Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    fIU A J4
Graham Paper Co , ,
817 Mid 219 North lIMn Si , St. Louis.
NEWS , ;
l tot lUirj of t
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
OoxxllMt r
Until offices are repaired ( ram result ol fire , oin
with Dr. 1'ArLcr. lloom 6 , Crclfiliton lllack 15th
mil Douu I tr coto.
Nebraska Cornice
iron Fencing !
Croitlnps , BaliiEtradci , Vcrandna , Offlco an.l . B Dk
Italllngs , WlnJovr and Cellar Guards , Ktc.
\\hofto < ! cbllllxliiiitAtl iK nnit tirematuro
decay nroc u calTytxccs errrorBof jouth , etc. .
RT3 iirrfoctly rcdorcil to rolimt henlth fincl
vlm.roH. ninnhooil lj THE MARSTON
MOLDS. Iknstornftcli AmirinnR. ThlilrpiittnBni
othcr uni Ilclillly nnd I'hi > lrul llccny i
vnlfonnly tncca-wful bpodino n "Ml on jisticrt
all < cmnlillr\r ani ! < llrrct inrthOl nnJ au-
MHOTO thni-otidhnris. hc-ftlfil Treftifie in ft.
Chicago , St , Paul , 'Minneapolis and
The DOW extension of thta line Irom WaUcOcld up
throuRh Concoril and ColerldRO
lloaclica the best portion of the State. Special ox-
oarelon ra'cs for land reckern mer thU line to
Wayne , Norfolk and tlartln ton , and Ua Blair to all
l > rlnclpil polr.ta on i the
Trains oicr tht C. , St. P. II. & 0. Killwnjr to Cov
nuton , Sioux City , Ponca , Harttngton , Wayne and
Norfolk ,
< C3oxi.aa.oot , * 331r , lx-
Tor Fremont , Oalcda o , Ncllgh , and through to Val
jQTFor rates and all Information call on
F , P. WHITNEY , General Agent.
1111 Douglas Si. Onuhk , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
WTDormor Windows , Flntalf , Tin , Iron and Slate
Uoollnft , Specht's Patent Metallic SkjHsht , latent
adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the above line of good * . Iron
Fencing , Cresting. Balustrades , Vnrandan.Iron Bank
lulling , Window Bllnda , Cellar Gaards ; tilho general
* cent for Vccr.'on k 11111' ; Patnnt Inpli'e liliod.
* ! :5S ! jn
Tlio mott cxtonsi\ mmmfaoturcra ol
IN Till : WOULD.
609 S. Tenth Street , . OJIVffA.NKB
fiTPritof o ( B llinl nnd Tool TuUci and mitoriils ,
fllnilnhi'il on ai llratlon.
Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom ,
11AI.LS. CIlhCKS. 1.TC.
18 South 3d Street , St Louis , < 11 Deiwiro Street
Kautmi City. Ho. , 132 | 1 cugl&g fat. , tnishu , tb.
' ,
I' *
Writ ) ( or Catilo um aud Price Llatu.
or Wormy Veins hcroium ( tfttn tht
caiui of Lojit Manhood , Debility * i
nncVjinpntnltHivnrrl \ hjr t\a \ Eluntlo Crnflle
CnmproBBOr , ! > 0. ' " < i > ClrcuUrrjM.
CJVIiJ JUUItlAL i.0t : r , lC3TiltcaCt..iiiTnl. !
mtlrm tlfui nhih <
i eliatli tlio Mill ! nt
fl.OOOoulcl HotBli" It.
Pit. IIOR-'n 1 wa i > IUktil wllh rhuuius.tUni MI
cared by uilic i ' lt. TJ any onu atflloteil will
that d'ocaac ' , . Kou'd Kf , bay Jlomo'n 71 utrlo { lull
Any one on nru ti with luo by -.ttif C4lhi ! |
t ci ) etoro. Hi jl )
MAIN OFK LK 0pt ! U ponlniflro. , ID
101 block.
U'foia\\e \ tto , F. Qoodinw'4 Dtag Bture * 111
AAIO&DI tit. Ofn ht.
Orderi filled O , 0 D.
< > oi * Fool for faftati h *
< i B. tir ltrc < . vitui
y V" K A JwiA.r , , M l > ,
I d uiaUti
r uulu.r O
L j tirr.llr.t. IltnUk'il Mil U. , lUtln
Ho Misses However n Kat lloll ol
Fred Brown , who is employed at the
Kaglo cheap house , came very near being
n heavy loser by a trunk thief , The
trunk was at Mrs. Evans'houso where
Brown boards. Sunday night ho put in
his trunk § 200 and about 5 o'clock yesterday -
torday morning on going lo work ho took
it out , Sometime between then and
six o'clock hia trunk was broken open
and several articles stolen
but the thief failed to got
the roll , which was probably what ho
most desired. Suspicion fell upon ono
Steve Carter who had worked with
Brown , and detective Ed. Bates started
in search for him. IIo found Carter
across the river in the depot nt Omaha
and arrested him and brought him back.
Carter had on his person n revolver
which belonged to him , but which ho had
kept in Brown's trunk , so that it looked
pretty clear that ho was the ono who wont
through the trunk.
They llcln RntlicrliiK Kroni all 1'arls
ol' ihu Sintc.
Yesterday the Allisons began flocking
in from nil pnrto of Iho atnto to attend
the mooting of the Grand Ledge which
opens hero to-day , and which > vill con
tinue in session until Fridny night. It
ia expected that about 1,200 will bo in
attendance , nnd the body embraces rep-
icsontativo men from every section.
Yesterday tlio local reception commit
tees , already named in THE BEE , were
busy welcoming the arriving members
and guiding them to desired places.
The school of instruction was hold yes
terday in Dolmny's old hall , and the
sessions of the Grand Ledge will bo hold
in the now opura house , the now Mason
ic Tcmplo not being near enough to com
pletion to enable the holding of the ses
sion thero. The visitors are a flno look
ing not of men and the gathering ia an
important ono iu many respects.
Bills Opened For iSewcrlns the City.
At the regular meeting of the city
council last night bids for sowcrngo were
opened. Tliero were eleven M. A.
Moore , Jonn Hammer , Chris. Straub ,
W. W. Chapman & Co. , of this city ; E.
J. Bronnan , J. E lliley & Co. , W. Me-
Hugh & Co , , R. T. Shannon & Co. , and
Fitch & Co. , of Omaha ; P. II. McAuloy
of DBS Mnincs , and Burke & Ryan of
Denver. The bills were referred to n
committee to report to-night. HcAu-
loy's bid proved to ba the lowest , A
Hugh & Co. next and Fitch & Co. third.
Adjourned to to-night.
The Catholics of Storm Lake are build
ing a § 5,000 church.
Dimlap has raised ? 470 , to flap the
eagle's wings on the 4th. Jsp >
Dos Moines haa atf last got the base
ball fever , and got it hard.
Algona's building improvements for
April and May foot up S-10,000.
The Kookuk Cunning company are en
larging its works by an addition of
15x84 feet ,
Elizabeth Park of Warren [ county , has
sued G. D. Nichols for breach of promise.
Damages $10,000.
A compiny , with a capital of $78,000 ,
has been formed nt Keokuk , to publish u
democratic paper.
The American District Telegraph com
pany , of Des Moines , with a capital of
§ 20,000 , has boon incorporated.
Since the first of the year the tax col
lections of the treasurer of Buena Vistn
couniy have amounted to $77,0)3.3C. ! )
The drive wells at the Atlantic - waterworks
works are nil finished , nnd water is being
now pumped from the wells exclusively.
School children of Des Moines sent a
handsome wreath of flowers to Cleve
land to bo used in docor.iting the tomb
of Oarfiuld on memorial day.
Cedar Ripids is to have plow-works.
The Burn of $73,000 has been subscribed
to the htock of tlio company , nnd it is ex
pected to close the subscription list in n
few daya.
THIS BEE correspondent at Atlantic ,
under d.xto of May 30 , writes : ' 'Tho
greenbackurs nro jubilant over the nom
ination of Butler , nnd are firing 100 guns
in honor of the event. "
Mrs. Matilda Tliornloy nuicided nt the
homo of her husband , Potcr Thornley ,
in Wolf Creek township , near Sioux
City , Friday , by cutting her throat with
a butcher knifo. Domcetie broils.
At Civaroll on the 23th a fire destroyed
§ 10,000 worth of property. The
buildings consumed were nearly nil dry
goods otorcs with families living in the
aecond stories. No ono was kilted or in-
JolmO. Ilolden , agent of the Illinois
Central ut Wivorly , had been found to ba
short in hiu accounts with the comptuiy
about2,1000. The money was Justin
speculating in options through the bucket
bhop at Waverly.
Two freight cant , pushed by a switch
engine , collided with a street car at D
voiiport thii other evening. The froightn
went into thu ntreot car with n crash , but
fortunately no ono waa injured. There
were nine pagaongcis in thu car and u
small panio.
Juno 28 will be n inemoarhlo day with
the Bolieinimia of lowii. Oa that day
they will nttond the unveiling of a monument
ment nt Belle I'laino , eroded to the
memory of Prof. Ladimer KUcol , the
moat notuil Bohomi.-in , purhujm , who hun
ever lived in America.
Tha Den Moineu Leader says that tin
appro ! commenced by Hurry Call for the
Chicago , Milwaukee it 8r , Paul railroad
company against the Sioux City & St
Paul company for the purpose of correct
ing the title of a largo body of hnd ir
northern Town , has been perfeoted am
consolidated with the appeal of the htli'i
cimpaii ) . It ii now in the fsuproun
oourt. Over ,000,000 n nt stake , mak
ing this ono of the largest , if not tin
'unrest ' amount over involved in an actioi
n th's -tato.
A Expert Tolls Ills 'Hxporlottco In
Taking In SuokotB ,
Chicago I'rlbuuo. '
It waa in ft hard-looking basement sa
loon not a hundred miles from Deaplaincs
and West Madison streets that ono of the
proprietors was tilting on the edge of a
patched ami torn-pool table , dangling his
legs and holding forth to a small crowd of
dilapidated loafers , who laughed uproar-
otisly when "ho 'smiled and nudged each
other withknowinglookswhon.hoclonched
BOino statement with a foul expression
or oath. Business was evidently dull.
In ono corner sat a group of rough-look
ing men plajing cards and saluting every
trick taken with an execration. The
pipo-smoking tramps and thieves
stood in admiration around the
figure that was sitting on the
pool-tablo. "Yiz can jist bet your boots , "
ho cried , "that any man that has staid
around this corner for vz long's Oi have
don't need lo laru nawthin1 about any
fake or shkin-gamo that cin bo put up on
a sucker in any d part ov this United
States. O'ill chuck dice wid anny man.
O'ill shtack the kyards wid nnny man , an
O'ill play wid the three shells wid anny
man , an1 play him for a sucker foi.4 a thou
sand dollars a lick if ho's _ able to put up
the shugar. The wooda is full of blank
suckora , and ilVi just in this aamo part ov
Chicago that yiz can foind it out. "
"By , you'r right there. Patsy , "
patronizingly remarked a elay-pipo suck
er , -whoso shirt-collar nnd vest Vcro
completions by their absence , and whosu
ragged trousers were liold around his body
qy u narrow black leathuivb'eli ; .
"It was just the other noight , " contin
ued the pool-tablo orator , "that four fel
lows came in hero and wanted to shako
fortho "drinks , Two ov the fellows 1
know'd blaiikY well had no money , and
the other two liaH the boodle. "
"Guess the follows with Iho boodle
were the suckers , " laughed the chorus :
"You bet , " replied llm.pratpr. "Every
toimo them suqkcrs throw1,1 picked up-
the dice for the other follow , bu t nhljp
ped in the loaded joker as I guv them in
the box , and ov courdo they won. Oi
sometimes lot the other follows win and
didn't ring no joker , but that was just to
encourage them , and I made four or five
dollars out of them before they left , and
Oim a son of a gun if thny
know't it wasn't no square game because
ha ! ha ! they told mo they woz coin-
in' back soon to have Iheir rivinge. By
all Iho powers they'll qit it to ha ! hit !
Oi tell yiz. it takes a good nwnost man to
make a dacont llvln' oft them suckers
nowadays with that bloody big license to
pay. Oivo seen me pack a poker deck on
n sucknr roight under his nose , an1 Oivo
playodcassino with anoder and licked the
sawdust out of him every time bekiz I
took out two or three ov the shmall
kyards and then ho couldn't count game
nohow , and Oivo won forty games nv
pool roight oil bekiz I made the other
fellow use soaped chalk , an' I keep my
own chalk in my pocket. "
"Soaped chalk ! That's a now racket ,
Patsy , " admiringly rcmarkcda loafer with
a nose like a , danger-Bignal.
"Now racket bo blanked ! " oxclaimet
Mr. Patsy. "I know it when I was n kU
so high , an' it" i many a hundred suckers
Oive caught on it. A man will misi
foive shots out av tin if ho's had soaped
chalk put on him , nnd ho always thinks
it's the cue that's the matter , an' he'll
oven borrow yournbutav course it makes
no difference whatever. "
A pauses ensued , when the speaker re
sumed. "But the public is all suckers ,
nnd the best job that's boon put up on
them for many a day is this high-licenso
business. If they think it's goiu' to como
out nv our pockets they are d y mis
taken. It's thim what'll have to pay tlio
poipor. and don" you mistake it. It's
just this way : If a farmer can't sell his
shtulT nt a certain price , what'll ho do ?
Why , won't ho either Boll bad shtufT , or
won't bo sold out for his own price ? ETo'd I
bo n rank sucker if ho didn't. Well , wo
saloonkeepers ia loiVo the farmer. If wo s
can't got the owld proico for our shtuff
we'll make the ahtufT pay us ono way or
anoder , and there's a thousand ways wo i
can make it do it , an' the public' ] ! bo no
viser about it than a gooao playin' the
jowBharp an' thinkin' all the toimo its
pprformin' illcgantly on n gold-mounted 1
piano. That's the reason wliy the public
ia blank suckers if they think the tax in
goin' to como out ov our pocket. It
won't by a darned long sight , and the
public would bo only tnxin" their own
pockets if they made the taxes three
toimcs aa hoigh. "
At this time a deplorable looking tramp
with his hands stuck in his pocket wan
dered into the saloon , looked keenly at
all the faces thes o , nnd then with an air
of ill-aasumed confidence , walked up to
the bar and ordtred a glass of beer.
"Oot any money ? " said Patsy sharply.
' No , I ain't to-night. What the blank
linn that got to do with il ? I'll hov a
thousand dollars to-morrow. "
"Git out ov hero right ( juickyou blank
Hon-of-a-gunl Do you think it's oft" the
loikca nv yiz that wo Biiloon keepers can
ad'urd to pay our high licenses ? Go on
? here , or oill throw yiz out on the noido-
walk. "
The tramp walked.
liorsford'B Acid 1'lionphato ,
Invaluable aa a Tonic
Dr. J. L. Pratt , Greenfield , 111. , says :
"It ia all that it claims to bo invaluable
ui a tonic in any case whcro an acid tonic
is indicated. "
Crltlclrtiu In Cincinnati.
Commercial CJnzntto Countrymen on Tholr
Uttlo May Vontival.
It waa a bigger thing than a circus.
Did ho iScarm with his deep biseo pro-
fundo voice ?
The soloists occupied the htago and the
eohighiiU occupied the gallery.
NViifjnor'H musio noiuida like a Cincin
nati liot on a tin roof chased by a Galling
gun.Tho great organ waa as silent as Iho
; ravu after a medical utudent haa inter
viewed it.
Peoniea and anowballs were not a *
piiuninent an chost-protcotora on Tuesday
One of the "Tannhausor" characters iu
Bittvolf. Ifo should bo muzzled or have
hia teeth pulled.
Upcra in citizana' clothes doesn't catch
on with that holdfanttiicBj churactorizm <
the othur variety.
The mi\n who asked Iu what pirt of
Italy Beethoven was born om have the
cake by culliux at this ofllco.
One man went away disappointed bo-
oiuso they didn't give oithur "Sweet
Violnta , " or "Only a Pansy Blossom. "
Some of the ladies vruro elegantly at'
tired , Cluthcs don't nut It o the man , but
thny give H woman a powerful Iwmt.
When Thomas gats ttirred up lit
- blinga hirncolf aroii'd like a man playirj
„ nliort atop and second base at the oanu
I time ,
l Young men who pirt their hair m tin
nmldlo or bane it , ' and tallc about Uco-
tho- von , slionlu bo put in a bunch of pink
cotton and bo beaten to a jelly with lily
atoms ,
Some of the folks in the front rowa ex
press Iho opinion tlmt _ Scaria should bo
provided with ft cuepidoro obligatory.
What sort of ft musionl instrument this ia
deponent knoweth not.
True art prompts a young man who
does not know an allegro con brto or an
andante con mete from a bag of bran to
pay $ I for two aeata and take his girl to
the allow in n street car.
The flutter of the fans ,
The llirterof the fans ,
In the chorus made n moat entranc
ing vision ;
Like a nroup of angels fair ,
Shine the beauties rich and rare.
In a dream of silk and satin , mm
IclysiAii ,
Beethoven's symphony , No. D , 0
minor , op. 07 , ia delightful to the artis
tic car , but t the man who has been ao
customcd to the simpler melodies of the
weiner wurat boy'n midnight cty , and
the ravishing strains of the ovor-tho-
Uliincry orchestras , ihoro is something
in it7hich puts htm to deep In spite of
hia most ovrnoat endeavor to brace up
and show the true musical spirit.
How amojFJjm loll ?
How much of TAotnaj * ftiittnc Oil Is loqulr-
oil to cutuT Only n vliry ltllo. | A few droM |
ull ( ctito nnr kind of an rvcltoj nml hut a trltlo
inoio in nocilocl for npralnq nntl hmonotws.
KlionniaUsin ! } not to readily nllottoilj nil
omicu anil flyiiictlmes tft'o ounfCH nro roqnlrad.
No nicdl.iipt ( ) Iiowovor , i-i eo two ia euro with
the sniuo number of applications.
Tln , FntoorSiHlaiw < lim niul
Juiy TlioiiKht o ( HlfilcnUi ,
St Louis Glob
While a pimy btj ! utf were refrcahing
ounolvca'ht nil inu'at Tlioinpson Falla a
shot and n yell otitsido caused everyone
to drop.what they \roro about and rush
to the door to nee what the disturbance
could bo. Another nnd another shot
cracked out , live in all , and then there
came the cry , "an Indian on toast. " I
ran to tho"placo , and beheld n owarthy
Indian lying on hia bark , the blood drip
ping from both hia sidca. His right hand
spasmodically clutched ft largo butchor-
knife , nnd hia murderer stood over him
w ith the smokingTovolvor with which ho
had done the deed atill in his haudovery
chamber of which waa empty. There ho
stood haranguing the crowd , justifying
hia action in strong , excited language ,
which seemed to moot their approbation ,
for every once 'n a while could bo heard
such words as "served him riRht , " "well
done , paid , " "another good Indian , " and
the liko. The victim bore the name of
Spokane Jim , nnd the ulayor was known
oa Hiram Parry , son of Bishop Joseph
Parry , Ogden , Utah.
It appeared that Iho Indian and Parry
had been engaged iu a gamo/of stud
poker with some others , In Winch Pany
came off with largo gains , Spokane Jim
was the moat export gambler of his tribe
and could not brook defeat , so ho drew
a l rgo butcher-knife and made a desper
ate lunge at Parry , who received him
coolly at the muzzle of a revolver , with
the result as stated. Parry gave himself
up without resistance.
A frontier jury waa hastily impaneled ,
who immediately sat on the case , re
turning in five minutes n verdict of "aolf-
defense , " and Iliram Parry was a free
man forever , having once been put in
jeopardy of his lifo and acquitted. The
jury then adjourned from the caao aino
die and into a neighboring saloon , where
a few minutes afterward I saw the late
prisoner inviting them one nnd nil to
"Stop up , gentlemen , and partake of ono
of the necessaries of life. A strungo
eight in a atrango country.
"Don't Gentlemen "
Hurry , ,
Said a man on IUB way to lo hanged , "thoro'Il
bo no fun till I got there. " Wo say to the dyo-
poptict , iiorvous , ami debilitated , doii't hurry
thoughtlessly foe HOIIIO remedy of doubtful
merit , uncertain of relief , when you can got
at the druggists for ono dollar Hurtlock Jllooil
Hitler * almost euro to euro and certain to bene
A , Blan nt Crcfetllnt * , After Hcing Pre
pared for Burin'Suddenly )
ConicH to
Clo.ivland Leader.
CUKHTUNB , O. , May 29. A most mys
terious nfl'iiir took place hero yesterday
afternoon which has excited the curiouity
of all our citizens who are familiar with
the facts , nnd it 1ms been the principle )
subject of conversation nmong our gos-
mpors. James Barton , an influential
nnd respected citizens , and who for a mi-
mbi-r of yeani has boon working in the
P. F. W. repair shops at thia place ,
about six weeks ago , by reason of nick-
ness , wini obliged to quit work and go
homo. It 8Coms that Mr. Barton grow
gradually worse , and ho waa obliged to
tuko his bed part of the time , but lie waH
nut considered dangerous. About 2
o'clock yesterday Mr. Bit-Ion's family
were stmtlod by his appearontly djing
condition. Ilia foatnro.t were verv
much distorted and ho fell
back on Ins pillow seemingly doad. The
f.unily , almost crazed with grief , at
tracted the attention of their neighbors ,
who , hearing thorn , rushed in and dis
covered that Mr. Barton bore no signs of
animation , and upon a closer oxaminnlion
they pronounced life extinct. Ilia breath
ing was not perceptible , and his eyes
looliod aa if they were cloned in death ,
Tlio mystery is that Mr. Barton remained
in this condition for four hours. Proparn-
lions for burial were about to bo made
but happily for the family and nil Mr.
Barton's acquaintance ! when 0 o'clock ar
rived , ho suddenly nroueed from his sup
posed deathbed aa quickly as ho had
Hcommgly expired. There ia Bomntliiiifj
very mystcriouaconnccted with this itfJuir
for during the four hours Mr , Baiton laj
an a corpse ho wan turned about and all
UIOBO who reviewed him claimed thai
there were no visible signs of lifo ,
Do Not JMovo mindly ,
( in carefully In pcrcliailni ; incilicino , Mnnj >
advorlUod rutnudlcK can work grunt Injury -
ami worro than nouo. Jiurdock Jlloodtittcri
uro turn ly a vegoUfolu preparation ; tlio uiniill
Hit chilli can tilcu tliutii. They kill dlHOHHi
aud euro'tlio patient in it H.ifo mid kindly way
Witntod lo .Join ISiifnilo Itlll.
Chicago NOWH.
Felix MoNally , a jolly cr.nnk , fiO yean
old , WRS before the county court to-daj
and found to be insane. Ilia principa
amusement for years hua benn to wnndoi
about the atroctH piokinx up tin cans am
dirt. Flo loves to root in the gutters anc
3wilh Iho nith black his faco.
"Would yon have any objection to ( jo
ing to Jfcir iaon1" naked Judge Prender
' Well , eir , I really think that my buai
ness engagements will not permit mo , '
replied MoNally ,
"Why did you black your face ? "
"Wdl , sir , I hoard Uullilo Bill waa in
town with hid Indian * , end 1 thought I'l
like to join the band. "
nco" Correspondent Tolls of tlio
VorJuncn Untlcr Iho Knrtli
lit Itlnlio.
Bui LOST tttvr.ii , Idaho Tor. , May 21.
lo Iho VMllor ol Tlio line
Aa 1 am ono of your Humorous aub-
acribcrs , I take this opportunity of send
ing you some items from thia part of
Idaho , thinking they may bo of interest
to your renders ; especially as the country
is now and almost daily showing now
sources of wealth. Last September
there were numerous strikes miulo in the
mountains that nujoln this valley on the
West and South that nro show ing up very
rich ; white carbonates , lead carbonates ,
black oxydo of copper , nud sulpliurota
nro hero found in largo quantities and of
n grade high enough to make them very
valuable. Some of the minoa nro worked
quite oxtcnoivoly at present , among
which are , the Mammoth , which is
down seventy-five foot , haa three hun
dred tons of ere on the dump. The vein
is four feet ; character of ere , white car-
bonato. Value , § 75 per ton.
The Gray Eagle is another good prop
erty , hns only thirty feet of work done
on it , but shows black oxydcs of copper
in paying quantities , vein live feet , -10
tons of ere on the dump ; owned by Mc
Allister , Powora < c Co. The llermlse ,
owned by the same parties , o.\rrica load
carbonates valued at $200 per ton ; also
the Pelican , ( now discovery ) lloat assaya ,
8320. Hidden Treasure and Blue Wing
are other properties that are good , owned
by the name company. The next on my
list ia the Grand Prize , owned by A. L.
Jones. This mine has two ohafta sunk
to n depth respectively of 22 and 15 ! feet ,
and there nro
HUNimr.K TONS or OKI :
on Uio dump , worth § ( iO per ton ; ehar.ic
tor , lead carbonates. This property is
bonded for fifty thousand dollara , and
Iho bond expires Juno Mth of this year ,
it ia considered a sale in the camp. The
last that I will mention nt this writing is
by no moans least , is owned by Brunor
Bros , it Brown and called the Buena
Vista , but known in camp us the Bin
Copper , and big copper it surely is. Old
miners who have hnd from twenty to
thirty yearn' experience in mines on this
coast pronounce it the grandest they
have over seen ; it aloie would make a
good camp. It can bo traced on the stir-
face for a diatanqo of sixteen humhed
feet , width known. The ere is black
oxydo of copppr , gray copper and copper
glance , valuo'frjom ' § 7E > to § 1,500 per ton.
After five ydara' ' experience in the mines
of Colorado and Now Mexico , 1 say , and
say candidly , that 1 never saw n quanti
ty of ere taken from so small a hole in
the ground as either of the two last
named mines can show. There will bo
oho if not two arn'ultoro orcctcd at _ or
near the town site 'or Carbonate , which
by the way , was located in January last
nnd at present quite n number of business
houses are being erected.
ia beautifully situated on the north side
of Big Lost River on ground that gradu
ally naconds from the river toward the
mountains on the north side of the val
ley. Water is plenty and cosily got , by
digging to n depth of from eighteen to
twenty feet. There is nlso a ditch under
contract to bo taken from the river that
will water about six equaro milcn , the
town silo included. Skollon < fc Ashton
have a saw mill of Ion thousand foot per
day capacity , and everything looks pros
perous for a good mining town. The
valley proper contains about 200 nquaro
miles of available land , and water in
abundance for irrigation. Ccrcaln and
vegetables grow abundantly , nnd tlioro ia
for cattle , sheep or homes ; the bunch
grass being na line an can bo produced
Block of all kinds wintered hero finely ,
and tlio death list wtm very light.
In conclusion I would eay that tlioro
ia no butter field for young men to otart
in than Idaho , nnd as good a chance in
Cunter or Alluiwfcotinlies as any place
in Iho west. There ia a pont-oflico nt
Carbonate , J. II. McCalosler P. M. .1.
IJ. Stewart is ( secretary of Carbonate
and AV. F. Seamunds president.
At some future time I will drop you
another tquib with further description of
the miiu'H. Pno BONO PUIILICO.
How Ham AVard Saved Andy JoliiiKon
Ono of Sam W/m''n / moat noteworthy
achievements was in the part ho played
in defeating the impeachment of Andiow
Johnson. This in Ins own account of it
" 1 am prouder of the part 1 took in de
feating the irnpcachmcnb of Andrew
Jackson than of any of my ground anil
lofty tumbling. ' It waa on Wiiuhington'e
birthday , 18d8 , when the Dcmourata niul
at SVclcler'fl : to appoint a time and plauti
for Iho proHidunlmlconvention , viz. , Julj
) , 1803. And 1 learned thut , after Stan
ton , owint ; to tlio woakncaa of Gonorn
Thomas , had retained powiossion of tin
war department , it was resolved by Sum-
iier , Hooper , James F. Wilson , of Iowa
- and the loading llopublicuiiH tu impe.iol
, the pn aident in three cloys nnd try Inn
. in four weeks. It v/r.s I who first carriet
the tidings to Secretary McCulloel
and took from him a card * o tin
president , whom I did not know. Hi
was entertaining the corps ( ltloii < itljut
, at dinner , KO 1 had uu hour to npuro
which 1 Hjient in eating Chief Justict
Chase , to whom the IIUWH was u surprise
It was also ono to the president , when 1
found him at 10 o'clock. I told him t <
socura the most eminent COUIIHU ! , hull
Democrat * ) nnd half Republicans , lit
y topic Curtin und Kvnrtn nnd Nelson and
OroBsbock. What killed the impiiaoh-
mont ia not for mo to way hero. But it i <
duo to thu Iwto bonntor Grimes of lown
, to nlato that ho was the hero of the oc
casion. There were hundreds of thousand !
bolted upon the i us uo , and the bltonv
deceived by Ocn , Butlor'a us.iur.inco . ,
woru heavily bitten. All this JH a inidtoi
of histoiy. But 1 am prouder of luiyn.j
countermined that vile intrigui
to rnnko Bon Wade jireaulont , with i
cabinet that ( Jen. Or.uil wii'i asked t <
name , than of any other event of my lifo
I contributed my Htoutest cff rta and w >
won and bavcd .tho country from bclnj
AVant of F.O
If Schroder & IJt UC
ceail U l not for thu want of vo
euch fhlth ! Dr. 15i ! * uk t'i ) vof
fjyrui | M a imiiudy for U < { liifl& , 111
un'l J.iiiiK hlfoctoiigtbftVtJ > 'iyniiflva u lottl
fruu Ui imth un > l cviiry o e wouu in nee I u [
madldiio uf thU kind
Ono of tlio Best and largest Stocks iu the United States
to select from.
I F. 0 * ,
; V
; Will bring them from their homos to the Opera House , PoBtoffico ,
Hotels mid DopotH in
Giving thoin the iitlvmittigo of living on iho suburban heights , with pure
, nir , Jjijuuliful Hhiulo trees and Parks , imro Spring Water and Lakes ,
Groves nnd Scenery nifinilicent , which cannot bo equalled. This is a
* Tlio Syndicate hnvo arranged with with the railroad companies for a
: fine , attrac'ivo depot , whcro iraius of the following roads will connerh
and slop : Tlio Onmlia li''lfc Line Railroad Line , Tlio Union Pacific Rail
way. Tlio Missouri Pacific Railway , The Omaha nnd Republican Valley
Railroad , The Ijnrlington and Missouri River llitllruad in Nebraska ami
Ilio Chicago , Ijiirliiif-tou and Quincy Railroad. ' All these trains will htop
at the diijiofc at thu town site. Also at , the Stock Yards.
Beautiful trees have bofcii set out on the pro ] > erly and streets laid
? T APC * AT ? ! ? fftffiflT AW QAT " 2n !
- , , uU x O JtUtiiJUa JMJ W HJJDa 0-o.JLaJL-s
al tlio Goinpiiny'ti ofllco , cor. of 13th nnd Douglas streets ,
over the Omaha Saving's Bank.
, 11 , A , UPTON , * T
Assistant Secretary ,
! 9 Hi
/ uW4 ' The Palace Hotel of. Denver ,
jWMfi ? .rte , y. . Cor , Se7ento8nth and Lawrance
Bi WSSM Itouai , 76o to * t < X > jior day. Hpoclal Uatru by Ilia llonth.
mmmi Conducted on the American and European Plans. Da
Hoard $7 i > or woo.
Double and Sinyla Acting Power ana Hand
Knglno TrimmlngH , Mining Maclunory,1 Belting , floao , UntB * imd Iron FitUit
f , .toitin I'&okin ! , ' at vholoexlo and rei U. HAbLADAY WJND-MILliS , OHU\0 )
Corner 10th Farnam Su , Omaha Hob ,