Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Wofl&oaday Morning , Ma.y 28.
A number of Root ! printer * can find steady
employment at this office.
On Friday , Doooralion D y , the oTicc ( of
the county clerk , county treasurer and clerk
-of the court will bo closed.
Ticket * for lUv. A. A. Lumbort'n lecture
on "Splrituallum" will bo for * lo to-ilny
nt the opcrft homo.
The Farnam itroot tower l fMt > ppro cir
ng completion and will probably bo finUhod
. by the expiration of the contract which Is
Juno 1st.
An Inquwt was hold yesterday morn.npon
the remains of Wliltback , llio brakeman who
WM ItllloJ by foiling from the train on Satur
day night. The jury returned n vonllct of no- doalh.
On account of llio nlnonco of Bovoral wit-
noMOl last evening nt the tlino not for the in-
ipiest to bo hold on the rornnlns of the man
found dead the city laundry yesterday
mornlnff , the luvosUjratlon WM postponed un
til 4 1in. . to-day ,
It ! reported that a real llvo dude was
In Hornborger's saloon Monday , that ho ( ? ot
very drunk , stopped the orchontra , nnd liifiist-
od upon making a speech , IIo WM taken out
nnil his lio.iil held unilor a water hydrant until
ho partially recovered.
At the rooms of the Liberal Loappio on
Sunday afternoon , Mr , > I , Ahlo-i , ot Omincl 1
Bluffs , delivered a lecture on the "Involution
of the Wind , " nt the conclusion of which Dr.
Jlcrriin and othont npoko upon evolution an
applicable in phyalcs and tlio treatment of
All physicians nro a little touchy about
having the credit of an operation performed
by thomsolTOH given to otliorH. In this con
nection it might bo well to odd that Dr. P. S.
Iiol8erlnglud [ In hand the kulfo which extract
ed the ball from I'at Mohan'd back on Sunday
'ast. '
The examination of Jack KInney charged
with shooting I'at Mohan with Intent to com
mit murder , wui called up In the police court
yesterday afternoon. C , A , Baldwin appeared
for the state and A , N. Ferguson for the do-
fonso. The defendant waived examination.
Ills ball wiu fixed at 31,500 , but being unable
to furnish the required bond ho wan remanded
to the county jail-
Col. T. H. Stanton and Mr. II. W. Chacc
his clerk , are at homo ngaln , after nn oxlmus.
tlvo trip to Fort Wo huklo and other posts In
the western portion of the department. Col ,
Stanton reports the streams unusually hlgli
for this llmo of the year , nnd ono of the mom' '
bers of the party rotates in n thrilling manner ,
how the gritty Colonel fished Lieut. Walt , ol
the Fifth cavalry , out of the upper fork ol
Wind river , just an ho was being washed awa )
by the tubulont flood.
An Kngllshman namodliobortH attempted
to kill hlmaolf t tha house of Homo relative !
near Mlllard Sunday , but succeeded in onlj
making , ' n flesh wound in liln sldo. Monda )
ho came to town with his frlondn , who Hwori
out a warrant charging him with Iii3amtyam !
ho was nrroited by Deputy Sheriff Crowoll
llohortn is now in llio county jail awaiting ox <
amlnnUou on the charge of lunucy.
The stealing of flowers and plant * fron
Trospoct 11 111 comotoryi has boon vor ;
annoying of late , and ono gentleman oiler
$10 reward for the apprehension of the thlovct
Two girls were caught in the act last Sunda ;
anil were rolonsod on promlso to keep away
They were judges of what WOH most valuabl
and hod a largo covered baikot full. Thos
girls are not the only thlovos , however , am
the grounds will bo watched more close ! ;
than ovor. The penalty for such thieving 1
from $5 to $500 fine , and imprisonment fron
ono to thirty days.
Send for sample * and prices of CMl
drcns and JJoys suits. Largo assortment
All ages d to ID years.
Police Court.
In police court yesterday two die
turbora of the peace wore oaoh fined S
nnd coats and sent up.
Ono suspicious character proved hln
coif allright and was discharged.
Seven tramps arrested Monday aftoi
noon under the railroad bridge , wor
dealt with as follows yesterday : On
was sentenced to thirty days in the coui :
ty jail , ono to fifteen days , three to to
days and two to five days , all on broa
and water.
John Murray was arrested Monda
for discharged hia revolver in the Thoatr
Comiquo. Yesterday ho waa charge
with carrying concealed weapons , an
fined $10 , and waa sentenced to bo in :
prisoned in the city jail at hard labor fc
fifteen days.
Murray claimed that when ho wont t
the Comiquo ho had abou
§ 40 in molioy. Ho wont into a box , an
ehortly after a crowd of men entered th
box , knocked him down , kicked him an
robbed him , and in the fracas ho shot ol
hia rovolvor. The judge looked as if h
partially believed the statement , and a
did many of the onlookora.
Mr. Wm. IL Fay , manufacturer of Fay
uittiiilla c&rpatlng , is in the city and Is tl
guest of the courteous and gentlemanly goner
agent , Mr. J. S , Richardson.
Mr. X I ) . Vulontluo , republican dologai
to thu national convention fioni Vurmout , wi
in the city yesterday , lie haa been upendli
a few weeks In California and is now on h
way to Chicago.
Messrs. A. II. Swan and Hobort Urquhnr
of Cheyenne , who have been aluont thn
months In ICurupo , liavo returned. The
gentlemen were rrg * torod yesterday at tl
Milliard , ami to-day will leave for Wymnlu
The following were registered at the Metr
polltans Mrs. H. V. TiUbot.Mrs. J. lllocklo
J. E. Woods , of Wayiio ; H. ColllnKe.Llncol
Jlr > . J , KUlott , of Tukamlahj J. W. llltc !
cook , Ilartlngtoiij 1) . 1) . Kuhlman , OaMain
Jlr. K. W. VeriU and Miss Kato Forrln , i
tialcuburg , Ilk
Th folio Ing Neljrankans were rrgUturi
1roate/d y t the JlllUrd ; T. W. Lowrcyan
31.1) , Jfoore , Lincoln ; Fcrd. BclnneU nn
Kugouo Jfooro mid vlfo , Woit IMnl ; Hai
J'nhnnau and Kugena H. Kloiuan , Fimnon
J , V. Hell , David City ; 0. 0. White , Valpi
rtlto ; II , 0. Cluppell , South Auburn.
Send for samples and pricoa of CM. .
drens anJ Jia suits , Largo asaortuionl
All egea 5 to 16 yearj.
L. B , WjtUAua & Kw ,
ho City ( Mcil to Loofc Into Certain
Charges Aaaiost Some of Its
ThoFfirnam Street Grade Finally
and Satisfaotorly Disposed of.
Other iiBftlnoBHof ImtmrtnncoTrnriH-
At the regular mooting of the city
ouncil last evening members Anderson ,
ocliol , Bohm , Ford , Furay , Kaufman ,
odfiold , Thrano , Woodworth nnd Mur-
hy were "present. The roll woa called ,
nd the minutes of the previous mooting
end and approved ,
From the mayor , stating ho had ap-
roved certain ordinances. Filed ,
From 8,11110 , "appointing Daniel Me-
trido , Patrick Maoitrom , John Nations ,
Lichard Burdiah , James Brady Albert
igwart , John Curry , II. W. Pottit , Win.
V tman , James Uyland nnd John Ohaso
ice N. A. Cyrun rcaigncd. Ho f erred to
ommitto on police.
From samonppointing , Frank E. Bailey ,
t. N. Withnoll and A. Ilosenburg np-
raiBero to nsaoan damages arising from
ppropriating private property for BOW-
ra. Coiifirmod.
From John Mulvihill nnd others , call-
tig the attention of the council to the
occssity ot locating Iiydrantn on Jones
troot. Referred.
From Thos. A. Croigh , treasurer of the
lie Prosbyiorian church asking .the can-
ollation of the taxes assessed against lot
in block 83 , occupied by said church.
3 run ted.
From Benedict Hans , making n state
ment of his claim against the city as
oopor of Hnnacom Pask and requesting
: io uao , of certain grounds until next
optutnbor. Referred.
From N. A. CyruH , presenting his rcs-
nation as member of the police force.
From City Water Worts Co. , giving
lolico that it had conatruotod hydrants
B ordered by ordinance. Roforrod.
From Jno. M. Gibbs and others own-
hroo-fourths of the property on both
ides of 15th street , between Center
troot nnd the Bollvuo road , protesting
the grade recently ostablifliod for
.5th. Roforrod.
From A. 0. Jones : Protesting against
tall playing on 10th and other streets in
ho city. Referred to city marshal.
From A. L. Strong , asking the council
o direct the mayor to deed to him Oor-
nin strips of land olevpn foot wide ,
imittod by mistake in original deed from
ity to tliia petitioner.
A resolution , introduced by Rodfiold ,
rwtructing the mayor under the advice of
.ity attorney , to make a correct deed of
bin property wns adopted.
From James Grcighton , presenting np-
irovod ofltimato of work done by Hugh
Vlurphy & Co. , on Waring sewer mains.
Approved |
From same , appointing Lawrence
Duggan , Samuel Stobor , Luther Poland ,
3eo. L. Domiao , 0. M. Donovan nnd P.
3. Larson , inspectors of public improv-
nonts. Con'irmod.
A number of bills were referred with
out rending.
From J. F. Wilcox and others calling
attention to the dangerous condition of
ho bridge on 28th and Douglas. Ro-
From W. F. Seaman , stating that the
Block of goods in his collar had boon
damaged from the water from the sewer
and asking the council to roimburos him.
From appraisers appointed to assess
damages resulting from changing the
grade of Oth nnd 10th streets giving their
report. Approved.
From John Matthison , for the Dauisli
Association , prosontihg n bid for the
parcel of ground just oaat of lot 10 it :
"ook250J. Accepted.
From city attorney giving his opinioi
that a market house could not bo erected
on tlio street and that a court of cquitj
would on join its erection. Filed.
On motion the Fnrnam street grade
was then taken up. Mr. E. Rosewater ,
for the property owners who desired uucl
changeRotated that $ (5,900 ( had been sub
scribed toward paying damages , and thai
the subscription could bo inuroaad U
87,000 dollars. Hnacall moved that the
$0,000 bo placed in the city treasury and
tender * bo made to those damaged. Mr ,
Anderson objected , as the condition ol
the city finances , which at the prcsoul
time are low , would not warrant the cltj
in paving the balance. Mr. Bohm aup
ported the motion by saying abutting
owners were expecting thin change , and
their improvements were nt a standstill ,
The motion was carried , the yeas ant
nays being called for.
From appraisers appointed to assosi
damages arising from changing ttu
grade of 10th street , making their report.
Adontod. From city attorney giving his
opinion that 0. Knilinnbaok who hat
paid $250 toward n license , could noi
draw it out unless licouaa is refused
From mayor , appointing Augustus
Pratt , William Coburn , W. J. Broatol
appraisers to assess damages arising from
change of grade on St. Mary's nvonuo.
Confirmed ,
By Furay : That the committee or
streets and grades bo instructed to con1
aider and report aomo comprehensive
system of naming the streets in the city.
By BAIIIO : That the mayor bo requested
to nominate heads for the various depart'
menta or explain at next mooting why he
doei not. Adopted ,
By aamo : That the tjas oompuny In
instructed to move their lamp-posts < i
Saundora street to curb lino. Adopted ,
By eanio : That the telephone cauipanj
bo instructed to move their poles 01
Sounders street to curb lino. Adopted.
By Kaufman : That the board of publii
works onfnrco upon all contractors the
necessity of barricades to their work tc
protect lifo and properly. Adopted.
By Murphy : That tlio council sit ai a
board of equalisation Muy 2'Jth and ISOtli
By Ford : Thut the marshal bo in
struutcd to arrest nil pimps and loafer * ii
tin city at onco. Adopted.
By Bohm : That a hydrant bo pl&ccd
iu the government depot. Adopted.
Polioo : Itecommendiug tlio adoption
" -
of the "hack aland" ordinsnco. Adopt-
Public property and improvements
lecommending the purchase of a transit
and level for the city engineer's ofllco.
S mo , recommending that John Mp- ,
Donald bo opp'olnlcd keeper of Ilftnicom
'ark. Adopted ,
ROfts , recommending that a gas light bo
, l cod .at 21st and Burt streets.
Special committee recommending that
. 1th street between IIo ward and lloarnoy
bo used as n hay market. Filed and city
attorney instructed to draw an ordinance
n accordance therewith.
Mr. Ford arose and asked if there was
any way by which the recent difllcultios
existing between certain members could
bo investigated and the truth of various
statomonU arrived at , stating ho did not
wish to bo looked upon as a perjurer.
Mr. Uascall stated ho was glad the
matter had been brought up , that the
jurdon of proof was upon Ford , that ho ,
( Ford ) had tried to drag in third parties ,
and moved that the council go into a
commlttoeZof the whole to investigate the
charges. This was seconded by Bohm.
LJaacall continued tnat Ford was expected -
od | to divulge on last Tuesday night but
did not Why had ho waited to this late
day when ho stated a long while ago ho
"KHOW something. " Ford stated ho was
ready to go bcforo any body of men for
nvontigation and ho did not ask for it at
ast mooting boiauso an adjournment waa
, akon before ho vras aware of _ it.
On motion the investigation was laid
over until next Thursday evening , at
which time the council will meet for this
By Rcdfiold changing the name of Con
or street to Corby street.
Bv Bohm repealing ordinance. No.
" 3D. Passed.
By Rodfiold appropriating monoyo to
uy for curbing and guttering Cuming
troot. Passed.
By Rcdfiold , appropriating money to
> ay for curbing and guttering Eleventh
, ud Twelfth stroota. Passed ,
By Furay , repealing certain portionn
of ordinance 730. Road twice and ro-
By Ilaskoll : amending section 2 of
chapter xxvm , of Chase's compiled ordi-
mnces , entitled numances , and repealing
aid section 2.
By Furay : Appropriating S308.-13 out
> f the 17th street sewer fund , in favor of
William Fitch & Co. , in full for work
tone on said 17th street sower. Passed.
The council then adjourned.
S. ov N. 0. Tobacoo finest in the
MFH. Emily IVIIllnma Found Dead
YcHtcrdny Morning.
Ycstorday morning about 3 o'clock Mrs.
Smily WilliamB was found ( load upon
lie kitchen floor of her roaidoncc , 241
? iorco atroot , by her husband , John Wil-
Airs. Williams has boon subject tu
'omting ' spoils for some timo. filondny ovo.
Ir. Williams wont to bed supposing ol
course that his wife would soon follow
! iim. Yesterday n. m. about ! J o'clock ho
was awakuncd by the prying of ono of the
children , and not finding his wife in bee
went to look for her. Upon entering the
kitchen ho found her lying upon her side
on thu kitchun iloor in a lifeloas condition
A physician was hastily summoned bu
thu lady was pronounced dead.
The coroner was notifioi
nnd wont to the houno but did not doon
it necessary to hold an inquest , the sup
position being that the lady died fron
# omo heart trouble.
The deceased was 41 years of ago. The
funeral will take place this after
noon at 2 o'clock , from the residence
2418 Pierce street.
Ho Flrnt Turned Hot and Tliou Cold
Anil now comes the drawing of the capita
prlzo of825,000 in Tin Louisiana SUto ] Lottery
Company , on April 8th , drawing at Now Orleans
loans , ol which ItlJor Isaacs , of Mfttlcnto , line
boon awarded $5.000. Mr. Isaac * win In San
FninuiHco yo tonlny , nnd said that there was D
peculiar clrcuiimtnnco In rotation to his Rocur-
lnK the lucky ticket , "In the first place ,
HatdliG , "I nont to San l ranctsco fora ticko
In tlio The Louisiana State Lottery , I rocclv
od no answer to my letter , and so wrote again
requesting hiir lo Homl another or rotund inj
money , lie oiit the ticket. No. fiS.liOS , fo
April 8th drawing the lucky one for it woe
only n little whllo bofo-o I received a dtspatc
that I had won n $5,000 prlzft. Well , I guo
I felt about na any poor ninn does who Biiddon
ly comes Into iiossesslou of money Hko that.
II rat turned hot and than cold. " J. Boon uanh
ed the check for the lucky miin , who loft th
city for Modesto in hlghgloo. Jlr. Isaacs la
clothlng-Htoro keeper In Modesto , and hao co
Bomo pretty hard ntmgglos , San Franciico
Col. , Chnmtele , April 20.
Indignant OltlzciiH.
Thn citizens living upon Howard strco
between Fourteenth and Fifteenth street
are justly indignant at having the stroo
upon both sides filled with farmers wag
ous loaded with hay , from morning untl
night. Yesterday as many ad fifteen ha
wagons were upon that block. If memo
ry serves us rightly an order wa
issued last fall that all hay wagon
should bo confined to Fourtcontl
street between Howard and Jackson
Rtroots , und for n time an ofllcor 'was stationed
tionod at Howard and Fourteenth street *
and all drivers wvro made to drive thoi
wagons where the order designated , bu
it Booms to bo entirely forgotten now. I
is a decided inconvenience to the resident
of Howard street as it is impossible to
got n carriage any where near thu side
walk , Boeido this it is converting on
of the principal thoroughfares of the citi
into a veritable barnyard , covered wit )
hay and other litter.
Send for sample * nnd prices of CMl
rfmisand lto < ja nuila. Largo assortment
All egos 4 to 15 yours.
niito-lw- cod
A Vnju Vd Victim.
Last overling as Ollicor Uinchoy wa
returning homo , near the depot ho wa
accosted by a stranger who nuked him j
ho was a policeman , Mr. Hinchoy sail
ho was , whereupon the stranger said h
wanted to ho taken to the city jnil fo
thu night , us three men had been follow
ing him all day , who wanted to take hi
lifo. The man gave his name as
Klin , and lives in Atchison , Ivinsas , A
the jitil ho told a long stoiy of his wifo'
infidelity ; of honr lie and her purauion
were constantly necking tu kill him , am
becoming fn'iiziiui at hm ticatimmt h
deserted his family and came to Omaha
Ha teems to bo thn victim of n halluci
nation. llowas _ yWnii quarters at thi
jail last owning and hia cauo will h > ) in
vesticatod aoou if hU prtseiit conditioi
A Dead Man Fonnil in a ellar on
"EieYGnto Sired Ywleriaf' '
Horning : .
Us Feet CatiKlit nntl IllsKnco Hurled
in tlio Hnnd Tlio Iloily Not
Yet Identified.
It Booms that the destroying nngol of
death , in n violent form , has put in nn
nppcnranco in Omalm and that to remain.
riiroo coroner's inquests in one day is
something a little unusual in Omaha and
rot that is the number over which
'oronor ' Maul was called to preside
The latest sensation was the finding of
.ho body of a dead man in an open
collar on Eleventh street , just north nf
, lie steam laundry , yesterday a.m.shortly
joforo 5 o'clock.
Oflicor Donovan was walking his beat
and as ho approached the collar ho bo-
leld the
: IM feet up , his knees caught over n piece
of plank , and hi.s face buried in the sand
at the bottom of the collar.
The olliccr immediately Trent for the
coroner and upon his arrival the body
was taken out and carried to tlio under
taking rooms of Drozcl < t Maul. In the
[ > ookut of the dead man was found thirty
: cnts , but not a scrap of paper of uny
kind by which ho could bo identified was
found , and as yet no ono has visited the
| ilacu who can
IIo was a man apparently about forty
years of ago , had a heavy moua-
Lacho , slightly mixed with gray ,
tbout five feet , seven or eight iuchee
in height. IIo had on a brown pair of
[ > auts and a blue-check shire. The mid-
llo finger of the left hand had been taken
off at the second joint. This is the only
Icscription that can bo given and if any
boarding house keeper or others have
known ot a mini who tallies with r.bovo
description they will confer a favor by
calling at tlio coroner's ollico and making
'ho fact known.
Many woio the rumors afloat
morning as to the probable cause of the
man's death. Some thought that
and thrown into the collar , but this is
not probable as there are no marks upon
.ho body or head which would indicate
iolonco. This it acorns would sot at rest
all theories of foul play.
The moat likely theory is that the man
was intoxicated and in passing by the
collar , stumbled and fell in , his logs be
coming entangled in such a manner as to
render him utterly powerless to extricate
limsolf and with his face buried in the
sand ho smothered.
The place where ho had fallen in is a
yory dangerous ono. While there is a
board nailed up across and in front of the
excavation there ia a very bad hole at
tlio inside edge of the sidewalk which
loads directly into the cellar. The hole
is fully largo enough to admit of a man
falling through it , and as the body was
found in that corner it is very likely that
it was through this hole the man fell.
In another column will bo found the announcement
nouncomont of Messrs. T1IOS. COOK & SON
Tourist Agents , 2G1 Broadway , New York
relative to the vary complete arrangements
they Imvo'i inindo for tours in Europs the
coming Spring and Summer. "Cook's Excur
oionist , " containing maps and full particular *
will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 11
Saratoga Notes.
While driving into the city last week
Mrs. Novins , by the overturning of hei
buggy on the military road , was throwi
out in such n manner that she fell beneath
the horao , which rolled over her ; ono o
the animal's legs hold the unfortunate
lady to the ground , but fortunately assistance
tanco was near at hand and was prompt
ly rendered. On being extricated from
her perilous position Mrs. Kevins was
found to have sustained no sorioui inju
ries , but was badly bruised and shaken
The horao was unhurt , but the buggy
was badly damaged.
Mrs. Hitchcock of Mitchell , Dak. , has
boon visiting her father Mr.V. . n. Law-
ton.This , precinct was on Thursday visitct
by a severe hailstorm ; the damage done
fruit tree and gaadou produce in genera
in this neighborhood is in consequence
very groat. Many largo trees have sufler-
ed considerably from the high wine
which prevailed at the time , and novora
were uprooted. Tlio loss to gardeners
hero will bo heavy.
Several now dwelling houses have booi
erected hero recently and others will sooi
bo built. A seven aero tract of land has
just changed hands , and the purchase
proposes building thereon at an carl ;
At the Bchoolhouso on Sunday evoniii ]
the Rev. Gco. Pol ton addressed the people
plo of Saratoga , There waa n full at
tendance , and the reverend gentleman'
remarks were appreciated by all prceant
Auk your druggist lor Ilcildlng'n KUHB !
Salvo. Keep it in the houuo in case of accl
dents. 1'ricoTic. .
INK.HK DIUKCTOHY to bo issued in July
ISbi i , . J. M. WOLFB , pub
ishor , St. . Omalia.
A Happy 1'ollccinuii.
On Sunday last ofllcor Turnbull wa
walking up Farnam street when ho mot :
man who exactly answered the dcscrip
tion of a roan wanted in Quincy , I ] . fo
ombe'/.zloniont , and for whoso arrest $5' '
reward was offered. IIo approached th (
man and asked him if his numo was no
A. 0.1'itt , and if ho did not reside it
Quincy. The man answered yes , ant
Turnbull arrested him. The sheriff a
Quincy was telegraphed and yeatorda ;
morning a deputy arrived it
the city to take charge of Pitt. Ho paii
to Mr. Turnbull $50 in caih mid received
coivod his man. Pitt consented to gc
back without a rcqiusition , thu two start
ing yi-sterday aftoriinon.
Later development * prove that Turn
bull is not sj h ppy as ho might bo. TJu
uogKulmGim of tlio city marshal haw agaii
shown itaolf. No soomir had Turnbul
received thu 850 than hit vv.u culled into
Giithrie'd ( illloo. That diuiiimty naked to
BOO ( ho money. Tiirntmll Imnded hiu
the $50uusiittpuctingly , when Ih mar < ) m
pockt tad 25 und handed the other $25
bid ; to Turnbull. Turnbull protested
but it waa of no avail. Miuht not Outline
just as well put his hand into Turnbull'a
pocket nnd rob him of $25) ) Did ho have
any moro right to that money than ho
IM to that earned by any honest , private
itiznn ! The end is not yet , and an effort
will bo made to make him disgorge.
The Dopnrtrncnt Hun to Two Fires
Without Turning
on a. Strcnrn.
At 10:30 : last evening Jerry Murphy ,
ho block watchman , discovered that the
itoro-room of Orunebaum Brothers , at
1309 Farnam street , was filled with
smoko. An alarm was turned in from
> ox 42 , but the 11 ro was extinguished
without turning on a stream. The ilro
was found to bo in the collar at the
jottom of the elevator among aomo paper
and boxes. It had not yet burst into a
llamo , but looked as if it had been
smouldering for some time. How it
originated is not known , as all the
omployps loft the store nt six in the
At 12:36 : another alarm was turned in
from box 43. The cause of this alarm
was located in ono of Tom Murray's
houses , in the alloy connecting 8th and
Dth streets , between Douglas and Dodge.
The housu was tenanted by a colored
man , who thinks it was set on fire from
the outside. Reed , the tenant , says
threats have been made to burn him out ,
and ho thinks an attempt was made lasl
night to carry them into execution. The
( ire was put out bcforo the department
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder never v t 01. Am Tel of pure
strtagh and wrbolraomentit. More conomlcal than
tn C.Hntry kinds , and c a o be sold In comnotltlo.i
with ( ho multitude of low u t. short welitl t alum r
> ho phata powders. Bold oaly In cans. Uoyal Ca'c-
ig owder Co.
TSpeclala will Positively not bo inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAK Monov.
TO I/UN-On Improved farms In Nc
MONEY , S. W. KcrgU9jn & Co. , 3D Pearl street
Council Bluffs , Iowa. 330-27
Loaned on chattel property by S T
Peterson IDth and Douglas. . 172-lm
TO LOAN In BUDIU of $300 and upwards a
low r tc8 on first class real csttato security.
382-tf P01TEII & COBB
LOANED-On chattel property by J.
BKATTY , 213 south 14th street. 776.1m
LKJAfl 'inulowiwt tktuu ot inures
Bemls' Txj&n AKOHOV , ISth & Doucla 234-tf
Tl/TONKYTO / LOAN In sums of eSOO. nd upward
1V1 O. F. Davis and Co. , llcal Estate and Loin
Agents , 1505 Farnam St. 393-tf.
"Vt7"ANTED Experienced sales lady In millinery
II and notions. Enquire of or addrisn , J. J
BLISS , 328 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 0.30-S1.
TI7ANTED Young man to learn book-keeping1
V > Good sHuatlon. J. B. SMITH , 1510 Doucli
street. KO 2Sp
WANTED Olrl for general house work. Must bo
good nosher and ironer. C'jll at Ito , 611 Koitl
20th and California. 431-tf
WANTKD A strong reliable and Intelligent boy
1D or moro yean old to carry papers. Apply a
Bee oltlce , 8 a. m. 503 tf
-TyANTED-Oood girl at 1512 Howard.
505-a : > p
\V/"ANTKD / A good sand brick moulder , north cm
II of launders St. A steady Job for a good man
611-29p J. F. I'OTTEll.
WANTED-FlrstcIsMbiibor. flood wagrn paid
at the Paxton Hotel Barber Shop. DOS-2i
\X7 ANTKD-Button hole makers at 211 llth Et.
Vl 622-23
Girl at 020 Ilarnoy St.
WANTED Anopcrlenctd girl to do house work
Gorman preferred at 1813 A cbator St. 502-3
\\7ANTKD-Dlnlrg room glrUat the Mctropnlita-
ii hotel corner 12th and Douglas HU. , Omaha
WttRca 115.10. 498-27
WANTED-A glil for general house work. Cal
at 211 Bcuth 14th St. Hobcrt Pui via.
5CO 2Sp
A first class barber can have good wa
get And s'eikdy work. 1)0 ) drunkanlmietd apply
N. E. corner 14th and Farnam St. J. Klrner.
VA/'ANTKD A cook wonun preferred. ( Jood wa
II gm paid , Nebraska House , North I'latte , Neb
H. Obuivt , profletor. 475-31) )
First ol w barber. None other need
WANTED White or ooloied , 210 14th St. 4S5-3I )
' \\7'ANTED A yopngOcrmin girl , ono neat and In
II duntrlous. I'trumnvnt pUoiand aootl vttges
Mis , H. Itixs , douthaie. and Leatcnworth. 4S2-tf
tiyANTED-CleaiiiiiK ) gtrla at Mlllard hotel
I rANTKD A Eood gill clilctly for kitchen wort
> Hit. Q. M HltchoocV. 440 29p
TIT'ANTnD Girl for general houienwork. Wage
V ? J4.00 per week. Inquire at Kdholnl & ErlckBon'e
WANTED-Local or Traveling. Staple
AGENTS scl Insf rapidly. Illinois light , agreeable
audiasllyloamiHl. Eirwrlentnotnecciury. Ham
pie Ins. U. W. UONTHO.-.H , Uall.-n , Mich. 70-4
A \rANTKU-A girl to tulit In the kitchen at U10
Capitol A > o. tf
\irANrRD-flltl tor houtuwitk Inquire at 015
VV south ISth Btrcul , or Katon'iiGallery , 1320 Far
uain Btrojit. hiH-27
AA/'ANTini Tra\ellnK fcalo-inan. ono who it hand
I > lli > g ultab ] line of yiKHts to u tn take a line ol
cl/ais mi n'Uiinlitlon. ' ( load nfircncon requirul
Addru s "J , 1' . " lite ollloj. 37-tf
" \-7 ANTED -A lint i\va \ barber with a flr > t clau
I > outflt to take the new barbtrHhcp at thu Occi
dental. 11iob t Invutlon and loom fur the pnrpoto
In U joining. Tsonu but u llrst dx laan need apjdy ,
Artdrtiui JluCray and lludl , llutljlo , Johnwin Co.
\Vjomlig. Hll-iSp
\\7ANTEE-A good eipeilenc d tluinuth Immedl
tl U'ly. Steady work with guud wages. Ad-
ilrew.O , I ) 1IAH10W , Onl , Neb. 474'9'
l \ . ANTEI8ituition clcrl. hi grorery it ro by
M bgeutlcnun from the oitt : 3)m uipeiUncc.
flood rik'ivuc Addmw 'V , U. " Bo utlle ,
MEBGELL & EOSJENWEIG , Are .prepurod . to do work
Practical Painters & Decorators in any branch ,
, On Short Notice !
8TORK , :3.1515 Bombs Street , Omaha , DECORATIN
T17ANTKD-8lluatlon KI short hand writtr In
T office. Can use t > pe writer. AddrcM , V.
tIALLEU , Council n.uff * . ft 31-30.
\\7AKTKD PonllonM clerk In retail drv gco < s
i or in-cccry ttore. Htfcrcncts furnlthed , 10
oats experience. Address box 80. Coin IOWA.
WANTt , .
W ANTED I.Uo man with small capital In ft pay
ing business. Apply at 1214 Ilitney. 609-2 p
WANTHD A good smart buslnors man to take
Interest In a nlro business In the west. Large
proflti no comiictlt on , only small amount of inonty
required. Addrcts room (6) ( ) Hcdlck's block , Omaha
Neb. 624 SOp
A TKI ) A ten or twcho foot counter. "P. W.
U. 1113 Dodge St. 431-28p
A Gentleman u ants to correspond with a lady
wlio has to make her own living , Isono other
need l'I ' > ly. My 1' . 0. addro3 la Crclgton. Knox
County , Mcliranka box 30 "II. S. " 477-S9p
"VAfAWlM ) 10 orm the ncntiMntanco m n tnio
V I gentleman ofIf ) or ( n or with meant ) to provide
Rood homo Must lie living 1o > Mo kind nnd true ,
Io\a Mmlnc nnd Industry til return. AddrcM SSS
euro ot HOC olllcc. * 77-2Pp
IfANTDD A rmpcctiblo firnlly to adopt ft tfltl
> baby , now at tha County I'uorllouso. 4tl27p
To hlro a fmall horse or pony to use
( rlljlitrclhcry wagon fcr about a month.
Wl'l ' bo will taken care of. Inqulreat llutchcr Shop
N. 18th .St 433-27p
\\TANTI.D A hcr'o or pony and phaeton , If the
II paiuo CMI bo had on a trade for a gnod lot In
Hanscom Place. Call at (31 Bouth 24th ttrrtt , after
6 p. m. 4 8iS-tf
txrANTED-Doarucrs to know the St. Charles IIo.
VV tcl on Harnev St. , Iwtweon 12th and 13th will
si t up the best table boat d f or $4 00 per w cek of nuj
house In the city of a corrcepondlng price.
roK KEKT UCCDCS ana talc.
HKNT line unfurnlalittl bed room. No
FOIl , 1116 Chicago utrci t. 623-3p
HKNT Kino house lorocmsnll coincnlcnc(8
IfOIl 1 or unfiirnNhcd. Immcdlato r > cnsc93-
Ion. Nathan Slielton , 2310 Dcnlgo St. fii.-27p
FOH KENT To gentlemen o Iy , furnished room
In prlxato family , on line of horse cars. Address
"lloston , " 110 tenth Uthttrcct. f.2i-2jp
REST Furnished room 1617 Chicago St.
FOR C.13tt
ItENT I rge front offices 1308 Karnam St.
suitable for dentist or doctor. Apply to John
II. F. Lehman and Co. , New York Dry good store ,
1310 and 1312 FarnaS St. 621.3p
FOH KENT Front suit rooms with front porch
Apply 1011 California St. 697 31p
"PVll ) KENT Furnished chamber , with use ol sit-
JL' ting room adjoining , to a lady having a rcepcct-
able occupation. Address , " 111Ilee oltlce.
400 27p
iOH LIIASE On Ions time , eight loti nn YFost
F Farnam St > cry sightly. Inquire ot II. O. Clark.
401 5
i/Oil ithft I1 llouae S. K. corner loth and Pacific
Jj O. Whelan. 433 2Sp
1011 11ENT Furnished rooms 2227 Dodge.4bOlm
F 4bO-lm
HKNT t Iret class hotel In llverallroad town
1 Knr particulars address "Hotel" care cf Bee.
HUNT A neatly furnished room and two un
furnished rooms , 1015 Chicago street4043Cp
TTIOIIIIIKNT To lad ) or gentleman , n small fur-
JP tUhed room In a strictly prluuo family , 1709
Burt itrtct. 471-S7p
I7OK i h.Ni % Largu elegantly furni'hcd front
J1 room , suitable for one or two guntlimin , 171D
Chlcogo street , 472-tf
KENT Three larliuincs of 8 to 2J rooms
FOH . Desirable kcnilo.i , Suitable for boaidlng
hoilBo or hotel. BAItKKIl & SIAYNf. 4U7-tf
7".OIl linNT Ijirgo fumler.cil room to Kfnlleman
* only , N. W. cor. IStli and Farnam. 435-tt
TpOIl KENT Nicely furnished rooms 10 6 N. ISth.
J ? 639-iDp
F'll I'.ENT Chatp , ono piano , one organ. A.
Hoipe , 1519 Lodge St. 4101m
RENT Furnished rooms at 840 22d street.
392 Wp
FOIl BEST With board. Ono largo front jiarlnr
handsomely furnished. AlbO a few table board-
erudcslrnl , 2009 CatsKt. 302-tf
IOItllENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping
keeping liccmcr's Block corner Sth and Huwsrd.
IOIl KENT-Furnishcd room 222 N. 10th.
135 tf
ITiOIl 11ENT Houto 0 roome. Inquire cf J. I' . Roe
6th St , 23f > . 'f
FOR KKNT Ono furr. ehctl room to gentleman
and wife , with board. 10H Webster St 7-lm
RKNT-ln Hcdlck's block. Btoreroora 120
FOH deep and good ollico room. Paultten & Co. ,
5J-3 Farnam , room 3 , 7flfl-tf
FOH KENT piano. Inquire at KJholm i Eilek-
eon's. 093-tf
FOIl KENT Store room 1509 Fare am St. , by
I'AULSKN&CO. 400-tf
11KNT PurnUhed rooms on too uanhwa
FOH . 18th andCapltolavonuo , formerly Cri-lfrcion
fjoiuo. IRO-d
UKNT Iloomj In Nebraska Natlona Banli
FOR . Most doelrsllu offices in the city
Supplied with hydraulic clo-ator on ted b
( team. Apply at Bank. 62S-H
dll"SALrT-iIcu > b"of e c
r on leased ground. Ground can bo leas d to null
| ) iirchaner. Apply at 2310 Chicago street.
/"IIIEAP $116 each will buy pony harness aril bug-
\J gy , Just the thing for a family. Apply Jeffiracn
quaro bam or 005 N. 10th St. 433-28p
OIl SALK Beat osta llihed retail tu > lnefs In
ti 1 Omaha , block will Invoice $12. < OUdolniabus
mc s of of over f 15,000 a jeur. I'roilti laigo. Good
reason for eelllng. Address "B. T. " Bee ulllce.
SALE Oil LEASE-SIx butlnefs lot * all or
FOIl of It en sautli l.tth St The whola w 111 uuko
u very beauilful rculdenci ) . Addrim"S B."Beo Hlco.
I7 > OIISALE A flmtclasa meat m > rKut wfth lUen
1' Ing attached , aluo a iilaiighter houtt and ail nee-
easiry reels for running A largo bunluesa. Address
1 . O , Box 15 , Genoa Nance Co , , Neb. [ 07-iUp
FOH SALE 200,000 hard burned brick or board
the cars at Omaha or Florence at lonoit market
prloo. Address Floienco Brlcx and Tile Co. , Omaha.
IjMell&Kcballtr , Agents. 1P6 1m
FOIl BALE Lo's In Hanscom place , on monthly
payments. 111KY& MOTTEIl , UOi Furnam.
FOIl SALE 3 icrcs un Leavrnworth St. , tplendlii
lootloD , and a guud btigalnat ' 81,400. 'lllBY It , MOTTEU.
Good lot toutb St. Jlary'n ave. 105x185
feet , rrlcoj .oca A bargain. IIIUY&M01' .
OAUKKll&MAYNE AgenU for Hanscom place ,
Lj Its8'60tuf 1,5'0cony ' terms
Thornbnrg place 01 , line of licit road tn West
Omaha , lots 1)180 to ttft ) u onlh'y ' pu } incuts.
Bellalr , 21 acre IcUSiSO oitli , monthly payment * .
Norwood , aero low 4u to $ tl'J ' monthlyp jmeit .
Luis In all roits of the city Diet lo's and bcit
term. BAIIKKU & MA NE.lSth ai.d Faroam
17 011 HALK Hall acre lots ln IJo thoc'tv limit * ,
I1 for $ tfOO on montnly ptyuiciita. L'arker &ll jnc.
FOK BALK ( ! 8-Niw6 riK > . ii > , aryo Lam ,
lot CdUlOtoutli mo , 8/,4'Oeani teniH.
( US ) N.w u room lioimc , lot U3xlt > 0 1'ark a\e.
(3) ( ) Klegant 0 roo-n cattiKa full lot 10th Et near
Lca\r > iivjrtli i-kK.-0 , < a y tunnt.
( IUS ) Nt-w 7 mum rottairv gonj l -n fie. , lot 7Sx
140 ( ivor tk at n. , one block from bi. or (4,0(0 ,
(151) ( ) Kull lot with 3 liouies of ) , b ana U room * ,
Ibtlitit. near I.eavtnuortli p > ) il 6ptr cout in In-
itma > t ffi&W.
( ISO ) KliviDt t ttory housi 8 rooms 19th ft. Ut
W b tcr snd Uurt 1SCO
(149) ( Full lot i > ew 7 room rutttgo , 2 M ckt from
trc tir' , In pU e 4IU > J ea < y term.
( < 8) ) NtatuottiKclot 4flxlSu ll.rnm- , leturcn
21't nd ted ir/J'.U. U.MtKKU & UAV.Ni : , } 3tli AI d
rium . MS tf '
IpftIL PAIE-p.y raulsen and Co. . * pecl l bargain II
1 r < ; r ft few da ) r only. A fillet did located full lot , U
onlf I niuare from St. Marj mcnuo , not over 8
( quite * rrom the Court house with cottag * . Call for
tot COXX42 on Convent St. , nrar St. M rj' avc. .
with ltKot o iitory house > 3lOO.
Corner lot 100x150 Park mo and Baltimore SU
with n elegant new built 10 ruom house lth all
modern IniprotemonK JV&CO
Corner lot , ICOiH ? Shirley and Virginia n\e. alt '
fctjcoJ with house well and ihado trees (1,000 , a bar- V
Corner lot 127x133 only 3 fnuatM from Vark avo. !
wish itood house , Ncry clunpntSMWj at crijy terms.
3tirceIotncentMiy loiaud liilllnlrwith a Urocr
jiriialo boarding houBotcgttlicr with furniture 22oo
at tx'ytonn ,
/ \ > plcndl.lch\nco for a dairy.
ItOacrts , 2 miles from city limits nl'hconeUntly '
runnliig water. ( Coicrncre , small cash pajmcnts ,
eon on dtitlrrd time.
l"iillotoii ! Contir near 13th lth new house and
ilo , \cry | > 1ca < Mit liunio. O\ll for pries.
* \ first CURS hou oand full lot , cnly a few ( quart *
from Sir. car , In Shlim's add. Will bo sold at a bar-
Jfoll lot , IJiquarcH froM car line In Sblim's lit.
Illon. nrsl class rotlilenco pr > purty 31'JiO en
easy lur n H ,
lots In Wlllcocx'g , Iledlck's , Hanfcom Place ,
Ilutr 0 k , Clarke ' p'sco ' , Donite'n , Olalnmi , West
Oiiulin A'Mn. at the lownt i riiif .
O-rncr 2W aid Plcrca St. 131 Jt'83 , wllh-t-5 room
iJUic ? , coal shodi" , well and i ! cisterns $0,0 U en
. - ) Icrnm by Paulsen & Co. , 16CO Farimmbt , room * 4SO-.8
IriOlt HAlit AI n bargMn , liMUtuof 4 loom good
linrn , largo lot ficitiKou Hamilton and Chattel
M.on Moo < west of Uonictitun llaalltrii St Ap.
plyfn the pictnlus. pi up
I.I. Ritdycratur. Aptl > ulij . , i.
473 X8p
TIOIl HAtiK A hor-io liu fy and Imtnes- " , sell eep-
* i a'.ely nr -ether , 2610 SU llurj'ga\e. 437-2Sp
SAliV Iario new Inrn wlili loni ? lca o on
yiound. In , ul.c at thu Iiornn liouso. 41'fl ' 27p
IrOll PATji. A lltnt-cUsa stock ot f neflils \
flolilcn opportunity for either lady < ir ire Ionian
Sm ll capital , gael trade cbtabllsnsd. Ailiu-s " 1.
L. W , " lloo omto. 449-tf
ll SAI.v : Cheap , imoiiil hand cirrldKo top
Inquire ? 42J ( Uodgc. 443-29p
fj Oii i'AljY : 1 , U n , , 7 and , . 1 Nno'sTml
JL1 ShcHoii aldltloiH. Face South and Kast , \ cry
s'Kktly. ' Inquire cf II. O , Clark. 492-30
TJOIt SAMI At a bargain , 1201 pound work horeo
J * In good order A. J. MAVPKU , ,
4.MK 325 Broadway , Couiull lllulTs , Iowa.
IJ10I1 SALE Second hand light top lm y end
1 tents ndlog caddie Iuiinrc | at Tiriell
Cook's Shoe stoic , 1SOO Farnam St. lOfl-tf
FOli SAI.B 1\fo story frame house , 8 rooms and
hill on L'nsj strrot , i e r 10th. Cash price , 81.CCO.
rOrlKR & tOllli. 1615 F.unnin strctt. 420-tf
"OOn S\LH Tlic gcod will and futures of the
1 Crclghton IIo isc , or will sell any part nf the Jin-
Inarcom or kitchen furniture acparataiy. Easy terms.
Apply on premised. 7S3-tf
SALE Very ilpslrable residence tor mal
1 f mlly , o'lo block oil St Mary's nvenuo , 10 block
froiapostoinco Loctlon Hno , f3,50U. Easy tcrml
nil & COIIIJ. 1516 Farnam Rfroot. fi21-tfa
" bAfjf , New nprl lit pi u.o as cost. / > 1'O one
I"pOli rent , 814 notih 17th street. 4C4-2Sp
& SALK A first-class Vu o ft > on Piano , nt n
FOI& . Inquire Eduolm & Krlcl.son'p. Ki tf ,
FOR SALE Two open necond-nind huiculoi and
oto delivery wagon , chvcp , nt 1SU' Uur i.y at.
LU A tmall IliMk-r. Bthinan &Co. , tire
proof baf < , almost now. at tN ! : c < ticr. ; tf
IrOll SAI.U A first cl s itool h'zo piny , goo 1 for
fulillo or K'IIB ! nn 1 d > uldo luriua" . 1'rko $7S.
Cla'3. Lnll nt Cajit 1 axo. luin. 495-tf
JJOll RAI.K The gord win and llxturos of the
' Cielghton House. Will sell the dining room and
Kitchen fund uro sepa'ntely or anv part of either.
A\ill exchnngo for Ian Is , luts or any oalo'-blo com-
moJily , or w ill tal o secured noti.3 on lung tlno In-
qiLiru nt Crtif liton House. ' S85-U
IilOlt-SALK JuoVo'e and Solid piano at a bar- '
1 * { 'xln. Inqiilioat IMhohu and Krickeon'fl mudlc
Btorn.on ICth M SS-tf !
JTIOIl SAtE-A ne > t h < mn full lot , ( rood location
P icarstrcet ca s. J3.000 tj y terms. Address
"f , J. L. " Bee oll'ca. 457-57p
rt. SALE A cho'co impred farm of 240 acres ,
J * irfll watirod. good building ; * larto orchard 80
scrcafoiee'l , within llmllOHof new block juti'snnd '
only t Hcsfr.meltv. at $55(0 icr acre. Ano2IO !
acrgnx'Ji'irilni ; ihn above , that can be Mil In SO acre
fat-j.smt i-O . . ! Si7 M | et atro. Terms easy. POTTER -
TER t U ' 1)11 ) ICt. Ftrnam ttrcct 4G4 tf
FOUSALU II n > o fi room * , It , 7JXH1) ) . barn , cis-
loni , trcci , tie ThornaU'aadilltlnn , jiistcfl bt * ' J
Mavir't Btrcet r line Irco SI.8UJ. i'OTTi : IS T
C II11 , IfilS Karnam ntre't , 48i-tf jf
TT'OIl ' SIE Cheapest house and lot In Omaha , In
J > 1'otter'a odd.tion , 8 fo .ms , wul S'.O barrtl cis
tern on two lots 1 0 feet fri nt bv 13,1 feet deep , for
82. CW. I'OTlKll&C 11B. 1515 Turnum St. 406 tt
I poll SALK Stock and fix'iiros , tnyc , ktiMoncry ,
1 fictions , etc. , FOB N. iflth t.trot , near C&sa. 0 n-
crciEnnt attend to It , and will sellrluap. 473-tf
] 7"M > lt. SALE Cumtng street property. Lot In Wai-
1 nut HIU , Ko ter'H and Domieckcn's nildltloin and
I , ts ch > ap nd on easy tcrmi ) . I'OT-
IKB i , COOB , 1515 Farnam struct.
ir OIl SA1.K A newhoupe , consisting of 5 rooms ,
JL1 closet and pantry , > lso clstetn ; with lot and a
ball of cround all set nut with fruit tfccs , grape
viiiiain , Bpltmd'd condition , only $ i 103. One ttird
cnrtli.bal.nco inG jcais. Apply N. E. cor. 15th nd
Do icaiB'rcct ' , south Omaha 4425
F ll S VLB-Cheap lota In Shlnn's 2nd addition ,
Klrkwood > nd Mnimiow. P01TLII & COBB ,
ItLS J'arimn street. , 42S-tf
T7W11 PALE Oil EXCHANGi acio farm at Elk-
-L' horn Station vtth largo 10 loom house , largo
burn tnd outhouies. J. n. Hl\ln , Elkhorn H'ntion ,
12HIodgo St , up etalrs 378-2p
"iriftll SACK We offi-r to r'nctimcri and otere ,
X1 7(10 ( iliolco Iowa Heifer * 2 jcorj old.
703 > i < , , i j * . . , i
550 " Steers 2 " "
S 3 > ' i > H
1 00 1 and ? year old grade bulls
Our cattle are yarded an I wo Invite Inspection.
_ 4,4ro. _ _ Ktraiign HPH. , S'oux ' City. lo a.
T OJl SAl.E-Houae 10x24 aiul luts 00x13. , ono lot I
' oncurncr In ( . 'red.t Konclcr addition. Price
PO1TEII S COBB , 161.1 Tamom Bt , ' 4Z7-U
to $350 bti)9 an cloirniit lot In Htnscou
Place , on monthly iiaj mentx , If j on ten to.
TT'OJl HtLK Half aero lo'a within nuo block ot '
JD HiuinlofB H , Yen nice Kronml , $510 on month *
lypajmonU that Is loss thai , a null I ta are selling
for talf a mile further out. Darker & Mayno. '
FOJl SLKTwenty acres of the Griffen farm , Si it
nillca from the Postulltro , and Lilly two blocks
frcn I'ratt'd bub-dl\lslon. Will b sold In 4 , 5 or
Id tcro lota Inquire Omaha Carutt Co. , 1511
" ' - treet 270 tf
F01 ! SALR Farm II mlleu from city , near Union
Stuck jards. Inquire at Mm. Meyer , over Boo
rter" ! Drug etore , li < th and Webster. 87X-
OIl 8ALE-3 beautiful lo's 76xl4J nc r the head
o > ( fat. Mary's nvo t Jl.-tO mi < .asy tcrirs. Al o
3 rLcciut Jo'ii on park av onlr si 30 ach , Ilirkcr
i N. II Corner 13th anil Farna a. 2i5-tf
L.l' ' One Plal > 0 , as good as new. Cheap ,
it llosj e , 1619 Dfcdjo ( 409 im
FilIISAI.E At a 1' houe of 0 roomi on i
M I223N. lithSt.
FORflATE Aflne lot In Hanscom Place. WUI
-Mia horeo nd buggy or pha.ton In trade If
joitvint to trade , call l bJl touth 24tU street ,
m. SOa-tf
< ) H SALE hiap , line dritiug horao , buggy and
lumens Apply rojmiil , umaha National Bank
BuUJuiK , 2 5 tf
\ - - fitrmrf 40" acred , hu
1 fixnl liulldlnus andlnipioveini-iit , some ttock and
linp ttun , want t > Kk tf mxjcha Ulsu of about
$ ll. 0AdJrcta 0. IIi'ii-j , Lu.dlicJ. 6U-tf
TH AVl"t : > I'll ' 8Tut.UK A w hie roan tevt alont T
jelr < old , Uioit tall tuH ali.ut . to ln\o a calf.
Tin ( lolannwntd wllioud ! | fur her r < turn tu Jm
btcpheu < ou' Llury UMo , 'till St. t maha. [ 07 11
' One stray red nun hor'o 3 > oi > rs old.
Cull at A. S. u.trouaX coruvr Caiaphtll and
Uoniu , N. W , Onahi. 2 4 5w oow.
llcjil K tate and M irtgjgu Luiintu\o ) rcmo\ed
to .N" I&03 Fjrn.Mn itioct. up tUir > , room 13 , one
doorwtof thelrform r locaHoii , where they may
bu ( on nil until completion it the r new building- f
Q | /tnUKWARII for ny case rl DiphthctU
DLUUllut cannot he ctirn by Dr. JcflrUV A
Ooujcll Bluflipreieutlveu ) > d cure. Sender It. ,