DAILY BEKMONDAY DECEMBER 15 1884 5 BURIED ALIVE , 71i8 Story of Miss ifowinatfs Rc&nmc- & lion Declared a FranJ , A Full Account of the Affair , With Itn Probabilities. l y the \VOIIIKII'H F Dcntcil l y Dr. Wrl Itrollior. Chicago Tribune Spocl.il , PiTTSKtRMi , Mass. , December 11. A visit wsi inntlo by your corrcapontlent to-day ts tlio farm of Judge Uowloy of North Kgrcmont , the undo of Kstulle Noumnn. who is alleged to have been restored to llfo In a medical col- Ir-KO dlaicctlng-room , nnil the ailministrutor of ber Gfttato. Juilgo Kowloy In clmlrmnn uf the nalcctmnn of bin town , nnd n conservative , consclontlotn iontlemnn ; of tba old Rchnol. 1'rom him were glennod many facts throwing light upon tlio \ cry strniiRo ntary regarding jiliss Ncwmnn'B Htipposnd dr.ith and subio- < | iicnt tueusclt&tion. Miss Nmvman , it np- penrii , WHI a bright lady cf nbatit ,19 yc.tra , of oTcollont parentage highly uilttircd , nnd having mnny warm frloHds , Krr many years pho had boon tlio organist of the Methodist church nt North Kgremont. Iu Deceinbor , Ih78 BIO was attacked by * ) > inal meningitis , and diud early In January. The funeral WAH nttoiulcd from the Methodist church , mid the interment wna in tlio family lot adjoining the church. Among the mourners nt the grave \vni ono II. Viforth Wright , an Kgroniont young man who at that time was studying - mrgory in the Allnny moJioal college. Jlo bad long known Miss Newman , although , eo far ns known , thqir friendship never had ap- monchoil to intimacy , The evening of the day of the fnncr.il it county ball was given at Kgromont , which Wright and hia brother nt- ti-nded. Afterward thu young man returned to bin studios at Albany nnd graduated high in his class. Ho nettled nt Shellield , Mass , for u while , but later drifted Into Connecti cut , where ho died in 1881 , after some yonrs of dissipation , TIIK ALI.SOCI ) IIODV 8SATCHINO. Now comes the Btrnngo part of the ntory. It is nllcpud that dunug the inpht fillowing the burial , \Vorth Wright nnd thrco fellow- RtudcntK visited the graveyard , ( illumed thu body of Mlsi Newman and c.irrled it to Albany ; that soon nltrr reaching the dissectIng - Ing room , evidences of llfn weia found nnd tlio girl became animate ; that i > ho was at unco taken lo I'ellovuo hospital , NowYorlr , where , after a period of lupanity , f-hu regainud ber health , and was falcon to tlio homo of the unsloof one of the ghoulish students , rcaidiug in Schoharlo county , Now York. The stu dent wns In partnership with his undo iu practicing mecliciuo aud tmrgory. IlEbTOhUI ) TO IlEASOX. Her health entirely returned and her mind woa as bright as over , in 1S81 slio read in n nawflpaper jf iho murder of Jr. Wright , at Newtnn , Ct. , and at once showed a great in terest in the case , affirming that Dr.Vright was an old friend , nnd seemingly faintly ic- calling to mlnd'her supposed fatal Illness at homo. In the meantimehowevertho student nt whoso uuclo'd house she was living , bad fallen deeply in love with her and married her. The story further details' that the pair are now living in Now York city , and pro pose to visit the scenes of the lady'a child hood dtirin ? thu present winter. Si ) much for the story which has upset the usual rmietudoof North hgrotnont and surrounding towns and resulted in n pandemonium of gossip. Mr. Kowlay states that application has been mode to him by distant relatives of Miss Newman to open her grave and at once settle the ques tion of her death. Ho doe ? not favor this plan , baltovlnc' first , that the atury is untrue , aud , second , preferring to let the matter TO- maiu an uncertainty rather than open tha grave with the possibility of finding bis worst foirs confirmed. Ho loaves to-morrow for an cxtanded trip to Virginia , donbtlesi glad ti cet uway for n time from nn air eo laden with uncomfortable rnrnora. Ho was ttio executor of Miss Newman's estate , nnd the 87.000 loft by her has been disposed of by law. Ho never had auspocted thatuhe was living until n week ago. TUB VILLAOK AQAl'K , The liarrington poitollico was crowded at noon and all the villagers wcro gossiping about the story. W. F. ( Jrippon , n cousin o | the girl , states that three-fourths of the poo. pie of Kgromont fully believe that Misa Now- inan'd body was exhumed , and further states that if the proper authorities do not nt once take stops to settle the question the citizens will take tha matter in their own hands and find out the truth or untruth of the story. Ho is willing to make oath to the fact that four young men were driven out of the cemetery the night in question , nnd is positive that the utory Is into , at least in BO Inr as the thpft of the body ia concerned , The ( limes are further fed by I he statement of one of the women , who wna picaent at the death of Miss Bowman , aud who states that two duya alter the supposed death , on the day of the funeral , she acci dentally touched the back of tha body and found u spot so warm that tlio boat wan plainly perceptible oven through the clothing. MM.owmun , the mother of Kitolle , and MTB , Chapel , a sister of the woman alleged to have buon resurrected , relate circumstances which incnnse the improbabilities of the cur ronti gossip. Mrs. Chapel bad hear I nothing ot the romance concerning her burled relative. She was will : Ksti'llo when nhu was ttippos.d to die The sick woman hud b. en through a relijotis rnvival mid her mind was alFected Her m uiia took the form of u conviction thai It win. her duty not to pat , nnd she died froir starvation together with npinal complaint Jlerllesh was so waste ! uw y th.it it wai thought impossible that BIO could have beei brought back to lifo In the btrauge way ro IHirtoJ. IHirtoJ.A A DKNIAL nV DH , WIliailT'n jmoTHKK. The current story receives another blow ii tbo htati'iuunt of W. K. Wr'ght , of Hudson N Y. , who denies that his brother , the lat Ur. Wright , over confessed to him about tak ing the body cf Mibs'Newuian to Albany. KAlIjKOAO Uecooiber 13. The gonorn froipht azonts of the Pennsylvania Itallwa ; company denies that there ha ? been nny general oral cuttintf in through freight rates by par tie * to the trunk lines. CHICAGO , Doomber 111. In aocordanc with the circular of Commissioner Pink , tin east bound roads to-day announced a nov lumber rate on the bwU of : v > cunts from Chi cag to Now York , und 37 centa from Chlcagi to Boston. Ti' ' ° Kfl"eral I'is'engor ngenti of the road iu - tbo Colorado Railway association , in sessloi here to-day , doclilcd to make the piisengei rate from Council lllulls , 1'nclllo Junction nm Kast Nebraska City to Colorado points tin sumo ns from Omaha and Kanias City , thui abrogatijig the bridge tolls heretofore col locted , DM MOISES , December 13. Tha Cantra Towa railroad hnvo cut down work In the ! shops ut Mnrshalltown lo live days of oigh honrti iwr week , huteail of dltuharging th men or reducing wages. VlCTOKl.v , U. 0. , December 13. It Is ro porUtl tlmt tha Mcodyvlllo saw mill will b Hold to tha Canadian 1'ucilic eyndicato fo § 500.000. MII.WAUKKK , Decamber 13 The ehambs of commsrca to-day unanimously adopted i resolution protesting flgHiuat tno xyitetn n freight tarlir ndhered to by the railway line centering In thU city , whereby Chicago i given the 8 tne rates ns Milwaukee from north western points. A special comuiittoj fro : the chamber of commerce nnd Milwnuke merchanU' vfuociatiou ha ) l > een laboring wit ! the railroads eeveral monthi , but failed t bring about thn desired chaugef. ST. JOUN VALiKS HACK. ULOOVM.VGTOK , December 13. Hey. John C Hanna , of this city , has received a Utter froi G nernor St. John bearing upon the queetlo of his npostacy during the reoont politic : campaign , He write * aa follows : "The who ! tory of the republican papers that I , at an time In my life , either directly or Indlrcctl I ronoeetl to sell out to the republicans , dem < ralie , or any othf r pollticnl patty or orgftul- atlon , U simply one of the many infamous nd inallciirtH lies for which the republican ircdi during th cunm'gn j'nt closed has ii en noted. If I had deelrr.l to have mid my irinciplm for mon y or office I could h\n lone * o yenrs RRO , nud wouhl not have waited n iivRotiatn with n party th.it U morally nnd tianci.illy bankrupt. In the Ute campaign he nfttionc.1 prnhibitlon carty Uo- rayed my oxpenoee , n'jd 1 gnvo the > ho cin n my tinia end lubor nithout nonoy nnd without prlca. I nm to-day and i.ivo ntwAyx bon n comparatively a poor man , 'oo poor to bo botifibt. The republican \iMty \ may burn tno in elligyaml contintto iU threats of personal vlilencett ; muy npen the Hood ; intOH of falsehood nnd villIGcation nnd bitter- less upon mo , but It cannot twervo mo one ota or tittle from doing what my conrclonco ells mo It riht. The campaign for 1SS8 has ilroady beeun nnd the warfare * ngainst the Iqiior tralHo will \lgorously prosecuted , md the political party tlmt stands In the way of this movement of the people In defense of heir homo will get hurt. Tha spirit of intel * ranee exhibited by the republican press to day is doinir for that party just what tlio amo tpiiit did for the pro-slavery party thir- , y years ago. Hanging men in elliity , Indtilg- ng In falsehood nnd vindication is not argu ment. nor wilt in this day nnd nge office chools , Christian homes and ifreo men , cnro nnybody or cause nny ono to abandon heir principles nt the dictation ot any polltt- al party. Tlio MctlmdlHt Centennial. BALTIMOHK , December 13. Hon. G , D. liandfi , of Mississippi , presided over the con * orenco. Several resolutions were presented nd appropriately referred , A general dis- usslon ou the subject of revivals ensued , : if- er which Ruv. < T. A. Williams road nn essay n the rise nnd progress of Methodism In Can- .da. . This was followed by nn essay by llav. / . J. Littleton en the Methodist pioneers aud lieir work. At the afternoon nation of the centenary olebrntlon of Methodism , Gov. Walter Pet erson , of Penusjlvnnln , presided , liiehop 13 , \ Jones rend n paper on "Is Methodism Dosing Its Power Among the Masses. " The tcnernl discussion continued up to the hour of adjournment. To-morrow there will bo H general celebration by the Methodist Sunday schools bf Unltimore , in which 25,000 scholars will take part. The exeicises will ba held in , ( venty-nno churches. li.iLTlMom : , December 14. The pulpits of nil the Methodist ch ircliPB in thh city wcro iccupicd to-day by the delegates to the ecu- Hilary conference. Ti is afternoon there was n Sunday school celebration , "ii 000 r.liildien larticipating. It was held in twenty-one churche" , liftoon white , reprosenllng foity hreo congregatioiiH aud R\ colored , repro- outing thirteen congregations. UOSTOX , Dscomborl , ' ! . The M aionic con- ontion held the past week of "all Masons in , ho 1'nited States of America having taken ho tlOth degrou or 05th of either the rites Momjohn or Minraim , the 30th degree or 35th degree , aneiont and primitive rites , no matter vhon or from whom or under what jurisdlc- ion , " for the purpose of "considering the ad visability of e.-Ublifhing a union sovereign sanctuary , embracing all the mysterioi of the above named ritoa froni iho fourth to the nino- y-biilh degree inclusivn , to bo known as the S .nctnary . of Iloyal M'.i'omo llito for tha United States of America. " The bndy orRan- zed with Judge Isaac II. Parish , of Mich- gan , ns most illustrious past grand master. told Rxultomciit In tiiiring City , Gn. NASHVILLE , December 13. At Spiing City , eorgia , a few days ngo , John Henry , n blackainitb whllo digging in his yard found a nugget of gold. He afterward dug downand itruek a vein , which assays § 50 to the ton. ilenrjr.who is a very poor , hard-working man , ias since refused 80,009 for his property. The placer diggings are panning out well in , he neighborhood. People not acquainted with mining moihods nro making good wages. Trains nre crowded with paople going to the gold Golds. Hampton Coal Miners Strike. iTTSDORf ! , December 13. The coal miners employed iu the Hampton railroad mine struck tonight againat n reduction in tliojnin- nc rate from three to two and n half cents ar bushel , nnd the men working in Plumb : reck and Sandy creek mines resolved to quit Monday if tha tribunal rate of three cents per bushel is not paid. If the operators of these mines Insist upon n reduction a general etriko in the railroad rulnos Is probable , m the latter will refuse to work unless the uniform rate adopted by the trades tribunal is paid in all mines. The Escaped Texas Prisoners. FORT WORTH , Tex. , December 13. Among .ho prisoners who brok ! jail at Decatur yes- ; oiday wna Jim Mclntyro , wanted for n mur der in New Mexico. Wclntyro was a part- icr of Jim Courtrlght , the notorious detoc- iivo who recently escaped from the midst of n crowd of ollicors iu this city. A rumor Is current to-night that Courtright and Mcln- tyre were both seen this evening in the out skirts of the city armed and well mounted. Threatened Strike ot TcloKrapliors. Special telegram to THK BKI : New YOIIK , December 14.- General llckert , , ho general manager of the Western Union , : ias received a protest from the Now Orleans operators nsaln t the notice that extra services would not bo paid for except these donn or. Sundays. T.iltnvall , the editor of the Tele graphors' Advocate , said to-day If no notict was taken of thU protest , a strike in the Now Orleans otilco would follow , and when hostili' tics were once commenced they might Bpreai to this city and to every laigo city in th < union , All Quiet alilnKiiH , December 15. Kvorything i reported quiet nt Angus and Saako creel among the striking miners to-day. One com pany of the state trooju is still kept on dut ; nt Snake creek nnd will probably remain theri several days. It U thought now that th backbone of the strike ia broken nud the moi will soon return to work. Uoports to th. . evening papers here of the withdrawal of thi company this afternoon are not true , The Dakota. AVur. KAIIGO , Dak. , December U. A epaclol i the Argus from lludQeld nay a all Is qtilo there. Tha Injunction cases will be arguei before Judge Smith nt Millb.inlc , As Hoon n the decision 14 known trouble is expected Tno l''urgo military companies are on th ground. Tlio Swnini Ooiirt-Mnrllnl WASiiisurON , December 13. The prosocii tion in the Swaim court-martial lotted the ! raso this moruintr with the examination o ( itnrrnl David li , McKibbon , ivho simpl ; corroborated the testimony given by Colone Morrow yesterday. 'llioy Hfttl Honor Htaycd , ST. Louis , December 13. A Post-Dispatcl special from Chattanooga , Tfnn , , Bays eii con\icti working in the coalmines nt Coa Crctk , Toun , , made a dash for liberty. Tin guards lirod , killing Samuel Muiio nnd Joi \ \ ihou. John Presswell and Hugh Staffuri were fatally wounded , and the other two wen recaptured , The I nf Tobacco Men Protest. NKW YOIIK , December 13. The leaf tobac co board of trade resolved unanlinouily ti protest otrainit the ratification of the pondini treaty between the United States and Spain Tin protest will bo soit to meuiberd of con gross. Jllnuulf With a Heller. Es , Dfcetabsr 13. Peter Htnsen twenty years of age , hanged himself with i halter strap , near Kxlra , Audubon county this morning. The only cause U beredltar insanity , tbrco of the family having pravioua ly met death In thotama way. Kaiiht\N City Tele raphorn. KANSAS Cuv , December 13. The orde cutting oil the extra pay of We tern Unloi telegraph operators wont Into effect here to day. HUNTING DOWN THE HOW , A Rnu for ite Fbantoi Slanalilcr Pea in Ces'erConnly. . \ Hearty Reception r.ut No Sonsn- tlon A Cluster ot Towns , Correspondon-o ot WnSTCHVlU.KOUSTEU Co , NEI1 ; , DC- ember 1U , 1884. Having scon it ro- > ortcd in the Grand Island Independent nd copied by other papers , tlmt a horri- > 1o murder niid nulcldo occurred three miles woat of WulworUi , this couuty , 'our ' com'apomlcnt hurried ttiuro for the nirposo of getting full particulars for ? IIB UKB. Upon driving into the town catordny morning I caw nothing unusual o excite suspicion that so horrible a murder as reported had transpired. I ntcrcd the general atoro of W. EL Prod- nero and found himnolf nud clerks busily ngngod in waiting on his customers , but ) otv7con times fourd time to acaivcr us : 'That it was all a hoax , and nothing of ho kind , eo far ho waaablo to learn , nad ranspirod in the neighborhood , and that 10 could see no motive whatever in anyone ono reporting It to bo the truth. " I accepted the situation , and also the nvitation of Mr. 1'rodmoro to romnin or dinner. "Yea , sir ; " says Mr. P. , In answer to an inquiry of the ncrlbo , "wo iroposo to maku un excellent tovrn ot hi3 point. Although not quito three nonths old , wo can already boast of a grocery , furniture and general atoro , itruoaa shop , blacksmith oliop , end build- ugs contracted for n drug store , hard- varo atoro and yragon shop. Wo need a amber yard , bank , hotel , butcher shup , > oot and ehoo chop , und for all who will comu and help us , wo will not only donate them n lot , but help them nil wo a n. " From psrsonal knowledge I can isauro all that Air. Prcdmoro is reliable n every roapoct , and aa ho is half owner of the town slto , trill do aa ho promiaoa to. Quito .1 number of families are ar- : iving and locating at that point , which is ton miles west of Sargent , the present metropolis of the middle Loup valley , aud aa they nro the only points in thu valley where there will bo towns , they will maito ozcallent points for those aook- ng good locations. 1 hastened oil'to the cjunty ceat , Bro ken Bow , and found that wonderful changes hud taken place uinco my last visit. LLero are located Borne of the thriftiest business men in the state , and ; heir well stocked etores would do justice to n much older town. Hero also is an excellent point for business men of push ind oucrgy to locate. Surrounded as it s by a thrifty class of farmers , oiid the very best class of people , Broken Bow is lostludd to mnko ono of the best towns .n the state. 1 found the people , as us ual , hearty supporters of THE BEB. A. Gaudy , Eq , can bo relied upon as giving you the true prospeutaof the town and surrounding country. Wcstorvlllo w a next viaitea and , al though they have not miidu the rapid strides that BOOIO of the other towns in the county have made , yet , what they have done has been done on a solid basis. The business men are attentive and keep well selected stocks , and the farmers about the place are A No. 1 , if the neat appearances of their rcspectivo farms yourif Mr affy th i5gr"J/"A" . Armoor , Eiq. , is the mainstay ot the town and a most Denial and reliable gentleman. Th < ) county has five newspapers and they are well edited and -well supported. The Republican and Leader at' Broken Bow somewhat take the load in appear ance , typographically especially the Leader but from all reports the Loup Valley Eagle , published at Sargent , bontE them all for circulation. OONEL JAMES. AN INSANE CONVICT KILLS TWO HEX AND INJDRKS A TIIIUI ) . KANSAS CITY , December 13. The Journal1 ! Jefferson City , Mo. , special says the facts are learned this evening of a bloody tragedy thai occurred shortly after midnight last night ir the Insane hospital of the state penitentiary , John Maaon.a convict , who had been consid. end harmlessly insane , arose and , securing : i lieavy iron palter , went into an adjoining room where Homo fellow patients wore sleeping. Approaching them he dealt ono , Charles Sig. nor tlireo teniblu blows over the he.vl , break' ing his skull over thu oye. Ho then struck Louis lloalschcr , fracturing his skull , Passim ; quickly to an adjoining room ho attacked Au ny Allison , colored , another Blooper , cutting him in the head and face rtnd < ie\L'rlng an artery < tory in the heail. At this juncture nu epilep tic negro named Jackson , being aroused , stole upon Mason from behind and grappled will him , The gu.itdo' attention was by this Unit attracted , and rushing in Mason was oterpaw erod. The maniac was at onca disarmed , Sig nor and llnelscbcr are utill alive , but canno recover. It it thought Allisons injuries an not fatul. AH the victims are convicts in tin department for the harmless insane. Maaoi in15 yeau of ago , a I'tenchman by birtb , arc was sent mi from St. Louis in September , ISSi for ten years , on account of highway robbery DKNY URDUCINO HAIjAUIKS. NEW YORK , December 13. Tlio report tha the Western Union telegraph company In tended to rcduco wages and had already don. . BO in Chicago was emphatically denied at tin ollice of iho company to-day. According ti the statement made by a prominent olliclal o the company , business has been dull this fal owing ta its being presidential year , and then Inn been no revival of business yet. ISiuinoai seems to bu slower recoveiing this year , that for many years , undoubtedly owing to the fact thitt many porhona confidently bolievec that Dlalno would be elected , and they liavi not yet got over the disappjlntment wbicl In3 defeat created. Our operators receivf their regular salaries , and when there is a rusl ; of business they work extra hours , for whicl they receive extra pay. Now business ii dull and wo have no extra work to give them. At soon aa business picks up wo will give their extra work. Wfl have not discharged auy o our operators and wo have not reduced any o : their Balance. T H Thousand MOM Out of Employ. . incut In Detroit , DETROIT , December 14. A reduction o : wages and forces has been In progress in Da troit for some time and now there are full } 10,000 men out of employment and uiaiij more whota time and pay have been reduced Only tlirco Industrie ] have not been affected these are tobacco manufatuters , furrier * ant browtiH. This is a condition of alfain new t ( Detroit An unfortunate fe.ituru Is tha facl that of industries glvmig employment ti most men , the greatest luniilur an the least active. The Mtchlgit i'ullman and Penlntul.tr car manufaclunni companies employ respectively 2,600 , I.OOt ana 500 when in full force. They have boei < ompelled to reduce the force until they nan employ a total force of 8 0 , leaving , ' ) ,1CO per- nous unemployed In this industry alouo , These still employe ! have had their houn ( and coi s < mently the Ir Income ) reduced , Al car wheel companies have reduced their foict to about half , throwing out l.COU and puttlnc 177 out of 032 retained on half time. Threi slove comjunlea. Tha Michigan penhmilai and Detroit enow a reduction in the fores o 1,000 to 1'JOO meu. Kach company expect to thut down fcr a lew woekj , and wll probably then resume wl'h a email force The majority of tha boiler and wachlni nro comparatively till. ; thtro are light of thffn. , ( mpl' lus fx' ' < ' I" ' 00 nn-n , when now ! U Ma empl 'Vid , nn 1 me ft them . > a hurt lime 1'urtli-r tcluetnin BIO in tended. The number < f machinists out "t r > iniloyinent | U e tln > atd at TOO. Those at work are on reduced tlap or p y. The Detroit dry dock company lifts reduced its force from COO to I'O , working nine hours. Contractor and builders report a falling elf of fifty per cent , and hours ats generally 10- duced to eight , Of bricklayer * , iimcon ? , cab- Inet-mako , from sixty to ovcntv-fi\o per cent nro out of employment , The same report , ulth slight \aiiatlorjs In fifturcf , it R > * eu by the lumbermen , inanufacturiug plmrmnciH. ' , cigar manufacturers jlumbers , manufnctiirprs uf hardware , and other Indus. trio ? . Upward of thirl y-fho manufacturing establishments nro repotted and of these only thrco prosper , 1'ulh 8,000 laborers and me chanics ate out of cmpl ymont As thU Hit includes only the foremost Industries it is no exoneration to nay that with Additional small Industries and retailers there are from 10.00D to 12,000 pencils In Detroit this winter un employed. Omntia Cluxrlcy'H Boily Stolen. Special t3 thoOIobo-Dcmocrat. MAIUMLLI : , JIo. , Docembrr 11-It was ascertained to-day thai the body of "Omaha Charley" has bi > en "resurrected" last night. It is rumored that ono of the medical school of St. Joseph will dissect tha corpse. The excitement over the lynching is imbstding. All the country papers , and most of the bolter class of cltben ? , severely condemn it. It is not thought that any of the prominent men were in the mob. The matter will brobably rest until the meeting of the grand jury in March , ComiiilflsloMor Blorelicntl Invites the tJovcriiorsnml Blnyors. WASHINGTON , December M , Commissioner jenoral Morohoad , of the World's exposition , who will represent the board of management at the executive mansion Tuwday , when President Arthur starts the machinery of the exposition building by telegraph , has 1m i ted to bo present on that occasion the governors of Now York , Now Jersey , Pennsylvania , Delaware - ware , Maryland , Virginia and the Now Kug- land stutos as well as the mavors of tha prin cipal cities of these elates. A Steamer Bunk. NI\T : ODLIANS , Deceinbor 13. The Picay une's Shreveport special says : The lied river coast line Btoamcr Cotiuo llrandon sunk at McGee landing , 175 miles above Khrovcport. She is pittia'ly ' Insured in Cincicnall compa nies. No lives wcro lest. 1'oleoiiud Horse H. Special Telegram to the BEK , MUTTON , NEP , , DecamburlG , Dr. Clark has reached a result In the analysis of the stomach of ono of the eleven horses poisoned near here and found strychnine. Chlcio b'ail arcs. CiiuiAGO , Deceinbor 13. Bach Brothers , doalera in leaf tobacso , were closed by the sheriff to-day on judgments by confession in the sum of ! ? ! ) , bOO. Liabilities. § 35ICO. cf which StG.OGO is dito to eastern parties. As sets , § 22,000. Money In Mexico. NEW YOIIK , Dacember 13. Tha Mexico Land and Building compiuy filed a certifi cate nf incorporation to-day. The capital etock is $ .103,000 , and the purpose of the as sociation is to deal in real oitatc in the City of Mexico. Tlio Nail Miiiuiracturcrn. PITISDURG , Dacember 13. A movement is on foot among the nail manufacturers to get all the nail factories to class down until trade improves The question was discussed at the last meeting of the Western Nail association , but no c inclusion was reached. Bank Statement. NEW YORK , December 13 , The bank state ment shows a reserve decrease of § 11,003. The banjis now hold § J2,5iS21i03 in excess of legal requirements. Indicted OlllolalH CHIOACSO , December 13 , Mayor Harrison to-day accepted the resignation of Peter Hans- hrough , William J. Olingen and John IS. Stearns , in the employ of tno city , and indct- ed by the federal grand jury for participation lu the alleged election frauds. Depot Burned. Pnu.Aiwr.vnrA , December 13. The oepot ol the Philadelphia traction company burned this morning : loss , 930,000. The building was uaod for storing cars , a largo number of which were burned. Have Not Kcdacod RCR. I'jrrannno , Pa. , December 14. The re ported reduction in th o wages of tha window ghus workers is denied by manufacturers and workmen. The factories will close down ae usual for the holidays. "Weather To-Day. WASHINGTON , December 11. for the upper Mississippi colder. clearing weather ; norther ly winds ; higher barometer. Missouri valley ; fair weather ; lower tem perature ; northerly winds ; higher barometer. W. II. Irtvm , of Gould , is in town , 0 , Nelson , of Benton , is at the Milhrd. Wm. ] ; . Hymn , of Holdrogc1 , h in the city M. 0. Keith , of North Plattc , is in the city Hon. 0. 1Shedd , of Fairfield , iu is lh ( city. city.C. C. J. Phelps , of Schuylor , is at the Mil- ard , A. II. UaUer , of Grand Island , is at tin Millard. Hon. Geo. If. Jewott of Sidney , ia at thi Paxtou. Thos. 15. Durbin , of Chayonne , h at thi Millard , 1W , Newcomb and A , II. Drown , o Minneapolis , nio at the Puxton , W. S. Paulson , of Council Bluffs , was ii Omaha to-day , at the Millard. Mr. and Mrs. W. ] ' . llalloway , of Sai Francisco , are guosta of tli3 Paxton , Goo. W , Frank , jr , and wife are visitors tc the metropolis to-day from Kearney , A , W. Tourgee , the author.and whilom edi tor of thu Continent , is at thu Paxton , J. B. Wilson , a prominent Salt Like mer chant , Is at the l'4xton , accompanied by hit wifo. Charles F. Drcscoll , the architect , left yes terday for Chicago to bo gonu a week on busi ness. ness.W. W. P. Saunders and J. J , Gibion , Lincoln Thomas It. Ashley , Decatur , W. 31. Beach North Platte , are at thu Metropolitan , J. A. Kdney , Fairmont , J. K , Nash ant wife , Columbus , F. Itandell , Wahoo , C , P MatJiuwsoii , Norfolk , aie at the Paxton. N. M. Hubbird , of Cedar llopid ? , a promi nent attorney and connected wifli the Ceda llapldn harvester company it at the Paxton. Mr. W. II. Chllson. of Now York , visited hU great friend , G. D , Clark , yesterday Mr , Chlloon U on his way to San 1'ranclsco but felt he could not pasa through the Rati city without stopping a few days to tee hi uumeroua friends , T. W. Coolidge , North Platte , M. II. Snod grass , Louisville , Henry Mayo , Madison , A W. Simpson , Nebraska City , L. K Iteod Llncojn , A. J. Kendrick , Craig , John D Moore , Paris , A. L. Crockett , ICmorson , U If. Miller , North Platte , Nebraska , J. J Fry , S a Francisco , and W. M. Pryor , o Iowa City , are ot tha Metropolitan. GREATNESS GLORIFIED , Tfec MEssio WasMDglon Koimt ApDroactoil liy Gradual Marches , The Highest Work of Man in the World by Forty-Three Feet , It Compares With the Work of Anclento A Splendid 1'luco forSulclncH. . Vashington Corrospoiulcnco of the Cleveland Leader , WASHIHUTON , Dooombor G. To-day ho aluminum cap was placed on the top of the Washington Monument and its ex- orior Is completed. Five hundred and ifty-flvo feet high , It has an area at the > AO largo enough for two big city louses , but iU top , ns it kisses the louds , Is no larger than the point of n tin. At 500 foot nbovo the ; rpund it has four nides each of which Is hirty-livo foot wide. Its nroar at this ) oint is that of a comfortable sis room loiiso , inch room of which migilt bo .wolvo . by oixtoou. It would take moro ban 125 yards of carpet to covoa its oor , aud a man with a good elevator light make a pleasant summer residence if a house built up hero. This square orma the base of thu pyramidal top vhich runs from It fifty-llvo foot until it ormiuatca in ito motalic point. This joint is constructed of the largest piece f aluminum over made. It is a pyramid iuu inches high , which chinos llko a peck of light awyy up there under the un. It-weighs just 100 ounces and ij no-third as light as It would bo aa if it was made of copper. Aluminum does not corodo , and it makes ono of the best conductors of lighting. A wlro will bo astoncd to Iho lower aide of this HtUo lyramid aud runs down into the earth. This will make the longest lightning rod over constructed. Standing by the monument ono is ; reatly Impressed with the mechanical kill required to build it. Its otonea nro ; roat blocksiu some cases nine feet long , feet thick , and three and more feet vido. There are moro than 1S.OCO of hem. They are of white marble and weigh several tons cacti. The Ingenuity which can raise such stones several hun dred feet above the ground aecmn the riumph of mechanical skill , and ono i nclined to pat himself on the back in hat ho belongs to an ago so far advanced u the march of progress. Ho is inclined o anoor at the works of the past , and to .niuk that the massive structure before lira will outlast1 the ages. A second thought bids him pause ? Bo remembers the saying in regard to the Roman Coli seum : 'Whilo ctands the Colisaum , Homo shall stand , When falls the Colisaum , Homo shall fall , Aud when Homo falls , with it shall fall the world. " Still the Coliseum , when it was built at ; ho beginning of the Christian err , had a aotter chance of lasting than the Washi ngton monument. It was a far moro wonderful structure , and the mechanical skill required in building it was quito aa great. The largest theater In the world * .o-day will not seat 7,000 spectators. The Coliseum had seats for 87,000 and standing room for 20,000 moro. Its walls wore made of heavier-blocks than those of the Washington monument , aud they ran 157 feet high. Its interior was so largo that the Washington monumonl could have been laid ineldo of it without disturbing its masonry , and of the ono- third o tno gigantic structure -which re mains after Homo has boon building from it and ravaging it for centuries , the materials alone are said to bo worth two millions and a half of dollars. This is twice as mnch as the coat of the Wash ington monument , and Cvo hundred thousand dollars to spare. It was .a greater work than this to creel the Collosus of Rhodes , that immense brazen statno , 140 feet high , which stood across the Straits of the Hellespont BO that tall masted boats could sail between its huge legs without Injury. Tnis statno weighed nearly 800,000 pounds , and after an earthquake overthrew it as ono may indeed sometime do the monument its ruins lay for nine centuries , and at the end of that time it took a caravan of 000 camels to carry the metal away. Look at Pompoy's column which still stands overlooking the Mediterranean on the outside of Alexandria iu Egypt. A solid shaft , olxty-sovon feet high and nine feet in diameter , nf the heaviest of red granite , raised upon a pedestal 101 feet high. The mechanical skill required to plevato that immense shaft and to bring it a thousand miles down the Nile ie quito equal to anything cf the present. And then the pyramids ! The top of the great pjramid has a platform thutj-lwo feet cquaro , only three feet leas than this Washington monument' where the pyra midal top begins. The blocks , o which the pyramids are constructed are much l&rger than those in the Washington monument , and it is oak that it took ton years to make the road over which to carry these heavy stones It took whole cities of men to build the pyramid of Cheeps , and according to Herodotus the radishes and onions whicl the workmen ate cost once and a half thu price of the Washington monument. This pyramid has an area of thirteen acres a' ' its base and its height is183 feet. I must have cost billlions to build it , anc resting in the dry atmoophoro of the desert ono would think that here at leas would bo a morsel too hard and dry for the tooth of time. But the wind and the weather have eaten oven into the pyra mids , and their beauty and splendor show the cffuct of decay. The Washington monument in the humid atmosphere o America , as it breathes year by year the exhalations of the swampy Potomac , wil have u far shorter career , The seeds o nature invisible to the eye will creep into Its croviues and llmo will crumble its now solid marble. Still the monument will , while it lasts bo considered ono ot tlu wonders of the world. It ii now the highest thing in the world forty-throo feet higher that thi * spires of the Cologne cathedral , atu so tall that the Sphinx could bo put 01 the top of St , Paul's and still be more than a hundred foot below It. It will at tract travelers from far and near. I do not agree with these who say it is noth ing but a great chimney , It is a work o mmeivo , symmetrical anil wonderful 1m memity ; and no man can view it withou being tilled with great thoughts of man and nature and thuir infinite possibilities To BOO it boit you truch approach it with the sun at your back. Otherwise the blinding rays of the southern sun strlk Inq Us white surface rebound with a daz zling glare. I went a half a mile In its rear to-da ; and Mt ? cr w up MI mo as I approached it. A' L. ' . i nppriiUi 1 n grce wli'-o shaft rijit ' r-'i nrd build , . , - > vo iNc-s ! < ; , Mitt lr > u\ > . HI ! > " a toiul innmiu. ' . in nf perhiua t'uoa fi-et fqure. The HIM- > ivo fe ( Voiding which still han a abjut Its head looked like a network of sti w , and \uth the naked eye the men working upon it cuuld tint bu seen. As .1 wont nearer , the monument irow with every step , and when I ctmo within n quarter uf a mile rf it , its immensity begin to bo appreciable 1 sat down on thu steps of ; ho Duroau of Printing and Kngraviug and locked nl ito mcoslvo fhiift rising out of a big tqunro mound of earth over the velvety lawn about live blocko away. At : hat point each Mo cf Its b\ao : ookod to b ; > about fifteen feet Ion ; ; mid vhoro the pyrauildnl point brgan they lad nhrunken to four. The ecoll'olding hero looked like the whittling of a boy's > lay house , and the men on top appeared so many dolls nt play. The fcamo of the not was visible , but its meshes 1 could tot BOO. The first third of iho monu- nent , which was built away b.ick in the ifties , was of n different color from the low work. The weather has no varied it lut it looks like & IUOSRIO of yellow ossilis'.cd rock. I could here sou that ho monument irns made up of n thousand of little square ; , and they seemed like myriads of nnrblo paper weights pilad no upon another. 1 moved two blocks nearer and s.it .own to write on the railrond which was isod to carry the great marble blocks rom the depot to the masons. It was not over 500 feet from thu b.o nf the nouumeut , and had it fallen in my diroc- ion its pyramidal cap would have trushod mo to powder , The monument ias now jumped too many . times its ormor ska. The symmetry of its sides a It stands away up there running into iio blue aky , h bj.uity and aublimity ombluod , and this sublimity increases as no goes ncaoor. At the base of the nound it ovcrpowcra you , and if you rill , &s 1 did , climb up close to ono of hoao big walla and putting your chin gainst the marble , gazj straight up. for 500 foot , ic will take 'our breath away. Here it ccms the Chincno wall running up into leaven tlio Tower ot 15ibol approaching completion or Jacob's ladder molded in narblo. Look nt the marble in front of you , now ! It is beautiful fctouo as pol- shod as Michael Angolo'sototuo of Divid aid speckled with sc&lca or spots of rested silver. A close observer will iioto that those old stones are nil cracking it the corners where they uru joined to- ; ether , and that the thousandn of tone vhich proEa down upon them have crack ed the weaker atones DO that long , ugly marks oppeor hero and there to blot the symmetry of the wholo. Stop around the front nnd thcro ia n door eight foot wide and sixteen foot high loading into the interior. This dour faces tbo capital , and there ia ono oppo site it looking out upon the Potamac. Go ineido. The walla are fifteen feet thick , and the interior makoaa room at the bottom tom of twenty-five feet square. In thia an immense iron frame work , with steal wire ropes two inchoa thick , supports the machinery of tlio elevator , and at one side begin the stalra which , by easy infills , run round and round for nearly nine hundred stops until they reach the top. There are fifty flights , and eigh teen atops to each llight. At the end of every ( light { hero lu a platform , and in the nail opposite this Iho mornorit.1 stones are to bo placed and lighted with olectrio lights. Go to the center of the interior at the base , throw your head back , and look upward. For five hundred feet there is nothing bet darkucco , end at the top you EOO a few rays of light creeping in at the windows. There Is a. noise msdu by ono of the workmen , It comes down through the monument like the booming of & cann"n , und I jump quickly aside , lookIng - Ing at iho big hole in the boards at my foot. That hole waa made by a crowbar which slipped from a man's hands at the top the other day , and fell clear to the bottom , going through these boards like n shot. So far no ono has been killed In connection with this monument and it is probable that it will ba completed with out loss of life. When done it will make a splendid place for suicides , and if the windows are not grated it may become as famous as the cohrun of Yuidomo. C > nr. The YOUK , December IS.-Mrf. Dora Btolpc , claiming she rendered services and ncurred expense ? in returning Victoria IlnlB- camp nee MoroMnl , to her friend ? , shortly after the young lady eloped with the coach- nmn , lias begun an action uguitibt Giovanni Moroeiui to. recover 850 J. Mro. Ht.ilpa caya ; lii t thesa FTviccs wuro peiformod at the ie- 1 1 st , f Mi. .Murusiiii , Moiosini makes a 'encrul denial. 13issr.dk llid : < Jar ( NKW YOUK , December 13 , The cigar makers of this city in amcctuK to-uighl adopted resolutions protmtmi ; .ipiiutt thu ratification cf the now Spanish-American treaty. Speeches wcro made in Kiifjlieh , Spanish , Gurrr.an and liolieniian. Clmiinmi ( jutxlodt said that thu loxa to thi' United .St : tt R m ciiKtoms under the proponed treaty would ba S3ri.tCO.000 annually. Itumlnll Qolnn South , WASlllNfiTO.v , December 13. Kx-Speaker lUndall will soon start on u trip to the west and south. Ho wl 1 leave Washington Im mediately upon the roceai adjournment ol congress , trolng first to iiOuisvlllu , whom ho will remain two or tlirco dayd , and thun gu to Nashville , and from there to Birmingham , Ala. A Missing puhomicr. CHICAGO , December 13 , The schooner Mel- vine , with a crow of HOVOII men , has been missing nearly two wccko , and foam are en tertained ulio may bo lost , hho left Kile Itaii Kin ODU week ago In&t Tuesday , with u cargo of pig Iron. * p * Thatimre , nvu-it , rule , an'l clfettlio Ainctlcaii ilMllUtlon til Wltcli-llir I , American I'mv , Canada tlr Mar \gM \ , anilL'lmor Illom in , laUed Suilord'i I'.aillcal Cure ( or Citirrhvlih ouo bos ( J.uirlal Colt cut and fiio.Suiloril'4 Improved Inlnlcr , nil la ono paclvO 'c , may now bo hail ot til druzeidta lei $1 00. Auk lorSinlonl'sUwlkulCu'ii ' ' " oplttu Loraxt und ( Jonstltutl uial TrratuiO"t lei . . - . , lorui ol Catarrh , Irnm ahmipluUuMnr Inllimi. za to IOSH ot Bmtll , Tatto , und ] IturlnK.Cout hHron ml CuUrrhal Cojeuin.ticn | , m c\o y jacl. < Clergymen , Vocalists , Ami Public Hptakuii vltliout numbtr OHO their prCH cut inclulnisa nua uauuia toHanlord'd IUJl..il Cure t Citsrth. Kov Dr. Wiitxlns tavp : "One ol tholi-st romnllii foi Cut a rh imv , the but remedy wo lm 'o loin.dln a lltu time ( eulleilng \ * haiforil'u Ilo < lic l ( Juiu. It clears iho hctul uiu throat m tliorni lilj1 that , taken cacti morning nn rbli.tr , thvro are n ui jilcan. unt b.crttloni and i.o . dl iarrusalilo liaukln diilc ( . thu entireil } , but in UDjirifcd cntwl Uo.riici * tl video and runji uitor > or.'H.a . " Hold l > > all dru 'inti , fries f l.CO Poiler DI-IIK and Clicinlcal Co. IJoslon COU.INs VOLTAIC Il ck > , Weak htom < li HomN , tytpepna , rwmal . HtiootluK I'tlna tlirou h the I.olui AD Hack , try lh" o | iaKi .r . J'laou' ' cntr the pit of ti Hoicarh , th y pre'ciit and euro Ak'uo 1'alnn , Ilillhu Colic , LUcr Oo-uiiUiiiti , an 11 rottcU thu sjiten Ironi a tbu'isand UU. Zja C. . r- , . , , ll v v , _ . . . .5 inlVnul IV > ' o 'r ' I'of IvtiTi ' ifinlc cli ii V , u > T i lit il fn * oti rt rrtt t f > \ r : 0 lt' . - ' us fe\ufT Si acmi t'o. . Ji imr a , AtlMita , ( f.i COHSTITUTIONU SCROFULA- A Kill In mv rnirloy IIAI I'wi 'ittcil of h t 1 Iw nc WM cointltutlotinl SrrodiUln the txo fSuilti > , Allslnoiii , ( Ij. , Ji.1) 2' , ISM. PRESCRIBED BY "HYSICIANS- lr1eln niixny rolfnn ivul tf a Rtnrml toulc.fttij Itlmsmvle urcs utter nil othtr rriLcillMliul Itiletl. II M STBUhnvn , St t > Cue Sprli f.Oa , Julj IS , IS-'i ; FEARFUL BLOOD POISON ! Ancptpon 1115nmi ( Im Locii ciircil of i fearful R o cl illaoJ I'olfoo by the u o nt tluco liotllea of n Ill's Spccino. ASIIRXW J. Itow Rii , a , Aug 6 , 1SS1. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY IGthnnd Capital Arcnuo , IroiM t.ll a jca Clip. plot or Ui'tormo'l , t J\I.rvous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs All BMM cl Ci3vtturo of tlio Opine. OrooUoJ Tool 1 ( 9 nnil Artra , lUooaoos nl Iho lllp , Knco , nnd \nUloJnlntii Al-io Cliri'iilo r.Ci'itloua oltlio Ll\cr ihouiiMtliDi. Ttifclytls , rilis , Ulcvtt , Citnnh , Aith am ftnu Urrnchltlp arc nil Ucr.tc.1 I..T cnud cue- "fi'ti-,1 mahoii . All ( M-.cr.8cn il tnu llloo.l ami 1)iln ) < ry Oozing , IncluilliKthcxp ru uUini ; dom Incbcvo- IL.II , or exposure , atu taljlj itml sucroojfully trcttril ad ointro Ktnrnntood. . .ing men , uiluillu ft oJ , tid oU mon euHcilns InnVi a'u > r > nil tiurvoun xhniutloniiroiluii : > k mt'.irfcatlcm , Palpitation ol the Icai I , Ucapondan y ulszltvocn , I i ol Mt'inerv , I tck ol Koc'rsy ami AuiLlllon , ian b restored to lioi\lth ndlucir , II W.D Ii not ; t"0 Ion , : noirtrrted. Tlio Burircou In chwo ( l a ( tradui.to of JcBoi. on Ucrtlml ColloKo 1855) ) n.i.l has otudloil hla iiofottnlun In tiondnnI'a\li \ anilllcr'ilii. 1 ! uUHAoJ , caller rite lull do olptlon o ( j our cm , and wujl- olno miy bo emit you. Consultation Irc6. AJiliea Om li8 Il6j/n3 ry , Croaccu'iBloclt , Oinab * , Nob. OtHoo Iirr.rs 10-13 a. m.l-J nd 7-8 i > . M EuniUye. I OK m I itjrAcromuiodJtiotn InriiUliod patluiiU fiora thu cimtrj. cimtrj.PUBLIC PUBLIC SALE 01' Hioroi' glib red siod lli h Grade GATTLE. Horses , Eegs , Panning Tools and Mnchinory. IIn\logBsUl my ( ami , I will olcr at imbllonilo en aid firm , on tlio U. ! It. It. , S miles uorlliAUBt ot , incuii ! , Neb , and 3 icl'cs soiiilicast ot Ita niondon \VIHMSOAY : , DECEMIIKIII ? , irai , Coini-cuchnj.it 19 o'cluclt , the [ olloulni ; : Fleicn he ul of tlicroiuhl ) od Short-bom fjus , uppoicd to I u lu Cilf , thrco tliorfughbr. < 1 Short- loriilliiliir CMvis , t o thoKughhrod Sncit-horn lullC'tlvs ; cnntlior u hbrcil uul , 'Jjcumild ; uiv u tbrutud Impoitcd lalluAF ! > Jiull "Vankfu" and \\oliiijicrt4O Onlli > u y cows , aud tlulr two Bull cil.ei. Mr. Pr d .M. Woods Ttlll aVe erll Ibo iipotto I Gale - o y bull , "K ablt.d" aud four bull mUos nut cl il Shoit-born Kr-'ilo Cawucnd his ( Ulloway bull UiUcroy , " nhlfjht worth ecotiii ; . All the abmu thorouclilinil rt ock rtrc r ccmUd. AUa 65 liuitl ot hlfih ( rradu Shoct-born oo s atut IclfciH , eujiii Hid to bo in ra'f by tay Uallovay Bull yunktc. " Also BOA era ! cows , Jo < h actl soon to I * Irccli. Also 50 high erad CaUo < ; S2 two scar old tlgh- u'ra.lo . utcc : 1110 HOJM and t'ln ( ; 10 work Horses and Atircs ; a Yearling Coltp.anJ BpueVlnjr Colts ; 1(0 tons if Ilaj(0tocs ( cf Millet : 1.500 bushels ft Corn ; UO acres ol Corn lu Bhock ; wl buf ho a ol It ) c : 1Q liuuholu ililletnnd all fie touband machinery u id on Iliu aim. I.uclmt no'n I'l warm rooms' . Ka'o will bo in ail u under co\ur co that no ono need tavawny on account tf Iho n father. TEU5IS or SALE All Mima under ( W cash ; Ovrr $10' U months thno wltbapiirnicd eucurlty ulth ID icr cint iattrett ; 0 per cent f ( T fur cash. Trains our thu Union I'nc'llo ' vill leave Lincoln at i:55 o'clock a. in. , returning at A und 0 o'clock p. m. and will nrrlio ( ram the north at 11 o'clock a. in ami ca\o KOli'K ' north at Oi'JG p. m . All trnliisutorplni ; at the farm. ISAAC JOHNSON , FRKD. M. WOODS , Auctionpcr. 1'or oatalofruoa ol Tnoroun'hbrcd ttock , address , 0. aio'n I > 'eb , _ l D lunilnnli-I Tmvrisi : : vir.oi'Mi-\T < ! ' Till ! IICST. " ctiloroj ii tumlc l | it > t , full cipttimtlon , ine.llriil . cplnlon , rlc. Hlmwatlmt uiidflvelopeitor uliruiikrn coinlltttm II Rlnormnl ! i.l un * how to cnUrtrfl to full nnl j > roj > r date , Dti > | > lff , fttm lulfly certain. ( Otltfr | > oitl' ' iifl Ati I mem- Url ite oloi * I I.lmll . r pnmii. ) A n fj of I' ' " ' " ' * ftUo book mftHe.l hi hLle.l . envelope for 20 eti. AJnta / P. U. IJru.Tcr 17 U , IIUI'IMI.O. IV. V. . . St , Charles HotelT O STUKCT , Jir.T. Tth and till , - 1 IKCOI > . " , N'l'.ll. Mil. liato'oakl ( > , rr prlttoro K. lv nmlvK'aitly lurnlsluil. flo'il faiiip'u r.oiinoii Ural Ibur. tytcirr.it } ' M f)8 | i'rdu.Sjicrlalr.i CHtr'vca ucmbcrdcl the Irgiti'atuic. IION.I liu-inu QR. HORHE'S ELSEGTRtG SELT ( VIII cnro NervnnnneHfl , J.umtmi o. HtiitimuM-m ! 'nrr lvol > . NournlKln , hrluilr.i , hlitniH | > lnu uixl ll r .II-DIM , , , ( iout , Ahtliirin , Ilt-Hrtill * * iiwi. ni ( > 'ii ln , tniHll n'l n hrj ipulHH , ditarrli. rilm , 11 llci.jr Inp . n. % , Inin ) j Auu , frul | i ui I'li-rl "t. ( inn n n I'l. CM > . li ! H hi Ainvr icil tlmt f.'iid.tljn rieilii , III mill liii. ii | . | > n II i..M li-.liu txxif , and cuu bo rbctiuruud lu uu iLitiuiil by tbo juuluut. Winter IscomltiK , fie oAicn ct the yen Icr ncho in J pains. InvlowolttiU ( let no say tuyrno ot Dii llorco'a lilectrlo Itolte. Iy ! no doing 3011 will tvolil Ithvuniattmn , KUnoy Troubles and other Ills bnl floahU ht'r to. D. . ) n t ilul'iy , butcal * 'our ' ( floe and oxanilno bolts , Ko. 1122 IouIt ; ( ftu'it , or 0 , F OodlmanV. 1110 Karnitn litrr.ih , Nub. Or. < fliifiiin n n UKMI ui 1 ui r * AVM timof > < iiitifiiliiMiriidiiLrt ) ) r/iumnu lltiimturo Decoy , .Ni-rvmia Debility , Ixixt AlunlifxKl v , IIQHIIU Irifil in nin viKTy Vnown r niil ! > / iit uixi rncl fiHiiutiltiruunriMdlnulf-ciire , I O W I l-Pltll 1 III K t < > 111 * f - J.lt HJ.1V1.5 : _ ai > n itl > i > romodrrurth < iii _ _ nio tti u-.ftii'l . ' ttlC3 iuf llio vtont kiiiili tunliii ( luve ui. ii u < 1 IniluM o1 triiiidln my fatih Uluill ! < ry tnnt I 1 I lonclTMO IIDTI1.I ! i I KKK , li. . | ; thcr iilia > AI . Alll lITItKlTlfclJoii thlidimaM louuy eutTiTcr. Oi ootpffBiiiiiiii I' o Hdilr us , 1)11. V. A. HUICU4I , 111 1'earltit. , * .ew York , n\1" Ghemica ! Dyeing 0. T. fAUM JN , I'joprletori Otntlo'ueii ' Cloth'nt ' ; CleanoJ , Djod inJ itcp lA-llci'DrMto CiUJn-l ni DyoJ , wtthuuC Plumus Ulmnwl or ColoruJ ny 'nle , to Bllki , Vtlvetsuno Ij * ClaiauJ , U/uJ uij.Uu-du- Uhoa. l212Doaghi Street , OMAHA ,