Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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IIttlM > im
. , . . ,
Until offices are repaired from result ol flrc , otB
with Pr. 1'orkcr , It oin C , CrclRliton lllock 1Mb
wid Dauiiwiitt cet .
< ZilO 3.3tlx WJtl-oot ,
OMAHA . Nr.H.11
G17 St. Clinrlcs St. , St. I.onis , Mo.
A rrgulir ( r dl to ofl o Mpillol C < llr ( ; > , Im I rn lonjtr
ngiictd la the | > ee1nllrc&tmentc > f CiiROrttr , NiKvoti RKIH
Ana ItiooD IiimuitiYthau aor olhrr rh .kUolu Bl.LooU ,
M cttj I I IHn ihotv nntl all eli truldentn aooir
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Alice-
tlons ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , ate tmtc.t nti unnnoteiul
utrm.un liiicitfrltulinc i.rlmiilc. f , li TtUiilelj ,
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , hici > rroiiucc > omo or the
lullonlnt rflcCUi nuiuniijoi , dtlillilr , dlmnrM of tllhl
_ indiletrclltK memorj-.ilmplMon Ihe r tfrtijilt l Jccaj ,
< irtiloiilolli loclttjr or femalecooruslea or UfaMe. ,
ronaorlnK MnrrJpffa Improper or unhappy , ar
pcrmancmljcured , l'imphkt'i ( I 8 ) cnllie nl.oi . fnl
la leMrd cntclopc , frtclo nr aJdtiM. Coniull.Mlon alof-
Oeo or k mall free , andlnrltcj rlto rorqueiUoal.
A Positive Wriiten Guarantee
jlrei In all cur.Me ca et , lcdlclnei neat crcrTuhero.
Famphlett , Enallslj or German , 04 paeon , tin-
cribluc above diieasca , In mala or female , rilEJE.
ICO f aRes , flne platei. lltnttrnted In cloth and tilt binding
sou.inoncjorl'omgti iime , | | er eo\rr , SSc. Tllj btai
icnulni all me curious , donnful or Inqul.ulto > nt to
know. A book or great Inlcreit to alt , Uialtli , lleaulr.
Uari'loMi ' are lu atlrlce.
Coiniictintr in Union Depots : it ( liv ,
Oin ill i nml DenveiMvitli tluoujli ti-.ilns loi'
And all points In the Gicat'c < -t
ycs- <
f necting 1 < ! nuul Union Depot nt Chicago
> \ Uli througli trains for
Ifinr YOJtK , JiOSTON ,
And nil Kastnrn Gltii-s.
At 1'coiiwltli thioiiKh tmlnslor Indianan.
olN , Clnclinutl , Columbus , nnd nil pointH in
tliuSouth.Unst. At St. Louis with tliiough
tnilns tor all points Soutli.
/ Co iclies , 1'nrlor Care , with Ito.
. , ? Olinlia ( se.its lieo ) , Smoking Cars n Itli
Revolving Chillis , Pullman 1'alaco Sleeping
Cars ami tlio famous C. It. ft Q. Dining Can
rim dally toancl from ChlcaRO and KansiH 01 tv ,
' k.u'VC/hiciuioaml Council mulls : Chicago mill lt > s
> R xtolncs , chlcnKo , St. Joseph , Atohlson anil
TfAltopcto without cluuiKc. Only thioiiRh llnu
lunnlns their own ttulns between Uhliagn ,
J.lncoln ami Denver , and Chicago , Kimsis
City anil Uunvcr. TlnoiiRli can bctwuon
Imllaimixilis and Council lllulls , via I'eotia
Solid Truing ot Kle ant Day Couches and
riillinnn I'alaeo Sleeping Cai 3 m o i nn dally to
and fiom St. l.ouls ; via Hannibal ; Qiilncy ,
Kcnkuk , lliullngton , Cedar Kapldsand Albeit
J.ratoSt. Paul and Minneapolis ; l'.u lor Cars
Avlth UcclinliiR Chairs to and Iioin St. Louis
nnd Peorln. Onlyono chaiiBoofcai-s between
8t. l.otiisuml DCS Jloines , Iowa , Lincoln , Ne.
bra ku , and Denver , Colorado.
It Is also tlio only Thiough Line bbtweon
It Is known as tlio | ? rcut TIIIIOUGII O\l !
LISi : nt America , and is unlvei-sully mlmil
' ( I to lie tlio
rinest EqaJpf sd Sailroad ia the World for
all classes cf Travel.
Thioiish Tickets via this line lor calo ntn5-
U. It. Loupou ticket olllces in the United .Suites
( Ciinadii.
I. ' . J. 1-OTTnit. I'KnOKVAL LOWELL.
Vlcc-Prfi &O n Marar r Gen J' * s / .
Peoirn to jlelil c\crjr time to treatment with Swill's
Cpiiifio ,
SparUnhurff. S. C. , Mtrch IS , 1F8I.
Yrur uios * Milia lo mt'illclno ( Snllt'o KimilL ) lias
ilo'je nu i mncli Komi tlut I feel llku f"turg thm ( ur
tlio bu'cllt of thuue who Buffer llko I id. I wua
imsoiio 1 > > > P ! on Oak , Midmw not uull ( by for
wx vmri , until I i' ' ol HwlftV Hpe'-ifi' ! In tlio t > lx
lure I mod ulrnnit o\ery Unil of moJio IIP , but nonu
f * Jj\.lilieilp'ir' > i ) fr tt. Alttr uslii' fix liittlrs cf
riSift'n H , ce'flo ' I am ro toreil t j > crfcct health with
not a BIK'II of Iliit f w'nl tiolson Ivltl
Yours Truly ,
' -hi' ' for thirty eWit joirs saflereil tv.ry
nnJfU'OiMor with Pohnn Oak , which I oialnile > l
In Mtli'iivhsi ' B hoy. f trlrd cverjthlDj ; for II , In
cluding nunVphyjUUnu , 1 ut without fttiy lieni fit. I
took six bottloi of Swift's Spccino ( S. 8 S ) four
yenra nio , and It curoil mn toiioil and will , 'ihrco
bunrnora have I'&ajed ' , and I have hail no rtturn ol It.
JOIEI'll I1SA8LKV , ColumhlM , Oa.
Our Troxtlse on Dlood and tiklu Ulsciaes nulled free.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa.
N V , Olllco , 163W.23 St , bet 6 > h and 7th aya
Tlio stevmhlps of thli nell-known line are built of
iron , In water tljlit compartmcnti , anil aru furnUlf
oil witu every rrquisite to m ko t'te um K both
site and agrteaUe. They carry the Unllcd Hlutea
and Eurojioin inalln , anil 1 rate New York ) Thura-
ilaraamlaaturdavafor I'lrmouth ' ( LONDON ) Cher.
\iourg \ , ( I'XIUS ) a-id HAMI1USIO.
lilted : First Cabin , O'B , * 70ond tSO. RtceraRe.a O.
Henry I'uudt , Mark Ilatmcn , K. K. SlonrosM. Toll ,
Kentsln Omaha , Oroncwk ? ft 8chvntgcn , ? entdiu
Council Illull * . 0. li : KICUAKU * CO , , Ocu. I'M * .
Airts. , Blllroaduay , N , Y.
Platt mouth , - . . . Neb ,
Cnrrrsponilencn noli
1 0 Head of Steers Three Years Old.
200 .1 i. 4i T Q ( i
20) ) " " Hclferi , Two "
160 " ' 8teere , One "
820 ' " Hdfers , Ono "
Tbo aboyo described cattle are all will bred Iriwa
< attle. gtralgbt and imxith. Tli'Jto cattle will be
old lu lota to Hilt puictnnori , and at rcawn iblc
prlcw. for further ractluilan , cill en oraddam
M. K. I'ATfON ,
Warerly , liiomir Oa , Iowa.
( Capital Price $75,000. ,
"Ifedoktrety etrUfy that u nuftrviit ( i < ai
ttjemtiUt for all the Monthly and Scmi-Annwi
auiwi < tf the Iiotiinana State tottery Company
rton inanait atiit control the Dratniyi
, and that the taint art eondueM tntt
konettvfairnttt. atui in good/aitk touanl all txir
'ltiatvt we autlicritf the ccmpany to ut t\iicer
'incatt , wiAaffiwitf of our '
( n ic aiic'Ttuemrnti , "
OyorHaiu Million Disirilniteu !
Louisiana statcliltcry ComiianY ,
Incorporated to 1SSS lor Si yoara by the IcRl l lni >
or educational and oharltablo purposes with a ot- ]
tslol $ l.oOO,000-to which n loserv * fund of ovoi
650,000 has since boon added.
By an oxornhclmlni ; popular rote Ita franrhlsi
was made a inrt of tha present ttato oouitHulior
doptod December 2d , A. V. 1879.
Its grand ninglo number drawings will
ok place monthly.
It no\oi acMog ot postpone * ,
nt the following Distribution : ICDth
Ornnil Monthly ami the
Extraordinary Seuii-Amiual Drawing
In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans ,
'JL'UliSOAY.aUNIC 17 , ISK1.
Under the upcclM supervision and management of
GEN. G. T. BEAUUEGAUD. of Louia-
iana , and GEN. JUBAL. . A. EARLY ,
of Virginia.
CAPITAL P1U55E , § 150,000.
GTNotlcc , Tickets are Ten Hollars only. Hah op ,
$5. I'iltlu , Ji Tenths , $1.
1 CAl'ITATj P1UZB OF $150,000. . . . ? 1EO,000
1 OIIAND 1'HIXK OF 60,000. . . . 60,000
1 (1UAN1) l'UI7B OF 20,000 . . . . " 0,000
2 LAUGE 1'HIZKS OF 10,000 . . . ! 0,000
4 LAUGK 1'UIZia OF 6.000. . . . 20,000
23 I'lUZES OF 1,000 . . . . 20.0CO
60 " 600 . . . . 25,000
10J " 301) ) . . . 80,000
tOO " 100 . . . 40,1100
COD " 100 . . . . 00,000
CO ) " 60 . . . 50,000
100 Approximation Prhea of $200 520,000
100 " " lr 10,000
100 " " 76 7,600
270 Prizes Amounting to . $522,500
Application lor ittf s to cluba thouM bo uudo OL ! }
o the ollloo of the Coa'pony In Now Orlcanp.
For lurthcr Information write clearly glvlnc ful1
hlroES llako P. O. ilonej- Orders pajablo ta <
address RcKlstorcJ Letters to
Now Orleans , L * .
Postal Notci and ordinary lettcio by Mall or Ei
ireiB ( all auma ol $5 and upwards by Kxprcd' ) at ovi
Tpenso ) to
ir M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , U.
"I mvht to knownbout
It , " waa the reunrk of
n ccntlcniin to his
raiti ] > ailon In pMsliii ;
the exhibit of Uldi o'a
1'ood" utn recent fair ,
uavo rcniud Iho
Idten on it. ' Such
( cslimon ) us this cov-
urlnicnrd . uf time ,
s better than nil argu-
ircnts. ItldKo'a I'uod
still lualntnlni the lia 1
ns bst Euitod to i.ll
auilconaltlui'H of child life. In can , Sr : , C5c ,
25 and 31 76. Sold ilruRnbta ScudtoVOO1 ,
licit & CO. , 1'alniur , iKij , for pamphlets ( dec )
cncarnln f rcirlri- i lul ircn.
Spii'ius , Eclampsy and
Nervousness : ire
The Honorariums are due
only after success.
Treatment by Correspondence
PROF. , ,
warded the first cln'i RoM Medil ( or hed
morlta by th "Sccictic Scientlflqnp
( the 1 nnch scientific orlcj.
O , PInco Uu Trono , ( J , IMK1S.
_ _ . a
n April , May nnd Juno , IRSt. PAbSAOK TICKKTS
y ail ATLANTIC STEAMLUS. Srcclal locllitlcs for
ratlrsln EUROPE , hy a'l routvs , at reduced ratis.
COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with maps and ( ull par-
particulars , by mail 10 cents. A < ldri s
TIIOS. COOK Si StON. M v Uroadwa , N.
testem Cornice-
1111 DonglM SI. Omtht , Nob.
Galvanized Iran Cornices
jttTDormor AVIniloAi , FintaX Tin , Iron tid Slito
looting , Hio-ht'a | Patent JlcUllio HkjllKht , Patent
( ijusted It-Vclict Itar and Uracktt alitlvln . 1 am
bo gcnenl a/ont ( or the aliovo line of gouili. Iron
Penolnif , CrshtliiKB. HalustraJoa.Vtranilas.Iron Hank
lalllnKB , Wli.dow Dllmli. Collar Oaards ; alsa ( {
agent for I'tpmniift [ Ull'a Patent liiBli'o llllnd.
ISUCOK380IIS TO TIIK J. M. B. i : U. 00. )
The inoit exteaslvo u.anul tturer of
500 S. Tenth Btreet. . . OMWA.MEIL
/twl'rlces / of Illlllrd and Pool Tal.lta . ai.d m terlal ,
tuitiUhvJ /jprllratlgn. . .
Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom ,
13 South S.1 Street , St. Louis , 411 Uelawaro Street
Kau&M C'lly , JIo. , 1821 Uoiilfl" St. , Om b , 6l ) .
Write fur Catalcvues anj 1'floo lia/u.
flic'Bofly - Fonilfl in the River Near
BollcyncParlly AcconiitcdFor ,
Supposed to bo tlio Hotly of n Young
liolioiiilaiivlio DlsnppOArcd
Iinst .Jniiunry ,
Since the fituVmij of the body
in the " Missouri river , near Hollo-
vuo ln t Fridny , there has , boon n
; deal of talk as to who the murdered
man was and when ho came to liis un
timely end. All has ended in talk , no
more was known than at first , but now n
BEK reporter , after making c roful in-
] uirios. is of the opinion that what seems
to bo a dark and unfathomable mystery
can bo accounted for and the body can bo
identified if aeon by friends in this city.
! &Tho readers of TUB BEK will remember -
bor tint an account Was given in the col
umns of tliis paper of the ntrango disap
pearance of a young man of this city by
the immo of Matthias Free , on the night
of January 17th last. Ho was a Bohe
mian and on the date mentioned ho left
this city , after a bal' ' , to accompany sev
eral vfomon across the river to Council
Bluffs. Since that time nothing has
been heard of him and no trace as to his
wheroabouta could bo found.
Ho was dressed about as the body
which was found at Uolloveu was said to
bo attired , ho had auburn hair and was
ibout twenty-tiro years of ago. Moro
than this , ho had loft the Austrian army
in 1883 and had his discharge papers with
! nm. His place of residence was given
as Alspossokan , Germany. The young
man who disappeared from this city had
jomo from St. Postrekov. A prominent
Bohemian in this city says that in their
nngungo the St. means old , hence trans-
atod in Gciman it might easily have
icon written Alspusaokan. I'hyniciana
say the body , oven had it been thrown
into the water last January , might have
icon preserved , providing that it was
[ listened to something near the
bottom ot the river and cloao
o a spring , protected from the air and
ihat it might have bccomo detached only
a very short time prior to the finding ot
it. The address of the man in the mem
orandum book tallies very closely with
: hat of a proniincntBohomiau who lives at
.ho number designated in St. Joseph. The
thing which is most mizzling is the pro
of the Theatre "ot
gramme Comiquo re
cent dato. " The question now arioca "how
ocont woa the date of that programme ? "
Nothing has been said further than it
was of recent dato. Some might con
sider any date in the year 1881 of recent
date while others might infer that it
was within the last few weeks. At any
rate the matter is worthy of inoro careful
nveatigation and in case the body wan
jxhumed it might bo that oomo of the
! rionds of the young man who ao mystor-
ously disappeared from this city might
Jo able to identify it as being the same.
Then to ascertain who tlio women wore
; lut young Free accompanied over the
river would bo an uasy matter , and in
; hia way his disappearance might bo ac
counted for.
SMOKE Seal of North Carolina Tobacco.
Unity Concert and Sociable.
The unity concert and sociable , at Fal
coner's hall last night , proved a great
success. The first part consisted of lit
erary exercises , interspersed with some
excellent musical performances , which
were much appreciated and vociferously
applauded. The second part comprised
a terpsichorean entertainment , in which
all took part very energetically. The
following gentleman composed the highly
efliciont committee on arrangements , to
whoso untiring efforts the brilliant succeso
of the entertainment is mainly attrib
utable : Mrs. Wm. Wallace , Mra. A.
Pollock , Mrs. W. E Oopoland , Misa Ida
Sibson , Mrs. llawitzer , Mm. J. R.
Shrove , Adolph Meyer , \V. K. Smith , J.
II. Shrove , John Cadby , Goo. Starin
and Thos. Curry.
The clti/ons of Frankfort , Spink county ,
ilantocl GOOltrccH thin spring.
Mitchell's city ccuucil hna jia-Kcd nn ordi
nance , making the Hcuso for skating rinks
The records ehow Bovon lnmdraJ and fifty
liiitrtur Ncctiona of duo loJ UucU in JJay
JJi hop llaro is in Sioux Falls perfecting
arrangements for the location of the 1'pioco-
pal college ,
AVheat , o tn and fbx ere growing rapidly In
[ lutchliiEon coimtyiiml proHiecU [ for an uliiiu-
dant yield woio ue\ur better.
Twouty-olght thouHaml ncro * of v.hout Imvo
jeon sown thii joar nn the Ualryinjilo furin
nnd deeding fmlbhod tlirco weolui curlier than
last yenr.
The Barnes county farmers are putting twice
the amount of work on their land time thuy
lave formerly done , and a inoro abundant
crop is expected.
Tlio Mandnn Pioneer bollovoi that in ton
yours there will ho 1,500 to1,000 inhabitants
in every younj ? town on the line of the North
ern Pacific In Wont Dakota.
That fatal Hcourago , diphtheria , haulvlaitod
Buffalo county anil t ikon the father and live
: hlldron out of a family named Lanton , gpar-
'ng only the mother and ono llttlo girl.
A colony of eighty Kussiaim arrived In
Brown county a faw woolen agu , and reported
ttat twice us many of thulr countrymen will
eoon follow. They are a well educated dims
of people.
ighty government claims , amounting to
12,800 acre , wera filed on at thoUnltod Stated
land oilice in Fargo during ono week recently ,
and final proof wan mailo on thirty-sov on
claims , or > , 'J20 ' acrod.
Alfred M. Peace , the treasurer of Bnrnen
county , who disappeared eonio time tinco , IIOH
not boon found and in thought to bo a defaul
ter to the extent of 'JI,37u'.BG , the amount
short an shown by thu bookr.
Work Ii halng rapidly pu-hed ou the St. P. ,
M , & M. oxtonmon north from Portland
Tralll county. The work ia being divided ti |
Into nhort Hoctlona , und tlio contracti call for
the completion of tl < o woik by the 15th m
.luly. Iron la to b < l.dd ux fait UN the trad I UK
U complotnd , and tliooiiiiro road will Im It
running order ia tiuio to mote the growing
OrnBBontlio'Ijurumlo ' v.ulnn ! ia looking finely
and the largo flockn of snoop , which are gruz
ing there , appear to bo doing well ,
Tlio work of discharging Union Pacific em
ployes at Laramie atill contiuuoa , A batch ol
? 0 were discharged from the shops lust week.
Branches of the Kntghta of I < ahor have
hoau organized In Cheyenne and Laramlo.
Nearly 100 inombora ulgnod the roll In eith
The total \ aluatiou of asHOBaublo propertj
In Croak county will reach the mini of 83,000 , .
C03 thtd year. Three years ago the lifluc&smonl
amounted to only $500,000. ,
Carbon county'ii cominlaalonord have con
tracted for tha Binklng of an artesian well a' '
KawlinH. I'l'lio prlco to bo paid id 80.25 pe
foot for the tot 600 foot ; after that l.-5 pet
BTLolChDyenno Loader has a story that the
ludy of one of Jim Jiewii'ii teamster * win
found rrcontly , under hUwgo , IIOM Hock
Creek , the tflnm. In ft hall * t r > od condition
b lng di cm orod tle'd to the wlieoN Irvnd jnllo.
It nuruiti os that A mnnpiiilan toamitor inur-
doted tliO ihti nud ilro\oult with another
tottn , twomah nml toims hn > lng loft Fort
Fottorman for Hook Crook together. Tlio
body ga\oovldonco that the mn had boon
dead aomo days.
AtSaWllo , 85 mlloi north of Choycnnp , on
the 20th , ( tfloigo MetoUf wta co locrntclythtt
and killed by William Milonoy. Tlio mut-
iloror wa < captured and lynched , within a tow
IIOIIM after coinuittlng the deed , by a jutty of
niftikod men. In rosiKimo to the rexiunU. "If
lie lud any thing to xay before dlig , " Main *
ney said , "writo to my mother st Center ! illo ,
Iowa. " Mclcilf , the munlerod man , was an
KnglUhmaii about firijoars of ago , of quint * > od
inolfonslvo nmnnora and well liked by * ! jjtk \ >
know him. On the otln-r handMaloiiit MtBft
young man of aluut 22 yearn , a tin hum gam-
; ilcr , wlio followed the construction of camjn
thnniRh the northwest , playing poker , and
though not a bad imn was generally put down
a dangerous coward.
The City Council of Fort Collins IIAK adopt-
cd a prohibitory law.
Denver has had eighty-two inunlora in Ha
listory , and not ono formal hanging.
Sixty-four foot of snow foil nt the Sunbrinlit
cabin , Mt. Wilson , Doloroi county , dunng
.ha pjst winter. uj ) ti ' " - - . . . _ - . .
Colorodi ) SpringV liii'i"abandoned her nrto-
M m well after boring l.-'OO foot and kinking
SL'.SOO in the \onturo.
The Sioux ipiarrlo * , at Fort Collins glsn
omploj inont tu 200 hivnds ntjirwont. 'llili
* . > rco will noon bo increased to 3000 ,
l.onKiuont'a now Mn onlo hall was
od wlthimpiMlug coroinonio ! ) . Over HOI ) I\la- \
ions \\oro present from the neighboring to\\n < .
Tlio HOW Union Pacific hoijiltal at Doin cr
\ill bo iipenod .luno 1. A corps of ulster. ) of
ho order of St. FraucU111 have Uiargo of
.ho uttnbllshmont ,
The gra s crop of Colorado for the pronont
_ a\ \\iil bo win th $30.000,000 nt least. If
ho mineral output roachoa $30,000,000 m.n > ,
ho two will bo a pretty good ( how ing for 300-
' 00 pooplo.
The lloiiublicau delegation to the lilnino
convention In ChicaRo , numbering about Mxty
lorpous , oxcliHiNo of the Lincoln club , will go
3aat o\or the Union P.xcltio lino.
There hooms In bo a growing demand in
Colorado for cattle in bunches of 500 anil 1000.
V grout deal of e.ipHul U Booking in\oUmout
n small nuns , but in this particular matter it
eenis dltlicult to purchftflo cattle in such amalt
Tliomai O'lloilly , a section hand on the
South Park road was thrown from a push c. r
iear Comoo recently , nnd killed. On his body
\oro found Union P.iulic pay chockH for SJW.
icortilio of in the FirntNational b.uik
if lou\or , forIOOj ono on tho(5oiumn iNa-
ional , of Donxer. for $83. llu also owned
, no lots in Denver , whore ho has a brothor.
Controller Dunn has footed up the co t of
ho reeont oxtta aogstun of the legWaturo nntl
iuds the apgrogito to bo $74,025.0an ! > aver-
igoof Sl'lli'J.l'J a day.
Louis Colin , a dry goods merchant of llodlo ,
was forod to ride out of town on a r.xil , his
) ody siiioarod with tnr and foitliorn , for an-
oultiup the 10 old daughter of a railroad
Ferdinand Paclieco , a natlxo of California ,
aged 07 yoara , died at Concord , Cat. , a taw
days ago. Ho wcighod117 pounds and hia
hoes were No. 10. Tlio codin In which ho was
juried was four feat wide , three foot deep nnd
oven foot long. About two years ngo ho
nrnod the Ecaloa at TiUO pounds.
The Colorado & Nevada railroad company
mvo contracted for the construction and
equipment of n narrow gango road from San
jVancisco to the Nevada Btnto lino. 'lhodn-
tanco is 250 miles , and the contract for the
construction nnd equipment calla for ? 5,000-
000 , payable in the firdt mortgage d per cent
; old bonds of tlio company , nnd S-f.OOO.OCO of
ta capital stock.
IN ( i
Caldwell. Idaho , w.w Khakon up by lire , rain
and wind , last week , Tha losses foot up $10-
The proflidont ha isiuod a proclainaUon , ro-
stoiing to the public domain the landa not
apart by oxocuti\o order IIH a renovation for
tbo Jicarrllla Apache IndiaiiH , in thu northwestern -
western part of Now Sloxico , embracing 307-
000 acres.
A five-logged colt won foaled atPro\o , U.
T. , lost week. The fifth leg tarts at the fot.
lock jiout on the loft foot and the foot ia as
perfectly formed na on the other four foot.
I'lio animal has a very bright face and excites
coneiderablo curiosity.
Durlntr the month of April the Denver t
Ilio Grande carried eixty-ono cars of ere , ag
gregating 1,230,000 pounds , from Utah to Col-
jrado , to bo Bmeltod. During the aamo time
the roud brouRht sixty-livo uar loads of Colo-
nidoorc , 1,270,000 pounds , for reduction at
our smellers.
The Utah k Northern surveying corps is
nmncd near Dillon , awaiting ordora from
dquartcr ? ,
Spectators to the ArcCny-MoWonald prize
fiplit at liuttn , had to p y S2.00 for admia-
sion and S.HO for reserved Hoati. Jixciiuion
-roiiu were run from auiroundii g townn.
It ia reported that Utah & Northern enpi-
noorH are Biirvoying on tha MadiKon , and tlut
Hovoral forcoa of men are at work grading < -n
the contemplated ruuto tor the extension nl
the route to liozonmn , and thu cxtonhivo coal
luinoi imutcdlatoly oaHt of thu town ,
Mr. Logan'a boom h is rcnmlnod to long
in the ulmclo that it bo ius to smell musty.
Four million sandwiches will bo carried by
Republican candidatcH to Chicago.
lion liutlur ia in the field and doci tils own
liosa Koycs , of Wisconsin , iannthiulufiUofor
liliilno , buti < a > a ho does not HCII how ho can
bo nominated.
Railroad employes aiontanding guard over
freight cnrri in urdorto prevent politicians from
atcallng rldosto Chicago.
The position of thu Kngllahea , of Indiana ,
Ia about this : "If wo c.ui't hiva jilo for father
we'll take a uiokle for V"llllo. " And they
took UN too ,
I'\ cry democratic loader declares that Mr.
Tildenla his first cholco for the pnuldonuy.
How manyof them hops ho has written a let
ter declining the nomination.
Klghty years ago North Carolina had as
many roprosontativoa In congress oa Now
York. North Carolina now has nine , or one
lo a than xho had In 1BOO , while Now York
has thirty-four.
President Arthur may bo guilty of playing
a guitar , ns ho is charged , but no matter. Wo
find no call for reporting to personalities ii
this campaign ,
Hoswoll Pettlbono Flower It gathering In a
good many delegates to the Now York demo
eratlcHtato condition , but they will do bin
little goo 1. It liacamn clear in my dnya ngn
that the Flower boom WIH only a p.iuy blu <
Ccneral ] Iancoclivi | bft-n ho-ird from ngjli
on tuo tariff qucHUm. JIu think * it Ii mat
ter that ought tu bn nott'ud ' uuUnlai'l pohtliH
( rent rid Han -o k U bti.l a g ol nun , am
wclgh 2.'iO punnds ,
The bleeding Hcalp of the filar-cyiid goddi'sa
of reform dangled form Ham Haudull'a bellOwing
Owing to clrcumstancon over which ho has nu
control , the Htar-oyod goddess will not venture
out Into Bocloty again until oho hat procured n
now act of bangs ,
Prlvato I > alzllo nays two ghost * will occu
py , iilnng with many llvo men , the ropublicai
platlorm at Chicago ; that of Lincoln will bo
on ono felde of the chairman , and that of ( Jar
field on thu other It ia a pity that the
ghost of Private Dalzell coulUn'l bo picscn
an wnll ,
The Philadelphia Record ( Ind. ) MMiin
that "Col. A , Ijoudon Suowdan will ba u win
dldato for United States Senator next your I
Don Cameron U out of the field , llomuana
buslnCHj and no droerf parade. Uhairmai
Ihomaa V. Cooper Is alno in the flghtand ha
boon interviewing Leoda , McManos , Lane
and the local loadotH to loam what tin ) pros- '
JprctUo PhiUdelphlumemborawilldo for him ' ,
j The moat of UIBIU are for Snowdon , uwd the
Chairuiaii obtilned but llttlu encouragement ; .
Not Knotili | Hulls ,
Unquestionably n mistake that larjtt
numbuis of mou , make , perhaps n majors
ily , who mini ) c. ltin on the range , js too
Rival economy in the matter of balls. Of
course with a scant supply of build the
calf crop is sure to bo short and the profits
out down in the same or oven greater
r.Uio. Vheiwor bulls are allowed to
rj. m with the herd , the wear and tear on
hem is ouormous and rapid , and they
ull perhaps servo the same cow twenty
'hues during a single period of hont , re-
mlting in but ono calf and doing thorn-
ielvoi moro harm than they ordinarily
Tould in siring twenty calves from as
tinny dillorout cows in anything like a
loasonabto timo. Itsoomstobo a bull's
laturo to stay M ith the name cow for a
lay or _ sonic t lines two days nnd in the
nuantimo several others that should bo
icrvod are wholly neglected , nnd ospoc-
ally is this the case in thu 1 usiust season
of warm weather , when their powers are
nest severely taxed. With the poor
landling thu range system of breeding
locoaaitaton thu not rosnlts from n bull's
iorvico can scarcely bp moro than tuenty-
ivo per cent of what it would bo wore
10 kept in control nnd the lunoun' . and
times of aorvico regulated by proper
Much of thoranchmnn'asucccBsin bound
o depend on his having a liberal nbund-
incu of vigorous bulls with hia herd at
ho right time ; firstly that his cows may
> o bred , and secondly that the bulk of
'heir calves may come at so nearly the
lame time as to make the younjj stock na
argoly nnifonn ns possible. It Is inn-
ormity , particularly uniform oxcollunco ,
hat attracts the buyer and braces him up
o put on the extra dollar per head when
closing n purchase , and losing sight of
his has cost many a good follow the lit-
lo margin that so often divides success
rein failure.
The Live Stock Indicator beliovoa tlmt
ho boat investment many ranchmen
ould make would bo thu increase of
heir bull stock at loimt 111) ) percent in
mmbnru. There is not one clmncu in
en thousand of hnuiig too many while
here are unquestionably plenty of herds
hat do not have half unough and it is
ho poorest sort of economy to either
iractlco or encouragp when bulls aru so
ibundant and low priced as at present.
The argument used by some is , us n
veil-posted contemporary puts it , that
'the ranchman contends ho has bulla
enough for his own cons , but tlmt his
loighbors are derelict , and that ho docn
tot propose to buy extra bulls for his
loighbor's herd. There are a good many
nen mean enough to allow their cows to
10 served by the bulla belonging to
) thcrs ; not roalizim ; that they are purau-
ng a very short-sighted policy ; not only
ebbing .their neighbor of actual value ,
iut curtailing their own profits by hav-
ng moro cows than bulls to nerve them.
V bull gets about 20 to 25 calvoa year
vith perfect oaao. Figure what n calf is
vorth to you , and multiply it by 25.
flu ) calculation will couvinrn nnv man
hat lie can got It to 5 improvul mills for
ho sum he loses in one year by having
ono bull less than ho ] Hliould.Camus
Tity Stock Journal.
Sprint ; Spot-In.
At Now York Indiannpoliu , 7 ; Brook-
yn , C.
At Pittsburgh Game postponed ; rain.
At Fort Wayne Came postponed ;
ruin ,
At East S.uiglnaw Sanginaw , 0 ; Po
oriii , 10.
At Now York Boston , 2 ; Now York , 1.
At Washington Louisville , 4 ; Wash
ington , 1.
At Cleveland Detroit , 4 ; Cleveland , 1.
At New York. Metropolitan ( J. St.
Louis 7.
At Philadelphia. Providence It , Phil
adelphia 4.
At Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids it ,
Quincy ! ) .
At Muekogon. Muskcgon 10 , Milwau
kee 5.
At Rock Island , Ills Rock Island U ,
Akrons 7.
At Philadelphia. Athletics 8 , Toledo
At Altoona. Baltimore Unions 2 , Al-
; ooua ! t.
At Buffalo. Ohicagos 14 , BulTalos 0.
At Terre Haute. St. Paul 4 , Terre
Qauto 1.
At St. Louis. St. LOUIB 8 , KoystonoB
At Chicago. Unions. Chicago , 8 , Boa-
tons 8.
At Bay City. Bay City 10 , Minneap
olis 2.
I.OUlhVIM.1 ! 1C ACS.
LOUIHVIM.R , Muy 27 Milo and a
half Jim C.rlnli ! > won , Tangier 2d , Ed
win A < lcl ; time. 2:11. :
Konneaaw bthki- All ages rnilo flus
M itthotto won. Tux Gatherer 2J , Liz/io
ltd ; time. 1 :1 : Jj ,
AToot ChaiKiun stakes It ycur-olils -
Milo and three furlongs Modesty won ,
Bob Cook 2d , Bob Miles 'til ; time ,
Steeple chase Alioul. n milo and three
eighths Major Picket won , Piluno.i 2J ,
Robok'td ; time , 2:45. :
OIIIUAOO , May 27. Owing to the vo/y
cold weather nnd high winds to day the
shooting for the inter.national jui/u in
clay pigeon tournumunt at Grai.d Cross
ing wan po'itponcd until tO'inoirow , nnd
the day devoted to Bwcopsttkca shooting.
Evnry utate east of thu Rocky Moun
tains was rcproauutqd.
Antliroollo in Coloral ( .
The claim ia inado that there are largo
and valuable anthracite coal deposits in
Colorado. Heretofore It Imsbcon thought
that anthracite coal was found in Pen-
eylvunin alone. The importance of the
discovery , especially to the Western
States and their industries , is vary great.
The newly discovered beds are located in
Gunnison county ; they cover n district of
about 25000 ucrun nnd are about
seven miles from the present terminus of
ono of the branched of the Denver and
Rio Grande Railroad. A company , com
posed of Philadelphia capitalists , has
neon organized to duvelop the inino.
Four woll'inarkod suums have boon loca
ted , the coal having all thu character-
istic4 of PiMinoyhania anthracite. It hai
a high and vitroun luster , u jot-black
color , breaks tilth sharp edges , has a
vpt'cilio gravity a littlq lu 3 than the Pon-
j Ivania nrliclo and i worth 1)5 ) per cent
of the latter for fuel. Thu investigating
engineers ntate that there urn MOOU tons
of coal to the ucru , oxvluuivu of 25 per
cent wastage , which vrould make a total
of 10,000,000 tons for the whole property.
Gi. , May 27. On iiccoun
of the duprcbiion in the cotton goods
trade , thu milln hero ttro cutting wages
and limo of work. _ _
MUuourl HojiiilillcaiiH.
KAJ.HAH CITY , Muy 27. The ronubli
onn convention will bo held at Moborly
Sojitombur 0 , to nominate a full utat
ticket. ,
PI or. ) I'luiiiur
I LONDON , May 27. The steamer Fur-
'jjnesaia sailed to-day for Now York witli
1 500 etato aided emigrant * .
The Larg&st Stock in Omaha and Makes the > Lowest Prices
Just received an assortment far surpaaainc anything in thla market , comprising
ho latest and most tasty doaigns hianufaotured for this spring's trade and covering
ft range of prices from the Ohoapont to the most Kxponaivo.
Parlor Goods Draperie s.
Now ready for tlio inspection o CUH- Complotp stock of nil tlio latest
IOIUOVH , the newcat novelties in styles in Turcoman , Madras nnd
Suits iiiul Odd Pieces. Lncu Curtains , Etc , , Etc.
Eloca&t Passenger SSlovator to all Floors.
120(5,1208 ( nnd 1210 Karnmn Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB
Willimiintic Spool Cotton is outirolv tlio product o Homo Industry
nd is pronounced by experts to bo the host Rawing mnchina tliread iniiio
ni&o Onuuin , NnU.
1021 North Eighteenth Street , Onmlmlon Street Cnr Lino.
Grades mid i > rico3 us oed nnd low us any in the city. Please try me.
fH I/ } uo
03 Ibfl OT r/i a > o 1
f fj | * *
I bfl CQ c3 I 3 FQ 1-1 § 5T e3 * 1i
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catar h ,
JDcafnoss , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily nnd 1 ormanontly Ourod. Patients
JOurod at Homo. Write for "TiiB MKDIOAL-MIHHIONAHY , " for the People ,
lOonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
\ HON. ED VVARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , aayii : "Physician o
liloa ADllliy ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport
J-crUnn : 'wnnonorahlo tTlno SHCCCH- ! . Wonderful Cures. " TTonm. R
Will bring them from their homes to the Opera House , PostoUico ,
IIotulH and Dopota in
Giving thorn the advantage of living on the Huburbnii heights , with pure
iiir , bodiililul Hliiido tret-H and I'arkH. pure Spring Water and Lukoa ,
Groves and Scenery magnificent , which cannot bo equalled. This is a
Tlio Syndicate have arranged with with the railroad companies for a
fine , attractive depot , where trains of the following roads will connect
and atop : The Oinulni Bjlt Line Railroad Line , The Union Pacific Unil
way. The Missouri Pacific Railway , The Omaha and Republican Valley
Railroad , The Hurlington and Missouri River Railroad m Nebraska and
the Ohicngo , Hurlington and Qm'ney Railroad. All these trains will stop
ut the depot at the town Bite. Also at the Stock Yards.
Heuutiful trecH have been Bi't out on the pioperty and streets luid
C39"Apply at the Company's oilice , cor. of Ittth and Douglas streets ,
over the Omaha Saving's Unnlc ,
Assistant Secretary *