Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1884, Image 5

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Prospects of Tronlilb for The Western
Onion ,
Tins Iowa l oot IJ'IICH Moving on
The memorable walk-out of the West
ern Union operators Is atill froah in the
public mind nnd the embarrassment con-
nequont thorofrom will not noon bo for-
From prceont appearances it appears
that A similar cataatrophy ii-jjlmpondlng.
Some time ngo a reduction Mud inado in
the wages paid operators , which uiado o
diflbronco of from $30 to $50 a month in
tholr salaries , and a further cut of 10 per
sent la uxpcctod. Sunday meotlnga
were held all over the United Sthtos and
there wan u firm determination among
the men to resist the arbitrary cutting
down if prices. At the former otrlko
there were a number of old employon who
aturk by , the company nnd helped them
tide over their troubloa. This tlmo the
ablest and beat men are united In
opposition tojtho reduction nnd the com
pany will find it no easy matter to gather
a force that can handle tholr work. There
la no class of workers more important to
the general public and none whoso duties
are more arduous and ao poorly remuner
ated. A strike among the telegraphers
means a stagnation of nowa such aa could
result from no other source and yet the
public will look moro leniently on iho no
tion of the operators at this tlmo than
ever before because the men who helped
the company before arc now united with
their follows in resisting an unjust reduction -
> duction of wages that would work a
hardship to all.
There has boon a great deal of talk
lately nbout the Chicago & Northwestern
road coming Into Omaha , and it now
looka aa If not only thia but the other
lines belonging to the Iowa pool were on
the point of crossing the river and mak
ing Omaha their western terminus.
The construction of the side track
from the Omaha nnd St. Paul road up to
the Columbia brewery is regarded aa the
entering wedge for the Northwestern for
reaching the atock yards and , as the
Blair bridge has proved such a failure , it
la boliovect that there ia to bo constructed
n bridge acroea the river at thia point
which will have its landing on this nido
where the brewery siding begins.
The 0. B. & Q. shortcut fromMnlvorn
to Council Blnlla , aud projected bridge
acroaa the Missouri to Omaha wonld tend
to confirm the report that all the Iowa
lines are on the point of running Into
this city at whatever cost. Thpro has
been ao much said on this subject that
reference to It is regarded as romancing ,
but this tlmo It seems to bo in real
earnest. Instead of the ono bridge
across the Missouri it looks us If wo wore
aoon to have three and as North Omaha
is to bo the location of the now depot ol
C. & N. W. , there is abundant promise
of a big boom for that part of the city.
The Sage Comity Statesman Move on
the Coaspacy Indictments ,
Mrs. Nelson Given Damn cs The
JjclBliton-Brown Cases Removed
to the United States Court.
In this tribunal , before J udgo Neville
all of yesterday was consumed in thi
trial of the , state against Dodsou. Thi
defendant took the stand in the morninf
nnd occupied it until court adjourned it
the ovonlng.
Before Judge "Wnkoley the case o
Nelson against Rasmusson was given t <
the jury nt t p m. After doliberasln ;
for nearly four hours a sealed verdict fo :
plalutiil was roturnod.
Ton of thotwolvo insurance companies ,
parties defendant In the suits Institute *
by Loiphton it Clark , for recovery undo :
tholrpollciea of their losses by fire madoaj
plications for removal to the federal cour
The applications tot up the non-ionidonci
of the parties defendant and were grantee
of right. Of the two companies not ap
plying for removal , ono has not beer
heard from by it3 local attorney , and tin
ct'coiid was sued fjr a aum less that
SjOO. an amount of which the fedein
court baa no jurisdiction.
Dr. Paul GroBsman yesterday made t
Bhowins by alhdavit in the divorce cast
wherein ho is the party defendant. Thi
object of this atliduvit was to manifest t (
the court why ho had not complied will
the order of the judge to pay § 75 to thi
phintill nnd alao to bo allowed to proceed
coed under his cross bill to his wife's po
tition. The affidavit alleges that hii
practice , once worth $ ' . ) ,000 per annum ,
la now nlmoat valueless. Ills prt-scrip
tions , which nt ono time amounted t <
over S > 100 per month , now do not exceed
coed 820. This ruin of his business , hi
alleges , has boon caused by statement !
made concerning him by his wife am
her frlonda. His house and lot , hi
avers , has boon sold under a niortgagi
foreclosure and his personal property ha
been encumbered by § 150 under per
mission of the court to comply with It
order for alimony.
In the Otoo reservation land fraui
catos the defendants determined to mov
on the Indictments and accordingly hav
filed motions to squash. The grounds o
the motion are first the acts charged d
not constitute an ollonBO charged undo
the lawa of the Lulled States ; second
the lands sold were not the property c
the United States nnd consequently i
could not have boon defrauded ; third
other defoota and informalities In the in
dlctmonts. Arguments open the inotio
will take piece at an early day.
This morning District Attorney I/im
bertson will call up the Lovojoy case au
. It Is ui :
insist upon o trial this term.
doratood the defendants will apply for
COUMY cornr.
In this tribunal the jury in.the r <
plevln case of Murphy s alnst l\oh&r \ ( <
non returned a verdict for plaintiff <
! $24(5.95. ( The plaintiff hold nn ovordu
mortgage upon the rep'evinod ' proport
and this suit was brought to obtain poi
nation of it or recover a judgment f (
the aamo.
roller coyur.
The notorious Geoigo Howard wl ,
had been released on Siturday last froi
tha county jail , where ho had served
twenty-day bread and water sentence fc
l > atty larceny , was brought bofoto Judg
Boueko on the charge of ( suspicion. IIo
had no defense , but the ludgo gnvo him
suvcntyfivo cents aud ho was escorted to
the dummy depot by Oflicor Bellamy nnd
ordered to shako the dust of Omaha from
his feet , and bo aeon within her precincts
no moro.
William Morse , Iho till tapper , tried
on Saturday , waa sentenced yesterday
afternoon to pay n line of § 50 nnd coats.
Being unable to pay thcso amounts ho
was sent to the county jul. Ho after
ward through his "friend" took nn ap
peal , a prominent attorney and a county
official signing the bond. Ho was then
James Koolov , the alleged "con1
man , on the charge of suspiciou , was
sentenced to twenty days on broad and
wotor , and to pay n fine of § 20.
'And 03 ( food lent , U seldom or newer found ;
An fading glass. no rubbing will refresh ;
As llowors daatl , lie wlthorc J on the ground ;
As broken glyw no cement will restore ,
So bounty blomiihed once foreSer lost
In fplto ol phy ic , twit ! nnd colt , "
Unless you use Porroni'a medicated com
plexion powder , which restores freahnc-ii to
the akin nnd Imparts n durable hoftno's
equalled by none other.
Vcwirl Iinnt.
, UOSTOV , December 15. In NxSl tlio wliol-
Ing vessel , John 1'aamoud , of south Boston ,
heiv lly laden with sea elephant oil and seal
shins , homeward bound from the Ant-Arctic
oicnn , encountered n hurricane anil wns
drlv on Into the breakers at n desolated Inland
nnd the crow washed overboard. Only Caf t.
I'asmond and the colored steward , 1 ? . M. Ol-
pin , of Baltimore , vvoro saved. They had
several months tornblo experience on the desolate -
elate iflHnd. After honring their atory ( Jen-
oral Butler nnd others decided to make nn at
tempt to recover the property. They char-
torodn schooner , with Kumond In command
and Olson , cook , taking a Halifax crow. All
are now believed to bo lost.
If you have a Sere Throat , n Cough era
a Cold , try 15. II : Douglass A , Rons' Cap-
sium Cough Drops , they nro pleasant to
the taste , poafectly harmless and will
surely cure you. 0
In KoRimt to iho licit IJ IK ; .
Special to tlie Bee.
CHIC \r.o , December n. It i reported that
the Isorthvvostern la trying to pet possession ,
if It has not already secured it , of the Omaha
Belt Line , In order to roach the stock yards
without bulldinpf n new lino. S. II. II. Clark
president of the lelt ! Line , IB in Chicago now
for the purpoao , it ia said , of concluding the
negotiations for the Rale of the property to
the Northwestern. Hisiullnenco In the mat
ter is all powerful , nnd it is said that ho fa
vors the sale.
of Nebraska ,
Just Issued , in colors , ( mowing citiea ,
towna. rallroado and counties. Mailed
for 15e. J. M. Wolf , 120 S. 14th st. ,
Omaha , Neb. dl5-2iv
Bridge Blown Doun anil Three Men
Sr. IIV.ACINTIIE , Quebec , December 10.
'ho ' flrst span of the now bridge beina erected
, croas the river Yama ka wns blown down
o-day. A man _ named Allan ! wns killed ,
, wo others nro dying nnd fifteen are scrioualj
ibough not fatally injured.
[ The heading Clearing Houses.
Bovros , December 10. The lotding clear
ng housas of the United States report thi
exchanges for the week ended Decom
er 13 , S7ai > ,35. ,377 , n docreaw of 22 8 pci
: ont compared with the corresponding week ;
ear ngo.
Heavy Failure in Now York ,
NEW YOBK , December 15. ITenry Levy &
ion , importers of fancy goods , assigned
Preferences § 00,000 ; liabilities , $300,000 ; nn
locnred liabilities mostly foreign ,
Elgin Market.
Kldix , December 15. Butter dull , weal
nnd lower ; regular sales , 5,000 pounds nt 2
: enta. Cheese dull ; regular sales , 300 boxes
ikims. 7j@8i centi. 1'rlvato sales butter
100,000 pounds ; cheese , 3,800 boxes ,
"Weather llcport.
WASHINGTON , December 15. Upper Mis
isslppi colder , generally fair weather , nor
hoiiy winds. Missouri , local snows followei
by clearing weather ; lower temperature vai
"able winds generally northerly.
Death of Kov. Dr. lUce.
TonoNTO , December 10. The Kov. Di
Rice , senior general superintendent of th
Methodist church , died this evening ,
Otcainer Foundered nt Sea.
Lovnox , December 13. The stoarashi ]
'arrinrn ' , from Itotterdam for Lisbon , four
dorod oil tllo Isle of Wright. Kiev on person
wcro drowned.
Iho .1 , I. Case Failure.
CHH.U.O , December 10. The Daily No\u
laclno , Wh. , s ys tha inventory m the J. I
Case plow company failure shows , ns et
§ 110,000 ; liabilities , 8740,000.
Two Ohllilion U
1'oim AM > , Ore. , December 15 , Near Cos
.mo last night vvhilo ( ! . 1 ! . Thompson am
\ \ ifo were attending church their homo burned
Two children , aged sK and two , wer
RAYMOND is still giving checks fo
j'inu wntchjand Jewelry repairing.
Fresh Imported Cigars , own importa
ion , from § 15.50 to § : ! 0 per hundred , a
Max Meyer it Go's.
Ladies and Gentlemen's Coal Caps , n
Saxo's , the Hatter , Opera Doiiso.
nlin.w&f-tt ! )
Solid TrnltiB IVoni Oiunlin Depot.
From the B. it M. R , R. depot o
Tenth street , six trains now leave dail
for all the principal points East , Weal
nnd South.
For Chicago , St. Louis , and the Easl
the hoard of departure are moro cot
vonient than by other lines , nnd th
through car arrangement does away wit
the nnnnyanco of transfers.
For Denver , Cole , nnd all the princ
pal points in Nobrassa , thia isthofavorit
ruute , passing as It docs through th
more important pointa in this atato an
conncctiuu in the I'uiou depot , Donvoi
for nil parts of Colorado aud the outii
For Kansas City and the South , th
has long boon the acknowledged she :
line and lands yon in the magnified
Union depot , Kansas Cityat hours whe
connection may bo inado with nil tl
trunk lines centering thero.
Chicago and St. Louis Jxpress ! Lv. 8:45 : a.r
Chicago nud St Louia llspress " 450t ; \
California Impress . . . " 7:50 : ni
Colorado Kxpress . " C.lOpi
Katuaa City I'.xprena . . . " 8:45 : a i
Kansas City Kxpreas . " 7.45 p.i
For tlmo tables , tickets , etc. , call c
H. DUUEL , Ticket Agent ,
N. E. cor. 14th audFarnamSta. , Oman
Atk vour Oroaerfor IIAWBUBOER sea
An Cxtraordlnnrv Sccno Inarcdcral
Com t In
Atlanta Speclii to Olobo-Domocrat.
An extraordinary scene wns witnessed
in the federal court room for the northern
district of Oeorgln hero to-day , which haa
given rlio to many queer satmisca , For
some time past the conduct ot Judge
lloury Kent McKay haa been subject of
concern to his friends. At a little past
the hour for the assembling of court to
day Judge McKay entered the building ,
laboring under great mental excitement ,
Calling the court to order In n very un
ceremonious manner , ho Announced
that If a jury wna not impaneled
for the next case standing on
the docket inside of two mluutoa
ho would adjourn court. Under this
, but greatly astonished , the
Erosauro made quick work of running
ever the panel and a jury was soon In
the box. Judge McKay , who In the
meantime had been muttering incoher
ently to himself , then ordered that the
case for which the jury was empaneled
should go ever , and the next one , for
which no jury was empaneled , should be
proceeded with. This was the celebrated
"Long Eutsglns" caao , In which nn es-
tito of § 30,000 is Involved. District
Attorney Spoor , saolng the necessity tor
securing nn adjournment of court , asked
for a continuance , on the ground that
Mrs Hugglns was sick. "Sick ? " exclaimed -
claimed the judge , hasn't aho boon run
ning around hero for a week ? " "I nm
not very well myself , " said Mr. Si.cor ,
with n solemn fnco. "What'a the matter
with you ? ' was demanded by the judge ,
who wna thoroughly aroused. " " 1 have
neuralgia , nnd it nlfoctn my eyes , " wns
the response. "Shut the well eye , " oom-
manded the judgo. Mr. Spoor
did aa told , nnd stood there with ono
eye closed and ono open. "Can you BCD
mo with that sick eye ? " demanded the
judgo. "Perfectly , " was Mr. Spoor's
response. After much moro Incoherency -
cy on the part of Judeo McKay , during
which excitement among the lawyers bo-
cfttno intense , the judge loft the bench
nnd wna pccn sitting oil by himself mak
ing curious gesticulations. Whether ho
was sick or under temporary aberration
of mind was a question which was gener
ally debated It Is known that the judge
h&3 had much trouble , and oomo are In
clined to think from his action of the
past weeks that his mind is affected. The
matter is being quietly talked of to-night
by pnrtica who propose to take such
action as the dovolopomenta make neces
Ten tlnusand women voted m Washington
The Misnoim colonels are looking to Albany
ir recognition.
Why not buy Cuba with the surplus nnd
' ' . "
iien 'reciproc.ito ?
Three candidates for IhSS Honesty , Jc- !
brm aud Progress.
It is a wise congressman that knows hi :
n speech after it is printed.
The present house is divided into two par <
ies the Left and the Got Left.
It is n wise government clerk that chanpo :
is politics witti the administration.
Dr. Mary Walker says she has half a notior
o marry Ban Bailor. Do , Mary. It would
ervo him juat right.
BJGovernor Critteuden , of Missouri , ia am
ous to bo secretary of the treasury. One of
is greatest dibtmctions la that ha once kissed
Alderman O'Brienwho ' waa recently electee
injivnrof Uoatonis , the first Irishman and Cathi
' ed to that position. Ilia majority wa
The Globe-Democrat suggosta that ths 4tli
> f Match bo observed as a "day of fasting
nmillation and prayer. " The democrats wile
o the preying
Vn analysis of the popular vote , as far a <
epoitod , convinces the Chicago Times tha
, ho two great parties occupy , relatively , tin
; ame position they did in IbSO.
It is thought that "Richelieu" Koblnsor
will soon introduce a resolution in the hous <
requesting Mr. Cleveland to po to the inau
gnratiou ceremonies in a yellow cab.
There is a rattlinir among the dry bones <
the Grammercy graveyard for ollicial reccg n
lion of the cipher frisnds of ' 7li. The ghoat o
ongeance haunts the Cleveland throuo.
Cleveland is said to be worth Sl > ,000 ti
$8,000. He was assessed § 5,000 for campaigi
expenses , § 2COO of which ho had to borrow
That was the best investment ho ever made
Dr } iurchard's portrait now adorns Grove
Cleveland's ' gubernatorial olfico , according t
no who 13 supposed to know. Livery tlm
irover gas-os at it he feels impelled to exclaim
claim : "IS , there ! "
The king of Aehanteo died recently , and ii
Accordance vuth custom they slew iiUO peopl
at his funeral. This is nothing to the country
A president wits elected hora , and 3 OOO.OUC
got "ilevved" before they kne > v who it was.
The uhicago Times is astonished thi
nough "clmmps''could be found m the demo
cratic party to do that bungling job of hallo
box etulbng in the eighteenth vvurd. Th
'artists" of the party were busy in the south
At the recent vvomin'fl con.rens one lad ;
omarked that "it'a n nice thing for n man ti
ki.ep his mouth lit to kiss. . ' What has tha
o do with vvoinin suffrage ? Is tbU a forecaa
if campaign tactics iu the halcyon future ?
Spriugueld Union
David Davis is moving heav en and earth ti
educe his awful bulk. If Mr. Davis cnult
manage to run for the preuidtnsy eomo tinn
wo fancy he would comu out of the rnco wltl
his backbone eo protuberant that you couli
crak a hickory nut ou it ,
"In conclusion , Secretary Chandler d ell
upon the cloeti connection between the imv ;
.lid . the merchant maiiuo. " This is the onlj
llusion to the collision between tlio Tallu
.looau and the coal steamer that wo find In Mr
Chandler's rtpuit.
It looks ( omewhat as though several of tin
ablott and moat mlluontinl democrats in thi
city of Chicago would bo compelled to declmi
fat othcoa niuler the new administration be
cause of prior , pressing and protracted tugugu
ments at Juliet.
In a leberwnrst party given in Now Yorl
ast vvtuk , in honor of CUvoland'd election , t
sausage forty-fivo feet long and a twenty fiv <
foot loaf of broad were among the daintle
consumed. Tuo former \uighed eeventyfivi
pounds and the latter 100.
I'ranldent Artlmr ha ; , in his annual messag
OH by Inn conduct , particularly In ollico , wo :
the respeU aud cunbdencu of the people of th
United States , without distinction of pirty
Hu will retire with the unalfecUd esteem u
the nation , [ Providence Journal.
The latest returns show that Mr. Blaine re
ceived about BOO cants , principally poldheade
ouej , during tin lamp&lgu , Too plume
knight's majority in ttui matter of walkin
sticiti ) makod him an object of envy and adm
ration among profestitual c.ine earners ,
The \ oprhees who has been elected a deli
gute to congress from \Yn hington Territory !
a BOU of Daniel W , Voorheea the Tall Sjca
more of Indiana. Like his father be is n den
Oi.rat , and like him , further ho hai an uure ;
uoniii < appetite for ollke , '
Au Arizona editor thus pays his respects I
110 nelgbboi ; Tim miserable ncareciow wl :
attempts to edit our dlseiteemed contempoi
uryisljiug , as usual. We don't want tl
pusUilhie , Imtvvearem the hamU of 01
tritrndaj and. by the Kternal , thej'll seothi
we gut it , whether we want It or not , "
The Spani h treaty proposes a division i
benehta much on the plan of the Yankee wl
wanted tj dlvidp n codhth of disputed ovvne
ship ; "Xuw , 1'li , you take the head and ttl
and I'll takn the body , or I'll take the bed
and > ou take the ht'ad nnd tail ; anything I
get the dnrned thing distributed. "
An Iowa republican ugenta to the Chicai
Inter Ocean that tha republican paity rai
their campaign fund for 1888 now and use it
transporting many thousands of the beet da
of colored men from the south to Indium * ai
other gtntca of the north nud west , nnd to
making these ( states solidly republican ,
Another now demonttration of the capacity
of the American people for calf government Is
afforded by n camp-moon of the vote of Gen
eral liutler In 1881 with the \oto of ( ioccral
Weaver In 1880. The increvo of fools In the
country does not go proportionally forward
with UIPincre.isoof population , [ Philadelphia
Some cowardly cur without the foir of God
or love of country , cut and tore the republican
ling Moudny. Ho is condemned by cvoty
loyal citimi ot this place. Perhaps ho is the
same contemptible , white-livered blackgtmd
who Bends anonymous letters to reputable
citizens , threatening tlmm because of their
manliness in expressing their political opin
ions. [ Ureckinridgo liullitin.
Colonnn Mixelc y.
Now that the engagement of Miss Eva
Mackay and the Arinco Culonua is semi *
ollicinlly announced , nome reliable facts
In regard to the ancestry of the brido-
Rroom-oloct may bo interesting.To
have one's name mentioned by Gibbon , "
says Thacknray , "Is like having It written
in the dome ot St. Peter's ; " nnd the an-
thorlty of the historian of the Iloman
Empire may bo safely accepted oven by
the most jealous friends ot the young
lady , Gibbon says :
The nnmo nnd nrms or Colonnn have
boon the tbomcs of much doubtful oto-
mology ; nor have the orators and anti
quarians overlooked either Trajan's pillar
or the columns of Hercules , or the pillar
of Christ's Ihgollatlou , or the luminous
column that guided the Israelites In the
desert. Their first historical appearance
iu the year 1101 attest the power nud an-
tlquity , while It explains the simple
meaning of the namo. By the usurpa
tion of Cavao Colonua provoked the arms
of Paschal the second ; but they lawfully
hold in the campagna of Homo the here
ditary fiefs of Xdgarola and Colonua , and
the hitter of those towns was probably
adorned with eomo lofty pillars , the relic
of a villa or temple. They likewise
posacsacd ono moiety of the neighboring
city of Tusculom , a strong presumption
of their descent from the Counts of Tus-
culum , who In the tenth century were
the tyrants of the Apostolic eoa. Ac
cording to their own and the public opin
ion , the primitive and remote source was
derived from the banks of the llhiuo ;
and the sovereigns of Ger
many were not ashamed of n realer
or fabulous nfl'mity with a noble race ,
which in the revolution of 700 years has
often been illustrated by merit nna
always by fortune. ( In foot note Gibbon
says : ' ' 1 cannot overlook the Roman
triumph or ovntlon of Marco Antonio
Colonna , who had commanded the pope's '
galloja nt the naval victory of Lopanto , "
October 7,1751. ) About the end of the
birtoenth century the most powerful
iranch was composed of an nnclo antt six
jrothors , all connplcious in arms or in
lionors of the church. Of those , Peter
was elected senator of Rome , introduced
> o the capital in a triumphal car , and
lailea in some vain acclamations with theMe
Mo of Ciinar ; while John and Stephen
were doclaryd marquis of Ancona and
count of llomagna , by Nicholas the
Fourth , a patron so partial to tholt
family that ho haa been delineated to n
satrlcal portraits imprisoned aa it were in
i hollow pillar. After his deco < tsp tholr
laughty becavior provoked the displeas'
uro of the most implacable
of mankind. The two Car
dinals , the undo and the nephew ,
denied the election of Boniface the
Eighth ; and the Colonna were oppressed
or a moment by his temporal aud spirit'
ual arms. Ho proclaimed a crusadt
against his personal onqmieajthoirestatoi
were confiscated ; tholrfortressoa on oithoi
aide of the Tiber were bonioged by thi
troops of St. Peter und there of the riva !
nobles ; and after the ruin of Palestripa
or Pi.ericata , their principal scat , thi
ground was marked with a plowshare , thi
emblem of perpetual desolation. Degraded
graded , banished , proscribed , the si :
brothers , In disguise nnd danger , wandered
dored over Europe without renouncing
the hope of dehvoranco and revenge
In this double hope the French court wa
their surest asylum ; they prompted anc
directed the enterprise of Phillip ; ant
I should pralso their magnanimity hat
they respected the misfortune and courage
ago of the captive tyrant. His civil act ;
were annulled by the Roman people , whi
restored the honors and possessions o
the Colonna ; and some estimate maj
be formed of their wealth by thel
losses of their losses , by the damages oi
100,000 gold florins , which were grantee
them against the accomplices and heir
of the deceased pope. All the spiritua
censures and disqualifications were abolIshed
Ished by his prudent successors ; and the
fortune of the honso was moro firmly es
tablishcd by thia transclent hurricane
The boldness of Scinrrn Colonua was alg
nalixed by the captivity of Boniface , anc
long afterwards in the coronation o
Louis of Baveria ; and by the gratitude o
the emperor the pillar in their arms wai
encircled with a royal crown. But tin
first of the family in fame and merit wa :
the older Stephen , whom Petrarch lovoc
and esteemed aa a hero superior to hi ;
own times and not unworthy of ancion
Rome. Persecution and exile displayoc
to the nations his abilities in puaco am
war ; In his distress ho was an object , no
of pity , bat of reverence ; the aspoc
of danger provoked him to nnnouuco hi
name nnd country ; and when ho wa
asked , "Whoro Is now your fortress ? " hi
laid his hand en hltt heart and answered
Hero. " Ho supported with the saw
virtue the return of prosperity , and , til
the ruin of his declining age , the uncos
tors , the character nnd the children p
Stephan Colonnn exalted his dignity ii
the Roman republic and at the Court o
The Colonnas , from the data whei
Gibbon drops them until the present tim
have not been unworthy of their an cos
tral renown ; and It Is quite safe to aflirn
that in giving her hand to a prince of thi
illustrious family , Miss Mackay , thnugl
the descendant of a long line of Iris !
kings , has uot stooped lolow her station
Ho WorlciMl Tor tlio company.
deorgla Cracker.
Daring a recent picnic on the banks c
the ChatUhoochlo some Atlanta blooi
attempted to engineer a skill race. Who
the struggle was at its best ono of th
skill i upset and emptied its two occi
pants into the water. There was imrni
dlately a great panic and effort to sav
the two men. Ono old party on the ban
capered up nnd down , yelling at evoi
jump ;
"Save that red headed man1 For liea'
en's sake land that red headed mai
Great Scott , don't lot that red headt
man drown ! "
And when they were both saved ono <
the rescuers said to the old party
"Was that young red headed man yoi
son ? "
"Not by a blank sight ! "
"Somo relation , probablv1 ?
"Nary prob ! "
"Well , why wcro you , to anxious
have him saved , then * '
"Why , the blink fool has got a SIC
000 life policy in the cointauy I repr
-sent ! "
And then U waa only by good beggh
that ho saved himself from A ride on
fence rail ,
A Itneo of I'coplo AYlii ) Hn\o Not Ho
covered irotn tlio Confusion
of Mabel ,
1'hlladdphh Telegraph.
A party of savages were among the im
migrants landed at Castle Garden yester
day from the steamship Wyoming , from
Liverpool. The loader waa very diminu
tive , his head hardly reaching up to the
desk where Clerk Nfglutsch was register
ing the now arrivals.
"Your name , alt ? ' asked the clork.
peering sharply nt the man. A queer ,
guttural sound , seeming to come from
the man's stomach , wna the only reply.
After several cllorrs in many languages
to make the man understand , Niglutsoh
took them up-stalrs to Superintendent
Jackson's office , where n few minutes
later au Euglisman , who gave his name
aa W. A. llonryappearcd nnd announced
that ho waa in charge of the party. There
were six savages nud nil were small
They were attired in heavy nruiy blank-
kets , with no hcadwoar , and low shoes
of L'ugliah make on their foot.
They came originally from the Kulalu
desert , In Central Africa , and belong to
N'Chubba trlbo. They do not In the
least rceomblo African negroes , their
faces being very flat , and the nose ,
mouth and eyes small aud well shaped.
Their hair grows In little fine tufts , there
being aa many bald apota on their heads
na there are tufts of hair. The loader of
the party , who was chief of his tribe in
his native land , is only t foot C inches
high , and la the largeat poraon of hla
tribo. In Africa the members of the
tribe- travel about the desert in families ,
mibsistlng on roots ami herbs nnd wild
animals , The chief ia named Conqut ,
and Is y. > years old ; his wife , Arbocy , 42
years old , and their two children , Icy , a
girl 12 years old , and Arky , nboy 0 years
old. The other two nro males Co , 1 ! )
yoara old , nnd Fimmon , 20 years old.
For the past three months they have
boon ou exhibition in London , where
they were examined by many medical ex
ports. The latter declared .tlioir langu-
igo to bo different from nil languages
known , no sound issuing from their lipa
which can bo construed Into a word , un
apparent clicking of the tongue ngainat
the roof and aides of tha month being the
only movement noticeable while they are
talking nmoni ; themselves. Couqul has
learned rapidly since ho was taken from
his native land and can say , "How do
do" in English quito distinctly. The
people were captured and brought hereby
by G. A. Fariul. They are to bo ex
hibited in Boston. The commiaeionora
compelled Air. Aonry to give bonds that
Conqnl and his troupe would not become
a public charge.
Canon IJrosimu'.H Proposition that
Granite 1'illnrsBo Contributed
By Ainciica.
Canon Broanan , who has charge of the
O'Connoll memorial church which is nov
being near the grave of the Liberator ai
Cahiroiwoon , Ireland endorses the Bug
gostlon that American granite bo used foi
10 columns , and cays :
"I have consulted the architect cf the
liurch , McGoorgo C. Ashlin , and he
igbly approves of granite for the
olumns. Wo have plenty of granite ir
reland , but I confess 1 would view witl
ride and pleasure the carrying out oi
tie proposal of having American granite
or the purpoao. 1 believe the Irleh race
would share my sentiment at seeing thli
olid , majestic atono-roofed temple sug
ainod forever on massive pillars sent
cross the wide ocean by the bravo exile :
f Erine , What if your city would loac
n the worth project by presenting the
our great chancel pillars ; better still if
Ike the great granite pillars of St. Paul'i
lomo , they would bo monolitha. "
Do you believe your doalro will bo ro
Hzcdl" said the correspondent.
'I confidently and nflectionatoly aaplri
thia grand realization , and 1 thiul
hero ia good hope of the end for which j ]
m striving being accompliahod. Per
apa Mr. Grace , the Miyor-oloct of Nov
rork , who haa given a munificent sub
crlption , would take it in hand. If hi
ooa I have uot tlio slightest doubt that hi ;
rish follow clti/.ans will readily co-opor
to with him. If I am favored with an ]
ommunication on the subject I will a
nco communicate vrith the architect n
o the plans and details of the pillars
i'ho foundations of the church are noarlj
omplotod , and wo shall soon set abou
nvlting readers for the contract of thi
uilding proper. "
Canon Broanan then showed the cor
ospondcnt the photographs of the olal
Iven by the holy father , as seen nni
ilesaod by his holiness the popo. It i
f beautifully volnod marble and bear
lie following inscription :
12x ui-dibvB Vuticams dia 1 , Jauvurn u .
18-14. _ , .
Coubilivm nevi tompli eo loco adifi-
Qvn loligioniH Catholica Htrmvvb vin-
de\ ,
Daniel O'Coniielln tvs cst , valdv piob- .
Et omnibvi' qvi opem vol opur nm Hvm .
in ill :
Contvier int , hbentor In domino iin- .
rr. xii.
The Holy Father gave this ntono
from the Catacombs of St , 1 > o-
mitilla , Virgin and Martjr ,
lj , T11K
His Tcrrorl/lnn Career In 1'onnsyl
A telegram was received in Carlisle b
, ho sister of Charley Foulko , nnnouncln
ils death at Hot Hpringa , Arkansas , o
Sunday night , saya a dispatch from Hai
riaburg , Pennaylvama , to The Pittabur
Commercial-Gazette. The announct
mont of the death of Foulko was hoar
with little regret by aomo people in th
Cumberland valleyfor as long as ho live
they did not breathe freely. Foulko wi
a gambler by occupation and choice. D
was a man of gentlemanly appoarane
and courteous manners , nnd his uctioi
and conversation did not betray h
calling. Of kindly manner toward h
friends , yes when crossed at cards , or i
any other way , ho was a dangerous fo
and often sought brutal revenge , Nume
ous criinoore laid at hla door in Ca
halo , and ho seemed to take pleasure i
defying the law. It is alleged that h
waa instrumental in the death of mo ;
than ono person , On one occasion 1
was tried for shooting a soldier at C *
lisle barracks , but escaped conviction.
Uia friend and boon companion for
" " Fields who dii
long time was "Bully" ,
at Deadwood , Dakota Territory , Son
tirao ago. "Bully" waa aUo tried wi
Foulko for the aoldbr'a murder and a
Some five or six yean ago , when tl
people of Carlisle began to pluck up cot
npo through the conviction of n nnmbtr
of incendiaries , they tur > td their atten
tion to FouRo. Hi1 was nrnstod on the
charge of ursi n , which arson i * anid to
have couMfllod of bloniujj up u houao
with dynwito iu which lay sloe ( > iug c\
Shorill McCftilnoy , an incmy ot Fou'ko.
Ha waa acquitted of the charge , and Im
mediately prosecuted nnd convicUd
McCartney c f potjury and had him acut
t3jnil. When McCirtnoy got out ho
proaocutcd Foulko for subordination of
pjrjury , nnd ( ho latter jumped the coun
try cno night aud wna not lienrd of for
aomo tlmo until nt hat ho wna located nt
Denver , Col. , nnd Detective Anderaon
brought turn coat. Ho waa put under
heavy bail , but again loft tills section
and the case wm never tried. It i * said
that Fonlko returned incognito and had
the latter tottlod.
_ Nothing was hoard of him for a long
time , except that ho waa in Arknr aa.
Last winter during the disturbance nt
Hot Springs , Ark. , between the authori
ties and the gamblers , when the black-
lega were ordered to lonvo the town.
Foulko turned up na the organiser of a
vigilance committee , oatonaibly to help
the authorities , but really to nid the
gamblers. Ho waa a man of great cun
ning nnd as nrrvp aa could bt > r lie
feared nobody , and while not reckless ,
waa very daring , llo leaves many no-
qualntnncoa m Carlisle , nud not a few
friends who profited by his prodigality
when ho wns lucky nt the gaming tnblu
For Bomo time he ran a faro lay-out in
Harrisburg , but business w.w "no good , "
aa ho uooa to nay. nnd ho wont back to
Carlisle. Foulk died of plumlnnry
trouble , from which ho had sullorod for
years , Ho leaves an cstato valued nt
8100,000 , mostly of real oatato nt Hot
Cowlea is to hnvo a Bkatlng rink.
Dipt'jona is provalout nearlUno Spnugs.
Burglars nro yury troublesome lit Soward.
A now paper 19 talked of nt Blooming-
1'ranklin people think they need a skatintr
rmk ,
Beatrice roller eKatcra play foot bill on
The hotel scheme nt Uisiiig City has fallen
through ,
A ( mo deer vvaaeiounoai Gleiul.ilo this
Tolv imah will hav o a mock congress Una
vv inter.
Tlio postollico at Norval has been discon
Lincoln street cars are uow being heated by
The normal school at 1'remcnt has eighty
students ) .
Dakota City narrowly escaped a conflagra
tion last week.
The Fremont Tribune perfers ' "ater vvoris
i electric light.
The Beatrice building association inado flit *
rst loan last week.
Thieves are stealing dogs in Hastinga. Whal
ill they take ne\t ?
The revival meetings nt Stanton continni
itli unabated interest.
A cow nt lied Cloud gave birth to threi
alves n few clays since.
I'rnnklin wants the B. & . M. folks to built
new depot at that place.
Tlio North Bond authorities have ordoroc
wo wells for lire protection.
Corn lias been sold upon the streets ai
V\tell at six cents per bushel.
The now opera house at Shelton will bi
pened the 2L'd of this month.
A social club hon been forrci'd in Grant
slaud called the "O l" club.
Bdgar is to hav e n now piper. Thu first is
ue will appear ClirietuiDS day.
Tecumseh ia to have three skating linka tc
atisfy the skaters of that town.
Two Saunders county men captured a sixty
our pound catfish last Saturday.
Crand Island wants the state fair bat
nough to build n big hotel for It.
The papers throughout the state are advia
eg their readers to bo careful of fire
The gamblers m a rounding Into Hasting !
or a holiday picnic among the "suckers. "
The roller mills nt Crete nro running eve :
mo In ordir to keep up with the orders.
_ The Tarlow broom factory now employi
ipht hands and turns outGO brooms a day
A reading rcpm has been opened at Sewarc
nder the auspices of tlio Women's Chriatiai
Carpenters nro at work on the Amboy mil
nd it will bo pushed to completion ns speed ! ! ;
A brick skating rink , with a cement flee
ioYluO feet Is cno of the future improvement
f Hastings.
Miss Molho Norton , of Talmago , came nea
ting burned to death recently by the careloB
ao of matches.
The cold snap hna frozen , up the plnwlni
, -lncli tha farmers through thostato have beoi
aiog the past few weeks.
The county commlf sioners of Morrick coun
y have been enjoined from issuing bonds ti
, Dieh the bridge act ots the 1'latto at Clarke
At Hed Cloud the other night two tough
.ttfiuptMl to ride into the bkting rink 01 , , Lut wuro stopped by the propri
itor ,
The grand jury in Webster county foum
.hrto counts against Joseph Cook fur innide
n the Leonard Itahl t.i'o to which ho ontorci
.ho plea of "not guilty. " Cook thou ackei
'or coimeel , which was gnon him and al'tn
.ouaultatiou the caxo w.u postponed to Jnnnn
y 0 , l&S'i.
The Biptist pistor at ( Jra'ivillo , Nob. , get
nf 'jlt/O ' . 'v Nebraska
n salaiy / n jrar. pijt
103 a that tlm leciplt'iit doiH not try to live 01
t , but work ; at ills old trade , ehooiimklnfj
Ilia congregation dn not object to this way u
irovidlng clie.iji minutry to them , but the
lave made n Uemomlons row becaino o
joveral KnndajB. In making announcement
'rom the pulpit , lie included n notice that h
would mend bhoes better and cheaper than tli
ippoBition cobbler. [ I x
Mncty-Nino VCUIH lor Minder.
SIIKKMAN , Texiw , December 14. The jur
u the Allison murder case rendered n vcrdii
sentencing Allison to ninety-nine ycaro in tli
penitentiary. Alllion , in company with Oei
Hulk , CharleH Cole , all white , called a nepri
( ieorgo Allen , out of his house nt inidmgl
and killed him , and then burned tlio HOKI
church. Cola escaped. Bulk will be trie
'or murder and arson.
the Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age !
IiOHKot nppelite , Ilowelicoillve , Pulu In
Ibo bead , > vlti ) a dull nconatlon Iu the
bacli part , I'aln under Itie flionltter-
lilnile , I'ullnem nfior lollua , wllbudlc
Inclination to exertion uf body or mind ,
Irrllubllltyaf temper , /.ow nplrllirlib
a 1'cellnir of buvlnif iiCKloclcd nomu duir ,
VVenrlnns , jmzliieaa , IMutlcrlnir lit tbe
Henri , lot liuforulha yn , HeaducUo
over thu right eye , IteHllcmnen , vvlcli
atful drennn , Hlcblr colored Urlue , and
TOTT'S VI JkT..B nro especially udnpted
to Buch cases , ono tloso olfecta Biicli u
They Ii crB elli i Aiiietlteanilcau e tha
body to Take ou VJenlif tbu * tliu nynttin ll
iiiiurUheil.and liythtlr Tonic Aciltiu on
nrortutVil I'rl-o uP.c. < l f BI urray M..N.Y.
( JlUY JUlit or WillHKi'iiB changed to u
Gixissr UI.ACIC by n sliiglu upnllcutlon ot
till * DTK , It Imparts a natural color , acts
instantaneously. Sold by Drugs' ' * " , ot
* ent by express on receipt of vl.
dfflco.44 Murray St. , How York.
Ailvci tlslui : Clii'ntfl" ! ] .
"It Ina become sn romni' n to begin an
article , in nu olifjant , iii ere M > c ofjlo.
"Then run it Into aomo aclvertisorueut
that wo avoid nil such.
"Anil simply call Attention to Iho mor
Us of llcpliiitoifl mas , terms
as pcstiblc ,
"To induce ponplo
"To KIVO them tint frlnl , which so
provei their value that they will never
USD anything elso.
1 ho Kcmi > il > roAvrmbl ) octlccl In nil the ) p rsi
KtllKioiK Ainl ( oculv , is
"IKvInc aMV \ vile , .lul U Mli'plMitltij nil other
"Tlieto Is nn ilciulni ; Iho vtrtui * ol tlio Hop t < Hnl ,
nnlth t'toj tl < t-t < ot Hop lUltcrs liavoslu nBro t
lirc ilnc9i iul ilillity . . .
"Iiir9inpoundliiiain hn p vltltiti ro
Dili Slio lUo ?
"Slui llngorodnnd Buttered ivlong.pining
ftwny all the tlmo for years , "
"Tho doctors doing her no coed ; "
"And nt Inst wns cured by thia IJop
Hitlers the pnpora any BO much nbout. "
"Imlocd ' Indeed' "
"How thankful wo should bo for that
medicine. "
A Dnunlttoi'H rVll.scry ,
"lllovon yovra our daughter eullerod on
a bed of misery.
"From n complication of kidnoylivor ,
rhoumutic trunblo and Nervous debility ,
"Under the civro of the best physiclnuo
"Who gnvo her disoaao various names ,
"Hut no relief ,
"Aud now slio ia restored to us iu good
health byaa slmplo remedy aa Hop Bitters -
tors , that wo had thumied for years before -
fore using it. " Tin : PAKKMI.
Fnthcrl-4 anting Wrll.
"JNIy dnu ( > htnrs saj
"llovv much bettor father ia ainco ho
used Hop Bittorn. "
"Ho is getting well nf tcr hin loi'tf miller-
ing from niliaensc dcclnrod Incurable. "
"And wo nro so gltul that ho used your
Bittors. " A Lu > \ of Utica , N. Y.
SiTKono pamimo vvllhout a bunch of green
Hops on the white hbnl. Shun all the vile ,
poisonous Btull with "Hop" or "Hops" in their
unmo ,
-f TVS It. fi L SHIISi > .
\Vitli ( i h rumlitr of I OMhST'S MONTIH.V
M'liV/INKwill lit \ -vtulUIn Io liloniMo lt
tirnufnii ) ti/oosl\lcn ( xolu itl.iiulirtfhvcho pat
tcrs durli g thojinrsnrnliuntovtr tilitu tlolliiti.
bckWcs the limit jnpulAr , intirlaliiir nnj il'i Till
m-iK ' ! iiK SlTnpio COJMOJ J r , } ti.r j , J. AJilnn
\\.JcniiliiKH , In nn ( t , 17 I in 4th st , New Vrrl.
I rlmoflh X 51 j r m * { * ilrgn * ttrrtrt ailrli luttrfUt r
: * rluiif hit i n 1 to kit lumtnet trick * Try It. 1-4
* r fcou M nu A j. j jf crwrr or druci t ff tb fa
lisit n.knufi tumJlj U11.J u 1 } bliUKurAcUNd.
J.7. . W , COLS
j into _ jf. r.
races of dla-
dobllll } ,
i , fo\i.r
1 o uc , lUcr com-
IMut Inactivity of
tha l.iJ'itj i and
liHilJer , constlpa-
tUlnii tther ur-
pui'o rvnlidifa , IIos
uttcr'a Stoiiucli
Bitten is a tilul
nmc'.H , t ) which
the medlcil brother
hood hav elect tbolr
Vrofcuslouil enno-
tIon , on 1 which as a
tonic , altriatlva and
hotHehoM flpuclllo
for disorders of the
stomach , liver mil
bowels haa an nil-
bounded popnlantr.
For sale by driik'-
st and dealers , toshoin apply for Heetcttir't < | AI-
mnao for 185.
WAitel llRflUoi mi 1 roncculrntliiff ii MiriMimiiiio w Biifc
rirllom. lull ilionclli.ilo cluimrt I , mi I fuuctloni ulvm
to evr > t > ri n i I IK Ii 1) ) Hitrliuun vllliln * .l r.
itltnuUiit , | eini iipnt , | Iflaai t
criircprfif t ut "
tocmlmrnt ityalcUiiB ; ull i my palUf ) tli iiiielTriullhont
coit ' ff Y IHipitclt An InBtllutlonof triioninrU with
" -
? horoi > glibied and Uitfh Grade
lorses , Hogs , Fanning Tools nud
. .avion sold in ) firm , I nillodtrat pihllnhalo on
aid f Tin , nn the U. I' It , H , 8 inilCH imtihwiht of
Incolu , Jsob , mid . ! rnl't * bOiunoaHt cf Ka nuindoii
\ \ KDNhSDA , DhCEMUKlt 10 , ItSI ,
CiiniTtncln at lOo'clocK , the folto\\iui' .
I'lttcn head f thornuchh id Short lorn t'u0 ,
uppotud to ro In cilt , thrco lhoron.'hhr < d Short-
orn Heller Cohtu , tto thoroJchhtul snuilliom
; nUCalvif , onolhoi iwldircd i.u I , J SI-IIH ohlj inv
utbiaUdltnportid ( .alluoex Hull "Vnrikiu" nnd
wo Imports' ! Hallowij ( .own , ami thilr two Jlull
Mr IV dM VVooda will ulFDHLlI the Irrportcil Oal-
owaj hull , "Kuaxlnd" ami fxir hull ralvtu ant cf
1 a Hnort horn K'r.'ilo C'nwdiml liU Cjlo | t } hull
( lilJoroy"aKlKht worth nctlr n
All the alnvu thoroiuhhrtd H ock aio recorded.
Also 65 held ol hlKli vraila Short born nuus and
Itlfom , nii | | ) hai tu hg ni ca'f hj mj tiallowaj Hull
'Yankti , "
AlrfO uevcial COUH , f'd'h and soon to 1-u Irrsh.
AlsoJOhlnh Krul Caltii ; ! tmi uar old HKI- )
irradu nUcrj I o IIo/n 1'Ign , 10 Work IlorBi-aaiid
litres , . ! \ tarllng C'ollBau < l A hUoVinolU , I10 toim
A Hav. lOtimH ( f llllltt , 1W ( ) huDhcli rt tlnru ; M
acim uf Corn In shock , M huilio u of llji 11 hunlicU
Jllkt and all tbo tuultaiid inachliaij n cd on lliu
l.ucliat nonn l'i warm rooinc
h i'o ' w 111 l > o madi ninlur coi t r so ( tat nu nu ncul
Btaynwij nn a-ciinut f f Ihu wtathtr.
'JKIIHHOI BAI.H AllKtimsunili-r Sin ca-h ; Over
flC' 11 months tlmo wilhapurnud -urlty with IU
lorccnt Inti ru t , 6 | cr i eiit' If forcinh.
Irnlim over thu Union I'r.c llu v ill h-no Untolu at
8 55 o'Uoc k a in , ri-tiunliu Bt'md ( J c' < lotk ] ' . in.
and will arrl o from thu north at lloclocU a in mid
cave t-'ol" ! . ' north at U 'j | > m All tralimbtoj plui ;
at the farrn.
VRlll ) . M. WOODS , Auctions r.
I or CiiUlo.'iita ot Tnoroiin'librcd ntock , aiUrtBJ , < ) ,
11 'Dill Sr ,'n ' Ntli
St , Charles Hotel ,
OBTHKKT.Hhl 7thand 4th , I INUOL.S ,
Mr Ivato Coal.h , Fr < piittoruiti
fVN'owl ) and ili untl ) jurnlbhtd. Ci > od eauip'u
r. cm ion llrnt lloor
Ucinbsls t > f the li UUtnri ) novlC 1 in lie
Chemical Dyeing
0 T , 1'AUl.SaH , Tfoprlctori
neni : mea C'oth'nj ' ' Cleanol , ) ixl and Itipitred.
U Hei1 Drcwe , Oleanol and Dyed , wlth-jut Kipping.
Uoloreil ny uUvlu , W iu.lo. |
Bilks , VtilvoUaoo Lacaa ClcaaoJ , lljcd undUlio | -
iai'2 DonglM Street , . OMAHA ,