THE OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY DECEMBER 15 , 1884. THE DAILY BE _ O-uelia Often , No. O10 Frntn Bt. New York omco. lloom O5 Trl6uno every trorninff , neepl 3uad r' " ; Th Uoohf toorniDg dully. On Y f * 10.M I Three Month t .0 Six Mnntr-J i 00 j Ono Month Per Week , 26 Cents. inj WMUT i , rrouaaiD mar ; riBug rosrrAio. f n Yf > r 12.00 I Three Month ! I 1U Months. 1.00 I One Month SO OOCRKSKHIDUtl / . I Ocmrnnnlestlon rotating to Newt ind Editorial nilttra should bo uddrowod to the Uoiroa or Tui Sir. BCSIStM tlTTIU All Bnslnesi IVettors and Ilcmltt&ncee ihou.d bo ddref9od to Tin Dm Pmusnma OoiirAiir , OXAHA. " i , Chccki und Postomco orders to b made p y * kbit lo the order of the company. m BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS' ' K. IlOStiWATEIt , Editor. A. II. Fitch , Mnnncor Uftlly.Circulfttion , P 0. lior , 488 Omaha , Neb , Ot.F.VELAND wants broad hoada In his cabinet , nnd therefore some of the Mis- aourl domncrata nro urging that Gov. Broadhoad , of thnt Mate , bo glvon a place in the cabinet. TIIUIII has boon crushed to earth and will not rlao again. Wo refer to the Now York paper of that name which Rained a brief and unenviable notrioty by publishIng - Ing the Moray letter during the Garfield campaign. IK Lord Alfred Tonnyoou'a now drama , "Thomas n Becket , " Is not nny moro dramatic than hid thousand dollar poem , "Freedom , " is poetic , it will provojja dicinal failure , and ought to bo burled in the deepest doptha of a London fog. FOUR companies of Ohio militia are to attend the presidential inauguration coro- monies. It is hoped , for the Bflko of Hichollou Robinson , who sighs for the peaceful simplicity of the daya of Jeli'or- non , that they will carry no bayonets , TUP. croaa-walks on Farnam street ahould have been laid with Hat atonea in- ntoad of the aharp and rough granlto blocka , which make it very ucomfortablo for podoatriaua , especially the ladlea. An Improvement ought to bo made next spring by laying down croaa-walks of flag-atone. " Titr.iu : should bn no longer any doubt aa to who ia to bo secretary of stato. There have boon numoroua predictions , zo but that of the Paplllion Times sottloa it to aa follows : H Wo predict tint Thoa. F. Bayard , of th Delaware , will bo aocrotary of state , In ro Clovoland'a cabinet. _ HOIIAOI : WHITE , editor of the Now ! " York Evening Post , eaya that Senator , Garland will probably bo selected aa 10 attorney general and Senator Bayard for & secretary of stato. None of the inde pendents will have a place In the cabinet , _ _ ho saye , because the loaders among them _ do not wish any such position. . , A GREAT many democrats will hang y | j their biggest stockings at Christmas with . the hope that Cleveland thopoliticalSanta Claus , will fill them with nothing loss than cabinet offices. Wo know of two _ Nebraska democrats who are having the holes in their stockings mended so that there will bo no possibility of any such Christmas gifts slipping through the bot- _ . torn. lie VAJTOEIIBILT , who loaned General tlTI Grant $150,000 , has taken judgment bet against the general for that amount and to interest. lie has probably done so with if a view of getting the friends of Grant to tht 'pay the judgment. Yandorbllt could Le well afford to cancel that dobt. Should ho do so , the people of the United States a i , would forgive him for "tho public bo aCli i A d" sentiment , of which ho iraa the dlr author. tin ; . Tin : race between d. Sterling Morton nebo and Dr. Miller for a cabinet pcaition is bo becoming decidedly interesting. So far In it has been nock and nock , but now that ro 18 Morton has received a strong editorial th endorsement from the Odessa Democrat be beT in Missouri , wo consider him about two T lengths ahead. If Dr. Miller can now * M aocuco an endorsement from the Sodalla JSctzoo ho will bo enabled to catch up 2Cni niV with Morton. V EB B Tun Now York bar has passed a resolution 01 lution in favor of a national divorce law. 01 Such a law ought to bo passed , for there 01r is great need of uniformity in the divorce titl tl business. At present no two elates have the same law , and owing to the general looseness everywhere in the granting of divorces it Is about as easy to bo divorced as It is to bo married , and under such a condition of all'iira there la a great deal of fraud committed. GUOVKII OLKVELAND , who is still ox orclslng his functions as governor of Now York , is overwhelmed with applications for pardons , It scorns that the friends of convicts think that ho Is likely to bo a little moro generous with the pardoning power since ho has bocn elected president , but they will proba bly bo disappointed. Cleveland will scarcely have time to consider ono-tonth of the applications that are now on file loforo resigning the governorship. liE.YKKAli AlAnAtir.K lALMAIlt * . , of the Wabash system , receives a salary of $25,000 H year , and ho has a contract trip ; on his position for Qvo years. It is such enormous salaries as this that eat up the profits of the railroads and compel them to rob their patrons. Wh'on such exorbitant salaries are abolished and reasonable compensation is paid to railway officers , the farmon aud producers may expect some reduction In freight tariffs , but not before , unless the legislatures of the various states see fit to regulate railroad rates. THE AUT OF TRAIN 11OBBEUY. In commoutin upr > n the recant train robbury in Arkansas , the Chicago Ikrnlil guys that the pusillanimity of seventy- five full-grown passengers in allowing themselves to l > o robbed by four mon cm only bo accounted for on the theory that an attack upon a train paralf zaa all ita occupants with fear , but that a war-whoop and a well directed pistol shot by'bno of thceo terror-stricken passengers would lifwotransferrod the panit ! from the robbed to the robbers , and the latter would have disappeared so quickly that their late victims would have had nothing but ridicule - culo for their own fears at the outset. This may nil bo true , but the trouble is to find the passenger who la willing to give the war-whoop and fire the platolahot. The fact ia that a robber standing in the car door with n double-barrelled shot-gun , cocked and aimed , commands the entire situation , and each paasongar Imagines that the gun la pointed directly nt him * aolf , and tint if ho should give a war. whoop and make a move to open fire , the doublo-brvrrolled shot-gun would geoff off and not only endanger hia own lifo but that of hia follow travellers. Ninety- nluo passengers out of a hundred prefer to pay a tribute to road agents than to toke any chances , and as n rule their contributions do not amount to much. Pdpsougors and train mon have frequent ly boon shot down by road agents , and the fear that they will shoot if not al lowed to have their own way is a very natural one , for It stands to reason that mon who are desperate enough to stop a train for the purpose of robbery are desperate porato enough to commit murder if they are resisted and driven into a corner. This explains why train robbery is so easily accomplished. The robbers simply 'Vot the drop , " nnd hold It till their work is completed. ly no state of the union is there likely to bo such n bitter senatorial fight as there will bo in Colorado. The contest tlih haa : already begun , and the excitement ia increasing with each succeeding day. Senator lllll , who la making n vigorous effort for ro-oloctlou , 'having boon im- formecl that Secretary Teller charged him with having said that ho was corn- a inir back to the senate if it cost a quarter of n million of dollars , callo Teller * "an infamous liar" if ho made any such charge , * nnd Hill expresses the belief that Teller was the author of that BO toport. It is evident that there ia a- bit ter : feeling between these two gentlemen. Hill , however , has made n good record in 01 the senate , and Colorado will do well to th return him to his Boat in that body. , , Ihnt money will bo freely used in the senatorial fight by every candidate that has , any to spare there is butllttlo doubt. Nowhere in this country is money used ; much in politics aa it is in Colorado. . Colorado political contest without ) aonoy would bo like the play of Hamlet pr . with the character of Hamlet omitted. no . rho money that is kept in circulation by : the lending Colorado politicians , who are wl n jolstors up the state in dull times , and a . 'ailuro of the oflico-acokora- do their isual duty in this respect would bo al- ; nest as severe a blow to the people of > f Jslorado as the failure of the corn crop rould bo to the state of Nebraska. lad THE Washington correspondent of the 31eveland ' Leader in figuring out ropab- am > r lean gains in Tonnossoa for the last rrelvo years predicts that it will aoon 8 ; tecomo a republican state. This ought bo gratifying to Hon. Church. Howe , Nebraska , who put in hia beat licks in " : hat state during the campaign. The > Leader correapondentsoys : gei ; trn ' A cloaa analyaia of the vote of Tsntrn icssoo will ahow that It is fast becoming lar republican state. Its majority for pa Cleveland this year was only U.OOO. In- ilaua's majority was 7,000Tens of housands of dollars were expended by ofl ) tin national committee upon Indiana , md not one cent given to cn- spi losaoo. Had the same nmannt an boon1 given to Tonnojneo na to SOI Indiana , the state would have gone ho republican. It will doubtless do 10 in 1888. A lock at the statistics of the past to three presidential elections shows this to tri ao. In 1870 , Tilden'a majority in Tennessee was 43OCO , while Hayss * entire he tire vote was 89,000. Four yearn Inter , Hancock carried the sUto by a majority ici 20,000 leaa than Tilden'o , baing in rouna of numbers only 23.0CO , while Garfiold's or vote ( had increased 18,000 over that of Hayys nnd was 10Z.COO. This year Blamohasau increase of J8..000 vote * ever Garfield and ho losso the state by only ! ) ,000. If this change continues the republicans at the next presidential else- tion will have a much larger majority than the democrats tad at this. in SOME of our Nebraska judges will probably - ably appreciate the opinion cf Hon. John Wentworth , of Chicago , upon the common - mon practice of railway companies Issuing passes to the judiciary. Mr. Wentworth recently wrote a letter upon this subject to a prominent railway manager , from which the following is an extract : "The pasa system has done much to nlienato the people from railroad corpor ations. What can the people think when they aee the judges ot our courts rldini ; upon n pass , while the mass of the people have to pay their faros ? And what will these judges think when they lose their passes as soon as they lose their ollices 1 If the railroad companies could hear the remarks of the people when a prominent man exhibits his pass I am sure they would ohanijo their course. 1 was riding by the side of a judge bat a few days slnco. when ho shullUd ever a mass of paasos almost c < fual in bulk to a pack of cards to find the right ono. When ho loses hla position na a judge ho of course 'will know why the pasues were given him. " TUB' senatorial fight in Wisconsin is mainlybetwoenox-GovornorFairchildaud Colonel John 0. Spooner. It la claimed to bo virtually a fight between two great railroad corporations the Milwaukee it St. Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern which rule Wisconsin in .about the same nnnner as the Union Pacifkcnd B. it M , u-'Vern Nobraaka , Falrohlld is the reputed c < ndidalo of the Milwaukee tt. St Flint , nnd haa the influence ant money of ita many-millionaire president , Alexander Mitchell , to [ back him Spooner , who has for many yo.irs been nn able rnilrond attorney , Is the Chicago & Northwcatarn candidate. The proba bllity is that the Milwaukee & St. P u company will bo olcct'cd United States senator from Wisconsin. EMOKY STOURS hns boon talking to a Chicago reporter since hia return fron the oast. "Cleveland is calling to him n Albany , " ho mid , "men prominently connected noctod with loading western journals principally democratic journals , and 1m pressing upon them that ho intends to consider the touuro-of-oflico act as law that ho means to bo guided by It and by the civil service rules. His desire seem to bo to notify the great body of demo crats that they need not como to bother him in Washington. Ono of these whom 1 have seen a did that Cleveland had said that ho would make no appointment through members of congress. I have no doubt thnt this is hit- present viowbu I nlao have no doubt thnt ho will bo ut terly unable to carry it out. " IT was very unkind for the Chicago to say that Dr. Millar docs no aspire to n cabinet position , but that ho will bo content with the postollico at the west end of the Union Pacific bridge. Wo don't believe that the JNVws had nny authority whatever for such n otatomont. Dr. Miller deserves something bettor than a three thousand dollar postouica. If ho foils in securing a place in the cabinet ho may bo satisfied with the mission to the Court of St. James. Ilia dignified bearing - ing , his intimate acquaintance with the crowned hoada of the old world , his lit erory ability and culture , fit him for the the foreign ministry , nnd ho would mnko n ndmirablu successor to James Russell Lowell. has received a letter from a man in Indiana who wants hia share of the treasury surplus right away. It is unnecessary to cay that ho ia ac doinocrat.and saya that ho was informed that the surplus would bo divided up af ter ' election among the adherents of the democratic party in case of ita success. Wo would suggest that the surplus , which 300013 to bo such a big elephant that con . gress hardly knows what to do with it , bo divided among the democrats on Christmas day. It might aa well bo done then as at a lator'tlmo. ca TIIE Now York senatorial fight is as- sumbg a somewhat Interesting phase , rho friends of president Arthur insist 3 anTe hat ho shall bo n candidate , and they tre considerably incensed at the friends aa f Levi P. Morton , who , as they claim , Tomi promised , before'ho- returned to Europe mi lot to stand in Arthur's way. It is vlr- ually . ' charged against Morton that , not withstanding this promise , ho organized campaign plan , anda literary bureau Joforu ho left , and that the bureau is now lard atwork is shown by the oimilor ono of Morton'a endorsements In many the country papers. DUIUNO the campaign forty-six young lo adles of & Mary's , Ohio , organized a 16 Cleveland and Hendricks broom brigade , Av ( md Trhon Hondrlcks reviewed the rlgada he kissed the whole outfit. The Irls felt much honored , and : ai inxioiM To bo kissed by President-elect asc Cleveland. ' At a recent mooting they do- ioct ided to attend the inauguration in a On ody and are now looking for some ; io enor-sns corporation , to. provide free ta tan ranaoortatlon to Washington. Cleve- and ought to send them a round-trip . iass : Ir remains to be seen whether , the flicD ot chief clerk of the house was ipecially created for Brad. Slaughter. At 3d my rate ho is a standing candidate from A joseSon to session for that position. The Ahi lionao should sit donn on him this win- In tor. : Ho Is always in league with the lie tricksters and jobbers , and is a dangerous man for so important a place. Besides aa does uoi properly , attend to his cler ical work. The delay in the publication the legislative journals is duo almoat entirely to his negligence of the work. a Grover Cleveland rofnssd the gift of a dog ho probably did so out of respect to the seanltlvo nature of Abe Hewitt , who is kept nwcko nights at the national capital by the howling canines hia immediatevicinity. . Such a nui- eanso has thh become to Mr. Hewitt that ho has demanded of congress eomo legis lation that will effectually suppress it , and give Mai a rest. THE democratic majority In congress is unusually vigilant and united session against any and all attempts to curtail federal patronage. The proposition to stop appointments in the army from civil life was the first laoasuro to brinq out a solid party vote in the heuso , and the democrats burled it by sixty-two major ity. TUB not funded debt of Now Ycrk Olty Is $88,8G37 ! > 84. The inotropolli , ia evidently being run by a now BU Tweed. The Commercial Advertise eaya that the slzo of tbo debt at the present ent tlmo u a sovora commentary on the proiligato character of the government o : that city. THAT Misuonrl degporado who wa / lynched a few days ago , added to hi crimes the robbery of the good name o Omaha. There are some things Mb aouriana cannot do with impunity. TUB Omaha maikot-houte proposition Bjoms to have died and been buried. I 11 hoped , however , that it will be rosur rectod. GLIMPSE OF GOTHAM LIFE- Poorly and Ofliueccc JosMoE Each 1 Oilier on Crowded Slrcels , The Rush and Orusli on tlio "L1 Beads and Broadway ! * Doleful References to Dull Times by Prominent Men , A XlKlil nt tlio Opera Tlio IVcrloss TattI In "Iia Tnivlnlu" NEW YORK , Dccnnbcr n , 1881. Kdilorlal Corresponcloiicn of TIIK Lr.K. Once tnoro In the American metropolis busy , bustlinff , jostling Now York , with lie nabob millionaires , wiotcheJ toilers , dazzllug opulence nnd horrible squalor. Fifth nvomio with miles of brown stone , polished gr.MiUo and marble palaces almost within n stono'i throw of tlio rickety rookeries and dismal foul-nlreil flntJ of Baxter streotnnd the Flvo points. Within n radius of live miles from City Hall tnoro than two millions of human beinps ate constantly engaged ia the fierce nnd hum ! to hand struggle for oxistcnco. HHOADWAY AND TUB KLKVATKI ) 110AII3. At half-pant six Thursday morning when I landed on Uroadway , Uut main artery c | commercial nnd Industrial activity , was still dormant. Hero aud there shutters \cro being taken down from shop wlndowo by porters and clerks , n few omnibuses were rolling Icis nrcly up or down , small squads of men and women worn hurrying alonj ? the Blclowalk" , while naws-boya and boot-blncka were darting back and forth like early birds nftor thotr worm. While Broadway seemed so sleepy and quiet an intense no tivity prevailed within c , few blocks on eitlior side of that great thorough faro. Thousands of working people men women , boys and girls carrying dinner palls aud lunch baskets nro hurrying from the ferry landing to the elevated railroad st-itions whore thu human torrent becomes n frightful jam. Half a million working people packed lllco sardines aro.transportod by the elevated rail roads every working day between 5 n. in. and 7 p. m. , and it is a marvel that n-oidonts are so raro. At first view the elevated rathoad appears not only an unsightly obstruction of the Directs but a very dangerous moJo of con veyance. Tha asnsation of stoaminfj rapidly over honao tops and telegraph poles is however almost as novel and rgreeablo to 'full jprown illm non and women aa is walking on stills to the average boy. As a time saving convenience a the elevated railroads afford incalculable ad- vantacea to all classes. vaYi Although- business is vary dull in 3 York just now I could not roaliza thafr fact Yivl vhtn I walked up nnd down Broadway after LO o'clock this morning. The crash of drays. carriapos , aud omnibuses on the Belgium ilock pavement was aa deafening as over-and ho heaving multitude that pushed and strug- jled on sidowalhH aud crossings amidst the din and uproar ofnoiay street venders Mid walking signs , was as active and varied t in the mwt proaporoua all appearances Broadway baa improved ns much during the present yoarby the consirac- tion of magnificent businesa.housea as daring ion my : preceding year. COMHKEWAa DKl'UESSION. " It-is ] only when coming in contact with iua- 1)0 iness-mcn that I' ' in > iully impressed wittyho 1)0vl misting commercial stagnation. Under ordinary 1C xin nary : circumstances- telegraph companies nro 1CP lot affected by industrial paralysis or shrink- 101B' ' in the volume ) of1 trade. But when Gon- B'rt jral Eckert , the head of the Western Union , nc loleJnlly ! referred to-Jull times and light busi- aesjjj ! came to the conclusion that the .pro- roiling complaint malt be well-toundcd. Mr. Yiwustus Kountzs , the head of the nolid iawl boning concern of Koantze Brothers , . was lUposed to take a ratlior gloomy view ol af- air , Mr. Kountze regards the impeding wceadancy * f the democratic party aa. a so- iovj obstacle to an early return of commsrcial ictlvity and financial Btabllity. TulHng of 3maha , Mr. KountM expressed crroat eaiiefac- ioa with lior marvollouj growth and the sub- itautinl public linrrofriinenls nude in Omaha luring : the present yoir llo co-.Ud ceo lotbing to prevent n healthy andjfltoady growth for years to come. THE.Oy , elf In his cutartaisng lecture ab jut the i'rnnco- Brussian war , oiiMialster Wasbbura , relates liow the gay Parisians did not appear disturb- by nationi 1 disaster or riotous o ttbreaks Lturing the torri'ulo reign of the commune , the thcatera at the Kroncli capital \vero- running full blast , the concert hulls and viiblic gar- Jens were liberally patronized , anj , tlio 1'ar- isian populaca amueed itBcH as m-.ick as ever. or The gay Ameilcan xnotropoliB dirylaya almost r great unconcern abmit the iiravaUuig money Bj crisis. With the frivolous No.vVoskor amuseM M montH , operatic and dramatic , are all the rage , t , n and there certainly ia amp'.o opportunity to giatify this passion. Tu'o grand oijeratroupeH. ha dozen ctar combinations uui uumborlcas minstrel troupes nnd Variety sboiva are inputl ; ; bidding lor popular favor and reioiviug liberal support in AT THIS omit. The Academy of Music waaorowdod KriJay ight with a fashionable auUloaco on the oo- aslos.of Adolinal'aUl'g appearance In Der i's o ; ura , "La Traviata. " ' i'aaalng dowi the entfal aUle of thu pircj' ctta a few miuutea fte31 beheld a spectaclopf dazzlimr spbndor , 'ho vast and brilliantly lighted aiid'torium with its regal decorations was respondent nth the wealth , baauiy and ban ton at Now 'crk. Yaln-glorloiu , pompoua shodiyocracy vai there decked in moat goigeous toggery , Tliero waa n fair Hyrinkllcg of tlm'i less Im- losing of New Yort ! society wlilci cxhtbiti tetter breeding awl indtil ? ng in le s extravagance In dress. The black dress cult ulth lonr cut gilet and ahlto crr.vat vos predominant among n minority of tha iniilo audlouco. Duly a few dudas made the elyes conspicuous by their "lead" lluir.viery , fho nppnii-1 and "Cituroj" of Uiuladiru wcro decidedly striking and flashy. Velvetssatiut , acss , rlbbons-oai ) ( lowers both natvil a artificial of ovwy shade au J hue in distract- ng proS-jeiou , 'Xho display of costly jewels simply stnnuing. Th twenty -/cur boxca , | rangu'l three , tiers nldo ami four tiers ! d.h on each lido of the itige , v.-arn all occupied , The two lower tiers \vtiio ijt the oiost part mo * nr ollzed by tha icjllloutlts cod-fish end xaackerel tnobrcrac } ; for which Now York fs /amous. What spocimcus of vanity end vul- atlty the 10 Auioriciii apaa of nobility nro ! Whakivcr may havebc u the make up , color or quality of Cue princely 1'arislan costumes worn by the robiut and cadaverous compound of fem'ninu Indelicacy that occupied thwo boxes , nothing was \ibiblo to the audlenco below - low txcept tlm Iwpou-dered and bejeweled busts with their literal display of the foun tains of motherly love. Hero and there gllucpiesof lace , presumably purtot a name less cx tc 1 in < > r < lpr ti enable tlio owner to exhibit strings nf glittering uioiuli that were Attached. The ctirlflin had already risen wbe'i I terftd Mid 1'fltt ! , rndlnnt with otnilcv , cl.ul . in elegant robei ornamente-d with ( lowers , her queenly neck blaring \ \ itli diamond tha center of n pnily dJ ed group made hsi njipenr liken hiitrous paarlftet in n cluster of rubles an i unonilils , She sant ; as no other mortal can ting , mid acted that rmpremo prrfoctlon which entitles her to rank among the greatest living actors , 1 had econ La Trnvhta and Camilla Ita couiitopart , played by famous actors a various timca and placed but never bad i sen Violotta or Camilla personified vith such pas siotialo yet natural intenilly of feeling. Al though her support was in many respect defective , and Alfredo , n ho plays the roloo V ioletU's lover nntl was carried elf the stngi in n genuine fainting fit , Madame Patti sin tnincd the play throughout by her master ! ; tact and her almost superhuman exertions which elicited frequent nnd most hearty applause plauso , Spollbouud from first to last by tin profound emotion , intonao passion nnd dee ] pathos nf PatU'a personation of Violetta , I \VM literally moro impressed with her marvel lous dramatic powers than her enchanting \ocalitation , which eminent musical clitics all the world over piouounco absolutely t > or- foct. I'ATTt 01T IHBSTAor. Next day I called at the Windsor hotel to renew the agreeable acquaintance formed dur Ing > Mndaino Tattl'a brief stay at Omaha last April on her return from California. I am BO glad t you have called , uxelaimoi Tntti , as she extended both her hands in her \iviiciou3 udfacinatiugmauner : I shall col forflot Omaha. Wo had such n deliohtful time in your city , and I always remember with jileatttro Low wo roamed around tlio place. Your magnificent hotel , that electric light factory , the park and thoao lovely blue birds. Do you reraombor Krnest turning to Mon ; ; Nicolini , who had also received mo mosl cordially they wcro not sparrows , but real blue birds with euch beautiful feathers. What a splendid time wo did have' I like Omaha and should like to einr ; there onca tliia winter , I hope you will play in some opera that will enable our people not only to hoar you eing but BOO you acting , said I , for atler oceing you in Traviata I rcoarrt your acting nluiost cs excellent as your song. You must have been exhausted after such an effort , you waa so terribly hi earnest. 1 nolictd hip tear drops trickling down your cheeks during ono of the acts , " .Madamo was completely broken down last night ana did not taste u morsel after she re turned from tlio oparn , " said Patti's serro lary , Mons. Levelly , "J.ft Traviata always does affect her BO deeply. She sheds real tears aud feels aa wretched ao if the play waa solemn nnd sad reality. " "I had more than my usual part of the ploy last night , " said I'atti , smiling. "Alfredo , my lover , waa unwell and In'cne ' scene had fainting spell , BO Tinot only bad to do limit of tbo love-malting , fondling nad pressing butte to fill out his part aa well in thiit of nbsent- minded actors who failed tolrssp up. " "Turning from the sublime to the ridicu lous , " aaid 1'atti , "there waa an incident in 01h tlio play last night that does not appear in the liberotto. Yomremembsr the scene when Alfredo throws down the mo 97 at my feet and in the excosa-of uaseionoto'grief and an ger I fainted away on the aof. . Juat at that moment the man who impersonates the Ba ron whispered to maj 'Don' 9faint too hard , Madame , don't inaka it too eorioua. ' " What's the matter said I , in Italian. "Mndnin ' , I saw th boat to-day. " "What boat ? " "I avtheOregonian , tlio ship in which wo came over from Europe last year , acd we must try and go back on that boat next spring. " "Wasn't that ludicroai' " acclaimed Pattl laughing. But Iiopt a straight-faco and ] neither you nor anybody oho : n the audience noticed that interpolation in.fthe play. "What a magnificent set of diamonds you N. had on last night , jr-adata , waa I extravagant when I guessed they .were worth over § 25,000 ? " "Indeed , you were not. There wore eleven strings of in the neck lace and my diamond bracelets and snrringa are of prcat value. Jlovr.mucht-turning to Kicollni nnd Levelly do you. reckon , them worth J" "You had on your neck , arena and ears over 5300,000 in diamonds and' jewels , " aaid Mr. Levelly. "Ibis is 8tupe-do'j.H , Are yon not afraid of being kidnapped Homo , aighi by some daring robbers ? ' ' ' Nodangcr " said P tti"I , am well guarded ' and on the stage , and wo don't keep the jewelry at the hotel. I always ha\e it securely deposittdat Slffacy's. AJlusion being. in.the course of conver sation to the outcome of t5io Patti JoCauaii vono suit , I oxpretceti reluctance to tone ! : , upon that delicate subject. Not at all , tx- chained Patli. Sinca it has become nuwspa per talk I have no daiiro to suppress tlio fucts concsal anything. Tlio marquia waa sa- omely Bolfish and mean. Ho led a lifo of eliainoful , cjibauchery from my earnings , whtfh \veio ( his main objpctin our marriago. Ho jnado my lifo wretched and association vith him iiiBuiferablo. Whan 1 played at Horaburg would gamble.iway my ealary every night before the play \ < aa half over. "Sj your marr ! < ige with Marquis I ) Caux waa net a love affair aa Kra'ilein LoowaelaUn A her boak. " "Xut at elL I waa jircsbcJ into that ill. considered -natch aud I lia\o uulloittd enoupjj tliroi-gh it Tlio attaclucflut of the inarquia wm purely meicjnary , Ho wanted , : ny earalnga and prapurty. ills conduct sSnce our oparation baa been outrageous , IJut only did ho take half my property ia Franco but Ke sent ei.- porta to tendon ti appraiao * ay carriage lorses , furniture , and aven the jowela that laid ueen presented souvenlaii , " How ibout Freulotu l.oaw aij her booU ? "That book was d.ubtleas written fen the manias'boViolit.Tiiu ibtamarjr with V > Loow canned mo toidisponsovilb her aad slio lias been plajiiiK part for loi. . There was nothing in her ba-k worthy of notice , at nnj rata I did not paojionoto ar5at In giving her tha notoriety she iotglit by my t klEp notlet of it. " Ji. 1 ! SPECIAL NOTICES VI ANTIUA city oirvkr with V r-o tor K > enlii | ' lieu. Jliw 1)0 IntelJBCiituuAtoiiioni.ble Ai > ly 11 Il olHcc , H A. ir. Hit' ' . \-ir4\K7KD ( Jiiu lajy aniloiunmi tocamnM fa > > unfwbwk. loiiulro JIrj > . Uallv3'Ht ,01. llcckncrtliolCuinliijf. JM-I3P \\7ANTBP 11 rt 4-omitcnt ; irlr home ork \V RtlU'3 Douglas Bt. . ICO ! * ! ' _ AVANlrDSmart n r tu > 't * "h * V' ' . ' > T lak ) hilt Interttt la llnt-cU'H e I o.tal.ll h good pajInirbUdlrKS Jn Omiha and Coumil IJlulIij ttto whcru luttr > lev < cori bo had. Addrm ' 11 Dee otiias Council U.uSs fa.- IBi-Jj VX ANTSU-AnenrcrliincnI b'lrl at "lATANTKU Tw > lie airtiita to BO'itlt ' Aouden > > Ukuiaa&c. Am > ly to K. A. La DOM tH'n. 211 i tfW" - 8.1itbSt. \\7A.STe. ! ) DriinmHkBre , kit a puntlcu wi * V wouU MtUt loll U5 ' .TOllljr kllU id , IB Ho anl bt. 037-Up \X AV1ll : > "alrthJm tf P M > rH' ' I ' - ( t. ' nip it tnic , win b tht hr * . r H . h Itrii in\k > * the l.utst p > i t in < tc ) n i.i turn t i etk v.j tiiJ i \t\ \ < , u.ust I mo fhvt c itu < m IIS tt \\TAN1 -AKoiti to handleolirKIPCttlCllcU.Mn ppl'aiiH , ivti'lte IcnltvH giimi A vriin oprntlunll ) for the lUhl l rle ! . Inn"f l by d co.le's M'i's'Co. , Kftlnni nty , Mi' , US Jtnllp AM EH ! > RR' nts for " ( Jiiwn IVotsclot" < < \ otooHni ; fitidsMrt sui | | > crtft , rli ulcler s , liii ttp . Ixifcin forirs , iltcn xMolds , ratet > Icl'c , iilco c | irntctoi , kKntlrcly now ilni"e unrr cciltnlnl pn nij. Wolintv ( to'nii'i S 00 mm.thlv 'ililri-s wlthstntrp IX II. C mii' i St C > . ,0 South May St . CJilcijo. ISO J 10 ) A cool cook at the Kmmct IIMI ctmiiir < firreil. 1(0 I \ \ ' 'ANTI'li.oclco3h for loUiitnn4. Applj .tl S. lUi U cct. li)7 ) l.lp ID 100 mlli ltOMirooil i njtn the righ man. AtMrcfn Ntl > ri k Mutual M.vrlic linn , rrrinont , rtrb mi-lint AKintirml ilittr ctinniiriRofB lor I'on | iln'd Dlftloimty anil Kno.tclopn U I'Hce 31.f nutflt Sl.tO , mfo ( toed p oiitu to null ll'obcokii mi Impotteil all > um i.n monthly j jmtt.K W.D.I' ' I/iv.rj , room fi , 110 north ICtli tt , l-inarn tl-7 1 ; \ ; ANH'D lly tllo o rl9lft ( ( Klra kinl Waterpro < M 1'alr.tnnil Kcoflnif Co. , icllalila men In c ct\ rourty In thoBtalo tn MiArl7o compnnlce fur \\oti Inir our p'liit. Ihcrt/ji bit ; iroucj In it 1'or llcuhrtio .ailclrcsa Uli M u.c , StcrcUrj- SUn.i cr , Oronha. 813-Jan 1 ANTBU To buy n city lot to ho paid In wncklv or monthly InsUllrncnts. Aillrctw"ll. II " Uco 210-t ' \\7'\JCTBD Lmll' Biul Rontlcmoti to tike nice , > llRht , plcasint ork nt their own homos ( dlj tnnco noohjccllon. Work Bent by mall , l3 to JB n iliy ctn bo quietly iniclc , nu cnn\asslni ; , 11c.i o nil liters at once , Olobo M'fL' Co. , Hoattn. Jfw , , Imx & 3U. MU-ilool" WAi./fl > U-uiluior tntloinoii mciM oroouiitry to lakonloo , lhht ; anil pleasant nork nS their own homes , J2 t JBn day cnslly unil quietly ni.nlo v/crk ftont by nail ; no rnma lnKIuoBUinpfor ronlj llcllablo Uaii'f'f ; Co. , I'hlliulclphla , t'a COMra , niMt.Uu.ilM&a jii > , ; . < > U.t.Mr.IX III oil } H n cuuntry , to thko nlco , llvbt And worlt fitttclr own liomou ; ft In * 5 per day oi" lly tad qitlitlyraade : vor'c ' rent by mall , uo canxaiBinpi no nth > np for roplv. 1'lcuiu AUilrcu ! ! llwIVCo. . , I'hllvlolpMf. . I't. hOS-lra WiHV7 > . . > of vooil i\M CM , uilli education nnd iccann , pcbltlou hrrehociin make himself cciu rally n u til ; nut afra'd nt u.nk ; lari > not bo n uc'.i of MI object : coniinii'li'ii \\lnrlc9.ilc hoti'.c proforroil. Itifiirenco ll n and trcurltj if require. ! . AdJrciH"Y.1' llco ollbo 121 Kip \\7ANTRD 13 } a jinmir lady s fuation ta lit ern- t-\l h i o Hork.lKIl Ho aid St. Iff ) ] Ap WAN1 HISltunt Ion at illulnc room Klrl or cham- licnnnlJ bj an exi vrlcnccil Ofrinan Rlrli fpcaks rnni-1 ! , Kn lifh andllennin. Itefirencui u-hcn If desltnl. A.'ilnssA ( iloii'ercarout ( It. tc.iuilr ) :7tli : nnd bt. Mirj-'s n\o , UmahaNob. \\7AIiTKU Hvl \otine iceu , a position cf at j V > kliil , "W tt " iioo olllco llSIIln WiNTl'I ) titnatlcn nscncral ( homonork In u prlvctcfml CalUt 15.0 Uodgo St. WANTED Situation hr o brl ht actnc liiy \cirs of 8ie , nnjthlii ) ; ruepoctable. Addruaa OC3 \ \ hciton St Omaha. 117'ANTEDxiiuatlon aa c'ru , ; clerk lip nn c\- 1 > pcrlonccd ( ioricaii lie speaks no English nJ wIII bi' aitlalieditn ft tunall talnrj. Ailari s 4"C , " licoollico. 117-13JI \\'ANTKI-Situation by \onnR marrlcj man a \T or billclfrl. , In tiiy line , on or before Jinuiry Itt , bcbt ot reference ! Adilicss , E. K , c.rj Canllcld HOUM , Omahi. H6-13p WANTFD Sltuntlcn , by drugcltt of 33.vr.irs ox- In Mni < s.iclnvietta Host of n tcrf rices. AGutbrloCeuter ! lie davs , "DiugKiet , Center llank GutbrloCeuter , lonn. " aaBtKnozrinhip , corrospoiul- cut. Address "SUort-haud" Uio olllcc. OOl-lSp . r-niriiuJ uisn wiuts sltu&tion tf bookkeeper - AJoun.T keeper , \vltolod.\le cpUblUhii.oat la On ht , Addresu " 0. " oaro IJoe. WANTED A lln > of clROis rr groceries for Oma hi and Council \lrjfli \ trail" , tin salary or ommhslon. li. IK. . lice clilco Council Hilda. \7ITANT t.b-1'irtnyaKoore < Xi\i < 3 hoise. App'j ' Vat 2J1 north Ifllh. 101-13p WANTED To iiurcliaso gecoml-hind phielclan' olcctrltflisttcry. AcJJresj DOT Whtatin at Omaha. 135-JSp WANTED- buy a phaeten cr Inupy ; ; must D ? Hrst class and very cheap ; state prlco Uo\ 629 1" O. 12B-17p Will * A.v a nlco- decorated toilet ( or TT ' chamboi ) ee ai Jlootlj'sChina Btorecor. li h and Ua\cnrort > troetJ. 127tl WANTED To rent , roomer suite cf rooms , fur- nlahcd or unfomishod. Address 0. K , A. , 119 . 13th . TX7ANTED A suite ot Intnshoil rocmaand board VV bv6gen < lainanoiidiwir wltlilneasy BOCO a of Io'4ls Opera llauae. AddrosJ P. O. drawer 549C9 9C9 tf [ Two ot three day boarders at 10U WANTED . Itaicireagonable. 916-tf WANTED 10.000 fviillos to try our nelf ri'Irp ; Turo Buckwheat flour nnd ScIf-HtloK Co n mjnl kept by all ( ItBt-c'tt-s grocers. Wo warrant all buckwheat so'd under our brand pure. W. J WKL- SHAN8 & CO. , Jlanutactarors. 811-tf IT ANTKD Lndlcs - uidounp : men to Instnia in VV book 'rseplne : will wait on ha'f payuntll.nitu- atlons are f jrnlshul. J. B. Smith , 1610 Douglas. .i : iIHCKKNa-I > nt a man lu c\orj 1 town In tie state lo iin/ them for cifh. ho 'mites to qua tlty. D I ) . Ilreemor , bujt-r mid hippo cl Game poultry r.d tgga , (01 , 8 3 , S05 , mil h07 H'juard sirtur , Omaha. ' KttfT Uonfl fa { .toil IttNT-Oroomhciu-c , J. I * Hill's Meat Mar. F ket,4HB. 13th &U IM lfl | > JTOU HEST TwofurnislmlrooniHHiitalilo for iijl t C boueo kiepliiKilesirod , 10l7ChieaKo St. ! KI-lfii | U. It HOT -A r ow hou/t 3 rouma o'oa tc , collar FOH , miner 4 < h und Walnut St. Inijulri' Aut' Itanila * , 1 17 Chio.Bi ) St. 183-ll'p ' IJ Oit ur.Nl With bojnl , ouo larijo Juriuslicil r front room , nus niul Ixilli H . oor. nf | . th and Joma 1 l.'J..U * a few tab o boarders waited. 4 HUNT AUrito , b ndsomo'y ' furnished s'cond I710H J frcuit ruou , snutbern uii.o.Hrc , x- co'lont board , JI23 St. Mary's A e 003 13p J , 011 Itr..S7r-rrwo out loin , oiiu of 5 acroa an.l onu 1 1 f7ncrt , biiitablt. . for ( lardcnu "no nf them c wwildbolctforatir no ! jiura CJtflon A. Saunikra , Co. , 11 r l Farn omt. . 14710 f Ij'Oll 11KM' Five hmws , from f ti ? 18 | 'fr mo Q. J'1 iiuo block from red car llnustrn-t cir. O-C ° ' . lln. H. K cor. lith aad Uouttlan. T7 < OIl HKNT-Luce ple'.santf-rnliihcil I aims | n- I' iUlruft | W. curlier lith an i KariiaiuH. JW-rf . 1011 IlI'.NT-Kiirnlslolor Mifurnlsbc.l rooiiiH at ht. 100J Da\oni > 3rt St , betwetn IfJtli and 17tli St. ( I lit Ilouio with rooms , Apjilv isS : H ITAOUUISST 1 ' i ; . - ijrosmiln perfect ordtir , * will r. nt vtholo or part , lurnltui * for sal" uhwp i AjijU 001 UcilRO St. a7 18i' TTtOIUtKNT-HoombfLcii'hlioloriiiiruinKhcd.heit- ' 1 * rl ulth fiunucc , > .th or wlUii'Ut bcvil , ui o , 1819 ChloiK St. , HBNT-Furnl4hed room at ISOt Ilo d FvH IWI.ii | iToT ; IfJNT-Hni'c. of roorcj fdrnlsb a 'or llu'ht 1' ' hotH kooplnir , .irnoccaa = Jonali.v.cant . In lo- w uior'8 hlci-k , cnrnfi 1 h and Howard tu. ' 34 t oil 7011 KENT Furnished rMms Iblb Do.l e. 17 I 141 Jsp J OUIlKNT-Iar/o furnished , hfi't.1 roc in an bu bj r l , ItlirCipltoI AVD. : ' - n * ci < ttiIiHiuiro at ISZi N. ] 0th flr. but. I'tul and tlieimiii. 870 ISp IIUN'T-A Ictnc , 'II * Moo * ( com H fc M IriOll I . W t-er month luijulm cf O. WhalMi , o. K. o t lOHi mu I'M flJ Ht. ' - - "P TtOll XBST-Jil ! Iront rwm lor two K0.tlmen | , ' wnonr 5 iJawh id , at IMS llowarl hi IT'Wl KKNT-furiilJiea ruoma ut 1417 * ' . ' 'tlt.h h'tutt euu * * -"al nn * w Ol Kir * i A . , MM M. Uuo's a pnuui I12.W | iur mouta. * r- T7VoTliti.ST-Furnl : htd rooms , 110 Calllornii bt. r Jim. A. tVde wood. I"l ° i' ilull UhNr-T u"o llnwb , > < ; t " tkcli. . Vi. t eor. H rni > Mil ZCth. b.o Jaiat * * M' ' nt premli.s ' " ' fU'ht roomd , lituat td to ktiB.ti , 014 ktrut. l 'ill HKNT Mr - , , j > rro.i n , K 0 , | r "dt'on ' , ft" 1 I o't.iur ' , r n , ? ! HOIK , t r'0n $12 Sf ins ? ' < i Me ) uuo , p | < " o -rt ] | to I ViH 1HNT MvrocAi , mnTTf i li , r m inn i > licil 7.-mUKS'T-t'oltieothrforM-K. ( , 8 KMSt. In- j < ] uiio u iron j k on su STTIO liiiiil'hid roon ° " " " ' " slw"J * r , rouffiT llrnina III k ltd0 If" ' " UKNT-Nke , uo , front , room. I1 - 10-W Pavrnimt rtt. ( Ml 13 | fOH URST-Ur fir fnmt T.min , Kn Hl A1 iKMt , fioisr ontti ; Z 10C | i1to > Aro. I > M rip I.IIIUHK.VT . .ii-e iiitnlihiil room i thcfc Irnm I1 li\iiMiiftt.Ui'Mf | , < liciintuih | M. f ll t ttth jnif Uon-fortftUi liithl lirtlrroiinlniinrth cliil o ( thn Aniltr * ) ! ! l.lort . , corner l ) 7unroit mill loth HcfotoiHt.icxchinpcil. A | < lr nt room U. . U. Ar.ilerjon. D70 IDp TOllllVNrSiiltoffiirnl li .V .U , only ono nnJ lull bloc from l' < st otll v OS ? milth Irrnt furiiM oj ronm ; lthcofi.t ! niul 8ta > o Apply 1110 Clil ire st 07S.13p { 1 .1OII llP.NT-Btoro room 1S1I Ktnaai St , ulth ir Htlhcdl Illlllatil talilirt Iiy I'Mihua .t 0 > . . 1 .1.1 [ jrtmni St , 007 tl JT OK HKMT 1'lcJsint ( urntthtil rooms 1707 > , a . . St- ) P5I-ISp ti Oll I'.II.W-D.iiiiablofiiriiUihcd room 111 Kn l li St 055 13 , , IJ "H 11KNT-Micro ImlMIri ; with rc ldcri i nil for - $ Zi. | icrinoi.tniii good location. V. U 'Ihnmas. D.10-11 IOil HUNT tnrpo Riiuthtmt roum , larRO biy A ? ltuow ! clo ct , llro place nml liatli room prhl- loKovhiiiHonml furiiltiiro non ; ( Ola. uuth Mreot , ono bl.-ck north o'Sf. JlarjV lucimu , Oiaif ij olt HKNT lumlfhoil or un'mnlshrd ' rooms.ncw 1 brick block , comer 10th nnd ChlraKO fit POI-JinSp NT A nlno room him < c ; iiosirati o OCA- tloti ; SlO ptr month , llarkir .t Mayito. OOOIf FOU llKNT-KliRmtn furnUhed tanim , cnsult , M W. corner 17th and CVDDjflB "IT/IOll / HKNT ruth nmr St. llarj's a\e. , now cot- r I AID four romiif , closets , pnntri , cvlltir and hall. Call 217 Hjulli liitli _ _ SOPH FOUllKNT-C'oUnco ol three roomj , il.1 ami ClarK Erects. Inqnlrncf O cn McCaDrov , lithsml Doughs , or nt H. K. Cor. J.iclawn and lOtli. bSStf. "S ? > 0t' KENV Furnished room MHI boanl J5 HO per X' ueek. Very best location , 1SU Da\cnpon. J 17 Jan Ip 1T\OII \ UKNT lic-vtcottsRo 3 looiiin. 1-fcl' ' , pantry JC1 e ! < nct and collar , S12.SO , ila-i other clioap ton D. L. 1 lioniiH. : BlS-tf I71OII ltiNT : House with riranmHitnil burn. An- 1 pUtnl1. Wlls.No. 012 soUh 10th St T Oll liKNT One sl\ room lionise on Slsi'aud liar A. II. Glvlttonc. 7DMf FOH ItKNT- room hounii , line yard , Pnrk a\o. /.JIKS , IBC7 Caronm fit. 71)1 ) tf TTTOll 1'IINT 7 room brloic tioiisi' , barn , ttell I nnilcHlorn111 rent cheap to the right tenant r sell on oasj montaly iiiyincrittj. AMICdH07r.trnam Btrect. 7tl2-tf rOU HUNT Knrnishi-d rooms brlcli block , nioJorn J ? improvement' ) , ono block from 1'oat olllco , S VY. corner Mh ncd Capitol ac. . C37-30p FOH HK\T A niw bouse of 10 ronmsauJ Unrn , hard and noft wati-r ; on I'Ark atcnno , 2 blocks roni I' street. Inqulro 01.1 l-arn&m. ItlOtf FOB KENT Four room.cjttaKO G. 10th bt tcriUajue. 088 tf fjlOU K' : ' > T ToRentlerctn only , pleasant fnj. JC nLjhcd room , S. K. corner -Oth and louilai FOH KENT- Elegant 11 room houst , hard nnd oo.'l vatn/iUnndcrn Impjovemcnts , hwt locution In city 070. Barker & M j nc , 13th and Farnam. S22-U FOU EI T Two niooly furnished front r oni3 Itn' or without board. btovcoin each , 1318 Capitol MC. 070-dec-Mp KENT Two cloKant rooma In Houc ! ! { ' hlsik. FOR I'ATilubn A Co. , 1613 Farnam. StZtt K3Nr Kurnlsboa front room Jov-icnt 221 N FOU 10th St 115-tf R001S3 T7ith board , doi > rub or Muter- Apply at St. Chaifes Hetcl. HC'tf FOr. SALE. rjATii : Nov Walnut bed iooai tf , IO-bi3u FOH cheap , must lo sold by tr-o ITIh , vcr 2W south 14th bt. IflS.Wp > OIlSAIE-Ilonsoanfll t re .vl- D loins ho Baptist church bmldioE. 1'orms rca- onaiile. Uallon A Saundira & . Co. 1 'J-18 Street property for Bale , lliJuot two ITlAUfAM I Jst ol No * Court houso. A. fcaundorn .t Co. g-18 _ ro-.HAI.K- ! anil ssoonJ hanJ-if-ir Jteue and t ? Bto\cs,2112Cuming8t. VJS-ITp 7\PK.SiLKOIlTt/VDE-Kor \ | / a cow , nearly new P C il nd h < atluiati\o. ) Acdrces B , A. J. , Boo Iliaa. ISSMSp _ - 1 dollxory wagon , irtfoct JnncliTOtm' FORSADK- : : part olntorc. Hoorn SC i.N. ] 0th. Utsf. _ SAI.KC0xl05 feet en r ixnln-r strfot 3 Mooks FOK of SItllt .ry liiidye , Jl.fldJi Juhn : i.irai ! ( 'uo , oppcailo I's-l oIlLc. 17 < OIl SAI.K 18'xl24 feet on corner , south-east 1' 'io' i , bmisa .1 looms , batn , 3 bloc ! : * west of Park a\e. and Liemoiti ) , e sy jiaj.Afnti , i heap S1/7CO. / John I/ . cgiieopp.3'tol'o ' 0lll . - . 108-tf OU SALE Twolrtjtonlooria a\3.ati uroat F bar"n'n. , Al'Ollnorcslclsnco on 1'aili jvo.clierip. 1'OTthll A COHII 1516 FariibmM. " " -tf jiOll SAljK Two h > m < ioirnJ lot.o > i Hniury ati I 2id 1 , lirlcKln$10 | ICLS per month. KPW Ynik Dry goiiil _ _ 'L ' WALK Ilcrni'f , nril.o , 1'arie.M aoil wi ona 1 oiipnoortwojoarJtiii.L- i-stat * fvcurlty . UlhomM. Mi-tf rpuKBALKOIlKXCIIAJjaK-AtaiU poi ftcru all f or jiart of two tiioiwsn nates of tnnt-e' land , forty roilo" east of KvniiCltj , wll en banco for Ncbraal : * land or uiaicMindlio. lieulnd , Bouer a lla' U. fr"ct' ' SAI.K tloii'o 1 } rooms ) and l&ur lots. Wll FOU \ ehiap In order to pit t.'omodl.tH ch nj [ o socnoaftonleathcf r.iy cnlld , T. K. 1'ailitt , Q * olllcs. TMdocia THOU SALf-Chc : i' , p mco Vrooia oottajofull lot ? on ( jrado , rity tcr0th clntJ , h ! f ft tiout 8 , oJLonenwnrth , wcitsUlo , twy. U. I o. ( jro- r iSd nnd Ij vcn lorth btirct. ftO-t OU OALB A vsholu tock-of cuothlnif , bxtm.n I1 Bhocs , hidldiiiKH ftt corf , rotirlnB from > -.nliie s. . II. l'eter on 80-t south Tmith atruot. 113-3m Ono VnknnilWlili B'tlerdc , hcn lew JOST oncoi : i miikoil II. A Honn i , JI3H. 13I.V . Hndor will hurtWfttdnl | i\ in uriihix " " " ° ' ° W IIonmii,3l3 i. Bt. 1M-U , _ , \ ml loither pucLet bv k cgit lnlii | , ' > ' > t- J ten bi-toiixinir ts l. ( A hmlth Vinder p ns Km cat tliii-uiuioanOircoilvo reward. ODD Id Il.l MIl' . O cm IttUiK.jobblnK pouiptly Mt'ndoil tjl JIN. I.ti ( ( i. Jtihn J. Uavunuiili. H > -J-'P- ( \ -KlHt-faH ! Uoard and Uds { I pur ' rcli ati BO\ltW o. 7bOItS7p : STHA.YBD - * Rri > hniBO , 4 j ' .vi old iiiirl nn oitf n t rt Icii llbtudj tobaru l lti andCarjOirftha . . . , OT. , , ' tilo-Ji o.-UU'lod . 'IKADK-nnlnUI ' by Kocd. runchv ' * 'a ' inpvt'cilv 'Jut U luaku u M. /.Iflfrn * * ijiacho.Mtif \ ± Of. AUI.SKK'fJ ADDIFIOV 'Ih'sncw ' viaitloo wlo- ( in the nortlmwi i it ot tfcuilty , . wbuio but lilt o .fra-lli K l iii > oernry , bu' . vjim Ki ljl\\ll from 2 tiillfcU ubovi.4'iuli ) Tt' BUoeV i ar uro non ruAnitiK tlirouxli It jr.u by M , , / . 1 ; IMS , will lu toiiiicLV'l ' MI lit o riinji'iBrn hULtl ur li u which will ( U'l-iirur. 6 ininnlu i r/llitcelitHarufUtdoHM at low iVnrii Forta't 5) lu'iluc ' & Co , JJ I'.ir. naiu tiui.t- hhMf ANIIH' > HB.l'OU.S ' liY-108S ! , llth etn-ut. IltWM , 111 H. < 4t. II Katca li i'urt lou. 878JitnS 'VAKI-N < l' ( > bbrk hunti four vhito fcft. i whltt luxXKOSimtti lllll Ht. tQj.Mluw i'.i mi. ir uuU - cm apixiU duaiiwl at tbi txit lutloand&t ai.j Uuio of thod&y , In AH eotiul ) ' ' fiV' a .iy v tticut Vhj lta t laoloi'Ulcn tooLup. fc or Kritor . with our luiprovcu and odurluoo npjajr .ii . A. Eni It Co. , 911 \o. ( Hr/OOESSOI'3 TO JOIIM 0 , JACOES ) UNDERTAKERS I