. .Ol * f\l . v OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY JUNE 3 1684. THE ADVENTISTS , The Preliminaries Tor llio Camp Mooting In Gngo County. Correspondence of THE HUB. BEATRICE , May 30. Wo are holding a \ Borioa of meetings here preparatory to the camp mooting proper which begins Wednesday Juno 4 , and continues until Juno 10. There nro about fifty strong earnest workers making preparations for a largo gathering ; preparing the grounds nnd pitching the tonta , BO that the "Gotten City" already makes a grand showing , the central figure being the mammoth pavillion 70x120 foot. Now arrivals on nearly every train. On Wednesday there was n goodly at tendance. The services were conducted by Elder Cudnoy. His topic was the "Iliso and Fall ef the Four Great King doms of the Past , " as predicted by the Prophet Daniel , and spoken of in his prophecy. The second meeting , hold Thursday night , consisted of a lecture by Elder Caniol Nottluton. The subject was the aamo as that , introduced by Elder A. J , Cudnoy the previous evening the prophecies of the I3iblo. IIo took tor his text Joel II , 1 : "Blow yo the trumpet in Zion , and sound an alarm in my holy mountain ; lot all the inhabitants of the land tremble ; for the day of the Lord comcth ; it is nigh at hand. " Ho showed by this and other passages of scripture that this language applies to God's minis ters , who are set as watchmen to give warning of coining events , and that God has novur brought any great judgment or pvont upon the earth without first warn ing the people. ' 'Surely the Lord God would bo nothing , but llo rovoaloth His secret unto his servants , the prophets. " Amos HI , 7. The speaker then proceeded to show by the prophecies , the position wo occupy in the great stream of time. Taking up the lines of prophecy brought to view in the Bovonth and eighth chapters of Daniel , ho showed that from the tlmo of Daniel to the oud of this world's history there wore to bo but four universal kingdoms , namely : Babylon , Modo-Porsia , Grecla nnd ilomo. Three of these kingdoms having passed away , nnd the fourtli and last ( Rome ) , has continued since 1G1 B. 0. in its unit nnd divided between the years 350 and 483 , A. D. , unto ton parts ns shown by the symbols of the prophecy , and known as the ton kingdoms of Europe. The older showed by the various proph ecies that the next event to occur will bo the setting up of God's everlasting king dom ; which is ushered in by the second coining of ( Jhrist. To prove these posi tions ho quoted history both sacred and profano. The attendance was good , the tent being - ing well filled. ELEVATION. Remarkable Growth of a New Town in tlio Iioup Vnlloy. Correspondence of Ins BKE. ELBA , Nnu. , May 28. Elba , a live on- torpiiaing little burg in Howard county , has just struck a building boom , nnd the indications are that there will bo a thrifty and prosperous town horo. It is ton miles from St. Paul and is surrounded by one of the finest agriculture sections in the state. Last fall Elba shipped more grain than Scotia and North Loup com bined , this proving conclusively that the town has n good agricultural backing. Mr. W. Merriam , of Omaha , who has largo Interests here , says the town is cer tain to make ono o ? the best business points in the famous North Loup valley. JFor beauty of location the place is unexcelled by any in the west The few business men now here are having a good trade , and all nro sanguine of the prosperity and future greatness of Elba. There are several lines of busi ness not represented ; our wants are few but urgent , and to the right kind of men success is certain. Wo want a shoemaker , a butcher , n doctor , a druggist , a furniture - turo dealer , n brick maker nnd carpen ters. They can nil prosper with ua. There nro now two hotels hero nnd a res taurant , all doing well. There are two general stores , and their smiling proprie tors iissuro us they are having big s lea ; two blacksmith shops and n hardware store , a credit to a town of 2,000 popula tion ; two livery stables and ono of the best lumber yards in Nebraska ; there are Agricultural men , real estate men , insur ance men , and all acorn well satisfied. Elba not only receives trade from How ard county , but from a largo part of Sherman and Grecley us well. The Elba Sun , a lively little journal , just started by A. H. Lewis , founder of the St.Paul/Yio > ior ; ) / * and the Grcdcy . . Tribune , believes Elba bound to bo the best grain market of the North Loup country. Better prices nro paid for grain hero than in the neighboring towns. Land of the best quality ranges from $10 to $20 per aero , owing to the quality of improvements. To the business man as well na the farmer nnd artisan , wo say , como and Elba before you make a location else where. Wo ask you simply to BOO the place , and will leave the rest to your judgment and common sonso. Respectfully , HOWAHIJ. UK HAD ONljY ELEVEN WIVES. Five ofTncia Toll How They Were Deceived , Phlladolphl * Ilocoril. i Eleven wiycH in the number of women that Peter Tatro claims ho was married to , and of these fiva have boon found and living and well , each mourning the loaa of the hnaband. The othorhalf dozen will no doubt bo found within a short time , Tatro was sentenced in the United States District Court on Monday uuder the name of John A. Moore , and sent to the Eastern Penitentuary for two yoaw , and fined § 500. lie wtts charged with having personated n pension a ent and forging a pensioner's name to a voucher. The man la 53 years of age , and a native of Franklin county , Now Yuik. Ho is a'Tceablo in manners and hia ways were to entertaining that within ten yeats five women consented to become his after a brief courtships. This py dp ceivor appeared at Brockport , M. i. , in 1873 , and ufter a brief wooing made Mies Ella Webb hia wife , giving his iu nt as JStone. . The honeymoon was not over before the nun began a despera'o flirt ition with a widdow named I aronna , ofC ndor. N. Y. , and in a month lu deserted the UrocVport wife and made Mra , Parsons Mrs. Sheldon Uurlolgh. In a few months ho tired of this female , and early ono morning took a train for the West , llo concluded to stop off at South Bond , Intl. , nnd , under the name of 11. 0 , Pomroy , proclaimed himself a United States Provost Marshal. The man's manners made him a favorite , and in the goodness of his heart ho ottered to prosecute a number of doubtful pension claims , always taking care to obtain a small foo. yhilo otig.igccl in this busi ness ho married a Miss Mason. But his wickedest oxpHt was at Wabash , Indiana. In 1878 , under the name of J , W. JcnUs , ho became acquainted with Miss M , 0. Stuart. Like her prcdo- cessors she in turn became the wife of the villain , lie induced her to dispose of a farm for $1800 and tly with him to hia mansion In California. At Chicago ho obtained possession of her money and loft her at a hotel penniless. In 1879 the oily-tonguod scamp made hia appear ance in Allegheny county , and under the name of John IIoak was convicted of grand larceny , llo served three years for this crime. As soon as ho was released - leased from the workhouse ho resumed his swindling career , nnd was found in Cumberland , Md. , acting as special ex aminer of pensions , giving the name of A. C. Webb. Hero ho won the heart of Mrs. J. P. Anderson , n > ridow. llo was detected at Cumberland in his awin * dling and Hod to Marietta , where ho was arrested , llo procured sums of money varying from ? 1 to $30 from numerous persons , and lived In clover. Among his other names were James Thompson , J. Thomas , liov. John Hid'and Colonel Bates. TH13 OllIIjI ) OK TO-DAY , Society , AiunsoniciiiH , Goiiiincrco nntl Agriculture. San Francisco Chronicle. The atoamor Santa Rossa , which arrived a few days ago , brought about twenty of the wealthiest inhabitants of Valparaiso and Santiago , Chile They are all bent upon pleasure and aight-accing. Among the visitors ia Mr. Vicuna , a name not unknown to students of Spanish history , and the interviewer waa not surprised to hoar that Mr. Vicuna waa the brother of B. Vicuna Makeuna , whoso rosoarchea into history have mule : hia name famous in the Spanish apoaklng world. "Yes , sir , " said ho to the reporter , "perhaps it does not aoom strange that there are ao many of countrymen coming ) lioro at tha aamo time , buc.it would not bo at all strange if wo had a di rect pasaemrer _ line connecting our coun try \mh San Francisco. You can judge of this by the number that have taken advantage of making the trip upon that fine steamer. " "Do you think that business and the condition of a flairs are settled enough for any firm to make the venture of running steamers. " "Yes ; Chile is now settling down. lam confident that before long there will be a great period of prosperity. Matters have been settled with Peru , and , though there ia aorno dilllaulty , with Bolivia over cus toms dutiua , yet it will soon bo arranged. In Boliviathoro ia no aocuritytho people are a turbulent sot , and they have no re spect either for tho'lawa or the Govern ment that makes them. You know , " added Mr. Vicuna with pardonable pride , "that Chile is spoken of by foreigners as 'tho United States of America.1 Certain ly vro have railroads ; why Harry Motggs of your city built the ono now running iivfl trains daily between Santiago and Valparaiso , a distance of 108 milea. The oxpreaa takes four and a half hours to perform the journey and the fair ia § G. This line cost14,000OCO. " "Ia it true that the English have a strong foothold in your country ? " "Yea , in fact thestrongca1. The Inrgoit commercial houses are English. Of course wo have aomo .North Americana. The French , too , do a great business , but they prefer fancy notions and in that way make largo auras. " "Doea your society welromoforeignera ? " "Foroignora of education are received everywhere. Wo are rather gay in Santi ago. Our theater is the boat in the South. Naturally wo indulge in balls and parties , and our Alameda is a delightful resort. To give you an idea of how money is spent , Mr. Cansino , who owna coal mines , invested last year somothng ; like $500- 000 in amusements. Wo have imported blqodod Block from England and America , and our spring races are well attended by the aristocracy. You may smile , but though wo are a republican country wo have atill an untiltod nobility , and if you should BOO our palaces , surrounded by beautiful gardens , you would indeed think ao , and moro ao if you attended the Salon Philharmonica. " "What about your mines ? " "Tho silver miuoa still yield abundant ly. Our coal mines aro. fair , but 1 am sorry to a ay that the foreign trade in saltpeter ia declining. It aeema that Europe dooo not import so largely as aho uied to do. And then the government ia now engaged in a § 3,000,000 lawsuit with a .French company , which under took to work the fields. If the company were wealthy enough , it could oaaily get 810,000,000 out of the mine , but aa it ia now they are in dobt. " "Aro you agricultural interests on the increase ? " "Now I am able to talk moro intelli gently , said Mr. Vicuna , "for I have haciondaa and I can aaauro you that the Luul ia a go * J mother , though wo have to undertake oxtenaiyo irrigation works. Wo have canaln wliich have cat over a million dollars. They are largo , fifteen broad and twenty feet deep with an in clination of one foot in a hundred foot. Wo have splendid vineyards , and , per haps , Bomo day wo will compote with Cal if ornia. " In A Box. TOPEKA , KAN. , May 25. Horace H. Buoll , of Chicago , not having aufliciont money to buy a ticket , conceived the scheme of being sent aa express matter to Manhattan , Kan. , and was successful , Ho arranged a box ao that ho could at in it and could , if necessary , open it ana release himself. Ho got into hia box , mid was placed on board the cars. Ho loft Chicago laat Thursday , and arrived in Manhattan ehortly after midnight on Saturday morning nnd was dumped out on the platform with other freight. Hh expectation was that ho could ctcapu in the darknees , but the box was sot down bottom side up , with thu lid against the platform , and Ida Rchomo was frus trated. When ho waa rolled into the express olllco at the dopotutill worao mis fortune attended him , for the box waa no placid that ho stood no his head. Thu clerk then began checking up , using the box for a table , Jiuell stood it us long as hi ) could nnd then made hia presence knoy.n , greatly frightening the vgunt , who win going to shoot into the byx. At luii th however , they released him. Hu ( aid the express chargoa9.25. A ticket ,7otild have cost iflTJil. "I'lio Plumed Knight. " WASIU.VOTO.V , Juno 2 Jilaino loft for Au ueta , Mo. , this afternoon. GKOUGK 1 , Sr.NKY'8 IMCTWIKS. How They Came To Ha TmnBforroil to tlio Metroimlllnn Hank , ami Were Aflorwiml Panned Over to tlio I/ORII Committee or tlio ClonrltiK-llouso , Now York World. On the face of ono of the most Impos ing stone fronts on Montague terrace , Brooklyn , hangs a "for aalo" placard. The heavy oaken atorm-dooro are doubly bolted , and the moat frantic rmlliiu ! at the boll fails to elicit any response. The shades . . were drawn close to the sills of the windowH and the Inside blinds were closed yesterday. The stone balustrades leading up the stops and the carving to the doors were covered with dust. The The family had left the house for the country ; not as a matter of n summer ao- join n , but because the creditors * of the mined bank president , Gcorgo I. Sonoy , demanded . its vacancy. At Barnaido , N. J , , is Mr. Sonoy's country villa , which is said . . to embrace fifteen hundred acres of tilled anil nnd numerous elegantly-fur nished residence } and tubstntially erected buildings All that wealth and civiliza tion could suggest for the pleasure of a summer rotrcat have boon lavished up on thia Now Jeraoy country liomo. It is said . . that hero Mr. Seney had gathered the rare collection of works of art , enum erated in yesterday's World , which ho sacrificed to cover claims involved iu the suspension of the Metropolitan National bank , the consideration tiled in the bill of sale being $300,000. , "When Mr. Soney resigned the presi dency of the Metropolitan bank , " aiiil a bank officer in Wall street yesterday , "ho transferred thia gallery of pictures aa ad ditional protection to the bank from any possible or contingent loaa that might bo sustained { from any securities held by the bank , owned by him , or deposited by other persons in the shape of railroad collaterals for loans advanced by the bank through him. The assignment of largo parcels of unincumbered realties , representing in aggregate values of over § 1,000,000 , was made by Mr. Senoy at the same timo. The transfers , conttary to the general supposition , were included in ono transaction , which occurred at the time Mr. Jaquea assumed the presidency of the bank. " "Was not the assignment of all thia real oatato sufficient to cover the value represented by those aecuritiea ? " "Yoa , moro than aiitllciont. " "Then , what occasioned Mr , Senoy to part with hia valuable collection of pic- turea ? " "Mr. Sonoy acted entirely at hia own volition. Thcro was every rcaaon to be- that the losses sustained by the bank , loading to its suspension , would bo made good , and Mr. Seney desired to act in a manner that would leave no doubt in the mind of the public that the bank had been amply secured. It waa not calcula ted that thia collection of art waa neces sary to cover the doficonciea. " "And what course waa taken by the bank pursuant to these transfers with re gard to these pictures ? " "A assignment waa made to the loan commitco of the clearing-house of all that Mr. Sonoy. had handed over to the bank. The committee did not ask for the transfer of those paintings. " "What disposition will bo made of them by the clearing house ? "Tho probability ia that the claims covered by this assignment will bo fully satisfied by the bank , without recourse to assigned property , and all of ic , in- udiug the pictures , will bo reassigned to 10 bank and again returned to Mr. enoy. The bank has already organized , nd there Is no reason why its rpaump- on should not bo continued with In- roasing prospects for a bright future , ho work ot adjusting the books has cen completed. There may have been o permanent injury to ita financial con- ition , aa it proposes to go on and ransact business ns uenal. " " \Vhat is ita present standing in the learing-houso ? " "That is n question which I do not lok upon aa bearing any interest to the ublic. It's a question wholly between 10 bank and the cloaring-houso. " "Is it true that since the doora wore rat closed and continuing to the time it cBumod paymonta over $ t,000,000 ) wore rawn out ? " "Like the preceding question , thia haa o significance ! that I care to recognize y answering for public print. " "Is there any reason to suppose that 10 Metropolitan ia likely again to go in- liquidation ? " " 1 do not BOO any reason why it should. a losacs have been amply covered , vorything ia moving along smoothly ao ar aa its affairs in the cloaring-houso are oncornod , and except for the daily BPS- on of the loan committee , ono would ardly suppose that Wall street had been con tly struck with a panic. " "Will you toll mo how much money [ r. Sonoy did draw from the bank , or ow much of the funds did ho permit is sons to use ? " "That'a a question Mr. Sonoy can an- wer better than 1. " 'To what extent waa ho rcsposiblo for 10 tailurn1 " 1 decline to advance any opinion on lat aubjoct. HH a responsibility be- > nging to Mr. Sonoy. ' AY GOULD'S I'KltHONAh liUSSKS. Jin ColoHsnl Fortune Bald to Shrunk $ l l,012.OOO. ow York Diflpntch to lioatou Herald , Mr. Gould'a losses through the shrink age of hia property have boon onormoim , lie has a largo amount of stock held for nvestment , and all of ir ia very much below the quotations of two or three years ago. Put down in tubular form the figures would look Romething like this , the atocka being his investment , and not hia speculating line , the speculative louses of thu last year would swell the amount 33 per cent. Hlylieit I.oncst ( 'toe ! , . Hliaru. In 18di. In U8 . Lom iVeatern Union . . . : KK > ,10) , 03 49 81Soro,0 0 Missouri I'adflc. . .MO,000 Hi 05 6,8SO(0 , lack. A.W. . . . 10,000 IM 111 4(0,000 UBli preferod . , 10,000 Oi li 810,000 , \'alri h common. , . 10,0.0 0) J 1,000,020 American Cttblo. . . . 8,000 7H t'J 282,000 7oi i in.eis.roo Knormous aa these figures are , they do not represent entirely the shrinkage of Mr , Gould'a fortune , for ho is possessor tt nmny railway mortgages and of utpck in many banking and trust companion , car companies nnd bridge and warehouse companion , nearly every ono of which ia worth leeu money than it was three years a'o. It is a.fo to Bay that the nmrkot v"uoof Mr. Gould'a HU itica liaaahru. k fejj.000,000. All through the panto , and for the last month for that irnttor , Mr. Gould has been constantly in hia Broadway cdko , and ho lus uvinoed the liveliest intercut in thu condition of the market , Ho hai done all in hiit power to tall : up prices , ha ? been interviewed tig-iin and agaii , 'ind hud uacd oveiy artifice to restore confi dence. Hia anxiety und his tli"ortn prove _ that ho has large interests at Btaku , and' ' thut ho ia meat desperately interested 1-1 j His brokers have been no busier than usual , however , nnd it is the gossip of Wall Street that they have not traded any to apeak of since the panic burst. The inference is that Mr. Gould is await ing developments. 1'AUNKIiU Irish AmcHumiH-lIo Can not Como to the United Suites tu Anoint. CnicAno , Juno 2. Alexander Sulli van , president of the Irish National Leagueof America , to-day received a letter from Charles Stewart Parnell , president of the Irish National League of Ireland , thanking the Irish Americans on behalf of himself and colleagues for the generous donations to assist the Irish candidates for parliamentary soala in the elections which Parnoll says must BOOH occur. Ho aaya ho cannot bo present at the national convention in August. \Vol do Meyer. U It now wmltsnuteilthit AVIo Die Blcy- or'H Cntnrrh Ciifo Is tlio only trontmout th.it will absolutely euro C.iUrrh froah or Chronic. "Very efficacious. S.iinl Gould. Weeping Wntcr , Nob. " Ono box curoil mo , Mrs. Mary Konyon , Blmnarck , Dakota. " "It lOKtcrod mo to tlio imlplt , " " " . ( JoiirKO K. lids , .blovlllo . , , N. Y. " "Ono liox rmllciilly curoil no , llov. C , 11. Tnlilor , MO Nolilo street , Urooklyn"1 "A perfect euro nftor 30 Voars imlTorlug , , T. D. MuDonnlil , 710 Broad way , 3S' . Y. , &C.&C , Thwmndaof tontlmo.- nliila nro reeolvod from nil tiarts of the worldl- Delivered , $1.00. Dr. Wet Da Meyer's lliy liiHtratcd Treaties * , " with statements of the curuil , mailed froo. 1) . B. Dewey & Co. , 112 Fulton Street , N. Y tuo't.wiM k p.it-nuViein ; A 81. lioulH KillCof Hiilelilos. ST. Louis , Juno 2. Edward K Egnn , for a number of yoar3comiontcd with the reportorial and editorial stall'of the Re publican , suicided this morning by taking "Hough on Hats. " The deceased had boon drinking heavily of Into , and was recovering from a spree , llo loaves a wife and two children. IjlBt or llCUCl-H Itonminlng in the olfico nt Omaha , .luno 2 , 188 J : OKNTLKMKS'H LIST. Anderson .1 W Armstrong W 2 Andoison G Arnold 1) .1 - - - A 0 , K. COUTINT , KOHK10N PAUIH , Juno 2. The Hopublitnio con demns the t'nited States for allowing the dynnmlters to plan outrages. The In- transigiont nays the explosion in l/nulim will result iu 000 years of misery for Ire land. land.BKUMX BKUMX , June 2. The nowapapora are indignant over thu London explosions , and counsel reprisals. Apjx'nl to America , LONDON , Juno 2. The Telegraph urges an appeal to the American govern ment against the harboring of assassins. Heritor Still Stands. CAIUU , Juno ' . ' . The fall of Uerber ia denied. A NcliniMlcn. Droivnliifj. Spoelnl Digp.itch to TIIK IKK. ! I'LAnsMofTii , Juno 2. H. H. Petit , who oporaloa a tlat-boat ferry across the Vlatto at Orcapolis Junction , 1ms boon missing since Saturday noon. Ho was working on the 11. it 5f. bridge , catching drift wood at that time , and his coat waa found at night on the bridge. The uni versal belief is that ho foil in the swift current and waa drowned. Watchers have boon stationed at the mouth of the Platte to catch the body when it floats. SPECIAL NOTICES. will 1'oaltlvolyuot bo lunortod uuloaa paid tu advauco. TO LOAM-Moaev. MONKV tiMiiril on rlutlrl mottKntro , liy 0 It , Woollcj , room 20,0malift Nntloiul Hunk. 010 line MONKY Iiiunnl cm rliatkt property by H T. 1'otonon IMIi nml loiiliu ) | , 17'2-lm MONKY TO LOAN 111 HUII.H of J.100 ami upnanti at low rates on tlrst cla a real etttnto cecurltv. I'ovri'.u. . . . MO SUV T.O\NKU On clnttol property tiyJ.O _ iiK.yrrr. ai3 _ noutii mil trcot. _ _ ' _ ? " > -i [ < > _ MONKY IX ) LOAN TlioIowoJI ratt 'of intefoct Homla' Loan Asonov , Utli & Uoudi S31-U Vf OKKV TO LOAN Innuma ol 1300. nut umvtnl III O. T. Divls anil Co. , Itoal Kot&to uul Ijotn Agctita , 1605 Karnum fit. B.S-tl. HELP WANTK1) . " \\7ANTK1) Oooil girl for genciM liounootkln * 1 n family of two. \\cilu preforrcil , Bt. Har > 'a aM'iiue ami Twentieth St. , Clarkton I'lacu. Oiri-4p 7ANTED A illnhiR room ( tlrl at the Orclilontnl. 1V fill tt AVANTKO-Ancat Oornmii clrl IU or 13 junra 1 r oM , In n ( aiully ot two , tn In-lp In lionsr , 2326 Ica\cm\orth ntruit. O'0-.lji V\7ANTKD An actlvulioy to run on erranJa ewrop ) ' an I iln t and ninKo tifmaclf Kenorally useliil 123 N. 15tli St. , Jacobs lllock. Oil-2p ( l\7ANTKl ) Girl for Koncr.il house work at 1MO > > north 10th St. Kl-Sp W ANTKP-CloudKlrlat IMclllo HOUBO , 10th ami Davenport. 612 2p 'ANT1U ) A ilDt cl B ttomaii cool. . $ . < < 0 | nr week , Harnoy Street Hmtiuitant. Oll-tf I7ANTCU A llrnt-claia barhcr. ( looiltigct. . I t'axton Hotel Harbor Shop. TOIU 3p ANlKD-Glrl for ( 'cncral homework , S. 11 cor. rarnam and 20th street f.91.2 WANTED A Rood indmtrloiis boy , 1 ctween the a oof Iflandl7 , to work In dru store. Ono with Homo oxpeilcncopreferred. Inunlru at OCO 3 KOHHOTUU , t IIKCUT. WANTIU-riraf-cloH9 dlnlnit room K'rl ' at the liimton Ueataurant , 1411 Douclaa street. t71-2p W ANTKD Good laundromat south-nest cor 10th and Harney. WagesI. per neck , WANTKll Canvoanlug ageuta to handle a newly patented article. One t-Jthroo on bo sold In oiery fatully. Call on or addrcen "Knterprlso" ' No. 14 CrclRhton Block. 63241 1 , ANTED Good , artlri middle-aged lady to dy T T chiimber work. Wages $1.00 per week. Appl 12 Douglas street. S2-tf TT/'ANTKD Thico or four hoja to learn book- T keeping Oooil ultuatlona. Call at 1610 Doug- osptreet. J. U SMITH. r > 33-29 SITUATIONS WdNTBD. W ANTKD A eltuatlonby anoipcrlurced baker In city or country. Address Out ) . Augticrg , c-iro Ilco ofllee , Omaha. M9-7p "IX.T'ANTKD Situation an toaimtorhy an oxperi' Vf cnced man , Addrcxs "F. II. " care Ileo olllco. 607 Op TWA'THD Situation as book keeper or ralatman Vi by a man with oiperlonco Can trlvo good rccomtneDdatloni. Address" ! ' . A."A. " 201(1 ( Cniulnr | 8t. 018-.1p \\7ANTI5ll Ily astiauyyoung limn from tlio eait , r > a position utmost an } thing. Address "T. K " 13I5 Capitol u\o. 6"U-2p V\7"ANTKI-Sltuatlon by n Ucrmaii ho umlcr- 11 standit ciro of horses and yanln , hi prliato fim- Ily or any othtr kind of work. AiMtc.ii "H. K. " No. 213 North 15th street. 671) ) 2p VS7 ANTKD To do housi work In oxcJungu for a TT room by a > oun lady uho HOWS during the day. Call or address III SB U L. Shelter , 1211 Doi'go Bt. ffU-"p ) WANTS. WAliTKI ) To ( DtiMlHh an agency for the nile of mv V.ho Ol mn Lulirlcatlng OIU In Oinnlii and vicinity. Liberal terma. largo territory ; good hvici f < r an hoiient , enorgetlo man , U , i. Diet- rldu , Cleveland , Ohio. ti.'M U l7ANTii-Ilaoiiiwth : ho.inl profcrrnl , ( or 'eiitlo- ? nun anil wllo. Aililroni I' . 0. Ilox40J. C2I1 2p -I'laln board and bolroon bv gentle- irnn , In fomo ilcaii , prltato family Iti the \ltln Itynf 14th and Pa import or 10th uud Hurnuy Kt < . . I'lta.o adilrcbs , stating prlco per week , "Foreman' ' Cou nlll-o. 031 | i IT 7 A NT/1 / 1)'I ) ho puDlio to know that Mrd f.ummli V tlioinllllnrr atrtlO Noith lUth St. srlh tlio latut sti ID o ! Now York Millinery. OJH-tl W ANTKD A good furnlnlitrl room for two gen , tlemen , with board preferred. Adilrcw 'N. II ' olllco. 600 6p \ 7/.NTKI ) Iloardcrs t know the Ht. Chirloi Ho > V tcl on Ilarnoy St. , b-twvon 12th and 13th will H tup tin bent table boaiil for (4 00 per week of any IIOUHU In the city of H uorrutponJIi" ' mice. 2S-tf VOU UGl < T--lioanof > eua Lou. T70H UF.NT--Hon o of 4 roonw and kUrhen. In- I1 iUlro | 420 south Kth ttrtct. A. IHIUI'IIY. olO-7p HKNT-Ilooms 1821 Farcam street. J70II 811-7p FOll IlKNT A handsome furnished front parlor. Hath room coniw knceii , 172) Canltol ave. 17.4p FOll IlKNT Neatly ftirnl hodroom with lar/o bay window south front UUChlcago Ht. K l' Davis 8i2-tf 17011 UI'.Nr Twru.lccly furnlnhcil roomi at 18H I1 mtcnport afreet. CiH-7ii FOll HKNT New hou e 8 rooms 1107 Davenport ht , Inquire 1218 UarenportHt. OH * p ItKNT-Urgo front room , lultablo for two I70H . Furnished or imfurnl'liul , 1IIH South Othntreet , sicond housofroni H. W cor , I'lcrcc. CSOSp , 17011 IlKNTUr vhoiuu of sl roe n nur H W I1 corner of JackKWi and Huv ntieutli , Apiny tu T J rtzmorrl , IJto ofllco. 836-tf 7011 IlKNT 'Three unluriiMied rocint for light J hou Qktej.liig . , 1117 N. 17t1 tt. _ 034 ip jKKKNT1'urnl , hoi room at 16 iS Djdgo SI. I ( liiiitlcniin pttfsrrod. _ ) TT ItKNT Mloro wiih ullar. MI thu alluy Ut , 17 Oin lug H'ldjlurt. Apply within. 8 7p . \OiillKNI-A TintUa < a oru in good I c lltj. ' { Iiiqubu at IMIi Im and Knckson. COl-tl IIKNT-Kour pleujmt ui.d cuincnltnt clinn- 170II " fur home-livpuigforn. ii nd ulfti wittout clnlJren , no b aidtra ( r rodmtrs Allotted , ! )19n ) < rin 17th St. , 3 blo.ts fioni P. O. M7-2p f Olt IIBST- ( urnlihoil room lor KcntUiuaii or ! Inly , Kit a. 'Jht n ur I/ * v. nwurth M8-3p > ult It l 'Kui'iiYilied r lonw watlVbaiTd , on firrt J7 llojr , at bl6 kouth lUth stitet. " " " "if" .I'-AK < i'Hl ' t u utory l liiu liou.r , blnci irom St. II try B w. nuu , nw tliu CouK MANUFAOTUllKtt OF Of BTIUOVLT HitST-GLAHS 1 t\ \ & [ * ! ' H < \ ! < ' "V , ! AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. MMO Mid 1820 lUrnoy Street unit IDS 8 , Hth Blrool , v nntrMo.1 Okltloriti lurti h l If.m viom vi vS i * . TIOH 11KNT I'lrst-clMi 0 twin cottnRO H. T. I'rtonon , HMith call comer IMh nml Doiiclan. 17011 UK.Vr-nirmelu'd Iront ronn 1721 Mount ! * . r RB7.ll IlKNT I'mnkhcil room 1818 Jnr/lieon St. IaOK 1 632 3p IrtOH IlKXT Two clMjMit front rooms nicely fur 1 nhlinl , CUnnrrtwt with bath room , hot ftinl cold witti'r Ono of tlio nicest locatloniln the city , li block from St. Mary' * a\o. , BIO I'loMMit St , UIJJJT-Ono iiiifnrnliilirtl tied room. No IJMM , HID ChloKO street. 17(011 ( ItllNT-lMrnUho. ! room 1017 OlildRO Ht. r 6i3.tf l01l lir.NT-l.irKO front offlciM lMW ! Karnam St. J1 Riilttlile for ili'iitlut or ilootor. Apply to .John II. K. IiClnnan ami Oo. , Now York Dry KOoil store , KUO ami 1912 I'arnag Ht. r > Sl-3p OU IlKNT ItoaiiM In Nolr ) ka National Hank I7 ImlUliiR. Mo t ilnlralilo nnien In the city. Supplied \\ltli liV'Irnullo vlo\ator nnd licnted by Apply at ll.ink. O.'O tf il room nltiblo for man 101 ! ) KnrtuuitSt. 800 .1p Ii OH IlKNV Knrnliilird lioiino , ( nridtnra for nla r at 1012 I'aolflo Ht. near U. I" . Mid II. M. depot at prcxenl a bflirdiiiK house. Itcnt of IIOIIHO CD per month. ( H)7-2p ) ITiOll I.KASr.- Ion ; time , client loU mi Wo.t L1 Farimm Ht- very tightly. Inimlro ot 11 , U. CUrk. 70U UKNT I'nrnlaliod rooms 2227 1 IbO-lm IJ > OH UKNT Thrco larffo hoincn of 8 tu 22 rooms ' each. Denlralilo locitlon , Snltahlo for boaiillni ; hoiKo or hotel. 11AUKKH &MAYNK. 407-tt HKNT l.argo fmnlnncd room to KUitlciimii I70II 1 only , N. W. cor. Ibth and nirnam.I35 tf 1 7 > OH KENTCliotp , ono piano , ono orpan. A. J 1 Ho pc , Ifilf DodKO Ht. 410 1m UKNT-Wlth luuiil. OiiolarRO front | iailor I 1TIOH h.iiidnomely fnrnlxhed. Ali few tnlilo homt- ; cm dctlrfd , HI1 CivwKt. 302 tf F 011 HUNT-Two fnrnlshcil romna for light hnuso- llcctncr'allloclc corner 8th ami I luuitnl. S7Mt [ 7 > OIt HUNT Furnished room 222 N. lOtii. I1 sas tl FOll IlKNT lloiifo 0 roomt. Impitro ct J , P. Itoo 6th St. 230-lf HUNT In itnllrk'H lilock. Storeroom 120 IH feet ilcop mill iooJ olllco room. l'iu > l en & Co. ftil ) Farimin , room a , 700-tt Ii Oll KENT-plano. Imiulro nt Kdholm & Krlck 1 eon'u. 033 tt UKNT Store room 1D09 Farnara St. , by 1'AUI.HKN b CO. 409-tf 1XKNT FnrnUhcd rooms on the noituno oor. ISlhandCapltolavonuo , formerly Crcl titon Houno. 1R9-t F [ BALK-SIx largo electric lampH at MllUrd Ho 1 ? ttl Ilarber Shop. OiG-tf F OK SALK An evrallcntlfamlly row , young. In ( | lllro at 200 N. 22d street. O'i0-4p SAT.K Oil LKASK-Slx buslncum loU all o FOll part of It on uotith 13th St. The whole will I link a very beautiful resldonoo , S. K. oor. 13lh and llartho. ZCfl-tf 17OH HALK A flnit-cla-H , well mUbllalicil Dry J' ( loads biinlnuHH , clock and Irate of ntorc , 31WO to $16,000. Will take part trado. Addrota II V. Waters , care Ileo olncu. 603-tf 17OII SAI.K 160 lota with map and ahitrao of 1 ? til la for the ton n site of Florence , Nob. 1 ho en tire outfit at a bargain , 607-8 F. S. LKWI8 , J4tli and Jones , 17011 HAIjK A good paying confectionery on 10t 1 ktrtct , cath. S | lenclld location. AddrcjH'AII. lice ofllee. 170U HALK Special bargain. Kinall homo and full 1 lot near town , In good nhajvj , JI.6SO. Hounu7 rooms and one-halt lot , flint-clata I oca tlon , In flno coniltlorig,050-.r,00ilowii Ixiln In Ilinsconi place arid other additions , on monthly payments. First-class property , hasy terms. J. W. I.OUNrllllMlV , t'J5 tf 1fil4 Douglai utroot 70llHAM-Ncaily now Soda Fountain , JDO.OO , 1 217 N. Ulth tin ft. 684 tip HM.r. Hovcrnl line xnraiKl-liniiil Imok-cmus , Iruill | Jno. lj. Welwter , over A. I > . HIIIKO'I ) , Mth anil l-'nrimin utJontH. 631-tt 170UdAI.KCllKAP Tlircu Hotter pupHI inoniha 1 old , tobu neon on North lllth street , No. 413. ( M tf HALlC-llcat onlaldlthoJ retail Ij 17011 . Stock \\lll Invnlco 812.(0 > ldohi { a bnu Ini m of of o\cr $13,000 a year. I'rollU largo. Qooi' reason for telling. Addresi "II. T , " Ileo ollleo , 605-2 70H RAM : 200,000 hard burntd brick or ' thu cars at Omaha or Florence at lowot prlco. AiMrofU Floiuiuxi llrlck anil TlluUu , , Omaha Houcll Si Hchalkr , Afoi.lH. ItO 1m riOlt SAIK Two story frame honiu , H rooinii mi I 1 hall nil C'JHI Hln.otnmr Kith. C'avli prlcu , SI.'IO I'OTIKH _ k COMH Iblfi Karrmni Htrcc t ill-tf ! I'TiOltUA B-Vury il/iiruljio ruPnluniw lor HHI : 1 family , ono hlock oil Ht Jliry'/i kvriuiu , 10 bloc from iKmtulllou Louttlon line , f.1DM ( , IXiy terinl rOTl'KIt & COnn , ISId l'.trimrn Htroot. 621-tla > 0ll BAI.i ; IVo o | n Koconil-niuiil liUKRlos ui F ono ilollvcry waun , rh . | i , ut 1U11I Ilariioy Ht. ES'J tf T70H OALi : A iiuall lloxlir , K&hman ft Co. , flic J1 proof tafr , klmodt HOTat thla olilco. tf 17011 H AMI Tlio good will and fixture * of the I1 Crelxhlun Ifuusg , Will Hull the dining room and kitchen furnl uie separately or any part of cither. Will exihaiigo for lauds , luta or any alc hlo com mod Ity , or will taliu toourod notes on longtime. In- iiilro | atCnUhtoii Iloiuo. tfl.Vtl ] 70lt SAI.H Ono Vote and HOIIS piano at a bar- gain. Imjulroat Kdliolm and ICrlolieou'n miiHlu btoro , on ICtli bt. tSO-tf FOll HALB-A rtio'co hniirnyod farm of 240 acres , well watfr > ! > good hulldlng , largo orchard , HO acres fenced , within It mlliM of lirw block janls.and only 6 it lien from city , at $ . ' > r < CO rer Bern , Alsu 210 a/ni ud joining the abate , that can hutold In BO acre fannaat (4&kiidtl7.Mper aero. Terms easy. POT * TKIt & CUIIII , 161) Farnam utrcct , 4G4 tf 17011 HMJ'-HomoB rooms , lot 76x143 , lurn. c ! - 1' tfrn , tn.cn , ute , ThornuH's ' o-ldltlon , Junt off Ut. llary'a utrect car linn. Prlio 3WK > . i'OTTl ! & COI1II , 1616 Farnam Htruot , 495-tf FOH HALE Ono piano , ou good at now. Clieip , at lloHjiu , 1MI Dodge. 40J 1m 170HH I < K Cli kiu t hnuHo and lot III Oruulia , In 1 Pottor'u adilHIon , 8 KPIIU , w i | , 300 barril tls- tern on two loti , liO dot front hv 13'J fert Ueeji , fcr Z.OW. POri'KIl fc O 'Illl. ' 1616 Farnam St. 460 tl J70II (1AIU ( IAI'H ' In lUawom phco , on monlldy 1 pjjuiHits. UtKViilOTlKU , I riOH HAI.K-S acrui on I.ravinwdrth St. , dpIcuJM [ 1 location , mi J ft good b > iahiut | $1,200. M5.tf Utr-V A MOTJ'KH. | > AHIV.UfcllAYNK Agenti ( or lUmcom place J3 I > ita4r6'jto4ll,6l0easy ' Uirina 'Iliurnburg pl co on line of Utlt road In West Omaha , lots IH5 tu HOI irontlity payments. Ilellalr , i4 ot-ro cls8260 c3hinwitliypajuiciit ] < Norwood , aero lots # 10 to { 00 monthly pa ) uicuU liotv In ull I rU of the city 111 it lo u und bvttl teras. llAUUr.lt It M VNil th and Farnam.610tf 610-tf 70H HAI.K Half acre lots Insldu thuc'tv llndti J ; fo rt W on munt'dy pa ) iwntd. IJarkcr fcMayct i Oll HALK (13'Ntw6 ( ) room cotUue , argolurn , 1 ' 1 lot fltlxlCO South a\o. $ ,4(0 case lcrn . (188) ( ) New 11 room house , lot 08x160 P.uk avc IT in.eoo. (3) ( ) Klogant 0 rontn rottago full lot IDth St , near I aNcnnorth { .1000 , cany tornm. ( I3S ) New 7 room cottage gontl barn > Vo. , lot 7t > X 140 tlt-oritlxavn. , ono block from St. rart4.000 , ( If.J ) 1'ull lot with ! i IHHIKCK oH , 5 anil B room ) , IfthSt , urar I.ra\cnnorth pa\s5pcr cent en li > - U-ltinent $ ! > ,600. ( IRQ ) Klcgant 2 ttory house 8 rooms IBth St. bet \\cluter and Hurt ft.SoO. ( I4l ! ) Full lot new 7 room cottage , 2 blocks from streetcar * . In llanirnm pla'o ( .1MM ca y terms. (43) ( ) NoutiMlUgolot 40x120 llaincvSt. Ictwoen 21 t and ! 2il ? 2,2W. UAllUKIt & 1IAYNK , 13th nnd , i Farnam 613 tf [ 71011 HAt.K At a bargain home of 0 roonw < m I r lot 1223 N. isth Ht. s B8p HAM ! The Rood will ami fUturcn ot the -I' Urelghtiin 1 lo-jno , r will icll any | irtnl the illn * hie room or kitchen turnllnro servant > iy. Kany torwa. Apply on ptcmlwa. 7S3-U FOH 8AtK A llratclvs ntock ol fancy irooda. a ( lolilon opportunity for cltj rr laily orccntleman Small capital , guU trade cttahlUhod. I , . W. " Ileo oilloo. 44011 FOH HAM : At a bargain , 121M pound work horse In goiHl onlcr. A. J. MANDKtX , 424tf 3 6 Ilroadnay , Couiull Illullii , lona. J7011 HAIK Cuming street property. Iot In Wai- 1 nut Hill , ICoHter'a and Donneckou'ii addition * and Went Cumlng. Lots chfnp and on easy terms , 1'OT- TKll i COII1I , 1616 Fiiruam etroct. 420.tf 17011 SAI.K A new house , consisting of 6 rooms , .1 closet and pantry , also clntcrn ; nitli lot and n half of vrannd nil set out with fruit toccs , grape \lnes , In Kilcndd ) ! ccndltlon , only PJ.C-00. One ttirtl cash , balinro In Ceain. Apply N , K. cor. 16th and Dorcan street , Houtb Omaha. 442 6 17011 S\LB-Chcap loU In Shlnn'a 2nd vlJltlon , 1 Klrkuood and I'lilnvlew. POTIKll & CO III ) 1616 rarntm nbrcct 42S-tf 17011 SAl.K OH KXCHANtK-40 ocro farm at Elk. ' horn Station with largo 10 room houat * , largo barn and outhomca. J. II. Bihln , Klkhoiu station , or apply 1214 Io < lgo St. , up stalra. 97S-2i 17011 SAl.K We oiler to ranchmen and oters , X1 700 choice loun Helfcra 2cara old. 700 " " " I " " r > 00 " Btccra 2 " " 603 " " 1 " " 100 1 and 2 year old grade India Our cattle are yarded , and we Imlto Inspection. 204lmStrango Itros. , Sioux City , Io a. Ate { 8W buja an elegant lot In Hanaoom SK < ) ) U Place , on monthlyjmj merits , If you go to. X5fl tf 11AIIKF.11 A. SIAYNE. F 'Oil ' ( HI , ! ' . Hall acre lots nlthln ono Mock ot HaunilerH Ut , Vorj nice ( jrouinl , $550 on month ly payments that la loss thnn Binall lota are 8 ' " for hall n inllu further out. Ibtrkcr & Uayno. 264 tf HMlt Twenty acres of the Oriffen [ arm , Si 1 mlloH from the 1'mtolHce , and only two blocks from I'ratt'a mib-dlvUlon. Will bo sold In 2) , 6 or 10 ocro lota. Inqulro Omaha Carpet Co. , 1611 DoiiRlaa Direct. 270 tt 17011 BALK Farm U mlloa from city , near Union J ? Stock jdrils. Inqulro at Urn. Uoyer , over lloo dor'a Drug ntoro , ICtli and Webster. 872- FOll HAI.K-3 beautiful lota , 7f.xM3 near the haul of Ht. Mary's avo. at 91,600 on easy Icrics. Also 3 elegant lots on park aiu only VI 30J each. Darker & Italic , N. K. Corner 1'lth and Farnaat. 2A5-U FOll SALK Cheap , flno driving horse , l > uppy ; and harness. Apply room24 , Omaha National Dank liulUlne. 2CS-tf ttaSCBLLANEOUS. TUKKITUI' Pony , dtpplodnn , two hind lega and face while. Owner can luiu ] > oiiyby calllni ; at OrrlnV. . 1'lckard'o , 3J fnllca uonthwctt of city and p ) Ing cliarBCH. 8ia-3p STHAYKD Thrito year old red cow with ehor horns and rope around her neck , will pay partfo UnJIiiB her liberally for returning or bringing lufor nmtlon to Nicholas [ Poneis , bouth Omaha Block Yards. Z fllZ-Kp l& r UliWAKU-Pony lost belonging to Hnrrr , eon Df ) til OcD.IIowanl. A nu'll , whlto faced mug- tauir , with ulack mane , legs and tall , branded "H , ' , ' on the left shoulder ; lout on military road , tlx mllcn from Omaha , 67d-J STUAYK1) Oil HI OLKN-Qray Norman iwro with halter on , about night ycar ol.l. Wclijhaabout 1,100 , Will K'VJ ' (10 reward for return of eamo ta liana 11ck , aonth Ittlh St. , Ilcllevuo Koad. 67fi-2p BOAUniNG Two front eoiiimunlrndru nnfur- nlahed roomi to rent with board In private fami ly llvlngln new ro'ldcncc , with hath room , eto. Also a nlctly furnUhed bluu room tanroyard , ploaaant homu , frma rtasonalilo , klloforencev rcqulicd. 635 Pleaiint street. C34-2p 171011 KXCIIANHK-Rtock farm of 400 acre * . ha < X1 good bulldlnea anil Improvement , Homo stock and linpleiiunlp , want ntoclc of mcrcharidlto of about $ IIUK > . > . AiMrehs O. Henry , liag ofUoo. 612-tf OTHAVKDOIIBTULKN Awhlta roan cow about 7 O yearn old , nhort tall anil about tj IUTO a calf , Tin dollars rinard will hopa'd ' for her return to Jim HtepheniHiu'ti Mu-ry Btablo , 10th St. Onmha. 607-tf rpAKKN UP Ono stray red roan homo 8 jctra old. Jl Cull at A , H. Ottrom't ) , corner Campbell and lllou < lu , N. W. Omaha. 2 4-Dw oevr. V > KMOVAfc-0. F. IIAV1H S DO. , 1JKALKIIB lu JV Ittal K tata and HortgaRti I.oaiiB.liavo rumovtd to No , 1M3 I'ttrnam etrcct , up Btalra , room 1U , unu door cant of thtilr former location , where tlioy ) bo found until comidcttou of their now building. ( or " "X CIMO c cajmot bo curtd by Dr. Jcflrlcxi ( Council IHutli ) preventive and cure. Scud for it. Chartered by thcStatcof Illl- nols fui-thccxprtai purpose ' cllellfi all chronicurinary and pri vate discuses. Gonorrhoea , Gleet andSypiiills In all their complicated formi , ulto all dlccar.cs of the bkln end Ulood promptly relieved and. permancntlycured by reme diestcatcdin af'ortt/YiHirt . HjiectalJ'raclief. Seminal Wcnkneni. iJiuht LoBtcs by Dreams , 1'lmplea on the Kjce.I/oit Manhood , | o if/w/i/rnr i.i7ie > rc < IttiaffjifrtineiiUnil , The appropriate remedy nut once need In each case. Consultations , per. jonal or by letter , aacredly confidential , Mcd. iclnea tent by Mall and Uxprcsa. No murks on naka s to Indicate contents or sender. Ad Jresa blUAMESNo.204WahlnglonSI.ChIcagollli IMPROVED scrr ELASTIC SECTlOIf. Ta wa.rrf.n1e4 to vtir Icnir < nr , lit , uio fcirm nMtvr. iu 'I ' itivu WtttfactJun iluin on > i f " 111 Ui.i uwiktt or iirk. tn , Tifur.dHd , Ttiolfilin > li * " ( : htc.ru'B bet jiliyb i , luireucliCcnit. Vrlce , Jii'.t M.u u Ju > u , i , , - * . IHfcTHMUMu , JOT. ! ' ! ! O. iuu.iuii.ie , 3iu a > ! t J Uwduiiu L .tM a-o .Torn * n. F. LEFIMA.NN : & co , a To tb uraflorlnL/toaitao BodOLUi at luutiiful error * , , c y , lo tuiiinliooUel < j. , Iwllltwodjoupirtlcanio * rimplu umt egrtBln uirin * ot d' cur * , free pi cbarga. BuJ our ddroitol' , O. I'OWLUK , Moodm , Conn- * lUlurn tonivrtU DTS. Ayou'U tf ' ' . ICXOFOOODS MOtlf.r.JnQnoMouUi ,