Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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OMAH'A riArr.V
fc Ar rtn rin i
' Monday MornlllKt Juno 2 ,
A numbar of Rood printers cnn find steady
this ollico.
The annual Hovantta collection for Moy
mounted to $1GO,49J.45 ; ? .r)5,873C2 being
paid ni S | octal tux ,
ThU evening bolng the first Mon-Iny even
Ing in Juno , tin 1 trd of oiluc.itlou will hold
n meeting at 8 p. in.
Owing to the nbionro from town of mom
br Wllion , the bmrJ of public worki tr.ttn-
noted no lil'lnoji ilUurility evening. An ml1
journmontwrai Ukcu tii tliln ovunlng , ut which
tlina the rnmor contract will bu lot ,
After MI ubiinilanco of sensational news
for two wrokn past , n deuthly cxlin has settled
upon the city uiul nil la M qulBt und oroiia
M n church yaid ,
The llrunswlclt , Halko Cullomlcr Co. , iVKJ
south 10th * ticot , Oliitlm , Nub. , h vo i > hipped
ono of thiir fnvurlip JJcllpsu hllllitril tililiw for
' thol ) . H. It. K. ho > | > IUl , t UonvrrCnliirndo.
The mtn it thHwho W.H run ever In the
y rd of the C. AI , .St. 1' . & O. n f < jw day *
nlnco , tint ) uno of hisloen fiiniit | ttoil Hntunlay.
Tlu covrred member wua butltid In
1'rcfpcct Hill ccmotory ,
The Youif ? 1'ooplos' A aoctatlnn of the
FfvbytotUn church , will glvo n Wulght and
moaouro loci kblfl , in the parlors of the church
on Dudga atiout , on Tiio d y eveningJuno ilj ,
Ihd piooa8 tg.i to the orgAn fund.
Charles U'Connor wan yontordity arrcntcd
' for carrjlng concnalod weuponi. It nppnntB
t'lnt ft young blued hud the tumorlty to insult
O'Onnnor' * nUtor la his pnwonce , whu pulling
htn revolver cumpellod the r < tko to flea for
Thin mornli g the Juno term of the dis
trict court hiiglns with both jud ni nn the
b < ich. Th's will bo ono of Iho munt In por-
IA it tornii ever hoi 1 in Dnurflxi county and
oioof nii'io th.m ordinary iutaront tu the
pBoplt ) of Oniitha.
The Ci > ngrngatlnnalnt ! , progrentlro mi
aver , pnfmlio u ( rout next Krldny availing in
the musical mid literary lino. Mlas Kllu Ma
lirldo , who COIIICB well rccoiinuondoil , will
road sovcrjl nelccttons. Monl uncs Scj ilroa
ni.d ] ; tatobrook , with Molars North nip , Duel
W.ttklnt nml Kutubrook will , SB uminl , fiir-
L | ! I good inufclo on the occasion.
, T. I1. Finley , 6f\Vahoo , ii at the Metro
H. Wilton , of Arlington , ji at tbo Metro-
polltan .
0. V , Cole , of Beatrice , Is stopping at the
Metropolitan ,
Louis M. Watson , of St. Linlx , is at the
Melrnp 'litnnl ' '
11. W. I'Ngg , of Oranga City , ! . , Is at the
Mi tropiilitan.
M. A Lamb , of Deadwood , Is registered at
the Metropolitan.
Chun. School-til , of Cincinnati , Ohio. Is at
the Motropolit in. ,
D. V. II diet of 111 Oak , U. , is registered
at the MetroixillUn.
Mo'arnj J , J. Glbnon anil A. Krauor , of
1/ncoln , urti at the Metropolitan.
Jumes Sullivm and T. J. O'D < mnall , of
Oa'ciRo , tuo guests of the Metropolitan.
Jnhii J Dumon , of S n Krancinoo. who was
oalloil t > Omaha suvpr l wiinks agn on account
of the stcknouR of his brother Alex. Damon ,
atari * d on his return hoina yoster lay. Mr.
' Iamnn'mtny y ntt ago was a reaMout of this
city and during hU visit hero renewed tha ac-
qifalntanof of mi < uy of his old friends-
3 , M. Wlllltms , of the freight auditor' * of-
fi ; e , hli moth r , Mru. Tlllin hiuit. and Miss
T bor returned yp tcriay ] from their \i-lt to
SiltL-xkp , Utali. Tht morning MM. Tlllln
ghait accoiiiianied | hy Mini Tdiarulll leave
Om tha for Ituff tlo , N. Y , , their homo.
The following N'oSrmtk .UK rogUtoro i yrstor
diyatthoMillird : W. L , Urown , I'lutU
mouth ; JOB Sulh < * rland , Slduoy ; W. Kppor-
eon. Weeping Wuter ; Jno , L. O.irmm ,
Brown.vllle ; V. I , BVm and \V. II. M.i
Cretp nnd Jno. U. CUrk and O. II. Gate.
Ilu v. J1. W. Ingrahani , former | ) istor of
& \ the Christ ! tu churith < if thU tlty , who luborrd
hero with unllriiur.oil fur tin Miccem of his
% \ denomination , Kturtoil yoitjrdiy I'ftHrni
" fur till lioinii In San Jo n , Cal. HU departure
h" WIIB nttendo I with ninny snd f rew , Us from
his old pRrlnlili > ii is , who invnkml fur Mm u
fltt/o journey tu hln Ii"me and budo him G
pood. _ _ _ _ _ _
O'liISAHY At St. .TiiFqiti'H honpltal. Mny
nt e > i ( uniiiilliiii , Timothy U'liuury ,
I 10 years mid fuiir nioiitlii.
roiiinio wtrn Uken tu McCuithy &
Burkn'ii uinlirtiiUiig looms , pronuioil itnd
litlipdil to TJ.I 1'lutto , Harpy county , luiit oven-
, . . . . . . .T Tn thU niton M v 31 t
ut 7:3) ) p. m , Jemili1 , ilaiuhter uf D. L. urn
K"ouyUli mliorllii , u ml 3 y ro.
Puimral ti-iUyat II i > . in , , ( nun th ) ro 1
dmco uf tlio iiiironiH , northoant icirnur ( if itl )
end I'icrio. Tint fiithi > r IB i-ntliuor Gtitiiibar
Iln , of thu Union P , ullia r/illw.ty.
\OH-ln tliU i-lty May : > tli at Gjir > p tn
Kilwatd Nlukolm , nun nf Mr. anil Mm
IrHorK" I'la h iigit lunr yu i' aii'l * ix in inttn
I'linernl Mmiiluy ut 2 p. in. from the re.M
on'e on Kpriiuu i-tnot lietwueu 4th und fit
ktroU. Frionil" Invltnl ,
FKIKDHIOIC-JK V In tlila city U t pvrn
IIIIT ut 5HI : , Lutil' , HIII of Mr. HHI ! Mix.
Ulrica I'rliiJtiickmm , ugo 12 numtlu utiJ 3
funeral this aftorinion nt 2 o'ulmk , from
the residence nf jiuriiiiti , CM north 18lh utrett.
I'rlendi InvlUiU
Oaji. Built Ii Hi lcBK'U ,
Cap. Smith wan iilliiwod by Judco
Bennko cm lust Saturday nflenmon to
BXaitt bruatliu tlio pun > uir of freedom.
Hi * friends tiiiully mrcewlwl in Rpcuring
Die n quirixl bull und hn waa rrlt u < fil
His bond , hich htul hHMfl ; diit 81 000 > ,
* raa feiied ! | liy Al M.nUirmiii and 64111
Bcatty , and uiiprnvid by thu court.
K < 'ftl K4UVIU Tr-\nfifY < r4.
The folliiviiii { tr.xntferb worn filed for
ocoid in the -uutj clurVs dllioj May . ' ! 0 ,
and reported for thu HKB by Amen * roul
oatato agency.
8l ' | nVn I. Collins and wifotnMallliow
VT. Swain , lot 7. hl.wlc . 5 , f. i. llodick'j
eub divihlon. w d . J1500.
Miettxal I'xir nad wtfu to Win. 0. Ornm
lot 29 , MoOrti.dliuh . Pinew ! . , 81200
Krlah Fnuit ntnl wifu td Jnhti Mack'
lot 25. block 8 , Koiinlz & Huth'a add
' * A. J , Ifannoom nd wife to Jrdiu W
LomUburf , lot * 12 and 13 , ' Hmiscot >
ltd w , d. $950. '
Mrs. ImiiRirj'H Kltwt Apponriinuo In
Onintiit ,
Boyd'a ' opci-A houeu waa crowded on
Saturday evening by ono of the largest
audiences that has ever assembled in that
beautiful theatre for n long tlmo past.
Every scat in the house was tiken and
every box filled with people from various
parts of the state. Around the parquet
circle were many persons standing who
hid boon unfortunate in being Into.
Nino-tenths of the people wont with a
fueling of curiosity to sco how Mrs. Lang-
try would look nnd thu others to nt'u
whether her acting would amount to any-
thi g - others went simply to say iifter-
waids thu tlu-y had Been the renowned
w..iii.iii. A suveru criticism hud pro-
ccdul her nnd many went with the idea
of liei .g . < realt ) < i to thu light notations
f .k pioatiintu'ius ' woman , who , on
account i f hur bjauty , bultuvcd that that
iittrucllou alonu would carry her success
fully through in hur career on the stage.
All of thusu Burmifais , however , were er
roneous. As the curtain rose there
stood , in a must graci f ill nnd statuesque
attitude , the lovely firm nnd face < f
Galatea. It was not the iic'rim that wns
thought of nt the time , The statue looked
the very substance of niatblo itself so
till , so inanimate and BO white , that one
was completly lost in the admira'ijn ' of
the art nnd little thought of the person
who was malty to bo I ho attraction fur
ther on in thu peiformanco. Then n
feuling i'f ' impatience ) ciino ever the nu-
diencu , nnd a feeling so intense tint ,
" 0 , cjilld or wiiitd aha only speak , '
waa almost niitiiblu. How would her
voicj s uiii'l ? Would it inir the bo'iu'i-
ful idotl by what stood bjforo them ?
Would it clurm and further csptivato
the sensuous sympathies of the o r. It
W4 but a m iniont , aud then ns though
awakening into life the statue left its pi -
doutnl , and thu gliirftn i f life which ap
peared , q lickom ! und grew stronger and
stronger , until thu facu became visible ,
the expression of the eyes lu-ttroui nud
every movement of the body graceful.
In/lord the candid observer then saw
and felt that this most boautifui woman
hnd boon the cau-e of much unjimt criti
cism. Her dress was an classical na thu
subject would admit , unless it 911 bi )
said tint it wai u httlo too proper
Thoru was a httlo too much drapery
and clothes to unit the purely artistic
Mrs. Ling try can boar a clnso investi
gation when it comes to detail. Her
head well proportioned sot upon shoul
ders of the moat rounder ! ni'iuld and sup
ported by u neck of nl ibis tar whitoms *
in itself Appeared attractive. Her earn
white ns snow and shell like in their con
cave frailness worn little to bo noticed
compared with her mouth and eyes.
The latter tmowud intelligence nnd a
glow or earnest nimplici y that marked
hur HII a vroman of an imiginativo und
utherial tomporampnt. Ltur complexion
could not be well jtiuttcd of on account of
thu heavy coat uf puwdur which the
tola demanded , but \vlion she grew
excited , her faoo wan sutiusod with n
crimson tint that thro * luitro on the bal
anoo of her features. Her teeth Wore
like pearls , but her under lip appeared
quite prominent whenever she buaoech-
ingly looked up in the face 01 her dear
Pygmalion fJor acting hns improved
oiidorlully ainuu wo lust saw her in New
York and mmiy were agrtieubly disap
pointed who went , uxpujttng fiom what
had been said by the eastern pn B ( , to
hear a poor uctrufis Mrn. Lmgtry it us
good and has improved MS much in the
sauio time M Mary Anduis m did when
she first began to itut. U ith of those
woinnu sustaiiii'd tlicmu'lvim because of
their beauty nbtlut * urt in id thuir acting
ww onutidurud a ni'tttur of noaoud.ity cun-
But Mra. Lunglry Ima claims to being
called to-d y n f.tir inures , nnd that pan
of the performance was us entertaining
ai when acted by many who travel around
ua start ) with grmtor reputations tlui
gestures nro extremely graceful. Every
Attitude is of thu most nimplu and easy
positions , and ono uruat thing to bo com
mundod , coupled nith hur olhiT attrac
tions , is tlu lack of anything b irdering
on conceit , or a conoiouiness of hur own
charms. They any alio is only thirly
three , and if i-ho continues to improve we
warrant that lie one d y can beconiu one
of the k-uding autn B I R of her timer.
A Trial lur MnxrH.
A novel suit < VM on trul bjforo 0 > uiti-
ty Judgu McCullocfi on last Siturdaj , in
which the city of Miuiitowor , Wis. , Wdti
plaintiiTand J. L Ktiind'us ' , Uofondaiit.
It appvura tlut thu dufundunt'H pereon-
al propitrly to the iimoiint of ntnily
$10,000 ivai ttxei by thu cor
poration pluiiitiir whilu Brandies lived in
that municipality , lloforu the taxen b
cnmo due the defend unt sold thn Imed
proputty ami cjtm to < 'nmlm. Thu cny
in April begun mit horn to rcc iver tin
an in dun it , uniount'iig to $211 70-
Under the Hlntnua uf Wito iiimn taxeh
taxis urcntti u lii < n on ull properly ami-Ma
ed , whulhur roiil or periioiml. Thn ut
fens 'n sot uu were tlmt. the plaintiff hud.
not shown m its puiitum time it hud imeil
diligmicu tooolluut this amount out of th.
property DO tuit-d , nor wa the clitim ol
ouch K naturu tlut it onnUl ba uued upm
us u debt and nn notion mtinUuiud. Th >
east ) was taken under udviieinunt by thu
KxrrulHO * < m Tliur-tilny.
An KlUuionl I'l'lnolp tl In
Oil Thursd.iy uftuniDini otoroisus ftp-
pruprialu in Doo'intliuu day were hold in
the Lung rohool building liy the Huholun.
u si ti'd by the principal and tuacheu ,
Thu Lung ech iol building i a flnustruut
ure , It is located nt thu corner of Ktny
und Ddlownra streets and ii attended b )
a large number of pupils. Ii is wl
lighted nnd ventiluttul and waa unailj
b. nutified by the many decorations , > a
: . " . .
for thu oocaui
prepared < in
we'll ua iiuny pormiiiunt OIHIB. Tin
walla woru ciiverud with II iwura and plot
uro cardf , while the blaokhonrda
covorfd with drawing .
MI H Snruh Mo liu-mo , the princi ) 1
, i > doiiii ; mi txcellt < iit win k and ii Uh
, , ing with ntitiring 7. < al to pluou thu Lniu
irolionlforftnott alining thu otbyr echuol
. jof th'BcIty. '
m , Thu children rooitud piwun nuil BHI ) |
iBuugB , some patriotic and othiTopiUhulio
all rendered with spirit nnd allowing the
ndvnntjign ( , f n special toaclicr in mu ic.
If the cliildron in the oilier schools h "
mndo as Rood n etnrt. w these in the Lot i ;
school , n few yours' drill under the prun
ont toucher of music will give Oinnhn ft
chorus of young , fresh voices which wjll
onnblo her to ilval some of the older
The oxcrciaos worn of nn interesting
naltiro thn u limit and in general hnd ref
orcnco to the special objeotsof decoration
diiy. Wo nro quitusuro that the children
of the Ling school will have n clear
understanding of the reasons foratrowing
flowers on the graves of our heroes.
INI.SS : DiUKoroitv to bu issuud in July ,
18b4 , price SI 50. J. M WOLFB , pub
her 120 S. JLUhS' ' . , Omaha.
McctlnK of tlio Stati ) ARNOclntlon At
The ninth annual session of the Ne
braska Eclectic Medical Association began
on Wednesday and closed Thursday even
ing. The mooting was called to order by
the president , W. II , Babcock , who ,
after the roll of officers was called and
the minutes read nnd npprovoddelivered
lim annual address.
Under the head of "proposals for mem
bership" the following names were pro
tu'iitud : J. L. Flickniitii , 0. M. Moore ,
K M Butler , B. J. Aiexundor and L.
F. Polk.
H. B. Morton , M. D. , f f Wahoo , nnd
U. Y. Dates , M. D , of Springfield ,
were appointed by the prtsidont to fill
vac nicies in the board of sensors.
The board of censor * rep > rtod favora
bly on the applications fir admission , and
they were elected members of the asso
An amendment to the constitution AVOS
oflortid , cutting out the provision which
makes successful practioners of live years
standing eligible for membership , und
confined the admission to m nib nhip to
graduates to a regular medical college.
An amendment was also presented
changing the constitution so tlmt nn
amendment can bo adopted at tl. * Mne
meeting at which it ia presented , hrtuad
< f buing required to bu ollurod at a piei- ,
ous meeting , as nt present.
Professor J. H. Woodward addressed
thu nssocnition on thu " .Status of Ejlecii-
cism in Nebraska. " Ho opened with
[ irido to the fact that the cleciio school is
represented in the State University , a
thing of which thu school can boost in no
other state , and ho urged members to
jive to this enterprise their heartiest
moral nnd financial support Ho also
cpoko of the Nebraska Medical Journal
ns nn important factor in the success of
the work and urged the necessity of prop
erly supporting it.
Professor Ira Van Oamp gave notice
that ho would at the next meeting t > f the
board of regents tender his resignation
as professor of obstutrici and diseases of
women and children in ihn said universi
ty and recommended 11 Si Grimes , of
Lincoln , as a suitable person to bo nom
inated by the association as his successor.
On motion Dr. Grinn-s was recom
mended , in the oyoutnfithe resignation
of Dr. Van Oamp and its acceptance.
The election uf uflicera resulted as fol-
fows : President , I. V < m Camp , of
Omaha ; vice president , IiF. . Polk , of
Itoymond ; secretary , ll. S Or tints , uf
Lincoln ; treasurer , Ii. Y. Yut s , of
Springfield ; board of sensors. J > . A * Wood *
ward , of Omahu ; O. M. Muoro and E.
M. liutltr.
The committon on legislation , consist
ing-uf Lrs. McOitlind , Grimes and Latta
rt-portcd progress und wore continued.
Dr. Littn was appointed a committee
of ono to nrg itiate for transportation on
the different roads.
After the rending of O'says , reports of
cases in practice nnd discussion theroii ,
the following dele atoi were elecred 'o
thotnational convuiition at. Cinoinnaii in
.lune : I U. Babcock , R. S. ' Grime * , I.
Van 0 < mp , W S Latta , Ji N. McUos-
land ; T B , Buwimui , G L. NieholK 0.
L Sturdevant , O. M. Moore , . lv. B
Morton , A. L Root.
Thenfuociition adjourned to-moot at
Omaha Tuesday , May It 18S5 ;
A. Card nl' TlianUs ,
Mr. John Williams desires to express
his heart felt thanks , to his many , frienda
f ir their kindness and assistance in his
Lite bereavement und especinl'y to those
vrho weru nearest to him in hid hour of
The Ciiiiiiiii-hliHin nr. Worlc ,
Till : U , & M. COMMISSION.
The commission appointed by county
judge McOiilloch t > appraise the damag
to property e inili'inned for thu right of
way fur thu B & M road nude n partial
report on lust Sttnrdhy The following
IH the return of the commission. Portioui
of lots 12 and 18 and * ll .if l-tainl 10 , in
llartiiHii'd nddiiioii , $11 001) ) ; 1C.and Baine , ? 3 000 ; p irtmn of lolJilj and
all of 'Kt in KHIIU$1 80(1 ( ; portion lot 3 ,
block 227. $0'HJ ' ; portion lot 7 and nil lot
8 in block 227 , $1,11)0 ) ; p.ntion . lot 8 ,
look 224 , ? 3 10 ; p tittoli I'D IJ , bl'Kik 223 ,
, ( > 0 ; poriiiin lot 4 , block 222 , 852 , ) ; . pur-
um lot 4 , liloek 2.3 , $20 , ) ; p inion lot 4 ,
lilook 227 , ? 700 ; portion lut Ok block 255 ,
Thn uppr.UnuiH for Hie ngia of way for
thu holt road also niailo thn folluwing
partial report ; A strip 100 feet wul
hrou h the soutlfiui t of tin * -ninth eni.
\ . HI u 20 , tonalnp 15 i-.ui n 115 , $ jOO ; n
atrip 100 feet wide thnu h the iiurih
west J of the north. > vi'Ht , BOO. 33 ,
t'lwnsliip ' 1C rang. ) 13 , $200.
LK1) I I
Oruntest , Oliu < pwt , Litvs' , 30 rdition0v
101) special u nHribu'lolH ' , 58 IH)0 ) topio ,
oeitrly double thu numt > r uf mtij-m
tr * utHil by either AplilelonX tint
nictt , 'f ! > cl.ipi-clmj Wdonble
culored iimpHj 100 smaller nupnund
, anil o\ur D ( WO .
Suiu-r HUM ! i > ct iiviiuiiii | > aiiinvtrftilOO
pg a , Uroiight do * n ro the prjsmit
! Ii MB U unit nt library l utliiT , imirblw
dg (3 ( viilumu euitii n ) 818 lltlf Cur-
k > y Mnioivo , maiblti inlgo (3 ( volume
Kiuno.v JUST coMisiBrKU.
of buiiutifully on-
rnv d mid oolori-il limp * of iuoh Miitn
und ttiiriiory , wiihrvvi rl < vonnof 1880 ,
by onui.tifH . , priiftol onwck of mch
nmp. Thwa lonulhi-r vfjih the foreign
, m jp , nil of which uro im-ludtuled in
tditi'in , nmkn us oompliiio an ntlai
ig'of ilii > world ilnro i * inihli lied ,
j Onoor two firat. cU > 8 mon wanted fet
I Hi ml in thunUtmif Nuhrail > H. Apply
jtoUKNj. UATIB , Om ba , Nub. , Guuurol
, , DollVvry ,
The GharmlnK Yonnff Actrrrm I-'rl. K.
Mpnliu Ai\da New hanr-cli to
Her l-'iimo.
Yesterday evening the first of the series
of open-air entertainments to bo given at
the Stadt-Theotro took place , with n very
largo gathering cf our German citizens.
The nudlonco WHS treated to n dual per
formance last night , the principal play
being ono of G. Von Moser's finest pro
ductions , which being freely translated
mijjht bo entitled "A Woirun who has
Seen Paris. " Mies K Spahn , of course ,
was the center of attraction nnd in the
role of Marie Von Schoenbdrg , a charm
ing widow , maintained the great reputa
tion she has won for liorsulf us n talented
actress during her brief stay in this city.
M. Penhttl , na the m jor , made a great
hit , and Mrs. Nictnatin as Bertha , his
daughter , looked extremely charmim ; nnd
enacted her part with considerable
Mr. Niemann , na Oaknr Von Siburg ,
made the most of the character , and Mrs
Puls-Ahl as Mathilda , played very pret
Mr. Molchin appeared as Von Waldhw ,
a hussar officer , was excellent nud was
tnui-h applauded.
Mr. Pulp-Alil took ciro of the personifi-
cition t f Von Scl ( uuberg , the nuti-ssor , in
n very : rudiUblu nuinnur. O 10 of thu
character * , wliich , perhnps , creattd thu
most nmuscmeiit , was that of John , the
unrvnnt , vi > ry ably sustained by Mr.
SjhmidthofT. Mr L'ndotnann ' , as Fri z ,
( Icforvca n word of commendation.
T 10 nftor piece consisted of Guoiither's
w ll known musical f irc entitled * 'L itt
is Djad , " in which M' rs , SjliniidthofT ,
Niemann , Ptnls and L'ndtmmim , with
Mia Puts Ahl appeared. It jirovpd
highly entertaining and was enthua HRtic
ally received. Thi musical union onh > 's-
tra furnished some excellent music dur
ing the evening ,
SEAL of North Carolum Tobacco is the
A Suit , Under tlio Sloe-limb Strtto.
Annie E Cornish on last Saturday bo-
Ran suit in the district court against Bar
ney McGinnis , E , Cole and .Tamos H.
McArdlo under that section of thu Slo-
cumb law which makes liquor Tenders
liable to those whoso providers are made
worthless and unable to furnish the nee-
ssary support , by reason of drink pur-
hnsed at their saloons. The-plaintiirin
his case alleges that her husband from
ast October to the time of' tiling the
Mjtition has been continually drunk from
rink bought at the defendant , McGinnis'
alonn , and then from has becumo wholly
nablo to properly care for his tamily.
! , ilb and M-ArHIP , parties defendant in
> is CKae , are M Ginniu' bondsmen who
ru liublo under the statute the sdine as
hoirprinsipal. The damages are laid at
Tlio Florence Cut-Off.
The Sioux City Journal says that Su
perintendent McCabe , of the Nebraska
iviaion , in the city last evening ) informs
reporter' tbatiiho Florence cut-off , ia
kely to be open to trains about Juno
.0. The bottom of the two cutsiis-diyer
than during the progress of the work.
The cuts are down to grade and the
aking away of the surplus bank on oithtr
ilde it about finished. To insure the
rack from * oitling uhould.tho bottom of
he cuta again grow soft , piles have bfon
Iriven almost the whole length of one
ut , and for some 800 feet of the. other
ut. The track ia laid over most of the
rude of the cut off
Tlio t'copio'tt Gyuloptcdlni
After a careful examination of the
work , " 0 have purchased a set' i f the
People's Cyclopedia. It is just nuch a
work na will moot the demands of the
leople. It is in every way adapted tu
lopular use , and ia very cheap in t/ricp.
t complete in its range of topics and
up to date. It deserves an immense
among our best families and business
Tti't p'W.lerm-viirvurli * . . A m ncl of puionem
'tfniitnii.iil whnl inmiiriK. Moenu ounuiil thai
ho rdni ry k nl < , \ nlijaiiftHlwri Id In PuniuiUI |
* . In tlm m ilt t nlo of lo tu tv Hhmt weight u uin o
ilii > pliatu p HiierMild oi.lIn cum.
ijTSpeclals win Posltlrolyoot be Inserted
uaiasiipatrl in advanon
MOSV Uan J. on chattel proper > y by H. T
Pulori-on anJ lX > u < lr. I7i'-n !
MOSEVTil LUA Iniuutof * W ai > d Up * n
I ' * rates INI Orat i U-a rul < statu > curltx
POITHl , t Ultfl
\f l itit LUiNKU-0'i ' duuel > rup rly i J
i I nmrrv.ill * * ! h' ' i tf - . TTMH
VI < ! <
> l Btm't' ' laui Aoner , IBth 4 D-mvla 3S4-II
TO LOAN lo sum * nt < SO > J. auu uii
MONKY DtvU and no. , IU J F. Ute anil
VX'ANTF.ll. tl dnlllaS K&uiBl IIu , I Ih a-i
\ UttUii u M3 .li
Olrl forgtiViraUioiiiSHork.S. F. ro
raiiianiaiiUCta ttrvet SI'S
W.\TK -A ltr tcl > "an Iw t ' ini're <
hiv ei , etc. A.p. | > 1 1 T tl Dmirtsr , HOI
\\7ANTKI1 A ironl inilu trti | Iny , t >
> ' njiof ItfamllT , In wofK In iiriitf i"ie. i'uc
tC'llull'lkll ?
60S ; ItKOITr ,
IrA.STKUrir I , ' < lM l .rn'iU ' riwni K'ri ' M ( bt
> > lliMl'iu ' ItutUtl'kQt , UU UjunUl ttvH >
| 0/1-S.n
IirANTEB-fJiXX ) latnrtr Mat cHn li-w t cor 1
T T and Hum y. Wa o4l | xr fmk. 172. ?
\7ANTED Olrl for frrvr l huu n jrk Mr §
> > _ llen. Ill N. Kt > ttrret. JW7 Slt > _
\fr NTKU-A ( Virn'co miker , one t utt unJft >
n tUiidp Tin \V rk i.tcieruJ. luqurt < > lV. l .
( . Burin , alum Cl ) - , I'wa t ? > 9 Up
I/Oil ItKXTr'oiir | il i nt i it ecmu'iil nt eh.m
In tt fur h'jmo-knepinx ' fur anil lfi > without
< h'Mn'n ' , nn Ii aimr r ru men alhwcd , SIRiurvn
nth St , 3 lilojkn f'Oiu P. 0 687-IV
F'Olt HEVr A fiirnlaho'l room for Renll m\n tt
Uily , 8Jtl H. Vl-t n , ir keiv mvurth 6 < H-3p
r flu r , tt MS uth Imh > ticet , & 9l-3p
I ? Olt KhNr A KII \ to tory frame huu-e , ha f
lili'Ck IroinSt. Miiyii vinua , nca- the Con ( ( to-
L'l'lniml Church. Imti.c.rn'po | eMfliivr n.
I UllNI-4IKt > UOOM-Wlthr.naril , nttAMefnrUo
Kf hU , In | rival * lam ly. AdJren II. " Uounfllco-
ri ill IIB > T Pis'- list 0 r nn o. tl ire S. T.
. Peterin , s tnlicvt cuincr 16th and Itouglag.
IIKNr Furnulicit front rom 1721 Uouxlas.
607 tf
[ ? OR RKNT-Nlc ly fiiftrlirrd front jmtlor , wither
or wllli u board , cemra I Ineatcd. tKI'Y Jc
lOTTf It , C. W. cur. 16tti anil Farnam 689 31
[ 7011 IIF.NT-A pub-Is lull oie F. T. Andrew1
I1 Hi-tot nml Hhi c * t irr , nu . .mil Ht. i or--H
rpoit HKNr-rnrnljhcd room 1SH Jarkson
7il HKKT 1 wo cloirant raims nlcoly fu .
Jl1 hlsTil , Co.ncctml .Ith Uth mom , hut and
> , l tcr Ono ofthu ilccst I n < lnn < lnth clly ,
ibct ( rum -t M t y'd u e , 5 0 Tie .tint St.
: > OK IlK.Nf .no u tiirnUh-il lie room No
1 cookl | f , 11 6 l ! > .la < K utiuit. [ ,23 3p
, UK > T Kurnl heil room 1017 ChlciffO St.
7IOII IIKST.tUro ( frnnt nfnccs 130 < Karnatn St
miitili't ill-mis' , o il o or. Apply to John
! K. I , ' hnun il Co . Now York Dry groJ i > t re ,
JtO an 11312 Furuua St.
701 * HEIfr-llvms Ii No'r.idVn N tlv li n nh
liil l.ln . K Jlo.-t i'c ' < lra'lo ' i.lll cs 111 tlio ilty ,
upnlluil with h > ' raullu cl. \ tur and lica'cil bj
ojm Api ly at Imk 023 tf
n/ANI'Kl > ( II If rueneral houKowork I a family
of four L'.lla 510 J.icK MM Mt. U03 < ii
. . ) - ' - j ; a < i > uin to Imnillo a noly
pktciitetl ftrtldle Une t > lito c n be n Id In
\oryfaMiily a I un or adlicr "Hitonirlfo " No ,
4 Crelsht n Ploch. 3" tf
X7ANTIJD Th ee or fur ba > n to lc rn book-
V I.CCIIIIK Oo'ilituitlons Call tt 1618-"nnir.
' 33 J
A > TKII-AirmKl TOOK tu nrk In a privatefam-
* lly with laimdrnj and fecund ( girl. tt KH
wonty ilo hr < a mouth. Mrs. A. 1' . I'opploton. I68J
ihcrnia aivnno , 537.3
w- -Qlils at 217 N. 16thtieot
A ill ) Ii K routu prl and seanutre n at
thu Occidental : Ml-tt
\ ANIKI-KierlenTO-l | site * hdy In millinery
and imilDiH. Kiiniiini of or addrs-i .1. J , '
1.I3S , SJ8 Drvadn-ay , Cimncll niud . 63J-3 ! . .
i ; > NThD Aet'oniriel1 Mu an-l Intelligent by.
T ' 6 or mornjiarsi Id to cany papcn. Apii'yat
Bee oftlce , S a. m. . 613 tf
\ jrANTKDAneetlenoril | ( f.rl tn ilohouia work
V > Go-nun prufened at 1913 cbsto , St. & 02-JI
.I7ANTF.D A o > nk-woman preferrtd. Good wage -
go < jald , Nebrai-kaillouao , North I'latle , Neb
M boi l , p'0 | Hor. 47Slp
V7'\NTKO A y uoKcrm'n ( ; gal , fine nenl and In
TT dii4iriouj l'criiianen > ( > tic alid oo i w ijrea.
Mi8 S 11x8 , , iouthate. and L/c vcll orth. 43i-tt
AOENT3 WANTED UjoaJ or truvfllnK t ple
t ; IKK HI ! Inz rii | iillr. llnninc-a Hxlit , riRreca > ! H
nU < o < * ilylet nitl. KMwrion-1 rmt nec"Sry Sam-
' ne. K. W. MOsTiU , ial-n , Mich. IB-i
il"ANTFD Sltuatl in I y J ing 1 d , a * bonk keen
' er , iOijlst | orilerk M'.l.rt ' n > t si much an
bj ( t urMi , IH a i o > o ipxt'ofi. Rent of refere c.a
iv.n Adi eta Lock ly. x 4O- . CUJ-31p
iX TANTKI > By -traiiy j oiinj ; man f n m the ea r ,
apuuitlon at uiu lvi > } toilunr. Ad new'T K"
815 Capit.l uve. S tl-jp
. \7ANTED-Rlluitlon br n i ermin who undcr-
V gtaudicirou' tiiM8fsarU > rJ8. In ptnate fam-
iyurnn > o'hir ' Kluil rf AUIC. Addiegi * 'll. K. "
Jo. * 13 Nnith 16th street ! fi"9 tip
WANTED To I'oho. swwk In exrhinpe ( < > r a
lee bva ' . } oun Ivy whu Btw. diriinr th"
T. Call or'addru > Mr-all. L. bheff , liH 1) ) ga
il'ANIEIiliunl n tttun-ii-r. . ( all at rml
> hi usbOullnlao'.Stb.jJitKt , no r Kariura.
67-Oi >
i.inlls wd nieilo - '
c | n an-van's
tico < re ii'ii d ltio.rtvjalthv go t'emanifir ' ol
morals t.m vratuaud lotinu. tl a' vantsa wife o
reandoi erl h n il bo.-lavil . lu r turn A ilie s
M > r ) " c uu of D u offlu ) 679-31p
. . . mam with llttt * mercy , 1214
Hiiney street. tOiSIn
l > A icno1 ! fiu&it b'fMli e n nihti tn take
Int r Ft In a ntnehuuu Ktliithnw at. li > riii >
r tit , no mini etiti < iipil , a 11.1 amount i f nion , y
tqulred. Aildru "M < < . " lite iiltl . 6. ' < 1 | >
It 'nNT'U - I he pin } ta to know thai Mr > I uuinil
' " t'om ' Illn'r it HIO o t'i Itith M. ecln thu
at < * > > t I o N.w Yurk Millinery 8 8-tf
f > NTK A B almrl'h'il room fur t 'i > p n
lien * . ) , wilh b > anl JMOtirrod Addrm * ' II'
U o othce.
\ \'ANTKD A hi r o .ir pony a > d i'lrv tnn , If the
* A 11 i p Rin liu hid 011 A triiilu f tt n p > o l l > > * In
laiKcom l"aco. U. Il Hi ffll aU'ti ' ' 4th rtrot , allo
i p. in. SS1" tf
U'/MHi ll.'Jir urulMknu tl u st. < Ii lidII
U | . n Jim.ui .Stlitvfi > Ivth * IH | 18th wdl
Ktiipth 11 Ht lalilu b d f i 14 Ou | ur uwikiif ai.
inline In thu C't ) ut a in > rii < pnn Inu I 'j' ' * ' .
h ) M > i rtl .il 0 Kill.
\ < -N1tP < ina-hilMon at WM Dlyo St.
17\nnn prev rrud. en.-'p
I . 'OH HKM A fratfi n or inn i ; t t I lull * ) ' .
1 Ii qal.o at KJb lui uiul I nu sin. ( Ol tt
I7OU IIF.NTVe liou-oOrii'ns 11W Iunport )
1 rt InquirrlilH mupoit-t. U4.1tp
) , ) - ' - > urnUlm I Mj.tlli'o for nnt'o- '
1 nun It ) 9 t-ariiiim .
> ii ( HI NT huiiwimliiiru for .ill
J ut lOlttl'iwfij.Si near U I' . OJM > It. M. iKimt t
I rentti huntv , llnK < f luufo r,1i pur
ITMIlLliKM l-ru t illi r-uiiuk nltli front porill
1' A , 1)10tl ) ! Cu Iliinu S % ( t ) tip
T.-iilU I.E\SK On on lirrHleit , ) Inti < n ' 'o t
JL F.limiu . \ uilightly. . Iiin.u'ru uf II. ( i. ria > k.
491 f ,
I On HUNT-FurnUlio I iooiim2227
V 4S'I 1D1
OH ) NI' L igj iligauily lurnl > h d fro
H r > rin unUUifOf ine-uf t * t-'i.i.l oj..n , l.
K IlKVF Thnu I ttf. hum.'Hiif H in 24 n IIIIIH
17 vavb UixIrubVI c > Hou S'li'ali ' u d/r uni-ill y
l.oll . i r 111ul UAI.hBll . "i MA\N . 4117 tf
KMIl ItfN I.i KUI | nlKiil niniit/ n Ionian
orly.N. W cor Ittti i l.d F rnum. 41511
"I > II m-A'T-flu ) p , "in > plino , iti o iran. A ,
I * tlo PC. IB'D ' lioJ < Kt , 4D | 1m
1'OH UK T biorJ. On Urn. front parlor
I haiKl.oinily fiuiiMiuti. AUi ajvu Ul > lexurd-
i ilealrd. Vuui > Ca-iiSt. . Ln-j-tf
| J OIlHKxT 'two flltniMhtd riMiii Jur Unlit hiMI o-
-l1 La i.lnr llj-.iiii-rb.ytfc.k cat uBtli and Uuvv rit.
? L ; L
FOll H'NTwl'urulrhwl nuni m UUi
ISoll HK'fu-llu-i' * rToruiniiilre tr Ji I'Ttue
'fit St. aS" 'I
I Olt U"NT t' ' H linn Hhfi.r ri in tt K < iiilkiiiaii
I * ami vvifu , wilUbur.1 I'll Wol-'w St 7 Ilii
OIt IlivNr-lli itcill k'lt llx'k itutvnk
1 ftvt iU-g v il it < iol tn'fu riKJia. 1'uiilou
1 K mum , rfxiiii 8 , 7(1
FAOK HFNT I'iano. Lxjutre ntK'Holmi.
fii'i l
OOll BRVT < t rr. i um IWfl Kan am Si. , by
P ) ' IM KN AH 4 P-tf
> ) U UMTTrXiuiihwl iviinw vo I * * HJ.'rt * !
CXT. ISIh niHS.IVI | . Tftr.infnrmnrly CrrlvnVv
HAIK Oil IK\KH bi l s liH4 M or
FOR ol It i \ \ fIllh \ \ < t 111 * hol > v.111 n l (
K veiy bi 'Jiltul rv.W wS. K. o > r. Utltwulll rihv
Practical Painters & Decorator
1515 Eoiulas street. Omato ; * $
- _ I T' - - *
Arc prepared to do f irk
in any branch ,
On Short Notice
Buffalo U. S. Standard
Himebaugh & Taylo *
R. R. 7RV
Adopted and in Use by Hie United States Government. .
KEPAIR SHOPS Scales o all' kinds repaired and' ' sealed by IF , S
sfomdard weights.
2 " Write for Estimates. ' '
1 4 < > f D i"la S'rpct ' , On nlm
FOn SAIiB-Onn fpan of hunxM wfgM \ 2,7"P. In-
qatuufTHrs All pon. Cnpit. law bain bet .t n
Uth and lOfi Street , Uu aha. f > x6t p
JOIl SALB-A first-lias , wcli < fct bll heil 1'ry
1 Oaoi'g bti < ness , > took sniM-a < e ol HVru , tl ' ,0 o
to8is,000 W.IJ. take jmtt trad * . Addrem JI V.
Watern earn Dee < thio M'-lf
F.OK HAMt 1ED > lots with ii'.p and Kbitrno of
tl lofvt the town Blta of h'lojincc , Neb. lie en
tin * outfit at a.bargalu
f8-0 F P. LF.WI9 , Uth and lonen.
H'OK SALK -A jowl vayli nfe.'tionir > on loth
etrict , ca-Hi 8j Iciiuid lo catlun AUilrim'A , It
Cceollloe. 59-5i
"TTVOU'SAUi : Surrfal barpiln PP an I cum and fu'.l
JI J tut near town. In g .1 d ahi pa 8lf 5i
Ho SB 7 rnom * anrt Hisl-clats loca
tion In fine coi > it on 9 850 t.'CSd wn
LotH lir.lliii-iom j.lve ind other urtdltbi i , on
monthly iaucntu'rstT'IV pto , rrtv. huy
terms. J. W I OHKSIIUUY ,
695 tf IBM LKjiiglaiKtroct. . new Soda Fountain. 590,00.
2 17 N. ' idth t H _ 181 Sp
S\LE o rr l fli.o Recondrhard boil -rates.
ITiOH fiJno. L Webster , Oiur A. V , Mniru'ii ,
Ulhaud KarnamGriMtii. 6Sl-tf
ThicoBertrp-ipK , 4 m n hs
-I'UI. lobo a-eo on North I3tlt itiutt , l > o. 413.
/ ( f-ALt > Dj ti o-UMl.hol r 'all lulnn-n n
I/III . Sr < .ik.wlll Invnl'O' ( ! > , < Onltilna bus
lnc i f of over $ ituuu aenr. . Ptoflc. la KU. U od
reason for icllli g. ndUrt > 8 > "B. T " lice > lllce.
3LE 200Oihar.l hnrncd brick or lx > ird
Ihecarn at Oiiiahaor Klorenptf t Inwe t lilir et
price. Addrens r'loience Cno. and Tiled ) . , Omaha ,
llowcll i.Snhilkr ; Jtg > - ta. 11-0 1m
F10IISM.B Sou'nd ha-'d llKht top buy and
etnu rullut ? tadillo Inquire at Tin ell a d
Uuok'4 Shoe bto a. IBOtt Fnroam a lUQ-tf.
IriOll SAWJ 'lwobbirj frame hou > , H roonmand
' hi.ll'iiiiU < s < BiM > ti a > r 10th. O shprice4 , iO.
I7"JH SALK -Very duiirabU ruanlon&j tor smil
1 Knilly , oie b/ic < off St Jtiry's vanuii , lo MOCK
rom | * wtollln L > o tlun flue , * 3,5O ) tiny torni'
'UTlhlt&COBE ) tiilfib'irnuiiHtrojt. fi I tt <
H OH SALB Two opvn Heeond-ruuid bugKlod and
one delivery wagon , chiwp , at 131 ? Ilaruoy tit.
F1OH8ALF.-A small Monler , Dihman A Co. , flu
proof oaf > almost now , at this office. tf
I ; Or..SAijB 7ho Z'-'il ' wi'l ' and Ihtures r > f thr
i reUhtno HIIIUWit' -nil thutlliiiiii ; room and
klichuii furiilruiw pep * utwly or any pat of either.
Will.exihaiuu fnr luiim , I U ur any Bale hi coin
no ltyfir will tuku i-eciirtiU notesoii long ti u In-
pnru at ( 'rrLlit n HOII-B. tW-tf
ullt.SAl.K nuVo-e and Hniis piano at a bur-
K'iin. lniiii | o at I dii'ilm ' ami trlokon' nu-lc
Ktoru , nn Illtti ht -50 tf
IJ'OK A' ' K A chart IIMIT veil frftm uf iM'l ' acni > ,
r vill wet re I. ( foul hiiildlnirlar .o nr hi > M M )
. .irt fiiicul , lthl iSiiillu uf ni-w t. > ok < au arnd
oiitv f > liij fr ntd \ HI t fiiO i er ten. Aln > 2M'
u lu-n j"M tc ill" r > ive , tha * oin Iv-i 11 In 80 me
lr iHut tfViu.n'i7 10 cr a ro 'IfrnniaH.v I'd- !
" HAU III ! IAL Fan mi-tiLCt 4l4tt
I7OH.Srl.K-K ueKrmiin . I < > 7 x4 ! lorn.rl-
ic'ii , trtu- , flu Th IIMJ l luli'l'lun ' ' , j atifT H
Man H ktjet't > . liii'j Irtu 9 MJU. Ki'l'IK & ,
C < lll | ) , aifi FJIUSIM s're r , 41 . tf
IT * ' It. 'AI , ' ' One pla .r , u iiixid a * nuw. Hep ,
at II'M.o1510 ' U il-rt 401 Uu
f . -Mii ; > LK.-i lusp'Bt ' Inn sosn.l lot In Omaha , ( n
I1 1'otli-i'n uJ.11 , n , < MI ins , we ) ft 0 bare I tin
rrn n. lwi > lit , 1 Ii fiet In nt In 131 lei t. i eji/'r
-jo'.o . 1'iirihHA.u iii ) ismrurm.niat.
.11 B.SMJC 8iik idfltin' " , tijf , tiJu try
1 liMlo'h , lo.'on.V. ' ( Hlii-to t , ncur OB. I ) n
jQk iineat ml to It and - ' - h ap 4'3 tt
Infill "AIK-l.i > In II v Mil M 1 1 ice , on inniillily
1 pujtu UU. IIIKV.V JKmKu , IIO raniniii
iliMl fi I.K .Hui'ie-im Imv ri' ' < rih 1 , > p > " ' " > -
l.ij tkM' , and kgu.d bvgali kt t , 'inck
61611 IlJrY \ll-1TKn. .
I I.UlKKll iiiUYN'R Af Mt < for IU wsim | IMMI ,
Ll IIB I J 5 11 * IA 0 ta > v turn
'It ) ruMiir p'oi'ii "i. Iliuif filt until In ' "Vat
Oum ' lint 8 to.011 < i > i th y | ' ) ' ! i mi * .
IWIIuli.VJ n ru difOu ( li.n oi Mv pajinejit
I'K ' n ki'l i nn nt ih i rlt ) ! ' ' u aivl bcu
Utna. IlVhKKlt& Mii MC , Uth il Kuri.nm
1 ' It ALB Hall scit In's I' li ! treotv Innlt * , ,
f'M e kXl i n niuiiWIj p-ti menu I aikur tlla ) i .
fil7f f
P lo IKK lO.VtU/li < o f ,4' fa lount
( Ii3) ) M w il loom lion- , lot C0il64 t'ark iva
, .
( J ) Kli-p > .iiftroo'ioitt"4Fi ( f.llllo' IQth Bt mil
tia > nwortui3i iO insytmaii
( Si ) Ni w-7 ron i-oitacu tro d Uvn Xr.kl-it TSi
110 Ko m I av > % , one liUwk I inn 't- r * * , " 0 >
( .6 ) Fllll Ivt wit K hl " " ° ' * . ? > ami ) IIMXUU ,
18'li i rn ir i nn .iiti p ) Mlp.r c.iu u In
ti.tmo t M V .
( I'O ) aU , : i 1 2 't'i'.V h u i 8 1 .om I9lh St. Let
Writ n r ml Hurt Hm
( 4W. Knit l lit" r-'iim i itm 9 M 'K. frun
r , In Iliii co. < pU uS'.Wiiainuu
( U > ' i ti"t ; K.lot 40xl | run. 8' , i t c n
i ni.i o ii't u. u tl.KKH & MAY.NK , is h
* * Mi < aui
Dit * > ! . * ' - A a larRiln , h u'dc/ oni'f vool
I turn , Ituu l l ( uii in llainltiiii HIII ! Clnuius
t , uiu bli 0 'iv > t ( ' 'ouveiituii lla III'II ' wt p.
| Ji xii thi p WI\M \ 44-3ip
I.'tll. S LK Ihr ll'i" ! ' 'HI aiH HitUUH nf Ihe
OnUhlm Ilo m , or will t'll anj ( art nl I'ltnlln-
Inir t'.i'iui'i H'i bin turiilturrc | > urat > iy.ra y Uini * .
Al' | > U' mi j > rupil > i > i. ri'l-tf
_ . -
T7QR fAU * A tl ( tclv * Htotk o ! f n'v minilt.
I1 r.o'dtii < pi > vriuinty lur t'tr My nr nentloiuan
Small rui'iUl. v ; < u tlftdt ) iitablKnctl , AJJrcI ,
I * . W.1 U g3) , iW-tJ
Otl RALE At1 * bargain , 1 SOI pound work horn <
It. uood order . .AMMKM , ,
42MI 3it Bmadtray Cbon.ll Illutli ) , low-
fill X\LK Cusiliif * tr > il prnj eitL t In Wan
mit III1I , K'wtorV and Hniinecitt > ii'H ad lllo ( i- and >
L'tJ'ch up anon easy term * . POT-
TKlfistOllli , 15lf ) ttrtr t. 4IV .tf '
1TOK 8ALB A new house , conslstlns : of fi ronrrs ,
1'c'o ' .t and pun try , wlm cistom ; Kiih'ot and ft >
lialf nl i round all-'set ' ut with fruit ttts , grape
\lnes , In epltm1 d'CV'niltlon ' , onyKOI One t'ird"
rnsli , 1'ftl.ncu In 5 J - . Apply N. E. cor. 16th Hid
Duicars rcet , souiiy ) n aba 442'3 '
ITNOIl SVt E Chop lota In Shlnn'a 2nd addlrlo" , ,
1 Klrhwuod nd Wiluviuw. TO n Kit b roilh
InlS Farnimsbcet. 428-tt
i : > OU > ALKOKliX01UNOE 40 aoie firm at Elv.
_ f hurnbUtlon - ith large 10 loom houvv , larg >
b .rn nid oijthmuos. J n. Milvl , hlkhoin S'at'oi' ' ,
12l4DiiJgo ! 3t , upstair * S78-5p
] ,1011 M LK Wo to r.ncticueu aud otv , .
7 00 ihjlco Iowa Uelfer < 2 jt an old.
700 " " " 1 " "
60 " Btocra2 " "
BO i " " 1 " jl
lliO I'aml f year old grade bulls
Our catttoaio yard * ! ! uiul wo Invite Inspection.
2'4-lm- Strahge Hn * ,9oux I'lty , lo o.
3W buy an tlunant. Int In Ilon-oomu .
\TlBce , on monthly i monM , If you ir to. "
2/ifltf If A , KKItfcMAVNR.
' S LK Ha'l ' acre lo with n i a bliick nt
Siiinilflrn S . Vftr rilu grauii'l,95Sn ou m i < thy -
y paviuentstlut lilass thai muoll I ta are Belling
or hall a inilo further out , ' Itarxtr A Mayna.
554 tf '
. . SlLh Twenty Baton of the 6ri9vri farm , 31
. mlliM.tron tluyl'OHf'lHnoiiuid only t o blocka
rim Pratttt ktib-dlvMimu. Will be Bold lu ! } , 6 or
H a/re l > 'it ' Inquire > Omaha U&rpU Co. , 1511
Douxlaa t et 270 tf
OU SALK Farm 3 mile * from city , near Union
Btock- > mla ; . . In'iniriati Mm Meyer , orer Koo
der'n Drniftnrii , ICth'unr ' WobHter. 472-
H AtK-3 btrtiitif illoiv 7fixU now tba hold
of Sl-iMaryaaru ut SI , 1 0 nn em ter BAlso
on ( , a k av enl # 1 8J euh. Bilker
Manio < N. > nrnt.rHIthanilFjnia . [ . 366-U-
l USA' ' K At a latiuin hou.ecf 0 roorae n _
lut l'223'.N-l"th : Ku Sf8 3p
'AErA flne Utiin. . llanaonm Placa , Will
FOR hoiite nil I'UKjry , or ) > ha tx > n In I fade . If
y i ni want n > trade , call'at 8J1 nbuth 2ltl. Urcft ,
> 'fiir < | i in tPO-tf _
I7 > nt a IL.K - IK up , fibudntlux Inirno , Ingey ami
1 harnesd. * Auply i , Uuiahallatluiul Hauk
llulldmii. 2 5 tf
$ K UKWAUD > l'- > ii\tit ; Nelinnlni ; tn < farrj , Bfn
) of , ! cu. Ho'tttd' A tm IIhit I cou iniir-
" IT. . t'b nlack iuano.lDKS an I ta 1 , h.Ainl > d ' Sf
HI t e u ft uli'.uldur ; tii > t ou iiijlliury r it ) , kin mill *
ham t'maha. C7--2
' llAYKDi'Rn (11,1-N Uray KorniM-miro with
S'l 1'ttl irrnah ut" uht jia i ol i. w el.Im about.
100 Wlliv | | * IBirw aj'iI for rctiraul ainn ID
Ha IH Il.tK ) ji .uth l. < h St. . Uel vtuu Ili-ad. G"B- | > -
O\HPI\O T u fr'u 'rommupfta'Inr ui fur-'i 'O'Ult allh l.oanIi | inv tu litnl-
I lul .icjii it' * ' roililoiic" , with 'ath r om , eto. A' o
ail i lyyiuiil.lieil hl'io ' riKj.n I.r nyinl , | le i > nt
l'ea < na treuo. MU < p
, H S ook faiiuif. 4ti vrriii , han.
bulI'llnjBUiti nl , > own ) , ht , H.III u rtock ai d.
Imp OHM IIA * , , wjuit et > ric if niPtrhii flUu ut abuut
t OK Aililro-K O Mm > , .u ilca f > 1tf
\KI < . ] lSTiW < V uhl u rnmuiw about T
STU > c < nldL'-hoit Ui' an < aiolf.
Tin ilul ar r ant ' 'll cp d f r lur r turn t i J uv
MfJt'intiOii' | t.l rv > * al lu. > ll > St. 11 ah i. 607 tl
pMtr ITi'n * l raml nun luir-u 3 jo.rx ol I.
1 ] full nl ) A S. l triim'd , cornur Cuniiill |
nii.o.H , w in , h .
| BM 'VAI ' , O. / HAUHAL'd , ItKAIKlib la
llUul' ' PBUD V id SI rtiiatiu LnAi. , hi > ri'in < itt-d
to No IW3 Firnur -tieet up > Uin > , room 13 , niiO
door * 4"b * it their- form r loi-i ioi ) , uln * n ihtiji mayo
iii'lillnn < f their i < ew building
ii- . ) for ii ] raw f UlphtlinU
'I'IVf ! lhi.l c iiinot bo cur u hv l > r , Jtffrlti
( i niniill llliilT ) | .rr\rntin-mid me S. nil I r it.
. . ,
Iteouutrjot Boston , " hrs ( pcned an elegant new
moo cf
CUC | CJiiJfp.lnitW ,
* _ 111 \ , _ I Iii Huiuiut-r * vlgli a. '
7 I" Kino f-iiirlUii | j le
ANI1 HfH'fCilV ) l ' ' " 'B riion'iailrlif
Hie U llUolC.ll I , \iu Jl.m.oaiiJ Oiitum.
nilAUES , ETC.
Coaching , Walking Street and
Evening Gloves.
Rnll | h , rnuu | , n < l Full Dr M Slult' .