t 7-rw 11ATT VTTfiVrc TTTTCSHAY. TYttrRMRRTC Ifi I AM THE WEsTEIM A JK.VT KOIl THE C3 'JGP1 A P " 5 ? " bJEL.fi.J. & . . . . HI ! Thin * unit mio ( f the kate minulwtiirm eill fi " ( 'luS , "hot wo otllifour Itilf Clamp Otila Ith | > iir4iriii | ( t < ! lintttn.Y cnrriuttml x.innk. It Ufnl nlcKil | iit < l The mttmn Isshipol 10 HI the * ola i if iho H i w ix li o | i-tfii t v , furi'hy IMM * tin lint fro mil natural nillnii. Hh.i " to clatnp luiljM \ \ eatiiT in > toi > nr lirel > trn a "Ton lull ilr | i re pr ( jrriblo tn tteol cKmp n inoitcisf 3 , Miln HIT | n fn ami < < 'rc'iit'in ( tlio ankle u'ti'n | inici Ini ; a r n\ \ * aul ] i mt II kcctilentl. It 11 the flii'stloi kin < rtiti Intho inukrt , anil nno th.v , H * uro tJ p'i'su. ' It liti pure Inrkev Hixiroty * whtell wHh liraM tiinhm/ * , til'ifi. . JJ iti J'IOH tn < 1 n * ' 'inlewrv * vnfl pe i" v tri , ui h p\ir K cavil In a spr > arutcl > < > M/- > lt > 9. I ili > cirn i lull line of iimo skito In f il * r > , > w ioil Imttnmi ani a fu tlllnecf aoxtr ! ) , ft'i'l unull anil lirsro lira * < lineiZwh . HVrl e f jr p uj < Toms-Jn third cub MMiupwjln orJct calam-ossutO. 0. ! . H. L. MIM.KilVcstrn A < Jiit , 10J3 , t'ourtU Ara uui Council Hull * , lovMti wwii ? n n T Ta rtnru A wi r Yin KIEL BALE STABLES „ Keep Horses nud Mules constantly on hand which wo will soil In retail or wholesale lots. > All Stock Warranted as Represented. Wholesale anil retail dealers in Drain Mid IJalcd Hay. Prices Bormblo Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ss Corner Fifth Avo. & Council Bin ffs & LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Mala street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. AGEMTS WANTEB. rs. Judd & Smith's Ne-w Improved Electric Belt. 19 imtUmVAY , COrNCir , nU'FFS , 10\S'A725 ; KLJI ST , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and IT. WAYNE , 1ND IT lOsmVht.Y CUUKS Kidney and Liter Complaint , might's Dlsia'o , KhouoiatUm , Ncurslela Ihnpersla , Ncrtonar.cH4 , Wasting Wuikn'g * , 1'aralynla , Spinal Allfctlcnj , IiuKjcsllcu , llcait Discas * , Flta Uridach , Limo IKck , Co'd Feu" , and all diecastm ri'qulrinx increased motUu powtra. New fmprcHcd bolt 'i and ( r > old -.tyloSJ each. WHOLESALE DEALEU3 IN iSf.&wSyf W tOdtV/g 332 and 341 ITroadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IO\VA Winter Goods Ready. Kuits Made to Order in Latest Style ca Short Notice and at Renson ! blo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Main Street , Council Bluflfn. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IN THE PIUCK3 OP f r . Tlio Eevon 1 cine vo lar advanced I liave concluded to dlspnsa ol Kay stoves RKaARDLrsa or COST In ] ir I- ercucoto stoilof ; them until ucit season. Call early as I "ill not be undersold by unjono. A. J. Maiidel , .525 JBroachvay. ( Jouncil Hluffs. CRESTON HOUSE , /1RBTCLAS3. - Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. . - COUNCIL BLDFF3 HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ Lisn. EMERSON PIANOS. UnrlialloJ or Tone or Ftnlahi KIMBALL PIANOS Beat Modern Price to Buy. The KirobMl Orean , BO lonpf and favorably kn jwn In the west , rooommanila STKWART. Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooms , 329 Blulls uncil OorrcBjiondoncn Solicited , Agoiita Wantoii. ' 209 Upper liro.ailwsy , ii mn to the Trent , fr'tudj , rcllcct and cnnwtnd Kxamlne , nnd aeo ( or yiimiheHwhat jou can buy ( urCaih at my place. ijiiotu jou in ( ollona : 13 ll * Kianulalcd sugar ( or $1 00 idlM i ) eiiRar ( or - 100 lilluVliIlu \ uz O U'ar ) I'r 1 CO JO hirs Klrk'a whlto Hus"lan eoap/or 1 00 "J liars I'alirn ' , | U I to Kirk's Uiissbn soaji d r. 1 CO 20 himKlrk'D MiloImlU soup for 1 00 imprmt'a licut | u > der per Ib 21 IS boxen ol niatclii'S ( or 25 Vrciuh mlxeil candy per Hi 12Jo. Njrup California honey dilis | , | ior gt\ \ 60 Sjriipiwaraiitcil strictly puru Vcricont luapte pergal 100 floriliau ) per ( ml . . (0 A ho. 1 English currants li lln lor.o 1 00 Leu tri'I. ) o , Keniiine 10 noxoi ( or 100 . ( 'innoil blackberries , preserved , 6 cans tor . . . 1 (0 Canned illb jellowpcirhca In u hlto > rup 5 ( or , 1 CO Canned 311) Istfiuallly Tcinatoea leer 100 A Xo. 1 wliltoHuh , perklt , 70 Toliacro , Lorllard Climax , [ ior pound 60 T T T. I can sell ) ou according to qual.tyfroni 16o to 70o per Ib. J'lqiir'u ecll the celebrated Patent Fancy cwf , 76. per Wo keciievcrythlnBUauallv kept In a Flrat Clisa nroccry , and warrant ! ) > crjthins He tell Uoodi ile- llvered ( rce In any part ol the city. I lso Imndlu Glou-d and Mittens , Dry ? uods and Notions , Hoots nd Shou , ami a good assortment ot Tinware He- mem tier ; I will net only bo not undtraold on any S > Ishut i'l ' soil 20 per cent liulow any Cowpotltlnn in tlio city. Woare recihlrianlmolo odl lls tn hlcl ) w o can give the greatest bargains c > cr ollcio I In tin ) city Mv vxpcnuud are ury light , vith no JUMiti ) to pav I am enabled and will Sell chop ( ar C'ASH. Call when you Hontthobo oBargains In cuy line , J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper liroadwnv. ouncil iioa : , ornciit. IT , it , u , OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Counril IJlulTe , . . la. Established 1856 P-oilers In Foreign and Domotlo Exchange aul Horn * berurltlm , $20 REWARD ! Opn UKWAHl ) paid lof Information of present f-iw location pair homi , wazcn and liarnom , riorturco\ Wllliain 1) , Hall to ' 1'homa * aliXinton Il y horw ou > iiesr od ! , l.COO jwundi , k r left liind leg , black horw nine ) tiara old , ttarin fcr < - ikfd > | inlii In rlf'it lilnd \MKOD.Coorer make , thro Inch let double lumen * , talcu from 1'cttawatt aiiia count ) tn AuKUtt Tun dollar ) reward foi < Hx\er > uf MldHall. Hall dercribcdas about fi lihit KncbfB | , 'atulycciunltxion , t UI lica < l rn top vi kern brounUh red , btouil.h built , about 40)vuv oil. Aurly tn I .uani Ki'rutt , nttornetla Cuncll Blufla , lo a , lrsHJBiltfljiH , D , , PHYSICIAN & SUR&EON , SU UIJJlc liro&dKky , Council Blufli. I H EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. " All Work First Class. Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Orders - ders over $2.50. to Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established 1882. E. REMER , Manager 711 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUM'S , IA. E , Eice m. D , do 0knS ' & /Tb ° , oolttltbOUt" " CHRONIC DISEASES0111' ' Over thirty years practical oiperlenai QjCoi 6 , Tear ! sireat. Council Dlulli jCVCouiuItatlon tin. on J. R. TATB , ca ATTORNEY AT LAW d re Practice In Btata and Fedeul Courtl Collectlona promptly attend * ] to. Room 10 , Shugart'i Building , a EC COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA tl Dr , 'W4. H. Sheriaden idb idV DENTIST V , d Masonic Temple , itii itU Council Blutta : , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. CONDEMNING A STREET.th The Ccnnty Board lo Suspend tbe ClerL Doslrcil Kcport Mot llcndy. Yesterday the county board of super visors mot in the cracked court honao , the chief business being'to rccoivo the report of S. D. Street , clerk of the courtn. The board sotno time ngo noli- Qcd him that ho must mnko a full and complete report of the receipt * of his oilico , or ho would bo suspended. The board gave him twenty daya in which to prepare this report , and that time wna up last Monday ; but ho not having the report ready , the board granted htm ono week more , which time waa up yesterday day , Air , Street appeared buforo the board and explained that ho had been BO busy with the court , which ia in session , that ho was unable to complete the re port , nnd naked for more timo. The board did not fool Inclined to Rive more llmo. The members expressed them selves as personally ffillinc to nccommo- date Mr. Street , but oilicially they felt it their duty to suspend him from ollice , as they had given him time sufllciont to pro-1 pare in. Mr. Robert 1'crcival appealed to the board to give Mr. Street more time , claiming that the clerk had been very busy , anil it was no little task to go through the books of _ four years business. IIo raisnd the question whether if Mr. Street was suspended there would not bo numerous caaea of litigation iirlao , in the filing of papers , drawing of jurors , etc. , involving the question an to whuthor the board had the tight to suspend this cllicer. The board still clung to its purpose , Some cf the members expressed , what seemed to bo the unanlmoua feeling of the board , that the public would blnma : hcm if they lot the matter go any ouger. They ssy that it hud boon iharged that they had been putting up a , ob for political purposes , nnd they ranted to have it shown up who was at 'ault , and whether the books and ac counts of the clerk wore correct or not. The board took uo formal official ac tion , but openly expressed thomHolvos I as fully determined to pass a resolution to-day euspending the clerk from cilice. It is said that Mr. " Street will pay no attention to any such order of the board _ , but will go right along with his duties , under legal advice to the effect that the board has no right io suspend him. His imo will bo out January 1st anyway , tud ho will then bo required by law to make a report port anyway , whether he makes ono now or not. If the hoard suspends : tlm-as it is evident It will to-day , and he continues In pllico , there may be consid erable litigation in cases in which the clerk has anything to do with the legal papora. It looks as if there was quite a squabble brewing. In the meantime the public has no ight thrown upon the question as to whether Mr. Street still owes the county so/eral thousand dollars or not. The accountants employed by the board to go through the books of the office , have simply copied items from the books and have reported no balances , and the only use to which their reports seem destined is to compare with the clerk's report when that is presented. Ono reform will result from this affair. Hereafter , the board will see to it , doubtless , that the clerk make the complete reports every quarter , as required by law. Ask your grocer for McOlnrg'a eelf raising buckwheat. Try It. Wall paper and interior decorations at P. C. Miller's , 13 Pearl street. "HE IS PRECIOUS , " KCT. Mr. Orofls , of Sandwich , 111 , ° Takes tills as his Theme. At the Congregational church Sunday evening , Rev. G. W. Crofts , of Sandwich , 111. , preached to an attentive congrega tion , choosing as his text , "Uuto you therefore which believe , Ho la precious , " let Peter , ii , vii. These words of the apostle have reference enco to Joaus Christ. To that apoatlo , that grand and glorious , resolute , strong , devoted friend of Christ to him person ally , Chriat was a treasure of infinite value. Ho was with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. Ho heard there the voice of .the heavenly glory , saying , "This is my beloved son in whom 1 am by wnll pleased. " The voice of the Father bearing witness and testimony that this to wonderful poraonago was bin son. Ho also was the first ono to the Sivior pre sented himself after his resurrection , and you remember the question to Peter , "Peter , lovost thou moi" and repeated the third time , and at the third repeti tion , the heart of Peter seemed to Ing be grieved. Ho answered , "Lord , thou knoweat all things ; thou knowcst that I lovotheo. " Peter had always loved nis Maator. Ho loved him oven when ho denied Him. His heart was always loyal the Lord Jesus Christ , and he apoaks Gal thoao words , "Unto you , therefore , which believe Ho is precious , " out of the infinite burden of his own experience and The relationship. Observe further the peculiar construc tion of this sentence. Not to the man that merely who states the character of a Chriat ; not to the man merely who takes the measure of Christ as ho stands in comparison with the character of another individual ; not merely to the man who claims that Ho ia a personage of the paat TTO read that ho is precious. and Napoleon Bonaparte , that man of won * his derful insight and penetrative puwcrs , said in regard to the Savior , "I know man and I know that Josas Chriat was not a man. " U o admired him. Chriat oat was precious to him becac.no ho believed " him as a Savior. In the first place Chriat ia precious be cause ho is a revelation of God. No lost revelation ia eo great as that which we ago discover ! in his life , sufferings and death , John eays , "In the beginning was the Word. " That word refers to Chriat. As word or a sentence expresses a thought , that word clothes a thought , and the thought ts Christ. It is impoeaible for us to got a true idea of what God is , except as wo are ruio brought into relationship with the savior. ( \Vo may say God Is a spirit , but who un- looa deratanda what a aplrit it ? It is an un fathomable mystery to us. We may aay Uod reveals hlmaelf in nature. True , but a very limited senso. Wo have no trial conception of what God U by any of tha works which ho has made. Snpposo wo wcto inhabitants of nome other planet , and know nothing of the men of the earth , nnd should come to this world and behold their works , and the things which they ( have constructed , wo could not judge by these things what man is. Who could toll what m on really are until ho has aeon them , douvortod with them , and been with thorn through the various trials and excgoncien of human life. How could a child orer apprehend the moaning ol tin word "mother" if it had never looked into a mother's eyes beaming with that infinite love the mother sustains in her heart toward the darliug of her soul ? In n inoro perfect senao than through tin works of nature , God is revealed to us as a loving father through the Lord Jesus , In the second plnco Christ Is precious to . us as our Savior from sin. When the river at K < msas City was oncp at its flood ] lo , n little boy fell into it , and was bo swept nway. A young colored man saw him thus fall Into the turbid | stream , nnd with true daring and true manhood , ho plunged Into _ the dark waters and swam after the little boy , took hold of him , and was enabled with hh strength to bring him to shore and tea a place of safety' Bat his own strength being exhausted ho foil back into the otrcam cud perished. Was not that man precious iia n Savior to the gentle child nt that time , and ho not over bo so re garded ) And if the child himself should grow to realize what had boon done for him by that colored boy , would ho not over remember him with love and grati tude ? And thus it was Avith you and me. Being swept into the lido of destruction there ( was one who plunged into that tide , and brought us to , the shore of salvation. And nro wo not grateful , nnd do wo not love him for what ho has done ? Apain ho is precious because ho brings into our hearts solid and glorious satis faction. This Is a true satisfaction such as the world cannot give and such as the ivorld is powerless to take away. Compare the termination of the lifo of Byron with that of Iho Apostle Paul. The former who had tasted of every pleasure that riches could bring , and also of fame that lib wonderful genius wrought for 'him , on his 3Gth birthday , while only a young man , writes the words : "My days are in the yellow loaf , Tin fruits nml flowers of lovu ure gene ; The worm , the canker , ami the Brief , Ate mine nlone. " . Paul who believed on the Lord Jesus | Christ and devoted himself to his service iaid : "Iho time of my departure is nt hand ; have fought the good fight ; I have fin ished the course ; 1 have kept the faith. Henceforth there ia laid up a crown of ; lory which God the righteous judge ihall give to mo. " Here Is true and glorious satisfaction. McClurg's self-rising buckwheat flour vlfvayj ready for use. Try it. $ Dr. C. 0. Hazon , Dentist , 100 Main at. UPSET SALE AT METCALF BROS. 1'JhmsONAIi , to J. J. Stewart ia confined to his home by " ever. Postmaster Kemington , of Neola , was in the city yesterday. F : M. Bower leaves for a short trip to w /htllicothe , Mo. , to-morrow. Mrs. Olmstoad , ot Sixth avenue , ha-i re turned from her visit to Dunlap friends. Hon. George U" . Wright's sons , Frank an d ! Gorge , are at homo from attending school at Nyack on the Hudson. A. C. Mclntyro , the commercial tourist of A. C. Adams' boot and shoo house , of Bur lington , ia in the city , is George Smith , of the Phcunlx , has gone to Minneapolis , and rumor hath it that ho will I bring back with him a charming bride. | . STENOGUai'HY. WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE. Several ladies and gentlemen have requested quested us to organize an evening class in short hand. A class will bo formed Tuesday ( evening , December 1C , at 7 o'clock ( , and moot twice a week for n course of twenty lessons in Graham's Standard Phonography. Tuition , § 5. Book ( , $2. Regular night school con tinues till April 1. Closing out our entire stock at greatly reduced prices for 30 days. Call early. DE VOL & WKIQHT. , Tlio First Keen Twlngo , As the season advances , the pains and aches by which rheumatism makes itself known , are experienced after every ex posure. It is not claimed that Hood's Sarsaparilla is a specific for rheumatism we doubt if there i ? , or can bo , such a remedy. But the thousands benefited dy. Hood's Sarsaparilla , warrant us In urging others who suffer from rheumatism try take it before the first keen twinge. .sto The Itenl Author -Freedom , " Chicago Novva , Wo have it upon reliable authority that Lord Tennyson ia not the author of the lines entitled "Freedom " , which are go- the rounds of the proas juat now. These Inspiring verses wore written by Col. John A. Joyce about fifteen years ego. Wo distinctly remember the cir cumstances of their authorship. Col. Joyce waa sitting In the wine-room of the * houao at Louirjvlllo , surrounded by several hundred congenial spirits and quailing iced champaign from cedar pails. rollicking company had just sung a negro melody , when somebody called on Joyce for a poem. It was well known Joyce made no bones of dashing oil' poem when requested to do so , day 'Shall it bo choriamblo tetrameter , " Inquired Joyce , "or Archilochian dimeter catalocticl" A. No preference being named , Joyce toBeod oil' another bumper of champagne , then resting one pale hand against ambrosial curls , ho extemporized the charming lines which are now going the rounds as Tennyson's composition. Subsequently Col , Joyce wrote this poem la a scrap book and entitled them "An Impromptu Upon Seeing n Mule By ' Moonlight. " The scrap book , unfortunately , was in a steamboat explosion seven years , but there should bo no difliculty in securing enough affidavits to prove Lord Tennyson's claims to the authorship of these beautiful versos are totally Invalid. YOUNP MAN , HKAD TI1IS , TUB VOLAIO JJKLT UOMPANT , of Marshall Michigan , oner to send their celebrdl&d KLEO VOLTAIO UKC.T nud othtr KLEOTHIO AP PLIANCE * on trial for thirty days , to men young or old ) aftlictod with uervoua debility. of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk inclined , aa thirty daya' it allowed. Writ a them at oaoa for illus trated pamphlet free , / A DANDY WITIV MANY 1)1MONI > 8 How n Man Who it * Half 1)title , Half Cowboy , MnUcs n Slum- of Hlmsc'ir. Cincinnati KnqUtrcr. John Lighthall and wife , registered from Peoria , 111. , have been attracting considerable attention for three days paat. The couple were cjiisplctiotis os pccmlly for the magnificent nnd ponder ens jewelry which the ? were , and could not qo into the dining room or walk through the corldors without being fol lowed by gaping crowds. In appearance , Lighthall combines tlio cowboy of the woat and the swell young man of the oast. He is about 35 years of ngo and six foot tall , of a lithe , active build. His hair , which is raven black , is as straight as an Indian's , and falls in a mass to his shoulders. His clothes are of fashiona ble out and of rather loud pattern. Ilia vest , which is of a bright material , is buttoned - toned with diamonds , there being fifty- four good-sized atonea in the sot of but tons. Ills visit to njocimiatl WM for the purpose of adding some choice stones to his already largo collection of jewels. Ho probably wears more diamonds than any ether man in this country or any ether , for that matter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lighthall welcomed a reporter yesterday and seemed nothing loath to show their jewels , which weto rather conspicuously displayed. " 1 am sorry , " said ho , "that I did not know you were coming for I could have had moro of my 'stuff hero and made more of a show. But this scarf-pin is worth looking at" pointing at the same time tea a huge cluster of diamonds more than an inch square , which almost hid a gaudy necktie which swathed his throat. 'Thin is probably the largest pin in the United States , " ho continued. "It contains 17 ! ' stones , one of which , ns you BOO , weighs six carats. They are beauti fully sot and the entire workmanship is almost perfect. It rraa originally a ring but is too cumboraomo to wear. " "DId4you order it made ? " "No. It was the last order of a diamond mend broker in St. Louis , whoso name was Maus. It is said that ho went crnzy , and I guess ho did , for no sane man , un less ho was an oacontric as I am , would order , much leas wear , a bauble of that description. It ia said that Maus took a handful of stones into a workshop and told the foreman to make the fineat ring . . . possible ( out of them , and this is the re unit " unitI Lighthall professes to have been fond of jewels over since a boy , and for the past ton years , since ho has boon able to gratify Ins desires in this direction , has been making an extraordinary collection precious stouoa. Ho wears them , ho says , because ho likes to bo odd. Of late years ho has been much among the In dians of the west , and affects the manners nor , and actions of a . cowboy. Ho has a sombrero which cost him over $2,800. Clusters of diamonds and ether gems decorate the cro < vn and rim of the hat , and it is probably the only hat in the United States that is kept in a safe. The Bamo man , just to gratify an Inclination tel be conspicuous , wore a suit of clothes the buttons of which were made of § 10 gold"pieco3. The jewelry which ho were yesterday , In addition to his glaring scarf pin and diamond vest buttons , con sisted of four big rings , a massive gold chain and three large badges or medals , which ! were pinned on his vest front. The setting of one ring was a topaz , said to bo the largest in the United States , An other was a beautiful sapphire , surround odwei by four large diamonds. The others were diamond clusters and were only no ticeable on account of their unusual size and the worth of the stones. Old Aunt Grovious , Makes everybody miserable because she so gloomy and disagreeable. Proba bly It comes from dyspepsia , combined with liver complaint. Is her case hope less , ? Not at all. Give Aunt Grevlous a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters , and see It brighten her up. Thousands of ailing ladies have conquered their troubles by the use of this valuable medicine. Any druggist will tell you it is good for weak- ; neaa , dyspepsia , malaria , etc. Poking * 'un nt tholirothror. * Philadelphia llecord. It is rather a delicate question to ask our esteemed contemporaries who ex hausted themselves in advocacy of the present tariff , but could the Cobden club have had anything to do with Protiiont Arthur's message and the report of Secretary rotary McCulloch ? Wo accldently overhoaid the following dialogue on the street yesterday : i/Lnc . Smith , why don't you atop that disgusting hawking and spitting ? Smith. How can 1 ? Vou know I am a martyr to catarrh. J. Do as 1 did , I had the disease in its worst form but I am well now. S' . What did you do for it ? J. I used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reme . It cured mo and it will euro you. X. I've heard of it , and by Jove I'll it. . / . Do so. You'll find it at all the drug stores in town. po DO ADMISSlON-Ocnts UC-Ladlea 100. SKATES-denta 160. Ladles lOo , Admission Free to Ladles each morning and Tues and lliur Jax ultcrnoona. Uao o ( Skatei H cents. f. BCHANOK , H. II , MAHTENS , Froprlotar H. SCHURZ. 1 OFFICE OVER AMKUIOAN EXPKESS I Tl 'OUNOIT , OIlDEll TOUR Cobs , Coal \ Wood OF 3Ei. e , croKraajsi , P. O , address. Lock Box 1493. Council H , B. ATWOOD , B Pluttsmouth , - f - Nebraska IXUOIBOr TUOMUflBIBID UO B19D GKlfil HEREFORD &KD & JERSEY BIHLE JolW i-ND nvtoo'oa ; naaar tie BWIMI /VTonoK ( Voclc lei Cor apOBd nee lollcll PJt TMVol.'TKRS ) MAMTACTriUNu Fine Diamonds , Bich Jewelry , French Cloclss , Bronze Statuary , English Silver Plate , Antique Brass Ware , European Holiday Novelties , CAUUY IN STOCK ALL TllK CELEBRATED MAKES -or- Tl frftil C JJoiver Prices tuitl yerms tins Motif h titan crer offered before. A t'isit to onv trtircroottis solicited. RICHARDS & GLAftKJfi , Proprietors. Supeiinniident 7TH & 18T1I S5TREE13 Kli * * " ' * " vei * ' ' ' ' ' * * < i'X ' ) * | I'M'j ff f iPiW , * W15 ! ' SM a& . ' & 'i gVtg j SQ g MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS &S3 B U.iK7 WATER WHEELS. EOLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Oolebratert Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE , ARCHITECTURAL R1DQ O mm 9 i3O rS tt'--"V , V'JKiV' ! - . K ai § 3 " * " * " " " ' * " ' * * " * tn iiiri * yt Wo are prepared Lo furnish plans and estimates , and will ccntraci for erection o Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , from Stona to tlio Roller Sviitein. 32Mij9pccial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants for nay pu. e , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attonde promptly. Address ETUHABD & CLARKE , Omaha.Nob EU23MPIHQ ft BOLTE , MA N IIFAOI0JURS 0V ElttL GUI Doimti , Window , FLnUI , Window . Uaps , Iron denting , Metallic BbvOlgbtD , 4c. Tin , Iron And tl .11 MOSnnlhlStl- Street Om h KobrMk WHOLESALE BY L. A. STEWART & Jones Street } ASIC ron RKO oao99. / OMAHA UEB HE BRUNSWICK BALKE , , COL- LENDER COMPAQ , [ SUCCESSORS TO T11K J , II. B , & 13. CO. ) The moat exUnelre mauuUctnren IN THE WORLD. 1m Ilodttruttor Uunernl A Kent or Nebraska au " " . ' . . 01IAJIA , < JT dtJou BUH rd Mid Pool T Ue iad tcatorU AI.ONQ Tim LINK OF TUK Ctilcap. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis md OMAHA RAILWAY. The new oitenulon ol this line from V7ascfi IJ op Ihv DEADTIFUL VALLEY of the ( UN through Concord and Oclorldgg Reachoathe beet portion o | the State , curilon rate ) lor land iccken ovei tbia line i Wayue , Norfolk and Ujjtlu tcn , ujj vU Ulalr tc principal polbto ou the SIOUX CITY & PAOIF10 RAILttOAD Train ! over tht 0. , St. V. U , & 0. lUllwiy to Cov ngUn , Hloui City , Kmca , Ilaitlngtou , W ) n unl Roitolk , Of rttmoot , Oakdl J , Hellifh , and tbioDEti to V l , ; co tine. oraiuU . ' D i - V