comblnlnR Iron with "p ctiitiio tonli , "jiilPitly ntul romriieti.'S' I'lin-f. l\ | iriiln , inilldi-stlfiii , \ \ i nhncft liiiriiinlttiKiitiMnliirlii , ( hills tin J 1'iMcrt , * ml > cm-nl lii. Uisnn unlallJngntruly for IHvoftHiof 'ht Klilnon mill l.lvrr. 11 is In\olimlie ] fur tl ) oa'iO pornllAr U IVonioiit ami nil Ml < Icml fcdcntnr > ll\rs Itnocitiotlnjiiro tlicti.ctli.nuisclioiiilnpli" " pmdurn PniKlltnttlnn nlh < r Jrnn meihcinrf . ' i Jlctirlclie niil imrlfk" ) tlioMooil.Mlmulatis Hio npt tltcnlil3 the n lmllntloii of foo'l , ro \\e\cs \ llenrtlmm ntid liolditt ] ) ! , nnJ ttrcng ? > tin the tnn cloi ntid nonet f'"r tntennltitnt Ichors jiuiUiiU , T.iclrcr ' crtrv , Ap , 11 lia tiiu'ijna1 * STlir.Rf milne tm nlioMMrn V nid f - ' t i-- . . ' re. ) ! inr i \TUiiJKt Inli nmii ) i v' . o.l- > , , IIUMIV1 , IU1II " 1. CO , IIILIirMU - M onwei in its BRQAD GLAIh VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Ever offered to tlioDubllc. HAMBUKG-AMEEIOAN OffiEOI LUtK FOR EKQLAKD , JTRANCE AND OERUANY. Tht Blonmehlps ol thla well-known line are bnllt ol ItoUi In wntot. tight oompirtmente , and xro tarnish- aJ with every requisite to make the jinssago both 8 to and ngrcokblo. They c rry the United Htttea und European mallu , nd leave Now Turk Thurs- dnye undsaturdajg for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Chor- bouiR , ( I-A1U3) ) nnd HAMIJUHO. Bates : Steerage ( rom Europe only 818. First Cabin , $116 , $85 ud 976. Steerage , { 20. Henry Pundt , llark Uuiacn , F , B. UoorM.M. Toft , iKentaln Omaha , OronewcR i SchoeutRon , agents In Council Blufla. C. D : IlICUAHD k CO. , Uon. Pusa Agts. , 01 Broadway , N. T. Cb&3. Kozralnskl ft Co- denerM Western Agants , 170 Washington St. , Chlca 0IU. , tea Helical InsU ' . Chartered by theGtateof 111' . iSvnuis ( or thee.tpresspurposa /fof Civmpimmcdiatc rellcliC all chronicunnary ana pri- 4&i&d > < w&&HpecloiJ'raetlce , Seminal Weakness. IJiuiu Lo3 < ; i. . . by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , jioiKiec'i/cured , TAer6 ttiiocjCEcriinentiinl' The appropriate rt.r.cdy rj at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- icics sent by Mail and Express. No marks on pacitaee to indicate contents or sender. Address , JAMESNo. 204WashnolonSI.l ! Of B fn Tor U > n , Quick. inr , nf . Hook flM. V I VIJ IX CUIll Alioc ; . 1W Pultou a L , New York , Health is Wealth ! | > Do. E. 0. WKBT'B NBUTI AHD BEAM TBBABUHNT , a rnaranteed Bpeclflo for Ilyatorla , Dlitinesa , Convnl- along , Kits , Nervous Neuralgia , Qoadaoho , Nervous Prostration caused by the use of aloohol or tobbacoo , Wakclulncal , Mental depression. Boltonlng ol the brain , resulting in Insanity and leaplue to misery , decay and death , Fromature Old age , Baronosa , loaa olpowor In either B9z , Involuntary Loasca and Sper- atothorn caused by ever cxerttontof the brain , Belt- abuse or over Indulgonoo. Each box , contains one month'a treatment. ? 1.00 a box.or all bottles for 99.00 , tent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To ome any caao With each order received by ns 'toi Blx'bnttles , acooinplllhtd with SB.OO , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money" lithe treatment does not effect a cure , dnar antooS Issued only by JOHN C : WEST k CO. , Jy XS-mfte-ry 882 Madison 8b. , Chicago , 111. JAS.H PEABODYM.D. Physician & Burgeon Reilldenoe No. 1107 Jones St Office , No. 1B09 Fai natn strwt. Ottlco houra 12 m , to I p. m. and ftom \a 8 p. tit. Telephone for otlloo 87 , residence 125. TIIi"lC : V.\l , HAVANA" IN . ' RELIABLE FAIR ' SQUARE - WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. In - . I'rlrc. t Iwl'l ' J1 ? Jol'i' ' ( ' i Sj ? . 10.-JI , ' Mnldoii luue. : . v . City. l.uvil I * > it l'ulll liliiK J' , " . . H ? alil by Khoik on llrookl it Hank. I In M 1167. July 51 , 1SS I. Ticket No.Wfil. CnplliiUMz heM liy So > ere Arm IB. URttr Mitn - fttiturer. Ki-y Wt-st , rioili n. I'1 ' il'K.Or 'v J , . \r liiitiorlira anil Truilm1 Niitloual Bank , N..1. , n il.iult ot Key \Vt8t , yia. in ilrnwInKCImi 1187. Sci > t.aOl l. Ticket No.21,118 , niiiltul I'rlif , nolil by Umlnuir , 181 Jlen-or t. , J . V City Not nulliorlAl to ese iinino iiml ndilresi of .luT. ' 1'nlil by chei'U on llrooklj n Hank. Tl"ltot No. f.OT. hocDiiil Capital 1'Hzu. nolil lijr BRcnt t imi -it vU o. Tcxiw. JloM onolmlf liy Fi-rnaiuKi u iiii.l ono half bv O , , Folluliie. Jlataim.nn. Sli Ooll cu > il tliniiiKll llloomlK-rK J llnjiliacl , 6 , WorthOoll Woo.r arU & btillmuu , J < cw 1'osl ) ! Vhlr.1 Cnpltnl Prl/o. hcl.1 . ono hall Mh 8l.,8 < i. Ilrookl > nN. Y..IIIW n J-'ran EXTRAORDINARY CLASS 1174. BEOEMBEH , 20 , 1884 1'ltI/LSt ti8 l'rltr , a nlmTC.lcln the full number In thii lloj nl IIiiMtnii , iiud , , . . . ' U ) Aildltliinul I'rUt'S of $10 rarli to the 133 tlokots litvtiiKuiirmllniiiiuinlHrri the lwi > tonn InaluidlHvf thonumlivrilruntiiiMhoCa- ) } Itull'rltoot 1.W ! ) . * 1.- < J7S l'rUt'8 , amounttiiR In U B geM to. . 931,1- Wbol8i. ; Hihli , K.60 ; Trs-Sftii , ; CsSftht All rrlvrn l > l'l > ' prrivulullou of llckui nllltoul duUuflhin. , , , , TUu uiilr Hiliitt ul lljln cltnriii-H-r In wlilc niuiilpuliillvu U liupaimllilp. Tim JIcUi liulilcrnuvilH iionui > i < rtUur , imliolliin llntiuiii ( HUtlltl l.lut tlfcldi-H Ktui llcUft. ami asfciilM nro ititlliorl/ml lout Ibo orUliml 1UI lu cunlilnu prUuii. ACI'.NTS r.VKUYWlllSUK. tickets , eta , uiiply to | SHIPSEY COMPANY ; llroudwuy , N. Y. Cltf , HE. Ivatib & Co , 417 Walnut , St. Lot Mo , , or Frank Li btano , 1' , 0. : Drawer WyftaJotte Knuuas. fiL FEMININE FOIBLES , The Monrnfnl Wail of a Fatter tf Nineteen Girl BaWs. AVho Look "ns You lift n llicy USCM ! to bo" Sonio Uustlo About n Hunt Interesting Gossip , Tuo Much Girl Ilnby , A man was found Bitting on tlio horao block In front of the Wakcticld manolon the other day looking as if ho did not have a friend in the world. 11 o was de spair itself , and n benevolent citizen who wna passing kindly laid hia hand upon hia shoulder nnd said : "My poor fellow , what ails you ? " "Oh , lifo to mo la aweary burden. My heart la ejck and nero ntul my brain ia tired. " "Why , man , what haa happened ? " "Enough enough to drive ino-to thu lunatic oaylum or my gravo. I had the responsibility of perpetuating the name of my family throat upon mo by fate , and twenty ycara ago , full of lusty llfo and blooming hope , 1 married and sot mysell to the task. A ycnr brought forth ' here ho broke into n fit of trooping , "Bnught forth what , my good man1 ? "A girl. A girl to grow up and perpetuate - potuato eotno other fellow's namo. " "Ah , woll1 You , ohould have boon couragooua. " "And 1 waa ; but when the dying leaves wcro rustling mournfully in tin first chill blasts of winter of the second year , another girl wna born. " "Do not despair my friend. " "Bat for nineteen long and iroary years , the aolstlc has como and the sun lias looked down from hia heavenly heights upon a now-born girl. " "But you should continue to hc-po. The solatic ia not yet here and this year may bear rich fruition for your faith. " "No , wo have just prepared for tht c nnlnff of the solstic , and it ia " "A " girl ? "Two of them. Hope la dead in my poor heart , and the petals of expectation's llowcr have lost their fragrance and turuod to aahoa. Now have you' the gall to bid mo still to hope ? " "Alas , alas ! I have not. It might bo three next time. Go suicldo and end your swift accumulating foea.Through ( Mali. Girls nt Fifty. It ia n singular fact that the peasant .imo the American stage Is made famous , except in ono or two Instances , by IxUeo who have not ouly passed their thirtieth rear but who are verging slightly on the iecimal above it. Many of these The still are drawing in the largest possible returns from the public are ladles with ; oodly families and most of them with devoted husbands. Thus look at all the rears that Majjgio Mitchell has boon play- ng Fanchon. She seems still as pretty and frisky on the stage as when she first started in that popular part , but Mia tfaggio Mitchell is now fifty-one years of ago and does not propose to leave the tago for three cr four years to como The three or four younger ones who may bo mentioned are Minnie Palmer , now in her twenty-fifth year ; Mies Mary Vnderson , who is nearly twenty-seven ; Jijou Heron , who ia but twenty-one ; Ada Rohan , who is but twenty-tour , and Alfa Norman , who is twenty-six. There ia Mra. John Drew , the long- imo manager of the Arch street theater n Philadelphia , and still one of the b'esb ' old school comedy actresses in tjho world' . 5ho is sixty-three years of ago. Mine , liatorl ia sixty-five , and Mrs. John Hooy ; who long ago pleased the swells of her imo In the novel comqdiea that came rom England , , - ia fifty-nlno. Lydla Thompson , who Is not on American , but who made most of her money here and will como baolc for a short time , la yet quitd handsome at fifty-three , and that Is ho precise ago o ! Mrs. D. P. Bowers , lose Eytingo , who has been four times married , is forty-eight , and Ellio Gormon , who has been sis times married , ia forty- oven. The charming Mrs. Kaufman , who has nst lost her husband , and who is now a heiress has just luartor-of-n-mlllion , urned forty-five and Clara Louise Kol- oag , that most charming of American song-birds is forty-two. Miss Charlotte Thompsonwho Is about , o play a young part again , to-morrow night , is forty-one , and Adolina 1'atti , who hns reached the ago when most prl- ma donnaa rotirogiving muoto lasaons , ia now , on her own showing , forty-four , years of age , while Christine Nilssou , lometimo her rival. Is but two ycara lees in ago. lloao Wood , once a great favorlto Hero , numbers'ho3 yours at thir ty-eight ; Mias Ellen Tarry , who can play the young woman of tragedy is. a grandmother. Itwas in 1800 that Eliza Woathwoby first skipped on the otago of AV-ood's museum , where Doly'j now stands. She was then a bright young girl , and haa managed to keep he * brightness if nether her girlhood , all thcao years. Shs.seems an infant still , but. her years number thirty sis. Lotta , whaso name Charlotte - lotto Crabtreo , Is. thirty-nine jcars of ago , and the statues quo Davenport , who Is still so beautiful as Fedora , is thirty- four years of ajo. { Alllco Haarlson , who has strangely disappeared from the stage I for the last year or so , is thirty six years of ago , nnd Dicky Linear J , the clover sister of AMico Dunning , and now the wife of Dfivid Dolzlol , the jlevor odiloj of the Chicago News-Letter , ia thirty- seven years of ago. .Sar * J wott who still plays young hcao- . int'B and even young girls on the stage of the United Square theatre is now thirty- seven years of age , and Maud Harilson , her sister In all , twenty-seven. Stella Boniface , who haa been missed from the boards of Wallack1 theatre since she loft them , is but twenty-eight , and the pres ent loading lady of that idoatro , Miss Roea Coghlan , hi thirty six. These are the names that occur for a moment , and of whom it may bo said thai the computa tions made are undeniable. It way be interesting by-and-by to add a few more to their number , and also to tell the years of the loading aotora.IJthcso Trno , like Lester Wallack and Dion Boucicault , still hold enthralled largo audiences and ploy young men of twenty-five. [ N , Y , Journal. AOrns ilo Agnliiht Cliowors. Thirteen charming young women o Newark , N. J. , have organized a cam palgn against young men who chow to bacco. Miss MoIlU Carleton is ono o the prime movers In the cause. She Ia i blonde cf medium height , with lusclou crimson lipa , languishing blue eyes am winsome facn. Talking about the cru Bade eho aald : "Wo all like to go to balls and socia gatherings and to have real nice youn men as partners In the sot. But hoi horrid It is to diicovor when you ar swinging with a partner that hit teot are discoloritd with tobacco juice , an that hia breath la tainted with the nast stuir. I'gh , I shudder when 1 think of it. I do not oljecl to a your.g man smoking a cigar , If it ia a good one , nnd not too strong , or if ho takes n whiff nt a delicate cigarette in n promenade. That is genteel dissipation , but to fill ono's mouth with filthy tobiceo , and then kits the pure lips of n woman is is oh , 1 can't find words to express my horror. " Miss Gertie Fenuor , n piquant little brunette , whoso sparkling black oycs ap peared to emit eparka of electric fire , hero came to the relief of the fair orator. She said that aho had had three different young men , who wore real nice looking , kiss her , while their breath "smolled of that awfully , awfully nasty tobacco. " For ever n week thereafter aho was con tinually rubbing her lips with n hand kerchief to wlpo oil' the tnint of the tobacco-tainted kiascs. She would "novor , no never , " associate again with n younn man who "chawed the weed. " N. Y. Star. The "tt'omler or tlir Golden Horn. Sarah Althca , Hill of the famous law suit against Senator Sharon , is of medium height , wlll-dovolopod , wllh n lithe , trim figure. She gives nt first tight the Im pression of n woman who io nbundantly nblo to take care of herself , and yet the expression of her face and hsr attltudee are very womanly , as though she lacked confidence and wcro appealing for cup- port. Her features are regular , her face oval. She is neither blonde nor bxunotto , with dark brouu hair , which ( sallowed tc fall in graceful waves over her full'round forohrad. Hsr most attractive fcituro is the full brown oyou. Her nose Istlear cut , and hormomh ia also resolute ID the habitual compression * of her lips ; but this is oomowhat belled by n alight droop nt the corners , ai though an originally fine will had been overlaid by a strain of voluptuounnoss which weakened and coarsened It. Her whole manner showi nervousness and vitality , San Francisco- Chorniclo. How a "Male Measurer" Tackled Bis Fh'DJ Fuli'OUwaromcf. Writing of Ullor made garments for women , "Clara Belle , " in the Cincinnati Enquirer , thus describes how a young "male measurei. * " tackled his first pretty customer : " t-t-this - ' ' oaid the "St-st-step ttthisrrwway1 tailor. And whsn ho had stood her in front : of n mirror , taken up bin tape line and called a boy to note the fignres in a book , ho remarked in a sickly tone : "Don't bo alarmed rnisa ; I won't hurt you at'all. " Ho harm her ! Che afraid of hba ! A derisive , disconcerting amiia- played on her lip like a ray of sunshine on a dish of ice cream. Then he tremulously held ono end cf the tape on her shoulder and ran it down her arm to the wrist , > bm- mering ont the nurcbsr of inoho ) that the distance measured. The boy looked up in questioning surprise. 1 'Whnt'ya givin' me ? " ho muttered. The poor bailer scomsd pnlsiod. Ja an natant the girl and I gaoaaed what was out of kilter. The bust mcaairo ocgkt , o bo ascertained first , and the urchin wasn't going , to lot hisi forgot it. A mcker nearly got nut of our months , and the girl's expressive- efforts she had littla jonynlsions cf physique which' ' further Dismayed the tailor. But aho oalrnly jaaed on him , , in demurer inquiry , so so- uiBurlngly that , , ho mucterod a grainof losperate coujrago and encircled her with ; ho line , dropped the end of it twice , ac cidentally cheeked her tinder the ohinr iron nearly paralyzed by that small raio- iSjvi regained- partial -somposaro , got 'lightened ' agahu.when the tightening.of tie line provotlitbat-8h&-Wisn'iins Iwrd 10 a block ofwood , bn > itenly , d-Bolaiad , kat ht\Jjeggo bher pardon lot nothing n particular , committed' a real ofiansa by stspplng hoaviiy'on her loot , aad'finally jfcve what I bolibTe wa& the marost oad ] wildest guess t ier/glrtin In that man- ae ? the lueaoaramontB contlcaadi Ha tvas freckled at the outert/ but before the inlsb the whold ef bis face waa- redder ; hoa the freckle had baen , oxjcnt where i a damp brow waa conia3tingwhitohiD ; ; lands were almost as uncontrolled a these af & St. Vitas dancer , his bsoati.-was : * ted nigh unto euifocatlon , and ho-stood ike an empty sack that aoaaeboi < T ; waa [ sat letting goiol. "Th-th-thaife nil nom-mitu " said ho - - , - , , "and I h-h-hapo 1 Ji-b-havec't incaavwi- ionced youl" "Not in the least , " shc solcmnly re plied , "yon Save amused me. " Tliitupcd 'ty a. A'aiU8. ! A fashiocftHy droascd young zaau , with an abundance of cane and a plethora of jewelry stood upon Main straot near Paaaaic avanuo in Patterson , 15. J. , on the afternoon of Cwember. Gth. Ho em ployed hiotimo with ogling the- pretty girls who passed and gadng into a show window that refected hia elegant form. An exceedingly handsome gi : ) , taste fully attirca , came down the street. The young Qftn saw her from afac and prepared - pared himself 5or a ccn.\aoal. ( Ho bal anced himself on ono foot , arranged his nocktia so th3 diamond piu would glare , more brightly and' put on , hia aweotest smilo. The ban Jsoino girli waa walking brisk ly by whoa ha put out &s cane acd Biuiporod ; uAh ! good evening , Miasl" "What 'you imudent ] ] puppy/'hcroamod the young lady , us she < irow back in line John L. Sullivan style and struck ont-ior the would-bo chirmcr. The blow cr.aalit bba on the chiaiind 10 tiinpod and , fell bosk-ward in n cou.- used heap. "you'll ' kn w bitter next timj , " ' no- marked the girl as she coolly pncsed. . oa , The aatonished youth picked hiinoell pamid tba jeers and laughter of'a laigo crowd and mailed into a salooiito eocape ae notoriety. Ho llatl No Muaio In EUo Sovil , "Woll , I'm bleat if that nlo't the iggest exhibition o' gall I evoc see ! " ox lalmed Llttleno , when ho ecolved a bil or services rendered by his daughter's music teacher ; "it boats all what an amount o1 cheek some folks have' Here's hat Solfa fellow wants 530 fcor teachin' ' Sary Ann lessons on the piaiuiy. Cheek Why , It's a downwright swindle 1 I'tM seen 'em when thov didn't know I w ! round , and there Saiy Ann would wsrk away for a hull hour until she were cuua < most done up entirely , and that J'ro 'osaor Solfa , as ho calls himself , did n thin jut set and look on and listen to th ( tnuaic. Gueas , if auythin' , ho eves mi suthln1. When ho gpts § 50 out o' mi lio'll know It , that's all. " [ Bostoi Transcript AVoll I'alretl , So many twins have been born ii Connecticut since the first of JanutCrj that physicians In that state call it th twin yoar. But a double blessing h no without Its bane , A Bridgeport man became came the happy father of two health ; babies on ono day , and the next ho faile In business. In the gieat garno of lid as well BB in card * , two of a kind ofte cause financial disaster , BELIES IN A BOWLING ALLEY , Society talies Mali. 2 Ten-Strikes A Sport Tlmt Affords Wnro fun anil IMcro t linnccH for li'llrtatlon ntul Cotiticsts | ' .Ttintt Ullllatils or Archery N. Y. Herald. t > $ With the advent of winor ! the Indies nro looking for now amusements with which to divert themselves during the long months which must olnpao before they cau bloom with the ( lowers in now Kaotor bonnets. The raodoru girl Is nothing If not sportive in her tondoucico. She cultivates a paasfon for athletics , as her great grandmother did for the spin ning-wheel , and IB an adopt with the bil liard ctio na her venerated maternal grandparent was with the spiadlo. Al ready aho has carried herself in the pursuit - suit into sporting realms with n reckless ness that n generation ngo would have raised the hah upon paternal heads in holy horror. The American girl is in fact dashing nnd diatoaod t bo n trille faat. She can TOW with- her father en nny placid mere cave in ono or two instnnccH , sht > haa never boon soon at the oars In rough water cai > beat her brother ut 1 dlctanco swimming , and dislrncts her lovers with a'wintomo grace at archery nnd billiards. Having exhausted the novelty of these sports , with the usual ficklcucoa of L r eos ho goes in search o. ' now cporting worlds to conquer. In con retention last week with tiu old teacher of athletics , a Stnr reporter gained the knowloicdgo with whioh to answer that oft put masculine question : "What will girls do next ? " "All young ladieo lova the sporla that | their tultors and brothers love , " observed the old man Eagely , replacing on a shelf a pair of Indian elate , whioh aomo girl pupil had l ft on the tloor. "In the nncioiit tames all the girls went to the Olympian raws as they do now to college rowing matches , aid rewarded the victors ivtth the sweetest nmilea. In mcdorn tlmca it has como to pass that thdy not only admire but haitate. Moro than half my pupils nro of the gentler sex , and I h M > to sy. . for them they loan more rulckly than men do. Just now a ta te is dovelopicg for bow ling. " "la that to bj the rage1' asked the ro- porte ? . "Yaa , lir co , * was t o reply. "Ion fellows must oipoct by and by to have the yirla aak yon to tnlco them to the bowllc" ftlloy in. the same dalicate way they nov/ lure yet > into an oydter parlor. Before spring ii > will have besomo the rago. iksady -78rnl privnto bowling clubs tnvo boon * orgnnirad among the young ladiea of thia city , and thay begin to play beautifully , . ! toll 3 u. There ia ono lad ? I cell to rpind , the eldest daagh- tet of promkaent alderman nhe'a a boautjl" "If Bho it boautrlclj can't you iessribo her ? " aaied Jhe reporter.- "A boaniy at bov/ltng , I taenn. Aa for a personality a clearbright foeopioither hundsoxte nor homely , but good i * ? ' Jook at. Sba haa been recently marri'j-d , and wears that winaoms ) inaiuro cir , the newly nr.rrlad incumbent xoon them to aeaumo. Cray oyca full of thought ; o mass of rish , darX ltairr plain ly arranged ; a graceful fox - - a t'aat'u all.1 Is til'b'eiprt growinfe ? " I already'inow ofwxj 'in the ! > city , ctw aJiliem. composudoaiirply of young peopb ressd- ing in the neighborhood aJi lioiington. ivenno and3hlrty-foaith ttreet. 3n , the. > asomca ' of the houae of one of1 its dzjn- > ers has beoa fitted sp n cociplote bowi ng allcjiwhaie tho..aiollldd. thanderol ho balls may bo hoassinlmoit every oven - ng. They sail theraielvcs Icdy. Knight s f the IHneyin , and are vory. proud c f their proficiency In. this new sport. I wan talking with one of the Tivatioi js mombsroa faw dayn vgo. She kifernv jd mo that th young aon cf 'the sarno o ir- clo had foicaed na. oppcaition , bowll ng clnb under the name oft Soinr ich ludson's- Cheats , Mid hid challanj ; ed heir Jaic epponeuia to a matchi gams on Christinas eve. The ladies have so aatutaly warded lisir accoptaaaa of thb challaaige. that whither the bojs. Mi ) i or cso ihey saust j ay for a. supper to be served aherword. ' "a oihor parts of , ' * continued- the old athlete , "it is growing to be tha , iroppr form for a dozen ar nero youcg Deopjo of both eases tchiru a bo irllnj illay for one or two evaninpe. each weoi. Ouu drawback la that these n > loys , Trhich. . uca hired for f 3:00 : por-nightr are gonosv ally attached ts. aaloona. Hut the great est privacy : stipulated for on tfcoao nlghta , and the proprioton ccnaientloje- y. SOBS that t'.io club obtains- . The bar unot patronksd , save when ono or two yptuig men slyly dieappoaj for a few mo- nonts.Vwb the lywth of n tas'a for : hia game , however. , this jaloon dliL'culty will bo nbr'ated , aivl > handsomely Utteci ip bowling alloys oaltbllshed in tha. jaaeincntB of. private houses , f-avornl athletic clabe are already agitating the question cf putting up rJloya and inviting : heir lady friends to play there , < ( i time it will become as cuotomary for n man to aavo an r ley in his house as a billiaxd- > " 100 Doaea Oiio Dollnr" la t.wa only of Hood's ' Sureapasilla , and it is oa nnu- awornb/o orgurtCiit M to str-uigth and ccouoriy. AFTER TWENTY V13AK8. A. 7ii' < ) tlic-Ii. ) ( > H ] Miiriiotl'.ls Dc d Allvo I few Yost Journal , "Wau it a surprise iat a ej jjbculd ny so. If eittar wy dear fatlior or mother had appcarsJ to mo I ooulc lot bavo bseu moro dumfonndod thnn when I wa * confronti J by my broVior ths othoi day , " admitted John Orockor , u Urooklyu , a trainoi at Brighter * Hooch "My brother reaeubiea mo cloa-Jj' . " "Wo had uot aean each othe > for twen ty years , " the traino * added. " When the wai broke out the Groske family resided ia. Brooklyn. Among ite membera were two brothero , EJwwd n < John , Johu enlisted in tha union array. Ilia jslativea received no lotto from him. Soon'aft 7 the battle of Anlletam John waa reported killed in the engagement Ihe Boldlor waa raourrod &i dead. "I wasn't killeu , " Crocker assorts. " waa wounded , and when I recovered wandered about. I had no reason for no writing homo. When I returned t Brooklyn my parunta were dead. I coul not And Edward , " Edward , however , aettlod in Troy , H It well known as a Burling man through out wwUm New York. Recently h fit ! -T < O in Albany. A lew dnys ago a Rlrminr nskcd hint 'In your naino Crocker ? " "It Is. " "Well , you're the Hring inngo o/ your brother. " "You must bo mistaken. The only relative of that kind lh t I over hid WAD lulled eighteen years agn. " "Kxcuso , " persisted the atr.infer ; "I'll wsger thftt yon nnd John Crocker , of Brooklyn , ore I'rothcrs. " Edward Crocker visited the r\co : course nnd found his brother. The scene bo < twccii the two brothers when ttioy mot was very ntriUtig. At ( irnt the men stnrod nt o.vsh ether almost with suspi cion , then their fneoa rolnsoil iaro atnilca. After thnt they were moiatoned nbout the i'j'03 mid Simlly a hearty hnnd-shako ad n cordial hue. John Crocker will re main nt Urf hton 13eniti ! , ulthoa h hia brother wnuts him nt Albtuy. A , 3UKK GUI 34 FOUND AT iA3TI KO O.V3 NXKl ) fcUKFtTl. A 3-jro euro for JJhiitl , Blprdlrg , Itching nnd TTlconled IMlw liar born difctworcd by Dr. Willi.Mno ( an Iiuliivi ltciniily , > cnllod Ur. Wiliiftiu'a Indian TJlo Ointtnent A ebglo box lias cured the we rst chronic c-os of 25 or 30 yo.iT > itiinilhiR. "io ono tiooil puffer five miimtCH after npplym ? this wotulorftil pcx tih- IDS mud cine. I.utloi:3 | lustrumi-uSn nnd clco- tunrioH di nu ro Imrin liian good. Willlntn'j Indlnn nio Ointtnent cbiitrbd thu t'tancra , vl Inya the l-'iiouNi itching , h > 3rt'cu'urlj' ' ' t nicbt nfter eothtiR warm in tsa , ) nets ns n poultice , glos liiBtmt relief , nnd is prepared only for riles , itdtluR of thu privnto parts , and for nothtno ohi1. Itond wIx.tth Hon. > T. M. Coffinb t ry , of Clovclsnd , cnyfl about U ? . William's itnhan Pile Oolntr nt ! "I hava tipcil Rcoroa < f 1'ilo Cures , and 5i nffroils mo i Jcaiuro to miy that I Imvo never found nnythin.7 which gfivo such immcdlato a'sd permanent rrltif ns Dr. Wil- liam'a Indian Oinunent. l or Bale by all 3ntg- qistn mid maKml on receipt of price. 50c and Si. Sold at ntail by Ktiha & Co. 0. V , GOODMAN , _ V/holesnlu Ace ; A Jiiilfo AVfco Uas Contrmitt lor I ! Jtu- Vrcu 1V3. Ko . 'oano Atwatcr , of Minnesota , ssyo ho hail t\v3'ohancea \ to buy thu land on which IVtinnc polio now stands for § 50 buirhe declined tho.investment. . . Two yoara aftoro 'iud Judg'o Atwater took up a cltt'.tn of IOC' ' acrsa , comprislug the pres ent site of tl o city , and conalructod upon it P hoauo th at cost him SUE. Aaldo from thogarrloon at 1'rjrt Snoliing , for hun- dretls of milo 3 alovo and below this point no irco , orotono , or blade of graea had boon disturbe d. But the judge aoon found hiniBolf uuablo to llvo on Ilia clnim or tt > nall it , ni id i > raa nccordiugly cold at aLorifl's a La Jndgo Atwater being to poor to purjhi .ao it , thua for the _ second time losing thi 3 ohauco of owning the nitu. Ono More InOiiHtry lop Onuilia. A. abort time ago an article appeared in ; his "japor relative to the now flouring : illl of J. E. McGray & Co. , formerly of ! Ilmoaota. Wo tire glad to ntato that : hey are now running to their full ca- ) aci'.y , and that their flour after a thor- nugh trial ia pronounced equal to the Dillachry , Waahburn or any ether branda on thia market , thcso giving to the people ple of Omaha , right afc homo , product as good as can bo brought in from out- aide pointa. They are selling this flour undar the brand of "Union Pacific. " d2.iiuto Jolco for a Col .mbia Spectator , Miss Daisy Greene to Jones , who has just boon introduced : „ "What funny looliing'pooplb one tneata outMr. _ Jones ; only * 166E nt that fxightf nl girl in the doorway. " , Jones . "I can't help thinking sko is not so bad looking aa the awkward stick who is talking to hen" Mlaa G "Tho awkward atick ia my brother. " Jones "Tho frightful girl ia my Bister. " Tableau. Beautiful Hands. A good deal of intoraat ia now ahown in beautifying hands , fingers and nails. Justly so ; for the human hand in its beauiy is an object worthy of admira tion. But do the ladies know that true beauty of hands cannot exist if the stomach and digestive apparatus are not Ji good health ? To make digestion good , Circulation natural , blood rich , and skin clear , take Brown's Iron Bitters , Mrs. J. W. Ellis , Minburn , Iowa , had BU J 'fored ' for several years from debility , but is now restored to health by thin prince of tonics. The knife of the guillotine with whioh Marie Antoinette houd was cut oil' Is now in Mmo. TuRenud'a exhibition in J/ondon. It is in the foim of n collar , or circle cf iron , and will weigh twentyvo ! ] pounds. The collar is cut horizontally t > ach ha" containing a knife or bladu. When uisd the upper half waa allowed ko fall between two apright Btandardn , striking the neck which lay ncrosa the Made oi the lowerhalf. . In addition to. that of the unfortunate French queen , thisguJlotino haa severed the hcr lo from over coo thousand bodies. Co'.da. fovoTH and Inllnmationa broken p by Dr. Prico'a Extrac of Smait- VcoJ. lor Building Bi.lJart men tot till Inter iur , ) Olllcc vt Indlrji AOairu , Xo17 , IBSl. f Rtnlcd proroaali , riilorstol "nrojiojMj lei Ui.'Uinz 'jl , ' ( , ' wJ ! ha rccolval at tills rill juniitll 1 o'clock the ! 9th cf nucuinHr , lijl ( for ihu uou- ruction oMhrco 'it.iiv.'cu rn thobantcoKloiu Kc > cr- liVen In Iltbruki , nnd 1'onca Hce > r > atlou.'n J ; the lollntvlni ; lojitlon ; on thot > : itca ItiBurratlon vtr tha Kttztlacvuk , a liridioot three Hpanu ot 00 t < act * with 16.'iQt aupioachctr on the I'-onua llo - rntlon o\er thiJiioNrata rl\er , abrld j DM Icit rotn cnJ to en Ji and over the 1st 1'crhotnaiJ river ttsnin ( if. 00 f < th , Tlio tMsi'H In quutlon nro to boot rctiihLDitlon nt wood and Iron lth taut Irwit i iocs , rusting on ) iilu ouuiUtloiiH , uliicli over the Nulirara r'vtr ire to ) iu lilvon lu'cfct , o\er Dazllo crwk , IStsot , and o\cr Vcit I'orls cl Niohrar.1 Klel fwti below untir u\e ) , unil 6t > to lies luillt In rucordansu ultli iiUns and opecincatloiia tn ho seen nt the othciol the Dcput urUriiiaiJwr at Omahn , Ikinrebka , the ' -'UnioV ol im tt , Colorailo , and ot tis ' liitcr-itaiiiii ol Clil- o , Iil The ccnsknvtlon o the Iridecnto uudur the In- oJIUfcaaptrvulonol a jurtou tc h disiUuatcd J > hU Dtlartnicnt. All l.iii must lisaccorr juried by aonitlflod ti.rfi on aoeia United Elites Otnoi-lUj ) , for at least rIVK ir c.Btum o ( th" airjunt ol thi iiropoHal , uhlih chvcli will bu ( ortoitod m tliu I'ullixl btato In , cn'O any iidcler or hlddori ( all to eitctito a i.-ntrftci IIJi ; oodani nuitlcicnt Bitt-tle cthcruloo to ho rotun cJ. > itho lilJdcr. lit mbmlUui ) ; l > lds , bidder * thrulil Ute the time required hy V'jum tor the rumtructlon olthehri Kd , as rhm metier will ho rnnt.ilcro.l lu uking the auar.'n , nnd made t , part of tht contract- Thoil ht U ri BncdloieJoctany or all I'ldj or any part of any ltd If dt-cc l for tbo buslutoica : of tuo tervico II HIIOK , ' WlnW In t'-e iiimmcr the nn-a ir mutinty vxUts amonK , tbo winar Irmsor tht ell , Jfo'j/oodU prol.a , . . ) ihubvxtiu o daily diet (3r tbo old In ( ei- liknein , b ini ( el By cl dli | tl < m , and I osi a In ; io mui h ol cwton and iklburn'ooidii. ' iloro - Ichlldrcn line been 8uuc Hdiuiiy icmu u uu i uue'u Ford Ihfto upon & 11 Iheother inoduoombloeit. I'u'.up in tin eaui , loj ( lijp , Sia. r'- , { \ and ? ' 76 WOOUllCH fc.CV , I'Vlver , VAM , Bold 1 > ) PlUfc tsovorjwhvre I'M ' f " * I l I n > * e l\ i'.i r > i / t ' * * . * , . I . . v Hin % , , „ ! , „ „ . , , I , , I , I V.w-in < * t , I 1 H * * ! . . tcrtt'htt. r prvOUi. PuMlr.itlon Di > ililct Mriit.1l wt i Vl < .iKiini , M < K'H i l d olhfir Aflae. TlToat , SX4rt of Oonoi IM * * ? Pnlsnnb ; > M Seres and DlCit * . rv . 's tin,4i , iif < l . , , . , ,1 .1 lilpfll.rlBfl . > J'1 > M " . frvni .1 , tv tin of iv ? " 'rf fit * . In niirt | t ttil . i . tt fti't | * . . .l \l .l < wrv i. > n tr t9 -i M.IJ 'ri , " i.i'Htei 11 i - \ , < TlnB Mnrrirte * * lintt'VPi or in * 4 ! i fpv'i - " ' I It ! * ' t In i ff" t C i V vf " i - 4 1 intct V , fl . I ru 'ft. . 4 li-.i 'i D I l r rm ll fr.r AM 1 Inl . d Vrlt f JIK.VHI A Positive VVrhren ! Guarantee g , * . rnmpM 9 , EiinMFl ) .jcrniMi r jnn , t - M-iblnL'-ilio'fd ea es llinlu < i foiui 'o ' VIILM HI tmfli 0 M11" ' * ) .illrn' - u fi > i ftn ' ; II 11 i. . I " f ' * " * [ Tr HI t , ti I ' " u'lMi It. i V n.n ' * * % t ? < A t < "l e cImcfut to A i t iw 3 r ' < i ri eel * * . ' * < j iJ hu ut2 iulcU , ur fnrr * . CO . , rtl ri gtiarnntra pfcru it r.rn/ra ' lnrt-rfn/.rnv riul tn untuuioforCi'lrbrntD IllrdlcnlWotki ) Adilre " , r. I ) . CKAHKU , 31. U.lEOb.utU CbiV. Street , Cm ice , ILL. WEAK , UHDEVELOPEDPARTS 111' TIII'.IIIIMAN IIOOV I.M.AUnri ) , lll.\ I lll'l.l ) M III Ni I III M.I ) . ' 1 Io . Unn tnlnri-till n\\ \ t rtHiMiinT tniiu run in itnr f \n\vMimit \ t nix , t In I hn n intrir > . I hiuiil VITV hiirhlv i II Illllhll. . > .V / ll IHI , , I l "Will piirl.r llm l.itu LlVSnnnil KIDNEYS. and Id HP - . inic JIIAX.TI ! our. 1.1,0) . - , iuii-.i lei anil ' M i s rc'n o lu wtorcc Ki I vi us tin nil-ill anii " ' . ' IL' Urilii i'owir. nfii 11 H train cumpl tin's l'tll tll If 6' \ W I lollnDIl.II . 'pTilvciiro. i IHC6iiikar , licilltny couiili'\luM. I n-iinciit aneiuptsat c * "f lim enl > nili ! to Itlo popularity il liu orl l i < ii. Uo not cxpi' . Edit POlllluOIJIOINAI. ANU J'hsr. > 7Keuit jourwlilrosstuUhiiDr , Jlnriir isa fo. t.Ixiul" . Wo.for our "D3JGA21 HOOK. ' 0 uod u&ofal.tJiloriaaUoiL.CrMfi. r J J * BOTTLTSb. Pilonor Kaiser . . . .Hr moa DOAiBSTlC. Bud weuer . .JSt , Louis. AahauBor. . . . - -Sfc. Louis. Best B . - . Mibvaukep. Soiilitz-Pilsner - . Milwaxikoe. Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and Unine ' "D. MAUBESK. Sti Science of Life Only $100 , BY MATT , POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A GREAT BIEDICAli TYOllK Exhausted Vitality , Ncjvona ADd rhyelral DobUltj Pnmaturu Doclluo la Mau , Krroruot Youthend tin untold mleorles reasliitog from Indlecretlcna or aa cts8C9. A book ( or evtiy man , youn ; ; , mldrilo tejfi uid old. It contains 123 prescriptions far all aosl irdchronlo diseasejcaoh ono of which Is InialniUhJ Bo found by the Authoj , whoso oxporimco for 17 yenrs is Bucn aa probuhljnincr nctore full to tha lot ol any ph > Rlcjac. & 00 pftKc& * hound in bcauL O I'lench muslin ompposed co\ere , full , K'H ' ) iiAr nt d to bo a finer work in ovjiy eonso , machnnlcal , literary - orary and profccsloral , than any ether work r-rd ln thla country for ti.60 , cr Uio money U1 be reloaded In every Install' ; ? . Prira nnly SI.00 by mJI , post paid. Illustrative nampje B rents. Kc-jlnow. Hold medal awarded > tko author by the NtJmml MuJlcal Aesoclatlon , to the ollltvra of which hi/ifrrs. Tbo Sclonoo uf Lllo should bo read oy the 7anng for Instruction , and ini the afflicted fc * rt'll : ! . ft Kill benefit all. bndou Laacot. There Is no mcmboi ol society to whom Th.i Bel enoo of I lo v/ii not 1M ) useful , nhr.-.or junoi , par. ent , RU'wdlcn , instructor or clerya ( n. ArvjouauJ. AddrosutioPeftbcJy Medical In4tute , ci Tn. W II. Parker , tlo. 4 DuWuch Street , rctou , livw. , who may bo coLriu'.tcd oa all cllscuBon rquirhig eklll and oxporlcuco. Chro&ta snd ob tlnat dlsoxaat that have batUod th ) , eklli ol oil other W-Uftl 1 C > &n9 < tixidiliTl Built treated eiuxj-fll-ML tally without u > loetuce ol failure. TUV RP LAND AGEftCV 30CC23S011 TO DATZtt * i Oeoerol Lvulirt lu a trj.iiu MfbrMxr * at lJWnlC4 and uu I-EiMOvixi laimi 101 u'.a tn Uoa lM , Do.liu , Oofn PI * * * * . Hurl , Lan-'iiff , ! > ' y > , ' .Vicnitiskua , Ui/lck knjdcH , tnd HnUor Jonjtle.i 7 M I'Md In a'J iiarta ci the Kltli , . ilonef loaned CD mproed farraa. Ilotiry imblla alwavt to offlco Ccne pocd LINE 0 P TIIK ONLY KXOLabi-VK IN OMAHA NKD , The remarkable growth / Omaha dnriug-Mio laat few yonra la rv matter of great nttonlshmont to those who pay an occasional vlalt to thia growing dtv. The dovolopnent of the Stoi Yarda the necesaitv of the Bolt Ltn0 R ad the finely p vsd streets the huudnuls of now residences nnd costly bnalneot blocks , with the population of onr city moro than doubled ( u the Ir.rjt five years' . All thlt j n great surprise to vlaltora nnd ia thp tidralrrttlon of our citizens. This rapid growth , iha bnsinr > M activity , nnd the many substantial linprovohienta wadn a lively domatid for Omaha runl cntntn , nnd every Invoijlor hai > made a handooine profit. Sliioo the VFall Strnot panlo li st May , with the uubsaquont cry of hard tlmoa , there haa boon loaa demand from Bpocnln- tora , but a fair demand from Investom Booking houica. This latter class nro taLinc , ' advantage of low prlcoa In build ing aintoslal nad r.rosocnring their homca at Cinch loaa coat than will bo possible n yea * honco. Speculators , too can buy rcaloata * 3 choopor now and ought to take advent o of present prices fov future pro ti. I'ho next foiv yenra promhoa grostes d-vol-jpusenta In Omnha thnn the p&at JV > yearn , which have been r.n goocf aa wo could roaaonobly desire. Now man- ufnotnrlng oatnbllshmouta and lar ojbb- bing houses are o < ldod almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There nro many In Omnha nud througn- but the State , vrho have their money in the.banka drawing a nominal rate ol i tereat , which , If judiciously Invented In Omaha real estate , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have runny , bargains trhlch wo nro confident will bring the purchaser largo profito In thn near fnturo. Wo have for Dale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lota at reason able prices on Sherman avenuo,17th , 18th , litth and 20th streets. West on Parnam. Davenport , Gaining , and all the leading atroetB ; , in that direction. f * The grading of Fnrnam , California - nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the T street car line out Farnam , the pro . tr perty in the western part of the oily will increase in value. We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company nnd the railroads will certainly double the short time. price in a r Wo also have Homo fine business lots and some elegant inside resi- doucep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bai'gnniH &v calling on u 2S3 South St. Hot vem Fnruham ani P. S. We nslc those 'who , have \iroporly for nnlo atabarwolotbrnve us a callWp want or fy bargains4 Wo will positively no hautll prop. erkv nt inorethau itp.roal vnlue , \