26,1884. , . THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning. May 26i PRINTERS WANtEl ) . A number of Rood printers can find stonily employment at this ofrlco. LOO AL BREVITIES , STATB OA7.F.nr.Rn & BUS INESS DniEcroRY to bo issued in July , 1884 , price $4. GO. J. M. WOI.FE ' , pub ishor,20 S. 1 14th SU. Omaha. Knnvuml Henry , the murderer of Michael TlgRoU , hM boon hold by Judge Anderson without baiU TlioThurstonhoso company sro-going to 'gUo n picnic lit Hawaii's park on Juno 8th ami the boys uro waking stronomu vlforU to rnako U n sncccn. Satnrdny n vonng mnn WM confi- doncod oat of S200 whlki upon the Hock Iilnntl train nt the tractor. Ono of the follows who had worked the chock racket was knocked down MidjBrrontod by the contactor nnJ eov- ernlof tho'passongoraboforo ho lind tlmo to \oavo the c\r. The ether follow or nt leant the supposed accomplice , wiw taken off of thn , noon train in till * city l-y ottcon Ulxon nnd /Uinchoy. The rosltlonro of Mr. S. II. Jonon , nsdlsl- lantgnncrnl pastonijer aifaiit of tho-U. J' . Hy , nt Wolmlor nnd Twenty-second ulrcotn , wiw raided by ft gang of burglars nt im early hour 3'ritlay morning nnd tlis rooms in the lower Btory were plundered. AH the silverware nud linen And books tint-could ba carried were tnlcon , only n few hulky piecci being loft. 'Several nets of vamtiliim were committed by iho biii-glius nnd bnrnt m.itchon were utrown all ever the rooms. Mr. Jonoi did not rottro < antll midnight but there in nothing to Indicate ) the hour at which tha burglary wni olfootod. Rntrnnco VIM gained by forcing a window. All of the family occupied rooms in the nocond etory nnd nobody wai disturbed , The loct-iro of Fr. Lambert , Profecsor o Crctghton College at lioyd'a 0iora | Honso 'noxt'Wednesday ' evening , will undoubtedly prove the mo t Intorostlnc nnd iiutructiva yet delivered by that gentleman In UiU city. The lecture will Illustrate Hpirltunltsm and its 'various forma , Including the rnpplng moilium spelling medium , talking medium , nnd writing tnoilum , anditho various disturbance * ! or pho- motronr caused by Invisible agencies. JIo will also explain tha tree and real n&tnro of .gonuino spiritualism. The proceeds will bo donated too worthy purpose , the parnchlal school of Holy family Church. Tickets will bo on sale at the opera bouso Wednesday imorniqg. Seal of North Carolina tobacco in the best. 1'EIiaONAL. T. P. O'Sulllvan , the heavy weight editor of The West 1'oiut L'rogropg , who represented Cumlng county in the democratic state con- vrontiou , returned home this morning. Ho Is unusually happy oror the result cf the con- 'vontiun , having out-goneratod the opposition In the selection of Fuliy ami Illgglnn to ro- .prosont the big Third In tha national conven tion. ATTENTION iscalled to the card of Uoyal Baking Powder appearing on Jiiglit page of this edition , showing the comparative worth of eaveral puwdoro. IrvlnKton ItuiiiH. 1 Correspondence cf THK.UEK. MAY 25. Though this little hamlet is \ \ quiet it is never stagnant. With its mcotings and ito ilittlo societies it keeps its intellectual , nodal > nud moral element , pretty well stirred up. A lady , at present of'Omaha , ia giving lessons in vocal musio in the church io a class of forty , and to au instrumental class of about'Lnlf a dozen. A. M. Roe his taken , posnussion of the 'farm ho purchased hero of Mrs. Hurl- liurt of your city nnd , npparoiitlyintonds gradually to transform into a fruit farm. farm.A. A. M. McCorub , of Pennsylvania , hns taken possession of thoDerlin farm , west of this , and the sons appear to bo con ducting their farm with a > vigorous grip. _ A beautiful place. _ There are many improvements going on in every direction.such as building , seed- iiii ; nnd fencing. Because of our .iicnrnoss to tho. city , real estate lias noticeably appreciated , perhaps almost in proportion to the boom of iQiimha. Why should it.not , as it is only one hour's drive 'from hero to the -city , and then a pleasanter irurnl-liko re- , eort.cannot easily bo found. 'Buuiuiv. ' S. ondlN. 0. tobacco'fincatiin the land. A SPIRITED CONTEST. ffiuo .Union l nclllcH Ploy with , the OLocnl The Union Pacific * played a .splendid game to a small crowd on Saturday last. The FunLhousors and Whitney .distin- guUhod themselves at the bat and Jaino- on , Handle and Oanfiold in .the diold. Below is the score : U.MIOX I'AOlrjO. TLATIJW. u ji , | fj M McICulvoy , 1'J b 'i i 3 I llandla , o. . . . . 2 1 1 0 KunkhouMir , Ib 2 > 14 0 Whitney , 3b 3 I 0 Gunoli , r t , 0 0 u 1 0 Dwyer , a o 1 0 3 Rockwell , p l o 0 10 1 lurkeio K.i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 1 1 a o JkllHBOU 0 , . . . . . , . . . . , 0 ' 0 3 o o KalUbury , c f U > Total. 13 10 27 17 0 it mi ro A K lfmikhuuaer 2 1 JftuiUoii , o , . . . . . . . . . 2 0 oai. uuJy. p. . , , ' ' " ' 00" 0 1 Muhouey , iH , , . , 0 0 1 2 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ° 0 0 UallByl'lV. . . . . . . . 1 1 U 0 0 Cttiilieldo f. . . . . . . . " " n 0 1 0 0 Welbrf. . . . . . . . . n 0u 0 0 1 ' ' ' 1 2 0 2 Darkle , ) , . . . . . err 0 0 0 2 4 24 U 10 I.NNINUH- 12345/378 rr i Uulou 1 0 1 i 0 U 0 7 3-12 , . - . 0 10000210-4 - 1 ( me of gijjio 1 h nir f 0 uiluutc-s. " " - - - - hlU Kun.jhoa.ar iwea balU-Jamlioo 2 , Bandlo 1. W1JJ | , | UiUoJiockwll 1 , Dmkeo 1. UwjJre-fiam. O. N h. .Sraoko Seal of ffwlh. Carolina tobacco , SUNDAY'S SENSATIONS , Pat Hetian Shot liy M Kionoy torflay Afternoon , Henry Whithook , a U , P , Brakes man Moots with an Un timely Death Pugilist Smith Exercises His Fistio Prowess on a Oolostial. Moore's Maudlin Mistake. Yesterday was no ordinary day in the history of Omaha. The streets wore thronged with pedestrians from morning until night , and the jeers and curses of drunken men continiully fell upon the oars of the passer by. The saloons did an excellent business , and when their palronn became so inebriated as to bo troublesome they worp turned out on to the otroot to bo run into the city jail for dmnkonoss. The day's history was con eluded'by the accidental death of ono of Omiha'a citizens , the vrounding of another by a pistol-ball , the injury of a third by falling into an excavation while in a state of drunkoness , ami the severe battery of ono of the city's celestials by pugilist Smith. Pnt Molinn'H ! MlHlini > . The people in the vicinity of Thir teenth and Farnam streets were startled by the report of n revolver yesterday af noon about five o'clock. The passers-by ran in the direction from whence the shot was hoard and saw n man , with ono hand on his abdomen and the other on Ilia spine , holding them as if to staunch the How of blood from a wound , go stag gering down the atroot and finally fall upon the sidewalk. The wounded man was I'AT MKIIAN , WHO HAD'HKP.N HIIOT it the hands of Jack Kinney , ono of the colored roughs of the town. It appears that Mohan and five of his companions were walking south on Thir teenth street and when just nt'the alloy south of Hollman's & Go.'s store they mot Jack Kinney and Sam Tolson a pair of the colored youths of the city. 'It so liapponod that Mohan uhuflled up against Kinney , whether.intentionally or not is not known. Kinney incensed at ; his called Mohan a B n of a b h. The colored youth was told that ho should not bo so fast at whictyho iiiiKw o-uir A unvor.VEH. It is said that 'folson told Kinney to "give it to him" vrhon.ho shot , the ball lilting Mohan iu the abdomen. After Mohan had fallen to the side walk ho was picked up by his compan- ons and carried to Dr. Hyde's oflico in .ho roar of Frank Roger's drug store in the Millard hotel block. Dr. Ilydo , who was not in , was telephoned for , and a messenger was despatched for Dr. Loison- ning. They shortly arrived , and an ex amination proved that n pistol ball had entered thn right side of the wounded man just below the ribs. The surgeons at first thought the ball had penetrated .ho vitals , which would necessarily cause the wound to WIOVJ ! FATA ! , . After using the probe for some time , ho ball was found , having entered the jody at the place above stated. The Juliet hod pacsed around the abdomen downward and backward , and was ta on out just above the hip , about three ncbes from the spine. During the time : ho surgeons were at work the crowd in 'rout of tliu drug store 'kept ' continually increasing until it numbered several liundrcd. It was feverish and excitable. Several times THUKATSOF I.YNUIIINH wore hoard and under the leadership of n couple of determined men the crowd 3ould easily have boon persuaded to hang Kinney had ho at that time boon found. After the shooting Kinney and Tolson turned and ran un Thirteenth. When the Omaha National bank had boon reach ed Kinupy left the street and took up the alley. He ran up a ( light of stairs in the roar of Iloruborgor'o saloon ( into a small liallway. Hero lie was found about an liour afterward by olUcor O'Jloylo who made him HOI.l ) UP HIS JIANPH intil ho had boon secured , no was ta- ien to the city jail auu later was removed io the ono belonging to the county , ilia companion known among his race as Sam sly was also arrested later in the evening jut was afterwards released. Kinley , until within the last few days , hud boon at work in the gambling house of Wood & Branch , and was recognized as having n violent temper nnd being desperate when onragid. Tolson is a bar tender in the drinking house of Frank Adams on Tenth street. MKUAN'H WOUND. * lioii'g dressed ho was taken to hl board , ing house on Ninth nnd Iloward. lie rested easily there for aomo time but later complained of excruciating pains. Muhan at one time was foreman of Wake- iiold'n lumber yard nnd of late has boon at work for the Chicsgo Lumber com pany. Ho has always boon known as a sober nud industrloun young man. His [ ihyalcians say ho will be able to be out iu a couple of weeks IVIiItbuuk'H Hliookliif ; Denth. The U. P. fast frotght train , No. 7 , whoao tinio of departure is 10:50 : p. m , , left the d pot Saturday night some min utes behind lime. The train was con ducted by llobort Shropshire , with Henry Whitbcck as roar brakesman. When the train had reached Waterloo orders were received to leave several cars at Vulluy , the next station beyond. To save time Whitbock stated to the conductor - ductor that he would (10 OUT OVKK TUB TIUIN , while it was making ( ho next station and bo ready to uncouple to soon as it had Afoppud. When valley was reached Whitbock was not on the train , It was searched but lie could not bo found , In- ste 4 of going back to Waterloo to find the inSssIng man the train wont on to iu destination. luformntion wni loft , how. over , at Vn.'loy that the man had been ruleted , but nothing wore wa dojjo , The crow of train No. 11 , that loft Omaha About midnight heard THE CAMS OF A MAN us they were running from Wntcrlooto _ Valley but thinking them to bo the crips of a tramp who wanted to board the train no attention was piild to them. Orders were sent from Omuha to M. Lowry , con ductor of No. 10 , that ho should look for Whitbeck between Valley and Waterloo. When within nearly n milo of the last named place Whitbock was found on the north side of the track in at unconscious condition. Upon examination it was found his right log from the knco down was MASUKIl IXTO A JEM.Y and that ho had bled profusely from his wound. Ho was put on board the tram which arrived hero between six and nnd eleven o'clock yesterday morning , Ho was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where ho remained unconscious until 5 p. m , when HE DIED , the exposure and the great loss of blood being the oauso of his death. His body was taken to Coroner Maul's oflico , where it now lies. It has not boon decided to hold nn Inquest , ns the coroner will act on the advice of the county attorney in the promises. WIIIT1IKOK8 was about 85 years old and boarded nt Oil North Eleventh street. It is not known that ho had nny _ relatives in the city but his parents reside sixty miles north of Grand Island in this state. Whitbecks has boon to work for the company for some time and was considered n sober and reliable employe. A Chinaman Ilnilly Hniitnn. 0. II. Smith , the Chicago pugilist , Booms to have taken no warning from Hanloy's fate. lie was walking down Twelfth street yesterday morning , in a semi-intoxicated condition , and called upon Chung Winn Fee , who runs a laun dry near the Theater Comiquo. A QUAHHKi. AHOSP. between them growing out of a former difficulty. The celestial undertook to put Smith out of doors , who in turn sot upon the Chinamen and administered _ n terrible boating. Smith kept up his recreation upon Chung Wing Fee until nn officer arrived and took him ts the city jail and Inft him to the care of city jailor Gorman. In the evening ho was HAII.KD OUT by one of his friends. The Chinaman insists on prosecuting him and has en gaged the services of nn attorney to look after the case for him. Mooro's Misfortune. An old man named Moore well filled with the ardent and not being satisfied with the cross walk over Twelfth street just north of Farnam scaled the pile of dirt almost in front of the Nebraska National bank AND PELL HEAD-POllEMOST into the excavation about ton foot deep. It was thought at first ho was severely injured , as ho lay motionless in the pit. Dr. Hyde was sent for , but before ho ar rived the unfortunate man was lifted out when it was ascertained ho rccived no in juries other than a severe shaking up. Ho was taken to the city jail whore ho was left to become sober. A About six weeks ago a man came into Omaha from the west , with his loft arm in a badly shattered condition , the result of a discharge from a rillo. Ho came hero for treatment anil was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Ho has received the best of medical aid and assistance , and the arm , which at first was in a very bad condition , was gradually recovering and in a few days the patient would have boon ready for his discharge. Several days ago ho received quite a sum of money , amounting in all to about $1,700 , from his interests In the west nnd has suddenly disappeared. Whether ho intentionally loft or whether there is n mystery connected with his disappearance nobody knows. Ho paid his board bill nt the hospital all along un til latterly ho hns fallen behind to the amount of $15. Ho has never paid a cent of his doctor bill and considering the fact that ho had plenty of money it seems very strange. The man's name is Mont gomery and there are these who would like to know whore ho is. CAUGHT BY A OROOK. A Hawkey o Kollovctl of $ 7 by n Con- JUlcnuo Man. " Whore are you going 1" said a stranger to Mr. Bultsolph , in a very fam iliar way , on Saturday last , as ho was coming down from the depot. Mr. Bultsolph replied that ho was on his way to Boone , Iowa , his homo , from North Platte , In this state. "Your son , " mid the stranger , "docs his trading with mo in that town , whore I keep a branch grocery store. 1 am now on my way to Boone , but I am iu some trouble about some goods that I brought to the city to-day. " Mr. Bultsolph and his companion conversed in easy terms , and wont to gether to the Millard Hotel , whore the former intended to stay ever Sunday , lie was prevailed upon by the stranger , how ever , to go to the Metropolitan. The two men then started for that hotel , but went by it without going in , Mr. Bult- solph being persuaded to go down the street a couple of blocks to see the stranger's goods , which ho had just brought to the city. The two men were crossing Eleventh street at Douglus , when a thiid.parfy came up and demanded payment from Air. Buttrolph'n companion for hauling Ins good * up town , The stranger wont Into his pocket for the moneys but could llnd nothing but his own chock fer $100. "Can't you loud mo enough to pay him ? " iaid ho to Mr , Buttrolplj. Mr. Bultrplph then pulled out his wal let to give him the money and was counting - I ing it out when the stranger seized the pocket book saying , "I am count faster than you can. " The stranger thwi slip- [ ivd around the corner and disappeared , and the ruttio ( Inwkoye , still unconvcimis of the trick played upon him , went to find where the stringer's goods were stored. Being unable to iiim them the fact dawned upon his mind that ho had boon made the victim of a conficonco mun. Ho went to an ofllcer and told his story but all trace of the sleek stranger was lout Bultrolph lust about sixty-seven dollurj all the innnoy ho had with him. lie stuid at the Metropolitan ovrr Sunday and this morning ho will go homo on a ticket whicr * Mr. Jtslyn , the proprietor , bought for him. A trick similar to this and evidently put up by the same parties was done nt the truimf > 'r on Saturday morning , by Which an unsuspecting victim wa ewiu died out of two hundred dollars. A CHURCH SCANDAL. The Scalawag President ofthG Printers Union in a Dirty Scrape , Charges of Immorality Filed Against Him in 10th Street M , E , Church , Ho Makes a Public IluinlllnUi.jj Ack tiiit Yesteriiay , nml I'rctciulN L'cnttoncc. For Bomo weeks past the members o the little M. E. church on South Tentl street have boon considerably cxorcisot ever the outrageous conduct ot ono the "brothers , " said "brother" no less a per soungo ( it would bo hard to bo loss ) than Kellogg O. Gould , the blatherskite "president of Omaha typographical unioi No. 1'JO. " There has indeed for months been much moro than n raguo idea among the majority of the memb rs tha the gentleman of the euphonious nanio and fragrant reputation was n black sheep , and aomo of them wuro inclincc to liold their noses when ho was in class or prayer mouting. About two weeks ago , the feeling in reference to him took shape in a petition signed by a largo number bor of the brothers and sisters , making HI'EUIPIO CIIAWJK.S Or 1MMOUAL1IV against him. A week ago yesterday Gould appeared at class-meeting , mii made n very servile and abject acknowledgment lodgment of nil the charge * " , and prom iscd that on yesterday ho would repeal the same in open church. So shortly after the morning swvitMj hod begun , and just previous % > Mfe JMMon , llov. Mr. Stewart nfgMHMI MO painful sub ject in a some < MA emt > 40asacd manner. Uo stated the case conKsoly and em phatically of how the charges of immor ality had been made in writing by a num ber of church members ; of how they had been laid before Gould ; of how ho had indorsed in writing on the back of the paper an acknowledgment of the truth of the accusationshow ; ho hadsubsequont- ly presented himself in person to Mr. Stewart , and made another avowal of his guilt and a profession of penitence , then again at class meeting. Gould being pres ent yesterday , was asked to again make public avowal , which the follow of infin ite audacity did with all the humility ol n saint. Mr. Stewart also referred to the DUrjNKEN OUOIE AT llASCALt's 1'AHK , which ho mildly denominated a public do monstratiou , parade and picuio on the Sabbath and touched lightly on Mr. jould as being ono of the attendants. The fact is , Gould wm the prime instiga tor and engineer of the whole ull'air , nnd u sharer cf the spoils secur ° d from a few decent workingmen and a pack of roughs It was stated yesterd.iy afternoon that a number of now charges had been filed iguinst Gould , and that the decent mem bora of the church tire determined that Tlin IIYI'OCniTK MUST CO. They say they have no faith in his pro fessions , and that if ho is allowed to re main in the church , they will bo compelled ed to go olsowhuro. At the conclusion of the services yesterday torday , a subscription was taken up for various purposes , rt number of the mem bers giving SJj apiece. A good many were afraid lest Gould should subscribe and that the church would bq in doubt us to whether or not the money had been obtained from Gould's grab in the sell ing of beer stand privileges at the fins- call park debauch or canto from the hand of some demi-monde who Attended , and all drew a breath of relief when the sub scription was closed without his offering oven a nicklo. Two five dollar subscrip tions were made payable only in the event that Gould would retract all the falsehoods published by him for some weeks in several disreputable papers in this city , and acknowledge his sorrow for them and for TUB 11UOT1IEI. LANGUAGE used by him in publishing them. It Booms a shame that the little church is unable to shako off this leech. It ap pears that according to the Methodist discipline , if a member acknowledges his sin and profof ses repentance , it is impos sible to expel him no whatever what his crime. The membership of Tenth street church are of the most respectable people in the city , many being the sturdy old-stylo English Methodist , who are THE VEHY HALT OP THE EAHTH in high-minded principle and all the vir tues. _ How ho can fasten himself into this little fold , whore ho is as much out of place as a pig in a parlor or a devil in heaven , is a mystery that some of the members are determined to fathom. They say ho has got to go or they will go. and the fraud's presence threatens a dis ruption of the church. GERMAN AMUSEMENTS , Tlio Turner Quartette Club at the Oorinanla llnll and "Ainm-Ijolso" at the Btailt Theatre. TUUNKH QUAUTETTK CLCII. Last evening Gormaiiia Hall was fairly lllod with an enthusiastic and apprecia tive audience who had assembled for the purpose of taking iu tho'initial entertain- inont given under the auspices of the popular Turner Quartette club. Irvine's well-known orchestra opened the enter tainment with some choice selections , after which tcrpaichoroan exorcises were mrticipattd in by all present. The rurnor Quartette club , which has become very efficient under the able leadership of Mr. Henry Ilaubens , saoc ; ono of A nidi's unions productions , and being vociferous- y recalled gave a very pleasant rendition of "Farewell to the Alps. " Mrs. Biuries read a very amusing din- oguo on the subject of the marriage state and received quitu an ovation , Some ardent ndmirH of the talented young lady presented her with a very liandiomo boquet at the close of her per formance , After some moro dancing Mr. Baunoi mido his appearance on the Btjgu , nude up us a religious hypo- mlo nnd created mil ih genuine mirth by his artistic rendering of a truly comic Bong. Being recalled ho treated the audience to an Anglo German oddity in suoli a taking umtinor his au < Uonce were clamorous for his ro-appcarauco. Mr. W. Stoecker enlivened the me- ango with au oxculleni couito song enti i tled "The Excited Lover , " which ho sang with great effect receiving boisterous ap plauso. His make up was exceeding ! ; good and his mannerisms wore perfect ) ; correct. This is the first entertainment of th kind that the Turners have ever Riven it this city and judging from the crowd tha attended last Bright it is going to bo a big success. The lurncrs got there over ; timo. THE RTADT-THEATEIl. Last evening Mian II. Spahn made he second appearance on the boards of thi Gorman theater as Anna-Licse , in llorech's well known play of that name She was eminently successful and wae loudly applauded. Mr. Molchin , as Leo paid , the young prince , enacted his roll very creditably and Mrs. Madcrmadoi fairly good Princess Ilonriottn , althougl she is scarcely fitted for the part. Mr Pochtel as Gottlieb Fochso , the druggist was well received and Mr. Puls-Ahl made an imitablp Marquis do Ohalisac Mr. SchmidtholF played the characte of Von Salbery , tho" village marshal very commcndably , nnd Mr. Niemant made the most of the character assignee to him , that of Gcorgo , the druggists as sistant. Mr. Linuemann created mucl amusement by his amusing porsonatioi of the prince's servant. Mrs Puls-Ah and Mrs. Niomann , who played respectively ivoly Aunt Lioso and .lotto , rendered efficient ficiont aid in making the performance th great success which it provec1 to bo. Th musical union orchestra eupplicd spin soul inspiring music during the evening TUB Union Pacific are now runnin , Dummy Trains including Ferry cars t Broadway in Council Bluffs , and wil run trains during the races at Counci Blulla May 27 , 28. 29 and 0 so as to accommodate commodato all who may wish to attend In the six r.ices in which entries cloro May 20 there are CO entries , and eve thirty noted horses not entered in staki races are now in the grounds that wil bo entered in the purse races that close the evening proceeding the races. 2G-1 The BuM Pierced Body Df a Han Found Near BelleYuB , The ainii Evidently Murdered anrt Thrown Into The Missouri Illvcr. Murdern are becoming BO common ir this section that the announcement o : such a crime scarcely makes ono starl and a newspaper reporter is coming to regard it as a cold day when ho cannel adorn the local page with a first-class murder. The latest crime which has been un earthed came to light in Bellevue Fri day. George Stevens , E. M. Stevens .nd John Hiatt were on their way to this city in a ok iff , and as they neared the county line , they discovered the body of a man floating in the water. They secured it and towed it down to Bellevue , and telegraphed the coroner nt Papillion. When the coroner reached the river bank the body was sttl iu the water , fastened to a tree with n long rope. The coroner impaneled a jur > nnd made a thorough examination. Thi. corpse was clad in a neat suit of tweed , cut in the latest fashion , and dressec throughout as a man of moans. The fua tures of the corpse were regular whor first taken from the water , but on expo sure to the air blood bugan to ooze f ron an ugly gash over the loft eye. Just be > low the left , arm pit was a bullet-hok largo enough to admit n man's finger , evidently made by a forty-four cahbri revolver. The ball had passed entire ! ) through the body. The neck was circled by a broad blue mark as if n rope had been wound about it to produce strangu lation. A jury was ompannolled and the only witnesses examined were the three young men who found the body. From the facts elicited the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the man's death was caused by a pistol shot wound uiid t blow on the head by some blunt instrument mont , in the hands of persons unknown to the jury. Not a cent was found in the dead man's clothes. In a coat pock et was foudd a very small note book containing addresses of several persons , written in Gorman. The only legible Hoes worp Joseph Loinkaig , No. 2 South Twen ty-eighth street , Chicago , and of T. Zranta Crumo , 1218 South Eleventh Btroot , St. Joseph , Mo. In this book was a paper written in Gorman , showing that the man's name was Matthias Free ; that ho was n member of tbo Gorman army and came to this country on n fur lough , which was issued April 2G , 1883. The paper boars the seal of some Gorman dignitary. His place of residence was given as Alspossekan , Germany , and stated that ho was born in 185'J. His appearance was that of a man of 25 , In the same book was another paper given under n Masonic seal. This paper was not legible , but looked like a Masonic traveling card. In another pocket was a programmo of the attrac tions at the Omaha Theater Comiquo ol recent date. The man was five foot seven inches high , auburn hair and bright blue oycs. The general opinion is that his body had boon in the water about a week. The appearance of a well dressed iluatui attracted u largo crowd and many theo ries were expressed as to thn manner ol liis death , the prevailing opinion beinp that the man had been killed in this citj nnd thrown in the river. : : . J ' Absolutely Pure. TaU puwiui U T I vai e . Am arrel of pure tf ueh inj hol omenM , More ruD a\leal thaii a adintr ) klods.an 1 cv ji b fell lo ooruutlllo with tbo multitude of low Mat. tbort welsl t mm or iho yhat * powdore. Sold only In u > or. ItoraJ lUl- > owdtr Oa l COMPARATIVE WORTH OF BAKING POWDERS. ROYAL ( Absolutely rure ) OK ANT'S 'Alum Powder ) * HUMFOKD'S. " > > cn fresh. If ANrOKU'S , when fresh. . IIKDIIIUD'S C1IAUM ( Alum Towdcr ) * . . . . AMAZON ( Alum Powder ) * . . . CI/EVELAND'SshortwMoz. ( . . riONEElt ( San Francisco ) . . . . nn. THICK'S . SNOW FLAKE ( Qroft-s ) . LEWIS' . t'EAHL ( Andrews & Co. ) . . . . HL'CKEU'S GILLET'S ANI > IunVS&CO "Ilcgnl" * llllwiuket , ( ConUIni Alum. ) BULK ( Powder sold loose ) . . . . when notfrcsk REPOKTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS1 As to Purity \Vholcsoincncss of the Koyal Baking ' 'owtlcr. "I have tested n pnckngo of Royal BaWnj ? Powder , which I purchased In the open market , nnd Huil It composed of pure nnd wholesome Ingredients. Ills a cream ot tartar powder of n lilgh tU-Rree of merit and does not contain either nlum or phosphates , or oilier Injurious substances. K. G. LOVE , Ph.D. " "It Is n scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder li absolutely pure. _ " 11. A. MOTT , Ph.D.1' " 1 liavo examined a pnckn.se of Itoyul lUkinc ; Powder , purchase by myself In the market. I llnd it entirely ficc from alum , terra alba , or any other injurious stib- etancc. llGNiir MOHTON , Ph.D. , President of Stevcus Institute of Technology. " " I have analyzed n paclcnpe of Koyal Daklne Powder. The materials of which it is composed ore pure \\holcsomc. . S. lAS.v HAVES , State Assayer , Mass. " The Royal naMns Powder received the highest awaru over nil competitor1 ! . the Vienna World's Exposition , 187U : nt the Centennial , Philadelphia , 18TO ; nt t j American Institute , Now York , nnd at State Fnlrs throughout the country. No other article of human food has over received such hi h , emphatic , and uni versal endorsement from eminent chemists , physicians , eciuutlsta , and Boards of Health all over the world. NoiB The above DIAOUAJI Illustrates the comparative worth ot various Baking- Powders , oa shown by Chemical Analysis nnd experiments made by Prof. Schedler. A pound can of each powder was taken , the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated , the result being as Indicated. Tills practical test for worth by 1'rof. Schodlcr only jiro\cs what e\ery obscrvnnt consumer of the Uoyal Baking Powder knows by practical experience , that , while it costs a few cents per pound moro than ordinary kinds , it is far more economical , and , besides , nfforda the ndvant- npe of better work. A single trial of the Koyal Baking Powder will convince any fair minded person of these facts. 11 . * While the diagram shows Eomo of the alum powders to bo of n higher dcgreo of strength than other powders ranked below them , It Is not to be taken ns Indicat ing that they have nny value. All alum powders , no matter how high their strength , rc to bo avoided ns dangerous. Buffalo U. S , Standard WESTERN AGENTS , OMAHA , NEB \ ALWAYS IK STORE. LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST Adopted aim in Use by the United States Government. REPAIR SHOPS Scales of all kinds repaired and sealed by U. S standard weights. 2SEP\Vrite for Estimates. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Douglas Street , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOAH ttonov. TO LOAN On Improved farms In No MONKY , S W. Forgu an & Co. , 3D Vcftrl streU 'ouncll Muffa , Iowa. SEO-27 fONKV Loaned on chattel property by 8 T. L Tetcrsen 16th and Douglas. 172-1 m \fONEY TO LOAN la aun.9 ol $300 and upwards at LVL low rates on llrst class real cHtote eecurity roiTKit & . conn ONEV LOANED On chattel property ti > J , M licATI V , 213 eoutli 14th street. 776.1m IO LOAM ifieiuwtos u > ul mtunet MuHttX ' Loan ApODOV. 16th It Doucla Zll-tl VT ONKT TO LOAN In BUHU of 1300. end upwtrd tVl O. P. Davl and Co. , Itcal Eut&te bud Lean . 1606 Farnam St. 88-i-tl. HELP WANTBJJ. \\7-ANrKD-Nurso gill at 810 nmth 0th utreot near Ch/cago. tSltl A GENF8 WANTED-Falrhanks. 1'almer & Co , iV rubll > her > , New York nnd ChliMKO , want at mco live aKtntathnurfliout Nelnaekn. Toancner- ; etloatant who will do thorough work , oio'us vo rrtoryanJ ! extra terms will bo cltvu , Appl ) at once o UOIYO Mitchell , Omeral SttU Agent , Omaha , S'eb. Uttk Iu clllco of Samuel Hums , 1311 rrnatn itreetf. 43j-2Ui | , / ANTEI-Clc nlng Kirls at ll.llatJ hotel lrl at 1014 Howard ttroit. 11 J AN 1 El > I can gh e a man 1U Ing In Omaha or V > vicinity , lluht , eteady and retuurcratUe env In ) our au er to thl [ ouunta'i imclojc bearing lour cornet a uid put a two cent itottOKentamponlt , ' 1 Ills cm el | * n-ill then ba retun ed to joimltli fullpartlcuhri * < ldieV. . t. It. Kliere , 1131 TMrd av. , NKHVork Jlly , < 9D S4p AI KI ) Thrte girls at the Slatcu Ilo'tt , gonth ICthrtrett. 44020J1 \ \ ANTF.D A good rift chlclly for kltchoi work V llrt O. SI. II Uhcwk. 41 20 | > AMIH1-A n'rl for kitchen cr Sll North 14th W St. betutcn Capitule. . and luvtn , oit l\7Af > TKI > - .lil lnrcooeialh < m > o work , HHifbo > ccodHOih.randirjiicr , Oill tt ho , SOth and 'allfornla. 3 tj I'l/ANIKD An operlcnoxl Clgtr i > ale > man to If iu.lt cty trade , Oi.ly . tioso wit i rif-rence * nceJ Pnly. Al o Barman in w on Iho. read ulio can ancla lluuuf cJgnrs wl Ucut conlllcln ! < wllli icjumt ue. ( laid cijieiili g fir the ihjht u.au. Cannuii rai , & Co. , ojijiublta icktilllco. 441 S4i | , ccaeral houtuvwuik.ogit ( . ( Xa week. Inquire at Edholm i ErickionV. 418-id T'ANfKD-Cfx-a competent Kid. Good . . . pild , 1411 Cans. 45 : L\rAMKl-Immcdately. ! KOJ < 1 UtchL | | | , at 1 U04 1'icr i rcct , DOith Uuiaht. II.n wa < i en. 8IB-21p WANTED-4 clrls , cook waiter , two kitchen ( flrls at Omaha Knvtoj mciit Agency 124 Hatney St 413.j4p \I7AN'1EU A boy who cm speak Ueinian about Vi in or 10 years of note ait on table. Must be well recommended. Also a girl wanted at 215 S. 12ca St. 41fl-S4p AUKViy WAM'tli Ljcal or Jraveilng .tiplo g nclri eel in ; ra pidly , lluslnoa light , agrccaolo an Jtasily leu tied. Eiperlcn o not ncces-ary. Ham- pie free. U.V. . MONTUO.-S , Oalljn , Mich. 76- > WANTKD-A nrat-clvB Barber. T. W. DKUKSON , BS3 Broadway , 425-21 Council DlaSi , lows. W PANTED A girl to iss ! t In the kitchen at 1610 Cipltol Avo. tf WWANTKU WANTKU Olrl lor liomcw .rk. Inqu ro at 615 Boutli 18th street , or Katon'a Gallery , 1320 Far- nam Htreet S3J-27 W'ANTED I'olir first clisa dluloK room elrla at the Occidental Hotel. None othen need apuly. 403-tt WANTED Traveling Bale > man , ono vholghand \\iig \ \ suitable line of goods so as to take a line of cijnrson c'inailislon , Good references rcqu.Kd. Adjress "J. I' . " Iko offlco. 3f..jf W IANTH-GIrl for general house uorkTH S. 13th St. bctneeu Janes and LoavtnwortU. Ww w > ANTEl-Olrl at No. 1510 Shrrman a\rmi S47-t ( MllS , J. COUNijJIAN. WASTii-A : first class barber with aflrit class outfit to take the new barber nhcp at the Ocd- dtutal , Ihebest location and room for the purpose In vvyomlntr. f-one but a tlrbtcUsn nun need apply. Addrims lltfray and llucll , Uutlalo , Johnson Co. W ANTED -A good book binder. Address Hun- inond Bros , rionio.it Nib. 1M7-U \\TANTKD l/ulle or Rentldtnan In city orcoui try ti take nice , Il ht tnd pleasant work at their onn homes ; (2 to < 5 a day casll > and quietly made : work Bent by mail ; no oanvawlnu ; no sta'nu ( or re.ly. ; I'lcako oddreaj Ikllablo ManulaoturliiK Co. , ' " ' 1'nlladelpbla. I'a. aiTOATlOHa WASTBI ) . T\7"AN7El-rnhitlon o ( bonk-kceiur by a man of rt eiiwrliiiu. 11 t uf ruierenws lurnl.l.o.1 as to chaiac-er , abiilty , tto. Addrees "M. " thuoUlra. \ T ANTED BV a riip < ctab ! < t JOUHI man , n sltiia- u , tlon X ? K"1" ' ' ' < " a''J ' otlur otter re p nslblo I os " ton T ojeatsreltiri.cjBiK.n. Addra. . \V. U.o olflce. i7-24p UiaCELLHEODB WANTS. VyANTOD Arenoctablefmlly to adopt a dil T T babj , now atlhu County 1'uoc HOUSJ. 49I-27ji WAVTfD-Tohlreatmall hors * orpouytouio , -M. , ' * r"ht'tU ? , * " * ' * non ' ' lw"t a mouth. i > 111 bu ell taken care of. luiultoav Hutch rnhon " Mth fet. _ S3.'J7 | . \\7AN1 ED-Dy a sli gle man , good ili d furnl h J It room bouthtast owner pulenej. AddrtMl . D-Pa 7ie. _ 434p U7ANTiD : A jouuu gentlctran wl hc to corre- > tp"i"l with a ilco VMIIIK Birl or irariled aily. Munoy iiu objtct Corrv.pondrnco ttrlctly ufldentl.l. Addres * ' 'X. Y. 2. " llio ulllce. -