Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1884, Image 4

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    .DAILY I3EE 1UKSDA > DECMIBEB 23 , J 84.
Oitiklin Oflu" ' MJ. lUO Fftrimm Qt.
New York Ofllco , llooin 05 Tribune
. . _
my tronlnif.'eiocrl Sur.d * ) * . „ Toe
il > lUndif moinln ? daily.
OBI f * r . $ lo.KM Thte Month't . $
Oil Kcatr.t . SW 1 On * Month .
Per Week , 16 Onts 'J.SLTT
tin wiifii < i , rnjueunD imii WMKISMT.
V ) t > M . J2.W I Three itonlhi . I (0
IxMor.tbS. . 1.00 I Ono Months .
I Oaamnnliatloni relating to Ktm and Editorial
d to tha EDITOR or Tni
All nortneM Tltor and Remittance * ihoa.d bo
( liircvwd toTnxnin rcmuimxa OovirANT , OMAHA.
D ; ftt , Chocks nnd Portomce. ordere to b mad p J-
bU to tic ord r o ( the company.
K. llOSKAVATKIlgE lltor.
A. It. Fitch , Manscer'Dally Circulation , ' ! '
O. Uox , 488 Omnha. NeK
TIIKKR arc fewer laboring tnon ntid
mechanics out ot employment in Omaha
than In cltica of half the population.
TUB weather prophets who predicted
that wo should have no cold weather
deem to have been a little previous. ia no lack of aspirants for the
hcnutorial aoat of Mr. Blair , of Now
LJampjhiro. The woods are full of 'cm.
OIKVKLAND dotnn't do much talking.
Porhapn ho Is nfraid that if ho opens hla
month too much ho will put his foot in
OMAHA Booms to have forgotten nil
ixbout the atato fair. It looks now as if
Lincoln la to have a walk-away with the
capital prize.
Til RUE la at least ono branch of indus
try that is not affected by the general
depression , and that ia democratic
THE statesman of Arbor Lodge will bob
up serenely at Lincoln to-day in antici
pation of being made chief soup dispenser
of the Nebraska democracy.
Tut ! ice crop is an assured aaccos. As
the railroads will not ba called upon to
move it , the harvesters will bo enabled
to reailea something from it.
THIH cold weather makes the democrats
fool more like wearing their stockings
Ohrldtmaa eve than hanging them up in
expectation of their being filled by their
political Santa Glaus.
WE would like to know if the cold
wave Hag woa unfurled from the post-
oflico building in time to give the public
warning of the Manitoba wave that has
struck us amidships , as it were.
To MOIIKOW the democratic convocation
convoke iUolf at Lincoln. Dr. Mil
ler will presently discover whether ho is
H bigger man than J. Sterling Morton
nnd the democratic state committee.
HERMAN feels very grateful
for the fuggostioi * of ox-Contingent Con
gressman P. O. Hawos relative to tbo
tmnato restaurant. It Is a bigger thing
than the Now York poatoflico pie-stand.
IT will bo a cold day when Dr. Miller
goU loft. The signal service thermometer -
tor In the editorial rooms of the Herald
will probably indicate zero to-morrow
when the doctor l oks at it , prior to the
democratic convocation at Lincoln ,
THE United States Senate restaurant Is
estimated to ba worth ton thousand dollars
lars a yoarand ] la controlled by the vice-
president. Tom Hondricka will probably
Icoop that valuable perquisite in the
NOTWITHSTANDING the general dopres
alon Omaha is to-day the most prosperous
city of its siza in the United States.
There is no use of croaking.Vo are do
ing viell enough considering the condi
tion of affairs In other cities.
THE coming Christmas will bo ono on
which to especially remember the poor.
The business depression has intensified
thuir needs and sufferings , and the char-
itnblo can do a world of good this win
ter without going far to seek opportuni
1 r is not often that a man has the
pleasure of reading hla obituary before
lie ales. Kossnth , however , has been
Afforded that pleasure , and ho knows
what the liberty-loving press and people
rf the United States really think of him
lie can now die happy. Although 82
yuara of ago ho is in good health , livinf
at Turin , and ho may bacomo a contona
A MINOR Incident of Koaeath'a visit to
this country in 1851 illustrates the wa
in which fashions In dress are sometime
originated. The eloquent Hungarian
voro a soft felt hat , which became fash
lonablo for youug men , being reproduce )
In the shops under the name of the Kos
ruth hat. Until that tlmo felt hats rror
Mmost unhnowu in this country , and , I
Eurjpo , as Ilorbers Spencer has pointo ;
out , they wore worn only by a few pollt
ical Hgitatora.
NF.W YOUR has a constitutional pro
vision in regard to the state cauaus elml
lar to tint of Nebraska. Under this pro
vision the census of Now York state i
taken every ton years. It was taken i
IBGd and again in 1675 , and will ba take
ik aln In 1885 , thus alternating at inter
v ls of fire years with the national con
ens , The population of the auto i
1870 was 4,382,75'J ' , and In 1880 wa
0,083,681 , an increase in the ten year
of about 700,000. Nebraska's first atat
census will be taken in 1885.
The prop -scd Nicaragua canal treaty
has directed public attention to Nlcnra
gua , about which country there seems tj
be very little known by the people of the
United States. It is not , as many people
tuppojp , ono of the revolutionary repub
lic ? of Central Amorlci , but on the con
trary is a constitutional republic , and a
peaceful nation. The president is elected
every four years , nnd the election nnd
transfer of power take place in as orderly
a manner as In the United States. The
salary la $500 per month , and the office
is * at prooent filled by Dr.
Adam Cardenas. ft man
of high ability. Nicaragua has a house
of representatives and a scnatu modeled
ftor our national legislature. It
IM no debt , and has a government
ovonno of $2,000,000. There is within
: io republic n railroad thiity-throo miles
eng , which is under government con-
rol , In which respect the Nicaragua rc-
ublic Is somewhat In ndvanco of the
Jnited States. There are UOO.OOO in-
abltants , and the people nro mostly In-
ians and negtocs or of mixed descent ,
'hero nro 8,300 pupils in school , a rcg-
lar army of 700 men , and a militia of
,000. The area of the republic is about
qual to .that of North Carolina. The
> rincipal products are coffee , cocoa , in-
igo , India rubber , cattle , hides , and fine
woods , of all descriptions. The ther
mometer ranges from 75 to 80 degrees
long the proposed canal and the climate
s said to bo ono of the healthiest in the
world. Tno passage will bo 145 miles ,
20 of which Is in Lake Nicaragua , ne-
ossitatlDg but tnronty-fivo miloo of ox-
avation. The lake is forty miles long ,
with a depth of ton or twelve fathoms.
t is estimated the canal will not cost
vor 550,000,000.
The treaty provides that the United
titoa shall have the right of way for a
ilp canal , to connect the two oceans ,
ficaragua to protect the employes , and
xompt from duty all articles of every
ascription employed In construction ,
'ho United Status is to furnish the
money and complete the canal
within ton years from the date of
10 ratification of the treaty. The canal
a to bo controlled by a board of manors -
; ors , eix in number , each country op1-
minting throo. The ships of all nations
re to bo permitted to go through the
anal upon payment of a certain toll ,
jut the goods which they carry shall bo
xempt from duty , except that a die
rlminatlon as to toll may bo made
favor of coasters of the United
tatos and Nicaragua. The territory
milo nnd a quarter wide on each eldo of
10 canal will bo nndor the joint man-
jomont of the two countries , but Nlca-
agna will continue to have jurisdiction
f the Inhabitants within that atrip. No
overeignty la to bo acquired by the
Jnited Statea. The division of the net
refits of the tolls will bo two-thirds to
10 United States and one-third to Nica-
It la but natural that England should
nd roaaon to protest against this country
ntorlng into any ouch scheme , bnt the
oclaration of the London press that the
reaty Is a direct violation of the
layton-Bulwor treaty on the ground
hat the United States will acquire torri-
orial sovereignty , and that no provision
made of all the world's trade
la without substantial foundation. It maters
ors not what England may say , but it so
appona that this country acquires no
overeignty and the treaty gives to the
world's commerce j every roaaonablo ac-
ommodation. The trouble with John
Jull , however , is that ho aoos in the pro-
osod canal a formidable rival to thn Snea
anal , which has done so much to divert
ommorco from this country. The ad-
antagos to ba gained by the Nicaragua
mal are patent to all. The water route
rem Now York to SAH Francisco
will be shortened sovonty-fivo
, ayu , twenty-seven daya to Hong Kong ,
hirty-four to Shanghai , and fifty-two to
/allao. It will give the sailing vessels of
heUnitod States opportunity to como into
competition with the transcontinental
ailroads , whoso exorbitant rates would
nocosuarily bo reduced. It will be soon
hat the advantages to bo derived from
his result alone would ba incalculable to
the producers of this country , Our merchant
chant shipping would bo revived , and at
, ho same time our commercial relations
with the countries of South America
would become more- intimate and protita
able. If honestly built and fairly con
ducted it aocinato us that the Nicaragua
canal cannot help being a profitable enterprise
torpriso , and satisfactory not only to the
two republics directly interested , but to
ofl the world bcaido.
TN several of the largo eastern cities the
street-cars are comfortably heated by
small stoves. No fuel is carried , as the
fires nro attended to at the stables am
the charge lasts over the entire trip , the
conductor being only required to shako
the stove whoa starting on his return
The Chicago papers ara now demand
Ing that the street cars in that city bo
heated.Thoro is no reason why they
should not bo , except the expense which
the corporations naturally object to. I
is to bo hoped that the Omaha stroot-ca
company will be enterprising enough to
heat its cars. The expoaso would bo
moro than counterbalanced by the re
receipts from increased travel. At proa
out a Urge number of persons prefer to
kocp warm by walking rather than to
ride in an ice-box on wheels.
SOME time ago the city council ] con
o'uded to abandon the practice of pub
lishlng the monthly appropriation ordin
anco. The BEE said nothing about it a
the time.bocanso It might havobeencharg
e 1 that we were Interested In the publlca
tlon as the BEE WAI then the oflicia
paper , Now tint this charge cm n
longer ba made , wo do say that the tax
yer of Omaha nro entitled to know
very penny appropriated by the city
ouncil. The ordinance should bo pub-
shed every mouth. let it cost what it
may. The greatest safety for the tax-
nycra is publicity of everything relating
o the expenditure of public moneys ,
THE voice of Ohio is still hoard through *
ut the land. She expects her usual
laro of offices , although the president-
loot didn't como from tbnt state this
me. Governor Iloadly la the latest can-
idalo from that commonwealth for a
ablnet position. The governor thinks
o would nnko an excellent attorney
oueral , nnd has written a letter to n
rominent democrat nt Washington to
onvinco Cleveland of thatfactand other-
iso boom him for the placo. The Clovo-
and Leader's Washington correspondent
ays the governor might ns well under-
: and first as last that the coal oil crowd
as gene back upon him , that ho will not
a their candidate for attorney general ;
nd they nro understood to bo the minis-
ors plenipotentiary and envoys oxtrAor-
Inary to the state of Ohio during the
omlng administration.
Ir has long boon the darling ambition
f Dr. George B. Lorlug's bonovolcnt
nd bucolic heart to have n department
f agriculture created , Onder the charge
f necrotary of agriculture , whoso bouofi-
ont task it should bo to make the waste
laces of Arizona blossom like the rose ,
nd people the pastures of Indiana with
breed of hogs that are capable of cast-
ng shadows and can bo scon oven when
hey approach the observer "end on. "
t now seems as if that ambition would
10 realized , but , inasmuch ns the initials
f the secretary of agriculture's name
rill not bo George B. Lorlng , the good
color's interest m the subject Is not no
con ai it was n few weeks ago. Phil
.dctphia ' Record.
It is quite likely , however , that n doctor
rill bo the lucky man after all , and his
rat name is Geo. It is almost unno-
essary to nay that wo rotor to Dr. Miler -
er , the editor of the Omaha Herald.
JAY Gould's prediction that 1885 will
o n money making year does not seem
0 bo received with much onthuiaam or
aith by the cool-headed philosophers of
ho press. The Philadelphia Record
aya :
Mr. Jay Gould BOOS a revival of bnsi-
ess ahead and a boom in securities. So
asciuated ia ho by the prospect that ho
s absent-mindedly unloading stocks up-
n the people who ait nt his foot and
own financial wisdom whenever their
amaliol otops on their toes. Some 0113
ught to jog this good man's elbow , or
ia family should seek the appointment
1 a guardian for his person and estate , or
IBO the first thing they know ho will
nvo disposed of all his holdings before
iat boom comes.
THE example having been aot by the
: ow York Times , it has become the
ashion among the metropolitan papers
o steal treaties. It has been discovered
hat It ia no trick nt all. The Now York
'ribunc on Thuwday last captured the
Nicaragua treaty while the Herald gob-
led up the San Domingo document. The
Jnitod Statea senate will probably give np
10 Idea of keeping such documents- -
roc , if enterprising newspapers continue
o publish them in advance of their rati-
cation or rejection.
KINO L : opou ) , of Belgium , 5 * contrlb-
ting § 400,000 a year to African mission *
ut of hla own private purse. If Leopold
would spend that amount of money
mong nls poor and deatitue subjects
o venture that the recording angel
ould glvo him moro credit in the heav-
nly record of good deeds. Charity be-
ins at homo , and there is nethlng to no
le aa charity ; .and probably King Lee _
old can find quite as ijood a missionary
old in Belgium ns in Africa.
NEW YORK state cannot complain of a
ack of political excitement this year.
o sooner had the presidential count ,
which occupied everybody's attention , ,
icon concluded , than the senatorial con-
est was begun , and it is warming up
ivor/y / day as the session of the legiala
uro approaches. Arthur , Evarta and
ilorton nro the most prominent candi
latca , but the dark horao may come in
ahead on the homo .stretch.
BOB INCEKSOLL thinks President Clove-
and "will investigate the national edifice
rom the peak of the rldgo pole to the
floor of the coal cellar. Ho will tout the
, rray of sinecures that have bnon holding
ho parlor floors and letting the actual
workers roost in the attic. Whether he
finds the former few or many , that will
be the extent of the change. " This ,
lowovor. may bo ono of the mistakes of
[ ngorsoll.
THE Omaha board of trade ought to
lold some more meetings to discuss iho
city charter and amendments. Only two
weeks remain before the legislature as
somblcs , and so far only two or three
subjects have been discussed. All the
important changes needed In the charter
should bo thorough discussed and agreed
upon. _
IT Is rumored that President Cleveland
will retain Hazen at the head of the sig
nal service. The probabilities , however ,
are there is no foundation for the rurcor
and that Ilnzen will have to go.
Htat ) Senator Finvcc , 01 Mow Vork , on
"How about Cleveland ? "
"Oh , hu is full of resolves , and ho
thinks ho can sail the old ship righ
along through smooth waters and foex
every passenger on the best the marke
oil'jrda without the least sort of trouble
Just wait a while. Ho hasn't commence
keeping hotel yet , nnd when ho does h
will find every democrat from Maine to
Texas wants a front parlor with a bath
attached , and if they are put off with
eli-noor attio , or are told that the hous
1 * full , there is golnc to bn music of th
Wagnorlan style. It is all right , thl
taffy about carrying out a policy to "sul
the bnifncss classes , but con reea Is go-
itit ; to Imvo Hi finger in the pie , nnd it
wauts to have n hnd in the suiting. I
eeo plenty of trouble ahead for our robust -
bust friend from Bafl'ilo , but I am will
ing to glvo him a chance. You see I ntn
libor\l , like a good many other people
who have got nothing to say In the mat1
ter. "
A Suit In District Court Urcnlls Kv-
SccncH of ItonK A o.
1'aplllion Tme ) .
The case of Tholrtng vs. Thclring , now
ou the docket of the district court , will
call to tlio memory of all old residents of
Surpy county a singular incident of the
earlier days.
Fourteen years ago there lived on n
farm , in the southeastern part of the
county , two brothers Frederick and
Olana Tholring , the former ntlll roaidlng
hero , nnd being well and favorably
known as ono of the foremost mon of the
county. The brothers were owners of a
great many acres of land in this vicinity.
Ono bright Sunday morning , In the fall
of 18G1) ) , Olana , the younger brother , left
the houeo with an ax in his hands , with
which ho was going to shave the bark
from aomo fence posts that had boon lg-
nitod by n prairie Cro. lie was soon sev
eral times that day , but never afterward
\Vhon ho failed to return homo that night
his brother was alarmed and searching
parties were hastily organized. Every
foot of land Iu that part of the county
was gone over by the searchers , but to no
avail. The only rcsultwaa the finding of
the nx ho carried when ho loft homo.
This was found under a bay stack.
At the time there were many theories
as to the strange aiTiir , but tliay all
amounted to notnlogj and the event is
shrouded iu as deep my story to-day as
over. There were vague rumors of mur
der , and some wont BO far as to assort
that relatives of the missing man were in *
torestod pecuniarily in hia absence , bnt
to tbo cioiit of tnoao relatives , ouch a
theory was never generally believed.
There were also hints of a woman in the
case. Long before his flight from homo
and friends Olaue had acted very strangely -
ly , BO ns to lead many of the nolchbors to
believe his mind was affected. The opin
ion of this claaa was that ho wandered
away iu a delirium , fell into the river ,
and was drowned.
The eult at law referred to is brought
by Mr. Frederick Thclring , who prays
for the partition of a largo amount of
Sarpy county lands , tltlo to which is now
vested in the two brothers. The petition
will probably bo granted at the apodal
term of the district court , to bo hold
next Tuesday. At the time of the diaap-
poaranco the aflalr was the ecnaation of
the hour , and many old aottlera will remember -
member the excitement attending it.
"Wanted. "
Chicago Newa.
The St. Louis Globo-Democrat of yoe-
terday bad a special telegram from Chicago
cage , which said that a gentleman in this
city had received a latter from Dr. Gee
L. Miller , of Omaha , in which the doctor
made nso of the following significant
words : . "Allow mo to add that when I
shall have been fully installed in the cab-
not of Governor Cleveland , I hope you
will not hesitate to accept an invitation
to my Washington hospitality. " From
this the Globo-Democrat surmises that
the Omaha etatesman surmises that the
Omaha statesman has received positive
notification that ho will ba wanted at
Waahlngton for the next four yoara. Wo
decline to Indorse the Globo-Damocrat's
ourmlao until wo clearly understand what
it moans by ' 'wanted. "
King of tbo Hunches.
The largest cattle ranch in the United
Statea under ono management Is that of
Richard King , of Texas. It comprises
pwardaof 800,000 acres , all under fence ,
nd nearly 200,000'head of cattle , horses
nd sheop. This- ranch has has been
agerly sought by. English , French and
Dutch capitalists , but the successful com-
letltor ia the United States Land and
nvostment company of > Now York city ,
who have jnat concluded a purchase at
$6,500,000 for the entire property. The
company anticipate on annual income of
nearly 81 500,000 from this source , as
; ho mcroasn of oattlo is about 85 per
cent. As an indication of a moro settled
condition of financial affairs , the mana
; or says that the company's first mortgage
ago 3 per cent bonds are being rapidly
soucht at 102 and interest , and that the
oeling now shown by American capital-
eta in this class of' investment property
a growing dally.
Scarcely twenty-five years ago the
most powerful piece of artillery was a
sixty-eight pounder , throwing its pro-
ctilo with a velocity of 1 , ( > OU feet per
econd. Now the weights cf guns have
n creased from five t > > ono hundred tons ,
the velocity from 1,600 to 2,000 feet per
second , the energies from 1,000 tons
to over 25,000 , and the projectiles from
eight pounds to 3,000 pounds.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobac
rhfl Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
l.oea of appetite , Dowel * , costive , Ifelnln
tbo bend , with a dull lensatlon In the
back part , 1'nln under Iho houlder-
iilado , Fullness after eating , with adl-
Incllnntlonta exertion of body or mind ,
Irritability of temper , few plrll , wllh
n. feeling ofhnvlnir neelected mama duty ,
Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering nt Ibe
Heart , Dots before the eye * , Headaclio
over the right eye. ReitleiineMi with
fitful drearai , Highly colored Urine , and
TUTX'H i iiX8 nro especially adapted
to eueh cases , ono close effects aucli u
They increase tlieAPPetlte.ondcauieitbo
body to Take ou rie iithui tn niteraIJ
nonrUtieil.nml by their Toiilo Action , on
produc"l the niiteittveOrgam.JteciilarMtoolaoro Vrlf SiKe.14 Murray . . . .
UitxT HAIK or wmsitcue " "B 10 " ,
JLOSSY IlLACK by ft slnclu fipplloauon oj
this Urn. It Imparts u natural color , nets
Instantaneously , bold by UrnggUtt , or
ent by express on locelptof 81.
JjYlco,44 Murray St. . Now York.
The ptrtnenhlp heretoloje e Utlrj | ? l > tH n
Charleii M , Leltfhtnn and Ilcnrv T. Clark undi-r ti\t
name ol Ulshtoo. & , Clark , Is hl da > dlmotted b )
tumuli onrteni , MrLe'abtJ * r < iirln/ . All Inilebted
nemdut ti > dflrm illbooollort > d by llr. Clark
nlallcUtnuaB ln t ulii fl'iuwill be prewntfd tn
Wm ( or jwirueut. Mr a rk will rontloiw buslntiil
at the nil u .nd No. 1111 Km cy tt'rct.
Signed ,
. txioilrov ,
Iron ] tuJu
"Vnnllln.T/rmnn.OratiBf , cc.flnvnr Cnkei ,
Creitiii , Iiiililnirii.tcn ! * ilcllcntrly unil nut *
llrtUly i theft-nit I'loni Mhlcti they nro ninile ,
Price Baking ; Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. St. Louis , Mo.
tni OP
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
- HO
Dr. Price's Iiiipnliu Yonst Gems ,
Itot Dry Hop Trait. '
3TOX3 GAJOX2 X31T 0-2300322313.
United States Depository
13tji and Farnum St > ,
The Oldesi Banking Sstabttshman
tn Omnha.
Or3&nBtd ! lo JIBSB.
fl o National Baufc In
nn.uxx Koufli-n , Ftn.ldenl.
JOHN A. CauiaiiTon , Vic
A auiTtra KouMtn ,
A. 3 , 1'orrLavot.
r. 3. PAVU ,
W H Mca uiia , A iMUuS Cu
Transact gcnoial Ucllus bartacu. Iwnol tlm
( truncates boaritag Interest. ) ) jnwj clufts on S
Fruuelsro and nrlnclpi. ! citing In tha United Stitci
Also London , Dublin , Kdlnbnicrb knd tht pilnclpt
dtics of tbo continent ami Kuropo.
Bee Hive Photograph
213 North ICth Street.
Romambcr that my PhotOftrapha
are Inspected be-fore belncdcllrerod
OIIAPII STUDIO assuring e\ery-
body perfect Eatldfaotlon.
N. E. Corner 12th and Howard 3ta. )
For tbo Treatment of all
Chronic and Surgical : Diseases
Diaeasoa of Females , of the Korvoua Sys
tem , and private Diaoascs of the Url
nary and Spxunl Organs , a
Catarrh , Bronchitis
And all ulricnseanl tlial.unrs , Head and Throartent
ed by t ar.ow methof o' ' Mcttcitl n by Inhala
( tlon. 'Shet < ewOcriinn Inhaler ur Atomizer )
Disea o4 troatfd by an cxpirtuneed Spnrlillst ; ftl o
discumol the IK" rt , Ijiie' , Slcnijch , Kldnci 111 id
der NtumlKli , llhcumatlmn , Inlcs , Cane r , hto.
Our ' Mir u and ( onuultaUon roon n are furnlebei )
with tbo ilnrkt nnai moit ! inble collortlon of
Mtdlral Surt'l al , muli An itcaucal Appiratux to ba
tuund Iu any Hotprl vi , Inllrmary or tlidicul liittHUs
In tluCwiiuti ) .
And Exnrainntioii Kreo
Wo Locate jour dKfauu , and give you pclentllc ex
pUtnatlons nf yourfjmptoins. allies and pallia. We
do nc t tlalm tooure all. Versnna eulT rlnir f tva In
curable dbuiaes will bo candidly In ijrmed of their
condition. . , .
PotlcutH wUhln rooms will besuppllod In trio o.
All letters Mid consultations
Striotlv Confidential.
IfedlclDoaecnt to all parts of the cou'-jry by ei-
ryess , pconroly packoJfrom observation , U full de.
Bcrljitloiiofoaselschfu. Ono pcreonrJ Inlervlon
preferred if contemrnt.w
Call or wrlt for Circular * on Chrcola Il cae * Diseases , Diseases Peculiar to Female' , tt
Private DLiou-oP , Hcndnal Weakness , 5oxua < li.Ji
picltv , Ncr > ow > , Uailtti.rto , eto.
Medltal and Hur.'lraloilica
A-ilrsss allU > kterB to
Omnlm Medical & Siirjuionl Institue
1118 Howard Si. . Omatui Neb ,
ill Linen , BOTH
Llo'ngi ' AND EiUrlor * .
Ajik for them
BROS. , Agents for OmaU
\ I ( . 'N V tr > icni. en 11 > tit Is n film f j 0 Mnl
> I tip AUoinnn1t > r le. W. 11 SM'et.lOl
' MIMII M C6S-Jm 9
. - . ' oil ! > rMiiml iir'pittj , rtntlols
or roll tir < t. Cnmln Matiiiial Hc'Mipc
KOS Fitf'umMicct F4 J nli |
U.SIto loan en dt p'f'crM | , 'n ' niitm il
M S 00 ii 1 up \ \ . II .Metier , 1
° ; ' ti loin on chattels It } J. f Ilmlly , - " .
M 14th t m JMI li 3
v , . i > il L.VICI In ouinaol KM ) and upward
m 0. F. UaUa and Co. , Mrd I.tUte ami l.i'in
Her Hi 11 , 1MB 1'ori-arn St. ROD II
I ONKY loincd oa Chattels. lUltrutd Ticket
I bought and ( old. . Foreman , SIS B. ) Hh
[ \fAMKU K iKiml nnii In dim1 a t. > ic | resent
V ) nnutilftrtuicr anUco to tlio tln't. RCIH ! | n )
o tlio tlRlit | irtj Send lo'ortwe uvl | u tic
nnnitli t" ln < 'k up i.iiro to ' llnnufctnrtr " I' . O.
ox ' .01 , thlcnjro , 111 , 0' --'i
1VANTM ) A. kooil acthuwotrAQ to trU.e clitri !
o ( illulnic roinn Kt.iiulto at 811 lioixl" "t (
ita K
hll An cVirrlinccd | tico d gill at l' 4
Ila\ciiport Mt 27 S3
Klr t clim Rltl lor ROiicra ! louse
otk None Lilt cunprtdit tii rtink , h
Iron ncnl ninit ; . lnqutruS31i Capital n-crmo ,
r\'rtjTlKl > A Titat joulv ( ; oin "n girl tn
I I housework | to northwest corner
, ci Tfmvirth andlMSi , Mr < . Snu'l Huts 'JOI-vl
\\"ANHU-ladj OROMI fir " ( ju en 1'rotcctor'
i T daU ) ntcckliiR anl R'lrt Uuortirs | , nliottldor
htfu-Of , Inutlr , li(8Ci lorniB , il cts Sniclcj , tnfitj
liclls , ilcmo prntectois , be. now device ,
nprtccdeiitcd j \Vcliu\ofiO.-iRcntrt
100 monthly. Address O
Co. , 0 South ! . Ch'CBKO. ' ISO j Iu
, X7ASTEt > HO Billctotn , cooil jnv tithurlsht
T V nuti . Aodro > 9 Noli lH Mutiul Maaih
oiicllt o 90clallon , Krcinont , Nil ) . Oil J.nft
liulliRiirKcnll'imnln ilt > nr counti )
IT to tike nice , light * nt > iiltn nnt work at thilr
n liomtH , PI t < ) jSkdnytxfljf nnd qu'etlj nm'r ,
orktcnt b } iuft < l , ii"caiua > Hluf ; na ti > ini forripl/ .
'loibo niliJKM Itulmb a MMI'IK Co. , 1'fil nililphh , I '
\7ANTitD A riciinmi ( llrl latf np'nl liomnwnik
\ \ innnnall lainll } Inqn'r * . > conl do r from
iuthi' t corner ul'lHnt > LuAMiiuor
t. 2.1-tf
ANTKD-A TCII il Rlrl at Illll i.Co , ll.'t rrrili
10.h bt. . Oruuuse s hlwk. U.i'Sl
-HAIHIE CHIOKKNS I want .1 man In crjr
' town In Ibo suto to bnv them lor ca h. No
in't K t > iimitU | ) . 0.1) ) llecnoflnor anrl Hhlu
icr < I Oainu p ti try and * BRf , bOI , tC3 , S:6 , ana 8 7
lowaulHc , lnmha 248 tf
f3 > ffilp
WAK1KD Agents to Imi.illc our I'lcctrlc licit nnil
niiillanco' | , ixc'urlt u ten itorj i ; > \ en A Krord
ppoitunlt ) for i ho t\K\\t \ \ \ > Jinrtlc1) . In ol' ' ate bj ad
rcsslni ; tbo rccrlcja M'I'K Co. , Kansaj Uitj.Mo.
VANTED * n cxin'ilouccil liook-kucpcr. Appll
cam rauht huublu to furiil-n rttVi t ires Ad
roE V t ) . Bux t05 , i tatln gu mid salary expected.
. " , 2W 2p ! !
IANTP.DOoo < l butcher to lent p > r > of 6torc,205
A c.od Inundrosa at Knmvct llctuo.
213 2 p
T7ANTED [ An oldoily person of cxoorlonce to.
r akochnrifool an Infant. Applyat2312 0p
V ANfED-A Finatt ulrl to nitUt nt houai keeper
< > aa securd a ] miaiicct position bv cs'llnir at
ZltO Lasa St 23S ' . ' 2p
\ , ANTED LAU1EH Oil QKNlliEMKN In city
r V or country , to UKo nice , light and pleasant
work at their own homes ; (1 to per day easily and
qulotly made ; work cent by mall ; no canvassing ; no
bUrnp for 1'leiso addrom UclUblo Uauf'i ; Co. ,
Pbllndelpnla , P . SOS-1m
7AN1KD By theNebriukftl'lro n 1 Waterproo
'V I'alntand Roofing Co. , rilUbio mealncveiy
county In tbo etato tn orKanlzo compvilcs for work
ngourolnt. | Thtro's bl ( ? nonoy In Ifc. fcr ) r
cultrj So. , nddresa OK. . Mkyne , Sacrrtiiy atd
anaKer , Uinaha.
TTT ANTKD To buy ft city lot to bo paid In wool ly
rY or monthly Installments. Addrera" ! ! . n "tee
alee. 2ie tt avoitnKli-lJ M ftcnoR-
'V raphcr nnd rp rater on tlu t > pe-wrltor or
lllgrapli. Address t' . 0 boi-TiM. AUrmv' " ' ! t < e | .
ence Ri\en aid reifuirixi , ; OS'-Do
Workon a set of liookp , . cvoniii a ,
WANTED . , " i\erlnj ; "Boo. " 370 24p
T17ANTKD By a lh oicrjetto man who under-
'V ttindH the grocery and ni tion 'KiflncHs , to
riucl In Ho\iti.\Vc3' N Jraika for Omata Wboloiam
louse , wfll acquainted zma addrrFS i'.d will furnish
icsi ol refereicts. Address boxvOii Ilord ) , Neb.
irANIED Hitua'lon , iv thorou ily competent
' V salesman In either a dry ccode , boots and rhoo
r grocery house. Applicant is neil acquainted yn
iitha. Addrees JIcLaguo Urcs , ItcCapic'a bank .
205 tf
T17ANTED A position OB at aipronttc | In a hnni-
r'V uareetoru. Address C. S. Unbolt , Norfolk ,
ub. 171.Jaii.14
A iounnmarrieunian w ala mtuation M nook.
\ . keeper , in wholeule oitibliobcicnt In Orrnh .
ddroaa"C. " oaro Bee. ' 98-tf
17ANTBD Second hand safe , malliun uliw. must
'T ' ho chcipanilii good order. Alee t < o i-c.
nd hand olllu ) tscku. Aadiosa "C li , " tillot -
o. 271 i5p
Two nice clcjn train 1111.11 tJ taku a
IjoiutllulU fnrnlilicil roim oul mciU at n
ra'lroad ' m n' hoiM , 4 block-i from U. r. depot , II f-t
cla s In c\tr\ uiea. | Aildn.K. . It. Man , Utu Ottlci
* 7K Will lut } n ni-o ( dfcontod toilet ( or
. I u 'chamber ) BC < at Hoodji'S-Glilna biorr.cor.
U.h and la\cncort street * . 1-Ttf
| 7A 'KD 10000 famlloa to try our sUf ritlnK
r < I'uro Buckwheat ( lour and Silf-i ieluK L" n
eal krpt Dy all fliet oa ttyocaia. Wo warrant all
uckwbcat sold under our brand pure. Vi. J. WKL-
HANa & CO. , Manufacturers. 811-tf
ANTKD To rent , roomier sultoi I rooin , fur-
nUhcilor unfutnUhed. Ailic-asO. It. A , 1 0
' . ,16th St. 08 < j H
, \ ANTED Ladlea and yoang men to Instruct In
W book kcepinu : will H3Jb ou ha'f pi\ until tulut
tloninre furnibh.d. J. U bnuth ,
. OU 11NT A nuw ! ou v of 1 luoinx. I'U'jnlro
i ' " ' " " - ,
nt the -HI ,
OU UHNT Furnwn > " > 3 t.03 Bout 2
F street. ' ' flP
T7 < UU llENT-rarnUbnl room at OOli N. 1/th.
HF 1OK KtNT ! . " < * plupart funUhed innins. In-
F ( UiroN. W. cornH ISIhaud K nf gt 152il
KENT Flvo homee.from JIfiper monl'j
miebkokfhom red car line ttrttt-car. ( . 'o.i
ne.S K , cor , 15th and Uoulan. ) J > 0't
HKJn1 A cottar" of 3 rooms , in 20th stteit ,
FOH - Ht llaif * venue ; 112.60 p'j mouth. K ar-
n b HtliutrtLt. 10UI
11ENT llouao ol eight reams , tltuitcd be
FOU nO nrentapd 1'taaini itieetnoii llvnuy
treet. Innulse elW. M. Thompson , Ural Nation
l nk " tl
KEN ( Antre furnltli itroom l.tioK I ruin
Foil ' Oiurft : llouso , | lt ! [ cr month , U. 1) ' . Marin -
in , 81 * H. 1Mb 0 3. "
riOK IlbhT Store room Ittl Ktrnam Bt , h or
1 without Billiard tabltab _ ) faultui itO. . Hia
Karuainct. IW tf
KENT Kurnluhe i loom and board & .00 p i
FOK . Very beat lee tlun , 1B14 UaMinport.
UBNT Urlck tottiRe , 8iJUH , UH Jack
son St , ! l roni/H , well nn ) cKl.-ui , good ou
bouifk , ( Ultib.o cull small UuJ ) , 815 dvai ceia \
( julre at liiiw _ < sl'
iOK HKNT Fiunlihcil room with board W\
CaM UuomlieaUd. Z5I-22
iOH HIU 'T I'urnlahod iiflm fur uuutleinun , ISO
F O.lif.rDlibt. Z51-U
7\OH HKNf A new elbt room house , e.julr
F llrs E. HaddlS5tb , berween Diunpoit an
HI * TI'
llKNT KurDl hl > d larze front icom wit
FCIIl a nd i0 o l71 fallforr.U.
? HKNT Kinolv lurnuhed i r > ith Irnot room
EOZ 1 ilrttilPK itollk h 0 | 15 0' V ? ; „ , „
O * t Ml i no Itiinlnh'ii rcoin with
J7 t i. < r HUM' d ; b ' , 1PH Wr
. ( ( "
, OitllkNT-K 'Ml ' new ootUec. I ic at 1
J ' N IDtli S' . Kt I'M ) and MIAMI
. Ui i I'Mliwtnt fiHun * Mid f.irnWif 1 to rr ,
I. A Inrpo nlop tjftin , wil td b ) lioiltr , tu rf t
ti a cliilf 4 pirrnn fur iiirdvlUr per e krn , t. ,
i04 ! ) ( R < ! . . |
rtJIl hl-Nr-l'urnlthtd locnil lSfPtlodKe st
, ) IlKf T-l ar u hli l fuiljl'lurl Kon. a > r >
nimllcr i-iipm. / | t > lj J S MtithistAM t , .v
' ' HHJT- nrrooin ln n Sldar.iF l/ird | l ( ?
JT'O'1 | luoi.tli . Harknr & MC III.
ITMJlt I I XT Nice lutMUl.H rouir , dicjj < 10
1 .S 1Mb MII 11 ) KUf
I/On 11KNIMti ! t rd , furi lml
L1 front IP' in , ca and Imib rcr. f i tb > inl
n ] 4t'i. Alon liw Ubiiboai outdl.
IjlUlt hh\T Nrftt4ft and chiapctt trnlthid room
1 InOninlM. ApltiU | II. Aiidir uii , toniu IV
Anderson Dlntk , tioitn uutranco , J011 * mid Laton
< ort M , HiJ Jan 15
I7MJH HLNT-A pkiumt [ iirnUliid ro > ri ulth rr
J ? without 'Ire , VHtf CItol | a\o. 1H.1 ' . ' . 'p
OH HBNT-Siilts ol roois fuinl-hed lor
* Souio kiepltitf , ie t on > l aliv iticmil In lite
iiiir'nbloik , roinn ithatd IloardSt ltt (
T7IOU KHNT r ural holroom t (1 ( 5 K
I/IOK hfcNT Two Imnwhcil or tmtuintilud roonu
.1 * N. W. oonicrSOtiiaml rtebstor .St. ' " ( ( vt (
> OH HKM Nlcu euic cf tin fu roans , or ulngle
1 luiiilihcdiriinfuiiilehid , ihe p , Ittl3Ci.ic.-xo ,
217 23p
J 71011 HKNT-ChoIco mlUi ootBio rooms \cry iit <
1 shabluforitloctor VH tf
TJ Olt IttC.NT Cclt Lf ) nt three rjcin' , 23d and
1 Ulaik etrccti. . Inqulro ul Owen Mclaflrr ) , 1Mb
ml Dough * , or at b , IK Cor. J.IC.BOU luiil lOtn
tj tiK Ht.M Toitentitiutn onlj , a plvitiwiii fur *
D nlstcd room , S. K. corner 10th uua DoUKlan.
114 tf
OH KENT Two elegant rooius In Redlck'a block ,
, 1613 Karnami 34 ! tf
| TOll ( 11 r.NT Furnished IrOnt room for lent 222 N.
-T 18th bt HMt
17(011 ( HUNT 0 room housn , flno yaAl , Truk are ,
1 ASIKS , 1607 Ffimamdt. 761 tl
TTOIl HKNT 7 room brick houjc , burn , tll
F and clbtorn , " 111 nnt clrcnp to tlnrlsht tenant or
ncll on o ey uioutnly I'M nienti. AMhb , 1607 Karniun
street. 78J tl
IlKNT Fnrnlsheil rooms brick Llock , modern
1 Imiirouimtn , cue block from Port ofltce , Sf
I710H UbNT A now house of 10 rooms.ond a barn.
[ " bard and soft wattr ; on 1'ark awn-ie , 2 blocks ,
rom Karnam strict. Inquire 013 Farn m. I13tJ
il > 01l HEN'l > citcott > io 3 roomn , hall , pantry
J cloiitaiurcsllar , 81260 , alii , other Lhoup teo.
icnts. 1) . L. Ihoirms. bJ8 tf
[ T < tii ; UKNT-Storc bulldlr ] ? lth resldtnoo rUl for
_ $22. perinoLtnlu coed location , 1) ) . L. llionms
11 HUNT Largo southeast room , lir 'o bay
window clsnet , llro place and bathroom prhl
; house and turnicuro now ; 601 a , 2Mb street ,
no blcck north ol Bt. Marj'r a\rnuo , W9 tf
UK HKNT turnlshod or uulurnlabrd roomstiow
F brick block , corner 10th and Chicago S'
CC .jin-3p
? OU KKNT A nine room hou e ; i ir u o loca.
? tbn ; $10 per inonth. Barker ikMnyno. 000 tf
jlOH HKNT Cottage of three rooms , 23d nnil
Clark struct JInquired Ocn McUadret ,
5th nnd Uouklas , or at U. cCor. . Jackson end 10n. !
T710K S\LK-Hcu-Mi.l hand tiarh'r ' chair , Inquire at
? 1612 Farnam bt. " 21-8 24p
OH BALK f'linAV Oneclotant chimbors'et , ono
' leirultt it clock , ono i uirly now Un be Piano ,
vc k'oM franird iilctur 8 , rnu IIOIBO , liarncs' > IH !
hactcn , one lUlla talc , vii llslz . onu bcauttfiit
ihinu colK-esct. 'nqunoNo ' , 2011 Harncy fct. , let
nth and 21st 231 Jau IS
TTIOH SALKoOMSSlcet on ruminfr Btroet 3 lilooks
? west of MlliUry btldge , lBOj. Jobn L. McCtpua ,
opposite l'o-t onUo. luO-ll N.
71 OR SALK 13il21 feet on corner , Bonth.oast .
. fioi t , house S. rooms , barn , 3 Uocks west of
ark are. and Lcmvciiworth , easy pn > m < nts , cheap
,700. John L. M tague. opposite I'ost Offlcc. 108-tf
TlOK SALE TwoIctnonOoorpia a\oata i rcat
1 bargain. Also 2n residence on Park avo. , chaap.
OTTEH & COBEy 1515 Farn ln t. O)17-ti
7 011 SALK-rIIoBC8 , mults , harteaa and uagone
? on one or two \ ears time. Itoal ontate security
. L. Thomas. BBa-tl
_ _
, ' JH tiALe : UK JJ.YcTlANUK-At < iu poi uoro , all
or part of twothousan i acres of timber land ,
orty mllet cast of Kansas City , wll cxchan o for
obraaka land or merchandise. Bedford , Soner A
7(011 ' SAIE ldall ry natron , ami 10 ( act lunch
counter. KoomSlS , N. 10th. 113
71 OH HALE rtrst class llqi or ptore , nottb
} wtstcorneroi 10th and Capitol A\onui ; with
ease 'or three > cars time , until ll-f Oil' , tulllnir once
co < < tit.t tf KHlDr ) to Europe. . 21222
? H HALK Ilou-c (6 ( rooms ) and ( our lots. Will
Hell cheap la order to k'et Irumcdlato chn je of
neat death ef m } cnlld , T. K. I'aifltt , Oi
lice 761duol2
7 > OttSAIiK cheap , a mco 4 room cottage full let
1 on Kado , cSv water 10th Elrect , htlf nblockS.
Lou unw ortlf , nrscKlilo , torrw cany M. Lie , ro-
and Le > vunnarth Htrrut. 74S-t
' O T Twop j cheep , mis for ? I/0 ) and the
.Ju.hci for > ltJ. Fir d r v * 'l ' i lei fcu return t' tie
aslucr of tbo U. I' , otllco nna MIOI\O nwari' )37'i3 )
ITITILU jraJc II A , II omtr ct to 160ro < cf Uriir >
W lu.brculty Co. . uortu tRJQ lor tiini , rnu t
begood roadatirs , not o er Jjo.ra tljVin N U
son , CW no "A1 tnth Bt. 2I12 ] >
EOOMS With board , don rabl t or winter App
at Ht Chailea Hotel. 110-c
TOi < ENA two jot.-.old red hu or
whlto ) ict en Itft n | sulikr. A kulUtio lewor
ill bo pmd onictuin uf ito taae "o 151 i Hiwtal
2U7 22p
i.a , lUlnrt.jobl ) n pn < niiu } ut'jjn
ttiIi JN , Ibtn 1 1. . ? tuui J. CaNUbUKlu 142-Jl"p.
BOAIU > First-plane uard and Lwls 31 | ier weekat
2iaCap.tol "
ATLItN UI > Ono * iUck liorsx four wloie feet , ,
white face , 1020 3 uth lltbEl , SOl > -6Ucw
[ ) Jt VY vaulta , elrU and cosfTyiola cloaniul at thl
1 < sjortcst notice rjil at any tone ol Iho day , In a&
ntrelyordcrlu88 ! vjty wltliot t ' leant nolnstatloix
tuaceupaufior riu | llord , wlfi our lin'jrt'vod ruj
UoMiiH apparatus. A. Kvani & Co. , Ill \ Caullol
vo. 034 diL'Jl
_ * ttxk holltM nl th8
nourtncu ( o , will hu hold
y In ( lm li , on Monlij.
IlKNKl I'lNUI , l'ie 't
ut > ee > . d ' is 1 1 * lv
(3000KB30I13TO ( JOHN 0. JACQW )
At the old Uod 1417 Farunu St. 'HUMi >
tie VU5.