-f " " ' " * * * * " * * * * J.J . o f\\f ATT * A IT A OMAJLiA DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , JUNE 5 , 1884. BUY IT AND TUT IT \ try it for Earache , Try It for Headache , Try It for Toothache , Try It for Backache. For an ncho or n patn Thomas' Eclcctric Oil ia excellent , Olms. P. Mcdlor , box 274 , SchctiooUidy , N. Y. Thomas' Ecloctrio Oil is the bo t thing going , pa Bays. Cured him of rhomntism nnd rae of earache two drops Master Horace Bronizer , Clinton , Iowa. Try It for a Limp , Try It for a Lameness , Try t for a Pain , Try It for a Strain , From shoulder to ankle joint , and for thrco months I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eolcotrio Oil. Thomas' Ecloctrio Oil did what no physician eocinod ahlo to accomplish. It cured mo. John N. Gregg , Supt. of Hallway Construction , Niagara Falls. Try It for a Scald , ; Try It for a Cut , Try It for a Brulso , Try It for a Burn , Ir'jrloo , C3Oo .rvxxcl iJlX.OO FOSTER , MIPBUHN & CO. , Propa. , Buffalo. N. Y. To th ese ruflorlnc from tno t ttfttti of ronlhfnl frroni , fmin lno kn M. < nrlj'd . . Iwm nilroiiP rtlcitl t of ci > 7rontininhood , to. . ultnrjle nod coruin me n of M f nir < i , frco of eh rK j. . Hand your ddi tol" . U. lO\VUU.Moodm.Oonn. DR.HORHE'S EE.EUTRIG BELT [ KDilSKi5' ' jmloiiYfrirfr W.'rainrili , -SVfY-- i'lli- . I | , irorr , Itnnolmry , mliAiriu , I'mlaprnii Uteriilo. onlr wlenlliKi.1 ' . . , < llcltln .Mnrrlt > liiatKnilitii < iniPrrlclt ) ami i . . nclUin through uinbodyandcanl > owh.irKcdlnanln tUuit lir the iwtlrnt. SI.OOO Would FiotBuu It. Tin. nonKR-I wan alfilctod with rheumatism and cured by mine * belt To any ono afflicted with that disease , I would Rif , Imy Uorno's Klectrla Holt , Any ono ran oontcr with mo by writing caUliiu at myntorc , 1420 Douglat itnet. Omahn , Neb. WILLIAM LYONl MAIN OFFICE Oppoalto ixwtofllcfl , room 1 Fren tor block. taTFor tale at 0. F. doodinan'u Drug'.Storo1 1110 Aainam tit , Omaha. Orders nilo.1 C. 0 D. ron Tin : cunn OF ALL DISEASES OP Mon6is.CATTM.PIIIPPnOG8HOGB : ! , nntl I'UUJjlUY. - , . > Ton TWENTY YJU1W IInmphrp\ii' Homriv. PnlhlrI'lcrlnnrv Bpclllc * fm\oIx-cn ni l by Parmrn. Hlnrk ItrpiiliT" . UvrrvHtoulonnu I'urlini'ii , llnrnr Ili'llnmili , Alnnnfarliirrrii , font Mlrlitl'iiiiiiiiinli'K , 'Irnv'd Illniiodrnmcr nnrl 'Mrirncrrlri. ami others ImndUug Bloci. lth in ricct nuorf < fl. lluiiiplirui * ' Vclrrlnnry Mnnnnl. PM pp. l-nt fr , a Iiy rnnll on nt ( Ipt of jirlcc. mcents n/"l'aiiiulilru Knit Irco ounprlleallon HUMrilHUYS IIOMliOI'ATIIHIMICD.CO , 101J rultun felrcct , New YorU. " " VltM VVrnUnOil nnil Pro * HUf/IPHRFYS1 / , , from otor worlc or SsSiitOMEOPATHIC fc , SPECIFIC No. tal remedy known. Irlco 1 1 P r rial , orl vul larxo Tlal of powder for 01 , nont post f me on r cflvt of rrlee. Iliniiplirpyn' llntiicn. Alrd. < , ' Mlml. Cntaloguo frue.1 ItUI Xfulluu ( at. , fi. If I \rhcn 1 T euro 1 ur itut moan mcroiy lo BtopT em tor Htlmo&nd tnen hire thtm return aft-tln , I mp n arulJ- r&lcnro I hare madn tlio UUcaeo of KITS , ISl'ILKfaV orFALrJNaHICKNE33AlIfolontii udj. I warrantta7 era&d * to tnre tlio worst case * . lUvauio olh ri bar * Called is no reason for not now rocolvliiR cure. IH&4M CDCA for A trputUo and A I r 'o Uottlo of my , fllTe fcxi > rns * anil 1'ust Otllco. It i ; for K trial , and I wlllcnro joz. Iddresa Ur. 11 , (1. HOOT. Ha 1'oarl BU. DR. DYE'S ] ( BKkOKR. ) " ( IfTKR. ) lCl-OTItO-VOLTAIO HELT and other HLBOrnio AlTlliBCKS nrn scut on M Daji' TrtAl TO ONLY. YOUNO Oil OLD. who are uff r- from NIETODS DEniurr , Ixjsr VITALITT , liriMaVrjHiNES5E3. . nnd all thogs dU ue > of a asoNAi. NiTUHE. roultlnir from ABUSES and Onun CiUBiis. Bpeodr relict and romplcto TAMoratlon to HIULTII , Viaon and MIHIIOOD OUAOIJITIID. ( kind at ODOQ for Illuitrated I'amphlct free. Addrcm TOLTAIO BKf.T CO. . Murthnll. tllleh. Science ot Life , Only $1,00. BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A. GUHAT BIEDIOAlj WOItK Eibtuateil Vitality , Nervous and PhVBlool Debility , Prointturc Docllno In Man , Kiroro of Youth , an the untold mleerlca oiultlnK from InJUcrctlous or ox- ooeoc * . A boot : f or o\ cry man , younff , mlddto aged , and old. U contains 12S prescriptions for all acute and chronic disease ! each ono of wlildila Invuluab'o Bo found by the Author , whoso osporloaoo for 23 j-onrj li such BB probably novur before fell to the let of any | > h > al < ; au 000 paged , bound In bcantlfu Kronen tuutlln raooeecd covers , full Kllt.uuiuntooJ to b a Onor worx n ovorysenso , incclmnlcal , lit erary and profosklenal , than any othtr work sold In thlf country for V2.CO , or the money will bo refunded In every Instance. Frlooonly fl.oo by mall , poet- paid. Illiutratl > aiami4oDconts. Bend now. God medal suarilndthu author by tlio Matloml Uodlo-l Atttodallon , to the offlcori ot which lie rclcri. Tlio Sdenso of I/.to should bo read by the youne lu trmtlonand by the afflicted for relief. It nil ) bonufll all. London Lancet. There l no member ot society to whonTba ScJ- encool Life will not N useful , nhcther jouth , par- out , KuardlAn , Initructororolermman. Argonaut. AildroM th 1'cibody Ucdlcnl Inntltute , or Dr. W , n. Parkir , No. i Culflnch Street , Uoston Macs. , who may ho consulted on all diseases requiring ftklll and * . Ulironlo and obstlnatodlioases that liavo tialflcd tha tklll ot all other phys-IIPK I cUtia a epocltliyi Much treated Bucvcsu-Dl Ml fully wllbont in tmtano alln e , . ' ot thel UnoorfttlTt Oivooi . . . . . A gulcUr cufctl .by the CIVIIiLKMUrilOr ) . AdOpU'dlllalltholIOSjl'lTAI.1 OF FllANUJii 1'rompli.rvturp nl V1O01U Blmiilc casts3 tofl. Boveruone * , f3 to lit. Pumnhlel Free. Clylalo Ilomc4Ial Agcuo . ISC F\iltgn \ at. , Ko York. * ' ! _ / ' The Emperor IXUls' Napoleon wiioked only thn fiue t lyar the world could pro duce. 1'rol. tlonford t< the Kiaperor I dun were made nwiiUf ( or Uun in Ha- % ana from leaf taluuxx > ifrowu In the Oolden BeltofNorUiCsrolln , llilsbelU4'tlioCuc t leaf rrown. Dlwkwcll' * Hull Durham BmokuiK 'robaoco Is inado from Uio wroo leaf UBed iu the r.iniror' dg r , Is abito- lately pure and U uuijuaUonatly tUo bunt tobacco ever offered. srtftod daughter , Anne , InUred Urod Tennyson , In Ifarptr't . If Ui of her visit to the great poet Hue found Umunoktair lllackweU's Dull Durham Tobaooo , ftcuthlmbyllon. Jamea HoBuU Lowell , American UluUtcr to the Court of 81. Jamw. In Uiewdayiiof odullratimiltliacom- fort to vnioiera to Itnow that the Hull Pur. Lam brand is absolutely pun , and. mads .from the be t tobacco Uiii irorU produces. -JULsrljii-ira Hull Durham ttiuokl K Ti > - bacoo Ja the tut and jmr | ( made. All dealers hava It. Mono nouulu without tbf trods-mark d tha Dull , AMOS END'S BIG RESIDUE , A Man Who Gave Up Millions to Save His Honor , A Kortnno Slntlo In thcOoodOlil JnjH il Proud MorclmntH Ilnrcl Klo Hint Led to Wealth , "So you would like to know aomotliing of the lifo , wealth and proaont standing of Mr. Amos. U. Kno ? " quoded a mild- maunorod old ucnUoman wlio was reclinIng - Ing comfortably in n velvet cushioned arm-chair in the Fifth Avcnuo hotel laat evening , "Lot mo say first that it nearly broke old Aincm's heart when hia only aon John 0. wrecked the Second National bank two wooka ago and fled from the land ot his birth to cacapo incarceration in the Ludlow ntroot jail and possibly Sing Sing. The moro ono dwells upon hia transactions the greater the sorrow and consideration which fihould bo ex tended to hia father. ' But lot mo tnll you , young man , "and hero the good old gentleman became em phatic , "the rascality of a hundred sons could not injure John U. ono jot or title with the old merchants of Now York. IIo ranka as high na ox-Governor Morgan over did. Ilia name IB on a plane with Charles and Augustus Storm and Simoon I ! . Ohittondon And a score moro of the old-time merchants. " Amoa 11 , Hno , in company with J. J , Phelps , two poor Hartford lads , came to this city in 18IU. They each carried their vrardrobo in a bandanna handker chief and tlioy'.lmd no use for bank books. They were two poor struggling clerks. After a short tlmo they found employ ment , and after several years of most la bored economy they wont into partner ship in the dry-goods business in Ex change place in the roar of the old Mer chants' Exchange Their utoro was about 20x0 ! ! foot and was situated on the site of the present bank building owned by Mr. Fredrick W. Slovens and next door to the old Herald building , uow oc cupied by the Mutual Lifo insurance company. Mr. J. J. Phelps , the partner of Mr. Eno at that time , was the father of Wil liam Walter Phelps , the present member of Congress from Now Jersey. They both boarded with old David Ilalo , who had just started the Journal of Commerce - morco , and lived at No. 57 John street. Mr. Halo eked out an oxistanco by keep ing boarders. The firm had small moans and small credit , but big hopes. Tlio principal purchases they made were at auction and they bought of all the great houses John lion o & Sons , nicks , Lawrence & Co. , Adoo , Timpaon & Co , , Mills & Min- turn , John Haggarty & Sons , Hoggs , Thompson it Co. , and Corlios , Mabbitt & Co. In tlicnodaya _ almost ovpry pur chaser was required to give an indorsed vioto for the amount of his purchase. Eno & Pholpa could not do this. Nobody would indorse for them. So they pur- chasodifor cask and wont along slowly. In loss than n year from their start , by strict attention to business , their in domitable poraoveronco and their eco nomical habits , they gained a high po sition and became the leading dry goods house in the city. After a very successful business career the firm dissolved and , two dry-goods houses grow out of it , ono being Eno , Mahony & Co. and the other tPhelps , Chittondon. & Bliss. Of the latter firm Simoon B. Ohittondon ia an ox-Congress man from Brooklyn and George Bliss is n member now of the firm of Morton & Bliss. Bliss.Mr Eno retire in 1850 with a fortune of $500,000 , which * were fabulous 'figures in those days. Ho then became engaged In real oatato apcculationa. Ho bought many lota on Dav , Barclay , Warrau and Chambers streets and subsequently the plot of ground. on Broadway , Fifth avenue - nuo , Twenty-third , and ) Twenty-fourth streets , upon which , a few years later ho built the Fifth Avenue Hol'ol at a cost of ' ' lAt $1,000,000. At that time this location was regard ed as well put of'town , but Mr. Eno with great foresight ; began building operations declaring that the qty Would build up , to it nnd in U few yearn that Hootion of Nowi York would bo thoimost profitable to'roal estate owners , Ho had nearly completed the building' ' , of the hotel when the panic of 1857 broke with force upon the country , para lyzed business in Now York and caused many deplorable financial disasters. Mr. Eno nt that time breasted the storm , but only after being very severely pinched. IIo was forced to giveup Iha completion of the enterprise and defer it . .Until the jmnio had wasted its.onorgy His notea were freely .offered on the Street on high rates of discount. After the pqnio had subsided ho bogai\ looking about for a man to ituko charge of the hotel after its completion. , Mr. Paran Stevens had gained a great reputation in Boston , where ho had two houses , nnd in Mobile , whcro ho had u > very success ful hotel , and ho was known UB the king pin in that particular line of business. Mf. Eno communicated with Mr. Slovens and invited him , to come to this city nnd take charge'1 of the hotel. In consideration of n contract to complete the interior of the liouio Mr , Eno made iv favorable lo.-ue lot Mr. fStovons , but cpnnectod himself with the establish * nont as ono of thi proprietors. ' .Mr. Stevens maintained ) his , connection \yilh the hoiiao as a qilont partner until lu's death , leaving , n shpro of it to hia widow. , Tlio/ / hotel wna , a success , from the l ) ur it'wwjopcuoi ) , , ji ) 185 ! ) , and , , it caused uii upward luoyoinont ill real csr tnto Ju piat locality as far up M ( Thirty- fouttH stroot. , Miv Kno , then bought property all along Vjfth nyonuo and ) olst ] < \fhuro , which pro vpd to bo < rory lucrntirc uud hiu wealtli grow rapidly , Ho is.rcgordodto-dayias onofof the best judges ofj real estato.ln Now York.andhU wealth Is oatiinalod at uotless tlmn$10 , < OOO.OOO.oycn of torboiug compelled to pay , SU.dOO.OOO foe the dcfalcatioiui of his aon , XIp is untiring in lib energy , raoderatu in Ijis living , economical in his admlnaitra tfon , and is said to bo n man who will ijold on to all lie hi\3 got , i witJi unfailiiu KT I > . Ho resides t Fifth pveniio anp strcof. Co ! cnjofMjly in per Ui ) fuc ( intdltlno , J\lwy \ ailvprUncd roiuvHi ( can \yvrk Kront liHury alul > yfirv tuauioo. | . Jlutilofk HlooitJirtcri / nro purely pVPgotablo prbparntloii ; tlio Binull ctt chUd util take thorn. ' 'Thoy kill ilipos ! < atid turo the patient luatafo and kindly way , ( jondonecd' li-oiii' ' Dr. Cliiincollor. " " T , ' 'f i juterust attaphos to tin thp mnpftllpr'B jirjv t i lifo , } ii hub ( Is aud ppcyliaritius , an l viuwa 01 art and H era roj Vflicv , ft Jioutenau ! ! > _ oiieo jumped jute Jhu water from i briduo at Lippochon , in Neuiuurk ) to rus cue Ills servant , llildubraud , nt inanition risk of his own lifo. On his return to the city priest came to congratulate him on the divine mercy that had been vouch- safcd him. Concerning Bismarck as a card player , also in reference to how ho sometimes plays diplomatic games , Biuchsaya : "Just before the outbreak of the Bo hemian war ho staked heavy odds on ono card nothing loss than Prussia's greatness - ness nnd his own fato. But neither in this sense or the ordinary ono is ho any friend of luckless gaming. Ho has nev er taken part in Bourse maneuvers , as many another in high oflico has done in Franco , Austria and Italy , and for a long time ho haa not touched a _ card. When n young man ho enjoyed whist , at which ho sometimes sat full novcn hours , and played as much as twenty rubbers. Gamcfl of chance had a fascination for him at that time of his lifo also. 'But , ' ho said , speaking of the matter at once , 'they only interested mo when the stake was high , and that would not do for the father of n family. ' ' 'It goes without saying that Bismarck as a diplomat maintains n good table , though ho docs not allow the simplest thing to bo wasted. * * Like Freder ick the Great when in health Bismarck is n robust feeder , but it is to bo observed that , as a rule , ho cats only ouco a day , at about 0 in the evening and that per sons who have to think and study in tensely need mush nourishment. Ho wai formerly a great smoker , so much so that ho would 'keep n fire going1 from Cologne to Berlin on the railway train ; that is to say ho lighted ono cigar after another. But after 1870 ho denied him self this enjoyment more nnd moro , out of regard for his health , the long pipe toox the place of the fragrant weed , and ono evening in 1881 ho told mo lie had given up smoking altogether , because it did not agree with him , "In music tha prince takosamorolivoly interest. Ho docs not play any instru ment , but ho likes others to play. Count Kaysorlingk taught him to prize music during his Berlin student days. His favorite - vorito composers are the clasiical mataors , especially Bcothovcn. In the autumn of 1881 , ono evening when wo walked to gether in the twilight in the park in the roar of his Berlin palace , and talked of the newly elected Gormanparliamont , the prince hummed the air of the student song , 'Wo had built a stately house. " After a pause ho spoke of the 'Luck of Eden- hall , ' and compared it to the Gorman constitution. The melody ran through his mind , and , in connection with his thoughts at the time , suggoated the com parison. "As ho speaks Gorman without a trace of dialect , BO also ho has perfected him self in hia French to such n degree that n person from the higher circles in Geneva or St Petersburg could scarcely find any thing in it to take exceptions to. 'Ho can lay tolerably high claims to mastery of the English language , and understands Italian enough to express himself with out difficulty. Ho is also acquainted with the Polish language , and , during his brief stay on the Nova , ho learned enough Ilussian to converse in that tongue , It must have impressed the late Emperor Alexander highly when Bis- march first answered him in the Mos- covian language. For n Gorman that is no smnll matter. The chancellor is not eo well up in the classical languages as in the modern ones. "At ono time , " said ho , ' 'I ' could speak and write Latin very well. Now I should find it difficult , and Greek I have quito fprgotton. " Wo find further that in liter ature ho hnaa preference for Goethe , and that ho does not admire Schiller ao much , because tnat poet inclines to a pompous and declamatory stylo. Ho regards the anplo-shooting episode and the contem plated murder of Gosslor in "William , Toll' ' as neither natural nor heroic. Ho docs not think toohighly oftho | Gorman literature of those dayp , although ho "has nt least taken notice of the popular ro mances and ( iiovclH.of the timo. HO has paid moro attention to English .romances , and most of all to the French novelists. ' | Sejifl mo n Froucluiovol1 ho wrote hia wife during the Bohemian campaign , Mbut only one at n timo. " i "From hia temperament tho'p'rinco is of choleric nature. Consequently , an noyance easily tikes with hini' volcanic 'f ' ( > rrn , and there are lively and 'nuddon ' outbreaks. ' But they are as soon over , and there ' aftor-Bulkl-1 is'not n trace of - - i essi When April 1 , 1870,1 was sum moned to him ou'busincss , after having received my instructions , I congratulated 'i'im on his birthday and expressed the lopoithat 1 ; niglt } remain near him yet n , eng time. _ Ho. answered : 'I hope so , tooyot , it iBijqtaljvnyai ploosaub to bo uoari mo , But < ( you must not mind , tliattoo , much , ' > "IIonever dpalt hardly with his .ser vants aud ; tuuants. At .Bar-lo-Dpo ho 'clit a , piece of .bread < with > hia own ; hand and carried it the guard in front of his [ Uartora , After1 the , battlp of Boaumoiit 'saw ' him give , some B.avariaua cognao out of his own flask , and divide the con- :6ntaof : his cigar-case among them. Af- : kr Sedan ho Kent mo with'abundant eup- : > ) ies of cigars to the wounded in tha lospital at Douchory. remarkingmoan - \vhilo , 'Smpkipgil , \ ploasp thorn best better , than eating. ' , Severn titles in Versailca ho visited the sick in * the hos itals' , 'ncrjuamting himself With 'their condition , naked how they wcro 'treated ' nudihad readings givcnf for ; the outer- , tainipent , of , the o wo were well enough to enjoy them. . Ho did not forgot , oith- c ? , 'to ' cn\lcr from mifc bwn' kilch6nraii implo-clumpling thai on'o of tHe sick1 had naked fbr. " { > ' ' , . I " \V1lltG iuiiiiinj Atityrj * Kqw Yor/k'ComraoicU ' Xiho/tiser , jrf y T , , | Tbroo braVny nipu bearing n argq iron ib'ojt on thoiij ahftulil rrs umrcjiod out o ] JJcsqra. , Appcton' ) , pub HshjnL' gsbib. Jjsliiuoit ) ftun thU { iOQ ( ( jho boi coiit iuodj fie | , lubii)4tiqii3 ( of ajmul lOOQ ! i > pqts , vho Ji vu juunlarpi4 ihpii a'puls an tbo'sqbJ9ct of Uauuim'aviti ] | fCiophaut. TUo3Qprpciou8iuouuwonti , ? ol ' - ' - --'YortisliigiOjilofpfWO1 pocay wilj bi itcjiod pvoi ; by fr. Tyaoji , MrJ f' . ,4i a jroprj80uUfivo ; ( in Now York , uuti ! aiicb time pa Uio pomuiitloo ( Judpq Dalj fiiid Bradytnnd tr , Jlobprb pplljorJieLaJ liavo auipmopsd , uUidov4 icourogo t ( licgiu rcadins , iliouu jl'or.iho lattim days tbp strong o ponUy l > a ( | boon llow ; jng iuto JMeeera Applotou'a , olliooi at i jftto for moro rapid jtluui. at the begin ( ning io [ the .compotjlion. ' piday uurn than ft lund ) cd Jottcraj weighty BJK buruiiiK with cn ornoaa to bu opoucd , ncro packed away in the box. Jt if tjio lust day of Uio competition fcr tin prize of $500. 1 It ia boliovcd ihnt the judgoa will nol cpminonco thci'aUjinlioatuui until ouch pi tha pqqn o pip plainly cmjV ) hayp b.cw nftocl | ; by loss vonerAplu ' hauda pan \hoai \ pf tlio cdiuhiUtoo1. "Doh't Butil A ) nan nnliU way to \ haoK J , ' 'tboro'l ) jp pu f uu till , I putj boro.V y to the dyn l > citgt ( , u rvunn , aud iloblltatoil ( , don't luitri lh'iigliUe8 ' Iy'for Homy teineily of doubtfu ; merit , uncuiUlnuI 'relief ' , 'whim yimoun c ut thb dniKKl ta ( or im dollar HurdockXixx tturil to u owul cwwln toUiue A GREAT LAWYER'S HOME The Family Mansion of William M , Eyarts in Seconil Aicnno , A IJIMTII in tlio Heart ot tlio City- The Kv-Sccrotnry AtnoiiR His IJookB nnd Now York .lounmt. On the northwest corner of Second avenue and Fourteenth street stands a largo solid mansion of red brick with brown-stono trimmings. It is built in the fashion of thirty years ago , and has a comfortable , homo-like air that many more pretentious establishments lack. In front and to ono side is n green lawn , now blooming with beds of brightly tinted and fragrant flowers , nnd a wisteria vine flings its purple wealth of blossom ever the north wall. Hero lives with his family the Hon. William M. Evarta. Throe of his daugh ters have boon married from _ the house and soiiio of the most distinguished people ple on both aides of the Atlantic have partaken of the generous hospitality for which the establishment is noted. The heavy carved bell-knob is pulled and in n few moments the visitor stops through the marbled \cstibulo and into the largo oquaro hall. The ploco is cool and dark , befitting the warm day. Tlio floor is covered with soft Persian rugs , nnd a aolid mahogany table nnd hat-stand are the furnishings , with a few stiffchaira elaborately carved , and a bust of Demos- thcno3 on a polished wood bracket. To the loft of the hallway is the library , n spacious square room with a doublu window looking out on Fourteenth street , and two long French windows with flow ing curtains , that the soft May wind blows in and out. The floor is of highly polished wood , and is covoied with a few Eastern rugs and a white boar-skin. The wall Is lined with bookcases , filled with rare volumes and musty old law books that bear ovidcnco of much hand ling. In the npp r part of the room is a largo desk with n rovolviug bookcase , and in 'front of it in an antique carved chair Bits the ox-Secretary of State , his long , thin scholarly face almost burled in a huge volumo. From the tops of the bookcases nnd numerous pedestals frown and amilo down in marble Lincoln , Goethe , Wngiior , Henry Clay , Wash ington and numerous famous Greeks. The visitor passes slowly and softly out of the room and crosses the hull to the largo dining room , with the prptty parlor in front , furnished in n bright fashion and evidently the ladies' room. The Is inaaivo in dining-room appear ance. The polished wood floor is covered - od with a square of Axminstor , and in the center is n hugo mahogany table , polished like a mirror. A Jargo aido- board at ono side ia adorned with some of the handsome family plate , and the chairs arranged ncptly againat the wall are of carved oak , with scats nnd backs of stamped loithor. On the walls are hung n few choice pictures of hunting scones and the windows curtained with Persians gauze overlook the pleasant gar den on the side of the houso. Ascending the broad shallow oaken stairway wo olmost slip on the glossy wood. Up stairs are the throe drawing- rooms. They are covered with rich white velvet carpet , sprinkled with roaoa rnd furnished with satin rosewood chairs and sofas , ono sot being in Marie Louise style , with palo-bluo embroidered satin covers. A largo grand piano occupies an alcove in ono of the rooms , rare paintings adorn the walls and statuettes and handsome bric-a-brno collected from all some - - over the world are scattered about in artistic confusion. On the two upper floors are the bedrooms - rooms and servants' apartments. The servants are all Africans , and most of thorn have boon in the family for a quar ter of atceutury or ovor. The country seat of the family ia situa ted at'Windsor , Vt. It is a spnious old mansion and is surrounded by several acres cf park nnd Hwn. ABE YOU QOING.TO . JSUKOPE ? In another column will bo found the an nounccjnont of Messrs.THOS , COOJC& SON a nurist Agents , 201 .Broadway , Now York , relative to the vary campleto arrnngomonts they have made for tours In Europs the coming Spring and Suimnor. "Cook'w .Kxcnr- Elunist , " containing maps and full particular * , will bo mailed to any iwdroos on receipt of 10 conta , Woman's Slavery to Faqhion , WttsbUrjr Telegraph. ' Docs the Grecian bond require thorn to look like n > dejected monkey , straightway they lcoomo'limp'in ' ' body , and chatter that they do not do it because it ia 'fash ion it is perfectly natural to them. To day they drag innumerable yards of dry goods through the streets , nnd to-morrow jhoy appear in tie > bacs ) so tight tlmt'it ' in nt the risk of their lives that they ( it- tempt to board n railroad train. Now the head is surmouutbd by n bonnet the size of a postage stamp , nnd then'by ' ono larger than an umbrella. ' ' Sometimes women are supposed1 to hnvo hips , and tlion ov6rybody , no mnttor how slender , grown broader than > a donkey with panniers. ' Then hips are abolished , and 'no- trace of them can bo dis covered. If snakes and bugs bo- conio fashionable- ornaments , the Bimkea nnd things become "perfectly lovely , " and tlio very girl who shrieked at the night of n spider simpers , "Thoy are jnat too lovely for anything. " When iridea- cpntf beads become fashionable , 'ono has 'only to wait n little.and ovury fashionable woman becomes a-walking rainbow ; iVow cardinal ia thofrago , and then told ; ; now four and then twelve button gloves ; now plaitinga , and then rufllas ; now hoine , nnd then facing ; now -waists ; largo , and thou they aro. laced down until they adhere - hero to , the liver , aud the waiate gota shorter , nud nu opportunity is given to breathe. Jif short , ; woman's enslavement l > y fashion has resolvedlifo for her into anotornal gnmobf. "wigrTAg , " aid until she escapes thU bondage thorq istioinour ; tal Itfo to her. All this is the outgrowth of the oppression of man in not giving woman an opportunity to iloyulop horsoH uuna1)y ( ) , nud in not giving Lor p social { ipaition equal F tu MJJ QWII , t 1 Ilor.slVutVa Avid V ! i > gilintel ) Invaluable ns a.'Tonic Dr. J. Jj. Pratt , Grcenl'ield , II ) , ' , , says : "It is all that it claims to bo invaluable as n tonioiin auy case whoru an ncld , ionic is , indicated. " ' N ACCOUNT Of A T. " Hou n Gront O t { > or unly ( Iiy Um OiulBRlon ol'Ono Latter , Spci\kiiig of thq jiifiupuco } hat small things exert ou the afiaira of life , and sometimes what stupendous results dp ; pond on things ihat are in , themselves up small as to bo almost nnwprthr of notice , n gentleman oaid fqjv LoadviHoDpmocrnt rgportcr : "U would hardly bo BunpOscd that P single letter 'T,1 or for that matter any other letter in the lohabot , could have the cflbct of changing the whole course of a man's lifo , nnd possibly causing an of * feet that would last through otornity. " The scribe agreed that it did not look AS if so small n thin ? ahould produce BO lasting nnd so great an effect. "Well , it did in my cage , " said the gentleman , "I'll ' toll you the circum stances : aomo twenty years ago , when 1 was younger than I nm now , 1 was in Baltimore , Md , , nnd was in correspon dence with n gentleman in Michigan in reference to the purchase of n largo saw mill and an extensive tract of heavily timbered land. Wo had about agreed i > s to the terms. I made arrangements to meet him in Saginaw and perfect _ the trade , ntid sent him a telegram saying. 1 will moot you there. ' I immediately started on my journey to Saglnaw , nnd when I nrrivcd there I found that the gentleman whom I had gone to sop had started the same day I did for Baltimore. On reaching that city ho found that I had gene west , but no ono know whither , BO ho returned homo. In the meantime , I had started on my return trip from Saginaw to Baltimore to meet him thoro. When ho got homo ho found another purchaser for the property , to whom ho sold it , nnd re ceived the money for it. The purchaser has since , out of that very property , bo- cnmo ono of the wealthiest tnon in the Northwest , while I am poor. The whole trouble resulted in the message being transmitted : _ 'I will moot you hero , ' in stead of , 'I will moot you thoro. ' Ho had acted in accordance with it na ho re ceived it , and as I had sent it , and thus you see that the omission of the letter 't' kept mo from making n fortune , and changed the whole courao of my existence. I am now struggling for n living in Lcad- villo , when , if it had not been for that unfortunate 't , ' I would , in nil probabil ity , to-day bo n millionaire , nnd living in a marble residence , probably next to that of William H. Vandorbilt. Yes , " said ho , as ho heaved n sigh , "tho small tilings of this lifo are what wo want to watch , and the chances are the largo ones trill tnko care of themselves. " OH AY'S TrtADE MARK IWORKAT r.-m-innOE MARK usii Kroir.ur. An unfailing euro for ftj iieas.Siwrinatorr. " lioca , Impotonoy , ijyj and all Diseases that follow as a rcqiionco of Self. Abuse ; aslos of Memory , Unlvcr- . - . . - . . .J.saiLaJtudc.Fain AFTER TAIIHQ , In the Daclt , Dlmnes § of Vision , Prema Ago and Jinny other diseases that lend tolns on- sumption and a Premature Grave. BSRAIUI of adrertitomcntB to refund money , when druffglsta from whom the modlclno ia bou" J do not refund , but refer jou to the roanufacturera , and the requirements are such that they are seldom , \f ever. compiled with. Hco their written ( juarantoo A trial of ono slnRlo package of Gray's Specific will oanvlnca the mact skeptical of Its real merits. On account of countoi/cUets / , wo hao adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. /tarFull / inrtlculara In OUT pamphlet , which wodo- Biro to eend frco by mall to every ono.tSTTho / Spo- cllloXfodl Ino in sold by alt druggists at 81 per pack age , or eli packages for $5 , or u 111 bo sent free by mall on the receipt of the money , by addressing THE GHAYIIKDIC1NECO. , BuHalo , N. Y. Sold n Omaha H < * > ' wii. Jy 19ml A CARD. To all w ho are suffering from ejrcrs and ludiscrcttons of youth , ncrvona weakness , early decay , Joes ot manhno'l. ' etc. I wilUcnd a rcclj o that will euro \ou , FREE OF CHAUOE This great rem edy was discovered by a rul'sloncry In South Ameri ca. Send self addressed envelops to HKV. JOSEPH T. * v , Station D. New York. dy o m i : cod ABookorntvTlySOOpagu numeroui < ngriviiigin > . vrtls ifcrell which thouM koo\r. lluntlrtdl of Itecclpti.how to euro Nervonf Debility , Seminal Wcnkneiv , tc. , itnt ccurvl sckled for 80 centl ( money or poitici itanip ) Addrtpi Dr. J . idinatjlf . Cor llroadwior ami Lucn AT , St. laull.llo. POISON Ib n the oed Is api to show Itself In the spring , an aturo should by all means bo assisted In throwing It off. Swift's SpeolGo docs this effectively. It Is a pnrcly rogctablo , non-polsoiioua temcdvwhlch helps natuia to force all the poison or taint out through ho porej of the skin. | Hr. Kobeit A. Easloy , of Dlfkson , Tenn. , writes , tinder date March 10 1S3 ( : "I had ch'lla and fever followed by rhematUm , for three , jears , 80 that I Mas not ablotb attend to my business : had tried al most ovo'y kind cf medicine , and found no relief. A filcnd recommended Hw.itt'8 .Spccinc. Itritdono bottle nnd my health began to l < npro\ . I continued until I had taken ilx bottles , and it has set me on my feet , na sound rind well as ever. I recommend It to all similarly afflicted. " Letters from twenty thrco (23) ( ) of the leading retail dmgglBtuo' Atlanta , say , uiderdato of March 24th , 18M : "Woacll mpro of Hwift's Specific than any otlicr one i cmody , and thrco to ten times ai much as qny othcrlblood medicine. We sell It to all classes , and many'of the beat famtlioi ute It & 3 a Reneral talth tonic. Our Treatise on Wood and SUn Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT Sl'KCIFIO CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Gx N Y. Offlro , icnw.23 St. , bctUthandTthttya PROroSALS POU INDIAN SUPPLIES - [ PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. TV-l'AKTUKNT OK'JIIi : IMKKIOIt , Onice ct U Indian Affnlra , Watlilngtoii , April M , 1884. ktnlcd projiosals , liijorned " 1'ropoula for Ike ! " ( I.Ida for beat must bo submitted in e parato envelopes , ) ItACon , Flour , Clothing , or Transportation , in. , ( as Uiu caw may bo , ) and illructcd to the Coiinnlaaltier ofjlndian Alfalru Nos. 05 nnd flMVooster street , Now Y"rk , will bo rccclied until Ir. M. of Tuesday , May 271 18 , for furnliiblng ft > r the Indian ten leu about KO.OOO iiounJn nu'on , .13,000,000 pounds Itoef on tbo hint , tOO.UOO pout.do Hcans , 45,000 pounda B.iklng I'awdcr , 780,000 pounda Corn , 4iO,00'J ( omuls Oiitleo ; 7,500,000 poutnlj Hour , 70,000 j > ouriN fecil , 103,000 poiiucln Hard IlrcaJ , 4BUX ) pounds Ilonilny , LSOCO ouiida Lard. 700 barrel * inti D > rk , lSli,09 i iiiuda 1U 7JipO pounds Tjn , WOttwunda 'Jobacco , COO iMUi'.daHftU.lWiOOOliuundaBoip , 0,000pounil < i a , 850,003 pound ) filler , and 40,000 pouidu ) < at , Alw Illankets , Woolen and C ottun GooiU , ( con- Flstingl In part of licking , 20,000 'yardt ' ; Standard OaJco , 136,000 jardj ; JlrlHUig , 9,000 vard ; Duck.O froafrom 1 ( .BliUiir , SO.COO > arda ; Denials , 17,90 jards ; Gingham , 110,000 Jarjj ; Iitntucby Jeans , coujard. ' ; Cheviot , 4 , tin ! \nids ; Drown Shectinic ntXO rards , Ulcachtd Bhcetlug 1(1,00.1 ( jards ; Hickory Shirting , 10 coo jardii ; Calico Shirting , 0,000 jar Is ? Wliibcy , 1,500 jartla , ) Clotlilug , Uro- ccrleu , 'QUqiiiillartlware , Medical HumblerHclioul Btioki , &a , a. id a 16ni ; l | : of mlscellunlous artlolcs , aui.li an Harnosa , Vo | , i Ilakos. Kqrkp , ic. , and for limt 476 Wsgons raiulrcd ( or the ten Ice , to bo dullmeJ at CMcapo , liuuaaa City , and Mom City. AIM for utiuli Wagons at may be required , adapted U > , the tlln = a.tuo ( the 1'acilic Coast , with California ' ) Uio , transiiortatiou foe xuch pi the articles ircxxls , andsupplioalliatuiay not bb contracted for to be dolUcred at th6 Ageuncs. iliit-i urtrr im uApa our OOVFUMIKNT' ' M.XVKH. Kchcduloi ehowjnc the ktndi ) and ( [ Uilltlea of siuisUt iica supplied required for each Agency , and tlio kinds viUiiviHutiUm , hi Kruin , 9 ! H other Roods niid articles , toicthcr with lUukpro)0 ] = ili , conditions to. ; bo observed bj lildjew , tluwand pltco of delivery tetnuuf contract and pa ) mont , transX | > rtatlon routoa drtd all c.tlier neceal r ln > trDctlon will Im furnished Uiioi ) applliAtlon tuthe Indian Ollleo In W hlngtou , uriNos tli and C7 Wiuitor Ktrect.NoWYorl : ; Wra II. tjfon , N0.4S3 llroailvsay , Ko York ! ttfl Cooiulg. pries of tUbnUUiico , U.S. A , at Chcjenno Chi- , Omaha , Kalut Ltulf , tialnt Vaul , t.in Kranclbco , anil Yijkton ; the I'oetmattcr at Sl uxCltTandtotho I'0ftrra9lers at the lollowlnt ; nMiicJiiUiAiln linntas ; Arkannaa Qity , Kurllngton , COilwell , DodgoClt > , i ; ipoila , Kuroka , Great lljnd , Howard. Ilutcnln 6ii , Lirnod , HoPhorson , il rloJi , lluliduo Lndco , CHtan , Qiu o City , hmlAU , Stirling , Topcka , Wellington , Wichita end Wlutluld | lldj ! ' ! loopcneilat the hour and day above tt tcdaulMddoruanjlnvite.l to bo prcson Iho oivniur. , CBETI1IH ) CHKCKt. JM ) Wit ) must Ui ftoouiupanicd by certified ciookn uni'U ' Mime UnU d aUUa Dfpiiltflry or tha First National Bank af 1,04 An cliij , Cal. , for at | caac/\o / ) iKroeut cf thu amount of trupropwal , II. rBICB CoramlHsloner. Hotico to Cattle Mori , ' i pOO CATTLE TO 30,13 , , UO Hca > l of Blwn Thrco Yvari Old. W ) f > M Two " " ' Fteew , Oil * " " " Holism , Ouu " . oiicilbcil cattloaroall well bred lowi CAttle. tr l < lit and BmoUh. Tln o cattle will lx toll ( n loUto tult purchisert , and at reatunabl ( . Tor further particular * , call on or addcua U. K. PA'lTOff , , BietnirCo.I wa. Y.liMi. . h.M l vwif U/Ani/ I HE miKKKt IRftM WORKS , EN Gl N ES , ' " ' SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WI3 CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It Is the best nd cheapest food tor Btook of any kind. " Cno pound Is equal to thrco pounds ol corn stock fed with Ground OH Calo In the Fall and Winter , Instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable cotd.tion In the sprlng.HDilrmen , as well as others , who u o It can testify to Its merits. Try It and Judg for yourMhcp./rrio 25 00 Mr tonne churio for packs. Addresa M COWMAN MNSEKD OIL COMPANY , Oinalu Nob. TILE NEW HOUSE OF Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Granted { DEALERS IN FIEE AND BUEGLAB PEOOF J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DOORS/BLINDS / MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER SASH , , , , , , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lock-wood & Draper ) Chicago , Manager - ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line o all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers1 articles .carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO FEBFEGTXON Heating and Bakin IB only attained by Stoves and Banges , SI W mi lillIZE OVER 0 _ _ jj l Fcl N-gc FclO OMATTA ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) CEMENT. Office anil Yard , Gtli and Douglas is. , OtlTril . ] ? Tfefl" M I * n. I I ( * PROPRIETOR 108 and 103ISoutli lllii Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondenco Solldtod. " 0. M. LEIG&TON. E. T. CLARKE. tr * f9f&vi wffvtf ± * &f OL _ flTP A " 3 'WTit LEIO-HTON & C5LAEE.Ji ! , ( SUCCESSORS TO KENNARD BROS , k CO. ) DEALERS IN Paints- Oils. Bs-wj haa , NBUBASKA FALK BREWING GO. Milwaukee , Wis. QTOTHER & CO , , Solo Bottlers. 130UND 1303 FAHMM STREE7 MR. jsr OMAHA ,