Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1884, Image 5

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ist , " * -
A Kan DisciiTcrctl in a
iiion ,
to Via tno Victim ot
tctnptort > tnrdcr.
evening A Inlander named .1
Klnsa was found lyinc ; In an nnconse
condition at the foot of the uteps tn f
of his honse on Loavonworlh street , i
Thirteenth , Ho had his leg broke
badly that It will probably have t <
amputated while hi * faoa was wretch <
brained and a deep cat evidently
flletod by some hrp Inslrnmi
stretched for the distance of sen
Inchon on his face and f orohcad. ' .
wonndcd man was taken Into
house , whore hi * wounds w. .
fckllfolly drcsocd by Dr. Galbralth.
A reporter In company * ith Ofti
Mostyn visited the pUee shortly ai
the occnrrence of the accident. Q
nonbo was nshorod. into the room wh
the i-ick man lay , In ft lethargic con
tion. The room WM a perfect rooki
of filth and equal or and reeking with
norta of evil smells. From what 001
b gathered from the unooheront ra
taring of the nick man , and from bits
outside testimony , it In moro than lik
that Klnsa was the victim of mnrd
ons attack made by his wite. It
mid that Kins * was attacked by his wi
who cnt him on the forehead with a shi
hatchet , and then , probably with so
one's assistance , threw him down stal
The hope was , doubtless , that upon t
combination of circumstances a plans ! )
story might bo based of how Kit
had fallen down stairs in an intoxlcal
condition , and had thus been the vht
of his own /oily.
The theory advanced by the police a
borne out fully bv circumstantial o
4onoo , Is that Hlnsa was assaulted by 1
wife , in company with a yonng man , w
was soon hanging around t
plaen last night , and who was , indeo
at the bedside of the wounded man wnl
a lata hour this morning. Both ho ar
the woman , neither of whoso noquat :
tanco with the English language is voi
extensive , wore very eager when quc
lipnod by a reporter , to explain th
Ivlnsa had been Intoxicated and had fal
on down the long flight of stairs leadli
up to her house. This suggestion
scorned , howovei , for the nharp ar
Incisive cnt cannot bo accounted for
this way. The eonsMional phase of tl
theory is furthermore suggested I
the possibility that this young man nu
have boon Mrs. Klnsa'n paramour. C
course , however , this theory , while base
on legitimate conjecture , is not as y <
toorno out by established fact.
Jt has been thought best for varioi
reasons not to arrest the couple , Mr
Ivlusa and the young man , until th
morning. By that lime additional ev
pence will have probably accumulated
Both of the suspected parties are undi
clo o surveillance.
The wounded man is very losr , an
cannot recover in all probability.
The lIcRulnr MondAy Morning
Om hj-.linlRc Boncko.
Ae is customary Monday morning thor
was a good sized grist to grind out In pc
lice .court yesterday morning. Tne millet
Judge Benoko , started the machinery b ;
calling np John Moss * , who was chargec
wlUi having been intoxicated , contrar ;
to the ordinance regulating such matter *
Ho was a .fiobomian and could not undot
stand English and his case was continue' '
until an interpreter oould bo procured.
Frank Williams was charged will
drunkenness Ho said that ho aw i
man who was wanted for numorou
crime * in Iowa in an Omaha saloon , an <
approached an officer to toll him about It
when the officer rim him in. After i
little mental cslculallon the judge dis
charged him.
.loo Waring was charged with disturbance
anco of the peaco. Ho eald ho .vantoc
to go to bed and i > overal women wor (
using his Ixsdfor a.card table. Ho wai
forced to use strong argument to romov <
them. His case WM continued ,
J. D. Hutchinson , better knomi M
"Ohlcken Jim , " was charged with disturbance <
turbanco of tho.poaco. Ho pleaded no <
guilty and his owe was continued.
H.Y. . M cPhorson was arrested , and
having throe mors upon his person , \v
charged with being a nwpicious charac-
( icter. Ho proved that io was ft barber
wind was working for Bclor , on Tenth
itlroot , whereupon ho was di chnrgcd.
John Douglfts.Wm. . Carter and .lohn
farrot trero ciiarged with vagrancy.
Houglas was | gtpon until this noon
totSnd work or Icavo town. Parrot was
Incutwo day * , and Barter MAS allowed
jaetono hour to leave the city. In case
wiy-cf them fail to to .comply with the
t rnv : of the agrconient.lhoy are to spend
itfau.daya in the county j il i broad
And witor.
ThroK lltiiiBoIr our \l , , n AVhuV w.
) nov\mnl ! , ororcomo by .nervous pros-
< xatlon , recently occ mo o wild and dolir.
( oiu fiat , ! io jumped from a third story
window o Wa homo and wu fatally In.
jcrcd on Iho pavement. Had this nti >
toitunato KWtlom n Uken Brown's Iron
BlUors In time , his life might IIATO been
preserved. Tkii potent Ujnlo onrlche *
the bCood , tone the norvoi , aud Impart *
uovgr to fWog constUutlons. Mrs.
Pho bt A.VhiU , Alaska , M ( U , , e ys ,
"BroT ' Iron Htttcn cured mo of .dp.
peptla , poor appeUto and norvoui pm.
MnllcBl Hequol to n
Some ix or oevcu xock ago , John
Andorion , a quatuyman In the employ of
the Union 1'Aclfio railway , uas engaged
In Muting rock at JJomict , Nebraska.
Ho waa looking ov fmo-holo which
had boon charged vrliU blasting powder ,
when iiuldouly AH n xpcctod
cxploiten occurred. A heavy mats
of rock nai hurled upward , trlkiug An-
tlonnn full In the f co and jtw ihattcrlng
hli lower jtwbono niul muMlatlug his
face In n uiott horrible nian.ior. The
phyitcltni at Itonnot could do nothing
tor ( ho lull'orlng man ud hU cato waa
finally given up ai hopeless , Latt weak
hora trantfctred to the 8k. Joaeph'i
hoipiul in thl city in the hone
that a successful tiporation might lie
X .
porformed. Tie wa * Uken In oharf
the local physicians , who , after
once , determined to perform the c
tion of taking out his lower jaw '
Accordingly the flaps of his check
gother with the upper part of the
wore laid open , and by a dev
manipulation ot the InstrnmonU at
h&nda of Dr. A.yres , the , front stctl
the i w bone , several Inches In OK
was extricated. The fUp * wore the
placed and pewed up. Anders *
doing finely , and will probably rec <
The art of dentistry will be called i
to furnish him with lower teeth ,
biurine ; a few Ineffaceable soar * , At
non ill nltlmatolv be ot presentable
pearanco ,
Snow on ho Orf/fon / tjlnc
Word has been received In Ihis
hat very heavy snows have
nrrcd on the Oregon Railway and 1
? ation company's line , belwcen Porll
ValluU Jnnction. This snow Is
oopest ever knovrn to have fallen In
tate , being four feet in depth. 1
low v > has interfered seriously
affic on the Union Pacific and No
tn Pacific lines , though the Ore
hort line Is still making through c
ections at Umatilla Junction ,
reamer has jnst palled fi
'ortland ' to San Francisco -r
number of Transcontinoi
assongers who take this round ab
ay of dodging the snow In going o
fter reaching San Franoisso they \
ike the 0. P. line and oorae direct
'tnaha. ' Some Idea of the inoonv <
( ice of this procedure may ba Imagii
hen It is known that the eca voy
Ids f 30 miles to the distance.
General Passenger Agent Lae Boti
E the Chicago & Alton , and Travel
gent McLano , of the same road , an
le city.
Travelling Agent Frizallo , of the 111
Und , is in the clly.
The Dnkoe Cftc.
To-day the case of Wilson & Co. ,
Incoln , will be on trial in the Line ,
urt.Vileon is the man who Is charj
ith complicity In the crime of robbi
nke's hardware stero in receiving a
iring the stolen goods which w <
and in his possession. Other co
\lnts have been filed against him , anew
now looks as though Wilson has be
gaged in the business of running
tensive "fence. " Wilson has su
r. Dukes and Sheriff Malick , of Li
In , for damages in the sum of $5 (
is is regarded oimply as an Intimidate
tasure to stave off further prosecntic
A Stolen Coat ,
3n Saturday night "Windy Bo
isod the arrest of a man named Chf
rrald , who , he cUlmed , had stolen I
orcoat. In police court yerlordi
j case was continued until this mor
; . The overcoat in question 1
an owned for several seasons by M
rrald , as he claims ho will provi
ftndy Bob's" coat was stolen , he s&y
o months ago.
ft is quite evident th l Gerrald hi
jn made n victim and he saja as ROC
iho c so is over ho will make it war
some one.
tfr. IT. 0. Stewart , of Chicago , repr
ting the Underwriters agency of No
rk , la In the city together with Mr. <
Babcock , of , Lincoln. They are ei
; ed in looking over the Grnnebau
S and taking preparatory steps to ac
t the loss. It is expected that in
' or two the other adjusters will a
> , when further steps will he taken I
L reunion of the several Chatauquaci :
i of Omaha , with others who may I
ling the Chatauqw course , will I
I Now Yearn Kvo , in the rooms of th
ma ; Men's Christian association. It I
indcd that this ehsll bo one of th
it enjoyable events of the year , an
3hatauqtiaus are urged to be pmonl
UK Voi.Tiio BKI.T Co. , of Marshall , Mich
to rend their celebrated KLHCTRO-VOI
1 Issi.T and other Ki.wrnrp ArruANCES o
for thirty days , to men ( young or olc
: t vl with nervous debility , lees ofilalit
manhood , and all kindred troubles. Alu
rheumatism , neuralgia , psralyslp , an
y other disivJei. Complete restoration t
\igoran4 manhood guaranteed. N
is Incurred as thlity days trial ig flowed
le them at onca for UluitrAted pamphle
C ir , a lalMivr employed on tlie 1 ]
. road , \\-AS killed uoar DatUmmith In *
tl > mt 4HO. : Ho WMN inner bj Hi
ial train di'AwingGenoit ) ! MiMia oi 1K > 1
i > , of the B. , V M.
mr ir +
Ilio Nf-wp. > rt club held the floor t th
mic hall list ovruiiic. Alxmt tbtrt ;
1i > t wvw pii > ent nnd 'Skip | > od the wax
c r jnyi\blo music of the Muncal Union
parly , the l * l nf the series , W K a cnmn
A out of pl < v Min > . Anew coitohis to lv
ijfM CIM- the laltm p t of Iho PI\IMMI.
Iui3ge Wrihs linn ivcrivod ollicial notifica
tlul them will lo AII cxton
cnt ft.\r Jntniary l t in tin
Atlantic utoa of the Hamburg
ricanOcmm hni > . Tlitu cut rntow aril
'dliytlm ' action of the other Hi\-\nikhi |
In luxvl ng to bivak the Uamlnitf
* * * Cantor of Iho lower botr.
mollme results from noglecUd 01
y treated pile * . Uy our lpiprovo i
iod , vrlthout LiUfe , cauitlo or salve.
speedily and permanently cure the
it pile tumor * . I'amphlot , rofertn
md tormi two letter nUnips. World'i
o " ry Medical Association , DOS
11 Street Buffalo , N , V ,
nmcli Murphy'i tcmwrauco [ revlva
ittsburg U a great aucma.
IIorNfortl'N Aclil
r. T , G.CouHrooK , 1'hrslcian at Goo
arJUn UoiplUI , St. Louie , Mo. ,
\ " : . ? wo h " od It In thli
Hal ln dysnopsta and ncrvout disea § .
ud as . drink during the d cllii9 ,
in the couvcletcnoo of lingering fo-
U liai the unaiilmoui
approval of
medic * ! stair. "
minion plno lumber Is iiuotod at
K ) n thounml feet in Mexico.
Com Mnr SAUCE ,
stioo ready nude , nultltloui , ocouo-
I , deltcloui. Nothing cqutl to It
over Ul rcd and It U mv
i ar both ot homg wid abroad.
Talc if roc Unswrv River
tms ,
JVlyfitcrlOTi * Shot IVied For
of ft Gloomy Im
Another mystery of tha river bol
has recently come to light , which i
tailed for what It is worth. It nuj
said In passing , that the bottoms
failed to famish the usual quarterly i
pdy , and it is abont time for somet
of a darksome and mysterious nattu
turn np in that direction.
It is iiald that abont two weeks
when the river was running foil of 1
wrUin yonngman mnminkeown.wa' '
oft" from a Council Bluff * dummy t
rm the Nebraska side of the river for
fusing to pay his faro. He eluml
iown the embankment and fell to
ground belo * In an Intoxicated condit
It is raid that this occurred abont
> 'olook inStho evening , since which ti
, he young man has not been seen.
! ew hours afterward , Charley West
'errymtNn , hearing of the occurrence
ermined to hnn | down the myst <
iVith a companion he scare !
ho bottom far and wide , e
; olng into the river. Fr
tn old woman , who had previoasly
iced the oconrrence , It was learned t
he yonng man , in company with a ton
ooking habitue of the bottoms , 1
> cen seen walking toward the ri
mnk . After that , she failed to nol
hat the yonng man had returned. I
llogcd that ho was very well dress
.nd . had on his person a gold watch t
haln , and considerable other jewel
Vest and his companion instituted f
her search , but falling to discover ai
hlng farther , gave up the hunt. 1
ieople of the bottoms and vicinity i
cry much agitated over what is belie\
a be a murder for plund
t is , indeed , quite p
Ible that there Is tn store tor the pub
reflation of the Ualverson horror.
Yesterday morning about C o'clo <
[ Ike V * halen , who lives near the corr
E Fourteenth and Jackson , heard a si
jsslon of rapid shots near the corni
to jampel from his bed just in time
; e tour men running rapidly away t'
p Jackson street and two down For
> enth street. Investigation revealed
> ng trail of fresh blood extending aloi
le sidewalk for several feet. A womi
so in the vicinity hoard the shots , ai
rd one of the men st\y "Now ,
, you've done It. It is probable th
me one had 'been shot. For If it h <
mply been a dog , maliciouily shot n
e canine would have expressed hknsc
the unsnlstakoable howl.
The First Keen Twlnjro.
As the Beacon advances , the pains MI
hos by which rheumatism makes itee
lown , are experienced after every e :
sure. It is not claimed that Hood
.rsaparilla . is a specific for rheuniatis :
we doubt it there it , or can be , such
medy. But the thousands benefit *
Hood's SM-saparilla , warrant us I
ging others who suffer from rheumatic :
take it before the first keen twinge.
UaUoonlrtjc Effect .
ncrmon'a Magazine ,
A snowstorm at high altitudes is vei
protslve and lonesome. About 10OC
it aoovo Camborwoll , in the middle <
lot Juno , Mr. Lithgoetold me he ws
'reshed withonoandcame down with h
loon in midsummer still covered wit
aw. I have noticed the strangely sollc
cd , and motionless appearance of th
ilte , billowy clouds , treacherous pillow
riling one to step out and recline upo
sm without a hint of Instability
osently , smitten with a crimson cloud
sir edges may break into flame , and a
alooKs , a silent rift is made , am
ough them is seen a distant wildoi
is ef the deep firmamental blue. Le
ascend eoon after sunset In imagina
n. Nothing can exceed the wien
emnily of night in a b lloon. To flea
5iit London and see the whole city liki
s vast flamo-map at one's feet , twoln
laro miles of irradiated streets , will
i winding river picked out by tin
ctrlc light , and as i no rises the whol <
unk to about the siVxs of a chess-board
Is vision In a moment reduces tin
! hUeat city in the world to the pro
tion of a toy. The caith itself , AS wi
end higher and higher , loses import
o in the "clear obscure" above us , U
Ich wo seem hurryliig npaco. Onlj
heavens are now worthy of contenv
lion , but the stats ore changed ; thej
ig moro golden and globular ns In the
iucs , or as In the poet's vision
. "The clear palftvr
rn of its hoary liutro , wmideifnl
llnct and \l\ld xrith sharp pointi of light. "
is a cloud rolls away fiom the "ops' '
iths ' of the moon , the stars gro
it. She is light , but hangs in the
o blackness and seems to' give HC
it , so greatly attenuated is lha light.
ring other In which wo now sivlm ,
haps the physical emotions confuse 01
> nsify the power of the eye.
I'lcco ol ntlnlnfr rroporty
ErliiRa Mntl Imok for Xliono
" \Vlip Work It ,
il\iU ( > Herald.
'here ' is a superstition among a num.
of the minors in that locality that n
In claim In Iowa gulch is an unlucky
It got started tn some way that a
i who worked In that claim was MJJO
leet with b d luck of some kind. He
ild either get blown up with giant
dor , or fall down a Udder , or the
o i would cave In on him , orioma other
ally undesirable occurrence would
s place. lly degrees the belief bee -
o no prevalent that the property was
lidoredhoodooed , " to use a sUun
reulon. The result is that nobody
work It at all , tnd the owners are at
M to Know what to do for men.
Herald reporter having heard of the
ersllUon for , of course , It Is nothing
0 or loss thn a superstition accosted
old nilucr last nlnUt and aakod htm
ithcr ho w i one of thewo n > o belloved
itoties that were being circulated.
N M ° 'tell ' ( ho truth , I must con.
1 do bellorc lonia of them , slranee
t may seem to you "
Wbat foundation have you for yout
ef ( " mVed ( he reporter.
he old miner took a fresh chow of to-
so and i.Md : "I'lio fa6t that so many
i have \roikod have had hvl luck of
0 kind or other makes me llilnk there
miolhlug In It. 1 know one wan who
not been at work In that Infernal
1 more than two da > B bifuro he w
u down wltb pneumonli , aud ho
Ff ,
\i iilcT npw dying. Another
_ ; here and hts cabin was robbt
| T > retk. A third one tried U
r.l from a ladder and came near
td ; that satisfied Mm and ho
Besides thece there have been s (
other mishaps to men working the c
and they followed etch other in
close nuccostlon , and with unoh nnva
certainty , that the men at last can
the conclusion that there was bad
in some way connected with the
orly."Is the claim worth anything ? " i
the reporter.
"Yps , if It T7fts developed I thi
would turn out to bo good properly
T , for one , would not wotk In It If it
given to me. "
1 "Might it not bo a jftb put up by
one who wants to bay it ? " H&ked the :
"I don't know about that , " replied
miner , "but 1 don't see how BO mat
the men could gel to believe It if t
wasn't something In It. No , sir , it
job ; that claim has had luck for any
that works in It. You may cell It st
tilion or anything yon like , bnt I e
ijo to work In It. "
Motel ClorkV VMainonrtw.
Philndolphi * Prow.
"There are A greUmany stale j <
nado abonl the big diamonds worn
lotel clerks , " said a jeweler yestor <
n the reading room of the Glrard hoi
ID ho puffed his cigar and made him
somfortable on his holiday , "but t
ust shows that few people know a g
liamond when they see it. "
"Do you mean to say that the stc
rorn by hotel clerks are all gonnlne ? '
"Most of thorn are. I s\w a h
lork at Capo May , two fears ago , wi
ng one of the largest snd purest <
fiends 1 have seen in many years. I
f course , he did not buy it , and , in fi
t did not belong to nlm. "
" Inhere did ho gel it T
" \Vhy , my dear young follow , ho i
roaring it ns an advertisement. D <
ou know that a great many jewe
rms advertise their goods in that w
Veil , if yon don't , just you keep y >
yes open during Chrislmas wei
nd yon will see some of the hotel ole
lazing with precious stones of gri
alue. It's an advertising dodge of 1
ealera , and it suits the clerks bsoai
ley are thus able to muke a belter e
Sof jewelry than most of the gnee
a cold day when a clerk can't p&
za a countty visitor by flashing a I
inmond on him. "
"How are the dealers benefited1 ?
"Why , in this way : A rich man , fo
: jewelry , comes up to the hotel cot
r and sees a fine diamond on the clerl
ilrt bosom. He makes tome roma
> out the stone. The clerk talks abc
i features and value in an off-hand RI
way. The visitor askes where it w
irchased. Clerk tells him , and reco :
ends him to go there ; in fact , oil
res him a card of Introduclion. Doi
u eee how the echeme works ? "
Drink our 0. G. Java and Mocha Ct
> , fresh rossted every day. Bi > st
naha. GHANO Uxrox TEA Co. ,
) uglas , between Fourteenth and F
leenth streets , lied front.
Members of Myrtle loo'ge U , I ) , a
lupstedto meet at C stlo hall tr. .
aning to transact ( mpottsht busine ;
By order of
Pry our Formosa Oolong and Gunpo' '
rTea. It Is fine.
GRAND Ustoy TEA Co. ,
iuglas , between Fourteenth and Fi
teenth streets. Ked front ,
Death of Cornelius AnUmnu ,
) ornelius Aultman. ped 68 , Inventc
mir cturer , capitalist and phllanthropie
ii suddenly and unexcectedly of heart di
6 nt his home in Canton , ( X , at 1 o'cloc
the morning of the 26th , His wealth
nutxHlalfrom $1,000,000 to $3.000,0 (
leaves one child , Mrs George 13. Hurte
of George D. llnrter , a bunker of Cai
tr. Anllman was born at trnontown ! , 0
r Canton in 1827. Hft , with K. 1U11 , tb
i Cieorge Cook and Lewis ami Jacob Milk
; organised the nioning and reaping
hM' , hatvefiter and engine buninecs an
.Ijlishpd a mammoth plant in Canton O
operated under thn firm nme of C. Anil
'CM Vr ; ' J"Jh n oal'111 8bok "f * 1,600,0V
ifcW Mr. Anllman and same of his co-wort
established the large fstabltshment f
tman , Miller & Co In UC3 tha Fire
wnal bank of Canton was organi/cd b
Anltman and olherf , and ha nctoil R
ident from itn orifnn'/ntJon , In 1867 Mi
tmau ( tailed in busineM In AhnsfiMd. ( )
wneclion with H. It. Tajlor , of Chlsaifo
deceased , for the purpose cf mannfnclm
\tbratorthroslilngmacMne. . XThichlsnlF ,
.out . Battle Creek , Mich. Mr. Atillnwi
iiUntlfietl with Jhe following bnsinees en
nsjs nnd other org nt-/Uons ! nt tlie tlnv
Imieath : C. Anllman & Co , the Cantoi
y\ight Iron BiMge company , the Cnntoi
is company , icholo , Shepherd , t Co. a
le Creek , Mich. , prei-tdentof Awltman ,
' ° L * P ° - ? ( , Mansfield , president of tin
t National binkof Cunton , and he als <
IntereBts In a number of mines in the weet
was tveiwnrprof Afount Union college urn
iliroclor , president of the boaVd o
tpes of the liwt , Melliodi t-l-piicopn :
rch , pi sldont of the Lincoln club , of Onn
and a member of n number of bonnvolon
.nlMtioiw. He withdrew Irom the Akroi
miMiment teemypars iw ; ( > . Afr. Aultmai
mar led in 1840 to KHM Vbe , of GreSn
j , Ohio , w ho died In rebnmj-'isoo. Oni
T\"i r , " to them'ft. , , ' ' " "Bluer , now th ,
of Mr. Georpe 1) . Haiter. In the fsll o
he a manfe.1 to hi. , , rfent Vrtfiu w
'hlUdelpliU. Of eaeftccn
tel during a wonderfully active Hf ,
fsndB of dollar * went to educational n
Ion , Institution , and project , an J hto .
nten 'V" . There are in mimeBU to M ,
tvwity that make it needle * , to re"ew
Or > tetty dic > l Triumph of\li Agd
. .j the. '
t\f \ -.7..v..r.--7 _ . .lhe ho ldr.
; ? n , .r - od-r ? r mla <
* *
nri. note before the ere , Hem
rr the right err. HntlfMae * ,
Ml tlrrHtna , lllthlrcolored Urtne. find
ITTT'N rnrB ara eapeclalij- Adapted
inch ttiet , onn lo a effects Vuch
> H , WuVSH Wt"huV
IMnl'.u'Iiii j\helirA : < llV" ArJloiTon
lucf.l. I'lOfttlieilrunUiillratilarNtoolfara , 44m < - . . .
JUT liAtn \VuiiKeRB ehnnged to a
"V "LACK lir n BinRie ftiiiioBBiion | o"
iliIR. it impartiniintulTsf color.nct
Mitaneoiidy. noli ) by UruffKlati. or
tl > ye * m ; onr celtitof i
1oe , m Murray 8t. . New York ,
Shanghai Mercury ,
Fonr or five months BRO the F
fleet TronW have h d little diflicnl
taking "Port Arthur. Tt was def <
then by only one fort on the top
small hill mounting fonr gnns.
since the bombardment ot Kcelunc ;
greatest energy has been displayed ,
dor the advice cf certain German art
officers of several snbddlarj- forte
earthworks have been thrown np a
least fonrteon powerful gnns are n <
position , that is to say , gnn wolf
six to eighteen tons each. They
also an ample supply of torpodos anc
pcdo boats cs well as ntimorons Not
foldtn and Gatlings. The entrant
the harbor Is farther defended by
swift cmltowi , mounting t igothor
twenty-five ton guns , and by two '
qulto boats , carrying one thirly- (
Armstrong each.
It will not bo denied that this is a
formidable armament , and one wl
if the Chinese do but stick to their g
will give the French some little tron
A. new fcatnro in Ihe dofonco , If it cc
to a defence , will bo the presence of
oignors. There are at the moment
Foreigners in Port Arthur altogot
Ihreo Germans ashore and three Kngl
nnon sfbat , of hem ttro arc marine
; lnoors and the other an inslrector in
nanship. The Koglishmen are , It is
jorstood. not desirous of joining in
ighfc , and XT ill probably retire before i
) ftgins. They ought , Indeed , in that <
0 hive done no long ago , but the (
nan officers are said to be prepared
tand by their employers Mid chance
3ow far they ill bo trusted with
lofonco remains to be seen. Judg
rom past experience , one would be
lined to sny not very far , bnt even I
nbordinato capacity , the presence of' '
r three foreigners of pluck and cne
light work wonders in animating f
ncouraging the reslstenco.
The number of Chinese troops on
round cannot be ascertained exactly ,
ie common estimate put them at
ss than 10,000 , while there re numon
unps at various points between that i
lewchwarg , from ahlohtho force ml
indily be aiignmented It would ee
lercfore , very certain if the French e
) to Port Arthur they will find it
Highest piece of work they have as ;
d to encounter , and the longer they
t going the tougher it will ba. Lai
lantilies of munitions of war are s
sing forwrded to Tientsin and I
5rlh. The peason is n v too advanc
'r ' the French fleet to undertake
Ivanca northward this year , and
10 spring of next year consideral
ogress will no doubt have _ be
ndo in still further strengthening t
ifencet , especially those on the la
Je , which at present are weake
asides , Formosa is likely to give t
reuch employment for some time
mo. They might , indeed , occupy thei
Iven to advantage during the winter
jrking out this problem. If Tamsi
th its two or three gune , cost them
my weeks to reduce , how many mont
11 Port Arthur be likely to cost thei
A. Sailor describes His Bride.
ie Seaman.
My wife Is just as handsome a craft
er left a milliner's dry dock ; is olipp
ilt , and with a figure head not oft *
en on a small craft. Her lensjth
el Is five feet six inches , displacemei
en.ty-Beven cnbicfeet ; of light drangh
ilch adds to her speed In the ball rees
U In waist , spare , trim. At the tin
> spliced she was newly rigged , foi
d aft , with standing rigging <
; e and llowers ; main sail pa :
k , foro-stay-nall of "Valenciennes , an
in'n'swls trimmed with orange blosson
> r ] frame was of the best steel corere
th silk with whalebone stanchion
e rigging Is intended for fair weuh *
lising. She has also a set of etorratai
rough weather. I have been tel
it in running down street before th
id she answers the helm beautifnil
1 can turn around In her own longt
i handsome craft passes.
Sew Yorkers complain that the el (
ed cars are not properly warmed.
? ho war In China reminds one of a
lerican pma fight all talk and n
Vhittier got feveuty-sevon buckwhen
PS from H Boston choking school 01
birthday anniversary.
. policeman who has served on th
s- York lorce for twonly years imj
a retire on half pay. § 5600 a year.
fend toHoolilchACV
1'almer , Mais , fluni
ndttieM tn tr
' ranipbleti i > r' lDlni
\ to the rcarloKof chli
? ilren , etc. ni.lge'
V Kocil in the noft foci
\ In thn world for Imn
1UI , aotl In rttilll
taVen by the lilt !
IfolVs , Mil alvaj twit ]
' ( atufactory t e a u It
nen taken
eillroctiona noc < jmran\lr ( ; each ran. Bet c
fornanleil f r ttamp Hl'fo' ( Peed In pnt m
* , four tltc , at E.V. , 6.Vin ? 1 ? and $1 S J
tell Iterf l\trrt. Woohkh A , Co. 01
5t , Charles Hotel ,
11KKT , BET. 7th and f th , tlKCOUf , NEH
rNe l ) and elcKantl ) lnrnlhM. flood
i > on firft floor.
rr rm - t.6i ) to J2 pa d j , p , dal rnte Riei
ten ot the UKl 1ature. no\10-lm me
fllce IBth Btreot , first door north o
asm In Hofd'a opera houie , Lay <
ir at ofllce or 8 Te'ii dm nlora ,
oddenco No. 1012 Fantam Bt.
Mldonca Telephone , 5VO ,
Sice Telephone , 100.
DR. J3YSA11T ,
llco and residence , N. W. Cor. 12th
Howard streeU ,
* CalU answnred promptly nlghl
ilay ,
g SpecUl attention plvon to the d | .
of women and children.
srchant 'Tailor
3. 10th Firntm and Dainey )
. . , O. W h'KO.
80 Lfc
V . ,
' I Hfivft
With crory dleearo Itnaglnablo f <
luet three yoara. Onr
Wrnpglst , ! T. T , Anderson , reeorn
"lop Bittors" mo ,
1 need twol > Attlt > l
Am onUrAlp cnrod , and hoartlly r <
nn < nA llftn Bittern toevotyono.
Walker , l ? oknor , Mo.
T Trrlto thin as a
Token of the great appreciation 1
of your Hop
* * * 'Kittt'r ' I wan afflicted
\ \ illi Inflammatory rheumatism
1'or nearly
Seven years , and no rnc iolno sot
: o do mo any
Good ! "
Until 1 tried two bottles ot yonr
illtors , and In my inrpriso 1 am as
o-day ns over I was. 1 hope
"Yon may hxvo abnndanUnccoss"
"In this Croat and"
Valuable medicine :
Anyone' ' * * wishing to known
bent my cure ?
Can learn by addrecslntc mo , K M ,
WUllams,1102 16th slreet.Wnshlng
- 1 comlcler your
Kemcdy the botil remedy In tvietcn
1 or Indirection , kiinoy
"And nervous debility . lhavo ji
"From the sonth In n fruitions eef
For health , and find that yonr Bitters
lolng mo moro
Thftvfj-ylhing oleo ;
A month ace 1 was oxtromly
"KmaclatoS' ' ! ! '
And Bcwcoly able to walk. Now 1
Gaining strength ! and
And hardly a day passes bnt what 1
* * * * * +
ompllmonted on my Improved appc
nco , and it is all due to Hop
Bitters ! J. Wickliffe Jackson ,
, iiiiv/uL of * Tl
& otincn i rwn
- > -n v p in xii no n /
> n the Tihite label Ehon all the vllu. p- ' -
tnT with "Hop" or "noj < " In their name.
V flt1 T lilrfV. _ M td.'tef > orw tnrtMl
- le CT11. TIM , Iij.p . , Ji irrW * . YrrIA Jtpip. md -
' ? Tlcrv < tl Wrrtl n OnAI.t A In imf , Innn \ HelMoJI t n
? ( tluj of rMnp m , to , n nmma Jrttl , Vn n. ,
- ' mn ; r.j- , > , i yOT r
. - 't'Him ' > . ' rtut trH.J ) O II t .
' S , 0M.R AOIKS ,
cares ol d
n , d bHl !
rhcumstlim , fc
andnpuo , ll\or < X )
rhint , 1nnctl\ntj
the Kldncjs a :
bladder , conrtlr
tion and other <
tetter's StOma
Bittern Is a hi
rcmcdj , to wM
the mcdlrallirotJw
hood have itnt the
tion , and hlch tti
tonic , slttrMlvfl gi
hoosohold By > cil
forVJifordCTBof tl
rtom ch. Hvcr r
bowels hwi an in
For pale by drn
and dtalcn , tonromapplt for
oao for ItBfr
Krthervttha\Al.l VBl.hVRKtTlBRonthlsdlnotei
nyenffcror. fil\co prrn nar O KAdrcM.
DR. T. A fcLOOUM.Hl PcarlBt. , Xtjr V rk.
run 1 < " Olv * ( rotiri tn (
mrd ) Mp n find dnnrat > lt > yif./fV ) ! < \ > y t'tilldlnR Op thi
li l f * i < Tfminitt , f wrnsnrrt 1 1. . BPftnt ftiinpl . MetJIi * !
rh Tilrnl end nnntnmlrM t < ( * nr rf-mMr c d ' W1r Hrv. .
s tno ( ! < o ] tivntm nt lli Tnot fnrrrfdfnl kno n trt tbl
Tir im1or * TfHTt ' * ItHjfnlo > Vr Unfa * . AIOMonurkei ]
'rmtirfpr n fttMlon ' A' \ iroarr unit Jhn4 Krff r m
rnlmrnt rfj > * tcftini ) Ml tn > Mtlmy thcmtOrtu w
' tM V /Xififrh " An 1ntltntr ! > n r > Mm merit Viltl
nnv rhflmlnE trrsy ff n n' ' ' " * pcitlftrtit n " AVif Or
ritt > Wfffr Wrti fm onr < r + ratirt for Wen Only , f\\in\ \
p1snMlon rcf rrocia nd froof , Mulltd , wealed In rtlili
pxelop * . Arl Irril
\ \ ifiT.iL oino TO inn
artlisloiiG Piililisliing Comp'y , ,
Anil you will leceui ! lij return mail A
nr H ( KMi wvv , vnlcli Is nltheutcf fMfin th
l ni Hurj Taper nubllihtM
i > HuRiiisiovy Is n itrtent pnqr jmftr , full tl
cjtfrtrfit ( trtfftnttl xrnfiltf ) tlftctifH , jwrtrii anrl
iNonrouiKiilirfrt , ami Is ptlntrrt on tine tlntud
Kite ha ( ulfetltc tlutlrp thtnevttKt } Jnji
rcwlnnj oiif ot the foln > ln < ( oitlk
001V8 ITNOUHAI'II , lite lirti fomuln pen
NIH , rorut.An IUSTOHV ,
\\'R OH.IiACON tt 40 , 0 tuotitlcin from 2 03
iotp. Cf plontlj Il ! tr tti1.
JW TO HKA1) OHAOAOrKH ; a xetj Interring
I the iUer plated gnoAt Mr giiainntrol to fc <
e l > e t quality. Don't fa I to tr ml for a iprri
t-npynt HIK HiMttlitiUM , anil e ar * re ) on
it Induced to mbierilje alter icadlnic thw pa r' '
AJdroiliiK UrtMiitrOMi Pi enninvn Co.
m fc 1-0 B , NMnth Bl. , I'hll * . , Pa.
n tot > , M i > . Profile , DeUlln ol Bhaftt and Tim
'ropofalf , niilerstn ( > l Abttrxti ol Illd . of the
Croton Aquedmt , nd for a xnl laiietj ot
INAL , rnMUhfil M tkj ) pilceTPN CKMB ,
" ( f , I.NUlKKKlllrsaKhUBITm.lHlllKdCO. ,
lbun BullillnK. Ne Toikdli mirlt
, r ,
Moture , W < ithtr.
Urd tr , Hie *
Waihir , l tnato ,
PurapliU , B tar eh ,
Win * and rrHi |
Strainer. Twtlv *
itid i I * en * .
Til OrtMirt Ctntl-
uttca Itm , t