for the privilege of digging and
then mnko thu explorer enter into tin
agreement to divide in case anything is
found , i suppose now that cold weather
has como on the search w 11 bu suspended ,
but in the spr ng you'll seu them nrpuml
there with maps and compasses th'cker '
than land agents. "
"What is it that is buried ! " asked a by
stander. "Ifit isn't money what on
wuth is it thnt people are so anxious to
"Oh , I forgot , " said tlio Dakota man.
"it's a ban-el of whisky , If it bad only
boon money the search would have been
abandoned long ago. "
Twenty Bnttlea Fought Ycstcrdnj
NoarMUxvaukeo Ueforo n Imrgo
December 28 Local nud
Chicago sporting men arranged to-day to
havu a big cocking main at a convenient
place near this city , which turned out to
bu very interesting. Jt was the first
event of the sporting season. It began
early and lasted all day. Qhu .birds were
from Milwaukee and neighboring cities ,
and were in good condition. Some dis
played unusual gameness. Money changed
freely but in small amounts. About
foity battles were fought. Iho first was
: > etweon a pair of stags , a dark red and a
due dominiquc. The dominique had a
reputation at stake , but was laid out in
hreo minutes. The fight was lierco at
hues. Much money was lost on thu dom-
uique. The second was also a stag light
between a liylo named Congressman Delis-
: or and a black red. Betting was oven ,
and the birds were known to bu good
ightors. Dciister took money at Chicago ,
lliey went hard at each othur. The red
was clipped the first on-slaught , but
fought through in excellent style. He
was horribly galled iu the head , and his
leg was broken but ho went on. The
pyle eanio out n inner unhurt. The third
battle was between two blinkers , a led
pylo and a gray duckwing. Both were
acknowledged stayers. The duckwiug
wiis n favorite in the betting. In the iirst
round the red got his spur through the
the du"k's head and clinked him. A hot
fight followed. The gray tumbled around
entirely blind and showed cowardice. Ho
was terribly punished. The red took
considerable money. There was a sharp
light between a black red ( Rolling Mill )
and n red breast. The red breast was
considered the best but the other came
out winner. The red was disabled from
the start and fought in spasmodic jerks.
He became exhausted easily. The battle
lasted twenty minutes. An exciting
battle was fought between a black Tartar
and a white rooster. The white was
steeled through the breast five times , and
then gave up. 1 ho Tartar won an easy
victory. The times were very lively.
Some of the birds will go to Chicago for a
main to be fought shere next week.
Train Talk.
Chicago Herald.
"What kind of a Christmas did wo have
at our house ? ' echoed the brakemaii , as
ho and the engineer sat down together in
the cab. "JNot a happy Christmas , Jim ,
not a happy one at all. I never want an
other like it. You remember mo tullliig
you on nut-inn List Wednesday what liign
expectations my wife and 1 had. Oui
little gifl , past five years old , you know ,
has always wanted a Christmas tiee , and
this year we decided to have one. Only
giil , Jim , and there was nothing wo
wouldn't do for her. So my wife bought
her n little trunk , a doll , a pair of new
mittens , some candy and small toys. I
got a Christmas tree , a small one all for
our giil , and a lot of red and blue candle's ,
and Homo glass heads , and I went down
into the cellar and fixed it up , anil my
wife popped HOIUO corn and strung it ami
we put the strings on the tree. .Dixie
that n her name , you know , because wo
used to live south 1 ixio would try to get
into the cellar to see what I was doingand
once I caught her peeping in a window
hole through the HIIOW. Before )
left the house I locked her to sleep , kissed
her a do/.cn times , put her to bed anil
helped my wife put up the tree on the
Htand in thu front room. You lemembei
how happy I was that night. I could nee
that little Christmas tree and my golden-
haired liixio all the time. The HW itch-
lights , targets , and lanteniH all seemed ti
he the lights of the wax candles on Dixie's
tree. I didn't mind the cold that nighl
at all , and danced and sang along thu to ]
of the caw.
"Next moniing just at dawn T reachi'ii
home. I nui all the way , and skipped uj
the stairs three at u time. 'Why isn't the
tree lighted ? " 1 111411 ! ed of my wife , She
burnt into tears , 'Whoro is Dixie ! ' ]
tried , She pointed to thu front room.
There , there , Jim , on the littlu stand , be
neath the Christmas tree , on which a Mili
tary ciindlu was flickering , lay my Dixie ,
HIT exposure of thu day before bail
brought on croup , and my wife's telegram
failed to teach me. That was my Christ-
mast Jim , and as you havu children ol
your own you know - "
But the engineer shaded bis uyes with
his big hand , looking ahead on the black
rails lying iii a bed of glistcnhig snow ,
His only answer was a whistle for tnu tar
get , and thu brakeman clambered to his
post at thu top of the cars.
In High LllV.V ( )
DALLAS , Texag , December 21) ) Mies Grace
Harding' Hammond , daughter of Belle Uoyd ,
the "Itebel Spy , " vrqa married In thla city lail
night to Hay Charter * , a'young Knglithman ,
aced 'Jt who claims to bo Karl of Linwood
1'or nearly a year put Charters haa been em
ployed In this city aa initructnr In elocution ,
and in June last the "B rene a Lin wood'1
startled this community by lay'nc a lerlnua
charge apalnet a young banker of Dallas. Her
mother , Mra , Hammond , demanded pecuniary
damagea from the young banker , falling to
receive which the irate mother almt and
wounded the youn man , ' Lord rimrtnrs
was a resident of Dallu at the time the
hooting occurred. Belle Boyd haa formed
a comedy company and announces that ehe ,
together wltli her daughter , tha Bareness and
lur noble sonlnlaw will appear behind the
footlights in leading roles. HIM * * s
of n Yoiinit Mnrrlotl Cim-
plo in Colil "Weather.
Chicago Trlbuno ,
"How ilitl you gut along in your tint
lur iig the recent cold mm ] ) ? " iwk'cd a re-
wrier of a young maiT.ed friend the other
Iny. .
"Well , wo lind rather n hnnl time of if.
t hnd to crnwl out of n warm lied caily in
: ho morning after the first vciy cold night
and wnlk six b'ocks ' after a pluiiber. My
wife hnd forgotten to turn elF the valor ,
and wo were frozen nj > t ght. I was
obliged to go out in the backyard before
bronkfnit and ca t in u loud of snow to
melt so that wo could get water for coffee.
Wo have hot-water bag tlmt wo wnrm
the bed w th , and I had to break tlio ieo
in that and melt it np. "
"I judge it must have been pretty cold
up your way ? "
"I should leinnrk that it was. You
see our little Guriiey flat is the lower one
of the two , and directly under us is a largo
roomy cellar. It is very nice in the sum
mer , but in such wcnthor asvo had
last week the cold air and wind use it
for a play-ground. It used to bulge up
the -carpet in the parlor , and it niado
mo seas.ek to look at the heavy sea it
made. "
"Has the plumber exacted his chattel
mortgage yet ? '
"Mot yet. I am expecting him on the
ijlad New Year. I went to his place at
11:110 : that terrible morning , and ho Maid ho
would bo around in an hour. About 4 p.
in. my wifolsuggested that I summon him
again. I did no , and ho said ho might
| ioss bly reach us before morning. Then
I left the order with seven different plumb
ers , and I expect to receive seven different
bills. "
"Which one turned up first1' ?
"The ordinal plumber. Two of his
apprent'ces ' showed up about (5 ( p. m. All
day long the water in the boiler bubbled
savagely , and 1 expected every moment to
see the rear end of ourjittle abode travel
across the alloy ; but it didn't. Tito boys
thawed out the kitchen pipes , and said
they would como the next morning and
limnh the job. "
" A ml dd they come ? "
"You bet they did. They spent three
good , solid dinncis in taking the bath
room apart and putting it together again.
I net np the cigars n a sort of peace oiler-
ing , butjby mistake 1 gave them the
wrong cigars , and they may swell my bill
'or it. "
"Well , are you all right now ? "
"All except the cold air. That lema'ns '
with us. I s.t around our base burner and
nentally liguio up the cost of the coal as
t drops into the ash box. Then I start
lown town and revel in the luxury of a
: hreo mjlo ride in a comparatively warm
md eomfoitablo grip-car. My advice to
yon is that when you lease a flat be sure
ind secure n winter one. The slimmer flats
ro a hollow mockery and a sham. I'll
see you later. "
The Problem of the Ctiristmns
Detroit Free Proas.
"Something for your husband , eh ? " re
plied the clerk , as ho forced his face to a
smile again. "flow would you 1-ko a
smoking set ? "
"Got him one last year. "
"Take a meerschaum pipe or a cigar
ease. "
"He's got both. "
"Hero s a nice blacking bo\ . You would
bo sur " _
"He . "
never uses one.
"Anything in gloves or mittens , ? "
"He's got plenty. "
"Take a shaving set. "
"It's no use ho" always goes to the
barber's. "
' 'Wouldn't he bo pleased with n gold
pen and fancy inkstand ? "
"I got those last year. "
"Let's seel Is ho fond of jewelry ? "
"Never weal's a bit. "
"Dues he like pictures ? "
"Got a house full. "
"How would of ' '
a sot Dickens' do ?
"No good. "
"And I suppose ho has neckties , cut !
buttons , slippers , dressing gowns , hair
brushes , toothpicks , spectacles , writing
desk , pen-wipers and so on/ / "
"Yes , everything. "
" .Madam , 1 don't bolioui we can help
you any , unless ymi want a gold-headed
cane. "
"He's got one. "
The cleik scratched his head and looked
up and down the store for a lung minute ,
and then remarked :
"Must you make him a Christmas
"Yrs , I positively must. "
"Well , we've only ono other aitickyiml
if that doesn't suit I'll have to give it up.
It isa pajr of crutches for invalids or in
jured pel-sons. If he happens to get hurt
it will roniu handy. "
"Well , I ilnnno , " hhe wiid , as she criti
cally ivxaminod the crutch. "It lays be
tween Ibis and a life-pi eserver which I
found at a second-hand store. 1 11 th'nl ;
it over to-night , and , by to-morrow L must
icach some conclusion. Meanwhile if I
telephone you that he has taken a roll
down the back stall's you can count on tin
cash for two crutches , a quart of arnica ,
and at least sx porous plastoi's. "
A. Dinpulo About thn Pay of
TIIK.MO.V , Is" . Y. , December SO. U. S
Supervisor Hews la in dispute with Attorney
General Browster respecting tbo iay United
States marshals and tupervlaora of the recent
election In this state Howe says the mar
shals and guperviBora should bo paid six and
one-half and eeven daja work. Attorney
General Urewster lias juit written Marshal
Doron declaring par for no moro than three
days. The matter will probably be taken to
the court of claims by some supervisor.
Tfie nil ol Ibeltim Bboi
Unc" In connection wUhuV
corporate name of * irrettroid
conveys an Uo ol jut what
required by the traveling nab
I I nl L 11 ° - * Short "it QutJk < fitai
I Illl _ and the best > hcuxcada
* tlont all ol which art IOID
bed by the teatut tallwar In America.
And St. Paul.
Itowni and en 'over l.toa mlleiol
Northern WlnoU. / laconiln , Minnesota , Iowa
Dikota ; and M U n tin lln * , branches and con
Mini reach all tb grea * jiulneei centres ol Ihi
Northweitand Fr Went , II naturally answers Ibs
desoriptlon ol She ILlne , and Beet Oonte betweti
Chicago , Ifllvrr Jicee , St. Paul and Ulnneapolls.
ChicagoMUw ukee , La Crcee and Wlnona.
OhloagoMUiraQkeeAberdeenand Dlendalf
Ohtoago , Milwaukee , Emu Claire and BUHwstor
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waueau and Uerrill.
Obloago , MilwaukeeBeaver Dam and Oihkosb ,
Obloago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Ooonomowoe
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madlton and Prairie da Oblsi.
Obloago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault.
Chicagolielolt JaneirlUe and MlneralPolnt.
Chloago , KMn , IVocklord and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Oedat Aapldi.
'hlcago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fallsand Tanktoa
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlahi
( look Island. Vubuque , Bi , Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenpoit "almar , St. Paul and Mlnneapole.
Pollmaa fcltMpors and the Klneut Dlnloff Carl In
he w : rid are run on the main lines ol the CHICAGO.
attention U paid to pastenicersby ooarteoos employe *
ol the Company.
UKiUUUi , Oenl Manuer.
T CLABK.OenlSilpt.
OEO.UKU.rOUD , A t. Otn'l P
1513 DOUGLAS * ST : , OMAHA :
Commencing Monday , November
Consisting of Picture Frame
Mouldings , Picture Frames ,
Engi'avingSjPaintings , Water
Colors , Photographs , Station
ery , Pocket Books , Purses.
Ladies' ' Shopping Bags , Scrap
Books , Albums , Statuary , Ar
tists'Materials , GroldBronze ,
Plush and Velvet Cabinet
Frames , Brackets , Comb and
Biush Sets , Jewel Cases ,
Work Boxes , Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes , Oder
SetSi Birthday , Christmas
and New Year Cards , and a
Great Variety of Fancy
Goods and Novelties Adapt
ed to the Holiday Trade ,
Have You Pictures-
to Frame
If so , this is nu opportunity o n
Hfe-timo to get them done in the
best of shle , nud at prices defying
n'l competition. I have the largest
nud Quest stock oE the above goods ,
iu the city , having made my entire
Holidav Purchases "before deciding
to retire from the business. Failing
health compels mo to make n
change nud iu. eider to close out
iny stock at once , I oiler without
reserve , bargains m every line such
oa will insure n speedy sale. This is
the Greatest Opportunity ev r of
fered to the citizens of Omaha and
surrounding towns to select their
Holiday Goods. Como nt once and
oe convinced that every article of
fered is a bargain.
Om of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States
to Select *
Fine Diamonds , Rich Jewelry ,
French Clocks. Bronze Statuary ,
English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware ,
European Holiday Novelties ,
LeatliugM.usicDealesintlieW6st [
Pianos ancT Organs !
Prices and Terms tJiis Month than
ever offered Itejfore. A. visit to our ivareroonts
Orange Blossom Flour
1013 Jones Street \ ASK ton BED cnoas. i OMAHA NEB