Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1884, Image 8

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Mondav Morning Deo. 16 (
Thou. It. IlnoU , of tha firm of Shlrmnn
15ro. ' & Co. , Ilia clothing merchants on VM-
nains \ linppy over the nrrivnl of ft llttlo pen.
Dr. Hanchott Is in nttcndanco nncl mother and
baby nro ( Joins nicely.
In tlio police court Saturday two plain
drunks were fined S.r each. Throe young fol
lows were nrroatcd on the obnrgo of tacranay
but they proved that they lia-J trind to got
work nnd were diaclmigod. The civso of Pat
ComminskI was set for n licarlncr this after
Dretel & Maul will t.elobrato their first
nmversary an n firm on M u Ci j 11 \l.
glance over their boolca flhowa that tlurlnp
the first year they disposed of 270 collinc ,
which taking the average death rnto of the
oatiro city Is throo-fourths of the rntlro busi
ness in this lino.
The Lutheran Uazar closoil Friday night.
The affair wai well patronized , and the ladies
have realized a , nlco little sum for their wirk
nnd trouble. Last excninff what fancy goods
were un < ell on private salt ) were Bold nt nuc-
lion. The musical programme was well rendered -
dorod , nnd the use of the fine Sleek piano was
donaUd by Woodbrlclfjo Hros.
The encnk thief is ngatn abroad in tholand
and lout night got in bis work by ( stealing two
wolf robes from .Tim MuShano's livery stable
nud also n blajk wolf rjbo from Dave Miller's
buggy , which was standing in front of the
cerl'at HInchoy nt a 10th street pawnshop.
Tlio people living in tbo vicinity of Six.
tccntli and Knrnam were startled about 2
o'clock yesterday morning by Roreral pistol
shots , fired in quid : succession. Investigation
by the police yesterday failed to find out their
cause ur by whom thuy were firod. A gentleb
man living in that put of the city , however , c
sabs they were fired by some parties from a
The Milliard uniformed degree No. 1.1. O.
O. V. patty , which was to have taken
place on Wednesday , December 2tth , nt a
Urounse'a hall , has been postponed to
Wedno'day evening , January 21st , nt
Masonic hall. Thu young organization is
composed of active energetic men nnd they
are making thing ! hum. Their laot party was
splendid nlf.iir nnd they will make the next
ono equally interesting.
Tlio receipts at Schallor's bridge hog yard
for the pait twenty-four hours were 21 cars of ,
hogs , all of which were sold nt prices ranging
from 33 UO@J ! 83 per hundred pound ? . The
rocslpta for the week were 73 cars ; 50 cars for fit
( Irocn Turke ; 15 can for Schaller ; 8 cars for
Saunders , IIowo & Co. The total number of
hogs r3cei\od wcra 1.530. 5 cars'of cattle were gj ;
also received , of
Captain C. S. Copp , a wall known attor-
now mid ono of the oldest residents of Wnhoo , 9"
dieil Friday morning at 9 o'clock , after an illness -
ness of but a few days duration. lie was able
to attend to business only last week and prosecuted
secuted Bovcrnl cases in the district court just 3 !
adjourned. Captain Copp may bo rcmom- W
boroct ly a great many citi cna of Omabn as
tbc captain cf the \Vahoo Foragers , an indi-
pendent militia company which came to Omt- du
ha ( .luriup the stiilto of 187 ! ) , Ho was a genial or
wholo-aoulcd mauand had ha lived would
have proved a useful citizen. po >
WANTED To exchange wild or improved - ag
od lands in Nebraska or Iowa for Hard to
ware , or atock of general merchandise. all
Address J. Lindcrholm , Genoa , Nance ha
county , Nebr. m-lm sti
Injunctions Granted.
John B. Chaco has made ap eh
for an injunction restraining the board of uti
county coramiecionors from projecting s. to
public road throulh the north half of the
northwest quarter of section 20 , town foi
ship 1C , r.vngo 10 , until the damages sus roc
tained by the applicant shall hr.vo boon
dotciminod and paid. The Injunction
was granted by Judga Wakoley , but the
applicant failing to furnish the required /uj /
bond , the numinous but riot the wric was jn
Ecrvcd upon the dofcud&ut.
Charles . Kins , on Siturday last ,
was granted an injunction by Judge me
Wakoloy ugainat Antnn Grantnor to re am
strain the defendant from proceeding fur ammi
ther iu a certain action of replevin how
pending in the district court , whorcin cai
King is defendant nnd Grantner caiJ
ia plaintiff. From the application of
it appears th"t a contract for an exchange -
change of real estate was entered Into between -
tween these two parties , Grantner agree
ing to givn a lot iu Council Blufl'i and
a S500 certified check f.r a firm in Mil-
souri. Tiio chfccl : wad placed in escrow ,
in n bank in thij city by Grantnor nnd
afterward roplevied by him. This in
junction suit it brought to restrain the da
defendant from proceeding in the re
> r
plevin action ai the bond has become
CO. sh
. ) . T ? . I'ntton and HIM lania > ; o Suit vil
Mr. J. B I'atton , whoso unfortunito [
rcsoniblunca to another man cauaod his
arrest nnd imprisonment a few dayj ngo , th
ia still In thu city , and proposes to stay oh
hero tuitil IIP liiia demonstrated ho is not
the nmn to bo scared out of nny city by hn
Iho police , whin ho ia an honest man and
en induRtriinu worker. ho
Ho stated to a Br.n reporter Saturday
thnt ho had not r.i > ot brought any civil re
suit for dama > c3 ngninat the marshal nnd pa
pahco but probably would do no to day , 8" ,
i.nd ihnt thu iHiiount aiud for nould bo 11H
§ 10,000 , which ia nil ho can get on tlio
oliioiul bondi of thu cllhora on
Mr. I'-Uton Is an old military tolo- rei
pruphpr. Ho entered the ixrtny aa second reiN
end licutennnt in the 11th N. Y. Vol. , in dr
1801 , utid curved thcro unHl put on de-
taohtd uervioo ftilh Col. Olowry , when
tlio nriny ttK jri ph cctp.1 v > na ur anix-jd.
Ho noa detailed to trrvoai.firant' head
( } < nrtu tor a time nnjftt bin personal re-
Ho only left the ner >
vlcu after IOPIIIJ ; his right eye by the
hurdling of a ehell at iho eccund bittlo ot ot
Obicamatiii ) .
Since the war hi eerved aa train dis-
father being fuel agent at tbo eauio time
for the Orarid'Iruok nnd Chicago nnd sit
( irand Trunk roids , and both are favora-
lily l.tiov.11 to Mr. S. H. Oillow.iv , the rei
now general eupatintfiident of the U. 1' . ho
it much moro to bo r\\A \ in f nor of ' <
Jlr. P.ucn , n Into record Tin : BFK ban 18
drawn to tliH time t f 1" * rrivnl in Omaha , > e
luit npioti forbido S llicu it to b.iy tlu the
ho h * always ltd nn liniinst and uprlyht
llfo uad ilut ho lou\a \ deeply Um ituult of
being : plarcd under nrreat nnd ItcktcL up
in jail. His hna ROIIO to work for the
Wibtorn Union , ftlthoiiph ho WRI intend-
ill } ? lo | 'i to Denver , and proposes to stay ml
In Omaha mid show tlw. ho ia no crook
nxd in no WBJJiabK to thn state or the
If.iiti'd S'Mis Jiulue Douno will ba hit mi
tojusel in thv suit f.r : co
KtanccFor Omaha to Come to the
Front For the Big Rennton ,
\Vh t IH lloqulrca to Sccuro Ono ol
Grcalcut Atinunl
CclobrAtlotifl ,
There Is no reason why Omaha should
not bo chosen as the loeaUou of tbo
seventh annual reunion of Nobrn ka Sail-
era and Soldiers , nnd the order from the
Grand Army headquarters , given below
shows what stops are necessary to secure
that favor. The reunions have been hold
nt variouu places throughout the ntale ,
the last being ac Fremont , and nny ono ,
who has over attended ono of these
meetings will ndmit that they nro a cred
it nnd n benefit to any city. Wo have
two grand nrmy posts hero , three Includ
ing that at Fort Omaha , nnd the com-
radca in thin vicinity are nn nctivo nnd
wide nwako iisany in the state. Moreover
over Omalin can furniah nmplo jacilitles
in j the way of good camping grounds ,
faciltios for supplies , transportation , etc. ,
nnd the lliunion would bring thousands
from nil parta of the country
who would citry back the 'now a of
our wonderful growth and prosperity.
The following gonornl orders have boon
issued from the hendqunrtera depart
ment . of Nebraska Grand Army of the
Republic , assistant adjutant general1 ! ! office -
fice :
DAVID CITY , December 10th , 1881.
General orders , No. 22.
For the purpose of securing the loea-
tion of the Seventh annual reunion of Ne
braska soldiers and sailora to bo held du
ring ] the year 1885 , nt such time as maybe
bo designated by the Eighth annual encampment -
campment , department of Nebraska , G.
A. 11 , 1 will receive ncalcd proposala nt
my headquarters in Plattsmouth , Nebras
ka untill January 25th , 1885 , from cities ,
towns and villages of the state.
Propositions muat ba accompanied with ol
written guarantee , endorsed by five or
moro responsible persona. Said docu
ment guaranteeing that their locality will siTV
furnish gratis to the G , A. R. the follow
ing :
First. At least 240 acres of land ior ut
such reunion , suitable for camping , lo
cate , plat and stake out the camp and it
prepare land for occupancy.
Second. Seventy-five tons of hay , fifty ta :
tons of straw and ono hundred cords of pa
tvood , all delivered to the Q. M. of camp ne
01 tlio reunion grounds on or before the
lirsf Friday prior to the reunion.
Third. Furnish suitable guard for such Inhi
property for a period of nine days , said hi
uard to bo under the order and direction ou >
f the Q M. of camp.
Fourth. A good quality , nud Etiflicioiit
luantity of water , to bo delivered in
Barrels under the direction of Q. M. of
samp , for the needs of 50,000 people ono
veek , for drinking , cooking , and washing gowl ;
jurpooca ; also enough stock water for no
,000 ' to.ims of horses , mulea , etc. , ono hi
Fifth. Forty tons of ice to bo delivered
luring the week of the reunion , on the wl
irdor of Q M. of camp. ho
Sixth. To transport free from any is
oint in the United Statoa and return isrol
atno : , opy touts , camp or garrison equip- in
igo , munitions of war hired by or loaned
the G. A. It. for such rouninn , receive up
material from the railroad company ,
laul came to camp , pitch the tents , and asatt .
triko eamo , repack and reload all
aatorlal at close of the reunion. thi
Seventh. To farniah a good nnd sulH-
leiit amount of advertising , nnd dlstrib-
ito uamo , the expense of which in
otal ! shall aggregate nt least ( gUpO.OO ) me
hrcp hnndrod and fifty dollars ; said ad- coi
artislng to bo out at least nix weeks bo-
ore the reunion , nnd done under the di-
ection of the reunion committee for
885.Eighth. . To inauro all such property as
lay have to bo insured in some reliable
lauranco company or companies for the
all period of time the property may bo
transit to , in use at , or in transit
rhiio being returned from the reunion.
Ninth. To furnish under the appoint- dis
lent of the provost marshal of camp , avc
nd pay for euch services , a nufliclent the
umbe/or. guards to protect property ,
nd aid the commander of the camp _ to tec
arefully police the camp , and maintain a [
iroper ( decrco of order during the week me
the reunion.
Tenth. All expenses incident to the
ounlnn in the way cf ammunition , and wa
iviterial needed and used in the carrying wh
mt of prrgrcmmo of parades , uham bat- prc
Ice , amuaementa , sunrieo and sunnot to
,11ns , caring for the paviliou , lighting sot
ame for camp fires , rihmg of saddle sio
lorsca for the commander of camp and rial
staff , to ho berne by the city , town , SB-
village that shall secure the location of SBWl
aid reunion ; and all the rights to main- poi
nin. nnd rents accruing from sutler nee
tores , bootha , d niug hall , and nil busl- of I
iesa firms , games , places of amusements , to
hews , etc. , to ba received by eaid city , to-
illage , or town. Provided , that no
ambling , or pluco to vend spirituous
iquora , wlnoe , or malt baor , shall bo al-
owed on the gronndn of the reunion , and 1
hat : nil places of busincBU or pleasure the
hall ; close at 10 to 11 o'clock p. m. each
tight , if BO ordered by the commander of eat
< camp. eatr
Eleventh. In addition to the above r
. locality must bo glvo a certain sura of fee
noiuiy as a cash donation for spearing the (
euriion i ; said enni to paid to the de- w
lartrnont commander , by or before An-
ust 1st , 1885 , for the use of the dopart- 10
uont of Nebraska , G. A. U. ]
Twelfth. All bids must bo endorsed lot
ttio cover , as follows : "Proposals for
ecunng the Suvonth Anuuil reunion of lot )
obruaka soldiiera and sailors , " and ad-
Ireerod lo the department.commandcrns lot
" below , rhoso address ia Plaits-
Thirteenth. All posts of the G. A. II
rill , upon receipt of this order , nt encoring giv
ring It to the attention of the public in
htir localities by securing the uratia pub- QV (
ientiou of the PRIUO in the papers , and in ill
ithor : ways promulgate it. 2Z3
Foiirtennth. The department of No- clo
raaka , G A. II , rcseivcu the ri ht to gci
ijcct nny aud all bids , ehould it BO do-
Fiftrentb. AH bids nil ) be opened rind u i >
ead by the uwiataut adjutant general at ho .
meeting of the uounnil of aduilnlatra nw
> n. at Beatrice , Tuudjy , .Iinuary27 , ( re
835 , whru the eelection of location will cm
madu. mi
Hy command of Tl. 15
Department 0
BKMI. H. . Gon.
Co IK , ASIC Adjt. ftt
I'hii MHihtri-1 HIKUV. j [ (
Last night ThatcherPrimrnBe it West's atr
nlnetrfll oompai y appeared iu Hoyd's '
Every reat was taken and
nnny portoiu were anxious enough to I
thu princoi of niinstruhy to stand bai
during the entire evening. From the
time the curtain rose until tt wont down
the audience was in a perfect roar of
laughter. The entertainment was of n
very high order and is an entirely now
departure la the minstrel lino. No
loud jokes were offered but
it wan such nn entertainment
as n gentleman might attend , accompan
ied by his wife and children. AH of the
jokes were now and were heartily en
joyed. Billy Rico , as fat and funny as
over , was there in all of his glory. Frank
McNish did ono of the most clover acts
over soon upon any stage nnd is the beat
man in his business In the world. GOOJRO
Thatcher , George Primrose nnd Billy
West oddod not n llttlo to the evening's
nnjoymont. The music , both vocal and
instrumental was excellent , and
the dancing was exceeding
ly fine. The baao ball borlesquo
was ono of the funniest things which was
over given in Omaha. The programme
concluded with a laughable absurdity
entitled "Bud-Fcd-Ora. " Thatcher ,
Primrose & West have touched the pop
ular chord and are excellent patterns for
all minstrel companies to imitate.
Union Pacific Railway Company , 1
Omaha , Nov. 20th , 1881. j"
Cross Ties.
The Union Pacific Railway Company
will receive tenders np to the 31st of
December for 250,000 Oak and 50,000
Cedar Cross Ties , to bo delivered in lots
of not loan than twenty thousand each ,
Ties to bo delivered at Council Bluffs ,
Iowa , or Kansas City , Mo. , not later
than April 30 , 1885. For specifications
nnd other particulars apply to Mr. J. J.
Burns , Gon'l Storekeeper , Omaha , Nob.
S. II. Gallaway , Gou'l Manager.
wed fri&mon rnor ed
Mr. AVooil'a Bcnctlcinry Untlcr His
Volley AVI 11 Insists on
Her OInlin.
From present appearances It seems
lulto probable that litigation over the
allects of Mr. Frank A. Wood , the young
man who at the time of his death was
studying law In the oflico of Mr. J. L ,
SVobstor , of this city , will follow.
Mr. Wood was a graduate of the State
university , and during his college course
the affections of a lady of the Cap-
tal : city. Their engagement did not
ako place , however , until In the early
iart of last October. Recognizing the
lew responsibility placed upon him Mr.
iYood made application to an eastern lifo
nsuranco company for insurance upon
113 life , nnd on the 24th of October took
ut a policy of $5,000 with his affianced be
beneficiary. th
"Tha course of trun love did not run eti
mooth , " however , and before ho was ju
aken down by his fatal illness the en- jubi
agoment was broken off. Mr. Wood bi
rho had just begun lifo for himself did
ipt have euflicicnt moans for the burial of of
ijs , remains and they were interred by rn
lia father. His people are in not aflluont th :
ircumstancos and it is said he haa a uistar eu ;
the Is forced to provide for herself by as
ior own labor. The beneficiary it is said hibe
the daughtar of wealthy parents and be
ofuacs to relinquish her rights under the ha
nsuranco ; policy. When approached hi
ipon the subject a chart time since shn hiSt
aid ! aho could do nothing in the matter St 3
it had been placed in the hands of her pe
.ttorney. peM
An effort , it is said , will bo made by th ;
tie deccasod'B sister's friends to test the ha
gelity of the rights of the beneficiary an
ndur the policy. Why Mr. Wood did ha
ot change his policy after the engage- flc
tent was broken off , is only a matter of ra
anjecturc. The breaking off of the en- sh
acemont , however , took place only a G
cry ohort time before ho was taken sick ad
nd death to him was an unlocked for adE
isitor. Ho wan rational during his last E
Incss up to the { time of his death , and .be
Iways thought ho would recover. to
ca :
Looking I'or Litigation. thwl
A mooting of the taxpayers in Bower wl
ialriot No. 13 in which ia St. Mary's he
venue , was hold Saturday evening in BO ;
10 board of trade rooms , and was at-
snded by about fifty property owners.
. G. Clark Esq. , presided over the
leoting and Andrew Bevins Esq. , acted
secretary. The object of the meeting bo
as to discuss that district's cower tax bo
hich is thought by some not ; to bo to
roporly equalized. Another objection of
the payment of this tax is that the on
iwer is unhealthy. After some discus- thi
on in the premiooa , n committee con- da
sting of B. E B , Kennedy , Warren CO
B-itzler , 0. W. Hamilton , M. Ilellman , To
William Preston and R. Purvis was np- da
ointod to confer with attorneys and
scertaln their views upon the contesting
the i tax. The committee was instructed
report : at the board of trade rooms on
-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Go
IScal EtttRto XrnnHfoia. It
The following transfers were Clod in an
comity clerk's office Tuesday nnd ro- tic
orted for TJK BEE by the Amca' real fill
itato agency December lii , 188t. nc
T A Johnson to 0 Rismuscn o
w d w 80 tal
sot lot 2 block 3 ParkoH add 8375
G U Jlaraian nM wife to H B Smith
d lot 7 block 17-1 qed 51.00.
I ] Swgont to J U Lidddl ot 1 w d lot on
block 0 Shin 1st dd § 1,103.
U 0 Sjr/'or.t / to J U Llddoll at nl w d
9 block ! ) Shiona 1st add § 1,100
J Lies and wife to J Schmidt w d nA
G L'.os ' Place § 200.
J Lies nnrt wife to M Pollack w d i \
0 Lies' Place § 1'00
F/oronco / Kutcrtainincnt.
An amateur dramatic performance was
ivun in the school house hero
veiling. A largo number of people were
nttondanco and the all'.ir was n sue-
, financially and otherwise. At the
loao of the entertainment the hdloi and
entlouion from Saratoga who hud taken
art in the entertainment , together ruth
numbo' of their friends , adjourned to
residinico of Mr A Smith , whore
waited them a plentiful enpply of ro-
re'hmmiCB , having partaken of which n
invivml time w s apout by all until
lidnight , when all departed for homo.
Try "Union Pacific" II mr made hero
homo from Mmneaata hard wheat and
uiranteod by Ita manufacturers , J. E
fcOruy & Co , corner Seventh and Jones If <
treats , to fqual either the 11 '
Pillsbury or , { } [ , ;
I'ashburn brands. Ask your grocer for roc
'Union Pacific. " dl3 rmto tun
Seal of North Carolina Smoiiog To.
acco U tbo best ,
Peter Boos iMade a Defended in
Blander Snit ,
Mat f Council } * ! * i\ainltintltm : In BeHeld
Held To-Morrow The BeJim
On BO to Como Up Soon ,
In the district court Saturday Ed.
Mnuror , tlio Fnrnnra street saloonkeeper ,
Instituted suit against Peter Goes to recover -
cover $20,000 for alleged slander. In n
certain action which was disposed of nt
the present totiu of the United States
circuit court ono Uoppo , of Cincinnati ,
was plaintiff ) and Peter Gooa defendant.
This action arose out of the insolvency
of Hicham Sioinan , the brewer. Slomau
had bought'81,000 of hops from the
Cincinnati firm , which Gooa at
tached , on a debt duo him
from the insolvent brewer
The Cincinnati firm of which llopno
was the uonier member roploviod the
hops from tlio ollicor holding them under
attachment , making Gees a party defend
ant. This suit was terminated this term
of the United States court , resulting in
Iloppo's ' proving his title to the goods re-
plovied , itud recovering § 500 aa the vnluo
of the property.
Mauror was called as a witnpas for
IIoppo and gave very damaging evidence
against Gooa. Upon the termination of
the suit , Mauror In his petition alleges
that Gees said ho ( Mauror ) had com
mitted perjury , and it coat him between
§ 2,000 and § 3,000.
In this tribunal the case of the atnto
ncninst Dodson will bo resumed before
Judge Neville this morning nnd before
Judge Wakoley the case of Noleou against
RismuBsen will bo brought to a close to
At the conclusion of the Dodson ease
that of the atato against Benin for bri
bery will bo re-tried. Messrs. McBiin
and Ilubbnrd the Sioux Falls grauito
contractors and the principal witnesses
for the plaintiff In this case arrived in the
city ! yesterday in response to the fourth
demand made upon them for their at
tendance hero upon court. These gen
tlemen , it will bo remembered , were
taken to Sioux Falls from Omaha some
four weeks ago by the United States
deputy marshal to answer for treapasoing
upon a government- school section near
Doll Rapids , in Dakota. These gentle
men upon their arrival there gave their
own rocognizjnco in the sum ofj250 each
tcSi appear at the next term of the United
States court and were released.
It is thought upon the disposal of this
BRBO that Mayor Chase's for bribery will
bo ' called up next.
After the Nolson-Rasmusson case has
been terminated before Judge Wakoly
that side of the court will take up the
jquity docket and dispense with the petit
jury for the remainder of the term.
In the county court an application hao
been mudo by the defendant and granted
sy Judge MtCulIoch to remove the case
f La Dow against the Union Pacific
railway , now pending in that tribunal , to
ho United States circuit court. This
uit was brought to recovery § 1,000 dnm-
igos nlloged to have been sustained by
ils being put off thn defendant/a train
Between Omaha and Council Blulh after
laving purchased the required ticket for
lis destination.
In the police court Saturday the case of
tat2 against William Morse charged with
otit larceny , was tried to Judge Beneko.
ilorso is the party charged with topping
ho till of Moore the Thirteenth street
larnesn dealer , The complaining Moore
mil a clotk for Edholm & Erickeon who
lappouod to bo passing at the time testl-
led positively that ho was the man who
an out of the store nt that time and was
ibortly afterward captured by Firo-chief
3alllgan. ; The court took the case under
idvisomout until this morning.
Judge Benoko hoa telegraphed Leo
Sstollo. : district attorney-elect at Blair to
present in his tribunal on to-morrow
prospcuto certain offenders whoso
ases will como up fur examination at
.hat time. It ia expected ? Iart Connelly
The is in jail yet for complicity In the
Miming of Nettie Howard will have a
learing at that time as will also Tnomp-
on and "English Liz" if demanded.
to School Clirlnimaa or tlio Day
At a meeting of the coramittob of the
ward cf education , on teachers and text
ooka.on Saturday last it was determined
have no school on the 24th and 25th
this month. Last year Christmas fell
Tuesday and no school wan hold from
ho Friday proceeding until the Wodnoa *
lay following. This year Christmas
omes ! on Thursday and vacation from
'ausduy evening of next week until FrI-
lay morning will bo had.
Tlio German Theater.
Qaito ; i Inrgo audience assembled at the
erman theater last night to witness
Jonradis * great piece , "A Light Person. "
proved ta bo a very attractive piece ,
nd was received in the most onthuaha- (
manner. The regular Block company
illrd the various rolo.i and it in quite un-
icccsaary to go into dotiils with regard
their aovorul adaptabihlies , uinco their
alent is BO well knotm und appreciated.
\\kon aa a v.'liolu tlia pfcrformaiicu Ir.&t
lishfc waa excellent und rtihots great
rediton the management.
S1OOO. Civen
faiumorai' ) tnjiirlauifiiliEtuiiccbCi. bo round
Androwf.1'oarl Daking Powtlf Is I * > *
ulypURE. JiclnKcmlorkCiltBiKlt Imonliils
fccivcairomKiiclichcmlslsnsS Dune Inys.IJos-
; M. DelaloiiUilno , of Chicago ; and Uastovaj
lode , Mlluaukix. ' . Nc\orfolil iu Lull : .
, . . . . Mi.n i
ri in i\ii tilt * eu\t > r nil J nucM. Ach
, iulF > t will uut ba r
qui d tudttuct tlioi.ii.ouco . ol ammoiila.
m iii.iiriiFiL.\Lss HAS NEVER nut < III.STIONED.
In a million liomi-i for n nnnrtcr of a century It hui
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AiMrcRsallltUora to
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A rciiltuf4luiid Uu1A.JournjlH I ln.u unit * itil
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iSsaJtrtSS . . 03
1409 . and 1411 DGiteeSt.,1 , f Omaha , Neb
i03 BRADY ST. , PAVEWPOIIT , IOWA , U. 8. A. ELrtaUkhod lB78 Ciit
UesJnt"s ; , LnagRac NorvoanD.neasui. Spcot/llyamll'cnaanonlly Cored. Putliuitt
cr su al Homa. Wr lo bs "Tin MSI " ,
: IOAL-JISSIOKAKT , fr L'vi Piorla.
an HatJorjBtulOomBp > ndoncu < ? rnrjt' . P.O. Boi L'9 Telephone No. 2'5.
HON. EOWABD MuaSLLL , IV ti-n ter. Davenport , B ye : " Thyclrl/m of
Wej. AbhUy and Marked anccoB" ! . " OOUGREHISSIAII KVit/'ITi , Ti-vonport
yyyfyyy rHP tr 53,3'H ! ] ty5 ? > pfi
e ? - O
I w" S ef g g 0 rj t3 R (3 ( . - g H
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fW ? ? ' "fr&H W * - * . raS > % 7li' * . . . . .suuJs
Are tlio Obcapcat , Moat Duralilo , Smalkht in tSiy.o and Lightest iu
Wdght ,
iV.hno Hay 1'rcuwM of any klml can the m < mbt o ( work frrdun u tt iirh Illlloevpensj , ( ten tain
OKprt ba < lrullroft'l lion carau tan bo ( lone with thu Kitcl iiuiiroml Machnin W rironU J
i/ortllU'tiat d BCW drcuUr uddro t , OKj , HJl'Il.J , &UO. Oulncv llll.i >
Teent cu Omaha Ik * fcllura J-UUI.hullu