Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1884, Image 1

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\ t THIRTEENTH - , YEAR. _ _ _ . OMAHA , NEB , , FRIDAY MpllNING , JUNE 0 , 1881. NO. 304.
A Day of Unparallelleil Interest and
Excitement in Chicago ,
The Serried Banks of Bopublioan
Hosts Olosing up for Battle ,
A Stout Mahogany Platform Built
for All Glasses ,
A Document That Will Soouro
Hearty Endorsement ,
TheBoal Battle for the Nomina-
, tiou Begins in the Evening ; ,
All the Candidates Grandly Put
in Nomination ,
Unpredeconted Scenes of Enthusi
asm and Disorder ,
A Hotly GontCHtcd Fl Iit Orcr Ad
jouriiiiiciit Finally Ourrlo
11 O'clock To-Uny.
It is reported that the Blalno managers
have resolved to cmdoaror to break the
policy of delay heretofore pursued by the
Arthur and Edmunds irmuagora and push
matters to a conclusion. While fighting
stoutly in the committees they trill coir
tent themselves with that and not invite
resistance in open convention. This
Booms to bo their best plan. They also
hope to defeat the independents by in
ducing Arthur men , who also nro opposed
to a dark horse , to come together on
some late ballot. Col. N. A. Reed , of
the Centralia Sentinel , said to a reporter
of the associated press this morning , that
all this talk about Gen. Sherman not being -
ing a candidate was
Col. L. M. Dayton , of Cincinnati , who
was the general's personal and most
confidential staff ofUcor in this city , has
boon circulating extensively among the
members of the Loyal Legion , of whom
there are a great number in the city.
Col. Dayton said : "Iknow that General
Sherman had never penned any suoh dls
patch as it was rumored ho had done ,
aying that ho would not servo as president
dent of the United States oven
though ho was nominated. The
position is this : General Sherman
has attained the highest' honors which
can bo bestowed jjupon any man by the
American people. Ho is a ware of this. Ou
the contrary , John Sherman , while ho has
had great honors bestowed upon him , has
seen honors beyond and above this which
ho has notenjoyod. | Aslong as John Sher
man was in the field or rathar nntil he
had reached the fruition of his ambition ,
his brother , the general , would not allow
even by implication his name to bo pro
sontcd , used , or whispered. Now is is
certain that John Sherman does not stand
the slightest chance of being more than
mentioned in this convention. At
this juncture , the friends of General
Sherman are in no ways antagonizing the
interests of his brother , John Sherman ,
when they say if the American people see
fit to honor William Tecumseh Sherman
as a candidate for the nomination ol
president of the United States , ho will
not decline the honor.
"Now , mind , "continued Colonel Day ton ,
"General Sherman is not seeking the
nomination but his friends huvo boon as
sured that a largo number of delegates
will support him in case it is known that
ho would not decline. "
CHICAGO , Juno 5. The convention
was called to order at 10:04 : and was
opened with prayer by Bishop Fallows ,
of the Unformed Episcopal church. Ho
prayed that those who might bo elected
by this convention for the loftiest posi
tion to which mortal man can aapiro
shall possess every qualification of body ,
mind , and heart for their high and holy
trusts ; that personal preference and in
tercets should yield to the just demands
of a true and broad patriotism , and that
a qualification of choice should bo made
by the poopls in an unmistakable man
nor.Unnry Ballnrd , of Vermont , chairman
of tlio committee on credentials , re
ported that sessions of the committee had
been almost continuous , leaving mem
bers no time to rest. Ho took pleasure
in saying that proceedingo had been entirely
tiroly harmonious , and without reference
to personal preferences. The result was
a unanimous report , which announcement
mont was received with npplauso. The
report of the committee on credential.1)
was then road by Mr. Fort , of Now
Jersey. It was to the effect that the
sitting moBibors in all the contested
cases are entitled to their seats except in
the caao of the Ninteonth district of
Now York and the Fifth district of Kentucky -
tucky , whore both delegates and con
testants are admitted , to cast half vote
each. In the Virginia case the com
mittee found unanimously that the dele
gation headed by Senator Mahono was
entitled Id the seats , The report was
adopted without discussion.
mi : KCLES.
Parks , of California , from the committee -
too on rules reported that the committee
bad adopted substantially the rules of the
last conventionexcept that it recommend
ed the adoption of Cushing's manual ns
the parliamentary law of the body , in
stead of the rules of the house of repre
sentatives , except that the previous ques
tion is to bo in force , as in the houso.
Grow , of Pennsylvania , from the mi
nority of the committee , offereda substi
tute for the 10th rule , which proscribed
the mode of electing delegates to the
next national republican con
vention. IIo proposes that
delegates shall bo elected in the tame
manner as members of congress. Parks
accepted the proposed amendment , Grow
having explained that the delegates at
largo are to bo elected by state conven
tions and that the tnannor of electing
delegates from the District of Columbia
should bo proscribed by the national re
publican committee. The rules wore
then adopted.
Parks offered an additional rule ns to
the order of business.
Bayno of Pennsylvania , moved an
amendment to it so as to make the or
der of business as follows :
First Kcporl ot the committee on platform
nnd resolutions.
Second The call of the roll ot st-itos.
Third Presentation of candidate for pros- !
Fourth Balloting.
Fifth Presentation of candidate for vlco-
The amendment was agreed to and the
additional rule adopted.
Roosevelt , of Now Yorkenquirod what
had become of the proposition in regard
to representation in future conventions.
IIo know that there was a strong fooling
that there should bo some change by
which the number of delegates should bo
more nearly proportioned to the republi
can votes in the respective states.
Parksof Californiachairmanofthocom-
mittoo on rules , said that that subject
had boon withhold until a minority
report could bo prepared.
Thurston , of Nebnaska , moved to
amend the seventh rule which provides
for nominations by a majority of the
votes cost by requiring a majority of all
the delegates. Ho said that no rules
should bo enforced by which less than a
majority of duly elected delegates should
attempt to force n candidate upon the
party. Such action would bo repudiated
by the freemen of America. ( Applause. )
Sanders , of Montana , offered an amend
ment that no person shall bo eligible as a
member of the national convention who
is not eligible an a member of the elector
al college. Hoar , of Massachusetts ,
made an explanation as to the effect of
the civil service law passed by congress a
year ago and said it was not the purpose
of that law to prohibit any federal officer
from exercising all the rights of an Amer
ican citizen.
The amendment offered by Sander :
was adopted. The amendment offered
by Thurston , of Nebraska , wan adopted
after some verbal nfjdi'lcatious ! This
disposed ( at 12:30) : ) of the question of the
rules , except as to the
that subject being withhold.
The convention adjourned at 1:50 : till
7 this evening.
At the conclusion of the discussion on
representation McKinlcy , of Ohio , from
committee on resolutions then presented
the report , as follows :
Tha republicans of the United States in Na
tional Convonlion assembled , renew their
allegiance to the principles upon which they
have triumphed in six successive presidential
elections , and congratulate the American people
plo on the attainment of so many results In
legislation and administration by which tlo
republican party has , after saving the Union ,
do/io so much to render its institutions just ,
equal and beneficent , the safeguard of liberty
and the cmbidimout of the best thought and
highest purposes of our citizens. Tlio repub
lican P'rty has gained its strength by quick
and faithful response to the demands of tha
people for freedom and the equality of all
men ; for a united nation , assuring tha rights
of all citizens ; for the elevation of labor , for
honest currency , for purity iu legislation , and
for Integrity and accountability in all depart
ments of the government , and it accepts anew
the duties of leading in the work of progress -
gross nnd reform.
Wo lament the dealh of President Garfield ,
whoso sound statesmanship , long conspicuous
iu congro'B , gave promise of n strong and suc
cessful administration , n promise fully realized
during thn BIrt ! period of his ollico as presi
dent of Iho United Stales. His distinguished
BUCCOS3 in war nnd peace have endeared him
to thu hearts of the American jwoplo.
In the administration of President Arthur
wo recognize a wlso , conservative and patriotic
policy , under which the country has boon
blessed with remarkable prosperity nnd wo ba-
Ilovohij eminent services are entitled to and
will receive the hearty approval of every cili-
It Is tha first duty of a good government to
protect the rights and promote tlio interests of
Its own people. Tha largest diversity of in
dustry Is most productive of general prosperi
ty , and of the comfort nnd Independence ot
the people , Wo , therefore , demand Unit the
imposition of dulles ou foreign Imports Khali ha
made , not for revenue only , but that iu rain-
inf the tequlmtn rovenucs for the government
Hiich dullc * bhull bo so levied as to afford se
curity lo our diversified industries , nml pro-
locliun to the rights and wages of the laborer ,
to the end that active and Intelligent
labor as well ns capital may have ita just
award and tha laboring man his full nlmro in
tha national prosperity. Against the so-call-
ed orxjnomic system of tha democratic party
wlitch would de ra-lo our labor to the foreign
standard , wocntet our earnest protest. The
lomocraUo party had fnllod completely to ro-
love the people of the burden of uimoeosoary
.atntlou by rvvtso reduction of surplus , The
opubllcAn party plodpo-t Itself to correct the
ne < i\mHtlc < < of tno Urllf , mid to reduce the
surplus , not by the \ Iclous nnd Imli'crlmlu-
ate jirocc'i of horizontal reduction , but by
Mich methods asvlll relieve the taxpay
er without injuring the laborer or the
great product o Interests of thn eamtry. Wo
rccogiilro the Importtnco of thn ihcop hus
bandry In the United States , the serious do-
location which it li now experiencing and thn
danger threatening IU future prosperity , and
wolheroforo respect tha demand * of tlio rep-
rwotitntlvos of this Important agricultural In
terest for readjustment of duty upon foreign
wool , In order that Mich lunwtry shall ha\o
full and adequate protection ,
1IA1I11 MONK\ .
Wo lwvo always olforcd the bc < t mouov to
the civilized \vorld , nnd uo urio that clfoiti
should bo inadoto unite all commercial nations
In the csUbllsmcut of nil intcriutlnnal stand-
iml which shall fix for M the relative value of
gold and silver coln.ig , ; .
Till' Hr.OL'LATtO.V OK COMtir.lll'IS
with foreign Millions ami bolvvron the static
U one of thn most important prerogatives of
the gerernl government , and the republican
party distinctly niiiumncoi IU purpose to
support such legislation ns will fully and clll-
cicntty c-irry out the constitutional power of
congress over Interstate commorco. The prln-
ciplo of public regulnlion of rnllro.ul oor-
{ Krntlim U a wlia nud Balutary turn for the
protection of all cliwsiM of the people nail \vo
favor legislation that shall prevent unjust
discrimination and excessive charges for trans
portation nml that shall secure to the pooplu
nnd. tlio rnilrotds nliUo the fair nnd equal
protection of the law.
nunFAV or i.Aiion.
Wo favor the ostablishmout of n national
bureau of labor , the enforcement of the eight
hour law ami ft who and judicious system of
Fconornl education by adc < | uiito appropriation
from the national revenue whenever the same
is needed , Wo believe that ovoryvvht'ro the
protection to n citizen of American birth ri'imt
bo secured to citizens by American adoption ,
nnd wo favor tlio settlement of national dif
ferences by Inteiuntlonal arbitration.
The ropublicui | rty , having Its birtV In n
hatred of slave labor and n desire that nil men
may ba truly free and eojunl , Is unalterably
opposed to placing our workltigmcii in ccm-
petition with any form of eorvllolabor.whothor
at homo or nbroad. In thlssplrlt wo denounce
the Importation of contract labor , whether
from Jjuropo , or Asia , ns an olfento against
the spirit of American institutions , nud wo
pledge ourselves to sustain the present law r" .
strictiug UhinoBO Immigration , nnd to provide
such further logul.itton ns Is nocoasary to carry
out Its purposes.
The republican ( party fnvor a policy which
shall keep us from entangling alliances with
foreign nations , nnd which gives us the right
to expect that foreign nations shall refrain
from meddling in American alTalrs. The
policy which seeks pence can trade with all
powers , but especially with thojo of the west
ern hemisphere.
Wo demand the restoration of our nnvy to
its old time strength nnd efficiency , that It
may In any son protect the right of American
citizens and the Interests of American com
merce , and wo call upon congress to remove
tha burdens under which American chipping
has boon depressed BO that it may ngalu bo
trus that wo have n commerce which loaves no
sea unexplored , nnd n nnvy which tikes no
laws from superior force.
Jletolval , That appointments by the presi
dent to offices iu the territories should bo
made from the boun fide citizens nnd roeidont&
of tha territories wherein they nro to sorvo.
The relonu of tho'civil service ausplcioutly
begun under republican administration should
bo completed by the further extension of tha
reformed system already established by law ,
to nil the grades of the service to which it iu
applicable. Tbo spirit and purpose of the
reform should bo olwonod in nil executive ap
pointments , and nil laws at varlrnco with tha
objects of the existing reformed legislation
should boropoalod , to the cud that the dan
gers to free institutions which lurk in the
power of official patronage may bo wisely nnd
effectively avoided.
are n heritage of the people of the United
States , and should bo reserved as far as possi
ble for nma'1 holdings by actual Bottlers. Wo
are opposed to the acquisition of largo tracts by
corporations or individuals , especially whore
such holdings are in the hands of nonresident
dent aliens , nud wo will endeavor
to obtain such legislations as will
tend to correct this evil. Wo
demand of congress the speedy forfeiture of nil
land grants which have lapsed by reason of
nou-complianco with the acts of incorporation ,
in all cases where there has boon no attempt
in good faith to perform the conditions of such
The crateful thanks of the American people
are duo to the Union soldiers uud sailors of the
Into war nnd the republican party stands
pledged to suitable pensions for all who were
dixublod and for tha widows and orphans of
those who died la the war.
The republican party also pledges Itsalf
to the repeal of the limitation contained in the
Areas net of 187' ' , n > that all Invalid soldiers
shall rOiaro nllko ami their pensions begin with
the data of disabilities or dUclinrgo , nnd not
with the date of the application ,
HurniEBSioN OK roi.rdAiir ,
Hcsolifd , That it Is Urn duty of congress to
enact ( inch laws at shall promptly nnd effectual
ly supprofs tbo system of polygamy within
our torrltorim and divorce the political from
the ecclesiastical pawcr of the so-called Mor
mon church , ami that the law KO enacted
nhotild 1m rigidly enforced ty the civil authori
ties if possible , nnd by tha military If need bo.
The people of the United States in their or
ganized capacity constitute n nation and not n
confederacy of states. The national govern
ment Is Hiiprenio within the sphere of its na
tional duty , but the stales have reserved lights
which nhould bo faithfully maintained. Kueh
should ho guarded with zealous care mi
that the ) harmony of our system ol
govcrmoiit may bo preserve. ! and the union
kept iiuiobito. The prosperity of our institu
tions rest upon tin ) niutntninaiico of u froa h il-
lot mid honest ami correct returns. Wo do-
iiouaca the fraud and violence pratlcod by the
democracy in the southern states by
which tha will of the voter Is defeated
ai dangerous to tha preservation ol
free institution , and wo solemnly arraign the
democratic party as b lng the guilty recipient
of the fitilts of nich fraud and violence. Wo
extend to the republicans of tlio. Houth
rrgardlesrf of their former parly
ufhliatioiu our cordial sympathy
and pledge to them our most earnest cffc/rU
to promote the pasnagj of mich li > gl lutlou us
will Hcciiro to every clti/'jii of whatever raca
nnd color the full and complete recognition ,
islon nnd o.torctso of nil chit nml polltl.
c l rights. \
The clmirninn called Galmha Grow lo
.lice hair , ns the platform was being rend
by Mr. McKinloy.
There were interruptions of nppl.iuso
nt the points approving the president's
administration , doclnrjug I'ttUos ou im
ports should bo rondo not for revenue
Duly , clnlmSng full nnd ndcquMo protos-
tiou for sheep husbandry , rec'imuiomlin
legislation to regulate the railways , dis
approving the importation of contract
labor whether from Europe or Asia , favor
ing the civil service laT , condemning Iho
\cquititioii of Inr o tnxnlsof lande'pscinl-
ly by non-residents , declniing the policy
of non-inturfcronco with foreign nations
nnd that foreign nations shall refrain
From intermeddling J A uioricau af-
fnirs , for the enforcement of thn laws
ngaiimt polygamy , nud condemning ( ho
Fraud and violence of the democracy in
tlio southern states. .
The resolutions yoi9 adopkvl without
discussion , nnd amid much nppl.uigu.
The next business iu order wni tlio
call of states for the nnnoniiconu-nt of
members ot Iho nstionil , convention.
A motion to postpone the call wnn
made and voted down , nnd the call vv.u
then proceeded with. - . '
Thu convention then look a rccois till
p.m. '
OiuoAiio , Juno 5ln tlio discussion
of the rules to-day tbu chair snid : The
secretary will proceed to road rule No ,
Whereupon the BOO clary rend the rule ,
as follows : ' 'When in shall appear that
any candidate has roiuilvcd n majority of
votes c sttho prosidojt of the convent ion
shall announce the question to be , Shall
thu nomination of the candidate bo miulo
unanimous. " c
Thurston , from Nebraska That is , of
the votes cast.
The chair Yes , sir ;
Thurston Now , Mr. Chairman , I un
derstood that the chairman ot this con
vention promised rue an opportunity to
have the right to move an amendment.
Davis , of Illinois -All that is necessary
B to rote down tlio previous question.
Tliurston , of Nebrajkn Mr. Chairman ,
[ do not apprehend that the time will
3vur como when loia than a majority of
this convention will nominate a man ; but ,
lir , 1 do believe that if any rule should
bo adopted and enforced on this conven
tion , by which a minority of duly-elected
representatives should attempt to enforce
upon the ropresonUtiTO party1 of this
nation n candidate , that such action
would bo. repudiated by the freemen ol
America [ applause ] ; and I move you , sir ,
to strike out the word "cast" and insert
in lieu thereof , "all the votes of the
convention" [ cries of "Nol Not" ] ; and
make it so that it Trill read "n majority
of all the votes of the convention" [ ap
plause ] a majority of all the delegates
uloctod [ applause ] , nnd hnving seats upon
the Uoori of thw ri'miWintioii. „ [ .Cries
' " ' "
' -
aonfusion. ]
Thurstou 1 will rodncp my amendment
mont to writing and send it up to the
The Chair You will please do so.
Boyle , of Pennsylvania I accept thai
amendment. I think that is the moan
ing of thoNrulo as it is. It never was in-
toudnd to bo anything else. 1 cheerfully ,
myself , accept tliat amendment because
it ought to bo the rala.
CHIUAGO , Juno 6. In the discussion
on the representation question lion.
John Y. Stone , of Iowa , said :
Mr. President In 1870 the republican par
ty of the United Stales struck down the ro
publlcau party of two states of the south. Wo
can never vgaln attempt to oncourogo the like
of that. Wo , tha state of loirn , believe its
delegation hero believes that the Wlllian
Muhonos of the south should bo encouraged
in this convention [ cheers ] , nnd I want tc
say hero now In conclusion , that It will cast 21
solid votes for our candidate. [ Cheers.J
After the disposal of the question o
rules , Parks , of California , made n repor
as to the appointment of delegates for f u
turo conventions. It direcU that oacl
state shall bo entitled to four delegates a
largo , with two additional delegates for
each member of congress ( if any ) ; thai
ench territory mid the District of Colum
bia shall bo entitled to two delegates ant
that each congressional district "hnll be
onlitled to two delegates.
Bishop , of Maswiunf ! ( H. in bolmlf if
the minority of tl i omn.i tu.i , > , < -j. LA
a rule that each state shall IM ontitli'd to
four delegates at largo and nnu addition
al dulugiito for each roprosonlntivi ) at
largo ( if any ) ; that each tenitory iind fliu
District of Columbia shall bo entitled to
two delegate ; * ; that ench congress ! jnnl
district shall bo entitled to ono delegate
for every 10,000 majority of votes or
fraction thereof , cant tor the republican
presidential electoral ticket nt the last
proceeding presidential election , and that
tlio republican national committee ) shall
within a year after ench presidential elec
tion certify the representation to which
each utato is entitled. .
Garner , of Indiana , supported the mi
nority report us entirely in keeping with
thn genius of American Institutions. It
did not decrease the representation of a
listrict , but only added to representation
n accordance with republican majorities
llnulley , of Kentucky , opposed the
ninority report as something that might
omo from the democratic party but not
for the republican party. Tlioro had
teen times when Iho south had saved the
republican party , It was Florida that
gave them the president in 187U. llo
vntucd the republican party that the tar-
ircuoition ) was coming up before the
country nnd the time might oomo when the
lorthern states might want tlio aid of the
4outh , The southern delegated caiuo hero
ns frooiucti , not ns slaves ; then did not
ask to dictate nominations , but they de
clined to surrender tholr manhood. Tlio
; nllowa which wai no > r proposed might
'mug some of those who proposed it.
West Vinjlntn , North Carolina , Florida
nud the Old Dominion , in spite of demo
cratio shotguns , nnd iu spite of the legal
'zed murder which
would give the republican party Ihoir
'toctoral votoa nt the coming election.
At'phiuso. ' ]
Lynch , of Mississippi , also opposed the
iiiiuority roport. It would bo simply
snying to the ballot box stuli'or at the
nouth , and lo Iho shotgun holder that
they should have the benefit of their
mines. [ Applause. ]
A dolegnto from Iowa declared that tlio
.Mahonus of tlio south should bo micour-
iged and that Iowa would cast "li solid
votes to do so. [ ClioiirB. ]
TowiiBoml , of Now York , also opposed
tlio proposition ns nu attempt lo dis
franchise the
IIUAVI : unruiiLH'\Ns or TIIK SOUTH.
Vest , of Ohio , also argued ngninst the
minority roport.
Long , of Massachusetts , said it wan
perfectly ovldont that the convention is
not prepared to adopt the views of the
minority report , but they wcro going to
elect the next president nnd lint fncl
would go fnr toward settling equal rights
at the south. At the end of the noxl
presidential term the matter might betaken
taken up and decided , llo therefore
hoped the matter would bo referred to
the next executive committee. [ Shouts
of dissent. ]
Filloy , of Missouri , opposed tlio mi
nority report. Ho spoke of the (10,000 (
republicans of Missouri who united their
rotes with tlio grooubnckors and nskod
whether they wore to bo abandoned or
whether they should not bo encouraged
as Mahono hnd boon encouraged , who
had saved Virginia to the republican
party. [ Applause. ]
0 Elara , of North Carolina , declared
that the adoption of the minority report
would bo n total surrender of the politi
cal rights of every republican in the
south , white , as well as black.
Clayton , of Arkansas , also opposed the
minority roport.
Bishop , of Massachusetts , then with
drew the report [ amid great applause ] ,
stating that it was entirely evident that
the sentiment of the convention was
against it.
The majority was then adopted.
* * . * * * -
CHICAGO , June G. Chairman Iloudor
son called the convention nnd the vas
nudionco to order 7:35 : p. in. , and said
"Gentlemen of the convention : Undn
the rules adopted , the order of businoe
now is the presentation of candidates fo
president. "
Mr. Dutchor , of Now York Mr
o'anirumn , I ik unanimous consent to
offer the following resolution :
HoBolvod , 'Ihat the committee on seats ho
directed to ifsno MO tickets of ndmlseion tc
veteran uoldlors nud sailors , to bo distribute !
through tlio chnlruion of Ilia several state
Mr. Howe. I second the motion.
Tlio Chair This motion requires uuan
imouo consent. [ Cries of "Question1 !
"Question I" ]
The question on being put wnH declaroc
curried by the chairman , when there were
cries of "Division ! Divisionl"
The Chair What is the business before
fore the convention ?
A member 1 move that the states
which have not ypt reported _ their members
bers ot the national committee bo now
Tlio Chair The secretary will call the
Nearly all the states asked to bo passe (
and the secretary then proceeded to cat
tlio roll of states for nominations , calling
Alabama , Arkansas , California , Colorado
and Connecticut , and when the immo o
the latter itato was called , Mr. Brand !
gee of Connecticut , rose and took the
stand nml J loud nppluuso. *
Mr. ISrandigou said :
Mr.l'roildontnmltioiilloman of thoConvoii
MMIIWu are hero to elect a chief magistrate
. . i.iirty-elfht states nnd fifty-live millions
of peoplo. Jfvn chose wisely , the soloctloi
ol ,1 unu will bo the olectluu of November , am
.March will luuugurutolii lineal tha sovanll
lepubllcjin iireslclont of the United Htatou
[ Aihuiso. ] | J [ f wu bo wedded to n fatal choice
tin ) solid south which him already cnpturoi
the capital , will occupy the while house , am
tlio result of the war will be rolled hnckwnn
for n Kenorution. Wo answer , the nccroditoi
republicans from every stale and all lh (
tnrrltorllioH represent n party to the wlxdnmnm
patriotism of whom human liberty and hiimai
jirogrcss ewe mora thun to any poltllcal orgnn
Uullou sluco govcrnmcnls were Inslllulci
nmong men ; lo It. Impullid history will ncoun
u union Hived , a constiliitlon maintained , u
lacoemaiuipatml , enfranchised , rogonorutod
dluenlhrullod , nml Ihociodt of tha mitloi
piesorvod , niietio pay mont resumed nnd nl
lights for nil men secured and American 1'iho '
dignified , ennobled nud protected. Will
Hiicli proud hUtory in thu patt , and mic !
high hoi > ed for thn future , wo stand plmlxcc
sir , not tj muko shlpwrcuk of an orgaulzituoi
In Athlch Iho Interests and honor of our couu
try are bill 1 wrapped up. Never before to a
nnUonnl c'livcntlon was such nu opportunity
presented or tha path of duly made
Hi plnlu , The great tidal wnvn has ebbed.
If It IIM loft n wreck nloni ? Iho nhoro nnd
dlscloiod tha lints nml shallows , the councl s
of our opponents nro confused. They hnvo
boon smitten again with judicial kindlier ,
Tlie heart of the groU Amorlonn people In
stinctively unmistakably turns once moro
to the republican patty. The supreme duty
of tha hour Is for that party In thli couvoii-
Ion to delect n wndldato titular whom vva c.iu
urely nud grandly win , [ Applause , ] Such n
nudldnto mint , first of all , ha n tried nud
rue republican ounwhoio iiAino nlona shall
land for n platform one who has tha cour *
sa , of his convictions ono whoso cotivlo-
ioni ou nil great question * have
eon nlvvnyH rlKlit rlijht ou the wnr ,
ight ou reconntrucilon , right on each nnd nv-
ry ono of Iho cotistltultminl nmoudmonti ,
luhton nvmmptlnn. tight ou the curroncv ,
Ightou the ttitlT rl ht on the civil right * ,
oid right ou civil > or lco reform. [ Applntno ]
Unudlug , sir , Iu ltd * grant presruco , in this
ilitorlo linll , Implrod by Iho memory of tha
ipRt lender * nml martyr * of fnlth , who look
IOVTII ni with n hoiiodlclhm upon thU scene ;
itiprnMOil vvllh thu profound conviction of thn
luporttuioof the trust with which I stand
jharttod , I am requested to nominate such n
[ Vimlidatu lo Iho brethren of other state * by
hn republicans of Uonnrcllcul ; nud Iu Ihoir
mine nud ou tholr behalf , I nomlnntoono who
ultllls nil llieao utmdllioiH , nud who , iu Iho
argoit drgrco , represent * Iho lUnois nud Iho
ivnilnbtlity of their candldato ; whoso name
111 lend to cortitn victory in November
lunerat Joseph It. Ilnwley , of Connecticut ,
liimd applause ) . ]
Mr. Hraiuligeolhon eloquently sketched 1
lawloy'a well-known public earner , and
lirn contliuied ns follows :
Mr. Piosidoiit The delegates from Cornice-
lent sit In Ihta f nml council of Iho party 1111 ,
nslruclod , uncommitted , nml unplougod ,
"hoy nro here , sir , free to spoiik , free to hoar
too to dollborntu and U > decide. They otfor
o you thn nnuio of their great loader nnd
ountor nn the best which , In their judgment ,
his convention can select. If It In Iho best ,
nnko our choice yours ; If you have n hollar ,
vo will cheerfully mnka your cholco ours.
Applause j lint vvheiover the lot may fall ,
uul whoever Iho candldnto may bo , wo pledge
nirsnlvivit in ndvnuco , with unluulUtlng , uu-
grudging loyalty , with nil our hearts , with nil
mrotori , nml with nil our might lo support
ho nominee. [ IS runt npplnudo |
A voice from the gallery squealed out
n a very thin voice " \Vhnopl" [ Laugh-
Mr. President , If this man U nominated
twill bo the humiliation of no othercamlidnte
.hero will ba nothing to ha forgiven r forgot
ten nothing to IK ) unsold or taken Imclr. Ills
nomination will bo Ilka passing anjact ot obltv-
on over tha dreadful dissensions In other
states which have brought this parly to the
gateway of Iho grn\o , If ho is nominated all
jlomeiits can support him , for ho Is n radical
conservative , nnd n conservative radical
Innghtor nud npplnuso ] ; it frlenil of ( larliokl
nnd u friend of [ Apnhiuso. ] With him
olootod In the vigor of his llfo , nud the plontl-
tuda of his power , beloved nt homo nud ro-
Rpoctodnbronil , with onr free inslltullons ami
our tmporlnl domain , wo should need m
linrlholdi statue , standing nt the gateway ol
commerce with uplifted torch , to typify thu
gunlus of liberty enlightening the world , but
onr history under n republican president , ad
ministered upon n republican policy , would ol
itself boar witnnra to nil times nud to nil pee
pin that this la the greatest , freest , most pros'
porous country upon which the sun hac
over looked down , \Choers.J \
Gou.Hnwlaybollavos Iu thn morality of prac-
Heal politics. Hols n reformer , but ho beHaves
Haves not In the reform by which heelers ami
strikers nnd bumn.ers control the politico 1101
in tha nbhoront forces of the stream ; but it
tha duty of every citizen to use the wholi ,
weight ot his porionnl influence , In soaioi
nml out of season , for Uio taiuaot good go\
orumout , from the vrlmnry'ttt'tho iOll87" '
The Bocrotnry called the states of Dole
ware , Florida and Georgia without moot
ing with any response.
When Illinois was called and Scuato
Cullom rose from his seat , about fou.
thousand voices indulged in the oxolauia
tion "Ahl Ahl Ahl" tut people are Ir
the having of venting themselves whili
lookiug upon fourth of July fireworks
Tlio senator walked down the aisle to
ward Iho platform , coolly buttoning the
buttons of his coat ; ns ho mounted the
platform ho was received with a irosli
volley of yells , which died out and wore
renewed again , as ho confronted the
audience from the speaker's desk. The
Chair introduced the representative ol
Illinois as follows :
Gentlemen : Senator Cullom , of Illinois.
M'jro yells followed , during which tin
senator smoothed himself down in fronl
with his hand , nnd when the uproar sub
sided ho proceeded aa follows :
Mr. PrOflilontaniKIontlomonofjthoUonv'Oii
tionT : wonty.four years ago the second nn
tlonal convention of the republican purty inol
in this city nud nominated Us lirst succossfu
candidate for president of the United Htatos-
Abrntmm Lincoln , [ Cheers , ] Abraham Lin
coin led Iho republican parly lo Us first greal
victory , llo stands to-day In tha cstlmatloi
of the world as the grandest figure , thu mosl
miijestie fignro , in nil modern tlinoi. fAu
pluiiHO. J Again Iu 18(18 ( another ropnbllcar
convention came together In this city andnom
inaloil as Us caudldiita for president of tin
Untied Stales , another eminent citizen ol
Illinois Cioiicral Ulysses H. ( Jrant. | Loui
cheers and waving of fans , and other demon
strallons of approval , ] nud Iho ropublicai
parly vviui ngniu victorious.
Still ngnln , in 18SO , ; tlio republican part ]
turned Its face towards tha political mecca
where two successes had boon organliod , nut
Iho murdered ( lurliold led llm icpublican par
ly to victory , [ Loud nnd continued applause.
Mr. President mid felloiv-cltl/xjns it is good
for us lo bu hero. There are omens of victor ;
in the air , History repeats Itself There an
promises of Irlmnpli to the republican part ;
in holding its convention In this grout ompo
rlum of the northwest , ( Applause. ]
The commonwealth of Illinois , which hai
never wavered in , HH ailhoilon to ropublicai
principles hinco It gave to the nation and th
world tlie llluitrious Lincoln mivv presents t
this Lonvontlon for iti consideration as th
stnndnrd bnaror of the ropublioan party nnotli
orson of lllluols onu whaso mime will h
rooognl/.od from nno end of this land to th
other as nn ablu statoimiau , a brilliant soldle
and an man Uencral John A. Logun
The announcement of Gen. Logan'
nnino wao reroived with a wild burst o
upphiuso. A gre'ut many persons risini
to their fcot , waving their hats nni
handkerchiefs and Iho thousands of pee
pie in the gallery joining in the roar o
npplauao. The cheers were ronowci
iigniit and again , At last Cullom pro
cuodcd :
A native of thu ttato which horoprcBonta Ii
Iho council * of the nation , H * among the
youth of n socllon wher < * " ' element of
mnnhood Is early brought r" f ho In ami-
nnntly , & "inn of the 25 [ nppUusoj ,
Identified with thorn In = i faith , nml
good fooling , and onjojf sympathy ,
ro poct nud confulonco , " * s oty , the per
manency , nml the pros ! f the nation
depend upon the cfmrori Mogrlty nnd
the loyalty of Hi cltlroH i yonder flair
win nssallad by onomfd * > ni when the
Integrity of the union < orlllod by nn
organized treason whj * * term of wnr
throntanod tha very llfn in U..H nation , thin
gallant son of the prairie state resigned his
seat In the congress of th' United States , re
turned to his homo , nnd was among the first
of our cltlzeni ) to ratio n regiment , anil to
march to the front In defense of his oounlry ,
[ Apiiltvujo. ] Llko Douglas , ho bollaved that
iu time of wnr men must bo cither patriots or
tntltorn , nud ho throw hli mighty lulluonco
on thn sldn of union.
And Illinois made a record second to none
Iu the history of tha United States Iu tha
struggle to preserve tha government , [ Ap-
plnuiii , ] Amonir the largo mimbcr of bravo
menof bravo soldiers of tha lata wnr whoso
names nro proudly written upon tha scroll of
fntnn , none appear moro grandly than the
inma of Lognn. [ Applause. ] Ills history is
tha record of U i battles of ISolmout , Donol-
sou , of Hhllo , of Vlcksburg , of Lookout Moun-
lain , nud of the famous march to the ROI.
[ Uront npplnusq. ] llo never loot n bittlo.
[ Applautu , ] I repeat ngalu Mr , Chairman
ami follow citizens [ npplauso ] , ho never
lost n bnltlo In all tliu wnr. [ App'nuso.l
W on there wai fighting to bo done , ho did
not Watt for others , nor did Lo fail to obey
nrdnrs whan they woie received. His plume
the "white plume of Hour/ Nnvnrro , "
win nlwnyt to bd soon a" the point where the
bait a raged tha holiest. [ Applniuo. ) Dur
ing the long sltuggln of four years , ho com-
mtndoil muter nutlioi lly of Iho go > erumenlfirst
n regiment , then n brigade , then n division ,
then nu army corps nml filially nu nrniy. IIo
remained Iu the service until the war closed ,
when , nt Iho bond of his nrmy , with the tears
of thu battle upon him , ho marched Into the
capital of the nation nmlwilh the bravo men for
whom ho hnd led on n hundred hard fought
fioldp , wna mustered out of the service under
tha very shadow of Iho capltol building which
he hud jolt four years before as n member of
congress to go nud light the battles of his
country , when the wnr was over , and gen
eral poacn victoriously returned , ho was again
honored by his fellow cltlzons to take his
place In the councils of tha nation. In n ser
vice of twenty years in both houses of con
gress , ha baa shown liimsolf to bo nu loss nblo
nnd distinguished n citizen than ho was re
nowned ns a soldier. Consorvnllvo
hi the advocacy ot measures Involv
ing the public welfare , ready nnd eloquent
- In debate , fearless yes , I repent again fear-
r less In defense of the rights of the weak
B against the oppressions of the strong , ho
1 st mils to-day , and I say It without the ills-
1 position to take one laurel frciu the brow of
those man whoso names may bo presented to
this convention I any ho elands to-day , In
my judgment , closer to the great moss o ? the
people of this country than almost any other
man now enraging public attention. [ Ap-
1 plftiiso. ] No man has done moro In defense of
n UICBO principles which have given Ufa nnd
f spirit and victory to the republican party
than linn John A. Logan , of Illinois. [ Apt -
t plniiso.l
Iu nil that goes to make up a brilliant
f military career and to command n mini to the
> people , ha whose name vvo have presented
lioro to-night has shown himself to ba the poor
of the best ; wo nsk you therefore to give him
this nomination , because It would not bo as-
- Balled , and It Is not assailable. Wo ask you
to nominate him because Ida public record is .
so clwxr that avail political calumny dura not
attack it. Wo ask you to nominate him la
n bolialf of the hundreds of thousands of gray
o voreran voluntotr soldiers who are to-night nil
n over this broad land standing around the tola-
v ; * graph . .r t'i oQices walling , _ _ to , . , _ know i _ 3 tjr whether _ _ .ii. the
pUlnnt loader sf , the volunteer ipldlors of this
cauuUyiit torocoh'o tha nomination at your
hands : [ Applause. ] Wo ask you to nominate
him In behalf of the whlto and the colored
republicans of the south , who nro here by the
hundred , black nnd white , appealing to this
convention ns the representatives of our grand
old party to give protection and to vindicata
them in their rights in the south. [ Applause. ]
Now , my friends , standing In the midst of
this vast assemblage of representative citizens
of the grand republic aye , In tha sublime
presence of the people themselves , represented
hero to-night In all their majesty , wo offer you
the name of the tried here nnd patriot , tha
tha sagacious and Incorruptible statesman ,
tha man though defeated never Bulked
In his tent. Wo offer you General John A.
Logan and ask you to make him your nomi
nee. [ Applause. ]
If you do so , ho will give you n glorious vic
tory In November next ; and when ho bhall
hnvo taken Ida position ns president of this
great republic , you may bo sure you will have
an ndmitilitrntion iu the interest of labor ; In
the interest of education ; In the Interest of
commerce ; in the Interest of finance , and In
the Intercut of the great prosperity of this
great pooplo. [ Applause , ]
Logan's nomination was seconded by
General Proiitiss , of Missouri.
The call was then proceeded with , In
diana , Iowa , Kansas , Kentucky , Louis-
[ Continued on Jlfth pagc.\ \
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