Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    off AHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , M/VY 28 , 18B4.
The Nebraska National Bank
Paid Up C&plUl I 380,000
Bnrplno vnod , HOT. 1 , IBM 10.coo
n. W. YATE3 , President , ft'or ' manyVyoara
Oashlar ot the First National Bank of Omahn.
A. K. TOUZALIN , Vice Prosldont , Boston.
W V. MORSE , of W. V. Morse k Oo.
JO1IN S. COLLINS , of a. II. k J. S. Col
lins ,
M. WOOLWOUTH , Counsellor ami Attorney
noy at Law.
L. S , UI5KD , of Byron Hood k Oo.
K. K. 1IAYDEN , Assistant Ciishlor.
THIS BANK opened for business April 27 ,
BUS are ntnoni ? the oadlni ? tnutnouof Oma.
ha , nnd its buslnow is conducted with especial
oforonco to the boat ami Incroaslngh lutorost
iU morcantllo patrons.
COLLECTIONS roooivo special attention
and charges lowoit obtiimblo herd or else <
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon
favorable terms aud upon accounts of banks
and banknrs.
Bondi and County nnd Cit ysrcuritios bought
nnd sold.
YOIIK , May 27. Money Easy ;
2@3 ; closed offered ? .
I'runo paper 5 to 0.
Sterling bilU Pinner ; ! 83jf ; demand
Governments Stonily.
Stocks. The bull movement which sot in
yesterday afternoon inn Jo further progress to
day. The market opened strong nnd In the
first fifteen minutes advanced i to lj $ . Bofora
the first call there was a decline of J to 1 § ,
the latter for Lackawannn. The reaction
brought in fresh orders nnd near midday the
market became buoyant niH advanced J to
5J , compared with last night. Then followed
a decline of J to 2J , the latter for Lackawan-
na. Nonr " p. in , some shares wcro at the
boat of the day. About 2:30 : Bales to realize
profits caused uileclino of J to lj ? , Lackawan-
nn loading. The markob closed irregular but
in the main fliui. Considerable long stock
had bean taken for homo and foreign accounts.
S1 1008
S14J'flOcmpon3. . . . . a"J t *
TJ. S. now , IV. . . 120s
Paclno 6 B of ' 93. . . * Al *
American Kinross HO
BurL , Oodar Rapids k Northern C5
Control PdciBo 43 ?
Chicago & Alton 129J
do do pfd 142
Oh ! . , Burl. & Qulncy 113 ?
Erie. 15j
do pfd 3C
Fort Wayne & Chicago 127
Hannibal & St. Joseph 38 }
do do do pfd * S8i
Illinois Central 12 $
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 15 $
Kansas & Texas 8Gj
Lake Shore & Michigan So G8
Michigan Central 13
MInnooDolts & St. Louis 21J
do' do do pfd 73
Missouri Pacific ll !
Northern Pacific 474
do do pfd S ! > |
Northwestern 12h ! <
do pfd 109J
Now York Central 2IJ
Ohio & Mississippi * 70
do do pfd 11
Peoria , Decatur & E vanavlllo 112
Rock Island 72 |
Chicago , Milwaukee i 8t. Panl 108
do do do pfd 89i
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 21U
St. Paulfc Omaha 8 ! ) }
do do pfd 138
Texas Pacific 41fi
Union Pacific C §
Wabnsh , St. L. & Pacific Ml
do do do pfd , 58J
Wcwtorn Union Telegraph
Asked. tKx. Div.
CHICAGO , May 27 The markets
started in strong but eased elF after the first
half hour's trading. July wheat opened nt
DOJ , declined 898 , 'a ' now 83J , August com
manding J premium. July corn 60J ; July
pork 18 05 ; July lard 8 32J. Weather cloudy
and cold.
The visible supply published at 12 o elock
to-day shows a tlecuuso of nearly two millions
iu wheat during the link weak , which caused
a sharp advance in priceH on'changa. Mar
kets closed : WlmtSSJ cash , May ; 881 SJuno ;
lllj July ; Oli August
Corn 55c cash for May ; Cog for Juno : 57J
for July ; fi8j ] for August.
Oats-31Zc for June ; 32i for July.
Flax Seed 1 CU.
Pork 18 90 for Juno and for July ; 18 85 for
l.ard-8 174 for June ; 8 33@S 37i for July ;
8 47i for August.
Butter Quiet , unchanged.
Cheese Easy ; full cream cheddars 111 ®
12i : Skimmed chodd-iH 4@7J.
EZK Steady ; strictly fresh northern 13Jc ,
Hulas Dull ; unchanged.
Tallow No. 1 country fie.
CALL BoAitn Wheat , Juno nnd July Jo
lower ; August jo lower. Corn , July , jje low-
erlAugust Jo lower. Oats , Juno and July Jo
lower Augmtjo higher. Pork , Juno , July
and August 25o higher. Lard , Juuo , ' 2Jo
higher ,
BALTISIOHK , May 27. Wheat Western ,
higher , dull ; No. 2 , winter , rod spot 102i@
103f.Corn :
Corn Woatern , nominally strong , dull ;
mixed spot 01 bid.
Oats-Lower , dull ; western , whlto,38@43c ;
mixed 3Gft37c.
Eggs Easier ; 13.
Hyo 8@70e.
Whisky Unchanged.
NEW OIII.CANH , May 20. Corn Firmer ,
icarce ; mixed , Gil ; white , 70(3)72. ( )
Oats Dull , lower , 41J@42.
Corn Meal Higher ; carco ; 3 40.
Pork Quiet ; ? 17 25.
Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 8 60 ; keg ,
900.WWbky 1'rom western rectified , 105 ©
TOLEDO. Hfny 27. Wheat-Quiet , steady ;
No. 2 red 9rijffi99.
Corn Steady , firm ; No. 2 , spot May f > 7J.
Oats-Quiet , steady ; No. 2 wLlta S738 ,
CINCINNATI May 27 , Wheat QuiotjNo. 2
rod I O.(5)l ( ) 03.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , B8J.
. 'PJ- ' Oata Lower : No , 2 mixed 3i&35. !
Ityo-Dull ; No 2 07c.
liarloy Dull ; unohauged.
Pork-CJulet ; firm ,
Lanl Held a 8 00.
Bulk MeatK liuyoiH nnd sellers apart.
Whisky Quiet ; 108.
KANBAH CITVtay ] \ 27. Wheat Steady ,
Ml'aSIJ cash ; 8'J f.luno 80 ; linked .Inly. |
Corn Quint ; nmnlaal ; 4HJ bid coin ; 431 ;
bid June , 64 j bid July.
OaU Dull and nominal , 29 bid July.
LlVHU'OOf. .
LlVEBPOOL , M < y 7 Urcadiitulls Dull ;
wheat , winter , 7 * . 0ff.8d ( ; sj ring , la. 4d.li7n (
Corn-New , Ci 3d ; 5 Ijil
ST. I/JUia , May 27.W df Opened a frac
tion lower ; cloaad a fraction bitter than yes *
tirdor ; No , 2 rod 1IOJ < fl 10J fur ciub ; 1 Hi
Mny ; 1 OSj@ 109 ; Jnno ; a" > l@OC ; Julycsoa-
Ing outsideNo. ; 3 red 100 bid.
Corn-Slows Irregular ; 5U52\ cash : MJ@
' MI MnyoU@51j ! ! Juno ; o'/irtJlMJ ! July.
WOnts-Dull ; .l.'i ; cash ; jfy bid May and
Rye 02 fttkod.
BarleyOOftSO. .
Butter Weak ; tlalry 12@1G ; creamery , 18
@ 20.
Ergs Steady.
Kim SWK ! 1 CO.
Hay Unchanged ,
Bran ( Jnlot
Corn Meal Firm ; 3 05.
CALI , Bo.uin Wheat lower 1 OSJ Jnno ;
108J Julvs ! ) - > 3 August ; , ! Oil yoar. Corn
onfior ; Mg ; May and .luno , 628@52J ! July ,
52a(3i533 ( Angmt. Oats quiet ; 33 Mny ;
32 f bid Juno.
NKW YOIIK , Mny 27. Wheat Opened
J (3) ( ) 1 higher , but nftorwards lost the ml-
vance Some cases of decline wnro noted.
Very llttlo doing. No. 2 rod Jnno , 1 01 ? ©
" Oijt July , 1 ( Vllffll Olg : August 1 Otl@l 04 * ;
Corn Opened } © ! lower , but recovered ;
mixed western Bpotn"@Glc : futnro , G2i'T- ( "
Oats Bettor ; western , 37(3) ( ) 11.
1'orkJuiotnow moss 17 7i > ; old 17 00.
Lard -Dull ; steam 8 35.
MII.WAUKKK , Mny 27. Wheat Strong ;
cash , May , SOQSOJ ; Jnno Mie ; July , 92jjc ;
August 031.
Corn Scarce ; fiflc.
Oata Steadier ; 31Jc.
Rye Lower ; 01 J@li''c.
Barley Drooping ; No. 2 03o bid.
ijivia srocic ,
KANSAS Cur , May 27. The Live Stock
Indicator reports :
Cattle Steady. Natives lower fi 55(20 ( 124 ;
Hogs-Weak ; 1M9l5o ( lower ; B 00@5 25.
Shooii Quiet. Natives 4 00.
ST. Louis , Mny 27. Oattlo-Stoady ; firm :
exports 0 f > 00 75 ; common to choice ship
ping 5 40 ( < ? 040.
Sheep Lower ; slow ; inferior to medium
climod300@irScholcoto ; oxtrn 450500.
1 logs Steady ; light to good Yorkers 5 OD@
540 ; packing B 20@5 40 ; heavy 5 B0@5 70.
CHICAGO , May 27 Hogs Hocoipts 10,000 ;
active , firm , shndo higher ; light , $5 00@5 05 :
rough packing 5 00@5 40 ; heavy packlnp , nuil
ijpiiig $ ri45a)5SO. ( )
attlo lloceipts 3103 ; nctivo , firm : exports ,
SO 00@ ( > SO ; peed to chnico SO OOfcO fiO ; coin-
non to fair $ .1 C0 ® ( 10 ; butcliors , 82 00 ® I 20 ;
stockers , S375@525.
OBIOAOO , May 27. Receipts and ship
mcnls of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
invo boon na follows :
Recoipta. Ship'ts.
Flour , bbls 17,000 10,000
Wheat , bushels 9,000 88,000
Corn , bushels 115,000 353,000
Oats , bushels 202,000 244,000
Rye , bushels 5,000 20,000
Barley , bushels 12,000 0,000
NEW YOIIK , Mny 27. Receipts nnd
ihlpmonta of Hour and grain for the past 24 houra
lave been as follows :
Receipts Ship'ta.
Wheat , bushels 17,000 177,000
Corn , bushels 15,000 40,000
Oats , bushob 49,000 58,000
CHICAGO , May 27. Roceipta nnd ship-
monta of live stock for tbo past 24 hours have
boon na follows :
Rocoipts. Bhip'ts.
Oattlo 10,000
Hogs , 4,100 . . . .
Sheep COO . . . .
KAN-US CITY , Mny 27. Receipts nnd
shipments of live stock for the past 24 honrs
have been aa follows :
Rocoipts. Bhip'ts
Oattlo 1,900
Hogs 9,500
Sheep 305 . . . .
ST. Loots , May 20. Receipts and ship
ment < of live stock Cor the past 21 houra barn
leon na follows :
Recoipta. Shlp'ta.
Oattlo 1,800
logs 4,800 . . . .
Sheep 2,000 . . . .
Wholesale Prices.
Wednesday Evening , Mny 27 , (
The following prices nro charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholesalers and commission iner.
hauts , with the exception of grain , which is
[ tioted at the prices furnished by the elevators
nnd other local buyers :
Wheat Cash No. 2 , 70S)7lJc. ( )
Barley Cash No. 2 , 48@54c ,
Rye Cosh , No. 3 , 43c.
Corn No. 2 , 3t40ic. )
Oate-No. 2. 2C@28o.
Qonornl Prortuco.
APPLES Occasional lots coming in selling
o homo trade only. Willow Twigs , 54.50
WInesaps1.50 ; Genitans , $4.00 ; Bon Davis ,
BKAUB Receipts light and demand good.
; 4Xd picked navy , per 1m , $2 CO ; medium ,
2 00@2 25.
BEEHWAX In good demand. Choice blighter
> or Ib , 2G@28c ; common to good dork per Ib ,
BUTTKH Unc-hanted with increased co
ceipts. Choice table butter is Helling road
ly to the trade yet at ll@10c ; grusi color and
laver preferred. Inferior grade * and mixed
> ackiiig nro accumulating fast nnd bought by
mckora only who will not nay above 10 cts.
md 8c for poor. Tubs hulding about 40 Ibi .
lave the preference.
CllEH-01uo" par bbl , S7.00 ; "York Stato"
. or bbl , 88 00 ; per & bbl , $1 75 ; condensed per
; ul , 85o. Crab apple , per gal. 35c.
Cll BX Full cruam , wotitern , 13 ( : Wlscon
In now 14J ; young American 15ffilCc
COOOAJJUTS Per 1001 75@5 00.
EaasSteady at 13cts , and as receipts con-
inuo light , prospect- ) favor an advancement.
iomo bad eggn are showing up and it is nocos-
lary now tocandlo before soiling ,
FoitEiaN FUDITH Moisina oranges , per
> ox , $0 00 , Messina lemons , per nor , 83 75
3400. Bananas , per bunch , ? 300
Pigs , Ib. . IGo , Datoa , In frails , 74o ; uatoa ,
nrd , in UOXOH , I'-'lc.
Fnoir 3JDTIKIW Apple butter , In 30 Ib
mils , per Ib , 7c. Plum buttnr , 7ic.
Hay Baled , S8.00@10.00 ; loose , ? 10.00@
10.00. ]
JELLT In 20 nnd 80 Ib pails , C@7o ; In 2 Ib ,
law , per doz , $1 50 ; assorted tumblers , per
dar. SI 20 ; Rchoonors , per dozen , $3 00.
MAPLB Su < un Pure. In brirku , per Ib , ICc ;
Ohio , 13c ; small cakeu , 12Jc.
OAT MKAL Steel cut , per bbl , SO 25.
O.MONMOld unions nro virtually out of thn
market , nnw Southern nro coming forward
and selling at R.r , OX'&jr > . , r < 0 per barrel ; Bermu
das , $2,00 per bushel crate ,
PoraoHN- good demand at 2 ( $ 't\a per Ib ,
Poui/TItr Demand for chlcknns only ;
dressed 11@15 ; live per doz. $1.50 ; spiing
chickens , Sl.OD'SO.On. ' nccordlncr to B/O. !
FOTATOKH Moro tiriu nml domind good ,
Now potitooi nro coming in from the Houth
and soiling at 85,00 per lib ) . EarlvKoxe per bu
{ giOc ; Peachblcw , 45c ; Bulk rocolpta are
hard ti > dispose of mid iiuvo to bo sacknd here
PitKSicavai ( In 20-lb palU ) Stawborry ,
rnipborry , blacklwrry , per Ib , 13c ; poadioti
chorrie.1 , plum ? , npncots , figs , peril ) , 12o
cranberry uauco , iicr Ib , 8c.
PKOVIBIO.NH Ham , 131o ; b. bacon , lljo ;
c. H. bacon , llc ; il. H , hlclo lOJo ; short rib
sliles , lOic ; Hliuulilor , titc ; mesa iiorK p > ir
bbl. 818,50. Dried hoof , R.Jc. Lard , ! ) @ 10o.
VKOI.TABLBH Spinuch , per bbl. ? 3 00 ; now
iblmzo , Culifoniin porlli.,4c ; letttiu ) , inir
doz. , tOsrediahes \ , imr doz. , Me ; turnips
per bu , COc. twin , | > or bu , 7t > e ;
cucnmlxirn , per do . , (125 ; Pia plant
pur Ib. 2c. cauliflower , per doz. , 3300 ]
n prtrngus , t > or doz (5'la ( new carrotn. per
Ib. , 3c. Califumla oolnry , ? 1 Ml. Tomatoo ,
I bu , box , $1 60@$1 75 : rfr f n fm-w per buiht 1
box. S3 25 ; ftrii'K lunnn p.-r Im.licl lv > x , $ : i.OO.
KTKAMiKititiKrtH.'ciijtJ | mud rate ami b r *
ili'i'uf batter ijirilitv limn bubwiuk Firm
llInK utl.tO'/ri.tO jwr''l < | t. caeo. i
i'tort KEKT , fttirt , KTO. i'iu loot , Ifi Ib
kltn , $1 25 : i.Igs 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 W ; plgi fnet ,
bO Ib half Lbl , 85 00 ; tripe , IB Ib kits , 81 2f > ;
tripe , 40 IbT \ bbl , 82 CO ; tripe , 80 Ib half hi ] ,
W 00 ; pfm ! tongue , IB Ib kite , $2 W ; pigs
toiipiw , 40 Ib qr bbl , ? f > 00. Lnmbs' tomnio * ,
IB Ib kit * , $3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , ? 8 00.
Dnt'09 AND CHKMICAUS Add , catbollo. STicj
ncld. tartarlo , B5c ; balnam cnpibln , per In , .
( ViejiwrkRVnafras , porlb , 12c ; calomel , porlb ,
TBc ; clnohonldla , j > cr oz. , S0.05 ; chloroform ,
l < or Ib. , $1,10 ; Uovors powder , per Hi. , $1.25 |
epsom salts , per Ib. , 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per
Hi. , 2Sc ; lead ncotnto , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor ,
No 1 iior gal. , 81.65 ; oil , castor , No , 8 per
gal , , 91. 10 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil ori
ganum , 50c ; opium , 81.50 ; nutnlno , P. & W ;
nnd R. & S. . per oz. , 81.40 ; potassium ,
Io < llno , per Ib. . 81.50 ; snllcin , pornz , , 40c ; RU !
pbnteof morphluo , per oz , , 83.75 ; Milphur
flour , per Ib. . 4c ; strychnine , per oz. , 81,33.
Dry Coodn.
BnowN SHKKTINQH Atlnntlo A , 7ic : Atlan <
Ho P , Gc : Atlantic LL : 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ;
poroll R , Olc ; Salisbury K , BJc.
BLKACHKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , CJc ; Bal
lon 7-8 , BJc ; Cumberland t-4. 80 ; Unroll DU ,
8j'c ; Fnirnionnt-He ; Vrult of the Ixxini 4-1 ,
Oc : Olory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8 c ;
111117-8 , So ; Hill 4-4 , l > o ; Ltmsdalo 8JoNow ;
York Mills , lllc : AVnmauttn , lOo.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or. . , lljc ; Bos.
ton , 10 oz , , 14&c ; Boston , 0 oz. , Mo ; Fall
lllvor , 8Jc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo
West Point , 10 oz. , Itc ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. ,
TICKINGS Anuwkoag. 14c ; Continental
Fancy , O'/c / ; Cordis , 10 > ( c ; Pearl River , Mo ;
York , 12Jc ; Hnmloton Awnings , 12Jo.
DKNIMS Anuwkoag , lie : Bonvor Crook
AA. 12c ; Bonvor Crook BB , lie ;
Bonvor Crook CO. 10 : llnvmakors
8c : Jnllroy D & T. 12tfc ; Jnlfroy XXX. 12 o ;
Ponrl Kiror , 13c ; Wnrrcn AXA ( Drown ) .
12c ; Wnrron BB ( brown ) , lie ; Wnrron CO
( brown ) , lOc.
CAMDUICS Fifth nronno glove finish , Co ;
Koystotio glove finish , 5Jc.
ConsKT JKANS Amory , 7ic ; llnncock , 8c ;
Koarsnyor , Sic ; Rockport , 7c.
PJIINTS Allen , ri5cj Amoricnn,5Jo ; Arnolds ,
Go ; Cochoco , Oc ; Harmony , -Ic ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8,11 Jo ; ludigo 4-4 , 12Jcj cheap B.ilo
4Jc ; Charter Onk , IJc.
PRINTS SHIKTINQH Ajuorlcnn , Be ; Cochoco ,
Bo ; (51oucostorriaSouthbridgo ; , 4IoVnvorlys ; ,
4Jc ; Rosodnlo , 4Jc.
( JlNOHAMS-AmoBkong staples , 81o : Bates
stnnlos , 31c ; Lancaster stniilos , 8c ; Plnnkot
nluuls , 9c : lludsoii elioclca , 8Jc ; Amoakoag
1'orslans , OJc.
DIIKSS Goons Atlantic alpaccn , 9Jc ; Per-
slano coahmor , 2SJc ; HatnloUm cnshmiro ,
151c ; Hnmloton Fnncus , lljcj Hnmleton bro
cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c ,
Ijn inner.
Wo quote Ininbor , lath nnd shlng Ofion oars
at Omaha nt tha following prices :
JOIST AND SOAKTLINO 1C ft , nnd under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMBERS 10 foot nnd under , 22 00.
Tnmicn AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22ft , 2060 ; 21 ft , 2650.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; C , 35 00.
FLOOIIINO. No. 1.40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SiniNO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
OK1LINO-3 , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00.
SIIINOLRS , best i 50 ; standard , 3 BO.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIKE Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35e ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. 50c ; Torrod felt , 100 ibs , S 50 ; straw
oord , 8 50.
I'alnta.Olls and VarnlshOH.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13ic ; 150 °
oadllght , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin
seed , raw , ; pr gallon.fr3c ; linseed , boiled , per
; allen , G2oLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c :
tfo. 1 , 75cNo ; , 2 , G5c ; castor , Axy , p0r paj.
Ion , 1 GO ; No. 8 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 100
sperm WB. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. ,
[ > ergallon , G5c : noatsfootextra , per gallon , OOc ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 35o ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; nnptha 74 ° ,
per rallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lend , Omn'nn P. P.
GJc ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , Mo ; Moroeilles
green 1 to 5 It ) cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
ioal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; Froncli
zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; French zinc. In oil
asst , 15c ; rnw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw nnd burnt Sienna , lOc ; vnndvko browu ,
I3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , nnd
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pniasian
liluo , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome green
L. M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
M. &D , , 1 Co ; Paris green , 18c : Indian red ,
15c : Venetian rod. 0 TuBcan rod , 22c ; Ameri
can Vormilhon , I. & P. , 18c ; cluomo yellow
L. M. , 0. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9o ;
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oalc , dark oak , walnut , chiutnut
and ash 15o ,
Drr Paint * .
Whlto load , Be ; French zinc , lOo ; Paris
whiting , 2&c ; wliiting gilders , IJc ; whitlcg
Min'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , He ; umber
bmrnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , n.'i' , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 25c ;
Paris green , common , 20c ; chrome peen , N.Y. ,
20c ; cnromo groan , 1C , , 12c ; vormlllion , Kng. ,
70c ; vormlllion , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Yonotinn red , Cooksou's ,
3c ; Venetian rod , American , lfc | : rod load ,
rjc ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; cnromo yellow -
low , K. , 12cocliro ; rochallo , 3c ; ochro. French ,
ic ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
'jc ; lohlgh brown , 2c ; Bpuuiob brown , 2Jc ;
Prince's mineral , He.
VAIINISIIES Barrolu. po gallon : Fund
, uro , extra , $110 ; furulturo , No. 1 , 81 : coach ,
oxtro , 31 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
extra , $1 7fi ; Jnpan , 70casphaltuin ; , oxtrn. 85c ;
shellac , S3 50 ; hard oil finish , $150.
Oak oio , 38c@12c ; hemlock solo28c@35o ;
luu lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner 65o to SOc ;
lemlock calf , 85 : to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22e
to 24o : oak nppor , 21c : alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ;
calf kid , S2@35 ; Grcison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOc to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
lap , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; re
sets , 6 60 to 7 50 ; linings. C 00 to 8 50 ; top
pings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 85c ;
pebble 0. D. Morocco , SAc ; slmon , 2 60 to S 00.
HAHNKHH No , 1 utnr oak , 87o ; No 2 do !
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oalc , SOo ; No , 2 do , S3c ; No.
1 Milwaukee S5o ; No 2 do 33c .
No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B Pitta oak
har , 35c ,
Iloavr Ilnrrtwaro Lilst.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cant , Go
crnclblo , 7c ; special or German , f'c ; too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon spokofl , sot , 2 25cA3 ( 00 ; hubs
Kir sot , 1 25 ; foUocs aawod dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@85c ; cxloa each , 75c ; Hqnoro nuts per
Ib , 7@llo ; washers or lu , 8@18oj rivets , per
Ib , lie ; cell cholo , per Hi , 612e ; malleable , 80
Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow tooth
tc ; Biirlng tool , 7 ( 8c ; Burden'u horsehoon 4 70
linruen'd muleshoos 6 70
llAniiKD WiitK In car lots , Co per 100.
NAlLS-Rnto * . 10 to GO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck ( .hot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kngH , 040 ; do , , half kcga , 348 ; do. ,
quarter kogg , 1 8l ! ; bloating , k'jgs , 8 85 ; fiwo ,
per 100 foot 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1 GC ,
COAL Cuml > orland blacksinlth. 1000 ; Mor
ris run BIoHsburg , 10 00 ; WhltebronJit lump ;
5 03 ; Whltebrorot nut , C 00 ; Town lump , B 00
lown nut , BOO ; Rock HprluH , 700 ; Anthra
cite , 1125@U 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
PLUO ToBAOOo-Climar , 60c : Bullion We ;
Ilors&ihoo , 60c ; KL-ir. 6fc ) ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her.
aey'H , lOc : Bluok , 38@10c.
FINK CUT Common , 20@80c ; Rood , 45 ®
We ; Ro e Loaf , 70c ; I'romluin , ( i'V ) ; Diamond
Crown , 55e ; Sweet Hlxtoen , f 0o
BuoKiNO O , H. , 22c ; Meemchuum , 80ej Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 65o ; Durham , 4 oz. , C7c ; Durhair
2 oz. , 5501 * rioal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 65a
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz , , 67n ; H.ial o
North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O , K Durham , 4
OA , 28cj O. K Dm hum , 2 oz. , 80e ; Uncle
Nod , l'n 25c ; Tom and Jerry , SWc ,
Jttuuara ,
ALOOHOL 1KB proof alcohol , 221 pr/r wine
gallon extra Callfornin spirits , 1K8 proof ,
117 per proof gallon ; triple refined epirltn
187 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
whistles 100 < al 60 ; fine blended , ] TX2 ) 60 ;
Kentucky Ixiurbons , 2007U ) ; KontucL'y
and I'ocnBylviinla ryos. 2 006)7 ) 00.
13iUNWta-ImportedGOO ® 1C00 ; doinoutlo
1 < 0@4 00.
GINK Imx5tto < J , 4 BO@G 00 ; domestic , 1 40
® 8 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 BO@G 00 ; NowKugland ,
2 M ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 B0@3 60.
OHAxrAONM Imixirtod tier CMO , 2800 ©
84 00 ; Amerlcnni ; > or case , 12 00@U100.
Grncora IiUt.
OANNXII GOODS Uy torn ( StAmlnnipor ) ewe ,
8 70@3 SO ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per owe. 2 60 ®
2 10 ; raspborriM , 2 Ib , uor CA O , 2 PO ; Bnrllett
pears , per CASO , 2 40 ; wnortloltorrlM , per ,
3 10 ; cgR plums , 2 tti i > or case , 21 > 0 ; green
gagefl , 2 Ib , per cnso , 2 00 ; plno apples , 2 Ib
per civso. 4 S05 60.
Rorit Slunl 4 Inch and larger , p 0 a | ncj ,
9c | ! j Inch , lOle.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IPs , I6c ; 8s ,
botea 40 Ibs , 10 or. , fa. 16c.
MATCHES Per cuddle , 35e ; round , cases ,
2 Wij Kjuaro cases , 170.
SUOAIM Powdered , Sfc ; cut < taf. 8ie ;
granulated. 7Jc | confocUouora' A , 79o : .Stand
ard extra O , GJo : extra C , Gjc ; inoilium yellow -
low , Glc ; dork yellow , p.
Onllnary prndea , 1212io | fair 13
17c ; Arlmcklo'n roastml , IGJc ; McLiughliiiV
XXXX roasted , lOlc : mltation , Jnvn , Ifij
© 18k ; Clark's Aurora , 101 c.
KICK l/oulfiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair
id Patmn , Gio.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No
1 mackerel , nits , 115 ; family macknrol , hal
brls. , 7 00 ; family mnckorol , kit * , 95c ; No. 1
whlto fish , half brK , 8 75 ; No. 11IU , 1 15.
Sviior Standard Com , , SOc , luils ; Standard
ilo , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kora 1 37.
Soiu In Ib papers , 380 t > or case ; kogpor Ib ,
PIOKLKS Modlunu In barrels. 8 25 ; do
In half barroli , 4 75 ; email , in barrels , 9 25 ; do
In half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins" in barrels , 10 23 ;
do In half barrels. 5 75.
TEAS Uunpowdor , peed , 45 < fl > .5 ! > c ; choice CO
@ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@ I3c ; choice , GO Wk- ;
Young Hj-Bon , good , SGtaMc ; choico.
G5c@l 00 ; .Inpan , natural leaf , Me ; Japan ,
choli-o , 00@75c ; Oolong , good , 3T > @lOo ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55o ; Souchong , good , 85tO ;
choice , 35 ® I5c.
WOODKNWAIIE Two hXp palls , 185 ;
thrco hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo-
noor wftsblxwrdR , 1 85 ; Doubio Crown 2 DO ;
Wollbuckots. 3 85.
SOAI-S Kirk's Snvon Iiuporial , 3 45 ; KirkV
satinet , 300 ; Klrk'a standard , 375 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 15 ? 5 ; Kirk'a ontocn , 215 :
Klrk'a Prnlrlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk'n
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Ponnnylvnnia cans , 4 cano , In case ,
3 35 ; Babbltta ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. In cane , 1 50.
CANDT Mlxod , 12@13c ; stick , He ; twist
stick lO&c. &
VINEOAB Now York apple IGo ; Ohio np-
S'ALT Drny loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , In
sacka , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 SO.
SiAncil Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c | Com
Stnrcli , 8c ; Excolslor Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7Jo.
SHOES Popper , 17o ; nllsplco , 15o ; cloves ,
25o ; cassia Ifio.
LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 : Jowoll lye , 2 75 ,
FLOnn-100 Iba , 1 75@2 50 ; patent , 100J ba ,
2 75@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 00 ; rye ,
100 Ibs , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ®
fJliAlN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 135@1 45 ; corn , In
sacka 100 Ibs , 1 12@1 II ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 50
@ 1 52 ; barley , 100 Ibs , 130 © 1 40.
HAY Baled , 20,00@2J f)0 ; Btraw.JlO 00@
BuTTEn Fancy , 35@3Gc ; dairy choice , 25 ®
27o : common , 8@12c.
Eons Fresh , 18@19e ; ranch , doz , fresh
CHKKBE Full cream , lfii$10c ( ; Limburger ,
18c ; Swiss , imported , 32c.
POULTUY Llvo chickens , doz , 3 50@7 00 ;
turkeys , Ib , 20@22c ; dressed [ goose , Ib , 1C@-
POTATOES Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@15c.Groo- ;
loy , 100 Ibs , 90o@l 00.
VKaitTAiiLKS Onions , 100 Ibs , 2 50 , 2 75 ;
oftbb go , 100 Iba , 2 50@2 75 : boots , 100 Ibs ,
1 00@125 ; celery , per doz. 130.
FUUITH OrangOH , Messina , box , 5 OOiSifl 00 ;
lemons , choice Mo Hinn. 3 75 ® 150 ; npplos ,
eastern , bbl , ( i 50@7 50 ; grapes , Malaga , regu
lar , 7 00@7 60 ; bananas , bunch , 3 00@0 00.
MEATH-Hams , Ib , IKfaMic ; bacon , broak-
f\at,12)13c ; lard , in tierces , Ib , llc ; dried
bnof , lOc ; dry salt siiloe , 9fSil01o. (
Fl81I-Mackorol , No.l , 1 f > 0 , kit. 1 75(5i2 ( 25 ;
Callfornin salmon , half bbl , 1050 ; Holland
herrii ) ? , ketr , 1 CO1 75 ; trout , per Ib. 17@18c.
Tn thoia nuflcrlnK from t no
tlTii.ta of jonthlul errors ,
. . . . . _ _ _ . . _ MmliiBlwnnkni > Mo rlyd8.
cay. lost manhood , oto. . J wllUenJ j on particulars of
linplo nnd curtain inonnn of ml f euro , f roe pi charRn.
tjondyouradilrosatul' ' . O. l-'OWLKIl , lloodua , Ooun
. ( U-irillO-VOLTAIO HE1.T anil otherKi.ncrmo
. ' .U.A'iL'-NC1"r" ' : "I ! ! ' ' ' "J " " . ' . 'AW' Trial TO .
HEN ONLy.OUNO OK OLD , who are Buffer.
WABTINII WKAKNESSE.I , ami nil thono dltriura of it
I'ensoxAi. NATUIIE , rrsultlnR from AUDSU nnd
OTUEH Ciusui. Hix-ody rrlli'f anil complete
TOXoratlon to HEALTH , Viaou and MANHOOD
uuAitANTnpn. Kt'nil at ouco for IllujitrjLUid
1'unpblet free. Adnreei
VO1.TAIO znil.T CO. . hfar liall. nileh.
A victim of early Imprudence , ciuilng nonfoui
nobliltr , prnmaturo decay , oto. . liirluR tn u la
ln ovonr known rcroodr. lion ( IlHcoiornd a tlmpla
piean > of Relf-curo , which ho will Bend I'&liJi la
* JTjlUl Wtt.U Chatham BL. NewYorf
Science ot Life , Only ' $1.00.
A artKAT 3
Kihitittod Vitality , Nervous ana I'htBloal Debility ,
Preunturo Uocllne In llaei , Knorsof Voutli , ftn tlie
untold mlDorlcn cmiltlnK from Indlnoretlons or ei >
ccenos. A bonk for every man , young , rnl < ldlo-ag d ,
tnd old. It onnUlna 125 prosorlftloni for all acute
Mid chronic dlneiues each one of which li Invalatli'e
Bo found by the Author , . experience for 23
years I j uuch asprobably Dover before fell to the li t
of any phyelcaii 800 pigca , bound In boautlfu
Kronen mmlln m.Ofw drxvcrB , full KlltKUarunteo < t
to bo a finer warti every nonao , mechanical , lit.
oraiy and profeoalonal , than any other work Hold In
this country for f 2.60 , or the money will tw refunded
In every liutanoo. i'rlca only f 1.00 by mill , pott-
paid. Illustrative latnple IS conta. Hand now. Oed
rardal awarded the author by th National Medlo-1
A.f oclntloii , to the onicer * of which be refcna.
The Hclcnso of MfoibonM bo rnad by the youni ;
for Inatrucilon , aud by the aflllotAid for relief. It
III bonofli ill. Ix > nuon Lancet.
There \ no member ( it uucluty to wlium The Hc-l-
cm-oof IJfo will not be ufful , whUhej yuuth , par
cnt , miardlaii , ( nitructornr clerKVruan. Argonaut.
AiMrcfi the I'oatiody Mtidlcal InntUute , or Ur.V
( I , 1'i.rknr , No. 4 IJulllncb Strout , Uouton Mat * . , wb (
may no oontmlted cm all dlaoMan requiring nklll am' '
. Uiironloandobtlnatedlaea tbtt liau
batflea the lUll of all other phyt'lirn I olnut
t upocUltyj tiiicli treated nucx'UKi.n T. H I. full )
without au InfUno alia ej TIJVCCI C
Oimeratlte O'gari
nulchly ctl'ed bv thu
; JII'.niOD. AdO ] < tcdln alltliollOHI'ITAUS
Or' KUANL'i : 1'rompt rttiirn of VKJOIt. Hlmple
ca c3Uto 3. Bcvireoni * , 3 to 12. ramplilct
I'n-o. Ulvlslu Heim'dUl AKciiOr , UC Fulton bt. , Now
tc nt turn tout with TIR
CTS. &yuu'JJtfU ! > y null
HUH fill l.ruiK iuu lu MilBt MOM'T. InOno Honlli ,
DianalixttilnKrlMftliiAin ' * rii u Ah Miit VrtAliitr.
\MioHi ilelillKy. tikliiiuxloii ami | > rmii > lurt
drcny roc.iu ulljyiiwme , rrrumuf joiith , eto.
era iwrfoctljr rcslornl In r lnit licullli m
tlOLUB. > mllcbdrllr < I K l
> > .iTtuit Jtulillltyandl'liiklriil Ilcruyw
vtiiforialjr r'jcc Mful l ranka PJIPMI on
liiHtriiitklt.ur iviind Utrvrt nittllioitfl
, iuia iliiirfitiuhnf * * . h" & ! d 'J'roAtikw fro * .
ttARSTON nEMFrC0..40W.I4thW. . ,
Kailway Time
In r.ftcct lUv ISth.
All tr ln srihf t and ilrpMt from Om h on
rVntr lStAiu'ardTliii < > , which la 14 minute * tauter
than f n llmo.
t Kxrc | > t SatunUy , Ktctrt Sumlay , J Kicci't Man-
From Union I'nolllo Depot ; Tenth St.
U. V. H. It ,
tr.A\i. ARKUt.
Matlanil l > | i..11:4(1 : ( urn Athntlo Ktp .7rO a m
I'aclflj Kxp . ,8.25 ] > m 1UM Mul Kip..4:00 : pm
IK ly ,
Lincoln Kip. . . 12:55 : p m I Lincoln Kip. . . 1M : p m
I < o , o OmMia ; < 40 , R eo.OKK ) , 10.00 , UUS im. . , ISO ,
S:00. : S.-OO , 4:00 : , B.OO , fl-00 , 10.83 \ \ m. On Rnmlayi :
0.49H:00. : llilA a. m J 1:00 : , 3 00 , t,00 , fl CO , 10.5.1 n in
Arrl\o ttiRn rcr < lot > < 'tl3 minium later ; Uroajway
dcjxjtCouncil lllnffd , 10 minutes later.
i , MO Council llhiffti , llrondvvuy ilcimt , 7fO : , BS(1 : ( ,
OSilOSO : , 11:40 : ; 1:30.1SO : : , 8.SO , 4:80,6:30,11.1 : : } ,
11:08\.iu : OnSun.laj :7M : : , 080,11:40a. : m.lMi ; : ,
S 8J , 4.tO : , 0.35,11:05 : pin. ArrHc at Tranffcr 7 mln.
1xvx\a Council niuffg Trennfrr ilrpot ! 7,3 , B.37 ,
0 37,10:87,11:47 : : k m ; 1:37 : , 2 37 , 3 37 , 4.4) , fi:37 : , fl:4S : ,
11:15 : p. in. Arrlro Onuxna 13 inlniitra l.ttvr ,
I'AM.No. S. . . .8:1B : am ran * . Ko. 3 . . Hitfi a m
" 0 R:5J : m " M..10.8 : nin
11 4 4:25im : | 1 . . . ! : ' in
11 H 0:10 : pm " 7:55 : pin
" 10 7:15 n in " 1 8:15 : p m
II" lOfOftm lOinthft Kxi..ftO | ; ft in
bt. Louli Kti..8:30 | : pm I Mull * 0.60 p m
M. o. & r. u. 11.
: r u o : to H m SI. 1'niil Kip. ll15 ! a m
hL rnuir.ip 7115 pm Mall 7:00 : pm
0. & N. W. U. 11.
U ll' . iii < rni | . )0M : n m
Kiprorat . :00 : p m I Mall * 7UJ : p m
C. , It. H & P. 11. H.
Wall * 000am I Kxpnwtl IdiCOnin
Eiyrostt biOpin : I Mall * 7rUMu :
0. , It. & St. 1' . K. U.
I.KANlt. AltRlVlt.
VlAlt&K000MO Parina Ksi.10Mam | | :
MUntloKil. . . .li'0ini : ] KtallaiK > | i' 7:00jini
0. , \ U Council IMnfTs. )
UMI 0:00 : am Eiptrsa 10Mam :
K j teal MOO | i m 7COp ; ru
mIKIlv. .
Cannon Hall..l:00'pm : I ( luuioii Ikill. . . 8:10iim :
K.0..8T , JOK & 0. \IaCmmrll lllulTil. )
Mull , 0:00 : a in Knprrxa 7(0ani : (
Kipn-firt 7:15 : p 111 | Mivil 700i ; > lii
During May Sntnnlay. Sinutny ami Hominy
trolni Mill rotnto nH(4lo\\rt [ ;
Hntiinluyinonlii truliiB U n\oMnyM ! anil S4th > ln
a M. & bt , J'jMnj 11 thlix the North-WcHti-rnj May
ICth mid Hint > la tha Itork Miami Atrho In thu
unnio order the Momlnv follow Inu ,
Kiimlay moriilii ) ; tralim ilci.irt | nml Sinulay evening
trains nrrhuMnj- ami 25thl.l the llook Ixliuul ,
May llthla the Nurth-Wr U > rn , uml May 18thlntho
U U St T.
From K. & tJtl Uopot ; Tenth Strcor ,
, v. Oninlm at 7t : > 0 , nnd 8:45 : a m ; 4:50 : , (1:10 ( : , 7:45 : p m
Ar. Onmlm tO.'JJ , 8:40 : and IDIUS a m ; 7.00,7:30- :
0. 11. & Q. U. UUa riuttammitli. )
IKA\H. I AliniVRl
Fastcrn r.xp..8:45 : n m I Oraahallxp . 8:40ft : m
Chicago lhp..4M : > p in | Western Kxp. . . .7:30ji : in
1C. C. , ST. J. & 0. I ) . ( \la I'lattnnoutli. )
UtAMt. I AH1U\K.
Mall . B:45ft : in niiircm
Kxprriu . 7:45 : p m I Mall 7SO : put
From O. St. 1' . M. JtO. Depot , 1-llh nnd
AVoOstor StrcctH.
0. , St. P. M. & 0.
fo2 l'.isfioiiKcr..fino : am I No 3 Mlxoil . 11:15 : u in
No4Mlxcd . MO nm | Nn 1 I'asHciiKcr. 0:20 : p m
Matter of Application of 1'otor former for
Liquor l.lcoiiNL' .
Notice In hereby Klxcn that Peter Pcnnirdld
ipon Uio2nth day jfMay A. D. 1884 , Illo bin appll-
ration to thu Mayor anil CltJuimcl < ] of Omaha , for
\cvitxo \ to nell nmlt , HplrltiiouH and \lnona Ilipinrn , at
cor , OmnliiK and Hanmlcru Htrrat , 6th ward ,
) maha. Nob. , from the 11th day nf April 1881. to the
Hli day ot April 1885.
If tliero bo no objection , reiiioiistrnnco orpiotcnt
filed within two \\cckH from May 20th A D. ISSt.tho
aid llct'iiuc will bu L'rantud.
PiiKUPKNNiiI : , Applicant.
j. j , u a jr.wiri'i1 ,
37D-2towk City dirk.
MK.N7 , n Kiiarnnt wl tp cilio for HjsUirin , Dizzi *
'inns , CIonvulsiouB , l''jt , Nflirons Neuralgia ,
IliwlachoNorvoiiH Pro trntion cuusod byttioueo
ofnlcohol iirtolmrco , Wnki fnlnuna , Mrutiil I'D-
IiroBHion , Boftoninc uf thu llniin rt'Bullind In in
finity nnd liMiiluiK to inixory , dcrny uml dentil ,
I'rrinntura Old Ann , llftircnncss , LOHH of Jiowsr
in either BOX , Involuntnry I JBeni nnd Hnormnt.
f rrlian caueod byovor-oiortioiicif thobruin.Bolf.
BlMiBotir < iTor-indulonco. | ICnch Uox conlnina
ono month'H tniatmnnt. $ l. lu box.or nix IMIZOC
torJi.dO.Bont bymiul prcimldon rocuijitDt priro.
IV > euro nny cnso. With unch unlrr rcoolvoa nyni
for rir IMJXUS. nuconipiininl with J&.00 , wo wiJJ
'lio 1'iirclmsnroiir written Kuuritnuto w re-
1,1 tlio moiii-y if the tniattunntdouanutollocl
seuro. ( JuurujiI < Kio ihBiiiiaoiiivur
N .l. .
The remedy being Injected dlrmtly' * f > t"ii > .l o
the dlicaxo , ri > ' | iilreii no clungo of diet < I nausuous ,
ncrourlal or polnunous modlainu * tu bu tulien Inter ,
nilly. When in ml as a preventive by ilthcr KOI , Itli
tupoBilhlo t.i contract > ny private illeoaiie ; but Iri tilt
} > o nf th'ixe already unfortmiatoly allikteii wo Kiuin
intuo tbioe IHIXOII to cure , or wo will refund the mem.
ry. J'rlceby mull , per box or tluei
b < nta for 86.
luucd by all autliorirod agenta li
J F , Oooiliavi , UrUiTKlit Kolo A eat , fur Om
/tti'lY Hi
xf " Jam8s Medical Instt
P' , - VW.CIiurteredbythcEtatconilU
* noln for thccxpiccanurpoce
ai | chronic , urinary end prl
' .vote UUtaccu. Qonorrluen ,
, Gleet undSyphillilnullthclr
compUcmcd formti , uUo ol1
dltrncca of the Skin and
Ulood promptly rellcvcdund
perinanentlycured by remc.
dicBtestedlna/'urft/r iir
- . . , _ 'rarllrr. Seminal
Vc.\cne3 ! , Niflit Losses by Dreams , i'lmpleson
jiel'ace.Lost M > nlioudi > 'u'fhvfriiri ' | f. 'fhvtt
jii eTiri'iiir ( iii < / , Tli : upproprlate remedy
jAtonca used In each cute. Coniultutloni. per
< mal or by letter , oacredly conlidenllal. Med
Incs cent by Mall and Uxprets. No marks on
Ckaec to indicate content * or tender. Address
ift.JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon GI.Clicnoolll ;
" -
Syndicate Hill Addition , lota 9100 , $10 ash , nnd
1 "nor month. BEDFORD\t SOUEK , Agonts.
dilm * i I'lnco , lots $1GO to $300. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agents.
CInrs. I'Uco , lots $300 to $000. BEDFORD it SOUEK Agonts.
Tukoy .t Koysor'nSub-Division , lota $125to'H)0. ; BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonts.
Hawthorn Addition , lota 8350 to $050. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonts.
Klrkwood Addition , lots $100 to $150. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonts.
Hixnscom'a Addition , lota $500 U\G50. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonts.
For 11 cliqico lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. This addition joina the
iho Syndicate lands in south Omalia , and will rapidly build uu with com
Fortublo homos. These loia are bountiful and are lionr the stock yards
\ \ packing \ houses , and will bo occupied as homos by the employes of
these works , and are undoubtedly the best value for the price o any lots
in the market. Several luivo boon sold and the price will soon be ad
vanced. Wo have the exclusive agoucy on this addition. Terms easy.
This is a now addition on Leavomvorth street in West'Omaha. A
low price has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8800 , On easy
terms , Tiio grading and improvements to bo made on Loavenworth Sh ,
this springwill make this very valuable property.
This is a sub-division of the | Megoath property facing Ilnncom'1'
Park on the south. Gtjod location , near street car , line view and has
good growth o native timber. This is one of the finest additions in
Omaha , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 to $ . > ( ) . One fourth i-aah
balance on good time. First come , first served. This is a sploadid top-
pori.ii J * " for persons who intend building for a homo.
Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place1
West Omaha. The. first of those lots will bo sold at $125 to 8150 , and
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and \
splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ton blocks
Prom the High School , one mile from the postoflico , and is what is known
as inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davonpor1"
street has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed
us soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for building
largo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi
tion. Wo predict that those lots will moro than double m .aluo before
August , as it is the mo.4 desirable p'irt oE Omaha and would have been
built up years uiro had it boon placed on the market. Prices
S35O TO seso
Adjoining lots are being sold at double the price wo ask for these.
Wo have six lots left in this addition which we offer at & bargain.
Wo have some improved and unimproved farms near Omaha , and
some well improved i'arms in Sarpy county.
Residence end Residence Lots in nil parts of the city , and
On all the best fitreolfi in the business center.
Wo Imvo for wale Iota in Shinn'a Addition , Parkor'a Addition , Nelson's Add
tion , ArinstroiiK'fl Addition , Lowo'a Addition , Park Plnco Addition , laaaca & Sol
den'n Addition. AlcOunniok'a Addition , Ilunscom Plaeo , Ilodick'a Addition , Bun
< „ ! , A.1.iiln. . T.,1.nn.'i. Ail,1Ui > iti TlimrlV Adilifinn. ICnnilb'.ii'a Atldltion. SvnillRrvt
213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and