ft OMAHA JDAlLy BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY JUNE 5 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Thursday Morning , Juno 5 , sunsonirrioN RATES. n Carrier - - - W < > enta per week By Sift - - - 110.00 per } car OFFICE : No. 7 Poorl Btreot.tNoar Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's aprlng gooda. The cily council moots again to-night. Fresh balodhay and atraw at 700 B'way. Vine atroot ia to bo brought up to grade. grade.W. W. B. Braun , brother to Braun the caterer , has a very aick child. The dlatrict court , which has had a week's vacation , resumes buslncas to-day. The work on Wm. Smlth'a now build ing on Broadway ia to bo commenced to day. day.Good Good walks and a fountain are among the needed Improvements in Bayllaa park. Broadway near Goiro's brewery has had to bo reinforced to keep from falling into the crook. The Main atroot railway track haa boon torn up , to bo replaced with now rails , aa promised by the company. James Winana has opened a confection ery store next to the opera huuso , in ad dition to hia roataurant farther up Broad way. Although a few now benches have boon added in Bayliaa park , ntill there \ need for moro , especially in the aunaot hours and on Sundaya. Ono of the prisoners act at work on the tono-pilo yoatordoy tired of the job and climbed over the fence , barbed wire and all , making good hla oacapo. There were about forty couploa at the dancing school at the rink Tuesday night. The prospocta for the aohool are excellent - lent , and the ioo cream parlora are well patronized. 'Now lamp poata are now ordered planted at the corner of Fourth atroot and Eleventh avenue , Sixth direct and Twelfth avenue , and Tenth atroet and Seventh avonno. It aooma now pretty certain that First avenue will bo extended through to Ban croft street The coat ia oatimatod at $7GOO , and it is proposed to charge thia up to the property directly benefited. Hana Miller , who was arrested at Doniaon for striking his wife over the head with a gun , haa boon placed in jail here to await the action of the grand jury , being unable to 'furnish the $500 bail required. R. Britton , who ia writing up the ghost manifestations at Hancock , Bays : " Several timoa In our nightly vigils wo have felt powerful manifestations of the spirits. " That settles it f'J.GO , and aland committed nntil paid. Ladies and gentleman who wish to become - como charter members- the ledge of Knights and Ladies bi Honor , \o bo' or ganized here about Juno 10 , bay ) obtain necessary information by consulting W. W. Chapman , or Frank Cook. To-morrow evening a gift aoclal la to bo given at the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. It la to bo hoped that citzona generally will attend , and that each will bring some offering /to / make the furniahings and adornments of the rooma complete. Yesterday forenoon a farmer named Campbell , was driving hia team along lower Broadwayf when the horsea became came frightened and made a lively tun , Ono of the horaoa climbed into the wagon-box , and in doing BO got a bad gaah on ono log. J. J. Auwordor & Co. , have displayed n their show window a very fine floral decoration , constating of compaaa and iquaro , enclosing the letter G. The whole of thia Maaonio doaign being | wrought in flowora by W. W. Chapman. It haa boon loaned to the festival. An attempt ia being made to organize hero b branch of the Woman's Christian Tomporanoo Union , and 'tho ladloa hav- iutj the inatlor in charge wjll moot at the Y. H. 0. IA. rooms next Monday after noon to perfect an organization. AJ1 la- dlci interested are invited to bo present There was n ( juiot little wedding yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock by which Charles Harmon and Biles Rachel Fisher became Kir. and Mrs. Harmon. Rov. Mr. Bates performed the ceremony , and the newly wedded ones started for a westward trip. Mr. , Harmon ia ono of David Bradley & Co.'a traveling sales men. men.Thomaa Thomaa Bowan , aocrotaryof the driving park association , reports that the entries ! are coming in very encouragingly for the ' meeting , There have boon ton entries in ono class alone , and ho predicts with oonCdonoo that there will bo from 75 to 100 horses at the mooting , a larger num ber , and including speedier ones , than inat any previous mooting. Gus Bergman , who has boon Associated with the Olobo for some time , has now arranged to join with T. D. King In the manufacture of cigars , the new firm to be T. D. King A Co. , and the location Ol9 Broadway. Both are well known , and" with eiperionco in tha business and many friends , there is every reason to belioyo iho now enterprise will bo a great success , , Mr. Uoflolfinger Is making every effort io satisfactorily settle the affairs of the < 0r wforcl county bank. Ho has turned overall his property , save ono farm upon "which ho will move , thus proving hia . honesty of purpose and that his personal Integrity ia untarnished by hia business misfortune. Arrangements are being to transfer the bank and its assets to parlies with an abundance of capital , with a view to paying oflf all liabilities , dollar for dollar lar , and resuming business. If this is cflbclod the bank fallura will provo only a ripple on the surface of business affairs that will seriously affect the interests of nono. The change will probably bo made this week. Crawford County JluUctin. Lately the Nonpareil claimed that an attorney of the city had some grievous charges to make againsl the city council. A citizens' committee investigated , of whom Spencer Smilh , of The Nonpareil , was ono. Another was E. L. Shugart. These two have reported to the council that the attorney had failed to put in an appearance when culled upon to do so. Now it is the council's turn , and the committee - mittoo is rcqucoled to name the "attor ney , " that all may know who ho is that thus shoots from an ambush , and Ihon doA - A number of prominent property own ers have filed their protests with the city council , aqalnst the special assessment made against their property for filling stroota in front of their lots. They claim tlio cily has no legal right to make such assessments , but that the cost of such im provement must bo paid for out of the general fund. It looks as If there would bo n chance for the courts to decide in the matter. If thu courts should dcclao against the city , there would bo a heavy drain on the general fund , nnd a li/oly commotion. If some enterprising public carrier would start up special convoyanccn for carrying visitors to and from Fairmount park al a reasonable price , nnd make regular trips , ho would have plenty of patronage. There are many here who have no moans of visiting the park , and many strangora would also take n look at KB beauties. At present there are no such conveniences , .for these who have no private conveyances nro .not good walkers , and do not care to go to the ox- ponno of hiring a livery. An old man named Eaaton was yostor- day afternoon thrown from a load of brick on upper Broadway , by ono of the wheels going down in a sort of yostor'J made by the water from ono of the hy drants used in filling the street sprinklers. The old man struck in Iho street , on the back of his head , the wag on seal falling on top of htm. Ho had a narrow escape from being run over by the heavy load , but as it was , ho got off with no further Injury than a rough shaking up. The examinations at St. Francis academy will begin on the 23rd , and con tinuo three days. The examinations at St. Joseph's academy will occupy the two remaining days of that week. The an nual oxnibillon of St. Francis academy will take place on the evening of the 26th. Heretofore these exhibitions have boon hold In Iho daytime , but this year a change of time was doomed advisable. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon there arrived here a Palmer excursion train of eight coaches , ! containing a par ty of about 170 who were on their return east from a trip across the continent. The party loft here over the Chicago & Rock Island. 'Tho' ' excursionists were expected to arrlvo about 2 o'clock and dinner was prepared for them , but there was a delay on the road. Sweet potato plants largest stock 'in iho west by W. H. Foster , Council Blffus. Send for price list. Rcnl Kstata Transfers , The following transfers were filed May 4 , 1884 , and reported by P. J. Mo- Mahon , Council Bluffs : Jane McGrogan to W , 13. Gappy , part oj 82 , 77,30. 8250. A. L. Kolilo to Max Mohu , part lot 13 , block 4 , Jackson's add. $2,500 Julia D. Board to Uoorgo Motcalf. lot 10 , block 12 , Bayllss 2d odd. SS.OOO. Total anlos , 37,850. Something fop Nothing , Until further notice wo glvo to each twentieth customer his purchase , what- evoi the price or value of the same may bo. Our cashier will keep an accurate record of every transaction and when the twentieth sale of any amount1 IB made the purchaser will1 bo presented with the same. Wo have adopted for the present this'systonMof advertising because It gives our'pa ' trend iuntoadof jtlfo newspapers the fivo'jnor ' coat , which it' cost lis. Clothing [ retailed at wholesale prices. Hats re tailed at casopriuos. ; Furnishing goods , trunks , bags , umbrellas , etc. , etc. Every twentieth customer presented with' ' his purchase. ' ' METOALK Bitos. I'JEIlSONAt ; . W.B. Cuppy.'of Avoca , was in the city yesterday , , i , Ore Haley , of Lwamto , was ut the Union Pacific hotel. W. Kenney , of Sibloytook a roat yesterday tha Transfer hotel. Klrkhoin , the jeweler , Is on the sick Hat1 nnd and his llttlo child bos the measles. idof JCSBO Ulhory , who llvaa a few miles out of the'city , Is very III with lung fever H. 0. liowon , of Omaha , WM In the city yesterday and dlnod with Mr , P. Weto , John Duller , chief of the Qjnalm fire depart ment , woa on thia nldo of the river ytwtordiy. Bon Newman , now a prosperous Omaha merchant , WM shaking hands with old friaada here yesterday. George H. Backul , of Omaha , was In the city yesterday looking after the organization of a lodge hero of the KnlghU and Ladloa aof Honor , B. W. Fcnruson left yesterday for a trip Into Nebraska , looking after Ids Joan business. He WM occoinpanloil by 0. W. JI. Ueyer , of Crlnnell. Mrs. T. A. Clark leaves this morning for Pocatello , Idaho , where eho expect * to join her husband and make him a short visit. Her daughter uccoinpaulea her. I J , II , Wheeler , fotnerly of the Ogdeu , and "alwho | is uow located at Jautsvllle , Wl . , in the | roil estate business , is back for a brief stay , J preparing to wove hid family to WisooimJu. MASONIC MATTERS. Farther Doings of the Masonic Granfl Lodge , Klcctlon or onicers. At the yostorday'a soasionof the Grand Ledge A. l'A. . M. , the committee on juriadiction reported against the propoa- od dispensing witli the next annual con vocation , and the qrand ledge concurred In tills report. The report of the finance committee allowed the receipts for the year ending Juno 1 , 1881 , to have boon § 20,570 83 , nnd . disbursements ? 20,95G.G5 , leaving a balance of $2,021.18. The committee on chartered lodgca re ported the whole number aa 437 ; num ber of lodgca extinct , -12 ; whole number working lodgoa paying duos , ! J80j lodges making returns up to May 15 , 370 ; not making roturna , 1 ! ) . Capitol ledge , No. 110 , of DOB Moincs , allowed the largcat increase for the year , their increase being 32. Otloy ledge , No. 200 , of Perry , allowed the largest amount of work done , and aonl in the model report of the yoar. The committee on library , through Lnfo Younf , ' , reported. The grand ledge was organized In 1814. In ISin an appropria ton of S" ) for the purchase of books WM mailo. Small appropriations followed during succeeding yoarx , nnd In the year Ifc82 nil appropriation of $1 OJO WAI inndo for the purchase uf tha Howen library which wai the finoKt of It ) kind In the world. With the books previously gathered , ndi'cd ' to the ISowon collection , the grand lodge now owns the most comprehensive and oxtcn > lvo Ma sonic library In the world , snd It not Infre quently happens that the author * and com- pliers in Kuropo nro coinnollud to nfok Information mation on y to bo found in our Imva Mtuionlo library. No correct oallinato of the lihntry can bo formed without n visit to it. Many of the works are rare and not n f > w buyond prico. I.overH of the curloua In llteratura or of thu Strange and forgotten facts of history would bo delighted with Its well loaded shelves. " " Wo are nhlo to Htnto that the grand librarian In faithful and competent In the discharge of liin duties , and that ho takes great prldo in the 10,000 rare volumes en- truttod ! to his caro. A communication waa received from the i Grand Ledge of Missouri , sending greetings 8o , and expressing regret that ita ollicon could not bo present. Yesterday afternoon the following grand officers : Grand Maator 0. T. Gran ger , of Appanooao county ; Grand Senior Warden Layfotto Young , of Atlantic ; Grand Junior Warden E. A. Charles , of Cedar Ilnpida ; Grand Secretary Theodore S. Parvin , of Iowa City ; and Grand Treasurer John M. Zane , of Sao City. Buahnoll soils railroad tickets cheap to all points. Police Pointers. . In the police courtyoatorday morning , F , . Curry. T. Martinaon and T. Welch were brought before the bar on n charge of being found Bleeping in box earn. Martinson wai discharged , but the two others were fine $7(00 ( each as they were found to bo armed with revolvers. They will tarry for a while on the atone pilo. , John Potoraon for being drunk and aslocp'iintho park , wan aaaoaaod $7,00. John O'Brien , John Emmett and Nelson , troro also adjusted for plain drunks. Jennie Cliraor , known aa "Okubwaa attested for diaturblng the peace , aho being concerned in some fuss at Belle Olorria" old houso. Jennie Graveyard , alias Cemetery Jane , wasjtho prosecuting witness. The caao wont ovo'r until thia afternoon. Two , young follows , Jones and Phillips , charged with , ' being mixed up In the row/ / were discharged. , W-T. BBAUN Haa the reputation of sorvliig aa fine moala aa any in the city , Hia ice croama are said to bo the boat. Don't ) forgot the number. It is 404 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' MATOE , Ho is PrcHonteil By C'ltlioiiH "With Ilorso'antl Yesterday forenoon Mayor W. R. Vnughan was the recipient of n very practical i and valuable giftconsisting of a horso' , buggy and j liarnosa. The ' SO waa purchased of 'Frod Davia , a fine Ck horse , Gvo years old , coatiiig300. ; ho buggy is a top ono , a tip-top ono , ono of . Hattonhauor'a boat , costing $350 , and the harness was made by YValtora Bros. ; it coat $45. The whole rig is ono worthy of'carrying the mayor of a live city of 25,000 people. The presentation was made bylMdorman Mynstor in behalf of the QitizonBWho : had joined with him in purchaaiuR ir. In iresponao Mayor Vaughn returns the following card : A CAIU ) OF THANKS. Wm. \ ! . Mynstor , Y , J , McMalion , 0. Oolao , JtoV. ] . ! > . MoMonomoy , Klmball and Cluunp , X. Louie , A. U , Ifnwo , .lainoa Krainey , Thoniaa Cuwunw. Harry Ulrkonblno , II. l ! . Martin , I ( . If. llattonlmuor , Goo. V. Wrinht and ninny others : , Tlio bountiful nnd costly horse , bugey mil ' harness , this dny prosoiitod to mo , through 'your oonnolttoo in moit grutofullv acceitod. ] I shall oodoavor to show ruy lull apprecia tion of the ; BUiiQ by carefully looking after the Interest of our city , nud I tiustthut before my term of ofllco IIM expired , In 18'0 , that thu In. habitants pf Council liluffg may bo lucroosoil to fiO.OOO u'ctlvo people , and that oachwuo may be free from old foeyism and jealousy. Gentleman. ' I again return to you my heart felt thanks. 'Very truly , ty. R. Mayor. Caaady , Oroutt & French's great clearing - ing aalo of tarpots , curtains , and uphol stery , will commence Juno 5th , and continuo - tinuo 80 days , Look out for big bargains. Strangers visiting the city ara invited 118.to call and inspect our stock. A SOEKE OF BEAUTY. The IlUnlny Made by Cnttady , Oroutc Fronoli , Yesterday afternoon ajid evening Cas- ady , Orcutt & French gave their grand onomng diiplay of carpets' , curtains , oto. , in their now quarters in the Masonio Temple. Thoaceno presented WM ono well worth seeing , and fully justified the exclamations of delight in which thu many lady visitors expressed themselves. Certain it is , that Council Bluffs never had as fine a showing , The whole ot the first floor , CO by 100 foot , was filled with a great variety of carpets , curtains , and house furnishings in that line , dis- played very tastily. The exhibit was a decidedly interesting ono , as well as beautiful. Rich , velvety carpets , with great variety of designs , were shown to great advantage. Among these were special patterns , ono particularly drawing the attention of the Masonio visitors , it being n beautiful carpet , the design of which was made up of the symbols of the mystic order. In curtains there were also some very rich patterns , in Turco man , raw silk , lace , etc. Some of thcao were displayed , all hung and draped , on poles , complete , setting forth their beauty very attractively. Turkish ruga also excited the admira tion of the visitors , and aomo beautiful patterns of Oriental tablo-covora. In fact , there were many really elegant goods , and many entirely now patterns , so that the visitors gained the latest ideas about the needfuls of an elegant homo. In connection with the display Mrs. L. A. Smith gave a very beautiful display - play of the fancy needlework done by herself and her claw , There was a great variety of thia , and many of the articles merited special notice. Among the la dies who belong to the class , and who exhibited articles were , Mrs. Charles Oflicor , Mios Hattie lluo , Miss Ida Casady , Mra. Ira Scofield , Mrs. Dr. Os berne , Mrs. George I'holps , Miss Grace Osborno , and Mrs. B. D. F. Fisher. There Troro also some very pretty arti cles shown aa the work of two little girls , Mian Clara Wheeler , aged eleven years , and Miss Ilattlo Smith , aged nine years. Sending out Stock. They following were shipments of stock from the union stockyards yester day : M. Kilmer , ono car hops , C5" head , .Tohn WKinno ( ! carhops , 03 ho d. D. Anderson , one cor IIORS , f)7 head. S. Froilorlck , ono cir hi-K'i " ° head. Morao K. AlCo. , ono car hops , 00 ho J. llrown & Unss , two car hogs. 113 hoad. F. Maokln , ono car hofcH. 02 head. H. Irgnlls , one car hogs , CO head. I'nrlthurst ft M. ono car hogs , 0 j hood. Columbus Packing Co. , one car him Gl head. 1) . S. Bliss , one car hogs. 09 head. I. Hoatly , onojcar cattle , 31 head. All the hogi wore sent to Chicago over the Hock Island , and the cattla to Larimlor via. IT. P. COMMEUCIAIj. COUNCIL BLurrs UABKET. Whoat-No. 1 milling , 7G@80 ; No. 3 C5@ 70 ; rejected50. Corn Local purpoans , 40 ® 15. OaU Foe local purposes , 35@40. - Hny 310 00@ia 00 per ton. Hyo ) @ 45 < j. Com Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbsnk's , wholesaling at 9Jo. Flour City flour , 1 C0@3 30. Brooma 2 96@3 00 per doz. LIVB OTOCK. Oattlo Butcher cows 4 00@J 50. Butcher t ors 4 D0@5 00. HoRs 4 C0@4 75. PUODCCE AND KHDITS. jQuotationa by J. M. St. John & Co. , com- niUsion morchanta , 538 Broadway. Poultry Heady Balojchlckeng.tlroBsod , 12io ; live , 9o ; tiukoys. dresaad , 15o ; liyo , 12c ; Ducks , droesed , 1' io ; live , 8c. Oranges 5 00@5 GO per box. Ijomons 3 00@ 1 00 per box. Bananas 2 50@3 50 per bunch Jiuttor Creamery , 20c ; rolla , 10@13c. KCKS 12o pot dozen. Btrawborrioa-lG quart tray 2 00@2 25. ( Vegetables Potatoea , 35@10 ; onions , 75c ; cabbage ; 4 cents iwr pound ; npplen , ready Bale at u 00 for prime stock ; lioana , 150 @ 2 25 per bushel. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ft vertlsomente , i o as Loet , Found , To loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wanta , Board- Uijr , etc. , will be Inserted In thia column at the low rate of TKK CENTS PEK LINK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent n- Bertlon. Leave advertisements al pur office , No. , Pearl Street , near Droadwav j WANTS. ; W PAPERS For Bale at Bu offloo , at 25 cento I a hundred. ? OH SALE On Olon avenue , lot CO feet front , unsurpassed - surpassed for a One residence , bason It at present ! small frame house. Will bo sold on cisy payments. Fnquire on premises , No. ISO , Olcn avenue. Mary Feller. WANTED By ft lady , a situation us short hand anmnuonub and copyist. Uaa a tjponrltor. Addrero "J" Bee oQlce , Council Illufla. \X7ANTKD-Two first class Coat-makers , lmmcdl < VY aUly. Smith & Teller , 7 and Main street TTfTANTED Every body m Council Bluffs to take > VV TuiBis. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. FOR SALE Top Buargy , Dexter eprlngo , and single harness. Enquire , JI. K. Seaman , 405 Broadway HOTEL FOR RENT Tlio omont House for [ rent on reason * Io terms. Furniture will be sold to router. . Apply on promises opposite Broad ad way dummy depot , Council Illuffs , A QENTS Ladles and gentlemen can make first XXcluui wages by Belling the "Champion Bosom Btrccther ami ronlop Board. " Retails at 11.00. Any lady cau do up a flno shirt without a wrinkle and Rlosd It as nlcolyaathebcatlaundrloscan.Addrcsa for paitlculars 0. B. S. & L Co , , Bu ofllco , for one moMth , Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ro the tlraos of the arrival and do- parturo of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton inln ILOS earlier and atrho t n mlnutca later. cnicioo , BOKUNaros AND QWINOT , LliVI. iRKlVB 6:35 : pm ChlcoRoRxprosa P.OOam 0:40 : a m tai Uall. 7on : iff EMS a m 'Mall and Kxprcss , 7:10 : p m 12:30 : pm Accommodation. iMpm : 'At local depot only. KlKBil CITY , ST. JOi AMP COUNCII , SLVtn. 10:05 : a m Mall and Kxpro&s , 7:05 : p m 8:03 : p m radflo Express , 6:60 im CU101QO , HIIWADKI1I ASD BT. TAtTL. 6:25 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m 9:10 : a m Express , 9:16 : p 1U1 CHICAGO , KOCK ISUKD AND riCLHO. 6:30 : p m Atlantlo Kxpross , 9:05 : im 0.25 a m Day Express , 0:61 : p m 7:20 : p m Dos Molnes Aoooiuuioditlou , 6.06 p im At local depot only. WABAAU , IT , I/OD1S AMD PACmO. 9:55 : a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4:60 : pin Cannon Pall 11:10 : am At Tranifor < lnl cincAoo and NOBTUWMTULH. 6 0 p m Express , 9.W p m 9:25 : a in radflo Express , 0.05am" sioux cm AVD rAoino. 7:40 : p m Bt Paul Express , 8:60 : a m 7UO a m Day Expreu 0:60 : p m DKION ricmo. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:56 : am 11:00 : am radfio amm Kxureaa , 4:40 : pm 7:40 : am Local Express , 0:64 : a m 12:10 : am Lincoln Express , - At Traa for only. BUM MT TRAINS TOOlltHA. L aTe-7 : ) -sso-9So-10.30-ll:40 : : . m , iao-JSO : S:30-4SO-6jVfl.85 : : : ! lloap : m 8undayJoHNo : a , in. 1SOJSO6SO:3S11C6 : : : : : p. m. Anne 10 mln- ntes before luvluK time. ACOB SIMS. E.P.OADWKLL SIMS & OADWELL , flttorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office ' , Main Street. Rooms 1 and Ehugart A Mo- Mahon'i Block. Will piactloe In Etato and edcr | COUlU ROLLER RINK ICE CREAM PARLOR. Taught by TUOF. Scimoon Tuonday and Friday evenings from 8:30 : to 20:30 : o'clock. IltNK FOIl KENT AT $15.00 PER NIOHT. WTUAROEST FLOOR IN TOWN , H , H , MARTENS , Prop'r. Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Middle BrondiJiv. Council BluQa. WESTERN IOWA NORMAL -SCJKNTinO AND- COMM SEOUL COLLEGE , COUNCIL nMirrs IOWA Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884. A complete course for tcachcra wul thoio desiring a lilKhor ijull : li cilucatlon , a full business course , \tlth tralnlt t , ' In nctuil Imslnrta practice nnd Kcncr- n correspondent ! ) , short hand , ornamental pcntfan- clilp , locution , Gcrminaod music , Splendid rooms , laieu , light nnd well ( utnlnhcd , cliari < caery raodcr- fttc , cott of mingrrcasonnMo , society good , experi enced tcftchcra for further particular * , Inquire of IlBAUDdLKY & PAULSON , Council llluns , Iowa. N , SCHURZ , Mco of e Peace. OFFICK OVEH AVKUICAN EXl'UESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA ; BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant o .85 Pearl Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. E. Eice M. D. or other tumors removed without the knife or drawing of blood. { JHRONIC DISEASES Oror thirty years practical experience Offlo * Ha Pearl street , Council bluffs tfJTConoultatlon tree W. R.VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blaffr. estata colloo Ion agcm Ol'l Fo'.b HEADQUARTERS BAVARIAN BAND. Persons wishing to cngago this Band for parties , sociables , serenades , etc. , should call or address , JACOB P. SCHMIDT , Manager , 25 North Main St. GASH TALKS ! A.t the well-known. Establishment OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH I 01 Council Illufla. N6Uco our reducoa Price List. Wo give IS'pouncla ' Extra C Sugar for . $1 00 11 pounds annulate ! Sugar . 1 00 25 poundt Choice Oatmeal . 100 25 pound ) Navy Boarta . 1 00 0 pounds B"Bt Bulk Starch . . . . 1 00 12 pounds Carolina Rice . 4 . . . . . . 1 00 12 pound ) Choice t'runia . 1 00 25 bare Buffalo Soap . 1 00 Extra Lake Trout , per pound . OB Lorriliard's Plug per Ib . (0 1 doicp Mackerel . 15 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 BO 10 pounds Ginger Suapj . 1 00 40 pounds h inlay . 1 00 6 Italian keg Syiup . 1 70 White Fish , per kli . 80 Mackerel , per kit . 85 Dates , per pound . 10 103 pound cans StinJanl Tomatoes . 1 00 All kinds California Frulta . pound lusk'a Standard 4 for . . . . . . 1 00 T. T. T. A1I grades , according to quality , 15o to SOo per pound. We al o carry a full line ol Men's , I vdlos' nnd Child tea's flno Shoos and Mcn'i Fine llootn at very low prices. Also a lull Hue 01 Tinware and general merchandise. Call on us and be convinced that you can save money fey dealing with ua. Qooda delivered free Inanv part of the city. la a word , vre are txmnd to sell and challenge all audaola competition In thia countr. J. P. FILBERT' ' 09 u .or Broadway SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We sua'autoo the cure ol the following named lis - or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , ts , Catarrh , a 1 Ilfoo'd andiklndUeatbs , Dyspepsia , Llvor Complaint , Klilnuy anil Oladilor Diseases. Gout , Noll- algla and Asthma , Thesi Springs are the favorite ceort ot the 11 roil an.l ilobllltatad , and are the FEKBLE LADIK8 BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , livery and bathing acoomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wauisn railway , uci Kvona.or O. , B. & O. , at AHiany. Corrwponucno sollolted , HEV. M. U. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , ( Gentry Co. , Ho , ANALYSIS. Speolflo Gravity . .1.002 Reaction Neutta Caibonlo Add Gas 8 In. nor gallon Carbonate Calcium. . . . . . . . . . 86,021 Oralni Carbonate Iron 7,041 ! ' Sulphate Magnesia 3.2S8 " Sulphate Calcium 1,149 "j Chloride Sodium T.iflo SlUIca 1.6M " 1 Alumina _ * . . , . . .0,016 Orgaulo and Volatile matter and loss. . . , . 1,450 ' * otal eollds p r tallon 07,171 " WMOIIT& UBRXU.L , ChemlsU As there are many So-Oalled Veterinary Sureeons In till * city , who are practicing their quickety on ourixwp'o ' , I derm It but JustUoto lay that 1 doly | anyol them to prod ice a diploma , or credential , ndloatlng that they are graduates ot any tcterlnary netltute , and I do hereby caution the publlj against such quacks , at I am the Only Known Giaduate IN WESTEliN IOWA. Office & Pharmacy , 125 B'dway ' , AT BLUE BABN. T. J. CADY , M , D. , V. S , moa. ornou , n. M. resit. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffi . . Ia. Establisma - - 1856 Dealers m Foreign anil omettlo Kichacgt an UOOM Securitt H.H , HORNE & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN n ne Cigars Wo make a specially , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA nd YARA 01QAIIS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as represented , OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , C52 Broadway , II. H. HOUNE & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA. In order to give my entire attention to Iho manufacluro and sale of HAIR GOODS , my ntiro of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS Will bo sold at COST until all disposed of. MES , D , A , BENEDICT , No. 337. W BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. All kinds of cr. 3ec. Engineering cvin.cM. . , S3 ROOM 6 , m CPEHA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , . oto. V _ All Orders by Mallj Promptly Attended To. IE. STOOZKHEIRT & OO -MANUFACTUHEH3 OF- CAUPLT3 , CUKTA1XS , WINDOW FIXTURES , find lUX'AIUINd XaatoxioxtDoooxotioaist . " - - * via.cl "CTi : . A Specialty. NO. 301) ) BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUP The undersigned is paying the highest market pric e for Bags. S. GOLDSTEIN. ; 540 Broadway , Council Dluffa WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 2 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Sin-tiler , Mm and Fresco-Painter Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN AND WOOD , BULK AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , UIOIiaAN BLASTER , ILUB AND HEWER PIPE. No. B39 Broadway , - - corjNOlL BLPPra. IOWA. V 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed TO LO.A.N ON IMPROVED FARMS IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA LOWEST RVTE3 , QJ TXT Xr SO PEARL STREET , BEST TERMS. O. VV . 05 , J Council B'.uBs , Iowa ASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtalne , In Lace , El'h ' , Turcoman , Etc. Oilcloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc Ihoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in .our line , heapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnisbinga in the City. Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIO TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care Wo have the The latest nov- finest stock and cities for Spring all the latest de Overcoats w o signs to select have just re- from. ceived. See them ONE BUT TUB LEADING HANDS E9T OF . EMPLOYED. SKILLED Merchant Tailors 7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. srx UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH KTo. 3.-O. 3XT. IMCnlXL St. . KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Street , Countil Blufi's , Town. Wo guarantee our work aa first-dais in ever manner and atylo at low price Wo make a unociaUy of Groupoa , Familloa , and oapccially children , wliic wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEE US. SCHMIDT & RILEY. Proprietors. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE American Plan. \ Furnituio and appointments all now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Blutf J. ait 29 'Main Street Council Blutfs