tfrSAlTrV iVttTC-'rHTTRSDAY ' JUNE 5. 1881. OMAHA DAIL5f BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , F1QDAY JUNE 6,3188 * . XHB DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , Juno 6 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES. - - - - - - - 20 nont * per cck By MM1 - . - - 10.00perear DFFIOB : No. 7 Pearl Btroot.tHear Broadway. MINOli MENTION , See J. Roitor'a spring goods. No Mftjji strooi cars are running now. Fresh baled hay and atrnw nt 700 D'wny. Most of the Masonic visitors loft ] for homo last evening. S. Bucfcmlnster and M. Englo were before the bar yesterday ns plain drunks. Regular mooting Fidelity Council No. IDG 11. A. this ( Friday ) evening at eight o'clock. Eisoman , Rodda fc Co. are planning for building a largo addition to their building. Bo generous with the Y. M , C. A , , and attend the gift social nt their rooms to-night. The Broadway Methodist chnrch choir will give a concert at the church , Friday evening of next week. The stable at the old foundry was yes terday being moved to Its now site near the now iron works. The fire protective apparatus outfit to bo in the cngino houao instead of the police headquarters. Mikosoll & Grasson have bought the moat market of James Gouldon , ono of the best equipped shops in the city. The laying of the rails on the Main street car track is proprossing well , so that the paving is moving right along. Mr. D. K. Iloislor has a lion which has boon making for itself n record , having produced two eggs which weigh eleven ounces. Ono enthusiastic merchant was offer ing yesterday to bet $50 , even , that the republican nominee , whoever ho might be , would bo olootod president. There are whisperings of trouble in the police ranks , startling charges to bo presented against some of the force , but the mattorjs being kept very quiet. Yesterday afternoon Dr. Ballongor's horao got into a lively run , and throw him out on the walk in front of the Pacific houao. The doctor fortunately escaped injury. The Baptist sociable will bo entertained by Mrs. J. E. Brooks , Mrs. J. P. Fib- bert and Miss Viola Soars , at the resi dence of A. G. Woanor , 718 Mynstor street , to-morrow evening. The county board has still got enough faith In the old court houao nnd its standing up , that it yesterday leased it to the United States for holding its terms of court there , at ? GOO n year. Mary A Partsch has commenced an nctionf- ) divorce against E. C. Partsch , to who j she was married in May 1879. ' She t ms that in 1880 ho deserted her witho j- cause , and enlisted in the regu M lar army. i ! Officer Jasper , who is the depot police man of the B. & M. , in Omaha , was on : n this side of the river yesterday looking after the follows who robbed the Wiscon i't ' sin man of $1,000 , as narrated in yester day's BEE . Johnnie Bono , while playing with 1 some other boys around an old well , fell in , taking a tumble of about 10 foot , but luckily getting out without any broken bones , though ho received several un comfortable bruises. All those who desire to become mem bers of the Druids should bo at Everett's block to-night for initiation. There will bo election and installation of oflfcora. B. Schotnor , grand secretary of the order , was in the city yesterday. The district court rorumod yesterday after a week's vacation. The day was taken up in the hearing of the cases of several disatisGod citizens who object to having what they claim-to bo agricultural land taxed for city purposes. A man named McClurg was arrested for being drunk and asleep in the park. Some ef his friends afterwards changed his name on thi books to Peterson , in order to cover the young man's folly , and lay it off on the Peterson family. The aldermen draw only $50 a year for council service , but as members of the board of health are entitled to ono dollar a mooting. Perhaps this is the reason why a brief mooting of the board of health precedes each council moo ting. Mayor Vaughan was driving around with his now horse and buggy yesterday , happy and proud. Ho took a little spin about with Grand Master Granger , of the Masonic order , showing him the sights and improvements of the city. Mr. Granger expressed himself as highly pleased with the city , and , declared that wherever ho wont ho should always have a good word to say for Council Bluffs. Jailor Mottaz has an eye to economy. Yesterday ho told the quartet , who were at work on the stone pile , that as soon as they got all the rock broken up they ehould bo released. Ho thought there was about two days good work , but the follows pitched in with a gusto , and had the rock all broken up by sundown , so that the city's expense for board was cut off even quicker than Mottaz had planned for. for.J. J. M. Phillips , who has had a casein litigation some time with the city , yes terday received news that cheered his heart. It was to the ufTuot that the su preme court had reversed the decision of the lower court , tilt , Phillips' claim has been for damages on account of clmngo of gradonoar his property , and ho has on * doavorcd several times to got some sot llement , and then appealed to the courts. The lower court decided against him , but now it ia his turn to laugh. At the meeting of the county board yesterday , Ilardin wasro-oloctcd overseer of the poor. It was understood , nnd so announced , when ho TTOS elected by the council as street supervisor , that ho in tended to resign the ofllco of overseer of the poor , but ho seems to have concluded to follow the example sot by other illus trious men and hang to two offices , ono of which pays § 3 a day when in Borvico , and the service is most of the time , the other $000 a year. The people will Boon have no occasion to howl about there being - ing an army of ofllco holders , even if the number of offices docs not diminish. Vaughan is both mayor and justice of the peace , Mynnter is alderman and county attorney , rodbock is county recorder and city engineer , and Ilardin is street supervisor and overseer of the poor , Troutman is clerk of the supreme court and city clerk. In fact no oflico holder ia no sort of a holder if ho cannot hold at least two offices. Col. Daily , as chairman of the repub lican county central committee , has larued the call for the republicans of Pottawat- tamlo county to moot in delegate conven tion at the court house in this city , Juno 25 , at two o'clock p. m. , for the purpose tiiot convention , which moots hero the next day , and which district convention will nominate a candidate for district judge , a candidate for circuit judge , and a candidate for prosecuting attorney. In this county convention the city is entitled to 2 ! ) delegates the first ward 5 , eccond ward 9 , third word 0 , fourth ward 0. The last entertainment given at the opera house was an excellent ono and drew n good audience , and many who would gladly have gene if they had known what kind of a dhow it was to bo , are now grumbling. They say there have boon so many poor shows and they have boon disappointed so many times that they had lost faith , and so this time were again disappointed at missing a good show. If inoro good shows and fewer poor ones were given here there would bo loss trouble in getting largo crowds out. There begins to bo some quiet discus sion of the advisability of doing away with the superior court. It is an expen sive piece of legal machinery , and , so far as the public ia concerned , it is claimed that an ordinary police court would an swer every purpose. It was established as an experiment , the attorneys claiming it would provo a great thing , but there seem to bo doubts now as to the success of the experiment. James Grady , who is in the Chicago & Northwestern shops , has a very fine show ing of his skillful handiwork at Kirk- land's jewelry store. It Is a miniature I blacksmith standing at his anvil about | to strike with his hammer a ploco of iron which is hold in a tiny pair of tongs. The whole Is only about an inch and a half high , and is filed out of copper ; al most every detail is true to life , the apron , the sleeves rolled up , the features , all being brought out in detail. PEK8ONA.U E. A. Bnbcock , of Avoca , was here yester day. day.Mr Mr , O. M. EnRlo returned yesterday from Kansas City. llov. A , K. Bates loft yaatordny for a brief trip to Wisconsin. D. II. Wheeler , of PlntUraouth , Nob. , won at Bochtolo'a yesterday. 0. M. Bruce ' , ouo of Walnut's live mor- chnnta , vrat In the city yoatorJay. Dr. A. 1 * . Ilanchott returned yesterday from a trip to Chicago , and brief visit to friends. J. W. 1'orcgoy returned yesterday from Chlcpjro and ludluna , where ho secured 32 ontrloa for the Juno races. N. II. I'usoy has returned from Chicago , coses In court here demanding his attention , and pulling him away from the convention , Bushnoll sells railroad tickets cheap to all points. Something for Nothing. Until further notice wo give to each twentieth customer his purchase , what ever the price or value of the sarao may bo. Our cashier will keep an accurate record of every transaction and when the twentieth sale of any amount is made the purchaser will bo presented with the same. Wo have adopted for the present this system of advertising because it gives our patrons instead of the newspapers the five per cent , which it cost us. Clothing retailed at wholesale prices. Hats rot tailed at case prices. Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , umbrellas , etc. , oto. Every twentieth customer presented with his purchase. MKTOALF Buos. Cosady , Oroutt & French's great clearing - ing sale of carpets , curtains , and uphol stery , will commence Juno Cth , and con- tiuuo 30 days. Look out for big bargains. Strangers visiting the city are invited to call and inspect our stock. llonl Kutiito TruuHfei-H. The following transfers were filed Juno 5 , 1884 , and reported by P. J. BI0. Mahon , Oouncil 151 nil's ; YQ Y/ ? ? ° * .rBry Sllyilor. Part lots 2 end 3 b ock . , 1. Arnold' * eocotid addition to Oakland , 9100. Stephen M. Kdgoll to J. O. Cook , south J. southeast J , section 21. , township 77 , riuigo 71 ( "S * i * 100 , J. O. Cook and K. V. I'MHIus to Mary A. McMillan , lot 7 , block 31 , Mullln'n sub-addi tion , 8125. K P. Oadwell to J. Muller , lots 7 and 8 , block 10 , Uayllm and Pulmor'u addition. WO. 11 abort Boyd to John Kramer , part south east j , northwent i , section 17 , tovra hlii 76 , range 43 , $ CO. Jamea McGIl ! to 1'Iora T. Foster , lota 12 und 18 , block 12 , Ho ward's addition , 9550. B , Caldwell to Nowtou Hodgson , wust A aud nautlioait i , gouUiweat i , vectlou 85. townihlp77 , range SO , 83.2CO.-18. J. M. Ouunlnjtham to M'wtlia A. Kahl. part lot 18. block 3. Carton. 81,200. Total laiea , 0OOl.W. TWOTOO-OLOSE NEIGHBORS , A Quarrel Uotwccn Two Families Growing Out of Not Knowing How to Bweep-JiHlKO Ayl'B- wortli Sentence * Tlioin to Buy IJust-l'nns. Yesterday forenoon the tlrao and at tention of Judge Aylesworth was taken up in listening to an assault and battery case in which Miss Annie Palmer was prosecuting witness and W.'II. Hoover defendant. It appeared from the evidence - donco that the rooms occupied by the two families were only separated by a narrow hallway , and as both swoop their dirt into the hallway ill fcolinqhas sprung up , ani finally culminated in a row. Mrs. Palmer found that dirt had been swept up against her door , and seizing her broom she wont briskly at work , sweeping back the dirt , Hoover's door being wide open so that the dirt wont flying into that room , iloovor come dancing at her with n lath and struck her on the head with that , whllo she began to got in sonio revengeful blows ever Hoover's head with the broom. Mrs. Hoover came upon the scene and sepa rated the contestants. Judge Aylesworth in giving his deci sion told what ho know about housekeep ing. His observation was that no good housekeeper would swoop dirt from ono room into another , but would gather It up into a dirt pan in the same room. If this rule had boon followed there would have been no row , and ho advised both parties to invest in dust pans and each take care of the dirt bolont-in to thorn. This throwing osido of the law and letting common sono rule at thuhoad _ sooniod to plcaso the spectators if it did not the parties concerned. In view of the fact that Iloovor is a sickly and poor man , and said to demented and ir responsible , the judge , though that find ing him guilty of an assault , concluded not to announce any fine at present , probably concluding to wait until the the dust-pan experiment was tried. COMMKUOIAIj , OOUNOIti BLUFFS MAItKKT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 76@80 ; No. 3 C5@ 70 ; rejected CO. Corn Local purposes , 40 ® 15. Oats For local purposes , U5@10. liny S10 00@1'-00 per ton. Kyo 10@15c. Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at Ojjc. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per dor. uva STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows 4 00@4 50. Butcher steers 4 50@5 00. I fogs 150 ® } 75. PBODUCE AND FB.UITS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com mission merchants , 538 Broadway. Poultry Heady Balochtckonsdroasod ; , 12c ; live , 9c : turkeys , dressed , 15c ; Hro , 12c ; Ducks , dressed , 1'JJo ; live , 8c. Oranges 5 00@5 50 per box. Lemons 3 00@4 00 per box. Bananas 2 50@3 50 per bunch Butter Creamery , 20c ; rolls , 10@13c. Eggs 12o per dozen. Strawberries 10 quart tray 2 00@2 25. Vegetables Potatoes , 35i@40 ; onions , 75cj .bbago , 4 cents per pound ; apples , ready ale at 5 00 for prime stock ; Boane , 150 @ 2 25 per bushel. _ SPECIAL NOTICES. - NOTICE. Special a verttsemcnta , eve M Lett , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent , Wanta , Board- \og \ , oto. , will bo Inserted In thla column at the Ion- rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion , nd FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n. Bortlon. Leave advortlBomenta at our ofllco , No. 'oarl ' Street , near Broadway WANTS. r\LD PAPERS For ealo at Bn office , at 25 cents a hundred. jlOIl SALK On ( lion avenue , lot CO feet front , un- JL' surpassed for a One residence , boa on It at present .mull . frame houao. Will bo sold on easy payments. Smiuirc on premises , No. 138 , Glen avenue. Mary I'ouor. TTlTANTED-By a lady , a situation aa ihort hand TV amanuensis nnd copyist. Haa a typonrltcr. Address "J" Boo olflce , Council BluUa. WANTUD Two first-class Co at-makcrs , Immedi ately. Bmlth & Teller , 7 and Main street WANTED Every body m Council Bluffa to take THBBEH. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a nook. FOR SALE Top Bmrgy , Dexter springs , and elnido harness. Enquire , H. E. Seaman , 405 Ilroadnay. HOTEL FOR RENT The omont House for rent on reasonable terms. Furniture will bo sold to renter. Apply on promlics opposite Broad way dummy depot , Council BluCTs. A DENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first -IV-Class wages by Bellini ; the "Champion Bosom Strecthor and tonlug Board. " Retails at 11.00. Any lady ran do up fine shirt without a wrinkle and gloss It as nicely as the best laundries can. Address for paitlculars 0. B. S. & I. Co. , Ban office , for our month. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follow Ing arc the times ol the arrival and de parture of trains by central ttandard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln U.C9 earlier and arrhe ten minutes later. CHICAGO , KuaLi.iarox A.ND wiser. L1AVJI. ARRIVE. 6:35 : p m Chicago Esproas 0.00 a in 0:40 : a in Fast Mall. 7:00 : p ir 5:45 : a m 'Mall and Kiprcss , 7io : p m 12:30 : pin Accommodation. 5:30 : pin 'At local dejiot only , KANSAS CUT , ST. JOH AND COUKC1L BLUFF * . 10:05 : in Mall and Express , 7:05 : p m 8:05 : p m 1'aelHo Express , & :5o : p tu CUICAOO , tllLWAVKKI AND BT. rAVL. 6:25 : p m Express , 0.05 a m 0:16 : m Express , 0:65 : p m CUIOAOO , HOCK ISLAND AND rACiriO. 6:30 : p m Atlintla Express , 0:05 : a m 9.25 m Day Express , 0:61 : p m 7:20 : p m * Des Molnes Accommodation , 0C6 : p in At local depot only. WABASIl , SI. LOUIS AND FACinO. 0:65 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p a 4:60 : pm Cannon U 'l ' 11:15 : A in AI Transfer enl CUICAOO and > .OBTiiwasT jiii. 5:30 : p m Express , 6:60 : p m J:2J : am raelUo Express , 0.05am * BIOUX CITT AND f ACinC. 7:40 : p m Bt. 1'aul Express , 8:60 : a m 7:20 : a in Day Express 0:60 : p m UNION rAcirio. 8:00pm : Western Exprcas , 8.35am 11:00 : am TaclQa Express , 4:40 : pin 7:40 : a m Local Express , 0:64 : a ui 1XUO a m Lincoln Express , At Tramfer only , DV1IUT TRAINS TO CM AHA. Learn 7:20-tito-0:30-lO:30-Il:40a. : ! : : : m. 1:10-2:30 : : 8:30-i:30-6:3iMM-ll:05p. : : : ) : : m Sunday 0:30-11:10 : : a. in. lS0..8SO-6:3M3:35-U:05 : : : ( : : p. in. Anlvi 10 mln- utes before ) ea\lnir time. AUOII BtMH. E. P , OADWKLL SIMS & OADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , . . . COUNCIL BLurrs , IOWA' Offlw ' , Ualn Street. Uoorni l and Bbnjart * llo- Uahoa' * Block. Will practice la 8UU md lenl court * Hew and Beautiful Attractions -I3XT- Dry Goo HARKNES Having just purchased in Eastern Markets very ccoico stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc , wo nro prepared to oflerl ail excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , niid shall do so at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , nnd comprise the latest dpsigiis mid novelties o the season Note below n few of the MANY BARGAINS we arc oileriug : SILIKIS , SXLIKIS , Summer silks , 35c ; Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. Those are special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Good black silk at 50c , wortli 75c. Choice black Iladzimer silk , 81.00 , usual price , § 1.80. Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at ? 1.75 , worth $2 25. Heavy Cloaking Tuniscinuo at SI.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co. , and Autoine Gurnet & Co. , at Lowest Prices. DRESS GOODS ! Good plaids at 5c , worth 10c- Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc Choice colored cashmeres at 30c. Figured suitings at 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double width at 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES Good all linen table at 80c , Good all linen table at 40c. Choice all linen table at G0j. Very fine all linen table at 81.50 , worth 82.50 Table crash 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels at IwC each. Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin5c. Good unbleached muslin 6c. A finp assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices Full stock o Domestic Paper Patterns. ( "Catalogues fre e. Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets , Moquettes , Axmiusters , &c. . at lowest prices in the west. darkness Brothers , 01 - , I / - COUNCIL BLUFFS ROLLER RINK ICE OKEAM PARLOR. Taught by PIIOF. SCHNOOR Tuesday and Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 20:30 : o'clock. HINK FOR RENT AT $15.00 PEll NIGHT. tSTLARCEST FLOOR IN TOWN. H. H. MARTENS , Prop'r. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 222 middle Brovl-viy. Council Blufla. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCIENTIFIC AND- COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , COUNCIL BLUFFS . t . . | O > VA : Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for teachers and these desiring a higher English education , a full business course , with tralnlrc In actuil business practice and goner' a' corre | juilcnco , short hand , orntraentiU penmanship - ship , elocution , German and music. Splendid rooms , larite , Hint and well furnished , charges \cry modcr ate , cost ol lUlnR reasonable , society good , experl diced teacher * . For further imrtlculare. Inquire of BEAUDSLEY & I'AULSON , Oouncil Illulls , Iowa. N. SOHUEZ. Jastice of e Peace. OFFICE OVEtt AMKIUOAII ESI'UESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - lOWAJ ; BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY IIAMS. J. Y. PULLER , Oommission Merchant o . SO 1'earl Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN BAND. Pomona wishing to engage Una Band for partioa , sociables , serenades , etc. , should call or address , JAOOII P. SCHMIDT , Manager , 20 North Main St. TUM. ornciB , u. n. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffit . . to. Established - - 1856 Dealcn la Foreign and omettto Kichmzo an B'ucurltl GASH TALKS ! A.t the well-known Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council BluOa. Notice our reduced Price tlat We give 15 pounds Extra 0 Sugar for 81 ( X 11 pounda Granulated Sugar 1 00 25 pounds Choice Oatmeal 1C 25 pounds Navy Beans 1 C 20 pounds liest Bulk Starch 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Ulco t C 12 pounda Choice Prunes O 25 bars BuOalo Soap 1 C Extra Lake Trout , per pound C Lorrlllard'B Plug per Ib < 1 dozen Mackerel 1 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt 2 ( 10 pounds Ginger Snaps 1 ( 40 pounds homloy , 1 ( 6 gallon keg Syrup 1 'i White Klah , per kit 80 Mackerel , per kit ! Dates , per pound 1 10 3 pound cans Standard Tomatoes 100 All kinds California Frulta pound Lusk'a Standard for 1 00 T. T. T All grades , according to quality , 15o to SOoipe pound. Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' am Children's fine Shoes and Mcn'i Fine Boota at ver low prices. Also a full line 01 Tinware and gen'ra merchandise. Call on us and be convinced thai yoi can gave money Vy dealing with us. Ooods dellvcrci free In any part of the city. In word , we are bound to Bell and challenge a audaole competition In thla county. J. P. FILBERT" 209U , cr liroadwa SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS We guarantee the cure of the following named dl soasoe , or no pay : Ilheumatlsm , Scrofula , Ulcer Catarrh , all Blood andsklndUeaios , DyspepsiaLive Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Nei al la and Asthma , Thosa Hprlngii are the favorli esort of the tired au.l debllitatad , and are the FEEBLE LAIHK8 BUST KIUEND , Good hotel , Ihery and bathing accomodatlon bet winter and summer. Locality hlahly plcturcaqu and healthy. Accessible by Wabaun railway , EvonaorO.B. & CJ. , at Albany. Corrcspondcn elicited , UEV.M.M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Biloam Spring * , .Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Qra\lty 1.003 Reaction , . Neutr Carbonlo Acid Oas 29 In. per gallo Carbonate Calcium , 85W1 Grain Carbonate Iron . . . .7,041 . ' ' Sulphite MoCTOsIa 3,230 " SulplmU ) Calcium 1,140 "J Chloride Sodium 7,200 < Sllllca 1,600 " ) Alumina - . 0,010 Organloand Volatile matter and loss. , . . .1,468 " otal solids per gallon 67,174 " WBIQHT& MBRKILL. Chemists Ai there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Surgeon In tlil city , who are practicing their quickeiy o our ixwple , I deem It but juttlio to fay that I del any ol them to produce a diploma , or credentials uclicatliij ; that they are giaduatet ol any \eterinar oitltute , and I do hereby caution the pullb agalm eucn quacki , at I am ( tie Only Known Graduate IN WESTERN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 126 B'dway AT BLUE BABN , T , J , CADY , M , D. , V. S , H.H. HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and 'ABA 010AUS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted / \a represented. - OPEIIA HOUSE OIOAB HOUSE , J 552 Broadway , II. H. HOHNE & CO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. . Oxxt Setle. n order to give my entire attention to the manufacture and aalo of HAIR GOODS , my ntiro cf LADIES' ' FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS Will bo sold at COST until all disposad 6f. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , S'o. 337 , W BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 11 kind * ol/ j. Land 8ur | olnsrc rtn < nan leu till I atod e > , | l ROOM 6 , NEV OPERA HOUSE , C&IL BLUFFS , IOWA , . oto. \ All Orders by MnllB Promptly Attended To. IB. STOOIKIIEIRT & OO JtANUFACTUnEia OF f IKE PARLOR FURNITURE CAIIPET3 , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and ICUPAIRINQ Xaxtor-iox * 3Doooro.tioxi.Bi TTj : A { specialty. NO. 09 BROADWAY COUNCIL < wn > i > rfe c&W J _ 1 Mixed Rags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. S. GOLDSTEIN , ; 5tO Broadway. Oouncil Bluffa WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 2 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SWriler , BraiDer anil Fresco-Painter Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK AND BARREL LUTE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , UICIDGAN PLASTER , HAIR ! TO , 039 Broadway. - AND SEWER - PIPE. - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAJIPIE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWA AND : NEBRASKA ! LOWEST KATES. pERQTJgSQN & CO , , ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtalns , In Lace , Elllr , Turcoman , Etc. Oilcloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc Ihoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , jomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , heapest place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings in the C'ty. ' Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - . COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care We have the The latest nov finest stock and elties for Spring all the latest designs Overcoats w e i signs to select ! have just re from. ceived. See them ONE BUT THE EST OK SKILLED LEADING HANDS EMPLOYED. 'Merchant ' Tailors 7 & 9 Main Street ' , J- 'COUNCIL BLUFFS. GRESTON HOUSE EVEBYTUINCI jTinSTCLASS. Nos. 217 ami 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF FALL PAPER AID Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , WHOLESALE Hartee , Cutlery , Tinner's stock , Etc iarSpoclal attention to orders my M IU COUNCIL BLUFFS , 101 : CHKAM. WATKH IOE8 RESTAURANT AND CAFE to 404 UroadKty , 1 I lletli at all Uouri. Council Bluff t. f (