DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS 7uesday Morning Deoonibor 3C BUBSCniPTlON RATES. Br Carrlet - - - - - - -so cento P w " By Mall - - - . . - 110.00 pet ytai OFnCBI Ho. 7 Pearl Streetr ? ir Broadway. I = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MINOB MENTION , H , R , Stewart , artist , at Chapman's. See J. Roller's now stock of cloths. Try McOlnrg's self-raising bnckwhoa t Cocko & Morgan's special sale of droas goods this weak. Comforts big reduction this week Oocko & Morgan's. N. E , Loaman , successor to St. John Bros. ' in the commission business , has re moved to No. 14 Pearl street. In the district court yesterday , Wil liam Brown waa on trial on the charge ol stealing his brothers' homes. All the members of Rescue Company No. 3 , are requested to moot at the on gtno house in uniform and attend the funeral of the late Gcorgo Bowers. Mr. Lynchard ) of the Council Binds Herald , is reported as rallying from his severe illness , and it Is thought ho will recover. His sister , Mrs. Sandy , of Ne braska City , Is now hero attending him. The free literary and social of the Y. M. 0. A. will be hold as usual this even ing at 8 o'clock. An Interesting pro gramme Trill bo presented , ono.of the features being "Romnlsconcoa of the Gongh lecture. " T. Dawson , who was arrested for un mercifully beating Eva Parson with a boor glass , was yesterday given a contin nonce and released on $200 bail. The woman is said to bo in a dollcato condi tion and the wounds are dangorons ones. Deputy Marshal Dougherty yesterday ancotod a man on suspicion for stealing a coat. Whllo the follow was trying to sell it to I. Domoratsky , G08 Broadway , Dougherty attempted to arrest him and the follow ran aa far as the Coy house before ho waa caught. The boys have commenced the winter coasting on Willow avonno , the sleds gliding swiftly down the hill , across Bancroft , Main , and even Pearl street , clear to the Park. The boys should have their sport , but if ihero are to bo many coasters and much excitement , some pre caution should be taken to proyent acci dents. Mr. Honn is still quietly presiding over the scales at the juncture of Main and Pearl streets , and does not seem to bo disturbed by the manifestoes of the city council. He says ho shall hold the fort until May , at which' time his license expires. In the meantime the Injunc tions , the repealing of ordinances , the orders to vacate , etc. , are piling up , but weighing gees on and on , E. J. Halpln , who has lived < here for ton years , is circulating a document ask ing that ho bo appointed as one of the letter carriers , and securing the signa tures of prominent citizens who have known him , as endorsers of the applica tion. Mr. Ualpin Is a thorough veteran , having served throughout the war in the Seventeenth Now York , and has never sought or received any position or pen sion. sion.Prof. Prof. F. Starr , of Coo college , Tflll glvo his celebrated lecture on "Sun. beams" at the Masonic Temple on Mon day night , January Cth , under the auspices of the Y. M. 0. A. Tickets at 25 cents each can be had at E. Hunting- ton's Btoro , Dr. Judd'a office , and H. E. Seaman's store on Broadway , and at W. S. Homer's store , J. F. Barko's photo graph gallery and Y. M. C. A. rooms on Main street. The following are the latest matrimonial menial permits : J. L. Walters of ' Audubon county , and Clara 0. Duncan ot Council Bluff j Holbort H. Goodwin and Ella Wright of Reel , Pottawattamlo county ; Martin Christiansen and Ingor Nelson , both of this city ; W. A. Wilbur of Silver creek , and Alice McElrath of Keg crook ; J. 0. Trainer of Onawa , and Clara McUnllom of Joplin , Mo. ; Albert P. Johnson and Mary Iluichenboech , both of this city. FATAL"FALL , * George Bowers Thrown From a \V K < m anil Ilia Nook Broken. Yesterday between .2 and 1 o'clock George Bowers , a young man well known in this city , was the victim of a fatal ac cident. Ho was driving a team for Slow- art Bros. , and at the noon hour was about to put tboin In the stable , near the earner of Madison street and Washing ton avenue. According to the statement of Mrs. Maud Maxwell , who was the only eye witness , ho stopped to open the gate , aa the team Blasted Into the yard , ho clambered' Into the back end of the wagon , but before ho could got hold of the reins the horses suddenly turned the wagon tipped and ho was thrown out , falling on his head , breaking his nock. Tbo body WHS taken to Coroner Council's undertaking rooms and an inquest hold , which resulted fh accordance with the above facts. The jury being 0. S. Hub- bard , T. M. Bonner , and 0. Whltraore. Mr. Bowers loaves no family and no re latives BO far as can bo learned. Ho waa a member of the G. A. R. , and ono of the oldest members of Rescue Co. , No. 3 , A committee of the 1U sjuo company has been enlooted , consisting of Charles San derson , L. A , Berjman and 0. D. Voor- hccB , to make arrangements in conjunc tion with the G. A. R. for the funeral , which -will take II ! CP to-morrow. UPSET SALE AT MBTOALF BRO'S. . 0 , 0. llazeu , Dentist , 100 Malnst. FINDING FAULT. The Board of Healtb Thinks tie Small-Pox cases Neglected , It Passes itcsolutlonii of CoiiBitrc , A mooting of the board of health was hold yesterday afternoon to consider Jtho | charges of neglect in the small pox caeca , as given to the public In yesterday's BEE. Mayor Vaughan road a letter from the proprietor of the Coy homo elating that ho had boon neglected by the physician in attendance , and that ho was needing food and was in great want. Aid. James was appointed to visit the Ooy honso , and wont Immediately there and satisfied himself that the charges wore true , and BO reported back to the board , The other patient claimed that ho Siad two sandwiches to oat since Ohriat- msa. On thoao itatomonta the board summoned Oounty Supervisor Graham , and requested him to appoint another nureo and BOO that they had bettor care , and ho promised o sco to it personally and do all in his power. A resolution was passed censuring the : ounty physician , it being claimed that 10 waa in the habit of simply handing modlclno in without seeing the patients at all. Another resolution was adopted that n the future no ouo bo taken to the > est house without permission of the > oard of health , The artlcln In yesterday morning's BEE n regard to the death of the girl at the lost house , and the treatment of horfam- \ ly while in quarantine , caused some lit- lo comment , and an Investigation is bo ng sot on foot to ascertain whether the eportod neglect is true , and if so who is at fault. In regard to the case it seems hat the county baa not boon scrimping > ny , but has boon dealing out with a lav- sh hand. The county furnished a phy siclon , who la paid extra for the services , two nnraes , a man and his daughter , were furnished at a coat of § 8 a day and board , and a great abundance of food , clothing and fuel was sout to the post house , so that If the girl waa neg lected , It was not on account of any lack of ( supplies. As to the family , who were In quarantine. It la claimed that the county board ordered Mr. Hardln to see that all needs were supplied , and Mr. Graham himself bought a dozen blankets , five of which were sent to the family , aud the others sent to the post honso. In removing the girl a i wagon was used , with the Box filled with hay , and a mattress placed npon this , : making a soft bed , whllo two covers were placed over it , making it warm , and the county physician went with the wagon porsoucJly. It seems that the county has spent money liberally enough to care et for the girl and the family in almost lux urious manner , and If there has boon any neglect , It must have boon on the part of some of those employed to see that the arrangements were carried out. ? McOIurg's self-rising buckwheat Hour always ready for use. Try it. , Wall paper and Interior decorations at P. C. Miller's , 13 Pearl street. DPSE1 SALE ATMEIOALF BROS. > Circuit Court Jurymen. The following have boon selected as 10 jury for the circuit court , for the erm beginning Febuary 8th ; Wm. Nohlo , Council Blufla. James Rainbow , Silver Crook. H. Faul , Council Bluffa. E. Britton , Council Bluffs. S. P. Hannou , Council Bluffa. Daniel Elwell , Council Blnfla. C. S. Hubbard , Council Bluffs. A. B. Clark , Washington township. Uaynes Otis , Council Bluffa. R. E. Williams , Washington town- hip.Alex Alex Woods , Council Bluff * . D. W. Patterson , Council Bluffa. John Jones , Council RlnQs. R , P. Sealey , Council Bluffa. George Snell , Council Bluffs. Theodore Basch , Council Bluffs. D. F. Dryden , H&rdln township. Wm. Carloy , Minden township. William Steele , Lerls township. Henry Hoywood , Garner township. A. W. Covott , Council Bluffs. J. W. Oaborno , Hazel Dell township. W. Buroh , Rockford township. A. R , Proutlco , Crescent township. Bo euro you got AlcOlurg's self-rising mckwhcat flour. UPSET SALE AT METOALF BROS. H. A. Collins , late of Toronto , has iponcd an art studio in the rooms of Jarko'a ' gallery , 100 Main street , and is ireparcd to supply portraits In oils and rayon in the latest stylo. Sati faction uarauteed and inspection invited' JAKE ON "THE JURY , A Verdict ivhicli was ne Verdict at all. The caao of Doyle charged with picking ho pocket of a man named Goodwin , anio to a close Saturday afternoon , and was given to the jury , who otirod. About 0 o'clock Saturday oven- Dg they agreed on a verdict of guilty , ud preparing the nocoaaary document ealed the envelope , and prepared for oat. The court had adjourned , the udgo had ono to Atlantic to spend Sunday with his family there , and there was nothing to do only wait. The hours dragged wearily along , the jurymen joint ; in custody of an officer until yes- erday forenoon , when on the open- ng of court the foreman , John Bam nor , handed in the sealed verdict , 'lie judge glanced at the verdict , and re marked to the surprise of the jury that . hey had left out a very important part f the verdict , and sent them back to the oem where they had spent so many weary hours. They soon discovered that hey had left out the word "guilty , " so hat the verdict read , "Wo find the ? e- endaut aa charged in the indict met t 'hey speedily made the correction and were restored to liberty. A SPECIAL VENIRE ; Tlio Drag-Net Kclnj ; Used to Catch 5 Jurymen for the Giosn Net. A. special venire was yesterday issued or a jury in the ca o of Dr. Gross , charged with the murder of Dr. Bio Inno , the case being set f r to-dey , The following Is the list of the seventy-1 five names drawn : W. 0 , Unthank , J. J , White , W. U. Wlghtman , E. Rose , crone , John Stewart , George Fanblo , city ; Phillip Johnson , J. P. Bouldon , of Qazol Dell township ; Pat Lane , Wm. Leigh , of Pleasant ; B. R. Chambers , D. M. Wyckhoff , of Hardln , H. 0. Brandls , W. 0. Bono , of James ; Milton P. Black , Wm. Scollcld , of Wright ; Robt. Miller , of Washington ; James Flynn , Jno. Mlschlor , of York ; Henry Roller , J. Tate , Jno. Slngleman , J. M. Butler , of Mlndon ; J. N , Gurdnsr , W. G. Archer , J. B. Hotrod , Sr' , Elijah Jenkins , J. J. Weston - ton , Nets Low ! * , of Lewis tonnihlp ; Preston Tilton , F. M. McGlmpsor , Jno. Malllcotr , Isaac Copley , of Lnyton ; L. Doty , G. W. Ross , W. W. Perry , of Oflrson ; R. R. Thomas , II. E. Piles , Charles VandrufT , of Center ; P. Buck- Inghnm , Elwood Ortor , Thomas Street * , of Qrovo ; Henry Cook , of Norwalk ; George Nftsh , Legan McRoynolds , of Bolknap ; William Singleton , S nuol Smith , Pat Howard , ot Lincoln ; E. T , Graham , Jamoa E. Cramer , of Wavoland ; L. Hunter , G. W. Cooper , J. E , Follott , of NoolajNlck Klrsoht ; of Silver Crook ; Henry Hayward , F. S. Child * , J. R. Macrae , of Garner ; B. F. Palmer , Rich ard Orcspln , John Wlatt , of Rock ; Ellas Wright , D. Hough , Thomas Page , of Boomer ; John Lowls , John Dye , of Mac edonia ; J. N. Johnson , H. S. Gregory , of Silver Creek ; W. 0. Stephens , 0. E. Lacy , of Crescent ; R. S. Harlow , H. S. Green , 0. B. Nelson , A. Hoirls , R. t. Hart , George Rlddlo , of Knox. Ask your grocer for McClnrg's self- raising buckwheat. Try it. A BARGAIN. A stock of cigars for sale cheap , among ivhich is a lot of good uo cheroots at 815 thousand. Reasons of selling , ill lOftlth and contemplation to go south. \pply to Frank Kern , 552 Broadway , or it Bochtolo's hotel. ANOTHER BARGAIN. I will sell a Webster's unabridged Dlc- iionary , Ten volumes Charles Dickons' iVprks , all for $35,00. I also have a iair of club skates as good'as now that I vould soil at a bargain. Apply to Frank vorn , 552 Broadway , or at Bochtolo's lotol. GOMMEKOIAIi , COUNCIL BLurra MABKET. Wheat No. 1 mllllnff , 57 ; No. 2 , 65 ; tfo. 8 , 45. Corn New , 21c. Data For local purposes , 23c. Hay Si 60@GOO per ton ; baled , C060. Kyo 35o. Corn BJoal 1 CO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yards , 6 00 ® 50. 50.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; soft 60 per ton Laid Falrbank'a , wholesaling at 0c. Flour City flour , 100@2 90. Brooms 2 95@S 00 per doz , LIVE BTOOK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 25@3 75 , Batcher toors , 3 75(34 ( 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00. Hoga 4 00@4 25. FBODCOE AND rBDITS. Poultry Live old hens , 2 CO per doz ; dressed hickona , So ; dressed turkeys , 12Jc ; dressed lackfl , 9@lOc ; dressed gecso , 10@12c ; spring hlckens , per doc. 2 25. Butter Oroamery , 258c ; choice country G@18c. Epgs 22 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 304po per bushel ; inlons , ( Xa ) per bu : apples , choice cooking or lating , 2 50@3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 60 per uahol ; Sweet ootatoos , 2c oer Ib. Cider 32 gallon bbl. . 56.50. Oranges b 50 per bbl. ADinsSlON-Gentalfo-lAdlei 100. SKATES-Genta 150. Ladles lOo , ' Admliilon Fr e lo Ladles each aornlng and Tues day and Thunday Bfternooni. Use ol Slcatea IS Bi cents. A. F. BOIIANOK , JLII , MAUTENS , ' " Uanager. Proprietor Irs , HJ , Hilton , I D , , PHYSICIAN & SUKGrEON , 222 Ulddle Broadway , Council Blufli. J , E. TATS , Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collection ! promptly attended to. Room 16 , ShuKart'j Building , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA Dr , W. H. Shorraden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council BInfta Iowa. N. SCHURZ. oftlie Peace OFFICE OVER AMK1UOAH EXPRESS POTJNCTL BLHFFS fO W 4 ORDER YOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood I OF 33. > , OrOlXTEJe ) , P. Oi addreu , Loalt Box 1109. Council Blufft Dl JACOJK srsfs , at-Law > Attorney - - IS ! COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. ) Office , Main Stre-1 , Room 8 , Shugart and Beno .look. Will practice In B ate and Federal courts TDCI. ornmEj n. D. M. rvut i OFFICER & PUSEY . BANKERS. Council Bluffs , . . . la , Established - - 1856 Pe&tcn In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Uoioo Becuritki. $20 KEWABJJ ! ; ' " A KK\V RU paid for Information ol present 5U locatku iialr homes , wairon anil barncBt , inortRtgeil br William D Hall toThomo * a' , , tnton Hay horse fevenj tarn old , 1/00 ponuda , Bear left lilnd leK , bUck b rtitt nine > eara old , star In fort nod ipi\ln lnrlg > it hind leg w. HOD , Coo-cr roal-o , tU'C Inoli ict ilouhle lutno. , UVcn from I'otU.uatt- in lo county In * KU t T u dollan rcwfrd I4t dlsvncrr I U1 Htll , Hall ilicrl > ed ii ibout 8 fcetlCncbf8 | , > andvcomplexloiib ldiead ) rn top : Hikiei * bruwnltlirrd etoutl-b built , out O > u > ri old. A "f I ) o l-o naid KT rott , tt'/rno ; at law U'.ufls ' , Iov. , 5- it' ' ' ' ? v. > ANT1 $ HAS ABRIVEDfDT FULL'FORCE -AT- CT. IMITTZELLIEIR'S Music Hall 103 MAIN STREET , FINEST 'DISPLAY , THE LOWEST PRICES , THE GREATEST VARIETY , EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN TO STou Will Find that You can Buv for Less than Anvwliere Else. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vortlaomenta , euo aa Lost , onnd , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board- g , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low , to ot TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or tbo first Insertion id FIVE CENTS PER LINE tor each subsequent n- rtlon. Leave advertisements t oar offloe , No. sari Street , near Broadwav WAHTB. [ XT'ANTED A girl as woman for general house rV work. Must have references. Mrs. Lucius rolls,117 Foutth St. , Council Bluffr. WOlPa * LK A good cook stove , 5 almost n ew. 0 t ? Bee office. RENT T o iccly furnished rooms. MrJ. A. A. Smith. 128 S. First St. j\OK KENT A handsomely furnished joom. J References oxchaigid , 1102Mtth street. L\7"ANTED A good girl for general house' ork In rt a family or three , AddiceaH.Coutdl Bluffa cooffloo. y a gentleman of good address a position as book-keeper or si'csman. Can irnlsh A No. 1 : efcrcnccs as to charactir and e\- crlence. Address letter A , Ecu olllco. JT7 ANTED A gent J In c ery county In western VV Iowa to etll tbo "Champion Bosom Stretcher nd Ironing Board" , Every lady pronounces It on ight to bo just what shj want < , cither for heiself r hlrec' help. Big Inducements to agents Retails ir 81 , Address O. B. S. and I Beard , B o ottjco ouncll Bluff ? , loua. u'OR SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J. L' Stcptcason , 603 First avenue. GpOR SALE A top-buggy , flrst-tliBJ male and L1 m ex client condition Or will trade lor cheap ) t. Addrcua f. M. Bee office , I'ouncll Blu7s. " 10AL AND ViOqD-GcorgcHcaton , B28 Broad- J way. cells coal ajpl wood at reasonable prices , Ives 2,000 Ibs. lor a ton , and 123 cubic lor a cord , ry him. [ JIOK SALK -Piano , 1I..K. Seaman , Paper , Beoks ? and Stationery , Council BlUu . [ TfTANTED Every body in Council Bluffs to take VV Tunllsi. Delivered by carrier at only twenty ants a week. VLD PAPERS For sale at 13m office , at S5 oonte J a hundred j. L. DEBEVOISE. ion Mut No. 507 Broadway Council BlafTe. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TLe following are the tlmei of the arrival aod do. arture ol trains by central standard tliot , at the ical depots. Trains leave transfer depot taa mln Us earlier and arrive ten mlnutea later , 0111010 * , BCBLlNOtOS AMD qUISOT. liivi. S-.S5 p m GhlCAiro Cxprcai S.OO a rn ; iO a m Faet Mall. 7:00 : p rr raoarn | M il and Kiyiea , TJOpm ; SO p m Accommodation. 1:40 : p m At local depot only. , BT. ; oa ASD council iLtrrrs. :06 : a m Mall and Kxprcaa , 6.66 p m 1:16 : pin Paolflo KxpreM , 6:15 : a m CBI9100 , UILVADKHI USD ST. fiUL. iZ5 : p m Eiprc 9 , 8:06 : a m l2 ; > a ia Kxprcaa , 0:55 : p m OEKULOO , BOOK IHLJUI9 1KB F103710. -.15 p m Atlantic Kxr > ie < , 8:06 : a > a 1:25 : a m Day Kipi.ts 0:64 : p . r29 ; a m * Des Uolnca Aooommodation , 8:16 : p-m , At local dejiot only. WAtutn , BT. u > un AND ncino. :10pra : Aooommodat.ou 80 p u Loula t cpreaa 3X : ) p mla 60 pa. At Tfanefor July 'vnioiooand NOITDWKSTIBI. Kiproet , 1:60 : p m la : a m tD6 : a m HOP ! CUT AND rlCIKIC M p m St. Taul Eipruaj , S.ro a m ) \i \ a ra Day Kiiireaa 7:03 : p m UNION FACING. 3:00 : p Bi Wenti-ru Kljitese. SSO : a m 1:00 : a m Pat-lOo KH run ) . MO p ra 910 ; > la Llnoolu Bxprew 1:15 : p m At Transfer only DDHUY TKACiS TOauilfi -r:2iwiso-9Jio-jo:33-i : : : > : io . EO4:30i8SOll:05 : : : p. TO Monday ; :20- : .30-11:40 t in lBO-B j-6:80-fl:30-ll:05 : : : ( i. m. ritve 10 mlnuVtg l > " ( " " > .teavlg ! ( luiv , i'rjin tmi ! r cnly 209 Upper Broadway , ngiln to the Front. Study , reflect and comonndExamiat , and eeo for jourfelvc8 what jou can buy farCaih at my plaoe. quote \ou as follows : 13 Ibs granulated sugar lor 81 00 IS Ibs U eugar for I 00 15 Ibs While exOsugarfor 1 00 20 bars Kirk's white Russian soap for 1 00 22 bara Palroa , equal to KIrk'a Russian soap fr. 1 00 20 bars KIrk'a blue Indlieoip 1or 1 00 Dupont's best powder per Ib SO 18 boxea ol matches f or 25 French mixed candv per Ib 12 jo. B ) rup California honey drips , per cfll CO Syrup , narantod strictly pure VtrmonJ maple per gal 1 00 Sorghampcr gal CO A No. 1 English currants 14 lb for. . . - 1 00 Lewis'Lye , genuine 10 boxes for 100 Canned blackberries , preserved , Scans tor . . . 1 00 Canned 31b yellow peaches In white syrcp6 for. 1 CO Canned 3 Hi let quality Tomatoes 10 for 100 A No. 1 white Dah , per kit 70 PureMlicd Cindy , per pound T T. T. I can sell you according to qual > tyilrom 16o to 70o per Ib. Flour Wo sell the celebrated Patent Fancy per cwt. $2 73. Wo keep everything usually kept In a First Class Grocery , and warrant a very thing wo bell. Ooods do- Ihoredtrco in any part ol the city. I also handle aioves and Mittens , Dry goods anil Notions , Boots andShoei , and a good assortment of Tinware Re member ; I nlll not only bo not undersold on any ceoda , but will sell 20 per cent below any Competition In the city. We are now rocclv lr R an Invoice of Dolls In which wo can give the greatest bargalnscvcr ottered In the city My expenses are very light , witli no Rents to pay I am enabled and will Sell cheap far UASII. Cull when you want the be oBirgalna In my line , J. P. FILBERT , 209 Up'por Broadway , oancil Bluffs EVERYTHING NEW , All thetatest Improved Machinery. All Work First Oiass. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or * ders over $2.50. Collars and CufF $ a Specialty. Established 1882. H E. EEMEB , Manager 111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , THE PLACE To purchase At Bottom Prices , is HOMER & GO'S 23 Main Stroo - Council Bluffs E , Eice M. Dt n I linrna 01 othtr tnmoci remorei without tbi ufi.fl 1) ) IJItO , kaitt or dulor ol blod. . CHRONIC DISEASES"0'1 u * . P wi7. Over tblrty yeari i > ractloM ezMrleaM QAtt 1 0. i , Pear ) itrrct , Council Ultgb trta , ONCE in 1000 YEARS PEOPLE HAVE A CHANCE FOR AIMS Like the One Now Offered by CASAOY , ORGUTT & FRENCH In theMasonic Temple , Council Bluffs , la. Owing to a change in the firm wo are desirous of re ducing our stock very low , and so offer the Entire Stoo of CARPET Lace Madras and Turcoman Cur tains , Shades , Rugs , Mats , and Mattings Oil'-Cloths , - , iin oleums , Table Linen , Napkins , ed Spreads , Towels Piano'x and Table Covers , Blankets ona Comfor ters Etc , , Etc ; The entire Stock At a Greats Sacrifice Such an opportunity was never before o ffeied to ih ublic to secure Carpets and other House Furnishings a iuch a sacrifice for Nice , New Desirable Goods. HOUSEKEEPERS , HOTEL MEN , COTOrEY MER CHANTS. [ flow is your chance for Unheard of Bargains , Ths sale will continue until the stock is very much reduced. Those who call early will get the best bargains , WE MEAN BUSINESS and shall make the lowest prices ever heard of , Masonic Temp'c ' , Couucil Blwffs. EVEBYTtHNa RSTOLAS3. NOT. 217 aad 219 S. Main St. . - COUNCIL BLUFFS BMITH Ss TOLLEU Ants. , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOEB 7 and D Main street , BtTJJFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select Ffrmi , I AM TUB WK4TDIIN AJO..M1 FOR TOB K0.3. Thls's wli t80niotf the eUate nnrutfwtunir * call a "Club , "but we call it "Our Hall Clamp Club. " It hfia inim ujrinttU lnn.t mis corrupted unaiiK. It IjJml nickel p attd Tne liottuaj It ih i ) i lo flt the solo of the sh > orb i i-erftct y , t-Krooy em if tin foot fre an 1 natural nctlon. Itkn toeclanmacdlUitiLUtror ( iikSoit or hwjl 'tra.s . Tou luel ikroiiara pifrrth1o to heel e amp n moitcieca.aillnbtr p < kt yanu i.tro itlifn tio-nkle oltoiiittutnilnn \ s nous aiil palnlul accUenu. U lithe anmtloolilru skatu In the mirket , and oiia this U sure to piiiso. l'i ' hn pura TurUM Hji/roofi wh eU wlih brass biuhlngji , tlu * ar ! ! t iin-iei.lii d t-neti'ftiiJeory wmol parfj-t r tru , M Mb pair 1C casii'llaas-piraieljDi. t\rt \ I to 9. 1 also mrry a lull line o ? siinu skat In lul r p woo i bottoms a * < afulllUiecf allextrm , and HiiulUiid l r o braiw lined whte r. Wrlm lor 5 > rlo. Torirn-l/ue-thlrd oaeU aooompaoj Ing order ; bklauco neat C. O.D.11. . L. UlLLBtt , WenUrn Agjut , 10JJ , Fcwrtu Arena * Couosil Bl'iHi ' ) , Iowa. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IKTinsruicsa or Cooking and Heating Stoves. . ! The eeuonbelng to la advanced I have concluded to dlepose ot lay KUH nraAiflUisa or COST ! a pr l- ( Utnco to itorn.tbem ! tuillntxt M son. Call early U > 1 will not I * undersold by anjoue. jcx Jo. HSjMldGljk 825 broadway. Council HluCfq. NORENE & LANDSTROM , Winter Goods Ready. Sutts Made to Order in Latest Siryle en Sliort Notice aud. nt Rensonnljla Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. \ 205 Main attcet , . . . . . . Qounoll Bluta. AGEKTS WAJKTED. IDrs. Judd & Smitii's New Improved Electric Belt. 813 HIJDADWAY , COUNCII , BLUFKSUOWAj 725 M.M BT. , DALLAS , TBXAH ; and Kf.VAYNK. . IN" IT POSITIVELY CUHE8 KIdmy and Uvtr Comiilalnl , Drlnht'i Dlsea-Oi llhcumailain , Nwirulal Di rec lo. Ncr > onunO ) WotliiK Wiahn'M , I'aialvais , Hiiloal A ctloni. IndlgiallOD , Ho rt DlK * i , HU HeaJlacli , lamt Hack , t'o'd Feet , and all dl8ea 0 ! ri ) ulrlns la weuoj motive poutrd. N w fiiHirovwl bol f ? and j ; old stjlo $2 tacli. _ DBAliEUB \ 332 bud 341 DroRdvr 7 , ; XDNOirj ) BLDFFB IOWA